Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells drugs
Htoakcrt sells carpets and russ.
Metz beer at Neumnycr's hotel.
Lira. Green, otllco .103 8a pp block.
Wclsbuch burners. lllxhy A. Son.
KIcRHtit X'nns photon nt Schmidt's.
Wollmiin. sclcntlllc optician, M Uroudway.
Dr. Stephenron, IJaldnin block. Elevator.
Cabinet photos only M.W dozen. Williams.
John Morkcl left Inyl evening for Chi
cago. Hxcclslnr MiifoiiIc lodge, will meet to
night to sleet omens.
Missouri oak body wood, 15 M cord. Win.
Welch, a N. Main St. Tul. US.
Christmas pictures, C. H Alexunder ti
Co., JIB We.-t Uroudway. Tel. S'A
Tor rout, furnished rooms, modern con
veniences. 215 West WnshliiKtoti uvenuc.
a. C. McCrendy will leave this wcko 'or
Wulhi Wiilln, Wanli., to enKKe In bust
net's. Lost, last Friday, black belt potkelbook.
LOUlullllDK keys'. Ilcwiird If icluriKMl to Hen
Kudlant Home Move, guaranteed not to
crack. Hold by I'uterscn & Schoenlne.
.Merrlam block.
Mr. and .Mis. H. T. SpariKler of Aurora,
la., arrived yesterday on a visit to thulr
datiKhlor, Mrs. A. T. Kllcklnifr.
(learn Sun ford took out u bulldliu; per
mit yesterday for the erection o u two
ctory franin dwelling on Hotilh Klrst street
to COKt J'.'.Ew'.
retcrscn .t SchoenliiB, Merrtnm block,
havo the most complutc line of lint ll.ait
i toves In tho city and at prices that will
hurprtsn you.
Woodwind Virginia ihorolales. In '-ll.
and 1-lb. boxes AhsiiIIimI llavurs. Tliese
iile III'1 llill, dark, bitter sweet, Italian
chocolate rruiiniH
Thu Current Topli department of the
Woman's elub will meet Thursday nftot
uooii at the elubrooins, with Mrs. Victor
Jennings us leader.
T. Leonaid of Hazel llled an Information
In Justice Kerrler's emirt yesterday against
Mat Hoover, a furm hand, eharKliiK him
with shootliiK Ills duR.
Woodward's (Janyiuede chocolates. lb.,
1-lb., 2-lb. mill 3-lb. boxes. The best box of
assorted lluvored chucolatev on tho market.
HIv retail stores on one street In ("hlcaxo
hell this package
Marie. . year-old ilinmhtcr of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Crane of I'rcrcenl township,
died Sunday of scarlet fever. The funeral
was yi'Htetdiiy nriernoon, Interment being
In Crescent township cemetery.
Mrs. Palmer. civuiiKcllst. will preirh
every evening this week at the Iowa Holi
ness nffloiiatlon mission. There will be
prayer meetlni; each day at noon and at
;:Jo p. tn. Mrs. I'almer will conduct a
bible reading.
Henry Chtlstensen, charRfd with steallliK
the clothes of Max Loath, a fellow em
ploye at the t'nlon I'acllle transfer depot
hotel, wiih lined K7 and costs In police
court yesterday and committee! to the
county Jail In serve It out. ,
The ense npalnst John Harrahlll. chiircrtl
with embezzlliiB l:'." from his employer,
liny Cook, a Hroadway urocer, was con
tinued Indefinitely In police court yester
day. Harrahlll expects his lelatlves will
hcttle the matter out of court.
District Organizer T It. Drake of th
International TypoKraphlcal union N milk
ing a short tour ot the stttle In tho Inter
ests of the union. He will visit l-'ort 1 iodic.
M'uterloo and Marshalltown for the purpose
of orKimlzinK unions In those cities.
William Ilrady, colored, arrested Himd.iy
night for currying a dirk, was lined V'
and costs In police court yesterday morn
ing for being drunk. He pleaded not guil'y
to carrying concealed weapons ami the
hearing on this chnrgo was continued.
As Judge CJreen Is lied up hero with the
Doyle-lliirus suit, Judge Wheeler lias ar
i a lined to open the term of district court
III ltcd Oak today. This change will make
It necersary to adjourn the term of eo'irl
which Judge Wheeler wiih to have held in
Audubon and Judge (irceu will hold it
during the holiday- .VHCitton.
The attiacilon at the Dohauy Iheater for
tomoirow afternoon and night will be the
"Kilties," Canada a uotrd military band It
Is composed of forty musicians, all appear
ing In toll killed regimentals. This line
musical organization has appeared In the
leading cities ul" the 1'nlled States and
everywhere has had ic generous reccptlun.
Mike Hard, the Wyoming ranchman
charged with drawing his revolver on Mrs
Will IH.ickhiirii. a colored woman, Sim.lny
evening on Hroadwuy, paid it.'M Into the
city treasury yesterday morning and was
I cleaned. Judge Ayleswortn. In podec
court, lined him $5 and costs for being In
toxicated and ?'i anil costs for canylng
concealed weapons.
