Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1901, PART I, Image 7

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JHss lidlth Williams Wants livery
Lndy Reader of tl.Is Paper to
Know How She Saved Her
Used an Odorless and Tasteless lie
nittdy In His Food (,)nickly Cur.
lug Without His Knowlcd-.-.
Trlnl I'ncktittr of tin- llctiiril.t Mallei)
Vvrn in Miimv lion- Kii II In
in I'ure D-uiiLnril.
Nothing nuild bo more ilranntlr or de
voted thun the iNiitiniT In which Mlm IMIth
JVIIIUim. Rox v.. Wavncsvllle Ohio, cured
hr 'Irunicnti father iifltr yenr of iiiImiv,
wretchedness unil ntuioil iinbfuruldc rut-lrrlns,
''Yes, father In 11 reformed man. ' she
said, "and our friend i think It n mlritcli
thit 1 ruroil lilm without hli knowledge or
consent I hnil rend how Mm. Knt Lynch
of KM Kills HI , Han Krahclsio, Oil., hut)
cured her husband by using a remedy sc
rrelly In bin coffee- unil fooil. nml I wrote
to Dr. Haines for u trlnl. When It entne
1 put soinn In fmher'H colTce mid footl ami
watched him closely, but he couldn't tell
the illfTerenre, ho I kepi It tip,
"One morning father got up nml said ho
was hungry. Thin was a good sign, oh he
rarely ate tntlell breakfast He went nwny
niul when ho rame liome'nt noon perfectly
ioher 1 wan almost iranlle with Joy. un I
hadn't seen him Hobcr for half a iluy before
In over fourteen yearn. After dinner he sat
down In tliu bit; cany ehnlr unil said,
'Kdlth, I don't know whnt has eotne over
inc. but I liate the sluht and smell of liquor
nnd mil going to stop drinking forever.'
Tills wiih too much for inc and 1 told him
then what I bad done. Well, we both hud
a good cry, nnd now wo have the hnpplest
homo and the kindest father you run tm
nclne. I am no Klad you will publish this
experience, for It will reach many others
and .let them know about thai wonderful
(Jnldcn Hpcclllc."
Dr. Haines, the discoverer, will send a
sample of this grand remedy free to nil
who will write for It. Knnugli of the rem
edy Is mulled free to show bow It Is used
In ten, coffee or food, mid that 11 will euro
the dreaded habit quietly and pormnnontlv.
Mend your name and nddres to Dr. J. W.
Hollies, nieim Hulldlng, CMnrlnnatl,
Ohio, and he will mall a freo sample uf the
remedy to you. securely sealed In n plain
wrapper, also full directions how to use It,
bonks and testimonials from hundreds who
have been cured, anil everything needed to
aid you In saving those near and dear to
you from a life of degradation and ultimate
poverty and disgrace.
Send for a free trlnl today. It will
brighten the rcat of your life.
LL the elements of style, qual
I lty and workmanship that eo
to make up pood tailor-made cloth
Inp arc found In the ready-to-wear
clothcB bearing the K.N.& F. label
and they may be had at a very con-Blderable-Bavlnfj.
It mlpht be well
to ask your dealer about them.
First-class clothiers lu every town
have them.
Pullmnr. Pataco Sleeping Cars, Through
Without Uiunrc. Wvery Week
, day. via
OpinUni m to 8ucce Vrr Areaaj; tin
Difftrtit Lflcil Firms.
Well I'mlril Mrn n- It Would I'nj,
While Others Are IIiiumIIj I it
ImIii There l n Clianee
for It.
Considerable Interim Is manifest In the
(IMcii'slon of r house In Omaha to engage
In lh" wholesale clothing trade. The opin
ions txprosMdare divergent as to the feas
ibility of the enterprise, hut nit persons
lire ngrcrd upon Its desirability from the
standpoint of the Omaha Jobber In othsr
C. A. Robinson of the' llyine-llanimer
Drj Goods company nM: "On the part of
the general mercHants Mho visit Omaha
there Is n great demand for a wholesale
clothing houst Kvory man who visits
(mnhn has to go farther east to examine
storks In this linn- and place orders, nnd
much complaint Is bcr.r'd over this condl-
tluti of aftaira. j
"I have given the matter some attention
and have conn' to the conclusion thnj there
ni'o just two pi ins upon which the huAlnrss
can h successfully oieratod. The day of
tho old-fashioned clothing house Is past.
