Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1901, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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m&mmwEBBim affairs at south omaiia
what Is llm u-o of wnstlng your
lltnp pnrnntn nnil vnlir mniiev on I
fxxta. tni'HlH when It C'OHTH NO J
Mor.K tn travel In the lined trains
on n perfectly ballnslcd truck ovi-tt
ii direct ruuto?
Throo through foot trains
to California and Oregon.
Sprung b fUjrirJ to tk
BjidiciU Psrk.
City Tlokot Offloo
1324 Farnam St.
Tolophono 310.
Hnsterit Investor Mil III tn Hp l.ooklliK
fi tlir .Mnttrr nlth it View to
I'MtiilillxliltiK a lliirylnit
(Iro ii ml.
Ilcport has It thnt certain eastern capital
ists ro negotiating with ofTlccrs of the
South Omaha Lone! company for the pur
chase of a portion of Synrllcnte park, the
Intention being to convert this park Into
a cemetery. non wnai can oe icnriiuu
It Is understood to ho the Intention of Jhe
nronosed purchasers to take In oil of that
portion of tho park east of Twenty-secouJ
street, with tho city llmltn as tho northern
boundary and F etrect and Missouri avenue
tho southern boundary. Thirteenth street
Is tho eastern limit. In nil nbout 125 acres
will bo secured, providing the deal goss
through. Taking nut streets and roadways
It Is figured that there will bo about sixty
acres left for lots, and with 140 lots to the
ncro the scheme Is considered a paying In
Thrro is excellent street car service on
Tumitv. fourth street, and with the Mis-
-ip $ j -3
sn.irl nveniin lino tho eastern entrance oi u uus jenr,
tho nronosed cemetory could bo easily . Tho storo keepers have met the public
ronrhn.i. it Is thoueht that If tho project nan way, as attested Dy many a m-nuom
Bnr.n itii-mieh tho street car company will show window In the retail district. Toys
i..,i ii. Thirii-enth street line to Missouri are almost ovcrywhero on display. Ono en
.,., nniniu nf tho schemo are not avail- tcrprlslng merchant shows Santa Claus In
m n iimo ,nt llm nssuranco Is given n automobile, an Innovation which tho
nut tho nlan la being sorlously cousm- kuu buhu win no uoudi necepi, especially
t.v n... nronln In the cast who arc In- slnco tho park bonrd has refused him n per
$2.50 HATTER
107 S. 16th
S fife
Wo can sell you a Columbia Ornpho
phono as low as $5.00.
" Edison Machines, 10.00, VMM and
Disc Machines, J3),00 to $10.0).
It will l)o to your Interest to see us
before you buy. ,
Our prices tiro right.
Wo nro tho only limine selling tho
iiiiTcroni miiKuH isuiHor. couum
CiihIi or payments. Send for cata
; HEYDEf Phop.
Sloppy weather nnd
cold, wot feet bring
colds, cough and
soro throat. Nothing hotter for nil of
theso than Howell's Antl-Kiiwf. It cures.
25a bnttln at drug stores.
Office Iliiurit, r '
fnndnya, from H n
n. in. to II p.
ta. to R i, hi.
DR. McGREW Ag853
DlacuoL'N uiitl wiHurilum oi Stun Only.
SO Yrura' Kxiivrleucc. 15 Vcni' tn
VADIPHPEI C curort in less than 11 day
without cutting,
CVDUII IC uud all lllood Dlatueos cured
OlrnlLIO for life. All broaklng out and
signs ot tliu ui3ousB disappear ut once.
IIUCD On fllin canes cuied of nervous
lIVCH ZUjUUU debility, loss of vltullty
uiul nil imnuturul weaknesses of man.
ptrlcturc, aieut, Kidney and niaddar Db
cusch, Hydrocele, cured permanently,
t iiri'N Uiiiirimlei'il. Cuiixiiltiitlaii Ki'fc,
Treatment by mall. 1'. O. Box 768.
O 111 co over 2U S. Ulh street, between Kar
nam and Uouglus Sts.. OMAHA, NKH.
