Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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One reason for our grout in
crease Ins.ilcs is the fact that nearly
nil our prices are :19 per cent less
tlmn formerly. All gooJs murk oil
n large plain figures. One low
price to everyone.
Dining Tables
Mahogany, Flemish nntl Weathered Oak,
Golden Ofik, Wnxcil Oak -nro hero In great from J7.G0 to $50.00.
Library Tabfes
Almost ovcry hIzo nnd shape of Library
Tablet can bo found hero. Some new pat
terns from $10.00 to $20.00 nnd n good n
sortmont grnilpd upward to $30.C0, $10.00 nnd
$50.0030 per cent loss than formerly.
30 per cent lower prlco on Hackers makes
Rolectlons easy. You forget tho price, they
are 80 very low. Attractive. Ilockers, highly
polished, nt $3.C0, $4.00, .$.".00, $7.C0, $10.00,
116.00, up to $35.00. Nearly 300 Hookers to
:hooHo from.
China Cabinets
$19.80 for n $30.00 China Caso with swell
glass In door nnd ends full swell. It Is a
great bnrsaln. Tho rnnRo of prices for
China Casos In from $15.00 to $100,00 at
all; the In-between prices.
Thoro nro n fow ruoro of theso Pogamoro
Loathor Couches at $20,00, but you will find
nearly 200 other styles to chooso from. Tho
$45.00 Leather Couch nt $31.50 Is tho best in
the world $7150, $10.75, $14.00 for Velours
couches nro moro tlinn 30 per cent less than
Tbo wood nnd finish seem to be perfect.
Como nnd see tho assortment. All kinds of
wood to chooso from Golden Oak, Waxed
Onk, Flomlsh. Weathered, Dull Mahogany,
Vornls Martin from $5.00 to $10.00. A fine
lino and a great seleotton graded up to
Fivt Hnidred Mm in Ainul Etuitt at
Dit Uoiiti.
1315 to 1319 Farnam St.
Coiirtltiiiiftp Ci)iilniirr) JJrcitkN I.ihino
A Kill II Collection for MrKltilr)'
I'iimiI Svw Snrliiun
(From n Stnff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, Dec. 7. (Special.) Tho
twenty-first annual meeting of tho Iowa
Stnto Traveling Men's association' was held
here today, with an nttendnne of about
COO trnvi'lltiK men from Iowa nnd adjoin
In? states. The old directors were re
elected and W. II. Wheeler and F. K. llaloy
wcro re-elected president nnd secretary, re
spectively. An Incident of the convention
wns tho uppenrance of A. II. Cummins, who
has long been tho counsel of tho association,
nnd an ovation to tho governor-elect by
tho traveling men. Somo changes, as sug
gested by tho omclnls, wore mado In tho
rules of tho nssoclntlon nnd this ovcnlng
thcro wns a soclnl gathering. The report of
Secretary F. K, Haley shows a net Increase
In membership of 2,011 and a total to date
of 11,143. Thero wore seventy-three deaths
reported and 632 dropped for non-payment
of dues. Thcro wcro twenty-six reinstate
ments nnd the rest of tho Increase was In
now members. There wcro 875 Indemnity
claims paid, four death claims puld, ono
eyo loss, ono foot loss,, twenty-eight claims
rejected and the nvcrngo nmount of weekly
rlnlms wns $70.08. Thoro were 213 applica
tions rejected. Tho total cash receipts for
tho year were $113,789.81 and cash on hand
$'.1,471.02. Tho nxsoclattnn owns $30,000 of
government bonds nnd has In addition In
tho emergency fund $13,798.78 In cash, which
with the cash balance makeB $53,209.80 of
aBscts, Tho auditing committee reported
that tho bonds havo a cash value of $2,550
In excess of their face.
Slnto l'nlr I'lnniiocn.
Tho finances of the Department of Agrl-
culturo with reference to tho state fair
aro In excellent condition, as will bo shown
by a report to bo mado to tho department
at tho meeting next week. Tho report will
show n balance to tho credit of tho stnto
fairs of moro than $34,000, notwithstanding
that during the past season moro cxpenso
wns put on the fair grounds than In nny
ono previous year. Tho ropalrs nnd Im
provements cost about $13,000 during tho
year. Tho association Is, therefore, In ex
cellent condition for beginning another
year. Tho annual meeting will bo held
noxt week.
Court limine Ciikp AKritn.
