THE OMAHA DAILY HKKi St'XDAY, PECIvMIVEH 1, 1001. what causes deafness. ' The Principal (.utisc in Curable but (icnerally Overlooked. Many things may tnuae deafness und vtry i often It Is climitilt to trace a cause. Some ' peoplo Inherit deafness, Acute dltcarcs like AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Iitm Eeiiioi of Legislators Niidid tt Fix OhtrUr Irtriiitni. SEVERAL FEATURES NEED AMENDMENT Innticlnl linil of the Mltintlnn !rls Mnal Attention from llir l.neiil Tn.tpiera Jtiat nt I'rcaent, scarlet fever sometimes cause deafness. Ilut by far the most common cause of los of hearing Is catarrh of the head and throat. A prominent specialist on oar troubles i gives as his opinion that nine out of ten cases of deafness are trared to throat trou ble: this Is probably overstated, but It Is certainly true that more than half of all cases of poor hearing wore caused by catarrh. The catarrhal secretion In the nose and throat finds Its way Into the Eustachian lube and by clogging It up very soon af fects the hearing and the hardening of the secretion makes tho loss of hearing perma nent, unless the catarrh which caused tho trouble Is cured. Those who are hard of hearing may think this n little far-fetched, but anyone at all observant must have noticed how a hard cold In the head will nffect the hear ing and that catarrh If long neglected will certainly Impair tho sense of hearing and ultimately cause deafness. If the nose and throat arc kept clear and free from the unhealthy secretions of ca tarrh, the hearing will at once greatly Ini -I prove and anyone Huffcrlug from deafness and catarrh can satisfy themselves on this point by using a fin-rent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablet, a new catarrh cure which In tho pnst year has won tho approval of thousands of catarrh sufferers, ns well as physicians, because It Is in convenient form to use, contains no cocaine or opinio and Is ns safe and pleasant for children ns for their ciders. , Stuart's Cntarrh Tablets Is a wholesome I combination of Blood root, Oualarol, En 'calyptol and similar antiseptics and they 'euro catarrh and catarrhal deafness by notion upon the blood and mucous mem brane of tho nose nnd throat. As one physician aptly expresses It: "Vou do not have to draw upon tho Imagination to discover whether you aro getting benefit from Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; Improve ment and relief aro apparent from the first tablet taken." All druggists sell nnd recommend them. They cost but 60 cents for full-sized pack ages nnd any catarrh sufferer who has wasted time nnd money on sprays, salves and powders will appreciate to tho full the merit of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. 'There is 'A Difference 1n tnlklng machines, not only a little, but a big difference. It wilt be to your Interest to look over our linn of Kdlson and Co lumbia Machines beforo you buy. Killanit Maelilnra iflO, if HO nml ?:in. C'oluinliln Mnolilnra from (f." tiji. Disc Mnclihica-i:0 tn f-IO. r.itlxin. Coin nili In nml Dlae Itec oriln. CASH OR PAYMKNT8. SUNT) FOR CATALOGUE. VOMAHA BICYCLE CO., ' Cor. 16th and C hie ago. . Make Weak Men and Women anil I Cans.- All KtnilN of Nerro-Vltal I)la. order Weak rve Ilranlt from a irnatliiK of the Rlec trinity In Ynnr Syatcm My Method Supply In Klrctrlclty for the IlftY'lal Cure of Human Ilia Will Cure Yow Secure My Free nook. , No matter with what ailment you are filleted, naturo Is nlwnya dotng her levtl mm Ibest to make you strong and well again, but nature must be ulded, for In four Icasea out of five she has been Imposed Minnn. PUftrlrltv la nature's own remedy and when It Is properly applied will cure i every 111 which may nfftlct mankind. My .method of applying electricity to the human 'System Is my own discovery, and an a re ward the United States government has (riven mn thn exclusive use of this method L ft method which has proven so effectlvo land curative to weak, vlgorless men and 'women that the name of my Electric Belt ls almost a household word. I know .'electricity ns applied by my Electric Belt vvlll cure all tlie ailments for which I Vrecommend It. You cannot afford to ex-rnm-imnnt with unknown concerns nnd In experienced practltlonors, buttering your 'stomach with drugs and nostrums. You want tn ba cured ut once and without de lay. The cures my Electrla Belt make apeak for themselves. I can refer you to I more than 10,001 well persons who were ouce as badly off as you can possibly be. I My Electrical Suspensory Is free to every 'main patient. I If you have an old-style Hell vrhlcli 'burns or Iillstrra, or iilvrs no current, end It to me na half payment for ono f mine. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Mnnl nnt ho clnnfetl with the many HO called electric belts now offered tn thn publla "on free trial." "pny when cured," etc. It has a Quadruple rower Battery and has coft, silken, chamois. covered sponge vaiar.rhamhitr nlactrnriea that cannot burn nnd blister ns do the bare metal flectrodes used on nil other makes of belts, t lm Internhanarnble battery cells and can be renewed when burned out for only T5c; no other belt can ue renewed lor any rice aim wueu uuriii'u um i wurimesn. ,tv unnllancfB will cure Sexual Imnotency Ixst Manhood, Varicocele, Spermatorrhoea anrt nil Haxitai wciiKiiesses in eiiner sex; restore Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs and Vitality; cure Ttheumnttsin In every g nine. Kidney, Liver and Illuddcr Troubles. Chronic Constipation, Nervous nnd General Debility, Dyspepsia, an remaie i'om tilnlnta. etc. Call or write today. Sacredly conllden' tlal. 1 havo written two bonks on Nervi Vital Aliment anu wieir cure uy r.irc trlclty thut will tell you all about It Hni frp. nnstnnlil. for the asklnr. Ad vice and consultation without cost. Bold only ny DR. BENNETT Electric BoltGo 31OOMS--30H nnd Sltt Douglas Block, Cor ner 16th and Dodge streets, OppoilU If I M.t.a WV. A great many people In South Omaha would liko to seo an extra session of the legislature. Since the talk about Governor Savage calling tho members of the legisla ture together city officials and others have been finding defects In the charter granted to tho rlty of South Omaha last winter. "In some ways," said a member of the council yesterday, "tho new charter Is all right, but It Is too cumbersome and en tails entirely too much additional expense pou tho taxpayers, thereforo quite a num ber of Its provisions have not been car ted out. There Is no great complaint bout the Incrcaso of salaries provided tor In tho charter, but It Is thought these could bo reduced to some extent and thus make a saving. Another feature which needs amending Is the section which per mits tho city to pay only 4 per cent In tenst on general Indebtedness bonds. So far this year the city has not been nble to sell bonds of this nature at the rato of Interest allowed by law. Tho rato should bo Increased to 3 per cent. Bond buyers havo asserted that they arc willing to pay this rate of Interest." As several changes of lmportanco have been suggested to members of tho council It Is likely that n special committee will be appointed to draft amendments as soon as tho govornor gives any Intimation of an xtrn session being probable. The present condition of tho streets shows that the apportionment allowed for street repairs and street cleaning Is altogether too low. Thero Is also complaint that not enough money Is allowed for fire and police pur poses. It Is expected that a number of other amendments will be suggested as soon as Mayor Kelly returns from his east ern trip. Clerk .Mirlurlcy'a Stntemenl. As yesterday was the last day of Novem ber City Clnrk Shrlgley Issued his monthly Rtatement showing the condition of the funds at the close of business nt noon. Tho 1001 levy amounted to J 100,116. A balance from tho 1900 levy of $i,017 has been paid In and from thn county road fund tho sum of (197. The Intersection paving fund also contains $892. making tho total amount available tor warrants. $113,- 823. Of this amount there has boen upent by tho mayor nnd council since the com mencement of the fiscal year In August tho sum or 293,341. A balanco of S20.4S1 