Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Iliii H Its PUntj of Tim to Gtaiidir
Omt Ciciiitni
Alan Intend In See TTrerriTr
Ismrilncr Cltleen of Omnhn Hr
lor Aiipnltitlim w Fire nnd
Police Cnrainlton.
:. -
fFrom . Staff Correspondent.)
MKCOLX, Dec. 6. (Special.) Oovernor
Savage, arrived from Chlrao at 10 this
mornlnK and soon after entering his omee
announced that ho would take no action
In thp Omaha t'lro and Police board with
out careful deliberation.
"When 1 net through with ray accumu
lated corresiondenro," lis said, "I will take
ud thp Fire and Police roromlsslon o,nc.tlon
I don't know lust whnt 1 shall do yet. 1
aball Investigate the sltuntlou thoroughly
I noticed- by the newspaper accounts that
mm i
there arc forly days In which to ask for n
rehearlnc before the supreme court. If
that Is the case, and there Is no icnson
for Immediate artlon, I shnll defer the ap
pointing until such time ns It may prove
effective. . 1 don't want to see any pro
longed and bitter right,
"1 ehall consult with the attorney gen
eral as to the legal phase of the situation
and proceed largely on bis advlco with re
gard tp Immediate action. If ho thinks I
should go ahead Immediately I shall go to
Oinabn and consult with twenty-five of the
leading citizens. Then I shall appoint the
best men for the places, the steady, reliable
business msn."
I'nte of the I'rnplr' l'nrtr-
The people's Independent party nn,-au, the
Nebraska Independent, lr asking Its sub
scribers to designate by ballot whether
they believe that the party organliatlon
ibould bo abbndoned. They are also asked
to name their choice for nominees for state
jfflces next year, explaining Its action, the
Independent says;
"A number of populists snd populist
papers sre pronounced In their opposition
to fusion (or co-operation) with nny other
political party next year. A number of
democrats arc also advocating n middle-of-the-road
policy for their party. Such a
course means republican success, and re
publican success means extrnvaganco In
conducting state government and still longor
delay of the tlmo when populist principles
must either triumph or tbo people give up
all hope of reform.
"The Independent does not believe In
accepting the word of half a dozen persons
as Indicative of the popular feeling, and
hence deslrcn a full expression from Its
readers on a number of matters. For con
venience In tabulating the result a ballot
wtll be used. Every reader Is entitled
to vote, whether a subscriber or not. The
first three questions are for populists, the
fourth for democrats, the last for all."
The questions named by the Independent
"1. Shall tbo organization of the people's
Independent party be abandoned as having
accomplished Its mission and Its members
affiliate with the democratic party nnd pre
ent the repudiation of the Chicago (1836)
and Kansas City (1901) platforms?
"2. Shall the people's Independent party
co-operate with the democratic party next
year upon nominees for state and county
offices as heretofore since 1896?
"3. Shall the people's Independent party
nominate its own ticket and refuse to co
operate with any otherlparty In nominating
' irta-nnn county omceri? '
"4. Shall the democratic party co-operate
with the people's Independent party "upon
nominees for state and county offices as
heretofore since 18MT" .
At the top of the ballot Is a place where
the voter may express a deslro of nfflllat
Ing In the future with any one of the three
parties, It being arranged so that he may
state his preference.
Transfer of Insolvents' Properly.
A decision which will affect a great many
transfers of property by persons who were
Insolvent at the time of transfer was
given by the supremo court this week in
the case of the Farmers' and Merchants'
bank against Charles W. Moshcr. The
action was begun by creditors' of Mosher
to recover on stock that was transferred
prior to the failure- of the Capital Na
tlonal "bank, of which Mofhcp was tho con
victed wrecker. The opinion Is by Judge
Day. It is decreed that In the absence
of a mutual fraudulent Intent the law does
not Interfere with tho right of a person
be' he Bolvent or Insolvent, to make such
disposition of his property, based upon :
'alld consideration, as his Judgment die
tates. On this single point several trans
fern of stock, amounting to approximately
150,000, are held by tho court to bo alld.
