12 THE OMAITA DAILY TVER. TTIVIJSDA V, PKCKMliFK 5, 1001. COLORADO IS COMING BACK 1711! itn Bs Enrtlltd ii Epnbllci Riki Oioo Mm, K M. STEVENSON ON THE OUTLOOK JVatlnnnl ('ntnmlttppinnii IVrla Very Hopeful of llpdppniliin; llli Slnte from Hip Control of ronton Xrxt Vrnr. "We watched Nebraska's late senatorial contest with keenest Intercut, and I pre tint Nebraska Is watching Colorado's ac tion with much tho t,ani feeling," nald Hon. A. M. Stevenson of Denver at the Her Grand botel yesterday. .Mr. Stcvcnspn Is re turning from i visit ot Inspection to his broad acres In northwestern Iowu nbovo Bloux City, accompanied by J, S. Moodle, a rnlno owner, and II. J, Mayham, n promoter, both of whom also are from Denver. Mr. Stevenson has long been conspicuous in Colorado polities and Is particularly so nt thin time, when ho Is considered among venatorlal possibilities. In speaking fur ther of matters political he said! "Tho Nebraska contest was ended, 1 thought, very happily, nlthough It hcemcd to me and to most of thoso who watched It from across Htnto bounary lines that Mr. jRosnwatcr and Mr. Thompson were thy pnc-B to whom tho offices really belonged. Jt know both tho men finally named, how arvor, and have respect for and confidence in them as men of the right business quail Bentlons. "In tho Colorado contest to be wanod thorn will be, to start with, a free-for-all plan, and to make any definite forecast Bow would bo useless, for tho legislature Is stilt In doubt, tho half of the senate Membership so far elected boltig ot demo cratic complexion, Republicans wcro given fnuch encouragement by tho returns of ihe sst eloctlon In tho comities outside of Arapahoe, and feel very hopeful, but not nbsoluUly secure, for In tho stato senat tho democrats will have tho advantage) of several hold-overs. In fact, the whole situation at this time Is one on which ! do )aot caro to bnBO predictions for publication. CnmllilMtm fur finvprnnr, "Naxt fall our republican energies will be groused to the possibilities of electing a republican governor despite free sliver, to which a certain demagogue element Is ntlll trying to hold tho people. In this again, ther will bo evident tho fact that Colorado lias moro statesmen than any other state In thn union of tho same population. No one can bo said to have yet become moro prom inent than tho others, but among those most frequently talked of are Frank C. Ooudy, who has good claim on tho nomina tion becauso of his energetic battle for tho offlco last time; J. V. Springer, presi dent of tho National Live Stock association, now In session In Chicago, nd ncnernt Irving Hale, of whom Denver Is especially proud becauso of his record In that city ns u boy and of his record t West Point, which stands today un rqualcd by that of any other young man who ever nttnndcd through tho full course. (Jencral Halo won his stars In tho Spanish-American wnr. Outsldo of Denver thero In Irving Howbcrt, a proml aont banker of Colorado Springs, and Thomas F. Walsh, tho generous enter tainer, who, though at present In Wash ington, Is resident In Ouray, where he has extensive mining Interests." Concerning President Roosevelt's message Mr. Stovonson said: "It Is refreshing to read a. message of such originality. Itooso Tolt has a better acquaintance with the west than any man ever beforo In tho prcsl doutUl chair, and I feel certain that thu people of Colorado will bo delighted with It, for his recommendations concerning Irriga tion of arid lands and other developments In which wo wero particularly Interested are really moro than wo could havo es poctcd. I expect much benefit to tho wholo vest from his administration nnd am cer tain that he Is stronger than over with my Btnte." Mr. Etovenson's visit In Omnba Is to be brief, for ho has only somo personal busi ness with tho railroad companies to attend to, tho matter being In roferenco to ship-(itng. CHINESE EDITOR IS COMING Vk I'hoii riipiv of Sim KrnnpUfo Will J.prtnrp In Onmhn i ' ' Thuradny. Ng Poon Chew, a Chinese idltor of San