The styles change so rqpMly that no man
uin afford to pile goods upon the shelves,
lie mint either manufacture his line or
do p. distinct Jobbing business, which Is
distinguished from the regular wholesale
business In that orders nrc taken at tho
local house and deliveries mado direct from
the factory, while thejocal house carries
only such goods as are required to sort up
broken rtocks to rush orders. To conduct
the latter business successfully would re
quire between J73,0n0 and JIOO.OOO. as tho
Jobber will have lo carry the accounts of
his tustomcrs and transnct his business
With the manufacturer on practically n
cash basis If he Is to rcallzo the profits
which should nccrue. lie would have to
make arrangements to handle the product
of one factory In full lines, finch a busi
ness, started with practically no capltnl,
has bien a gratifying success In St. Jo
seph, Mo., while a man who was firmly
established In the wholesale trade for many
years In that city has ailscrnbly failed be
cause he purchased his stock nnd kept It on
his shelves hoforc It was sold.
Another I'i'iim)sIIIoii.
Is a
different affair. While It run. no doubt,
be established In Omaha It will require a'
large nmount of capital 1750.000 or more
to compete with houses already established.
Then provision would have to bo made for
operatives, and labor Is hard to get."
V. 0. I'lcrson, manager of tho manufac
turing department of tho firm, said: "We.
have found the hlbor question the hardest
one to solve In our business. When wc
enmo here wo started fifty machines and
now have 180 In operation, but never have
as mnuy operatives as wo want. The women
becomo dissatisfied with the wages they
receive In the apprenticeship, and leavo
for other occupations before they have
qualified themselves to recelvo wages which
nro paid to experienced persons. I expect
a clothing manufacturing houso would havo
tho same trouble unless they Imported their
workmen." ,
Ward Ilurgess of M. K. Smith & Co,, said
"Thero Is an urgent demand from nil of
our customers for a wholesale clothing
houso In Omaha, nnd we would be pleased
to sco one established. Thcte Is no doubt
that one can be made to pay, but as to tho
dotatlB I know little."
Mo Mlddloinmi,
Morris Levy of the Nebraska Clothing
company, said: "While I do not want to
throw cold water upon any enterprise com
ing to Oraahn, I rcnlly do not see how such
a houso could be made to pny. In the first
place the retailer buys almost direct from
the manufacturer. This Is true, not only
of the housca in tho large towns, but also
of tho country. In the larger cities of the
country there are smnll, manufacturers who
do not mnko sulllrlent goods In a year to
supply a large retail establishment, nnd
they seek for customers among tho smaller
stores. The manufacture of clothing Is dif
ferent from nny other line. While many
of tho factories have passed Into the hands
of large corporations, thin Is Impossible In
the manufacture of clothing. Any man
who knows the business nnd Is In a position
to hire assistants, rnn start a factory by
buying .1 holt of cloth nnd cutting It up.
Ho may not be able to sell to large estab
lishments, nnd the large houses nre forced
to buy from the big factories In order to
got the quantities desired, but he can mnko
his goods cheaper than tho large factories
nnd enn sell at closer marglnn. As n rulo
ho mnkes only the cheaper grades of cloth
ing, but this grndo is the one which Is sold
oftencr than others.
