THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DErE.M ItElt 5. 1001. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for (hue colnmni trill tif uUrn until 12 in. for the trpntna edition and nntll S'.ao p. m, for morning unit Hnndny edition, Ratea, 1 J-'Jo a rrord flrct Insertion, In a ward thereafter, Nothing taken Mr Imi than 8fio (nr the flrat laser linn. These art vertlnrtnenta mmt he run r-fniaenBtlvcl-. Advrrtlarre, hr refineitlnar a nam hered check, cn hare nnevrera ad Ireaaed lo a nnmhered letter In care if The llee. Anavrera ao addreated will lie deJIrered oa preaentatlon of the iheok oaljr. SITUATION'S WANTED, YOUNG? man wants a placo to work for L.R.J . 1. 1 , .1 ,.. I. 1 DauU.' IUHIIJ 1111U M.I. leillllll,, ri;uuii uu? pen College, Bcc bldg. Tel. 19SI. A-A1769 PROOFREADER wnnls nosltlnn: also ox. pertenced Jn nnwa nnti advertising de partments. -Address a, win cauiornia. A-M30 8 WANTED MALE II KM. STEADY WORJC. tirofltabte work, for neat. energetic hustlers. C. P. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. u-wi 7 ANTED A good mnti In every county to tako subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make, good wages everywhere. References required. Address, -Twentieth, Century Parmer, Omaha, Neb. B-oi3 300D messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th, js rnn -TfAt.r tiava wnttK. If von llvn In the, ronutrv or III n smnll town and havo n Rood acquaintance among the farmers nnd .stock raisers In me MDiRiiDoriioou you can mane live uoi- lnr mmllv liv fnlir nr (Ivn hnlirs Work. Write us And wo will send yqu our.prppo- i sltloft. Tlio Dee publishing i.'o Hoiiruors Dapt.. Omahu, Neb. ' B-A1213 YOUNrt men for rinllwnv Mall Clerki). In- ter-Stato Corrcs. Inst., Cedar Rapid, la. TRAVELING salesmen: also advertisers, liotlso rallnblc: cash salary. Triumph Co., Dallas, Tex. H-anai-f VTtRRt t.nRKl FREE! Shave or haircut nL tho Molcr Ilarbcr Col- lege, 16SJ Farnitm St.. Sd floor : room for 600 men dally; come und. bring your friends; hours, 9 to 4. B-SI611 6 . . 'tvA.MLUi man iu jfiirn hid uuiun nn.,v, only eight wceka required by our method nf fron euAlmner. exDart Instructions. lecturos, etc.; two years' apprenticeship saved. Last season wo placed 93 gradu ates In hospitals as wanl barbers, 23 on palacu trains, 1&8 In country and city shops nnd have lust arranged to place many more In soldiers' homes at splendid wnees. In unlet to net BlUdelitH enotigu to (III the demnnd we nltow them to earn scholarship, hoard, tools and transporta tion It desired: best opportunity ovor of- rercd. nuniv in 01100 nv man. Aioier imr oer college, ia;i I'lynom hi. u mw tr EVERY SUIT and, OVERCOAT in the house rocs for $5.00 Less than actual Value Until Dec. !5th. Come n And Look. 1 K. T T I - T T ll rX MAKER OF ME N ' S CLOTHES. 1515 FARNAM STREET. Telephone 1857. Open Evenings. v- WANTED, young man to tako caro of norsn ami cow ana deliver goons. Apply IlZJ 11 .MNJ9 b BOOKKEEPBRl stato cxncrlencea and salary expected. Must no noin to givo nonu in sunny company. Address w, Iteo nnice. Houtli umalia. II M8.H l W.IX'IH-FEMAi,E HELP. GOOD girl for general housework. E14 X. 23d. C 818 S WANTED, nt once, saleslady, experienced in Handling nign-ciass nro uric-n-iirnc. urciiaru ,t. muicim uarpct coi i c-8ir 4 WANTED-200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-C03 WANTED Two young- lady students to learn halrdrcHSlng. munlnurlng nml eh - ropody and scientific mnssage. Call or write, lloom 220, ueo mug. C ft.S WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply nt wis Cass before Sunday. C-.M514 GOOD girl for general housowork: 3 In family. 1714 So. 32d 21 6 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrcsslnsr. manicuring and facial massaco: 11 uiilck and thorough schooling by practical .work hikI expert instructions: splendid demand for graduates: busv season now: lain at ' once.- Call or write, Atolur College, 1623 Farnam at. c .M609 6 FIRST-CLASS woman cook tit the. Cudahy resiaurani, over onice. c Mtua u WANTED, girl for general housework at 1424 jsorm win HI, IT S52 WANTED, seamstress to do plain sewlnc. .uis hi. ,,inry a uo. c .MW8 b WANTED, well formed young lady In well known theatrlcnl company for smnll part anil na pugo. wi Jl. ai uonono Hotel. C A1827 6 WANTED, young, lady with good flguro. Apply today, room 134, Jler .Grand hotel. C AIX24 B' WANTED, ealeswomnn for crockery de- parimeni. Address ai u,, nee. C-.M8SS 6 WANTED, young girl to assist In house. work and take caro of baby. 1725 H. ?.ith u u .110 t mOI.P WAXTUI). MALE & femalo help. Call Canadian OlTlco. 061 KOIli ltHNT-IIOlMKM. S SEWAnD ST., 12 rooms and barn; very lino nouse: 1716 and 2719 Poppletou Ave,, 7 and rooms; modern conveniences. ISiO N, 25th 8t 7 rooms ,and. barn, SCKH N. 2lth St.. 13 rooms, modern. BENSON i MYERS. 509 N. Y. Life. D-816 10 Mlddlemls, wallpuper cleaner-' H03 Jackson. u S22 J 3 HOUSES, stofes: Bemfs, Paxton Olock. u on HOUSES, etc. F. I). Wcad, 1521 Douglas. ' HOUSES and flatH. lUngtyalt, Barksr Blk, HOUSES for rt'tit In nil pnrts of the city. urBimiviriAit w uv. uv.iwi 4J111 sireet. UAI ICCC In Jill iiarts of city. Tho O. nUUODO Davis Co., 652 Beo Bids. ' - 1 - iJWi TEN rooms, modern except furnace. 974 i. aim Ave., JOHN W. ROBBlS'S, 1S03 FARNAAI ST, U 870 TO MOVE right get Omaha Vnn Storage co., qiiiij i3ii;i rurii or tel. 1659-ba. D-671 TWO modern houecs. S rooms each, near iam -nu rnninm ni. now uuing inor- oughly overhauled, Rent. 25 Per month 0iiLU & T,U'ST Co" 1UMJ t-ROOM house, 19'per mo. Wi 8. 