Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Cantrtl Labir TTaioi Called On ta Btttla a
Units Dispute.
,7onurii(iilntloMn Kxtrniletl to loiplc
ton m the Outcome lif III Suit
to Decide the Olitlon
of t'lirclinxc.
At the meetlnc of tho Central Labor union
laet night Harry McVea was elected as
pmldent pro tempore In tho absence of
Tresldcnt Shrum.
Now dclcgatea wcro received an follows:
number' Drainers' union,. William Ob
linger, John Nelson and T. Murphy; Musi
clans' union, William H. Daniels; Cigar
makers' union, I). Prclsman.
A communication was received from tho
Carpenters' union stating that C. K. Sparks,
a member of that union, had been expelled
nnd that he Is now ruprc-ncntlng himself
es n member of that union. Tho com
munication wan filed after several members'
had spoken In no temperate language
against tho ex-sccrctary, nnd tho sceretnry
was ordered to publish tho announcement
cf tho expulsion In tho dally newspapers.
A further communication from the Carpen
ters' union, regarding tho fight of tho Hot
tlo mowers' union on a certnln foctory,
was received and n commltteo was appointed
to co that goods packed In bottles mndo
by this llrm will not bo sold In Omaha.
A communication from the C'arpcntors'
Union regarding n katherworker engaged
ns a carpenter was referred to the Leather
Workers' union.
Tho National Union of tho Ilrewnry Work
ers requested u couitnlttca to Insist upon
tho nalo of union beer only In saloons. The
request was compiled with.
Tho Nntlonal (larrnent Workers made nn
nppeal for tho purchase,, of goods bearing
the union label, and tho matter was ro
forrod to tho .union label committee.
A communication from tho Woman's Na
tional Label leaguo was referred to tuu
oreanlzatlon committee.
About Miiiilrliuil On-nrrslilp,
A resolution referring to tho decision of
tho supromo court In tho caso of Topplcton
against Moorcs, extending a voto of thanks
to W. S. I'opploton and pledging tho union
to municipal ownership of tho water works,
was submitted by several momberti. Tho
resolution created consldcrabla discussion.
An amendment was proposed to Includo tho
municipal ownership of telephones, electric
light. i'nd street rallwnys. Tho amendment
was lost nnd tho resolution as proposed was
adopted by n voto of 23 to 1..
Tho auditing commltteo, charged with tho
examination of tho roport of the Labor day
commltteo, reported totnl receipts, $771.41;
oxpensos, $781.38; deficiency, t'J.87. It was
stated that theso figures Included tho pay
mont of nil claims, como by compromise.
Tho report was ncccpted and tho commltteo
discharged. H was stated that advertising
accounts to the nmount of $27 had been
placed In thd hands of tho editor of tho
Workers' Oazotto for colloctlon.
Tho Labor day commltteo was discharged
with a voto of thanks.
Tho law commltteo reported that it had
been unablo to find any caso to present to
tho grnnd Jury growing out of tho order of
tho Hoard of Education requiring cadots to
purchase! uniforms at ono house.
Tho law xommltteo reported a revised
Jeaso of tho Workers' (lazctto to Willis
JIudspoth. ny tho. terms of tho leaso Huds
peth1 Vnynv to tho union' 1 and nil profits of
tho business over 1125 per month, assuming
nil debts now existing and binding himself
to conduct tho paper along tho lines of
policy laid down by tho board of control,
which sbnll have power to declaro tho leaso
void In caso of refusal of tho Icsbco to
carry but tho terms of tho lease, tho board
of control to, bo guided by tho Central
unions of Oniahn, South Omaha, and Council
Bluffs. Tho pnpor shall support no candi
dates for political olllco not endorsed by
tho Central union or tho board of control
nnd shall bo guided In Its political courso
by tho action of tho Amorlcnn Pcdoratlon
of Labor.. Tho report was adopted and the
Joaso glvon to J. J. Kerrigan to sccuro tho
becessnry signatures.
lliilonn Hi'llnriurn t.
Dologatcs delinquent In attendance for
throo meetings were reported from the fol
lowing unions: Drowcry Workers, 1;
Rakers,. 1; lirlckmakers, 3; Doilormnkers,
J.; Jlooltblndurs, 2; Clgarmnkors, 1; Elec
trical Workers, 1; Electrotypers and Storo
Dtypcrs, 3; Kedernl union No. 8,091, 3;
Horseshoers, 2; Iron Moulders, 1; Loco
motlvo Flremon, 1; Leather Workors, 1;
Machinists, 2; Musicians, 2; Painters, 1;
poatoftlco Clerks 3; Theatrical fltago Em
ployes, 3; total, 32. Their scats were do
clarcd vacant and tho unlonB Instructed to
cloct tholr successors In nil cases wero
Valid uxcuscs wero not given.
Tho matter of tho endorsement of a candt
tiato for appointment on tho Hoard of Fire
and1. Poltco Commissioners, which may bo
lelootcd, by the governor, was brought up
for discussion, Thero was much talk, which
ended In tho appointment of a committee
to prepare a memorial to the governor ask
ing' that ono placo bo given to organized
labor. The romraltteo Is Composed of C. A.
Jloblnson, Den Mhylord nnd A. E. Willis.
VrrilH! for Mnutli Omnlin.
Judge Koysor Instructed the Jury to find
Tor tho defendant In tho nctlon brought
ngalnst tho city of South Omaha by Her
mann Hellers, who sought to recover $10,000
for Injuries ho sustained by fulling Into u
chitis or
when it
your doctor more freely about our medicines.
"For more than 40 years I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In tho house,
and I do not believe there is a remedy In the world equal to it for all throat and
lunn troubles." Mrs. Marv I. Youno.
lie, Mc, I.M. '
Itcrriitlciti n( (lie Mlmloii Itiioni
Turn Out .Some IntcrrM
InK Mltiinliona.
Tho Hoys' Temperance club of tho Tenth
Street City mission celebrated Its annual
tea party from 4 until 6 o'clock yesterday
nfternoon nnd entertained their mothers
as their guests. Tho class Is under tho
direction of Mrs. E. L. Shlnrock and her
daughter and Is composed of some thirty
or moro newsboys, bootblacks and street
urchins of tho vicinity of Tenth street and
Capitol avenue. For weeks the boys bavo
been looking forward to the occasion, not
only on account of the feast, but ns nn
opportunity of showing their mothers Just
what their' club ami Its work meant. Ac
cordingly tho entire membership wns pres
ent, arriving quite n half hour in advance
of their guests. Sovernl of their number
had been appointed ushers and others
waiters, the first set doing tho honors as
their guests arrived, tho others busying
themselves with preventing tho girls of
tho sewing classes, who wero not Included,
from even peaking Into tho windows by
holding up their aprons, with which each
had been provided. About fifteen women
wcro present. Previous to tho tea pnrty
a program had been arrnnged, which opened
with tho roll rnll by tho secretary. Tho
first numbor was tho club's rally song,
"Wo Aro Coming," followed by tho nddresn
of welcome by Jop Mnrtneltl, which was
quite tho fenturo of tho afternoon, o tho
uptown visitors nt least. Tho youthful
speaker, after assuring the guests of tho
club's pleasure In their presence, hoped
that they might dcrlvo much "porflt" ns
well ns enjoyment from tho occasion. Two
recitations followed by two very small
boys, who stood upon chairs that thoy
might bo seen and heard. A revlow of tho
class work by questions from Mrs. Shln
rock and tho singing of tho class song.
"Our Glasses Upsldo Down," concluded tho
program, and then enmo tho rcnl feature
of tho occasion.
Tho boys served their mothers first, tho
refreshments consisting of tea, sandwiches,
fruit, enko and crenm, tho others waiting
quietly until their turn, but when It nt
Inst arrived the boyB' nppctlto nsserted
Itself, with tho result that the tables wcro
soon cleared, nnd tho urchins departed,
well pleased with themselves nnd the work
that nffords such nu occasion.
Co in inn n iter Hoot li-TucUrr Tel In of
III OrKKiilxnt Ion's
AVurk. '
Hooth-Tuckcr, commander of tho Salva-
tlon army In America, lectured to a well
filled houso at Iloyd's theater Inst night.
