THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, PECEMBETt 3, 1901. COMMERCIAL 1ND FINANCIAL turkeys, TfKUc; (o, fflOc. Dressed, weak; aprlnKs, OSOHe. fowls, Oc; tur key , ltMjlIc. OMAHA WIIUMISALU MAItKHT. Hutj Buying Orderi from tbe Otnntrj 8id1 Wkut Olimbin j. LEADS OVER EVERYTHING ELSE ON FLOtR Condition nf Trade mill lnontlon on Staple nnil Tuner lroduce. KOOB necelnta, tight: fresh stock, 21c. iiivii i'uuij iiv liens, old niul ID., After tlic WcnUnc of ntnrdn.v Wlient I'M Is I'nprrpnr'od thi for n Hull .Mo lenient. CHIfAOU, Uoe. 2.-llenvy buying orders from tlio country struck the wheat pit today, nit unprepared for a bull movement after Saturday's weakness, and In the 6-ar4r roosters, .TR-lc; turkeys, TSc; ducks peese, CflC&c; spring chickens, per 't?HES8ED POtnrilV-Turkeys. Mil ducks and geese, 7J18; sprint; chickens, ifiiWei hens, Vji64e HL'TTKIt-Common to fair. Mr: choice dairy, In tubs. 1BHl6o: aoparntor, !MWc. . FHKSH Klflll Hliick bass. 8o: while. bass, 10c: bluensh, 12c: bullheads, 10c; blue llns. 7c: buffaloes, 7c; catfish. 12c: cod, He; crapples, 11c: halibut, He: herrlriK, c: had dock, 10c: pike. 10c: red snapper. iOr; nl- tnon, nc: sunnsn, tic: trout, vc; wniicmn, Sc: pickerel. 6c: fresh mackerel, each, 20ft 35e. OY8TKUS Mediums. per ran-. z.'c: Hinnn- whlrl of speculation sent wheat prices iV"rVnU v7.VI !in) V.r nntV 1 r . iiii illmblnc December wheat closed ir nn ci New iork co mts. per cn and May whent UitfK-.i: odvunced. nolh ?'?"rft,e,fK,?"1' ,M15' "ll,k cx,m December and May corn .ic Wither and 'rAh.- ner doz tc May 01UH 11 shade; higher. Provisions closed . "i S. ms. U,iVh"-?ClinS T'llTiho leader over ewrv. HAY Prices iuotel by Omaha Wholesale Wheat was easily imp leauer oer eerj- irv n,.i,.r.' n.snclniliiti- riiolep nnHnil thhiK else on the Iloor and rulea unformiy ttnA. vofin" m" medmm Tv roarJc uroriK. The Hpeculiitlon was tho heaviest ifK "'""! ''A ; TtfPl, ,rlCes are for in weeks and of tho kind traders have been "4",' loiiKlriK and hoping for. Cables wero 11 trlno down, but wero consiucrea remarK ahly llrni conslderlnc the condition hero at the last session. Northwestern receipts showed a marked fallliiK oft, though they wern still heavy, Tho amount ot bread hturfs on passaKr hail decreased 2.S40.000 bushels, hut the stronply bullish nrKiiment was the fact that this was delivery day for December ojjtlons anil something under MO.fwi bushels was all that was delivered. Added to this wiw tho continued report oiTTHd woather In tho southwest for tho winter crop. This iiKgrrKHtlon of bullish arguments started prices upward with a boom. KvrJi Iho bearlshness of an Inoreaso of 3,44,000 bushels in the visible supply had only a temporary depressing effect. De cember opened 11 shade lower to a shada higher at 7nfi"?.'.f.r, xotd m to 74',o and rloi-rd strong, If up at 7 lift '' May opened 'ic higher to 'c lower at "i'Jo to 7l'i7t', touched 7S'ii: and closed strong, fit' Mir nn at 7s'fi""c. Local receipts were 87 cats, 10 of contract prude, Minneapolis and Uululli reported 1,000 ftr.i. nuiklnc 11 total for the three points of I, I'm cars, against 1,1TB last week and 1,028 n, year ago. worms niiipnicniH were j,a.iMj bushels, against i.vii.inni mm ween, pri mary receipts wero l.N.,O0i) bushels, com tmreil with l.nAl.ljGO last venr. Seaboard 1 learances In wheat and (lour rqtialli'd 7SB.- fm busbelH. The smibonrn: reported z.i loans taken for export and bushels wero worked hero for nxnort. Tho corn nit was almost deserted for wheat. Truro wan dull and ruled easier earlv. Cables wero lower and brought lower prices at tho opening, both December and Mav Hlnrllnir unchanged to ,lo down Stocks on imssago wero Increased 1.381.000 1 1 i .. 1. 1 .. ... n. , ,.., 'I r' r. .A IIUnMUm tlllll nUI III I) Olll llil.ll in ,V1U ,,l"V,rV more man expected, i-octii siockh were nr. creased. Local receipts wero Hiuall and bullish at 71 cars. The wheat blllgo was the strongest bull influence, nut tno nun iiess overbalanced everything clso and lie- cemher closed only steudy, e up nt 62c, iinH Muv Uc un at I'.I'.L'. Outs experienced a steady and Indifferent sort of market. Thero was somo slight buovnncy rellected from wheat, but tho trade by commission houses was scattered and there wmm onlv a lit t In doing in a local way. Cash buying was still good nt better prices nt tho river than here. Country ac ceptances and receipts wero reported fall ing off. May opened UWic higher, fluc tuated narrowly anil closoil steady, a shado higher at WWHWki: Hecelpts were zu cars. Provisions sagged off early on the heavy run of hogn at tho yards. Thero wna a good recovery later on n fair country do tnnnd. OfferltiES were mainly local. Kng- lish houses were Iho principal sellers. Jan imrv nork onened !2He clown and closed 2lio up at $ir.2.; January lard iinrhangod it M.RS: January r lis unchanged at S.37.4. Ustlmated receipts for Tuesday: Wheat, SO cars; corn, 193 cars; oats, 255 cars; hogs, 48.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged hs follows: Articles.! Open. lllgh. how. Close.l Safy. Wheat I Dec. I May h Corn Dec. May duly , May .Inly Pork- .Taii. .May l.ard- Dee. Jan. May nibs- Ja n. May ..I 7SiTil,4l :6?f.77il 62lsj 4S 7M4I 42 H2'.iilN. 3SV4I w, I ir, 2.-. 16 m l 73 74BW i;uJ t&V 42 43 ir, 10 111 45 D 65 MM 3 W K 3TUI S 4j 0 62Hi S62V4 ran ir, 10 16 45 ft 55 9 00 8 32 5 4ft 421.41 ir, 25 IB 60 I 3 5TW !l 55 9 62!J S 3TU 8 62( 73V4 62 61H 4 3SI 10 22V4 lis V) 9 57V4 a Mi 9 024 S3TK 24 8 62 hay of RO' fair. Uecelpts, 9 cars. COIIN New, U3Ci OIU, tSJC OATS-lE:. VEUBTAHIjKS. POTATOKS-lIomc grown, ilt northern, J1.10; Salt I-ake. $1.10: Colorado, 51.10. CAnitOTH t'er nu.. 00c HRKTB Per 'A-nu. basket. ,w. Tl'IlNIPS-Pcr bu.. 50c: Itutabagas, per 10O lb., $1.28. CUCnMIIRHB-HoinoUSC, per UOI!., ji.w. hETTUCB-Uead. per bbl.. 0 50: hothouso lettuce, per doz., 23a pahhijKY rer no2 .oc. UADISIIES Per dor., 25c. Htt'HUT POTATOES Home grown, per lb., 2Hc; genuine Virginia, per bbl., $3.50; Kansas, per nni.. CAIlHAOli linnanii seen, craiea, im, ONIONS Home grown, per lb.. i'MKci Spanish, per crate, $2; Michigan reds, 2Vjo per lb. CEIjETIY Knhimar.oo. per hunch. Nebraska, per bunch, 3Kn35c: Colorado, 400 COr. NAW HKAJiH rer nu FitUlTS. APPI,E8-Hcn Davis, per bbl.. $l.0OJ!4.50; wlnesans. $5: Jonathan. .60: Uelleflowers. per box, $1.25. PEAIIS-Vlkcrs, $2.25; Lawrence. $2.2J 2-60. ... . ntiAi'iCH Miiincas. per Keg. r..rin'irri.wi. CIUNUElt!UES-Per bbl., JT.tWjR.W; per crate. J2.7o. QUINCEB-Por box, $1.50. thoptcaij yituiTS. OP.ANCJE8-Florldas. $3.25'ii1.50: California niivclH. $3.5093.75: budded. S3. liEMONH f ancy. .i.6iiia.7o: cnoice, s...uo 133.25. IlANANAH Per bunch, according to size. $2,255(2.75. EIOS California, new cartons, 70c; Ira ported, per lb., 12Q14C. DATES Persian, In CO-lb. boxes, per lb., E4c; Salrs, Kc. M18C ELIvANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c: hard shell, per lb.. 12!4c; No. 2 soft shell, lie; No. 2 hard shell. lOUo: Brazils, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb 13c; I I .. .n. l..n 17n. l.n.f D,.M IE... IWIllUlluo, Dull niii-11, 1111, niivii, iu, pecans, large, per lb., 12a; small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per cwi., cn'sinuis, i.e. IIO.NEl-lW H-SCCUOn C.1SO. CIDEU Nehawka. por bbl.. $3: New York. $3.50. Jliuf.a o. 1 green, ,c; sso. - green, be; No. 1 salted. &Ac: No. 2 salted. TUo: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12ft lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7e: dry hides. 