Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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QO)00K0)0KK)KK)HH)00KH0? I ank, ,nt0 " chl,,r fln1 issued
f i iuui rduru ljuuiciiivii nit: uiiiiij
m v . 5 7" T ' that onp without any beating nboiiL
icuiLci way.
t I - . 'If'l I lttl :'
(f.opyriftlH. by L'uttllffe llyne
H was far too hot to think of sleep be
low. The women, of course, hail to stay
thorp, unfortunate creatures, but of us men,
most had dragged mattresses out on the up
per deck and were spraallng on tb.Mii be
elde the after w-hcelhouso.
The diplomatist was the only one among
us out of complete pajamas; his ncthrr
llmba were draped In a silken burmcse
lungyl, which looked like a petticoat. The
rest of us were too languid for speech, but
he, (perhaps through some virtue acquired
from his flowing garment) seemed full of
sententious utterances, which hc delivered
confidentially to the clcsc Itcil sea night.
This was ono of tho things ho said:
"You may bring n woman from the cndi
of the earth and rear her In London nnd
Tsrls, cramming her to the pins In the
hair with all their conventionalities; but
It the ho a woman, she will chuck all such u
varnish overboard If cvrr she be stlrrcl
by a really mighty passion, and she will
how again to broad daylight the naked
soul. that was born within her ribs."
Fomo ono laughed, Indolently yet unbe
lievingly, and then the diplomatist broke
out Into a tale In support of hla usscrtton.
This Is the talor
The noman I was talking of was one of
the richest spinsters In tha world. ,She tyas
raised some 200 miles up-country from Rio
nd had It constantly Impressed on her
there that every word sho spoke was law.
You see, her father doted on her and all
the niggers round wcro slaves.
There-' a good dcAl of abuse thrown at
Prsill, a being a country where people
starve, and die of fevers, and get shot In
the weekly revolutions, and robbed by a
nystem of hrlgaudago known as legal
process; but out of every lialf-mllllon there
Is ono man who contrive to avoid these
pestilences, and )n consequence waxes
enormously rich, He makes use of the less
fortunato and treads on their heads with
hob-nailed boots to assist him In his climb.
There arc few' half-nnd-half people In lira"
rll," and there Is a small fistful, an ex
ttmely small fistful, of tho very abnot
rnnlly rich, Marlqulta'x papa was one of
these last. He had Immigrated to the
country from Chill In his curly youth, and
couldn't say certainly Who Ills' parents
were, though ho believed he had Anglo
Paxon blood In him. Ills wlfo was a New
Orleans creole, who spoko nigger French
'patois ns a native tongue, and emphatically
asserted herself to bo an Kngllshuoman.
Eo what countrywoman by blood Marlqulta
really was It Is hard to say. She spoko
English, French, Catalan-Spanish and mon
grel Portuguese with equal fluency and In
accuracy, and when I asked her once In
Paris what her nationality was she said
ho mostly put herself down as French.
Hut then she added that ho wouldn't In
sist on that, because It didn't really mat
ter. So long as sho was alive and enjoying
herself people might say she va a Yaqul
Indian for anything she cared.
Hne was a most extraordinary woman.
father died when she was Ifl and a
afterward she came to Kurope and
lived entirely on her own particular hook.
8he, apparently, hadn't a relative .or guar
dian, or any governing connection In the
-world. She signed her own cheeks, had ah
unlimited balance to draw upon nnd acted
in all ways exactly as seemed to her best.
fihn was rather petite In figure, gloriously
handsome and would suffer advice to be
thrust upon her own perfectly, and laughed
irlcefully at the many attempts that were
made, to take her In.
On the whple, she wasn't badly educated.
for although I don't think Bbo ever trou
bled herself to grind at any boo'klearnlng
he was very quick at picking matters up
nd one can learn a good many things
from smart conversation If ono listens well
nd doesn't forget. She was remarkably In
dependent,' but she knew thoroughly how
the conventionalities were marknl out; nnd
nhen It suited her purpose to do so as It
Renerally dld- sho kept within their bounds
For Instance, she had an old stone broke,
inuddle-wlttrd marquise of the ancient
regime as nominal head of hor hotel In the
Boulevnrde Haussinan. nut If sho wanted
to fling her heels, up they went, no mat
ter who was looking.
