8 j HE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAT, DECEMBER 10, 1907. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Un Still is Grnt Qnaitititi at tat Oyin- lif of ti Warktt. CHANGE OF GENERAL CONDITION (Country Clnmnr for Crrenl lU.np pcnm Hntlrrly nml I llcplneetl hr Detail mln from IIIk Plrnm. CHICAGO, Dec. 9.-Overconfidenco of the. bear in the grain pltn brought grief to many ahortH today. Liquidation for prolltH and tdiort Helling brought a tremendous volum. of lulncH?, but tho low prices which followed these weakening InDuctices wern too tempting to thu hlir public and nmld arcnes ot tho wildcat cntifuHton wheat wan sent up to a new rrnp rf-cord price, ainy wheat cloned "jc higher, May corn e lower mid .Mny ontu H lower, Proi-lidous uni uncnangod to oe higher. bent nold In great iimtitltlrn nt the. srtnlng, Condition bud changed, thero nuf not the rami! general cluinor for tho :ereai irotn tin; country unci Uiero wan a nervoim fooling resultant from tho tumble 9f prices In Wall mreut. Jn general thero wan an Inducement for people In high priced linen to tukn good price, IIIk Iioiimcm wjin connection! m .-sow yoik, tno north west and Ht. I.oul, wero heavy noUnm. and were, icported to have unloaded l.Cuw.W) uuhucih in wneai n inn uiurKcti weak ened In Prion they met with a renewal of outnldn buying, which was In hucIi bulk wint it eoiim iiurniy have ronm from neat teted ontnlilerx. Hume of the pcralatt-nt 1hiI1 continued IniMug and even nt the lop J rlfeo at tlm opening thought tho hurgaln a goon one. . niiuitinuii tiuit UMiiiiiiy kovciu worn somewhat mixed, ("ubleti wotc not nulto as rrioniilvo an extiected, though the HngllHh inilutrv markelH wern renorteil ery fltrntiR. Northwestern reculpts weio falling off, but primary rooclpm showed a good pain. The IntreaseH In fnoilxtufftt on pannage and lu the visible tnipply were also ,n-,lian um-uui.. 11 mi an inrie iiiuucuccm Jo abet the kciIIiik pressure priced fell off naniy .May options, which opened U'd'ic higher to ,fiti; lower at WVdVIUe. steadily fell to Mur Maoris were . tin ant am rushed to put on more pressure. Then came the lent turn. wiin t ie fotee or a w ir w nil. Jtuylnir.ihf.rB sprang up all mound and It became Woefully apparent that the market i'ItK lirnvllv nv'rrunlrt. Ill lu'onlv ... I..I. In tho prltfitor .May was up again to M-c. a ....... ....,. '.,..,... ,1-t.J. ..1 .... . m mu i in tiur,., .win h i) mroug. ?! it novo isaiuiuay, at MfirfiMVte, ljOfi.il receipts were tin oars. Minneapolis and Dululh reported !'.'S cars, making a total for the threo points of OSS, ngulnst i.if!, lost wcck ami j.'ii.i a year ago, pri mary reeclPts mito l.iss.timi bushelH, com pared with l.jltl.ixn bushels u. year ago. Hreadstnffs op pimsage Incroiucd 77,o90 diihiicm ana the vimblo supply was in r'ased 2.M4.0im bushels. Seaboard clear .inees In wheat and Hour eiptallcd 550,000 iiusneis, Corn Marled strong because of tho snow and rain, which, It was thought, might hinder farmers' delivery. Heavy proilt taklng, however, made Itself felt. There were several prominent bull tirofesslonnls in the market, but heavily Increased .west ern offerings ami a slack outside cash de. rrinnd soon dampened their ardor. Liver pool showed only a I'nlnt response to the Rdvanec here Saturday and local oaidi deal ers reported business almost at n stand still. May opened 'ie higher to ',r lower in ra'tjiv,c, out iuii'iiy negan to teei tne efteiln of lliiuldatlon In this and the wheat Pit. 1'rlces sagged off rapidly to 7ic Wheat strength came to the reseun just be foro the end of the session and buoved Mny up to a steady i lose, lower nt OSe. Ileeelpts were 101 ears. After a strong opening May suffered a heavy loss on selling by prominent pro fessionals. Prices were off at one time le below Saturday'; clinic. Tim bulk of thn offerings were absorbed by tho outside and when May, which had opened easy to ,o down at 1?e to l"e. reached -Idc. selling practically ended. iOarly there was run-t-lderablo eommlsstou trn.de, prices tlue tuatlng rapldlv nnd widely. When the strength in wlieat beeamn manifest oats followed upward to 17c, closing compara tively llrm, -jc lower nt 4i;?. Itccelpts wero 170 cars. I'rovlslotiK were rather heavy early, af fected by thn -downward tendency Ingrains. The country buying seemed to havo sub sided nnd selling for proiltn by local pro fessionals took Its place. Tho run of hogs was very large, but tho bull argument of tho dny was In the light and unfinished condition of tho iinlmals. On tho revival of tho wheat strength prices responded. Jnnnary pork closed So up at JlG.iHl. Jan uary Inrd no hlghei ut JS'.W and January rlbs unchanged nt $s.r,5. nstlmated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat. 85 .ears: corn, 230 cars; oats, 223 cars; hogs, M.ono head. The -lending futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. HIb1i. IjOW. j Oloscl Sat'y. Wheat Dee. Mny July Corn Dee. Mny July Onts--ricc. May July rork Jan. May l.ard .Inn, May Itlbs Jan. .May 78 70 ; 77H 73 7S-); S2!tai-)J s:i"i ii!i m S2 Bi'kftn fi',i wu mi rdTi fistisiii ta-i i;7J lH ra Win Kffl. ii7! t!i lis-ii 4r.i, 4r,s; 4:,u r,7. ws- JTSJ'i 17'( W, -Ifit, 4;a I)!' I0i,), 414 42(i in S74 i- w ir. 70 ir. no p; k 17 2U 17 S7V4 17 12!i 17 So 17 23 0 SO P 00 D !.2'j 9 85 0 SO 9 S3 3 92i U kO 9 90 9 fclfe r m s r5 s iM s nr. S 57". 8 70 8 77t 8 CO 8 72Hi S 72(. 43?; No 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: P'I,OUH-Steady: winter patents. taWr-Jr 3.70; straights. J1.20&3.50; clears, J2.!WT3.30; spring specials, $1.20; patents, J3.:ajf3.70; straights. 3.00f3.25. WUK-VT-No. 3, 7(KT76!4o; No. 2 red, 81c. CORN-No. 2 yellow. cSUc. OATS-No. 2, 47(5Tt7Ho: No. 2 white. 4!H-.o: No. .1 white, 4S!i'i49l,jC. itVK No. 2. ftlc. HiUUjKY Katr to choice, malting, SKKIIS No. 1 flax, $1.44 : No. 1 north western. J1.45; prlnio timothy, jr,.4a6.f; clover, eontniet grade, J0.35. PIIOVISIONS Mess pork, per tibl., $15.9 (51G.0O. r,ard. per 1W lbs.. I9.82i(ft9.83. Short ribs sides (loose), -SMSflS.ii.). ory salted shoulders f boxed), $7.2ojj,.t0; short clear sides (boxed), !$8.9ig9.(M. WHlSKYBaBls of high wines, J1.32. The following am tho receipts and shin meats of grain yesterday: Articles. Jtoceipts. Shipments. I'lour, bbls ru.ono wheat, bu....- H6,ono Corn, bu 155,d Ontn, bu.. ....., j. ,....,....ai-,0( Tlye. bu 12.000 Rarlry, bu.... 211,000 On tho Produce exchange today ter market was Arm: creameries. dairies. 18$j2V;. Cheese, steady, O'liftlO'Ic JJfinl ., - .j 22,000 12,000 W),000 172.000 2.000 13,000 the but- 1422!to; .NEW YORK OHNEnATj MAIIKKT. (tnntntlona nf hr Dny on Vnrlous CamnmdKlFM. NKAV YOnif, Dec. 9.-I.'I.OtJIt-Recelpts 21,433 bbls.; exports. 33.0S0 bbls.; fairly ite tlvo and strong; winter patents, 3.7W4,10: winter straights, 53.fj5Ttfl.7rS; Minnesota pat ents. 3.WlM.2o; winter extras. J2.S0fi3.13. Ityo flour, llrm. CORNMM.Mj Firmer; yellow western. $1.40: white. $1.3S; Urnndywin.o, $.l.3ri3.75. UYI5 Firm; No. 2 western. 