TJLE 031AIJ-A DAILY BJEE: SATURDAY, DKCEMHLK i, JU!:. HAYDENs Even' yiml of Dry Goods in Saturday Will Be the Wind-up in the Bargain Room (1 on Siitimliiv. Not. n vnrd will lie curried over. Moudnv the tov will bo in full blast. Do not miss this wind-un sale. Everything will go i HAYDEH A t list be sold on Saturdav. Not a vnrd will bo cnrriod over. Monday the tovs will bo in full blast. Do not miss this wind-up sale. Everything mi !iu tulvrtfl lanil Attend our FA MOTS IIOFP. SALEK- v Klannok'tteH at 3Jc NO PEDDLERS, DEALERS Full Standard Prints He. L'uc imitation French Flannelette will be cleaned up at fic. 7e Apron Checks at L'.Jo for one hour only. OU M A N I T F A CT t H E 1 S " S 0 L I ) IX THIS UOOM. 2s O MAIL OllDEKS FILLED AS THIS WILL CLOSE OFT ALL THIS STO 4, f V r Full Standard Prints, fast colors, regular "ic goods, as long br they last, V.ic 36-Inch Percales, dark and light colors, the ISc and 25c grade, nil at, yard Sc. 15c Flannelettes In rich bright colors, alt will go In this sale at 3c. lOo Shaker Flannel, ac. 16c and 19c4 Linings, 36-Inch wide, worth 19c, at Kc. "Wc Apron Ginghams, to clear, 314c 25c Imitation French Flannel, fine bright colors, also dark colors, to clear, 6c. I2'4c Outing Flannel, 3ic. Yard wide Outing Flannel, stripes, worth 13c, at Cc. rich light I Plaids; 1 case of all wool 40-lnch Jacquards Grand sale on Furnishing Goods. 1 nntl nthor snnA. nil will tin rinsed at 49c. , OUR FAMOUS HOURLY SALES I2XTHA MPKCIAIiP. Prom :t tn -I i. in. Wc will closo tho remainder of nil our $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00 Dress Goods, consist ing of Plaids, Cheviots, Serges, Fancies, Crepons, etc., up to $3.00 yard, not n yard worth less than $1.00, for ono hour only, one pattern to customer, 25c. from -I tit r i. in, Wo will sell all tho Silks that arc left, comprising Grenadines, Fancies. Foulards, Iilbcrty Satins and goods worth from 76c to $1.00 yard all will be closed oul In this snle for one hour only, at 25c. I'rom K) to 1 1 n. in. and gray, nt, yard, l?ic Only 10 yards to customer. From 1 to U p. in. We will sell 7c Apron Gingham, only llic Plain lllack Sateen, will clear out at S cents. 23c Simpson's Fancy Batcens, In all the most brilliant figures and black ground, G cents. DRESS GOODS. Ono case 54-Inch Mack All Wool Cheviot, worth (1.23 yard; 1 enso of C2-lnch Storm Sorge, In black and navy, worth Jl.OOj 3 cases of fine (8-Inch and SO-lnch All Wool On tabto of all wool, half wool and silk VELVETS AND UUHDUHuYS and wool remnants In serges, plaids, cash meres, fancies, worth 49c, 7Cc and U.OO per yard, wo will close them nil out at, yard 10c. $10.00 Dress Patterns, $2.03. J15.00 Dress Patterns, 3.93. $10.00 Crcpon Skirt Patterns, will go at 2.98. Clcantng-up sale on Blankets. Cleantng-up salo on lied Quit. Clcanlng-up sale on Hoys' Clothing. 30c Velvets, will go at 15c. 75c Corduroys, will go at 36c. SILKS, SATINS, ETC. 85c Foulards, will go at 35c. 76c Printed Liberty Satin, will go In this sale at 29c. 24-Inch Satins, will go at 39c. yards to customer, 2 Vic. tyrant to ll i. tit. We will sell a yard wldo extra fin bteached muslin. A little heavier and Jus' as fine ns lonsdale, It Is worth $Ho yard, for one hour only, It will go nt, yard 3Uc. Only 10 yards to customer. Everything Just ns advertised. We will put on salo all tho Velvets left In tho bargain room, at 9c. From 11 to VJt n, in. Wo will place all tho 75c Corduroys that hro left In tho bargain room at 21c. I'rom 1:1 In 1 i. tit. Wo will sell 5c Linings In black, brown Great Furnishing Sale Satur day. Men's $1.60 and $2.00 underwear at 08c. ' All the men's fine underwear that sold up to $2.00, sample lines and broken lots, but in nil there are all sizes from 30 to 60 In this lot, and all colors, on sale at 9Sc. Men's $1.60 lamb's wool fierce-lined shirts and drawers, all sizes and colors, on sale at 49C, Men's colored laundered shirts, In all the newest styles, worth up to $1.60, on sale at 49c and 75c. Men's 60c wool golf gloves at 25c. Men's fur gloves at 98c, $1.50 and $2.00. Men's buck gloves at $1.25 and $1.60. Men's $1.60 all wool sweaters at 98c. WAY'S MUFFLERS, 60C QUALITY, AT 16C. 500 dozen Way's mufllers In black, blue and maroon. These mufllers nrc sold every where nt 60c and 76c; our price will bo 15c and 26c. MEN'S 60C CROWN SUSPENDERS AT 25C. Special purchase of men's fine suspenders In kid and leather ends, all tho newest styles and colors, made to sell up to 76c, on sale nt 25c. WILSON HRQS.' $1.0P NECKWEAR AT 25C. 200 dozen silk puff ties, all the best silk made and tho very latest colors, mado for the very finest trade, nil on sulo nt 25c. Men's $1.60 kid gloves, lined or unllned, the best quality, nt PSc. Children's cotton floeco-llncd combination suits, all sizes, nt 50c. Indies' extra heavy lleece-llned combina tion suits, In small sizes, worth $1.00, at EOc. Ladles' half wool combination suits, worth $1.60. nt $1.00. I -uillen' silk combination suits, worth $5.00, nt $3.98. Children's block wool tights, In all sizes, at 76c. Ladles' heavy black wool tights at $1.00. La ell en' silk and wool vests and pants, In white and colors, at $1.50 each. Special From 10 to 12. '300 dozen ladles' ilno Jersey ribbed vests and pants, In pink and blue, regular 76c (lliillty, on sale nt 25c. Ladles' all wool sweaters, In all tho new colors, at $2.50. Ladles' opera shawls, in black, white, and colore, at $1.50 and $1.03. Ladles wool knit skirts, assorted colors, at $1.25. Ladles' flne fancy aprons, hemstitched and trimmed, at 23c. , Ladles' fine fancy and bib nprona, worth 60a, nt 36c. , Ladles' flno fancy aprons In nil the new est designs, at 60c, 75c and 98c. ( Ladles' outing flannel gowns, In nil col- ors, nt 60c. Ladles' oxtro heavy outing flannel gowns, fancy trimmed, -worth $2.00, nt $1.60. 11EDELL TRIAL MAY GO OVER HiiAtttraey Want Mitttr Delayed for Euynmi Cdurt Mandate. BOARD IN NO HURRY TO PROCEED .AVlllliiK tn Wnlt Until the Afllclnl Notlrc from tlir IIIrIkt Court JHssolvlnir tlit- HNtrllc 1 Order Is Itrt-plvftl. , Attorneys for John Rcdcll, suspended 'chief of tho Omaha flro department, and City Attorney Connoll held n conferenco jrstorday concerning tho trial of Redell by tho Hoard of Flro nnd Pollco Coramls nlonors. When the commissioners notified Redell of his suspension, Immediately after the recent decision of tho supremo court, they sot December 12 ns the tlmo for his hearing before the board on the cbarg03 preferred arnlnst him. Rcdcll's Attorneys maintain that tho board was In contempt of court when It sus pended Redell nnd set tho dato of his trial. They nssert that the Injunction Judge Es telle Issued, preventing tho board front tak ing nny action against the Are chief, Is still In force. Tho ex-chlef's attorneys Inti mate, however, that they will not resent the action of tho board in caso tho hearing Is postponed until after the mandato from tho supremo court Is returned. "The noard of Flro and Pollco Commis Common sense 99 la the motto of the modern woman. The thick soled shoe and the rainy day skirt are witnesses to the wise applica , tion of the motto in matters of dress. but .there is 110 common sense in neglecting woman ly diseases or in experim en ting witn other medi cines, when it is a matter of common knowledge that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regu larity, dries enfee bling drains, heals inflammation And ulceration and cures female weak ness. It is not common sense to seek med ical advice of those who nrc not phy sicians when Dr. Pierce, not only a doctor, hut a specialist in the treatment and cure of diseases of woman, offer a consultation by letter free. Write to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. "! hid felling of internal organ' and hud to igotobtd every month ; had irregular monthly Iperlodt which would anmetime lait ten or twelve days," write Mr. L. Holiaet. of Cool latkrinc Street, Unloutonn, lenua. "Had lo Hndl?ttloa so bad that I could not eat anythlnr jhaTcn) IV, Herce'a Favorite Prencription and I Golden Medical Discovery 1 cured me, I took ,thre boUlea'of the ' Favorite Fretcription' and. e of thi Golden Medical IHncovery.' " For at one-cent stamps to pay ex ipense of mailing onlyyiu can get ret a paper covered cony of Dr. Pierce's jCommon Sense Medical Adviser. The book contains 1008 pages. Address Dr. JL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, s Ahead of Date. Omaha's leading silk department again to the front, demonstrating to the pcoplo of Omaha that we arc far In tho lead of all others In the showing of new silks. All metropolitan cities of tho east show the now spring foulards for tho Christina trade. Why should not Omaha bo as pro gressive? Wo perfected arrangements months ago with the leading foulard silk mills to make and