8fi'13a; sheep pelts, 25'fl27c; horso hides. $1,604)2.25. tiAU tiiwviwu 1 jrcr -ddi., j; por ddi $5.75. Liverpool firnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 2. WHEAT Snot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 5sl0V4d; wo. 1 nortnern, spring, tsyw; no. uau fornla. 6s HHd. t-uturcs. steady; March. 6s: May, fis Tid. COIIN Snot, firm: American mixed, old. 6s 6d. Futures, firm: January, 6s3d; Marcn. im :wi; May, &s2a. PRO VISIONS I jiinl, American refined. strong nt 49s; prlmo western. In tierces. strong nt 49s. Ilacon, Cumberland cut, strong at bm m. HOI'S At London (Pacific coast), steady at 3 CsJriM. Tho stocks of wheat nnd corn In store nnd on quays (railway canal depots not inciuueii), are: wneai,, 'jo.iv.'.ikjq centals; corn. 650.000. Tho Imports of wheat at Liverpool last week wero 95,000 quarters from Atlantic ports, nono from Paclllo nnd 2i.00o from other ports. The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last wecK were 3,900 quar tors. Following are the stocks of brendstuffs and provisions In Liverpool: Flour, 53,0iV) sncKs: wneui, i,ut,ii ceniais centals; bacon. 14,700 poxes; boxes; shoulders. 700 boxes: cases: ehoese. 103.7m) boxes: tierces prlmo western steam: 290 tons other Kinas ! corn, 053 IW) hams, 3.S00 butter, fi,20rt laru, ja.wi No. 2. dish nuotatlotm were ns follows: Fl.OlTR Steady; winter patents, $3,501? 3.60; straights. $3.lXKi,3.IO: clears, $2.703.20; spring specials. SI.iaVTM.10; patents, $3.35'ft 3.70: straights. $2.30jf3.2O. WHEA'l'-No. 3, 7172ftc; No. 2 red, 77 run. OATS-No. 2, 4345Uo; No. 2 white, 45V4 f4iir: No. 3 white. 40t(ITc. It YE No. 2, 6llCIV;c. HARI.EY 1'air 10 cnoice malting, fi3tff62c, HUKPS-nn. I mix. h.j-j; no. 1 uormwest em. $1.39; prime thnothy, $6.10; clover, con Irnrt crade. S9.10. IMJOVISIONS Mess nork. per bbl... $15.30 15.35. Lard, per 100 lbs.. Short $3.fi50;i.T5: extra fancy and straight, $X15(- tl 1 j.35: clear. .'.sd' orders were at hand. Foreign houses were moderate sellers In the afternoon and local traders confined their operations to evening up accounts, r 11111 1 pries were iu ij oints net lower anil tno unuerionc neauy. ales were 26.000 bags, including: uccenv her. 6.60; January. 6.65'ffO.TO.;: March, 6.S011 6.ffc, May. 7M7.05C; July, T15'(t7.2oC, her, '.4ni. .33HT JIOVUJIKX1H Ol Septem- STOCKS AM) nO.MJS. 764; balances. $.S.WI. Money. 4'f'3 per NEW, YORK. Dee. 2 -Clearing, $14,129. 144; balances, 7,W?,0T2. . ...,.., CHICAGO, Dec. 2.Clenrlns5, $3J,lb7.322; balances, $1.925,&H llnalnn aincU Unotntlops. HOSTON, Dee 2.-Cnll loans, 4f5 per cent; time loans, 4y5 per cent. Official closing, OMAHA L1YE STOCi MARKET Ckttlt Btotipti Llghtir Tktn Usual an Mondaj aid Qttlitj Otamon. Apprelieiislons nn to President's Mrs siigi' Cnusr Wrnknrss, NEW YOltlC. Dee. 2. Decided weakness developed In tho stock market today after some early exhibition of strength, nnd the last prices for the day show considerable net losses and all of the earlier gains wiped out. The principal factor In tho early strength was the recovery In Amalgamated copper nnil the ueclileu rciiounu in me tirlr of rnw roiiner Interest". The rf action was based on the exports and np- preliensrons tliat tun prcsiueni s message, to be sent to congress tomorrow, would tako strong grounds against grcnt com liltuitlntik nf inrtioratlons. with unfavor able effect upon the market values ot their snare. A Hurry developed In tho rail money market, which later In the day accentuated tlio weakness 111 the nosing ucnitngs in stocks, Professional bear operators wrre nctlvr In the decline and followed vigorous manipulative tactics, but they met with little resistance to their efforts In the way of supporting orders and the market was apparently left unprotected. The resultnnt uncovering or siop-ioss timers uisiotignn some hirer' amounts of stuck, especially among the Industrials, the transcontinental railways anu tne vancierDius. which nave been lifted In persistent reports of deals and mergers. The violence or tho recovery in rnw cop- per In London pointed to tho ronritiMon that Saturday's, demoralized break was duo 10 speculative snort selling or mai lairr Information was changed from that which prompted the selllnir. The recovery In Amalgamated Copper reached to T6ic. hut me siock slumped again to ie, neipmg to upset tho mnrket. Ia)uIsv11Ic & Nash ville. Southern Itnllwny preferred. South ern Pncltlo and Sugar were prominent fea tures or the upward movement anil i,ong Island beramo strong and active at an advancr of I!,. Tho announcement of gold exports to tlio iimnunt or $2,000,000 was the turning point of the mnrket, although considerable resistance was offered to tlio decline after the announcement was made. The outward movement of gold had been generally expected nnd speculators for the advance tried to belittle Its Importance. Tholr efforts were partly succesful until tho reaction was reinforced by the anxiety over the effect of the president's message nnil possioio congressional anion on com binations and thr flurry In rail inonry. The enrller case of the money market and tho lateness of tho hour at which the rlso In rates occurred gavo rise to tl sup position that It might bo partly duo to mniiltinlatlnn. There was a larco Increase In the divi dends nnd Interest during the day. but tho effect of such disbursements. Is likely to b" somewhat belated In the Now York money mnrket. There wns a drop In New York exchange nt Chicago to 40 cents dis count, which indicated somo renewed re quirements for funds at that center. Pro fessional operators and pools were very active In Iho dealings nnd there wns 110 evidence of a largo share In tho transac tions by outsiders. The bond market was moderately active nnd Irregular. Total sales, par value, . 