Is left to run tbo city on until next Au gust. These balances remain In the various funs: General, $2,311 ; Judgment, JS53; sal ary, 17,318; street repair. $167; public light, $198; tire, $1,013; Interest, $2,759; curb and pavement repairs, $118; police, $2,102; water. $953; park, $2,180; library, 571; emergency, $25. IluatlliiK for a Depot. Members of the East Sldo Improvement lub propose pushing the matter of estab lishing a depot at or near the foot of Mis souri avenue. In order to ascertain tho intentions of tho Burlington managers in this matter a committee from the club composed of Richard O'Koefo. W. P. Ad- klns. J. B. Smiley, James Brcnnan and J. J. Brecn wan appointed. This committee will nsk an audience with the powers of the Burlington road and request that a depot bq erected nt an early date. Members of tho Improvement club will nttend thn next meeting of the council nnd ask that the road to the rlvor be placed in better condition In order to bring trade from Iowa here. Some little money hus been spent by the city on this road, but It Is now suggested that a contrnct bo let to the lowest bidder and the work be done In a thorough manner. ArrniiKliiK City Honda. Yesterday City Treasurer Koutsky and Councilman Ed Johnston completed the work of figuring up tho amount of district bonds due In 1902 In response to a request from Spltzor & Co. of Toledo, O. Tho exact figures aro $39,294.80. Spltzer & Co. pro pose to take tbeso bonds along with the Issue of 1901, which amounts now to $70,- 468.78. Interest will be paid on these bonds at the rate of 6 per cent. By the tatting up of the 1902 bonds at this time tho city officials will not bo worried about the mat ter for a year and will not be compellod to borrow money to meet the payment of cou pons whero tho taxpayers aro delinquent. The plan is considered a good one nnd will doubtless bo approved by the council when the finance committee makes Its report. Spltzer & Co. offers a premium for these securities. Hoard of Health. Citizens of South Omaha are wondering when the Board of Health will meet to or ganize. One of the members eald yester day that no effort would be mado to or ganize until the return of Mayor Kelly. Tho mayor Is reported to bo In Chicago Fourteen casej of smallpox now oxlst In tho city nnd any number of cases of scarlet fever. What is wanted Is a pesthouse, This will bo one Important matter to be considered by tho board as soon s It gets down to work. With the rapid Increase of smallpox cnees the people are beginning to ask city officials why something Is not dona to provide for euch cases In the man ner provided by law. Wire Strung. Yesterday tho Plattsmouth Telephone company contlnuod tho stringing of wire Into the. city. No franchise tian been granted this company and u was asserted by city officials that the work was being done In violation of the Inw, as no permit has ever been Issued to this company by the city electrician or tho city council City Attorney I-ambert Is of tbo opinion that the officers of the Plattsmouth com puny will be cited to appear for contempt of court for having violated a restraining order recently Issued. MnKlo I'lty (.naaln. John T. Kramnor and Miss Lcona Delleck were married inBt weux. A son 1ms been born tn Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Cumuucll, Twentieth una it streets. Live stock dealers say that thero Is n big shortage in cattle an over mo west. And now Dr. W, J. McCrann Is being talked of for assistant county pnysiciun. Muvnr Kcllv Is still nbttont In the ons nnd W, P. Adklns, prerldent of the council Is acting mayor. itnfolnt nf live stock at the yards last week wore exceedingly gratifying to the commission men. So fan this year hog receipts at the yards show nn Increase of H6.84S over the same period of time last year. liprt Klanohard. a nonular cattle sales man nt the yards, nnd Miss Laura Murphy wero mnrrled Tliursitay, City Treasurer Koutsky sent $4,722 to the stnte fiscal agency In New York yesterday to take up obligations railing nue on ue ceinber 1. The Nebraska Bhoe and Clothing House. inrnrr Twenty-fifth and N streets. South Omaha, ban Just received n complete new line of suite overcoats, pants, shirts, hats. CtC. lllCy will lUUO'U un n.uo iiiiiuiiun at our well known popular prices. The Endeavor society, of the Christian church will hold a meeting at 6:30 o clock this evening. The toplo will be "Children nmher of ahnrt ndHrc!f Th' " eople of thr rlty are i-oultally Invite. I to tlend this service. ntortn Sash Clet nrlees from Unwind VM North Twenty-fourth street bt'ore buying. 