Tho courthouso controversy broko out
again In this county this afternoon by the
Dllng of a petition for a rehearing In tho
supremo court of tho caso decided at tho
last term by which tho supremo court re
fused to Intorfcro with tho building of tho
courthouso on tho present site. Tho argu
ment for a rehearing was made at once,
or rather nn argument for n continuation
of tho temporary injunction whllo tho court
is reaching n conclusion. Chief Justice
Riven was the only member of tho supremo
court In the city nnd ho beard the argu
ments. Ho reached tho conclusion that in
asmuch as Judge Ladd of tho supremo
bench wrote tho opinion of tho court, ho Is
the proper person to pass on tho application
nnd It was referred to him for argument
' .McKlnlrj- I'll lid Collection.
Governor Shnw today received n contri
bution of $20 from a resident of Worth
county an a contribution to tho McKinlcy
mounmcnt fund. It Is tho Intention of tho
governor to ask thnt the committee
work through the postmasters nnd other
agencies for tho securing of funds. Since
tho failure of tho appointed committees
to ngreo upon nny definite form of action
Iowa Is being left behind In tho matter of
contributions In honor of the Into presi
dent. Sfetr Siivln(i Ilnnk.
The Citizens' Savings bank of Spencer has
filed articles of Incorporation and Is ready
to begin business. The capital la $25)000.
Incorporators, William Fllndt, Franklin
Floetc, W. t. Ilendcr, Ackloy Hubbard, all
of Spencer, and Andrew Smith of Spring
field Center. N. Y.
Somo time ago tho papers of tho Wood
bfno Light and Heating company woro filed
for record and tho papers wero found to
bo defective. Tho corrected papers have
now been filed, and tho company Is author
ized to ougago In business.
I, emit Ion Srrrctnry Ilrturntnsr.
Word has been received hero that Henry
J. Lendcrlnk of Orango City, who recently
resigned his position as secretary of tho
American legntlon nt Santiago, Chill, Is to
be homo by Christmas. Nothing Is known
hero ns' to tho reason for his unexpected
resignation. He was originally a candidate
for tho consulate at Rotterdam, Holland.
Three Men I.oclceil Up Under Sunntcton
of Kllllnic Mnrlin Hallo
CHELSEA, In., Dec. 7. (Special.)
Thrco men. answering closely the. descrip
tion, of tho thrco robbers who shot nt and
killed Marshal Holla Smith in a running
fight yesterday morning, aro under arrest at
Keystone and will bo held awaiting means
of Identification. Ilert Compton, who was
gagged am) bound while the robbers wcro
lying In wait for tho marshal, is expected
to identify tho murderers of tho Chelsea of
ficer. Tho cntlro country nnd surrounding town
nro aroused over tho cold-blooded shooting
of Marshal Smith yesterday morning nnd
posses under tbo direction of the shorlff
nro scouring every nook nnd corner of tho
county In nn effort to apprehend them.
Fcollng Is wrought to tho highest pitch
Tersons who take "77" hubltually nover
have a severe attack of Orlp and so are not
nmong tho wrecks caused by tho Insidious
"77" breaks up Coughs, Colds, Grip,
Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis and Soro
Throat by restoring tho checked circula
tion, starting the blood coursing through
tho veins relieving tho congestion giving
tho liver, heart and lungs a chance tonct.
Tnko "77" early and perslstontly to got
tho best results.
At nil druggists, 25 cents, or mailed on re
ceipt of price. Doctor's Hook Mulled Free,
Humphrey' Homeopathic Medicine Co.,
corner William nnd John streets, New York.
and It Is not at all unlikely thnt If tho men
are caught n lynching will take place. Of
ficer Smith wifs n young man nnd a favor
ite. Ills death Is lamented by everyone
who knew him. He leaves a wife nnd babe
whoso lonely condition cry out for ven-
geanco ngnlnst the red-hnnded slnyer of
father and husband.
The detailed story of the attempted
plunder of the bank by threo masked men,
the running fight and murder of Marshal
Smith, Is related by those who were on
the scene a fow minutes nfter the tragic
Incident hnd occurred. Ilert Compton, a
young man who wns returning nfter taking
a young woman home from n rehearsal of
nmateur theatricals, first discovered tho
trio nt 1 o'clock. They wero then making
their plans for the looting. Thinking ho
wns tho town marshal, the robbers ordered
n halt. Compton did so, but drew his pistol
with determination of firing, lie was not
tiulck enough, however, nnd wns quickly
seized; bound nnd gngged and left tied
to a idle of lumber beneath the clevntor.
Ono of tho trio guarded Compton nnd the
other two wont out Into tho town. After
they had gone two shots wcro fired.
Subsequent developments show thnt one
of tho shots ended tho life of Smith. Tho
body of tbo city marshal was found close
by the side of the track with the
Ufeblood ebbing from a gaping wound In
tho head. The officer, discovering tho men
shortly nfter they lind left the side of
Compton, hnd ordared them to halt and fired
a shot In their direction. Tho shot was
exchanged nnd ono of the robbers, coming
bnck, placed the muzzle of his pistol al
most at tho unfortunato man's body and
fired. Death enmo shortly nfter.
Itcnllzlng thnt It wns now lmpogsibla to
plunder tho bank, tho men rejoined their
companion nt tho . clovator. Stealing n
handcar from the section house, they fled
wc3t in tho direction of Long Point. It is
supposed they went tbwnrd Glndstonc.
Compton, who managed ,to relenso him
self by means of n knife with which tho
tics wero severed, gave tho nlnrm. A posse
wns soon organized nnd In pursuit. Thrco
hoboes wero arrested nt Keystone, nfter
wnrd released nnd ngaln arrested. The
church bells at Tama were rung. Soon a
crowd' gathered and was organized Into a
searching party. Major Yclslcy wns placed
In charge. He separated his men Into par
ties, oendlng each party In a different di
rection. Farmers and small posses aro
searching tho country In cvory direction
nnd no one will be allowed to osenps.
DE8 MOINES, Dec. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Officers hero havo been asked to
take speclnl precautions to look for the
two men who escaped from Chelsea after1
shooting the town marshal In nn effort to
rob n bank. It wns reported they had gone
cnBt on tho Northwestern, hut now It Is
believed they cnmfc this wny nnd n'ro likely
to arrlvo in Des Moines. Nothing has de
veloped as to tho Identity of tho culprits,
but tho young mnn Compton, who was
bound and gagged by the threo robbers,
can give n good description of them except
as to their faces.
Greenville Ilnnk Itolilicr MuM Die
for .Murder of John
STORM LAKE,, la., Dec. 7. (Special Tel
egram.) An Immense crowd filled tho
courtroom halls' this afternoon nwnltlng
the. sentencing by Judge Dalllo of Albert
I'hllllps and Lewis Drooks for tho murder
of John Hundblnd of Albert City. At 2
o'clock this afternoon the Judge camo Into
tho courtroom and court wns Immediately
called to order. The defendants were nsked
It they hnd anything to say as to why tho
Bcntcnco should not bo pronounced. Attor
ney Favllle, on behalf of the defendants,
read a motion for a new trial. Tho motion
was overruled and the dote' for tho hanging
wns set as December 18.
Mnrlilc Cutter Ileenmen Iimnne.
ONAWA, In., Dec. 7. (Speclnl.) James
A. Gclst, a marble cutter employed In tho
Onawn Marble works, became, violently In
sane and will be turned over to tho Ne
braska authorities. Ho 'has relatives at
Scrlbner and West Folnt, who aro coming
nfter him. Ho wns formerly an lnmato of
the asylum at Norfolk and Hastings, Neb.
(Continued from Eighth Page.)
who nre charged with Inducing tho witness
to got out of tho wny. Tho hearing In the
contempt caso wns continued until Monday
morning In tho superior court nt tho re
quest of Attorney Askwith, who wns en
gaged iu n cmo In the district court.
Tho caso ngninst George Melvlllo wns
also continued in the police court until
Mondny morning.
Scwi .of the Churches.
In tho Drondwny Mothodlst church this
evening the sermon will bo omitted and the
monthly sacred concert given. Tho choir
will bo nsststed by Miss Lou I'ortcrflcld,
contralto soloist, nnd Miss May Irene Fin
ley, soprano soloist, and this program will
be given:
Prelude Largo Handel
Florla Pntrl ,
Hymn Oh Worship the King Hnydn
Magnificat In U Hat Urackett
Itcnedlc Anlma Men In C Gould
Holo Lord Uo Merciful ;.. Ilartlett
MIhh May Drew Klnley.
Hymn Take My Llfo nnd Let It Bo..
, Neulan
Selections from enntnta "Ituth"
1. Orgnn Intermezzo Daybreak Oaut
2. "Wedding Chorus" OhuI
3. Solo aiory Ho to Thee, Oh Lord..Gnul
Mr. N. Mitchell.
4. Finnic Rejoice for Ulesslngs 'Hound
Us Fnll Onul
Solo Art Thou Wenry? John West
Miss Lou Portcrllold.
Offertory Bcronnilo Gilchrist
Anthem Hlessed J5o tho Lord God.Ashford
Hymn Faith of Our Fnthcrs Fuber
Postludo Triumphal March Wnrelng
"A Moro Excellent Wny" will be tho
subject of Rev. Georgo Edward Walk's ser
mon this morning at 10:30 In St. Paul's
Eplscopnl church. His topic at 7:30 in
tho evening will bo "The Church nnd the
Now Episcopal Illble." Communion will bo
administered In tho morning.
