THE OMAIIA DAILT" BEE: THIRST) AY, DECItilETl 12, 1001. 1 1 J SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlnruirnt for llirno ooluiiiii rrlll he Inkrn until US "t. fur tho rrnliiR edition nnil until H .'10 p. til, (or morning nnil Sundrtr rillllun. Hates, 1 l-V!e n ord first Insertion, Ic a iron! thereafter. Notlilnic taken fur lr thiin arm for the first iimrr lion. TIiphc nil crtlseiueiits must lie run eoinccii tl fly. Advertiser, ! rrciirtliiK n n tim bered check, run have answers nd Itrmnril to n numbered Irttpr In rare t The Iter. Answers no addressed trill tin delivered on ureicntatlun of tbe heck only. S IT I. . T I (I X S W A N T I : I). MAN' with nice delivery outllt wishes work delivering to any part of city, 022 S. 13th street. A- M22S 11 wanted male help. STEADY WOIIK, profitable work, for neat, mcrgctlc hustlers. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard, B 601 ANTED - A good mnn In every rounty to tnke subscription for The Twentieth Century Farmet. Our ngentii make rood wages everywhere, References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omahn, Neb. B-6U GOOD mcsschgern wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T Co., 212 .South 13th. D-002 J5 1011 A HA I.I'' DAY'H WORK. If you live In tha country or In a mnn 11 toA'tt rind have n good acquaintance among the farmers mid stock miner In the neighborhood you cun make live dol Inrs easily by four or live hours' work. Write us and vc will send you our propo rtion, Tim Bee 1'uhllHhltiK Oo., Solicitors' Dept., Omuha, Neb. B-M213 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only taken nn extra stroke cr two of the pen to mention tho fact that you taw th'j ad In The Ueo. THE MOLER Barber College, 1623 Farntim nt,, want men to learn burlier trade; eight weeks required! can earn scholar ship, board, tools and transportation It desired; tools presented, .wages Haturdays. diplomas granted, positions guaranteed. Catalogue mulled free. B M12.S 13 WANTED, llrst-class experienced salesman acquainted with wholesalo fruit business; nono but experienced with clean rec ord need apply, surety uonu required; good Dakota territory open January 1; Htato salary wnnted. Address nox Til, HIOUX I' M us, H. u, Il-.Mls.'. lj WANTED, three nonunion linotype opera tors, must understand machine; per manent positions at good salaries to good men. Address N 20, Dee, Omaha, B-M215 12 WANTEP, four nonunion printers, two Job men; good, permanent positions for good men. Address N 21, lieu, Omaha, B-M216 12 EVERY SUIT and OVERCOAT in the house goes for 55.00 Less than actual Value Until Dec. 15th. Come In And Look. DRESHER, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. 1515 FARNAM STREET. Telephone 1857. Open Evenings. HESlDENT salesmen In every locality to put out tho best coffen ut tho lowest Srlco on tho market. Sells ut sight. Hot Bl, Now York. B-M229 12 WHOLESALE grocery wants threo sober men for traveling; opening new territory; salary nnd expenses; previous experi ence not absolutely required; stato uge mid occupation; reference and small bond required. Address. S. F. Ellis Groc. Co., 414 Hall llldg., Kansas City. Mo. B-M2.S0 13' WANTED, traveling salesman for Ne lirusku; one experienced In corsets or dry goods preferred. A good position for a good man. Address, with references, V. E. Case, Corset Manufacturer, Albert Leu, Minn. n M231 13 WANTED, meat cutter nnd market man out of town. Call at Swift's. Cltv Mar ket 10 a. m. Thursdny. 11-M233 12 SMART young' collector; bond required. 521 N. Y B-M230 12 .SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN Two good men wanted to carry sldo lino of staple goods In Ne braskaone man south of I'latto river and ono man north of l'lutto river. Lino well established. Sell ono dealer In each town. Liberal commission to party who cun cover territory, thoroughly- ovury six weeks. Send references and stato pres ent occupation. Address, N 17; Dee Ulllcu. -lS9-!l "YOUNO man of Integrity to travel for manufacturer's olllco Specially company. Expenses and small salary. Ilond nnd best references eusontlal. W. Mcllean & Co.. Duluth, Minn. M22G 12 WAXTED FEMALE 1 1 IS 1.1', WANTED-200 gtrls. 1521 Dodge, Tel. 8T6. C-CtU WANTED Two young Indy studtMitB to learn hiilrdresHlng, manicuring nnd chi ropody mid sclcutitlc ntassagu. Call or write, Itoom 22i, Bee Hldg. C 60S THE M O iTe rTco LLEG E, lfl2'7 Knriiam st teaches hair dressing, manicuring or facial tpaesriKP In four weeks: -we have placed muny of our graduates In splendid positions and huvo moru calls -than wo can supply: special Inducements offered now to get .Undents enuugh to supply the demand; Call or wrlto today.. Cr-M127 13 WANTED, experienced Becond'glrl In small family. 2037 Dodge St. . C-M197' HELP WAXTEII. MALE & female help Call Canadian Otllco. 6(il $12 WEEKLY copying lPttora. nt honioj elthaf si-it; inciose'twh stamps with ap plication. Lako Shoro Mercantile Co., gulncy. III. M227 12 ' .-j KOll lli:.T-U()I,'iUS. Mlddlrmls, wallpupur clcunvr, 1103 Jaclcnn U-S22 .13 HOUSES, stores, llouds, ruxton nTocTT DtM HOUHlcircrc V. V, AVea"ii,152i DouBTaZ i d m HOUSES and Huts. lUngwaltTlhirkjiiiiT ; n-W ' HOUSES, for rent In all ports of thecTtv" Iirennau-Lovo. Co,, sw South 13th atrtot! D-UiS HOI 1 QCC In all parts of city. The 0. nUUOCO Davis CoM 852 Deo Hide D-M2 ' TEN rooms, modern except furnace. 