'Phone 7 il was stated yesteruny mm mere is now . no Immediate prospect of the Hammond ( piant nere neing cioseu tiown. The Woman s Foreign Missionary soilct will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs f rost, vk rwent.v-seenin sired Live stock shlnners v siting the vnrds ern renort that leed In setting scarce In Nebraska. But with nil that Nebraska Is sending corn to Texns It wa reported on the streets vesterdnv that Dan Hannon will be n cnntlldate fur mayor In the spring. Hnunoii will try for me nomination on me democratic ticKet. Attention. South Omnhn ludlcs! Madame Oougeon Is now In charge of tho dress making department at Mrs. ilcl nrrrey s millinery store. Fine party dresses n specialty. Any one colnir untown to buy nns- wear ing nppiircl for man or boy simply wastes nil money anu time, rne rscDrttsKii anoe imi nothing Mouse or houtn umiina ni own no one to undersell It Wenr nnd value nre guaranteed hem. It s a safe place for ynu to trndc, us nil goods are marked In plain figures, from which there s no deviation, ji you nave never nougnt iny goods here it will pay you to glvo them n trial. GETTING AT BOTTOM FACTS MlnnraiitiiN Labor Coiiinilaahincr la Searching for Detnllrd Information, T. J. Hasbrook, a miller and grain buyer of Winona, Minn., is at tho Millard, hav- ng stopped over In Omaha a day on his way to Denver. "While on the train coming out of Winona," said he, "I saw a group of labor- ng men In the smoking car puzzling their brains over some circulars which had been sent them by the labor commissioner nf Minnesota. Nearly every man had one nf them. I elbowed by way Into the group nd nsked to see tho document. "It teems the labor commissioner Is try- ng to get some light on several very vital questions pertaining to wage-earners nnd their affairs. One Is, Do labor unions benefit the working mnn, nnd If so, In what way? Another Is, In what way doen Improved machinery nffect labor? From what I gath ered from their conversation I should Infer hat theso circulars arc sent to nil clnsscs of wage-earners, whether members of unions or not. Persons who nre not mem bers of unions nre asked why they prefer n remain out of them. Each recipient of tho blank Is given assurance of secrecy bo far as his answers aro concerned. This information would Indeed bo In teresting and useful If It wero posslblo to get It, but from tho way those men ar gued In the -smoking car there will bo n cmarkablo vnrlety of answers. No two of them agreed ns to tho kind of replies they would make. The consensus of opinion seemed to be that while union labor Is u good thing In one Industry, It Is entirely out of place In nnothcr." FEEDING WHEAT TO CATTLE .Vuckolla County Farmer Fattening Mock on the Choicest of (irnln. 'Wo all remombor tho days when corn was used tor fuel In Nebraska." said F. E. Way at tho Her Grand last night, "but a condition exists now out In tho border coun ties of the cornbelt that Is qulto as re markable. Thero they arc feeding wheat to cattle. I know of one firm In Nuckolls county that has bad 25,000 bushels of wheat ground for stock feed good, marketable wheat tt Is, too, tho kind your bakers use to make bread of here In Oranha. I should say that about three-fourths of tho cattle n that section are being fed on wheat these days. "Tho reason the stockmen arn feeding wheat Instead of corn is that corn Is very senrce nnd high-priced," ho resumed, "while wheat Is more plentiful and may bo had at about the same figure per bushel ns tho coarser grain. And they get excellent results from it. Wheat, If It can bo mixed with corn, Is better for stork than straight