All Diseases anil
Disorders of Men
'l0 years In Omaha
Method nw, without
cattlug. oMw r Ion
of urns.
CVDUII iecurdtorltfanctthpolioa
OirPlI Ul o thoroughly clfnd from
the system. Hoon every itgn and lymptora
Htsappeara completely and forTer. Ilo
"llHUAUl.N'O OUT"ot the disease on the skia
or fare. IToatuiont coutalus qo dangiroui
0rui;i or Injurious tuedlclDv.
WEAK MEN from Excenei or Vicrius
Youno and MIDDLC Aord, lack ot Tim. vigor
and itreuctb, with orgnus Unpaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new llomi
Treatment. No pain, no detention from bull
eii. Kidney aud llladder Trouble.
s CiatiltitlM free. ireatrntnt kv Mil .
Call on ou or address 9 So. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omah. Neb.
tcrcsted In South Omaha property, uio
park Is now, and has been for a number
of years, under fonco and controlled by tho
South Omaha Land company. Several at
tempts have been mado to sell this prop
erty to tho city, but without avail, a
representative of eastern capital saw io
... . ... ...... ..... ti
a llco reporter last nigiu mm um
would tnako an Ideal cemetory. as It nas
natural drnlnugo and other qualifications
fitting It for one of tho finest cemeteries
In this section of the country.
oiler V.nm' nlmnlnsoil.
Tho personal Injury caso brought by Her
man Zcllcr, who sought to recover $20,000
from the city for Injuries caused by a fall
on a ilefectlvo sidewalk, was tried In Judge
Koysor's court last week and nnaiiy taKen
from tho lury by tho court. Two days wore
occupied In the trial beforo It wok shown
that tho Dlolntin had no standing anu m.n
Mm eltv was not liable under tho clrcum
stances. A number ol otner iiuentiiiiiB
fnnliirnn nreurmd to Show that faotltn
Omaha Is bolng Imposed upon In tho mat
mr nf dnmaeo suits. According to tuo poi
Icy of the present administration all such
suits will bo appealed to tne supreme court
Thl Keller cafie Is tho first suit tried ro
cently whero the city won n victory at tho
first hearing.
HeirriT of Honor Ollleern
Unchurch lodge' No. 2, Degree of Honor
olocted thcao olllcers last wcck: airs, iuz
abeth Dlckcrt, chief of honor; Mrs. Alice
sniilvnn. nnnt chief of honor: Miss Anna
Doylo, lady of honor: Mrs. Mamie Mc
ninarv. chief of ceremonies; Mrs. Mary Ga
hill, recorder: Mrs. Nellie Naglo, financier;
Mrs. Margaret Whalen, receiver; .miss aiary
nnlv. usher: Prank Pratt, Inside wnicn;
WUUatn Keegan, outside watch; Miss Kate
nalv. musician. Mrs. W. M. Uavis ano .Mrs.
Catharlno Cahlll were choacn trustees
noynl Achillea Ollloera.
Succcbh lodge No. 33, Royal Achates,
elected officers last week with the follow
Inir result: Jacob H. Davis, president; Mrs.
W. M. Davis. paBt president; Mrs. Maggie
Tripp, vice president; Mrs. Lillian Kls
folder, chaplain: Mrs. Mary Cahlll, secrc
tnrv: J. W. Hosklns, treasurer; Mrs. Al
fred Harber, guard; Mr. Alfred Harbor,
sentinel; Mrs. Ida Davis, marshal: trustees,
Burton nice, D. W. Cahlll, Frederick Mc
Kale. Mrs. Edith Mettlen Is captain of tho
.i.irrnn irnm nnd Mrs. Cora Goodman Is
Vllt't'lniltloil HliKKCstctl.
So far tho Board of Health has not de
elded upon a set of rules, but It Is expected
that certalu regulations will be udopted at
a meotinc of the board to bo held on Mon
day. Committees are now at work figuring
out rules, etc., for tho government oi mo
board and for tho guidance of the poople
in enoaklnu of tho condition of uffalra
here. Dr. Sapp. tho city physician, said
"Tho board will Insist upon vaccinntion.