It is further held In the opinion tha
an insolvent .debtor has the right to em
ploy attorneys to defend his estate and
himself and to transfer his property In
payment of such contemplated service, pro
vided It Is done in good faith and tho prop
erty transferred does not exceed a reason
able fee for the service which might rea
sonably be anticipated. The vendee or
pledges of shares of stock, says the court.
Is entitled to all dividend which are do
cUred on the s'tock after the sale or
Pledge, regardless of .whether the transfer
hasbeen made 'upon the books of the com
pany'..' The syllabus continues: "Under our stat
ute, prior to the adoption of section 885a
nf the cods of civil procedure, a corporation
my properly be made a garnishee, where
the only property sought to be attached
lirosent nnotlior of Its ox
(.client HhHtiutctl iuipl
inputs, ffiiletc with tri
umphs of tho llltmtrntors' nrt nutl
nrtlclc of cspi-Hiil Intcrrst ami
timely Import nn co. Kroiu the very
stnrt The ltco linn net the pnoe for
nil Its eotitempotnties In tho way
of nrt joipplomrntf, nml not eon
tent with ImvliiK illHtnnwil every
pretense nt competition ims Koue
xtcinllly nlicnil. Improving from
week to week until The lllilstrntnil
lice now stuntls lit the front rank
of Amorled'n nrt pulillentlou.
The rottheomliis number will, be
t fully 1111 to tho ntnudnnl. t'robiibly
!the nioxt Interesting feature will j
he the article by Bllr-abeth Only
Stnnton on "Home Mle of a Con- i
Miry Ap Ktul Now." Another J
timely article Is n character nketeh
ami Interview with William
Travers Jerome, who has but re
cently been elected to be )ioxeeut
lug attorney for New York Olty
the man ou whom the work of re
formhiK (.Jothnni will devolve.
Judge Jerome talks frankly about
the task abend of him and Riven
fonie common neune. practical
vIowh on the Mib.lcet of crime and
erlmlunR Prank O. Carpenter
furnishes another chapter on tho
(picor customs and ninntiefs of the
Jnvanene. Locally there In an
article on tin paving of city Mrccts
and hn excellent ."ketch of the late
Dr. Wtllhim 8toveiM Terry, Epis
copal bishop of Iowa. Aside from
these main features, other matters
of Interest an; discussed and the
usual departments of n miscellane
ous, nature are yell represented.
All these special features arc
profusely Illustrated with pictures
made from photoRraphs-tho best
possible method of Illustrating -reproduced
with the highest ef
fects of half-tone engraving and
modern presswork. As a whole
tho number Is one critics will pro
nounce excellent.
Order It from your newsdealer
today If you are not a subscriber.
0r ii Said t Amy Eightm Hudrid
JDtliin t th Tn.
rtr .MmM n Short Hlntnnrr from tllil
Working; I, end n Vein Wlileli
lnitiier torllio1il-r to
dinar I nst. 1
Highland became frightened at the south
bridge, ran away and threw Ilralsberry
with grest violence. He received four ter
rible gashes on the head, but will probably
tteqnlsltlnii for Home .Menllng,
riEltUB, S. V., Dee. S.-(Speclnl Tele
gram.) Governor llorreld has granted a
requisition cm the governor of Minnesota for
John Van Ilooen, who Is held In tlenvllle
county, Mlnueeota, on a charge of horse
stealing In Hyde county.
CHEVKNNi:, Wyo Dec. 6. tSpecUI.)
Ore running J1.S00 to the ton In gold is
reported ,to have been uncovered In the
Abandon mine et, John, thirty-five miles
southwest of l,nminlo and four miles north
of the Colorado line.
A year ago Dr. C, C. Clark, a Salt Lake
City physician, and associates bought the
Abandon mine, whlrh was located twenty
years ago. A shaft had been sunk on tho
properly to n depth of forty feot, hut tho
ore found was not rich enough to pay for
working and the property was practically
When Dr. Clark took bold another shaft
was sunk twenty feet from tho old work'
Ings and the mnln lead was almost im
mediately found, The ore has been Increas
ing In richness and the vein has been widen
ing with depth, until now It Is rlalmed the
ore Is to be fodnd in large bodies and
assays nearly $1,000 to the ton In gold.
