THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1901. COMMERCIAL 1ND FINANCIAL ItondTrioai in Drains aid Hiarj Frefiti for 8tlUrt. VISITING STOCKMEN TRADE EAGERLY Tim PHa, rioor nnd tin" Onllnr'lpn of floor ij Crondcd ttUIi 5ncc tntora find Jfpron Intor. CniCAOO, Dr S.-Hoomlnc bull enthtis laem, tho iiravtoBl transactions In over a yinr In all pits, record prices In grains and havy prolltn for tlte fortitnntn pollers, those wero thn charnctcrlallc features of tmnl jienK on thn Board of Trade today. Tho t:razo for much buying, which began to pliow Itself a'CHtrrday, wan prmpna again at tho opening nnd was iiiigmrnted on every hnnd ah thn (session advanced. Tho pits, the, flour and the ftnllerlcs of tho board wero crowded with fpfct.'itors and fpentilatorn, largely vlnlthiK Htockmcn, all eauerly trad ing Advances in wheat wero lJ4c and l'jc In corn and l'to In oats. I'rorit-taklnc on an enormous scale, however, took much of tho strength from tho markota and Decem ber wheat closed only Uft-'io UP. May wheat Uc up and December corn ifjTo higher. May corn kTio higher and May oats Vifl-c advonoed. I'rovlalona closed U'ittSSc up. H'JTcat, ns yesterday, seemed to bo In most demand, though It held poorly. A general bull movement, regardless of tho usual Influencing conditions, scorned to con trol transactions. Tho country side seemed to have arisen ns on man and rushed to this mart to buy. Not since the present bull campaign began havo brokers and commission people been 'pressed to hnndle npeoulativo orders as they have today. No man or firm was big enough In the perfect storm of business to bo "prominent" In the pit. OffBrlngs, which wero vary liberal at tho very start, wore absorbed ns so much water In a sponge. News In Itself was not very bullish. Cables showed very llttln re fponso to yesterday's, feeling here. Iocnl and northwestern receipts wero Rmall Mid rhiwed a gtmliml decrease. But primary receipts were rather liberal and clearances wero not large. Outside markets, however, did show a bltr Increase. Prices for all options were well advanced at tho opening nnd.Iu tho whirl of trado tremendous profit taking by big manipulators was disregarded until thoro was such n volumo of It that It could no longer bo neglected. Iluslness was estimated to ho high un Into millions of bushels. Gradually the decline caraj and with it snmo slight lull In trade. December opened HffVic to Vj4c higher at "oWSiMic, sold up to "BHB'SN.c. sagged off to ,5',4c and closed firm. io up, nt 75Hc. May opened HflUo lilghor at "OHffWc. advanced to the record price for tho crop, 60?e, sank bick to "914c anil, reacting Bllghtly, closed llrm, Uo P. at "'Jc. Iocal receipts were E5 cnr, none of contract grade. Minne apolis and Duluth reported "01 cars, making a total for tho threo points of 73 cars, uralnst 008 last year. Primary receipts wero l.frtS.tmn hu., compared with 6S8.C0O last year. Seaboard durances In wheat and flour oqualed 45D.00O Int. Natural conditions, backed up by tho strong bullish speculation hold corn well up and tiio best advances of any of tho pits. Cables were strung, tho cash demand was llvolv und tho conntry nt largo wanted tho cereal badly. Outsldo markets are con stantly buying corn nt prlceB .considerably above this innrket and prommcnt traders hold that Inasmuch ns Chicago holds tho big majority of old corn stocks the coun try must como to this market to buy. And buy It did. Ah In wheat, buying orders csmo In on nil sides and sent prices up to new record prices. Tho general rnngo was lirarly 1c over yesterday and tho bigger jiart of this was firmly hold. In this nit nlso big realizing for prollts was under way, hut tho effect was hardly apparent. December opened 1ft Hit! to WtC Up at MS" to lHc. sold to tAVn: sagged back and closed firm. Vl'" "P nt 61,-c- M,l' "turtod In spurts, 't'aU' higher Ht 67VJEfsc, sold to G8J4, reacted nnd closed utlll strong, Hft-Tic lip at 6Tifft!7it. Ileuelpts wore 111 cars. Tho unrly tnidu In outs was heavy, with a' very nctlvo demand on tho part of com mission houses. Shippers also bought freely und frightened shorts rushed to cover. Ac ceptances wpro small, tho shipping demand fair, tho cash situation still strong. A 1,-reut dOHl of realizing for good profits by prominent longs depressed prices toward the close. May opened higher nt 45i,ig45l,4c, advanced to 4tHic -a now record price re acted and closed 11 nil, '.ttWio up at 45c. TtprelntH wnrn 107 cars. Provisions ruled llrm all day, aided by light recelptH of hogs, tho strength in gains und good country buying orderH. As In other pits, realizing for prollts brought an t-asler fcollnir. but tho close was strong. January pork closed 'lM,o up nt J16.60, Jan uary lard 25o higher at 19.73 anil' January wis if4o up in. .. Estlinuted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 411 cars; com, 190 curs; oats, 20G cars; hogs, SO.noo head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Artlcles. Open. ltlgh.l Low. Closo. Ycfl'y. Whent Dee. May July Corn Dee, 1 May July Oats Deo. Mny July rnrk Jan. May Deo. I.ard- Jun, May lllbs- Jan. Mny lWn TC'Afi 75 J 7W T5WH ,V)Um Wi 79(, 70S 79i4 SO'4 KtV, 73 80 iWrti r,5 my i'.l4 tBiia'H 45 W.i 4S 45 4t; 5U(t4 4'i 45 V,i 4WVK 40, ilU 40Va 41 ti 111 Ml lfl 75 16 SO ' 1(1 6S 1G 37V4 WOO 17 10 1 87!s 1 97H 1 70 9 70 9 75 9 70 9 75 9 CO 9 I'.S 7714 9 li5 9 75 9 60 9 fu I 9 85 9 fi5 9 80 9 67'4 I H 60 8 62V4 X 8 SO fi 32Vi I 8 fiO 8 70 S 00 8 C5 8 SO No. 2. Cash nuotatlons wero ns follows: l''I,OUHFlrm: winter patents. W.60ft .70; straights, J3.iKyfia.40: clears, $J.70fl3.20; spring snnolals, JI.ihk34.10; patents, J3.4rtf u.m: siraiguis, j.;Kiij,i..i. WHRAT-No. a spring, 74?io; No. 8 red, 12Ue. OAT-No. 4fiHftMfio; No. 2 white, 48 H490! No. 3 white, 47!4W9c. ItVJfl No. 2. 61U61',ic. HAltLiKY Fair to choice malting, M HBISDS-No. 1 flax, J1.1S31.44; No. 1 north western, 91-44:' prlmo timothy, $.40tf!.60; clover, contract grade. J3.10. I'HOVIHION8-Mcss pork.per bhl $15.50, i.ftm, per iw ins., yj.ivav-!' snort ribs sides noose). 3S.l0fi8.S5. Dry salted thoulders (boxed), S7.85gi7.60. Short clear Ides tDoxect). WHISKY Basis of high wines, 11.32. The following nnf tho receipts and ship ments of grain yesterday: Articles. Itccnlpts. Shipments. nour, hbls . 'J7,0i 29.000 Wheat, hi , 177,000 106,000' Corn, hu , 131,000 145,000 Pats, hu.., 195,000 262,000 hyo, bu., 6,000 liarloy, bu 145,000 3,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wu firm; creameries, HflJIHc: nsuiea, jr-o. uneese, sicnay, aiiuiojic, Kggs, Arm; fresh, 24o. SBW Volt K, tIKNIJnAI, MAItKET. Qiiotntlona of Iip nnjr on Varlnns Cnmutodlllra. NHW YOniC. Deo. 5. KLOUIt-Tleeelnts. B.UKi bbls,; oxportH, 11,735 hbls.; fairly ac tive and very Arm; winter straights, iSAMf i.ti, Mlnnesotu patentu, S3.80ti4.10. Ityo nour, nrm. COUNMHAU Dull; follow wnBtern, ; iiruimywiiie, J.ooTiiJ.i. HYK HtrmiKnr: No. 2 western. 70tio. f. o b., ntloat; state, ulc, o. i. f,, Now York onr lots. lUniiMY Klrm. WIlKA'l'-Hu.elpts. 57.000 bu.; exports, 113,16 till. Spot, llrm: No. 2 red, StHto. f. f, ii,, uinMii, ii. j r-u, nj?c, eiuvaior; iso, northern Duluth. 