3 THE OlnA DAILY BEE; "WEPSrESDAT, DECJGM33ET? 11, IQQI. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL 31 I.N Oil .MIJ.NTIOX. Davis sells drugs Stc.ol'er.t veils carpets and niRS. Metz beer ni Netimayer's hotel. Dm. Green, oltlco 303 Supp block. Welsbach burners. Ulxby & Son. I'ltKiuit X'mns photos at Schmidt's. Wollman. fclontlllc optician, 4'j9 llroadway. Dr. Stephen-ion. Iiald'.vln block. Elevator. Cablnot photos only W.W dozen. Williams. Horn, to Mr. and Mr. It. 9. Orrell, a eon. Missouri oak body wood, JS.&J cord. Win, Welch, 23 N. Main st. Tel. 123. Christmas pictures. C. H. Alexander ft Co., 333 West UroniUvuy. Tel. 3Xi. Fred V. Johnson Is expected home today from Cody, Vyo for the Christmas holi days. Hadlnnt Home stove, Kuaiuntord not to crack. Sold by Petersen Schoenlnn. Mi l nam block. It. J. DaiiRherly of Mendnn. III.. Is the Burst of his sister, Mrs. W. (I. Morris, of CannliiK street. J. a. WrlKht and Mrs. V. It. I.aiier, both of St. Joseph, Mo., were married In this cll.v yenterday nfternooii by Justice Hryant. C. 12. Saunders will have u hearlnc today before Justice ilryaut oti tho chiirKe tiroUBht nalnst him by the father of J-lor-enco I.oIIuukIi. I'etersen & Schocnlnt;, , Merrlam block, have the most complete lino of Hot Mast stoves In tho city and at prices that will uurprisc you. J. T. Uouch secured a bulldJnK permit yesterday for thu erection of a two-story iramo residence on 1'irst ntiil I'lcrco Blrcets, to cost JI.F). Woodward's Opera Hnnbons. A hand some assorted box or chocolates had cream bonbons, put up In that Itandsoraa retl box, ",4-Ib., Mb.. 2-lb. and it-lb. sixes. Contractor Wlekham yestetday received twenty-live cars of (lalesburK lirlt-k with which ho expects to complete the navhiK on South Sixth street as far as Mfth ave nue Curds havo been received hero announc ing the marriage of Frederick Oreen of Cincinnati to Miss Margaret Kemp, a for mer teacher In tho public schools of this city. A check for $91 has been forwarded to ltcv. Myron C. Waddell as the result of tho presentation of tho cantata "U"th by the choir of the llroadway Mthodlst church lor his benefit. C. M. I.odne, formerly of this, city, nnd Mrs. J. If. Stewart or Dos .Moines wero married Monday In the Capital city, Mr. J.odge wils a number of yearn chief mall clerk on the Northwestern. Soren Chrlstensen, ilued SO years, died Monday nhtht at his homo In Onrner town ship or old uko. HlKht children survive him. Tho funeral will be this afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho family residence. Alderman 1M C. Mown Is snld to bo a randldato for tho appointment of state oil Inspector. I In Is a warm friend of Clnv- mor-elect Cummins and his friends nro BHtiKUlno of his securing tho appointment. Council Muffs dealers havo found their customers demand Woodward s candy, be cause It Is made better than eastern mado coods, packed In better shapo nnd tastes better than any candy they can buy In tho Tho funeral of Otto I.und will bo hold from the resilience, 1632 Howard street, Umuha. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock under tho auspices of Triangle lodge No. M. Knlf-hls of I'ythlas. Interment nt Coun cil Muffs. Julia Hllzabcth. dauchler of County Sur veyor and .Mrs. Krnest H. Cook, died yes terday mornliiK, lined 5 months. Tho funeral will bo this afternoon at ti o cU.cU from tho family resldenco on South Madl Bon avenue. Addison Mown, an Implement salesman of Carroll, la., has tiled a petition hi bank ruptcy In tho federal court here. Ills lia bilities, conslstliiK of personal accounts, In dorsement upon notes, Judgments, etc., amount to $23,071. Ills assets amount to JJ.Out). Chicken thieves were abroad In Council Muffs Monday niKht. Tho hencoop of tills , "ivu Avnrino l". win depleted of seventeen prlzo-bred Plymouth Hpok chick ens, and Mrs. Shipwright, 3ui2 Avenue t. reported tho theft of twenty-ono of her nest hens. The reclpts In tho general fund at tho Christian homo last week amoun ed to 11 "lil.as. being f 1.001 3S above the estimated needs for tho week, and clearing x,'.J-, deficiency previously reported of jV3.il. in tho manager's fund the receipts wero JS-l.tK. being $10.'Jj above the needs of tho week, and decreasing the dellcloncy In this fund to date to J2S1.77. J. W. llolloway of Whiting, la., com j.lalncd to the pollco yesterday morning that ho had been robbed Monday night of $10 in a llroadway saloon. He claimed ho had been drugged, as after drinking a ulass of beer with n new acquaintance ho remembered nothing more until