Three weeks ngo the property was
visited by a party of Denver men. who are
said to have offered $50,000 for tie mine.
The owners, who are poor men, refused the
offer and decided to develop the property
S1htiiiipii t;i't to l.'nnnnirimntr
Thrlr .r!irnip n nn tjnrlj
" llnle.
HAWMNS. Wyo Dec. . (Special.) It
Is learned today that the sheepmen of this
section are In a fair way to have their
hopes realized In tho matter of leasing n
large tract of railroad land In the Tied
desert country. Additional details relative
to the, proposed rombluatlon wera given'
out by those Interested today.
It Is proposed to lease 480,000 acres at
an annual rental of 1 cent per acre and It
Is understood that the railroad company
will accept this proposition. Kach sheep
man will be niscsscd at. the rate of $.10
per year for every .1,000 head of sheep
ranged on the tract. While' nothing has
been said about the government land, still
it is understood that by leasing every al
ternate section of railroad land tho sheep.
men will also control the government land
thereby giving them over 1.000,000 acres of
fine range. It Is expected that the deal will
be closed up In a few days. The land will
then bo divided among tho several members
of tho combination.
Child l'lnj itHIi n l.nmii null
DniiHer juslj' Huron! n n
HUMIIOIjDT, Neb., Dec. 6.-Ppeclat.)
Whllo playing with a toy lamp the 11-year-old
daughter of I V. Dey set fire to
her clothing, tier mother was attracted
by her screams and smothered the flames
with a blanket. The child was badly burned
about tho shoulder nnd waist, the flesh drop
ping from tho bones. Doubt exists as to her
Itnrc llrrnli Hoj-'s !,.
FKEMONT. Neb.. Dec. C. -(Special.) -
Jatues Vmink, is yars old, who has been
working on a tarin near Morse bluffs, was
taken to the Fremont hospital yo'terday
with a badly crushed leg." Ho wns going to
Morso Muff on horseback wheu the horse
slipped and fell, with tho boy underneath,
breaking the boy's lec so that fragments
of bono protruded through the skin. Ma
parents live In Omaha.
As Weil as the Housewife and Professional Woman Endorse
Pe-ru-na as a Specific for Winter Diseases.
Catarrh Cures by Thousands Untie
Dr. tollman's Free Treatment.
Our Divorced, Oilier Xot.
I'bATTSMOtJTH. Nob., Dec. fi.(Ppeelnl.)
In district court Corn A. Crnhnm was
granted a divorce from Walter Ornham
nnd her maiden name, Cora A. Cotncr, was
restored to her.
Menzle Unedaker was refused a divorce
from Charles lloedaker.
5nprrln trnilrnt from lliiinlinliM,
HUMDOLDT. Neb.. Dec. fi. (Special.)
Trnf, It. h. Hoff of DulTnlo, Wyo.. has been
elected superintendent of city schools, to
suct'oed Prof. George Crocker, lately elected
c,ounty superintendent.
is tne capital stock of the corporation
owned by the defendant. The real and not
the apparent Interest of the stockholder
In tho property of the corporation repre
sented by shares of stock registered In his
name may be reached by garnishee process
terved on the corporation. The real actual
rights nnd Interest of a stockholder will
be readied by the garnishment upon the
corporation, without regard to the ap
parent interest or the owner."
w Inrorporn tlntift,
Secretary Royse of the State Banking
board today Issued a charter1 to the Cor
dova State bank of Cordova, Seward county,
The Institution Is capitalized for $5,000 and
its Incorporators are P. II, Updike, W. D.
Mackwell and N. II. Updike.
Articles of Incorporation of the Nebraska
Homo company of Omaha were recorded in
the secretary of state's office today. It Is
capitalized for $100,000 and Its Incorporators
are Barton Smith, Ilendrlck Masters and
C. S. Munson. The company will transact
a real estate business.