85Uc. f. o. b.. ulloat: Nn I hard Duluth. UlUc f. o, b,. ailoat. Op tions wen itctlve and strong half tho day, imi yieineu in reuiiziug in ine nilumoon As usual, heavy publli! buying guvo prices llielr chief bull Impulso, being collided with mall northwest receipts nnu dry weather n tho winter wheut belt. Closed barely kteady at net o udvunco. March, 8.H4Ji fio. closed at SSc: May, 81 U-lOflKSHo, Lii.bcii til oitu, urvrilliMil , ou;v4jotc, CiOKCU t S3UP. VirtfcT nnAl..iu r. I t... . , Fin nnm, nnu, mi. -, iifC, niovuior, and 2'i.c. r. a. !.. afloat. Ontfon inaiknt mmia i. strong iinviiiuo unu new records in 11 rut influenced uy a wave of outside iiuylug. but llimlly oased off through realizing. Closed auier nrm hi i(0" nei nuvance. May ng:.No. kvhlto, 5tUOi Nn. 3 white. Sic; track, mixed tvesteVn, 6lfiR2o ; tmcU. white. B2QSiic. Op tions hc-mvo anq sjrong wiui omer markets, put Kavn way eventually in realizing. I I1DE3 Firm: Onlveston. 20 to 25 lbs 18c. California. 31 to 25 lbs.. 19c. LtJATHVjn-ptBady: homlnck solo, nucnos Ajroij. ligilt in iiouvyweigniH, iJ'a'M't. WPOL- Quiet; domestic rlcoce, 25Jj26c (Texas, lfiftlio. PnOVlBIONHfJlecf. nulat: family. S11.00 jn.'i rnchb, h.oikiihiiv; neei nams, na.MKii .711 hefekad. clli. extra India J i'lj1n I - . . U4'Q72Hc, closed at 72o; Decombor, 71Sf 1 16-16C, closed at Tlfic, OAT8-Kecclps, 451iort hu.! eKports, 95 hu. BdoT sfrongt.No. 2. MHci No. 3. Sic: No. 2 ( rt . ....11. 1 , I A I7.WS7.75. Pork, stronger: family, 117.0$ 17.S; short clear, S18.00319.50; mess, JlS.25iJi TAWOTY Firm; city (12 per pkg.), STtff 6c; country (pkgs. free), sCVic. HUTTKit-hecelpts, 5.W2 pkgs.: firm; stato Tlalrv. IStiiaWci crenmerv. lftB25'4c. June creamery, l.VT22o, factory, ritigiSe. I'liisiiHB - Heceipts, 4,133 pkgs.; nrm; fancy largo September, WftWw, fancy small fieptember. 10tiiflle: late made best Iareo, 9io; late made best small, lOtllO'ie. tuus Jtecnipts. 6,sw pkgs. : sieauy. stnie ml Ponnsvlvanla. 2M2,c: western, at mark. 26c; southern, at mark, 20f25c POUIVTllY Alive, steady: snrltiKers. 7U ?8c; tiifkoys, 7J7',4c; fowls, 813914c. Dressed, siow; springers, i'1ioc; iowis, aiiuvc; tur keys. PlOc. MBTAIjS A reaction occurred In cornier values at 1ondon which wns a matter of i.'2 10s nnd brought the, level back to JJSS for snot nnd Hal 7s lod for futures. Kales of 2oo tons of spot and 3 tons of futures weYo reportoil at the advance. Locally the market remains unchanged In the absence of business, though rumors were current that sales hnd been mado nt JIG.SO',4, but not confirmed. Tho close wns tinttled, with Lnko Hunerlor minted nt J10.5O57 17.00: electrolytic S16.37Hfl 16.f.2V4 and easting ut ih, ino inner ucing orrereri nt tnut figure. A gain of 1 was noted In Iindon tin prices, duo to light speculative buying and mo mnrKOL closed nrm, with spot quoted at 111 f.H ami futures nt 105 5. A svmnn- thello riso took place nt New York, bring ing SDOt UIi to S25..V) without Htlnitilnlliit; much demand. Lead nnd spelter continued dull nnd unchanged nt New York. Lend at i.omion wns os lower, spot neing quoted nt 10 15s, whllo spelter eased off 2i M to 16 7r for common. Iron ruled riulnt nil day; No. 1 northern foundry pig Iron. $16.00 "uiu.i'i; jso. -j, soutnern round ry, sit.uowis.w): No. 1 southern foundry, S13.f,'tf Hi.oo; No. 1 southern foundry soft, fB.Wl 17.00. Gins gow Iron warrants closed nt S5s 8d and Mlddlesborough closed nt 43s P4J. OMAHA M'HOLKMAtir: MAniCKT, Condition of Trade nnd Qoptntlona on Stnple nnd fmncy Prodnce, EGaS-necelpts, llght:fresh stock, 21c. ijivi'j pouijTUv Hens, bhoc old roosters, 3tj4c; turkoys, 7Sc; ducks and geese. StfSltc: snrlne chickens, per lb.. DHKSSKD POUITRY Tnrkevs. 8fi9c: ducks nnd geese, 7QSu; spring chickens, twiw, nens, BV4U7C Ht'TTKIt Common to fnlr. 1Site: choice dairy, In tubs, 15817c; separator, 23824c. FIlKHH FISIf-niat-.c .te, 15c: white nnss, iuc; oiuensn, we; Duiincnus, iuc: diiio fins. 7c: buffaloes. 7c: catfish. 12c: cod. 11c: crnnples, 11c: halibut, 11c; herring, 7c, had dock, 10c: pike, 10c: red snapper, lOc; sul mon, I4c; sunflsh. 6c: trout, c; whltoflsh, 9c: nlckercl. 6c: fresh mackerel, ench. LlMs 35c. OYSTKUS-Medlums, per can, 22c; Stand ards, per can, 25o; extra selects, per can, 33c; Now York counts, per can. 40c; bulk Standards, per gnl.. Sl.2vttl.25: bulk extra selects. J1.CO&1.G5; bulk, Now Yqrk counts, Mil... iMUKONB-Live, per doz., 60c. VEAL-Cholce, Sr8c. HAY Prices riuoted hv Omnlla Whnles.iln Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, S9.50; No. 2 upland, S8.S0: medium, J8; conrso, S7.S0. Ityo straw, J5. These prices are. for nay or good color nnd quality. Demand fair. Heceipts, 12 cars. i;uhin xvow, uic; oiu, uc. B11AN-S20. OATS tic. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home urown. SI: northern. $1.10; Halt Lake. 91.10: Colorado, 11.10. VJAllHUtH per nu., HEETH Per 4-bu. tinsKet. 3uc. TUHNIPS Per bu.. 60c: Rutabarai. ner 100 lbs.. S1.25. UUCUMIlEnS Hothouse, per doz J1.2S. LETTUCE Head, ner bbl.. 16 GO: hothouse lettuce, per doz., 25a. i'Auaijisr l'cr noz sc. IIADIHHES Per doz.. 25c. SWEET POTATOES Home crown, ner 11),, 2Hc; genuine Virginia, per bbl., 3.00; Kansas, per bbl., $3. uahkauis iioitnnd Beea. crated, l!ic. ONIONS Home urowii. tier lb.. 22Ue; Spanish, per crate, 12; Michigan reds, 2V4o per lb. utiiiBm-Kaiamazoo, per Duncn, Z5(ff35c: Nebraska, per bunch, HOg.TSc; California, NAVY HKANS-Per bu., JZ.15. KHUITH. APPLES Ren Davis, ner bbl.. I4.0(Va4.5O: wlnesaps, S5; Jonathan, io.SO; Bclleflowers, per nox, i.iu. . I'UAiio viKcrs, z.zd; J.awrence, 60. ORAPES-Malagas. per keg, S5.E056.50. UKANHKHlllKS per bbl.. S7.5OS8.00: ner crate, J2.7o. TrtOPICAL FrtUlTS. ORANGES Fiorioas. a25'3.50: California navels, S3.503.75; budded, S3. iiHHUNH-rancy,,s; choice, S3.00 3.25. DANANAS Per bunch, accordlna- to size. S2.2o2.75. FIGS California, new cartons, 70c; im ported, nor lb., 12$14c. DATES Persian. In GO-lb. boxes, tier 1h 6Hc; StUrs, Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 12V4o; No. i soft shell, 11c; No. S hard shell, lOHo; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; ILIIIIUIlua, nui. nurii, a.u, IIUIll BI1UII, IDG , pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt )5; chestnuts, 12c. IIONEI-Per 24-sectlou case. S3.50as.76. CIDEIt Nchawka. per bbl.. S3: New York. S3.50. tuiwM no. i green, c; wo. 2 green. 5c; iiv. X rauru, 74., iw. i millt'M, 74U, iu. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1244 lbs., 9c; No. 2 cat calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. 7c: drv hides. SfilSn: snenn pelui. 25n27c; horse hides, J1.50fj2.23. SAUERKIIAUT Per 14-bbl., S3; per bbl.. 15,75. St. I.nals firnln and ProTlslons. ST. LOUIS. Doc. 5. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 78Ht8211c; track, 83T 84V4o; December, 81c: May 82Mff82!ic; No. 2 num. uc; rnceipis, .i,Bi on. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. fifiVo: track. 63V4Q634o; IJcccmbcr, 65?ic; May, 69H 69Hc OATS-Hlglier; No. 2 casli, 48c: track, Is 48t;c; December, 4Sc; Mny. 47Hc; No, 2 white, 48Wc. RYE Firm, 6714c VIA3VH Stronger: red winter patents. J3.7Bff3.90: extra fancy nnd strnlchi. 