230.0O0. United Stntcs refunding 2s n vanced U net cent on tho last call. Tho following are tho closing prices on tho New yotk siock exchange: Atchison 4s 102 Amalgamated Mex. Central 4s.. Sl'i llnltlc N. E. tl. i U 61 lilnghnm ...... Atchison TsUCnl. & llrcla. do pfd 99 Centennial lloston & A 251 iCopper Range . Iloston & Me is:i, , Dominion coin. Rnslou E!ev 165 1 franklin N Y. N II fc H...2l3j Isle Roynle .... Kite hbiirc 1ifil...,ll2'i Mo lawlC 1'nlon Paclllo ....urns onl Dominion . Mm Central .... 23.n rarrot .irt's wiiincy ipi .160 H.tntaJ'V Copper. 3?, , 1 inniaracK .276 Trlinountnln HiTrlnlty Atner. Sugar Amcr. T. T.. Dom. Iron t s Ocn. Electric .. N. E. O. & c... 1'nllcd Fruit .. V S. Steel. do nfd WestlnEh. Com Adventure . ... Allouez .. 13 .. 4ls .. 2S ..610 .. 16 .. 65 40 j!4'4 41 HOGS EASED OFF A LITTLE TODAY Light Hun of Sheep nnil l.nmlis nnd us lie 111 nnd Wns 1'nlrly I.lbcrnl Just About trnd)' Prices Were Pnld All Around. 1 feeder .'I feeders. 1 feeder. . la cows. . . 2 cows... 22 steers.. S cows. hi n 00 t'harlcs . in) ;i To . V20 2 75 .1031 3 20 . 2 50 1 feeder... 930 Huhi-S. D. 1 steer ....1150 1 steer 12!i 49 cows suS 13 cows 1002 4$ T2l 20 I , 44' United States Ctah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... 15 21 ' XT',4 l', I.'.' 9,15) 2,o 3.6.IJ err York MlnlnK Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 2.-Thr fo owlnir are (he closing prices on mining stocKs: Adams Con ..... Alice Iirrccr ........... Hrunswlck Con.. Comstock Tun.. 1H 45 7.1 13 6 Con. Cal. & Va..l.V. Dead wood Terra, Hi Horn Sliver 190 Iron Silver 60 Lead villa Con.... n Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard . 12 .925 . 70 . S . 1 . 3 1. X . 40 .55 SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. S. RecelDts were; rat tin. lines. hhen Oincial Monday 3,2l i.iM i,M oiiiiie aay iasi wecK i,ii Same week before t.2M Same three weeks ago... 9.617 hamo four wctKs ngu.... b.wl Same day last ycai z,ist Average prices tmiil fur iihuk nt Omaha tho past keverul days, with com purivuns; Date. , 1901. Uj0.'lS93.:Ti3j..lS9T.:lS9I.HS95. 4 5I 1 CiJ 3 81 3 29 I 3 42 4 60 4 04 3 45 3 4l 3 27 1 3 4 i ci; t in, a io .1 4.11 .1 vi l.'.WJ II, l31 lo,3.'9 South Fnrrlnii rinnni'lul. TIERLIN. Dec. 2. t:rlmniTn nn London. 20 marks 4314 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2'i per cent; thrco innntns' puis, 2i per cent. PARIS, Dee. 2. Three per cent rentes, "I'Jlf 21'.4i for the nccotint: exchange on Lon don, r iw rnr rnecks. snnn sh 4s. 73.45. LONDON. Dec. 2. Oo 1 prcm urns are quoted an fullows: ttiienns Avres. 133.70: Madrid. 10.75; Lisbon. 35.25: Rome. 2.10. Par gold. 77s 9Sd. The gold premium at Rome HUB UCCIIIICU 11) tho to- 9 St. Paul pfd pfd Wj So. Pacific more & O...I03J4 So. Rnllway ... pfd 95'sl do pfd dlnn Pnc....ll2i4tTox. A Paclllc. Tol., St. L. & W dp pfd Union Paclllc... do pfd ,1M , 33V . 921 r'. ,10114 Atchison do pre Baltlmo do Cn 1111 Canada. So XI dies, .fs Ohio 41 ChtcHgo & A 36 do pfd 77'4 Chi., ind. St L.... 47(4 do Pfd 74( Chi. A E. Ill 137'i Chlcnco O. W. . 24 do 1st pfd SOiWIs. Central 2I',(, do 2d pfd 46 do pfd 12 it (..'lilcngn ti. in. v..iki Afiams l.x r.u C, It. I. & P lteu'Amerirnn Ex 203 Chi. Ter. & Tr... 19 Wl!. 8. E.v 90 do nfd 36i Wells-Fariro Ex. ISO C. C. C. fit St. L. DCTiiAmnl. Copper .... T3U Colorado So 34J'Amer. Car &. F... 2M,n llontnn Mntitnnn Dividend. IIORTON. Der. 2. -Tho directors of Iloston and Mnntnna Mlnlne rnninnnv uay neciarcu a dividend or $5 per share. l'lll.,l. 1. n ...tllnl I... r . . .... 1.... ..ii,.., n ,1 ivimi nun 1,1 II (Jill lliu IIIPl previous dividend, declared In July. AVool Mnrket. LONDON. Der. 2 WOOI-The offerlnes at tho Wool auction sales todnv nnmhereil ll.ino hales, Including a good selection of rew oenia id. wnirh was 111 enod ilemuml at firm prices. Capo ot Oood II0110 and Nntnl wero taken freelv. tine gtensy selling lit llrni rales. Hales In detail: New South Wales. 2,500 bales; scoured. 5dfls 4'3d: greasy. 4'JfilO.I. Queensland, l.ROo bales; scoured, ftUd'iHs Td, Victoria, 400 hales; scoured, 7dfi1s64d: greasy, 4141710411. Tasmania, 300 bales: scouien, irniiKii; greasy. .Tijiid. kcw Zea land. 6,900 bales; scoured, 4diHs34d: greasy, 21i".'d. Chpo of Oood Hone and Natal l.loo bales; scoured, 7d'ills6d; greasy, 4i4fl 1770. st. mjuis. uer. z. wnrnou et. pnv medium grades, l.Tffnvio; llirlit fine, 12Hf 15o: heavy line. Ifll2c: tub washed, lift Evnpnrnted Apples nnil Dried Fmtt. NEW YORK. Dec. 2. EVAPORATED APPLKS-jTho market for evaporated ap- incn hhh iiiiciiiui.v niL'iiuy on riioivn ann tancy grades, while the rest of tho list danced. State, common ydii'.ic; choice, 9541? Nov. 1.... Nov. 2.... Nov. 3..., Nov. 4.... Nov. fi Nov. H.... Nov. 7,,,, Nov. S..., Nov, a.... Nov. 10... Nov. 11... Nov. 12... Nov. 13... JNov. 14. NOV, 15. Nov. 18. Nov. 17. Nov. 18... iNOV. 19... .NOV. 20. Nov. 21. NOV. 23. NOV. 23. NOV. 24. Nov. 25. Nov. 26. NOV. 27... Nov. 28... Nov. 29... Nov. 30... Dec. 1.... Dec. 2.... 73i ii 5 71'S 5 67 1-, 6 74it 5 T2J41 6 69 6 V8?i 5 67H C 63!i 5 mi 5 81 5 5 66! 6 7S, a 73 r. ti w 4 0: 4 66 I Mi 4 01 4 6T 4 W 4 Tl 4 M 4 t 4 0 4 74 4 l'3i 4 Oj 3 94 3 : 4 84 4 71 4 1,7 4 K 4 90, Ii 84 4 82 2 87 3 16 4 TS 4 16 4 78 T6I 4 T8( 5 v 4 K I T6 3 bli 3 43 3 31 .1 .1 I 3 46 13 17 3 021 3 51 i 4i i 41- 3 28 I li 3 3lj 3 ii 3 23 3 17 i 22 3 23 3 2o 3 88 3 89 3 6 3 (5 3 82 3 77 3 lt 3 11 3 11 J 43 3 i-i A 44; 3 3s 3 34 3 411 3 90 3 161 3 27 a to 1 J 01 3 36 1 3 32 3 :i6i 3 3l!l 3 221 3 3I 3 16 I 3 311 3 13 3 3lf 3 15 3 3Ti 3 39i 3 441 3 271 3 21 3 46i 3 27' 3 3 3S :i 30, 3 16 3 23 3 241 3 Z4 3 2S 3 3 76: 1 Tl 3 T3 3 20. 3 32 4 T4 3 fix 3 19J 3 30) 4 69 4 71 3 21 3 27' 3 3 631 .". 741 1 3 76j 3 ?J 3 33 3 31 3 45 3 13 3 Z9 3 21 3 43 3 44 3 45 3 41! 345 3 41 3 59 3 4; 3 4J 3 33 3 41 3 46 3 60 3 43 31 3 40 3 231 3 19 3 25 3 09 3 a5 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho olllcial number of cars of stock brought In today by each ro.ul wns: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il'r's, C. M. fc St. P. Ry.. 3 V. P. system 2S C. & N. W. Ry 2 F.. E. & M. V. R. R. 40 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 3 II, .V M. If. It, !(.. --i C. 11. Sc. Q. Ry C., R. I. & P., east.. 7 .1 ti r c. 11 .1 n !. ., Ik. 1. re 1 nrni,, Illinois Central 14 13 9 19 8 19 115 15 Total receipts ....114 The dlsnnsltlon of the dav's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of nenu indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. llO Pfd Frit I'mJ hlttinn, illll(: II Wabash I..; 21$ wn nulej t and unchans do nfd Ktii to K00A. 6t(6'.e; prime, Wheef. & i! "B 18 sif ,fi?,,i?p.,ftfttl,. do 2d pfd 29 CALIFORNIA DRIB do 1st pfd.. do .(l jifd Del. & Hudson. Del.. L. & W... Denver & It. O. do pfd Erio do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking valley 110 prd. 1. 6T'4; ,.1724 .210 .. 45 93 do pfd., Amcr. Lin. do pfd.... Amcr. 8. & do pfd.... Anne. Mln. Oil. lV.'.'. Illinois Central. .139 Co. 41i Rrooklvn R. T. 7214 Colo. Fuel & I. 674 t'on. Gas 191 Oen. Electric. .. 