The Elliptic Mining company of flrokon
Bow filed articles of Incorporation In the
secretary of state's office today. Capital
stock amounting to $310,000 is subscribed
by J. O. Lemlng. G. W. Apple, L. E. Wil
son, J. H. Dean, H. Lomax and Alpha Mor
To Inveatlitnle Churlt) Cmn,
Resolutions recommending that the county
and public generally docllne to furnish the
poor with fpod and clothing without coiv
slderatlnn were passed last night at tha
conference on charities called by the local
charity organization society. All the talk
trended this way and It was the verdict
that when appeal is inailc for aid the .ap
plicant bo referred to the charity organlza
(ton for Investigation, the end being to weed
nut the undeserving and discourage depend.
once. Rev. J, L. Marsh had charge of the
Tmnsfer of t'onvlrtu from I.nrnmlr to
Ncir 1'rnUrntlnrj- .i-roniiniitnl
hy UniiKr.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. G.-(Spcelal Tel
egram.) If the fears of prison officials are
well founded there'may bo exciting scenes
attending the transfer of S00 convicts from
tho old penitentiary at Laramie to the new
prison at Rawlins,
It has been announced that the prisoners
will be moved early next week, but It. is
believed the first batch of long and life-
term men will be hurried across tho Lara
mie plains tonight or tomorrow night in
order to defeat any plan that may have been
laid hy friends of the convicts to hold up
the train aud liberate the prisoners.
It is' said tho prison officials have been
wnrned to took, out for au attempted holdup
nnd the train be guarded by thirty or
forty well-armed and determined deputies.
The prisoners will be shackled and hand
cuffed together In pairs and will bo trans.
ported In cars fitted up for the occasion.
Tho distance from Laramie to Knwllns Is
117 miles, through a desolate country.
Wnmrn' .ntlnnnl Indlnti orlntton
OpeiiM It Hour to 'Into
Mrm hern.
BOSTON, Dec. 6. Hereafter men may be
admitted to membership In the Women's
Natinnol Indian ai-'ociatlon, the convention
which Is in session having voted to eliminate
the word "woman" from the name of the
organization, making it the National In
dian association. The business of the asro
elation In Its closing session dealt with
resolutions and amendments. One resolu
tion passed was to do away with Indian
dancing in public exhibitions, stieh as (he
Buffalo exposition, such exhibitions being
An effort will lie made to prevent an ex
hibition of their dances in the St. Louis
exposition. Another resolution nlnied. to
prevent the selling of liquor on Indian
mil liitroiliicril In. IIookc lir Tnjlor
of Ohio for Thin
WASHINGTON. Dec. 6. Representative
Taylor of Ohio today Introduced a bill to
pension Mrs. McKlnlcy at U? rate of $5,000
a year, beginning Septcruijr 44, 1901, tho
date of the death of tho lat'e, president,
TJorthwestrrlj- "Wind to
hrnakn Todny nml
City Mcnt Inspector Declnrc Tntnly-
Three Are Afflicted vrllli
Lumpy .law.
DENVER, Dec. 6. (Special Telegram.)
John Ilolmberg, city meat inspector, has
Just condemnedi the carcasses of twenty-
three lumpy-Jaw cattle, which were slough.
tored at tho Union Stock yards. There were
twcnty-n'ne head In the car which came
from Ogallala, Neb., and iwcnly-three of
them were found to be suffering from
To Get Well.
- I ask only a postals Hating which
you wish. No money wanted.
I want you to know how nerve power
lone operates each bodily function. If
some organ is weak and faila In Its duty
I want to' tell you how more nerve power
will correct It,. I want you to know, as I
do, that a permanent cure can come In no
other way." I have spent my lifetime on
this problem.
1 will send with tho book an order on
your nearest druggist for 6 bottles Dr.
fihoop.'s Restorative. Every druggist keeps
tt. I will ask you to accept the Restor
ative and test tt for a month. If It cures
pay $5.r0; if it falls It h free. I will
psy", your dru$glst myself for It.