he awoke yesterday morning minus his roll of bills. Investigation by the police showed that llolloway had been drinking nnd spending money freely. This nfternoon nnd tonight, at the J3ohnnv theater, tho people of Council liluffs will havo an opportunity to hear one of tho finest musical organizations travel ing. It Is the "Kilties," said to lie the best band that Canada over had and by com mand of his majesty's government In Canada and by special permission of Colonel Mncdonald nnd oil cers eommanillng tho celebrated Korty-clghth lllghlandeis' regiment, It U making a tour of the larger cities of the I'nltcd States. The large chorus In the musical en semble closing the llrst half of the program In SI. Paul's church choir vaudeville, to be given tomorrow evening nt Oonany s theater, will bo a noteworthy feature, l'orty i f the best voices In Council Muffs anil Omaha will Yurtlclpato. Tho selections that wilt bo sing are popular and ii'-to-cl'te, and they will be rendered with a swing nnd dash that Is admirable. Lots of hard work has been put on this number und It will bo oxceeclluuly enjoyable. Council Muffs court. Independent Order of Foresters, has elected these odlcers: Chief ranger. W. II. Hogan: vlco chief ranger, l. J. C.lllet; orator, T. Q. ilnrrl so ; llnanelnl secretary. Harvey DeLong; treasurer, J. W. Ferrler; recording sec retary YV. J. Carveth. senior woodward, I. 12 Oreiishaw. Junior woodward. .1, II. Taber; senior beadle. Chester Mown, junior beadle. C Ii. Sanders; phys c an, tVr C 11 Uowers; assistant physician, )r J. II. Colo, musician, U- C Hansen. Christmas Gifts that will bo appreciated can bo se lected from our stock of opera glasses, lorgnettes, microscopes, etc. Wo have n big assortment of these goods from tho best makers at prices that yon cau afford. Wo sell elegant pearl Opera Glasses at $0.C0 u pair. HERMAN M. LEFFERT Optician, Jeweler and I'ngraver. Jits IIIIDADU A V, Opposite Glen Avenue, Council Muffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director tduccraiur Ui W. C. Kate?) SB I'liAta Vl'HiCUT. 'I'huao fT. FARM LOANS 5og? Negotiated In Kastern .Nour.uK NV . and Iowil. JsJaa N. Cuadr( It. unaui"'-"flll,-B- BLUFFS. FEELS THE CAR FAMINE Council Bluffs Findi it Iitrd to Accmmo datt Shipmints. CATTLE FEEDERS PAY HIGH FOR CORN U'hnt I'orlerhonsc Menks AV 111 Cost .Veil Venr Is n Problem that Mnr htnKKer lliimniilty IlurlhiK ton Hum Km Troubles. Tho Chicago, Hurllngton & Qulncy rail road, In company with other western rail way companies, Is feeling tho effects of tho car famlno and this applies to Council liluffs. Cattlo feeders In Missouri are buy ing large quantities of grain and tho move ment of corn from tho elevators hero to Missouri and Kansas has begun, but tho supply of cars 'Is lnadequato to meet tho demand. Missouri cattlo feeders nro buying all tho way from 1,000 to 30,000 bushels of corn, paying fiO cents and upward a bushel for tho grain free on board at Council Muffs. Tho Hurllngton Is experiencing much dim cully In securing oven twcnty-flvo or thirty cars it day hero, whllo orders havo piled up necessitating tiio uso of 373 cars r'Mntwtt -a r nn ...... .u..i..,u ... . pun, uoinimi ircieni and passenger agent of tho Hurllngton In this city, said yesterday: "It Is surprising tno amount of corn cattlo feeders in Mis souri and some parts of Kansas nro buy ing nt this tlmo, when It Is tnken Into con sideration that they aro paying 60 cenH and over a bushel for tho grain on tho cars here, hnt porterhouse steaks will cost next year It is hard to say. Tho Hurllng ton, like other roads, cannot get enough cars to keep tho grnln moving. With con siderable dlfllculty wo are managing to get from twenty to thirty cars a day hero, but wo could easily handle 100 a day. as tho elevators havo orders on hand that would uso nearly 100 cars on our road nlono If wo could only supply them. This car famine, however. Is not conllncd to Council Muffs. Tho sumo condition exists nil over tho west, I - am Informed, drain shipments within uio mm niunin or iwo navo nceit unusually , heavy, especially in tho direction of Mis sotirl." Davis sells glaes. .Sinters AVIll Test If for lliiriiM. Mrs. Frank 0. Peck nnd Misses Kato and Jcnnlo Hums, sisters' of Jnmes F. Hums, defendant In tho Doylo-Hurns mining suit, nre nt liberty to como to Council Muffs to testify on behalf of their brother, and it is expected they will be placed on tho witness Dluti.l l,ln,, IT...1M i. . ......... ...,. v,,.u. U mn ui prciecuon i granted by Judgo Orccn yesterday all per- ; sons aro prohoblted from serving notice of : f . 