corn, It Is not ns fattening, but It pro duces a better condition, especially In young stock, I think that at thn same price per bushel wbeat Is cheaper as a stock food than corn." NOT FRANK FIALA, THE TURNER Helf-Confeaaed Iliirnlnr Wna Never a Chnmploii Athlete from Omnhn, In nn Item making Frank Flala, the one- armed prisoner who pleaded guilty to bur glary last week, a prominent member of tho local organization of Bohemian Tur ners, n reporter for Tho Bee was misled by misinformation nrlslng out of the Iden tity of names of two different persons. Omaha Tumors say that tho prisoner never belonged to the Turner organization, while the Frank Flala who distinguished himself as one of their champion athletes, la nt present In Denver, whero he Is employed, and theyinro naturally anxious that tho con tusion of names should not reflect either upon the Turners or any Innocent party. Sent Free to Men. Free Trial Package of this New Dis. covcry Mailed to every man Sending Name and Address Quickly Restores Strength and Vigor. Frea trial n.irknces of a most remark able remedy are being mailed to all who write the State Medical Institute. They ftured m many men who had battled for I Mall Orders Carefully rilled and Promplly Shipped. j W. R. BENNETT CO. L Send for Christmas. I Caltanxuc. ADVANCE HOLIDAY SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY or future use. Come and examine them, it Everything we sell is guaranteed. Great bargains of season able goods for present will de you good. Every article a money-saver. Crockery Department In lianetnent. MONDAY AND TUESDAY SPECIALS. Full tnlile of urn nnd line t liliut. u rent eat naaortmenl Ten I'lntea, Pie IMnlea. Fruit. OIIe nnd I'leklc Olahea, Tena. V oHeei. fronnifra, Mioon Vnaea, .Mima. .Muatnrd .Inra. lVl A. I), fofteea, ete., ete. your eholee eneli FIRST ARRIVALS OF NOVELTY FANCY GOODS AND ART BRIC-A-BRAC ON EXHIBITION PRELIMINARY TO OUR GRAND HOLIDAY OPENING. Gratid Opening of OurToy Dept On Second Floor. The areond door hna been fomrrlrd Into n I'.ll IT A II 1,1 v N.WTA t'liAl DIIVIMV Our litimi'iiae ii lid ell-unlit atoel. of Imported nnd domeatle holiday Rooda, to? a, ele., ore mm rend) for liiaiertlun nml tte reatieelfiilly linllc the imlillc to end nnd aer the urn ltd nuarr untlmi of iimfnl uml henutlful wooda, aiiltnhle for jnnns nnd old, Uiithcrcd (oKrlher from nil cornera of the oorlcl. The nrleea nre lielint iinr-their elienpiieaa ennnot he iiinli'lied nnthere In ihlo ueaterii eoniitry. COME. COME. COME. COME. Grocery Dept. First Floor. I'rrali. elenn. brluht. new stock. Ullli'L ail lei, aiiinlt lirollta, lllu liunlitria, Orilliura, Omnitra. I Be Per llor.. Nke. Juicy Unmeet ISc Jr dozen w Soda L'mckeils Kc per pound Oyster Crlickers per pound Utiifter Simps Cj. per pound Piituako l'lour-:-pnuiid QC pHrkuKo nt ,uv Vlient-:-pound Oc puckHgo nl Pleklcs-iiMortcd C)c per bottle OUxctt- Qc per bottle (Vroii IOC per can " v l'liicnpple-3-pound can lOc nt ,v,w Virn Btiiroli-1 pound 'package Ar ut (lehitlne 2-ounce package 10c nt ,v,w Cluese- IOC per pound Prunes California ' grj per pound Woe- 5C ler pound 1onnm Kxtrnet gfj per bottle Catsup-pint bottle- grj ut Meat and Fish Dept. I'lrst Kloor. Alirn.ia fresh, nluna pure. nest I..-ird-3-pounil can 30C Honelesx Codllsh per pound Stock I'lsli- 12 Ac per pound Klnnan Haddock 12Ac per pound ijw Sporting Goods Dept. Jewelry Dept. Second floor, I'lrat floor. ...74c Candy Dept. I'lrat I'loor. spi:ci.i. rmi mo- I) A V. Sc. He. Sc Per Pound. Broken Mixed Candy, usual price 12ijc, only per pound No Me, He. --a. a I , Mixed C'and) per pound I fliuuiplon Mixed I per pound I !oinon Drops 1 per pound Hoarhound Drop. per pound. Tea and Coffee Dept, first floor. flueat nluea eer offered In these Ilnea. Try our Tena. II. K. Jnpun. Oolonu. Gunpowder nml KtiBllsh Urcakfnst-per 38C pound COVVKKH. f read ronated dully. Coltee-u Rood drink- 12 iC per pound Heilnett'H Capitol Coffec-n 28C world beuter-l-lb. pkB. at See our splendid line of pure Sptccs In airtight cans. 9c 10c 15c 15c Jelly Heaus fir iw.r ommrl Ilurnt Peanuts IRc per pound jw Mixed Nuts- 12c per pound Trunk Dept. In Hnaement. We enrry n large line of fine lenther Kooda, In Pult Cnaca, Vn- . Ilaea nnd lliiKa. In nil atrea nnn 1 atinuca, nt the Inwcat prlcca. We offer ii specially low prlco on n I largo and well mado Drexn Hull Case olive color-wlth lock nnd key-leather nirim iii pasr remits r &4 AfA lvalue $i.25-Ht n.