Martqulta was by no means a difficult
person to get to know In those days, und
had the entree to her salon almost directly
ftex l had taken up quarters In Paris
Ban danced divinely as all women with
' peninsular blood In them can do sho was
most fascinating to look nt and talk to nnd
I expect 1 must have shown pretty clearly
liow much I was struck, for only the third
venlng I camo across her she coolly told
We not to propose to her.
"I know you were going to." said she
"and I suppose you'll do It ntlll. They
most of them do. And then nfterward
they get sulky nnd go away. I hato
that. I like friends and I like admiration
neaps 01 totn. nut wpen I want a man
for a husband I'll say. I'm not shy, mon
ami. I ll do tho asking rayse)fv"
After that and remembering tho money.
I held roy tongue, though I was honently
rery much smitten with her nt the time
nd would havo married her out 'of hand
If she hadn t possesed n louls.
They transferred me to St. Petersburg
nd I lost sight of hor for s couple of
years, but whrn t got back to Paris again
there she was, Just tho same as before, with
most or tho old eourt'ers around her and
many new ones besides, She hfcdn't chosen
. Mr. Marlqulta yet, but rumor pointed
to the lucky man.
He was Kngllsh aggressively Kngllih
long and thin, milk and watery, profoundly
Mgly, and. oddest of all, n parson. To be
precise, he was a curato from a small south
cast village. On the principle that It was
impotslble to Imagine a more unlikely man
for Marlqulta to lake a fancy for. I wasn't
In the least surprised at her rhilrc; but It
did startle me to tlnd that ho' wasn't nn
torn eprU In return. He mured about at
the wonderful Ihngs In her hotel like a
board-school child In the llrltlsh museum:
be gajed on the . sumptuously dressed
erowds that throng'rd her snlons, and ho
delighted In all he fcnw, nut by n singular
Irony Marlqulta didn't danle him In tho
very least degree, and as for thinking that
be'd only to sav "fUrkls" to be master of
the whole lot, I'm sure uoh an idea never
tanned upon him. He wim an awful thick
head, fjood heavens! If any of the rest of
us had had things put to us a millionth part
is broadly as he got 'om for, mind joti,
Marlqulta was never the woman to mince
matters I know we should have been down
n our marrow bones singing out a proposal
Ihero and then, even If It had been In the
middle of the Avenue do I'Opora,
However, ono day It was reported he had
uddenly packed up his traps and bolted
ack to Kngland, and of courte all ParU
knew why. .Marlqulta didn't make the
malltst secret nbout It. I saw her that
livening and we discussed the mattor quite
calmly, She put It frankly.
"He said he wouldn't have me- l-Vncy
"The man's off his heBd." I suggested.
"'"It Isodd. I might havo had any of the
rest of you If only I hid gieu in to your
pestering, and heron, tho one man I do
nt rays 'no' when I fling the haudker-i
chief at his feet.'
"Judging from what I saw of the gentle
man, he Isn't up in metaphor. Are you cer
tain he understood you?"
"Am I In the habit of mincing matters?"
"On rtoeond thoughts, I'll withdraw the
last question. You always speak your mind
very bluntly, Marlqulta ns I have reason
to know. Still, bcllcvo me. I am sorry for
"Ily all that's curious, why?"
"Hecaujc thus far through life you have!
carried everything with a high hand, tx-'
nctly as you wished, and so this disappoint- 1
ment. will como all the more heavily."
"Monsieur I'Attachc, are you trying to be'
Impertinent?" I
"On the contrary, sympathetic "t
"Ah! I see, you arc Jumping at con-
the bush, that I wnnted to buy his yacht.
He asked mo if I wished to Insult him. I
sad. did he think sho was worth 10,00'
He temarked frigidly that as she stood she
represented 15,000. Whereupon I promptly
offered him 30,000 nnd brought out my
check book and filled him up a form. He
took It like a lamb. Money's a great thing,
Isn't It?"
"Hum! You have been smart nbout It.
Cnn I conclude the arrangements for
"No. I packed off his Icy lordship to
manage that. I thought he'd do It better
than you could. Now, please tell me how
you Intend to kidnap my shy one on board."
"I, most Imperial?"
"Yes, you. My Imperial highness Is gra
ciously pleased to depute that trifling serv
ice to your hands."
"Hut the thing can't be done. It's
against tho law, Why, It would entail penal
servitude and I don't know
You nren't In your cut-throat South
America now, Marlqulta."
I came across the girl there In a country
house, and well, the fact is, I married her
myself I tell you fellows we both feet
awfully Indebted to Marlqulta
in v i in 'in mom k .
Ilurnce (IrcflejS onttrt Inn lo Inline
.11 en I'nrniilirnsp'h.
Paraphrasing Horace Oreeley's famous ad
vice, Mrs. Mary A. Ulvermore says: "f!o
west, young woman, go west." This suggestion
wan made In an address delivered before the
Public School association In Boston a few
days tgo. Mrs. I.lvermorc expressly dis
claims nny Intention of conveying the Idea
that women are unjustly treated In New
England, dhe acknowledges that her sex Is
not treated with proper respect In that sec
tion, but clnlms (hat women are themselves
to blame for this because they do not make
proper effort to maintain their rights and
because they neglect their social and po
litical duties.
"I am a Yankee of Yankees," said she.
what besides. I "I was born In noston, as were my parents
and grandparents before ine, hut 1 must
siy that with an excess of 70,000 women lu
;B X ' J ' r ....
t m'w
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elusions. Hut, believe me, I do not Intend
to create a bad precedent here. I shall
triumph. I shall remain unbeaten. He
left me becatise ho had a how do you call
It? Not fiancee. Ah, sweetheart be
cause ho had a sweetheart near his home.
Tomorrow I fcross tojse heri Hy IHo day
after I shall havo drawn a check In her
favor which will nmply console her. Then
ho will be without other claims and I shnll
have him to myself. Voila tout."
I laughed and loft her. Thero was a tlno
originality In the Idea of pensioning oft a
man's sweetheart.
"Tlmlde! A pistachio for your Insular
strnlghl-laccdness. You have promised
nmlgo, and I hold you to your word of
honor. ' 1 order; It Is for you to obey."
She left Paris' by the Canls train cxt
morning and for a week I heard nothing.
Then a cablegram came to my address, in
which words w,ero lavished riotously. Even
a millionaire would not have scattered
money broadcast Into the tclegiaph dapart
mont like that, except In a moment of ex
tremity. Condensed, it said that she had failed In
her negotiations all round. Tho sweet
heart refused: the parson would not listen
to reason nnd was living behind barricaded
doors, nnd consequently Bhc, Marlqulta', was
Knowing her as I did, I smiled grimly at
thoughts of the scenes with which that
sleepy south coast village would be thrilled.
And I'm afraid It occurred to mo that the
pull up would do her good. To my taste
sho had always been far too fond of riding
roughshod ovei anyone who ventured to run
counter to her wishes.
The cablegram wound up with the cool
command that I should go over Instantly
and assist her to gain her ends. Of course.
It was Just tho sort of thing Marlqulta
might bo expected to ask, but I saw no
particular reason for compliance, nnd so
cabled a refusal.
"Can't come. No use If I did. You won't
get him. anyway."
As fast as tho clerks could flash It through
the wires n reply came thus:
"See hole. Help ine nil you know to get
him. If I fall you may propose to mo for
tho seventh tlmo and I'll say 'Yes, darling!'
That ought to cccnurage you, If you bcllevo
what you wroto an hour nRo. Now come."
It was h quaint offer, and, coming from
; any other woman on earth. It would have
mado mo tabid. Hut Mnrlqulta was Marl-
oultn and a law unto herself. So I wont
there nnd then, without waiting to pack.
Sho wus stopping nt the Grand at Smith
ampton nnd her greeting was a nod and the
question: "Well, what's your fcchcmo?"
"My dear girl, I rouldn't mako any till I
knew how tho land lay."
"Pesto! You should havo mapped out
fifty, lo suit every contingency. Hut If you
are so dull-witted, listen! They are to ho
married almost directly, I do not know-
how you cold-blooded English work such
things, but fortunately some delay sepms
necessary. Still, their 'banns' (whatever
those may he) havo been called out twice."
"Then, by Jove, Marlqulta, you've only a
week's law. They evidently funk you des
perately and are going to got safely tied
together out of harm's way. There's only
ono method of preventing It that I can see
Order around your yacht, kidnap him on
board and once safely nt sea you can afford
to wait for terms."
1 said this morc or less In Irony, but
to my dlskust she took It up promptly.
"Yes, that has good points, thoujjh It
Is not altogether practical, as my yacht
la at Marseilles and would take too long
to get Into commission and bring round
Hut I can Improve on It."
She rang the bell and sent for tho
manager. Tho man put In an appearance
Very promptly.
"What large yacht Is there here ready for
"Lord Hayhury's schooner clears for the
South Pacific, tomorrow, madam,"
"Lord rtaybu'ry."
"Where does ho live?"
"Ho Is now staying here, madam. "
"rtood. Show me to hln room."
"If mndam will follow mo?"
The itr of them left me and In about'
sixteen minutes' time she returned. Shu
How that dreadful piece of midnight man
lifting was accomplished I bliiBh rve.i
now to recollect. When I broke, un
announced. Into his room, the wretched
victim waa writing laboriously on
blue foolscap. At his elbow was an open
book, which ho coyly shut on my approach.
Ho was copying out his sermon for tho
ensuing Sunday.
I put the ease to him bluntly, without
throwing In a word for Its defense. He
was to como with me there and then. If
he enmo pcacenbly, so much the better.
If he resisted, I had a powerful boat's crew
below who would carry him off. wllly-nllly.
recommended him to avoid scandal nnd
uproar and submit to the stronger hand.
le said he would. He sought permission
o pack a small black handbag with books
and raiment, but I was too much scared to
oltor an unnecessary moment, and carried
him off as ho was lu boh-tall coat nnd
slippers: nnd tho steam launch set us on
board; and the forestaysall sheet wns let
diaw and' tho schooner stood off down
I ushered that poor devil Into his state
room and went to report to Marlqulta.
"Won't you go and see him at onco?" 1
asked, as sho lay back on a sofa with a
sigh of utter contentment and showed no
llsposlllon to move.
No. Tbo moment for hurrying Is past
anil tlmo shall hnvo a chanrc now. I'm
very happy as I am and can quite afford, to
wait. The yacht li provisioned for three
years, and, If necessary, sho shall keep the
seas for nil that while."
'Oood havens! Then you can't expect
to keep me meandering about In your
train? Why, my dear girl. It would utterly
blast all my professtoncl "
S'ib laughed coolly, "Pooh! What a
hypocrite you are. Not very many weeks
ngo your dream (as yon put It) was to bo
near mo always. You said you envied my
dachshund, And now that you are offerod
the chance " She completed the sen
tence with an eloquent shrug. "Hut don't
fret. I'll set you free tomorrow. Perhaps
we shall never see one anothor again,"
"Unless, of course, you tire of your
present game and revert, as per agree
ment, to me."
"Precisely. When that Interesting mo
ment arrives I'll let you know, nut, mon
ehe. I wouldn't wait for It If I were you.
You might tiro If you did,"
The schooner hove to off St. Hellers next
morning and I took a curious farewell of the
captive who was the very picture of mulo
resignation, and a warm one, of Marlqulta
who expressed herself ns Infinitely obliged
to me; nnd In half an hour's time I was on
tho St. Malo boat, getting back to Paris,
Tho bright city fairly hummed with this
last freak of hers, but about my shnro In It
I preserved the silence of the dumb,
though happily for my peace of mind I cot
homo leave directly afterward. Thob. other
things filled my mind nnd I studiously for
got that lawless raid till Marlqulta forcibly
reminded me of It. Tho news camo In an
extravagant cablegram from Shanghai,
and, condensed, Informed mo that the par
son had relented (or been coerced) and
mado her his brldo at the British con
sulntfl of that .treaty port. I don't think I
was surprised. Sho wasn't a woman who
ever brooked contradiction.