1,ne"wn, nuenuing court during w.u . "' ""-ii .HUT iney settled, but ho mny take a Huropean trip, havo had a reasonnblo tlmo l.i which to i which ho has contemplated for some time, return to their homes In Colorado, This i Dr. Kratz Is ono of tho best known cdu wrlt was issued yesterday afternoon by enters In tim west, hnvinr i.non nri..n, Judge Oreen on application of Hums' nt- torneys In anticipation of James Doyle's bringing suit against tho eistets of tho de fendant to recover possession of tho stock in the Portlnnd Gold Mining company claimed by him and said to bo in their possession. Counsel Hughrs finished cross-examining Mr. Hums shortly before 'tho noun :ccess yesterday morning, and Mr. Thomas lock ' up tho direct examination again. During the afternoon Mr. Hughes examined Hums on his redirect examination. It has not yet been decided whether Hums will bo placed on tho stand this morning. During tho cross-examination Counsel Hughes confronted Hums with his sworn answer In a suit brought by tlcorge S. Mc Kay nnd others, Including John Unman, in which Hums nllegcs that Doylo and Marnan wore equal owners with him in tho Hob Tail No. 2; that Doylu nnd Hnrnnn In their own names with him applied for a patent on this property nnd that thereforo th.y should bo mado party defendants. On di rect examination Hums testified that Doylo never had any Interest In this claim. Hums was further confronted with similar state ment mado In his nnswer In a suit brought In tho Colorado courts by Charles J. Cover and I.nfe Fyffe against him. Tho date of this answer waB July 1C, 1S93. On redirect examination to offset tho ef fect of this Inconsistency counsel for Hurus introduced the complaint tiled by Hums on ' Juuc 23 nnd tho nniended complaint on beptember H. 1833. in a suit against tho Amazon Mining company, In which Is set forth a statement by Hums to tho effect that ho received a deed to tho Hob Tall No. 2 from O'Drlscoll, nnd has ever since been and Is now owner of tho mine. Attornoy Harrison. It was stated, drew up both tho answer In tho McKay suit and the com plaint In tho Amazon mining case, and that such a glaring Inconsistency was through orror on his part-nnd thnt suchn statement as appenred in tho Mcltny suit nnswer was Inconsistent with the conceded facts. Hums, in nnswer to a question of his couuaol. said ho never mndo such a stnttment to Attor ney HarrUon. Asked if ho had much huslnos with At torney Harrison nnd whether he mot him ofton, Hums said: "I saw Judgu Mnrri son frequently, but not very ofton." This raised n laugh. Gravel roofing. A. II. Head. 541 Droadway. Prize waltz. Hughes' hall, Friday night. To Open . Street. In tho condemnation proceedings brought by tho city for the purpose of opening Twenty. first street south from Hroadway nnd to ixtond Cook avenue between Harri son and Kenton streets, tho sheriff's Jury yesterday awarded tho Horaco Everett es tato $200 for property taken on Twenty first slrtvt nnd J. Harhyto $400 for his prop erty taken to extend Cook avenuo. Tho Jury consisted of E. I. Hart, J. P. (Jreon shlelds, D. P. Howes, Forrest Smith, John T. Mulqueen nnd C. A. Tlbblts. 'I'oilllJ. 'I'diluy. The ladles of llroadway M. E. church In- i vlto the public to attend a bazaar at tho Muoller building, 103 Main street. Good Methodist meals, noon and evening, only 25 cents, A largo assortment of fancy work, handkerchiefs, aprons, bath robes, pillows, etc., nlso home-made candles. Davis sells pnlnt. .Mni-i Iiibc l.lcenies. Licenses to wed were Tssued yesterday to tlio following Name and Itesldonco. J. S. Wright, St. Joseph, Mo F. H. Lauer. St. Joseph, Mo Edward C. Turk, Crescent, la.... I'thel Ferris, Crescent, In, Age. ...,!.' 21 2S : ShIiiimi lorter StrlcUrn, Charles riartlett. colored, who has been porter In a llroadway saloon, was removed i to tho pesthouso last evening, as ho was suffering from smallpox. Dartlott had been living nlouo In a small shanty on the alley nt tbo roir of 721 llroadway. dwioi to ta Violation of tho quarantine regulations by the members of the Kaler and Hall families policemen wero stationed yesterday to watch these residences, The guardhouse constructed last winter was placed yester day afternoon on Sixteenth street between Avenues U nnd C, so that one officer can watch both residences. Destroy Much l,liitnr. Deputy Sheriffs Canning and Daker yes tcrday afternoon wero responsible for tho destruction of a large quantity of liquor seized under order of court nt tho Omaha saloon, Ninth street and llroadway. County Attorney Klllpack last September secured nn injunction restraining Mlko Kildaro, keeper of tho saloon, from sclting liquor, but the order was not put In forco until yesterday. Tho liquor was spilled In tho gutter. Tho fixtures were nttachod under tho order nnd will he Bold by the sheriff. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telcphona 250. Will Sot Oppose DUinee. William A. Mutton, publisher of tho Council Muffs Tribune, says lie will not re sist tho suit of his wife for divorce, but will oppose her application for alimony. lieu I i:lnte TritiiNferx, Thcso transfers' wero filed yesterday in tho nbstrnct, title nnd loan oftlco of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: I.ydla A. anil W. P. Webster to Mar tin i. wiuiams, lot u, block a, Craw ford's add. w. d S 300 William I', Kellogg and wlfo to Mar garet is. iierger, lot 3, In ! Ml, o. c. (1 2W Heirs of William Until to same, lots ,i ami ii, in i. c. ii. Heirs or Margaret and Joseph Hamil ton to F. I.. Heed, ne, WW, w. tl. s.rxo 8,0(0 300 700 u...ui i ., . m. ... ., i. Keen atui wire to llalpli O. ' lt'udolph SclilntVlilt iiihV ' vVrov ' Vo nenry Hctilotrclilt, mts ;i, I and 5, block X, town or Walnut, q. c. tl Administrator estate Oeorgo W. John son to Fred .1. Hill, lot 3. In subdlv of O. P. lot CI, Council Muffs, ad. d. Thomas C. Kennedy and wire to Joscphus and Laura A. Adklns, w HO 1-3 feet of lot 4, block 28, Kvorelt's add, w. d 40 Total eight transfers .$17.0GS KINNAMAN KILLED BY HUNTER .lesse I'oNlrr MiiioIm nt a Wiikiiii Mini Miin Its lleeii- IMIIlt. SIOUX CITV. In.. Dec. 10. (Special Tele gram.). John Klnnnmnn, aged. 22, was shot and instantly killed last evening hv .li,n Foster, nged 17. Tho shooting occurred on the J. S. Mlllcr'fnrm near here. Foster was hunting when Kinnamun passed by In a wagon nnd Foster remarked to companions "Watch mo hit that wagon." Ho shot his twcuty-two-callber rllio nnd tho ball hit KInnninan between the left eyo nnd tho no3o nnd ho fell over dead. Tho Foster boy is under arrest Does ot Seek Ite-Kleetlon. SIOUX CITV, la.. Dec. 10. (Special Tel. ecram.l Prof. II. P. Ifrnlv unnnrlninn.inni ... 1 ",,,1-l,,,,.v or tlio public schools of Sioux City, will not be a candidato for re-election at tho meeting of tho Hoard of IMucntlon In Jan- nary. Mis plans for tho futuro nro not yet tn tho Natlonnl Kducatlonnl nssnelntlo,, fr years. Ho has been superintendent here for ten years, and was formerly connected with tho University of South Dakota at Vermilion, S. D. To Mioot Cholera Horn. n rcnsTER CITV, In., Dec. 10. (Special.) Tho Xorthwestern nnllrnn," pnmnnnu I,.. requested City Policeman Ash to shoot tho remaining rnzorback hogs which have been confined In tho railroad utock yards nnd af flicted with hog cholera. Ono hundred and eighty of theso hogs wero shipped from Missouri to n local dealer, who refused to receive them. Two-thirds of them hod died with the disease beforo tho others wero ordered shot. The wtnte veterinary surgeon wns hern and exnmlncd them nnd recommended tho nbovo action. FIRE EFFACES PART OF TOWN I'lKlit IIiinIiipnn IIiihni'n nml Three DtvrlllimM Arc Completely Dentroj eil. WAYNE. W. Va.. Dec. 10,-Thls town, the county sent of Wayno county, was almost wiped out by a flro which broke out shortly after midnight and raged until nfter daylight this morning. Eight business anil tnreo dwellings wero destroyed. musing a loss of over $40,000. Thero wn- m,t mtlp insurance, as tho town had nn Ilro ocpartmcnt. Tho Ilro originated In a livery stable, nnd n stiff wind thnt was blowing caused It to sweep on, destroying ovcrythlng In Its path for two squares. nentli .tlink of Melvlnley. Washington, Dec. 10. Mr. E. L. lnnnl. M, II, .! . . . . .. Wh . ir Z , T '.rT . 110 1 2 I1' 1,0 ' '?S ,nk" : niniost Immediately after Lis demise Tim mask than nnt vot honn ahnun ...i.n ' It is expected It will bo donated to tho government nnd deposited in tho Smith sonian -Institute. It is said that it Is n romarkably faithful llkncss of tho late president. umuok it mu jiiiuuu. It. I), Stover nrniitcil ii Cunt liniiiiicr. UHATUICn, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Tho ense of H. D. Stover, charged wttli embezzling from tho Western Union Telegraph company, was called in county court this nfternoon nnd upon his nppllcn- Hon ho wns granted a contlnuanco until March I. Isn't it much safer to invest your money in one of Our Sweet toned, Durable Pianos than in an Unknown Make because it is Advertised as Cheap? After you have looked at