Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1901, Image 19

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    3 The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 11 TO 18.
Grand Christmas Book Sale Monday (B2K7fc)
On account of the difficulty of properly attending to the immense crowds in the Book Department during Xmas
weok, aud tho impossibility of having a complete stock so near the closing 6f the Holidays, wo will have a Grand Opening Book Sale Monday aild tho prices we will make will bo a revelation to book
buyers. Parties ho desiring can have their purchases reserved till Xmas week by making a partial payment on same. You raunot afford to miss this sale. All kinds of books, stationery, prayer books, bibles, playing cards, visiting
cards, church goods, etc. 100 of the finest engraved visiting cards with plate, only $1.00. This makes a very suitable as well as inexpensive gift. We must receive orders early as we cannot promise prompt deliveries during tho
Holidays. Wedding invitations, at-home cards, etc. We make a specialty Of these at cut prices.
This lino contains such books as Via
Crucls, Caleb West, Sorrows of Satan,
Prisoner of Zcndn, Lady of Quality, Do
Wllloughby 'Claim, Gentleman Tlayor,
Philip Wlnwood, etc., otc.
ThU lot contains tho works of Oliver
Optlo, J. M. Barrio, llacon, Kipling, Ian
Maclarcn, Doyle, Irwlng, Drowning, An
tbony Hope, Lord Lyttoi, Byron, Dickens,
fl.BO I.UATIIKIt IVilltlllD . I'OIVl'ICAIi
WOlttfS, 70c. . ,
This lot contains tbo works of Whlttcr,
Marvel, Drummond, Milton, roe, nuskln.l Prayer books 7Mc up.
Johneon (Dr. Samuol), Curtis, Hawthorne, New Rosaries Cc to $23.00 each
Emerson, Stowc, Stevenson, etc., etc.
ji.r.o cnpYitiaiiTini hooks sc
This Includes a number of tho popular up
i , . . . .. 1. ... tkl. t n , it. . Tspn- .
Thou, Till 1 Come. Oraustark and The , Longfellow, Scott. Moore, nyron, Uryant,
Crisis, by Churchill. Tennyson and nil tho leading poets. These
)1 FANCY BOX .STATIOMJItV HSc, BOc. re tno finest padded books In the market
nicyclo playing cards 15c package, that rcla regularly for $1.50, on sale Mon-
Bibles 29c up. day, 70c.
uxfitA ju'Kciai.s.
$15.00 copy of Webster's Unabridged
Dlctlohnry, $7.79. '
$50.00 set of Itldpath's History of the
world, $36.00. In partial payments, $3 down
nnd books delivered; $3 monthly payments
till completed.
$1.00 fancy holiday box paptrles, 25c.
15c box paptrles,
$2 fancy box paptrles, 6Cc.
sac paper xovni.s this
sai.ij, no.
Mrs, Holmes' works, 18c.
Mrs. Southworth's works. 18c.
Opto Heed's works, 18c.
All copywrlght books 26 2-3 per cent off
publisher's price,
We have purchased a shipment of extra
flue cigars refused by the original purchaser
on nccount of tho shipment being overdue.
Thcso goods arc specially put up and
selected tor fine- trade. We bought thorn at
a big sacrifice, Thero nro 100,000 cigars In
this lot, put up 2G In each box.
Tin: ruler..
Havana Jewels, per box of 25 cigars, $1.23.
Havnnu Seedlings, per box of 25, $1.00.
Havana Twin Sisters, per box, $1.00.
Havana Lady Hose, per box, $1.00.
"Queen of All," extra choice, $1.60.
None, sold to dealers. Limit, two boxes to
each customer.
This includes tho Armour's Pino Art, Car
nation, La Hose, etc., only 6o per bar, equal
to tho Casslmero Boquet.
holiday noons.
t0a pocket books, 25c.
$1.00 pocket books, 60c.
60a bolts, satin fold, 25c.
$1.00 chatolalno bags, 60c.
Special salo on cut stcol bags.
Monday in the Bargain Room
51-inch strictly nil wool black cheviots, worth 1.25 10c.
imtiHS noon.
11.60 nice dark cloth plaids, strictly all
wool, 48 nnd 60 Inches wide wo sold them
In tho high grado dress goods department
at $1.60 yard. What Is left will bo closed
out on Monday at 49c yard.