deliver our new spring of 1902 foulard dress silks tn the month of December and they havo nlready arrived. Wo will show tho biggest and the best line of new foulard silks In tho city. Our foulards hnvo always been considered by tho leading dressmakers as the ntnndnrd for completeness, for stylo, and coloring and character of design. Wo want you to como In and examine theso pretty silks. Thoy are priced very low for you to buy and will make a most acccptablo Christmas gift. Tho only new silks being shown tn Omaha for tho holidays. New silk coming In ovcry day. Great Millinery Clearing sale. For Saturday's salo we mark down all our pattern hats left In stock at $1.98, $3.98 and $7 50. Tho best wo havo go nt these prices. There Is no other salo like this. We offer stylishly trimmed hats nt n prlco that is simply astonishing. Somo among thorn nro worth $6.00 and $7.00; hats to suit all tastes and sold at ono pop-' ulnr price, $3.49. Hair Goods Prices. A most complcto stock of dolls' rings, also beautiful switches In all shades at special prices. 18-Inch switch, valuo $2.60, at 09c. 20-Inch switch, valuo $3.00, at $1.48. 22-Inch switch, valuo $3.50, at $1.98. 24-lnch switch, value $3.00, at $2.93. Guaranteed all natural shades and best quality of hair. sioners is perfectly willing to allow RedcU'o hearing beforo that body to go over until after tho mandato Is returned In caso Redell wants to fllo an application for a now hear ing beforo tho supremo court," said City Attorney W. J. Conncll In discussing the case. "The commissioners nro satisfied with tho decision nnd will mako no application for another hearing. In thirty days tho su preme court might chango Its decision in tho case, bo thero is no desire on tho part of tho commissioners to hasten Into tho trial ot Redell until his caso is Bottled definitely as far as tho courts aro con cerned." RECORDS IN STRICKLER CASE Atlldnvlts of rnrtli-s to Hunk Cnse iaoiicratc Him front Clinritra Of JlllllVC FlMVtMitt. Attorney V. O. Strlcklrr has addressed tho following letter to Judgo Fawcctt of tho district court with refcrenco to tho criticism passed upon him from tho bench Inst Monday: OMAHA, Dec. C Hon. Jacob Fawcett, Judge: Dear Sir On last Monday you took occasion to criticise mo In connection with tho petition of intervention In tho Ocr man Savings bank case. I told you at tho tlmo I know nothing whatever about tho matter, as I was absent from Omaha when It was prepared and tiled. 1 havo slnco Investigated It, nnd I now present you the most positive, and conclusive proof that the statements you mado were unwnrrantou and evidently mado upon misinformation You said that Mr. Wright, the fllo clerk In tho district "clerk's offlco, had told you that when I took tho petition out of tho ofllco It lioro the date of July 6 and that when I returned It to him this dato had been changed to tho 9th. Mr. Wright swears that he never mado any such state inent. Htntn nf Nehinska. County of Doualns. ss. II, 11. Wright, of lawful uge. being first duly sworn, says that ho Ib tho tllo clerk In tho otllco of tho clerk of the district f.iiirt of Dnuulas county. Nebraska: that a netitlou of Intervention wns tiled In sold otllcii on July 9, 1901, by certain creditors In tin. i-ii h 11 entitled State iiKalnst German Savings Hank; tho petition wns written on n typewriter and It wus evidently pro pared with tho expectation that it would be sworn to on July 8, as thnt Is tho dato n-rltinn In! Hint (lain wns chanced bv writ ing thn llguro 9 with a pen nbovo tho llguro 8; the figure S was not obliterated or erased; tho flguro 9 is nlmost wholly cov- creu up uy tna signumro 01 m-urKii ociikh Hon. wlin hIuihmI nntl sn'oro to the netltlon It rfniilri'H cIoho scrutiny to mako out tho ; 1 never stated to any person that the dato hnd been changed after tho petition was filed; tho chnnga may huvo been mndo nororo tno petition wns nicu unu sworn iu for anything 1 know to tho contrary. (Signed) H. B. WHIOHT. Huhftcrlbod in my preBoneo and sworn to before mo this 4th day of December. 