all the (sos called) piano bargains offered elsewhere come and see us We will appeciate 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Where the Organ Stands Upon the Building. IOWA'S MANY INSTITUTES SUtt Ftrmiri nd Otkn It J? rfitabl Sisiiom. STATE PARK AND FORESTRY BEGINS WELL I'niteriml CoiiKrem. I)cunmfm lunur mice .Mutters Sheriff Meet nnd .Mllllln Company is Or Kiinlreil, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DtS MOINES, Dec. 10. (Special.) The Iowa Stato Farmers' institute closed Its sessions hero today, tho program having ueou well carried out. This Institute. Is provided to take the placo In some measure of tho old convention of tho Stato Agricul tural society. In tho forenoon there wero papers, mostly In regard to stock breeding ami tno host farming methods, nnd a free for-ali discussion of diversified farming and farm buildings, in tho afternoon thero wore papers for tho women by women. In eluding papers by Miss Mary A. Sabln of Ames, Mrs. II. V. Hooker of Fairfield and Mrs. J. F. Knudson of Webster City. An Interesting paper wns that by U S. Coffin of Fort Dodgo on "Homo Conveniences," especially for tho farm. Stato Librarian Johnson Hrlghnm also presented tho mattor or co-oporntivo reading circles. A meeting of what is known ns tho Iowa Seed Corn Hrecders' association wns also held, hut this was poorly attended. Presl- dent Drown of Mltcheltvlllo presented n re port showing tho Immense value of using puro seed corn. Prof. Edgerton of tin Stnto Experiment station nt Ames discussed tho relation of vegetable matter In tho soli to corn production. Stato Pnrk nml Forestry. A meeting of tho Stato Park and Forestry nssoclnt'on was held, presided over by Prof. .McHrido or tho State university. This Is a now organization, which Is working In co operation with the Stnte Horticultural so clcty to havo created n stato department of horticulture and rorestry, to bo recognized by law and to havo n salaried secretary en gaged in tho work. Tho movement has re ceived n decided impetus hero nt thcso meetings. Al present tho horticultural nnd forestry subjects aro Included In tho de partment of agrlculturo and this Is objec tionable to many. They havo appointed committees who will r heforo tho legisla ture to urge laws creating n now depart ment nnd separating It from all others. They would also Includo floriculture nnd market gardening in the now department, ("renter I'nrniern liiMlltuten, Thero is also n movement on foot at those various meetings being held by ag riculturists, breeders, fruit men nnd other. for nn enlargement of tho business of con ducting farmers' Institutes. O. II. Hnm- hlli of Shenandoah created something of a sensation by urging that tho Illinois law should ho followed, which law provides that thero shall hp a stato superintendent of farmers' Institutes, with n salary ndequato and n secretary, and that thero Is central supervision of such Institutes. He called attention to the fact that whllo Iowa only paid out about $2,000 last year in aid of Institutes, HUiiols paid out eight times ns much. Ho was In favor of urging tho legls laturo to provide for giving tho institute work recognition. -The sentiment was favorably received and will he taken un der consideration by tho Stnto Hoard of iNgrlculturc and slmllnr bodlos. lovtn Frnternnl 'niire. A meeting of tho Iowa Fraternal con gress was held hero today. Tho chief mat ter considered was that of legislation as affecting tho fraternal beneficiary orders of tho stnte. President Potter, in his nd- dress, stated that all of tho foreign fra ternal Insuranco companies doing buslncss I ti tho stato and all of the homo companies. except three, havo becomo identified with tho congress. Tho frnternals especially de- slro that there shall bo no legislation bring ing them under tho general insuranco laws of tho stnte, but President Potter spoke In favor of legislation thai would make It moro difficult to start new frnternals and raise their standard. Ho Is opposed to leg islation fixing tho rates or otherwise in terfering with their business. President I Potter opposes what are known ns tho minimum rates fixed at tho nntlonnl fra ternal convention. His address stirred up n lively discussion nnd tho members of tho congress showed thoy aro greatly di vided on theso matters. Tho congress ap pointed n legislative committee, to which tho president's nddress wns referred, and this commltteo will look after legislation during tho coming winter. Imvn .Hhri-lffN Meet, A meeting of tho Iowa Shoriffs' associa