72ac. f, o b afloat; state. C7ii tiSc, c. 1. f,, Now York, car lots. llAKIjKY-Stendy; feeding, f,9Wfilc. o. I, '..mV''' ,"n,","B' t",.:";.1- f-. lluffaln. WIIKAI Itecelius. l.-.,im bu,; exports. , 240 bu. Spot, strong; No. 2 red, M'.c. f. o b.. afloat: No. 2 red, S7'c, elevntor; No, i northern Duluth. SMiC, f. o. b.. ntloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, Wc, t. o. b ailout. Options opened e,sy and further declined owing to unsatisfactory cables, rains In the west nnd free long nnd short selling. Later tlu market had a. vlgorpus rally, nccompanlea liy heavy revering, and renched now high records for tlm crop. Closed strong nnd fie over Saturday's curb clohe. March. MUMMUc closed at M!o: May. SGJifiM.";,. elohfd nt KIac; Decomber, S4 7-lii'riM;iie closed nt 86Vc. ' COUN rtccelpls. C2.O0O bu.; exports. Gl.SiVS bu. Sjiot, easy; No. 2. 73(ic, elevator, and 73ie. f, o. b afloat. Option market opened steady, but soon eased off under larger re. ciilpts nnd with wheat, and at tho close wns ensy, with final prices iso net lower May. 72t73Uu. closed nt 72-Mo: December. '2Mr4l73H'. closed at 72'ie. OAT.S--Uecelnts, 7d.fJ0 bu. Spot, nulct: No. 2, KTZc; No. 3, 02c; No. 2 white. 5HsU f.5c: No, 3 white. Me: track mixed western. fCflfiSe; track white. SliiMe. Options weaker nt (Irst. under heavy western selling, hut rained with other markets. HOI'S Steady: state, common to choice. 1901 crop. lHil5Uc; IWO, Sfil2c; ISM, fi;iu; i'aciao coast. 1001 crop. Uftl5c; jpo) crop. Mll2e; ISM. rV,(9c. ' II IDKH Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. Ho; California, 21 to 25 lbs., iflKc; Texas dry. 24 to an lbs., UVjc. iiiu aieauy; nemiocK sole light to heavy weights, 25 donusttc fleece. i'lti'Jc; Huenos Ayros, 426't WOOIr-Qulet, ' . 7' VH 111 COAI-KIrm PIlpVIHIONS-Iteef. quiet; family. tl.00 f-i m-ss. W.totuQ; beef hams. fJO.&oif 21.60; packed, tW.iftf) 12.U0; city, 20; India nic, $17.0019.00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $8.7.7010.25; pickled nhorts, $7; pickled hHtns. t. lit lu.10. I,ard. llrm; west ern steamed, $10.22X1; refined, sieail ; con tinent, $10.2f,. South jmerlcn, $10.75- com-r.-'"!!1'., ,'-76W.S6t. Pork, firm, tnmllv, U JZ-Wi sltort clear, $l8.0ufil9.5): mess. $lh.iJ0fi I ,,.yi. Ml TTKIt-Uecelpts, 6.695 pkgs.; steady; stnte iinfry, IMi2.ie; i-reamery, 10tM6Vc; June rreatnery, ivtivic: factory, I2'til..t. t'HHKSI-Heretpts, 1.71 pkgs.; steady; fancy large September, lofll'JUc; fanev small September. lO-Vjllc; late made, best large, 9ic; late made, best small. PHiIoi,c. I'.dOS Ileeelpts, H.I23 pkgs.; slate and Pennsylvania, iWvl'c; western, at mark, 2cj southern, at mark, 2iff25c. POITIjTHY jlive, llrm; springers, We! turkeys, 7fl7'jc. drtsscd, quiet; xprlngers, i-sid"L, iowm, n'jjii:'( : lurseys, ii'imc. . ..i j'ji ai,o Tivij important lnitifif'lllllf ItnllitM u nrougui 0111 in tno metal markets todav. Ono was tho sharp advance of 15 points In tin' price of spelter In New York to $1.4",, bid, as a result of reports that the spelter Interests of the country bad been absorbed by tho trust. London closed uncliaiigrd nt 10 His 3d. The other was verv heavv busi ness lu lake copper lu the London market, where 2,5() tons were pliecil Prices lu tlm London market were not materially nllered, as spot closed unchanged ami futures closed with a net unln of 2s i'jI Tlum Mi.t H.psod nt 35 and Itltnres at 54 17s Oil, Tba iui-iu iimi hr 1 101- cojiper was unsetlleii, with values qulto nominal on the basis of $lf,.5i) W17.00 for lake, $lil.:t7!4lil0.i;2'i for cleitro. lytic anil tin for cisllng, all nominal. Tin was quiet and steady at New York, with prices not essentially changed Spot closed at $25.rtWt20.ri. London was 7s lid higher, closing at 113 Sand for spot ami lu7 for futures. Load was quiet nml unchanged nt New ork. London closed 12s 3il lower at 10ps3d. troll, unlet. Clasuotv rliiuoil m tu'ishd and Mldillcsborough closed at 13s lUd Pig Iron warrants wete elnseil ni luifj.., ll.iVlj No, 1 northern foundry, Jlfi.fiOji IB.OO. .?, O ui.iillin.i, .... ...I.... ,11 r...-r .... . j.,,. d roiiiiirni tiMiiiui... JihirniiiLw; .o. 1 southern foundry, $lfi.n(V(li!.oi, No. 1 south ern foundry, soft, $15.W 17.00. ehangA . Wheat . ..2I0 f) bu ; Increased .-Minn bu Corn, la M'i,nno lm . detrea! 2:,0( bu O.lts. i llClmO bu. . de.-reased 7. t" bu. live. 2.n22,ii bu , dect cased 32.1m) bu. Uarlcy. 2.8"'.t") bu , decreased 19,i) bu. I(tin City Ornln nod Prnvlalnns, KANSAS CITY, Dec. 9.-WH ..AT-De-ember. ,.e; May, SO-'iQ'O-ie; cash, No. 2 hard, lfityn;7c; No. 3, 76'0t78c; No. 2 red, MlWji', No. 3, s:HiU4't-'; No. 2 spring, 7!'o2e; No. 3, 7ff779c. .J.'OIl'V. December, 71?1i72c; Jnnuary, ,o,t; May, .Oyri7ot4o; cosh. So. 2 mixed, W!4i ; No. 2 white, ,oi(71c; No. 3, S'pToc. pr,!ir$;,3,.,7n,;n..f.5,molhy- MMt cholce IttrTTMH-creamery, IMir.'c: dairy, fancy, l,c. linns Weak on Increased receipts of fresh; fresh .Missouri and Kansas stock iltiolid on change, 21c dozen, loss off. casts returned; countrj held. Hie. UKCKIPTS-Wheat. i7,3no bu.; corn. Ctil.2 o bu.; oats, i'k'.oio bu. SIIIP.MIJNTS Wheal, 4.800 bu.; corn, 25, (X'l bu ; oats. ll.Oau bu. Plilleiiilelpliln I'riiitlK'c AIniUi-t, PlIILADIiLPHIA. Dec. 9.-11UTTKH-J'lnn and good demand, fancy western creamery, 2!ic; fancy nearby prints, 29c. Ll.OS-Steady and fair demand; fresh nearby and western, .'(!; frexh southern, Ac. Ircsh southwestern. 25e. (MIKKSK-Klrm: New York full creams, fancy, small, lie. New- Yoi;k Pull creams, fair to choice, 9fil(o4c. OMAHA 'iVIIUI,lAI,l MA UK irr. Oonillllon of Trmlo nml ttuolnt loin on Xlnple nnd Pnncr I'roilncc. i':?w,.?,ir7!',,Si "Bnti frc'1 fock, 21c. LIVK POttlritY - liens. 8lj6o old rooster;. 3yic; turkeys, 7fivc; ducks nnd geese, e'iOc; spring chickens, per lb., Inl0!fcc. DHI'SSIID POL-I.TilY-TurkoyH. 8ij0c; dUI'kh and ceese. 7iriSn: mirloi' hlnlr IWtSr; hens. 7i7'4c . HPTTHIl Common to fair. 13Hoi choice buss UV; bluellsh. 12c: bllhends. 10c; blue Ilns, it:; buffaloes, 7c; catfish. 12c; cod, 11c; cranples. 11c; halibut, lie; hcrrlng,'7o; had dock. 10c; pike. iuc. red snapper, loo; sal- inoll. Hilt MltlltlHb. fin- trnttt l..- u-l,llj,nal. 9c; pickerel. Be; fresh mackcrol. each, sofi Coc. Oi S 1'1'jRS Mediums, per can. 22c; Stand- 0rd9. Oer call, fifll evll-il nlmfi njr i.nn 33c: Key York counts, ner can. 40e: bulk btandurds, per gal., tl.2vui.25: bulk extra selects. $I.iiJ1.C6; Iiulk, New York counts, 'i J.,,,,, .U. IMUICONS Live, per doz., tc. VI'JjMj Choice, MjSc. ,t;"I"ST.MAS DKCOflATIONS. f IIHHS 1 to li feet, per doz., $1.75; f, to S feet, ner ilnz.. $2f,n; S n n fot nr $3.50; 10 to 14 teet, each, tl.OOfil.W; 15 to 20 ieei, eacn. jKy 1.00. llVliltllltKKX WIIIM'I'IIIVn-ln JO yards, per coll, $1; evergreen wreaths. 