13.3yH. 3.45: clears. $3.0ofr3.10. hmisd Timotny, nominal, in. CORNMEAL Steady nt S3.15. II RAN Strong; sackod. east track, SI. 10. ha Timotny. steady. Si2.25fji5.f0; prairie, scarce and strong. SU.50yi3.60, wiiimky Hteaay nt si.32. IRON COTTON TIES-93c. BAOGINO-S'W.ffeUc. HKMP TWINE 90. PROVIHIONS-Pork. nulet: tohhlnr. Lard, higher, S3.S5. Dry salt meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts and clear ribs. J8.50; cirar suies, .i.o. iiiluoii tnoxeiii, nigner; extra shorts nnd clear ribs, S9.37V4; clear sides. S9.62H. MKTAI.H-Lead, steady nt S4.257f4.27H. Spelter, firm at S4.1BS4.17Hi. POULTRY Steady; chickens, BUc; springs. 7o; turkoys, 6',4o; ducks, 67Jc; geese. StiGc. BUTTER Steaxly; creamery, 20325c; dairy, 16020c. EOOS-Steady at 22c RECEIPTS-Flour. T.00O bbls.: wheat. 30.- 000 bu.; corn. 65,000 bu.; oats. 45.00 lui. Hltlt'ftlKNTB inour. 14,oii bbls.; wheat, 40,000 bu.; corn, 43,000 bu,; oats, 31,000 bu. Liverpool firnln nnd Prorlslons. LIVERPOOL. Dec. . WHEAT-Snot f ..... . v. n .n.l .,..... .n C, , J. ..fill, m v. ncDiciii nitiici, nn , ill, 2 northern spring, 6s: No. 1 California, 6s Ud. Futures quiet; March, 6s U4d; May, 6s 2Vjd. CORN Spot firm: American mixed, old, Bs U4id. Futures, firm: January, 5s 4!d; March, Ss 8d; May. Ss 3T4d. i isa o Canadian, strong, 6s 6U, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter stralnhls. 6s 9d. HOPS At London (Pnclllo const), firm, 3 68fr4 Ss. ' BUTTER Steady: finest United States. 9uc: good United States, 70s. ' CHEESE Qulot; American finest white and colored, 45s. TALLOW-Prlmo city, firm, 29s 3d; Aus-trnllnu-Londnn, firm, 39s 9d. PROVISIONS Beef. llrm. uiichnneed. Pork, steady: prlmo mess, 67s. Lnrd, strong; American reiineu. in pans,; nrinui west ern. In tierces, 4S6d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 60s. Bacon, strong; Cum berland cut. 211 to 30 lbs., 48s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., 49s; long clour middles, light, 2S to 34 lbs., 4SBfidj long elenr middles, light, 35 to 40 hs 48s; short clear hacks. 16 to 20 lbs.. 47s: clear bellies. 14 to 1G lbs.. 6?s. .Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, IMI. CHEE3E American llnest white, steady, 45s Ul; American finest colored, steady, 46s. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 5. BUTTER Fair, steady; western creamery, 2Sc; nearby prints. 27o. EGOS Iowor: fresh nearby und western, 28c; fresh southwestern, 27c; fresh southern, 26c. CHEESE Firm, but quiet t New York full creams, fancy hitiu.II. WVttllc; New York full creams, fair to choice, 10'jc. Milwaukee) firnln MnrkH. MILWAUKEE. Dec. E. WHEAT Markt higher: No. I northern. 76!Jc; No. 2 north ern. 7t!ii7Mio: Jlay, 79Tc. RYV-Hlgher: No. 1. 62ijo. B A RLE Y Firm i No. 3, 6HKlc) sample, 50fi6ti,. CORN May, Kite- Toledo Ciraln and Heed. TOLEDO, O. Dc. 6.-WHEAX-pirm nd active; cash, 82-tfc; December, S2ic; May, 84Uc. CORN-Btrong, active; December, 6?c, Mny, fAc: July. fPUc. OATS- December, 46o; May, 47c. CLOVEH8EED Firm; December, J3.T0; March, S3.50. Kntinns City Drnln nnd Prorlslons. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 8. WHEAT De cember, 73,4fJ73!l,c; May, 77Uc; cash, No, 2 hard. 76c; No. 3, "I'fcc; No. 2 red, TSSSOc; No. 3. 77iyfi7Se. CORN December, CAir; January, 69ic; May. WiiTtGWc; cah. No.' 2 mixed, roiT 70c: No. 2 white. 70fl70?4e. No. 3, 6iij70c. OATS -No. 2 white, WMc. RYE No, 2, ftlc. HAY-Cholco timothy, J13.603H.W; prairie, sls.w'o'iii.fy). .BUITEH-Creamcry, !Si?22c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGGS Steady; fresli Missouri and Kan sas stock quoted on "change. 21c per doz., loss off, cases returned; country hol eggs, 16c. UErEtPTS-Whcnt, 32,600 bu.i corn, 87,200 bu.! oats 15.KO bu. SI HPMENTS Wheat, 24,800 bu.; corn, G7.6HQ bu.; oats, 10.000 bu. Mliiiieniioll Wheat, Flour nnd flrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. C.-WIIEAT-Cash. 74c; December, 73''i773t4c: May, 74074Tic! on track, No. 1 hard, 77ic: No. 1 northern, 74iic; No. 2 northern, 72t(73Uc FLOUR First imtcnts, S3.90M,00; second putcnts. S3.76fi1.8u: first clears, S2.80fl2.90; second clears. $2.ffi2. SO. BRAN Higher; In bulk, S19.0OG20.OO. MOVEMEMIS OF STOCKS AMI IIO.NDS. Mnrket .marts Brisk, lint Sinks Into Holiness at Level. NEW YORK, Dec. B. Tho upward move ment In stocks, which gained some force yesterday afternoon, came to an end this morning in faco of thn realizing by specu lative pools that have nurtured the advance in the prominent stocks. Tho average level of prices at tho close will be seen to bo lower than Inut night. The selling of stocks grow notably less as tho day proceeded nnd the mnrket sank Into extreme dullness nt tho low level, The loss thus far this week to the sub-treasury of J5.874.000 serves ns u warning note to the optimists on tho money outlook. New York exchnngo at Chicago fell to 40c discount today. On the International exchange side there was nn easier tone In the sterling mnrket todsv, but rontlnentnl exchnngo hardened. Money was In ae.tlvo demand In Iondon to pay the Installment duo on thn British loan, tho prlco of gold ndvnticcd and a stiff money rate Is expected there for the rest of the year nnd Into Jnnunry. Tho private discount rate rose in Paris today and tho sterling rate there receded further. Tho possibility of further gold exports next week Is thus foreshadowed. Between now nnd December 20 the local money market hns to mnko provision for the Standard Oil dividends disbursement of S?,000,i) hnd a 1 per cent dividend on United States Steel common stock, which calls for up ward of J3,000,000. A renewed decline In Amalgamated Copper after some early llrmness, In spite of the recoMery In tho raw copper market In London, was nlso nn unsettling Influence In stocks. Tho market closed dull and generally heavy. Tho railroad bond market was steady for a time, but became Irregular, In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $4,420,000. United Stntes bonds wero all unchanged on tho Inst call. The following are the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Baltlmoro & O. do pfd Canadian Pno... Canada So Chcs. & Ohio... Chicago k A.... do nfd ,. 79H So. Pad flo . .10uiSo. Railway .101 do lifil . 60U . 33? . 93 . 95ViTox. & Paciflo... .lltf4Tol., Ht, L. & W .. liS I iln t.fil . 40H . 33 .102W . Wt . 18i4 . 29 . 21U ,'.190 .202 . 48i,i'Unlon Paclllc ... . 36i'tl do pfd . iiiWnuasn . 4751 do pfd... . 74'i W. &. L. E .ttsJi) do 2d pfd Chi., Ind. & L... do pfd Chi. A E. Ill Chicago G. V... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 24 wiB. central .... 87V4 do pfd iRl-.IAilumu Pv Chicago & N. W C. R. 1. & P.... '.2os' (American Ex.... .152VVP. 8. Ex 92 Chi. Ter. & Tr... l5Ulvclls-Fargo Ex .193 . 731, . Ii , 92 do pfel C. C. C. & St. 1 Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson. Del. L. & W.... Denver & II. O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd Lnke Erlo & W do pfd L. & N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry Mex. Central .. Mex. National Minn. & St. L... Mo. Pnclllo !i'J lAniTil. f?nnnr . Amer. Cur & F. ,. llii do pfd . 68 Amer. Lin. Oil... . 26i do pfd .174ia Amer. S. & II... .241 do pfd . 45U Anac. Mln. Co.. . 94 Brooklyn R. T.. . 