tion wns held hero today with larger at tendance than usual. Tho association ap pointed n legislative committee, as tho i"""" 8horlffa aro ,n favor of nunibor of minor ""-ttcr of fees for their ofures. They nlso . i i . i ou - o - " tics. .Mllltlii Conipouy (lrKnnl7.cn. Tho National guard was filled tonight by tho reorganization of Company A, Fifty, first regiment, tho new company being mus tered in by tho ndjutant general. Tho ofll cers mny bo examined by tho military board which Is to conveno December lfl nnd puss on tho compotcucy of nlno ofllccrs who havo been elected lii tho various companies, Governor Shaw has offered a reward of $250 for tho apprehension of tho persons guilty of killing J. M, Smith, town marshal of Chelsea, last week. Ho whs killed by BOURICIUS MUSIC HOUSE your visit whether you tho bank robbers who were foiled In their nttenipt by the timely appearance of n young nan coming home. There havo I ecu no arrests for tho crime The Union Savings bank of Oskaloosn has been Incorporated, with a capital stock of $25,000. The president is W. H. Kolbach and tho cashier C. E. Ixjlland. Kcv. M. Doetther of St. Paul, while preaching In tho Gcrinan Methodist church nt Gladbrook Sunday morning, wns strltkoii with paralysis and died two hours Inter without regaining consciousness. Hcv. Doet thor, who happened to be tn Olndbrook to spend Sunday, wnn asked to occupy tho nut pit of tho church of his denomination, mil consented. He had been speaking for somo lime when he fell unconscious In tho pulpit. lie was removed to tho parsonnco nearby and medical aid was summoned, but lie was beyond tho pew or of medical skill. Tho bar of Wright county will tender a banquet tomorrow evening to Judgo Silas M. Weaver of Iowa Falls, who will tlila week retire from the district bench to take n place on tho Iowa supremo bench. Tho banquet will be given In Clnrlon, where he is just closing his last term of court. J. W. iienneoery will net as toastmnster and speeches will be made by the leading law yers of the county. Judge Weaver suc ceeds Justlco Given on tho supreme bench He will probnbly be present nt the special term of the supreme court next week, when uccisions will be filed. Tho Iowa hankers are cngngrd In raising a tund for tho benefit of tho widow of Bun I bind, tho young man who was killed at Al- bcrt City whllo fighting tho bnnk robbers who hud blown open n bnnk nt Greenville. Tho president of the Iowa Hankers' asso ciation. C. B. Mllles of Sioux llaplds. an nounccs that already tho fund has reached $2,300, nnd last week when he wns in Chi cago n banker thero gavo him $100. He ex pects that tho fund will grow to about $3,000 nnd will bo given tho widow nnd her children, who nro left helpless by tho crime. CIVIL SERVICE AMENDMENTS Pri'Nlilcnt Approve CIiiiiiucm In Hole I tu port ii ii I One or Which Af fect Milnrlc. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.Tho president today npprocd n number of amendments to civil service rules vlli and x. recommended by tlio Civil Service commission somo weeks ngo and subsequently passed on ns to their Icgnl nspect by tho attorney general. Prob ably the most Important of them provides for discontinuing tho pay of persons found to havo Dcen Irregularly appointed. This Is provided for In tho laws for tho Philip pines nnd In tho stnto law of Now York, but tho federal laws nro hold by tho civil service advocates to havo been defective In thin ns-ject. Briefly summarized, the amendments make tho following require ments: , (Illllp II.) That uovrrnmnnl unirnm nml employes shall give sworn testimony be foro the commission when required to do no In connection with lis Investigations. (Kilo VIII. Serf Inn l:ilTlint ti'lmm .,, appointing ollleer declines to make regular appointment from it register eoutulnlug less than tbrro nnmcM nnd ImwIhIm iimin making u temporary appointment, the tem porary uiipolntment shall be made from fucii regisier, anil, wuiio vim, section in.) That whenever the commission shall Unit tlmi n ii v nnrtmii Is holding a position in the civil service in violation of the civil service act nnd rules, It Shall after notice tn th nrrson iir-n.'l.ot certify to the head or the proper depart ment Information of the violation, and If such persons be then not dismissed within thirty days, tho commission shall give notice or tho fact to the proper disbursing and auditing olllccrs, who shall not then permit to be paid to such person any Hil ary or wages accruing after tho receipt of such notice, provided that any question of law which may be thus raised respecting tho power to appoint or employ mav bo submitted by the president or head of de partment to tho attorney general for opinion. (Utile X, Section 2.) Thnt no person shall be transferred from one classified position to another unless such person nctually served for six months In the olllco In which he became classified, and In some position therein which nt the time of tho request for his transfer Is within tho com petitive classified service. DEATH RECORD. County ,)uiK. ,,f n,.