"With this condition existing In all of
the larger cities, notably Boston, Chicago
and particularly New York, thcru 3 Jlttlo
room for the Jobber. Omnhn ran do aa woll
as an; other place, I hellovo, but I nm not
sangufno upon the subject."
white and Mr Walter Strndcvcp leader of
he rfd. Tin prcMdcn; appointed a com
mittee consisting of Mr Sldwell. Mr Mora
man and M'ss Weeks to comprse an
"The manufacturing eutorptlse
Effective Monday January c, IOC, Hie
"We Koar will oper.itr through l'uu
man iprvlce, I'lm igo and imtiaiMp
fits lo St. AucuHtlno, wiinotil cliing,
via Cincinnati and "Qucsn & t'rrs-cenfSo-ithern
lty.- riant Hystvm
and Honda Kast Const Sleeper will
run cm 'lilg Knur" rcgilar tialu No,
IS, In connection with the magnltlcent
'"Chicago nnd Florida Hpeclnl from
Cincinnati Tho train consists of
st in:i)i i,t: m- Tin:
l.v. C Incaso. dally except Kundas .. ... 1 uj
l.v. I.afnyi tto, dally except Siiu.iij
IjV. ludlannpidN dally except Sunday. ,..b;i.M
l.v, OrceniiburK. dall except Sunday ... 7;m
Ar. Cincinnati, pally except mimlav ....t:05
Ar Jacksonville, dully except Mondxy. .S:i3
Ar St, Aumwtlne. dally except Momhiv. 5 a)
Kor lull Information and particulars' us to
chedults. rutcs. tickets, etc , utll on agents
' Big rour Houtc." or addrea the nndr'
AVAitrtiJv ,i. iym'ii, v r. nr.i'i'i:.
Otn. Pats, is I'M tl Asst (J P. & t. A.
Nordjca ThAte all. The critic's work
Is ver.
lllit for the benefl' of the people who
were not nt the concert given Inst nigh:
It might not bo out of place to draw a
few lessons from tho performance, If such
a commonplace word can be applied to such
a remnrknhlc demonstration of nrt.
Tho voice Is a mighty voice and behind
It Is a wonderful mind. Such diminuendos
such vibrant, Intense and distinct planls
slmos; tho big tones always rcduceable to
the most delicate thread; nrt conccnllng the
A mcdel of which America may bo proud
and to which all Amerlcnn singers should
bring nil their best efforts to Imlt nt. There
Is no nrtlflclallty nbout Nordlca s tone-production.
Mnrk you, no smiling to the right,
placing In the nose, vlbr.itlon over the face;
no such absurdities. Imagine one nsklni;
Nordlcn whnt method she uses!
Her singing Is the apotheosis of u.itutnl
nnd artistic expression
She raises nnd expands her cheat to the
fullest, but. never her shoulders. This Is
lesson to the many singers who believe
they must secure a big tone by becoming
temporarily n hunchback. As nil exponent
df deep breathing applied to singing her
visit was worth the price of many lessons
to tho vocal student. And there were scores
of them present. Her foclnl expression Is
always of the most, adapted nlwnys
to the sentiment and emotion of the song.
Tho nil tco brief study In rccltatUc! pre
sented In connection with the Hnndcl nrln
the words, "Oh, worse than death, Indeed;
lend me. ye gunrds, lend me, to Hie
stake or In the flnmes; I'll thank your
gracious mercy" wns an Inspiration. What
n dignity nnd poise, nml what n rebuke to
those who think that recitative means nl
wnys nnd at all times a strident "dccla
mnndo!" The presentation of (lm Strauss sung and
that tremendous nrln of Krkel, tho Hun
garian, were especially gratifying to the
hungry music-lovers who know how lo love
such music. Tho "Maids of Cadiz," mug
nlflrently sung, wob particularly well re
ceived by the audience, hs was Orlcg's
"lch Llcbc Dlch," which was Instantly re
snug, and In such n manner as to lend one
to think that Nordlca herself shnrcd the
wish of the audience to hear It again.
In Klsa's drenm music one could not help
picturing the scene by the banks of tho
Scheldt, where Klsa slugs of her vision,
that vision of the knight In shining armor,
so soon to be realized In the advent of
Lohengrin. Kvcn In the "Song of Thanks
giving," that wonderfully virile product
of Miss Allltsen's brain, one could not but
think of llriinnhlldn as the words, "My love
Is a flaming sword" rang out. Yes. the
artist conjured up to the mind. Slginund,
Slggllnde, Wotan. Siegfried nnd the won
der sword "Nothung." One could see Sieg
fried leaping through the wall of fire to
nwnkc Tlninnhlldo with his kiss nnd the
words soared forth, "Thank God for you."