Wo havo a flno black serge, 62 Inches
wldo, strictly nil wool, regular prlco $1.00
per yard, Monday, 49c,
Wo have an extra heavy flno black. camel
hair chovlot you can't match anywhere In
Omaha for less than $1.25 yard, Monday at
CO ploccs of Scotch tweeds, 30-ln. wide,
rnndo to sell for 7Gc, go at 25c.
600 dress patterns nnd skirt patterns
brought In from tho high grade stock, worth
up to $5.00 a yard all will bo closed at
$1.98, $2.93 and $3.98.
Hemttants for school dress at 10c, 15c, 19o
and 25c yard. v
N 12 1,3 'AT BO ANI Tl-SC
15c outing llanncls In ilce, bright colors,
at 6c.
25o flno Imitation French llnnnols, 30 In
wldo, llnest prints ever seen, at 10c.
10c Shaker flannel at 7V4c.
16c Shaker flannel" at 7c.
lBo outlnc flannel, light colors, at 6c.
19o outing flannel, light colors, yard wide,
flno quality, at VAc.
$10 AND 15 DIlKSfl I'ATTKHXS $S.S,
$10.00 Bklrt patternsvlll go at $2.98
$10.00 dress patterns 111 bo at $3,98.
$16.00 drcBS patterns. Vlll go at $3.98.
AVAlSTlNfiS. .
Strictly all wool Frouch flannols, 30 Inches
wide. 60 flhades. at Zoo.
Strictly all wool, flno striped walstlngs,
roirular 75a value, will go at 39c.
Hlgh-grado prunellas, In all tho evening
ghades, worth 76c, at 45c.
No mall orders filled on silk remnants
They all sell on tho day of sale.
SEo fancies at 9c.
EOo nlco bright Japanese plaids at 15c.
T5o (ancles at 39c.
76c foulards at 35c
$1.00 satin nt 29c.
$1.00 corduroy at 39c.
12'4o plain black sateen nt r,c.
23c Simpson's printed sateens at 7c.
Yard-wldo waist linings, yurd-wldo per-
cnllnes, etc., worth up to 15c yard, till will
go at 6c.
I'HIXTS li l-'JC.
60,000 yards of full standard prints, In
remnants from 2 to 10 ynrds, worth up to
",'Ac, at 2iic.
hoys ci.otiiinc.,.
Hoys' 60c aud 75o pants at 25c.
Hoys' $2.60 reefers at 95c.
Hoys' $3.60 reefers at $1.50.
Hoys' $5.00 reefers at $1.93.
Blankets, 49c, 75c, 9Sc up to $1.25.
Comforters, 69c, 75c, 98c up to $2.50.
In Bargain Room,
10 cases men's heavy llceco lined shirts
and drawers In all sizes, made to cll at
60c, oti Alo nt 25c.
200 dozon men's extra heavy Jersey over
ehlrts In block, bluo and gray every ahlrt
warranted perfect and full size, all on sale
at 49c.
Men's wool flocco lined shlrts.and drawers
mado to sell at 75c, at 39c.
Ladles' 60c and 76o wool nnd fleece lined
vests nnd pants at 25c.
Hoys' 75c sweaters In all sizes at 39c.
Men's $1.25 sweaters, wool, on sale at 69c.
Mon'o gloves and mlttcus at 19c, 25o and
In Bargain Room.
1 lot of ladles', men's and chlldron's hose,
worth up to 35c, on'salo at 1214c.
Hoys' 60c. fleeced underwear at 25c.
6 cases boys' heavy fleece lined shlrts'afld
drawers, ,ln all sizes, worth 60c, on saje. at
Men's and boys' heavy -Jersey oversnlrts
In all sixes, at 39c. '.
Men's 60c Buspendesr on sale at 15c.
Magnificent Silks Offered in This Great December Silk Sale
Our desire to make this tho biggest December in tho history of our business, to make it a
fitting climax for the biggest and best silk year we have ever known, has caused every effort to
be put forth, every force strained to the highest pitch. A realization of this bargain power will
SALE. This sale continues with unabated vigor, each day new surprises until January 1st.
You have learned by past, expedience that wo use nothing but the truth in our advertisements
you have confidence in our silks as well as our statements and when we say that this great
December Silk Sale will eclipse anything that was ever before attempted you can depend on
it that it is so. . . . . ,
75c Trlntcd China Foulards pretty designs and colors, for drcssos, on sale 25c
COc Surah Silks In white arid cream nnd all colors, puro Bilk, on salo 29o.