Wo want to liavo nil of tho school children
vaccinated, and elders, too, for that mat
ter. All persons who have not been vacci
nated oucccsBfully In tho last five years
should bo vaccinated now. This Is tho only
manner In which wo can successfully stamp
out smallpox."
lloynl Arc'inuim Ollloera.
Knoxall council of the Iloyal Arcanum has
elected the following officers to servo for
tho ensuing year: Arthur H. MurdocK,
regent; T. J. Nolan, vlco regent; E. L. h.
Illdgeay, orator; Tercy Hamilton Bell, scc-
rotury; E. It. Loigh, collector; w. r. .mc-
Devltt. guides M. Calkins, chaplain: Hollo
Krebs, warden; S. B. Christie, sentry; w.
H. Jones, representative: C. L. Clapp, al
mlt to hso tho reindeers. There are sov
eral now mechanical toys. Many of them
nro Ingenious nnd Interesting, but still tho
sled for the boy and tho doll for the girl
hold the right of way nnd aro Just as nu
merous as they were a half.contury ngo.
Athcno burled nllvo, 18th & Douglas
street. Old street carnival grounds.
l'li.iprnl Nollep,
Kunornl services of tho lato Chnrles V
Stockham will bo held from fnmllv resl
dence. 200S North Klghtconth Btrcet. Mon-
day nfternoou nt-2j'clock. Friends Invited.
Ilfh Ccho'ol Oommittet Htpci to EnUrj
loop of tot Oonnt.
I:IpiimIiiii In Kvery Dlrei'llon rntll
All I'll l I n (.'nil lie Aeeoninioilnteil
nnil n llent TrnlnhiK
Melionl la Met Hp.
Mrs. Irwin lias returned to her home, nt i
Lexington, Nob., after n, visit wltn nor
daughter, Mrs. Kd Cahow.
Itev, Dr Wheeler will preach this morn'
Ing at the First Brosbytcrlnn church on
The Glory of Individualism."
Improved fnrms to exchnngo for Omaha
and South Om.tha Improved clear property.
Sop "For exchango" want add of Joseph
The ladles' auxiliary nf tho Young Men's
Christian association will meet with Mrs.
J. II. Van Duscn, Twenty-sixth nnd D
streets, on Tuesdny afternoon.
Tho Christian Kndenvor society of the
Christian church will hold n pesMan nt tho
church this evening. There will be music
by a quartet nnd an address by II, 1.
Mtoren nnil Mtreeta ThroiiKPtl with
I'ooplp tin- MnklttK
Tho snowstonfi nnd the cold weather ot
tho last few days have reminded everyone
that Christmas Is only a little moro than
two weeks off nnd as a' result holiday shop
ping has begun In earnest. Yesterday nft
ernoon and last night tho big department
stores nnd nil other stores that han
dle goods which by any stretch of
the Imagination could bo used ns
Christmas prcsonts wore running full blast
nnd tho streets were crowded with fore
handed shoppers, anxious to get tho "first
pick of goods newly received. Homeward-
bound trolley cars were pneked with mys
terious packagos and tho Indications aro
that Santa Claus will hnvo a busy night of
The enlargement in every sense of tho
manual training department at tho High
school will bo tho matter that Is given im
mediate and primary preference and atten
tion by the Board of Education as soon ns
tho uso of the new building commences. In
this section of tho school work moro than
any other thero Is n deplorablo cramping
and the Intention Is to not only lncrenso
tho size of tho working rooms and the ex
tent of tho equipment, but also to enlarge
tho course till Its scope and completeness
aro at least twlco that of tho present
Members ot tho High school committee,
Superintendent I'earse and school board
members at large have repeatedly had this
matter brought to their attention, especially
during tho last year. Because ot the con
gested condition existing In tho old building
In practically nil lines ot work It has been
possible to devote but two rooms nnd a
storeroom to mnnual training features.
vThls has been tuoet Inadequate for the
work, as Is manifested by two facts. One
Is that only 125 pupils can possibly bo nc
commodatcd In the course under tho cir
cumstances of straitened room nnd
equipment, whllo twlco and even three
times that number are anxious to take the
course. Tho other fact Is that tho proper
Instruction ot even this small proportion
of tho students necessitates periods In tho
workrooms of only forty-flvo minutes each
day, whllo theso terms of labor nbould not
be less than an hour and a halt -for good
work. In many ot tho tasks on lathe and
bench It takes several hours to complete
tho Job, while forty-flvo minutes Is hardly
enough to get started In, and then It Is
necessary to put away tho tools.