(, -Vlllim M'COOK, Neb., Doc. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Gcorgo S. Hlshop, county Judgo of Kcd Willow county, died suddenly about 10:30 o'clock last night. He complnlned of toothache nfter supper, laid down, shortly heenmo unconscious nnd In n few hours passed away. Deceased was ono of Red Willow county's earliest Bottlers, was re cently elected Judgo for a third torm nnd wns one of the best known Masons In this part of Nebraska. i ltcv. Or. .Samuel II, Clnrl'. SPniNOFIELD, III., Dee. 10. Kov. llr. Samuel H. Clark died at his homo In Vlrdcn today of hrnrt dtecase, aged SI, Ho had been a member of tho Illinois conference of tho Methodist church for forty-eight years. .Indue Wtlllnm II. AVItl.c.v. SIOUX FALLS. S. D Dec. 10. (Special Toli'gram.) Judgo William II. Withoy. who was prominent in Grand Army circles throughout tho state, died suddenly last night at his homo In this city of heart failure. I-'riiiik .Vinos. OSHKOSH, Wis., Dec. 10. Frank Amos 1 of tho IIolllster-Amos company oxplred suddenly tonight from apoplexy. He was fil year old and had boen prominently Identified with tho lumber business for years. lom IlyKenle Ilmirtp I'erccln. MEXICO CITV, Dec. 10. Joso Hygcnlo Dunrto l'orocia, dcicgnto of Ilrazll to tho Pan-American congress, died this after noon nt 4:20 o'clock from pneumonia, com plicated with heart trouble. Mi'Y. ficorgi' I'littcrion, MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 10. Hov. neorgo Patterson, pastor of draco Episcopal church, died of heart failuro tonight. Dr. Patterson was 73 ycara old. buy of us or not 1 i WARNER'S SAFE CURE v Tin At, iiottu: or tiii: u nui.irs UXX vrusr kiiini'.v t hi: mint aiimm.i i i:i,v ritiir, to nviiHY itr.vnr.it or tiik omii iikii who sir miis I'liiui Kin.Miv, i,m nn. iu,i)ii:ii on ni.oon msr. si: on viit i commo.m, km mo.mi wo.mi:. s rr.M i,i: w i: uxr.ss." TEST YOUR KIDNEYS If Any of Your Family Either in This or Past Generations Have Been Troubled with Kidney Disease, Make a Test of Your Urine and Satisfy Yourself. 1 llMm I BRIGHTS PISEASgr h. w .ft. At i-mtltt TJI JW . -huiuj IS. -iu.. " II ti 'Hf'S'pV,, liunr frtMMn.H rui.i.r nr tirr 5rurr,n ,u .ntiiirl DtRILITYMftUnA.H'T.ftlfiOQ'4UN h9mMflt 611111 1!. M ClUStD 8T BIRINOtQ KICNCr!, ANC UVIR U m u insr. rrm Anrr.TS.nnn t!ii..tw,nfni.-i A Lslx or rltht ttmo n ilny, taken cltnrnr In nn! il ,.i-iiiu,i ii 1 1 ... ii i ui tiuiri, ir in wiirill nr runii,, i linitlk lfi,r nr nfhr tn,nl In nit Ittn. nrll tc tnite, lr It niincnl(', nn It mnr In eitrprnxn fatrt, rciuipi- tin uno or neat it mtwriiii-ir land tnke nfter mi-nli In nnrm or cold mllU i until tbi' tone of the ntnmncli In Impmrml. I KOIt CIIlI.rtltr.V -Itmli-r a ye-ir. one ten. l.nnmifill' limt.tr 10 fin. Inninnnftil. ..., ,,.,.1 H and tnkrn la milk. ICeon bowrloi ii i.f Unties t'jvy inji'i-iiiiiiti, ,u imiurrii nmi Ainmn ny e,ar-! kcrr'ii SAl'n fills only. Dlnoanl all Uriiga antlli uomrr iniMiiciura miring immiinni wrar nan un?l or warm rlotlilnj. 1'rlcu 151.00 a bottle. linrliruTriinvf,,.! . AtOn ON t O. CAN LONDON CNO I -iM"JUIiMr''' e nrMi ii.! 'i md truer,!. ml TRiAL BOTTLE FREE T nnnflnn n.,,-i unlYnr frntn ,llDau.t nf tlw, lflilnoVH tlvnf l,1n,l,1.n ,l l,lr,.l that Wurner'H Safe C'ure will cure them a anyone who will write Warner Safe Cure Co., Rochester. N. Y., and mention having seen tills liberal offer in this paper. The genuineness of this offer is fully gunrau tecd by the publisher. Our doctor will send medical booklet, colttninlu- symptniurf and treatment of each disease and many convincing testimonials, free, to unyoiiu who will write. To Dealers You tickle us, We tickle you'. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO., The Candy Melt.,, Council Bluffs, la. i The I Fast Trains nro via THE UNIOrt PACIFIC What Is the use of wasting your tlmo enrouto and your monoy on extra meals when it COSTS NO MOKE to travol n tho finest trains on tho best bal lasled road it, tho wost, tho Great Trans-Contlncntal Line, "Tho Overland Hout?" Tlie Popular I'ersortnlly t-onUtictcil Excursions are, via this lino. Loave Omaha every Vodneday and Friday at :2G P. m. can Join excursion at tuiy point enroute. Pullman Ordinary Cars lenvo Omaha at 11:20 p. m. every Tucaday for Lcn Angeles. Pullman Ordinary (Tourist) Cars lcavo Omaha DAILY at :2B p. m. for San Francisco and Portland. For full information address, City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Tnlophono 310. DONANY THEATERS Tolcphono 311, Council Illulfs. THURSDAY, DEC. 12. Society Vaudeville GIVIJN HV ST. PAUL'S CHURCH CHOIR. Prices -25c und 50c. Reserved Heats now un sale tit Iion office. Tho Campbells Aro Comln', Hurrah: Hurrah! Dohany Theater Afternoon and K cnluu, December j. Fourth OllUlal Concert Tour, THE KILTIES. (tsTii iiinw.ANrjKns.) CANADA'S CRACK MIMTAIIV HAND. V .Musicians. 10 Vocal Choir. tl Jllghland Dancers, 4 Ilritish Military Iluylers. 2 naKPlpprs 1 fllnnt Drum .Major. Ktc. Appc'irlni? In Full Killed IteKlmcrilals. Hy authority of his majesty's Kovernment In Cunuila and by special permission of Colonel .Macdonnld and olllcers commandltiK tlir t'ekbrated isih lllt-hlanders' regiment 1 1 .is iriati'd a luroro of enthusiasm in American cities. rr)r sAflcrnoon; 15c, 50c: cvcnlnc: S3c, lit some morning initio tn n gtnsM or bottle, tot It stand for twenty-rour hours; if theio is ti reddish M'Ulturnt In the bottom of the glass, or if the lift no ii.Tidv or milky, or If you see particles or germs floating nb ,llf " your kidneys are diseased and j I loso no time, but get a bottle of War ners Safe Cure' us It Is dangerous to neglect your kidneys for ,0Vl' "'e ''. Hilghl's disease, gravel. llicr cniui. PU'tf- "i "te iiaeit. riioumutisui. iuiii,r,,,lniltll. iniiamnnitlon of bladder. none in tiie iiiailder, ulic acid poison, dropsy, csema, seror.lln, tilnml dlfense, lTenBle mior from sweating, ku-uuIIciI "l''emalc Weakness.'' painful periodK, too rreitieiit deslro to lirlunto nnd painful passing or urine nro nil caused by dlMinsed kidneys mid can be speedily cured by Wnnu-r'n Sure Cure, which has been tire.m-rllirit lu ll ndlng doctors for years and tiseil In nil prominent hospitals exclusively. Postmaster Barker Cured Mr J h. Darker, Assistant l'ost in.inlcr .Stevens Point, Wis., writes ' Warner's Safe Cure has cured me of Kl Iney trouble unit Indigestion. H w the best tonic 1 ever took nnd It h.n permanently cured me of wliai in, doi tor called one of tho worst m or kidney disease ho ever came across In his experience, It Is the family medicine In this part of the country. Wiinier'M Safe ('tiro Is purely veg etable und contains no harmtul drttus; It does not constipate; It Is n must valuable and effect Ivo tonic; It Is u stimulant to digestion and nwnkeni the torpid liver, putting the patient lno the very best receptive state for lb.- work or the restorer or the kid iic.m:. It prepares tli" tissues, mint lien luilammalliin and Irritation, stimu lates the cnreelilcd organs uud'healH nt the same time. It builds up' the body, gives strength, and restorcH energy that Is or has been wasting under tho bntiorul suffering or kidney disease. WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is now put up In two regular sizes und t-old bj all druggists, or direct, at 50c nnd $1.00 a Bottle l.KS.H THAN ONK CUNT A DOHH. ltcruse substitute There is nnno "Just us good as Warner's Sato (.'mo. It has cured all forint of kidney IIh nso during the last thirty years. U Is prescribed by nil di tors and used In the leading hospitals ns the only absolute cure for all forms of dlseuso or the kidneys, liver nnd bladder. trial bottle will be sent absolutely frco to ii, You Send Us Your Orders, We Ship You CANDY That Sells and Pleases Your Trad) DISflAY . . . .AT. 1611 rarnani St. PREMIUM STORE All ki r lii frrn for nvlnir Dlunitui C" Sonp AVrappera Havilana China Limoges China Cut Glass Crockery Silverware framed Pictures Cutlery Clocks Rlick-Nacks as Toys, Books Atn unvuiiAi, iii;M)iu"n OTIinit AllTICI.KS Users of Diamond "C" Konp or pro poctlvo users are cordially lnvltod to como and look over our now nnd largo stock nnd select their prem iums, IN VII3W Oil- Tlin GREAT RUSH thut vraa oxpsrionced nt tho Dia mond "C" Soup Premium Btore for two weoks boforo last Christmas, rro request our patrons to call and BAlect their Christmas tlftn aa o-irly .a poinlblo, so aa to avoid confusion nnd tho (Kjonlblllty of disappoint mout. THE CUDAHY PACKING GO Branch Premium Store. 1611 FARNAM STREET RESULTS TELL 3 9 9 (S TIIK JEK WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. (9 Soap 4 t