70c Satin Duchcssc 100 pieces beautiful colors, IS Inches wide, and only , 35o
85c and $1.00 Colored Taffetas over 200 pieces, for linings, on salo at , .... 39c
$1.25 Slllc Flannel finest grado puro silk, 60 pieces, at only '. 39c
$1.60 Fancy Silks of all kinds over 100 handsome designs to select from, at 49c
85c Japanese Wash Silks pure silk, 27 Inches wide ull colors, at ...... 45c
$2.00 Whlto Hrocndo Soulllo very handsomo puro silk, only , '. 49o
$1.00 Colored 27-lnch Taffeta, full stock, good shades and only 69o
$i.zs ana $1.00 Crepe do Chine 24-inch puro silk, and over 50. colors, at C9c
$1.25 Hlack Puro Silk Rustlo Swiss Taffeta, best ever offorod,27 Inches wide, nt COc
$2.00 Hlack Pure Silk Rustle Swiss Taffeta, bcHt over offered, 30 Inches wide, nt $1.00
$3.00 Hlack Puro Silk Rustlo Swiss Taffota, best over offerod, 64 Inches wldo, at '. $1.50
Wo nro the only house in town that show now silks for tho Holidays, read our advertisements, wntch for announcements,
watch tho papers. $2.00 Hlack Grenadine, 20 styles, pure silk, II Inches wide, on sale 93c
$3.60 Hlack Grenadine, 10 styles, new Souffle, 42 Inches wide, on salo '. $1.50
Wo havo tho world's best Black Peau do Solo Drees Silks, and they go on sale.
Hlack Pcau do Sole puro silk, 21 Inches wide, guaranteed to wenr, worth $1.50, on sale 75c
Dlack Poau do Sole pure silk, 21 Inches wide, guaranteed to wenr, worth $1.75, on snlc 88c
Black Peau do Sole pure silk, 22 Inches wide, guaranteed to wear, worth $2.00, on sale 93c
Black Pcau do Solo puro silk, 24 Inches wide, guaranteed to wear, worth $2.50, on Bate $1.25
Black Tcnu de Solo pure silk, 24 Inches wide, guaranteed to wear, worth $4,50. on salo t J1.7G
."" urucrs i oo nncu rausi no recoivou at onco. our 'business on Wlnslow Taffeta Is simply wonderful, always Increasing
wo now snow you go new snades. Nono can sell yeu the wlnslow but Haydcns.
$4.00 Pillow Tops at $1.19
This lot of pillow top represents tho on tiro sample Hue of tho greatest Japauese
Importer In tho country. These goods are embroidered by tho Jnpa on tho. Japanese
yatln, and nro tbo finest pillow tops mado. Worth $4.00 at $1.08.
Special Balo on ruffling ribbons for pillows, nt 15c, 19c and 25c. ,
Owing to tho limited quantity of theo pillow tops wo were able to secure, wo aro
forced to limit tho number to two to each customer.
Monday Millinery Salt Hardware, Stoves and House
because It wears so well.
. The Leading Dress Goods House of the West.
'We are headquarters for alll the latest fads in dress goods and waislings in this stock,
our high grade department, we carry no job lots, no last year's goods, but every yard manufac
turedjfor the fall of 1901. We are known to- sell as good goods tor 75c. per yard as any other
-house sells for $1, and everything else accordingly. Before buying be sure and get our prices.
Great Sale on Furnishing Goods
Ladies' extra heavy tleece lined underwear, vest
and pants, at Xh' each.
Ladies' natural wool vests and pants at 00e.
Ladies' double fleece lined combination suits, -IDc.
Children's Jersey ribbed wool combination suits,
at $1.D0.
Ladies' Jersey ribbed wool combination suits, at
Ladies' fine Jersey ribbed wool vests and' pants,
at 1.00 each.
Ladies' silk combination suits, in black, white and
flesh colors, worth 5.00, at 3.9S.
Children's outing flannel gowns, all, at 50c.
Ladies' outing Ilannel gowns, at 75c.
Infants' wool leggings, in black and white, at 50c.
35c and 50c stockings at 12U
500 dozen ladies', men's and children's stockings, in wool,
lleece lined and lisle thread, in plain and fancy colors, every pair
warranted perfect and made to sell up to 50c, all on sale at 12Jc.
