10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. 2COTEMBET? 30, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bull EnthnsUsa Bendi All liarkats Ollsab- iof lightr. SOUTHWEST IS PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE SjtrrnKth In Mnrkela There Creates the Confidence Mint Jetn TIiIiik Mot Ink nil tllP CIllt'HRU II it ii r il . L CHICAGO, Nov. 29.-Btill enthusiasm re tilting rrom th strength In th southwest- Wfr. n,n,l,l attil ttrlrtna rtltnlilnir In flit tits on the board today, December wheat r.lnl,ii In nill'ntierd. December corn -VHb 'lilgher and December outs "ic up, l'ro. -visions closed 17'4i,' to 27,4c higher. Improved cabled starlet! u spurt of buying 'nt the opening or tlic wheat pit. Receipts, tjiowever, espoclnlly In tho northwest, wero heavy Hnii tended to offset tho forelKii 'strength. December opened Irrcgulur, mi ichatiKcd to !'' Ht 72072Ho to 72Uc tTThere was a slight renctlon utter the first limine, owIiik to a slmllnr inovetneut In corn. Soon a good commission house de Unantl sprang up unci thn outside markets jreporteii tiood ndvnnces over prices liorc, in. l.ouls whs a buyer hero nnd nows from the. southwest reported damage to tho win .'tor irop, Henvy professional buying re-liiulted-the most In n fortnight unit prices 'ndvanred stciidlly, December closed strong, lie higher at 7.V,4C. Local receipts wero li7 'cars. 34 of cmil rue t prude. Minneapolis nnil jjtiiutli reported i,ini enrs, mnKing n total for th" three points of 1,641, ngnlnst 90S Inst weak mid I.. TO a venf iibo. Araclitlno shin- hments had' petered out to 18.O00 bushels, compared with 728,000 11 year ago. Primary ireceipis ktp i,va,wi nusneis, lor iwo nays, fcompiired with last year's 1.321,000 bushels. Seaboard ilcnrunccs In wheat nnd Hour eritlnlled 458,000 bushels. Tho scabourd re ported 15 loads taken for export. Torn had a broad, strong market, though Itiot so brond as wheat. December opened tf,c up on strong cables nnd advanced In pile of liberal selling early. Receipts were S-ery small, The pit took everything of fered nnd prices suffered a short-lived de cline. After some see-sawing a commission house demand and a good shipping business 'ttnrted bulls to activity and prices went "tip to tljelr highest since the opening of .this campaign. December sold up to 62Ho tend May to ftV?,i!. Trices tempted profit 'taking and the close was off a trllle from 'ton prices, though firm. WMa higher thnn ."Wednesday's close, nt 62Wl62Vj". Hecclpts yere S3 cars. Aided by corn strength December oats broncd e higher, Trntle was fairly active, liut not to the f xtent of business In the other grains. Receipts wero liberal. In the main tho market held narrowly. December holding steady, ! higher nt tho opening Jirlce, 42'4o. Hecelpts, 18,1 cars. Provisions sold up well from the start, making liberal gnlns In everything, mnluly on the country demnnd nnd on tho limited yelling. Strong ensh markets nnd lights hogs were tho bull Incentives. All closing tirlces wero strong. .January pork, 27lc up Bt $16.27!4: .Inhunry lard. 22V4c higher nt JJ9.56, nnd .Innunry ribs, 17J4c up nt $8.374. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Whent, Sin cars; corn, 115 cars; oats, 230 cars; hogs, S4.0O1 hcHd. ( The leading futures rnnged as follows: !Articles. Open. Hlgh.l low. Close.; Wed, Whent I Dec. 1 May i Nov. , Dec. I J'y Oats Dee, iay July ffork .inn. Mnv il-nrd. Dec. Jan. Mnv ttllbs- Jan. May 72';f!'l4 73lJ 72!; 73H 72i 7iV(s 77M, 7G 77' 72', Gif'iTi; fisu MM 5 git 2, raft 02 (Sifr 62 61'4 62jttl4 S4Hfai 6IVfi?k MS "? 6i't 424 KWii 42!J'ii?i -2i i 43fHi 43J4 43 43, 43 3!U S9 M 39 SS'i 16 OS 16 30 16 03 16 27V4 16 00 16 42i 16 65 16 31i 16 62'a U 67'.i 9 40 9 GO 9 40 ,9 GO 9 32W 9 37ij 9 iA S 374 5 9 BS 9 32$ 9 45 9 G5 9 45 9 62'4 9 42(4 l' S 25 8 37J4 8 2214 S 3j(i S 20 I S 40 8 65 8 40 8 65 S 35 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: iTI.niMl l.'lrm: strnlcbts. J3.0ftff3.40: Clears, i8.10U3.20: spring' specials. JI.OOOjN.lO; Patents. J3.35CT3.70: straights. J2.S0tH3.20. r WHIJAT-No. 3, 7OS(U701iu; No. a red, 763 R7HC ii iitiS-TiSO. - ve now. mwio. OATS No. 2. 43UTi4mc: No. 2 white. 45'4'r 6iO; NO, IIWIIUP, 4IVi'(I1t)C. ' ,, , n .'fl. ' s 1 1' Hit, io. DV5'lvn:. HATtl.EV-Kalr to cholco malting. 69W6lc. HRHDS No. 1 flnx. $1.43: No. 1 northwest-i Wrn. 11.43: nrlmo timothy. J6.20H6.25. f PROViaiONH-Mess pork, per bbl JlB.2iVif 5.Si. ijiru, per iw ids.. :.ii&tiy.w. unort rltis sides I loose), jx.-.'iriin.iii. nry sullen Irhoulders (boxed), J7.37',4'?l7.ri0. Short clour i . , . t- ' r. f - r men imixrui, .nu'iiw. i.,. i WHISKV Uusls of high wines, $1.32. . The following lire tho receipts nnd ship smentH ot crnln yesterday: r Articles. . Hecelpts. Shipments. fl'lour, bbls 14,000 43.000 ftVheat. bu 242,OC 151,000 Corn, bu kd.ooo 201,000 Oats, bu 238,000 419.000 Jtye. bu 21.000 ' 2.000 Barley, bt 120,0m 4,000 On tho Proilueo exchange today the but ,ter market' was steady; creameries, 14?? i4',4c; dairies, 13fi20:. (!heese, steady, Si'sp aoic Kggs, steady; rrcsn, m,4c . 1 M;W YORK C.ENK11A1, MAI1KET. fevere setback, values derllnlng 1 7s, The close found spot quoted at 5 10s nnd fu tures at X6. At new lorK. nowever. ine market wns unchnnged nt JtSfSfK.O) for l.ako Superior nnd il6.37UH16.62U for cast ing nnd electrolytic. Iad nt London de clined 11 Is, while at New York the mnr- kel wns dull nnd unchanged nt JL.d't. Snelfer wns unehiuiued at home nnd abroad, closing quiet nt $1.3), nominal, and J6 and 2s 6d, respectively. Iron was with out cnange, nut steady in lone, j-ig iron warrants. J10.GOM11.KO: No. 1 northern foun dry, $15.wai6.00; No.- 2 southern foundry. JI4.iPOHl3.00; No. 1 southern foundry, 114.R0H 15.110 j jfn. 1 southern foundry, son. tH.wtr OlnsKow Iron wnrrunts closed nt 66s 3d nnd Mlddlcsborough closed nt 42s 1054d. M.IRKIIV, OMAHA WIIOI.KMf.K lnotntinna of thn Day on Various Cnmniodlllri. u j vnvi, iitiv, 1 uvu 1 b ii, 1 1 1 i", 12.352 bbls.: exDortn. 17.613 bbls.: market 'Jlrm, but not active; winter patents, $3.60y ,3.90; winter straights. $3.401j3.60; Minnesota jiHitinis, j-au-h.I". winter eir, .wii.wi winter low grades. $2.G042.0. Hyo nojr, brm; fair to good, J3.10-ii3.40; cholco to Xnncy, $3.45H3.0. I ni'nT.'iiMM-. ir.ain,l.. 1 07 iu ll.a COHNMKA1 Firmer: yellow western. 41.36; city. $1.31. Kyis Firmer; wo. s western, biio i. o. n. nilost, BARtiEY Firm: feeding. 69Hlo c. 1. f. Tluffnlo; malting, 63CSc c. I. f. Huffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 105,45CK bu.; exports, 14,955 bu. Spot, stronger: No. 2 red, 83lio o. b. nftont: No. 2 red, S3c-f. o. b. afloat; INo. 2 red, St'ic. elevntur; No. 1 northern, tpuluth. 82ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Du lluth, 88Kc f. o. b. afloat. Options had a (strong and active delivery, advunclng- on (pronounced upturn In tho' St. Louis mnr IVtst. together with bullish continental cn Ibles, foreign buying, fair ncceptances and a strong demand from shorts. Cloved strong and o net hlglicr: May, MMj IK5 7-I6c; closed nt 82Hc; Dccomlicr, 794CO' SO t-6a closed nt 80V4c. ' CORN Receipts. 17,000 bu.; exports. 26,791 iliu. Spot, Arm; No. 2, 63hc elevator and CHc fi o. b. afloat. The option market vas strong and much higher on the wheat Advance. Trndo broadened considerably and included a big demand from shorts. Closed Jattady at Ho net advance; May, GSVflO'ic; (closed at 63i;c; December, fiSVjiWViic; closed nt 63c. OATS Receipts, 2SI.60O bu.; exports, 2S ta, hu. Spot, firm: No. 3, 47H:c: No. 2 white, ifi2c: No. 3 white, Bio; track, mixed western, UiySHc; track, white. 49fif4c. Options ad- vuncert with other markets nnd on contin ued good spot baying west. FEED-Stcndy; spring brnn, J21,0yt(21.5O; winter. $21.50Si22.60: city. 122. . HAY Steady; shipping, iKV665c; good to icroice. KBvuc, HOPS Steady: Htnte. common to rhuleo. 1M1 crop. 12iffl5e; 19o0 crop, 9ittl4c: 1899 crop, ejillc: l'aclllo coast, 1900 crop. 9lH9Vic. HIDES Steady: Oalveston. 20 to ss lh.. ISo; California. 20 to 26 lbs., 19V4c; Texas drv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. liKA'rai'iu Hienqy; ncmiocK sole, nuenos Avres, iisni to neavyweignts. 25U26V4C WOOIv Steady; domestic lleece, 25i26c: Texas. 1617c. IROVISION8-Heef. steady: family, $41.00 V UiW, iut-on, .T.ii-rifiu.w; ut-ei linniS. nli .VtlA ....- - IVA.' W,75(ga0.25: plckk'il Hhouldfrs, $7; pickled hams, $9.7B01O.a. 1-ard, etronr; weatern Bteamfti, 9,9ft; Novembor, rcflnttl, uleady; continent. $10; compound, $7.75; Bouin America, jio.wj. rorK. nrm; family. l.uv. iOW Firm: cltv (42c nep nlnr.V Mi mwii cmiim jl linKB, ireni, lQljic. Bl'TTBR Receipts. B.aTi5 pkgs.: strong: tnte dairy. lBWv.'w; creamery, raster June creamery. ioi.-ui uiciury, iD'if. CHEESE Receipts. 4.4S7 likes ln,lv fancy, large. September. 10c; fancy, small. September. IOS4C; Into made, large, Oo; best mall, 10iH10;ic. , EGOS Recelptc. S.29I pkgs,; firm; state I nnd Pennsylvania. 2Sfj29c: western, at 1 marK, sin jic, Jiiuimru, 111 mnr, -Mjiiic. I'tiiiiriiv Alive.' sieaay: snrincers. ;ur xurKeys. ihtit, iuwis. u mcuni, lower; prlntjers, 8Vtw9c; fowls, SH1o, turkeys. 9 410c. METALS Activity snd excitement nre vailed In tin rlrcles alirouil yesterdny am todnv. Tin abroad was lower. Locally th mnrket was unsettled and holders were , lass confident, with snot at the close quoted ' nt I28.0Of 23.50, or 315c below the cloke of , Wedttesdiiy The, arrival of several Hteam- "er with ltberHl cargoes of tin broke up ' the corner and resulted In the decline noted abovt. Copper at Loudon also suffered a Condition 11 f Trntle nnd (Itinlntlon 1111 .1lnip mid rniicj- Produce. KOOS Receipts, light: fresh stock. 21c. LIVE POULTRY liens. Be: old roosters. 4c; turkeys, 7HSc; ducks and geese. 5c; spring chickens, per lb., Be. DRESSED POt'LTRY-Turkeys, fgiOe; ducks nnd geese, 7ysc; spring chicken, 6.4l7e: hens, B'.4HGo. lll'TTER-Common to fnlr, 13c; choice dMlry. In tubs. 15fil6c! separator, 23fl4o. 1 ill, Ml I l- IMII-HIHCK liass. isc; wium boss, 10c; blucflsh, 12o: bullheads, 10c: blue fins, 7e: buffaloes. 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, lie; cranplcs, lie; halibut, 11c; herring, 7r; had dock, 10c; pike, 10c: red snapper, loo;, sal mon. 14c; mniilati. Aft trout. He! whlteflh. 