THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1901. EDW. RIDLEY & SON'S DEPARTMENT STORE of New York was sold at auction and we secured the choice of the entire $500,000 stock, enabling us to offer you extraordinary bargains in every department 'T'llIS sale surpasses in magnitude and importance all previous sales. Our past mercantile achievements are outclassed when compared to this one. We secured the choicest and most desirable lots of merchandise in the entire $500,000 stock at practically 0111' own prices and are giving you values that have never been equaled. rJ1HE bargains we offer in this sale eclipse all former bnrgain records. The class of goods Kidlcys sold and the excel lent reputation they bore speaks volumes for the high char nctcr of the merchandise. We bought the goods at very low figures and are selling them equally low. Come tomorrow; you'll profit by your visit. 10 mnkinns jidlcy'sJOc RibbonsJJc yd. rWe will sell all the ribbons that Ridley sold up to U)c a ?;:;:! !:. 2c Ridley's 20c Handkerch'fs 5c wren's and women's plain .white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs, SLr .worth 20c, ait, each . . Ridley's Hosiery, 5c pair Women's fast black hosiery In plain and fleece lined, full seamless, good kf weight, per pair '-' Ridley's Hand Mirrors 39c JJeantiful hand mirrors, eb ony case with beveled French glass, cxtraJ large size, only . . Ridley's 20c Embroideries 5c Fine lot of high class em broideries and insertions, worth up to 20c, 6ri on sale at, yard . . . 's 75c Underwear 39c JWomen's underwear in lino and heavy ribbed, plain and fleece lined, all IQp jjizes, worth 75c, at Ridley's 15c Ribbons 5c yard A.11 the ribbons, no matter what the quality, that Rid ley sold as high as 15c yard, jwe will sell at, jyord Ridley1 s 25c Il'dkerch'fs 10c (Ladies' line lace and em broidery trimmed handker chiefs, worth fully i Cls 25c, on sale at IVJL ?s 'S2.00 Belts 49c fldley' Women's wide satin belts iWith 12 rows of pleating, large steel beads, beautiful buckles, worth ,$2, only 4 Ridley's $2.50 Waists 98c iWomen's line flannel waists, beautifully corded and trim pied, wortli up to QQ $2.50, at ,. f 25c Ridley': Hosiery 10c Women's misses' and boys' plain, line and heavy ribbed hosiery, wortli up 1Ap to 25c, at, pair 1VL f 25c Laces 3 Ac, 5c Ridley': Immense quantities of all kinds plain and fancy laces, worth 25c yd., at Er yd., lUc and -V 's 25c Ribbons 10c Yd. Ridley' ,!AU the, fine, all silk taffeta and fancy ribbons, Hidley's price wa 25c, wu .will sell for, yd. . . . IvJV t's Union Suits, 25c jldley'i Misses' and children's Jer sey ribbed union suits from this stock, on Or Bale at Ridley's Chatelaine Bags 25c Hisses' chatelaine bags in leather and oxidized silver, all colors, Ridley's $1 Handerchiefs 25c 'All the tine handkerchiefs from the Ridley stock for men and women, made of finest linen, silk embroid ered, etc., worth OGkr ,upto$l, go at ....- Ridley's 25c Hose !2Ac (Men's wool half hose, jmcdium and heavy weight, iworth 25c pair, 11 on sale at, pair. . (StS Ridley's 25c, 50c laces, 10c PJnjn Valenciennes, point d'esprlt, oriental, silk.chan tllli and many other styles of fine laces, worth 1 Ap 25c and 50c, at .... 1 vH Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets From the Ridley stock When you cbnsider that llidlcys carried the finest imported a magnitude of these offerings, is there a woman in Omaha or near when you see the values. ml domestic fabrics and that we secured the choicest lots in their entire stock you will realize the by that can afford to remain away from this sale? We think uot, and you'll be of the same opinion Ridley's 75c Dress Goods 25c Yd. Ridley's $1 Dress Goods 49c Yd. Ridley's $2 and $5 Dress Goods, 98c Ridley's $1.50 and $2 Silks, 75c Yd. Ridley's $1 and $1.50 Silks, 49c