In main aisle.
All the new styles of corsets on sale. The La Grecque, Kabo,
W. 1?., Dr. Warner's, Thompson glove-fltting and li. & G. Tho
most complete corset department in Omaha.
Men's $1.50 and ?2.00 underwear at 98c.
One lot of men's wool shirts and drawers, in natural gray,
and red and fancy colors, worth up to ?2.00 per garment, all on
sale at 98c.
Men's 1.00 wool, llceco lined shirts and drawers, in plain and
fancy colors, all sizes, from 30 to 40, all on sale at 49c.
Men's wool sweaters at 75c and 98c.
Men's 4 aud 5 underwear on sale at 2.50, 1.25 and un
to 3.50.
Men's $1.00 colored launderod shirts, Ik all the nbw ntyles, 49c.
Men's colored laundered shirts, Orlffon brand, In nil tho now etylos, at 75c.
Men's flannel shirts, In .bluo or colors, at 98c, $1.25, $1.50. Worth double.
An announcement full of money saving
Intorost to ladles wanting tho newest and
best of fall and winter stylca nt tho very
lowest prices.
A larko and full assortment of elegant
black ,volvot hats, trimmed with plumes,
best quality of taffeta silk and velvet, go
on salo at $3.98.
Also a full lino of nobby little turbans
nd felt draped hats at $2.98; former price
Klne felt fedoras In the season's corroct
shape; also draped, ready-to-wear tints at
88c and $1.49.
Croat 25c Sale in Jewelry
Tho finest assortment of dainty toilet ar
ticles over put on sale. Puff aud pomado
Jars with silver aud gold plated tops, lino
asos In assorted colors, stiver mountod,
jelly dishes, mustard pets, bon bon dishes,
olive dishes, hair recolvors, vaseline Jars
with ebony tops, silver mounted, nut picks
with sterling silver handles; also a lino
EHONOII) assortment consisting of hat
brushes, bonnet brushes, cloth brushes,
mirrors, combs, hair brushes, etc., etc.
Your choice of this entire lot, on sale Mon
day, at 25c.
There are hundreds of things In the
flrapory lino Unit arc wanted at this ttmo of
year to brlghton tho homo for the holidays,
l ml what makes a rooro acceptable present
than a! pair of lace curtains or portieres?
You can select thorn now before tho rush
and while lines aro unbroken and have
them held for future delivery. Laco cur
tains ns low as 49c a pair; better curtains,
In new and pretty designs, In full size,
white or ecru, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $3.85
None show a bettor line In finer goods
such as nruseels, Irish Points, Ilattcnborgs
and Arabland, from $2.60 to $25.
In portieres our lino of low and medium
priced curtains Is the best we have ever
been ablo to show at $3.25, $3.98, $1.85 and
If you want a sofa portiere we can suit
U tflfc quality and price.
Black Dress Goods
Priestley's $2.9S crcpons on sale nt 50c.
Priestley's $4.50 black novelties, 98c.
Priestley's $1.00 black chovlot, 59c.
Priestley's $1.98 brodcloth, 98c.
Priestley's black Venetian,- our regular
$2.60 goods, $J.2o.
Lupin's $1.98 chovltro, 9Sc.
Lupin's $2.50 chevltos, $1.39.
Courtauld's $2.98 crcpo do chine, $1.60.
Colored Dress Goods
Our $2.50 flno mohair, filled English aords,
mads by Sir Titus Salts wo guuranteo this
to be the best "value ever shown In Omaha
t $2.60, for $1.29.
Our $3.00 flno imported panne cheviots.
62-lp. wide, as fine as plush with the new
velvet finish, for Mondny only $1.60.
Steel Ranges, Steel Ranees
If you need n steel rnngo buy a Standard
(lorn. Nono hotter, extra heavy, very large
squnro top, mado out of tho best leveled
eteol and grny Iron, asbestos lined through
out, full nickel plated, a very handsome
range, high warming clceet, with very large
square oven; duplex grate for wood or coal;
sells anywhero for $37.50, our price $2.95.
The Modlllon No. 8, wth enameled reser
voir, largo 18-ln. oven, warranted to be per
feet bakers, sells elsewhoro for $25, our
price, $17.95.