9c; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20H 33c, OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 22c: stand ards, per enn, 25c; extra selects, per can. 33c; New York counts, per can, 40c; bulk Standards, per gnl., Sl.20gi.Si; bulk extra selects, SI.ftWl.G5. I'HlKOMt-lilvr, per noz., wc. VEAIz-Cholce, 6TSc. HAY- Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale llnv Dealers nssoclatlon: Choice upland. jn.Bo; No. 2 iiplnnil, tt.BO; medium, $S; conrse. J7.E0. Hyo straw. $5. These iirlces are for hay of good color nnd quality. Demand lair; receipts, 10 cars.- CORN-Now, 63c; old, 63c. HRAN-SI8. OATS-ISc. V Ed ETA RLE 8. POTATOES Home crown. Si! northern. $1.10: Salt I-ike, $i.io; Colorado, $1.10. t'AKHOTH Per bu.. mc HEETS Per 4-bu. basket, 30c. Tl'RNIPHPcr bu,. B0c: Rntabngas. per 10O lbs.,. $1.25. CUrrMllERS-Hothouse. per dor.. LETTUCE I lead, per bbl., $6 60; hothouse lettuee, per doz., 2oc. PARSLEY Per doz., 25c. radishes rer doz., soc. SWEET POTATOES Home crown, rer lb., 24o; genuine Virginia, per bbl., S3.60. UAiiMAtiM iionnnii seen, craieo, i'c. ON'IONB Home grown. nr lb,. 2H2Mo: Spanish, jicr crate, $2; Michigan reds, 2ljo per lb. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch. 25(fJ35o; Nebraska, per bunch, 30f35c; Colorado, 403 COc. NAVY PEANS Per bu $2.15. FRUITS. APPLES-Hen Dnvls. nnr bbl.. $4.O0ff4.&0: wlncsnps. $5; Jonathan, $5.50; Hellcflowers, per box, $1.25. I'KAKH viaers, jz.:s; i,nwrence. u.ssit 60. ORAPES-Molagas, per keg, S5.60ffl.00. CHAN HERRI ES Per bbl.. S7.601I8.00: ex tra fancy, $8.60; per crate, $2,75. WUIISCKH I'er nox, ji.ow. TROPICAL FRUITS. . ORANOES-Florldas. $3 25ff3.50: California navels. $3.Wjni.7B; budded, $3. lemons Fancy, Jg.iftif-l.w. BANANAS Per bunch, according; to sire. $2.2.VW2.75. FIOS California, now cartons, 70c; Im ported, per lb., 121j'14c. DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.. B4c; Salrs, Be. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron walnuts. No. 1 soft tshell. per lb.. 12o; hard shell, per lb., 12HC! No. 2 soft shell, 11c; No. 2 hard shell, lOUc; lirazus, per in., no; iunerts, per in., jsc; almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per cwi., in; cnesinuis, i.e. HONEY Per 21-sectlon enso. $3.50iM.75. CIDER-Nehawka, per bbl., $3; New York, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green. Go; No. 1 salted. 814a; No. 2 salted. 7Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12& lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to IB lbs., 7c; dry hides. 8f13c; sheep pelts. 25HC7c; horse hides. Sl.60"2.S5. SAUERKRAUT Per K-bbl $3; per bbl.. $3.75. fit. IioiiIm Rraln and Provisions. ST LOUIS. Nov. 29. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red cash, elevator. "V!ic: track, 79 79Kc; December, i?ic; May, ii'jio; wo, hard. 73Wc. CORN Higher; track, GGSGSttc; December, tc; May. 66:4c. OATS Illirhnr: No. 2 cash. 46Wc: track, 46iMf47c: Decemiicr. 45c: May. 45V4o; No. 2 white, 47'4H7V4c RYE-Hlgher at 65ic. 1.T nlTII Utn.tnnv. '1 n.llH .-,.. t- t.wuiv uiiiNi(,i;i . , c, mute ,air:iiir, $3.65(3.