IViiltliiK List n Loupe One,
As It now Ih, a High school freshman, en
tering tho Institution for tho first tlmo
nnd desiring to take the manual training
course, finds himself on a waiting list and
ho may not get n chance to work In tho
shops till his Junior year and almost never
docs the necessary vacancy oppenr till he Is
a sophomore.
Again, the courso here Is most Incomplete
and Insufficient, both In tlmo nnd expanse
of work covered. Bench work and lathe
work Is all thnt Is covered and that only
for two years. The dcslro Is to make the
courso what It Is In tho high schools of
cities such as Cleveland, where It runs
through the entire four years, nnd Includes,
besides bench and lathe work, forgo work,
pattern making, casting, molding, chipping
and filing, a complete education for the
mechanic In almost any department.
Changes to such an end will necessitate
radical extensions la-tho Omaha High
school In every' way. First tho shop room
must be Increased at least twice Its pres
ent size. Then the equipment In the pres.
ent apparatus must be fully doubled, and
besides that the new departments, forgo
work, pattern making, casting; molding,
filing nnd chipping, will all rcqulro new
tools nnd set apparatus. Tho expense In
volved will bo considerable. It Is hardly
probablo" that the course will bo mado a
four-year ono nt first, but this may bo done
A feature In this connection Is that It Ii
now admitted by all pnrtlcfl concerned that
It will bo Imposslblo to movo Into tho new
building by January 1, ns expected, nor
till a month later. It Is now planned to
inako tho transfer at tho closo of tho first
semester of work. This will be a most con-
vrnlont time, ns It will obvlato tho con
fusion and delay caused by moving whllo
school Ih In session. Tho exchango can be
mndo during tho days during niid after ex
amination! when thero Is no school.
Atheno burled nllvo, 18th & Douglas
street. Old street carnival grounds.
But if You Hnvo Kidney, Liver or Blnddcr
Troubles, You Will Find Swamp-Root
Just the Remedy You Nccdi
Mortnllty Htntlatlpn.
Tho following births nnd deaths hnvo
been reported to tho Board of Health for
the twenty-four bourn ending nt noon uo
rpmher 7:
lllrthn Vnu'tnti WM hnrf nril . ttlnvpnth
nnil Vlrlinlns ulrl! II. V. .tniipx. 140S South )
Eleventh, girl: I'atrlck O'Donnell. 1733
South Klovcnth, girl; William II. Wellman,
25F South Sixteenth, girl.
Denths Thomns It. Lynch, ngeil 81 years.
2Cii7 Douglns; Qrnco Wood Mattock, aged
C9 years, -42V9 Cuming.
WANTED, n rlty salesman of exceptional
ability, cnpable of earning large salary;
muat bo over 25; liberal contract to right
party. Call Monday nt 201 Hnmge block.
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
With tho approach of tho biennial con
vention of tho General Federation of Wom
an's Clubs, which Is to bo held tn Los
Angeles In the spring, there is a noticeable
lncrenso In Interest In tho affairs of tho na
tional organization nnd n genornl prepara
tion for tho adjustment of the two great
questions ot the convention tho color
question and reorganization. Just where
Nebraska stands on theso matters can
hardly bo said, for the women, wisely, or
otherwise, passed over their one oppor
tunity of ascertaining, by mere touching
upon tho matter at tho Wnyno convention
In October. It has bccnTirgucd, and not
unwisely either, that tho color question
especially Is a dangerous matter to allow to
como up In any convention. In consequence
only n minority of tho stntcs know exactly
whero they stand In the matter. Recent de
velopments would seem to lndlcato that
the states that have braved tho danger of a
trco discussion of, the mntter wcro wlscat
after all, for they at least will liavo the
satisfaction of knowing whero their strong
women stand, whllo the others, now that
tholr stato conventions aro over, nro bo- stand for
ginning to seo troublo looming up ahead clubs and
troublo that they arc going to have no op
portunity of adjusting. Nebraska eeems to
be among this number.