Hundreds of theso tu select from, In strictly nil wool Imported Persian novelties, wool mohair Jacquimls, strictly all wool black novelty Joctiunrtls In floral destgtin and Btrlpcs, strictly nil wool GO-lnch striped millings nnd cheviots, nit wool striped Herges, dlRRonnl homespuns, pure iinapun Milk novelties. Ridley's prlca on every yd. was 75c nnd up, on snln on bargain square, yd runs, pure unspun 25c These luclndo black tucked dress goods, camel's hair dress goods, all wool suitings nnd cnsslmcrcs for men's wenr nnd Indies' wnlklng skirts, 50-Inch all wool camel's hair, chocks nnd plnlds, strictly nil wool black and bluo storm sorgo nnd cheviots, ladles' cloth, Batln her hers, everyono of theso Itldley's sold at $1 nnd up, on salo at, yd 49c Ridley's 75c French Flannels 25c All of Klilley's lints Imported French flannel In plain colore, polka dots, tloral (IchIciih, silk embroidered Humiims, silk and wool wnlstlngs, nil on salo nt. yard Ridley's 50c Dress Goods 124c Yd. nidi0y Those Include the highest prlco dress goods that Illdley & Sons In New York carried, In broadcloths, Vcnctlnns, camel's hair, panno cloth; many exclusive robes In this lot imported for thin fall's business nollnes, slclllnns, rtamlues, llusslan crashes, silk nnd wool lilsli cost linnortcd fab rics, silk and wool crept ilo clilno in nil colors, on sulo at, yd Ridley's Man's Tailor Cloths, $2.50 to $5 Fabrics at 5Uc and 98c Yd. amines, missnui 98c This woll known firm was noted for their and 25c Yd. flno silk department and wo sell Monday W have taken tho entire lot of waist Bilks, , . . i , I,, i . m lining Bilks, yard wldo china silks, 27-Inch Iouscne, striped and figured crepe do chine, grenadines, wldo black nnd colored tnffetni nnd pcau do sole, nil In silk department, at, yd. 75c 25c In this Immense lot wo Include strictly alt wool double width small checked and plnld dress goods, 1V4 yards wldo rapcllant cloth, double width English cashmeres In nil col ors, mercerized nov elties nil on sals J In our basement, I s. j at. ynrd & Soim wero noted for carrying- ono liiriiL'Mt (lennrtiuentn of men m cnssl- nicres nnd wo luivo bought these goods nt a fraction of their worth. Tho entlro lot consists of cjisslmerps. EncllHh worsteds", serges, fancy rhavlotx, Scutch tweeds, plaids nnd checks, covert cloths, home spuns; In this lmmenso assortment you will Had nil tho hlgh-cliuss cloths, mi I (able for men b unci noya wear, who for ladies' walking BKiria: tlielr pricii from J2.60 lo $." n. vurd, go In two lots nt. Ill 111 .tuv i(uauijr 95c colored and black taffetas, entln duchcase, panno velvets, black and colored silk gren adines, nil go In two lots on bargain squares at, yd ' 49-25c 75c ytr wear, who ror ladles' 50-98c An extraordinary bargain In J2.00 quality wldo black rustling, kid finish tnffeia, every ynrd guaranteed, at. yd Tho entlro stock of high-grade silk Tclvet from tho Illdley salo, in nil cotors Including black; especially suitable for Jackets, coats nnd entlro costumes, nt, yd f $1,25 velvet cords In nil colore, 27 Inches wldo, for skirts or entire, gowns, nt, yd 75c Ridley's High Art Costumes Tailor-Made Suits and Raglans at J, J and Their Value Ridley's $100 Costumes and Suits, $25 All of the highest cost suits from this stock, in cluding many imported model suits, silk costumes, velvet and velvet cord suits, also tailor-made suits, all of them beautifully trimmed, every one silk lined, 11 of these Mi O suits on sale at ' Ridley's $75 Suits, $15 30 handsome gowns and tailor- grr- m made suits, of cloth, taffeta and I foulard silks, .silk lined, all at kp LkJ Ridley's Silk Skirts A handsome assortment of high cost silk skirts in taffetas and peau de soie, tucked, hemstitched and corded, elaborately trimmed with open work, also insertion, also tailored taffeta