Theso services will bo In Graco Episcopal
church today: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m
morning prayer nt 11.
Rev. Hnrvoy Hostctlor, pastor of tho
Second Presbyterian church, will preach
this morning on "Fruits of Faith." In tho
evening his subject will bo "Tho Speechless
Guest." Morning prayer will be nt 10:30.
Sunday school at noon, Junior Endeavor
meeting nt 3 p. m., young people's meet
ing at 7 and evening prayer at 7:30.
Elder F, M. Cooper will preiyih this
morning at 10:30 In tho Lnttor Day Saints'
church. Sunday school will be at noon and
evening services at 7:30.
Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist,
will havo services In tho Sapp block this
morning at 10:45. Tho subject will be
A Sunday school convention will bo held
this evening at 7:30 In tho mission church,
Seventh street and Seventeenth avenue.
Judge George H. Scott will deliver an ad
dress, followed by chalk talks by Sunday
school workers.
Hov. W J. Plorce, ovangellst, will lec
ture Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings In the First llaptlst church for
the Woman's Christian Tempcranco union.
Ills lectures will bo Illustrated with Btoro
optlcon views.
day morning and the prosccdtlnit wns
.Emory O Grecnwiilt nnd MIsh Mnry E.
Carter were married Thuridny at the home
of Mr. and .Mr. C. O. Custer. US South
Seventh street, by Hev. W. II. Cable or
Trinity Methodist church. .Mr. nnd Mrs.
Oreonwnlt loft for a wedding Journey to
fhlcago. They will be at homo Inter at
1203 South Sixth street. The groom Is nn
employe of the Hnrllngton nnd his bride
formerly lived In Miucntlne, In.
Abe Lincoln Woman' Ilcllef corps elortnl
theso olllcers yesterday afternoon: Presi
dent, Mnry II. Abbott; fcnlor ylce presi
dent, Stella Talbot; Junior vice president.
Mrs. Cussing; trensurer, Elizabeth Ward;
chnplnln, Nettle Urown; conductor, Favor
rtte Wvntliorbce; guard, Nellie I'arndv;
delegate to grand ewitnipmctit, Stella Tal
bot ; alternate, Norn Vnn Ostrom.
Liverpool (irnlii nnd I'm vllnn,
firm; No. 2 red western, winter, to &d; No.
1 tinrtlipm. vtirtitcr iu U,. V, t fnlir.....!..
l'til. Futures, firm; Alnrch, to May,
6s 2d.
COKJC Hlmt. firm! Amnrtrmi t..tvn,1 nl.1
ll !41' . I'Mtttren. steady: January, 5s 'id;
.Miiii-u, tiw iB..u; .May, t.s -i-Vi.
PEAS t'n Mini In ii . nfrnnir. tU flU.l.
m FLOL'H St- IajuIs fancy winter, steady,
HOPS-At London, l'aclilc ccast, quiet.
JC2 1S.1VX'J I5s.
PRO VISIONS Heef. firm: nvfrn ln.lln
mess, 75m !M. Pork, steady; prime mess,
Western. 72s. I.iinl. firm; AiTinriemi r...
lined. In pnlls, 50s; prime western. In tierces,
50s. Hams, short cut, 14 lo 1J lbs., steady,
50s. Ilncon, Cumberland out. 2ii to 30 lbs.,
Millet, 47s; short rllif, 10 to i lbs., steady,
49k; long elenr middles, light, 2.S to 31 lbs.,
steady, 4Ss Gd: long clear middles, heavy,
iu ivr inn., nii-miy, us; noon clear wicks,
Id to 20 lbs., firm. 4!M fid; clear bellies, II to
lt lbs., steady, S7s. Shoulders, xirjnre, ll
to 13 lbs., firm, 41s.
iiu j ruiii-siemiy; nnest t'nlted Stntws,
L's; wood t'nlted States, 70s. 7
CHEESE SteatTv: American, llnput u-bll,.
I3h Gd; American, finest colored, 46s,
Hunk Cli-nrlim...
HALTIMflllt.' Ilnr. ? Plnnrl.,r.B tliMI-
------- -.'.-, - '... ., ii, tii, . 1 1
:04: balances. llfiT.EOTi. For Hip wn..W! I'lenr-
lugx, $21,011,270; balances, $3,lX0,ir7. Money,
j'i'i I'uni.
HOSl'ON. Dep. 7. flpiirltip 1!" iftl,
balances. $l,(.iV),fi.'.
NEW YORK. Dep. 7. Cleiirlnir. fcwn lit .