Mlsa Marie Hnowdeu has Jast completed a
very Hiiccesstul tour of the Orpheum cir
cuit, Kverywhere she was received with
entliuulasiu and she made a decided hit. HI.
l'aul' church choir has engaged this
talented young lady for a specialty act lor
the vaudeville show which will be given at
Dohany'n theater next Thursday ovening.
llsn Snowdcii Is a gracious and charming
little lady mid has alilllty of a high order.
Iter number on the program will tio one of
the best In a long list ol stellar attractions.
N. Y. Dumbing Co., telephone 25v.
Chemical HiikIiic Snlllclciil.
The fire department was called yester
day noon to the rcshlfneo of Mrs. I'lnney,
212 I'carl street, whero lire, had started be.
tween the walle, from a defective Hue. The
family Is absent, and the llremen hud to
fnrco several dooro bcfoio reaching tho
source of the lire. One window casing had
to tin chopped away, but outside of that
dona by tho thick smoku there was little
dnniago done, the lire being promptly ex
tinguished by tho chemical engine.
Iteiil HHtnto i'runxfrrs.
These transfers were llled yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan oflko ot J, W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street;
1', A. Johnson uiul wife to William
Haller. lot 21, lu block fi. Hackett's
mid., w. d....
Widow and heirs of John T. Stewart
to Mary I.. Kvcrett, lot K, In block
17, Orlines' add. w. d
R O, and K, H. Unugee and wives to
William Haller, lot 21, In block ii,
Hnckotl's add, q, c 7 .'..
Chillies Hnnunel nnd wife to Freder
ick Hcrg, lots 0 and in. In block 1,
Judson's Third add., Neola, w d..
William Huberts, administrator, to
Wlllluii) Huberts, n'j tiw'. S, swU
hw; iioU. Part hwI. neU. part
sw'i of seu, part nw',i net. nnd
part se'4 nw'i C-7tS-l:l. add. d 1I.S00
Andrew W. Johnson and wife to Clair
J. Sltlwell, lot D, In block 5, llurko's
add., w. d
Sheriff to J. W. Squire, o 15 feet of lot
tl, CiiHiuly's Hiibillv., s. d
County treasurer to John J. Splndlcr.
lots 2 nnd 25, In block 12. Wright's
add., w. d
B.imo to same, lots !) nnd 10, In block
67, Hallroud add, if. d
Samo to Frank F. ICvcrcst, part of
lot 12. O. 1'. O. H t. d
Bunui to .1. P. 1 rci'iifhlcldx, lot 7, In
block 1, Van Hrunt &' Hlce's add.,
q d...:
Total transfer
Thu Campbells Are Coinln', Hurrah:
Dohatiy Theater
Afternoon and Evening, December 11
Fourth Oittclui Concert Tour,
10 .Musicians,
14 Vocal Choir. ti Highland Dancers,
I Hrltlsh Military Huglerii.
S HHKPlprrs, 1 Olnnt Drum Mnlor. Etc.
Appearing In Full Kilted Hegimnntals.
Hy authority of his majesty's government
In Canada nnd by special permission of
Colonel Macioiiahl and officers commanding
tho Cticbruted Ptth Highlanders' regiment.
Has created 11 furore ot enthusiasm In 200
American cities.
Prices Afternoon: 15c, tfic; evening: 25e,
85c, 60o,
Funeral Direotor
(tiucceuor 10 W. C. at?)
9 rUAHL STIUCKT. 'I'fcono T,
Kotlted In Eastern NebriuK
nij law. June N, Casady, Ut
-Bllll' Cornell USK
Kijh fchsol LHirtrj Societies Accipt th
March I cl in tin- Date noil Council
llliltTs Is lo limine tho (lilrMlilii.
lull UiM'ooenlM I'lcl. Tlielr
Side of It.
At n, John metlng yesterday nfternoonof
the I'hlloniathlnn ami Thcta Delta Literary
societies of the High school It wns decided
to accept the challenge from the Sioux City
High school for a Joint debate. These con
ditions were decided upon: Debute to he In
Sioux CHy some time next March. Sioux
City to select Council Hlnfln' side of the
question; each side to bavo forty minutes
and the alllrinntlve the minutes rehotit,
Sioux City to pay expenses of three do
baterh from Council llluffs and one member
of the faculty.
To prepare for the contest these wern
selo-ted yesterday from tho two societies
for n debate at the High school. I'hllo
mathlnn, K. It. Ilarnes. Ilobert Swalne.
Chirles Cfiinphell. Dana llitnford, J. C.
I'rynr, It. J. Organ; Thcta Delia. Tannic
Davenport, IMen Hollenbeck and Maude
From these sorlellcs two young men and
one young woman will be selected by three
disinterested Judges lo represent Council
Muff at Sioux City. The public will be in
vited tn the home debate and a musical
program given.
Davis sells p.-itnt.
extension fur I'niltm Conlrnel.