371 N 27th Ave., J2&. JOHN W. HOUUINS, 1S02 EAKN.VM ST. D-C70 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage irimrn;, or to), luu-sa. D-671 TWO modern liouecs, S rooms each, near rjth and 1 'a rim I n tits.; now. being thor oughly ovorluuled. Hent, J2S per month OMAHA LOAN & TRUST Co., 16th nnd Douglas Sta D (172 8EVEN-HOOM All modern house, In good condition, largo yurd and bountiful shade trees. Will runt for per month. OMAHA LOAN . THL'ST CO.. 16th and Douglas Stw, D-C71 C-ltOOM house, city water, cistern and gas In kitchen, tlO per mouth. IStli nnd Van Camp uve. D MS01 12 VOR HE NT, S-room brick house, inodurn. .715 Jacksoif St. Telephone 191 or L-JBK). A. Trunor. Dm I'll II KENT HOI'S K.I, 112 N. 26TH, S room. 'Mli Dodge St 1M D22 SEE HENIIY U. l'AYNE, C01 N. V. LIFE. D-H7 8-llOO.M modern, except furnace. 22. (1. M. Nottlnger, Ilee llldg. 'I'hone 4i3. D-C73 HOrSKS. 0. O. WalTacc. lIrownHlock. '" D-97 2507 80. 32D ST., nice 7-room" house, nTth city water, furnace, good barn, shade trees nnd fine luwn; u good home for some South Omaha olllco man; will rent fir 1R per month to good tenant who will caro for the property. 16.h and Douglas Sts. D-5M NICE C-ronm house, strictly modern, enilly heiited, $.2.0) per mo., including wiifr. 721 So. 37th. D-SV. J6 LARUEST stock latest combination grnpho phones, rerords and supplies. COmo and see them. 1'redrlckson, luth und Dodge Sts, D-M3 D21 I'OH HENT. n neat 6-room cottage, sewer, gas, city nnd cistern water, 110 per month. N. E. corner 2fith and Hnmllton. D-221 11' 1'lllt ItEXT-l'Hll.MXIIEIl HOOMS. DEWEY Europcun hotel. 13th und Earnuni. E-tsl ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line. 161.1 Clark; Ji per month. i:--Gs3 LAHQE modem rooms. 1610 Duvenport. E-715 DU LA HUE furnished front room. 117 N. 19th. E-M7SS DU MODERN, well heated rooms. 316 N. 151.1. E-M131 D17" LAHUE south front room, with alcove, and other room, modern. 25rt) Harney st. E-.M7W 13 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 11)2 S. 11th St. E 122 2 housekeeping rooms, . 2623 St. Mary's. . E-1'39 J .' rt'HXISIIED HUOMS A XII IIOAIll). UTOI'IA, 1721 Duvenport St, OLENCA1HN, transient (1.23 day. lCuti Doug. V 6si NICE holno for yoJngmcn. 10S S. 2ith St" I'-tHxJ DOU S. 2oTH AVE., for gentlemen. i'-6S7 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. 1519 Jnckson St. F CM STEAM heated, nicely furnished looms, with or without board, ut The Thurston. K-6M THE ROSE, 2020 board. Hurnuy; rooms, good I-' M9s3 D16 STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without bourd. Mtdlund hotel, 16th and Chicago streets. E M213 D21 ELEGANT steam heated front room, with board. 1W1 Capitol avo. V MIOS i on itii.vr uxrimisiiEi) iioomii, DESK room space, )j per month, ground lloor room In The Heo building, facing Fiirnnm ntrcct; no expenso for light, heut or Junltor service, H. C. l'eters .V Co., Rental Agents, Uee Building. U-116 LIGHT housekeeping. 2021 Ht. Mary's avo. a 2s SUITE of rooms, modern. CIO Georgia live. U-.M231 18' I'OH It EXT STOKES AXI) O WICKS. FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by Tbo Heo at 910 Kurnam St. It has tour stories and n basemont which was formerly used ns Tho Heo press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose wutcr, sccrctury, room 100, Heo building, I-2U1 OFFICE with vault nnd part first floor or nil top floor. 1111-10 Harney St. Midland Glass and Taint Co., 1410 Harney St. 1-C31 FOR RENT, store in first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply 11, C. l'eters & Co., ground lloor, liee Hldg, 1260 AGEXTS WAXTEII. MEMORIAL Itfo of McKlnlcy, four lan guages, 050 page;,, 100 halftones, fl.SU; free outllt. W. A, lllxelibaugh & Co., LW SVaro block, Omuhn. J 692 1'HOFITAHLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to tho Ladles' Homo Journal and the Saturday Evening Tost. Wo want agents who will work thoroughly und with business sys tem to covtr euch section with our Illus trated little booklets ard other advertis ing mutter und to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. The pay Is Ilrst rate und ut the end of the season $.V,W0 will bo given tho best workers ns extra prizes for good work. How well some of our ugents have succeeded Is told In a llttlo booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents, with tho story of how they made It pay. Tho Curtis l'ubllshlng Co., l'hll udclphla, l'a, J-M2WJ Kcb7 REl'llTAHLE attorney can obtain olllco en suite. In Ueo building. Address M 45, Uee olllco. J MS01 WANTED, canvassing agents In every couhty to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK nnd COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid boog contains 1,100 Imperial octavo pages, W0 oblcct-teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to tho every day, practlc:l money-suvlng uso of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ, mqnt with assured good Income. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy es peclatly desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $10i) per month, Address. Century Farmer Solicitors' Hurcau, Ueo building, Omaha. a 213 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only lakes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Dee. AGENTS wnnted for new publications; prospectus, etc., free. George llarrlo & Son. 1313 Walnut St.. 1'hlladefphlu. J-M231 J12 ATTORNEY In Heo building can accom modate luwyor with otllco en suito. M 45, Heo, J-827 WAXTEII TO III3XT. WANTED, to lease barn room for 15 head horses and shelter for S wagons; within easy dlstauco of 10th and Howard, Nebraska-Iowa Creamery Co., 1613 Chicago St.. Omaha. K M2r. 13' WAXTEII TO IHIV. SECONDHAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. NV7IS Dll SECOND-HAND books bought for spot cash ut Autlquai'lun, 1519 Furnam st. N-GJfl WANTED, to buy. a good dental location in ..eurasKn. Address hoi N. 21st St., South Omaha, Nib. ?. 