1901. (Signed) WIUilAM F. WEH13H. Notary Public. You further stated that I had also changed tho body of tho petition by erasing there from cortnln words. Tho official record of your own court contradicts you In this. Tho complete record of this petition was mado Immediately after It was filed and It shows that the chango was mado prior to that time. Stnta of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.: Miss Margery Fltzpatrick, or lawful ogo, being tlrst duly sworn, says that sho Is em ployed in tho olllce of the clerk of tho dis trict court of UoukIuh county, Nebraska; that between July 15 and July 20, 1901, she copied into the complete record in tho caso entitled State ugalnst German Savings !lan. a petition of Intervention tiled In ruld ense July 9 1901, by certain, creditors; mat in msKing saui copy sno wroto tno dato 011 which tho petition wns sworn to as July Sj that within tho last two or threo days her attention ins been called to said petition and she Iiah carefully examined th dnte and hy closo scrutiny can seo what appears to bo u part of a llguro 9 written above tho 8 with a pen; mon of tho llguro 9 Is obliterated by the signature of George Sellghson, who signed nnd swore to tho petition;' tho 8 Is not obliterated: if I were copying tho petition now and my attention was not specifically called to the matter I 0 :s-- Sheet Music. Saturday wo will sell sonio of the very latest and most popular songs of the day at only 19c per copy, regular price 50c, such as "Creole Hells" march, "Just a Chain of Dnlsle.1," "Shanty of Tumblo Down Alley," very pathetic ballad; "My Rosary," "Vesper Dells Wcro Hinging," "Just Dccauso She Mndo Dem Goo-Goo Eyes," two-step; "Impecunious Davis," "Coko Walk," by Mills; "Lam, Lam, Lam," two-step; "Colonial Guards," two-step; "Saluto to Omaha," two-step. Tho above arc all good selling selections, for Satur day, only 19c per copy; by mall, 20c. When In need of anything In tho way of sheet muslo or books glvo us n call; wo can savo you money on everything. All the music from tho comic opera, "King Dodo," for salo In our muslo room at greatly reduced prices. Ask to seo our cholco cataloguo of 10c sheet music. Optical Depirimtnt Docs your head acho? You probably need glasses. Wc can fit you correctly and furnish you with spectacles or eyeglasses away below tho usual prices. Solid gold, gold-filled or aluminum, up-to-date styles of frames or mountings. OPERA GLASSES, field glasses and a full lino of optical goods, sultablo for Christmas presents. Special sales in Men's Hats. Men's and boys' caps nt 25c, 35c, 60a and 76c; worth up to $2.00. ' Children's stocking caps, worth up to 75c, at 16c, 25c and 45c. Camsls' hair Toms at 35c and EOc. Mcn'u nnd boys' stiff hats at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 11.75 and $2.00. Fedoras for men and boys on special sale. In all colors, at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Pashas, railroad and golf shapes, In all colors, at 76c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Tho largest lino of trunks and valises In tho city at cut prices: HAYDEN BROS should probably copy the dato as July 8; as far as 1 know the petition is in tho sumo sltuutlon nt tno present timo mat ic was when I mado tho copy. (Hlgneil) MAHU1SUY FITXPATHIUK. Snhscrlbed In mv tiresencc nnd sworn to lipjoro mo 1111s 1111 any or ueccmner, linn (.HlgneU) ii,ir t t .a. li'pni.'ii Notary Public. You further stated that I was tho only person who was likely to havo mado theso changes. The following affidavits show Just who did mako tho changes, and tho cir cumstances under which they were In fact made: Stnto of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.: is. M. uarnett, or lawrui nge, ueing first duly sworn, says that V. O, Strlckler loft Omaha July 4, 1901, nnd wns Absent until about September 1, 1901: that this atllant tind N. C. Pratt looked After tho German Savincs bank caso for him In his absence; thnt on July 8, 1901, this alllnnt nnd tho said Pratt learned rrom tho Dally Reporter for tho ilrst tlmo tnnt tho receiver had tiled a report; they wont to Judgo Fawcett's courtroom that morn ing; ho wns not there; that tho atllnnt learned rrom juogo i'Awcoirs uniuii inui tho receiver had submitted a proposition to compromlso with ccrtnln stockholders nnd that there had been a hearing boforo Judge Fawcctt, and the alllant subse quently learned that day that Judgo Faw cctt had entered somo sort of an order directing ti compromlso ror nnout jiw.uw; thnt the alllant wns unablo to find this order In the clerk's otllco; that ho thon iropnred a potltlon or intervention on ne mlf of Mr. Stickler's clients, which was in tho nature of a protest against tho compromise; thnt after tho