At tho nuetlng of the city council last
nit fit a resolution was adopted extending
the time for the completion of the paving
of Harrison street to August 1. U'02. on
the condition that Contractor Wlckham he
responsible for all damages to the grading
and curbing recently done on the streets and
that ho replace any of such work that may
bo damaged this winter.
A resolution providing for tho laying of a
ten-Inch sewer on Harmony street, eight
Inch sewer on llatighn street and twelve
Inch sewer on Ilenton street, tho work to
be done under Hie supervision of the city
engineer and the cost taxed to the abutting
property, was introduced and the Itnal hear
ing on il Ret for January tl. A similar reso
lution calling for the grading of N'lnlli
nvrnuu between Third and High streets was
lutioduccd and the final hearing set for
the same date.
The (ironeweg .C- Schoentgcn company
tiled its acceptance of the ordinance va
ulting to It a portion of Cnlon nvenuc at
Ninth street and Broadway. Tho mayor
In nnswer to u intention from Alderman
I.ougce staled ho had signed tho ordinance.
Considerable time) was occupied n the
discussion as to who wns rcsponslhlu for
the proper protection of water stopboxes In
tho streets In the I'ourth ward, which havo
been ploughed up hy Contractor Wlckhaiu.
Manager Hart of the water works com
pany filed a wilttcn request that the city
hnve thcin proleeted and Contractor Wlck
haiu at first objected on the grounds that
the boxes were not lo th established grade.
Alderman I.ougce. objected to the council
taking any action In tho matter on the
grounds that Wlckham was responsible)
under his contract and that to make any
order In the matter would bhlft the re
sponsibility on the city In enso of accident.
The mutter was finally compromised by re
ferring It to the stteets nnd alleys com
mittee with the understanding that an
umicahlu arrangement would be comn to
between Wlckham and the water works com
pany. Tho city agreed to assume the sewer tax
In front of a hi rip of ground at tho corner
ot 0 ralm in aviiue and First street given
to the city by Andrew Hrahiiraand and a
warrant for the amount was ordered drawn.
Tho city engineer was Instructed to pre
pare plans for raising the grade on North
Klghlh street two feet from the bridge over
tho creek to tho south Hun of Avenue A,
Davis sells glues
Hum Mill nil I be Stand.
The flf tli week of tho trial ot the Doyle
Hums mining suit opened In the district
court yesterday morning with James F.
Hums, tho defendant, oil the Htnnd, under
cross-examination by Counsel Hughes.
Tho cross-examination was not completed
when court ndjeurued for tho day and It Is
now expected that it will last Into Wcdnes-!
day and that tho laso will not go to the'
Jury before the middle or end of next week.
During the morning counsel for Doyle at-1
templed to fcrco tho defeuse to submit a
memorandum book kept by nurns during
1612 In the Cripple Creek camp. In this
book is sold to be a memorandum made by
Hums on January 22, 1SU2, to the effect that
on that day tho partnership existing be
tween himself. O'Huiro and O'Drlscoll was
dissolved. The book had formed one of the
exhibits In tho suit of O'Hnlro against
Hums In the Colorado courts.
Mr. Hums was inked If ho had tho book
and ho replied that ho hud not. Counsel then
asked Mr. Thomas If he had It and tho
former governor of Colorado replied that
he hud not. Then Mr. Hughes Unshed a
telegram from tho clerk of the supreme
court of Colorado, stntlng that Mr. Thomas
had withdrawn the book nlong with other
exhibits In the enso. Mr. Hughes again
asked Mr. Thomas for the hook nnd he
stated that ho did not have It. During tho
afternoon another attempt was made hy
Mr. Hughes to get the book produced, hut
without Hiicccss. Counsel Intimated that he
wished to show by the hook entries relut
Ing to the witness' transactions with the
On cross-cxuminutlon Hums testified that
ho had patented the Tidal Wave and Devil's
Own in his own name, while his brother.
Tom Hums, and John Harnan had Interests
rospectlely In tho properties. Ho explained
that his brother and Human had deeded
their Interests to him and that after the
patent was secured ho deeded them back to
Gravel roofing. A. It (tend. 541 Hroadway. J
I'rlni'liuil HcportN .No Trouble,
Principal Knslgn of the High pchnol slates
that thero Is no foundation for tho report
that there Is any friction between him and
some of the members of tho Athletic asso
ciation. On the contrary, ho says, their re
lation arc of the most, cordial character.
He denies having 1 of used to allow the
young men to hold a meeting Inside the
High school building to mako arrangements
for a danco to pay olt tho lndcbt Incss of
tho nsboclatlon,
Ho told the association thnt regarding Its
Indebtedness to him ho would not caro to
havo the money raised to repay hi in by a
hop. Principal Knslgn states ho has never
opposed tho young people having dances, as
such 11 matter is not within his Jurisdiction,
He dots not favor tnem, however, as they
Interfere, In his opinion, more or less with
tho school work.
As to the hill from the landlord of thn
hotel nt llarlnn Mr. Ensign says this will
bo paid by the Individual members of the
association responsible and not by the as
sociation. This the young men have agreed
to do as soon as they can raise I he money.
