12 Tins OMAHA DAILY BEEt P ATT II DAY, DECEMBEK 7, 1901. KHI.I.nv, STHlllIt A. CO. ivmicic. Horn Oprn Snttirdny t il III Di.'lO 12 etiliiK. AND CIIILDIIUN'S WINTKIt t'NDKItWKAIt, HAND SII,K AND USIiR I'Oll XMAS-HOLIDAY MBN'S 1IOS1KIIV AND KMimolDKUKD TIMKAI) HOSK UMIMRI,I,AH. Women's oxtra heavy fleeced vests and pants vests mado with j?ugct flcovcs, silk tape, penrl tuitions; pants inntlo with French bands. Special for Saturday, 25c each. Women's heavy rlubctl .union nulls silk taped, finished seams, ecru or natural color, fully worth C'.c per suit. Kor Saturday, nly 60c. Wo have placed en our counter for Satur Sny n broken lino of sizes In women's nat ural wool ribbed vests, punts and black tlnhtH, regular $1.50 and $2.00 quail tics. Whllo they last, only ti8c chcIi, Homo women say they find woolen under went very uncomfortable, but It Is qulto evident they havo not tried our famom "Jonness Miller" Sterling union suits. The . patent process Used In Klvlnf; the finish to this underwear gives tho woolens that soft, llky touch, full fashioned, fitting tho form perfectly. Hcsl quality ifcyptlan cotton "Jenhcss Miller" union suits, Unlit or heavy weight, nt $.1.00. Ilenutlful quality Australian wool, white, new blue, natural, at $3,7fi. Flesh color heavy weight llk "Jenness Miller" union suits nt $8.50; me dium weight at $7.C0 per suit. Wo havo In stock tho celebrated "Aer tex" purn Irish llucn mesh underwear for' women, it is superior In Union ami wear, Is endorsed by all leading doctors. It b absorbent and porous, Is especially recom mended to ladles who cannot wear woolen underwear. Tho "Munulng" combination suits for boys and girls tho only perfect fitting and best mado suits In mnrkot; heavy fleeced, natural color, all sizes, at fiOc per suit; plated natural wool ribbed combination sultB, eomfortablo to wear, all slzw, at $1.00 per suit. XMAS IIOBIKIIY. Women's fine cotton stockings, plain nnd fleece- lined, Hermsdorf black, a very pretty lino of funcy stripes, dots, embroidered boot patterns. For Saturday's sale, only 35c. .1 pairs for $1.00 All tho newest novelties In women's hos iery brought out specially for tho holiday season. Hand embroidered Imported lisle Hose, latost designs, speclnl lino at Me, S.lc, $1.25; hand embroidered lisle, very hand some, at $1.50, $1.75; puro thread silk hose, black, at $1.60, regulnr $2.23 quality; drop etltch puro thread Bilk, at $1.0., regular $2.60 quality; our hand embroidered Im ported thread silk nnd laco stocking, con not bo equaled in price or beauty, $2.75, $3.00, $3.60, up to $10.00 per pair. Misses' and boys' fine eashmcro and heavy cotton stockings, plain and fleece lined, doublo knee, heel nnd toe, full seam less, all sizes, nt 25c. Women's 20-lnch umbrellas, union taffeta silk covers, steel paragon framo nnd rod, caso and tassel to match fancy handles, blnck, red. blue, at $1.60. Wo havo a large assortment of holiday umbrellas, fancy lilgh-grado handles, $2.00, $2.50. $3.50, up to $10.00 each. KKM.KV. STIOEIt & CO., Corner Fnrnnm and Fifteenth Streets. rinnnn In n Ditch, Thrco cnrloads of nlnnos ran in nin shipped from Steger & Sons' factories to Sohmoller & Mueller, tho prominent Omaha ocaiers. were d era led on tho n. - K. I railroad nnd rolled Into the dltrh Imt wppU Fortunately, tho freight train was not running at run speed and tna cars were not oawy nroifen up. Factory exncrfH rrnmlnpi! llio nlnnno nnd they were found to bo damaged only on the cases, accordingly they wore continued on their lournev. nml Rrhmnllnr X, Mimllor lot the people of Omaha havo an opportunity ui get a uargain out or mo railroad com pany. Musical Times, Chicago. A coated tongue, foul breath and clogged condition In tho bowels suggests tho use of I'rlckly Aeh Hitters. It Is Just suited for such ailments. BOSTON STOKE BOSTON STOKE You'll miss a treat If you fall to visit Hayden Ilros. Saturday. Read about their big bargains on pagu 7. A llcnl l,lt ."n n In (.'Inns, Will rccclvo tho ladles and children at our store Snturday morning from 8 till 10 O clock. Ills LTp.nf mnll tinr to linrn nml every child Is Instructed In wrltn Rnnlu nml express their wish for his Christmas giving. Deposit your letters with him Saturday morning and up to Christmas eve nt HAIIDV'S. "The 99-Ccnt Store," 1610.21 Douglns St. Dunce Tonlulit. Jolly Klght's lively ball this evening, Wushlngton hall, F.lghteenth and Harney streets. Flno orchestra, A grand, good tlmo for you. Oents, 25c. Welcome. The bargains offered by Hayden, Ilros. for snturday will well repay you for a visit. ucail tneir nil on page 7, This Sale Begins Saturday The Most Magnificent collection of fine fur gar ments ever brought to Omaha. The choice of all the Indies' and children's FUR GARMENTS from the great New York "RIDLEY" STOCK and from a Prominent New York Retail Furrier's Stock Bought From the Sheriff, ' GO ON SALE SATURDAY AT Less Than Half Their Value V have divided (lie cniiro slock of cliish'i' scarfs, storm col furs and storm collarettes in lots, and place on tables. Head Hayden Ilros.' nd on pago 7. I''riM! Fri'Pi Wo will glvo FIlEIl to each child accom panied by parent a gnmo In our toy depart ment, botween 2 nnd G o'clock Saturday afternoon, December 7. Ilrlng tho llttlo onos and seo tho largest and finest assort ment of toys In tho west. ORCHARD & WIUIKI,M CAItl'ET CO. ('lirlNliiuiN .Snlr. The Parish Aid of Trinity cathedral will have a Christmas salo nnd turkoy dinner nt tho Parish houso Saturday, December 7, at 12 o'clock. Dinner, 60 crntB. You won't go -wrong If you get Into tho Dig storo Saturday. Hayden Ilros.' nd Is on pago 7. Head it. An Unsuspecting Victim. Tim rnitlr minim ntnplr prml ntt.1 I... iiKgn-gaimn -drug enenue-memlierH of tho rurul gang- have roped In an unsuspecting victim In order to belli them In their light uKHiiiHi us-in me drug war neing too stingy to run an advertisement by them- pcivi'h. no iioiiniiess nns nern leu to no llovo that ho ran Increase his business by Joining this little corner trust. This Is worse ror mm, in our opinion, than being a member of the main show. Orcat schema! Ijil.llO Tciniitii t Inn Tnnle, .Stiltirtln Only 25c Mistletoe Crciuu 17c 25c IIIII'h Cascnrn Quinine Hromlde.... Ifie $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic 75c (This preparation Is guaranteed.) ai.w Warners Haro cure Tc fiou Kodol joo I UK' Omega Oil a0iS Jl w Wine Cardul 49c -jo uixniivc iiromo-g j initio K'c 25c Qiilnacctol (best for clods) 200 ii.w iiuuiTH l'emaie Regulator ;;c v 1 in.-iii:iiiiiiiiiiii im Kunriinieeu.j UM Cramer's Tansy, Cotton-Hoot and Pennyroyal Pills ji.q,) Cut Prlc Drue Store ffe? TAIll.K NO. 1 contains all of llldley's V nnd $7.50 storm collars, collnrettes nnd cluster scarfs, In electric seal, Imitation stono marten, Canada mar- d "V ten, mulllcon, etc. Cholco of tho en- I tiro lot nt TAUM3 NO. 2 contnlns Ridley's $10.00 and $12.50 col larettes, storm collars and cluster senrfs, handsome combination furs, Pcrslnn lamb and electric seal, Canada marten and electric seal, Imitation stono marten with nstrachan yokes, many with long tab fronts, go nt 3.98 TAHI-H NO. 3 contains llldley's $15.00 neck pieces at $4.98. These includo genulno marten neck scarfs, Perslnn lamb combination storm collars with tab fronts nnd largo cluster tnll trimmings, nt llldley's $2.50 fancy fur neck pieces nt 98c. 4.98 SCHAEFER'S fl. 747. S. V. Cor. llllli anil I'l. I Qoods delivered FHKE to anv nart of city. Some Saturday Drug Prices rl llf lirlnnti I'lvnn Imlniii l 1 1 it ....... ,V.Vi. f.UHII ilL All prices quoted contempUito ppot cash aynient: &0c Omcfja Oil ,ro $1 ( PI1 IT1frU IiTljlnn' fiifn On ti.o.t.... in' SI Temptation Tonic. Saturday 2Hc i iiuHw iiiiui niBKey, aaiuruay no fl Willi. iM-lll.l U.. . .. .. .ii.j v..t.i(,, mtiiii iiu.v.t i c ioc uromo Hoitzer, Saturday '. flu Ilnitnit Koltv... Un.t..l.i. i.. wo Hromo Seltzer, Saturday 2'Jc ti uromo fscuzer, Saturday D!)c i Pe-ru-na, Saturday 5vc iirrunivii -'-(niari water liae. Satur- llflV . ....... ;fu Uoeoanut Oil Soap. Saturday, cake lu ixu moro man luo cakes to a customer. I.lMti.rlnn it uint Sn t.it.tn . rc- DOc .Mulled Slllk. Snliirilnv. ""!""" n $1 Malted .Milk, Saturday ' '."iu $3.73 Malted .Milk. 8attirdav S ' fin tt !Vvi,. mnn0J' to Bct nbovo prices HAT rile for cutiUoRue, Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co, Corner Sixteenth nnd Dodgo Streets. Misses' Sets $2.8 far larco mulT nml uriirf (nil trimmed, of river mink. Imltnt Inn stono marten, Cnnnda j- -v mnrtcn. etc., worth UM up to $5.00, nt ml S J Misses' Separate Muffs A large lot of odd murr size, of fox, wool. seal. Imltmlnn ,n. ten, electric seal, Nu tria Astrakhan, etc.. many worth $5, cholco llldley's $15.00 and $17.50 cluster scarfs, storm collars and collnrettes of genuine seal, Persian , Iamb, marten, Krlm- mor, etc., go nt.. 7.50 """" l"U 11IU4- 1.98 Ridley's $20.00 cluster scarfs, storm collars nnd collarettes of combination Pcrslun lamb nnd marten, ppminn lamb nnd Atufllcon, seal, bluo fox, marten, etc., cholco 9.98 Child's white nngorln sets, muff nml rnllnmHn m no- H8c for white iamb and thlbot with ribbon nnd purse, worth $1.73, nt -JSc. Fur Jackets Astrakhan nnd elpetrln n ... . . . mwh.h "hi iinu iuii inCKClS. cuarantppd ntnr nml -and heavy furrier's satin llnl worth $25 nnd $27, cholco inencs long, $15 Fur Capes 1 up IO 49. $50 $39 HAYDEN ' "PARTICULARS THE GOODS ARE IN." II (All Itlghts Reserved.) Our cloak department Is crowded every day. Wo will glvo you the reasons why ana icavo it to your Judgment In ns few and short words as possible. Our cloak buyer visuoa rvow lork and Doston markets nbouf Thanksgiving. Ho closed out several uno biockb or now up-to-date goods at about 50c on tho dollar. Our friends and r. tomors in Omaha and surrounding country are reaping tho benefits of then hnr.nm. SATURDAY'S Sl'ECIALS-selectcd from tho best numbers of these stocks will h nn sale beginning promptly nt S a. m.' Your money back for any garment you buy that you aro noi satisfied with. PRICES QUOTED AT HAVDEN'S TODAY THAT WILL ADVERTISED BY OTHER HOUSES AS I1AROAINS SIXTY DAYS HENCE. 