skirts, Ridley's price $35 and $50, go on sale at $10, $15, $25 Raglans from the Ridley Stock Over 40 handsomo Raclans, In oxfords, castors and black, both looso and halMlttcd back, some full taf feta and satin lined, go at 7.50, 9.98, 12 50, (9.00, 24.50 Ridley's Artistic Millinery On Sale at a Small Fraction of the Prices Ridley s Had Them Marked Ridley's $12 and $15 Pattern Hats, $4.69 There are about 150 French pattern hats in this lot; ltidley's trimmed hat fame' extended throughout the union and they were especially known to the Parisian modistes, as they were one of their best American customers, so you can readily see that these hats must be correct in style; they are 12 . d and $15 values; your choice s fSx-J of tho lot for , Ridley's $5 and $6 Trimmed Hats. $1.75 Trimmed hats in black nnd colors, some made of velvet, some of chenille braids and some are the line French felt; all are trimmed with the finest of this season's materials; the styles ara absolutely correct; $5 and at . . . . $0 values 1.75 $1 English felt hat, all O colors, best shapes .$3 Black Ostrich riumes $1.45 $1.50 Black Ostrich Plumes 50c 15c . . . 69c 75c Assorted Fancy Feathers 5c 50c Bunches of Roses, all shades.. 15c 75c Black Parrots at $2.00 Seagulls, large size. . . . Ridley's Fine Carpets and Rugs will Be Placed on Sale Tomorrow in Connection with Nearly A Carload of Wet Rugs & Carpets TI1IS js an unprecedented opportunity for carpet and rug buyers and we expect to see the carpet section crowded Monday morning as it never was before. The carpets and rugs that became wet are of a very superior quality and the water has not hurt them a particle, nevertheless we are going to sell them at just about one-third their value. The shipment included Moquette, Axminster and Velvet carpets, and Wilton, Moquette and Smyrna rugs in all of the best makes. The damage is slight and hardly warrants the great reductions we have made on the prices. $45 Rugs, Size 9x12, on Sale at $15 All the Royal i $5 Smyrna Rugs $1.98 $15 Wilton 11x12 Oriental pattern rugs, all the 9x12 Smyrna rugs, all the 9x12 best quality axminis- ter rugs, some of them absolutely sound and perfect, others have been wot, worth up to $-15, nil go at ... . $25 Smyrna and Wilton Rugs go at $7.98 All the very best, Smyrna rugs, 7-0xl0-U size, and all f the Itoyal Wilton rugs 9x12 hIzp, that generally sell at 125.00, jlJ M M - many of thonx sound nnd perfect, others h avo been wet " M q C J nil go at -All the 86x72 best grade Smyrna rugs that gener ally sell at $5, $J Qg 30x60 Smyrna Rugs. 98c All the 30x60 Smyrna rugs In great varloty of handsomo JQP patterns, go at v- $1.25 Carpets, Slightly Damaged, at 59c a Yard All the best grades of Wilton, Axminster and Savonierre car- pets, most of them absolutely sound and perfect, somo show slight Mtf stains from having been wet, all absolutely now and beautiful patterns J I Kin. 1m. . -.-n f-,1 Bif ill una u'h uk ai juiu ......................................... AH the velvet carpet, all the moquette carpet and nxmliiRtor carpet that have been wet on tho edges, but aro in nearly sound and perfect condition, go at, yard All the Brussels carpet, absolutely Bound and perfect, worth up to 65c, go at, yard 49c 39c Wet Linens at 12 the Regular Price This is a splendid opportunity to lay in a supply of linens of all descriptions. JY OXDAY we will place on sale every article included in our purchase of the 31 cases of wet linens. Discriminating buyers will realize the great advantage this sale affords. Linens you know are of such a nature that water cannot hurt them a particle. Of course they don't look as fresh as a regular stock does, that's why we secured them at the price Avedid, and that's why wo aro able to offer such extraordinary bargains. Every housekeeper should attend this sale