10 THE OMAHA PATLT BEE:. THUHSPAT, DECEMBER 5, lf)01. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ill Enthniiiim Takti Foiituioi t tki Markiti. WHEAT, COM AND OATS GO HIHER lpecnlntlnn on Hoard of Trade Tnilny Vtns Snch n to Hecnll Grcnt Transaction of I'n lit. CHICAGO, Dee. 4,-Speculallon on the Board of Trado today was. such ns to re call tho great transactions of Hutchinson, Cudahy, Kent, fleam and tho other giants who ruled tin pits and swung prices for fortunes every sosslon. Hull enthusiasm mirh as has not been noon often In lain yearn had possession of tho markets, and In splto of heavy sol line for profits every pit closed strung. December and May wheat both closed lV(JHc up. December corn mjrlM: higher. May corn 1 Via up, snd May oats lViftlHo higher. Provisions closed logavi" advanced. Transactions In wheat woro on a sealo that Indicated thn western country was thoroughly nruiisod to tho situation. Thn slight 30g nt yesterday's close following yesterday's oarly buoyancy attracted buy ers overywhoro. lloth primary nnd north western receipts were reported rupldly de creasing. The cable list did not respond to yesterday's sag and later cables showed a marked Improvement. Temptations to tako profits Induced many holders to real ize, but with tho enthusiasm that seemed to prevail on all hands early sellers sotfu became tho best buyorn. The countryman was practically In control of tho market. (Outsldo, markets responded rapidly to very billlsli Incentive nnd this strength was again reflected here. Flour at Minne apolis advanced 10c. Dry weathor In the southwest was reported damaged tho win der crop and nows was constantly arriving; that wheat was being fed to stock. With nil theso Influences trade showed a steady advance. December opened y2c up, sold to 7riV4U7f4o nnd closed strong, lNfflVio higher at 75',ifi7Bic. May opened HSf'o to 'iic up and sold to 79ic, closing strong, lHtllVin higher at "DVic Local ro celpls woro ilfty-llvo cars, nono of con tract grade; Minneapolis Riid Duluth re ported "43 cars, making a, total for thn three points of 70.1 cars, against 1,036 last week and 649 a year ago. Primary receipts wero 654,000 bushols, compared with 742,000 bushels last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled only 1S9.UO0 bu. Corn lent Its shu.ro of activity to the gen eral strength. Tho buying was of general character, with shorts covering and a good daoiand present from tho outside. OfforlngB at times xwero very light. Wheat Activity Influenced this pit greatly and light, unsettled weather brought on a bull campaign. Trado was not heavy, hut the markot was under a constant nervous train. Country buying orders were lib eral. December, which opened Vi'SH0 higher on good cables, advanced to 63io and closed strong, l'd'iJl'io up, nt 63WH WHo. May opened uncliangcd to sc higher, sold to thn new record price of fi"Ho and closed strong, lHo higher, at 67c. tteoelpts wero 103 cars. Oats had a strong hull market all tho session. Prices were higher to start and, based on light offerings, scanty receipts and a good, cash demand, constant ad vances wore made. Shorts: showed constd erablo anxiety to cover and bullish specu lation did tho rest. Trado was heavy on outside orders, with countrymen as tho firlclpals. Shippers wero nil buyers on a arge scale. May opened i,c to a higher, sold to a now record nt 45',lc and closed strong, lfilVjG up at 451f46lc. Hecelpts wero only 97 cars. A good country demand for everything on tho provision list held hog products strong. Grain atrongth helped materially , v nd bullish speculation nldod In thn ad vance. January pork closed 22V4o up at I3I6.37J4. January lard 15c higher at JD.50 and January ribs 10a up at )8.33V&. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars: corn, 105 earn; ottls, 105 cars: hogs, ' 4l,ono head. The leading futures ranged as follows 'Artlcles. Open. IIIgh. Low. Closo. Tes'y, 'W-heaTi i j ) T Dec. lV5fVilT5V4Wil 74Vil73Vi' 73 I. May 78'.ifiVi 79i! 7SVi 7V478'378Vi Corn- Dec, i May Oats l Deo. May July Pork Jan. May , Lard Dec. Jan. May Itlhs Jun. May ft7. 4.1'i 434fi 60rRi 16 05 16 45 n 32i 9 40 S E0 8 45 ms: i 8 44?i 4514 67 16 40 16 72V4 9 55 9 60 8 35 E 62V4' 4.W 65H' 1 05 16 45 ft 9 40 S 30 82H 0 79V4; 63Jgii 06J 62H ran 4t'i 427 16 37Vi lfi 05 16 70 16 STJi 9 50 9 3TA 9 50 9 .Y 3 B7V6 42V4 8 32Vi 8 22V4 K 60 8 87',4 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUlt Firm: winter patents, J3.60W 8.70: straights, $3,005X3.40: clenrs, $2.7(yrr3.ZO: 'spring specials, J4.OinN.10: patents, 93.4542 8.W): strnlghts. 2.rAff;t.20. wH 18 AT No. 3. 70Uo: No. 3 red, 7S79V4o. OATS-No. 2, 45Vil5',4c: No. ! white 47ViJMRVc: No. 3 white, 470i7?ic TtYK-No. 2. 6l?ic. BAKLEY Fair to choice malting, fvfjj) 63 ic H REDS No, 1 flax. J1..19: No. 1 north western. $1.40: pilmo timothy, $6.55. Clover, 'oiitrnct grade. $9. PnOVlSlONS-MesH pork, per hbl.. $15.40 CT15.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.50ff9.524. Hhort ribs sides (loose), $s.25fi8.40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.25'S?.50; short clear sides (hoxed). $S.70iJ8.80. WHISKY Basts of high wines. $1.32. The following nre thn receipts nnd ship ments of grain yesterday: vsrucies. ,Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Torn, bu Oats, bu Ilyn, bu Barley, bu , Receipts. Shipments .... 92,000 33,000 ....232,000 29,000 ....154,000 118,000 ....296,000 297,000 .... 18,000 2,000 ....16S.00O 21.000 wn me I'roauco exenange today the but ter market whh firm; creameries, 1424V4o: dairies, 13ff20o. Cheese, steady at OUflSVic. Kggs, firm; fresh, 24c. n KKW VOUK nilNIHIAI, MAItKET. Qnntntions if the Day on Various Co iiimodltlra, ,-YWu,1'ORKl D,- FLOUR-neoelpts. L.199 l)bls.; exports,. 1,300 bbls.; more aetivn nnd held higher; winter straights. $3.5ra !!. Minnesota patouts, $3.S0nl.l0. Rya Hour. firm. ..ZQHNMKAIw StioiiKer: yellow western, 13.33;, Brandywlne, $3.65i)3,6.-i. RYU Firm: No. 3 western, 6.S0, afloat. BARLKY -Steady. Y! I RAT Receipts, 15,200 bu.; uxports, 78, P47 bu. Spot, strong; No. 2 red, si?;c, f. n. )., nflpat; No, 2 red, 83t;c. elevator; No, 1 tinrthnrn nnffifli 1 n nflnr.. x' . nard Duluth. 91o, f. o. b afloat. Options were active nnd under dull control all day. The large voluino of outsldn buying, to gether with strength of com, smaller northwest receipts, dry weathor, higher .I'.IIKIIPU ror s.i strong 8, ,"m,p, m-Miuui, mailer Ish cables, foreign buying and scarcity sale, nomblned to make ono of tho IHCst' markets In weekn. Plnanrf airnnv nnd HifflUo net higher. March, 84Vi85Hc. closed at fc6Vo; May, 83 9-16afl4?;c, closed at 8tHc. December, 82W3 3-16c, closod at 83c. i umjm uece.ipis, w.iw nu. Hoot strong; No, 2, 70'lc elevator, and 7tc, f. o. U.. afloat, Option market was also vory strong, touching record prices for the crop on excited covering, n good cash demand, returning outside trade, higher cables and small country offerings. Closed strong at l.c net advance. May, SIVic, closed at 70,4c: December. t93JSi70Uu. OATS Receipts, ,3,500 bu.; exports, 6,640 nu., u. 1;, itf. Willie. (MIOU4C; track mixed westrrn, M51c: track white. Mwsfic Option, broad west and much hironger on neavy Ri-nerai buying. HAY 8teudy; good to choice, S2!i92Uo. HOPS-Qulot: slate, common to choice, 1901 crop, i:il5V4c: 1900 crop. 9J14o; 1C99 crop, 6811c; ruultlo coast, 1901 crop, 12H15V4c: 1900 crop. Wtlic; 1S99 crop. CQllc. HJDKS-Stendy: Galveston, 20 to' 25 lbs,. 15c: California. 21 to 20 lbs.. 19c. LUATHHR-Qulct; hemlock solo. Buenos Avres. lluht to heavvwelchts. 25fI2tii in. V001-Qulcf, domestic fleece, 25M26c; Texas. 16til7c. PnOVlSIONS-Beef, quiet: family. $11.00 012.50; mess. $9.50(f10.00: beef hams, $12.50W . 12,75: packed. $tO.&fet2.00; city, oxtra India mess, tii.MKiH.tu. meats, steady: pick, ted bellies. $8.75fll0.25; pickled shodlders, $7, pleklnd lisms, $9,751(10.00. Lard, firm; mill! U....11. , , n m . ' ' illllM .,u. niliri leu, f.iri, colli- ouiHi, ii.niii,i. I'orK.nuu: family, jh.i) 117.00; short clears. $17.50319.00: mess. $16.00 (O'll.W. BrTTKR-necelpts, 4.492 pkgs.: firm; state dulry, 15r.'3V4o; creamery. lu'rt'2fiVic; juni. creHinery, istj'-c, inciury, uwimdc, - T J I." IT U I." na.i.lnln n net nl,. .1 ..... V I , 1.,' VI,'IP U,V,H, 'Hn, 1,1111, fancy large September, 10c; fancy small September, 104j'11c: late made, best largo, ysc, inie muue, oeni. biiihii, iuji iuuc KOCS Receipts. 4,268 pkgs,; steady; stat and Pennsylvania, 2o27o; western, at mark, 26c, southern, nt murk, 2o25c, rOl'LTRY Alive, Irregular: springers, 'rc. turkeys, 7Ji7(ic, fowls, 5fi9jc; dressed, quiet; springers, l'fl9V4c; fowls, .A(H9e: tut keys. OflllV. liuaXALS-Thera oocurrad a iurthtr break 5 In cODner at London today and nrlvain ad vices reported good sales movement at the lower level. Tho market finished the ses sion 2 lower than yesterday on spot nnd l6s on futures. Thus tho former was quoted nt 56 6s and the latter at 55, or tho lowest level reached slnco the down ward movement started. Tho local market for that metal was unsettled nnd nomi nally quoted at $16.501717.00 for Lnko Su perior nnd $16.37V401.,1i for casting and olectrolytle. Thero was no business re ported. Tin eased off 2 at tondou under liquidation, but trading was light. Local prices for tin were light, today's demand AtiiniintlntT In 1ff?IH rut. thti-i mint whm quoted at $21.50. Lead dull at home and tiiirmui, closing at JI.37H and .un, respec tively. Stiolter was also dull at New York nnd at London, the former closing nt $1.30, nominal, and tnn latter at 12 10s. iron was uulot. but about steady. Pic Iron War rants, $10.f0fi 11.50; No. 1 northern foundry, $16,001(16.00; No, 2 southern foundry. $lt.rHf 15.0i); No. 1 southern foundry, $; No. i southern foundry, soft, $H.505fl6.0ii. fllHssow Iron warrants closed nt 5s lOil and Mlddlcsborough closed at 424 10id. OMAHA WltOI.KSAMS MAfttCKT. Condition of Trnde nnd Cnntntlntis on Stnplr nnd Fnnrr t'loilnce. ECOB-Recolpts, light: fresh stock, 21c. LIVK POtlLTKV-llens. AffAUc: old .... H't J r . I . . I - u . I i imniciD, iu, lurKPys, runu; iiik'ks nnu geese, 635Vic; spring chickens, per lb., oVVafie. IJHKHHMn l'nltt.TnVTnrUv tOIOn! ducks and geese, 71Sc; spring chickens, ifuiwi; nens, euvic. BtlTTRR Ciimtnnn In fair. 1311c: rhnlen dairy. In tubs, 15fll7c; separator,'23'i?24c. , I'Htiau fiHii jtinctc onfs, jsc; wnitn bass, 10c: blliefish, 12c; bullheads, 10e: blue fins, 7o; buffnlncs, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, He; cranples, 11c: halibut, 11c; herring, "r; had dock, lOo; pike, 10c; red snapper, jOcj sal mon, 14c; sunflsh, ac; trout, 9c; whltcflsh. Be; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20$ S5c. OYSTERS Mediums, ner can. 22c: Stand- 33c; New York counts, per can, 40c; bulk Standards, per gal,, tl.20Ql.25; bulk extra selects, i.whi.). I'ldliONS-Llve, per doz 60c- vtiAL, unoice, wsc. HAY Prices ouoted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers association: Choice upland, .i.w, no. a upiana, m.ai; meaium, s; coarse, 7.50, Rvo straw. $5. These nrlccs are for hay of good color nnd Quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 12 cars. UOHN-KeW, WCJ Old. 630. BRAN $20. OATS tec. VEGETABLES. POTATORH Itomn crown. It! northern. $1.10; Salt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. UAilllUiB I'er du., wic. IIICBTH Per H-bu. DasKBU ."ajc TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c: Rutabagas, dbt 100 lbs., $1.25. uutJUMUi'JKB noinouse. per dor., ji.zs. liETTUCE Head, ner bb .. $6 50: hothouse li t tune, per doz., 2S, t'AKHLiKYwer aoi., xsc. RADISIUCS-Per doc, 26c. SWEET POTATOES Homo crown, ner lb., 2Vio; genuine Virginia, per bo!., $3.50; Kanins, per uni,, $3. CABBAGE Holland seed, crate'rt. me. ONIONS Homo grown, per lb.. 2tf.'j4c; Spanish, per crate, $2; Michigan reds, 2V4c per in, CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 2$i(3Sc: Nebraska, per bunch, ,fi35c; Colorado. 40fi 0c. NAVY BEANS rer bu $2.15. FRUITS. APPLES-Beu Davis, ner bbl.. $4.0OT4.5O: wlnesaps, $5: Jonathan, $5.50; Bclleflowcrs, IC1 UUAt PEARS Vlkers. $2.25: Lawrence. S2.2.-ia 2.50. ORAI'ES MalngHS, per Keg, $J-.5030.60. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7.5038.00: ner crate, $2.7o. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Fioridns. M 2,")3.50: California navels. $3,5053.75; budded. $3. iiKMUKS-irancy, 13.Mm3.70: choice, s.i.oo (Q3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to sue. $2.25(82.75. ' FIGS California, new cartons, 70c; im pound, per lb., 12tfl4c. DATES Ferslan, In C0-lb. boxes, per ib SVic; Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron wninilts. No. 1 soft sholl. p.cr lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 12Uc; No. i soft shell, 11c; No. 2 hard shell, 10'tc: Brazils, per lb 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. CUDER Nehawkn. Dor bbl.. $3: New York. $3.60. mujis fio, i green, 6c; rso. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 saltnd. 7Vc: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 9o; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c: dry hides, 913c; anccp pelts, 253'27c; horso hides, $l.602.25. SAUERKRAUT Per H-bbl $3; per bbl.. $5.75. 84. I.onla Grain nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Doc. 4. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 82';c: track. SVa) K3V4c: December, 81?4o; May, S2V;g82-c; No, nam, iic. CORN Hlaher: No. 2 cash. G6lc: track.- 6GXuiic: December, 66-i;c; May. 68vic OATS Higher: No. 2 cash, 47',ic: track, 47V4G48o: December. 47Vic; May, 4646c: No 2 white, 47";fr48V;c. Jixjs liignnr, Bivic FLOUR Higher: red winter patents. $3."S3.90: extra fancy nnd strnleht. $3.2042 3.45; clear, $3.0003.10. timothy SK12U Nominally h Eber: prime, $6.50. uoiiiSMJSAL-steady at $3.16. RRAN Scarce nnd strong; sacked, cast track, $l.oc1.07. HAY Timothy, steady at $12.5015.00: pralrlo. scarce nnd firm at $11.5013.50. WMiMKV Mteaciy at $1.3;, IRON COTTONTIES 95c. UAOOINO-5(ff6V;c. HEMP TWINI4-9C. PROVISIONS - Pork, higher: Johblng. $lt.40. Lard, higher at $9.40. Drv salt meats (boxed), steady: extra shorts and clear ribs. $8.37.t: clear sides. IS.fi'J'A. Ba con (boxed), steady: extra shorts and clear rins, VJ.ib; clear sides, 'Ol'liTllY Hteady: c uckens. oic: springs, 7c: turkey, 6',4c; ducks, 6)i7c; geese. SVitioc. BUTTEIt 8tcndy; creamery, 20525V4o; dairy. 1520c. KUiiB-Hteatty nt 2zc. METALS-Steady at $4.351? I.27V4. Spelter, firm at $4.15ifr4.17Vi. RECKIPTH-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 35.0O0 bu.: corn, 71,000 bu.; oats, 65,000 bu, SHIPMENTS-Fiour, 10,000 bbls.: wheat, 20,000 bu.; corn, 68,000 bu.; oats, 70,000 hu. Kansas City CSraln and Provision. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 4.-WHEAT-Do-cember, 72Ho; May. "tVSo: ensh, No. 2 hard, 74SJ75Ctc: No. 3, 73',4c; No, 2 red, 78!ic; No, 3, 76OT?Vi: 'receipts, 43 cars. CORN December. 8V4c; January, CvSVc: May, CSSc; cash. No. 3 mixed, GSVic; No. 2 white, C9e; No. 3, OSc. OATS-No. 2 white. 19c. RYE No. 2, 6l",4fl66c. HAY Cholcfl timothy, $13.5Ofll4.00; choice prairie, S13.0W3.M. HUTTKR-Crer.mery. lSfl23c; dairy, fancy'', 17c. EOGS-rStendv: fresh Missouri and Knn- nns stock quoted on 'change, 21c per doz,, loss off. cases returned: country held, 16c. RECEIPTS Wheat, 34,400 bu.; corn, 49,600 bu.; oats, 16.000 bu. SIIIP.MKNTH Wbeat. 28.000 bu.: corn. 44.- 800 bu.; oats, 12,iX bu. Liverpool lirnJn and Provisions, LIVERPOOL, Dec. 4.-WHEAT-Spot, firm: No. 3 red western winter 6s lUjd; No. 1 northern spring. 6s lid; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6s Vid: futures, steady; March, Pi d; May, a IMd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, nominal; American mixed, old, 5h 4Hd; futures, steaily: January, 6s 34d; March, 5s 3d; May, Ss 3d, 4 Mlnnrapolls Wheat, Flonr anil Ilran, MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 4,-AVHEAT-Cnsh, 7414c; December, 73c: May, 75;ra76sic. On track, No. 1 hard, 7714o; No, 1 northern, 74 Wc: No. 2 northern, 72ic. FLOUR-I'lrst iiatents, $3.75U3.85: second patents, $3.7603.80: nrst clears, $2.SOflC.85; second clears, $2.30. BRAN In bulk. $18.0OQ18.60. York. Wheat got within 'te of the highest point last August and the entire market situation was dniulnnteil by it volume of outside buying such ns has not been seen hero In weeks. Argentine was a buyer of wheat today on bad weather and the south bought on continued drouth In winter wheat districts, movi:mi:vii opTtocks ami homis. .llnrUrt (en nltli I'lrm Tone nnd (Intliprx Slrcntli, NEW YdRK. Dec. l.-Tlm stock market nriened with a linn lone today nnd gathered considerable strength. Tho general senti ment among the speculative community Is 0110 of satisfaction over tho contents of th president's message and over thn tono of the comment upon that .document in the press. The recommendations of thn secre tnry of tho treasury looking to reform in the banking currency wete nlso viewed with rntlsfHctlon In the financial district 1'ho steadier tono of Amalgamated Copper removed an extremely disturbing luMileure. The trading ill Amalgamated Copper was still on a Inrgo scale. The stock nearly touched the low record established yester day for it moment during the morning, but tallied strongly during' the latter part of tho day and closed with a net gain of 21. The renewed break In the Loudon copper market was Ignored. The fact that no en gagements of gold wrie made for export tomorrow served to tolleve some apprehen sion that tho money supplies would grow stringent by drain to thut quarter. Tin? banks havo lost to tho siibtrejisury already upward of J.VWOO this week. Including the p.iymcnts for the gold exported on Tuesday. Application has already been mndo for the withdrawal of $3,ii,(ioo of government bonds on deposit to serum na tional bank circulation, which Is the maxi mum allowed for the month. It Is evidently Intended to offer these bonds for redemp tion. Tho eagerness of tho banks to with draw theso bonds nnd In consequence to re duce their circulation Is cvldenco that tho premium offered by thn government for tho redemption of tho bonds Is the Im pelling motive, rather than tho needs of tho money market for additional supplies, Thn monthly statement of the money In circulation In tho country by the Treasury department shows an Increase of nearly $5,000,000 during November, in splto of tho $18,000,000 of gold exports and a slight de crease in thn national bank clroulatlon. Anxiety over the money outlook was. Jherefore. not In evidence today. The most notablo points of strength In the day's market wero among the Gould stocks, led by Manhattan, which rose an extreme 4"n. This stock served as a starter In tho gains In the traotlon group. Now York Central was conspicuously strong, ns was Penn sylvania. General Electric rose 3;. Thero were many gains of 1 to 2 points In thn southwrsterns. Grand Trunks, coalers anil Industrial::. Tho transcontinental stocks and United States Steel wero lagging In tho ndvancc. Great Northern preferred lost 1'4 and Northwestern 6V4, with a rally of :l. Tho market closed slightly Irregular, but near tho top for many stocks. Speculative bonds wero strong, but there was Irregularity In tho gencrnl list. Total sales, par value. $2,765,000. United States refunding 2s advanced U nnd the 3s, regis tered, U. Tho Commercial Adcrtlsor's London financial cablegram says: Thn stock mar ket today wns Idle anil Irregular. Consols hardened to 91 13-16. although tho murkut In talking about a 40,(n).ooo Issue In Jan uary. Americans were neglected. President Roosevelt's mild nltuslous to trusts In his mcesngu reassured but failed to attrack buyers. The market Is still overshadowed by thn copper situation. American shares opened around parities, eased off slightly and then upon Pacific advices Improved on New York's afternoon support, nnd Pennsylvania, Louisville & Nashville and Erie, owing to New York cders. stif fened on tho curb nfter the closo of the exchange. Rio tlntos, after touching 41V4, closed steady, although copper broke to 6u5s the ton. Paris exchange is 25.15; Berlin, 20. 43H. The following are tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchango: Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O... do pfd Can. Pacific 1.... Can. Southern .. Cbes. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pro Chicago, 1. & L. do pfd Chleneo & E. 1.. Chicago G. W.... ilo 1st pin do 2d pfd C. N. W C. It. 1. P Chicago T. & T. Philadelphia Produce Market, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 4. BUTTER Firm: fair dciunnd; fancy western cream cry. ic; fancy nearby prints, 29c. EGGS Quiet but steady; fresh nearby and western, 31c: fresh southwestern, 29c; fresh southern, 2Sc. CHEESE Firm: New York creams, fancy, small, Utt'SllTic Telrdn firaJn and Seed. TOLEDO. Dec, I. WHEAT Strong and active; cash nnd December, 82V4c; May, Stiic. CORN-Strong; December, 66c; May, 67Tc. OATS December. 45!ic: May, 46Vie. CLOVERSEED December, $5.67i; March, $5.50. Milwaukee Grain Mark-et. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 4. WHEAT Strong; No, 1 northern, 70',4c; No, 2 north ers. 73fi74ie: May. 79Wc. RYE-Strong; No, 1, flUic. H A RLBY Strong; No. 2. 6lc; sample, nothing riolnr. CORN-Mny, MTic .New York (J nil 11 Mnrkr't, NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-ORAlN-The hulls had full Bwlng .In all the grain markets today. Corn passed sll prices in recent month, uini ug to 71V: tor May. la New do pfd C. C. C. & St. L. Colo. Southern . do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del.