13' FOIl SAL!'. I'Ult.MTltllU. FURNITURE of 9-room house. H18 Chicago. 0-735 D10 CHICAGO Fumlturo Co., 1U0 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 90 TflVPQAny kind of a stove you want o l -J v LJnl So pt.r cunt discount. We have a complete line of new and second hand stoves and furniture. lowest prices. Enterprise Furnlturo Co., 102-4 8. 14th St, Tel. 2290 . 0-M7&9 D1S FOIl SAI,E-IIOItSEN, WAOOXS, ETC. OOOD HUGO Y HARGAINS. 1 rubber-tlrod depot wagon. 1 6-pass. Hockuwuy, 4 leather-top family carriages. I phaetons, 0 top und open buggies and runabouts. Secondhand harness, Drummo.'id Carriage Co., 16th & Hnrney St. H-192 CA,L,IJ,nnu; S? .m" "?w Place, Just finished. 11. Frost, llth and Luuvenworth. P-493 FOIl SAI,E-MISt'El,I.AM:ot'S. LARGEST stock latest combination grapho phones, records and supplies. Coma una ieo them, Frcderlckson, 15th and Dodge Sts, Q-il3 D24 FOIt SALE MkSf-KI.LAXEOUS. FIR timbers for housemovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft ; cribbing nnd hog fence. 901 Doug las. Q-flM 2DIIAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnini PATENT midlclnes at cut prices, Shermin t McConncll Drug Co., cor. 16th and Dodge, Q-M172 CADET coat, good as new; will lit boy 13 or II years old. Address II 53, Uee. Q-M5S0 EDISON nnd Columbia talking machines nnd records. Omaha Ulcycle Co., 16th und Chicago. Q 7o2 Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inquire 131S Furnam or 1723 Dodge. Q M9I5 ton OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowlta, lis N. 16th. IJ-703 1'OR SALE, good-sized packages of news paper exchnnges, 5 cents nnd up. Apply nt Heo Olllce, Circulation Window. Q-685 I'OH SALE, phonographs, superior to nny other musical Instruments; $5 up. Tho Vvlttmami Co., 1621 3 701 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Oea, PHONOGRAPHS bougtit and sold. 2419 Cuming st. Q MS52 2D-HAND s"afocn7np, Sthwartz, 111 S.l.lT Q-9SI FOR SALE, business college full scholar ship at a big bargain. Address M 61, Hee. Q-MSS3 Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incandescent gaslights, glassware, man tles. Tho best gasoline lamps. Wholesalo nnd retail. II. FRANtfEN, 1101 N. ISth St., Omuha, Nob. Q CI.AIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. S-705 MME. HYLMER, out of city. S-700 VIENNA fortune teller. 1515 Davenport. S-MI5I 026 MME. LE GRAY, clairvoyant nnd palmist, nt 1019 Dodge st. Prices In reach of nil, Reads your full llfo from "the cradle to tho Bravo." S M190 11 EI.KCTIIIO T It R ATM EXT. MISS MACK, tnassngc; attendant. H03 Webster. T M776 D12 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor. T M1!S D20 MASSAGE nnd bath. 1515 Davenport. T-M153 D26 MME. AMES, 317j N. 15; flnt'ETnttcTidiiiitM iS9 J6 MME. SMITH, baths. 113 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. T-M132 J7 UEATRICE HAHLOW-Elegnht vapor nnd tub bulbs; electricity given; Egyptian treatment. 321Vi N. 15th, 2d lloor left. T-M217 IS PKIt.HOXAL. DR. HO, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenzer Ulock. U 707 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome homo treutment. 318 Uee Hldg. U-703 ADV. calendars. Hurkley Ptg. Co. U-M597 Jl JUST think of Itl Good cnblnet photos only 99c doz. at Tho U. S. Oallcry, 620 S. 16th. U-709 WANTED. 10.000 blnck crows, must bo as black as Crow Stovo Polish. Address Crow Stovo Polish Co., Milwaukee, wis. U M503 D29 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 6) dnys; send for clrculur. O. S. Wood, M. IX. 621 New York Llfo Hldg., Omaha, Neb, U-710 SiIAMPOOINO nnd hair dressing, 25u. In connection with The Uathcry, 216-220 Heo building. Tel. 1710. U-561 MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 35. 2d floor; R 2 U Mt09 Dll' HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only. In connection with Tho Bath.ry, 216-220 Hee Hldg. U-2S5 SECRET SERVICE For business Arms nnd private parties, so licited. Call or address Reliable, 261'J N. 21th st., Omaha. U M1SI 15 LIE 15 EN', theatrical, masquerado cos turner. 1013 Furnum. U 701 PRIVATE hospital, before nnd during con finement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. Mrs. Gardols. Tel. F-11S2. U 991 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Tho Uuthery, rooms 210-220 Uee Hldg, Tel. 1710. U-549 ACCORDION pleating, ehenpest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 &. Douglas, U-M161 GRAMOPHONES nnd biippllcs, wholesalo and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-997 GET the llttlo photos for 15c per doz. at The U. 8. Gallery, 620 South 16th St. U-709 SURE HATCH INCUHATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER. NEU. Send for handsome 100-page tiee catalogue. U-515 SMOKERS SMOKE A GOOD SMOKEIL Tho flavor In tho ruinous PRINCE OF OMAHA. Is unexcelled; union made; tho best Co rtrnlght cigar on tho murket; 37 per 1,000. . F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. U-M13S 11 PRIVATE home for ladles bolore and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 Hurdetlo st. Mrs. Hurget. U-M19I J0 EARN $10 weekly doing writing at homo evenings. Particulars for stamp. J 45, Hee, U-M19S 15 RUPTURE CURED FOR $15.00 Until Feb. 1st, 1902. No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Wo furnUh truss nnd trcnt you until ciTred for $15. This Is no "fake." Wo refer to 5,ok) cured patients In nnd nenr Omuhu. Examination free. Cull or send for clrcu lurs. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO.. 932 N. Y. Llfo Hldg., Omuhn, Neb. U-M213 12 HARRY W. LEWIS of Council niuffs, In,, registered today as n student In the Khurns School of Magnetic Osteopathy. U-M221 12 MONEY TO I.OAX-IIEAI, ESTATE, LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers cun puy $100 or uny multiple; uny Interest date; no delay, Hreunuu-Love Co.. SO!) South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 712 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George As Ci.mpany, 1601 Fnrnam street. W-71'i WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Furnum Smltii th ix Co., 1320 Furnam street. W-711 WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 17u2 Furnam St., Heo Hldg. W 715 4',4 PER CENT on business property. 5 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part uny time, W. U. ME1KLE, 101 S. 15th St. W-MS20 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reM estate. Hrenuan-I.ove Co., 309 South 13th, W-722 FARM nnd city loans, low ratesTW T. Thomas, 1st Nat. Hunk Hldg. Tel. 161$. W-710 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates, Gurvln Hros,, 1601 Far nam St. W-717 PRIVATE money. F. D, Wead, 1521 Douglas! W-7W MOXKY TO I.OAX-ltEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. yTu W-719 SEE HENRY H, PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Life. W-7"l 4!4 TO 6 P, C. money. Bcmls, 1'axton Hlk. W-7M MORTOAOE--G, G. Wallace, Urown Ulock, W-721 MONEY TO I.OAX CHATTELS. $$$$$$$ $ $ $ $$$$$$ DO YOU WANT XMAS MONEY? We run quiet, modest, private olllce, und don't know how to make us much noise as soma people. We bullove the people wnnt u quiet plnce to borrow Money, nwny from tho pub licity of the crowds. WE ARE THE PLAIN PEOPLE, who do business In u plain way, hoping that our careful attention to business and your Interests will merit your pa tronage for all lime. Salary louns on Notes to honest work ing people. No Mortgage, In dorser or Publicity. Every $1 paid oft loan reduces cost. Don't have ono bit of fenr. we do a ma BUSINESS. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room 303, Third Floor, Piixton Hlk. (See Window from Furnam Street.) $$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ MONEY To loan on Furniture nnd Pianos, Live hiock, etc, You to retain possession of tho nronertv. ANY I rAN!s To l"'0!'1" holding 3vl.mivi LAvilo permanent positions, You cun borrow from $KU) up. You can get tho money on short notice. You get the full amount In cash. You may keep It one month or more and pay for It only what time you keep It. Our rates uto low, our bvsluers Is comldcutlul und our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1M2 ) 3'. S. 10th St. X-721 MONEY loaned on furniture, live slock, Jew elry; also to salaried people without secur ity; cheap rates; easy puyments, btitduess rcnfldentinl. Foley Loun Co.. successors to DulT Green, R. S, Barker Hlk. Est. livSJ. X-725 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conlldcntlnt; lowest rates. t14 l'axtou block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-729 LARGEST BUS IN ICS 3 IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 10 olilces In prlti elpul cities, Tolmun, 410 Uourd of Trudo Hldg, X-727 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick sendee und lowest rates guaranteed. J. W, TAYLOE. 633 (top floor) 1'axton block, northeast corner 16tn ond Furnum; entrance on I6th street. X-730 FURNITURE, PIANOS, 110RSES,ETcT LOANS, "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303, Pnxton Block. X-S17 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-720 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroko or two of tho pen to mention the fact that you saw tho ad In Tho lie. IIDSIXKSS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCuguo building. Y-S51 INTERESTED In goats? 1mrn all nbout them as money mukers. Rend American Goat Brcede-. published monthly; 20 cents a copy. Address Room O, 147 5th Ave., Chicago. V M5'X1 D7 COAL und feed business for sale. Well equipped and prosperous. Monroe & Co., 811 N. lOlli. Y-7 FOR SALE, millinery storo doing good business; also good hotel or sale (or leao to right narty), both good locations In N, E. Nobruskn. Cull .ornvrlto 624 N. Y, Life building, Omaha. Y 131 FOR SALE-Stock of clothliu;, gents' fur Dishing anil show, at' a rvusonubla price; stock In good condition. Address Box 832, Chucncc, la. Y-M110 1I 14-ROOM brick tenement best location, complotoly equipped with first-class fur niture: filled llrst-class roomers; owner going to California; must sell quick; como Immediately und bo prolltcd. J. H. John son, M3 N. Y. Life. Y M203 RESTAURANT, linn location, paying busl ness; best of reasons for selling. J. H, Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M201 CIOARS and news stnnd, living rooms In renr, good location; llttlo less than $300 will buy It. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Llfo. Y-M202 7-ROOM flat, completely furnished, steam heut, line locution: lady going to Cali fornia; will sell cheap. J. II. Johnson. 