-v I Canvas Telescopes Ht Shawl Straps from nook Straps from. 25c 5c up . .3c up Trunks-ln all sizes .$1.08 UP and styles-from qtsu " lJ The Ileal uooda ut hottoiu prlcca, uvys. (J I a.. Baltimore IlninnicrlesH the latest and iiesl gun on me miirKel nt i, jmRO mid . . Parker Hnmmerless- nt ItemlnKton lliimmerlefs- nt linker llnnimerless nt 1 llilm llnmincrless nt Carter Unmnirrlesrt Ht .. . Hammer tluna double s.;r, to HemliiRtou Jlnmmer-at SIiikIc Huns- Kiuinintecd piirtleiiliii from $.".W to . . Itlllc-::-cullber-M.!5 to ItepentlnK Winchester 22-caliber ut. Winchester. Mnrlln. rUviiKe--ln larne t,o."ber7.,rom W K' .$18.50 Air Ouns for the boys shootlns M. It. shot -strong enough tu kill a tbl f)0 rubblt-froni 75c to ipi.uv .shell, nil alsea. Ilevolvera. nil WIiiiIn, .Metallic mid l.oua'e Am munition, nil alaea mill klnda. Miootlnu t'nnla. from Jfne to :t.OO. f'lipa. Pnnta, .sheila, Vcata nnd Helta. I .VI III, I'. I ll1 lilMMI, Indlnn Clulia, Dutuli ltd la, lloi Ihk t.loca, MrlUliiK UnKa, font HiiIIn (ItiiKliy patleriO, Wlilttly Kxerulaera, etc., etc. They make n very line ('hrlatiiiua preaeut for the lioya. llucU fill la mid llecoya, l.ondera, Wlpera nml e erytlilnhr Hint per tnlna to ii flrat-clnaa .SportlnK (ioiida Department. .$65.00 $35.00 $35.50 ..$27.75 $26.00 $19.95 $17.25 $24.00 tu every $7.50 .$9.00 $9.75 I A iU a hit anle nf immv hnlldny 1 Komla. I We plarc on ale the lineal line of burnished nnd satin llulsh Cake Stands ever shown nt i $2.38, $2.48 and $3.25 Jlerry Dishes. Silver rinted Rtnuds I and highly ilecoruted llohcmlun Glass Ht $2.74, $3.48 and $3.98 Syrup Pitchers iiuadruple plate !u,:Vrr,;drMf$2.24 & $3.24 Nnpkln ninps-silver plated -highly tlnlched nt 12c, 24c, 48c and 58c Fine hand burnished Chocolate Pots -quadruple plite- $2.38 t p-to-datc Jewelry CaReR be.t plate satin lined ut. Butter Dept. first floor. Pure nnd fresh, received from the country dully. Country Butter per pounu Preserves assorted per pound Oysters solid meat per pint .$3.48 (Sc $3.98 Woodenware Dept. In llnaeuieut Ve enrry n omplete line of uacful nrtlclea nt the Inncst prlcca. A few extrn apeclnla for' .Momlny nnd Tueadiiyl A four-hook Hat and Coat C,-. Hark nt The Handy Vegetable Sllcer A threp-bonk White Knamcl Or" Coat Hack nt A. Bushel Basket 0c Boiling Plus Cr nt " llnnlwond Breail Platen 10c Look m it our line of AVnalilua: .Mnehlnea tiefore liuyliiK we linre ten different atylea nnd innkra to chooae from prices ranne from If.llH tn lflt.Hr. Furniture Dept. ..15c 9c 20c Third floor. A iirrnt furore In Iron Beds. We pluce on anle for Monday nnd Tueadny n lnrje Hue of Iron llrila ut exceedingly low prices. An Iron Bed large size well hraced -nicely Mulshed In white C 7e2. ennmel-ii real bargain nt... ..? A eloso woven Wire 4 OS, Spring to fit above bed at. ...'-' A Wool Top Mattress good a&f 'TC, grndo of tlcklng-at ipi.mJCf Phone 137. We fur nish poatul curds nnd liavn threo spoclal plioncH for city orderc W.R.BENNETT CO. Fifteenth and Capitol Ive. feather Dualera. Wo carry a big line In stock. Sec our special value rv-. at 1 GREAT SALE STILL ON Gfaphophones Latest scluetious from "Flo rmloru," "Tell Mo. Pretty .Mii'hI," vocal sextette. "In Hie Shade of the Tnlm;" also all the marches and waltzes. Latest selections from "Lucin," hi I est selections from "The Burpomasrer." all of Sonsas latest band selections and 5,000 other late vocal and instrumental selections. . Innumerable purchasers attend our sale duriup the week, and while our business was enormous, we still have countless bar Timw f.rmtniinniiHnir the nurcliase of a buggy, run about, wagon, bicycle, automobile or graphophone should set; us before too late. EVERYTHING MUST CO It will iav you to come miles to attend this sale. Nothing but huge bargains for the