The association, ho says, has always hud
the privilege of holding meetings In tho
school building when they did not Interfere
with the meetings of other societies of tho
school. Tho association will meet Wednes
day evening to decide ' whether to have a
dance or not.
I, llirnr.v Orders n Velloiv .lourun I,
President M. F. Itohrcr at the meeting of
tho board of trustees of tho public library
yesterday afternoon announced himself as
In favor of yellow Journalism ond at his
suggestion a New York paper noted for Its
tendency tr, sensationalism was placed on
tho list for the benefit of patrons of tho
library. President Hohrer urged also tlm
a Chicago paper equally noted for Its cn
rationalism and which Is generally classed
hs nn example of yellow Journalist be
placed on tho list, hut the other members of
the board thought one was sufficient, If not
too much. The matter came up during the
selection of magazines and papers for tho
library for tho next year.
A list of now books was submitted by tho
librarian which after some alterations tdie
was authorized to purchase.
In the abienco of Trustee llalrd tho mat
ter of Arc escapes for the building was not
taken up.
The report of Mrs. Dalley, tho librarian
for November, gave these statistics: Num
ber of vhiltors, ii,0I2; visitors on Sundas,
lti'J; number of reglstored book lakeia, 10,
703; number of hooks taken, 5,1,"S, of which
Action led with 3.137; number of books In
circulating department, 18, 338; In govern
ment department, 6..1I1. Up to December 1
$215.71 has hecn paid out for "rented"
books and IIS3.12 received. The plan ot
renting books nt a nominal sum Is proving
more ropular every day, according to tho
report of the librarian.
The report of tho finance committee
showed a balance nn hand In tho library
fund on December 1 of $2,IS3.32.
Hev. Father Smyth was requested to sub
mit a list of standard works by Catholic
"authors, attention being called lo the fact
by Trustee Ilurke that tho library larked
works of such character. This list Is to he
submitted to tho committee on books.'
Tho board accepted the proposition of tho
gas company to reduce the rate for gas
from $1.10 lo $1.25, providing the boaid
would pay Its bill of four months' standing.
To llnfurec Uunrniitliic.
.Methods for enforcing quarantine and
preventing the spread of cunallpox were
fully discussed nt the meeting of tho
Hoard of Health last night, but no definite
action wns Inken. City I'hyslelnn Jennings
slate that one family, nt least, under quar
antine refused to comply with the regula
tions. Member Hoyer suggested that anyone suf
fering with smallpox who vlolHtcd tho quar
antine regulations be removed to tho pest
house. He also suggfJted that the city
securo some suitable buildings on the out
skirts of I ho city for a detention hospital
for women Miffcrlng from smallpox. He
urged that more stringent measures ho
adopted, as there was no doubt but thnt
several families were violating the quar
antine regulations.
The colored families quarantined Sunday
and yesterday were ordered furnished with
necessary supplies. t
At the suggestion of Member Clark It
was decided to nsk the co-opcratlon of tho
County Hoard of Supervisors In securing u
suitable Isolation hospital for women pa-
! tlents.
City Physician Jennings gave It as his
opinion that the city would be called upon
to care for smallpox patients all the winter.
The city physician also called attention
to the fact that last spring tho elstcra In
charge of St. Hernard's hospital had pro
posed that If tho city and county would
erect a suitable frame building on tho
hospital grounds for nn Isolation hospital
they would caro for all smallpox cases at
a reahonablo rate. The proposition of the
Slhters of Mercy will be laid beforo thu
County Ronrd of Supervisors.
Dan Hughes, colored, living In the hom
of Charles Wheeler at the rear ot 711
Hroodwny, was found to he suffering from
smallpox yesterday and tho house quaran
tined. This makc twenty-five cases now
demanding the attention of the health au
thorities. Mm, llnttoii So en for Divorce.
Mrs. Lulu May Hutton brought suit for
divorce yesterday from Wllllum A. Hutton,
publisher of the Council Hluffs Weekly
Tribune, to whom she was married In Des
Moines Fobruary 1, IflOO. She alleges
cruolly and that her husband threatened to
kill hor and that last Sunday he would
havo probably carried his threat Into ex
ecution If he had not been restrained. She
cites a number of Instances ot the alleged
Ill-treatment she claims she has been sub
jected to, She asserts that the Trlbuno Is
worth $1,000 and that hor husband Is also
po.nessed of $200 worth of furniture, nnd
asks that he be given $1,000 permanent
alimony. She wub granted a temporary In
junction restraining Hutton from disposing
of his property.
Mrs, Mary A. Powell brought suit for
divorce from William Powell, to whom sh
was married In this city January 29, 1891.
Slto alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment
and cites specifically one alleged lnstanco
on June 1 Inst.
'I'nn lliirnliirlr".
Two Sunday night burglaries were re
ported to the police yesterday morning, the
Indications being that the same persons
were responsible for both.