petition wns prepared no nnu Mr. I'rnti weni over ino pa mo and tho alllnnt then took It to Georgo Sellgbson's plnco of business for his signature: that SellRhson was absent. as tho alllant wns Informed, and tho Affiant left word for htm to come down to mil lint's nfllne tha npxt ilnv: thnt on tho next day, July 9, Mr. Scllghson camo to affiant's office and beforo he signed tho netltlon the alllnnt chanced the dato from the 8th to the 9th. to correspond with thn fact, nnd Sellchson then slcncd And sworo to tho same, and tho alllant took tno petition over nnu men it lmmcamtciy after It wns stencil: the chnneo was not made lifter tho petition was tiled: a few words wero changed in tho body of tho potltlon lifter It was written, but thoy also wcro chaiiKed by this nfllnnt with his pen before tho petition was signed; tho nuinni nnu Air. l-ran were unauio 10 o tnln tho order of Judge FawccU directing tho comnromlso for sevcrnl days After- WArd, for tho rcAson that It hnd been withdrawn from tho clerk's olllco by somo person; they tiled n motion to vacate this order ns soon ns they saw it and lenrnrd its provisions; tho snld chAnges In said netltlon wero not made by Mr. Strlckler, nor by his direction, nor with his knowledge, for tho reason thnt they wcro mado by this alllant nt tho (Into and in 1110 manner unuvu niuiuu. (Signed) 13. M. OARNBTT. Subscribed in my presenco nnd sworn to tiorore mo tins btn any or iiecomiHT. jitui, (Signed) O. C. WILSON. Notnry Public. State of Nebraska. County ot DoURlas, ss. Georcn Sellcbsnn. of lawful aeo. belnir tlrst duly sworn, suys that ho was called to tho Now York Life building to sign tho petition of Intervention filed In Btato ngnlnst German Savings Hank on July 9, 1901: thnt tho day boforo ho signed said pctiuon someone, wnom uie niunnt nticr WArd leAmed to bo Mr. 12. M. Qarnott one of tho Attorneys who was looking nrter said causq in tno nusenco or .Mr, Strlckler. mmn to affiant's nlace of busl. ness nnd the alllant wuh then nbscnt and word was left for him to como down to Mr. GarnettB otllco when he returned thnt bo did not return to his nlacn n business until toll Into that day to attend to tho matter nnu on tno next day 110 won down nnd signed and swore to the petl This BLUE SIGNATURE GUARANTEES LIEBIG COMPANY'S E3S7?A!r'r BEWARE OF 'JUST AS GOODS' aWHP-Q n:AA Special Sale on Fine Shoes Saturday: Huy your useful presents early. Nothing more acceptable than a pair of shoes or slippers. Wo have closed out the entire floor stock of these large factories In the east who mako nothing but high-grade goods suitable for holiday trade. Women's felt slippers from 29 cents up to the finest felt goods made, In nil colors, with nnd without fur trimming. A beauti ful lino of satin slippers with fur trimming for the babies as well as In tho largo sizes. Sole agents In Omaha for tho Utra shoos for ladles, a five-dollar shoo for three fifty, In all leathers nnd mado In tho newest up-to-date style. A mannish shoe for the ladles. A look at thorn will only tako flvo minutes of your time. You can't mako ono fifty any quicker. Agents for the Stetson and Crossctt shoes for men. Two of the best shoes manufac tured. Shoes In tho bargain room; Men's satin calf bals, worth $1.75, at $1.10. Hoys' of same, worth $1.60, at 9Sc. Youths' of same, worth $1.25, nt 76c. Men's Imitation alligator slippers, worth S5c, at 60c. Men's velvet slippers, worth "83c, at 60e. Women's felt slippers, tho 75c kind, at 39c. Headquarters for all kinds rubber shoes and felt goods at prices that will appeal to your pockctbook. Tea and Coffee Sale. New tea sittings, 25c. Good whelo coffeo, 2 pounds for 25c. Imperial Java coffee, lTV&c. Family Java and Mochai 25c. Mandellng Java nnd Mocha, 33 l-3c. Flno drinking sun-dried Japan, 35c. Now Crop English Drcakfast, 38c. Haskot fired Japan, 42c. Ceylon, Oolong nnd Young Hyson, 48c. 1 glass dish, frco with 1 pound of our 25c coffee. Tobacco Department. Star plug chewing tobacco 35c Horscshoo plug chewing tobacco 35c Navy plug chewing tobacco 35c Newsboy tobacco 35c Hull Durham smoking tobacco 60c Duko's Mixture 35c Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35a Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35c Old Stylo smoking tobacco 25c Matl Pouch, per package 9c tlon; that tho alllant Is not able to stnto positively as to tho, date, but that It Is his best recollection that ho signed tho potltlon on Tuesdny, which would bo July 1); bn states this becauso ho was in Coun cil liluffs on tho 8th of July nnd It was tho next day that he went to Mr. Gurnctt's omco and signed tno petition; Air. siricu ler wns not in Omaha nt that tlmo and hnd been cono four or llvo davs: that It Is tho affiant's best recollection that tho petition was prepared for tho Affiant s slg nnturo tho my beforo And thnt It was changed At tho tlmo tho alllant signed it, so mat 11 migiu corresponii witn tno ract. (Signed) GKORGI3 SKLIGIISON. Subscribed In my nrcsenco and sworn to boforo mo this 4th day of December. 