purchaser. FREE CONCERT nnilv. Chairs nrovided for ladies. Our line of graphophones is the LARGEST, I'M N EST, REST in the state. Wo. move soon into new quarters, and everyciung musi uc muu regardless of cost. H.E. FREDRICKSON, 15th & Dodge Sts., Omaha AUCTION SALE of the A. E. ROBINSON. M. P.. C. M., Medics) Director years mr&lnat the mental and nhvslcal suf (erlnx of lost manhood that the Institute has decided to distribute tree trial packa ges to all who write. It is a home treat ment and all men who suffer with any form of sexual weakness resulting from youthful folly, premature loss of strength and memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of parts can now cure them- seivea at nome. Tho remedy has a peculiarly Krateful ef fect of warmth and seems to act direct to the desired location swing strength r.nd development just whero It Is needed. It cures all the Ills and troubles that come from years of misuse of the natural func tions and has been an absolute succesa In all cases. A request to the Htate Medical Institute, 770 Elektron Building, Ft. Wayno lnd,, statins: that you deslro one of their freo trial packages will be compiled with promptly. The Institute la desirous of reaching that great class of men who nre unable to leave home tn be treated nnd the free sample will enable them to sen how easy It Is to be cured of sexual weak ness whan the proper remedies are em- filoyed. The institute makes no restrlc Ions. Any man who writes will be sent a free sample, carefully sealed In a plain package so that Its recipient need have no tear of embarassment or publicity Read ers are requested to write without ay. GEO. W. RYAN & CO. STOCK At 109 South 10th Street, of Diamonds. Watches, .Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. STILL GOING ON SALES DAILY AT 2:0 AND 7:30 V. M. Chairs provided for ladies. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE CO 1 115-1 117 Farnam Street. Christmas Furniture Uncle Oscar 5 Cent Cigar A TIU'p; JOY Is a hIn' elrl nml n ponil cltfiir- you flwl tlio jilrl, wo'll fur uIhIi tlio clear. If you smoke tliu Uni'lo Otiritr clKur, you'll lie lumpy wlictlier (vou hnvo tho ulrl or not, There Is no bettor T rent elpnr made for those who enjoy n renlly oort Binoke. HENE & CO., Makers, AW.r.V IIHOS., IHSTIlllllTOKS I OMAHA. NothliiK Is more suitable or appropj-late for HOLIDAY GIFTS than FUR N1TUUI3. It Is serviceable, acceptable nnd a source of pleasure to its recip ient for years to come. Olvo a serviceable Rift. Ivet us show you through our store. You are SUnK TO 1MNI) SOMETHING suitable for the purpose you have In mind. Wo have EVERYTHING In tho FURNITURE line, chairs, rockers, dressing tablot, shaving stands, chiffoniers, metnl beds, parlor ta bles, parlor cabinets, leather couches, dining room furniture, etc.. In fact, a complete lino nf everything In tho furniture trade. Ilelow are a few Items of special Interest at this season of the year. II. E. MAPLE DRESSING TABLE large oval mirror, fancy shape top, 1 y ff French logs, at - ' LADIES' DESK In II. E. maple, oak or ma hogany finish, very pretty f a cholco JJJ Other styles up to J50.00. MAHOGANY MUSIC CASE, movnhle shelves nicely finished, g OO Others up to $35,00. COIIULER SEAT ROCKEn In oak or ma hounny finish, rodded arm, O cholco O.Kjyj OAK SIDEHOARD swell front, large oval French plato mirror, nicely 1 K finished, nt COMHINATION HOOK CASE made of se looted oak, with desk, drawers, cabinet, and plnco for brlc-a-brac, OO PARLOR TAIIL.K In quartered oak or mnhogauy. fancy top, V:KS: 9.00 nest lino of parlor tables In tho city. IRON RED -enameled In green, carmine, white, etc now pat- ir.T9."".1.8.1" 8.50 DRESSER mudo of oak, swell front, 24x30 French pluto mir ror, extra good "1 f ( X valuc-at Others- 100 00 from ID.C0 to SHAVING STANOS-ln oak Hnd mahogany, U (( up from ,,UU Thousands of other pVyes which make very acceptable presents are shown In almost endloss variety. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co., , OMi PRICE. 1115-11 17 Farnam St, PLAIN FIGURES The Bee Want Ads Produce Results- of Rod. inere will oo a quanci mm