It is pretty generally understood now that
neither of theso vexing questions is to bo
allowed to come up In tho convention, but
will ho referred to the executive bonrd for
settlement. In consequenco all the Instruc
tion of delegates will be of no avail, so far
ns direct lniiuonce is concerned, and an ot
tho effort nnd bitterness, too for there la
bitterness will bo displayed In electing to
tho new executive board members thnt will
pledge themselves to ono sldo or tho other.
At present Nebraska Is not represented In
tho bonrd, but South Dakota and Iowa are.
Tho probablo action of the latter stato can
best be Judged by Its action at tho Mil
waukee meeting, when It will bo rcmom
bered the delegation wltdrcw Its resolu
tions condemning the drawing of a color
lino that It might elect ono of Its members
to tho exccutlvo board. It bns developed re
cently thnt Iowa has no Intention of losing
this representation, If It can help It, but In
case It docs, there Is a plan on foot
whereby tho Iowa Influence will be thrown
to elect a member from Nebraska, but,
oddly enough, this combination Is pledged
to exclude the colored clubs. An attempt
has been made to draw some ot tho strong
South Dakota women Into this combina
tion also and thero Is Indication that a
number ot strong Missouri members are al
ready Interested. In the event of this com
bination one of tho strongest club women
In Nobrnska Is understood to bo the cholco
for tho position on the bonrd. Th?ro aro
other women In the state, however, who do
not propose to hnvo matters carried In this
high-handed manner aiyl It Is understood
thnt a second combination, with equally
strong support from tho mlddlo west, Is sh
tho process of formation. This faction will
tho admission of tho colored
some ot Us members claim a
strong support from South Dakota, even
stronger than Is supposed to bo pledged to
tho other faction. So far tho plans have
been confided to but few nnd It will be.
hoove the club women of the stato to keep
their eyes open and see to It that their del
egates aro Instructed along these lines, too.
and the first lesson ot tho course will be
Tho Woman's Suffragg Association of
Pnwnco county will hold Its nnnunl county
convention In Pawnee City on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week. For Thursday
evening's attraction a debate has been
scheduled between Miss Laura A. Gregg and
Mr. Blxby of Lincoln.
It used to bo considered thnt only urinary
and bladder troubles wcro to bo traced to
tho kidneys, but now modern science proves
thnt nearly all diseases hnvo their beginning
In tho disorder ot theso most Important
Tho kidneys Alter nnd purify tho blood
that Is tholr work.
Therefore, when your kidneys nro weak or
out ot order, you ran understand how
quickly your entlro body Is affected nnd how
every organ seems to fall to do Its duty.
If you nro sick or "feel badly" begin
taking the famous new discovery, Dr. Kil
mer's Swnmp-Ho-jt, becnuso as soon ns your
kidneys nro well they will help all tho
other organs to health. A trial will con
vtneo any one.
Doctors Prescribe Swamp-Root.
I hnvo prescribed that wonderful remedy
for kidney nnd bladder complaints. Dr. Kil
mer's Swntup-Hoot, with most beneficial
effect nnd know of many cures by Its use.
Theso pntlcntH had kidney trouble, ns ding
nosed by other phyKlclaiin, ami treated
without benefit. Dr. Kilmer's Swump-lloot
effected n cure. 1 tun a liberal man nnd
accept iv ipeclflo wherever I tltul It, In nn
nccepted school or out of It. For dspcrnte
cases of kidney or bladder complaint under
treatment with unsatisfactory results l
turn to Dr. Kilmer's Hwniiip-llool with
most llntterlng results. I shall continue to
prescribe It nnil from personal observation
stnte thnt Swamp-Hoot has grent curative
. tiroDcrtlen.