317; balances, tV.W.OSa,
CINCINNATI, Doe. 7.-Clparlng. $2,317,
fiOO; money, 31451 per cent; New York ex
change, lmi.
, CHICAGO, Dee. 7.-Clearlng, $28,8!l,liV3:
balance, $l,t',9S,r,ri; posted exchange, $f.s.'ie
4.; Now York exchange, 40e discount.
PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 7.-Clearlngs,
$l,,:i2.i,UW; balances. Ji.llS.Wl. Tor the
week: Clearings, $117,157,213; balances, $10,-
2::,2uti. Money, f per cent.
ST. LOt'lH, Dec. 7.-Clearlngs, $7,S02,019;
balances, $l,;t:aoii; money, Wist per cent;
New York exchange, 10c discount.
London Ntnek Itnolnf Iiiiik.
LONDON, Deo 7.-2 p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons., money... 92 9-16
no account. ..u: ii-io
Annronda 6i
iMclllsou M)
111 nfil wis.
Hal A: Ohio llXlK,
Canadian Vnc. ...lbih
Clips. & Ob!n 4Sl(,
Chicago U. W.... 21 i
M. & HI. P...170
Denver & It. G,
110 pru
do 1st pfd
tin 2il 11M
Illinois Central.,
L. & N
M.. K. & T
. 42
. TO''
. us
do pfd &SU,
1. Centrnl....l72 i
Norfolk &
do pfd...
No. Paelllo pi
Ontario Ac W.
do fst pfd..
do 2d pfd...
So. Railway .
do nfil
So. Paelllo ...
Union Paelllo
do pfd
V. S. Steel ...
do pfd
do pfd
Riifinlul. Jo
(Rand Mines".'
.. 31
.. 91".
.. 01
. .10.IJ4.
.. 0Ws
.. 22U
.. 42
.. 71V,
.. lOfc,
.. 40',
HAH SILVER Dull nt 2r,7.Gd per ounce.
MONEY 2M13 ner cent. Tli.. min nf .11.'
count In the unon market fur nlmri '1-
.T per cent; for three mouths' bllK 3:f
3 7-10 per cent.
Coffee Market.
X" J.' W vnw K" now 7 fnyi?i.L. a..-.
Rio. (lull t No. 7. nvo pp. i;i :i.ip. aii.i
iiulpt; Cordovn 7(ifllc. Futures opened
dull: October declined 5 points nnd other
months unchanged. Cables were feature
less, primary receipts about up to expecta-
; "n ,ih.ii .inn uuinemii; wiireiiuue ue-
I ni'nr nu .1 1 m,n . I .. 'IM... 1 ....
ruh'd iul(it utter the opening, with prices
rii-,iuj uh ,wri;ii nun room covering
and slight demand from copper Interost.
There wns much pressure from the bear
side nnd tho mnrkct closed Hteady and
unchanged to fi points lower: total snips
were 12.WM bugs. Including January nt 0.50
iio.ulc; March, .75fjfi.Xc; Ju', 7.10c: Sep
tember, 7.3i)c; October, 7.30c.
KniiNnn City I.lvc Stuck Market.
eclpts, 300 head: market, compared with a
n-i-i'K bu, .uijvc nigner; today s prices
nominal; good export and dressed beef
iueur, i.oj-u.uu; inir lo gooil, 1.7Sr(G.i0;
stoikcrs nnd feeders. $.1.0ifi4,uii. western fed
stei tt, llifi.oo; western range steers. WW
im.ij, Texas ami urn nit steers, rwiim
Texas cows, $2.tfT3.7; native cows, $2 .iff
4.00. he fern. $3.UOIfG.N: bu s. $2.20lf W
calves, f:l ffif8.5o. Hecitlt for week, jj.BuO
nemi; last wcpk, rj.uoo fiead.
HOGS Receipts. I2,"i0hend; market 5c
lower, iop,; liuiK, jfi.iiMio, ncavy,
SR.UVfin.M: mlxeil iinpkprn. ir..1(1il-...1."i. tiles.
fi.fio6.22ts; pigs, $UVV.40. ReCeljits for
wiK, lii.imi neaii; lust weeK, ne.iu
SHEEP AND I.AMHS-ltecelDts. I'flJ bend!
inatket. compared with week oco. IWiIOo
nigner; louay s prices nominal; native
Iambs, $I.KVtf4.S3: western Iambs, $I.0WI5jj
native wethers, 3.5mf4.fO: western wethers,
$3,201(3,75; ewes, $2.7i'rj3.tO; culls and fee l
ers, $2.00573.23. Itecelpts for week, 14,711
nenu; last weex, u.hv neau.