It was a coincidence. ,
The music lingers In the memory. The
artist's voice Is still heard. May she soon
Mr. Ilomayne Simmons was n worthy ac
companist of such an artist. Could more
be said?
Inthumtm Controls
Graii Pit.
tb OhiCAgo
i rrn helmed by tin Hush of Order
from i:ery Mile HrtiUers
II Id Madly fur
CHICAGO, Dec. 7. Speculation on the
Board of Trade wns on the rnmpjge agn'n
tod.iy. Once more record prices In all
grain wore topped and bull enthusiasm ran
from pit to pit, setting all trades In a
fever of excitement. The conditions back
of the upwhlrl were almost Identical with
those of the strong bull movement here
Wcdnefdiiy and Thursday. Although the
visiting stockmen are rapidly leaving the
oily, many of them are still buying. Coun
try orders deluged the commUslnii houses
this motnliig Added to this big demand,
however, wns a new bull InccntUc, that of
capitalistic speculation, Prominent biokoi'3
say that tho country has gone speculation
mad mid that men who usually dabble In
slocks are turning to grain.
Trade seemed nlmwt to Ignore tile call)
natural conditions which usually turn mar-
kels. HnweVer. the news today was bul- i
llsh. Iloth the Liverpool and the LugHMi j
ronntry markets were strong, me outfiiu
market's bullish nnd receipts rapidly f.illlnr
off. Thrtifi Innilnnce. lUltMiiftirnrl In fhi t.i I
port that Wnll street was strongly buying i
111 till ltinrtAt lirmlfflil nnnnlnt- tirln4 t 7
'J-fMU ccuts hlgber for December wheat
nnd ' cent to 1; cents higher for Muy
Naturally those bulges brought heavy liqui
dation, but prlceo stood "en nnd reactions
brought them up against every bit of bull
ish news, iJeccmbcr ranged between early i
7S,?7t rrnU.
Corn and onts. though both excelling
records for many years, followed largely
after the lend of wheat. The cash situation
In both these cctcnlR Is very strong and
tho supply markedly limited. December
corn jroke the record nt the opening, JO
1U In " cents higher than yesterday nt
ClUffiiu'? cents to r,:,, cents. May corn
opened to I cent IiIkIici at OS-li to fiSH i
I cents, bngged off to C8',46S'4 cents on prcllt
I taking, hut soon reacted again to (1S
tenls. May oats opened ' to I cent hlgber
nt 4fi to 16-54 cents nnd after breaking
slightly turned very stiong nnd told up to
17 cents.
The small sar In grains after the strong
rarly opening lasted only a short time.
Overwhelmed by the rush of orderis from
every aide brokers bid madly for cereals at
new.tecord prices. Wheat was In most de
mand and at one time sold 3ft 3 cents over
yesterday's close. December wheat closed
at Its (op price. 2-j;f2',4 cents higher than
yesterday, nt 78 cents. May whea.1
touched S3 cents and closed excited at n
gnln of 2'i nt S2)J cent, December
torn 'Md not feel much of the reacting Im
petus, but closed strong of a cent up at
C4T4 cents. May corn set Its new record
prlco at t!9 cents nnd held It nt the close, a
gain of 1U cents over yesterday. On' Mkc
wise felt tho strain nnd Jumped to Cjlj'
i'K cents, closing lfi cents higher at I7"rj j
The Demosihenlsn Debntlng society
field a short business meeting Monday aft
ernoon after drill. Messrs. Werhaui.
Kelley, Smith nnd Arnold will compete f:r
ho Interscholnstlc debate, to be held at
Lincoln on New Year's, A preliminary de
bate will be hold next week.
The "Jolly Ten" met at thp home of Miss
Margaret Caldwell last Saturday. The aft
ernoon was enjoyably spent In games nnd
later refreshments were served, The next
meeting will be held Satuiday, December
II, at the home of Miss Luelln Heine.
It seems to he Impossible for the new
High school to bo rendy for use by January
1, but It Is hoped that all the 'science de
partments will be completed enough for th
pupils to work In.