2TG filh St.. Iloroiich of lirooklvn. N. Y.
September 24. 1W1.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys aro respon
sible for many kinds ot diseases nnd It per
mitted to contlnuo much suffering with fatal
results aro suro to follow. Kidney troublo
Irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, rest
less, sleepless nnd Irritable; makes you pass
water often during tho dny and obliges you
to get up many times during tho night.
Unhealthy kidneys cnuso rheumatism,
gravel, catarrh of tho bladder, pain or dull
ncho In tho back, Joints nud muscles; makes
tho head ncho nnd back ncho, causes Indi
gestion, ttomnch nnd liver trouble, you got
n sallow, yellow complexion; makes you feel
as though you had heart troublo; you may
havo plenty ot nmbttlon, but no strength;
get weak nnd waste nwny.
Tho euro for theso troubles Is Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Boot, tho world famous kldnoy
remedy. In tnklng Swamp-Hoot you afford
natural holp to nature, for Swamp-Boot Is
tho most perfect henlcr nnd gcntlo aid to
tlm kidneys that Is known to medical
KMnty, tim and PUddrr HH
fl May li one, two or ftB
H lhrf tnupoonfula tutors I H
H or after mMla and HriB
H Children lraa, accordlsff 'iaH
f to age. Ull
H May commence with
H rowli Ulores and Inenwo to BH
HJH 1om or mom, no tho HH
H eeo would evtn to require. Hl'B
H Thh great remedy curt -a UlltAH
H all kidney, lirer, bladder WH
H and Vrlo Aeldtronlilriaud K
HfH dlMrdersduatoweak kid- HjH
HH tieyv.niohaaca(arrhof(hn IHI
m bladder, gratel, theumn
Hj lumbago audDrlcht'a bul
H Dlteau, whleh lathe LLI
H form of kidney dlraae. EH
H to take. Hl
H Bold by nllDnia-gtit. H
(Swnmp-Hoot Is plonsnnt to tnkc.)
Tho Woman's Christian association' of
Omaha wishes to extend Its slncero appro
elation nnd grateful thanks to the churches
of tho city who so generously gave their
Thanksgiving offerings, nnd the many
frlenda who responded so liberally with
Thanksgiving donations for tho Old ladles'
Home. Tho response, so expressive ot tho
spirit "that It Is moro blessed to glvo than
to rccolvo," was tho most generous In tho
history ot tho nesoclntlon nnd runic at a
most opportune tlmo becnuso of tho largti
amount of sickness in the homo during tho
pafct year,
need of Immediate attention.
Swnmp-Boot Is pleasant to tnko and is
used In tho lending hospitals, recommended
by physicians In their prlvato practlco and
Is taken by doctors themselves who hnvo
kidney ailments, becnuso they rccognlzo In
It tho greatest and moBt successful remedy
for kidney, liver nnd blnddor troubles.
If you aro already convinced that Swamp
Boot Is what you need, jou cnu purchaBo
tho regular flfty-ccnt nnd ono-dollnr slzo
bottles nt tho drug stores everywhere.
Sample Bottle of Swamp-Root Sent Free By Mail.
EDITORIAL NOTE If you havo tho slightest symptoms of kldnoy or bladder
troubles, or If thero 1b n traco of It In your family history, send nt onco to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mall, Immediately,
without tost to you, a samplo bottle of Swamp-Root and n book containing many of
tho thousands upon thousands of testimonial lettors received from mon nud women
cured. In writing bo suro to say that you read this generous offer In Tho Omaha
Dally Bee.
It thero Is any doubt In your mind ns to
your condition tnko from your urlno on
rising nbout four ounces, plnco It In a glass
or bottlo nnd let It stnnd twenty-four hours.