A 6-holo cast range, with 20-incb oven,
warranted flno balcor, sells olsewhere for
$16.60. our price $12.95.
No. 8 cast cook, a perfect stove, fine
baker, soils elsewhere for $12; our price
$7.95. .
No. 8, 2-holo laundry stove, sells else
where for $4,60, our prlco $2,95.
Owing to the growing demand for large
size rugs, we bought far more than ever
before, although wo havo sold three times
as many as other years, wo have still
many of'tho best patterns to show, Special
prices thU,wcek.
9x12 Smyrna rugs, $11.75,
9x12 Columbia brussels rugs, $11.50.
9x12 best all wool Smyrna rugs, $19.50,
9x12 Sawabend rugs, sold nil season to
$27.50, only a few left at $22.50.
9x12 Wilton rugs, $29.60.
, 30x60 flbro Smyrna rugs, 89c.
Sample carpet rugs, 25c, 60c, 7Sa and 93c
( Aft auare la til lua
Our $1.50 voIIch, the finest French goods,
made at this price, only 98c.
.Our new oollennes, seed effects, In all tho
new ovenlng shades and reception gown
cffccU), $2.98.
Evening Shades
Lahsdown, strictly confined to us for
Omaha, at $1.25.
Sublime, an Imitation of Lansdown, 42-in.
wide, 9Sc.
Kollenno crepe, $1.25.
French 'doo skin In all the evening shades,
$5.00. .
Broadcloths In all tbo evening shades,
$2.98 and $5.00.
Wo have Just received from 12 Ruo do la
Bourse, Paris, a new lino of the finest
tucked walHttngs that wero ever seen In
Omaha, In 26 now shades, at $1.25.
Wo have another flno lino of tucked and
drop stitched tucklngs, 27-ln., at $1.50.
Oros Romans French flannels In all tho
latest plain and striped effects, $2.50 styles,
at 60c.
Wo have Oros Romans and Shearer
Louth's Royal Persian, doublo warp roln
forced French flannel, guaranteed shrunk
and perfectly fast colors, at 75c.
Wo hnvo a grand new lino of French
cballls with and without tho silk stripes, in
Persian dots, stripes, figures, etc., at 49c,
76c, 98c and $1.25 n yard.
Samples sent free to nny address.
Mall orders filled until Thursday. No
samples of goods on salo for ono day.
Tho new all silk lining fabric at a popu
lar price. Stronger and tougher than taf
feta silk, adapted to all purposes of the
taffeta, made In all the leading shades,
ovory yard of tho genuine stamped with tho
name, YAMA-MAI, on the selvedgo; Bold
only by Hayden Dros In Omaha In lining
department, w(dth 19 Inches; price, 45c yd.
All colors In fancy stitched designs, best
quality quilled satins, 98c yard.
Wo have a full line of tailors; linings.
Special offers this weok.
Special price on 32-Inch French, cablo
cord, black serge, 26c yard.
Hair cloth, tho 16-Inch, In black only
(herringbone), 12Vjc
Rockwood doublo twill pockeMng, un
bleached, 8c' yard.
Extra grade 88x102 black Silesia, worth
20c, at llo yard.
Special samples and prices furnished out-
of-town tallers on tailors' trimmings. Wo
guarantee to save you 20 to 36 per cent on
all good, reliable linings.
Now mercerized striped printed cashmere
(washable), In all the new Persian and
Roman effects, go on Bale Monday at 25o
New 1902 style shirting percales, bait
colors, best designs, best fabric for shirt
ing, 36-Inch wide, 12Ho yard.
Eclipse flannelette In every new design,
all this season's production; the popular
walstlng fabric, 34-ln. wide, fast colors,
styles like the French flannel, 12Hc yard.
Special Music Sale Monday
Tomorrow we will place on salo some.
of the. latest sheet music of tho day at
only 19c per copy; by mall 20c; regular
prlco 60c, euch ns "Creole Belle," "Hag
Ttrao March," tho biggest hit of the tea
son; "Colonial Guards," "Salute to Omaha,"
"Anglo-American aud National Pcaco Ju
blloo," two-steps, overy one a gem; also
"Impocunlous Davis," by Korry Mills;
"Cako Walk," "Just a Chain of Daisies,"
tho prottteut flower song on tbo market;
"Lilly," a song as bcautltul as ltn namo;
"My Paradlso Is You," "The Shanty of
Tumbledown Alley, or Dtm't Pull the
Shanty Down," a very pathetic ballad;
"Diamond Ring," "Paying Toll." To obtain
theso special prices mall orders must be
recolvcd' not later than Wednesday, Do
comber 4; otherwlso regular rates will be
Visit Our Hair Goods Dept.