This oner in nve years nas Deeti ac
cpted by 550,000 people. Practically all
of them, had difficult troubles, long en
dured, Most, of tbem were discouraged.
Yet SO out of 40 who received those six
bottles 'paid for them. They paid because
they were cured, for otherwise no drurfglat
st.ks penny for It.
I cannot better prove my own faith In
this remedy. No physician can do more
than, pay for your treatment if It falls.
No other doe so much. Won't you write
a poitsl to learn If I csn help you.
filmply sta.te Book No, 1 on Dyspepsia,
which book you Book No, Zon the Heart
want and ad- Book No. .1 on the Kidneys,
dress Dr.Shonn. Book Sa.A tor Women.
Box MJ.n RBBook No. for men (sealed),
cine. wis. imoo io, onrtneumatism.
Mild ces. not chronic, are often cured
9f on or two Dottits. au aruffiita.
Hurtling of lie Moines March Work
Drnrr Attention to .trio 1
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. .-(Special
Telegram.) The burning of the Des Moines
utarcb factory last night Is a matter of
considerable significance to Nebraska City,
as It will undoubtedly render neceesary tho
hurrledstartlng up of the plant here, The
Argo factory Is the only other largo es
tablishment owned by the National Starch
company in the west Rnd will probably be
called on to do double duty this year, but
the local plant Is la excellent shape to
handle the increased business.
nnjoliim lllhnp Boimcmn.
SEWARD, Neb.. Dec. 6. (Special.)
Judge Sornborgcr adjourned court here
after holding u three weeks' session.
Among the cases dUposcd of was that of
Bishop Bonacum against Rev, William Mur
phy, which was adjourned last spring at
fbo request of the bishop to enablo him to
obtain evidence from Rome. When the
court convened this fall the bishop asked
leave to dismiss the, case without prejudice,
but Father Murphy objected to the dis
missal and asked to have the bishop en
joined from commencing another action In
tbo civil courts until the church courts
had decided the question In dispute. The
court granted the Injunction, which will
probably take the matter out of the civil
courts. During the last seven years Bishop
Bonacum has begun seven actions against
Father Murphy.
lenVraoii Connt.v Morliinsra,
FAIRBURY, Neb., Dec. 6. (Special.)
The county jeeorder's office Knows that
twenty-two farm mortgaeea have been filed,
aggregating $30,130.34. Twenty-four farm
mortgages have been canceled, amounting
to $24,605.43; seventeen city mortgages filed,
amounting to $8,711.50; fourteen city tnor;
gages canceled, amounting to $7,381.07:
ninety-three ' chattel mortgages filed,
amounting to $21,178.04; ninety-four can
celed, amounting to $"9, '220. 86, '
Stone Contractors Resist Clnlrn.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 6. (Special.)
It Is alleged hy the stono contractors that
the complaint filed by Forstor & Smith
the federal building contractors, against
the Iron Mountain- stone, who charge that
the stone cootalns iron lu sufficient qunn
titles to spoil tho beauty of the building, Is
part of a scheme to procure a softer stone,
which can be handled more cheaply by tbo
builders. The Iron Mountain stone is so
hard that the uteei saws make little lm
presslon upon It and tho sawing of the ma
terlal into the building blocks Is conso
quently a slow and expensive task. The
Bedford, Ind., stone, which the contractors
recommend, Is soft and ran be easily
bandied, henco the desire of the contractors,
It is alleged, to have the Iron Mountain
product condemned. Keefe : Bradley, the
stone contractors, have gathered evidence
along this line to submit to the govern
ment inspector when he arrives. The in
spector will niso be takon to the quarrks
at Iron Mountain, where he can Inspect
the stone that Is to be furnished under tho
contract awarded.
WASHINGTON, Dec. . Forecast:
For Nebraska, South Dakota nnd Kansas
-Fatr and colder Saturday; Sunday fair;
northwesterly winds.
For Iowa Fair and colder Saturday; Sun
day probaljly fair; northwesterly winds.
For Missouri Rain Saturday, with coldor
in northwest portion; warmer in eastern
and southern portions; Sunday fair and
cold; southeasterly winds, becoming north
For Wyoming and Montana Fair Satur
day and Sunday; uorthwesterly winds.
For Colorado Fair In western, rain in
eastern portion Saturday: much colder;
Sunday fair and cold; northwesterly winds.
I.ocnl tlrcord.
OMAHA, Dec. 0. record of tem
perature ana precipitation compared with
ine corresponaing uay 01 me last tlireo
1901. 1000. 1SS9. 1S3
Mnxlmum temperature.... o;j 41 42 33
Minimum temnerature 2S M 2S in
'Mean temperature 40 38 ?f 26
frecipitauon v t ,w ,w
ItecorH of temnerature nnd nroclnltittnn
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temnerature 29
Excess for the day 11
Total excess since March 1 jji;
Normal nrecln tatlou 04 Inch
Deficiency for the nay 01 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 33. 59 Inches
Deficiency sinco Marcn t 5. si inches
Hxcess for cor. nonod. 31 inch
Deficiency for cor. period, uro... 1. to inches
Keports from Station nt 7 p. 111.
1 t
6 9
a (t
: 3
Miss Blnnche Myers, 3120 Bonn street, Kansas City, Mo., n promlircnt young so
ciety woman of that place, has the following to say of I'eruna:
"Uitrlnc ench of the rust four seasons I have caught 1. severe eti!J,
when suddenly chilled after an evening pitVtv, anil eiitarrh for several
weeks would be the result. One bottle of 1'ernnit cured me, nnd I shall
not dread colds uny more as I did." BLANCH IS 31YKKS.
Catarrh of the note and hwd rroducf
discharge from the nose, sneering nnd pain
In the eyes nnd forehead, weak, and some
times watery ojes, nml occasionally loss of
memory. .
Unless something Is done to prevent the
catarrh will' follow the mucou membrane
Into the lungs whore It will bo followed by
rough, night sweats, rapid loss of flesh, and
the other dread symptoms of consumption.
To nil such petplo Dr. Hartm.tu'e treat
ment comes as n great boon. It Is only
necesary to send name nnd address to Dr.
Hnrlmnn. Columbus, O., and complete di
rection for tho tlrt month's treatment will
be sent free.
Not only Is It more successful in curing
catarrh than the treatment of catarrh
specialists, but It Is in tho leach of every
person In thM land.
A medicine whlih Is the. principal part of
Dr. Ilarlniatt's treatment, known as Per
unn, run be bought nt any drug store, and
Is n remedy without equal for catarrh In
nil forms, coughs, colds, bronchitis, con-r-umptlon,
and all climatic dlse.ifes of
winter. K.tcli boltli- Is necompanled with
lompleto directions for use.
Address The reruns Medical Co, of
Columbus, Ohio', for n ropy of their Istest
"Htarrli book. Instructively llluMrnted, nnd
rnutalns ill p.iges of the latest Information
on cninrrhul diseases, Sent free to -any
tilth Wo 111 11 n r;ierlenrr,
Mrs. May Thompson, Klrkland, Wis.,
' Treasurer of the Klrkland Lodge, Daugh
ters of Rebeccn and 1. O. O. 1'., writes as
For years 1 have suffered with severe
liendiirlies mused by cutiirrh of the head,
nr. the ndvlce of friend I usd IVruna
for 11 little oer 11 niolitli nnd found mn
Mif more Improved than 1 nnd over hoped
to be. Since then I luivo taken about h
dozen bottle 11111I inn convinced that It hn
worked 11 perfect cure, ns 1 have no miies
nnd pains and do my own work. I would
not toke nny money for whnt 1'eruni has
I done for me. MAY THOMPSON.
A HiMKriilli' Who NntTcrcd lit". Yenr.
Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn.,
I have been troubled with catarrh for
twenty-live years. Could not sleep day or
night. After limine used reruna I enn
sleep and nothing bothers me now.