1901. (Bigncaj u. u. wiiiHUN, Notary l'ublic. Thero has never been any dlsputo but that both Mr. Pratt and Mr. Oarnett learned from hearsay on July 8 that you had mado somo sort of an order directing a com promlso with stockholders ot tho Ocrman Savings bank for about $100,000. They did not learn of it until after you had ordered tho compromlso and wcro unable to seo your order for several days after It was filed. Thero can thcrcforo bo no possible reason for you to say that It is material whether tho petition was sworn to on the Sth or 0th. TVi o fnrfolnir nfllrlnvlts nml rornril nf your court show theso facts tobo boyond controversion, and they speak for thora sslvcs. Very respectfully, V. O. STHICKLER. Food ChmiKfil to l'olson. Putrefying food In tho Intestines producos effects lll(o thoso of nrsonlc, but Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills expel tho poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head ache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Rowel troubles. Only 25c at Kuhn & Co.'s. To Satisfy a Man- You havo to bo very particular but If Its a gift for a woman, glvo her a box of our do ltcious candy and you'll never hear a mur murThere Is nothing that brings tho samo amount of happiness as a box of our puro and wholcsomo candy Our candy 1b puro because wo won't make nny other kind don't know how In fact and for this reason you need never fear eating all you want of our candy We've got tho prettiest lino of novelty boxes, bnskets, etc., this yenr we'vo ever shown Can't tell you about 'em here, but ask you to come In and seo tlymi. W. S. Balduff. 1620 Partial SL New Music it will fiurprlso you to seo the dlsplny of new music wo nro ninklng If you wnnt to keep posted on tho popular muBlc of tho day you hnd bettor call at our liouso regular, ns our sheet music counters aro n moving panorama Ho member our prices at all times nro one tinlf off on nil sheet music Wo aro al ways tho lowest Special snlo still going on. A. HOSPE Musis and Art. 1513 Douglas We do artistic tuning. Thone 183, Choice Fruits, Etc., for Christ mas Cakes and Puddings. Lemon peel, cundled, lSVJc Glnnc lemon pcnl, 25c. Ornngo peel, 15c. Selected orango peel, 20c. Olnus candled oraugo peel, 26c. Crnuberrles, 10c. Sacr dates. 6c. Khndramco dates, 7Hc. llnllow'ccn dates, Sc. Persian dates, 10c. Fard dates, 1254c. CITRON. Sclo citron, plain Corstcnn, 17V4c Selc citron, candled Corslcon, 20c. Glanco Corslcan, 25c. Good Leghorn citron, 35c. Finest Leghorn, 40c. CURRANTS. Pntrus, 10c. Acropolis, 1254c Acme, 15c. Vostlzza, 17Hc. RAISINS. Loose Muscatels, 10c. Standard, 12'.4c Imported, 15c. La France, 1754c. Sultana raisins, 1754c. Imported Sultana raisins, 20c. Great Fruit Sale. Florida sweet oranges, only 1254o. California figs, per pound, 8 l-3c. Largo Turkish dates, per pound, 6o. Fancy lnrgo navel oranges, 45c. New crop, 1901, mixed nuts, only 1254o. Cheese Bargains. Imported Swiss cheese, per pound, 32c. Nebraska crenm cheese, per pound, 8c. Sapsafco or Swltzvl cheese, each, 7c. Iowa brick cheese, 14c. Fish Department. Hamburg rolled mopes, 15o. Russian sardines, 1254c. Smoked whtto fish, 1254c. Norwegian eels, 1254c. Imported herring, ench, 2c. Meats and Chickens. No. 1 sugar cured Cullforula hams, 754c, Fresh dressed spring chickens, 8c. Largo stalks of celery at 454c. i GRAND JURY GETTING BUSY Gii Aftar South Omaha Sohtol laari Quit Enargatioallj. PROBING AFFAIRS FOR CORRUPTION Men Supposed tn Knotv nf the Inside Workings of the Ilnnrd Have Hecn Summoned to Give Testimony. Tho grand Jury has begun an Investigation ot tho affairs of the South Omaha school board with a vengeance. Thursday three witnesses wero summoned and yesterday eight additional witnesses testified beforo tho grand Jury concerning tho transactions