Francisco, accompanied by his American manager and two Chinese ahsUtants, tho Messrs. I.owc, will arrive In Omaha to day to glvo a froo lecture anl enter tainment, at tho First Presbyterian church. Mr. Chow- will peak on tho subject, "Tho CrUU In China," which Is said to be a tsr lecturo, sparkling with wit and humor. Ills two assistants, who nppear In native costume, will sing In both Chlneso and American and will play on Oriental In struments. Mr. Chew la highly educated In English, nnd while ho spcuks without a truce of his Mongolian origin, Is thoroughly ersed In affairs of tho Flowery kingdom. buchananTells his home Grnrrnl I'nftarngrr AhpiH of 1ip Klk horn Dlaitoam of U Ileal deuce to John If, llrnnii, n. C. Peters & Co. report tho salo of the residence of J. It. Iluchanan on Thirty eighth street north of Farnam to John H. Brown. Tho property consists of a lot BfixltO foot and u twelve-room pressed brick house, con structed a lew years ago. Tho considera tion Is given as $10,000. Mr. Drown will Immediately occupy tho house, and for tho present Major Iluchanan nnd family will oc cupy rooms f.t a boarding house. A coated tongue, foul broath and clogged condition In tho bowels miggostH tho use of Prickly Ash Hitters. It Is Just suited for uch ailments. Christmas sale at First Prcsbytcrlau church Friday, Decembor C, beginning at 10 . m. and continuing through tho after noon and ovenlug. Turkey dinner from II to 2 o'clock. Price. COc. THE PRESIDENT SAYS that the government must control trusts. Bo far we have neon able to hold down the Omaha drug trust without tbo aid of the government, but If it becomes desper ate and unmanageable we'll call on Mr. Roosevelt because ho says In his big piece printed In tho papers that he's "fornlnst" the trusts. 50c Omega Oil 40c SI. 00 Temntatlon Tonta .15a 11.00 Peruna Co 11 Parisian Hotr Tonlo (guaranteed).,,, 75o tl.CO Iler'B Malt Whisky- 7So J1.00 Wine of Cardul 5!o 11.00 Butler's Female Ilegulator 75o Mo Cramer's Kidney ('urn 40a J5c Laxative Ilromo Quinine 1'Jo V6o quinucentoi, iesi tor corns vxi 12.00 Cramer'H Tatisy and Cotton Root and Pennyroyal Pills , .tl.oo Qet our prices on runner goons all Kinds. PAYS THE JUDGMENT IN FULL .Nnlrl nnd Cimipnny Petite filth FrnnU llolotirlippk After KIkIiI I rnrV I'lutit. After a fight of eight years Swift and Company yesterday paid In full tho Judg ment against It of ?9,02S.73 In favor of Frank Holourbeck for personal Injuries sustained while defendant was In tho employ of plain ttlf, Tho case has a varied history of re versals, appeals, remanding nnd re-trials. Jacob I. Kaley fought tho case for plaintiff In the early part of 1S!I3 Holourbeck was hurt at the company's plant and on April 1C of that year he Instituted suit to recover damages In the district court of Dougtaa county. On March 11, 1893, ho secured a verdict awarding, him $3,000, Judgo Hope well gave Judgment for this amount on this verdict six weeks later. Swift and Company appealed tho case to tho supreme court, where tho Judgment was reversed. Holourbeck moved for n rehear ing and this was dcnioil, but. tho case was remanded back to the district court for trial The matter finally camo up In ISM and on May 27 of that year a second verdict was secured, this time for $ll,r,00. The Judg ment for the amount followed In June. The defendant tht time carried tho case up on error and tho supreme court again reversed the Judgment. Plaintiff asked for a rehearing, which was granted. As a result tho supreme rourt on rehearing affirmed the Judgment nnd ordered a rcmltltur of $1,000. Finally, on November IS last, tho mandate of the supreme court was filed In the district court hero nnd yesterday Holourbeck re ceived bis money. Huy It. Try It. You will never change your brand. Cook's Imperial Extra l)iv Champagne never falls to please. CR0WELUS CASE GOES OVER .IiiiIup MtniKPr nt Anxloita to llrtiis ."nfnllpos loreateit Itnl .Men to Onto tin. SOHAEFER'S Cut Prix Drug Store Tat. tT. . ft. Cr. llk ui OkloAB iANotpm WmMM t ui tn ate, United States Deputy Marshal