10th St. D-114 D3 W19 8T. MAHY'S AVE.4 12 rooms, modem, t323 N. 18th. 6-room cottaBe. barn. Others. liinawKii uro-i., jiarncr iuk, u asi 8BVEN-HOOM all modexn house. In pood condition, large yard and .beautiful iltade tni. in rem ior per montii. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., Iftta and Douglas bti. V 91 rou iif.nt-holses. 8-ROO.M modern, except furnace, $22. O. M. .niiingcr, uco mug. 'I'lione 413. u-b.u TEN-ROOAl strictly modern house, bU location, sain nnu jhcksou bis , i?'. u. Turklngtun, CO Bee, D--'"73 HOUSES. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2019. D-721 DlO HOUSES. O. O. Wallace, Brown Btock. D-67S FOIt HUNT, line, modern, elegant room-, sionc ironi, not water ncni. 4ia am St. 2H0 ItamKO Dlock. Clarke. D-6H SEE HENRY ii. PAYNK, 601 N. Y. UPB. JJ o I 2JTH & A 8TS.. South Omaha, n good six- room house, freshly papered ana painteuj rent, I2.5. U.MAIIA IAIA.N & TKUSi (.U,, 16th mid Douglas Sts. D-675 I3J7 SO. 22D ST., nice 7-room house, with city water, furnace, gooa uarn, snaoe trees nnd lino lawn; a good home for Kotn South Omaha olllce man; will rent for J1 per month to good tenant who will cure for tho property. U.MAIIA 1AJA.H gt THUHT UU IG'.h and Douglas Sts, D-6S0 US N. 26TH, 8 rooms. 2002 Dodge St. Hit' FOR KENT, 8-room brick house, modern. 2713 Jackson St. Telephone 1)1 or I-23U. 4. irnynor. u i NEW 8-room house. 3220 Hurt St. U 022 6' nVE-UOOA! cottage In good Condition; low rent it taKcu at once, lv.v Nortn Z7tn hi. D-797 im L'NEQUAIil.ED. central, steam heat, 7- room house., Tlzard, 221 N, iin. D-AISH 0 561? SM19thttaBC' 35:6 8' 28Ul D-Alr3U6'rU POTl HK.XT PUIt.MHIIKII ItOOMJ, DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Knrnam. POH RENT, ! furnished rooms, nultablb tor i ntuuents, 15 per inoiitn, rjio unicago. 0,3 fl,,,3l8,,,l.c',,T00.n1' wUh ,, ?lx line. 1618 Clark; X per month. E 603 FRONT room, modern, 12 week. 1717 Web- ter. l--.M545 D7 , LARGE modern rooms, 1610 Davcnnort. F.-75 Dll LARGE furnlshed front'room. 417 N. 19th. U-A178S D13 MODERN, well heated rooms. 316 N. 151 IS .M131 Uli" LARGE hotted front room, modern, tele phone, etc.; furnished to suit. 116 S. 25th aireci. E-JI410 LAROI3 south front room, with alcove, and oincr rooms, modern. Sof) iinrney si. is auto ill THREE furnished rooms for light house- Keeping. 1112 a. 11111 hi. k tn FURNISHED room, modern. 2023 Farnam. 15 AI833 FL'IIMSHF.IJ IIOOMM AND nOAIlD. UTQPIA' 1721 Davenport 8t- F--6SI ui,i..n(jaiiiin, transient i..o aay. im uoitg. 1--0S5 NICE home for young inon. 108 S. 25th St. F CSS 609 S. 33TH AVB., for gentlemen. F-6S7 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men, ism jacKson at. f iss STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, witn or wituoui uoaru, at ino Tnurston. THE IIOSE, 2020 Harney; rooms, good board. F AI9S3 D16 STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without board. Midland Hotel, lotn nnd Chicago streets. Mili U2l ELEGANT steam heated front room, with board. VJ copitoi Ave. AI4(ti ONE furnished front room, modern: sulta. dio ror iauy or gentleman, -jji mo. uitn Ave. 1' 202 DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board. 2684 Harney. F AI833 6 PLEASANT room for two, with bonrd. 1003 rarit ave. t Aib03 d rou iii:.T-ii.KUnisnp,i) nooMi. DESIC room space, $3 per month, ground door room in xno ueo uuiiuing. lacing Fnriiam atreet; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. 11. c. roiers . co., Rental Agents, ueo minding. u nu PARLOR floor, consisting of three unfur- Q A1834 6 SUITE of rooms, modem. 016 Goorgla ave. TWO unfurnished rooms. 2504 Davenport St. .UOl- !f poll nENT STORKS A.M OFFICF.S. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by i no ueo hi viu ruriiuni 01. 11 nua lour stories and a basement which was formciy ueca as 1110 lies pruna room. This Will do renieu vury roasonaDiy. ii Interested apply at once to U. C. Hose- water, secretary, ruuiu iw, uee uuiiuinc, 1261 FOR RENT, ollloe with vault and part llrst floor or ani iop uuur, iui-u ttuiucy St. Midland Glass and Pulnt Co., 1110 liarney ai. " ,,nn hrvt. store In flrst-clnai location: rent reaaonoble. Apply R. O. .....un.,nl.lo Annlt, 1 I P.t.r. Jt Peters St Co,, grounu noor, uoe mug. 1260 THE 6-story nnd b.isemunt brick building, 1116 liowurn si., lormenj occupied uy V. u. aiuy k co is now reaay tor oc cupancy; oftlco compartment and ele- viitor: seo us for terms. R. C. PETERS ; CO., 1702 Farnam St. 1 MIlV 1 AGENTS WANTED. MWMOI1IAL life of McKlnlev. four Ian. miaues. Dane, iw naiinoiies. ji.wj: rreo outfit. W. A. Illxenbaugh & Co., tA) Var0 block, umana. j i7 PROFITABLE work offered agenta in every town 10 Buuurc puuscuimuns 10 me tv;rr.