12 Inches lu diameter, per doz., $1.50; holly wreaths, 12 Inches lu diameter, per doz.. Si. iiuIjI.Y HItANCIIliS-l'er caso of 50 lbs., 1.50, per bill.. $2. LONO NKliDLi: PINKS-Pcr doz., $2.',0if .MISTLMTflK HrtAMrItr:RIio ll, 10c. -- lLVYPrIrr nnnj.rl l.v- nmfihu tt-i.i j,.i. Hnv Dealers' nsinelutluii! ihnirj. nriio,,,i $9.50 j No. 2 upland, $S.M: medium. $8; coarse". $7.W. Ityc Biraw. $5. These prices nro for hoy or good color and quality. Demand lair. CORN New, 63c; old, 63c. HUAN-$22. OATS-OOe. VKOCTABLL'S. POTATOKS Home crnwri. $1; nnrttinrn $1.10; Salt Iake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. l!AllimTStir,r h,i Vl JJISISTH Per ',4-bu, basket, Coc. TURNIPS Per bit., noe: itntuh.i-i.. n.r 100 lbs.. $1.25. ' tjucjuMHKns-iiothousn, per doz., $1.23. Ll'.TTUCK 1 lend, tier tihl. IK .',0? i.nthnii.i lettuce, per rioz..'25. l'ARSLKY Per doz.. 25c. RADISIIKS-Per doz., 2,-,c. SWKKT I'OTATOKH Tlomi. crnivn H.. 2!4c; genulno Virginia, per nol,, $3 60; Kansas, per bbl $3. uahhaoi; Holland seed, crated, l,c. ONIONS Homo urown. hit II. "SfiUo- Spanish, per crate, $2; Michigan reds, duo per lb. ui'.iiUiti Kalamazoo, per bunch, 2535c; Nebraska, ner bunch. 30'd35n: t?nlirnrnin 40uW:- NAVY HEANS Per bu.. $2.15. FRUITS. APPLKS Bon Duvls. ner bhl.. 14 (WVff TJ- wlnesaps, $5; Jonathan, 5.G0; ilcllcflotvcrs. per dux, ti.'K. l-r.Ausj viKcrs, $2.2j; Lawrence, $2.25 00. ORAPKS-Malagus. per keg. $5.506.CO. CRANHKRRIUS Per bbl.. $7.t;0S.OO! ner crate, $2.7a. TltUriCAL FRUITS. ORANOICS Piormas. ij ssras.C0: c.Tlifnmta navels. $3.501i3.75; budded. $3. LUMONS ''unci'. $3. DM13.73: ebolre. 1.1.00 413.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2,253(2.75. FlOb California, now cartons. 73e: lm. ported, per lb., 12tfllc. DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, tier Ih . BHci Salrs, Sc. MISCELLANF.OUS. NUTS Now cron wnmiitH. X'n. i ntt shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 12'4c: No. 2 soft shell, He; No. 2 bard shell. 10,4c: Ilraztls. per lb.. He: tllbcrts. nor Hi., lie! almonds, soft 'shell, 17c: bard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONI3 V Per 'Jt-sectlmi case. $3.5003.75, CIDER Nchawlta. ner bbl.. $3: Net. 1'nrlf. 3.50. lUDLb No. 1 green, Co; No. 2green, 6c, No. 1 salted. 74c: No. 2 salted, fi'ie; No. 1 veal call, 8 to 12V4 Uw 9o; No. 2 veul calf, 12 to 15' lbs,, 7c: dry hides. SglSc; snoop nelts. 2o'Q27c: horse bides. $1.fi(yrfL'.''j SAUERKRAUT-l'er .4-bbl,, fa; per $5.75. bbl.. Nt, Louis (irnln nml Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Dee. n.-WHEAT-IIIgher: o. 2 red cash, clnvntor. HiViu: track. S5'( 851 je; December, nam. YiciTiie, S5e; May, 85'.c; No. CORN-IIIgher: No, 2 cash. 67Kc: track, Gsci5iG0!ic: December, ff!ia Jluv, 70Ho. , OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 4Hc; track, i'Mf. December. 131. e: Slav. 4S;iv Vn white. 50e, Hi E Lower, C7!4c. KLOHR Stroiur: red wlntrr nnlonfu $3.S3?H.W; extra fancy and straight, $3.45,f 3.tV.; clear. $3.103.25. ' TIMOTHY SEED-Nnmlnnllv Iftmnic. m to arrive. " CORNMF.AI-Stcady nt $3.25. 1JRAN Strone: sacked, enm IranV 11 1ft (31. IN, on order. iiai TImothv. wpj k nt llonofMi sa. prairie scarce and strong at $12.(K'n.O0. ,, it.u.vi nirnuj til l,o, IRON COTTON TlES-93c. uAaniNf;-&5;iiG!c HEMP TWINE-Oc. PROVISIONS Pork. better: Inhhlni. $1(!.50. Lard, higher at $9.72V. Dry salt meats (boxed), stromr: pvtni vhnria nn.i clear ribs, $S.C0; clear sides, $S,75. lUcon (boxed), strong; extra sbnrtN nnri nim.r I I os. M V Spelter, hs. $9,371,4; idear sides, $9.C2V4. METALS I'ad, steady at SI.S3ffl.27U., uillor llrm i,t 11 IKi I 1711 " - POULTRY Steady; chiciceiis, He; springs. Jc; turkeys, 6!45j7c; ducks, tl7c; geese crenmery, 20flj25!xc; 8!4f76e. HI' I TER Steady ; dairy. 15,j20c. KOUS Steady at 22c. RHCUIPT8--Flour. 12.000 bills- 105,(H) bu.: com, 125,000 bu.: onts, 90.000 bu SHIPMENTS-Flour. 7.00.1 1,1,1m Vi,,., 33,001) bu,; corn. 75,(Xm bu.; oats. 71.000 bu. ' Mliinenpollx Wtieiit, Klnnr mid Ilinn. -c?- N N E A PO Ll S Dee. 9.WIIEAT-Cnsh, .8?o; December, ,,o; May. 70i;SiV; (in track Nn. 1 hard, 8lV; No. t northern. 7ic No. nnrlliiTii. Ti'.TiinTTiLo ' KLOI'It 100 hiaher: tlrHt nn tnnt. t, 4.20: second patents. $3.9Mi4.o;,; tlrst' clears J3.00fi3.1u; seeonil clears. $2.03. L"-rs, mtA.N in nun:, Ko.unjr-o.or,, HlliviiiiKee Ornhi .Market. MILWAUKEE. Dee. n.VlIATt, ular: No. 1 northern. 795T79ic; No. 2 north. m, Timiyi4e; Mil', 8.,'V, RYE l.owcr; No, 1. iC!c. HAULEY -Steadv: No. 2. fi?o: nmni. Mn CORN Muy, CSV- Toledo (i nil ii it ml Seed, TOLEDO. Dee. 9. Wl I MAT- Klrnnr, ...l. and Deiember, SiiHc; Mav. N'iijc. 'oiirt-,f irm and active; December, 65c. OATS-Deecmber. 47' ,c; May.MSc. Sl'.LDS (Mover. Mtrnnir l),nmli,,i. t-. . March, $5.S7. ' ' ' Ytsltilo Supply- nf (irnln, NEW YORIv. Den. 9 UT! AIV-TI,. ..lu.t. supply of grain Saturilav, Drrember 7. on compiled by the New York Produce ex- .MtlVII.MH.NT (IF STOCKS AMI IIO.M1S. A in it I uji tint .( Titpprr I'ontlittirs to 1 ll I It C ll I ll lt ('iilisploiniiiK PiikHIiiii. NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-Amalgamatrd Cop per ('ouilniied to maintain lis conspicuous position, even with the increase In unlma- tion in the market today. The opening sales tarried the stock back P- to H and this iiroved the low level of the dav hut .ie ni'iiianii uroppeil oit as otlen as tile stock approached Saturday's level, although determined suppott was always offered as It nenreil is, The bears became alarmed at the aellon of the stock and In the l,tl hour rushed the price up to 71 In their frantic bidding against each oilier. The llnal price was but a shade lower. Tho support oucicu to copper at the opening .-in. inoinpirii supporting oruers else Where and the innrlpi Mtnn,ll,l i, illy, (pilto a list or Important stocks rising a fraction over Saturdav. With a rise In tho. call coin rate to 7 tier cent Hiieculators took fright and unloaded stocks. Prices Kcneraiiy loiicucd inu low point of the day on this slump, although Individual stocks were forced down under subsequent at tack, carrying tho whole mnrket with them iiiivK hi nooui tnc low level several times. m. I'uiii was notaiiiy weak nnd fell 2 under Saturday h price. .Manhattan niso vigorously ntiacKCd anil driven 2i under Saturday. There was a good deal oi caning oi loans, nut in seeking new ac I'ommouations norrowcrs mil tbo ruto up upon themselves to a higher rnto than was neeessurv. Judging from later develop meats. I'he ruling rnto was i per cent, or even 5i- per cent, and there seemed ample supply at that llgure. The perception of this fact emerged about the same time thai Amalgamated Copper began Its rally, 1' rom a general level of a point or more below Saturday's prices tho market began to move upward and gained momentum. J here wns a slight reaction before tho cliie, but the advance was renewed, mak ing; tho closing active and strong nt about tno uesi. me unuiu railroads. Manhnt' tan. New ork Central. Sugar. Paelllo .nun ami uenorni t.iceiric wero ull prom inent In the rally and the. day clnsccf with nfiv gains, except in a tew instances, Railroad nonds weakened In symnnthv with stocks, but becamo Irregular later. iinimsn ueoentures gained nearly 2 per "in. loiai sales, pur value, ..tti;.ow. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Tho following nrn the. closing prices on Vn.L' Ulnnl a v,.l. nn . 1IIU . t ' ' .J . 1. . LALII.IIJjQ, Alchisoii 7714 St. raulpfd do pfd SOli.Ho, Paclflo . Haltlmorc & O...I02U So. ltalljvay lulanreji. exchange, $4,S4Vt . 51!22.Ln. nnilnH 94 8'. New Vork exchanitrt 4(e dleount . I'lllLADELPIIIA. Dec. 9.-Clerlngi, $13 h.'.mw, ti.iiunee, $j,oi3,25l, money, 6 per NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-Clearlngs. $112,109 i',o; Balances, 491,100. Huston Stack Uaotnt ion. BOSTON, Dec 9-Cnll loans, 4495 per cent; time loans, 4"yrfo per cent, utucini closing. Atchison 4s Mex. Ccn. ls...,( N. E. O. & C..., Atchison do pfd Hoston ,fc A N Y. N II Ci- II Fltchburg prd.. Hoston .V Me.... Huston E!e. Union Paclllc... Mex. Central .., Amer, Sugar.. Amer. T. v T. Dmn. I. &. S. .., (Jen. Kleetllc. . . Mass. Electric. do pfd N. li O. C... l'nlted Fruit ... V. S. Steel do pfd Vcstlngh. Com. Adventure .102 .Atlouez 4! . 80 lAmalgnmated ... 7ot . bi tiaitic 41 . 77H Illnglmm 27 . Kit. Cnl. llecln 664 ..3T.il (Centennial 15?; .212 uopper itange.... 0:1 .I42':'Dom. Coal 40' XKi't Franklin 14', .Itii (isle Koyaio 21 .Iiki .Mohawk , 37 . "lU'dlil Dnmtnlon ... L'ts I2l5 Parrot 31 d ibi'i vuiuc ioi . 241! Santa Fe Copper. :i! si . 31 I . 9.1'4 5 . 90 4I4 ld4 . 73 I 1H!4! t'nmarack Trlmountaln . Trinity United States Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... ..Oil . 39 H . 20 . 55 l.nnilon .sioi'k (liiotnt Iomk. LONDON. Dec. 9.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: W.... do nfil... Tex. t Paellle.. Tol St. L. W 110 pfil Union PjcIIIc .. do pfd Wabash do pfd W. &' L. 13...... do 2d pfd Wis. Central ... do nfil Adams Ex. do pfd 9.Ti Canadian Pau....H2Vt Canada So 84U Ches. X- Ohio 4!'( Chicago fc A !!5 do pfd 77!4 Chl Ind. & li.... 4! (In pfd 74!4 Chi. k K. Ill U7J4 Chicago O. W.... 22Jt do 1st prd....... SUV4 do 2d pfd 41W Cbleaco & N, W.2IK! I C, R. I. & V HM.i American Ex. Chicago t. & 1. . in in. . Kx... do pfd C. C. C. & Cotornilo do 1st pfd r,; do pfd. do 2d pfd 25U Amer. Lin. Oil... Del. Hudson. ..170 1 do pfd ,". Del. L. W 2UlAmcr, S. & H.... Denver & It, li.. HV do pfd do pfd UJT Anac. AKn. Co... Erlo 40i4 Rrooklyu R. T... do 1st "pfd...:;.. 71? Colo. Fuel & 1... do 2d pfd MU Con, Has Ot. Nor. pfd. ..'...1851,4 (len. Electric .185 r.'ii . tut, . 39U '.liooft .. WW 22$ .. IS .. 2M4 .. 20 'AIM ..Wl ..197 .. ....... 29' . Wells.Fargo Ex.lM) k St. li, .'isL'Amul. ("opper ... 70'f, So I3 Amer. Car c l'. 2!lI Hocking Vnlley.. (il!4 no pro m Il'lnols Central.. .i:i7 Iowa Central 37 do pfd 72 Lake Erlo & Vv. 07 do pfd 123 L. & N lm;i,4 Manhattan' L YM Mot. St. Ry iwpi Mex. Central .... 22U Mex. National ... 11 Minn. X- St. 1 107!;' Mo. Pnctlln 101.1, M.. K. .t T 251, do nfil 'US:' N. .1. Central 170 N. Y. Central. ...HiVii Norfolk & W 57H do nfil tit No. Paclllc pfd...loo- Ontario fc W 337; Pennsylvania ....HSi Reading n 00 isi pio..;.... 7S' do 2d ofd r,7H St. L. Sr S. F 52 do 1st iifd.. tlo 2d nfd... St. L. S. AY.. do nfd St. Paul . si 70i H . :3 .i:i (llucoso Sugar tlocklng Coal... Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power' ... Lacledo Han Nn. Illscuit National Lead.. Na Salt pfd No. American .. Paclllc Coast ... Paclllc Mall .... People's Has .... Pressed S. Car.. do pfd Pullman P. Car. Republic. Steel.. do pfd Sueur Trim. Coal & I.. I'tuon Hag & P. do pfd U. S, Leather .. do pfd U. S. Rubber.... do pfd U. S. Steel ...... do pfd Western Union. Amer. Loco do pfd 857, 17 4S !Hi5 . 8'J .it . 33 . 7ti!4 . 83 . 90 ?2! . 1 . U: . 9: 71V4 . 43 .211 IS; .121T, . 2J . 72Vi . 15 . 501,5 . u; . 91, . oiu . 31i Vork Money .MnrKrt. ,wN,:W. Dco- MONKY-On call, llrm at fifi7'. ner cent: lnt loan. r,u no.. cent; ruling rate, ii per cent; prime mer- .'iii.'n' i".i'i, I'.s'iti, tier ceni. S15RLINC1 EXCHANOE-Steady nt do ol.1".e.vyi1"1 nctmil busliiecs In bunkers hlllis nt $I.Sil' tor demand and tt.M'vit.KiM lor sixty days; posted rates, $l.8l!j((H.&5; com merclal bills. $4,83!',. SILVER-Bar, flo.c; Mexican dollars, IIONDS-Oovernmeut, bteady; state boudb, lnaetlvo: railroad bonds, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are na follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg. .lOSUiL. & N. unl. 4s...l02Ji do coupon I0'J 'Mex. Central 4s. 82 do 3s, rcg 10;' do coupon 10SV ao new s, rcg..i.iju UI) cuupuu 110 oiu is, rcg. ..nr. 21. do coupon 11 do 5s, rcg lU7',i do coupon 107V Atoh, gen. Is lu'l do ndj. 4s 91 Hal. Ohio 4s... 103 do ;'.i,4s Wi do conv. Is 101 Canada So. 2s. Cent, of (la. 6s. . no ih ine 1 A,a s a t A P ts. L'lies. ."i O. 414s.. .107 So. Pacllli! 4s.. in ,lr. Id, 1.... ..A,. t.u ICl II, U I'Jbll M. & St. L. 4s.... 103 M.. K. .t T. 4s... 9,4, do 2s till? N. Y. Central ls,10 do gen. 3i,4h....109!a N. J. C. gen, 5a.i:u4 No. Paelllo 4s... .105U do 3s N. & W. eon Sa 1fi".i'. Reading cen. is. iniT St L & I M e. 6s.llfiii St. L. . H I.' jt V.J oajst. L. s. w. is..:iw,4 10li!4 do 2S 7!lli 89J n.'ti . ... rn,-,- nil, ItiUlwllV I,S..lL1l.l C, H Q n, Is... US 'Tex. & pUc". Is. is: C, M A' S P g. 4s,111i T, St L & i' ts si C. & N. W. o 7S.139 .Union Pac. Is. lOiii; C. It. I. & P Is. .107 ' do witti. ' iTtii? ,".'71 CCC At S L g. 4s. 1031,4 Wnbash Is 1 men go icr. is., m Chicago & So w Den. & R. O. 4H..1031J Erlo prior I. 4s...Hni do general 4s... ,S9?4 F W & D C ls...10l, Hock. Val. 4!4s..10s',4 11 CI . - 1 nwyj 'uo ;s 11115 lo deb. H..J. tw2 Sy-t Hlwro Si. ..llf J; J" l:- 9li Vls. Central 4s.. 90tT Con. Tob. 4s (a Hid. Neir VorU Mining: Stoclii, NEW YOHK, Dec. 9,-The folloVIng nre tho closing prices on mining stocks; CntiRtilft. mnnnv do account.. ..92 9-iii Anaconda. .... Atchison tlo pfd Ma'. V Ohio.. Canadian Par.. Ches, & Ohio... Chicago O. W.. C, M. St. P. Denver a. R. O. tlo nfd Urlo do 1st pfd.. .. do 2d nfd Illinois Central.. 141 L. & N 10SU M Jv. t T 253. 01 ... 7vj; ..1014 . ..uiri . .110 47i Ibi 4 Hi : 8 j2; do N. 1 pfd.. Y. Ccn Central. . n4 55!i .lt.9 ' Norfolk & do pTd No. Pacific ,. Ontnrlo & W. Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd..,, do 2d pfd..,,, So. Railway ,, 10 Pfd So. Paelllc .... Union Pacific do nfd U. S, Steel do nfd Wabash ....... do nfd Spanish 4s Kami Mines .. De Peers .. f.S .. 92 ..10.1 .. 34: .. hi1.. :3. .. 0l . . i in ..fii; 4ia: ' 6-Ih 10, 40-i PAR SILVER Flat, 25i4d per oz. .MONEY 2..1 ner cent. Tho fate of discount In thn onen tnnrknt for short bills Is .'UiffSli per cent, for three ,,v,,,,,,o u,,,r, 074 jif i;i'llt. Cotton Mnrket. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 9,-COTTON-Spot, fnlr demand; prices ll-32d hlnher: Amer ican middling fair, 4 13-32d; good middling, i;4ii; untuning, 11,11; low middling, 4 17-32d; g 0011 ordinary. 4 13-S2d; ordinary. 4 5-32d futures opened llrm nnd closed very s tea dy. NEJV YORK, Deo. 9.-COTTON-Spot 1-ioi.en iiiuri, )u niguer; mmoiinp upianus, 8Uu; middling gulf. Sir: sales. 2.900 bales, Futures closed steady; December. 8.17o; January, S.17o; February, 8.1u: March, S.lOo; April, 8.19c; May, 8.19c; June, 8.17o; July, 8.15c; August. 8.05c. NEW ORLEANS. Doc. 9.-COTTON nteauyj sales, 6,!ino imlcs; ordinary. 4 3-luc good ordinary. 7 1-lBe: low mldrillncr. 7le: middling, S01 good middling, SUu: middling fair. 8 li-lCo. Receipts, 10,975 bales: stock, .1 1,0.1 naira. i.(uiou iiiiures, sieauy; up cember, S.05c; January. S.ojlc; Februarv, H.OirS.Otlc; March, 8.005fS.O7o; April, 8.060 8.1)80; .May, 8.0UtS.10o; June, S.lOe; Juiv, 8.011'. OALVESTON. Dec. a.-COTTON-Stcady. l!C. ST. IA3UI8, Dec. 9.-COTTON-Flrm, Uo niguer; saies. iwi naies; unudiing 7'ic. Ile eelpts, 4,580 bales; shipments, 4,116 bales; mucK, o,iiv uaics. Wool Market. greasy, LONDON, Dec. 9.WOOL-Offerlt!gs nt thr wool auction soles today numbered 11, in. ouies. competition wns spirited and fine qualities sold at full rates. A good ni-ieeuou 01 nue greasy was in active de maud for the homo trai'e and continent aim occasionally a lot was taken by Amer can nuyers. iowcr grades were more iictlvo and bids showed slight Improve ments. Sales In detail: New South Wulcs, i,,ij. u.iicsi scourcii. jvtju'ff is ihi; greasy 3!4','i9l4d. Queensland, t,!if) bales: scoured 8l'(ilnti!4d: greasy. r.'TdVil. Victoria, lij.floo bales; scoured, 5!4dyis 6!2d: greasy, 6(41? uki. ivest Australia. i.ii naics; scoured, ji "i;" ; greasy, .i',s'iii. rvew &caiiimi .,..') oaies scoured, 4?4dCflou; 2!4fi9d. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 9. WOO!-Steady: me dium grades. llSW.-u: light tine. 12!4ei5c: ncavy nue, lir(l 1.1:, uii) watncn, lltt-ic. Sit. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Dee. 9.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 3.5O0 head. Ineludluir.. 2.X0O hend T,.vnii! market about steady for natives, strong for marine; inline snipping ami export steers, $5. IOftli.55. with tho ton nt $7: lirrnspil benr. and butcher steers, $3.60fci.3t; steers under i.mm ins., $;).iu4fi,.im; stoekers and feeders, $2.:t5l't.75: cows and heifers. 12.00h5.00: hulls. $2.2u, ,1.60; caimers. $l.5iVa2.85: Texas and In. dlan steers. $4. 10ir5.:t0, fed: graspers, $3.25' 4.30; cows ami heifers. $4.35fto.25. itOdS-KcoelptK. s.ooo bead: market steadv to nc higher: pigs nnd lights, $3.900.50; packers: $5.95ittj.10: butchers, $11.15(1.10. SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Recclpts, 900 head; market steady; native muttons, $2,75413.85; lambs. St.OOfivi.lO: culls and bucks. $l.7S i.w; siocKcrs, i,!kjvi..v'i. (III nml 1101 it. OIL CITY. Pn.. Dec. 9 -OIL-Crcdlt bnl ances, $1.30; certllkntes, nn bid; shipments 129,221 bbls.; uverago. 81.777 bbls,; runs, 116,, 418 bbls.; average. 09.062 bbls. SAVANNAH. C.a.. Dee. 9.-OII, Turpcn. tine, llrm ut VMh; Rosin, llrm. TOLEDO. Dec 9.-OI L--North Lima, 91c; noiiiu 1. 111111 nun inuiaua, Nie. NEW YORK. Dec. 9. --OI I j Cottonseed. llrm: prime. :Vc. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, sieauy. iiiipcuimc. sieauy. Coffer. Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 9.-COFFEE-Spot 1110. sichu . .o. 1 invoice, ii.c. .111111. steady; Cordovn, 7Vlfillo. Futures opened quiet, with prices unchanged to 10 points lower under rcnllzlm;. Lnto in the nfter. noon some of the moro temote options were bid up to n level of 5 points nbovo Satur- ,1,1 l-'u plnun t'ttl, fiff nrl .f-a Bnn,n llnnl ...... .. ..... ., ...... ...... .,,n,, ., iiiimi jirlees being net unchanged to 5 points niguer. mini saies touay were I'u.ouu nags, including; December, 6.55c; March, 6.7o(fi li.SOc; May. fi.W6.95: July. 7.05JT7.10; Sep. tembcr, 7.25 7.300; October, 7.35c, HvaporHted nml Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Dee. 0 HVAPORATRn APPLES Trading in ovaporatcd apples was moderately active, particularly for choice and fancy grades, at full former prices; the feeling was generally Meady; state, common to good, 0ij8v4c: prime, 9g9'4c; choice. flMiiiVc: fancy. Uk&IOHo. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Inac tive, but numtnnllv steadv: iimncs. 3iW7n: apricots, royal. lOfitHc; Moor park. DUftMu; pcuches, peeled, 12ffl3o; unpcclcd, 7Q10isC. Dry Roods Mnrket. NEW YORK Dee. J.-DTIT CODDS Th nttltude ot sellers In staple cotton goods Is checking the demand somewhat. Thero hava been bids for considerable nuontltles nt recent prices turned down In brown ond conno colored cottons. Uleacheii muslins uro llrm. Print cloths, quiet, but firm. In narrow makes; wide goods are. tending upward. Prints and ginghams, llrm, but business moderate, Sugar Mnrkrt. ' NEW ORLEANS. Dee. n.-RITflAR Steady; open kettle, 3 9-167i3c: open kottlo centrifugal. Sifcft.'iUc; centrifugal, grnnu. luted. ('i'i!l?ie; whites. 3 7-1fMi3Uc: vnllowa. 2sW!iC; seconds, 2f(3Uo. Molasses, steady; open Kettle. 2011300; centrirugal, lSi20c. Syrup, stoutly, 25ff2Sc. HIbIii Hotter Mnrkrl. 11 LOIN. 111.. Dee. 9. BUTTER There wns no nutter offered on the Hoard of Trade today nnd nn sales, The market was declared firm at 2l!4c tho same us last week; sales of tho week, 000,000 lbs. OMAHA LITE STOCl MARKET Offiiligi tt 0ttU Ftlrly L!bir1, but Oon Ui Aiituli Mot Fltntifil. MARKET STEADY TO A SHADE LOWER for Hos PlTe Cents Higher and Firm on Good Deinnnd, Especially llenvj Only a Krir Cnrn Sheep on the Mnrket. nt SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 9. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, uificial Monday ,3sj Same day laat week 3,021 Hainu week before 4,'.'oi Sumo three weeks ngo.. 6.214 aiiinu tour Mceko ago... 9,dW Same day last year 2,381 average prices paid for hogs ai Omana tlm past reverm days with purisous; S.afir; 8, 1 SO t',1 1 2 9,15.1 tj.ul.' 6,10.' -i.tM ,9.i 11, '.Ml ..',5.' ,30 Sontli com Date. I 1901. lt0.1899, 1S9S.1S7.;18W.18S5 Nov. 16... Nov. lu... Nov. 17... Nov. is... Nov. 1... Nov, 20... Nov. 21... Nov. 22... Nov. 23... Nov. 24... Nov. 25... Nov. 26... Nov. 27... NOV. 28,.. OV. 19. Nov. 30. Dec. 1.. Dec. 2.. Dec. 3.. Dec. 4. 6 67HI 4 S2 3 90 3 96, 1 27 ( I 9U t 821 6 taw K CI 1 I TO Dec. Dec, Dee. Dec. Dec. 6 IS 6 81 6 76!i 5 66!, O ID I 0 1.1 f. WW; fe V) 6 93i n si;, 5 32; f 05 I 4 78 ( 76 4 781 6 86 4 87 4 761 1 711 3 89 3 86 3 5 3 8: 3 7 3 3 73 4 741 3 (W IWi 1 II 4 611 3 74 3 16 5.. 6,... 1 (i M 7 6 (M 9.'.".'.' 6 IP, 4 64 4 fid, 4 4 84 3 81 3 801 3 86 3 31 i 37 4 H 3 46, 3 38 3 23 3 4 3 46 II Ml 3 361 3 31, 3 15 3 87 3 36 3 32i 3 11 3 86 i 35i 3 Uii i 14j 3 41 13 28 3 34 a 1UI 4 3 S8 3 34 1 3 13 3 U 9 I 1)1 J 14 3 39 I 3 ot 3 2: 3 27 3 3i 3 24 3 28 2 20. 