James Allan came In from Itancroft, Neb., Tues day night, having In custody Ocorgo Crowell, a farmer whose home is nine miles east ot tho town nnd who Is charged with Belling liquor to the Indians of tho Omaha reserva tion In south Thurston county, Just across the lino from his farm In Burt county. Crowell will bo released on furnishing $100 ball, which he Is amply able to do, and his case goes over to the May term. One reason for the deferment Is the fact that Judge Mungcr has no desire to bring to Omaha and into his court thoso noblo red men ot tho Omaha reservation when their neighbors, the Wlnnobagos, Immediately to the north, have smallpox still nmong them. Don't forget to use a little Prickly Ash Hitters whenever tho stomach or bowels arc disordered. It quickly corrects such troubles and makes you feol bright and cheerful. A I.oiik .Tourney. Means extra money for meals and Incident als, and a wnsto of valuable tlmo enroutc. Why Incur unnecessary expenso anil delay In traveling via circuitous routes when you can ride in the finest trains on a perfectly ballasted track, over a dlroct routo. Tho fast trains of tho Union Pacific reach San Francisco and Portland, from Omaha, 15 hours ahead of nil competitors. City ticket oftlco, 132 1 Farnam, 'Phone 316. f rj.OO for n Half n ITnyS Work. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tho farmers nnd stockralsers in tho neigh borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four or five houra work. Write us nnd wo will send you our proposition. The Ileo Publish ing uompnny, Solicitor's Dept., Omahn, N'eb. Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Shumpoolng and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with the Bathory, 216-220 Boo building. Telephone 1716. Publish your legal notices In the Weekly Ilee. Telephone 238. milt). WOODWARD-Mrs. Minnie, wife of John I,. Hester. December 3 at 5 p. m. at 41" William street. Kunernl Friday, December 6, 9 n. m nt St. .Phllomena's church. Interment Holy Hcntileh re. DOHKUTV Miss Annie, at the homo ot her brother, Joseph Dohcrty, 952 North Twctity-llftI) nvenue. Kunernl from St. John's Colleglnto church. Twenty-fifth nnd California, nt 9 o'clock Thursday morning, Decembers. GIVE A LOOK at our fine assortment of band and triplicate mirrors. Nothing more dainty or useful for ray lady's toilet table. These mirrors como in ehony, mahogany nnd Kngllsh oak heavy bevel glass, extra fine quality but tho prices are regular bargain counter style $1.00 up. Our line of holiday goods Is larger than usual and the prices lower. It's an easy matter to select your Christmas gifts here. The storo Is full of useful and dainty novelties. MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO. 16TH AND FARNAM S?TS. Fine Whiskies Rattled in bond. ft Slie !er' Mnlt 00 o Old Tnjlor, per at....qil.00 V, II. Mollrnyer, (.CedurlirooV) ..St.flO For the Ladies "Sevonty-Sfivott Delicious DIkIicr," n dainty little hou vimlr vook book free, with our eonutllnu'iits. Given froo to all who call. Pure California Wines (bottle-ripe), 35c, 60c and 75c quart. Out-of-town ordortt promptly tilled. City orders delivered. CACKLEY BROS. wnoi.KH.ii.rc i.iciroit merchants. Opposite Pnstnftlcr. Telephone J 14b. AOBNT8 FOR THE CELEBRATED HUNTER RYE WHISKY. DEBATE ON CONSOLIDATION EdiUri of TTs.kly Pap.ri Talk B.f.r Ritl IDEAS ON THE QUESTION EXCHANGED Hsppi'lnl ioltloii to I'llin, lint III ertrpiicp of Views n to the DetiilU nml Method of I'roenrdtire. The meeting of tho Ileal Estate exchange yesterday was one of tho largest ever held by tho organization, tho notice ot tho pros enco of tho publishers of weekly papers to discuss the subject of the change In tho form of municipal government being tho cause. J. S. Knox, on behalf of tho taxntlon com mittee, briefly explained tho position of tho exchango on tho subject, saying that the oxchnngo had no grlevnnco against any officeholder or political party of any of tho cities or county, simply believing thnt less expenso would result for a consolidation of the