813 N. Y. Life. Y-M20.I 15-ROOM modern brick tenement; best lo cation; full roomers nnd boarders; paying business; furnlturo reasonably cheap, J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M20I INVESTORS SAVINGS can earn atiiinU mum of 12 per cent per minimi, pnyublo quarterly; guaranteed from loss; partic ulars on application. Address Investment Department, 60 Broadwuy, Now York. Y M225 12 PARTNER WANTED In a first-class second-hand business In n thriving Nebraska town; no better paying business any where If you hnvo u few hundred dollars ensh to handle It (no Jew need reply); re liable men who liavo the cash mid are ready for buslnf ss. Address, at nnee. M jr. Bee. Y M237 10 FOIl K.VCIIAXCE. WANTED, to swiip SO acres. Rowland, near Ord, Valley Co., and 10) ncres im proved farm 12 miles north, for lnmhvnr.. stock or South Omuhu property. N 22, Heo. .Miili 13 FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N, Y. Life. RE 73 1 FOR SALE, a bargain noar Brownon iiuil; new, modern, 7-room house; latest open nickel plumbing; porcelain bath tub; full W-ft. lot; owner has Just been transferred to another city and wishes to sell at once. J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. Bldgi llE-731 THIRTY-THREE FEET NEAR BEN NETT'S NEW STORE, 16TII AND HARNEY. For particulars see GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-M147 IS BARGAINS. 2019. Boyer, 22d & Cuming. Tol. RE-722 D10 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; nlso ihto itfuj'viix iiiiii lurin minis, l no U, V Davis Co,, Room 552, Beo Building. RE-730 SEVERAL good farms for sale in n good farming country. For further particulars write or call on H, I Ludlum, Plalnview, NclK RE-.M39J RANCH nnd farm lands for sale by the Union I'aclllc Rivllroad company. H. A. McAllastor, land commissioner, Union Pa clllc Headquarters, Omuhu, Neb. RE-735 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. RE-733 IF YOU wnnt ono of the, nicest 8-room homes In llanxcom Place, I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. Hide. . RE-MI53 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; nIo llro Insurance. Hcmls, Paxton Block. RE-733 FOR SALE, 550 ncres ndjolnlng Cherokee, In., town of 4,500 population; farm hns too acres under cultivation, balance tain a pas ture; soil black loam, clay subsoil; ex cellent Impiovements, costing neurly $lu, 0w), consisting principally of 12-iooin house, summer kitchen, liny nnd cattle barn, 40x120, 30 feet high; horse barn, ma chinery house, grnnury, eorucrlbs, car riage house, ainoke house, chicken housns. stock scales, windmill, 4u0-barro! cistern for reservoir, tanks In feed lot connected by underground piping; nn abundant water supply; good tlvo-acro nsh and maple grove; farm fenced nnd cross fenced; fnrm belongs to Kellogg estate and Is offeied nt u bargain. For partlc. ulars address F. R. Kellogg, Cherokee, la. RE-MS09 13 TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-171 J6 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 7 ROOMS ONLY $750.00. Lot 60x127, half block south Ames Ave., on Slst Ave. W. H, GATES, N. Y. LIFE. RE-1S0-11 1 AM leaving the city nnd must sell my S room house und barn nnd two east front lots, northwest corner 34th nnd Mnnder son streets, price to suit. See my agent, Lyman Waterman, ov Beo Hldg. HE-222 12 .MEDICAL, DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering '.ndles to his unsurpnssed accommodations be for" and during conllnemeut, nnd I1I1 treatment for Irregularities, no mntter what cause. On 1 1 or nddress, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omnha. 737 LADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial fice. Paris Chemical Co.. Mllwuiikeo, Wis. -9I9 J5 LA DIES ! Chichester's Tingllsh Iimyroynd Pills nro the best. Safe, reliable. Tnko no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Iulles," in letter bv return mnil. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co,. Philadelphia, Pa. STORAGE. STORAGE, low rates. Dcrlght, 1119 Fnr nam St. 09.1 OM, Van Stor Co., 1611U Farn. Tcls. luosTssST -691 PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage nnd forwnrdlng. -095 "OH SALE HAY, CHAIN, ETC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2S0S Lcav. Tel. 2303 -Ml BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, it. 13, ioni, ia, iiaiiK. u. it, uatnuun, 752 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Hldg. Tel. iw.t. .11co jonuson, i. o indies' dept.; Gld E. Johnson,, Mgr. 716 DR. A. T. HUNTrC12 McCnguo Hldg. Tel 2352. -717 DR. .MRS. JIUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23. 74S DRESSMAKING. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tnllorlng, 11SS HUIUI lOllli nllKl IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnnm. ra u-iii' MI SICAL IXSTHOIBNTS. HE PROMPT in cnlllng to seo nil the slightly used pianos we nro offering this week on Very easy terms, nnd you will And yourself well repaid. If you wish 11 piano you can save money now, ut this lime. Whero? Mueller Piano & Organ Co,, 1310 Furnam St. 73S TYPEWRITERS. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, vlslblo writing machine. Typewriter supplies. All makes of machines for rent. A. H. Workman &. Co., 1617 Furnam St, 'Phono 2139, -615 U31 LOST. LOST Pair gold glasses, In blnck rnso marked "California Optical Co." Good rewurd for return to 422 South 21th St. Lost 200 11' LOST, Monday. In Boston Store, or near mere, 11 -Martin mure, none up in paper, l'leuse return to this olllce. Lost-M212 13 Li ,OST. 11 bndgo presented mo by tho stnte nf Trtlirn utti nninmnmnrnlli,. it f flin Uli.nv Indian war of 1S90-91, Finder plcnso leave, nt Victoria hotel, corner 13th und Dodge, Omaha, Neb., and bo paid for trouble, W. T. Howard, Lost M232 12 FOtXI). TAKEN UP-Whlto and bluck spotted sow; weigus iw pouuus. I'eter uravert, Mnioon, Benson, Neb. Found 1S7 It SHORTHAND AM) T YI'KWJt ITIXli. GREGG Shorthund. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug IOJ A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -740 BOYLES College, court rcportor principal Heo BIdg. -741 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 742 ELECTRIC IIELTS. ELECTRIC Belts nnd whnt thoy will do. Address P. O. Box 4SS, Omahu, Nob. 751 fraternal orders. THE GARDENERS protect old ago ns well as life Charter members free. Pnrtlcu lars from Frunk Rosewater, supremo mnnuger, 222 Beo BIdg. 721 PATENTS. WILL BUY nny good Invention or patent. Address, Lock Box 760, Des Moines, la. 743 HAVE cash for good natont or Invention. Address, P. O. Box 85, Omaha, Neb. 181 J-23 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bugs, suit cases: trunks repaired, om, Trunk f actory, 120a Furnum. -744 Damaged looking glasses resllvcrcd. 70S N 16 -219 CARPENTERS AXI) JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, iiurei -370 :otu ami 1.11110 nis, WM. F.VERITT. Special rates to real es tato men; weather strips put on. 2805 Leavenworth. M7C3 MORTGAGES FOIl SALE. WE HAVE on hand several selected first mortgage real cstato securities In small und large amounts, bearing G per cent In terest, payable seml-aniiually. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. N. Y. L. Hldg. 188 13 TAILORING. LADIES' Jnckets mado, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joo Youscn, 1500 Farnnm. SOI TROUSERS T00IlDKR1.1t.h- GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbago Co. cleans cesspools nnd vaults, removing garbago and dead animals at reduced prices. 021 N, 16th St. Tel, 1779. -M1I6-D.26 HORSES WINTERED. HOr.SES wlnterod, $1 per month: good rneiter and icou. u. u, noppcr. wator- loo. Neb -091 D31 STAMMERING AXII STUTTERING. CURED. Julln Vuughn, 430 Ramgo BIdg. 750 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167. Mm PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTMAS Offer. Opal pictures worth $3 iree wnn each dozen pnotos, .Miner, lean ing photographer. 918 N. 24th, 750 LALNDlt Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry ; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 753 HATTERS. OLD HATS mado new. 207 North 17th St, -J0j HLACKSMITIIIMl A IIOHMVOIOEIXG. CHARLES .V HOFMANN, rear SI IN. loth" -lit SAFE AND I RON WORKS. O. ANDRE ENProp. Omnha Safo nnd Iron Works, removed to 102 South 10th street. -777-12 DANCING. NEW classes now forming for beginners nt Mornnd's, 15th nnd Hnrtw Adults, Tues. and Frl., s p. m., cliitdirtt Sat after noons; select assemblies. Wed , 8.30 p. m.; 50c prlvnto lessens; waltz und two-step, $J. -60S D 29 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plnnt In Omnh.i. Omuhn Plntlng Co.. Hee Hldg. Tel. 2535. LARGEST plating plnnt In Omnhn. A. L. Undeland, 1516 Dodge st. Tel. 766. MS13 PAWXHROKHRS. EAGLE Lonn Olllce, rellnble. nccommodat Ing; nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -753 MAisQi aim: cositmes. NEW gents' nnd ladles' costumes for rent S. fc'cik, 331S South 20th street. 43d D21 FL'll DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, H21 S. 13th, -M829 HALE TIES. OMAHA liny Bnle-TIo Co., Sit North 16th. -172 1H H.MTfllE REPAIRING. TEL.' 1331." M. 8, Wnlkllnr21irCumliiirsT -715 Perfect Artificial Teeth ij enn be mndo ut n moderate , price. Our $.".00 sets have stood the test of II yeurs Our I $7 50 kind are OF THE BEST I material of Its kind that money can buy. Bailey the Dentist tll'J Pnxton HI00U, 16th and Farnnm Sts. Lady attendant. Phono 1CS3. fed l'OSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested, ns changes muy occur nt nny time.) Foreign mnlls for tho week ending De cember 14, 1W1, will close (PROMPTLY In nil enscs) at the general postoltlcu as fol lows; Parcels post mulls close ono hour curlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post mulls for Germany close at 5 p. 111. Wednesday, per H s. Deutschliiud, and Friday, per s. s. Kalrer Wllhelm der G rosso Regular and supplementary malls close at forclRii branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below (except that supplementary malls for Europe nnd Cen tral America, via Colon, close one hour later ut foreign branch.) Trnimiit liuille Mails, THURSDAY At 3:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per h. s. Deutnchluud, via Plymouth, Cherbourg und Hamburg (mall for Franco must be directed "per s. s. Deutsch land"); ut 7 a. m for FRANCE, SWIT ZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, PORTU GAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per H. s. L'Aqullulne, via Havre mil 11 for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. L'Aiiultnlue '), SATURDAY At 3:fW n. m. for GREAT BRITAIN und IRELAND, per s. H. Lu cnnlu, via Ouoenstown (mull for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. k, Lucanlu"); nt 0'30 a m. for EUROPE, per s. h. Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse, via Plymouth, Cherbourg ,und Bremen; ut 7 u m. for ITAi.Y direct, per H. s. I. aim (mall must hi. directed "per s. s. I. aim"); ut 7 11. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per h. b Island"); at 7:30 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Mnasdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Mnasdam"); nt 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Anchorlu (mail must bo directed "per h. s. Anchorlu"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-TI1I3 steamer takes Pi luted Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples ror Germany only. The samo class of mall matter for oilier parts of Europe will not be sent oy this ship unless specially directed by It After clcslng of the Supplementary Trans atlantic Malls named nbov. Additional supplementary malls nre opened nn tho piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes ol the hour or sailing of steamer. Mull" for South nut! Cent rill Amorlcn, AVeat Indies, Kto. THURSDAY-At 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Yd tin; nt 1:30 p. m. for BRAZIL, per h. s. Syracusa (mail for Northern Brazil must bo dlrectol "per h. b. Syracusa; ut 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for LEEWARD und WINDWARD ISLANDS ?,',l?,,,iHm9n' Uy.TCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. 