& Hudson.. Del,, L. & W.... Denver & R. G. do pfd , Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd..... Hock. Vnlley ... do pfd Illinois Central.. Iowa Centrnl ... do pfd L. E. & W do pfd Louis, & Nash... Manhattan L ... Mot, St. Ry Mex. Central ... Mpx. Nutlonal . Minn. &. St. L.. Mo. Pacific .... M K. ft T do pfd N. J. Central,. N. Y. Central.. Nor. &. West.... do pfd No. Pnclflo pfd., Ontnrlo & W... Pennsylvania ,. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. V.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd . 79Vs St. Paul 100UI do pfd .IOIV3S0. Pacific . 9oVt'So. Railway ,1I4'I do pfd . fc-ViToxas & P . 48T St. L. & W.., . My do pfd . 77V4 Union Pacific .... . AS 1 do pfd ..71'.; Wabash .13S5.I do pfd . 24$. W. & L. E . 7li do 2d pfd , . 4Va Wis. Central ..... .205 I do pfd , ,151? Adams Express.. . )S'4 Am. Ei'press .... . :'3',s I'. S. Express.,.., . !ft4 Wells-Furgo . ll;Si Amnl. Copper .... . ( Amer. C. i F..., . 27 I do pfd .176 Amcr. S. & R... .241 I do pfd . 45 4Ann. Mln. Co...., . 91 'Brk. Rap. Tr , . 42'; 'olo. K. & I , 72', Con, Gas . 58;4lGeu. Electric ,189Vt Glucose Sugar ... . 63HockluK Coal , Sl'.si Int'n'l Paper .... .1394,! do pfd , . 3S Int'n'l Power . 73 Lnclede Gas . 72 Nat. Biscuit , ,12K National Load ,., .10SU 'National Salt .., 143',i, do pfd .166 No. American ... . 23?i,!,aclllc Coast .... . ltti'Paclllc Mall .lotiV ''''"Pic's Gas ... .103 I Pressed 8. C , . 26?;l do pfd r.'Mi Pllllmnn P l iit'iiuuiic oicei . . do nfri Sugar renn. C. & 1...., I.'. II. H P. Co..., do pfd , l S. Leather.... do pfd V. S. Rubber...., do nfil if. S. Steel do pfd Western Union . Am. Locomotive, do pfd 167U 189 f'Ofi . 3 93 40 1914 .1791 .170', . 59' . 91 .1001A . 35t4 1 .r.iC . ROW SO 60 52H Ml 711. 2s 59i 19$, 41 1S3 29 20JA 42 a 190 202 91 ,190 74?i 29 f5 44 9Cl 314 ll 914 21Si 278 39?; 7t4 M)i 93 31 62 92 77 404 100?, 215 15?, t,9l4 123Tf, 61 I3',i JSli 52 42; !'27 911 32?j, S9 Offered. Xpw York Money Market. NEW YORK, Doc. I.-MONEY-On call, firm at 4JH!4 per ciint; last loon, 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, H',a3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business in bunkers' PIIIm at $4.87";; for demand at $4.S445(4.84? for sixty days; posted rates, $4.S5Tj I.SS'i; commercial bills, $4.831404.84. SILVER Bar, 54'4c; Mexican dollars, 43c. BONDS Government, strong; slate, In active; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg. do coupon do 3s. reg do coupon do new 4s, reg., do coupon do old 4s, reg. do coupon , do 6s, reg , do coupon Atch. gen. 4s do ndj. 4s Bol. Ohio 4s,. do 34s do conv. 4s Canada So. 2s... C. of O. 6e do 1st Inc C. & O. 4A C. & A. 3s C B. ti Q. n. 4s, C M & 8 P g 4s, C. & N. W. c. 7s C. R. I. & P. 4s. CCC & S L g. 4s, Chicago Ter. 4s. Colorado So, 4s,., D. & R. O. 4s... Erie prior I. 4s.. do gen 4s F. W. & D. C. Is Hock, Vnl, 44s. ,1084, 109 ,ios? ,139'i ,139.i .11114 ,107ji ,107'i,1 ,1034' , 9l4 .103S , 9 ,1094 ,106 V5 . 76 .107, , 864 , 9S ,111 ,139 ,lC6ft ,102, , 88 , . 89; ,103'i ,100'i , 90, ,1044 .1014 L. & N. Ulll. 4s.. Mex. Central 4s. . do 1st inc M. & St. L, 4s... M K A T. 4s... do 2s N. Y. Central Is, N. J. C. g. 34s,, do gen. 6s No, Pacific 4s do 3s N. A- W. c, 4s..., Heading gen, 4s,, 8 I. & 1 M o Sh.. St. L. & S. F. 4s.. St. L. S. W. is., do 2s 8. A. A A. P. 4s, So. Pucltlo 4s So. Railway 6s,., T. & P. is. T. S L W 4s. Union Pncltlo 4s,, do conv. 4s , Wnbush 1h do 2? do deb. B.. VBt Shore fs..., W. & L. E. 4s.... Wis. Central 4s.., Con. Tob. 4s 1024 :si 10'! 9S?; io;,?ii 1(13 4 13l: 105 .T4 1113 .4 116 97!4 97 89, 120J 118U, l llKil; ll'l,, 11:1 in; 63 114 Ml 63 Bid, London Stock ttnotntioua. LONDON, Dec. 4.-4 ). m. Closing: Cons., money,. do ncco.unt... Annconda Atchison do pfd Bnltlmorn O Can. I'aclllc ... Ches. & Ohio., Chicago G. , p.. M. & 81. P. Denver & It, G do nfd Krlo In 1st pfd, no .n pin,.. Illlnlos Centrnl Louis, k NmhIi, M.i K. T. ... do pfd 90 11-16 , 9t .VI ' ... 0. ... 81 U ...1021 ...106 . .117 ... 49'i . . 2l'I ...171". 4tf 96il ... W ... !' ... .142 ... MJ ... 354 N, Y. Central... Nor. A- West..,. do iTd No. Pacific pfd,. Pennsylvania ... Reading do iHt pfd do 2d pfd fio. Paclllc Union Pacific, ... do pfd ., 1'. S. Steel do pfd Wabash !,,.. ilo pfd ,, Spanish 4s Hand Mines ,,,, DcBeers .173 . oi; 33! . sou . 62i4 .1051, . 92 . I4'. . 954 . 22s , iiwi . 401; RAU SILVER Uncertain. 25d per ounce. MONEYi-SV'lS'.i. por cent: the rat of discount In tho open market for short bills, 3Sfj7li per rentK'for thrco months' bills, 3MrM per cent. Hank t'lenrliiK". 0.t AH A. Dec. 4. Bank clearing today. $1 231,837.91: one year ago, $975.9 JO.tO; In crease. $275,898.41. CHICAGO, Dec, 4,-Ckarings, $111,733,833; balnnees, $2,6.933, posted exchange, l Mji New rk exchange. 3.V discount , ST LOflS. Dec. 4. -Clearings, $IO.&?7.794, balances $1,111,815; money, 48o4 per cent; New York otehange, pjr. NEW YORK, Dps. (.-Clearings, $2T5,076, 123; balances, $10,836,811. BOSTON, Dee t.-Clcnrlngs, $24.533,19J; balances, $l.764,79t. . PHILADELIMIIA, Deo. (.-Clearing". $22,2)l,R30; balances, $2,212,180; money, 5 per cent. HAl.TIMrtiti.;, t)ec. 4.-Clearlng. $3,981, 312; balnnces, $515,115; money, l4''I6 per cent. CINCINNATI, Dec, 4.-Clearlllgs, $3,3H. (); money, 31irt per cent; New York ex change, lMIOr premium. Boston stork uotat Ions, BOSTON. Der. .-Cnll loans, 4BI14 P'r cent: tlmo loans. IU5 ner cent. Cinlelnl Closing; Atchison 4s Mex. Central 4s. N. E. G. & f . .. Atchison do pfd Boston A A Boston Mc .. Boston Kiev N Y, N H v H.. l'ltchburg jifd Union I'aclllc Mex. Centlal ... Amer. Suirnr Amer. T. At T..,. Pom. I. & H. . Gen. Electrlo . Jlnss. Rlectrle .. do iifd N. E. G. Sr C . United Fruit .... C, a. Steel do nfd West'h'se com. . . Adventure .102 Allouez 4'; . M' Amalgamated .... 7I' . 6.1 Bnltlc 42 . 79U Bingham 28 .100- Cal. R- Hecla 645 .259 Centennial , !5i .189 Copper Hnnge ... 63 .163 Horn. Coal ,21.14 Franklin 15 .142S Isle Rovale 22 .102'4 .Mohawk 39 . 234 nsc-ola 8Sl4 .12.i;4 Parrot 33 .163 Qulncy b 274 SantH'Fe Copper. 34 27!t .Tnmiirnck 33 iTrlmountaln 93i, Trinity 42 21 iH l riniiy di 6 UTnlted States .... 1IU 87. Utah 22 42s4 Victoria ., 92si Winona .. 73 Wolverine 20 6 67 Ner 3nrk Mining- Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. (.-The following nre the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 18 Alien ... . 45 lire coo 14 Brunswick con... 75 Comstoek Tun.... 6 Con. Cal. & Vn.,.165 Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Sliver 190 Iron Silver 60 Lcndvlllc Con,.,, 6 Little Chief 12 Ontario 900 Onblr , 65 t'noenix Potosl 2 Savage 3 Sierra Nevada ... 4 Small Hopes 40 Standard 33 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Doc. 4.-COTTON-flpot, fair demand: prices Ud higher: American middling fair, 4 27-32d: good middling, 4 2-32d; middling, 4 9-16d: low middling, 4 15-32d; good ordinary. 41l-16d; ordinary, 4 3-32d. The snles .of the day were 10.0m) bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 9,200 American; receipts, 22.300 bales, all American. Fu tures opened firm and closed firm at an nd vancc of 10fil5 points; American middling, g. o. j,, December, 4 29-64'S4 30-6td. buyers; Decemner nnd Jnnunry, 1 28-64d, sellers; Jnnuary and February, t 26-6tf4 27-6ld ; February and Mnrch. 4 Zo-fAtH 26-6ld, buy ers: March and April. 4 25-6ld, buyers; April nnd Mny, I 24-61'it I 256ld. buyers; Slay and June. 1 24-64W4 25-64d. sellers; Juno and July, 4 23-64(fi-l 24-t4lil. sellers; July nnd August, 4 23-6ld, buyers; August and September. 4 18-6ld, buyers. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-COTTON-Spot, closed quiet and lo higher; middling up lands, 8t8?io: middling g-llf, 8 7-16o; snles, 700 bales. Futures closed barely steadv; December, 8.04c: January. 8.04c; February, S.03c: March, S.03c: April, 8.02c: May, 8.02c; June. 8.03o; July, 8.00c: August, 7.85c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 4.-COTTON Steady; sales, 6,600 bales; ordinary, 64c; good ordlnnry, BTic: low middling. 7c; middling, 7 13-l6o: good middling, 8 1-16c; middling fnlr. 84c; receipts, 25,958 bales; stock, 2S3.222 bales. Futures steady: De cember. 7.87f(7.89c: January. 7.82c; Febru ary. 7.82f?7.8tc; March. 7.847.S3c: April, 7.89-a7.90!: Mny, 7.86fj7.S6a; June, 7.8.Vfi7.87c; July, ".Wl.Kc. St. LOUIS. Dec. 4,-COTTON-Flrm; sales, .W bales; middling. 7"ic: receipts, 7.656 bales; shipments, 6,206 bnles; stock, 52,561 bales. GALVESTON. Dec. 4.-COTTON-Flrm at 8Tic. riimpnrlaon of Cost of .inpplles. NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-Dun's Index num ber to be Issued December 7, will say: If a man purchased his supplies for one year on December 1, they would have cost $101.37, while the same quantity of the same nrtlcles would have aggregated only $72.50 on July 1, 1897, the lowest point on record, and $121.75 on January 1, ISfin. These price records are compiled by multi plying the quotations of nil the necessaries of life by tlio, per capita consumption. Prices nre now at the highest point In many years and In fact surpass all records; present Improved methods of manufacture and distribution havo been In use nnd agri cultural operations were first begun on the present extensive scale with labor-saving machinery. , Colter Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 4.-COFFEE-Spot Rio, quiet. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 74fEffle. Trading In tho market for futures was more active todny. but fluctuations 'n prices kept within n narrow' range. The opening wns unchanged to G points advance on favorable cables from European .ami Brazilian markets. During the day cover ing was a feature which helped sustain values throughout the session. Europe bought a little. Receipts, while heavier than yesterday, were considered light. The mnrkot closed unchanged to 10 points ad vance. Sales on cnll were.""" 7.000 bags nnd for the entire sfsslon amounted to 14.l?8 bags. Including February nt C.H5e; March, 6,70C.76c; May, 6.90c: June, 7c: July, 7.051J' 7.15c; September, 7,23c; October, 7.13c. tiiiKiir Market. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4.-SUGAR-Steady; open kettle, 27ic: open kettle, cen trifugal, 3fifr3i(:; centrifugal, grnnulaled, 4V46fcc: whites, 3ift315-lBo; yellows, 3l'(? 3"4i; seconds. 2Vi,ijr2Tic. Molasses, dull; open kettle. 20fi32i': centrifugal, 9(ff914c; syrup, steady nt 22(H29c. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-8fOAR-Rnw. steady: fair refining. 3lJc: centrifugal. '.16 test, 3'ie; mohit-ses sugar, 3c, Rellned, hteady; cruMied, 5.10c; powdered, 5.00c, granulated, l.pnp. MOIASSKS-Stendy. Oil and Itnsln, OIL CITY. Dec. l.-OH-Credlt balances, $1.30; certificates, no bid; shipments, 113,912 bbls.; nverage, 91.673 bbls,; runs, 91,986 bbls.; average. B1.&20 bbls. TOLKDO, Dec. I. -OIL North Lima, 94c; South Lima nnd Indiana, S9c. NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-OiL-Cottonseed, llrm: prime yellow, 3i;V4f37c. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. SAVANNAH, ilec. 4.-OI L Turpentlnn. llrm nt 351,1 Rosin, firm: quote: A. h. C. D. E $1.10; F $1,13; G.. $1.20; 11.. $1.45; 1 $1.00; K $2.15: M $2.65; N $3,25; W. G., $3,60; W. W $3.60. Et nnorntril Apples nnd llrled Krnlts, NEW YORK, Dec. 4. EVAPORATED APPLES A change was reported; traders were Inclined to purchase In a slight way; prime, 9fr9ic: choice, 9'4f9Mc; fancy, 10U lOVic. California dried fruits-cou- tlnuc, steads', but not active; prunes, S; 7c. Apricots, Royal, lOigilc; Moor Park, 9'.4ft13c. Penches, peeled, 12fl9c; unpeeled, 7fijl0'4c. eir York Dry G001U Market, NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-DRY GOODS Thero has been more Interest shown by buyers today In the general situation nnd for staple cottons there has been an in creased demand, sellers are reserved and, though no high prices hnvo been quoted, ,the tendency is upward. Men's wear wool ens and worsteds are scarce nnd firm. Wool .Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 4,-WOOI-In light de mand and steady: medium grades, l3f ITHc; light Ilne..l2i4ft5c; heavy fine, 10ifl2c; tub washed, 1IH2lic LONDON. Dec. 4.-WOOL The wool auc tion sales scheduled for today have been postponed on account of fog, llrnignlie Meilcnn Mnanns, HOUSTON. Tox Dec. 4,-At last night's session of the Masonic grand lodge of Texas a resolution extending fraternal recognition to thn grand lodge of the Valley of Mexico at the City of Mexico and of tho grand lodso of Benito Juarez of the state of Coaliualla was ndnpteil and the representatives of thne bodies Invited to seats In the grand lodge of Texas. This action Is Important to the Mexican Masonic, lodges, ns It gives them standing and recognition In the United States, Cluing)' In Ynle l.nvr Pchoul, NEW HAVEN, Conn,.' Dec. l.-Thcodore Salisbury Woolsey. professor of inter national law. has been iippolnted tempo rary dean of the Yale lay school on ac count of the. serious illness of Prof. Francis Wayland, who has been head of that de partmeut of Yale for nearly a quarter of a century. Dean Wayland has been suffering slnco laat August from a stoppage of the. circulation In one of his leg, Portland Draws Color l.lnc. PORTLAND, Ore,, Nov. 4. Thn Portland Woman's club at a largely attended meet Ing rejected the so-calleif "Massachusetts plan" for almlsslon of delegates to the approaching' general federation at Los Angeles by state organization and' .ho ad mission of colored women delegate". The effect of thlii actlou Is to draw the color line. OMAHA LITE STOCI MARKET lttr 6rdi of All Kindt of Cattl lld fittillj At Etronr Pricit. HOG MARKET ACTIVE AND HIGHER Fnt ."hrep and l.nnibs Were In Good Deninnd nt Just A lion t Mcmtj Prlcci I'ecder Sold About Jtenilj-, Trade a Mltle'.MtiTr, SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. I. Receipts wre; Cattle. Hogs. 8heep. Official Monday 3,021 8,i30 l.tvi Otllclal Tuesday 5,u;o 17,9i2 6,831 Official Wednesday 2.2W 11.VZ6 WW Three days this week.10.iUl 38.438 19,422 Samo days last week... ,12,91s 6,16l 34S!) Snmo, week before 15,dM 36,161 37,110 Samo throo weeks ago. 2l',4" 24,131 4.1.X1 Manio tour weeks ngo..,13,!M 13,lu( ;,I3( bamo days last year.... 9,31 2o,7t U,M Average prices paid for nogs ul South Omaha tho past several das, with com parisons: Hate. I lOlTirXH."lS99nM . 1U97. 5937 Nov. 15.. Nov. 1.. Nov. 17...I NOV. 18.,, Nov. 19... Nov, 20... Nov. 21.,. Nov. 22... No'. 23... Nov. J4... Nov. 25... Nov. 2S... Nov. 27... Nov, 28... Nov. 29... Nov. SO... I Dec. 1.... Dec. 2.... Dec. 3.... Dec. 4.... 5 tlfi 6 63 5 634' 5 63U 5 II 6 81 6 754 5 Ct! 6 764 0 i.i 6 854 6 6J4 6 88i 6 92fc I 63 3 90 3 lfi 2 27 3 46 4 90. 84 3 351 3 3i 3 1$ 3 45 .4 82 3 hi 3 36 3 32, 3 11 3 ht 3 361 3 3:1 3 14 3 41 4 78 3 281 3 31 3 16 3 S3 4 76 3 f8 3 34 3 13 3 U 78 3 89 3 31 3 15 3 4i 1 7 3 86 3 37 3 39) 3 3$ 4 78 3 86 3 441 3 27 3 24 3 41 6 (6 3 82 3 46 3 27 3 21 3 77 3 38 3 30 3 16 3 46 4 87 3 23 3 24 3 24 3 60 4 76 3 76 3 28 3 25 3 43 71 3 78 3 20 3 32 3 Jl 4 74 3 68 3 19 3 30 4 69 4 71 3 21 3 27 3 35 3 40 4 63 3 74 3 25 3 23 3 19 3 "6 3 28 3 25 3 09 3 35 4 64 3 29 3 19 3 23 3 42 4 68 3 81 3 21 3 16 3 39 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of enrs of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. -;., m, ec at. i'. ity 1 b AVabasll Missouri Pacific system 1 Union Pacific 28 C. a N. W. Ry 6 F B. & M. V. R, R 21 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry... 13 B. e M. H. Ry 26 C, B. & Q. Ry 11 K. C. A St. J , 2 C, R. I. fc P., east 5 C R. I, ei P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts .123 1 ., .. 1 t 111 .. f 36 21 15 6 32 9 1 8 1 . . . . 17 1 n . . 2 '.. "l67 (T 2 's receipts was laslng the num- ittle. Hogs. Sheep. 183 l.MO 419 673 2,699 730 763 3,409 491 419 3,775 120 33 218 98 3 69 1SI 131 4' 52 50 .... .... 143 1,021 287 5,245 bcr of head Indicated: Buyers. C Omaha Packing Co G. H. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co R. Becker A Degnn Vnnsant & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill ft Huntzlngcr Benton & Underwood. ..... Livingstone & Schaller.... Hamilton & Rothschild... L. F. Husz H. L. Dennis & Co B. F. Hobblck S. & S Fowler Other buyers Totals 3,646 13,022 6.CS0 CATTLE There was considerable more activity to the cattle market this morning nnd tho better grades of all kinds sold at stronger prices than wern paid yesterday. Both packers and feeder buyers seemed to be anxious for supplies nnd ns the re ceipts wero not very hoavy trading was more active than It has been for the last few Cays. Offerings of good to choice corn-fed steers were limited this morning, so that buyers were out early and paid steady to strong prices for the kinds that suited them. The commoner grades and halt-fnt stuff, however, did not sell any better than they did yesterday nnd packers were very Indifferent buyers. A few of that class of cattle nre selling for feeders, but not many of them. The demand for cows and heifers was In much bettor shape today than yester day and thn better grades could be quoted strong and active. The medium kinds and ennners nlso sold freely, but no particular change ftom yesterday was noticed in'tho prices paid. BjIIs, veal calves unci stags were also ready sellers at good steady prices where the quality was satisfactory. Tho supply of stockers and feeders wns limited again today and as speculators hnd but few cattle on hand this morning they were all looking for fresh supplies. The heavyweights and prlnio stockers wero In the best demnnd and prices Improved some what, Tho demand from the country for that class of cattle lias been In good shape all the week and fully equnl to tho supply. Common grades of stock cattle of all weights are neglected. There wero Very few western range steers In the yards today good enough for kilters and Just about steaay prices were paid for anything at nil good, llango cows of good quality commanded strong prices nnd other kinds sold about steady. The same was true of tho Blockers and feeder trade. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 630 2 00 34 1055 4 53 23 786 2 10 24 1144 4 60 1 550 2 60 16. ,.1079 4 80 1 850 2 60 39 1131 4 90 14 9023 78 17 1080 4 90 13 810 3 75 SO 921 4 90 1 1S80 3 90 4 1227 4 95 2 1093 4 00 18 1185 6 03 1 1340 4 15 7 1160 5 20 1 1160 4 15 10 1187 6 20 4 802 4 15 1 1100 6 25 1 1230 t 25 10 1186 6 25 18 10S5 4 25 27 1037 5 40 5 852 4 25 14...., 1048 5 40 19 953 t 30 20 P97 fi 55 1 960 4 60 19 1257 6 73 24 1220 4 60 43 1306 5 80 22 1011 4 50 20 108.1 6 00 35 1035 4 55 49 1291 6 10 STEEnS AND HEIFERS. 23 9S2 1 75 27.. 916 5 50 15 1105 4 80 COWS. 1 860 1 50 1 1060 2 90 J 1060 1 50 1 S!H) 2 )) 2 840 1 W 1 1000 2 90 1 870 I 75 1 900 3 flu 1 870 1 85 3 1230 3 On 32 797 1 8& 25 992 3 m) 1 1090 2 00 20 974 3 30 1 iav 2 00 1 1210 3 00 4 967 2 00 18 10S0 3 00 1 910 2 00 1 10S0 3 00 1 1040 2 00 28 832 3 00 6 940 2 10 4 10O3 3 00 1 820 2 25 6 1074 3 (XI 1 860 2 23 14 778 3 00 14 74 3 2 2 5 2 1115 3 ft) 1 1100 2 25 7 1110 3 On 1R 913 2 25 20 1077 3 10 3 1100 2 35 1 860 3 10 1 950 2 4 0 6 U62 ,1 10 3 910 2 40 7 911 3 13 1 1020 2 40 4 932 3 20 11 821 3 40 14 1027 3 20 26 921 2 45 21 927 3 25 1 1190 2 45 1 1210 3 25 3 883 2 60 1 1050 3 25 9 1064 2 60 1 1120 3 25 4 1090 2 60 6 1024 3 25 1 1130 2 60 12 H 3 35 1 1140 2 60 22 927 3 35 1 1050 2 60 1 930 3 35 1 1150 2 60 14 957 .1 40 fl 1061 2 60 7..'. 1000 3 45 6 886 2 6i 1 1240 3 60 2 685 2 65 3 943 3 60 18 845 2 65 1 1020 3 60 7 1067 2 70 2 1125 3'LV 2 960 : 75 13 U23 3 65 2 825 2 76 4 1085 3 7n 2 885 2 75 13 1031 3 75 1 1070 2 75 1 500 .1 75 9 1050 2 75 1 1470 3 80 1 1540 2 75 24 1006 3 80 1 P30 2 75 60 1031 3 80 1 1070 2 73 2 127D n 55 4 892 2 Sn 1 1440 3 S3 2 1060 2 SO 3 1306 3 83 7 964 2 80 3 1050 3 90 10 844 2 80 1 1280 .1 90 2.,,-, 1020 2 85 1 1100 4 in 3 953 2 90 16 986 4 00 9 1031 2 fHi 1 1200 4 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 1096 2 65 3 1320 3 85 12 925 3 33 HEIFERS, 1 i0 1 75 1 790 2 85 20 603 1 75 16 8(0 3 85 1 700 2 no 10 923 2 90 1 650 2 30 4 542 2 90 1 610 2 31 12 788 3 25 1 615 2 50 1 750 3 50 3 656 2 75 1 770 4 00 10 751 2 75 7 1050 4 (0 2 1020 2 85 BULLS. 1 Kurt 2 W 1 1200 2 SD 1 1130 2 10 1 IBM 2 85 1 1140 2 10 3 1430 2 90 1 1510 2 23 1 ,,..168i) 3 111 1 1110 2 25 1 1260 3 1.1 1 WO 2 35 1 149-) 3 25 1 SSO 2 (H 1 1140 3 23 1 800 2 60 1, 1160 3 25 2 1620 2 65 1 1280 3 25 5 902 2 60 1 1600 3 25 I, 1160 2 75 1 950 3 33 1 .. 1.... 1 ... 1... 1.,.. 1.... 6.... 1.... 2...S 3.... 1.... 1.... 8..., 3. 1. A3"!!!!"'.! 700 . 1190 ...170 ... 20 ... 320 . , , 200 2 7 1. .. 2 80 i Ai.vna. 3H) 1..,. 300 1.... 4 CI 1 . . . . I no 10J0 .1 50 .. 140 .. 20 .. 130 fSO 406 STOCK CALVES. ifl 2 9) 3 00 40. 1. ;so 3So I 2'i 5 50 4 75 3 35 3 75 nr. 2 40 2 70 11 cows..,. 26 steers... I cow 43 cows.... ." steers. I steer.. 1330 2 (TV STOCK COWS 4D 2 m 470 2 2T, 700 101,) 711 STOCKERS 476 2 1) ...... HII .!.... 7 47T. 58 too 700 690 SOi) 550 4 SO W STAGS. 7(0 3 50 1 AND Hr.tFKRS. 810 1.. 1.. 685 530 620 2 75 2 75 3 25 ! 0H 2 in 2 50 ND FEEDERS 4 8 1 ;i 20 3 in 3 ID :i 13 3 25 J. 750 897 9.10 970 750 600 3 743 29 926 I 79) 3 990 7 10O5 Abbott-Neb. 3 25 3 35 3 50 3 60 ,3 50 3 60 3 60 3 3 75 J 85 3 95 .1018 3 00 . 910 2 60 43 feeders.. 1018 3 To Violet 4 COWS.. 1 cow..., 7 steers. 977 3 00 9 steers. . 3 6.1 H feeders J. M. Gentry- Neb. 720 3 ro 1 cow.... 811 3 00 6 cows... R. II. Homer Wyo, 31 cows.. 10 cows, . 815 . 933 . 660 .1010 . m .10"9 62 steers, 1060 1209 W. 975 W. 992 926 Wilson-Colo, 6 cows 1002 3 calves... 166 14 cows. 3 cows, 2 bulls 1135 L. I 14 steers,. ,.1175 1 cow 990 3 23 4 1 I. Wllon-Colo. 3 75 II. Violet-Colo. 3 so 3 COWS $9.1 ! 20 3 bulls 1366 2 5 3 60 3 (0 2 65 2 35 2 S3 3 25 5 26 3 00 2 ro 4 25 3 90 3 3) Thompson Colo. 2 40 1 steer 1150 3 15. Al Williams Wvo. 18 steer 1135 4 40 4 cows.... 1980 4 steer,.. ,1055 4 10 1 now .. . 1180 HOGS There xas not as heavy a run of hogs hero today as yesterday, and bs re ports from other points were favorable and tho demand on the part of local packers of liberal proportions, the market at this point was active nnd higher. The mnrket opened a. big 6c higher on tho bettor grades with the bulk of the heavyweights selling from $5.95 to $6.00. The butcher weights sold largely from $5.90 to $5.95, nnd the llrht hogs went from $5.90 down. As usual, tho lighter weights were very slow sale nnd wero left until the Inst end of the mar ket. Packers nil wanted the heavyweights, but tho light hogs they were not nt all nnxlous for, and as n result that class nt hogs sold very' unevenly, though ns a rule the prices were better tiinn yesterday. Toward the close of thn market prices tlrmed up considerably and packers bought tho hogs ns fast as they were unloaded. The last end of tho mnrket could bo quoted 5fI10o higher than yesterday, and active. Tho Improvement was general on both light and heavy hogs, so thnt an early clenrnnco wns made. Representative sales: No. 46..., 64..., 31... 23..., 23,,., 25..., 90... 67... 72... 101.., 82. Av. Sh. .. 68 ..100 ,..106 ..135 ..131 ..146 ,..149 ,..161 ...140 ..169 ..151 107 166 100 164 106 162 79 177 101 15t 82 197 103 190 60 117 S3 1S8 88 196 81 202 95 180 S6 211 19 1, 63.. 100. 76. . 78,. SS.. 81... 96 86,. SJL . . 77. . 98.. 85.. 9S... 64.. 83,., 40.. 91.. 95... 75... 67..., 56... 72.., 103., 70... 98... 83... 80.. I.. . 82... 29... 43. . . 69. . . 76... 67... 74. . 82... 90... 62... 6. .253 .235 ,.182 .226 .199 nil .182 .180 .2IS .196 181 190 .193 Ki .166 .190 ..19S .196 .186 ...230 2112 V.m ..200 . .200 ..201 ..206 ,KS '.'.190 . .231 . ,215 . 241 ..213 ..153 ..231 ..288 .,238 .,209 ..195 ..220 .231 81 210 40 80 160 80 20 'so 40 80 40 SO 160 120 160 160 210 SO 40 SO "to so 40 SO 120 160 40 '40 SO aV5 40 40 'so SO 120 120 24.0 Vo 160 80 120 SO 160 80 160 lCII 80 120 80 160 Pr. 4 60 t 75 4 75 r. 00 r. 25 6 35 6 35 6 35 6 40 6 65 5 65 5 70 5 75 5 80 6 60 5 SO 5 80 ' 6 SO 5 85 5 85 5 85 6 85 5 85 6 85 . 6 S3 6 M 5 S3 6 85 5 55 6 S3 5 5 87 6 8(1, R 874 5 90 5 90 5 9) 5 90 5 ! 5 90 6 00 6 90 6 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 'HI 5 90 5 M 6 !CI 5 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 9) 5 90 5 90 5 90 6 90 6 9) 6 90 6 n.'4 6 9 4 6 921, 6 924 No. 66. 75. , 91.. 79., 79., 79., Av .. .202 ....196 ....192 ,...210 ....219 ....217 ,..,199 ...213 ...IPS ...221 ...260 ...247 80.. 68.., 73.., 62.., CO.., 74 272 64 237 86 200 86 205 S3 200 72 225 69 213 32 S08 71.. 62. . 71.. 10, . 6S.. 61.. 20. 68 67. . . 1 60... 67... 13. . . 40... 63..., 66..., 7ft. ,203 -.197 ..251 . .230 ..211 ..221 .' .220 ..23i) .331 10 71 . .233 ..281 ..237 ..2I8 ..231 ..259 . .25! '30 69 209 77 290 49 330 67 250 54 286 51 269 73 240 (...!. .312 60 295 9) 200 60 292 no 31: 63. 47. 67. 62. 73. ...279 ...254 ...2S1 . . .271 ...25S ...246 49 322 50, HI... 39... 49... 54... 69... 49. . . .37 .,302 ..326 ..379 ..307 . .316 . .341 sn, 1(40 10 120 200 10 SO 200 120 "m 80 SO 40 210 80 40 SO 80 80 120 160 80 160 IS) 210 SO SO 40 to SO so 120 210 160 160 100 120 120 240 K) 120 210 '40 80 160 Pr. 5 924 5 92, 5 924 R 92, 5 924 n 924 5 924 6 924 6 9J4 6 924 6 95 6 95 5 95 6 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 fi 95 6 95 5 95 5 93 5 95 5 05 5 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 5 95 5 93 b 93 5 id 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 6 95 5 9. 5 95 5 95 5 974 6 974 6 974 5 974 5 974 6 974 6 37 r 6 97 . J 6 87 5 874 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 01 6 00 fi 00 r, 00 fi ft) 6 00 fi 00 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 10 6 10 6 124 SHKEP There wns 11 firnod. ceiirrmiM Rim. ply of sheep on the market this morning, hut the demand for mutton grades was In good shape and prices held Just nbout steady all around. Lambs sold ns high as $4.60 and a deck of ewes brought $3.30. Several of tho trains were latn In nrrlvlng this morning, which delaved the market to 0 considerable extent. Tho better grades, however, sold about as fast ns they ar rived. Tho feeder market was rather quiet, the same as It has been for some little time past, lint not much change Is noticed to dny In tho prices paid, Quotations: Choice yearlings. $3.fiO(f(3.75; fnlr to good yearlings, $3.2.V23.50; choice wethers. $325'fi3.50: fair to good wethers, $2.90ft3.25; choice ewes. $2.90ji3.26; fair to good ewes, $2.401?2.90; common ewes, $1.00fffi 2 00: choice lambs. $4..WB4.75: fair to sood lambs, $1.254.50; feedei wethers. $2.90H3.16; 3.a3.i6. ltcprcscntative lambs, feeder sales: 481 feeder 3 native 63 native 636 feeder 79 nntlvo 1 native 1 nntK'n 67 natlvn Inmbs 4 nntlvo Inmbs. 6 native inmbs, ewes ewes ewes ewes ewes ,, yearling... yenning-... 85 176 161 .VI 122 110 100 102 80 76 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 4 60 CHICAGO MVB STOCK MARKET. Cattle nnd IIoks Active and Hlnlier Shrep iSti'iid.i , CHICAGO, Dep. 4.-CATTLE-Recepts, lO.uOO head, 300 hend westerns; active and 15j20c higher; good to prime, J6.40fl7,60: poor to medium, $3.90f6.i); stockers nnd feeders. $2.00(84.25: cows, $1.23fl 1.75: heifers, $2.O0ftG.6O; ennners, $l,25f?'30; bulls, $2.00fl 4.75; calves, $2.60rf)5,60: Texns fed steers, J5.75; western steers. $3.75if4.1'0. 1 IOGS Receipt h, 60,001) head; estimated tomorrow. 37.00O head; left over, 10,000 hend: active' mid steady to higher, except for light: mixed and butchers. $5.ffififi.0: good to choice heavy, $5.83'i(6.20; rough heavy. J5.451J6.70; light, $5.001J6.75;, hulk of sales, $5.76(f5.93. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 25,000 hend: sheep steady; good to choice wethers, $3.60!74.25; fair to oholcn mixed, $3.76fi3.50; western sheep, $1.00JM.00; natlvn lambs, $2.6076.00; western lambs. $3.00f(4.23. RECEIPTS-Offlelnl: Cattle. 20,619 head; hogs. 6i),795 head: sheep, 32,(i5 head, HHIPMENTfi-OfllelBli Cattle, 2,863 hend; hogs, 5,231 head; sheep, 1,225 head. KansiiN Cltv Live .Stuck Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 4, CATTLE Re celpts, 6.rfl head natives, l.ono head Tex ans, 200 head calves; market generally Mi lOo higher: cholcn export and dressed beef sleers, $5,901(7.00; fnlr to good, $4.8050; stockersTind feeders, $3.00114,40: western fed steers, $4.8rij6,00; western range steers, $3.50 i4.75; Texas and Indlnn steers, $3.rtviS4.S5; Texas cows, $l.75'i?3.in; nntlvo cows, $2.50'(' 4.30; heifers, $3.6010.10; ennners, $1,751)2.40; bulls. $2.00',7I,35; calves. $3,235(6.00. HOGS-Rccclpts, 22,0iV) head; market steady; top. $6.25; bulk of soles, $5.fi5fiti.lK; heavy, $6.20176.25; mixed packers, $3. 95fi.20; light, $5,301(6.60: pigs, $l.405.25, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 hend: stonily to 0o lower; nntlvo lambs, $4.6W.75; western lambs, $4.25114.35; liallvo wethers, $3. UK .1.85; western wethers, $1.251c 3.65: ewes, $3.tW)3.l0; culls and feeders, $1,75 Q3.35. .St. Joseph Lire Slock Mnrket, HT. JOSEPH. Dec. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts.' 1,200 head; 15fiC0n higher; natives, $3.5tvas.25: cows and heifers, $1, 251(6.60; veals, $2.60176.25; bulls and stags, $2,2515.00; Blockers and ffeilcrH. $2,251(4,3). IOGS-Rec-lpts. H.WO bend: best strong to 9c higher; light and light mixed, $5.ni; 6.10: medium and heavy, $.1,851)6.30; pigs, $3.60f4.75. HHKEP AND LAM BS Recolpts, 350 head; strong; top Inmbs, $4.85, SI.'l.ouU Live Stock Market. ST, LOUIS, Dec, l.-CATTLE Receipts. I.'.W head, Including 2.800 head Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers, $5.0036.75, with the top at $7; dressed beef nnd butcher slers. Si.oAfKjSj rteers under 1 Onn lbs.. $2 7M16.90; stockers nnd f.'ederi. $2.4."Wd.55; cows and heifers, $J.nX? 5.25; bulls, $2,3011.00; ennners, $1.5093.5"; Texns and Indian steers. $4.I5fl6.35, fed. grnsscrs, $3.25fH25; cows alul heifers. $2.25ty 3.30. v HOGS Receipts, P.V head; mnrkt steady: pips and lights, $5.6J6.70; packer, $.'..60JI5 70; butchers, $5.S56.i. SHEi:P AND LAMRS-Hreolpts, 2viiend, market 101115c higher; native muttons. J3 to JMT6: lambs, $4.0iVjjt,S0; culls and bucks, J2.Oi.vff2 50. JVevr York Lite Stock Mnrl.tr, NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-CATTL11 Re celpts, 3,52 head; steers, steady to loo higher; bulls nnd cows, steadv to strlinc; .':,.0J!' V.r,fl5 'l'i "togs, $2.1Jt,,W 2.124; hulls, $3.rArN.t); pyport, $1.05. ex ports. nJ cattle, 60 sheep and 3,396 quarter of beef. CALVES-necelnts. 1.617 head; vms slow; prime, noout steady; gTasei, steady to strong; veals, $l.fAfj8 00; m tin choi?": $1;6oW! m ,25-Mi 'pw SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,t6t head; sheep, steadv; Inmbs, steadv nnd I'M higher; sheen, J3.wft3.40; culls. $1.50; ono '"wiV"1":; " rrtn'l lambs. . Ji10?sr! """"'"J' erfi "low: noml nal quotations, 6.WK6.W. Stock In Sight. The following tn bin shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho five principal markets for December t: ' c. ..,1 1. Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha, 2,2,10 11,73s Chicago 13,000 60,0) Kansas City 7.W0 22,000 St. Louis 4,'joo p.flno St. Joseph l,2(i) ii.doo Totals Sheep, WW 25,000 6,no,) 2W 250 .. 27,631) 104,336 39,55") RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-IOTII AND MARCV. Illinois Central. Iv. Ch cago Express s. 7:10 am Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Express ..... b 7:10 am 1' ort Dodge laical, from Council Bluffs a, 6:00 am WltllHltl. St. Louis "Cannon Bail" Express ..... a 5:15 pm St. Louis Local, Council alO:00 am Chicago Jt Nnrthvrestnrii. r.u! "The Northwestern Line. Chicago Special a 7:20 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express a10:55 am Eastern Special a 4:65 pm Fast Mail a 8:00 pn. Omaha-Chicago It'd ..a 7:45 pm Fast Mall a 8:S0 ant Cedar Rapids Pass Twin City Express a 7:10 am Twin City IJmltod a 7:65 pm Sioux City Local a 8:00 am Arrive, a 6:10 pm a 8:20 am b 9:40 pm a $120 am al0:30 pm nll:l pm n, ?:W am a 4;05 pm a 4:03 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:40 am a 6:30 pm al0;26 pm a 5:i6 am a S:50 pm a 8:25 a a Dally. Chicago, nook Island A Pnclflo. EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Local ,.,..a 7:35 am a 0:85 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 4:65 pm 1 Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm btl:50 im Chicago rast Express. .a 5:0o pm a 1:25 pm urn ...villi:?, XkUU 101 und and Chicago a 7:40 pm WEST. Lincoln, Colo, Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4 Colorado, Oklahoma & Texns Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9: union i-iicinc. Overland Limited a 8:60 am Fast Mall a 9:00 am Pacific Express atl:20 pm Colorado Special .ill:20 pm Llncolu-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:35 pm California .Atlantic Ex. a 4;i5 pm Grand Island Local u 6:3J pm ChiCMHo, Mltnnukec .V at. Pant. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8 Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3 Mlsxllirl 'itclllc. St. Louis Express ai0:00 am a 6: K. C. & St, L. Express. al0:50 pm a 6: IIUIIMNGTON STATION-IOTII A MASO.V ,m :15 pm :50 am a 7 a 3 a 4 1 ; bl2 a 7 b 9 :S0 pm !M tin. :25 pm :05 am ;o'j pm :llf, a m :36 am :05 am 140 pm dm 15 am Burlington A Missouri Hirer. Leave, Arrive. Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:33 nm Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:10 am bll:55 am Denver Limited a 1:25 pm a 3:00 Dm Black Hills and Puget v Sound, Denver Con nection n 9:W pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mali b 3 00 pm r. 9:17 hm Fort Crook and Platts mouth b 3:20 pm bll:05 nm Bcllovuo & Pacific Jet.. a 7:10 pm a 8:20 am Bellevuo & Pacific Jci..a 3:10 nm Ununiis Cllj, M. Josi'iili ,v Council Bluffs. Kansas City Da Ex. ...a 9:20 nm Kansns City Night Ex..al0:30 pm St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm OIiIciiko. HurlliiKlon ,v Qtilncv Chicago Special... .......a 7:00 am al0:20 pm ,.UI.,,.,n WnHhti I7v n J .An ..... .. ... ' mi.(.n' . . ' i.w j, 111 Chicago Local a 9:30 am CIiIcbro Limited a 7:80 pm Fast Mall a 6:05 pm a 6:16 am nll:i6 am a 7:45 am a 4:05 pm a 7:45 am a 2:43 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEHSTF.lt I1EPOT-15TII WEnSTrCIt Fremont, Hlkhnrn A MUsnnrl Valley Leave. Arrive, Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs .....a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hnxtlngs, York. David City Superior, Goneva. Hunter nnd SowarJ b 3:00 nm h Rtnn nm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont Fremont Local.. ...l7:30 am b 10:23 am ..u 1 ;w nm ChlciiKo, .SI. Pnul, Mlnnenpnlls & 0 111 11 ha. Twin City Passnnger..,.a 6;0O am n 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:43 pm allilO am Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b S:20 am .Missouri Pnclflo. Nebrnska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aU:23 am a Dally b .Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. Thi Fast Trains si?ft re via THE UNION PACIFIC What i the use of waiting your time eturoute asd your money on extra metis when It COSTS NO MORE to travel m tba finest trains on the best bal lasted road In ths west, the Great Transcontinental Lint, "Tn Overland RouU!" The Popular Personally Conducted Excursions are, tia this Ilia, Leave Oraaha evsry Wednesday ,tnd Friday at 4:26 p, bj, can Join excursion at any point enroute: Pullman Ordinary Cars leava Omaha at 11:20 p. m. every Tuday for Los Angeles. Pullman Ordinary (Tourist) Cars ltavfi Omaha DAILY at 4:35 p, m. for San Francisco and-Portland, For full Information addreis, City Ticket Office, 1324 Fa mam, Telophonn 316. TatBa 10.TSJ. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Boyd A Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION tlRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. flu ill nf Trade Bulldlnc. Direct wires to Chicago and New York filw.ndeas, Jshn A. YVairm 4 Ca. 1