of tho Board of Education which havo been questioned. John J. Ryan, secrotary of tho board, wns ordered beforo tho grand Jury and brought ail records of the body for three years past. Ledgers, cash books, order books, contracts, plans, specifications and papers ot all sort wcro laid before tho Jurors. Three members of tho board, A. V. Miller, J. L. Kubat and A. h. Lott, wore alio sum moned. Frank Crawford of Omaha, who was employed by tho Taxpayers' league of South Omaha to chock over tho books of tho Hoard of Education, was ono of the first witnesses called beforo tho grand Jury. D. M. Click, building Inspector ot South i i 'v- C j Grand Christmas Book At Its height Saturday. Tho most ns your selection now from full assortments. Oct Just what you want nnd savo mon i .no ( oPYHKiirr hooks This Includes mum" of tho tionutnr UD-to- date books, such ns "Qraustark," "Hlehnrd Carvel," "in mo iMl.tco or tlin King and "When Ktilglitbnod Was tn Flower." miatiiioh imoukii roivriOAi, WOltKft, 7l)c. This lot contains tho works of Whltller, Iongfellow, Scott, Moore, Hyron, Uryant, Tennyson and nil tho lending books In the market that retail recularlv for 11.60: on salo Saturday at lie. I.A.TH A SPKCIAIiB. $15.00 copy of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, $7.79. $50.W set of Itldpath's History of tho World, In partial payments. I.16.W. $3.00 down nnd books delivered; $3.00 monthly payments till completed. ipi.OII COPVIIKIIIT HOOKS OM.Y :iti This line rontnlns such books ns "V s. Crucls," "Caleb West," "Sorrows of Satan," "Prisoner ot zenua," "i.nny or Quality," "Dr. Wllloughby Claim." "Gentleman Player," "Philip Wlnwood," otc. itou.M) iiookn Knit 7541. This lot contains tho works of Oliver Optic, J. M. Iliirrle, Uncon, Kipling, Inn Mnclaren, Doyle, Irving, Hrownlnu, An thony Hope, lonl Lytton, Hyron, Dickens, Marvel, Drummond, Milton, Foe, Ituslcln, Johnson (Dr. Samuel), Curtis, Hawthorne, Emerson, Btowc, Stevenson, otc. HPKCIAI. MUX PAPI'.ll HAM:. J1.0O fancy holiday box Pnpetorlcs, 2Sc. lbc uox rapoienes, ic. $2.00 fancy box l'npoterles 1.00 1MXOY KTATIONKI 60c. UY, 2oc AM) noo. Hlcyclo playing cards, 16c package. SOME HOLIDAY BARGAINS In the Jewelry Department. GRAND SPECIAL SALE OF ROGERS' SILVERPLAT13D WARE. Rogers berry spoons, silver plated, with gold bowl; plo knives, salad forks, cream ladles, cold meat forks, gravy ladles, Jelly cutters, cako litters, sugar shell and butter knlfo In set. All theso fancy pieces como put up In silk lined boxes at only 79c each. Sterling sllvor tablo pieces, bonbon spoons, sugar spoons, plcklo forks, sardine forks, ollvo forks, sugar sifters, meat forks, all gold bowl, at $1 each. Cut glass syrup pitcher, with silver plated tops, at only 03c. For $1 amazing ring values; worth up to $2. 3 and 4-stono set rings In rubles, tur quoise, pearls, amethysts and emeralds. Ladles' heavy rolled plato chains, full length, with solid gold slldo and stono set tings; worth $3, at $1.43 and $1.95. Silver chains at 09c. Ladles' and gonts' watches, good Ameri can movements, tn ten-year gold filled cases, $6.75. Omaha, who was roughly handled hy work men employed hy tho Hoard of Education, gave testimony boforo tho grand Jurors. L. A. Davis, urchitoct for tho Hoard ot Edu cation, was called upon to explain his deal ings with tho board members. T. C. Mc Donald, a South Omaha contractor who has dono work for tho board; Ed Munshaw, a lumber dealer who has sold the board largo quantities of supplies; Davo Anderson and C. M. Hunt, influential members of tho Tax payers' lcaguo who havo been active In promoting tho Investigation of tho Board of Education, havo nlso been subpoenaed. Wil liam Coburn, secretary of tho Omaha Board of Publlo Works, has been called upon to assist tho grand Jury In reviewing tho books of tho board. Other witnesses are to bo summonod from tlmo to tlmo as tho caso develops. Mem bers of tho grand Jury havo oxprcssed tho opinion thnt they will remain In session for somo weeks yet nnd say that thoy will, do all In their power to bring to light any cor ruption which may exist among tho South Omaha officials. Annonnccnicnts nf the Thentera. Nordlca's song recital at Kountzo Momorlal church Saturday, Decombor 7, will bo tho' musicnl ovent of tho season, and no doubt she will bo greeted with an en thusiastic wolcomo. An eastern crltio says probably no other prima donna of tho period