20-ln. Electric seal ennrs l.ir full .. nntced satin linings, value up to -w g $22.50 and $25.00 II 1 1 Vt choice Other capes nt $1C. $17.50. $24.50 nnd im in iz JU-incn UOKICIl llonvnr Tnnnn wMn sweep, Ridley's prlco was $83, our prlco 21-lnch AlnBka Seal Canes. Rid ley's prlco f 100.00 our prlco Two Alaska Seal Jackets, onn hn Pn-Mlan Combination collar and cuffs, Ridley's prlco $150, our price Two XXX Alaska Seal Jackets. 23 In. long, exceptional qual ity, Ridley's prlco $200. our price One plain XXXX nualltv Pnrnlnn Lamb Jnckets, Ridley s price $100, our prlco . 3 Persian Lamb Jackets with hlnmi. ed mink collars, rovers and cuffs, fine quality silk curl, excep tional quality, Ridley's prlco $123, our prlco .... $50 Jackets, 22- $98 lily Persian $45 i with blend nil cuffs. (Inn $69 :$98 Two XXXX quality Pcrslnn Lamb Jackets with blended sablo collars, revers and cuffs, Ridley's prlco $150 our prlco t 22-lnch Heaver Jacket's nt $83.00 22-Inch Swedish Ottor Jnckets $135.00. 22-Inch fine Krlmmcr Jackets $59.00. 22-Inch Guaranteed Electric Jack ets, at $20.00. 22-tnch Guaranteed Near Seal Jack ets, nt $35.00.' 22-lnch Guaranteed Near Seal, Por slnn trimmed Jackets, go at $39.00. at nt We call your attention, first, to this lluglan No. 9X19, mado of heavy covert cloth, silk lined throughout, with velvet collar, yoke in back, turn-up cuffs, from tho aoodman Hz Strauss stock, e nn (or only Oi90 Noto this Raglan No. S3SX, mado of all wool kersey, In black and oxford grays, lialf satin lined, yoke back and front, deep turn-back cults, worth $2y.00, Q QQ No. U4. women's Automobiles, made from all wool kerseys, In castors nnd C M fl blacks, sizes 32 to 40, only Us'tU No. 70(5, women's Automobiles, mado of best Amorlcan Woolen Mills kerseys, atltcheil with ten rows of silk stitching all around: lined with tho famoiiH Sklnuer'H satin; wnrranted for two years' wear; they are worth $!5, from tho Ooodman in Cfi & Strauss stock, ut lUiOU Ladies' Jtcktts-Witch these Prices. Lot No. 1. mado of all wool kersoy, with VAIglon collar, a boautlful garment, from the stock of 8. & 8.; they nru f nn worth $8.60; for only UidO lined. In blncks, browns nnd enstnrs, storm' $10.00, for 4i"0 No. fSS, a most niagnlilcent coat, worth $18.50 In any houso In America, made of West of England kerseys, trimmed with straps of same material, ullk llgures worked Willi alll Ainhritl.lni.t. gtt ulnaii.. .. .1 I. , ...... ... ....... .....ut j wi, n vu.rn llflil u.lllun in unuK iiiiii iruni; linen wnn I no famous Skinner's satin, tor only. Skirts T..r. 1 WIU OL BKiri mnicerH Women's rnlnv.dnv aii.tu t . .iVi n -tj nnu vn, jiuuuut! i r iin rn (Ml With lfi rnu'ii .. I i .. i i . . ..... ... u nt,iiv.fiiiiKa iiiuun iir nenvy latTeta. worth $5.00, n nn ,.;v--v" cigg w nmnii m iirnuo uiipin . nn,l ........ i iiiiiur Ul surges "H'.1. vunetlnnM and other cloths, trimmed ...... ... , u I,, WH ot naiin n nn bands, worth up to $7.50, for OiUU .Wion,V.,1.'H wllk area "fclrtH, trim- J nn med with point lace. for.............49B Just One Lot of Suite from tbn riiinilmm. a1. m..... .'."J stock, for 7. 98 Saturday is Children's Day in uur uioak Dent A vJSlft Now Vkfcu chl dren's eiderdown cloaks, ages 2 to hi Plain and fancy cloths, trimmed with 1111" goru, lined nnd Interlined red ninki blue, tans, cardinals and old rose ' ilFS 1.39 One lot, of children's Raglans "win, without capes, ages I to 14 1 5 m.nnV . or Ooodman .t sirauss; they n'r,,' w fr' tit$ as shown In our window for n nk Saturady, at 7 OR M Children's fur sets nn 98C Children's fur sets, in nlco long nmiora beautltully trimmed, worth $1.50, n nn fur only Za98 Extra Specials for Saturday JESDAlin Lajrwi! EIS mm WE'VE 100 MANY GIRLS' COATS And have placed such figures on them that they'll go with a rush. Long and short w " ,r i i H overcoat on your mind and on his bock. i v it juui PRACTICAL XMAS PRESENTS FOR ROVS AMn r,m c Dresses, Gloves, Toques Golf Skirta, Siilt Overcoats. LcbrIiibs. Sweat- in utiiuin 9.90 Wnmpn'H fur wnnrfa Mn,-...i ...... ... I.. I. ... ri ' " Willi iitur, tuiiu -.UIJ, for with satin throughout, worth I nn $o.00, for L90 Women's silk underskirts with dnep flounce, In pinks, blues, cardinals n nA and blacks, for dial) omen h Doucio capes, 30 inches long, for i Women's fur capes, 30 Inches loiTg, for , v omen s black cloth capes, . n Inches long, for A Til,, nnlli.il un,.t nt ..... t , n r, . . . " o.wvre hi nniria tlulll lltirilSiein & Levi on snlo at S0c on tho dollar. uiui'ii a wiiiuiH'rn, worm En-. ?s for nun www Hi V 79c 1.50 3.90 .75 $1.25, for. jWWlUlUltteJJ ms Talkar Allll - - ' I I I lmtt moor Opp. brehard A trilhelra Rod Grtat Salts on Pag 7 HAYDEN BROS Typewriters ! New Century, New Detismore, New Yost. Wa sell, rent, exchange, repair type writer. Everythtnt; considered speed, grade of work, coit of keeping in repair, durability, , etc. ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on the market. For Information reg&rdlnc type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 1614 Fa main St-, Omiha. First Secturdacy Finds large operatiotis moving alotig because of carefully arranged plans, datiiiR far back when new goods were order ed for this month's sale. Dull times would indeed be strangers here. Only a personal visit can give you a ripe idea of the extent of the Holiday stocks. 1 he store's scribe might use figures and words by the column ful and yet miss the point the inter6st. But everything on which the eye rests obeys the impulse and affirms or denies. An hour's selling is worth a day's reading. s Special Opportunities in the Women's Dept. You cc'i'diinl.v novoi- had the opportunity of Mooting from siicli ii fjrwit stock of ral,y-towour gnruicntH for women" An oilier one of tlmse Sntunin.vs. Uiose nire occasions, that have niiiile (his store tiie great headquarters for popular prices. Women's JJoiv Coats $4.00 and $0.76 Two extra specials that havo no equal in quality and value elsewhere. Women's Box Coats made of all wool korsoy, 27 inches long, with a good satin serge lining, a well made perfect, A Cf titting coat, regular price elsewhere, $8, Sul'd'.v'H price VU Women's Box Coats mado of excellent quality kersoy, lined with Skinner's satin, high storm collar, lapel pockets, Q Wg L0 rows stitching around bottom, regular .?.! f values 1 O J fere s where they can't match us. Every high grade Tan Jacket in the house has been reduced j 'or December's jirst Saturday. Jackets that sold for $20. 