6314 Olucosn Sugar , snVi 1 locking coal .. Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erlo fc W.. 72 do pfd 130 L. & N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central .. Mex. National.. Minn. & St. L.. Mo. Pacific M.. K. & T..... no Jin. Inter. Paper do nfd. Inter. Power .. Lncledo Gas ... Nn. Rlseult .... ..10S5i Lend ..137 National Salt .. ..IfilU1 " Pf'l .. 23 No, American . .. Ills Paclllo Coast .. ..106V4 Piudllc Mall .... ..101 (People's Gas ... .. 26 Pressed S. Car. 62Vi' flo pfd... 42i . 'iff .21814 .2iu .. 39T .. 20S 11 . 90 ,. 42 18U . 62 93 ,. 771i ,. 46J4 .. 421s IB DRIED FRUITS Wern steadier, hut not active. Prunes. 3'iiiiTe. Apricots. Royal. lOifllc: Moor Park, DVs'ft' 13c. Peaches, peeled, 12!&19c; unpceled, lU'.jC. t'ugnr Market. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 2.-SUGAR-Flrm: ntmugai, Uff(4 5-16c; seronrlM. iWiSt31c. Molasses, quiet: open kettle. 19fa 34o; centrifugal, Sfi20c., Syrup, quiet, 25 "NEW YORK. Dec. 2.-SUGAR-Raw. firm: fair refining. 3!ic: centrifugal. 96 test. !;c: moiasscs sugar. c Kenned, steady. LONDON, Dec. ?.-BUaAU-Hect, Decem ber, 7S Z(tl. Omaha Parking Co 310 G. H. Hammond Cn 496 Swift nnd Company .... ' Cudahy Packing Co. .. 412 Armour & co .m R. Decker & Degan.... 4 Vansant & Co 137 W. I. Stephen 12T Hill ft Huntzlncer 2 Livingstone & Sohaller .. 161 Hamilton Sr. Rothschild.. i:m Ij. F. Husz !'l R. F. Hohblck IS Wolf & M 25 Other buyers 2) Totals 3,111 CATTLE There was tho 1.S05 2,269 1.W3 3,131 511 "833 1.041 IT6 1.S95 rjif open kettle, 24c: open kettle, cent 17 'AYttt&Ac; centrifugal granulated, lUff m whites, 3r(i4c: yellows, 3!4i83?4c: s (Ill nnd Ilnnln. OIL CITY. Dec. 2.-OII-Credlt balances. $1.30; ccrtltlcates, no bid; shipments Novem ber 30, 107,516 bbls.; average. 99.415 bbls.; shipments December 1. 70.701 bbls.; runs Novemuer 30. l.'i.yfi urns.: average, 79,35s bbls.: runs December 1. 10.336 bb s. SAVANNAH, Dec. 2.-OIL Turpentine, firm. 351ie. Rosin, firm nnd unchnnged. new YORK. uer. ui ij cottonseed. firm: prlmo yellow. HGVie. Petroleum, dull. Ttosin, nrm. sides (loose), SS.25818.40. Dry salted 1.1 ... n fit t rit ..1 - (a rllm shoulders (boxed). J7.258j7.60. Short clcur kldes (boxed). J8.704I8.80. WHISKY-Rasls of high wines, $1.32, The following aro the receipts unci ship. hieiUH or gruui ycaicruay . Articles. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu..., Corn, bu Onts, bu Rye, bu liuriey, nu. .St. Louis Grnln anil Provisions. ST. LTGI8. Dec. 2. WHEAT1 Higher: No. 2 rod cash, elevator. 80ic; trnek. 81o; December, 791ic; May, 805ic; No. 2 hard, T6e. .... ... CORN Higher; no. -j cash, on&c; track. CoHtiWc: December. 6Tjic: May. 66?4c OATH Higher; rwo. - casn, i.c: o. i whlto. 4TlfjlTl4r. FLOUR Stronger: red winter patents. N, J. Central in) Pullman P. Car. .216 N. Y. Central 167-f; .Norro t w wi. i o nfd uii No. Paclllc pfd...l001j i Receipts. Shipments, 61, (Ml fil.000 184.000 265,01)0 128,(100 609,000 419,000 260,00i) 30,000 1,1)00 12T.00O 22.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wns tlrm; creameries, 14H24!4c; (Mines. A'iimXK. encese, sicauy, Sii'a'iO'.ic, i;ggs, urm; ircsu, .ic. .NEW YOnK GKXEHA1, MARKET, (lunlHt Ions of the Dn;r Comrnndltlra, on Vnrlons noiH,, cxpuris, uo.ots Dins,; moro ncuvc, cash: No. 2 r In tone; winter patents, $3.tVjg3Ji0; egc; No. 3. C( r straight, $3.4Wf3.50; Minnesota nat- OATS No. $3.T5(U4.10; winter extras, $3,601(2.90: RYE No. NEW YORK. Dec. 2. FLOUR-Reeelnts. IS. 273 bbls.; exports, 05,888 bbls,; moro active, nrmer winter ents. 1 Minnesota linkers, $2,90cij3.25: winter low srudes. $2..VK)2.60. Ryo Hour, firm: fair to good. J.l.l.Va'3.10: cholco to fancy, $3.453.60. Hl.'C K Wll EAT St end y ; $1,25 per cwt., imcK iNow xorK. CORNMEAL Firm. RYE Firm: No. 2 western, 6SV4c. f. o. b annul. WHEAT Receipts, 208.050 bu.: exports, 6T.53I bu. Spot. Ilrmcr: No. 2 red. S5c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 red, 82?io In elevator: No. 1 hard. Diiluth, 90c, f, o. b.. afloat. Options wero tlrm and active all day except for u brief midday reaction on the big vlslblo upply Increase. Outsiders bought a Inrge amount ofywliont. forcluti houses took a llttlo and scalpers covered freely. Smaller northwest receipts, a decrease on passage nnd sennt offerings helped tho advance; market closod strong at VA'gl'iic net nd vnnco; March, 83iii5tS4Uc, closing nt SlUc; May. S3 7-163(83 U-lCc, closing nt 83,c; 1'c ceniber. SO14i82c. closlnc at S2c. CORN Receipts, 46,000 bu.: exports. 31,. 622 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 69'4c In elevator Hini iii'.o t. n. ii., aiioni, upiion marlfcl wad nrm, with wheat, but hud llttlo sup port otherwise, and ruled dull all day; closed llrni nnd liyc not higher; May, eu ii li!Ai lis- 1 .... I ... ,-n... j ... wo li"lIIOf ulvniilK 111 WiUi DCCv 111 lie 1 1 85,fil'4c closing at 6.S74C OATS-Rerelpts, 229.T0O bu.: exports, IS. DT6 bu. Snot, strong; No. 2. 19c: No. 3. 4Sc; No. 2 white, 62c: No. 3 white. 61 ho: track, nitxed weslerni 4M491ic; trnck. white. ROif Mr. Options quiet, but tinner, on tho strength in wheat. HAY Steady: good to choice, 82Wi92l4e, iiurs mnot: state, common to choice, 1(WI1 ,'rn.i 1'lff.llJ.n IHiKl nrnn (Ifill,. 1 till .,rnn cgilc; Pacltie const. 1901 crop, I2'jl514c; 1900 crop. 9iil4c: I8J19 rrop. 6t(llc. HIDICS-Flrm: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs,, 18o: Calllornla. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole. Ruenns Ayres. light to heavyweights. 25W26HC. WOOL Quiet; domestic tlecce, 25Q26c; lexas, iti'iiiic. COAL-Oulet PROVIStONK-Uecf. steady; family. $11.00 QU..11U; mess. '.'.M."niu.ij; ncei natns, i:.;kw 12,78; packed. $10.ttVq 12.00; city, extra India niess. ii,iiwnii.". f-ui meats, steady; pick led bellies. $S.751il0.25: plckied shoulders. $7; pickled hums, J'J.75H10.OO. Lard, llrni: western steamed. $9.85: December closed at $10.07i, nominal. Pork, tlrm: family. $14.0i (ilT.0O; short cleurs, $17.6Otfl9.0i); mess, $16.(0 m 1 1 ,m. TALLOW, Finn! city ($2 per pkg,), 6T4W fir: country (pHkh. free). 6H6ie. Ill'TTER Receipts, 6,3.19 pkgs.; firmer, talo dairy. 15U21c: creamery, 16f(25iic; lune crritinery, iaii..u; ihciui, i.niiioc, MIIPPUI.. n.n.lnlu ,lr..u . atA..,lt. I 1 l. 1 ' llI.VV CIID, ..V I ' I f , DIGIIUl , luiicv larce Hentember. n": fancy small September, 10ie: lab, innile. best large, '4e: nun nuiiiu. nest smnu, iinuvHC, KOOS-Reccltils, 6,i!(l) pkgs.; dull and asv: stntn and Pennsylvania. 24ft25c: west. frn. at mark, 26o; southern, at mark, fil POULTnY-Allv,, .wcAkj uprinis, 7H; SWiD Timothy, nominal, $3.50Ji6.M. CCRNMEAIz-Steady. $3. HRAN Steady; sacked, cast track, $t.03W 1.0B. HAY' Timothy, weak. $13.6014.60; prairie, scarce and firm, $1 1.0014.00. Whisky steady. $1.32. IRON COTTON TUSH $1. IlAGOINa-6ifijSc. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats (boxed). steady; extra shorts. $8.60; clear ribs, $S.50; clear sides. $8.75. Ilacon (boxedi. stendv: extra shorts. $9.3TH: clear sides, $9.6214. RKCEirTH fiour. v.'.uw DDis.: wheat, 49.000 bu.: corn, T4.000 bu.; oats. 6T.000 bu. SHIPMENTS flour. 10,000 bbls.; wheat, 12,000 bu.; corn, 16,000 bu,; oats, 60,000 bu. Kanana City Grnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 2.-WHEAT-D0- ccmbor. 7H4o; May, 75fie. Cash: No. 2 hard. 72ft72Hc; No. 3. T0JiT2c: No. 2 red, T6o; iso. t. ijuittfioc. itcceipis. lui.cixi cars. CORN December. 66iM6;c: May. 66i;c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, twyic; No. 2 white, 67 HOC. white. 4TlifHSC. C2U(nfi3'.c. HAY-Cholce timothy. S13.00UT13.5O: nralrle. jia.u7iii.ui. )nturlo St W ennsvlvanlii . Reading do 1st prii do 2d pfd St. L. St S. F.., do 1st pril do 2d pfd St. L. South w., do pfd SI. Paul Tievr York Money Market. NEW YORIw Dec. 2.-MONEY-On rail. Ilrm at S'iiO per cent; lust loan. 4 per cent: rilling raie. i per ceni; prime mercantno naner. 4V41l5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual nuslliess in uniiKers bills at ll.8T-li i?i4.S7Ti for demand and at $4.84i(BI.8IH for sixty duys: posted rates, $l.85y4.bS; com mercial tuns. .sav4'n.Mr4. SILVER Har, 54Uc: Mexican dollars, 44:c. HONDS Government, strong; state, In active: railroad. Inactive. The closing quotations on nonus are ns follows: nUTTER-Creamcry. 17c EGGS Fresh, 2ic. lS22c; dairy, fancy, A'lslble Supply nf Grnln, NEW YORK, Dec. 2.-The visible supply of grain Saturday, November 30, as com plied ny tne ncw yorK i-roouco exchange, s ns iounws: WHEAT 52.396.000 bu.: increase. 3.484.000 bu. CORN-U.727.000 bu.: dccrcnsc. 237.000 bu. OAT8-6.60J.000 hu;; Increase, 111.000 bu. RVE 2.554,000 bu. ; decrenfce. 61.000 bu. HARLEY-3.O07.0O0 bu.; Increase, 437.000 bu. Plillndrlpliln Prodnrr Alnrkrl, PHILADELPHIA. Der. 2.-RUTTER- Flrtn; fancy creamery, 26c; fancy nearby prints. 29r. EGGS Firm: fresh, nearby nnd western. 30c; fresh southwestern, 30c; fresh south ern. .80. CHl'.EBE Firmer: New York creams. fancy, small, lO-fillc; New York creams, fair to choice, MflO'c. Mlniirnpolis IVbrnt. I'lour nnil Ilrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Deo. 2.-WHEAT-Cash. 73l,e; December, 72'ic; May, 74Hc; on track, no. l nam, ittio; :so. i uormeni, iiic; no. s nortnern. ii'jo. FLOUR Higher: second natents. 3.65: llrst clears, $2.80y2.'.'5; second clears, uhan l ncnaiigeu. Toledo Grnln nnd Nerd, TOLEDO. Dee. 2. WHEAT-Strnnir mid nctlve: cash. 8014c: December. 804e: May. S2tdc. i-uitN I'irm: uoccmrjcr, mc; May, 65lio. i i o ieceiniicr. iu. in.v, n?4C SEEDS-Clover. December. $5.694: March $5.75. .XIIiTaukre Grnln MnrUrl. MILWAUKEE. Dec. Higher: No. 1 northern, northern, T2',lfT3c; May, TS'ic. RYE-Hlgher: No. 1, 65c. u a RLE V Lower; No. 6W2o; uniiniv(T. curn .May, 6ii.i,4c - WHEAT - nominal; No. sample, Codec llnrkrt, NEW YORK. Dee. 2.-COFFEE-Rnot Rio. Btcndv: No. 7 invoice. f.';c. Mild. steady; Cordova, TV4j(Tf llv. Futures opened quiet, with prlcci uncliHiiged to R polntH lower iiuiicr ngni room seiuug anu realiz ing, due to disappointing European cables and to an estimate ny a prominent lira zl Inn firm of 450.000 bugs for the R o De cemher movement and bans for Santos considerably heavier than the trnde in gnerui nao. loouea for. no investment, ".14St .. 49V .. 52 i .. Will. .. .'T .. 591j ..166?i Republln Steel... no pru Sugar Tenn. Conl JC- T. Union Hag S: P. do pfd U. S. Leather... do pfd U. S. Rubber.... do pfd V. S. Steel do nfd Western Union.. Amor. Locomo.. do pfd .123?, . 63 . 1414 . if . 11'i . l.i . 52 . 4211 31J4 eiv York Dry Gnmln Alnrket. NEW YORK. Dee. 2.-DRY OOODS-The market for rotton goods todny has been dull In all departments, both buyers and sel crs nppnrentiy wuiting ror tne govern ment report on tne cotton crop. iiusineHs was light, at previous prices. Print cloths are stendv. but Inactive. Cotton hosiery hns sold in moderate quantities; only under wear in modcraio request. Cotton .Mnrket, NEW YORK. Dec. 2.-COTTON-Snnt closed quiet; middling uptunds. Sc: middling guir. 814c: sales, l4,8lfi Bales. Futures closed fiulct nnd steady. December. 7.oac: Jan uary, .ow reDruary. i.twc: .iarcn. i.w April, T.5Rc; May, i.5tc: June, 7.56o; July, 7.64c; August. 7.330: September. 7.18e. OALVESTON, Dec. 2. cotton steady. El (tin flatter Market. ELGIN. III.. Der. 2. RUTTER 'I'he offer ings of butters Aggregated 4,50; fjs.. with no sales mnde. Tho market was declared firm nt 24Vtc, tho same as last week. Sales of the week were OOl.OnO lbs. 8,20s 4.: llnhest Mo day's run of cattle here today that has ar rived In 11 good many weeks, and It was also noticeable that there were fewer good cattle in tho yards than has been tho case for sometime past. Packers, however, were anxious for supplies, and as a result the market ruled fairly active and fully steady all nround In spite of the poor quality of tne orrenngs. There were no finished cattle In the yards toduy, but the better grades of thoo that were offered sold nt good, strong prices. Tho warmed-up cattle and common kinds moved slowly tho same as they have all along, but still they sold for fully us much ns the samo grades brought at the close of last week. , , The bulk of the receipts today consisted of cows of rather common quality. The snme ns was the caso with steers, there wero no strictly choice cows nnd heifers on -sale. Anything at an goon, nnwever, was nicked tin nt an early hour and good Mtrnnir nrlres wern mild. It wns evident tnnt pacKors wero anxious lor supplies, nun In some cases sellers were ablo to get con siderably better prices than were paid last week, dinners also soio ireeiy 111 strong nrli'RH. Inn the medium era ilos did not ulmw mil nil nf nnv chnnco from last week. Just about steady prices wero pain loony for tho bullB. calves nnd stags there wero offered on the market. The supply of stockers and feeders was light today, and as buyers nil wanted somo good entile ine ueiicr uraurii nuiu 111 stronger prices thnn they did last week. Tho commoner ernues. nnwever. inoveu slowly, the samo us they huvo nil along, nnrt wer no more than steady. There were very tow western range came offered today, but the better grades or beef steers commanded steady prices. The common kinds, though, wero very dull. The better grades 01 cows nun cnniicrs iiifo sold nt strong prices, and so also did de uimViio .tncUrK nnil feeders, but common grades of all kinds of cattle wero neglected. Representative pmca. HKKr BTBBHB. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIUCKT. Cattle Firm Nherp . 