8. Koror.n, at 11 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per k. h. Cartliu glnlnn, from l'hlludelphlu uiiall must bo directed "per s s, Carthaginian"). FRIDAY At 10 u. in. for NEWFOUND LAN D, .per h. h. Duncan; ut 12 m, for MEXICO, ncr s h. Cltv of U'n.i.i,,, , via Tumplco (mull must bo directed "nor s. s. City of Wushlngton"). ' (supplementnry 10:3) a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA nnd CARTAGENA, tier H. s, Al leghnny (mull for Costa Rica must bo directed "per 8. s. Alleghany"), ut 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for HAITI und BANTA MARTA, per s, s Alps; nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. h Mexico, vlu llavnna; nt 12:30 p. m, ror CUBA, per s. 8. Curltyba. via Mutunzas (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per b, s, Curltyba"), Mnlls ror Newfoundland, br rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by steamer, close ut this olllco dally at 6:3o p, m. (connecting closo horo every .Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlquclon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closo at this olllco dally ut 0:30 p. m. Malla for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampu, Flu,, nnd thence by stcumer. closa at this niiico dally, at a m. (the connoetlng closes uro on Monduy, Wednesduy nnd Satur day). Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially uddressed for dispatch by stcumer, closo at this olllce dally ut 1 p. m, una 11 p. m. Mulls tor Costa Rlc'a. Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by mil to New Orlcuns, and thence by r. ..... p. nlnOA ... ,1,1a . ... rlnll.. ... p. m, (conncctlhB close hero Mondays ror Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala und Tuesdays for costu Jllca). Registered mull uiuaua ai u i. in. ijiuvjuuh UUy, Trunspuelllo Mnlli, Mnlls far Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zen land, which goes via Ban Francisco) nnd FIJI Island, vlu Vnncouver. eloso hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. nftcr November "30 nnd up to December 7, Inclusive, for dli-patch per s. , Mlowera (supplement, nry malls via Seattle and Victoria), closo here at 0:30 p, in. December "S. Mails for Huwall, vlu Ban Francisco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p m. tip to December 9, Inclusive, for dispatch per 8, s. Ala meda. Malls for Chlnn and Japan, via Seattle, closo here dally nt 6:30 n. m. up to De cember 11, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Shlnano Mnru (Registered mull must bn directed "Vlu Senttlo"). Mulls ror Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dnlly ut 6:30 p. in. up to December II, Inclusive, ror dispatch per s. h. Peru. Malls for China und Japan, via Tacoma, close hern dally nt 0:30 p. m. Up to Du cember 17. Inclusive, for dispatch per s, 8. Clavering, Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlln, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zeulund, FIJI. Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Han Francisco, closo hern dully at 6:30 p. tn, after De.cember "S and up to December 21, Inclurlve, or on nrrlval of 8, s. Cam pa nlu, duo nt New York December 21, tnr dispatch per . s, Sonomu. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, Chlnr :nd Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero a,vi uiiuAi-,i 1 u. m. ror argentine URUGUAY und PARAGUAY, per 8. s.' Etona; nt 8 a. 111. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 9 n. 111. (supplementary 9!30 LMV.UELA, per s s. CJrucas (mull for Savunllhi nnd Curtugenu must bo directed "per h. b. Curncas"!. ul !i,ai I'tiv roi l'H V. MiTIl E. d.illy it 6 m p m up to Dee, mi r in elushe, for dispnteh per s s. Coptic. Mails it China and Japan, via Vnncouvet, close hero daily nt 0:30 11. m. up to De-. comber 21, Inclusive, for dispnteh per s. s Hmpresi of India (regl.teied mall must be direcleil "vln Vnncouver "). Mer ehandlse for the United States postal ngpiuy at Shnnghal cannot bo forwarded vln t'rftii dn. Malls for Tihltl nnd Marattcsns tst,tnd. via Sun Francisco, cloo here dally at tl 30 p. 111 up to December , Inclusive, for dispuii h per s. s, Austrntlu. Trnnspncltlc tnnlls nre -forwarded to port a sailing dally nnd the schedule of clonf.x. Is arranged on the presumption of thei uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes nt 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postolllcc. New York, X. V., December 0, 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION" Olllce of Chief j. M., St. Paul, Minn., De cember 9, 1901 -SEALED PROPOSALS. Ill triplicate, will be received at this olllce, ttiull 11 o'clock 11 m.. January 7, 1902, and o i iied then for the construction of 0110 cavalry stable, one blacksmith shop und four static guardhouse., ut Fort Mrudo, S, D. Plans and speclllcntlons may be seen and blank proposals, with full Instructions, hud upon application line, or at tho olllco of the Onarterninster. Fort Meade, S, 1), United Stntes reserves the right to nccept or reject