- inm Journal ud tin st.,r.iu w.,rnln foil. Wo want intent wlm ilfi work tnorougniy unu wmi onsiness ays- tm to cover each section with our lllus trnipri little booklets and other advertls. lug matter, and to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. The pay Is llrst rate, and ut the end of tho season t'.inm will be ulven the best workers m extra prUea for good work. How well EOmO OI our llKUNiB iiuvb auvuvcueg is tntil In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our beat aguuts, with the story of how they made H pay. The curns i-uuiisuin UII1K ,U,j fllll- J-M206 Feb7 .aeipniu. i-u. REPUTABLE attorney can obtain oftlco en SUIle in nee miliums. uurraa .l 4), llee omce, j aisui WANTED. canvassing agenta In eVen rnnniv to aollclt subicrlnttons to Tllf TWEN TiniJii cism'uui viiMtiii anu tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC 'rnn. Thin nnlondld book contains 1.4U0 ,m,'I,.?.!.;S,il?i W'.SnVhnnv' nB.fhi'i?5 StOCK ever pudusiico nuupieu 10 1110 evury dav. nrantlcal money-saving use of every farmer nnd stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country v.'lth horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvasser make easily ICQ to Sloo per month, Address Century Farmer solicitors Bureau,, nee Duuaiug, umana. j-ij AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., free. George Barrie i Son. 1313 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. J-SUSl JanlS rrin npK'T i. ,, tore room S, oAmm, M?if,nHJ!ft 'in ?h AVt'v 00m on Main street in tne tnriv- so of Pierce. Neb. Address B. wUoRWon!' 'fce.NNeb. J-MS27 6 WANTED, agents, ladles and gentlemen; $100 to 2(U per month; experience un- necefsary. AddresB Box 257, Omaha. Neb; hip -eorasK vncuum co. j-tu r WANTKIK TO JIE.NT. FAMILY of three wish to rent 3 or 4 moms for housekeeping. Flat preferred. Must ih central, moarru ana reasonable. References, exenanged h. c, m - room CL 3d floor. Hotel Murrt-. k-iS35 s STOIIAOE. STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far- nam at. i O.M. Van Stor. Co., lollH Farn. Tcls. HIO PACIFIC Storage and -Warehouse Co., 912- vi4 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 'jyj WANTED TO lli;V. SECONDHAND books. Crane, .TOT N. 16th. N-75 Dll SECOND.HAND books bought for spot casu at Antiquarian, 1513 1 amain st. Sot. WE have ciiHtomern for the following: itesinence in west Parnam district. Business block, Xmfffi to J30.0CK). Half lot and modern cottage. r. u, weao, 1521 Douglas St. iii.j A GOOD watchdog, medium-sized hultdng preierreo:. i 5, lice. N Jltfio a POH SAI.n rtiHMTUIlK. FUIIN1TU11E of 9-room house. HIS Chicago. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. v.v. iNew ana secondhand, doubiu,- aoiu, exchanged. O il TOVPQ Any kind of a stove you want O 1 V L.O nt SO nor ronf illacnunt. We liavo a complete lino of new and second hand atovec and furniture. Lowest prices. Kntcmrlso Furniture Co.'. 102-4 H. lith st. Tel. 2290. 0-AI739 D13 vnn 9AI.K noiisi:s, wagons, ktc. GOOD 11UGGY DAROAINS. 1 rubbcr-tlred depot wagon. 1 fi.nass. Itockawav. 4 leather-top family carriages. i pnaetons, t top ana opan uuggies anu lunaboutH Secondhand harness. Orummonu -'arrlago Co., 15th & Harney St. CALL and see my new place, Just finished. ii. i rost, mil anu ieavenwortu. POH HAI.B MIHCi:i,I,A.KOU9. FIR tlmbera for houscmovers, etc., 40 to i it.; criDoing ana nog lence. uoug las. Q-4 2DIIAND aafc cheap. Dorlght, 1119 Farnam. p H q 9s3 SAFES, standard makes, aold.rented. 114 S 11 ' 'o 9s4 , PATENT medicines at cut nrlces. Sherman s .McDonnell urvg -o.. cor. ism ana Dodge. Q-.M173 Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inquire ins knrnam or 1723 uofjge. w CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 or 11 years oiu. Address 11 bj, jicc. Q-.M3M LARGEST stock latest combination grnnho Iinones, records and supplies, come anu seo inem. r renericKson, latn anu uonge nv Q-63.1 D24 EDISON nnd Columbia talking machines unit records, umana uicyclo co., and Chicago. , Q 702 600 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz. 41S A. Jtilll. 703 FOR SALE, sood-slzed nackaees of news paper exchanges, 6 cents nnd up. Apply nt ute uuice, circulation winuow. Q-CS5 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instruments; jj up. ino Wlttmann Co,, 1621 Farnam. 704 FOR SALE, diamond tontlno contract; low number; cheap If taken at once. Address Hox 309, Omaha. Q-S46 3 FOR SALE, piano, Sailara Grfthdj excelterit tone: very cueap u soiu immediately, 1S19 Pinkney street. Q AI837 8 Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incandescent casllchts. glassware, man ties. Tho best gasollno lamps. Wholesale and retail. II. FRANZBN, 1101 N. 18th St.. omalia, Neb, CI-AIHVOYAXTS. AIRS. FRITZ, clau-yoyant, 819 N.-rl6tlr. B iVJ AIME. GYLMER, out of city. 8-706 VIENNA fortune teller. 1515 Davenport. S A1454 D 'M AI.M13. LE GRAY, clairvoyant and palmist, hna Just arrived, Is located nt 1619 Dodge lor siiori wnuo ouiy; reau 11111 ino past, present nnu iiiiure. uiuce uours: :i n.-m to 8 p. m 8-AIS0I 7' KI.EOTIIIC Til K ATM K Vl'.A MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1403 Webster. T A1776 D12 AIAIB. SAIITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, n: 1 AI0I1 DTW ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th 8t.. 2d lloor, T .M1S8 1J20 MASSAGE and bath. 1515 Davenport. T-AII53.D26 BEATRICE HARLOW-Elegant vapor nnd tub batns; eiectricny given: Egyptian treatment. J-iii .n. 10111, nni a. T-MSH 10 im; DR. ROV, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. It. 12 Frenzer Block. U 707 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wnoiesomo nomc treatment, ilea uidg, U 70S A NEW KHARAS OFFICE has been ro cent v establ sued at Ills ng city. Neb Airs. Al. E. Hobson. D. AI. O.. hns charge as manager. She Is employed by the Kharaa company of Omaha. Magnetic usteoputny cures enrome diseases. L-AISI0 r. WE RENT machines' for 75c per Week. We sen needles nnu attaenmcntx ror nnti re- nulr nvprv mnke nf snwlnir milrlilne. NEHRASIvA CYCLE CO,, Corner 13th nnd iinrney. 