91 .1031; 96il V6 L. & N. U. 4s....l02i Mex. Central 4s.. K314 no in 111c Jl M. & St. L. 4s. ...103 M.. K. & T. 4s... PSV4 UO .H Ml N. V Centfal" 'ia.mH iSfiJlA. do een 'liin nn $2.00jl.2o: cows. $1.25to.0O; he N J ij iren si' 131 6.50: canners. $1,25421: bull! U S ref. 2s, reg.lOSU' do coupon P?4 do 3s, reg 108l4 do coupon IOS94 do new 4s, reg,. 1391V do coupon 139i,4 do old 4s, reg. 11114 do coupon H2'4 do 6s, reg 107 do coupon 1 07 ' Atcn. gen. is un do adj. 4.i... Bnl. & O. 4s.. do u'.is do conv. 4s.. Canada So, 2s C. of G. 5s.... do is tne Plies. & O. 4tis Chi. & A. 314s..,. 86i do. Rnllway rs....l20U C, H. & Q tl. 4s... 97'n'ex. & Pac. Is. .1181, C. M Si S L g. 4s.H2 T. St L & W 4s.. 8IW C & N W c. 78...140U Union Paclllc 4s.l06H ('. R I & P 4S....106K do conv. 4s 105H ecu Ac u g. is.ju.',i! tinu.inii is us Chicago Ter. 4s.. 9l'i do 2s in ... I . . .1 . ) , .. I , .1 ,ln .11. II . ' , B . (. (lllll illlll CHI, 1.1. ,. 0)4 l,l. !....,,,, (Jl"4 1, & It. G. 4s. .,.103 "'est tihoro 4s.. ..113:, Erlo nrlor . 4s....lfKi W. L. E. 4s.... AHA do general 4s... 90V, Wis. Central 4s... 9ii F W & D C 1s,. 10114 Consol. Tob. 4s. 63V Hock. Vol, 414s.. 10S No. Pac II c 4s. ...W5 do ;ts 721s is. K IV, V. S..,.lU."i Rending gen. 4s,. 99U St L & I M r. 8s.1IG',i St L & S F 4s,... 96U do 2s 7!7; S A A- A P 4h.... tTi no-. ...101 ...109 ...107 ..107 'So. Pnclflo 4s. Stendv Hogs Slenriy. CHICAGO. Dec. 2.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 21.001) natives. 200 Texans, 500 westerns. Mnrket steady to strong rane.y came, $7,505x9.00; good to prime. $6.35i7.30: poor stocKers and leeoera. lelfers. K.(mt ills. S2.OOSi-4.4o: calves, iz.bViio.ou; wesiarn steers, w.oinio.w. I IOUB Receipts today, w,vi neau; to morrow. 45.000 (estimated!: crt over. o.vm. Mnrket 10ii15o lower: mixed nnd butchers. i.vfi.vrrfi.15; cnod to choice heavy. $5.90ff6.1R: rough heavy. 15.405.70; light, J5.''K'& 93; bulk or snies, JS..UJIO..K). SHEEP ANU LAMMS Receipts. ol.WU hsnrt- shupn stendv to 10c lower: lambs. wenKer Dill Closed siiouk; kuiki iu umnuu n'niiiiira M snfi 4.2.1 fair in choice mixed.' $2.75fi3.60: western sheep. $3.0O1j4OO; native ntniiH. S'.r.'iis.ui: wesiern nmos. jj.wjm.m. O llclal Saturday: Receipts iattie. head: hogs, ,.'4,53! head; sneep, ;i,zit nenn. Silnmentii cattle. 416 neau; nogs, j.jji head; sheei), 636 head. New York Live Monk Mnrket NEW YORK. Dec. 2. UEEVES-Recclpts, ,942 head; steers. 10c higher; bul cows, Ilrm to ibo higher: steers No. 1 1 14 1 8 1 12 4.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 8,... V.'.'.'. 1.... 6.... 1.... 6.... 1.... 1.... 6.... 1. Av. ... 640 ... 910 ...1062 ... 970 ... 982 720 Pr. 2 25 2 60 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 25 No. 6... 1. A V. , 895 ..1190 ..1150 ..1113 ..1230 ..1255 Pr. 3 50 4 00 4 5(1 5 IS 4 50 5 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. bulls. $2.50fi3.50; cows. $4.GOfi5.9: $1.50'f3.33. Cables Ex-dlvldciid. London Stock O.uotnt innn, LONDON, Dec. 2.-4 p, in.-ClosIng: Consols, money. 9014' do account fl Anaconda tijli Atchison m? do pfd 103 Hal. St Ohln.,..,.10iil Canadian Pac....llli1 Clies. Ss UI1I11.... r.i! Chlcieo O. W.... 251b C, M. & St. P. ...173 Denver & R. O.. 46VI do prd 9bi, Erie I3i.i do 1st pfd 711 do 2d nfd 61 Illinois Central. ..113'4 L. & N 112i M., I. It T L'6, do pfd 334 n. v, central. ...174 W, Norfolk Sz do nfd. No. Pnclflo pfd. Ontnrlo & W... Pennsylvania .. Rending do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 80. Railway ... do nfd So. Paclllo 0H 9HS 9IVS Mil 76i 25'f, 4I4 ISO? 95si Union Pnclflo .,..10514 no pro., U. 8. Steel .... do pfd Wabash do pfd Snatilsh 4s Rand Mines 103 DcReers 10-H 92 V4 4IVl l'n?4 41 Ex-Interest. HAR BILVER-23 1-lfid per ounce. MONEY 3U34 per cent. Tho rate of ills- count 111 tne open niarKet for short nnd three months' bins is sjsis per cent, Hunk rirnrlniis. OMAHA. Dec 2, Rank clearings today. ii uh.zs'j.&i ; corresponuing day last year, $1,259,356.28: Increase. $4,933.23. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2,-Clenrlngs. $10,333,166; balances, $1,467,562. CINCINNATI, Deo. 2.-.Money at 34fl6 per cent. New York exchange, 301(32 per cent. Clearings, $1,466,750. HOSTON. Dee. 2,-Clearlngs, $20,161,749; UHiHiiurn. i,4i,,pni. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 2.-Clearlngs. $15. 4ii.4i; naiances, ;,ijxi,6i-.', Money, fi per cent. BALTIMORE. Dec. 2,-Ciearlngs, $3,357, quote prices, steady; exports tomorrow, 810 cattle. 1.124 sheen and 4,8,5 qunrters of CALVES Receipts, 1,518 neau: veais. zo (!i60r higher: crassers. 2oo. higher; yeais, $4.50'!i8.oo: grassers. $2.75'u3.oo; westerns, t'l (UV!,.( IY. vnrllncfR. i'l.M. SHEEP AND LAMMS ucreipm. ju.oti head: sheen, steady to 1r higher! lambs. 10f(15o higher: sheep. $2.00fj3.l0: export sheep. $3.73; wethers. $1.00; culls. l.&fT 1 ? inmlm ll.Tft! one rnr. S5.2.I. UOUa Receipts. l..n'l iichii. iiiuiki hi 111 to 0r, higher: state hogs, $6.oiKii6.10; choice light, $6.15; western, $o.60H5.i&. SI. Iiul I.lvr HUirk .llnrkel. ST. LOUIS. Der. 2,-CATTLE-Recelpts, 1 -nn iiirimiiiifr head lexans: marital ulondv In St mil CI native HII1IH1II1K n..A nvnnri a'ini,i u Tr,Ti6.''"i' dressed beef and biltchef steers. $3.6V(nu,40; steers under 1.000 lbs,, I3.0OT5.0O; stocKers anu leeuers, $2.25Q3.tV): rnw-H and heifers. $2.OO1f5.00: ran tiers, Vl.50ff2.50; hulls. $2.25'34.O0; Texas and indlnn steers. .i.ii'hi..u; t-wu .1-.'s niw! liolrnrx SL'.251l3.30. uriiiu linn. 111a n,di iifHii: mtiiivri nil Ifie lower: pigs and ilghts, 5.iVMt5.7t): park- KUvn.t Til- f.ntnlior. SS.T.i'flti.'.'O. s ek anu iiA.Mim uereiiiin, head: market steady; native, mutton", $3.2o M3.75; lambs. $4,0Og4.75; culls and nuchs, $2.0Cf 3.25, Slock In Slu-ht Tl,. (nllnnlni. Infill, ulinn'x the reCellltS Of cattle, hogs and sheep nt me nvo priiKipai mnrgeis ror wecemuer Cattle, South Omaha 3.021 Chicago 21.VO Kansas city St. Louis 3,300 St. Joseph 4,2i 1 1.;:.: i....K 1 1 2 6.... 1.... 11.... 1.... 21.... 1,... 1.... 1.... 4.... L... o V.'.'.'. 1.... 1.... 1.... 13.... ... 921 ... 840 ... 795 ... 640 ... 990 ...1020 ... 910 ... 9S5 ... 930 .'.. 835 ... 9T0 ...1060 ...1010 ...1110 ...1000 ... 850 ... 980 ... 946 ...1040 83U , 9T0 S00 1005 1180 1040 TS0 806 1290 986 930 80S 1400 112") 4 00 10... COWS. T9 4 85 1 90 2 10 2 25 2 23 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 30 2 ."A 2 :i5 2 35 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 511 2 50 2 50 2 63 2 63 2 63 2 65 2 TO 2 T5 2 T5 2 80 2 80 SO 85 8. 12.. 4.. ...10S0 ...1035 ...1055 ... T8T ...1125 . . .1010 ... 886 ... 912 ...1026 ... 966 ...1010 16 1088 4 1075 3 900 1 1 3 4 12 5 18.... 6.,.. 3.... 1.... 1.... o u"!.' i.... 19.... 10.... 4.... L... 3.... IT.... 4.. ...1003 ...1186 ...1100 ... 950 , . 835 ... 930 ...101 10 ...1100 ...1060 ...1200 ...1045 ...1150 ...1112 ...1100 ...1060 ...1090 ... 986 ...1207 2 8.7 2 90 2 90 2 10 3 00 3 00 3 P0 3 00 3 no 3 00 3 00 3 mi 3 00 3 05 3 10 .'I 10 3 20 3 25 3 23 .1 25 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 2.1 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 61 3 75 4 25 TIT4IFKRS 570 2 00 2 810 3 50 653 2.50 s RULLS. 1170 2 60 1 1460 2 50 1325 2 60 1 1150 2 T5 1260 2 25 1 1190 3 23 1250 3 60 1 18T0 3 73 CALVES, 120 4 25 1 100 3 00 80 5 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 003 2 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1... 15... 12... a... 1... 1... 14... 17... 31... 87 780 558 912 740 RAO 710 , 752 780 , 661 23 feeders.. 10OS 3 feeders.. 890 3 feeders.. 1003 10 rows 1063 1 cow I'M) 9 cows 1063 46 steers.... 956 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 23 3 05 3 23 3 35 3 50 NERRASKA. 24. 1 3 7 23 31 2S ...It.., 41 875 .. 880 ., 616 .,1075 .. 915 .. 784 .. 949 ,.. 918 ... 657 3 50 3 55 3 6n 3 60 3 75 3 75 3 90 3 70 I 10 i 65 :t 40 2 75 3 0 3 10 3 25 22 feeders,. 1025 4 00 1 feeder... ;i iw 28 feeders.. 950 3 90 1 feeder. , . H50 a no 1 steer....H00 90 4 steers. ...1250 4 90 21 steers. ...1081 14 steers. ...U4.' 2 steers. ...iui 6 steers. ...ii 2 cows... . 750 10 rows 682 8 COWS,, ., :r.'a 4 cows I bulls,. T cows. . 12 cows, , 1 cow... 1 hull.., WYOMING. 3 50 COLORADO. 7 COWS. 1 cow.. II rows. bulls, 16 rows. . 8 rows. . 4 rows.. 6 rows.... 6 cows. . . 1 cow, . . . 5 calves., 3 bulls.... Hogi. Sheep. 8.730 M,orl 11.00H fi,'1 6.5fO 1.488 31.000 mio 18,r in Tolals 40,221 51.930 6S.73S. 8 steers 1 steer 1160 1 steer 1160 1 bull 1260 11 steer. ...1211 D. 14 feeders,. 1W 1 feeders., to 4 sr. 4 90 4 fo 4 on .' 25 2 00 3 10 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1046 4 0.) 8 rows io; ... S15 ...1182 ...1063 ... 811 ... 6V) ...1000 ..1107 .. 850 ..1111 ..1310 ..1120 ..1057 ,. 92.' .. 996 . 94.1 . 870 . 101 .1036 I 00 4 00 2 10 I 30 W. Wyntt-Colo, 3 35 5 cows 2 COWS, 2 cows, . 2 cows.. 765 .. 965 ..1040 Ud SIChBCr-S. D. .It) i 3 88 1 cow 920 2 15 9 IOWP 1UM Ilros.-Ulnh. 1 cow 1230 12 cows 1(19 !'J feeders.. 60.1 2 feeders.. 750 1 feeder... 1070 3 30 4 0) 3 oi 3 ;5 2 ;u) 1 50 3 10 3 00 3 10 ;i 25 3 15 2 75 3 35 .1050 3 50 4 "S 4 25 3 W I 10 3 SO 905 3 cows 939 ..ita Hunter 1 cow 3 10 1 hull 1200 2 50 .". bulls 14"0 2 30 6 feeders.. 6n3 2 60 :t feeders. . 856 3 15 Tollee L. niul s. CO. w yo. It cows !". 2 75 21 cows 975 12 cows 1110 3 IS J. it. joncs-a. u 12 cows 1099 3 60 I cows. 3 cows 933 3 50 M. C. Sinltll-S. D. 9 steers. ...1211 1 25 2 steers.'.. .1140 1 steer 1200 I '.'. 1 steer PO) 6 cows loot 3 : l steer n.o 1 cow 1010 3 on R. L. Thonieati-Wyo. 21 cows 1010 I 50 25 (.Iecrs....ll5l 5 cows 1010 3 00 HOGS Receipts of hoes were liberal for the llrst day of the week, but not as heavy as they were on Monday of Inst week. All other mnrkets wero quoted lower and as n lesuit pacKers hiiu led out miming mhvo lovvnr t in t ii suiuniny s Kcuorni inarKci. the llrst loads sold mostly from $.i.90 to $6 00. The prime heavyweights brought mostly Irom $5.97'4 to $.05, while medium weights of good (lilnlltv sold largely at $5.tKru.95. The lightweights sold from $5.90 lown to $.).f.u. w th P ks stl 11 lower. As is always the case the Mk lit hogs moved very slowly on the start and Inanost cases were leu .nun ine nisi run oi me mnrm-i. The Munition did not change matertiill.v on the rlobC nf the market, except that trading became a little morn brisk, so that In spite of the slow opening practically everything was disposed of In tMlrly good season. The greatest declllie of the day was on th. lightweight hogs, which sold very unevenly. Good heavyweight hogs, In most cases, did not sell much ovor u nickel lower, ltcpi emulative sales: 2 15 3 10 1 75 1 75 2 15 3 70 3 10 3 10 2 25 3 65 2 T5 2 00 3 00 3 73 2 25 5 01 2 CO 3 13 2 00 2 00 3 15 3 25 3 25 No. Av. 94 116 7 151 90 179 9T 1T6, 99, . 92... 96... 61' ..161 ..166 . .ISO ..1S5 ..182 93. 89 1T3 91 1TI 80 1!7 .18.. ..181 ..1S7 HP I ..181 ..19S -"J TO..., 94..., T2. . . 91... 98... 9... TS... 12... 187 S8 2i l 155 199 82 193 .82 20i) 6 2211 4 19.1 39 266 I". 2 0 81 27 1.7 M) 221 3 198 87 216 62 ' ' 327 41 187 3 191 TO, ,,,,,251 89. .....234 liS 24 S Sh. Pr. ... 6 00 5 60 5 60 6 61 5 TO 5 T5 5 80 .1 So 5 80 R 85 5 8.1 6 8.1 6 8.1 6 s.i 5 8,1 5 !ifl .1 91 6 9-1 5 91 .1 !1 5 90 6 9il .1 90 5 90 5 90 .1 92 '4 No. 200 '40 120 160 50 120 80 40 'io 80 120 10 T3 1ST T2 234 Tl 216 6T 2T9 6 .25T n 273 30 33.. A. 8h, Pr. 100 80 '40 120 240 40 40 60 120 811 120 69.. TO. 76. TO. 61. T5. 15. TO.. Tl.. 6T., 61.. '66., 72., TO., 05. . 4S., 62. .19214 5 921i r. 9.'(s r. 92C; r. 92(1. r. 92' 4 .1 9.'S r. 9jfS ...2.1s ...271 ...271 ...2f. . . .250 ...321 ...212 . . .279 ...258 . . .207 . . .266 ...316 . . .275 ...240 . . .2.10 . . .226 ...263 ...211 ...211 ...177 ...2.VI .231 .256 06... 69 .. 63 '. '.29 1 MI 201 70... 28i) 80 80 200 81) 2il 8' 1 40 12i '80 '80 80 210 80 40 SO 120 LV) 'so 160 120 120 360 161 81) 0... 69. . . 69. . . 69... I... 94T.. 21... 15... .229 ..214 ..26S . .239 . .230 "3?iS . .297 63.... 73..., 31.... 77. . . 1 61 59..., 60..., 73. . . 63.. . ..210 ..2l . .253 . .284 . .262 ..241 T4 28S 60., 69... (VI.... 49.... .Ml . .2.11 ' ..342 . .272 ..380 ..331 . .30.1 r. 91 5 9;. B 91 5 97'4 .1 97i 5 971j r. 97(4 fi 971s 5 97s 5 97s r. 97 a .1 97' r. 971 3 5 971- 6 97'5 5 97 3 r. 971; .1 971- 5 9715 5 97" i .1 97I4 .1 !?', .1 9714 r. 9714 r. 971; 5 9714 5 97 s I. 97 i 6 97's 6 971, 5 97' 4 6 11 6 l) 6 00 6 fl 6 ) 6 no 6 00 ii m 6 nn 6 ( 6 no no 6 on 6 no 6 Oil 6 02' 4 6 A2'S Ii 05 HI fi 05 6 10 40 80 SO 5 9; 40 & 9.1 160 6 95 80 fi 9.1 160 fi 95 120 fi 9.1 80 5 9.1 40 f. 9.1 ... 5 9.1 ... 6 9.1 2S0 1". 9.1 ... fi 9.1 40 5 91 ... .19.1 40 5 91 ... fi 9.1 52. .- 125 80 5 95 62. SHEEP There wns a light supply of sheep and lambs hern today nnd as thr de mand nu the purt of local p.ickers was III good shape there was not enough change In the rr.arket to be worthy of mention. Lambs sold ns high as $4.50. western weth ers brought $3.1.1 and ewvs sold nt $3.20. Thero was nothing strictly prlmo on the market so that the prices paid today do not look very high. The common kinds were of eoursn neglected, the same us they always are, nnd sellers found It dlfllcult Io get steady prices for that class nf stuff. Thrro wero not very ninny feeders of fered today, so that anything at nil good sold nbout steady with the close of lust work. Quotations: Cholrr yearlings. $3.607f3.75: fnlr to pood yearlings, S3.23iT3.5ii; cholco wethers, $3,251(3.50; fair to good wethers, $2.9(yf3.25; choice ewes, $2.9Mi3.23: fair to good ewes. $2.4M(2.9fl: common owes, $l.UKi$ 2.00; choice lnmbs. $l.601i 1.75; fair to good Iambs, $4.25'5j,4.5n; feeder wethers. $2,901(3.15; feeder Iambs, 3.251(3.75. Representative sales: No. Av. 1 native rwe TO 13 fed ewes 91 11 1 1ml .1. 11V. $20 fed ewes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.! io 22.8 Idaho wethers 102 I.) cull Iambs 61 61 20 cull lnmbs. 250 native lambs.... 252 nail vo lambs... 259 native lnmbs... bli) native lambs... 5 cull ewes 10 feeders 160 feeders 4sn feeders in reedcrs 83 feeders 67 ewes 40 feeder lambs... 31 lambs 73 71 62 71 S3 81 72 76 9T 00 6S Pr. $3 00 3 20 :i 20 3 20 3 4.7 3 T5 3 T5 4 31 4 50 4 50 4 fin 1 50 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 2.1 3 60 1 40 ICnnsnn City Live Stork Miit-krl. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 2.C'ATTLK-Rr-celpt",T,500 iiutlvcs, Tun Texans, 200 calves; beef steers, steady to IOr lower: other rat tle stendv; rholce export nnd drfsed h?ef steers. $5.85'q 6.25 : fair to good, $4.6nlj5.T5: stackers and feeders. $3,001(4.40; western fed steers, $I.T51i6.(n): western rnngo steers. 3.E0 fiit.TO; Texas nnd Indlnn steers, S3.601j I.S5. Texas cows, $1.75S3.40: nutlve cows, $2.50 ff('4.75; heifers, $3,2511.75; canners. $l.50fi2.IO; bulls. S2.0OIf4.O0: cnlves, S3.251i5.25. HOGS Receipts. 11.001) head, Mnrket ,VS 10c lower: closing heavy; top. $6.30; hulk of sales. S5.SOfl6.20; heavy, S6.25176 30: mixed packers. S6.00B6.20; light, $5.35fl6.12'4; pigs, $4. OOfiS.SO. SHEEP AND LAMMS - Receipts. 2.000 head. Market lOIilSc hlglier: nntlvo lambs. $4.6014.75: western lambs, $4.OO1l4.60: native wethers. S3.25'fr3.75: western wethers, $3.10 S73.50; ewes, $3.0o4T3.60; culls and feeders, $1.60fl3.23. St. Joseph Live Stork Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 4.200 head; steady to 10c higher: natives, $3.331i5.00: rows and heifers, $1,2516.10; venls, $2.5Vti6.25: bulls and stags, $2,2545.00; stock ers and feeders. $2,O0fl4.3O. HOGS Receipts. 6,600 head; strong to 6c higher: light and light mixed, $5.70176.25: medium nnd heavy, $5.90.30; pigs, $3.85ff S'SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 250 head; slow and steady, $5.60. Boyd Commission Co Successors to-james K. Boyd OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION URAIN, PltOVIBIO.MI AM) STOCKS. Hofcr of Trnde Rnlldlnc. Direct wires to Chlcato and New Vofk .onessmdenca, John A. Wairen it Co. ri Tha Fast Trains aro via THE UNION PACIFIC What Is the ua of wasting your time enroute and your money on extra weals when It OOBT8 NO MORE3 to trard in tha On eat trains on tha beat bal lasts road in tha west, tha Great Tranj-ContlnenUl Line, "Tha Overland Rout?" Tho Popular Personally Conducted Excursions r rta this line, Leave Omaha every Wedncactfiy and Friday at 4:26 p, oi. can join exourelon at any point enroute. Pullman Ordinary Ors leave Omaha at 11:20 p. m. every Tueaday for Loa Anajeles. Pullman Ordinary (Tonrlit) Care leave Omah DAILY at !8f p. m. for San Kranclsco and Portland. For full information address, Cily Ticket Office,' 1324 Farnam. Telephone 310. I'or years this remedy lias been the standard nerve restorallre. Thoutands of happy men owe their newly found Ktrength to Itt unr. (texlne I'ttls replnce weakness and exhaiiHtlon with strength and vigor; the brain becomes clear; the nerves xte.idy aud calm; gloomy forebodings rue banNhed and perfect vitality is ful ly restored. If you ore suffering ns above, try a box; you'll be encouraged by its effect to take the full course of six boxes then If you are not entirely cured, we will refund your money. This satis factory offer is one of the factors of our micceMi. 11.00 per box : fi boxes (with eunran tee torure or money back), 13 00, malted in plain packages, nook liee. 3 rwr ale by Kubn & Co., Puller Paint A Drug Co., Omaha; Ulllon'a Drug a to re, South Omaha, and Oavl Drug- Co., Council Ulufta. la. Quicker Than Ever HOT SPRINGS ARKAN8AS IN . . . io hours in XL From ST. LOUIS IZ 8 P. M. TO 8 A. M. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE PAMPHLETS FREE ON APPLIOATiON H. C. TOWNSEND, Con. Pass'r. & Tlokot AgL, ST. LOUIS, rvio. S5.0Q K MONTH SPECIALIST in Ail Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years in Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured, Method naw, without cuttlnc. uaJw a loii of time. CVDUM let cured forme ana tnepoiioa OT rniLI3 thorouf bly cleansed from theayatem. Soon every ktgc and symptom illsanpeara completely and forerer. No "BItEAKINO OUT" ot the disease on tha skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerona flruca orlnjurlons uedlrlnv. WEAK MEN'roru Excesses or Victim! ro T4EKTOCB Drnn.iTT or Exnn'Tion, WASTIMO WBAKNKS8 With KAIILV DCAT In YoutfO and Middlc Aoed, lack of rim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and veak. STRICTURE cured with a pew noma Treatment. ' No pain, po detention from fcusl ncn. Kidney and llladde' Troubles. Ceaiallilien fr?.?reitmtii( ty Mull, Call on on or ucldresi Q So. 14th Sti Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Nob. GENT ON TRIAL. ilKK Ston taklnc nitdlclni'i It jou haie weak nrKam t mil power or wnntning nrami, . our vacuum Oratn Developar wll : restore you. No d rne. fltrlctuni and Varlcocnle p'rinanpotlj cured In 1 to 4 wfmkt. 75,mn In u; nol one failure: not onn returuii (tct Immediate; nn O. O, I). fraud. Write tor tier particulars, tout eealed In plain envelope, lOCALAPPLIANCE CO. 134 Thorp Blk.lndlinibolli.lntt; Price Advances Hi Per Cent Dec. 4th, The Greatest Money-Maker tN THE HISTORY OF MINING INVESTMENTS IS OFFERED IN TIIF STOCK OF THE Price Advance Hi Per Cent Dec. 4th. Mt. Shasta Gold Mines Corporation Of Atlanta County, Cal,, th Oreateat Oold and Copper Camp In the f.Vnrld', BUI I U LJH In tills dletrlct la r.onnidered the moat wen- Dw laiEa 1 niUli derful discover' In thle or any other stg. A loo-tnn amelter now operated hy a com pany owlnr one-half of Bully Hill la paytnir tl.SOO.fmo yearly net above ex pensea. With their l.OdOton mill will pay $12,000,000 NET YEARLY. THR 3IT. SHASTA r.OI.D MIHKM COHT OH ATIOV. Own the other half of llully Hill and are Inetalllna; a plant which will malta an equal allowing. Tha only way to get Into Bully llTlt'e big mine la through buy Ing Mt. Shaata. Oold Mlnea Corporation atock. W nr eelllnp only a limited number of aharea (of a par value of Ji.oo each) at 6 CENTS PER SHARE. stock advancejs aa t-JI Mm oidjit nncHMnnit 4. Bend pubacrlptione and addreea for attractive proepectiia, giving full daflerlptlon In detalla of thle wonderful property. SAkTOnn MAKrir.Vfm, Flaoal Arnt, n Adam .14.. riiloniin, Thoae who have the courage to buy mining a took while the property la In a atage of da velonment nr the peopln who make tre- mendofia profit, W. A. Wr.HHICK, R14 X Y. l.tfr llldar,. Omaha, .eh la aathorlaeil to fornleh proapantnaaea anil adltlannl Informatlan nnil to accept anhaorlptlnna In Omnha nnd anrronnillna: tfrrllary. P. S. BEAR IN MIND