The grocery store of J. Zoller & Co, on
Hroadway nnd First street was broken Into
and a small amount of rhango taken from
tho cash register, which was badly dam
aged. Entrance wns obtained by the thieves
by forcing a rear door.
Thu store of tho Council llluffs Oil ami
Paint company In tho Masonic block wns
entered by the thieves breaking out a reari
window. Hero the cash register was broken
open and about $5 In chaugo taken.
Court CniOH.
The preliminary hearing of Harry Ham
ilton, charged with fleecing W. H. Hoyer,
6ii old soldier from Mankato, Kan., out of
$10, was set by Justice Hryant yesterday
for next week. Hamilton, hy mortgaging
his homestead, succeeded In furnishing a
bond and was released from the county
The hearing of tho contempt charge
against Attorney Askwllh, Oeorge Melville
'Mid D. Carrlgg In connection with this
case has leen continued Indefinitely In tho
superior court on account of Attorney Atk
with being engaged In tho district court.
Divide nil to Dciioxiloi'k.
In accordance with the order of Judge
tlrecn of tho district court Itecclvers Mur
phy and Hercshclm began yontnrdny paying
tho dividend ot 20 par cent to the creditors
of the defunct hanking Mr 111 ot Officer &
Pusey. All day long a long line of creditors
was coming and going at the entrance of
tho office of tho receivers in the Sapp build
ing, The payment of the dividend, It is
expected, will occupy several duys,
Zigkt State Ourtntioii ii Annul
l'ri'olilciit IMol t ndecldeil Whether
Wnrl,. Will He Itehullt-Wiitrr
Mil I ll (lurxtlon
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 9. (Special.) This
week thero will be a large gathering of a
variety of persons from All over tho stnte
In Des Moines, In all eight separate con
ventions or state meetings being on the
program These include the Stnte Farmers'
Institute. State Agricultural convention,
convention of Iowa fair secretaries, low.t
State Horticultural society meeting, Iowa
Seed Corn convcnlion. Iowa Forestry and
Park association meeting, Iowa Fraternal
Insurance congress, Iowa Coal Operators'
State association and the meeting of the
Iowa ShorlnV association.
The purely Agricultural meetings wilt nil
he held In the stnto rnpltol, while the others
aro to bo held In halls in tho city. The
Fraternal Insurance congress Is a stale or
ganization ot frnlernals for the purpose of
seeing to It that the older fraternal asso
ciations do not securo legislation unfavor
able to the newer ones. Tho meeting of
tho coal operators Is to arrange for the
business of ronl selling during the com
ing season. The Park and Forestry associa
tion Is newly orgunlred nnd this will bo
Its first regular meeting.
Mntr fanners' Institute,
The Stale Farmers' Institute opened hero
till evening lU till! moms of Ilin mrrlnit.
turnl department In the state capltol. Presl-
ueni it. j. joiinstou presided. Tho pro
gram for tho evening wns enrriprl nut in.
eluding a short address by President Hcard-
snenr ot lown State college, a paper bv
Henry Wallace on "Whv I armors nml
Stockmen Should Attend the Fair" and nn
article on road Improvement by Ocorgo II.
Van Houten. The Institute continues lu
session tomorrow.
VIct xinrcli WiirU llulim.
President William I'. Plcl, Jr., of New
York, at the head of the Nutlonal Starch
company, arrived in the elty today to look
omt cue ruinn of tne big plant of the Starch
trust nnd to consider tho advisability of
rebuilding. He will meet with iho Insur
ance adjusters tomorrow nnd they will go
over the matter of losses sustained. Mr.
Plel says that he 13 not in n position to
state positively thnt the plant will be re
built, but ho is of tlje opinion lhat tho
properly Is too valuable for tho company
to allow It fo go to waste., He surveyed
tho ruins and says that the estimates of
I he loss have not been placed too high.
Sc-tllr Wntrr Mil 1 11 Uiirntlnit.
A special agreement wns signed this
afternoon between the water company and
the citizens' committee of the Commercial
exchange, by which the question of laying
wnter mams to the army post site has
reached satisfactory und final disposition,
Hrlefly Iho plan is that the water com
pany receives tho loan of Iho $50,000 In Iho
city's special water fund, nnd In return will
pay 2 pet cent annually for the use of this
fund. The water company Is also to receive
tho usual rental for mains, or $330 per mile.
Tho city is to receive lis refund of the loan
from nil Income, derived from the govern
ment and such proportion of the flro rental
as remains after the lnleret has been paid.
ThlR plan Is In accordance with the proposi
tion made by the citizens' committee to the
attorney for the wnter company and tele
graphed to President Payson. An accept
ance of the proposition was received by
telegraph from President Payson at noon,
and thu agreement entered Into by both
citizens nnd water company at once. All
signatures tn the stipulation have been se
cured. The city council will meet tomor
row morning, at which time It Is expected
the council will approve of the action taken
in regard to tho city fund.
This agreement as retarded nn essnn.
tlnl to securing the army po3t here and
wns the last thing In the way of beginning
work by the government.
Sentenced for Miinslnuchtcr
Charles Tolllver, colored, was sentenced
to six years In tho penitentiary this morn
ing for the killing of Harney O'Rourke. He
had been convicted of manslaughter on an
Indictment for murder.
l unernl of .ludr Phillip.
The funeral of Judge William Phillips of
this city, who died In Phoenix. rlz., will
be held here tomorrow. His death occuired
ten dajB ago. hut tho body has Just reached
Articles of Incorporation of tho Henry
Kohrs Packing company of Davenport wore
filed tcday with tho secretary of stole. The
capital stock Is $60,000. Henry Kohrs,
Henry Oehrmann and others, Incorporators.
The Incorporation of the Coin and Vnrth.
horo Telephone company of Coin was ef- I
footed today. The cardial stock is 1: Mn
J. r. oung, president; J. K. Hcrron, secre
tary ,
Doctor Appeiiln Ills L'nr.
An a peal was takon lo tho supreme court
today In tho rase of the State against II. O.
Irvln of Karlham, a well known young doc
tor, who was sentenced to six months' Im
prisonment for resorting to a room for Im
proper purposes.
A. L. Utile has been elected captain of tho
Cedar Hnplds company In tho Iowa National
guard. Ho huB long been bnttalion adju
tant of the regiment, but the company very
much desired him for captain and he con
sented to act.
Colored IIIhIioii Co 111 1 11 u.
Great preparations aro being made for
the coming of Dlshop Abraham Grant of tho
African Methodist Episcopal church, for Hih
conference of Iowa and Illinois. The colored
peoplo of tho city are preparing' to hold a
lnrgo meeting in the Young Men's Christian
association building to meet him. He coniea
here December 15.
Ilni'r lliirlioiiii I Taken tn l.riiiiim
In lrev'Hl Miili Violence
In I'liri'iiLre.
I.EMAHS. In.. Dec. K.iSpeclal.) Harry
Hartman, who shot Florence Torter, a
waitress In n rcblaurnnt al Cherokee on
November au, brought to l.emars and
lodged In Jail here, as It was feared be
might be lynched by citizens of Cherokee.
The sheriff drove across country with him.
hoarding a train at 11 small station mldwa
between I.emarh and Cherokee.
llli-wiil M'i'jIiIiIiik on Mi ii1m.
ONAWA. Iu.. Dec. 9. (Spechil Telegram.)
In Iho case of S. J. Trauger agnlnu A. I.
Wise, nn trial today In the district court,
in which the plaintiff asked for a temporary
v rit of Information ngalntt the saloon
building of the defendant, situated on the
southeast rorner of lot (1, block .1, Whiting.
Is,, twenty witnesses were introductd, hut
nothing was proved contrary to law cxrepf
that defendant. Wise, islted the saloon for
the purpose of scrubbing on', bin made no
sales of liquor, t'nder the mulct law of
Iowa and decisions of the supremo court,
the court held this wns a violation of the
law nnd granted a temporary writ of In
junction as prayed for. The plaintiff filed
a bond as provided under section 2110 of the
lown code and will continue business.
Stnte IHfttrlliiito enrl Cittern
Tlioiiinnit Itnllnrs tn Cnlr
ll-'rom n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 9. (Special.) The
secretary of the Iowa Department of Agri
culture has Just completed the payment of
the bonuses tho state of lown pays to cnoh
fair nssoclAtlon conducting it local or dis
trict fair In the stHte. The state pays $200
to a fair association which has paid out
J500 or more In premiums, Under the law
there has been paid nut to sccuty-slx fair I
associations a total of $14,577.57. nnd thoy j
report having paid In premium to cxhlb- I
Itors a total of $51.0fi5.3rt. The fair officials .
ate required to make affidavit that their ,
association hns not permitted gambling on
tho sale of liquors and for this reason n few
of tho fair Associations have not claimed
the bonus. The following shows the amount 1
for each Mir association:
Name of Society. Premium. App 1 I
Adair $ fi.Y31 11 0
.xunms 72 7.5.1
Allamakee M.1.01
Audubon MU.fcO
Henlon 73,70
Hoone 24.1,70
Huehnnan fiROS
Hlleiiu VIMn 925 fO
Hlnck Hawk (Laportel l.'2,25
Cass ;i9(.2;t
Cedar (Mcehanlesvllle) 157.70
Cedar (Tlptoni 1,151.7"
Cherokee .1.90
Chickasaw tKfv
"'hlcknsaw (Hlg Fourl 7I9.'.3
Clayton Si.1.10
Clayton (Kirn wherry Polntl .. ttWou
Dallas 505.00
Dallas tPrriyi 214 05
Davis WI.M
Delaware 6Tti.9
Des Moines Htirllngtnni
Dubuque In. M
Emmet SliiTO
Fayette (Arlington 1 9:l.Ri
20t) til
17 48
200.1 0
y) co
;m) 10
2 0(0
2 ).
:i rt u)
-1 o.
Outluie 7H5.UI
Hancock Sfi.oo
2 O.'O
in) 0i)
Hard n fi20.25
Henry 1.12U.1
Henry nvjmieidi ii'
Humboldt .117.55
lown , 521.25
Iowa (Victor) 513.10
lown ( Uilllttinsbure) M7.I5
Sou. l
'.1U 0
2oi i
am. On
200 00
2i O.ik)
200. 1o
200 )
132. ti)
2no no
200 (0
1-K 0
Jackson 9-it.oil
Jnspor 712.10
Johnson W2.25
Jones (Alinmosa) 577.f)
Keokuk (v hut Cheer) 6 n.m
Kossuth 195X0
Ic 551.05
Dee (West Point) Mi.rto
l.llin (W.l ps le Valley) 3H9.60
I.lnn (1'mliie Valhy) 0DIC5
I.nulsn (Columbus Junction).. 2.127.0")
Mnrlon (1-oke Pralrlc Pclln). 7ll.fio
Marshall (Hhodes) 5111.75
Mitchell 519.75
Muscatine (West Liberty).... t.!2!t.7)
Muscatine ( ilium
650 00
1tt SO
O'llrlen (nliclilou)
Pace (Shenandoah)
Palo Alto
Pocahontas (Hlg Four)
Poweshiek (.Malcolm)
Poweshiek lOrlnnell)
Hloux (Hock Valley)
Tn ma
Tama (Truer)
Wnyiio (MitPvHIe)
Wltinrdiago (HuffHlo Center).
2i")00 j
'.I'M)., 'HI
21 i no
146 77
91 33
2i1 00
Iiikiiiip Mnn nil iMterslnlc Problem.
ATLANTIC. In.. Dee. 9. (Special Tele The authorities hnve a problem In
tho ease of David Gilbert, who has been
mljudgeil Insane. (Hlhert nnd his family
came to Atlantic two weeks ngo from l'o
rahontns county ind took up their rest
denco nt 211 I.ortist street. Ollbcrt has
seemed morose and (UrrelEome. Saturday
ho was taken In charse by Deputy Sheriff
Duval upon complaint of 0110 of tho nelph
bors and taken before the insano com
mission, where, from the exnmlnntion ot
witnesses, It was lenrned thnt ho has been
for mnny yeari a hard drinker and that
he Is now mentally deranged.
Gilbert, nccoidliiK to tho testimony of his
wife, oftened threatened to kill tho wholo
family nnd then end his own life, nnd It
was after ono of these dangerous moods that
he wns arrested. Inquiry from Pocahontas
county hrlnRs tho Information thnt tho
family was there only a short time, comliiK
from South Dakoln, which state Is supposed
to be their home. Reins a non-resident tho
local authorities do not know what to do
with the mnn. and the ease has been sub
mitted to the State Hoard of Control for In
structions. llliiiri'm .Self Mill) .MioIriiii.
ONAWA, In., Dec. fl. (Special Telegram.)
Charles Walters of Smithlnnd, la., com
mitted sulolde today by shootltis himself
In the head with a shotgun, innklng n
ghastly wound. He died In less than an
hour. Domestic infelicity Is assigned as
the cause.
Pet Don Blip Wo 111 nil.
WEMSTBH CITY, la., Dec. 9. (Special
Telegram.) A pet dog belonging to Mrs.
Katharine Carson today hit Mrs. Carson,
who Is elderly, severely nhout the right
hand nnd wrist. She is In care of a doctor.
Tho dog wns killed.
.1 1). Ilrrnnnn Itr.lH"".
TOLEDO, O., Dec. P. J. D. Ilrennnn. su
perintendent of tho, St. Louis division of tho
Clover Leaf, has resigned. He wns for
merly trainmaster of the Chicago division
of tho Lake Shore.
Kxpect I.rlnml'n Appointment.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. It Is understood
thnt the contest over tho appointment of n
pension agent at Topoka. Kan., is almost
certain to hp cleared by tho appointment of
Cyrus I.elnnd.
Jm-II I'rlx l'iiri'iiMi'
WASHINGTON. Dec. S.-CoreaWn of
prize winning cuttle nt the stock show
were Judged end sold nt auction today nt
the slock yards. The llrst prlzo wiih
awarded to Kim Park Lad, nn Aberdenn
Angus steer entered by the Michigan Ab college, nnd the cnrciisses was
cold at auction to a local butcher Tim prlcn
paid was 11 cents per pound. A great num
ber of other carcasses were sold nt mic
tion, the prices running all the wny from
10 to 6j cents,
No woman who uses 'Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to
also healthy, strong and
good u attired. Our book
"Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plaiu
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Go.
Sore Muscles
To Dealers
You tickle us,
We tickle you.
...... ... That Sels ad Pleases Your Trade
The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la.
I)o;i Not Admit njpothfticnl Qaaitioninj:
of Expert.
nr. (Mir .iit-in cm liifiilr 11 o In
fltii'iin. of WiilLInu or Hun.
11 1 11 k on A ren'
U omul.