Mrs. Jennie Cable, Spokane, Wash.:
After suffering for twrnty-enrryears with
neuralgia rutised by e.itiirrh of liend. I
tried nil doctor and nil kinds of medicine.
loeeivliiK 110 benefit. I brrnnie discouraged
nnd worn cjt nt IiiM. My mother wrote
me to take Dr. llnrttnnu'H medicine, so 1
did. but my enso wns 11 chronic one and
I wax also In the change of life. Through
the tift- of Portion and Mimnltn I inn now
entirely well.
When I began taking your medicine I
onlv welched HI pound; now 1 weigh 11?
I linve not tiiken a drop of medicine for
seven mouths nnd would advise nil suffer-
, crs to ooiimlt nr. iinrtmau., 'inn neural
I gla ntTcctcd my bend nnd eyes nnd for
I tbo lust year seemed to be In my breast
I and between my shoulder bladee.
' If you do not derive prompt and satls
I factory results from the use of Pcruna.
' writo at once to Dr. Hartman, giving n
I full statement of your case, and ho will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Ths
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
1 1
Strong Nerves
tre the true source of good, healthy
Persons with half-starved nerves nl
wayr look worried and "dragged-out."
You cannot be happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot be natural without
alt the powers which nature meant you
to have.
produce a healthful glow which isrt
cannot imitate. They invigorateevery
organ, put new force to the nerves,
elasticity to the step aud round out the
face and form to lines of health and
$1.00 per box
n boxes (with written
V 00. lloolc free.
Big Price
Enormous Selling Saturday
Tt Mle by Kuhn Co.. Fuller Paint A
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug store.
South, Omaha, and Davis Drug Co., Council
UluCU. Ia
llUrnss Woman' Bight.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Dec. 6,-(Srerlal.)
In Pawnee City Wednesday evening, De
cember 11, Dr. A. U Ulxby of the Lincoln
Journal and Miss Laura Gregg of Omaha
will debate ths question of "Woman' I Telegram.)
South llskola Incorporation.
PIERRE. S. D., Doc. 6. (Special.) These
articles of incorporation havo been filed
San Bernardino Development company, at
Huron, with a capital of $500,000. Incor
porators, George F, Gcrom, .Tohn N. God'
frey. Edward J. Walsh, Philip Lawrenco
and M. If. Lawrence.
Union Standard Gold Mining company, at
Huron, with a capital of l,000,000. Incor
porators, Calvin F. Ileckler, Milton I.
Moyer, Hugh E. Crtlly, M. H. Lawrenco and
Philip Lawrence.
Dexter United Brethren Church, at' Dex
ter. Trusteos, Chris Tolmer, R. D. Halse,
Joseph Darrington and others.
Willow Lake Creamery company, at Wll
low Lake, with a capital of $2,500. Incor.
porators, James E. Donavan, David Oleson,
O, II. Sonstad, John Forbes and George
Interstate Oil Iand company, at Pierre,
with a capital of JS00.0OO. Incorporators,
Anthony P. Morris, Hiram G. Tarr and
R. M. J. Tallman.
Omaha, clear ...
Valentine, clear
N'orth Platte, clear
Huron, cloudy
Hon d Cits, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, snowing
Willtston, cloudy
.Chicago, cloudy
Kt. Louis, cloudy
fit. Paul, cloudy
.Davenport, clear
Helena, clear
Hlsmnrck, cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
II Ml ,00
r: 6i i .00
-'Si 46 .0)
22 nUl .0H
til .w
.10! 41 .10
:'i; i'i .ot
:H ::i ,00
.iii :wi ,w
.n :ii .iw
: :w .01
4t! fcl ,00
22 HO ,00
20 21 ,B4
t U0 ,0M
Stetr Department Sell I, nnd.