3 13 3 ; $ 241 3 II 3 21 3 16 3 46 3 241 3 2o 3 32 4 81) 3 81 4 l 3 211 3 3 28 3 29 3 37 3 35 3 27 3 23! 3 3 19 3 21 I :i 60 3 41 3 JI 3 40 3 31 3 IV 3 09, 3 231 3 lGt-3 39 3 09 3 3.B 3 42 3 25! 3 2tl 3 231 3 00 3 36 J M .1 .1", J 111 .1 U' 3 Wl 3 29 3 13 3 21, 3 32 Indlriitea Hunilnv. Holiday. Tho ofllcla! .number of cars of stock brought lu today bv each road was: (.Hllie. J logs. n n ii. 11 r s C M. & St. P. O. ft St. L. Ry Mo. Pacific Rv Union 1'nc. System.. . N. W. Ry F. K & M V R R.... C St. P.. M. O.. R. & M. It. R. R.... C H. & Q. Ry Iv. (J. flc Ht. J C, R. I. & P., cast., C, R. 1. &. P.. west.. Illinois Central Total receipts 1 r, 2 20 10 32 12 41 5 1 3 1 .134 It 6 la ir. 7 16 12 2i 1 1 ioi 19 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of bead Indicated: nuinn. utikiii., jiui,', o i i'. Omaha Packing Co a. 11. Hammond co..... Swift nnd Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country.... vnusanl & uo..., Lnbman Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlngcr Henton & Underwood... Livingstone Schnllcr. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husz II. I j. Dennis & Co Wolf M S & S Other buyers 411 616 316 651 4M KS 103 83 S S7 26 102 137 9 9 4 "iii l,.'n 1,914 1.701 2,708 813 400 89 1.05H 731 706 1.048 3,12 8.339 4.170 Totals CATTLE The nupply of cattle today was a trjue more lioerai man it was a wcca ago. The bulk of the receipts continue to pe made tin or cow stun, ns comparatively t?w corn-fen steers wern orrereu toonj. The most of those that did arrive wero ot tlm half-fat vurlety, which packers aro not very anxious tor Any thing desirable In the way of corn fed steers this morning sold without much trouble at Just about last week's prices, but thero were no finished cattle on sale. Thr common and wnrmed-un cnttle changed bunds very slowly and In a Root) tunny enses sales were made that looked a shade lower tnan last week. The cow market was aotivo ana tne net- ter grudes could be quoted steady to strong. Packers seemed to want all that was offered and as a result salesmen had no trouble to net very satisfactory prices ihn medium crat es nnd dinners orougnt Just about steady prices. 11111 s. calves ami much were also in kooo donidiifl, but thero wax no particular change noticeable 111 tnn prices paid. Offerings of stoekers and reedcrs wero rather light this morning, so that good to choice, heavyweight cattle or prime year lings sold freely at strong prices, Thern was no chance, however. In either the de mil ml for or tho prices paid for cattle of .ommon duality. Tho demand from tho country Is for the better grades and ns a result It Is n dlttlcult matter to dispose ot poor grades nt satistactory juices. Range cattle were scarce In tho yards this morning, but tho few that did arrive sold without much change from the prices paid last week, as a general thing tney fluctuated nhout the same us is noted nbovo for unlives No. 2 1 20 2 i'.'.'... 5 II 10 V.'.'.'.'. is Av. 800 950 .963 .....10.10 992 1060 1119 ,....1090 1130 1209 1115 ittlves. Representative sales; HEEF STEERS. Pr. 2 00 ;i 50 1 (III 4 10 l 10 4 15 1 45 4 70 4 75 t 80 4 85 No. 41 12.... 126... 10.... IS.... 21.... 35.... 51.... 19.... "Av. ..1330 ..123.1 ..1285 ..1176 ..1153 ..1212 ..1130 ..1109 .. 9SI ..1330 Pr. r, on r. 10 r. 211 5 25 r. r,o 5 25 r. x, r, 35 r 40 5 15 84... IS... 1... 1... 1... 1... 3... 3... !3... 1... 4... STEERS AND HEIFERS. Adnms Con Alice nreece Mrunswlck Con. ConiBtock Tun... Con. Cnl. & Vn. Dcadwood Terra Horn silver ... Iron Silver Leudvlllo Con.. :'.o 41 15 75 6 150 50 .130 60 5 Little Chief Ontario Onhir Phoenix Poto?! Saviigo Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes .. Standard ,. 13 ,. 95 . 02 . 6 . 1 . 6 ' 42 ,.375 OMAHA. $l,19I.K;.2il; H.24.,,221.01 Hunk Clc iirlitgK. Dec. 9. Rank cleorlngs today, corresponding day last vear. decrease. ir,o K..7 7.-. M. I.UI'Ib, Dee. 9. Clearings, $11 031 !) balances. $1,615,203; money. 4',i'.i5ii per cent' .sow "Vork exchange, 25e discount. CINCINNATI. Dec. O.-Clcnrlngs. $l,2S9.. S.): money, swill per cent; New York ex. change. 6'nioo premium. HALTIMORE, Dee. 9.-Clearlngs, $3,472.. SKd;( balances, XV.OW; money, njflj per CHICAGO, Dec. V.-CU-arlngs, J2?,t?0,701j tiii: niiAi.TV market. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Monday, IUIIIUVI ir, li'Vii Wnrrnnty Deed, F. E. Adams to E, R. Hume, lot 16 and 17, block 1, lot 10, block 2, Ste veils' place Nels Polmqutst tu Anna Tillnulst, lot 23. Suniiyslde add , II. M. Wright to C. E. Norrls. lot 12. block F, Ixiwo's add 1.500 K. M. Smith to M, L. Potter, lot 1. block 2, Patrick's Third Saratoga noil. M. II. Folger el nl to II. E, Elehlmrn. s 25 feet lots 1 and 2. block t. Red tord place E, M. Urown to Charlton Realty com pany, w fX) feet ot r 100 feet of s 145 trt ior i.i. diock -. I'ark 11 aro.. A. T. Curtis to J. J. and Margaret J. Russoll. sia lot 17, block 9, Kountso Third ndd (lull CI11I111 Droits. R 11. Robertson ami wife to F. E. Adams, lot 10. block 2. Stovens place. E. It. Ilunio nnd wife to J, L. Urown, lot 10, hlock S, Hedford place, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, Cottage park.... Heeds, Sheriff to CJ. W. Smith, s 65x132 feet In tax lot 10, in 22-15-13 De- 1 800 la 55 1.50O SCO 250 3.S40 6... .3... O V.','. 1... 1.. 6.... 4.... 4..;. 4.... 2S.... !!. 8.... fl.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 7.... 37.... 6.... ..1016 1072 640 820 820 810 893 850 920 losr, 9.M 890 ldtiO SS0 866 924 1150 , 865 960 , 8M) Sill) , S70 ' 990 S50 1190 1225 1140 050 1013 1000 1090 985 925 1300 1100 810 810 1036 H40 1000 SIS 975 1082 855 874 1205 915 1013 844 986 862 1020 020 950 1020 1010 1 ! 5 10 ( 1 60 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 10 2 10 2 10 20.. COWS. 12.... 11.... 11.... 1.... 1.... 4'!;" 12.... 12.... .1113 5 35 2 35 2 40 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 61) 2 60 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 75 1 , 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 SO 2 85 2 S3 2 85 2 85 2 00 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 11) .1 00 3 9 .1 3 5 1 ilI'.'."!! 10 1 1 4 1 16 1 !:::::;:: ::::::: 4 4 21 10 is!!!!!;'.'. 1 1 1 6 11 3 2 1 I... 18... 3... 19... 7. . . 1... 1... 13. ,..1056 ... 730 ,., 790 ...1160 ,..1110 ... 9S6 ... 795 ...1010 .. 852 ..1111 ..1165 ..1160 .. 8SU ..1090 ..1000 .. 970 ..100,-, .. 919 ..1U63 ..1000 .. 910 ..1175 ..12110 ..1005 ..1110 ..1060 ..1000 ..1040 .. 970 .. 890 ...10S5 ...1047 ... 896 ...1121 ... 946 ...10S9 ...1140 ...115.) ... 070 ... SSS ...1301 ...1190 ... 960 ...1090 ...1315 ... 919 ...1170 ... nio ...1173 ...1030 ...1031 ...1310 ...1280 1171 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 00 3 00 00 3 00 :: no :i 00 3 00 .1 on n 05 :: 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 n 10 3 15 3 15 3 16 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 55 3 55 3 55 :: 00 .'I 60 .", 65 ? Ii 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 SO 3 85 3 90 3 95 4 00 1 00 I 00 4 CO 4 10 I 40 4 00 4 03 4 .... 