and lay in a good supply for an opportunity like this, ono comes but seldom. We are going to devote a large selectiou of the basement for linen selling tomorrow and you'll find a crowd around each counter from opening until closing time. Women know good linen values. This sale embraces linens of every description, including towels, damasks, table cloths, scarfs, napkins, etc., etc. Wo will sell all the all linen checked barber towels that gen erally sell 1 at 5c, r M for, each , All the damask generally sell at 12ie, go at, each towels that 6c All the very large, extra heavy absorbant damask towels that gen erally sell at 15c, go at, each . . . 8c All the large damask towels that generally sell at 25c, go at, each knotted fringe All tho 50c knotted fringe dam ask towels with drawn work, very large "I size, nnd vow I mm- - . fine quality, at, each Lit win vi u n uiuj 17c $1.25 table cloths up to 3 yds. long, in fine all linen, white an small colored borders, each. 'fun ' 1 v' 4Qc All the bleached & unbleached table damask generally sells at 50c, go at, each 25c All the dresser double damask with draw work, at, each One big lot of turkey red napkins, nt, each scarfs, fine 29c 3ic One big lot of large size dice pattern napkins at, dozen , All of the 50c turkey red table damask that has become wet, go at, yard $125 15c All the towling, some extra heavy Barnsloy crash, worth 15c some fine all linen glass cloth, worth 12Jc some fine twilled crash, worth 15c, i In fact all the cxash worth m CT from 15c to 19c yd., y go at, yard 15c Ridley's 1.25 Underw'r 69c Ladies' underwear in plain wool, silver gray, all sizes, worth up to SOr $1.25, on sale at.." flidley's 45c Hose 8c Ladies' fin,o imported hose, plain and tleece lined, full regular made, 1 Qp worth -ioe, at, pair.t Ridley's $6.50 Waists $3.50 Kidley's finest French flan nel waists in all the new and popular styles, all col ors, very handsome corded effects, $0.50 ' SZC values at O.CJV Ridley's 50c Embroid's 15c Fine nainsook and cambric embroideries and insertions, worth up to 50c 1 Eff-t yd., go at 10c and. Ridley's $1.50 U'n Suits 98c Women's union suits, all wool, jersey ribbed, made to button across the chest, all sizes, worth Oftr $1.50, at.. Ridley's 35c Ribbons 15c yd All the ribbons that Ridley sold at 35c and 39c yd., some wonderful ribbons in this lot, they go at, yd Ridley's 35c Hose 15c Misses' and boys' all wool and lleece lined hose, fine nnd heavy4 ribbed, wortli 35c, goat,' 1Sn per pair It-ZC Ridley's Ebony Sets 25c Handsome ebony sets, con sisting of cuticle knife and file, sterling silver mounted, each set in fancy box, per set R idley's Chatelaine Bags 79c ladies' steel beaded chate laine bags with heavy em bossed frame, fringe all around, 7 Cr only Ridley's 50c Neckwear 15c All the choicest men's neck wear from the IJidley stock, dozens of styles, hundreds of patterns, 1 worth 50c, at Ridley's $2 Tights 98c Pair Ladies' tne wool tights, open or closed, medium and 98c Ridley's $1 Ribbons 25c yd All the ribbons Hidleys sold for up to $1 yd., including many extreme novelties, veiy heavy double faced silk ribbons in tho best makes, go at, yd Ridley's $7 SilkWaists$3.50 Women's fine silk waists from the Hidley stock, beau tiful corded and hem stitched effects, all popular colors and styles, worth $(, $7 and $8, QQ Ridley's 50c Underwear 25c Men's fleece lined under wear from tho Jtidley stock, worth 50c per gar- OR-? ment, on sale at. . ,mD Ridley,s75cMen'sGloves 35c 50 different stj'les of men's fine gloves and mittens, the, regular tf5c kinds, on spe cial sale to- r morrow kJkJK Ridley's $2.00 Gloves 75c Men's fine dress gloves from the Kidley stock, the kind that they sold for $1.50 and $2, on special sale En tomorrow, per pr. 1 25c BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE