Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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.11 IIS Oil JII'.TI0.1.
Pavls tclli drugs
fit rkert yells carreta and rue.
Metz hecr at Nctininyer' hotel.
Prs Oreer.. oltleo 303 ffiipp block.
Welsbacli burner-. JMxIiyVb Son.
Miss Corn Hounds If seriously 111.
l-lcgaiit X'niaa photos nt Schmidt's.
Wollmnn. sclenllllo optlclun, Kfi Broadway.
Ur Met hcnon, fiatd'viii block. Elevator.
I ublnct photos only M.&Mlozen. Wlllltimr.
Hern, to Mr ami Mrs. C, I.. Whitman, a
Missouri oalc body wood, J5.W cord. Wm.
Welch, '.'3 N. Main st. Tel. 12X.
Now shlpmeiilB of elcKunt picture frame
mouldings nt C. 15. Alexander St Co. .
I'adlant Home stove, guaranteed not to
crack Hold by rctersen A Hchocnlnc,
llerrlam block.
Parents of liable born last Christmas
please slvc imnm mid address to t, eiiru
Hei' olllco, 10 l'c.irl street.
I)r Treynor of Omaha will conduct a
Bospil meitlmt tonight In tho JJel.ous mls
Bl in hull on hiist III oii'lwn y.
Miss Maud Knicrxmt, who has been living
Ir H.iii Krunelseo several yearn, has re
turned to live In Council llluffs,
I'lwiird Hmlthlger and Ktnina Adclman,
lo li of Mollnr. ill., were married In this
city yeitltrday afternoon by Justice llrynnt.
Peterson & Hchocnlng, Mcrrlam block.
Jihvo the most complctu lino of Hot Wast
moves In the city and at prices that will
tmrprlso you.
The tity council will meet Friday after
noon to Inspect tho paving on Mien nvenuo
mid pass upon the assessment scnedtilo
pirpared by ity Knglnccr Htnyre.
Ullii, C-year-old daughter of Mr. find Mrs.
' M Mot7 171 Aveiilli! !', died lale Tues
ituv night of diphtheria. The funeral was
yest rilny nrternoun, burial being In the
(lain r cemetery.
If hi .1 Kllleen of Clinton has taken the
poiltlon In the Northwestern ticket olllco
imido viicint by the death of Fred Miller.
Mr Kllleen comes from tho stiperlntiMi
(l nt oilier In Hoone.
.Mr and .Mrs. John II. White and dutiglilcr
of Hope, Js I)., are gurptH of C. II. While,
and Ijimlh. Mouth Hlxtll street, enrollte to
New Mixlco, where they will spend the
Winter. Mr. White Is an extensive wheat
growi r
Cameron llrown, president of the "Kil
tie i bund of Canada. Is In Council lllutTs
completing arraiiKeinetitM for mi afternoon
und evening concert by the Highlander at
tho Doll my theater next Wednesday, De
ember II
Miss Annr Nelson of Washington avenue,
wiftj Ins been before the lloanl of (.'onimls
rliniTH fur the Insane sevural tlmva on
complaint of per neighbors, was yesterday
committed temporarily to St. llcruard's
liospltnl for observation,
The members of the choir nnd soloists
will meet tills evenhm In Hroadwny Metlio
list ehlircli to rebearse tlio cantntii
' Itntli, to be given Friday evening for
tho benclll of llev. .Myron C. Wnddell, for
mer pastor of tho church.
Ouy Holfe, delivery cieik, chaiged with
deiruitdlug his employer, I, Myers, grocer,
of Hotlth Main street, iileaded guilty In
jiollco court yesterday. Judgo A.vleswortli
sentenced him to thirty days In the county
all and suspended vcutonco for two weeks.
The members of Mount Zlon llaptlat
church are hoping to be able to pay oft tho
Indebtedness of Jim) on their property.
Harold McCormlok of Chicago anil Cltv
Treasurer True of this city havo promlseil
to give Jltfl niileeu provided tho church
raises the balance.
F.ditar Ramsey and llesslo Johusou, both
of Magnolia, la., were married in tlila city
yesterday mortjIiiK by .nisttco Fcrrler. The
oiiplc intruded atteutlou on their way
Xl om the c.nurthnusn to the Justice's olllco
from tho fact that the bride, desplto the
coolness of the ntmospbere, woro a white
Iress. large while hat and whllo satin
(dippers. The groom .adorned himself with
nil linmeno bouiiuet.
.1 II Arnold baa Instituted attachment
jirocecdlima against Wllsuu Smith to pro
tect claims amounting to IW. Arnold
claims Smith owes him tto an conimisslou
in a sale of real cstnto and J1U0 through mi
fiHslgnmeiil of attorney's fees liy Mayuc &
Ituzclloti, who defcndeil Smith In u divorce
unit. vrnold ullegcti that Smith Is nbout
o removo from' I ho stale nnd has declined
to secure the claim.
St. Albans lodge. Knights of Pvthlas, has
elected these olllcers: Chancellor com-jiiuimIhi-.
s. ji. Connor; vice chancellor, V.
11. Ollbert: prelate, W. C. Hendricks;
keeper of records and seals, 11. II. liny
ford, master of finance, C. A. Tlbbets; mas
ter of work, C. W. Atwood; master of ex
chequer, A C. l.nne; master-at-arms, W.