Some of tho advanced classes will rec?lve
their third unit's card next week.
The reorganization of tho Natural His
tory society has hsen postponed until the
first of the year, when It Is hoped the new
building will bo ready for occupancy. It
.was thought best o pmtpone the rccrganl-
ration on account of so many biology ttu
dents coniln? t ! o'clock nnd tlio others
at 10:30. Whon the new building Is occu
pled all will come at 0 o'clock.
Nearly all the seniors attended nn Im
portant meeting of their class Friday aftir
noon Mr. Waterhouse nnnonuced that the
i Heard of l-Miiratlnn had decided lo change
tho regular plan of graduation. It was. d
tided that the class have eight speaker
from Its own clasa. InMoad of engaging u
lecturer. A verv fair method cf selecting
the speakers has been decided upon. Ora
tlons and essays written voluntarily by tho
seniors will he examined by a faculty com
mlttee. The sixteen brst. ones will ho se
lected. Kxenises beforo lou win
be held to decide upon tho tight best of
these sixteen, These eight will be dellv
eted nt commencement. A petition will ba
unit lo the Heard of ICduratlon for ths ner
mission of having thn opening exercises In
Ibo new building, Tho money realized will
go toward buying a stutue for the new
building and also for clans day exercises.
The senior class will be divided Into two
pnrU, as last year, for a literary contm.
Mies Emma Shrelber will be leader of the
A Capitol Cnmrily,
A comedy In foiir act. by 1M il Wllstach.
Produced for the llrst time In Omaha ut
Uoyd'H theater Saturday matinee and
night by Tim Murphy and his company.
Joel Gay Tim Muipliv
Kenntor Dlnsmore,... .George Oliver Morris
Murray Thorp Jnmes Uurklu
Kdgnr Dlnsmore J. II. Montgomery
John Paslowe." O. .1. Grlllln
Abornntliy John Henlon
Phil, n senato page. .Master Dinllev Mumble
Kmlly Garrison Llllbin Avium
airs. .Mason uurey rowoil
Iulse Dlnsmore Dorothy Hherrnd
In his new play Tim Murphy has perhaps
tho prettiest and most admirable of any
In which he has been seen In this city.
Not much can be said of its dramatic
strength, but It is wholesome and delight
fully humorous, nnd theso nro the chief
requisites of a successful comedy now
adays, Last season Mr. Murphy scored such
a triumph In tho revival of one of Sol
Smith Huescll's former plays that he de
cided this year to try a new play, written
along the snme lines, with one of those
easy-going, honest, honorable and always
admirable characters always assumed with
such success' by Mr. Hussell, as Its ccntrnl
figure. Paul Wllstach was chosen as tbe
nuthor nnd has succeeded In fitting' Mr.
Murphy with a piny nnd part In which he
enn hardly fall to win the success that his
conscientious nnd painstaking efforu as an
actor merits. Many of Mr. Murphy's man
nerisms reminds one of Mr. Hussell, al
though he enn hardly be nccused of copy
ing this distinguished actor, since he has
always possessed tho same .marked Indi
viduality which has had much to do with
his success as a star. Dorothy Sherrod,
always the same handsome nnd talented
little nctress, hns a congenial rolo in tho
portrayal of which she adds to her reputa
tion as an nrtlst. The balance of the com
pany are rather below the standard, while
tho production is quite In keeping with
tho requirements of thn story. The en
gagement was for Saturday only.
l'lieiiiln .if the .Sixth Ward it I.hiiiu'Ii
IIIk IIimiiii nt it MertliiK
l.nst MtslH.
A meeting was held Inst night at Idle-
wild hall In the Interest of Nelson C. Trntt, j
candldnto for the republican nomination ,
for rongrcs In this district. The meet
ing was Httcnded by n largo number of
Clvtl, . T .1 .nnlillnniiB Ql.nt tana.t.ilind 1.,
.-..Ml. t.u.ll . .r 1. 1,, ,v.i lit.. .lllvi l rfv.ivp. .1,
which Mr. Pratt was endorsed, wrro mndc by
K. C. Wolcolt, A. H. Willis. I. O, Ilnright. I
John Prgg. W. II. Klbourn, II. V.. Ostrom. j
Theodore. Johnson, W. J. Hunter. W. It.