Eh? What's that? What about tha Jilted
sweetheart? Well, I didn't Intend to tell
you men tnai, uui as I vc ra moien on so
deeply already you may as well have thn
lot, You see. that was tho matter which
occupied mo when I got back to England
the population of Massachusetts It Is not
surprising that the women do not receive
the attention and courtesy' that Is not only
duo them, but which Is given them In the
morsn sparsely settled sections at the coun
try where women are in the minority. What
you And anting In this world Is what you
most desire.
"In tho western part- of our country the
society of true nnd noblo women Is fnr morn
rare than It Is here In Boston nnd conse
quently more appreciated. Tho women of
tho west have a much wider sphere of
Influence and can assert themselves, and
can In tho social nnd business life mnrk
out for themselves a career far morn dis
tinguished than can their sisters In the cast.
Kor this reason I ndvlsc with Horace
Oreeley: 'On west, young woman.' Ther-3
you will have tho opportunity to develop
your faculties nnd show, without prejudice, i part of tli witness.
dispossession of them. Is a competent wit
ness after swearing that lie knows sued
value, to testify what he considers It to be.
his degree of competency and the rlfect of
his Interest upon his credibility being left
to tho Jury to determine. i
S. Error cannot be assigned In this court
because of the giving or refusal of Instruc
tions unless exception Is taken ot tho time.
3. Instructions contained In the record
examined nnd found not to be erroneous.
Nor 10390. Emory against Hover. Ap-
Real from Phelps, .ftlrmeri. Hnsttngs, t
iivlsloti No. I. Not reported.
1, Objections to nn appraisal, of real
estate on a Judicial ale enmo too late If
made only after the sale has been mde.
3. Copies of appraisal Is tiled to nerve a" n
guide for bidders and parties nt the sale
and a mere clerical defect will not vitiate n
substantially correct r,opy.
No. First National Hank of Pawnee
against Manning. Error from Pawner.
Judgment. Albert, C, Division No. S. Nut
The liability of a garnishee Is to bo de- '
termlned by the statu of the f-.iuds In lil i
hands st the tlmo his answer Is taken, wbon .
it nppPMra that nt thn tlmo of the service, of .
notice of garnishment the funds sought to 1
be reached were not the subject of gar
nishment, birt afterward nnd before the
taking of the nnswer become so.
No. lOTSoa. Oundry ngnlnst Hrown. p-
PchI from Lancaster. Kovoraod. Kirk
Patrick. '. Division Nn. 1. Not reported,
To authorize the sheriff to make u second
appraisement of !nnds which he Is about to
nell inder execution it must ( Mirnmtlvoly
p.l pear by the return of such sheriff that
th property lias boon twice advertised and
offered for sale, nnd that It remains unsold
for w-6nt of bidder.
No. lOnio. Clemmons against t'teinnioii",
Error from Oiss. Heversed. Duffle, C
Division No. S. Not reported.
Where before the commencement of n
trial nn order of court Is entered excluding
from the courtroom nil witnesses except
the one on examlnntlon. and one of them
not blng Informed of such order enters
the courtroom and remains for a brlet
tlmo during the examination of a witness.
It is error on the part of the court to re
fuse to allow such witness to testify,
where neither the pnrty by whom be Is
.ailed nor the nttorm-ys of the party arc
privy to tne violation or tnc rule on in
In a country not overcrowded, your true
worth In a soclnl and business life,"
Linton ugnlnst Haker. Error
No. 10521, Smith ngnlnst Allen. Appeal
from Douglas. Reversed, Albert, C.
Division No, lleported,
1. A denlnl, though coupled with nn alle
gallon showing n lack of knowledge' of the
muttera denied, la suflliieut to raise an
2. A party entering such denial Is not re
quired to stute that be makes the samo on
Information nnd belief, nor to allege a lack
or knowledgo of Information sufficient to
form n belief,
3. A party falling to plead to a cross
petition, the court having -Jurisdiction of his
person, will not be heard to sny that nn ad
verse tlhdlng thereon Is not sustained by
sufficient evidence.
-4. A crows-petitlon was filed .after tho
answer diiy llxcd by the summons. There
after some of the other defendants fllsd
answers to the original petition and were
represented by attorneys nt the trial of
tho case. Held, that such dolnndants are
chargeable with notice of tho filing of tho
cross-petition nnd. as to them, no summons
thereon wna required.
No. 10331. lsh ngnlnst .Marsh, Error
from Douglas. Affirmed. Amca, CV Division
No. a. Not reported.
1. When one of the ouestloiiB In a law
suit is the of the use nnd occupation
of real property In a city one of tho par
ties, who Immediately before the litigation
arose hail for a eonsldcrnblo time occupied
ine promises inr nusiness purposes nno was
seeking for damages for nlleccd unlawful
from DourK
Division No. 1. Not renorted.
1. Tho authentication of n record of the
qjeen's bench division of the high court of
Justice of England examined and held to
conform lo the requirements of section 416
of the code.
2. I'nder the provisions of section 2!) of
the code every action must be prosecuted
In the nnmc of the real party In interest,
nnd the owner of n Judgment upon which
suit Is brought, although having no formal
assignment of such Judgment, Is tho real
party lu Interest.
3. When In u.cnse tried to a jury thero Is
no conflict In the evldnnco mid reasonable,
men can draw but one conclusion from the
facts nnd circumstances proved It Is propor
for the court to direct t lie verdict. C, H.
& Q. Ft. Co. v, 32 Neb., 3()fi.
No, J0432. Phoenix Insurance Company
against Hoover, Appeal from Webster.
Affirmed. Djftle, C. Dcvlslon No. 3. Not
f. A bill of exceptions allowed and signed
by the trial Judge becomes, a part of tho
record In 'lie case, and Its rocltiils cannot
be Impeached by nflldavlts tiled for tl-.t
2. Record examined and hold to dlscloso
no error on the part of tho court on con
firmation of sale.
No. 104SS. Dorwart ngnlnst Trover. Ap
peal from Saline. Reversed nnd dismissed.
Ames, V. Division No, 3. Not. reported.
Equity w'll not relievo ugnlnst u Judg
ment at law unlees the complainant both
pleads and proves a defenso thereto upon
the merits, nor In any case In which ho has
had knowledge of notice of the pendency of
the artlon in tlmo to make his defense
"rein and has negligently omitted so to
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Crippled Womanhood
No womin would heiltale a momtnt to have a physical tkformiiy righted. Few women are Lime
and Wind, but a majority of women to-day are crippled physically and mentally by female suffering.
Irregular menses are sapping their lives and weakening their vitality. Bearing down pains, lfjtor
rhota and pains in the head, back, neck and limbs are disabling them so effectually that few women
are found sufficient for all the demands of life. It is to these sufferers that
is offered to-day. That Wine of Cardui will cure you is supported by the fact that 1,000,000 women
have secured relief from this wonderful emmenagogue. There are few cases where Wine of Cardui has
failed to give relief. Presented with these facts can you go on suffering when your dwggist is waiting
to sell you this remedy which will give you strong nerves and perfect health? You need not be a
cripple. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
Eait rlorene, Ala., January 6, 1901.
I thank you for your kind letter and l( I can ke of any help to aufferers I will do all I tin, There Is no reason
why to many women ihould suffer so, for Wine of Cardui cures all female weakness, I have thought for a long
time I would write and tell you what Wine of Cardui has done for me. I had been a sufferer for ten years with all
that could all a woman. Wine of Cardui has done me more good than all the doctors ever did. I ut think I can't
live without it, I keep It all the time. I have taken about ten bottles of It and have recommended it (o a great
many friends and It has done wonders for them. It Is a never-failing cure for women. I hope all will try it.
For adrlce and literature, addreat, fflVDF ymptomi, "The Ladle' Adrieorr
Department," Tee Chettanooja Modloine Company, Chattanooga, Tonn.