C Oebhardl; Inner guard, II. Darnell: outor
Kiiard, J Tomsett; trustees. Dr. J. M. Bel
linger, Ovldo Vlcn and n. 13. ItiBriim,
The Hoyul Highlanders will give u ban
quet In Itovnl Arcanum hall December -.'6.
v.?r . . ''''""imnii, keeper of tho
roxelty cloak sloro on South Main street.
FAlx1?',0r.1 r tt!wl ysterday afternoon
v"rn.,1,,H tri'dltors, to William M. Mo
i?ry, ,T'' of his liabilities was
Jiot stated, (iuthmann. Carpenter & Tell
ing repleylned ilurlug tho day J2.10 worth of
shoes, which Ihov Imd recently consigned
'"I '''lAl which liad not been paid for
n he sheriff recovered tho soods under the
N Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 230.
Without presupposing that you are lis
bio to find yourself In uerd of ready
cash one' of these days, nevertheless,
diamonds nnd other gems, gold and sil
ver ornaments, watches nnd tho llko
nearly always have n marketable value.
Moral Invest your spnro rash In Jewelry
and bo sure of shelter on a rnlny day.
Optician, Jeweler nnd Kngrnvcr.
Opposite Cilcu Avenue, Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
Itiuccuttsor to W. U. Kt5)
SR I'KAKt .sTItUHT. 'rttauo ty.
Negotiated In Kustcrn .'Job nun
nd Iowa. Jamas N. Casady, Jr,
U Main St.. Council Blurts.
H'iiiuvm Tu, l'ltiiplia,
VrfCliUf, Moth rlchf.
llanti and Skin 111-
iraur, and rrj
v$ blemlili on bauty,
ii( uciivi g.ip:.
. i ... t, v. - .. .
tbn toat ot A3
years, and la
harmlMa wo tattt
It to b aura 'I
la proprrly madt.
LArcrpl no counter
Writ ot Imllai
Jilaint. Dr. I A.
A yr ald to a !a
dy rt th haut-toa
(a tatlnt)l
y 1. JJU
As you Indies will uso them, 1 recom
mend aOUItAUD:ti. CHKAM' as the least
harmful of all tho Skin preparations.' For
sale by all Druggist ana Fancy Uoodi
Dealers In the U, . and Europe.
ft'Iiltll. T, IIOI'Klh, Prou'a,
JJjQml Jcuaa HU N. X.
WhiUuU aid Jobbing Firat CircnUtt
Thir rrotMt.
Knlhitiilc iIhmv n ct Ouln of Three
Hundred nnd Fifty Tliiitisntiit
Dollnrs .Mmif the Losses In
I'.leicn Venrs,
The wholesale firms ani Jobbing houses
In this city affected by tl'ie proposed In
crease In fire Insurance rates have formu
lated n protest which Is being circulated for
tho signatures of the business men. Bach
slRncr is requested to state opposite hl
camo tho amount of Insurance carried by
him. What the next action of tho pro
testers will be has not been decided upon,
hut It Is proposed to send a copy of the
protest to each flro Insurant company doing
business In Council Muffs.
The protest Is based on two grounds.
Ono Is based on the fact that flro losses In
Council llluffs during the last eleven years
havo been so mall that the Insurance com
panies have reaped a rich harvest from tholr
huslnosi here, It being asserted that their
net profit during this period has been about
JCCO.OOO. Tho other ground of the protest
Is based upon the assertion that the method
employed by the Insurance companies doing
business In Council llluffs and, In fact,
throughout the state In regulating rates Is
Illegal and contrary to the anti-compact
This protest was drawn up by the com
mittee appointed by the firms nnd Jobbing
houses Interested nnd was yesterday sub
mitted to them for circulation.
It Is stated that tho Are Insurance com
panies derive from this city upward of
$80,000 nnnually In premiums ou flro In
surance and that with the exception of two
years In the last, cloven years the loss has
not exceeded half of this amount.
Chnrnct! with SwIiiUllmr Vrlrrnn.
Harry Hamilton was arrested IbbI even
ing at the Northwestern passenger depot
by Ed Oiillfoyle, special officer, on a charge
of swindling W. H. noyer, an old soldier
and farmer from Mankato, Kan., out of $10.
Hnmllton arid Boyer, the latter on his way
to Mankato, boarded the Northwestorn pas
senger train nt the transfer and Oullfoylo
followed, taking n seat behind htm, Ham
ilton, who Is an old soldier, told Boyer
he was going to Mankato, but had not quite
enough to pay for a ticket. He asked
Boyer for tho loau of $10, saying he would
give him back tho change after getting the
ticket nt tho local depot and would pay
back the nmouut on reaching Mankato.
Boyer. only too willing to oblige an old
comrade, pulled out two $5 bills and Ham
ilton Jumped from tho trnln when U
reached tho depot, Oullfoylo followed and
overhauled him, Hamilton at first feigned
great indignation nnd offered to return
the money, which Boyer wns willing to ac
cept an,d not prosecute, but tho officer
would not let hlra. On reaching tho po
lice station it was found Hamilton, hntl
disposed of the two bills, but he admitted
he knew where they were. An Information
was filed against Hamilton charging hltn
with .cheating by falso pretenses.