governments. Tho oxchnngo has no pet theory or plan, but simply for thn Idea of u reduction of thn expenses of government. J. O. Kelly of the South Omaha Journnl Stockman said that ho could sto no disad vantage to como from consolidation; that everything to bo said must bo said In Its favor, and that poor business policy Is shown in maintaining two city governments. Ho said that the combination would result In better postal facilities nt less expunso to tho government. J. E. Regan, representing the Quill, ssld that tho policy of tho Quill would bo di reefed by the County Democracy and that tho club members residing In tho city favored tho Idea and that all of tho opposi tion came from tho members from tho coun try and South Omaha Tho club has taken no position In the mattor. but tho speaker believed that opposition Is only duo to lack of Information. Ho said a plan should be outlined beforo newspnpor discussion Is taken up. Clement Chase of tho Excelsior said that ho thought the question of constitutional limitation should bo settled; that it Is In tcrefltlng to noto that men not usually seen In public gatherings aro hero taking part and thnt an answer to tho question pro pounded by Mr. Kount.e should be an swered beforo practical steps can be tnken. leaving the question of consolidation, Mr. Chase took up the question of the pro posed now hotel to bo erected by P. 12. Her. "Thero Is nothing," ho said, "that helps the rotull trade like n constant flow of visitors, and nothing stimulates thin flow like goon hotels." C. Vincent of the Central Farmer said that he favored the plan of consolidation and that when the people aro united on tho subject the means to carry It out will be found. Ridley's Cloaks On Snle Thursday nt Less Than Half of Rid- I ley's Prices Unusual Saving Opportunities ALSO VERY RDMARKABLE BARGAINS in WOMEN'S PURNISIIINGS Chlcnga nml Return fl4.75. On December 1, 2, : and 4 the Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to Chi cago and return at rato of J14.75, limited until December S. For particulars call at city ticket office, H02 Farnam street, or address W. H. Drill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R., Omaha, Neb. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Pathcry. 216-220 Deo building. Telephone 1716. Re perfect American Shoe Porosis at $3.50 Always The Ideal Shoe for women, fitting thn feet like custom work. Some linos of $3.50 Shoes may look like J5.W Shoe, but Sorosls aro t5.X values, selling at 13.50 always. THE SURPASS WELTS at $2.50 always Is our other line of women's shoos. Q which bus no equal at anywhere ne-.ir our price. We carry no maehlnn sewed Hhoes, Of sires and kind there Is a complete asHortinonl. Also tho finest Hue of children's Shoes In the city. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, iMgr. Send for Catalogue. Do You Smoke? We sell the Henry (ieorKe, lulnnil of Cnbn, 0. II. It.. Supreme .Itmtice, St. .lumen, I.lttle Tom. - Utile Nnnoua, nonster, 5c Each 7 Huhcrl llurim, 121 Teleicrnfo, Ann Held, Tom Moore, Cuptnlii Mnrrynt, Knnonn, 1. u Hlneerlilod, Kl Prlnelue Dr Fifties, Cltnneellor, SOc Each. Telephone Ull), DRUG AM) PAINT 14th mull Uuuilu Sta. FULLER CO. A Rare Treat for Christmas Is our Mctz lager beer There's no bettor beer brewed than this, and Its purity nnd flavor make It as popular as it Is wholesome. It gives health and strength to those who uso It. Woil deliver at your houso In cases of 2 dozen quarts or pints, Leave your order today Metz Bros. Brewing Go. Tel. ltll, Omulin. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Niutuayor JIoteU-CouBcll Blults, Iowa. Women's S25, SJO and SJ5 Stllsh Jack. els, $9.98 Wo ottor you tho choloo of 125 stylish short Jackets, all mado ot tbo finest materials, Including Hug lleli kersey, cheviots, Venetians, vicu nas, etc., heavy satin, brocaded silk nnd tailor twilled linings, some have Persian lamb and Krlmmcr collars and rovers, they are all tailor stitched and strap trimmed. It Is the choicest lot of women's flno Jackets, ever shown In the city, tho cheapest ono In tho entire lot Is worth $15, nnd tho ma jority Ridley sold for $25, J30 and 135, nil go on salo Thursday at 19.98. Women's Jackets worth up to 810.00, various materials, all colors, on salo at 13.60. Women's Dress Skirts tnndo of all wool homespun materials, In now grays, graduated flounce, with stitched bands of taffeta, $0.00 values, at J2.98. Women's Silk Skirts worth 811.30, on sale at 15.98. Women's Silk Skirts worth 5U2.C0, on sale nt 110.00. l.onjf Coats at S6.50 Tnclutllrtgr CO-ln. Newmarkets, 42-Inch Automobiles, 58 Inch Raglans, nn elegant assortment of stylish nnd high grade garments, your choice of tho entlro lot' 10.50. 42-Inch Automobiles thnt sold In tho regular way up to 121.50, on salo at 114.50. Full Length Raglans with yokes, half lined. In oxfords and various col ors, special 19.98. Women's Tailor-made Suits nowest stylo and choicest fabrics, 122.BO and 125.00 values, Thursday, 110.00. Women's Tailor-made Suits tho choic est from the Rldloy stock, they sold them up to 159.00, on sale Thursday at 125.00. JO-lnch Electric Seal Capes full rwecp, heavy satin lining, Ridley's price up to 125.00, special Thursday only 110.00. Women's Astrakhan Jackets fully guaranteed, heavy satin lined, fine flassy curl, Ridley's price 127.50, spe cial 115.00. Imitation Stone .Marten Scarfs clustor ot six tails, Ridley's price 13,00, our prlco 11.98. Collarettes in light one! tlnrk fur combination, different styles of fur, Ridley's prlco 11.00, our prlco 12.50. Golf Skirts nil colors, ncwoat stylos, benutlful materials, extraordinary values, at 14.9S, IG.OS and 19.98, Uld-ley'- prices wcrc Just nbout double. $1.00 Wool Shawls, 50c-hnnd knit wool shawls, hoods, fascinators and children's caps, worth 11.00, at 60c 23c Mittens at 10c Pair ladles' misses and children's all wool mittens, all sizes, at lOo a pair. SOc .Mlllcns at 25c Pair Indies', mlssos' and boys' saxony wool mittens, plain or fancy backs, at 25c a pair. 51.00 Silk .Mittens SOc Pair - indlos' silk mittens In plain and fancy backs, worth 11.00, at 50c a pair. Women's 75c Underwear .19c wotnon'rf flno underwear, In medium and heavy weight, plain nml flecco lined, up to 75c values, nt 39c. 50c Underwear 17 l-2c all tho missos', children's and boys' vests, pants nnd drawers In heavy ribbed nnd fleece lined from thn llldlcy stock, worth up to fiOe, go at 17fec. Ladies' $1.50 Union Suits, 5Bc ladles' all wool union suits In fast black nnd sliver gray, all sl.et, worth up to 11.60, at, each, f.Oc. J5c Hosiery 15c .MlMe' nnd chll droit's all wool heavy ribbed hose, at 15 cents. Ladles' 50c cashmere wool hose, ex tra fine quality, go at 25c pair. All the 60e and 75c all wool knit toques for boys nnd girls. In plain and colors, at 25c. 600 styles of Holiday Slippers for men and women the largest line In tho city 50c to 15.00 a pair. N DEL! s R-rToE ts suns .. Store 1AT ucn ' Bie Price IS Concessions on FINE CLOTHING to do Some Enormous Selling This Week. Men's $10 & storm ulstirs, $5.75 Boy's $7.50 long ovoreoats $3.95 Men's $10 blue sergo suits, $6.00 mm WMUJ Men's Stylish Winter Suits and Overcoats. Harf Schiftner Clothe Suits made of fine 'all wool materiala worsteds, tweeds and cheviots, in blue, black and oxfords, and the new colors. Overcoats in kerseys, vicunas, frieze blue, black and oxford gray, with or without yoke, made to sell for 18 Of A ar--.-.sale price this week 10 1 U YOUNG MEN'S EXTKA FJNE lon? overcoats for young men of ,r to J J) years overcoats made .extra long with or with out yokes, made to retail for 10 to 1S Clfl sale price 5.00. 7.50 and dill Men's extra fine stout and slim suits 1125 sample suits of finest worsted, tweeds and cheviots suits made to retail up to 0r.l:'!"r: S7.50, SIO, $15 Slim stilts come in sizes .IS to 42, Stout stilts come In sizes 30 to 4(1, Don't overlook the black and white, the newest pattern in long overcoats, at 20.00 and $22.50. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. . HOWELL'S Anti-Kawf bark, the cough and the cold what they might do. Only 25c a bottle at the drug store. Wouldn't it be awful if the council would lock every body up who coughed or barked? Yes, it, would bo dreadful if wo didn't have Anti-Kawf to stop the Better not 'risk it. Can't tell K EEL.EY "C e ral ''""I'l"11 lla Kceler arMera of Inatl. piinn (uiea, i nc onir ivreier iMslltnt in Nebraska. Dart. nriiukciiueaa, Curat Drill TJaer.t, Tobacco L'aera. ICKKMJY INSTITtTi:. lit aud I.rrtTPnwortb, Omnba. rnu ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars. fJmuUuUiretf by-F. II IUc Moroantilo Cigar Co., SU Ioul, Uuloa 4lKd Improvements The details that leatl to this trade-events have been marked with the interest the store hears you. To the intelligent lAiyer the display here has a deeper mean ing than the eye-pleasing decora tions carry. In every sense, the store has been active in improv ing its serrice, making trading more ckeerfuL it means that there shall be 110 store here that can do so well by you, nor that can please you so well in the service, in the efforts to entertain, and hold closer relations with you than any other in the popular wide trade intercourse. Boys' Clothing The average clothing store either keeps you busy buying or keeping the clothes in repair. Jt takes carefulest. oiotli making to give, honest goods and honest making to give Hie boy proper service. Wo are not, getting so much of your trade by mere pretensions. A good store this, for the mother and her boy. K,aTairT.r' HAYDEN "Particulars Are in nrrinr- $ the Goods Are In," The entire stock of Goodman & Strauss' jackets, raglans, automobiles, suits, waists and wrappers; Shall & Silberman's rag lans; Max Solomon, kown ns the "King of Skirt Makers," the world over, and Bern stein & Levi's waists in all, between forty and 50,000 worth of ladies' ready-to-wear garments right at your doors, just at the commencement of cold weather and just at the time when you need a winter wrap most. To those of you who haw? waited this is a golden opportunity. In all the history of our cloak department we have never hnd such magnificent bargains all new and stylish, made by the best, manufacturers in the United States and bought by our buyer on his recent trip to New York nt 33 l-3c to 50c on the dollar. Watch this space every day f. r the next fifteen days. You can make up your mind to one tiling, that is your winter gar ment can be bought at less than you ever paid before. 50 do.en women's all wool waists, nicely trimmed with six rows of mohair braid, with tho new sleeve and the new AQf cuff, from the Jt. & L. stock; worth 2.0(f, for H3u 200 women's rainy day skirts from the Max Solomon stock; worth 4.50, for 1.98 Women's rjiRlnns from Goodman Strauss, worth up to JtR.00, for $9.08. r0 dozen women'H wrappura (rom tho Btock of II. Ettclson & Co., worth U.G0, for "He. fiOO sltlrts nlroly trlmmeil with ! and fi rows ot stitched tnffcta or satin, mado ot nil wool serges and cheviots, lined with near sill: and trimmed with silk velvet; n skirt worth $15.00, for $1.90. & j 20f women's Jackets, 27 Inches Ions, mndn of American Woolen Mills' Veraey, Skin ner s satin lined; a garment worth up to $18.00. for $$.P0. BO dozen women'H dressing snrnucs mado In all wool eiderdown, nlrely trimmed la black and colors, worth $2.B0, for fiSo. 100 chlUlron'fl Jackets Svorth $1, for $1.3!V 200 women's automobiles mndn of all wool kerseys, In rnwtors, tans and blacks. worth $ir,.00, for JC.B0. Watch the papers for further particulars from day to day. HAYDEN BROS. BBSS aiSaV-TV m It's None Too Early To think of Your Christmas Buying, Far In advance of nil competition this stare stands 1 pre-eminently In tho first placo for holiday ahnp ping. NOWHKRK EI.SI2 ARR T IIR VAST ASSORT MENTS. NOWIIEUK ELSE ARB THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Dig special sales ovory day In overy department. Toys, Dolls and Games in Profusion The grandest collection of Santa flnus wares nvfr gathered together. WATCH FOR THE REAL UVB SANTA OI.AL'S. HE'S ON HIS WAY TO OUR STORE. The 99c Store, 13I9.JS21 DOUGLAS,