Special sale of switches; alt shades, finest
quality hair. .
No. 116 Inches, value $2.25, at 99c.
No. 218 Inches, value $3.50, at $1.43.
No. 320 Inches, value $4.00, at $1.98.
No. 422 Inches, value $5.00, at $2.98.
Flannel Department
2 cases regular 10c canton flannel, per
yard, 5c.
2 cases regular 10c shaker flannel, per
yard, 6c.
1 case all wool skirting flannel, per yard,
1 case white wool Ilannel, per yard, 15c
and 20c.
2 cases remnants, 36-lnch wide outing
tlannel, per 'yard, 6c.
"King Dodo," "King Dodo,1'
"King Dodo"
Wo aro headquarters for all ,tho music
from this comic opera, which will bo
played here the first of tho week. Wo
would like to call your attention especially
to the "Tale of n llurablebeo," both tho
song and two-step, also "Zammonla," an
Arabian Intermezzo, which comes In both
vocal and Instrumental, Theso aro tro
mendous hits and aro bound to sell big.
Wo cannot sell you this muslo at 19c, but
wo offer It to you at tho very lowest prlcos
possible. AVhen In need of anything In
the way of sheet music or books glvo us
a call. Wo can savo you money on every'
thing. Mall orders receive prompt atten
Ded Blankets
3 cases 11-4 gray, red and whlto all wool
California bed blankets, per pair, $3.98, reg
ular prlco, $5.
4 cases extra soft and downy gray and
whlto sample blankets at half price.
2 cases all wool gray California bed
blankets, jcr pair, $2.98.
2 caeen ill wool bed blankets, per pair,
Home-made bed comforts, each $1.60 and
Linen and Muslin Sales
Good heavy unbleached muslin, 36-ln,
wide, 10 ynrds for 39c.
36-ln. bleached muslin, soft finish, good
weight, 10 yards, 49c.
5,000 yards plllowcnso muslin, 42-in., 9c;
45-ln lO'jc; 60-ln., 12c.
8- 4 unbleached sheeting, 14o.
9- 4 unbleached sheeting, 10c.
10- 4 unbleached sheeting, 18c.
8- 4 bleached shooting, lCc.
9- 4 bleached sheeting, 18c.
10- 4 bleached Bhectlng, 20c.
6,000 yards heavy twill crnBh, C yards
for 19c.
3 good towels for 10c.
1 coso extra heavy all linen towels, would
be cheap at 20c; salo price, 2ic.
40 pieces full blcachod damask, good value
at 30c, sale price 19c.
86 pieces half all linen damask, 25c.
72-ln. stiver blenched, extra heavy, Gor
man damask, would bo cheap at 50o; salo
price, 89c.
Odd lots napkins In dozen and half-dozen
lots at greatly reduced-prices to close.
4-4 table covers, worth 69o, for 39o.
0-4 derby and damasay tablo covors, regu
lar price, 98c; bbIo price, 69c.
All fancy linens In lunch cloths, Bide
beard covors, dresser and commode covers,
tray cloths, doylies, etc., nro dlsplayod
on center tables, main alalo linen depart
ment. Special prices on all linens.
Caddy Department
Stick Double refined, per lb 6c
Stick Iloarhound, per lb 7c
Stick Fancy twist, per lb 7c
Mixed Choice 50
Mixed Fancy c
Mixed Drokcn 7
Mixed French 13c
Mixed Kindergarten 7o
Caramels 6c
Lemon drops 8 Vic
Chocolato drops 11c
Chocolato drops, fancy 13c
Jelly beans Sic
Conversation Hearts 8',ic
Cinnamon Imperials 8&c
Lozenges, mint 8Ho
Wlntergrcon .... 8Vio
Peanut square ....Via
Eclipse mixed candy 8Ua
Crown mlxod 7H
Moonlight Kisses lSUa
Ilobson Kisses 15a
Swedish Kisses 12V&a
Sunbeam Kisses 12Ho
Trilby Kisses 10a
Don boim .j. 7',a
Vnnllla creams 25a
Rose creams 22a
Mint crcaiiiH 2 4 Via
lluttcr creams 22l&a
Opera wafers 25o
Maplo wafers 25q
Flno hand-madn chocolates 20oj
Flno marshmallow chocolates 2,"a,
Cream almonds 25q
We Have Over 50 Different
Styles of Heating Stoves
We bandlo the Universal lino and when
you buy ono of their baso burners you get
the very best made In America. We can
sell you a vory handsome, 14-Inch base
burner that soils elsowhere for $40, our
price $28.50.