On tho stngo with him wcro Hrlgadlor Gen
eral Toft and wife, In charge of tho Omaha
work; a half-dozen Snlvatlon lasslcB from
tho local corps and n band of cloven pieces,
which furnished miiBlc In lieu of tho usual
theater orchestra.
Tho progrnm was carried out much after
tho order of a religious service, being In
troduccd with hymns and prayer, nnd wind
lng up trlumphnntly with a collection. Tho
lecture wns In tho nature of' a report of
tho work accomplished by tho Salvation
army, nnd was punctuated with many pun
gent anecdotes.
Tho speaker said tho army Is now fur
nlshlng homes to 9,000 persons who wore
formerly homeless. This was accomplished,
ho said, by means of tho colony system.
Three' such colonics are now flourishing In
California, It Is an Improvement over tho
ordinary means of caring for destitute
families, ho said, becauso It keeps tho
families togothcr, makes them self-Blip
porting and furnishes thorn with a means
of buying and paying for their own homes,
Onuilin. Intend to Collect for Curing
for Inltleteil I lid I v Id nil In
Nlilppril Here.
Health, Commissioner Coffman says that
hereafter all cases of Infectious diseases
coming to Omnhn from South Omahu and
Council Muffs shnll bo sent back at onco
to thoso cities unless thoy wero directed to
thin city by tho boards of health or tho
mayors of tho other two plnccs.
Considerable troublo hns been experienced
from this sourco rocontly, especially whore
South Omaha Is concerned, so Dr. Coffman
now Insists upon a definite nrrangement.
This will bo such that South Omaha nnd
wouncu limns win no permutcu tno nu
vantago of tho superior hospital accommodn
tlons hero through a regular plnn. Ily this
thoy will pay Omaha for tho caro of tholr
patients, nnd nono hilt officials In authority
in Buch matters will be allowed to send
tho diseased ones here.
Count' Trenmirer Telia How Mneli
Money He Huh on Ilnml nud
Wlicrn It Ih UepoNitiMl.
County Treasurer Elsasser has made pub
lie tho following exhibit of county finances
and balances In his custody for the month
of November, 1001, Just closed:
Hnlnnco November 1 JfT,731.71
Collections In November UUW.Il-JHI.SSS.OS
Novembor disbursements 28,r,9.l,B0
Cash In drnwer Nov. 30.. 211. 8t
Checks In drawer Nov, 30 3,627.03
Protest money nn hand.. ISK.Krt
Pnstngo account 02.00
On deposit In banks:
Merchants' National 41,311.14
I'nlted States National... 39,127.80
Pnckors' National ll.MO.OO
Omaha National 15,176.72
Union National 6.000.00 141,858.92
Equally good for mother and
child. The dose is different,
that's all.
For the mother when she has a
cold, a cough, or a weak throat )
for the child when it has the croup.
For the mother when she has bron
asthma; for the child
has a night cough or
the cough of measles.
We wish you would consult
Clifford, N,
J.C. AVER CO.. Lowell. MaM.
JL Chicago Society Lady, In a
Letter to Mrs. Pinkhom says :
"Heaii Mrts. rixjtriAM! Of all tho
grateful daughters to whom you hare
given health and llfo, none are more
glad than I.
" My homo and my llfo was happy
until illness came upon me three roars
ago. 1 first noticed it by being irreg
ular nnd having very painful and
scanty menstruation; gradually my
S;cucral health failed j I could not en
oy my meals ; I became languid and
nervous, with griping pains frequently
in the groins. ,
" I ndvlscd with our family phys
ician who prescribed without any lm-
Srovemcnt. Ono day ho said. 'Try
jytlla Plnkliam's Remedies.' I
did, thank; Uod ; the next month I was
better, arid it grndunlly built me up
until in four months I was cured. This
is nearly a year ngo and I havo not
hnd a pain or ache slnco." Hoxnie
Dni.ASO, 3248 Indiana Ave, Chicago,
111. t&OOO forfeit If ebon testimonial It not
Trustworthy proof is abundant that
Lydla 13. Pluklmm'B Vcfretnblo
Compound saves thousands of
young women from dangers resulting
from orgnnlc irregularity, suppression
or retention of tho menses, ornrlan or
womb troubles. Koluso substitutes.
Nf Poon Chew Tails af tha FUbi Hit
Countrjmei Hare Laid.