Ilonuin, J. L. Jacobsnn nnd II. It. Hall. K.
G. Solomon wns chairman of the meeting
nnd Gcotge A. Ostrom acted as secietnry.
After the speeches Mr. Prntt wns endorsed
by n rising vote of the meeting and wns
authorized to name a committee, composed
of one member from each precinct In tha
Sixth ward, to nsslst him In ndviinrlng his
interests. !
, i
Morrln in -lull inn u,
DKNVKR, Dec. 7. A marriage license
was UmiciI today for Lieutenant Henry j
Mcriinm, son of General Henry C. Mcrrlani, I
retired, and Miss Alice L. Ishmnn nt Hniiu
lulu. The bride-lo-be has been tho guest !
of the family of General Merriam, who coin-,
mnnded tho Department of Colorado until
his retirement last month, Lieutenant Mcr
rlani returned a few weckb ago from tho
Philippines, where he served with tho'
American army during the Filipino cam
paign. Tho wedding will be private.
lleelu finlen.
LYONS. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special, )-.Mr
Leonard Ileebe of Hooper, Neb., and Mlb.s 1
Maudo Gates of this place were mnrrlcd
hero today, by Itev. Ilousmnn.
n. It. Chapman of Lincoln Is at tho Mil
lard. A. J, Piston, nn engineer of Fremont, Is
In the clt:
Kdinund Hettle of llcarsford, Pa., Is ut
the Millard.
K. W, Heck of Norfolk In registered at
the Merchnnts.
Miss Z.clla Hlodgett of Lincoln Is In the
city visiting friends.
W. Courtney nurt sister of Kauns City
are guests of the Mllliird.
Miss lllanche ObTfelder of Sidney Is
Visiting Mrs. M. Moycr of 2110 Dougbis
Mrs. C.' It. Woodruff of Hi. Joseph and
Mrs. Kdward Hurke of Wnlnut, la., are In
tho city. f
Charles lloss of North Platte, u civil en
gllieer of the Union Pacific road, Is nt the
A. Ottlnger. a railroad man of San Frnn
olsco, Is at the Her Grand, the guest of U.
L. Loma.X.
IL 11. Latta, a banker and stock den lor
of Teknmah. accompanied b his wife, Is
at tbe Merchants.
Mr, H, lllrsh, formerly of Omaha and
now managing the Cudahy Intctesti In
SI. Joseph, is spending Suuuuy here.
Tho Iloer Hellef leni;tin will meet at til?
Pavton cafe this afternoon at 3 o'cloeK,
Friends of tho lloers nre requested to be
K. Henjamln Andrews, chancellor of the
University or Nebraska, is at the Her
Grand, lie will tectum at the First Haptlit
church this morning on tho suoject of
"Temptation," the central Idea of the nd
1res being that temptation Is not yu
onymous with sin,
v llloeks liisuriiuce Am'nluitiiintlnii.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7,-The high c'ourt
of justice, chancery division, has declined
to consent to the proposed transfer of the
life department of the Atlns Aseurnnce
company to the Pelican Life Insurance
company, says a dispatch to the Journal
of Commerce from Loudon. The terms of
the arrangement would have relieved the
Atlas capital from hII liability under the
life policies of tho Atlas. It Is Intimated
that this complication may he a serious
stumbling block In the way of the consum
mation of tlm Plinenlx-Atl's amalgamation.
breast, though wft
they nre liable to nnncnr upon other tl.irts I
of the hotly. When they begin to spie.ul
and cat into the Ilcsh," sharp, piercint;
pains are felt ni the underlying tissue is
destroyed and the tender nerves exposed.
Cancerous tores develop from very tiiflinn
causes; u carbuncle or boil, swollen pjland,
n little watery blister on the toiinuc or
lip, a wart, molr or bruise of .sonic kind
becomes nn indolent, festering sore,
which in time tlegeneratcB into cancer.