Davis soils glass.
Sues Implement Hniiar,
Peter Gprbcr of Carroll, la., has brought
suit In the federal court hero against (ho
branch office of the Marlon Manufacturing
company In Carroll and Its agent, .Tnmos
Duffy, to recover tho amount paid for a
traction engine and separator. Gcrber
claims that he bought the machines on th?
understanding that If they proved unsatis
factory he was to get the money ho paid
down and the notes he had given In part
payment. Ho alleges that o. trial of the
machines proved them unsatisfactory and
that he offered to return them and de
manded his money and notes back. Duffy
refused to comply with the request, but
when tho first note became due seized tho
machines and a few days later advertised
them for sale. Oerher secured an Injunc
tion restraining the sale and now brings
suit to recover tho value of the machines
and costs of the proceedings.
Dance Hughes' ball Frldny night.
I'rncreia of Hums' Defense.
The proceedings In tho Doyle-Burns suit
yesterday were of a tedious character.
Frank O. Peck, brother-in-law of James
F. Burns, tho defendant, and secretary and
treasurer of tho Portland Gold Mining
company, who was nlso examined at length
on behalf of tho plaintiff, wns on tho stand
the greater part of tho day, testifying as
to tho Issuance of stock nnd his Interests
In the claims In controversy. A. B. Mans
field, a miner of Cripple Crook, testified
that, being desirous of securing n bond
i and lease on either the Devil's Own or ths
i Tidal Wave, tin wontMo see Doylo about
I It and Doyle told him to go to Jim Burns,
ns he (Doyle) had nothing to do with
cither. Counsel for Burns said they ex
pected to complete tho Introduction of tes
timony by Saturday.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, S41 Broadway.
Settle llrcnt'li nf I'rnnilar inlt.
John H, Keating, known to the musical
world ns Lynn Udall, who recently married
Miss Clara Troutmnn of this city, has set
tled out of court the breach of promise
suit brought against him by Miss Jessie M,
Stllson, a former teacher In the public
schools of Portland, Ore. The suit hns
been dismissed, tho nraount of the settle
ment being given ns $3,000. Miss Stllson
wns a graduate of the Portland High
school. In her complaint, In -which she
ahktd for $20,000 damages, she asserted
that In Juno, 1S97, Keating agreed to marry
her nnd that under this promise they kept
company threo years. After his marriage
here last May Keating with his brldo re
moved to Portland, where he has property
Davis sells paint,
llrnl Hatnte TrHitafera.
Thes transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract', title and loan oflleo of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street;
l.iicleu Hutighivmti to John W, Bush,
oi HO'. 1I-7I-3S, w, d $ 2,815
Alfred Perry and wife to May K.
Perry, hit !, block 0, Mornlngslde
add, w. d , 1
Hubert MoCnlmaut and wife to Miirle
Schneider, lot 1, block Morning
tldo nrUl, w, d lUl)
Mary Benedict to Henry O. Wernl
mout, lot 10, block .It, Hay Hsu &
Palmer's add, w. d l.Svo
Total four transfers $ I.W5
Sues I'nllier null Stepmother.
Vie Keller brought suit in the district
court yesterday to restrain John Keller,
his father, and Eliza Keller, his stop
mother, from disposing of their property
and atkins'toat the deeds from John Kller,
conveying his property to his wife, Eliza,
be set aside and declared null and void,
Ho also asks that he he decreed owner of
an undivided two-thirds Interest In the
property belonging to his father. He al
leges that his father, who Is 87 years of
age, Is menially Incapacitated and that
his wife, who Is much younger, has Inllu
enccd him against the plaintiff. Another
allegation ret up Is that his stepmother
bas Induced his father to deed to her all
of bis property In this city.
To Mtnp Snle of l.lqnnr,
County Attorney Klllpack, In the name
of the state of Iowa, began Injunction
proceedings yesterday against Fred Ho
kemper, keeper of a saloon at 326 Broad
way, to restrain him from selling Intox
icating liquors. Tho owners of the build
ing arc named as party defendants.
Death nf .Mrs. Myers.
Mis. Kllzabeth Bycrs, aged 41 years, died
last ovenlifg at her home In (turner town
ship of acute bronchitis. Her busbnud sur
vives her. The funeral will bo Friday
morning at D;H0 from tho Catholic church
In Weston. Hev. Father Feeloy will con
duct tho services and burial will be In tho
Weston cemetery.
.Mnrrlnae l,lcrncn.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Nnme nnd ncsldcnce. Age.
Nets C, Anderson, I'nderwood, In 24
Kate Miner, Underwood, la ,'.1D
l'Mgnr Bnmscy, Mugnollu, la 22
llesslo Johnson, Mugnolln, la 2.1
Kdward Smlthlger. Mnllne. Ill 2fi
Kinnm Adelmnn, Molltie, III 20
Kmory O. Oreenwnlt, Council Bluffs 31
Mary K. Carter, Council Bluffs 3.1
fndlnnn Sen Mr r nllh .Hum II iov.
WATKULOO, la., Dec. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) According to word received hero
today, most of tho Tnnm Indians have left
tholr reservation on account of smallpox
and nro wandering over the country. The
disease broke out among them some tlmo
ago, but according to their custom they
let the disease run Its course. Deaths from
It became numerous and the reservation
agent appealed to the government for aid.
He was notified to have physicians treat
them. His first visit with physicians was
made last week. The Indians, tmnglnlug a
dire calamity was coming upon them, took
to the trail at once, There are 450 of them
belonging to the reservation, which is now
almost entirely deserted. The agent Is
taking steps to corrnl them, but It Is thought
his efforts vlllhc fruitless, ns they havo
scattered and nro not traveling In bands.
Cancel Inmirnncr Minks,
BURMNOTON, Ia Dec. 4. (Special
Telegram.) The four mysterious llres at
tho big Harmer woodworking mills north of
this city have so alarmed local and for
eign Insurance agents that most of the
risks have been canceled. Tho fires oc
curred Friday nnd Saturday mnrnlug last
and were In various parts of tho buildings.
Tho circumstances point to Incendiarism.
There vas a total ot $77.ofiU Insurance on
the plant, over $50,000 of which was placed
by Burlington ngents. The loss by tho re
cent llres amounts to nbout 10 per cent.
llelln I'Hrker firtn n Divorce.
ONAWA, Ia Dec. 4. (Special Telegram.)
In tho divorce case of Delia Parker
against Phil Parker, on trial In district
court this week, a decreo of divorce was
granted, tho plaintiff, Delia Parker, with
the custody of the oldest child. The de
fendant, Phil, Parker, is to have the earo of
the youngest child as long as ho conducts
himself In n manner satisfactory to the
court. Permission for each parent to visit (
tho children at seasonable times and hours
Is included In the decree.
Contents In Missouri Vnlley.
clal.) Tho contest for the office of sheriff
In this county was begun at Logan toduy.
J. L. Skelton (dem.) was elected by four
votes, according to tho official return!".
Andy Shlnn (rep.)-Is contesting tho elec
tion. Two other contests will follow. Hor
ace McKinney (dem.) will contest K. F.
Ogden (rep.) for county treasurer and M.
Murray (rep.) will contest W. S. Kelley
(dem.) for supervisor In the First district.
Klylnsr Mlsnllcn from Inrlirlnte'n Ciun
Won nil Severn I 1rrHnnn nt
Wclr City.
WEIP. CITY, Kan., Dec. 4. Bomalne
Tauhaux, a Frenchman, while Intoxlrated
tonight shot nnd fatally wounded his wife
nnd son, Glraurd Tauhaux, and seriously
wounded two other sons, at bis homo In
this city. He had Just returned from a"
neighbor's house where n crowd had bfpn
celebrating St. Barbas' day. Ho threatened
to kill the whole family nnd seizing a
double-barreled shotgun was In the act ot
firing nt his wlfo when his son Glraurd
nppcared on tho scene, also armed with a
Shooting began at once, tho son firing dl.
rectly at his father, the charge passing
through his clothing, but doing no Injury.
Before the boy could flro again ho rerolved
a charge from his father's gun In the left
side. Tho elder Tauhaux commenced shoot
ing at everybody In sight. His wife re
ceived a charge of shot In tho right
shoulder, tearing It away, hU son Kmll had
a hand shot off nnd another son wns badly
Operator Tliruna DernllliiB Snllcli
nml Knulne .Inmpa the
LAFAYETTE, Ind Dec. 4. The Wabash
Continental Limited, westbound, due here
nt 1:3.1 p, tn., arrived six hours late today,
reaching tho Interlocking switch at the Big
Four crossing while Big Four train No. 58
was holding the trncks. Tho operator throw
tho derailing switch nnd the engine und
tender of the Wabash train Jumped the
track and were overturned. Tho englneor
nnd fireman Jumped and escaped Injury.
The passengers were severely shaken up,
but none were Injured. The track was
blocked threo hours.
tutoniiihllr Collides with POKcm-l unit
llcnvy Fine la Im
posed, PARIS, Dec. I. William K. Vanderbllt
wss today condemned In a French court lo
pay 1,000 francs damages ns a result of a
collision between his nutnmohllo nnd a dog.
cart at D'Eauvllle last year.
Hrnricnnirc rolled Durlliiiu tSoclrty,
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. At the annual meet
ing of the American Polled Durham assocl
ntlon, held In Chicago, Btopg wore taken
to reorganize as a stock company under the
laws of Illinois, and the following officers
were elected' President, W. W. Crnne,
Tippecanoe City, O,; vice president, W. S
Miller. Elmo, O,, secretary-treasurer, I'. 3.
Illnes, Indianapolis; directors, II, E, Bur
leigh, W. W. Crane, A. S, Claw son, A. u
De Oarron, Llndsey Wood, S. N. Hender
son and W, S, Millar.
Du Moinu Budi Gommittti to Ohicago to
ticur It.
Ciiinpnn.v A Itcndv tu ltr .Mustered In
Hotter Deportment nt Inillnn
.scliool-llenltli Honril's lire
uril of I'pldeiiilc.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, Dec, 4, (Special.) A com
mittee of Dcs Moines people has gone to
Chicago to mnko an effort to havo tho
next show of the International live stock
exhibition brought to Des Moines. They
will exhibit plans for a pew coliseum
which may be built In Des Moines If tho
show Is brought here nnd indicates the
success which has attended sovcral of tho
horse shows In Des Moines. Numbers of
Iown exhibitors have fine stock nt tho Chi
cago stock show and especially the Iowa
agricultural experiment station, nnd a
much larger exhibition of Iowa stock would
be given nt some place In Iowa. It Is nlso
considered prohnblo that unless Des Moines
secures tho International show thcro will
be a winter exhibit of flno stock In Dcs
Moines by nn Independent organization, to
supplement the exhibitions by tbo Stnto
Agricultural society,
(.'iilirthiiuse Pinna Completed.
The plans for the new courthouso for
Polk county arc practically completed, the
architects now being engaged In going over
tho plans for changes suggested by the
Judges and by county officials. TIw rough
draft of the courthouse, which Is to be
commenced this winter. Is 'for a building
2.10 feot long and ISO feet wide, with a
tower 192 feet high. Thero wilt bo flvo
courtrooms to accommodate tho courts of
this county.
lleiiltli llonril ltepiirts nn .Imnllpiix.
The State Board of Health today received
Information of the fact that there were
nlghty-six cases of smullpox in Sioux City
during the month of November. Nothing
further has been heard from tho epidemic
at Ida Grove. News comes from tho In
dian reservation In Tama county tbnt
whereas nf the start the Indians took
kindly to the Idea of going Into tents, and
lying on cots nnd that they were sub
mitting gracefully to vaccination, tho In
dians have suddenly tnken a different tack
and rcfuso to submit to vaccination. Tho
state sent several tents there nnd moro
were ordered, but will not be needed un
less the Inillnna become convinced that
tho state Intends them no harm, Tho rooms
of the State Board of Control In tho Iowa
capltol have been fumigated becuuso small
pox broke out In tho family of ono of tho
stenographers, but no danger Is appre
hended from this source.
Prison NehoolN .Monthly Ileporl,
Tho report for the month of November
from the prison school at Anamosa allows
that attendance Is Increased and deport
ment Improved. Thoro wns a total enroll
ment for the month of 18.1 nnd an average
attendance of forty-eight. Of thoso enter
ing during the month one could neither
read nor write nnd three could not write,
ono wat a graduate of a collego and four
had received high school educations. Asldii
from their ability to read and write, twelvo
were very poorly .educated. Three new
elastics wore organized during tbo month
and bookkeeping Is being taught as In High
Ciinipnur la Ilciuly for Mnslrr In,
Company A. Fifty-first regiment, Iowa
National guard, will be mustered In next
Tuesday evening In this city. Tho company
takes tho placo of a company mustered out
some time ago. It Is expected that this
company will be uniformed and be ready to
attend the Inauguration exercises In Janu
ary. On Monday evening the compnny at
Wltersct will open a now armory which has
been especially fitted up for It. This com
pany Is a new one and cnptalned by Sen
ator Croasley of Madison county.
.N'eiv Telephone Coinpnny OrKnul.ed.
Tho Dayton Telephone company of Web
ster county has been organized with $10,000
capital; J. A. Llndhcrg, president; H. E.
Nelion, secretary.
Noldler lnenriorne,
The town of Soldier In Monona county to
day flled a transcript of tho proceedings by
which It has become an Incorporated town
and received a charter to do business as a
Or. On 111 MrDIII.
LEAVENWORTH, Dec. 4, Dr. D.wld Mc-
1)111. surgeon nt the United States peniten
tiary nt Fort Leavenworth, died today from
the otfects of u stroke of apoplexy suffered
last Thursday. Dr. McDIII wns 41 years
old. Ho was appointed n year ngo from
Burlington, la. Ho wns also n prominent
Mason nnd Elk. Tho body will ho sent to
Monmouth, III., Ills old home, for Inter
ment. John Cm-roll,
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 4, (Special.)
.John Carroll. S2 venrs nf nee. Hied nl hln
home, nine miles south of Plnttsmouth,
Monday. The funernl services were held
this afternoon, Mr. Carroll wns one of
Cass county's pioneer settlers, having
crossed tho Mltsourl river and bomesteaded
the farm on which he died In 185S. Ho
leaves a large family.
.Former Foetal Olllelnl.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. General A. D.
Hazen. who was third Assistant nnstninster
orpnnrnl under PoHtmnnter donnrnls Wnnn
maker nnd Blsscll, died ut his residence In
this city last night. He wns 61 years old.
r- in. i ,
Hen jlempcl, Vctei-im.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Dec. 4. fSneclnl
Telegram,) Ben Hompcl, 03 years of age,
pure. The critical ordeul through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is ,bo fraught with dread, pain, Buffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to bp either puinfttl
or dangerous. The U6e of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy always jBI MM jM. U , . W
p.ppliedcxtcrnally.and SmBm MMM MM M 9i
has carried thousands M WM M U, M M JF H
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering. m mJm
Send for fr boot containing Information flaV MMMfMMlm
nf prlcelria valu? to all expectant mothers, S MD M MWUM
Thi IrtdfleltJ ntiviattr Cp Atl.nti, Q.
i tiled suddenly at his homo tonight of heart
failure. During the. clvlt wnr ha nerved ill
j Colonel Hubert LivlORston'H First N'ehritXt
j regiment. He lived here forty years.
Indue Toll,
DKNVEIl. Dec. . Judge Charles H Toll,
who was elected attorney general of tho
state of Colorado In 1880, serving one term,
fell dead of npoploxy In his office today.
He was born at llaldwlnsvllle. N. Y.. In
1W0. His wife Is a wlster of former United
States Senator Wolcott.
.Mrs. I.uej- llunrilninii Smltli,
IlOCHESTEn. N. Y.. Doc. 4. Mrs, Lucy
Boardninn Smith, 82 years old, nn associate
of Susan B. Anthony In the enrly da)s of
the woman's suffrage movement nnd until
her death an earnest supporter of that
cause, Is dead at her home here.
Ki-Ciimrenninn I. N, Kvitu.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4. Hon. I. New
ton Evans of Hathoro, Pn., who wns n mem
ber of congress for the Forty-fifth, Forty
eighth nnd Forty-ninth sessions from the
Seventh dlstrlrt of Pennsylvania, Is dead
nt his home here, nged 74 years,
urelmnOM Wrlmore Toliiicen Compnny
ST. LOt'lS, Deo. 4. The nnnouncemrnt
from New York that the Contliientiil To
bacco company had purchased tho control
of Ht. Louis wns confirmed today by Vice
President Wlllhim F. Donovan, who stilted
that circulars Imd been Issued to the trade,
advising ilenlerH that the compnny had dis
posed of Its business, brands, trade murks,
etc., tn thnt company.
Formal notice of the absorption of the
M. C. Wetmore Tobacco company by the
Cantlnentnl Tobacco company was Issued
today lo dealers In tun following statement:
"Having decided tn discontinue the manu
facture of tobacco wo havo sold our brandi,
trademarks, !e,if nnd freshly manufactured
tobneco tt tho Continental Tobacco com
pnny and have cancelled all unfilled order
on hnnd, All orders for brands heretofore
madi by us should bo submitted to the Con
tinental Tobacco company, 111 Fifth avenue.
New York."
Knloinu nnd Petit Multrr the Only
I'nvorlte tu Cnptnre
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4,-Knloina nnd
Petit Maltrn wcro the only winning
favorites today. In a breakuwny In the
llrst rnco Eliza Dillon ran out u mile nnd,
brushing ngnlnst the fence, threw Cogs
well, who lind the mount. T. Dean wits
substituted by tbo Judges, iih Cogswell's
leg was Injured slightly. In the first nice
Slg Levy's bridle rein broku nnd 1 lothenuil
Jumped off. Itesults:
First rnco. selling, five furlongs: O'llngen
won, Tho Boston second, Man third: Time:
l:0!i. .
Second race, selling, one nnd three-eights
miles: Judge Stendmnn won, Swordsman
second. Adnietus third. Time: 2:26.
Third nice, hnndlcnp, six furlongs: Kn
loina won. Serpent second, Slphoou third.
Time: l:lfi?i.
Fourth race, Handicap, one nine ami sev
enty yards: Petit Multre won. Jessie Jnr
boo second, Joo Doughty third. Time:
1:4". - . .
Fifth race, six furlongs: Lou woods
won. If You Dnre second. Royal Sterling
third. Time: 1:10.
Sixth race, one mile, selling: John null
won, Frank M second. Little F.lkln third.
Time; 1:11.,
I'nalK-Tlpton Sule Clime".
NEW YORK. Dee. 4.-Thls wns the lust
day of tho Fnslg-Ttpton sale of light har
ness horses, which bus been In progress
eight days. During the entire snle tliern
wure, 0X1 borsen disposed of nt a grand
totnl of StiXMno, nn Hveraco of $531.jU per
bend. The nex't sale will tnkn nhice In
Jununry, nt which the entire stuck of (ien-
ernl Jloiijnniln c. 1 rncy s inrin. with tun
exception of tho yearlings, will bo offered,
Kxiielleri from Akkic liitlun.
CHICAGO. Pec t. For entering his
hnrse, Fred Wilton, under the assumed
nivmo of Ornus In n nice nt Bucyrus, O.,
last ,iuiy, in wnicn no currieii on mciuihi
money, A. .T. Day of Cleveland, O., bus been
expelled from the trncks under tho control
of tho American Trotting nKsoclntlon,
Hltt fin m c nt Mnufm-il.
It has been definitely decided that tho
University of Michigan eleven wilt play
Stanford Now Year's day.
Seven Hounds iSettle Siinehe..
CINCINNATI, Doe. 4.-Kugonc Bezennh
of Covington, Ky knocked out Kmll San
chez of Buffalo In the seventh round beforo
tho Abbey Athletic club hero tonight,
Wnr Jinrvl vnn Itememhereil by the
Geuernl Government.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. (Special.) The
following pensions hnve been Issued:
Issue of November 11:
Nebrnskti: Original August Lucke, Cort
land. $6: Jiinies S. Wllilunis. Lutes. $0:
Jnmes A. Trncy. Atkinson. V Wllhird C.
Woodworth. Exeter, $. Increase, Restora
tion, Reissue, etc. John W. Anton. Au
rora. S; AVIIIIum Kern. Arcadia, $1-: John
D. Vnndovnrt, Brock, $S; .Thomas M. Loo,
Wclltleet. $10; Thomiis J. Wright. Red
cloud. $10. Original widows, etc. (Special
accrued, November K), Snrnh A, Brown,
Ogallnla, $12.
lowu: Orlglnnl Kirk AV. Klngsloy,
Strawberry Point, $fi. Increase. Restora
tion, Reissue, nlc Wesley II. Jay, Audu
bon, $10; Alexander M. Norrls, Nevada. $12;
Samuel "W. I Union, Glenwood, $sj John
Reynolds. Osceola, $17: Uzal V. AVblte,
Centcrvllle, $17: James M. Gregg, Fnlrlleld,
$rt; Jnmes I. Early, Hlleman. $10: Lyman
CI. Stnven, Miirton City, $12: Lucius P.
Adams. CorrcctlonvHIe. $S. War with
Spain Percy B. Stephens. Dubuque, 18.
Orlglnnl widows, etc. (Special nccrucd No
vember 10) Lydhi A. Strunk, Hentonspott,
JS; Louisa J. Franklin, 1 lampion, $12; Juno
Gregory, .Auketiy. $S.
Colorado: Original -(War with Spaln
John E. Iivley. Colorado Springs, $21. In
crease, Restoration, Reissue, etc. .lames
(3. Peudletiin, Longmoiit, $!; John A.
Johnson, Mlrago, $s. Orlglnnl widows, etc,
(Special accrued, November IB) Kntlo
Rompf, Pueblo, $S; Fnnues Carter, Will
sciiburg, $8.
Advimce In AVimo.
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. I, The Twin City
Rapid Transit company, operating nil the
Htrrct ear lines In Minneapolis, St, Paul
nnd Stillwater, today announced n raise In
the wages of Its motormen. r.illwny mo
tnrmen and conductors averaging !! cents
an hour, to take effect Jununry 1 The
new ratn will be IS cents nn 110111 for men
employed less than six months nnd 20
cents for those employed longer than that
period. Tho order affects over ROO men.
Hurl II, Dumnnt, I'uhlielier, l'nl.
CHICAflO. Dec. I. The publishing busl
iichs of Karl It. Dumont of :io Deiirhorn
street Iuih been .placed In tbn bands of
Oeorgo W, Stanford iih receiver. This no
tion was taken after the filing of a volun
tary petition In bankruptcy by the pub
lisher, who asks to bo relieved of an In
debtedness of $2.Vi,om, The assets of the
petitioner amount to $537,uo0, Tho largest
creditors In tho list nro less Ohio firms.
No womnn's happi.
ncsfi can be complete
AYithout children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
ns much so ufi
it is to loA'C tilt!
beautiful and
Dyspepsia Cure
The process of digestion Is simply explained. In tho iIkhiUi,
food Is masticated and mixed with saliva contalniiifr a dlKestant
called ptyalln. In tho stomach, It Is acted upon by gastric Julco
coiitalnltig pepsin, which digests albuminous foods. In tho
Intestines, pancrcatln M added lo digest fats and sturclus.
Indigestion always indicates an Insuillclcnt anioilntof ono or
all of thoso dlgostante. At llrst thought It seems proper to abstain
from foods not easily digested; but rellectlou shows us that,
while this n (Turds relief by giving tho weakened organs less to
do, .It only makes them weaker by giving them less nourishment.
If you suffer from Indigestion, the only right thing to do la to
cat a generous variety of food and digest It by using suchii
preparation as Kodol DvsPKrsiA Cuhi:, which contains all tho
known dlgcstants, and completely digests what you cat. '
It can't help but do you good
Prepared by K. C. DcWItt &('., Chicago. Tho II. ImttlocontalnsS'S limes
When you need a soothing and healing application for plies fsrcTfTn t YTlTlTi
diseases, uso DeWITT'S Witch llazol SALVE. Ucwaro of counterfeits
To Dealers
Y011 tickle us,
We tickle you.
That Sells and Pleases Your Trada
The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la.
Fully Ripe
Made from the choicest of selected
Rye, and distilled under every pre
caution, Insurinc the highest nutrient
Undergoes thor
ough ageing before
Ills sold, and in this
state of fullest de
velopment It is the
perfection of Rye
It is particularly
recommended to'
woman because of
its age and excel
lence. FnM at Mil flrt-rU taTm I,t Johbfrf.
U M. 1.ASA1U.N A SON, )lltlnir.. Mil
8 fc-
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha
Method neyr, -without
C.lttlllE, ')f4l jt Ion
nf time.
CXiDUII iecuraaroriiennutnpoon
tbornua-hlr cleauaed from
the ajralem.
Soon every lnn and symptom
illaamieara romnletelr and fnreTer. lla
"BUE AKINO OUT" ot the Ulaease on tha skin
or face. Treatment contains no dangeroui
driii: or Injurlons mrfllclnv.
WEAK MEM from F.xrrssex or Victims
to Nkuvouh debility or KxiuijJTtorr,
Youito nnd Mttt:.K Acid, lack o! rim. vlgot
and strength, wltn orRanv Impaired andneak.
STRICTURE cured trlth a, new llomt
Treatment No pain, tio detention from fcuil
Du. Kidney nnd llladdee 'iTnubles.
Consultation I rre. lrritmcnt by Mill.
Call on on or uddresa 1 19 So. 14th Sti
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb.