.Nun I'miicliico ICilItor Hxprrnurn Sttr-
lirlxr ut the Mtuiillnn mill (itiur
n ut cm HIn Countrymen Will
.ot AViirrnnt ICxclufilon.
Nr Toon Chow, editor of tho Chung Snl
Vat I'o, published In San Francisco, will
Iccturo nt the First l'resbyterlan church
tonight on "Tho CHbIb in China from tho
Stnmlpolnt ot a Chlnamnn."
Nk Toon Chow has resided In tho United
States for twenty-ono years nnd Is a grad
uate of tho San Francisco Theological sem
inary. For tho last two years ho has been
tho mnnaglng editor ot tho Chung Sal Yat
Po, tho first Chinese paper published In
tho United States nnd tho largest and moat
Influential. Tho Christmas number con
tains many elegant pictures of tho manag
lng alitor, his staff, the Chinese consul and
tho Chlneso emperor. Kdltor Chow, is en
thuslustlc over his papor, and while It Is
difficult for nn American to rend, It Is cer
tainly n thing of beauty.
"Our paper," said tho editor, "of course
circulates only among tho Chlneso. Whllo
wo have only about 0,000 subscribers, we
consider that good for tho number of peo
plo wo enn reach. You will bo surprised
to lenrn that tho troublo In South America
has effected our circulation. Wo have many
progrexfllvo Chinamen In Colon, nnd bo
cnuso of tho war twenty-flvo of our renders
hnvo requested their papers discontinued as
thoy havo becomo impoverished by tho
troublo. Tho Chung Sal Yat I'o readers In
tho United States pay $6 per year for the
paper; outsldo ot this country tho subscrlp
tlon prlco Is $8 per yenr.
"Wo Chlneso think you Americans are
.queer people," continued tho editor. "Wo
don't know why tho Chlneso exclusion act
should bo re-enacted. You aro surely not
afraid that too many Chlneso will come
hero. At tho present tlmo there aro not
moro thnn 70,000 Chinese In this country.
During tho twenty-flvo years when thoro
wns no restriction placed on Chlneso enunt
gratlon thoro was never a tlmo when thero
wcro moro than 150,000. Peoplo who come
from my country aro tho progressive class.
Thoy come to lenrn your ways and become
educated. Thoy aro a lawabldlng and law
loving class. Only tho dark eldo of tho
Chinese people has been, shown to tho
masses ot the peoplo. Tho fight ngalnst us
Is caused nnd carried on by tho politicians
nnd the labor unions. Wo aro In a falss
"For Instnnce, during tho Epworth league
convention In San Francisco guides em
ployed by tho politicians nnd others piloted
the visitors to what they called tho Chl
neso quarters and showed them" tho Chines
smoking opium. The truth Is theso quarters
wero rented by politicians and theso Chlnost
wero paid to go thero and smoko and live
In filth that tho visitors would go home
and tell of tho horrors of tho Chinese quar
ters. .
"The Six Companies you hear so much
about Is also misrepresented. This Is nn
organization formed by tho Chinese ot six
districts of China. Its object Is bonevolent.
Wo tako caro of our sick nnd sond homo
our dead. Wo aro assessed nothing until
ono member desires to return to China,
and then ho pays $10. We havo requested
every Chinese In tho country to contribute
something In order that we can fight the
re-enactment of tho Chlneso exclusion net,
or to got It modified. Many of us here
would Uko to bring our families over, our
wives and children. At present wo cannot.
We want tho United States and our gov
ernment If the formor docBn't want us
to mako some kind of a treaty. It Is to
your Interest ub well ns ours. China Is the
market for American products. Wo aro
waking up nnd progress Is our watchword.
Wo want to become citizens. I havo been
hero twenty-one years, but cannot vote, nnd
yet European cmmlgrants aro allowed to
vote after a certain number of years with
out regard to charactor. We bring no an
archists here; wo bring no nihilists, Tho
Chlneso will make good, true, honest citi
zens. If. ever we got a vote, then the good
and, bright side of the Chlneso will be
shown nnd the fight on us by politicians
will cease. Many peoplo In California are
now petitioning their congressmen to work
for the removal of tho restriction of Cal
uese cmmlgratlon."
Tito Children Itrnciirtl.
Two little girls, aped 3 nnd B years, re
spectively, were tnken from a disorderly
house on Ninth street by the police Friday
morning nnd turned over to tho Child
Having Institute. They wero Mary Joso-
fihlno and Virgil Kvernghln, daughters of
Ioku Kvernghln. one of tho Inmates. She
said she hnd taken them from the Creche.
L where they had been .staying, because thoy
wero lU'tul sho wanted' to nurso them,
The telegram below explains why wo will bo ablo to -oiler the .Nebraska Piano buyers
the greatest bargains over before attempted. The Railroad Company has agreed with
Steger & Sons to pay us the difference between the original cost of these Pianos
and the price that we will sell them for.
. 1 I. iT in A4.llHn.n
JlTthe mwtMita la riled with
Thta b n UNBKFKATRD MESSAGE, tnd U deUrered br rcqtMt of tMMnder, tmder tha cowilUons Btmod above
THOS. T EQKERTy Prildnt and Caneral Manager.
.RECEIVED at 212 South 13th Strut, Om&ht, NiW
268 r,
11 Ch 7 Du ' .49 paid 1150 a Nov .29-1301;
Chicago Illa29No? . ... -
Sohmoller k Mullar
3 latfFa main a t r e e t
Sell th39 pianos d'afrSeAliy't;tiierailroaav Co
in transit. 00r representative has examined every one of thara.
None are damaged on the inside only on the outside
of the cases. The railroad '.Cortpany will settle the loss
fterthejMileiE.ovar. SeZlnotie., to dealere.
Gteer-fc"3ona Piano Kfg Co..
' In accordance with the instructions of the above telegram, we will, on December 9, L!)01, begin the greatest
money-saving JMano sale ever inaugurated in history. Note the prices we make on the above high grade
Pianos. ' livery one was especially selected for tho holiday trade. They are 11 nest specimens of the manufac
turer's product. They must be sold without delay. Every Piano fully guaranteed, not only by the factory, but
also by our selves. YOU TAKE NO IUSK.
Former Price. Rnilroad Price Former Price. Railroad Price
8 Wnlnut Case Upright $1100 $338 Snmple Pianos $U50 $88
7 Uprights $500 $295 2 15,02 Advanced styles, made to hcII for ...,$:100 $165
9 Flemish Oak Case Uprights $100 $258 Non-Catalogued Htylcs, former price $275, railroad prlco
5 Golden Oak Case Uprights $375 $212 $128, $138, $148, $156.
In addition to the nbove bargains we are compelled to sacrifice about .' of tho highest grade Pianos now
on our three floors, including such renowned makes as the Steinway, Vose, Steger, Emerson, Sleek, A. 15. Chase,
Mason & Hamlin, and others, for the reason that we need the room for ney holiday stock, which is daily arriving
from eastern factories. WE SELL NEW PIANOS ON MONTI1LY PAYMENTS rent, tune and repair pianos.
Write for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of inspection. The opportunity of a life-time to get a really
artistie Piano at a price ordinarily paid for an inferior, second-class, or unknown make. STORE OPEN EVENINGS'
1313 Farnam street, Omaha. . Telephone 1625.
P. S. Note the words in nbove telegram, "The railroad company will settle loss after the sale is over."
Saturday the Last Day.
Saturday the Last Day.
Don't Walk Your Legs Off
Looking for
' A. 25c Want Ad iti The Bee will do the work;
Wn. 10S.
t T n Hna, ul M . h..Miil tVAMuvM H ,IA
the Oomppy for teMmlMon.
Remainder of Stock
Damaged by Water
Saturday Absolutely the
Last Day of the Sale
Rochester Shoe Co.
1515 Douglas Street 1515
Only Safe Medicine for Babies.
The Insides of babes-ln-nrms and little children tire very delicate and tender.
Mothers must not be reckless in the uso of physics. Thero is only ono gentle, perfect,
safe medicine for babies:
"Cicreti r fin for Udlei with Infant!
M tbnr ke
r keep both mother nl fMlii
seomlns bliioui. I ne them UUr In
practice'. Dr.A.E.ariffln,Btnlibleaela, Tex.
"1 found Caicareti, In the of tar be
by who ! not verr itrong, the err Dee
medicine I ever need. The do Juit whet
tou recommend."
-lire. U. !d.Ohpmn,Btephani Mllli.N.T.
"I here become firm bellerer In the effl.
recjr of Caicareti. Kren ray babjr boy llkei
them.'1 -fire. LJda Cermak, Jertex Cltr.
i "I think CaicareU eplendld. Ther.haye
benefited me greatly. Mr baby wet afflicted
with crouD, and CaicareU afforded lnitant
relIef."-Brt. ElUZleglcr, Delta, Ohio.
Mamma takes a CASCARET, baby gets tho benefit. Isn't that good
sense? The sweet, palatable Candy Cathartic Cascaret, eaten by tho
nursing mother, not only regulates her system and' increases her flow
of milk, but makes her milk mildly purgative. Uaby gets the effect
diluted and as part of Its regular, natural food; no violence no dan
gerperfectly natur"1 results. No more sour curds in baby's stomach,
no more wina, cone, rcsuess
. -.-... UL . . , . ' 7 i
"Mamma hai need Caioarrte and recelred
freat benefit. Bhe think! they are wonder,
ul, and fare them to our baby bufore he
waa three yeare old."
-Alice flewell, Ml Eighth Bt., Bo.Boaton.
"Onr baby waa alck and we were advlied
to try Catcareta. He waa entirely cured.
We cannot tay too much In pralte of Uuov
ren. jara. jaoiue uowman, aiciropoua, iu
"Cateareta are Indlipenaable for yonnf
children and alwaye brier but reiulte."
-Henry Joynt, P. A., Wealey, 8. D.
"Caacareta work eaay and without pain.
I hayo glren Ihcia to my bablea with (plen.
did reiulte."
Mra. K. Bettac, Et. Louli, Mo.
Best far the Bowel). All drugfliti, too, je, joe. Never
old In bulk, Qenulne tablet aumped CCC. Guaranteed
to cure or your money back. Sample and booklet free,
Addreai Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, ut
I.oaa of lowrr.
Organic Weak
neee, Varicocele,
IIIivmcii of lbs
Firoatafe gland,
tlditny antl
II I nil dor Trou.
blra. Rupture.
Mtrloluro anil
Cnfltaeaa for Marriage. Eitabllabed 1868.
Chartered by the Btato. Call or Btate oaae by
Addrcm Dr, La CROIX,
118 Iron Block,' MILWAUKEE, WIS.
ITie Dlf for unnatural
Irritation! or alceratloni
of muooua mfmDranea
i'atnleia, and cot ailftav
( nt or polaonout. ,
MM by UrngvUta,
ir aent In plain wrapaat.
i.uu, or a Dottiee, I
aflaawii 1 1 ear.
aBaW Oaaraaued Vm.
eat to oritur.
i rrtau frauilea,
VealTH EVA' S CM (ujltlOo.
1611 Farnam St,
All rooiIm free for aitvliifr
Dlitmoiitl "C" Soup Wruiuicra
llavilanil China
Limoges China
Cut Glass
Framed Pictures
Nick-Nacks ill
Toys, Books
Users of Diamond "O" Soap or pro
epootlvo UBor nra cordially Invited
to como and- look over our now nnd
largo stock and select their prem
iums, ijy viraw or tub
that was cxpcrloncod at tho Dia
mond "C" Boap rromlum Stora for
two wooks beforo last ChrlstmB,
wo request our patrons to call and
select their Christmas gifts nn early
as possible, o as to avoid confusion
and tho possibility or disappoint
Branch Premium Store
WttlkV&JIXn' A!?iralUile fVeUh an plat
-.Witt ileVMl Uim. mlel
lultrlt.a. Takeiie etatr. luruee.
Baaaenae aaketltsUeaa aa4 Tmltii
ir 0,rMl. r hi I . la
!STAhi'i ',!f.Talaealale
"Belief f.r LaeUe," In l.ner, r r.
f . , - ' , i.ivvviininiiiiii, e.l4ff
ui. i.l. ., 'leler'.e.lealC)ei
Saiuaa tal aater, if aaUea a aaare. I'M 1 tX. vaI
Read The Bee.