uny or all proposals or any part thereof -GEO. E. POND, C. Q. M. -Dec 9-10-11-12 J4-6 Dfit R AILWAV TIME CARD. L'NION STATIONKITH AND MAROY. HllniiN Central. Leave. Arrive. ChlciiRo Express a 7:10 am a GilO pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Puul Limited a 7:50 pm n S;20 nm Minneapolis & St. Puul Express b 7:10 nm b 0:40 pm Fort Dodge laical, from Council Bluffs u C:00 nm Mli-luil Piietllc. St. Louis Express alO:00 am n 6:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express. nlo:50 pm n 6:15 urn iiliiiNli, St. Louis "Cannon Hail" Expiess it 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm SI Louis Local, Council HlulTs a 10:00 nm nl0:30 pm l nton I'ncllle. Overland Limited a 8:50 nm n 7:30 pm Fust Mall n 9:oo nm n 3:25 pm I'aclllc Express ull:20vm u 4:25 pm Colorado Special ill :20 pm u J:oi nm Llucolu-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:S-"i tun bU.SO pin C.illfui nlu v Atlantic Es.a 4,.t5 pm u 7.0j uin Grand Island Local u 5.-3J pm b 9:35 um t IiIi'iiko A Nin th h I'llern, "The Northwestern Lino." Chicago Speclul u 7.20 um iill:10 pm Chli ugo Pnssengcr n 4:15 pm n 8:00 um E.'iKteru Expnss nl0;. um u 4:05 pm Eastern Special u 4:55 pu .i 4:05 pm Fust Mail u h:00 p u 2:43 pm Omahu-Chtcngo l.'t'd ..a 7:15 pm u 8:40 um Fust Mull u 8:30 um Cedar Knpldr Puss n 5:39 pm Twin City Express u 7:10 nm ulo:2C pm Twin City Limited u 7:55 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Locul u 8:00 um u 3:1 pm u Dally. l hleiiKo, lloek Inluuil .t I'liellle. EAST. Den Moines and Duv- cnpoit Locul u 7:33 am n 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll:15 uin u 4:55 pin Des Moines Locul u 4:20 pm bll:50 im Chicago Fust Express. .a 5:00 pm u 1:25 pm Des .Moines, Rock 1st- und und Chlcugo n 7:10 pm a 8:24 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer u 5:20 pm a 9:50 am Lliicnu", MIlHiiuUee .V St. Puul. Chlcugo Limited u 0:00 pm a 8:00 am Chlcugo & Omuha Ex.. b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm HiniLIXGTUX STAT. ON I (I'll t A: MASON IliirlliiK"U .MUsourl Rite r. Leuve. Nebraska Express a 8:10 um ymorc, Beatrice und Lincoln a 8:40 um Denver Limited a 4:2j pm lllack HUN und Puget Sound, Deliver Con nection u 9:00 pm Lincoln Fust Mull b 3 00 pm Fort Crook und Plutts mouth b 3:20 jiui Belluvue it Pacific Jct.,n 7:40 pm Bcllevuo ti Paclflu Jet, ,u 3:10 um IVIIUMMN III), M. .lllM'llll .V llllinM. 1 Kansas City Daj Ex....n 9:20 nm Kansas City Night Ex..ul0:30 pm St. Louis Flyer u 6:10 pm ClileiiKii, lliirliuuluii ,i tnlii Arrive, u 7:35 pm bll.55 am u 3:00 pm n 6:45 am u 9:17 nm bll:05 um a a:20 um Council n 6:05 pm u 0:15 mn ull:la am e y. Chicago Hpeciui ,.uT:oonm Chlcugo Vestlbuled Ex..u 4:00 imi Chlcugo Locul a f :30 am Chicago Limited u 7:50 pm Fast Mull ul0:20 pm a 7:15 um u 4:03 pm u 7:45 um u 2:i5 pm a Dolly, b Dully except Sunday, WEBSTER DEl'O'l'-ir.TU .t WH1ISTEH I'leinonl, Elklioru it .Missouri Valley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm n 6:00 pm Wyoming, Cnspcr and DouiJlun "1 3:00 pm o 3:00 pm Hastings. York, David City Superior, Genevn, Exeter und Sewurd....l 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln und Fremunt b 7:30 nm b 10:25 um Fremont Locul o 7:30 nm ChleiiKo, Paul, MliiiicupoIlK .V: Oninlin, Twin City Pnssengcr....n 0:00 nm i 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... n 2:15 pm ull:l0 am Emerson Locul b 5:30 pm b S:30 um MIsNinirl Piii'lllo. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nl0:25 nn n Dully b Dolly except Sunday, c Sun doy only, d Dully except Saturday, o Dudy exceiit Monday. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Service to Mediterranean Tint new ulirantln twin- serowsteiiiner "Common wenltli "III, 00(1 tons, 000 feet Ionic, and "New KiiBlnnd." 11,000 tons, fi7fl feet Ionic, will sail from llohton to niliraller. 9 Algiers, Genoa, Naples and Aloxmi- drill, Kicypt, ns follows: "Cominon- 0 wealth," Jan. 4, '(l'J:"N'iw Kiivlnnd" Jan, 'J3j "L'ommonweiiltli" Keb IV Perfect service nnd culKlne, Atudy Com- pnny'H Olllce, 69 Dearborn St , Chicago. ASSERTS BUILDING IS UNSAFE V E. Iler Scran to lliivi" Advisory Ilonril Condemn Ills Own lliilldluir. At nn extended session yesterday after noon tho advisory board condemned tho framn dwelling at 1112 Davenport utrrct and heard a consldornblo portion of tho testi mony in tho enso In which P. E, Ilcr U seeking to oust tho Nebraska Seed com pany from tho building nt 1G18 Howard streot. This is tho property which Mr. Ilcr hits rncently purchased, supposedly for tho pqr poso of making It nn addition to tho Her Grand hotel. Tho weed company occupies nil tho upper floors, on which it hns a Icaso for Bomo years to como. Tho allegation of Mr. Ilcr Is that tho building Is not con structed ns to stnnd the weight of tho scud which Is stored on theso upper floors, nnd that ns n conscquenco tho structure Is now In an unsafe condition, nnd Bhould bo emp tied of tho load. Engineering charts wore Introduced lo show how much tho floors had Bagged In different places; how much tho walls were cracked from settling und how badly thn girders wcro being torn from their supports by tho twisting olfoct of tho weight. Archi tects, engineers nnd repairmen testified that In largo portions of tho building tho floors wero carrying a weight of 400 pounds to tho square foot. Tho greatest sinking of tho floors In nny ono plucu whs shown to be about ten Inches, ffho hearing will bo continued nt 2 o'clock today, Judge Lako Is conducting Mr. IKr's case nnd T. J. Mnhoncy thut of tho Ne braska Seed company.