' Ihlftnr .llnrkpf.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 7 -St'OAR-M ir
ket steady; open kettle, 2 9-lfilf2 13-lfic: open
kettle, centrifugal, 3i(.W3!4c; centrlfugil,
urumit.tteil. .111-iOc: white. 3'ifl3'ie: yellow.
3M3V; seconds, 2Htl3Uc Molafses, steady;
, open Kemp, vnrw, eentriiugai, m ic,
I Syrup, stpady. 262Sp.
I l'. 1.'IWI, IJVV, ,. 31 Vl(ll."ll.l.
I steady; fair rpilnlng, 3'4c: cpiitrlfugnl, 90
ipsi, ;iic .MOinssps sugar, e. itPiuieu,
I Xtpndy; No. G, 4.3(lc: No. 7, 4.20c, No S,
i.ioc; .o. a, H.n.c; io. iu, c; o, ii, a.-uc,
No. 12. 3.9T.C. No. 13. 3.'.Oo: No. 11. S.'jOc.
Etandard A, 4.70c; confectioners' A, 4.70cj
mould A, 5.2rie: cut loaf, 6.l"c: crushed,
G.ttic, powdered, 5c; j?ranulated, 4.90c; cubes,
6. IB. '
Dry (IoiiiIk .llnrtipt.
dry goods market clones with a very llrm
lone In cotton goods and some Improve
ment In demand. 'In brown cottons sellers
nr.. frrwiiti.titlt linMltiir fnr 1lp mlviinpp.
Nh change In bleached goods prices. Coarse
pointed cottons lending ngaiust Olivers.
Prints are urn. witn steady neinnnu. umg
bnms very llrm. American cotton yarns
hi better roMiiest and generally '4c higher
on sales or spot yarns, worsted yarns in
good rcMuosi IUU very iirm.
,imv Vnrk I.lve !tni'k Inrkct.
NEW YORK. Dee. 7,-llEEVES-Recclnts,
175 head, mulnlv consigned direct: no snles
reported, Exports, 1,140 beeves and 9 000
quartern of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 14 head; steady; a few
Indiana calves sold at $5.50.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 2,303
head; good slock steady, nil other grades
dull and weak: sheep. $2.00313.35; culls, $1.50;
In mli'. ordinary, $1,25.
HOGS Receipt, WO head; none on sale;
nominally nrm,
I'lilluitelptiln Print n ee Mnrkct.
but firm; fancy western creamery,
201lIGl4c; fancy nearby prints, 29c.
EGUS-Htenily; fresh nenrby, 20c; fresh
western. 2flo: fresh southwestern, 26o; fresh
southern, 25e.
CIIEESE-yulct but firm; Now York full
crenms, fancy, small, lie: New York full
crenms, fair to choice, 9yi0io.
IiuiinrtM nnd Kxports.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. The Imports of
dry goods nnd merchandise nt tho port of
New York for this week wero valued at
$11,229,GI0. The Imports of specie this week
were $107,052 gold and $133,113 silver. The
exports of specie from this port to nil
countries for this w'eek aggregated $181,715
silver and $227,153 gold.
T 1 1 H III3AI.TV MA II K 14T.
tNSTRt'M ENTS placed on record Snttir
day, December 7:
Wnrrnnty IleeiU.
J. C. Reed to 13. S. Ilohr, lot 14,
Cherry Garden; lot 12. block 2. Ex
cliauga Placo
J. O'. Colo to J. C. Kindred, lot b,
block 15, Florence 200
O. II. Kreldler add husband to M. E.
IJIerbnwer. lots 39 and 10. block 1,
Saunders & II.'s ndd. to Walnut Hill 1.S00
J. A. Dwelly and husband to Annie
Dwelly, south 30 feet of north 150
feet lot 1, block 2. Park Place COO
German-Amerlcnii Savings bank to J.
II. Sherwood, lot 20. block 11, Hrlggs,
Place 1
W. H. Crow to O. F. Dnvls compnny.
lots 23 nnd 21, W, A. Redlck's ndd.. 2,000
Hyron Reed company to T. H. Nen
son et nl, lot 17, Dewey Place 1,100
Peter Plcquetir and wife to W. C.
Crawford, lot 2, block 2, Corrlgun
Placo ''O
S. S. Lanyon. truntce, to Henry Cole
man, lots 1 and 2, block 4. Ecker
man Placo; lots 3 and 4. block 1; lots
r, and 0, block 8, Kendall's add 1,000
Grnce Holmes to Elizabeth Urocn, lot
10, block 472, Grand view , 73
E. M. Onrnett to Hugh Suttie, lot
8, block 13, iFlnronco 123
Quit Claim need.