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.10'tf 3.25: clear. $2.76i2.!io. SEED Timothy, nominally firm, S3.60 CORNMEAXr-Stendy, $3.10. TITIAN Strong: sacked, cast track. S1.03. HAY Steady; ' timothy, $12.00314.60;. prairie, scarce, not quoted. WHISKY-Steody. $1.31. IRON COTTON TITSS-Sl. HAGOING-6?i(H6Hc. HEMP TWINE 9c. I'ROVISIONS-Dry salt meats (boxed), strong; extra short! $8.50; clenr ribs, $5.50; clear sides. S8.75. Uncoil (boxed), strong: extra shorts, J9.37W; clenr ribs, $9.37'4; clear sides, $9.iH4. Tor, nigher; joddiur, $i6.za. Lnrd. higher, $9.40. METALS Lead, dull at J4.25fl4.27W- Spel ter. steady nt J4.12U. POUIiTRY Dull: chickens, 6o; springs. 6c; turkeys. G4c; ducks, GHtJHc; geese, 3"Hsc. HUTTER Steady; creamery, 20O!5V4c; dairv, wn-oc. EOOS-Sleady at 22c. RECErPTS-Flour, 8.000 bbls.: wheat, 60, OflO hu.: corn. 130.000 bu.: oats. 69.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 9,000 bbls.: wheat. 16,000 bu.; corn, 4z,vw nu,; oats, sn.iw iu. Liverpool (Srnln anil Provision. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 29. WHEAT Snot. No. 2 red, western winter, steady, f.i loa; No. 1 northern, soring, llrm. 5s 9Wd: No. 1 California, strong. 6s llt4d; futures, steady; December. Ds swi; March. 6s l40 PfinV Snot. Arm: American mixed, new. nominal; old, firm, 6s 6V41; futures, quiet; Decomber. bs 4ia; January, os ;i?a; Aiarcn, i'kas-uannaian. strong, us wtn. FIX3UR St. Louis, fancy winter, steady, a Cxi. hops At ixindon ti'acinc coast), nrm. 3 Esfr4 6s. nilTTEH Steady : finest United States. 92s; good United States, 90s. cheese Firm nncsi wnite, nnn colored, PKOVIHIOMB ueer, steady; extra India. mess, 74s 6d. rora, steody; prime mess, western, 73s. iJmL American refined, In uulls. strong. 49s 9d: prime western. In tierces, strong, 48s. Hams, short cut, strong, 61s. Ilncon. short ribs, strong. 60s; long clear middles, light, strong, 49s fil; long clear middles, heavy, strong, 49s; short clear backs, strong. 47s; clear bellies, strong. 66s, Shoulders, square, strong. 44s. Receipts of wheat during the Inst three days, 391,000 centals, Including 276.000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the last three days, 1.000 centals. Weather fine. CAR FAMINE STILL HINDERS Retards Trad, Whin Nearly All Things Elie Enoiir It hnlnjices, $2,671,715; posted exchange, $(.SoJ? 4.M1; New York exchange, par UALTIMORE, Nov. 29.-Clenrlns, $1,167, 2Sa. ba'auccs, $oj,i22, money, 44'fl6 per cent, NEW YORK. Nov. 2?.-CIenrlnR9. $286,102, ol2, bnlnnces, $15,024,856. ' DUN SAYS STRIKES, TOO, AFFECT IT Weekly HciliMV l,ns rinre n .Ursnur Ciiiiilltlini of Tlntlillty on Pnrt of LenilliiK Interest flrnlti .llntlstlci. NEW YORK. Nov. 29.-R. O. Dun ft Co.'s WceKly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: When consumntlve demand ciiuals or ex ceeds supply nnd prices are llrmiy held at nn exceptionally high level, it is generally considered that there is llttlo to bu desired In the business situation. Thrse factors are now in evidence to nn unusual extent, yet many Industries are halting. Tho prin cipal disturbing element Is the lack of cars to huddle tho phenomenal shipments that Hre urguntly needed. In tho samo connec tion thcro have appeared numerous labor controversies among switchmen, freight hand ers. river mints, millers nnd other nllled workmen, which combine to make me prooiem oi irunsporuiiinii mosi uiiri ente. Alllioiinli the movement of uraln to Interior cities Is at the rate ot nearly 3,(jo.oi) huMhels dally, tho westwnrd tramc III merchandise is so unprecedented ns io necessltato the return or empty enrs. Any loss of cenernl trade due to the holiday wns more than mndn no bv the nhenomennl preparations of