A good' oak, 15-Inch, sells olsowhere for
$11.50, our prlco $8.95.
A regular No, 12 Hot Blast, our price,
Wood, airtight, up from $1.49.
6-Inch pipe, Monday, 11c.
Coal hods, 17c.
Family meat saw, 15c.
14x21-lncb photo holders, 9c.
Large foot tubs, 33c.
28-Inch wood lined Btove board, 69o.
$1.50 set carvers, 89c.
No. 8 copper bottom boiler, 73c.
New roasters, 69c,
Ash slttors, 11c
Christmas Comfort
Christmas Joy
Christmas Happiness
These three will follow In tbo wake of
any article of furniture you should send
as n present to your friends. Whon mak
ing up your list do not forget that Just
now wo have everything in this lino, all
arranged to mako It ensy for you, AND
fine leather hookers,
elegant leather couches,
morris chair.
musio cabinets,
Ladies desks,
parlor cabinets,
smokers' tables, taboretteb, in
dia seats, artistic pieces in flem
ish, weather. forest, green and'
golden oak, sideboards, buffets,
EX'lENSION TABLES, chairs and rockers
of all kinds. We wero tbo first to soli an
oak chair for 75c, an oak rocker for $1.00
an India seat for 46c: Muslo rack for 95c.
Morris chair for $3.85, oak arm rocker,
cobbler seat, $1.95. '
China Department
All sizes plain, whlto plates, lc each.
Cups and saucers, lc each.
Decorated cups and saucers, 2V4o.
Decorated plates, 3a aud Co,
Pudding dishes, la.
Wluo glasses, 2c.
Decorated lamps, with globe to match,
Incandescent gas mantles, 3Hc.
Decorated cuspidors, 10c.
Chambers, 13c.
Decorated wash'bowls, 35c.
Docoratcd eoap alcps, mug und brush
vases, 7Hc
Fast dralnor butter dlsbos, 10c.
This Sale Is for One Day Only
Wall Paper and Paints
Prices cut In two In this department.
Every roll must bo sold to mako room for
Immense nuw purchases.
The best grado of white blanks at 3c
per roll, Tbls 1b not a cheap paper, but
a strictly first-class, up-to-dato paper, sold
everywhere at So per roll. (Only enough
for two rooms to each customer,)
The best gradeti of ready mixed paints
on tho market at 98c per gallon. Othor
dealers ask you $1,60 to $2.00 for this same
Varnishes, status, enamels, brushes and
room mouldings at greatly reduced prices.
Teas and Coffees
Cholco now tea sittings 20a
New season sundrlcd Japan 38a
Fancy drink, English breakfast 38q
Moyuno Uunpowdor tea 43a
Good whole coffee, 2 lbs. for 26a
Golden Santos coffco 16a
Family Javu and Mocha .' 25a
Plantation Java and Mocha 27Ho
Old Government Java und Mochn 30a
Mnudehllng Java and Mocha 35a
or 3 lbs. for $1.00,
Tobacco Department
Star plug chewing tobacco 85o
Horseshoe plug ohowlng tobacco 3Eo
Navy plug chowlng tobacco 35a
Battle Axo 35a
Noweboy tobacco 55 o
Bull Durham smoking tobacco 50a
Duke's Mlxturo 35a
Meerschaum smoking tobacco 3oa
Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35a
Old Style smoking tobacco 25a
Mall Pouch, per pkg 9a
Meats and Poultry
No, 1 California hams 7Ua
Potted hams, sugar cured t 10a
10-lb, palls Pure Leaf lard 98a
Optical Dept.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Leadora In fins
goods and low prices.
Gold filled frumcH, spectacles or eye"
glasses, guaranteed ton years, usually xold
for $3.00, at $1.49.
Complete alumlnold spectacles, fine lenses,
$3,00 values, at 1.49,