PEIRRK, S. D., Dec. fi.-(Special Tle
gram.) Tho state land department todsy
Issued fifty-eight patents to flnsl purcbas-
ers of stato lands,
nle BrnUhrrry Hurt In Itnnnnn.r,
DELL RAPIDS. P. D., Dec. 6,(Sneeiil
While driving Into Dell Ranlds
j this morning th team of Ole Ur&Uberry of
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
ketni Palnltss Strlcturt Curl eradicates every
trace of Stricture, cleansing; and beating from the
start, alltying Inflammation snd enlargement
of the Prostate Gland and rulering Lost Vitality.
No cutting, dilating, drugging or bougies. We
positively lusristi a thorough, painless snd
permanent cure in artry cait, and you csn
Pay When Cured.
We mean just what we say, anil it costs nothing
to investigate. Our remedy Us dlrsct local ap
plication to the affected parts, ind Is absoluttly
harmless. Will mstl In plain sealed envelope, to
ny address, our Interfiling rook, "An Honest
Talk,'' containing many tesiimonisls, 'alio, a
D. A SKJKKN CO., 131 Atlas Dniik lllila.,
Llttl '
The famous little- pills
For Biliousness,' Torpid Liver, Consti
pation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, In
testinal Obstructions,- Jaundice and
all otlier Liver and Bowel Troubles
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
unequalled. They act promptly and
nover RHpo- They arc so small that
they can bo taken wlthoutany trouble.
Preparod by E. C. DoWItt AOo., Chloaao.
Do You Smoke?
M'e oll lc
Henry tirorue,
Uliuiil of Culm,
0. n. K
.Supreme .lusllce,
St. .In me.
I.lltlr Tom, ,
Little .Nuiion. f
Rooster, ,
6c Each,
II0I11 rt lliirii.
HI 'I'eli'Krnfo,
An..n Held,
Tom Moore, ,
(up to 1 11 Mnrrjntj
Non on,
1. n Slnreiiiloil,
m I'rlnel ic I)i; Onle.
10c Each.
Men's $10 wool storm ulsttrs, $5.75
Boy's $7.50 long ovsreoats Is" 1S $3.95
Mtn's $10 blus tirgi suits. $6.00
Man's Stylish Winter Suit
and Oi.rcottt.
Suitn made of line all wool materials
worsteds, tweeds and cheviots, in blue,
black and oxfords, nnd the new colors.
Overcoats in kerseys, vicunas, frieze blue,
black and oxford gray, with or without
iB yoke, made to sell for ?i8
tS2f:5?KRsae price this week
YOUNG MEN'S EXTRA FINE long overcoats for young
men of 15 to 19 years overcoats made' extra long with or with
out yokes, made to retail for ?10 to $18 CI ft
sale price. 85.00, 17.50 and OIU
Men's extra fine stout and slim suits 325 sample suits of
finest worsted, tweeds and cheviots suits made to retail up to
SrT. ST.50, $10, $15
Slim milts come in sires 80 to 42.
Stout suits come in alzon tn 40.
Don't overlook the blnok and white, the newest pattern in
long overcoats, nt $20.00 and 22.50.
felling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
Tom and Jerry I Smokers' Articles
lllboo- :nu.
14tb anil Duiislaa 91.
ft$ o WBm
Knr I'lne IHiiill- Trnilr,
full ln art llotlln !.r0.
l oll I'lnl llnltln 75u,
Coiitnlnlnc all tho Ingredl-,
entx cHventlat In tho iMtelous
ot.fanlilotirl Turn unrt Jctry
- nil prepared, 'FelcntlHoally
blended with tine old whin
Won. Thin preparation, with
tho dcnlred amount of hot
water added, Is reaily for lm
medUto line,
1'iiro California. Wines (lot
tied ripe), 3r:, &lo. nnd 75o
quart Out-of-town ordcrn
promptly tilled. t'lty orders
de llvi'ied,
Opolto ro(ofllii. THi-phono 11-1H,
AgentH for Hunter no and Old Taylor
.N'e' and at
tractive nov
elties for th
inan who
Mnoket, ThU
t'l Aih
'rry. or
man china,
"nly ji.cki,
'o m M
of riirieiman
faneleH im.
foro you h.
lent rfome
fhlntr for