Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Cured I
Without Gutting, Danger or Detention
from Pleasures or Duties.
Piles, when bleeding, lower thevitalitj.
Piles, when protruding, annoy and distress.
Piles, when internal, cause obscure symptoms.
Piles , when ulcerated, cause reflex disturbances.
Piles, when acutely inflamed, cause severe suffering.
Piles, when accompanied with fissure cause intense pain.
Piles, when attended with chronic inflammation, cause itching.
Piles, of any kind, are apt to induce sympathetic ailments.
Why Suffer from Piles ?
There 1b nn economical, safe and certain rure, that may be bought at
any drug store, and self -applied in the privacy of your own home. There
is no experimenting, no waiting your turn at'a Hurgeon'H oflicf, no indeli
cato examinations, or barbarous, painful and dangerous operations. You
simply go to your druggist, buy tho Pyramid Pile Cure, apply it yourself,
and get well.
That tlio Pyramid Pile Cure, does really cure piles, relievo the con
gested parts, allay intlamnmtlon, and stop all aching, Itching and throb
bing is vomched for by many hundred voluntary and unsolicited testi
monials of which the following am representative specimens:
Thij Are Filid with taprtmt Court (rem
Don flu Countj.
Contend thnl Decision In Lower Court
i Unl' I'rnpcr and Snhmlt Cround
fur ItcxIntltiR Mate's
, Appeal.
Oured of Plica whero Knllo Failed.
Amos Crocker, of Wnreetcr, write.
"After koIiir through a frightful
operation, and Biter trjlntf riiv number of
suites and ointments, nun rV. box of J'yra
mid Pile Cnrn gn ftiecdjr relief ml It
quickly enrod mo."
Qurcd After Years of Pile, Torture
.lames Kenton. Memphis. Tenn.. says
"I suffered the torture of Itching rll" for
rears' and everything I tried failed In relievo
dir. One M cent box of l'yramld l'lle Cure
cured me entirely."
Ourod ol Piles after Many Venra.
Mrs. D. P.. Reed. of Albany, says: "I would
not take. IMjo and bo placed back where I was
before I used the I'vranild l'lle t urn; 1 suf.
fered for years and It Is now IK months Mnca
I used It and not the (lightest traceol the
troublo has returned."
" Cured of Piles, Saved from Knife.
Mrt. Aaron Medrnn. of Savannah, Oa..
writes: "Ever since the birth of nty first child
tlx years ago. I have suffered greatly from
fillet. I could not bring myself to iwar the
noughts of a surgical operation, l'yramld
Pile Cure entirely cured me."
Detperato Cao of Plica Cured.
Mrs. Wm. Kenmore, Bo. Omaha, wrllest
"I suffered manyears with protruding idles
and dared not risk an operation. My cao
became, desperate. I took l'yramld rile
Cure and In a short time was entirely cured
with no return of the troublo."
All druggists boII Pyramid Pile
. i . r . . 1
them 10. It is cents u iui-KUKU
JJlilK v.iU., .iiaiDumii "v.u.
Cause and Cure of Piles."
Awful Pile Torturo Cured In 3 Days.
Mrs. It. T. P. liovlan. Marshall. Missis.
alppl, writes "I suffered awful tortute for
ears from piles. Iu.m I'jramld l'lle Cure
nnd was well In three days."
Cured of Itching Pllea.
Tdward Dunellen. Wllkesbarre, I'a.s "For
seven years 1 wax scarcely ever frco from the
terrible torturo of Itching piles. I tried all
torts of remedies. Was told a urgteal oper
ation intent s.ive. One M cent bo of l'yra
mld Tile euro cured me completely."
Fameua Dootor Urgee
Pyramid Pile Cure.
Dr.Wllllams. a prominent orlflclal surgeon
tays! "It Is the duly of every surgeon to avoid
an operation. It possible to euro In any other
way. and after many trials with the lrhmtd
l'lle Cure. I unhesitatingly recommend It In
preference to an operation."
Pllea Cured Aftor 30 Yeara.