WASHINGTON'. Dei. !). Juilce Anderon,
heforo whom .Mrs. I.ola Ida flunlno Is' belnK
tried for the murder of .lames Seymour
Ayres, Jr., today i-ustnlneil the objection of
the dlctiici 1 ttorney to the hypothetical
question submitted to Dr. '.'iirr. nn expert,
on Saturday. The conn stilted that to ad
mit the question an put would only cloud
the situation nnd embarrass the Jury. Tho
question was refrained and tho witness an
swered that In hla opinion the location of
.ho hip wound such na received hy Ayres
ould not be mnterlnlly influenced In Its
height or direction by the fnct that
Ayres was or wns not wnlklug or mnn Iiir.
Dr. Carr was on the stand during a major
portion of iho day, his testimony relntlng
mainly tn tho relative positions of Mrs.
Hotline and Ayres when tho killing took
()( to 111 11 11 flrr mn 11.
SOMKMVILI.E, Mass., Dec. 9.-Itev. Hugh
H. Kelly, vicar general ot the Davenport
dloceso and rcHidlug nt Ottumwa, In., Is ,
dead here at tho home of his sister.
wns tnken 111 on his Journey east and tho
disease took firmer hold each day, until tho
end, which camo last night. Mr. Kelly
wns born In Somervllle In 1S6R. Ho was a
graduate of Somorvlllo High school, of I
Hoston college nnd of St. Mary's seminary
Daltlmore. Ho wns ordained In the cathc
drill of tho Holy Cross, Hoston, hy Arch
bishop Williams, December 19, 1SS3.
Ottll I.IUKl.
Otto Lund, a bartender at tho Sehlltz
hotel and a resident of Omaha for several
years, died Monday morning ut his room,
1J22 Howard street, of hemorrnge of
lungs nnd of tlic bowels.
Ills Illness was of brief duration, the lrt J
attack coming on while he wns on duly nt
the hotel Saturday nlgljl. Ho hub IB years
old and has been employed In various bars
In Omaha for fifteen years past.
Don't forget to use a little1 I'rlckly Ash
Hitters whenever the stomach or howols
aro disordered. It quickly corrects such
troubles and makes you feel bright and
i- K11II10111I lor S011II1.
MUSKOGEE. I. T., Dec. 9. President II.
V. Seaman of tho Ozark & Cherokeo rail- j
road today llled with tho clerk of tho I'nlted
States court n deed of trust lo the Illinois '
Trust company to secure payment of first
mortgage bonds of the railway to tin
amount of J2.000.000. The read Is to extend
from Foyettevllle. Ark., westward via
Tnhlcqiiah and Kort Gibson lo Muskogee.
President Gibson snld that Inside of n
year the rond will he running from Kny
ettevllle. Ark., to Guthrie OKI.
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
"MothtT's Friend." Tins great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
speedy recovery. The child is
Omega Oil
T"l... . . .
i u)uci.i irearmenr or sore
muscles or tendons is very sim
ple. First take a good warm
bath before going to bed, and
then wipe yourself dry. This
opens up the pores, then rub
Omega Oil into the pores, keep
ing up a brisk rubbing for sev
eral minutes. If you have time
when you get up in the morn
ing, rub in some more of the
Oil. This cures sore muscles
caused by hard work or by severe
exercise of any kind. Omega
Oil is the favorite rub-down of
nearly all prominent athletes in
America. It keeps the muscles
in fine shape.
Send Us Your Orders, We Ship You
have mads
Hunter I
I Baltimore Ryei
The Most
Popular Whiskey
6rt!1 at .11 SrM-el..r r.fe and bi Jobbers.
WJI I.ANAII A!, ,t SON, nalllmor. Hd.
cosgii enre
Cures Quickly
It has long been n household favorite
for Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis. Pneu-
, monia, Asuinin, w nooning uougn ana
. all other Throat nnd Lung Troubles.
i- . ' . M .
It Is nrcscrlbcd aa asnCidtlR for fti-inna.
Mothers ontlorso It as nn rafalllble
remedy for Croup. Children like it.
Prepared by E. c. UeWItt A Gi.. Chloago.
llnnOKi Tun, ricnplM,
Frecklta. Moth ratcliK,
s Itaah and Hkln dlt-
rji !. Md vi-j
SjX blemlih on beauly.
(,, ant' dfflei dalec
lion. It hu trw!
thu teat ot A
eri, and la 10
hurmlea w tula
It to b aurt 'I
la properly inada,
Accept no count rr
felt of almlltf
namr Or U A
jjyri aald to a Ik
Of nt th hauMoaj
(a nallnt):
As you ladles will uso them. I
menl 'OOUHAUD'S CHEAM' as the lauat
harmful of all tho Hkln preparations." "For
tilt) by all Druggists and Fancy Ooodi
lealers In tho U. 8. und Kurono.
K 12 It II. T. IIOI'KI.VH, Wop',
7 Great Jones St.. N. T.
Telophono 311
Council Hlufft
Prkcs-'ifjciiml 6l)c. Reserved scuts
now on fiiilc t hux ofiicc.