676 ? 75 8 . . W) 3 Nl 16 4.V. 8.". 1.' M ! .7) 810 .1 to 17 1191 ! ,Vt 1 720 3 I.) 3 Rsi 1 on ? HH) J in 16 022 3 60 1 jW J (ft 1 518 3 01 f 6 II 613 3 0. ISI J 3 25 1 920 3 6.-, ; 'S 9 6(!S 3 75 J $00 3 2 16 8S7 3 So 5 J'g J ' 1 lm'') 3 SO ' 2 S 17 SM 3 85 19 (!76 S 19 9S.' no ... , . NHRRASKA. li feeders.. Hi 3 55 2 feeder. 1035 1 55 5 rows 911 2(1 39 feeders 10-lH 3 3i oiu in fli :'K inn wi , ,.i 2 75 2 COWS 1015 " 75 6 cows. ...Wv) 3 (5 4 cows..... 745 12 cows. 2 cows. . 12 cows... 1 cow. .. . 7 cows.. . . II cows.... 90 cow.... 3 bulls.... 2 feeders. 1 feeder.. 19 feeders. 3 feeders 1 cow 12 cows.. S cows.. 33 cows... 1 cow.... 2 cows. . . 67 cows.. . 3 cows. . . 23 cows. . . 1IOOS- 931 ..1270 2 40 2 50 A. Ollls-S. D . I AS 3 OT, 21.1111c. . 1305 .1110 3 Of. 10 steers... .Krts . &) 2 60 25 rows 951 .1050 3 55 I cows 10-5 William Morrls-S. D. . 937 .1 30 1 Mcer 1050 .1310 2 40 1 steer.... I22 . 970 .1 Nt 3 feeders.. 876 (lerrard tlro..-Neb. . 720 3 I2i 2 cows 80 . SOT. 3 421, 2 cows SOT. . So5 3 00 1 cow 1070 , . . 720 1 00 J. Johnson Neb. ... '"01 3 III Tolland Cattle Co.-Wyo 2 45 3 75 2 85 3 55 t 0 3 60 3 80 2 35 S75 . !7 .1200 .11)75 .1002 . 816 E. . 852 Today 30 33 rnivn. 2 96 lstag.... COLORADO. 4 00 5 steers.. 2 90 2 steers.. 3 65 3 steers.. 3 ( 3 feeder J. Wright-Colo. l l. cows. . . hog market 99.1 1060 .1312 1290 1133 .1000 . 811 was .1 0 3 50 I OI I ro 1 10 3 0i) 3 () t. IA. I , ,1 ..I.J, Mlll'V iiKiier man n.uuruny. un the start the advance wns not to exceed a nickel, but tho market soon llrmcd up and trading beenmo nctlve. Choice heavyweight boas sold largely from $6.15 to $6 25. (loud mixed hogs brought from $6.10 to $6.15. while butcher weights sold largely from Itl.u) to KI0. On the first half of tlm market he MglltWclchts lllun until Iri'nlv nml tiiH-n..,.,,,! about ns much as the heavyweights. Thy soin an tnc wny from $i,.oo down. As all the naekei'H i.i,n ttlwr:il Itni'nru Dil n.i.r... lug It wns not long beior'e the bulk of the ofTerlngs wns out of first hands, The '"mo ns usual, however, the lightweights Were more ir leas niirlertnil. ittnl n n re. suit they wero left until tho Inst, which made the close of the market rather slow and a trlflo wraker. Henrcrr.tfitlve sales- Av. Sh. Pr, 248 16") 6 10 ... 6 10 ... 6 10 . . 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 121, K 12" v 6 12', 6 IS 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 K 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 17". l! 17l(, 6 KI4 1 li 20 6 20 6 '.'11 6 25 6 25 6 25 ... 6 25 fat she 1. u. .11 .cro "nI-v " frw pnr' and tho ,uriiJH. ":!'. ",n "l "1'? morning Steady 1 """ "ri union just about ers took he I " ,,,K nt ''-"Iralne. pm.k not one wl '" KOn1 "mipc, and It wns !' tnriH'' snles, thero wns tinllilni- irinii. 11 iron oirered or l.lr.1,., ,,..i "" .7.. . ern paid. i'"" .."inn iihvc Thern .. 0 tho reeetn - . ' , '.CW-.l.?rPrs Inclllde.l In rather riiiii ; 1,1,1 ," market was r A..5r ." "S few huyers nrr veil. (-holcc Ifghtwclght yearlings, in. J 1 lurdllim Weight 3iVff! iii. .;i,i ". ;o u. Krara year ngs, .ni'fl.i.hO; choice wether, fl ii-.. r,. . No. Av. Sh. Pr. No 189 84 ... 4 60 72. 16 110' ... 4 75 77 210 157 126 120 5 25 83 192 91 153 ... 6 85 91 205 175 146 ... 6 85 61 225 144 ... 6f) S4 225 MA 1 80 5 9'. 67 235 110 161 120 0 95 76 210 87 120 ... 6 00 81 2IS 83 183 10 6 00 10 225 169 ... 6 02 U 83 mi 91 195 320 6 02'1 41.!! ..201 ir I'O 40 6 05 S6 184 8 191 80 6 05 72 191 ?f HI 0 05 78 206 M i232 200 (105 SO 90 22 ' 80 6 05 30.. ....256 4 197 40 6 05 19.. . 231 !? K 40 6 05 M JtJ 1 W 160 6 05 SS. 266 0? 190 40 6 05 49.... "(2 ?' jW 6 05 61 236 ?: i; --A (if. 77 236 I"1 178 . 80 6 05 ss 171 182 10 6 05 72 241 i jn 10 6 05 69 277 Ji 19S ... 6 05 76... 2 7 5' w 6 07u :::::;sU 2 ?' rt7jg 7S 217 ' 1S6 ... 6 07U 5iA 25 fts im !i07 i7 J.' 100 6 07 63 213 U M 072 86 197 '? 40 6 p7t; a iv ?s si1, 3M 07 49 :::2i2 m::::::ss gs " 2 S:::::f?iJ ICO to 120 4"1 80 to 280 240 120 SO 80 240 40 '40 120 46 210 VI 2S0 160 80 400 10 1W 2S0 40 80 "FLORIDA SPECIAL FROM CHICAGO to ST. AUGUSTINE Pullman Patnre Sleeping Car Throjgn Without Urirrc Lvto Woek daj, via BIG FOUR ROUTE KtTectlve .Monday, January 6, 19'12, the ' Rig Pour' will opera to through Pull man service, Chit igo and Indlannp ills tost Augustine, without haiige, via t'lnclnn.iti nnd "Queen A- Cres cent - southern Ry.-Pl.iut System nnd Florida East Coast Sleeper will run on ' Hlg Pour' leg.tlar train No. IS. In eoimoi Hon with the magnlllcent UileiKo and 1'lr.rlda Spoelul" from t iiclnnati rhe train i nnslits of .L,',A.,.AN :.y HSTlllfl.l.D SLEEP K11S, JIAHNIKICUNT 1HN1NO CAR. i. t'iU'.V.'i l J ! O ' s i: R ' A T I ON C A R. LSl'IHl'LED HAdHAOE CAM. v( iiiint 1,1; or i in; 1 'FLORIDA SPECIAL" P M7 l:i ..4;..l ...6.21) M Lv. Chicago, d.illy rxc -pt Suuds.i. 1 v. Lnfityette, dally except Sltui.i.v Lv. Indianapolis, dally except Sunday Lv. (Ireenshurg, dall except Sunday iv. i nil i a na it, pit 1 1 y exrept mmilny ij.ns Ar .Incksonvli le. dully e.v. ept .Mundnv. ,S:15 AV. s- Aiigustlne, dally except Monday . .9.) I' or full Information and pnftl. nlais as tu trlicdulcs, rates, t b'kets, etc., call on ai-enti "UIB Pour Route' or'nddreis the nnu" -signed. WAHHi: .1. I.Y.M'II, V. P. Cen. pass. & Tltt gt Asst (1 C1XCI VVATI. 11 imu'im:, r t a. OllOfallnn W.90W4.10: good eii l llngs, $3.013.110 3..HVW3.60! elinl,,- .... fr,nA ' ""VJ ."' "":""''(' .l."l S f r1: J''?'c" i'wos. $2.90jr 1- M'-'uii L"i-n. jz.4sn ' -ni' nt The I- Fast Train aro via THE UNION PACiriC What is tho use of wastlnir your time enrouto oad your money on extra meals when It COSTS NO MORE to travel m tha Oneot trains on tbo b-jt bl ltcd road In the west, the. Oftwt Trana-Contluoutal Line, "Tb Oyerland Routo?" The Popular I'cr.sonnlly (.onductcd Excursions nrr, vl this lino. Leav(( Omaha erery Wedneaday and Friday at 4:25 p. m. can Join excursion at ay point enroute. Pullman Ordinary Cars leave Omaha at H.lOyp. ra. ,Vflry Tuesday for Los Angeles, Pullman .Ordinary (Tourist) Cara leave Omaha DAILY at 4:26 p. m, for San Francisco and Portland. For full Information address, City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Tolophonr) 316. $ri?rf..K1S,d e?ir- W-W2.M; common to i'rJ-i001 u choice lambs. $4.5O!H.;0; t o,?,r "J"b?- N-SS.W: fder weth: ewes fair to ers Sti Wim i r . , ' 'pif","v, levner ivein- ?"e,u;un1S'.f"(lcr lamU- ?3.Ma3.50. Rep- i cull wes i3 cull rtvcii " " 4SS cull ewes....'.!'.'."!'. Cllll nivnil i goat !.!!.'!!!!""" I buck 10 native o.vnd 207 fed wethers.. iui i'iiiur 1 fffl U'nf line i.'.i .'.'''! 5'PJii llug' wether's.'.'