"Ton years ngo I
had a aoro on my left
tomplo, which th
doctors pronounsod
a cancorous ulcor;
it would itoh, burn
and bleed, thon
over, but would
ncvor hoiil. Aftor
takinrr S, S. 8. awhile
the nore began to h
discliarsro, and when
nil the poisonous
matter had passed
out it cot well. I
tool: In all about
thirty bottles, continuing It for tomo
tlmo after the sorn had heale'd, to be
euro all tha poison was out of my ays
tein, llavo seen no slirn of tha oancor
In ten years. JOSEPHUS ItEID.
Gaut, Audrian Co., Mo.
ii strictly ti Vegetable
remedy, and, while
possessing purifying
und healing properties
that no other medicine
docs, contains nothing that could derange
the system While cleansing the blood
it also builds tip the general health,
If yon have n suspicious sore, or other
blood trouble, send lor our free IkioU cm
niood and Skin Diseases, nnd write to us
for any information or advice wanted,
we make no charge for thi service.
l Now is
your time
Thousands (no exaggeration)
J of pieces of choice and suita
A blc furniture for Xmas on sale
blc furniture
this week at
1 o w
prices. .Each
a n d every
piece on sale marked with a la roe orM"
luu like cut. which nioaua that, its uctmtlj
value 1ms been cut one-third or one-half.
We know, (arid you will, too, it you in
vestigate) that you cannot allord to
overlook this opportunity.
MUllfilS t'HAin- inn.
Hive frames-- pretty Vulotir
uphohteiiiiKx wurth JU
-Orren Tiir y
si:!;-,:i;!,:r. .o.50
roll edKe folld comfort pat
tern worth $r..rC- f ?
(Ixeen Tap Sale Uft
.m Kit A MUD pin-funs.
Ii!x20 framex of dead black
with KOld burnlnhc!- larur
variety of subject! worth
J.'.no cirecn Tap
Sale Price
A bitch tnu exactly Ilk"
,ocrv Hrtlclr rn nale i.rr
5,ei) piei cii
I'ttn. In il
'i hi ll nn 1 1 on lliiul. Ciiae nml Wt-lllim l)i"U mil.
or iimliiiKnii I'l-eni'li lie el plnli mlri iii m-u
ilenlitn, MiH'lh S-'l.ll(l Ci-ern 4l I O "1 "
i na I'rli (: I . O
C enl.T 'I'll bl 'J I x'.' I -I neb liip Imn'r
IiIkIiIv imiINIioiI v nelli V-..MI Cii-reii
i'HH '-nle. . .
. highly
! n
a sported
woods and
worth up
to SILMO--Oreen
Sale Price
ed, oak or miiluiK.iiiy 'hi-
ltd, wooii ur cotiiiirr teat,
worth ..."0- r ( O
' I recti i'liK S.ili KM
Price only .
I.AIULS' DltKSSINCJ TA -In iiiartereil uaU
blrd'i-ee mnpto or ma
hoxany l.irRc I'lencb
bevel mlror worth J1.S.0J
(liven TUB
wale l 'rice
HLK choice of ;i woodn
pollHlied worth up lo ll
Oreen T:ir fmj
oil!? '.'r!:j. . 7. 50
All lent In-1- bull- tllleil Cniieli il In iiiiiml tnfl
miiriinii - iilli miiii iiiiti-i'il ciiiIi iu-.Iiim. im l!i
11.1. lireen 'Inn nlr
price , , ,
ft 27.50
Velum- ('iiiiiIiix lis Ini'lii'N I ti t lerl Iiiiiu
I'llllll'l' (if fl'IIIIM-N llllll lllllllIClillN, itui-lli up III
ll.". (it-ei-n Till nle (117 rll
iiiii-c .y
III nn hlu hl.v pill InIk-jI f in iih' 1 1 K
i-ii i-rlims, Kitt-ll niillviiK mill Kill'
(iret-ii iuv, nle I'rlei-
follil ink golden llnlih
a extra leu vex - worth I1
(Ireen Ta Hale
:t-il-'i- I'nrlor Xlllli- IM. I il ir-N t i- mill -.III. e-Iiiiii-
-im ei I hum Irmiii-M uf UiiImi
Koine I it In lil t-l li up In ifil., (iii'i-n . , . 0