Men Suffering
from lo of iiervoiia force often owe
thelrcondltion to youthful iRiiorauce
that fearful enemy to health.
His the hiiidncM of science to 1 epalr
the datiiaRe caused hy the thoughtless
practices of youth,
Nervoua IJehlllly never nets well of
Itoelf. Its victims drng throimh a
mlserahle existence, weak, llslleu,
literally feed the hmifrry nerves, Rlvini;
them the precise 1 u g re die 11 ta de.
m.nideil hy nature, Thli wonderful
remedy ruret Nen-ous Debility, top
nil draino, replacea waited tiue,
aenda rich, wnnn life blood tlmttlnK
throiiRh every part, maklnn every or.
ftannctnud c.iusiiiK you lo glow with
SI (10 per box: Bboxe (with piar.ut.
lee in cure), $"i.riO, po-ik free.
rr aale by Kuhn ft Co., Fuller Paint a
Drui; Co., umahuj Ulllou'a Drug atoru.
Kouth Omaha, nnd Oavia lit us Co.. Council
Typewriters !
New Century.
New Detismore.
New Yost.
W sell, rent, exchanire, repair type
writers. Everything considered speed, (rrado
of work, cost nf keeplnr In ropalr,
durability, etc. our nre by all oddi
the cheapest typewrltera on tho
For Information renardlnit type
writers, address or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
InU Farnim St., Omaha.
what you
You Send Us Your Orders, We Ship You
l'lillmnn I'lilnco Sleeping Oils. ThroiiKii
Without Chance, livery Woclt
iltiy. via
Mffoillvc Miiiulny, Janti.iry r,, lifii, the
iUn Knur' will operate through Pull
man HcrvUc. I'hlriKo ami lliilliiliai
oII.m tn Ht. AiiKtiMtlnu, without cliiiiiRt,
via I'liicliiuatl ami "(Jilcen & t'ron
cent"' Houthcrii Hy. riant Hyotcin
nml Florida Knot I'oant. Sleeper will
run 011 "IiIk h'our" rru.ilnr train No.
IS. In connection with the nuiKnlllcctit
"Olilc-ipo ami 1'liirliln Special" from
t'liiclmiatl The train innxlHtH 'if
vr.sriiiiM.rn iiaouacii: cah.
sciiniH 1,1: or 't in;
l.v. Chicano, oally except Kniulay :it.i
1 v. I.nfayi tte, dally except Siui.av
l.v. ItidtuuapollH. dally ccept Sunday ;.'!
Lv. OrecnclnirK, dally except Sunday ":;ia
Ac. t'lnclnnatl, pally except Sunday !:ii.",
Ar .lackHonvUle, dally except .Mimilny . .
Ar. St. AiiKimtlne, daily except Mondn.. ..:::('!
l'or full lufoiniatlon and particular as iu,
1 hedllleH. rate.", tlclietu, etc., cull 1111 .lKeli's
' HlK lour Ituiitc," or nddicHH Hie .irufci'
VAIMti: .1. M'.M'II, W. :. JMIPI'I'..
Gen. r.ins. & rit. ki. Asit a. v. a r. a.
IH W ml i'iiI lil.J fl
Every Reader
of The Bee certainly has
something he wants to
"T'he way to pet rich Is to nell
Anything you hnve nnd cannot
use, mid buy what you need, Ht
IIib bent price possible.
TThe wny to nccnmpllKh both in to
ninlte your iviintn known
thrmiKh our cheap "elnnslllcd"
nils. They ro directly to 30,
(mu fnmllleM, nnd for a few ccnti
you Ret Into communication with
the mnu you want and who want
"plicfc columns nre here or the
convenience of xiibKcrlherH; try
them and see what a great con
venience they nre,
1 nok nbout you nnd note some nf
" the ihlnitB you nre ntixlous lo
dispone of; some onn waiits them;
turn them Into cnxh.
Write out a brief ml. nnd mall or
brltiK- It to The lice advertis
ing; department.
pnte, Pjc n word flrr.t Insertion,
1c a word thereafter. Nothing
tnken -for less llvin 2Se for the
llrnt Insertion. Tliese advertise
ments must be run roiiHccutlvely.
r odny Is the best time to nttend
1 to It.
. o
ttlttee llniira, n n.
fiMiiiliiya, from H a, n
111. to It ii. rn.
. tn T 11, 111,
DR. McGREW ( Aga63
llUeunea unit DNiii ilei ot .lieu
VU Veiira' i:i I'ii-iii'i-. Iff li'iii'i.
VARICOCELE .V .ar" 10 llH"
QVDUII 10 and all illood Ulsrasns curea
OlrnlLIO for llle All breakliiB out and
fclsns of lliii disease disappear ut once.
OVER 20,000 KSTuy.4" uJf WW
und all umiti ttiral weuknesHs of men.
(stricture, tJleet Kidney mid Hladder Uli
eaties, Hydrocele cured permanuntly.
i iii'i-n (iiiiiriiiilei d. .iii-Hillutloii I'rcc.
Treutment ny mull, P. O, llo-7,
Otfico over 'iU H. Hlh street, between l-ar-nam
and OuiikIuh SIk., OMAHA. NKH,
aV9t$ $& destw cetneeep
Cl . i
Ri t (t) 6 ()a) trwaon