Luclnda Colo et nl to J. O. Cole,
lot 5 nnd tb lot 4, block 45, Flor
ence 1
Totnl nmount of transfers $ 7,301
Council HIiiffH .ViifeH,
ChnrlrH McCoy, arrested Into Friday night
on a chnrgo of embczz'Jng paperhunger's
tools, the property of MuxsPlman Hros.,
succeeded In effecting a settlement yester-
Pianos !
it COSTS YOU are no lower than our
factory prices-
Seeing is believing Cut out this atl, bring it
witli you, tell us what you have seen, get our price
on the same grade CO.MPAKE INVESTIGATE
It may surprise you to lind that we sell Pianos
cheaper tlmn the other fellow EVERY TIME.
There i good reason for it, this is a FACTORY
Store, a branch house of HAHDMAN, PECK &
CO. WE MAKE PTANOS We can and do sell
new, bright, clean, plain and fancy, medium or
highest grade pinnos nt a figure equal to what
Omaha dealers PAY FOR THEIR GOODS.
Highest grades, our own make in all designs,
sizes and cases, at 137.00, $ 1GS.00, 108.00 to
2(!7l00 on easy payments.
'We have what we advertise."
Slightly used Kimball Upright, 05.00. An
other, walnut case, $135.00. Square pianos from
5.00, 12.00, 22.00, 25.00 up.
New Self-Playing "Simplex" $200 and $225
ER" 250.00, 275.00, 300.00 most expression,
easy to operate, try them, hear them, you will pre
fer them.
VISITORS WELCOME Shrewd buyers speci
ally invited to compare our stock and prices.
Open evenings.
If you are looking for a real nice XMAS
PRESENT, come in nnd inspect our stock noth
ing nicer than a nice piano nothing better than
the best we have the best. Don't buy before see
ing us.
Moving1, Tuning", Renting-, Polishing", Repairing"
Factory Workmen.
Mueller Piano & Organ Go.
Telephone 1098. 1316 Farnam St. .
Branch House of llardman, Peck 4 Co,, North Side Street. Look for 'llardman''
Piano Sign.
Without Gutting, Danger or Detention
from Pleasures or Duties.
Piles, when bleeding, lower the vitality.
Piles, when protruding, annoy and distress.
Piles, when internal, cause obsgurc symptoms.
Piles, when ulcerated, cause leflex disturbances.
Piles, when acutely inflamed, cause severe suffering.
Piles, when accompanied with fissure cause intense pain.
Piles, when attended with chronic inflammation, cause itching.
Piles, of any kind, are apt to induce sympathetic ailments.
Why Suffer from Piles ?
Thero i nn economical, unfc mid certain cure, thnt ninv ho lioucht nt
nny ilniR storo, nnd Eelf-apiilicd in tho privacy of your own homo. Thcio
is no oxiicrlinonting, no waiting your turn at a surgeon's imleli
onto examinations, or lmrlmrous, painful nnd dangerous oioratlons. You
simply go to your druggist, huy tho Pyramid Pile Cure, ainilv It yourself,
and got well.
That tho Pyramid Pile Curo does reallv erne piles, relievo tho con
gested parts, nllny inllainnintlon, nnd stop all aching, Itching and throb
bing in vouched for by ninny hundred voluntary nnd unsolicited testi
monials of which tho following nro representativo specimens :-
Ourod of Pilot whero Knlfo Fnllod.
Amos Crocker, of Worcester, writes s
"After roIiir tliroiiRli n frlulitfnl mirKlcnl
operntloii, nnd nfter tr j Inn any number of
tnlvenml ointment, ono MV, fiox of l'yra
tnlil I'llo Curo kmc. upecdr relief anil It
quickly cured me."
Ourod Alter Year of Pllo Torture
.IntiiiM Kenton, Memnhls. Tenn., nyii
"I mUereit tliu tortures nt UchltiK pllni lor
yeais nnd over)tlilliK l tiled fulled Id rellelo
me. Ono TO cent liox of Pyramid l'llo Curo
cured mooutlrely."
Ourod of Pltos Attor Many Ycnri.
Mrs. I. P.. Ileefl, of Albany, saysi "I would
not tnkn $.7)0 and bo plncod back wliero I was
beforo I uied tho l'uitmld l'llo Cure; 1 suf
fered for years nnd It I now 18 inontln clnco
IiiMdltnnd not tlio (lightest trace of tlio
troublo Um returned."
Curod of Plies, Sovcd from Knlfo.
Mr. Aaron Medron. of Barannnli, fia..
write: "Kver slnco tlio blrtli of my llrst child
tlx years nvo, I Imvo ourTered Rieatly from
pilot, 1 could not bring myself to bear tho
thoughts of a surgical operation, l'yranild
Tile Cure entirely cured nu"
Dotporoio Cnso of Piles Curod.