Tnu Snli- I'l-lee rplO.Oli
l.enllier u pluiUI eri-il riii-U-r riu- Hie 1 1 It rn - I n
ninny in-ii iiil(i-rn i oi'lli ifllT ( im'ii
Tim It- I'rler
.Mtil I'nbliK-l iimirl'.'reil unliten u:iU m- liiiltn-
tlnn llinbluilll mrilliiiii mIi- oi-l li l(l-
(ireen iiiu Null- I'llei-
Chiffonier -In link mill iiuiliiicmiy tin lli ." In
ilrmvi'in, i-ll I'liiml i-'ieleil tuirlli fl'J.'d
(ireen Inn n I 1'i-lei-
seiiil-ioi'ii: In IHiuirr Sclx 111(1 ili-i-i-lii-aull-ful
bnrilei- nml jprii)- t.-i-nrittl it n - ivurlli it-v
III (iri-en 'I'iik n'e I'rli'f if.V.oU
iyiarkcd jjUpLn Ta
vith a I Sa,e
All Ready for Christmas.
nphe features of the next 10 days will b
noino remai'kttblo unJ tlinoly uarg'iins In our cltmk
and suit department such values ,is we are giving will
make this store the center of attraction for frutial bhoppcr.i
with an eyo for the beautirii. NntwlthstaiiilliiK the re
markable low- prices you ate always welcome, to open an
account with its and havo Roods chaiRed and pay in unall
convenient sums on our popular -
Part Payment Plan.
One leading feature for this
ottering is 1.10 naRlani! made of melton m
ford or blacks, yoke front and back,
splendidly tailored In every respect
regular $1.1.00 value, for this
snlo at 4
III ox
About 185 26'iuch LeiiKth tadie.s, Box Coats Mostly tans, some reds blacks
and hi owns, mado of best finality WnHhliiRton Mills Kersey, guaranteed Skinner' satin lined. tea' mLm
42-inch Lqngth Automobile Coats with stitched yoke front
and back effects, high t-torm collar or notch cd collar. In castor, brown, black, tan and
ted, mado of best quality kersey, heavy satin lined, a $2.1.00 coat--
lu this snlo "
invi'i or Biiicneu, oirappcu scams, itic iiHiuisomcst tailored (jarment ever shown
tor tnc money- resuiiir price nan iieen lis. 'Ki
ln tli lu sale for
L;"0 silk waists in' various Htvltis. hut.
tun front or back, made of rich taffeta -the nowcHt fctvie-hmwi
omely Lorded or tucked- In all desirable col, im ,t 3. Ti'? L'LV
Silk and Flannel Waists
no two alike come In Individual boxes- niak iik n lu m soma V.,,1
useful p.crcnt- tiK. t,-Sular vain., , io, 5i;!w a,," tWZ Tins llll
IIP r i t iii
iTcncn naunei waists a rG.
In all colore, .open back anil front, nml- T. Vft
ed or iippl(Uud--worth up to 0.i- v-'
our coliitK price now Is ll.DS to
Ladies' Furs at Attractive Prices
-The fur sea'ou hns been herkward and we find our
selves overnlrcked with the hamMnmebt line of then
Roods wo have over carried Wn iniisi clout till stock
at any price w otfrr you stieli values as you'll never he
nine to get agiln2l-lnch lnstth -t.i..tvl,.
sr .i.iekct -guaranteed Sldn
ner's sain lining--worth $25 cloning prl'c
22-in. Length Electric or Near Seal
Jacket trimmed with beaver, rever and collar- best
quality Sklnnnor's lining a regular
I0 value In this closing
sale- price
Klectrle Seal Sirf. with cluster of r. Iiillt-, Si IS, and
Jl OS.
i ii never ne
illt-. SI & and
Genuine Marten Scarfs A HQ
Prime fkln no plfiing. cluster of S tall '"T Z C5
worth oo -i Wing price sale
4.98 J
"i &