It on cxnmlnatlon It Is milky or cloudy, If
thero Is n brick dUBt settling, or If small
particles float In It, your kidneys nro In
Thero will bo n meeting of tho Omaha
Equality club at 8 o'clock on Monday even
ing In tho banquet room of tho I'axton
hotol. A program ot interest has been ar
ranged. Mrs. Oeorgo Tllden will rend a
paper on "The Test of Expcrlenco," Mrs
Pratt a paper on "Tho Facts About Wyo
ming," nnd Mrs. C. M. Schnolder will glvo
a rending, "Samantha on 'Wlmmln's
Bights." The now text books havo como
Mr. Androw Rosowntcr, city engineer,
will address the department ot political
and social science ot tho Woman's club at
Its meeting on Monday afternoon nt 3:45
o'clock on tho subject, "Cnro of tho Streets
nnd Alloys." A general discussion will
follow the address. A general Invitation Is
extended to club members nnd their
friends.- A special Invitation Is extended to
the men of tho city who aro Interested In
this subject.
Tho second of tho sorlcs of "Homo Cul'
turo" tnlks being given buforo tho members
of tho Young Women's Christian association
will occur at 8 o'clock on Monday ovcnlng
at tho Llnlngcr art gallery, Mrs. W. W.
Keysor to speak on "Art In tho Home.'
ni w tuuiura.
Wat (feau
ITie lllaU for unnatural
Irritation! or alceratloai
nf miiflnm mmlranaa
iu. ' ralnlria. and not atlrlaa
IaTHltVSUUyilUCO. or iwnonoua.
atolat by DmnUU.
r lent In plain wrappa.
Copli-y liir Oulil XccUIim'cl
Copley for Onlil Slmirt Itlima.
Copley fur Niiiokliitr Set Silver.
Copli-y for Silver Hniiilkprrlilef Boxes
Copley for Silver Olovi'H llosew.
Copley for Sliver Slinvlnn Muit.
Copley for Sliver Itnaiir Strop.
Copley for C'lintelnliie rumen.
Copley for Watches
Special Watch Rxamlnar n. A M n
Chief Watch Inaptctor O. A 8. L It., O.
ic. c. v. nr. nd ic. c. & n, nr.
Speelnl Aaaeaamcnt '
IjibI week JudKO Baxter listened to n
case whero Lawrence Connors sued to ro-
cover hack taxes from tho city. Tho tnxes
amounted to nbout $1,000, but tho court do-
elded In favor of tho city and tho taxes
nald tn will remain In tho treasury. While
tho caso In Itself called for n small amount,
a great deal wns Involved, Inasmuch as n
decision favorablo to Connors would mean
tho prosecution of suits aggregating flGO,.
COO. Connors had to admit that ho paid
his special taxes without filing a written
protest and tho court hold that as long as
ho did this he hnd no complaint. A nrm
of attorneys hero has similar claims for
largo sums and In case Judgo Baxter had
ruled In favor of the plaintiff these con
templated suits would havo been pushed.
As It Is tho matter of recovering Bpeclnl
taxvas8cssments will doubtless bo dropped.
Nt. Mnrttii' Xfiv Altnr.
The hnndponui now nltnr nt St. Martin's
Enlsconal church. Twenty-fourth nnd J
strcots, the gift of Bishop Worthlngton In
memory of liu brother, nas neon pincea in fllC U I nmirAi rv re
position. will be special services of HIE II. J. rtlNrULU LU.
Denruicuon to on ncni. itutT. itev. funier,
rector of tho church, Is now arranging thb
details of this service,
MaKlu Ctt' Ooaalp. y
Mrs. W. A. McColllster Is recovering from
n serious illness.
Mrs. Cyrus Wright has nbout recovered
irom ner recent uinoss.
Montgomery Weeks of Belleville. Knn.,
is uere, upending riunnny wltn menus.
Hov, M. 'A. Hend will breach thU mornlnc
nt tho Methodist church on "Misplaced
Ocotge Mile of the Armour company iPft
Inst night for Chicago, to spend u week
with friends.
The Kpworth lcagun will havo charge of
tno services nt tne first .Metnonist church
this ovcnlng.
Mrs. H. B. Flehnrty has returned from
OgnllnlA, where she visited relatives for n
couple of weeks.