Mrs. Win. Konmnre, Bo. Omaha. wltoi
"I nuffornd many years with protruding plies
and dared not risk an operation. My rave,
becamo despornto. I took l'yramld l'llo
Curo and In a short tlmo was entirely cured
with no return of the troublo."
All drutttrists sell Pyramid
thorn to. It is 50 cents n pnekag
Drug Co., jiarsiinii, jiicn. write
o.,,l flnrnnf Pltna '
VHUDU HUU 1, 1 U A ..WO.
Awful Pllo Torlurn Curod In 3 Dnys.
Mr.. It. T. ('. Iloylan, SInrshnll, Mlsnls.
slppl, Writes! ."I sullered nwtul torture for
) ears from piles. I lined I'jraiiild l'llo Cure
and ns nell Iu llireo days.''
Curod of Itolilno PIIob.
lMward I)unellen,Wllkebarre, r.1.1 "For
jPTen eiirs I was scarcely ever Iree from tho
terrllifo torturoof ItrhliiK pile. I tried all
sort of remedies. n told n Mirglcn! oper
ntloii mlRht sao. Ono Mei'iit 1ki of l'yrt
mid l'llo Curo eurod mo completely."
Famous Doctor Urrjcs
Pyramid Pllo Curo.
nrVlllUms, n prominent orldelal surseon
saysi "II ; sthodutyiif evi'rysurKeontonvcild
bu operntlon, If posslbln to euro In any otlmr
ay, and nfter many trial nlth the Pyramid
l'llo (ure, I unhesitatingly recommend It In
preforeneo to nu operation."
Pllos Curoif Aftor 30 Yonrs.
c iI hlI?..l:- f 18 "MiM-. Bacramento,
( al.: "Ono M cent box of l'uamld l'llo euro
permanently cured mo of idle, l'or so years
?fIVwM7ViI1V17np,!t.'1 'rKl"fl operation,
nearly died but failed to euie. I wa unablo
to walk when 1 tried l'yramld l'llo Cure.
Tho first application relieved me."
Esoopod tho Knife, Curod of Pllos.
Mrs. lllnkley, Indlanapoll. writes: "The
,.lo,torsi,lt,l..l.t.lmit l,un "perntloii costing
Ssoo nnd lltlln ctiniico to survive. I chose
l'yramld l'llo ( urn mid ono w cout box made
me sound ami well."
Pile Curo or wijl get it for you'if you
ago and is put up only by tho Pyra
o to thorn for their frco book on "
109 South Sixteenth Street.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Gut Glass, Etc.
Sales Daily at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.
Chairs provided for ladies.
Iuuuiiioi'iililo puri')i:isi'i-H uttendod
our stilu during tho week, nnd
whilo our business was cnonnouH,
wo still havo countless lmrgnlns
left. Those coiiti'mplntliig tho pur
olinso of u lluggy, Huniiliout,
Witgou, Hli-yclc, Autoinohllo or
(irnphoplioiii'- kIiouIiI boo tis lioforn
too Into, ,
Everything Must Go.
It will pay you to como nillos to nltoml (I.Ih sn'lo. N-otlllug hut lingo
burguliiH for tlio purchnKiT.
Latest RdectlonH from "Ki,.r,.. 1 ' ' '
dorn." "Toll Mo, Pretty Mulcl," Vo
cnl Bcxtctto; "In tho Slnido of tho
rnlin," nlBo nil tho nmrcho.s nnd
wnltzPH. Latest Helectlotm from
"I.ueln," latest hoIocUoiih from
"Tho Huigomuster," nil of Sousn's
latent hanil selections nnd n.OOO
other Into vocal nnd Instrumental
Free Concert Daily
Chairs provided for ladles. Our lino of CJrnpliophonos Is tho LAIIO
KST, FI.N'KST, ltKST In tho state.-
Wo niovo soon Into now (iinrter.s nnd everything must ho sold regardless
or cost.
H. E. Fredricksoti,
Fifteenth and Dodge.
Looking at a $2
Diamond Babv
It perves to show you how lanro uud
Kood our clecmiT ClirlHtmiiH gifts loolc to
thoRo who WILIj look, and whllo many
Alii'. looldriK thcro uro IIiousiuhIh nf our
legulur ciiHtnmerH to look yetiuul TO IOOIC
Is what wo urgo you to do enrly, for It
tnkcK "TIAIK" for all. LOOK nnU you
11UV you cun't liolp It.
T. L Combs S Co.,
'I'lin Hun)' JtMvi'lnrM,
Note the number I A i
lirV20 Douglas St., Omnha.