41TiColo. Fuel He 1..., i Wi con. uns .217 .115 .282 . -10 . 67$ Con. Tob. pfd..,. .189'AGen. Elcctrlo ... . 634Glucoso Sugar .. tin iiocKing uoai ... . 17 . 2i'.; . 7 . 89(i . 92 . 4IU : a . Ii2 . 92 . 75Ji . 4o .loou 42J4 . S5(4j .215 . 15H . 69 .124',i 634 . 15 : 82! i, . 15U . 6214 42J5 . ttfii :SU . 89 .139 inter. Paper . as . 73 . 72 .125 ,.10S ..143 1n iif.l inter. Power... l.auledo Uus .... Na. Biscuit Nn. Lead Nutionnl Salt. do pfd No. American ., Pacific Coast ... Pncllln Mull ..1K5J4 .. 23U . 11 '4 ,.106 ..ion; People's Gas Pressed S. Car., iln nfil M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. i.'entrnl.... N. Y. Central... Norfolk & W.... ' 52?t 181 169 J j 69U Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel... tin nfil do pfd Sugnr ITonn. Coal & I.. libo No. Pacific Pfd.. Ontnrlo &. V.... Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d nfd .1.1 Union Bng & P. .1WJ4 493r . 79 . r.s?, . 53 . Mtj VJ 28 ,.ii"ti .189 no pru U. S. Leather .. do pfd U. S. Rubber.,.. (In nfil St. L. & S. F.... do 1st pfd do 2d nfd U. S. Steel do pfd Western Union.. St. L. Southw. do nfd Amer. Loconfo... do pfd St. Paul do pfd Trust receipts. Inst salo. Offered. The Commercial Advertiser's London flnunclnl cablegram says: Rear covering caused a further all round rallv In iho stock market today. Consols rose to 92'. American shares wero ldlo, although gen erally llrm. This llrmness was assisted hv Secretary Gages report, tho cessation of gold shipments anil the recovery In copper to 5S the ton. Rio tlntos sympathetically rose to 42T on rumors that the Amalga mated Copper company had approached tho leaning iniumni customers, nneriug to sup ply below Cnlumct, whatover the price of the latter might be. Money was Inclined to bo easy, nlthough tho market paid 4.000,000 to the' Rank of England, repre senting tho final consol Installment. Silver rallied to 25 5-16, but America Is offering heavily n shndo above this, Paris ex change Is 25.14V4. Nctt A'nrk Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. C.-MONEY On cull, firm at 4VH'0 per cent; last loan, 5 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 4WJ per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers' hills at JI.R'H B4,57T4 for demand and S4.S1U for sixty days; posted rates, $4,5y I.SSVi; commercial bills. S4.S3)Te.84tt. SILVER Bar, EITics Mexican dollars, 43'.lc. BONDS Government, steady; stato, In active; rnuroun. irregular. The closing quotations on bond are as follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg do coupon .... do 3s. reg ,1081,4 !,. & N. unl. 4s. ,109 Mex. Centrnl 4s. ,10SH' do 1st Ino ,108i M. & St. L. 4s.. ,139j4M.. K. & T. 4s. ,139'il do 2s ,llli$;N. Y. Central Is ,112!4l Mo gon. 3V4s... ,10214 , 31 ,103 do coupon ao new , do counon reg. itI do old 4s. reg. do coupon ..... do Ss, reg !l0rt' ,109 mi?; ,107UiN. J. C. gen. 6s ao coupon Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4s Hal. & Ohio 4s... I do 3V4s do conv. 4s...., Canada So. 2s.... C. of G. 6s do Is lnc Ches. & O. 4Hs... C, & A. 3V4s C. B & Q n. 4s.., C M & S P K 4s., C. & N. W. c. 7s, C. R: I. & P. 4s., CCC & B Ii g. 4s, Chicago Ter. 4s., Colorado So. 4s.., D. & R. G. 4s Erie prior 1. 4s.,, do geu 4s F W & D C Is.., Hock. Vol. 4Vis., No. Paclllc 4s..,. nn as , N. & W. c. 4s... , 721, IM: .urn;! . 96?J' ,106 .109 Vj ,106 V4 . 77 .107 . ! .111 Readlntr iren. 4s. "an; ai Ii I At C. 58 Ml. I(. rtc H. F, 4s. St. L. 8. W. Is.. no is 8 A & A P 4a.. . 79 . S9i . ICh .12014 So. Pacific 4s H0. Jtollwuy Bs, Tex. & Pno. Is.. T. 8 L & W 4s. I'll on Pacific 4s. 139 106T1 IUT .1061,5 luoij no conv. is iu.',ti nnasu IS , K7U, fln 11:1 111 114 61 8911 do deb. B. 103UVest Shore 4s.. 100 ? W. & L. E. 4s..., 90(4 Wis. Central 4n. . 105 ,Con. Tob. 4s 1C8U . 63 Bid. New York Mlnlnc Scnoka. . NEW YORK, Dec. 6, The following are tne closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con IS Alice 45 Breece 75 Brunswick Con.,, 14 Comstoek Tun,,.. 6 Con. Cal. & Vit..,U0 Deadwood Terru. 60 Horn Sliver ISO Little Chief ... .. 12 .,900 (utarlu Ophlr Phoenix ,, Potosl Suvuce Sierra Nevada Hmall Hopes . Standard . 4 . 40 .300 Lendvllle Con..,, 6 Iln nk Clenrlnu ST. LOUIS. Deo. 6,-CleuiliiKS. 10,876,226; balanres, Sl,322.fi65; money, liroij per cent; New York exchange, 20o discount. BOSTON. Dec. fi.-Clenrlngs, :2,236..112; balances. Sl.560.427. BALTIMORE. Deo. 5,-Clearlngs. S3 991,. 200; balances, J190.322; money, 6 per cent. CHICAGO, Dec t.-Clearlngk, 32,S25,S10; balances, Sl.614,987; posted exchange. ll.S.'Vg) 4.881.4; New York exchange, 40o premium. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. S.-Clearlngs. S1S. 498,197; balances, J2,921,570; money, ft per NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-ClenrIngs, S.?.3U, 761, balances, J'f,787,W0, t.'INCINNATI, Dec. S,-Clearlngs, 13,14, 400; money, 3Vfl I per cent; New York ex change, Sc premium. Boston stock (luotatlnns, BOSTON, Dee. S.-Call lonns, 434H per cent; time loans, 4Vi?3 per cent. Oltlclal closing: Atchison 4s Gas Is... Mox. Central 4s ,102 Alloucr. , 81 (Amalgamated 3U . ',4 Baltic . 69 iBInghant . 79t;Cnl. & Hecln.... . 424 N. E; O. & C.... Atcmson ... .... -. r i 640 15(4 Oil Jllll ,.. liw.s LcnieuniHi .260 Copper Range ., .189V4 Dominion Coal., -17 1-rnnkllll Boston & A Boston & Me... Boston Ele. ,. 62 :: iiw ! K) . 25!4 . SD . 33 .150 . 3Jb . 42 .2IU i. In . 21 ,. 6 57 .213 lisle lloynle Fltchburg pfd... ,.lis4 .MonnwK .1024 Old Dominion .. union I'ncino .. Mex. Central ., Amen Sugar ... Amer. T. T... Doni. 1, & 8.... Gen. Electric .. Mass. Electric. N, E. O. O... United Fruit ... U. S. Steel . ... do pfd West high. Com Adventure .. .. Ex-dlvldend. , unrtuin .......... ,.12Ui Parrot ,.1624 Qllllicy . 27Ufanta Fe Copper ftLI ITnmn.nnll ,. 33 . 6 ,. 88 Trlmountaln .... Trinity United States .. r m 11 Vlnlnrln Winona woivermo London Stock Qnotntlons. LONDON.j3cc. S, 4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money , 'do account Anaconda ...... Atchison do pfd , Bnt. k Ohio Canadian Pnc , Ches. & Ohio.... Chicago O. W..., ('., M. A St. IV, Denver & R. G. , do pfd , Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Illinois Central. . L. & N M.. K. & T do pfd N. Y. Central,.. 91 4 91, Hll 82 103 1071 lis 49W 25 46 96i4 43(4 74i 60U 143(1 Uli ii;i Norfolk & W do pfd No, Pnc. pfd. Ontnrlo & W. Pennsylvania Rending do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd... So. Railway ... 60s; ... 91 ...103 ... 3Ji ... 79$i 41 110 piu... So. Pacific 62(i Union Paciflo do pfd U. S. Steel .. do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s..., Rand Mines DcBecrs 4 it; 93(4 221.J ::::: $ ::::: i 6314' 171(4 BAR 8ILVEIl-25E-16d per ounce. MONEY 3ifi4 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills is 3)sfriTi per cent. ForclKii Flnnnclnl. LONDON, Dec. 5. The demand for money Increased tnriuv. nu'lnir In the tinvment nf tho financial consols In settlement nnd ap proximated at 3,650,000. Discounts were tlnn nnd active. Himlnes nn tho Stock ox. chnngo was fairly cheerful nnd more ac tive, inougu 1110 visit or tun prince and princess of Wales to the city restricted dealings. Consols wero llrm. Homo rules hardened, stimulated by the week's heavy trnlllc returns. Midlands were tho feature. Argentines were stcndlcr on the more re assuring advice regarding tho Argentine Chilian relations, Americans opened qulot and steady and subsequently hnrdened. uiainiy owing to purcunsos in kcw York, though support hero Incrensed a more ani mated appearance. Tho Improvement wns maintained on receipt of New York opening prices, the close was Bteady, with some stocks below the best prices of tho day. Rio tlntos wero bought for Paris account and hardened. Kufllrs wero firm, mainly owing to continental and professional sup port. Gold premium at Buenos Ayres, 126.30; at Madrid, 40.50: at Rome. 1.96. Tho weekly statement of thn Bank of England shows tho following changes: Totni reserve de creased 215,000. circulation Increased 193, 000, bullion decrensed 22.161, other securi ties decreased 1,3S1,000, other deposits de creased 290,000, public deposits decreased 1,246,000, notes reserve decreased 1S3,000, government securities unchanged. Tho pro portion nf the Bank of England's reserve to liability is 49.91 per cent; last week It was 47.91 per cent. The rate of discount Is unchnnged nt 4 per cent. PARIS, Dec. 5. Prices on tho bourse to day were Irregular. The rapid advance of the last few dnys Induced profit-taking, consequently prices closed lower, notwith standing n good undertone. Spanish 4s and regents were henvy. Turks were undecided. Brazilians nnd Italians were firm. Metro, polltans suffered owing to many closing orders. Thomson-Houstons wero dull. P.lo tlntos wero buoyed up by the Improvement of copper In New York. Kaffirs begnu firm nnd closed heavy. The private rate of ills count Is 2 per cent. Three per cent rentes lOlf 52',4c for thq account. Exchange on London 25f 14He 'for checks. Spnnlsh 4s 73.40. The weekly statement of the Bank of Franco showthe following changes: Notes In circulation Incrensed 70.000.OOOf, treasury account current decrensed 43,800. OOOf. gold in hnnd decreased l,350,0fi0r. b'.ils discounted decreased 156,000,000f, silver In hand decreased 2,7O3,000f. BERLIN, Dec. 5. Spnnlsh 4s wero firm on tho bourao today, owing to fresh loan rumors. It was said that tho Almadln mine loan wns on the point of being concluded with tho co-operation of German banks. Cotton Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 6.-COTTON-Spot, fnlr demand; prices l-32fil-16d lower; Amer ican 1 Iddllng fnlr, 4 13-16d; good middling, 4 19-3.'d, middling. 4V4d; low middling, 4 13-32d; good ordinary, 4 29-32d; ordltinry. 4 l3-32d. Tho sales of the day were 10.000 liales, of which 600 wero for speculation and export nnd Included 7.400 American. Receipts. 16,000 bales, Including 9,800 Amer ican. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady. Amerlcnn g. o. c: Decem ber, 4 27-6ld, buyers; December and Jan uary, 4 19-64d, sellers; Januury and Fcb runry. 4 24-6ld, Bellers; February nnd March, 4 22-6IW4 23-6U1, buyers; March and April. 4 22-61d. 'buyers; April nnd May, 4 21-649 4 22-6U1, buyers: May and June, 4 22-6ld, sellers: 'June nnd July, 4 21-64d, sellers; Julv and August. I 20-6W21-6td. sellers; August nnd September, 4 15-iVl'i4 16-64d. value. NEW YORK. Dec. 5.-COTTON-Tho cot ton mnrke)pened steady, with prices 5 points lower to 2 points higher, nftcr which tho market became llrm nnd thn trading basis stiffened to 21f5 points over Inst night's bids on nctlvo general buying, led by shorts nnd Wall street hulls. Weak English cables and bearish private Liver pool mlvlccs made little Impression on tho market for a time. Room sentiment was bulltshly Inclined on the firmness of south ern spot markets, bullish, estimates of re ceipts during the balance of tho month nnd some good trade reports. About the only cotton for rale was offered by commission houses whose constituents sold for profits. Trading wns very active, with Wall street a seller on sharp ndvance and a buyer 011 weak spots. The undertone nt noon was firm. There wero several largo birylng or ders for January, Mar and March at Sc and these not only held thn market steady. nut discouraged nun soiling. 111 ino last liour, howover. thin demand was gradually appeased, wllh the result that when a flurry nf prolll-taklng set In the market gave, way rapidly, selling off SJJ10 points during tho Inst half hour. Leading room bulls took ailvantago rtf the decline to pick up cotton sold yesterday and some bears used tho hrenk as an opportunity to pro tect themselves. Short selling was not en- f;uged In extensively on the wenkness. The Iquldntlng movement continued to tho close, with the mitrket SfflO points lower and barely -wteady In tone. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 7T4c; middling gulf, S'ie, sales, 852 bales. Futures closed barely sternly. December, 7.93o; January. 7.9.",o; February. 7.91c; March. .7.94c: April, 7.94c: Mny. 7.95c; June, 7.93c; July, 7.91c; August, 7.76c. ST. LOUIS. Dec. fi.-COTTON-Stendy; sales. 330 bales; middling, 7 3-5c; receipts, 7.062 bnles; shipments, 6,853 bales; stock, 62, 770 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dee. B.-COTTON Sales, 3,356 bnles: quiet: ordinary, 6 5-lGc; good ordinary, 0 3-16e; low middling. 7'ic; middling. 71JC; good middling, 8c; middling fair. 8 7-16c; receipts. 10.352 bains; stock. 290,460 bales. Futures, steady: December, 7.79c; Janunry. 7.74c: February. 7.76c: March, 7.7ic: April. 7.76H7.78c: May, 7.77ff7,78c; Juno, 7.77(37.790; July, 7.78fi7.SOc. MiiKnr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 6.-SUOAR-Bteady: open kettle. 27c: open kettle cen trifugal. 3V4,f3Hc: centrifugal grnnulnted, 4Vi'Tl4 5-16c; whites. 33 15.16c: yellows, 314 JjMic; seconds, 2',f!3ViiC. Molasses, steady; open kettle, 203'c; centrifugal, SfSic. Syrup, steady. 22Q28c. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. SUGAR Raw, steady: fair refining, 3Uc: centrlfugnl, 96 'test, 3?ic; molasses sugar, -Sc. Refined, steady. New York Dry floods Market, NEW YORK, Dec. 5.-DRY GOOD'3 There hns been moro Inquiry today for brown eotton. Spot goods am nvnllnble at old prices, but sellers arp more reserved over contractu, No change Ih noted In blenched or course colored cottons and both aie llrm with moderate business. Print cloths unchanged for regulars but wide orders lire udvnnetng. Prints are quiet, but firm. Silks are in fair request nnd llrm. Raw silks nre strong nnd advancing. till nnd llonlii. OIL CITY. Dec, ,'i.-OH(-Credlt balances. SI. 30; certlllcntes, no bid: shipments, 63,240 bbls,; nifcrngc, 81,565 bbls,; runs, 93,783 bblH.: nveruge, 7O.70I bbls. SAVANNAH, Dec. 6.-OlL-Turpentlne, llrm at 35ie. RohIii. firmer. . TOLEDO, Dec, S.--OII,-North LlC. 91c; .south Llinu and Indiana, 89c. uinnun, uvr. h.'-oil I'nirtilta ll'nVed niuiiiiy ,u uus do. Tuipeuiine, nrm u" Us oui uiucco, us 8a. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET OattU Bicilpti Light aid Ifukti Astir aid IUagr ill Amii SHARP ADVANCE IN PRICE OF HOGS Light Run of Mntton (trade of Sheep and Lambs So that Tradn Wns Active nnd Prices Stendy Feeder Unchanged. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 5. Receipts wero: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.021 t,t) t,M Official Tuesday b.OTO 17,972 6,831 Oltlclal Wednesday 3.215 12.77? 10,367 Oltlclal Thursday 2,379 11,661 791 Four days this week. 13,685 61,140 Same duyn last week... .12,118 3S.120 Same week before 21,084 4S,229 Same three weeks ago..24,02S 3.',820 Snme four weeks ngo... 17,091 20,6"5 Same days last year 12,757 23,761 Average prices paid tor nogs at Omaha tho past several days, with parlsons: 21.4M) 10,6.'i 39.W7 6J.419 37,668 17,3V) South corn- Date. I 1901. 1900.lS93. tS9S.l7.1189j.1893. Nov. 15... Nov. 16... Niw 17 S 4 3(45 3 41 3 39 3 U 3 4.' 3 33 3 41 3 46 3 60 3 43 3 Bf 3 40 3 35 3 42 3 39 3 39 Nov. 18..! NOV. 19... Mm'. !n Nov. 21... Nov. 22... Nov. 23... Nov. 24... Nov. 26... Nov. 26... Nov. 27... Nov. 28... Nov. Ll... Nov. 30... Dec. 1.... Dec. 2.... Dec. 3.... Dee 4.... Dec' S.... Indicates Sundny. Holiday. , , The official number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheop.H'r's. C. M. A St. P II 1 Wabash .., 2 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific System 10 25 13 35 20 20 8 i.i 3 2 15J V. & N. W 3 F., E. & M. V C, St. P.. M. & O B. fir M C. B. & Q 12 S 30 11 K. C. & St. J C, R. I. P., east.. C. R. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central Total receipts, 89 6 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of ncau indicated Buyers, Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. ... 91 1,899 91 Omaha Packing Co. O. H. Hammond Co m .... Bwlft nnd Company Cudnhy Packing Co Armour & Co R. Becker Sc Dcgnn W. I. Stephen Benton & Underwood... Llvlngstouo & Schnller. U F. Uus Wolf & M Fowler Other 'buyers 32 2,696 3,468 3.125 70 591 476 697 199 112 73 29 116 3 102 765 273 409 Total 2,691 12,153 1,637 CATTLE There was a very light run of cattle hero today for r Thursday and ai the demand on tho part of packers was liberal the mnrket ruled active and higher nil around on anything nt all good. '1 lie bulk of the offerings consisted of butcher stock, fat steers and feeders being very scarce. Tho limited offerings of corn-fed steers brought buyers oat early and there wns lively competition, particularly for tho bet ter grades. The general market could safely bo quoted strong to a dime higher and In a good many cases sales were mnde that looked n good deal higher. That was owing to the fact that packers had to havo the cattle und ns n result they paid good prices In order to get them. Practically everything In the yards wns disposed of In good season. . , Although the bulk of the offerings con sisted of butcher stock the cow market wss active and higher. Tho better grades were easily strong to a dime higher. Tho medium grades and canners did not show much change, but still they moved more freely than they have for the last several days. Bulls nlso sold at good strong prices where the quality was at all good. Veal calves and stags could bo quoted strong. There wero only a few stockers and feed ers 011 the market this morning, so that sollors hnd no difficulty In getting good steady prices for anything at all desirable. Tho common kinds, though, were neg lected, the same as usual. There were very few westerns In the yards this morning, but it Is safe to quote beef steers of good quality strong and nc tlve. Oood range cows ,nlso sold at strong to a. dime higher prices today, whllo stock ers and feeders-held about steady. Repre sentative sales: Untie BJ M'-illS No. 2.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 13.... 6.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 4.... 24,... 13.... Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 40 4 60 4 60 1 65 4 90 5 00 5 f 5 76 6 60 5 65 6 15 6 25 .... 635 .... 862 .... 720 .... 750 .... 653 .... 620 ....10O0 .... 8S3 .... 910 ....1160 ....1058 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 60 2 75 3 W 3 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 25 12 986 15 1064 ..1100 43,.... 41. ...1 9 V) 1 1 22 19 21...".. .1086 .1017 .1175 .1210 .1090 .1470 .1181 .1338 .1297 ooo 885 4 25 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...1143 5 00 25 741 5 25 STKrilln Jsxu niAun, , 38 1226 5 30 COWS. ..1060 ,. 960 .. 965 ..1145 .. 833 .. 850 ..1080 ..1150 .. 958 ,. 940 ..1135 .. 852 ..1027 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 t 3 00 3 00 3 f) 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 80 3 35 3 85 3 40 3 40 3 60 .1 60 3 60 3 80 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 .1 65 3 65 1 3 65 3 65 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 76 3 85 4 00 4 00 4 30 4 60 4 60 3 50 3 60 4 00 4 15 4 40 1.... 19.... 9.... 1.... 6.... 6.... 1.... 19.... 1.... 6.... 1.... 1.... I. ... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 7. 3.... 1.... 6.... 8.,.. 1.... 1.... 3.... II. ... V.'.'.'. 1..-.. 6.... 15..., 12.... 6.... 3.... 6.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 740 721 900 710 946 724 850 863 800 921 1130 920 730 1060 880 700 900 838 1046 1040 905 ...... 766 1090 1060 1026 772 1110 860 970 910 914 1054 ..... 1020 923 686 1310 1125 1000 937 1 SO 1 65 2 2 OH 2 01 2 00 2 00 2 15 2 25 05 2 25 .1 , 2 25 2 2S 2 25 2 23 2 35 2 35 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 45 2 60 2 SO i 60 2 SO 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 65 I 70 2 70 2 75 2 76 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 85 1... 2... o is;;; 1... 1... I. .. II. .. 18... 2t 20 1023 4 1257 IS 1013 1 1060 1 1130 36. 913 15 4 6 11 8 994 1112 768 7R.I ....1026 ....1007 ....1200 .... 875 .... 985 ....1222 ....1085 ....1167 ....1041 ....1144 ....1132 ....1070 ....1016 ....1050 ....1160 ....1079 ....1162 ....1210 ....1070 ....1310 ....1310 ....1330 .... 930 ....1450 .... 918 ....1000 .... 948 .... 840 .... 863 ....1035 24. 4.' 2. 6. 14 12 IH a 13.'."!! 15 1 14 14 1 v.:::: 1 3 9 1 8 1 '...1060 1 10V) 6 1 1 2 726 1020 830 1180 ........1005 1035 972 610 441 .716 2 85 2 90 2 90 6.. HEIFERS.' 0 '5 1.. 13. 6..... S.WW' 2 2 75 2 75 3 25 3 60 1... 3... 630 690 630 BULLS. 4.. I.. .1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. ..1125 1 90 J licm 3 00 3 00 3 00 3J5 3 23 3 25 3 30 3 60 3 65 3 90 4 00 4 00 ..10U0 2 25 1 .1610 ..1326 3 30 I. ....... ,,1520 ..10.10 2 35 1..... 1720 ..1340 2 40 1 16S0 ..1200 2 40 1 440 1, 1. 'i I! 2, 1. 1. 1460 2 60 1 19fii) 1130 2 50 1 ... 1660 1435 2 60 2 ......1510 1170 2 60 1..........1820 125 2 61 1.... .1470 V . .110" - in 4 g40 .. 890 2 75 CALVES. J" 1 190 3 00 '"stags. 1160 2 50 1 0V) 3 25 860 3 00 1 J520 3 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 963 2 35 2 2 75 1... 1... 1... 1.,. 3... I. .. II, .. 1... 1... 16... 3... 15... .1010 2 35 1 770 2 85 69 631 3 00 1 110 3 00 .... 757 2 3 ....1250 2 55 .... 460 2 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. .... 601 2 40 .... 656 2 60 11. 818 3 60 3..,. 30... . 17.... 3,,.. 12.... 4..., 6.... 1.... ..... 890 846 990 900 850 497 1013 1000 3 60 3 75 3 76 3 80 3 80 1 lfl 4 00 4 25 .... 616 .... 720 70 75 1 12 14 31.,., ... 1 830 607 716 918 6S0 3 2fT 3 20 3 40 3 (V) 3 60 6 67H 4 82 S 90 3 S 6 63;4 4 90 8 84 8 35 4 82 3 87 3 36 5 63H 3 tSl 8 35 6 63Vt 4 78 I 3 28 R n 1 n col 3 27 3 31 3 18 3 32 8 11 3 31 3 14 3 34 3 16 3 34 3 13 3 15 3 39 3 27 I 24 3 27 3 21 3 30 3 16 3 24 8 24 3 28 3 25 3 32 3 30 3 27 3 3) 3 23 3 19 3 23 3 09 3 19 3 23 3 21 3 16 ( 3 09 6 81 4) 78 3 89 3 31 , 5 75'ij I 76 3 86 3 37 I 6 661, 4 78 3 861 3 44 1 1 R VAI 1 fill 1 AR 6 76U I 3 77 3 38 6 78fc 4 87 3 23 6 73 4 76 3 76 71 3 73 3 20 5 85H 4 74 3 68 3 19 6 0) 4 69 4 71 3 21 4 63 3 74 3 25 5 95S 3 76 3 28 fi S"4 4 64 3 29 S 92S 4 68 3 8I1 ere 4 77 s so 3 37 2 1155 3 60 4 1063 4 60 STOCK CALVES. 72 SIT' 2 40 1 900 3 Jo 7 S79 3 1 4 6o2 S 3 360 3 90 10 74S 3 So 1 p00 2 00 2 805 3 So 1 (170 2 00 1..... 780 3 85 11 71S 3 35 17 99 1 4 W COLORADO. 87 steers.. ..1050 3 25 1 cow 800 2 2.; 2 feeders., 640 3 35 6 rows 921 2 2-i 2 feeders.. 790 3 15 1 heifer.... 670 2 25 3 feeders.. SMS 2j , --P 1 cow 900 2 75 1 feeder... 520 2 i5 5 cows 856 1 90 20 cows 864 2 i5 46 cows 1029 3 &n Icons PfiO 3 10 IIOGS-Thero wns not a very heavy rim of hogs hro today, and as other markets were quoted higher, prices Improved at this point. Tho market opened 10016c higher with tho prime heavyweights sell lug from J6.I5 to $6.20. The medium weights sold largely from J6.00 to K10, butcher weights from $.tw to $6.05. ami tho light hogs from 16.00 down. It was not an active market, however, ns buyers nnd sellers wero far apart In their views, und ns a result It wns late before many hogs changed hands. It wns evident that the packers wanted the hogs, but they did not like to pay tho prices nsked. Most of tho hogs that sold on the opening innrket were bought by shippers. Representative sales: The Inst end of tho market was very slow nnd weak. The bulk or tho late sales went from J6.TO to 6.ff.. so that today's general market Is right around n dime higher than yesterday's average. At noon there wero still a good tunny hogs unsold, but they wero mostly the light weights. Represent- ntlve sntes: No, A. Stl Pr. ISO. AV. 811, IT. 87 201 80 6 05 17... 114.. 112. 102.. . 92 .116 ... .. 4 75 .. 6 4(1 40 S65 40 S 85 .. 5 90 79, 22S ... 6 05 ..127 72 233 72 221 40 6 05 40 6 05 170 93 148 69 225 63 214 60 238 101 215 92 216 8 195 72 242 131 211 82 262 66 309 61 272 6S 232 20) (i 05 SO 6 05 21 J 6 l 80 11 05 40 6 05 101 173 99 178 88 176 85,.... .177 80 ,188 86 201 83 222 87 15X 93 2S 89 210 7 !? 80 120 S 90 5 90 fi 90 . 5 90 5 90 6 02;4 40 I 6 IPX 6 02 40 'so SO 80 80 80 120 SO 80 12i) 200 99... 99... 93... 69... 71... B8... 103,. r.7... ,..16S ..207 ..207 ..215 ..224 ..173 .:m n y.'J Ul..... .JOi S 9214 73 231 61 251 6 02t4 66 262 6 02k 83 210 6 02li 81 2H1 6 02V5 h 95 6 no 6 m 6 00 6 Oil 6 00 r, no 6 M 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 nr. 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 75 271 69 231 69 256 73. ...i.240 45 290 41 379 66 256 62 321 20 290 17 311 f,2 239 60 2611 60 302 '.C6 256 67. -...284 69 '.231 65 280 48 195 66 315 69 313 63 328 70 113 81 2110 I 68 220 S3 210 26 300 47 .249 104 176 84 26... 29... 93.., 66... 71... 70... 77... 68... SO... 79... 78... 70.., 90... 68... 72... .174 .220 172 .226 .233 .219 .230 .225 .216 .223 .213 .198 .210 .247 .240 m240 40 ii) 40 40 40 320" 80 40 40 6 05 80 6 05 120 6 05 73 211 86. .....211 71..:... 207 76 226 70 218 80 40 160 120 6 o: 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 SHEEP- There were onlv a few ears of sheep nnd lnmhs on sale today nnd a good proportion of what did nrlvo wero feed ers. Anything In tho wnv of mutton grades sold freely nt steady to strong prices, ns the demand on the part of pnek rs wns active. The limited offerings soon brought the mnrket to a close. Tho feeder situation did not show much change from yesterday. Tho choicer hunrnes moved fairly well, but common stuff wns neglected the snmo ns hns been tno ense for some time past. Quotations: Choice yearlings, J3.60f?3.76; fnlr to good yenrllngs, $3.253.50! cholco wethers. $3.25fj3.60; fair to good wethers, J2.90H3.2,'; cholco ewes, 2.9Ca3,23: fnlr to good ewes, J2.4032.90: common ewes, Jl.OOff 2.00; choice lambs. $1.504.75; fnlr to good lnmhs. JI.2Sil.60; feedet wethers, J2.90fi3.15; feeder lambs, S.25Q3.76. Representative sales: No. 1 buck 15 western ewes 412 .western ewes 38 untlve ewes ,.. 63 native ewes 39 native ewes 7 nntlve wethers 1 native wether 62 native Iambs 276 nntlve lambs 35 native lambs 55 native lambs 144 fed yearlings 237. fed yearlings 1 buck 7 lambs ., Av. 160 77 98 118 146 116 113 250 Pr. ' no 2 v wi 3 25 3 30 3 10 3 75 1 fO 4 26 4 10 1 75 fi 01 3 65 3 65 2 75 4 50 74 72 95 S2 122 210 122 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Actlie IIors Higher Sheep Active. CHICAGO. Dec. 6.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 9,500 head: mnrket active and 10tfl5c higher; good to prime. J6.50ff8.75: poor to medium, J4.00JI6.25: stockers nnd feeders. J2.25W4.60; cows. J1.2S4.75; heifers. J2.5O75.50: canners, JI.25fT2.30: bulls, J2.OiVH4.75; cnlvcs, J2.601iS.75: Texas fed steers, J5.15. HOOS Receipts. 3,000 head: estimated to morrow, 30,000: left over. 10,000; excitedly higher: show hogs sold at J6.65: mixed nnd butchers, J3.75f6.20: good to cholco heavy, J5.951t6.30; rough heavy, J6.65Ti6.S0; light, Jo.251i5.80: bulk of sales. J5.76176.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head; active, steady: heavy ewes lower; lambs strong to lOo higher: good to choice wethers, J'!.60W4.15; fnlr to cholco mixed, J2.75fr3.60; western sheep, $3.004.00: nntlvo lambs. J2.60f?5.25: western lambs. J3.00ff4.25. Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 16.4W8 head; hogs, 49,998 head: sheep, 20'1H head. Shipments Cattle, 3.217 head; hogs, 7,173 head; sheep, J.230 head, Knnsna City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Dec. S.-CATTLE-Ro-celpts, 5,ooo nntlves. If") Texuns nnd .100 calves: market strong to 15c higher: choice dressed beef nnd export steerH. J5.801i7,Oo; fair to good, Jl,75tt5.i5: stockers nnd feed ers, $2.851? 4.50: western fed steers, J2.90fi6.25: western range steers. J3.SOT4.75; Texas nnd Indlnn steers. J1.25fft.S5: Texas cows, J2.50ff 5.85; native cows, J2.75T4.7S: heifers, J3.00f 5.40; cows, Jl.fi01f2.60; bulls J2.35Tf 4.15; calves, J3.25ti6.00. HOGS Receipts. 23,000 head: market W-H) 16c higher; top, J6.35; bulk of sales, J3.50fr 6.30; henvv. J6.25ffl6.,15; mixed packers, J6 05T 6.30: light. J5.60f620: pigs. J4.65fJ5.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.000 heud: market steady: natlvn lnmhs, J4.50fjfi 4.75; western lamb'. J4.O0Tt4.5fl; native weth ers. J3.60fJ4.O0; western wethers. J2.25fi3.75; ewes, JJ.00JJ3,I0: culls nnd feeders, J2.O0Tf3.25. Xt. I.onls Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, -Dee. B. CATTLE Receipts, 2,100 head. Including soo Texnns; market nctlve, and higher; nntlvo shipping and ex port steers. J5.OOflfi.75, with one steer at J7.25: dressed beef nnd butcher steers. J3.60 I&6.25; steers under l.OOO Ihs., J2.S0fjf3.65: stockera and feeders. J2.607i3.55: cows and heifers. J2.0OQ3.O0; bulls. J2.75ff2.90; canners. Jl.60fjf2.60; Texas nnd Indian steers. J4.30Tt 6.35: fed. J3.20f71.30; grass cows and lielferB, J2.26ft3.30. HOQS Receipts, 7,800 head: market 10c, higher: pigs and lights, JS.SoTf5,95; pnekers, J5.S0Ji6.10; htltchers, J6.006.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market steady: nntlvo muttons, J2.75T73.60; lambs, J3.75fJ4.S0; culls nnd bucks, J2.OOff2.50. Nrir Vnrk I.lvr Stock Mnrkle. NEW YORK, Dec. B.-BEEVES-Re-celpts. 251 head, mainly consigned direct; no pnles reported. Cables steady. Exports, 6 beeves'. CALVES Receipts, 199 head: veals weak, others steady: veals sold generally nt Jl.OOfi 7.75: few tops nt JS nnd few grassers lit J3. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.215 head; sheep dull, easier; lambs nulet nnd slightly lower: sheep, J2.00ff'3.25. with a few at J3.50: culls, J1.75; lnmhs. Jl.05fi5.25; culls, J3.60f?4.00. HOOS-Rccelpts, 2,650 head; market 10c higher. St. Joseph Lire .Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 6. CATTLE Receipts, l,60i) head; market steady; natives, J3.K0fi, 7.25: cows nnd heifers, J1.25fi5.60: veals. J2.50 5.25: bulls nnd stags, J2.26'85.00; stockers and feeders, J2.Wn4.35. HOOS-Recolpts, 12.000 heud; mnrket 101? 15c higher; light and light mixed. J5.70ftO.25; medium and mixed, J5.705J6.35; pigs, 3."0'rp 4.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 370 head; market steady. Stock In' Sight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt tho live principal markets for Doccmbcr 5: Cattle. Hogs. Shr-ap. South Omaha 2,379 11,661 791 Chicago 9,60) .1,000 14,000 Kansas City 6,100 23,000 "y St. Louis 2.100 7.800 S0() St. Joseph 1,500 12,000 370 Total, ....20,579 67,161 17,911 Wool Market. ' LONDON, Dec. 5.-WOOI-Tho offerings at tho wool auction sales today numbered 4,177 bales. The attendance was good. Merino nnd rrossbrods wero strong ami in good demand for homo and continental buyers.. Suitable lots of merinos wero taken for America. Inferior grades con tinned weak, sillies being lint. Cape, of Oood Hopo nnd Nntul grades were In re quest. 1-ollowliig are the fiules In detail: New South Wales. f,f) hales; scoured. 10H greasy, S'fJ'HHd. Queensland, 3,0w bales; scoured. 4dfjls6!4d; greasy. Slr?Ud. Victoria, 2,2v) bnles, scoured, Sd; sreasi, 34d. New Zealand, 3,900 bales; scoured, id rqis2d, greasy, 2i?ifl4(l Cape of Oood Hopo Mid Natal, 2,2"0 bnles; greasy, 3'4 7d; scoured. SfllOd. Sf, LOUIS. Dec. G.-WOOL-8tcndy. with light demand; medium grades. IJwKV; light fine, 12i4i015c; heavy line, 19912c ; tub washed, 14fj24He. LONDON, Dec. fi.-WOOl, At the sheep, skins sale held hero today 7.199 bales vro offered. Tho attendance wss large and bidding was nnlmnted. Flno grades were 5 per cent denrer, mediums unchanged and coarse stocks showed a. decline of from S to 74 per rent. Following are the sales and prices obtained for clothing and combing. Victoria. 407 bales nt 3fl6,d; West Au. tralla, 399 bates ut .Hid; New Zealand. 153 bales at 2 3-5116d; Cope of flood Hope nnd Js'ntnl, 73 bales at 3fl'ld; Punta. Arenn, 35$ bales nt 6Ud. Evnporntcd Apple nnd Dried 1'rnlt, NEW YORK. Dec. 6.-EVAPORATEH APPLES MHrket ruled rather quiet toda, but held steady In tone, owing to . th" scarcity nf offerings. State, common to good, oflSitc; prime, 9Ti9,c; choice, 9t?4J 9c; fancy, lOfflOkc. CALIFORNIA iRIED FRUITS Mnrket Inactive, but 11 bout steady. Prunes, 3iJTf7c Apricots, Roynl, lOTtlle: Moor Park, 9Wi 13c. Peaches, peeled, 12fJ19o; unprelrd, ? 10'.4c. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Dec. E. COFFEE -Spot Rio barely ntendy; No. 2 Invoice. 6i;c. Mild, steady: Cordova, TUfillc. Futures had a light trado today, Tho market nt the cloe wns steady In tone, with prices net un changed to 10 points lower. Total sales. 39, (XX) bags, Including: January, fi.tSTKS'V': Fcbrunry, fi.60c: March, 6.6VH6.70C; May, 6.85c; July, 7.05c; September, 7.20c; October, 7.30c. TKXArt OIL NEWS. Confidence In Oil. SeverAl millions of dollars have, already been expended by railway companies In converting their old enginoa Into oil burners, In buying new machines whloh burn It, and this shows that able, experienced men, who nro on tho ground and know much of tho prospecttvo permnnence of tho oil supply, nto not afraid to back their Judg ment on that point. And If It can bo burned economically and with general satisfaction as compared nlth coat In tho furnaces ot rnllrond engines It can llkowlso be burned In tho furnaces ot other engines nnd In thn hundred nnd one places where economy of fuel Is n serious consideration. Tho whnlo of the Texan rail roads, all of tho roads lending Into the stats nnd as far north an Knnsns, are fitting their fireboxes for the oil consumption. Tits cheaper fuel Is finding Its way Into the family fireplaces, to the public benefit. Did you over hear of a cheaper article that was also a better article that did not rapidly replace a dearer nnd poorer one? That Is just tho relation between oil nnd coal. Oil Is bound to win, and great profits aro to nccrue to the men who Introduce It. Put your money in with that of tho other stockholders In tho Omaba-Texas Oil Co., nnd-4iclp to earn these dividends. Their well Is down nerrly to the oil depth, and It Is only n mnttcr of a few days, or weeks at most,, until they stplke. You remember no well on Splndlo Top Heights has over failed to produco oil, and this well Is right In the center. Arrangements nro being mndo to market the oil, plpo lines to Port Arthur, storage tanks both at tidewater nnd at the field nro to bo built nt once. Loading racks and all the necessaries for handling the Im mense output will soon bo ready. Don't delay. Office Hours, 9 n. 111. to'O p, IUi Snndnys,, f roiu H a. m. to ft p. m. DR. McGREW ( Age53) SPECIALIST. Discuses and DUordcm at Men Only. -0 Years' Experience. 1ft tears In Ontalin. VAnlCOCELEw,.,hou,tn'c,ueff.ntgh,in 10 day QVPUII IQ alld n" mood Diseases cured wlrniLIO for life. All breaking out and signs of the dlacnso disappear at once. flUCD On nntl cases cured of norvoui UVCn IUUUU debility. Iohs ot vitality and nil unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture. Gleet. Kidney nnd Bladder Dis eases, Hydrocele cured permanently. Cures (iiiuriinteed. Coimnttutlon Free. CHARGES LOW. Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 761 Ofllco over 215 S. 14th street between Far- nam and Douglas Sts OMAHA. NEB. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cewgill iron Works. UAJCUrACTtTRJXRa AND IMNM Or MACHINERY. BHSRAIi REPAIRING A FaWTAZiTl IRON AND BRAJM FOUNDBJUL 1M1Y IBM ut 15041 JackaM Mm Oaaakav " TmU MO. B. Eakrtakl. Asant. J. B. OwgUt, alga, SHkHE GO. Uaaufaoturara mad Jobbara at Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 and 1018 DOUQIAS T ELECTRICAL SDPPLies. Uisttrn Electrical Cempany Electrical Supplies. Hlctrta WlrUg Balls ud 9m T1rtfra O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard Bt! TENTS AND AWNINGS. Omaha Tents Awning Co., OMAHA, NED. TENTS FOU RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS GOODS. BVD BOB CATALOGED NVMBBB M. David Cole Co., OYSTERS, White Plume Celery, Poultry. OMAHA 416 South 11th Bt Tetepawa IOKU. Boyd Commission Co Bucoeiaon to Jamea E. Herd A Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION DRAIN, PIIOV1NIO.MS AND NTOCKS. Uuara of Trad Battalia?. Dlreot wire to OJrlcii and Naw Tork. orxMf)ndtac; John -A, .Wmtm Co. "7