Thos. K. Wood. sl3 17tti Pt.. Sacramento.
Cal.: "One no cent box of Pyramid l'lle Cure
permanently cured mu of piles. For 30 years
I lufleredi underwent n. frightful operation,
nearly died but failed to cure. I was unable
to walk when I tried l'yramld Pllo Cure.
The first application relieved me."
Eaoaped tho Knlfo, Cured of Pllea.
, Mrs. Hlnkley. Indianapolis, writes: "The
doctor said It mint be an operation costing
jsoo and little chanco to survive. I chose
Pyramid l'lle Cum nnd one M cent box made
me sound and well."
ftlrn nr rfll crnt tt - t -l.
nnil Ik nut mi nnltr Int Iko l.i.n.u
V. .I P. ......... , "1' v.u; JJ U1U . jioumi
AVrito to them for their free Dook on "The
It is already upon us. The prc.ts everywhere is warning tho
public. Pneumonia and grip germs of unusual viru
lence and danger are in our midst. The
people are unusually ill-prepared.
We aro facing a harvest-time of death. On account of the trying summer
-zst passed, vitality is at a low ebb. Development of a strong vitality is urgently
needed at once by all not in perfect condition. Unless your system is promptly
put in condition to throw oil this pestilence of germs grave results are sure to
follow. Many deaths are already reported. The first symptoms are a cold,
quicl:y followed by acute bronchitis or tonsilitis, pneumonia and death.
There is'a ntw protection for you; it builds up the system quicker than any
thing known; and if you already have a cold it will stop it at once. Begin taking
Mull's Grape Tonic today and you will fortify your system so that you are abso
lutely safe from the ravages of this epidemic.
Head below carefully and act at oucc:
Take a Tablospaortful or Twa af
In a ball teacup of hot stater four or five times a day. Before
going to bed uke a hat foot bath and another dote of Tonic In hot
water. After the cold is broken continue the Tonic, according to
direction oa the bot:l. until patient baa fully recovered.
Littto children and invalids can be emfoly treated with Mull's
Qaapa Tonic, ns It i absolutely harmless. It contains no injuri
ous ingredient. Bronchitis. Sora Throat Rheumatism. Neural-
V gli, PUarUr. Sore Lua. Croup, LaGrippe and all kindred ail
ments resulting iron cow ana esposuae are qwemy reaucea ana
cured by tba uaa of Mall's Grape Tonic
la caeea ol sore throat, raw throat, croup, chett pain, plea
risf, etc., whore a counter irritant is necessary, rob well the sore
epot with MulfaUghtsiaf Pain KUler. also saturate a piece of
flannel with it aa4 apply. Use ia cocnectJca with Mull's Grape
The dalicioas tut a and bracing tonic efltct of Mill's Grape
Tonlo rendtr itono of the moat beneficial and safest treatments
known, Most cold remedies leave the system weak and shattered.
Mull's Grape Toaio breaks op the cold and at the same time builds
up the systsm.
It can be had fro a any good druggist at 50a or sent by The
Lightning Medicine Co.. Rock Island, 111.
formed her usual tasks on l-'ridsyv Early 1 17CTHI 1 TV fll? UVnPVCP 1)111
Saturday morning the family was awakened I uO I till A Ih Ul LAI Ulr Ou DILL
by a nolso and disturbance In her room- ,
L'pon going to tho room they found her run- .
nlng about the room wild with excitement
and acting terribly frightened, hut they
could gel no explanation from her, After a
(hort tlrac she became more aulct and came
downstairs, but soon had to go to bed, About ; - . ur
0 or 10 o'clock she became unconscious and (.UtCHtASt COMPARED WITH LAST YEAR
remained so until death camo In the evening. .
An autopsy revealed the fact that a blood
vessel had burst In her brain.
lecnUrj tf the Trenarj Illicit Annul
' Siquiiititi Upoi OaofTtii.
raUtnte with
any ran down ajtUia.
dsv' otn raiorea
sr itaaoiMi
Hmrt Trrnbt, NcrretunaM, fllplMnt sad a ('
m. catuml by Kidney, Llrer, Btomaott and Duaf Troublaa,
t to rxrlMt bMlta by Muli't Grr Tools. Its txotsui
A mother from Bloui City, Iowa: "In
ten hours It cured tny darling little
eaufhter at a torer cold which threat
ened croup and lung trouble. The after
treatment left her Is perfect health. Age
four years."