'l'none wa. 1: sto U9 ADV. calendars. Burkley Ptg. Co. 1: Mb'JT Jl AT SILVER CREEK. NEB., there Is new K haras omce. in cnargo or I'rof. II F. Williams, D. At. O., and about a dozen patients nre being treated dully. Atagnetic usieopiiiny cures enrome uiseases. U-AI84l 6 PRIVATE home for ladles before nnd dur- I ing connnemeni; names auopien. . -.tcu Burdette St. Airs. Burgot. U-6IS D9 JUST think of It I Good cabinet photos only 119c dot. at 'ine u. . uauery, ir.'s w. lutn U IU3 PERSONAL. RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 61 days;' send for clrculur. O. S. Wood Al, D., 621 New York LUe Bldg,, Omaha, Neb, ' ' U-710 MfL i'. A. CAMPBELL came from Alon mouth. 111,, ana registered mis weeK na a student In tne Kliuras hciiooi oi'.Magnetic Osteopathy. Alagnctlo osteopathy cures cjironic diseases, w .iimz a 8HAAIPOOINO and hair dressing, 25c. In connection wim -rno tiatuery, xiu-.w nee building, 'lei. me. . . u-5i J1A1E. SAirTH, baths, IIS N.,15. 2d floor; R 2 A ' U-AU09 DIP CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathory, rooms 216-2M Bee Bldg Tel. l.ltt. . u 019 HAIRDRESSING. manlrurhiK nnd chlrn nody. for ladies only, in connection wltn The Bathcry, 216-i.o ueo tiiug. 1; 2S A MEDICAL COLLEGE not over a thou sand miles irom nero wanted a iauy to nppear beforo Its clinic as nn examplo of one form of Incurable paralysis. But she didn't sne toon treatment for a month at the ivliaras innrmary, ana is wen Alagnetlc -osteopathy cures chronic dls eases. u .msu & LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. ..-..o tf ?ni lvl l arnam. l.-,0l PRIVATE hosnltal. before nnd durlnr poo tlnement: babies ndopted. 2306 Grant St " 77". airs, unrdois. Tei. I'-im;. lt 93 WANTED. 10.000 black crows, must be as black as Crow Btove Polish. Address Crow Stove toiihii co., -Milwaukee, wis. U-MSfa D?l ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best nnd qulcKest. .Mrs. a. c, .Man:, ii .t uougias L'-AUKl anAAlOPHONES and suppllen, wholesilo and retail, coiiins i'iano co., 1673 iioug pmtfioxAi.. OHT the little photos for ISc per doz. nt The V. S. Oallery, CO South 16th St. l-7fl9 AI1UNDANT IMIOOFS nre 6ffVrerto prove that magnetic osteopathy cures chronic diseases. Get a Kharns i-HtolORue. I'-MSU 5 HAVE Vol- TRIKD ONE? ' That's what they all say. Everybody highly recommends the PRINCE OF OMAHA Nr hotter cigar on the. market, fnlon made. 6c straight. $37 r-'i" !.''. W. F. STOECKEIl CIG.U! COMPANY. MY CIJICKEHINO fl'IllGHT GHAND PIANO M half tho original cost, factory guarantee uatetl sept. s); business reverses. Address At H llee. PSlne 7 Itt'PTL'HE cured for I5 until Feb. 1. 1902; no Knire, no pain, no detention riom imsi nesn; wo furnish truss and tiont you until cured for 1S; this Is no "fakf. we refer to 6,000 cured patients In nnd near Omaha; examination free; call or send for cir culars. Empire Rupture Cure Co., S3J N. Y. Life bldg., Omahu, Neb. t'-AISOB 5 SCHK HATCH INCCI1ATOU CO., CLAY CENTER. N1H). Send for haudsomu lC6-p.ige ttec catalogjv. P-513 THE K1IAHAH SCHOOL OF .MAGNETIC OSTEOPATHY Is located nt luir,-17 Clll cago street. Alugnetlc osteoputhy clues chronic diseases. Now, don't forget It. U-Mr .. IF YOU nro contemplating Insuring your lire call nt 2 Uco bldg. or telephone us.. t'-MMl 11 MONK Y TO I.OAN-HEAI. ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowu rarmn nt s per ceni; borrowers can Say llw or uny multlplo; uny Interest ate: no delay., Brcnnuu-Love Co., SU9 South 13th St., Omulia, Neb. W-10W WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ucoigo ,v company, iwi i-arnm street. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. raruam aiuilu K co i.v raruum sireeu W-102 WANTED, city und farm loans, also bonds ana warrants. 11. c. I'cicri Si co,, iivj Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 104 Ui PEn CENT 011 business property. I por cent on residence property. Options, to pay wnulo or tuirt uny time. W. B. AIEIKLE, 401 S. 16th St. w-jis:o FARM and city loans, low rates. .V. II. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. W !lM 50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans. J50O up; lowest rates, uarvin uros., 11m i-urnum. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. w 101 PRIVATE monoy. Sherwood, 937 N. Y, L. W 103 4H TO S P. C. money. Bcmls, Paxton Blk, w 105 SEE HENRY B, IAYNE,''60-2 N. Y. Life. W 1U8 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real csiuic. Jjrcnnan-i.ove co.; jj aouin inn. W-109 MORTGAGE G. O. Wallace, Brown Block. v SIONUY TO LOAN CIIATT12I.S. MONEY To loan on Furnlturo and I'lnnos, Llvo Slnck. pip You 10 retain possession of the property. SALARY LOANS To rpP' holding, uv-Ml' iorniniH'iit nnxltinn You can borrow from 110.00 Mp. You can get tho money on short notice. You get the full umount in cash. You may keep it one month or more and pay for It only what time you keep It. our rutca are low, our business Is confidential und our motto is to -try 10. pieasc. U.MAIIA AIUUTUAUE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 3u6 Bo. l&tti St. X-131 MONEY loaned on furniture; Hf c" stock, Jew- eiry; uiou smancu neouia wnnuucflncur. Ity; cheap rates; easy puyments; business coiuiueniiui. noiey ioan co., aucccssors lo Duff Green, it. k, Barker illk. Kst. 1889. X-116 MONEY loaned on plain noto to nularled people; business connuentiai; lowest rates. vit 1-uxion uiocK. ine j. a, iiutton co. A. 112 LARGEST BUSINESS IN X.OANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- Biers, Doaraing nouses, etc., Wltnout F curlty: easiest terms: 40"oillcca in nrin. clpul cities. Tolman, 410 'Board of Trade mag. x ill MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, low- eiry, aorses, cows, etc. c. l' . need, 319 a. la. X-117 "DO YOU AVANT XA1AS AIONEY?" J10, 116, 120, 125. $30. $35, $10, $15, $50. $60. $TC. $83, $100. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to nonest umploycex. No Alortgagc. No Endorser. No Publicity "No one need ever know." GUARANTEE lowest rates, . easiest pay- iiiciiip. ujieu uveiiiiig.1 uniTi a u t i.uciv. RKI.IA III. 1.1 I'Ml'llIT cumi.avv - Boom 303. Third . Floor, Paxton Block, tBeo Window From Farnam Street.) x-818 LOANS ON SALARIES. FUnNITimre live biock, etc. quick service and lowost rates guaranteed, j. w. 1 a x L.UE. 633 (to floor) Paxton block, northeast comer 16tl and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X-115 PURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, ETC. 1-uAr.s. -Aosoiutciy- wituoui removing goods." Written guarantee given to thlH effect. AAIERICAN LOAN CO., Room uiw, i-axion uiacK. A all UIISINT.SS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business calLon Wll Hams. Room 411, AluCague building. Y 851 $6,000.00 STOCK of vehicles nnd Implements lit Omaha doing large business; good reason iu' ?cinng. .u ui, caro lice. Y-S23 0 INTERESTED In goats7 Learn nil about . 1. -in. au ... mnlfAM IIaa.I A , .llviii nn inuiib, t.tnn.i m ..nvi IIIVI II.U 11 Goat Breeder, published monthly: 20 cents a cooy. Address Room O, 147 6th ave., Chicago. Y AI603 D7 COAL and feed business for .sale. Well equipped ana prosperous. Monroe & Co., nil lain. 1. i AUCTIONEER Len W Newoll, expert nllptlniu.r In nil ltnna nf rr.mhiiniian can get more for goods than uny man' 01! earth; the only way to' cleun up or closo ia;i nut siock. .Aauress icn v. rscwell. lowa City, in. Y A1504 6 rprxi a a t t- ...nin..., ....... ill,,.,..!;! j oiuio uu.HH (unu business; also good hotel for aalu (or letso 10 ngnt party), noin good locations In is. menrasita. can or write 624 N. Y Life building. Omaha. Y 131 RAI.nnV fnr b-iIa. frnnil mnmnnn fni, enl 1 1 n -v will be. sold cheap on 16th. Address AI 5o INVESTORS' Ravings can earn n minimum of 12 tier cent ner annum, navnliln mmr. terly; guaranteed from loss; particulars on application. Address investment Ue partmeiit, w uronuway, ew York. . Y-AIS26 51 Pay ing Proposition. ii-iiuuu oncK tenement, Desi location completely equipped with first-class fur nit lire: tilled Ilrst-class roomers: ownei going to California; must sell quick; come immediately ann oe proutca, j, 11. Jonn son. JM3 N. Y. Life. Y-A1S25 FOR KXCIfANGE. FOR EXCHANGE, brick block In Lincoln. 60x142, 6 stories; will take good ranch property or goon tarmiug ianu; give i curate description of what you have II ...II, . . . . l. .IIM is rst iciiqi , ill l'uy taau uiuci ciiuti it liny . . . 1 . ...... 1...I. m , 1 1 . r-.i icimi , , ill 'aj va.ii uiiiviiiiii-n it 1111 take mortgago back, T. M. Cllne, 1238 Lincoln, Neb,, 55 A1815 or O, 111.000.00 Resldeneo with larL-e L-rounils in a town near Omaha for Omaha property or eastern Neb, land. F. D. Wead, p.2 uougiaa nt, all a PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co,, 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2467 M7S7 'Oil S.VI.I1 ItllAI, ESTATE, SMAIIj FHPIT l-'AHM. 10 acres level land, west of thf old fair grounds, u acres in bearing mm; apples, .chorrlfs, crapes etc. Price, il.Soi.on. no iiyron Jiceu uo sir bo. inn St. HK-S21 HA HQ A INS. Boycr, 22d St Cuming. Tel. RE-72J DIO IH9. HOUSES .nil lois In nil parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lunus. i ne u. f . Davik Co., Room (42, Bee Building. -RE-119 HOUSES lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nie insurance, uemis, i-uiiun uiock. RE-120 'OR SALE or trade. S00-ncre rnnrh, south ern part Roik county, Nebr.isKa; good Improvements, 2i)-ncre pastille, on acres ciilthiited, good range. Price, 12.5" 1. A. E. How, Altis worth. Neb. 11P.-AIM2 lo SEVER A I, good farms for sale In a good inrnung country, tor lurtuer particulars write or call on H. L. Ludlum, Plalnvlew, Neb RE -M392 CHAS. Ii. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnnm St. 111'. UK SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. 7. Life. HIS 1ZJ F. D. VI:AD;S SPECIAI. 1wO 7-r. cottage nnd lot Just west of High school. l.liX--5-r cottngo and burn, full lot, on paved St., near Hnnscom Park. 1.750-fl-r. cottage, porrelnln bath, gas and tmru; 1 ml. from 16th and Farnam. (i,5o0 for r houses, bringing ?) per mi lium: centrnlly loenteel, SJu-room house near Crelghton col- lone. 2,yu-Flnc block, pays s to 10 per cent not, ACRES. IU.ih'I For finely Improved section In Douglas county. 12,iFor 160 acres 1 ml. west city limit". 2,300 ror jii acres limner . mi. norm limits. l.fiio For 4 ncres, Florence, sightly. I.iku For block on 3oth street. l.ot I'm- 4.7 acres near Central Pk. school l.ioo-1 louse, burn and 2 acres fronting Fontunelle Park. J-tj 4-r. house and 12 lots west of Dun dee. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE -M9 5 LITTLE HOMES. BIO". FINE HOMES. ALL KINDS OF HOAIES. FOR SALE BY WALLACE. lt doesn't cost much to buy n homo In Oinuhu not near iih expensive us paving rent. Anybody with n llttlo money nheud can get 11 homo nt present prices you ought to 1I0 It. Hero nre rome SPECIAL BARGAINS. tV Neat little placo. Central park, rents ; nnnmer. oiock uwny, same price; ino llooilluy Kewurd, 4-r. cottage, city water, Htulilc, full lot, rents $5. $,ViaH acres, house, stnbte, smnll orchard, Military road. $7w 5-r. house, city water, full lot, 3310 Fowler. $850 House, barn, trees, city water, Charles and mu. $l,0u-Neur 21th und Patrick, rents $11. ll.Sio lltl S, 40th, 7-r city wnter, rents $12,60. $l,4i-Modern, well built cottHgo, 25th and Burdette. $l,U0- Cheapest aero property about umaiiu; wen improveu; cnoice sun j man homo. $1,600 Well built cottage, small house In rear; rental $200 per year. I CrYl rinn.t 1 1 . . I a ..A .1., ,nn. ln.nn, jiiiivi , win,, mn, $ 1 ,fsO) Great bargain in nlco homo near Yllllnn. :2,3iA-73225, two street fronts, cottage, room for severnl houses, south sldo. 2.S(xi .Modern, 9-r., steam hent, worth $.1,500. J3.r Alodorn house, near Kountxo Place, r.ij MiiMt front, modern house, Hnnscom Place. $5,0('0 New, modern house, West Farnam district. $C.0u0 Alodcnt house, good condition, near High Hchool. Bargains In vacant property. Seo mo about your 1 en nu property niso your insur unco ditto taxes. Loan money on llrst mortgage. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE-820 6 SNAP, SI.500. VERY NEAT COTTAGE, newlv renalred: iu 11, nigniiy 101, nign nnu sloping toward street, near 30th and Burt. Big bargain; must bo seen to be appreciated. Prlco cut from $2,0u0: for a few days, $1,500. uwner wants money. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Alain floor New York Life Bldg. BE-AI836 7 IF YOU want one of tho nicest 8-room Kui.iio in uuiiauuui I'lucu, 1 win give you " wii.w, uwuer icii ciiy. aiusi sell. j. ii. hierwooa, 937 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-M153 FOR SALE A barcaln near Brownell lTn.ll; now, inouerii, i-room nouse; latest open nickel plumbing; porcelain bath tub; full 60-ft. lot; owner has Just been transferred 10 uiiuiner city anu wisnea to sell at once. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. 1'. Life Bldg. HE 53 TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE 471 Jan5 RANCH and farm lands for salo by tho union I'acldo Railroad company. B. A. McAllastcr, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-US MEDICAL. DR. PRTES, the acknowledged leading upeciuiisi 111 diseases 01 women in umana. would call the attention of suffering minus to ins unsurpassed accommodation beforo and during confinement, and his treatment ;or Irregularities, no matter wnut ciiusc. can oi address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omahu. Ui LADIES, $500 reward falling to relievo case of abnormal suppression, uny cause; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Atcad Remedy Co., 17 Qulncy at., Chicago, HI. -AI537 D5 LADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Alllwaukee. Wis. 49 Jany 6 DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women unu cniiureu; au years' practice, umco 2219 Cuming. Res. tel. F-2790, office B-2S36. -481 D27 DRINK HABIT CURED Absolutely In 21 hours No Injections No poison No bad effect from treatment Curo guaranteed. Omaha refcrsnces on application. We control Nebraska and Iowa for this valuablo remedy. Wanted Some one to represent us In ench county; a physician preferred, One-Day Liquor Cure Co.,- 1512 Davenport St., Omaha. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the bent. Safe, reliable. Tako no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Rollof for Ladles," In letter by return mall, Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LOST. LOST, Scotch Collio, sable colored, whlto breast, named Bonnie. Reward for re turn to C. C. Cope, Jr., 941 N. 27th Ave,, or 'phone 348. Lost-SV) 4 LOST, rnzor, between Bee building and B. & AL depot. Please leave at Bee Office. Lost 819 4 STRAYED or stolen, from J. J. Hurt's farm. I oucKSKin rea norse, a-year-oid, weicht about 1.200: 1 buckskin nonv. weight about 6(0. Liberal roward for tlielr return, Address it. u. Kinder, South Omaha. Lost-AI83l 10 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Dous -130 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -131 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 132 NEB, Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -133 STATUARY. STATUARY manufacturing. 31T S. 10th St. Great barga removal sale. -723 DIO' Mt.m ,i. i.vruL.m:vrs. HE PROAIPT In calling to see .ill ihe slightly used punos we nro orrormg 1 11 a week on very easy terms, nml you wil. find yourself well repaid. If you wish a piano you can snvo money now, ut thi time. Where' Mueller Piano & Org.m Co., 1316 Fninam St. So PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address, lock uox w. uca .Moines, 111. -11J HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Auurcss 1: u. uox e, umana, -eo. 181 J2I I'ACTOIlll'.s. TRUNKS, trnvellng bugs, suit cases; trunks repaired, um Trunk Factory, l.vy i-arnam. 144 Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 7u& N 16. iii CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly nitcnueu 10, j. 1. ucniitrce, mm and Luke Sts. 370 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es tate men wenuii-r strips put uu. zvu Leavenworth AI763 HOUSE U INTKIIEI). HORSES wluteied, il per month; good snener nun lecu, u. u. nopper. water loo. Noh. -594 IMP ELECTRIC KELTS. ELECTRIC Belts nnd what they will do. Auurcss i'. u. uox i, umana, iscd. -157 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Alice jonnson. u, u., nidies uept.; Old.' E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Algr. 125 DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 AlcCnguo bldg. T-l. iMC Wi OR. AIRS. AIUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 2i2J. -129 FOll SALE HAY, CHAIN, 11TC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2808 Lcnv. Tel. Ji .MAtU c;Ait!iAr.n. ANTI-AIONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans ccsspooic and vaults, removing garbage nnd dead animals at reduced prions. 621 N. 16th t. Tel. 1779. M-446 D26 IILACKSMITIIIMJ A Nil IIOIISIISHOIXO. CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 8li N. I6tn. 1 iti DRESSMAKING. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring. 1138 N. ISth. -753 IN FAMILIES. AIls-i Sturdy. 2042 Farnam. 123 D16 TAILOIIINC. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned und repaired. Joe Y'ousen, 1506 Farnam, Wl TROUSERS TO OKUEI1- J&g'ri'H"- STAM.MERING ANU STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -139 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming at. -134 SAFE AND IRON WORKSf G. ANDREEN Prop. Omuha Safe & Iron Works removed to 1U2 So. 10th St. 777-12 HATTERS. OLD hats made new. 207 N. 17th St. M76S HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Balc-Tto Co., Sll N. 16tb. -17J BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, lt. 15,'Com. Nat. Bank. a. R. Rathhun -138 PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTMAS offer, opal picture worth $3 free with cash dozen photos. Allner, lead ing photographer. 913 N. 24lh. 759 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age ao well as life, cnartor memDers iree. Particu lars from Frank Roscwatcr, supremo manager. 222 Beo Bldgs 721 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all ousiness connocntiai. imi uuubi, "137 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, -tc. rcplntiugr Omaha -1J6 Plating Co., ueo mag. i ei. two. LARGEST plating plant In Omaha. A. L, Undeland, 1516 Dodgo st. Tel. 766. AIS13 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shlrtH, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth, lei. 647, i MASQUERADE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and Indies' costumes for rent. S. Sack, 33,18 South 20tl) 8tre'r6D.M, DANCING. STAV classes now' forming for beginners at Aiorand s, jam nna iinrney. aiuuih, i iius, nml Krl.. 8 n. m.: children. Sat. after noons; Helcct nsscmblleM, Wed.. 8:30 p. m.; 60c private lessons; waltz and two-step, j, 1 -60S Duc29 TYPEWRITERS. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, vlslblo writing machine. Typewriter supplies, ah makes of inuchlneH for rent. A. H Workman & Co., 1617 Farnam St. 'Phono 2439. 615 D31 PUR DRESSERS. O. R. GILBERT 'CO,, tnnncrs, 1424 S. 13th A1829 The quality of our work Is as high now as It Is possible for it to be. ) 1th each advance In dental BClenco we mako progress. Patrons got tho benefits of all new inven tions and Improved systems. Bailey the Dentist ,112 I'n 1 to 11 IHoek. 18th and Farnam Sts, Lady attendant. Phone 1045. V. POM Ot 11(1. (l I It r.. tsMl.iiild b" cail DAILY bj nil Inlerust. u, fis iliiiiigt' inn mi. 1 1 at any time) Foreign mulls fur the week ending Di eenibvr 7. Wl. will clow tl'RO.MPTI.Y 111 .ill onuesi at the gctiernl Piwiolllce aV fol lows. Pm wis Hst 11111IU clo one tn' r earlier than closing lime shown below Panels po: t malls for Germany at p. in. Motulny. per . r. limn Prime Wll helm, Weilnesilay. per-s. s. Bremen, m 1 1 . 1' I-rUln j-. ht r 9 Pnlutlu. Regular nnd supplementary mulls cIom nt furi.lgii brunch half, hour later than clcslng time shown below (exeept that supplumuntary 11111IN for Hurope nnd Cen tral America, via Colon, closu one hour later at foreign branch.) 'I'm ti in I In 11 It .Mulls, PWtNTED MATTER, ETC.-TIi! steamer lakes Pilntrd Alattcr, Commerelnl Papen and Samples ror Ocrmaliy only. Thn sumo class of mil! mattr for other parts of Europo will not be sent oy this ship unless specially directed by It After elcsluir nf the Supplementary r'rans ntlautlc Malls named ubovi. additional KUliplemctitury mallH nro open') on tho Plera of the American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten AUnutcs ol the hour of sailing of steamer. .Mull) for Si 11 1 Ii nml (entrnl A m or leu, West liuiles, Etc, Tl IVHSDAY-At 7 a m for rr i s. Ltelliiiiiuih imkiII r.,. v,..ii... 1 1 .. ., .-'i. 11-in 11111r.11. itciiii u. itini.11,11. ,111.1 i.. 1), i.n directed ''per h, iieii.inoVh 'U at S -:"''-") 1 . p, m.j ror haiia 'n'1 u ' ll'1l SANTIAGO, Vii ifM?' 'l-i'J.'Wi. "t 1 P. in. for BAR BADOS und NORTHERN i.r . 11. (Iruim-ciiHc . Hvm VT.At .1" J- '" for NEWFOUND- .A M illr.,,-1 11, u u ult..i .r. FJ 1, A ViiVv,,-.;, ' ' "v "" 111 111. ior (t S AT l," 1 1 DAY A I 9 11 111, for PORTO RICO. ,, -v ' ,M' 11,1 i'ii-i-' un1.'. .' ! . iI-m " J"""' 1,1 0 " " (suiiplenieu- . " ""' ,K" ! .. ,iu mm vwiM.' ' ,'.,'r "'"'l for Saa- hlllu und Ciii tugeiia must lm directed ''per s. s. ulln "). ut n u m. Hiippl,.iurui.irv 10i 11 m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA- ?i,,,K:,',,','a' h'i"uenA;,,i GRI.'10 N, per s. s. Alho.t (mull for' Costa RIcu immt bo dlrcie, "p,.r .s, At hoi"); at lo 11. m. for Cl'llA, per r, a. Aliirro Custlo, via Havuiiu, Mails for Newfoundland. Ic ;a (n North ctjuiicj, i-.iiii iiivnce uy sieainer, closo flt this olllco dally ut 0:3o p. 111 (commoting close hero uvery .Monday. Weilurvdiiy und Siiturduy). Mulls for AUuuclon, by rail o Boaton, un) tlienrn by steamer, close at this oftlco dally ut 6:30 p. 111. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fl.i., nnd thence by steunicr. closo ut thlu olllco dully, ut ye .1 111. (tho 1'iiiiijs.etliig Closes .ire on .Monday. Wednesday , Satur day). Alulli for .Mexico City, overlninl. unless specially addressed for disputed by ftcumcr, cloau ut this nltlce dally at I .1J p. m. una 11 p. m. Mulls for Cosui Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortex und Ouiitemalj. iiy rail tJ New Orlcuns. and thence by nteamer, close ut II. Ih iillic dally ut 'i0 ti. m. (eoniii'ctln'k close hero Alonduyti for Belize, Puerio Cortez und Gtiat.-mulu and Tuesdays for Costu Itreu). Registered mull closes nt 6 p. m. piovlous day. TriiiispiiclU) Alnll. Alalls for Hawaii, .liipnn. China und Philip pine Islands, via San Franclm-n, close hero iiniiy at o:.wi p. 111. up to December 6, In clusive, for dispatch per h. s. Nippon IUI u, dally at 0:J p. m. after November 30 nnd up to December 7, inclusive, for dispatch tier s. h. Alloweia (tmpplemcnt nry mails via Seattle nnd Vlclorlu), closo hero ut 6:30 11. m. December ). Alalls for Huwiill, via San FruuulNcn, closn uero iiuiiy 111 f:ji p. m. up to ueocmber 9, IncluslV).', for dlHpittch per h. s, Alu medu. Alnlls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, vui!"u iiciu imuy n uij'j p. m. up to jjtJ- ccmber 11, Inclusive, lor dlsputeh por s. s. Shlnauo Alan (Registered mall must lie directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philip pines via. nan rnincisco closo nero dally ut 6:30 p. tn. up to' December 11, inclu sive, fnr dlsnntch nor h. h Pern. Alnlls for China nnd Jupuii, via Tuconin, tiusu iiuiu iiuny 111, ii;o' i, in, up 10 UO- ccmber 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Claverlnir. Alalls for Australia (except West Australia. wiiiuu la luinuiui'll vili i,uronc), rieT Zealand, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here dnllv at 6:30 p. m. after December "H nnd up to December SI. Incluplvc, or 011 urrivul of s. s. Cam pania', duo at New York December "21, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for China and Jnpun. via Vnneouvef, closo hero dally nt 6:30 n, m. up to De cember 24, Inclusive, for dispatch per h, s. Empress of India (registered mall' must bo directed "via Vancouver"), Jler cliundlso for the United Stntca postal' agent at Shanghai cannot bo forwnrded via Cantda. Mails for Tahiti and Atarouesns rsl.mdi.' via Pan Francisco, closo here Jnlly at 6:30 p, tri. up to December ao, iT.elusHe, for dlspatrh per s. s. Australia. Transpacific mnlls ore forwnrded to'port nf MiiiiiiK uuiiy nu 111c ncncuiiie 01 Closing Is nrrunged on Jho presumption of their tinlnterrunted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes nt 6 p. m, previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofllce, New York, N. Y., November S. 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE OF CI 11 HP QUARTERAfAR TER, OMAHA, Neb., December Z, 1901. Scaled proposal). In triplicate, subject to thn usual conditions, will bo received nt this olllco until 10 o'clock n, m central time, December 23, idol nnd then opened In tho presenco ot attending hidden), for furnishing now pump nnd setting tip same, In connection with boiler nt Fort Robinson, Nebraska, for water Hystein ut that post. United States reservoH right to reject or accept any or nil prnposnlH. Blank forms for bid ding and circular giving full Information nnd ronulremonla will be furnished on 'ap plication to tilts olllce. Envelopes contain ing proposals should bu marked "Proposals for Pump nnd Boiler nt Fort Roblnnon, Nob.," nnd uddrcssed to John W. Pullman, C. Q. Al. D5-6 und 20-21 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an eztra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw thn ad In The Beo. IH.iMI'llilll.'N I cpfpui am hi ni 1 upc u cut New Service to Mediterranean fniij tvf 1(1 UilNlll' Mltfkllllll'fTitll lit Mlllllllll t Ill (1 Tina tW l.rt.(ln ...... 000 toys. IIOD feet loni;, from Honlo.i to (Hbraltnr, Naples, Ueiioii ami Alex iiiiitrla, Keypi, Jnu. -I nml Feb, lliil'j, S. H.'-Ciunhnmiaii" from Hon ion to UtliraUnr, Ueiioii nml Nuploa. Jan, 18 and Peb, 'JH, lUOv. 2 i For further Information uddrcBS com pany's olllco, 09 Deurborn St., Chicago, 111, "SHIN" CONFESSES MURDER Primmer AcLninvleiljfcH l-'oinplli-ltr in the ICIIIInif nf C. L, Will vlirrifcr. WICHITA, Kun., Dec, 4. A prisoner 1b tho Sedgwick county jull nt Wichita, known by tho namo of "Shin", bus confessed that ho, in compuny with Clyde Mooro and "Shorty" AlcFarland, killed C. L, Wilt borger, a wealthy farmer Jn Coloy county, lat April, Clydo Mooro Is now ou trial for tho murder of Wlltbergor. In the trial today of Clyde Mooro tho ntnto introduced testimony In regunl to footprint!! found lendlog from tho scene of tho murder. Dotoctlvo Cal Ferguson tcstltlcd that ho had cxainlnod tho foot prints and that they corresponded exactly wl'h youug Mooro'a shoes. Tho rovoher with which tho murder is supposed to have been committed wns Introduced and Idea titled ai one thut belonged tu Moore, TiH RSHA'i At 7 n. tn. for l'RAN'Cl!, S IT.KRLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I'OR TI (1AI TPRKEY. EGYPT. GREECK, 11 1 TISH INDIA nnd I.OREN.O MAR Ul 1;.,. per s, m Guseogne, via lltiuo (mall tor other pnrt'i nf Vhiropn must ln "',"r " '' GasousnO. "..'y.'y-At r NETHER LA.NOS illreit, per s. s. Potsduin (malt must be directed "per s. s. Potsdam"); nt I?;1.?. "...!" txiit'iuementiiry 12 tn.) for l'.UR'.lPI., per s. . I'mbrlii, via Queens, town, at 11 n in. for ITALY direct, per f. 1 Aller (mall nvj.t be directed "por s. 1. Aller"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which qo(H vlu Europe, and New Zea land, which goes via San Fmnclrco) nnd Fill Irflnilds. via Vaiicouver. i-lni,. l...,n