could como so near lining a recitai wun astonishing surprises and giving such In cessant nnd exqulslto plcasuro as does Nordica. Scats on saie ai iioapo b. This afternoon and tonight Tim Murphy will bo seen In his new play, "A Capitol Comedy," at the Boyd. Mr. Murphy enacts Speaking About Christmas and Chrlstnins presents thore nro Bomo thlngH thnt nro better tbnn others Drex It. Shoomrtn feels sure thnt boys' nhocs are nbout the most sensible gift for boys moro sensible tlmn usual when thoy come from our storo Tho best $1.00 shoo we've ever sold is tho Kenulno cnlf solid school shoes thnt wo offer this win tor better thnu over Tho llttlo toes never get cold with these shoes on their little feet Thoy can't kick them out with ordinary wenr Thnt's what wo call a sensible Chrlstmns gift. Drexel Shoe Co., Omaha's Up-to-date Shoe House. 1410 FA It it A SI STHEET. Kerr Vail Catalosna Novr Heady. For a Christmas Gift- the boys will appreciate ono of our strong, scrvtcoablo sleds somo as low as 2Gc tho very best kind goes up ns high as 2.2B If not a sled, get him a pair of thoso old re liable Darnoy & Horry skates nothing to equal them from COo up Wo'vo got an aw ful line of pockctknlveB somo for 2Cc others up to M Lota of men will nppre clato one ot our Star Hafety razors put In a beautiful box We can't mention every thing in this ad, but we want you to como and see our carving sots D8c to $27 Five o'clock tens handsome coffee pots chafing dishes You'll buy of us It you look over our line. A. C. Raymer Builders' Hardware nnd Tools. 1514 Faritnm St. and Stationery Sale toiilshlnir values ever put on sale. Mako ey lllbles. 29c up, Prayer books, TViO tut. New rosaries, & to iJfi.OO each. anc papi'.ii aovi'.i.s, Be. Mrs. Holmes' works, ISc. Mrs. Houthworth's works, ISc. Oplo Head's works, lse. All copyright books 20j per cent off pub" Usher's price. CIGAUiS, Wo havo purchased 11 shipment of extra flno cigars refused by tho original pur chaser on account ot tho shipment being overdue. These goods nro specially put up nnd selected for the trade. Wo bought them nt n big socrltleo. Thrro nro 100,000 cigars In this (ot, put up 23 In ench box. Havana Jewels, per box of 15 cigars, $1,23. Havana Seedlings, per box of 25 cigars, $1,00. Havana Twin Slstcrsj per box of 23 cigars, $i.oo. Havana Lady Hose, per box of 25 cigars, $1.60. Queen of All, extra choice, per box ot 23 cigars, $ None sold to dealers. r.lmttrd to wo boxes to each customer. HOC FANCY 'I'' .SOAP, l'KIt IIOX, lft. This Includes tho Armour's Fine Art, Carnation, La Hose, etc., only 5c per bar. Equal to the Cusslmero noquct. HOLIDAY GOODS. 60c pocket books, IJc. $1.00 pockctbooks, 50c. Wc belts, satin fold, 2.1c. $1.00 chatelaine bags, 5V. 8PKCIAL SALH ON CUT STICF.L HAGS. LACK SALH SATURDAY. Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings. SPECIAL STOVE SALE FOR SATURDAY. We handle tho HEST 11ASE 11URNER mado In America. Can sell you a baso burner, tho kind that others sell for $10.00, Sat urday fur $28.50. A regular 15-lnch Oak stove for $8.49. $12 Hot Hlast, keeps flro 4S hours, $7.93. No. 8 laundry stovo, $2.95. 6-loch planished Iron pipe, 33c. 6-Inch elbows, 7c. Wood-llnod stovo boards, C9c. No. 8, four-holo cook stove, warranted a regular $12 stove, Saturday, $8.95. A regular $35 range, high Jhclf, large oven, asbestos lined throughout, warranted, $26.95. 29C 500 DOUDLE RUNNER SKATES, 29C. 1,000 Girls' and Boys' Sleds. A good sled or coaster for 19c. A flno spring runnor sled for 49c. Hobslcd (two bobs), $1.39. Two-pleco carving sets, warranted, 95c. Roasting pans, 49c. $150 12x24 steel wagons, 75c. Coal bods. 17c. Dread boxes, 39c. tho rolo of tho son of a man who has a claim against congress for vahiablo land. Ho dies and tho son fights for 'tho claim, which ho eventually wins through a senator whoso daughter champions him. Dorothy Sher rod heads Mr. Murphy's capablo company. Tomorrow afternoon and night and Monday night "Tho Prisoner of Zeuda" will bo liven. t ' Don't forget to use a little Prickly Ash Bitters whenever tho stomach or bowels are disordered. It quickly corrects such troubles nnd makes you feel bright nnd cheerful. Trusses, Elastic, Stockings, Crutches, Supporters 5 Etc., mado to order by competent workmen. Send to us for measure ment blanks and other in formation. The H. J. Penfold Co. Daformlty Brace Manufacturers. 140S FARXAM ST., OMAHA, NED. D