.' . ifu yearling wethers... A hlli'la 61 native l'aiiihs!li!!!!iii!" I .vearllnir eui 811 western lambs H lambs Av. i 79 , 75 87 , 102 110 130 131 143 122 100 101 102 175 97 HO 58 70 Pr. 1 00 1 00 1 35 1 V. 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 50 3 50 3 ) 3 75 3 73 I 05 4 05 3 25 3 53 4 30 CHICAC.O 1.1 V 1-1 STOCK MARKET. Cnttlr l.iin rr- IIokk Strong-. Higher Sheep 9... 1... 1... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... n 'i'.'.'.'. i... 756 703 570 OHO 033 980 1200 1310 ....... 91D 900 1200 1020 1380 1410 1130 1173 150) 1350 STOCK flOO CIS 3 85 HEIFERS. 2 35 0 2 50 2 2 50 1 2 70 HULLS. 803 3 85 .. 771 .. 910 ..1000 2 10 2 25 2 35 2 60 2 50 2 ft) 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 85 3 00 COWS 2 70 1. 1 1 1 AND 1 l ,1380 .1270 .1440 . ..lliSO ....1570 ....1025 ....1500 ....1250 ....1410 ....1120 ....1250 ....1510 HEIFERS. 530 3 in) 270 3 13 3 50 4 00 3 00 3 01) 3 00 ::'io S 25 3 25 3 40 3 50 3 75 3 75 3 S 4 00 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... B.... 1.... 4.... .... 4.... 18.... CALVES. 100 4 75 I 110 55 1 110 f, 50 I 110 5 50 STOCK CALVES, 313 3 00 1 ;io :i ii STOCKHRS AND FEEDERS 3 00 5 50 110 110 130 100 t 75 3v) 850 522 578 570 407 2 50 2 05 2 05 2 73 : j; 3... 5 V 57..';.';;;;! 25 t;:o SH 070 Mt 731 3 40 3 40 .'I 40 3 40 3 (0 2 4l 3 5 C'llK'AfSO. llee. !)...PATTr.i? n...ini. '4.000 bead: ireneral nmrlfui iikiii,, in..! S'.'i'Jil !,!.l'rlm( KIOftN.oo; poor to medium! Sl.(10rfh.2.i: ktiliilfiil'd t,ii,l rAA.trt .i.ivjir. ..,"-?'.,$r ;-'J.H;!''i J,.r'(?r.Hi -'.5W5.Jo; eannors. "yt'A'S'S01. S"'H4.75; calves. $2.W)4f5.50 IIOl.S Receipts today. 50,000 head; estl. niated tomorrow. I5,ohi) head; left over, 5.000 head: market 5'(il0e higher, closing weak: mixed and butchers'. $5.S.V'0.25: mod 10 lllllco heuvv. J.I.OiVrl li. 13: rnin.li I,..,..,.. l: ?5.90; light. $5.25'f)5.90; hulk of Mile's," $5J Mi..,0. SHEEP AND LA .MRS Receipts, 25.000 head; sheen, steadv to Kimiif t ?'pr "U" t Jirong; good to choice wethers f3.50fj.i.2.; fair to choice mixed, $2.73'5j.3.50: western sheep. $3.Coii.0o; nallvo lambs. $2 50 4(5.20; western lambs, $2.0u?i ,5, Oflklal Saturday: Receipts-Cattle, 053 head; hogs, 30,208 head; sheep, 1,035 heod hhipmetus-(.Mtie, 719 licuil; hogs. 2,'j3 head; sheep, 599 head, Knnm Cl(- I,lvr Stuck .Mnrket. KANSAS CITV. Dec. 9.-CArn,E-Re. oelnts. 5,.i0i head natives, 700 head Texons and 300 head calves; beef cattle, steady, others strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.90'afi.7O; fair to good. $l,75ff p.fiO; stoekers and feeders, $3.0041 LM; west ern fed steers. $5.O0ffi.25; western rilligo steers. $3.50(1-4.80; Texas and Indian steers. ?3.00?1.75: Texas cows. $2,0013.75; natlvo cows, $2.i5fc.25; heifers. $3.25115.50; caimers, $1.75f2.0O; bulls, 2.50"(i 1.25; calves. $3.255.50! I lue.S Receipts, 13,imk) head; nuirki t 5fi20c tllgher; top, SG.00. bulk of sales, $5.85Ti'i,50; heavy, $i,..iOiiii.i): mixed packers, $ii.2ofifl.50. Ilfht, $5.501i 0.35; pigs, $1.00115.50. IMJEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts. 2,000 head; maikel strong; native lambs, $l.231t' 4.75: westi-rn lambs, $1.001,50, nntlvo wethers, $3.50J(5.(i0; western wethers. $3,25(?i' 3.50; western yearlings. $3.8."(j4.25; rwes. $2.,5 (&3.I0; culls and feeders, $.'.(Hi 3.2.1. :nr 11rl; Mir Stuck Market. NEW VORK. Dee. 9.-HEHVES-P.ecclpts. 9.6:J1 henil; active and llrm: bulls, steady, steers, Il.'JOfiiU.". bulls. $l'.501i3.20; export bulls, $1.70; cows. $l.tiOJ(3.75. ( 'ables, steady ehlpments none CALVES-Recelpts, 1,000 himd; sloiy, 2.V lower; vouls. $I.O't?7.75; grasscrs, $2,75f3.25, western calves. $3.50. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 10,300 head; sheep, lower nnd slow; lambs, 2Jo off , sheep, $2.0oli3.25; extra heavy owes, $3,404; 3.50; culls. $1.25; lambs. $I.(X(5.00. HOGS Receipts. 12.80a head; llrm; state. $ti.W4iG,15; westerns. $5.90. St, .limeiili 1,1 vr Stork Mnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 9.-C'ATTLE-Recelpts, 1.100 head; steady; natives, $3.50f7.a; Tex ans and westerns. $3,0010.83: cows nnd hnlfors. $1.25f5.W; veals. $2.50f5.25; bulls and stags, $2.0i'(i5.Xi; stackers and feeders, $2.00 fl 1.25. HOS-Hecepts. 8.3fo head; mnrket SftlOc higher: light and light mixed. $5,85fifi.45; medium and heavy. $0.0i)i;.55: pigs, $3,501 5.00. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Reeelpts. 2iflhead; steady; top Iambs, $1.75; top ewes, $1.50. Mock III Sight. Tho following table shows the receipts of lattle, hogs-and sheep at tho live principal markets for December 9: pittle. ,!,,Vh $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in Ail Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE .nd HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without CilttlllC. oMc sc ion of time. QVPUII lecuredforllfeanataapolson j? 1 7' 'tborouifhly clianied f rom tbeijutem. boon every sign and symptom disappears and forftrer. Ho commnti.lv nilKAKINO OUT" of the disease on tha slln or face. Treatment contains nd daneeroua Brupi or lnjurlona meaiclne. WEAK MENfrom Excesses or Victims to NKKVotia DKnit.nv or ExmusTiotf. WASTtNO WAKtr.SS With KAHLY VtCAt 111 Yocmj and Mtniit.E Anr.n, lack of rim, vigor and strength, wlta organs impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new noma Treatment. No pain, no detention from busl wis. Kidney and madder Troubles. Canultll Call on on or addrr ts CHARGES L3W iinntrre. 11 ffatmfnl fay Mill. iiu so. i4tn st. Dr. Searles & Searfes. Omaha, M. Office Iloura, Sunday, from H r n, tn. 111 II p. M. Hi. tO ft JI. Ill, DR. McGREW (Age S3) SPbUIALIST- DlnvinteM mill iiiHiiiiiuin or Jien 4)nlr. 2!(l Yrura' Experience. It, eai lq Omnliii, VARICOGELESultnc1uc?tin,iu'n 10 day" QVPUII IQ nix! a" Klood Dlscaves cured WirnlLlO for life. All bicakinc out nml signs of tho disease dlsappeur ut once. rPH Jfl nnn CUB,.'.H. uii of nervous uii.il iU uuu debility, loss of vitality and nil unnatural woukucssos nf men. Stricture, Glret. Kidney and Hladder Dis eases, Hydrocele, cured pertnunently. I iiri-N (iiinritiitrril, ('.iiisiillallon Preo, CHARGES LOW. Treatment oy nuvll. P. o. Box 7C5. Oltlto over 21o S, Hlh atrcet, between Par nam and Douglas Sis.. OMAHA. NI'JU, ITALIAN PEPPS, I lOIAtlMIHM PMKtirMKtl.l A HANDY fOCMtt STAMP BOX WHIN tMPTY GUM IMPERIALS. r 10! ALUMINUM DOXtS.I ASS0UTCD PURC FLAVORINGS. . IT NOT SOLO BY YOUR DRUGGIST, v r t, MHiiturPHUPOsitctiPforKict. auJCra fl63 Broadway, N.Y.tlTY. 1 South Omaha. fhlrago Kanns t'lty.. St. Louis St. .loseph ... TotaU .... 2l.(rtl , fi.200 , :i,5ii0 , 1,400 Hogs. s,:;i'.i rM 1,'t.OlH S.W) Sheep. 5.(07 25,000 2,ooO fx.l 200 as, iv. ).7,t';3 :a,507 lulepCMn lO.ln, Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. itoyd A Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION linAt.N, PROVISIONS AMI htocics, IIuoi of Tru.le lliillrtlnj,. TJIraot wires to Clilcsjo aud Naw TotH Corti;ondnc, John A. Warren Co.