A man from SL Joe. Mo.: "In lesa
than twelve hours It broke up a bad cold
affectlne my lungs, which I contraceted
by gctUni drvnehe.1 In a cold rain. Con
tinued the tonic for fir weka as ad
vised. Etronner now than rrer before.
Ase it yeurs."
A lady from dlenwcod Rprlnts, Colo.:
"It curod me In elghte-sn hours. Oot
my feet wet and took a terrible oold,
which affected my lungs and entire sys
tem. Continued the tonic 30 days. My
health la restored. Age 3 years."
From Canton, Ohio: "It cured my
father, who Is 80 years eld. In twenty;
four hours. Contracted a cold which set
tled on his lungs, also limbs and back
Just oyer the kidneys. It seemed lilio
pneumonia and rheumatism combined,
and feared he would not rtcoTer. Con
tinued tonic eight weeks. Now In bet-
ur oeiitn man tor yetrs.
For sale by Sherman & WcConnell Drug Co, Omaha
Ihen writing 'to advertisers mention havin g
read their advertisement in The Bee
UutraiutsJ VaV
EJ3 lr'tauCoi.iijii(
Up ltlgJ for unneturel
ItrlUtiaat or ul'.uatlonj
uf miiBiiui miptranet
rlulri, and nut ttttlnr
gnt or r-iitoniu.
old by DruaalsU
nr ont In plin ript,
lr iptM. rrrsfi. mi
e hire ioU. exeluKlTH Conferol.
nt ;oun1rUlandAprTiil
far unlj l( pltuml. MeaotMnM
IKVTliiTrj Wrtt for cor
new boV, SnlT UlntirfttMt. ex.
I plaining ILKT TWT.T. ondrr
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 2. (Special.) Uriels on
behalf of V. A. l'axton, Thomas Swobe and
Cadet Taylor In the case of tho State
against the bondsmen of former Treasurer
Hartley were filed today In the office of
the supreme court. At the last hearing of
tho case In the district court of Douglas
county these three bondsmen were re
leased from 'liability and It Is to reverse
this holding that the state has appealed to
the higher tribunal.
The defendants, l'axton, Swobe apd Tay
lor, contend that the verdict below was
the only one that could have been given
under the evidence and that the court
might properly have directed by preemptory
Instruction In their favor. Four proposi
tions of law are advanced In support of
this contention.
First It Is argued that in order to make
an ofllclal bond effective It must be ac
cepted by the obligee as well as delivered
by the obligor. It Is asserted that the de
fendants attached their names to tho bond
after It had been ncccptcd onco by tho sec
retary of state. Next It Is urged that tho
Kecretary of state alono has power to ac
cept the bond of the state treasurer. After
n bond of the statu treasurer has been onco
accepted and tho man who has been elected
Ir Inducted Into office there Is no authority
of law for requiring additional sureties on
the bond, The principal contention upon
which the defendants rely for nn affirmance.
of the lower court's tleclslqn Is that n
person signing a bond after lis acceptance
and the Induction of the treasurer Into
office does so without consideration nnd
Is not bound.
The brlei Is prepared In two t-cctlons,
one by John C, Cnwln and Frank Irvlno
and tbe other by Robert Ryan and Frank
T. Ransom.
To I'.lrct ( nptnlii nf flutter?-.
Adjutant General Colby today Issued an
order for an election on December 12 to
fill the vacancy caused by the expiration
of thp commission of Captain Murdock of
Battery A, stationed tit Wymore. Captain
Murdock has held tbe office since 1878 and
has been longer In the service than any
officer In the guard. Ills last three-year
commission has expired and It is necessary
again to fill the place by election. Captain
Murdock Is a candidate for ro-electlon and
unless all signs fall there will not be u
single vote against him.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings met In monthly session this
afternoon and considered the usual grist
of miscellaneous claims. Matters bn which
thsro was any debate were referred for
further consideration.
A report from the Boys' Industrial school
discloses the fact that the Installation of
a new gasoline engine In that Institution
Is saving the state an average of 5227 per
month. Under the old steam system the
pumping of water cost $13.66 per day.
while under the gasoline system, Installed
by Contractor Burns, the avorago dally cost
Is 19.41.
Appoint Hrvardlns; Clerk.
Governor Savage tonight announced the
appointment of John C. Fremont McKeson
as recording clerk In tho executive dopart
ment to succeed C. C. Husted. who has been
promoted to chief clerk. Mr. McKesson Is
a farmer living seven miles west of Lincoln.
He has served sevoral terms In the legis
lature as delegate from Lancaster county
nnd was secrotary of the last sonate. His
appointment completes the changes ma'dc
necessary by the acceptance of the reslg.
nation of H. C. Lindsay as private secretary
and the promotion of Chief Clerk Clancey
to that position.
Trntmfrr Inasnp l'ntlrnu.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings at a meeting late this afternoon
approved the recommendations of the State
Board of Charities and' Corrections, and to
make the action cffectlvo ordered that all
lnano patients now confined In the tempo
rary hospital at Norfolk be transferred to
the hospitals at Lincoln and Hastings.
There are about 100 patients at Norfolk
and half of the number will be sent to each
institution. The board unanimously ugrecd
that the unhealthful condition of the Kor-folk-Tiospltal,
or what remains of it since
the Are, warrants the change recommended.
Iluahnell net Out Petition.
A petition in behalf of H. M.. Bushnell's
candidacy for a second term as postmaster
of Lincoln was put In circulation today.
The movement Is said to be non-partisan,
not based on any asserted objection to E.
R. Slzer, who has been recommended for
the position by the Nebraska congressional
delegation, but on tbe claim that Mr. Bush-
ncll deserves a second term as recognition
of past services. Private messages from
Washington eay that the president will give
both sides a bearing before an appointment
Is made.
Seek to Iteciivpr DniiKhtrr.
George E. Weeks of Chicago, a passenger
agent in the employ of tbe Grand Trunk
railroad, Is here to Invoke Judicial assist
ance in his effort tp recover bis 7-year-old
daughter Gladys, whom he says her grand
mother, Mrs. Jennie Fanning, unlawfully
retains. The girl was seized this afternoon
by Sheriff Branson on a writ of habeas
corpus, but not until after n struggle with
the obdurate grandmother. Hearing will be
tomorrow In tbe court of Judge Waters.
Engineer nnd t.'riieriil Mnnnurr of
the Ulkhorn Scrutlnlte I'roi
IieetMr Trrrltory,
BUTTE, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) G. F, Bldwoll, general manager of
tho Elkhoru railroad, In company with W,
C. Armstrong, engineer, spent part of two
du looking over lloyd county with a view
of extcuding the Verdigris branch. Both
were greatly surprised at the phenomenal
resources of the county and state that tho
extension will be built In time to move tbe
next rrop. Butte Is wild, with excitement
over the prospect.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Dec. '.'.(Special Tele
gram.) A movement has been started In
Sioux City to organize a company for the
construction of a lino of railroad from
O'Neill, Neb., terminus of the Pacific Short
Line, to Atkinson, Neb., tbe starting point
of the Atkinson & Niobrara River railroad,
which Is being built to Butte, Neb, Tho
purpose of the propocd O'Nelll-Atktnson
line would be to hold for Sioux City a trade
which It has enjoyed for many years, but
which largely will be diverted to Omaha
If the Fremont, Elkborn & Missouri Valley-
hullds Its proposed Vordlgrls extension to
Niobrara or Butte.
Illn from HnratlnK HI1101I VeekPl,
NORTH LOl'P, Neb.. Dee. 2. (Special.)
Miss Maud Arn died suddenly Saturday
evening, at tho home of G. E. Johnson, where
he was working. She attended the Thanks
eIUus ball on Thursday night and per
Crnntl Iftlnnit tinn Victim.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dee. 2.-(Spcc!al.)
Oliver Watson, aged 14, who was accident
ally shot while going bunting Sunday aft
ernoon, died from his Injuries last night.
) Fifteen MllUuti l.r Thnn Itlmnte
nnil Only four Million Orrntcr
'limn Aetnitl Appro-
prlntlon .unur. j
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. The secretary of ,
Hopeful Words to Childless Women.
Two Grateful Women Tell How
They Were Helped by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
The load passed Into the right side, plcrc- j the treasury today transmitted to congress
log the lung and passed out underneath the the estimates of appropriations required
shottlderblade, passing through a compara- for the government servico for the fiscal
tlvely small portion of the body, but mak- year ending Juno 30, Un3, ns furnished by
Ing a large hole, Watson bad his foot on 1 tho heads of the several executive depart
the footrest. or step, of tho buggy and was ments. The total appropriations asked for
leaning over to get a shell when the gun arc JS10.827.6SS. which Is 118,000,000 less than
was suddenly discharged and threw hltn the estimates for 1P02 nnd J4.000.000 more
out of the buggy. His comrade. Orovcr 1 than the appropriations for that year. Fol-
inompson. piacjd a blanket over hlin and lowing is a recapitulation of the estimates
Immediately drove after a physician, after 1 by departments:
which they ttk Watson to the hopltat, ' Legislative J 10,15,0;3
where he died several hours later. I Kxeeutlve r.M.i:
; niuic department ,, i'.tis.a.s
r. ,,.,, !....,,.,. ,... 1 Treasury department loj,t4,fCS
rnmlj-H'c rmnreo tnr. Wur department 161.wn.ini
FREMONT. Ncd., Dec. 2.-(Spcclal.)-The J,A'c:iU;V;v l'i?-'
, ,. ., . , . . ' , interior department 161,,10,..'o
records of the district court of Dodge , iVitot!ieo detiartment 4.4HI.?";
county show a large Increase In the number ' Department of Agriculture 6.fion,:40
of divorce ca,e during the year 1001. Dur- j &wrZl $ Jusfe::::::;:::::
Ing the year twenty-five have been filed;
ten divorces have been granted women
plaintiffs and seven to men. One case was
dismissed by consent of tbe parties and
Beven are now pending. In several of the
cases tho plaintiff removed from the county
as soon as the decrees were entered. None
were contested as far as the cause of di
vorce was concerned and In every case but
ono In which nllmouy or attorney fees were
allowed it wn upon a stipulation. The
total number of divorce cases filed in 1900
was but fifteen.
Injnretl It j- finollne f.nmp,
LEIGH, Neb., Dec. 2 (Special.) R. B.
Heidi, who operates a general store at Din
sell, an Inland town thirteen miles outh
east of here, was brought to town this
morning In a semi-conscious condition. Last
evening he whs adjusting u hcay gasoline
lamp In his store when It fell, striking him
on the head. A large gash was cut In hl.i
scalp and the attending physician fears con
cussion of the brain.
I)oiIrc ('mini v MortRfigr Ilenoril.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 2. (Special.) Tho
mortgage, record of Dodge county for the
month of November is; Chattel mortgages
filed r.5, amount J24.0l7.Sli released 20,
amount J27,8S5.21. Farm mortgages re
corded 4, amount $4,414; released 13, amount
J16, 637.60. Towu and city mortgages re
corded 14. amount J6.324.7S; released 11,
amount J5.781.C0.
Car Itrpnlrrr Killed.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Dec, 2,-(Spcrlal Tele
gram.) Robert Sheldon, a car repairer, was
run over by the cars at 7 o'clock this even
ing. He was Instantly killed, his body being
frightfully mangled. He came hero about
a month ago from Grand Island. He was
Ilrnkeniiin Killed nt Ilriikli-mnn.
HENKLEMAN. Nob., Dec. 2. (Special
Telegram.) While train 140 was switching
today, A. H. Washburn caught bis foot in a
frog, and was Instantly killed by tho train.
Ills body was removed to his home at Mc
Fall nnd Irenka .Arm.
WEEPING WATER, Neb., D.rc. 2. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Ruso'ell, wife of Judge C. C.
Russell, fell against a stove, burning a hand
and breaking an arm. She Is In ber 70th
year and ber condition Is serious.
Home- Throw It Itliler.
M'COOK, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) While riding n nowly broken horse
Harry Walters was thrown to tbe ground,
resulting In concussion of the brain.
Food Clinnttcil to I'olon,
Putrefying food In the Intestines produces
effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's
New Life Pills expel the poisons from
clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely,
curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head
ache, Fevers, all Llvor, Kidney and Bowel
troubles. Only 23c nt Kuhn & Co.'s.
Invent Ixatc Itutiie'n Drntli.
WHITEWOOD. S. D., Dec. 2. (Special.)
News of the murder, supposedly such, of
Charley Ramsey, across tho line In Wyom
ing, has reached this city and an Investiga
tion Is now In progress. Ramsey was em
ployed by a rancher named James Field,
who asserts that he and Ramsey had gono
to town to buy some medicine for the
rancher's family and that when the time
came to go home Ramsey, It Is alleged, was
drunk. When Field urged blm to get ready
to accompany him home, he alleges thnt
Ramsey began shooting at him and, In self
defense. Field returned shots which killed
Ramsey, The other story is that the killing
was cnld-blooded; that Rameey was not
drunk and that his 6lx-shooter was found
twenty feet from the dead body with two
loaded cartridges and four empty chambers,
which does not carry out the story of Field
that Ramsey shot twice at blm. Field gave
himself up and Is belug held for murder.
Ramsey was well known In this part of the
Black Hills and his relatives propose to
mako a strong fight against Field.
Total ' , J610,S27,6SS
Following are the principal items under
the several department which show In
creases or decreases as compared with the
apjiropriatlons for the year 1902.
Cniiiiiirnlhr IMntr mrnt.
Congress Public printing, etc.; Increase,
J 130,000.
State Department Foreign intercourse,
Increase, J233.000.
Treasury Department Mints and assay
offices, Increase, J 13:1,000; Internal revenue.
Increase, J340.O00; public works, Increase,
JI,40r.,00O; miscellaneous, Increase, J1.000,
000; District of Columbia, decrease, J503.000;
permanent annual appropriations, decrease,
J 2,000.000.
War Department Military establishment,
decrease, J16,IOO,OOfl; public works. Increase,
J3tj.tl00.000; permanent annual appropria
tions, decrease, JC50.000.
Navy Department Naval establishment,
Increase, J6,345,000; public works, Increase,
Interior Department Indian affairs, de
creae, J32S.00O; pensions, decrease, J5.400,
000; public works, decrease, J585.000; mis
cellaneous, decrease, Jl.376,000.
Postofflcc Department Salaries and ex
penses, Increase, $1 15,000.
Department of Agriculture Salaries and
expense, Increase, J932.000.
Department of Labor Salaries and ex
penses, Increase, 112,000.
Department of JuBtlce Public works, in
crease, J52.000; miscellaneous, increaso,
Civil Service Commission Salaries and
expenses, Increase, JS5.000.
A recapitulation by titles and compari
sons with the appropriations for the year
1902 shows as follows:
Estimated Approprla
for 1903. dons, 19.C.
Legislative establish
ment J 4,85?,fi3i5 J 5,134,904
executivo estunusn-
Judicial establishment.
Forelcn Intercourse....
Military establishment r9.S4!).4.H5
Naval establishment... 73.202,979
.Indian urtalrf
Pensions 139.K46.450
Public works S.",(l,SfVi
lYhtal servico 2,710,9li;
Miscellaneous 4B.024.94S
Permanent annual ap
propriations 123.921.22o
Grand totals J610,$27,6SS J006.5W.S77
lleenlvr Fnll nlxerrtloiinrr Pnner
ReKHrriinir Wlthdrntval
of Forces.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. It has been de
cided to leave Captain Perry of the bat
tleship Iowa, tbe senior American naval
officers on tho Isthmus, full discretionary
power as to the withdrawal of his forces.
Captnln Perry has asked for instructions
on this point, and the Navy department
has decided to lot blm act according to
A Co oil CoukIi Medleltte.
(From tho Gazette, Toowoomba, Australia.)
I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is aa
excellent medicine. I have been suffering
from a severe cough for the last two montn-i
and it has effected a cure. I have great
pleasure In recommending it. W. C. Wock
ner. This Is the opinion of one of our old
est nnd most respected residents and has
been voluntarily given In good faith that
others may try the remedy and be benefited,
as was Mr. Wockncr. This remedy is sold
by all druggists.
Ilnnllnir Ttrtnrns vrlth Another Wlft.
ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 2. Ernest Harding,
former cashier of the German-American
bauk of this city, who mysteriously disap
peared several months ago after a futile at
tempt at suicide, and who left a letter ac
cusing his wife of a love affair with ber
coachman, returned to St. Joseph today as
the husband of Elvira Kennedy, a young
woman whose nam) figured in tbe case at
the time of Harding's disappearance. Hard
ing has secured a clerical position at tbe
stock yards. His first wife secured a di
vorce a short while ago. Harding has been
In New York.
How shall a mother who is weak and sick with some female troublo
bear healthy children V
How nnxious woman ought to bo to give their children tho blosslng
of a good constitution !
Many women long for a child to bless their home, bub becauso of
some debility or displacement of tho femalo organs, they aro barren.
Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished bv Lydia 12.
Pinkhnm's Vcjrctnblo Compound more successfully than by any
other medicine, becauso it gives tono and strength to tho parts, curing
all displacements and inflammation.
Actual sterility In women is very rare. If any woman thinks
he is sterile, let her write to Mrs. Pinkhuin, Lynn, IMns., whose
dvico is (riven free to nil expectant or tvntiltl-be mothers.
mVSKMBMVLSff ,rlMKS. have from time to time I
VnBaVAfrrKm AwKmrlmL qnaationed the eanlncaa
PPlEfjpipffc to' acyrrnb? riu I
testimonial an notjji I
HKh l 'LrBiBWvsiiBviSBasm. sH
The Story of Mrs. De Bett and Her Baby Qirl.
" Dnn Mr.. Pi.vkham : Before I took your medicine I Buffered for years.
Life to me was a torture. I often wished I were dead. I had no children, and
the doctor said I never could have. Menstruation was very painful, also
aufferrd with severe pains in left ovary, had pains in my back and heart,
terrible headaches, and weakness of the kidneys. I tried everything, had
womb dilated twice hut that did no eood. 1 pot discouraged ana concluded
to let the doctors go and try your medicine. After writing to you explaining
mv case, I followed your advice carefully nnd with the result that I never
felt so well in all my life. I am indeed a new woman nnd have a loving little
bahy girl which is the happiness of my home. I feel thnt I owe my life to
Lydia E. Pinkham's Medicine, arid feel very proud to recommend it to
others. I hope that many others will follow my example and that homes
may be brightened as mine has." Mrs. Luct Dk Hictt, 80J S. Halstead St.,
Chicago, 111. (March 1, 1001.)
" Dear Mrs. Pinkhak : I must write and tell you what your Vegetable
Compound has done .for me. Ucforc taking your medicine I was unable to
carry a babe to maturity, having lost two one at six months and one at seven.
The doctor said next time I would die. but thanks to Lydia 35. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, I did not die, but am the proud mother of a six
months old girl baby. She weighs nineteen pounds and hns never seen a sick
day in her life. She is the delight of our home." Mns. A. D. Jabrkt,
Belmont, Ohio.
Gmt Mrs. Pinkham's Advieo.
It is free as the air. She has lcen tho means of making many
a miserable life turn into one of joy no other living person has had
such wide experience with woman's ilU. Her address is Lynn, Mass.
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makes the pans and kettles clean and bright- It does the work much H 4
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