75, Saturday $19.75 Jackets tlutt sold for $2J,.7C, Saturday $16.75 Jackets that sold for $10. 76, Saturday $14.75 Jackets that sold for $18. 75, Saturday $ 1 2. 75 I nose .are bonnfido reductions in every particular. Another matchless offer. All high grade automobiles 42 inches in length, all no at Saturday's selling." Automobiles that sold for $35.00, Saturday $24.75 Automobiles that sold for $2 J,.7 5, Saturday $19.75 Automobiles that sold for $10. 75, Saturday $14.75 All Newmarkets Reduced. Newmarkets that sold for $42.50, Saturday $32.50 Newmarkets that sold for $35.00, Saturday $24.75 Newmarkets that sold for $24.75, Saturday $19.75 Newmarkets lhat sold j or $19. 7 5, Saturday $14.75 Come to tho Nebraska Saturday whore your dollars do double duty. Men's New Neckwear Every day brings new and pretty things in Men's Holiday Neckwear. All the wanted kinds in strings, bows, tecks, puffs, four-in-hand, etc. All the latest colorings in novelty silks; also a choice line of plain solid colors. CSrr 75c and 50c values for OuC Ever Try It? How much easier it is to "keep up" than to "catch up " Hint's why you never iind "The Nebraska" behind the times Our Mens Hat Department invites you to trade here If you do, you're ahead a hat. Our "Nebraska Special" Derby at $1.50, in the Dunlap style ,leads them all for genuine hat values. We've got 'em in three different dimensions, 5, 5j and U inches deep. You can't buy wrong when you buy here The new tlare brim Fedoras you see so common on the street just now, most of them came from here full line new shades, 81.H0. $2.00 and S2.H0. Then there's the new "Luzon," a new shape in black, very swell and popular, $3.00. M ens and Boys Caps Men's Cloth Caps, 25c, 35c, 45c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25. Men's Plush Caps, 45c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.75. Men's Fur Caps, for Xmas presents, 2.25, 3.50, 3.90. Boys' Winter Caps, 19c, 25, 35, 45c, 75c, 85c. Boys' Plush Caps, Brighton or Turbans, 15c, 45c, 75c. Children's Toques, 15c, 19c, 35c, 45c, 60c, 85c. Children's Tarn O'Shanters, 45c, 75c. Yes, We Sell Stetson Hats. BP I Taste for the Beautiful Makes You Appreciate OROSIS at $3.50 Always Quality tho best (itylo tho latent i price always tho same. In all the new leathers. Advnnrei! trie withnnt nd- vnnecd prior-THAT IN NOIIOSI.S the new Kline for uamru, Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. Lfifnd for Catalogue. Santa Glaus Drinks wl.l during (Uccr. Tor h tonic It Kivei rnowrd on. rBy to tho wholo Hysti-m nml for a pleog! Inir liuvcmirn It In iTim,,....n,..i ieo ..... - ..u mm.i;u. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel, till, Omaha, Or Jacoh Neiimayor, Agt enro Neumayor Hotel, Council Illuffs. Iowa. KEELEY i'UK "' ,h" 'l'lel of the ICeeler .r.trm orln.. CURE ",e ""'y K"ler Inatltai In NthrmmCa. Onri Druiikeniie, Cure. IlruK U.ern, Tnliauuu Vtrva, TI1U UUUI.I2V INSTITUIIS. 10 ud Leuveawurtb, UuiHbM,