Mrs. D. J. Mover of 2812 V streot dd
at a nospuai in umana ttaiuruay. Kunernl
, services win uo neiu ai at. element s mis-
Just the thing
for protecting
the hands I
while doing
Price Per Pair
$1.25; by mail
10c extra.
Medical and Surgical Supplies
1408 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Send in Your Order Early '
If you nre Ruing to rcikI Iter ono of our
beautiful boxes or bnskets lllled with
our delicious enndy don't put on or
dering come in enrly lvo us the order
nud we'll do the rest Those boxes hold.
1, V, 3, .r nnd 10 pounds nud nothing
will please her better than ono of them
First, beeauso they nro beautiful, (ind,
second, because thero Is no Hticr candy
made and our prices are reasonable
the name ou our box Is a guarantee of
purity Wo show the handsomest Im
ported baskets, full dress suit cases and
novelty boxes ever seen in Omaha.
W. S. Balduft
IBM Faruaa SL
The Best Christmas Gift-
for a boy Is one of our strong, service
able sleds we've got them from i!5e to
$2.25 If not a sled get lilm n pair of
those old reliable Hartley & Hurry skates,
-."Oe and up Perhaps he'dUIko n good
knife we've got all kinds from 25u to
$4 Every man enjoys one of our safety
razors They're so handy, you know
Willie tho womenfolks like a nice carv
ing set 5 o'clock tea elegant coffee pot
chaling dishes but If nothing hero
suits send homo ono of our Fnvorlto
base burners or Favorite steel ranges
It don't matter what you want como to
us and wo'll help you make a selection.
A. C. Raymer
Uuildcrs' Hardware and Tools.
1514 Farnam St.
Holiday Suspenders
Our lino Is nil new Just In prlcos,
DOc to .-the 12.00 kind have ster
ling silver buckles on.
Our Assortment
can't be beat In woolen ynms, mittens,
gloves, sweaters and hose like mother
used to make They are all mado In tho
best of quality no shoddy goods lu our
store Como lu and seo some of our Hat-
tonhurg work from 10c up to $25 all
prices also some Oriental spreads which
are going at n very low price AVo carry
the largest variety of crochet cotton and
tidy yarn in imported and domestic cot
tons, always fresh IJring down that
swenter order for your boy if you want
ono for Christmas.
Jos. F. Bilz
Tho roost complete yarn store In the west.
I, 1993. 322 So, 16th St,
Mall orders promptly lllled.
Christmas Slippers -
For tins year we nave bought a mucn
larger and more varied line of men's
slippers than ever before Wc show
styles that hnvo never been shown in
the wetjt before Genuine seal Kusslu
calf in all tlm slyles for comfort house
wear Tho newest novelty Is a dark red
goat with patent leather trimmings in
tho Homeo shapes with rubber sides aud
the Mephlstos without rubber sides Wo
will havo u display of our OhrlstmiiH
slippers reaily for your inspection Mon
day and Invito you to come lit and seo
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Ouiatia'. Up-to-dat. SUoo llouai,
K.vr Fall Catalogue Hon n.ady.
Nordlca Songs
They .Make Shirts.
A. E. Nettletori's Finest Shoes
For men who want tho BEST. We aro lea dersj all others nro Imltntors. For years
NETTLETON shoes have been tho standard of excellence and worn by all who adhere
strictly to the dictates of FASHION. NKTTLETON originates tho NEW SHOES;
others try to Imitate. Any manufacturer can mako shoes, but It requires not only
leather but brains and skill to produce such high quality and artistic merit ns
Price, $5, $6 and $7
Of course the only place to find them U at
The Rochester Shoe Co.,
1515 Douglas Street. 0ur new cstn'oiwe now ready.
"ltobln Sings," "Longing," "Songs of
Thanksgiving," "Ellas' Dream," "Arl
ettl," "Were My Song with Wings Pro-
vlded," "Maids of Cadiz," -"Angojs
Kver Hrlglit nnd Fair," "I I.ovo You,"
"Spring Song," "Serenade," etc.
It Is our aim to 1111 all wnnts promptly,
Prices always, right.
Musis md Art. 1513 Douzlis
Wo do artistic tuning. 'Phono 188.