tho preceding days nnd the dealings In special lines. .Meet Mills Clnmnr for SlufT. A general ndvnucn In the nrlcn of pg Iron Indicates that record brenklng activity nt furnnces fulls to produce accumulation of supplies. Steel mills nrn seeking ma terial urgently and Bessemer pig for prompt delivery nt Plttsburc Is not avnll nble below $16.60. Huying of railway sup nlles Is the most urgent feature: mils. cars. engines, structural material for bridges nnd snip equipments nu ueing wnnicd inticn curlier than Ihey enn be delivered. in general lines mo movement, is scnrceiy less nctlvo nnd the prospects for business In 1902 appears limited by fncllltles, but It seems probable that producing capacities will be enlarged greatly. Tho feature among minor metals was tho ndvanco In tin to much the highest point of tho year because of delayed arrivals, In marked contrast to tho rise In tin was a sharp de cline In silver to tno lowest price slnco early In 1898. Shoo shops In the east nre fully employed, while western producers were never before so nctlvely engngid. The only section where factories nre not enjoying entirely satlsfnctory business lsjn this Immedlnto vicinity nun local concerns no not provide a largo proportion or the nRgregato ca pacity. Colder Weather Ileitis. Jobbing trade Is greatly accelerated by the fall In totnpernture nnd manufacturers arc Importuned for early shipments. Leather sells free y nt fu figures and dry hides nre another fraction higher. Recent buying of common goods for China has stimulated tho export movement and for the year thus far tho valuo shows an In creaso over any preceding year. Asln nnd South America nre tho lending customers. Conditions nro even rrfbre favorable nt woolen mills, one concern refusing n large order for delivery In February. Heavy weight goods nre active with rotnllers nnd Jobbers. , Another high record ror tno season wns established bv corn, not nlonn becnuse of speculative operations, although theso were most nggressive nt tno west, riven at tne recent love' of prices, which surpassed nil high points In nbout ten years, It has nroved futile; to undertake committments on the short side of tho markat. Domestic requirements alone, provldo the clement of strength, for outside buying- Is on nbout 15 per cent of tho business In previous years. (rain Hccclrod and Sent. Atlantic exports of corn for the week wero 628.172 bushels, ngnlnst 3,670,69? last yenr. Receipts come forward slowly, de spite tho attractive prices, for tho week nmountliig to only 2.208,279 bushels, ngalust 3,386.370 last year. AVhent nlm held llnnly, closing tho week more thnn 4 cents nbovo the price a year ago, which Is most satis factory. In vlow of the fnst Incroaso In yield. Receipts nt tho Interior nro liberal, 6,148,693 bushels, against 3,198,190 last year, hut tho gain In foreign buying Is still the feature, exports from nil ports ot tho United States In five days aggregating 3,975,819 bushels, compared with 2,839,070 a year ago. Fullurcs for tho week numbered 182 In tho United States, ngaln 178 last year, nnd twenty-live In Canadti, ngnlnst twenty-ono Inst year. NEW YORK STOCKS AND IIOMIS Amalgamated Copper Attain Dlstnrlis tho Street' Equanimity. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. Amalcnmated Copper wns ngaln an unsettling Influence In tho b tonic market today. Its courso was downward, the decline being- punctuated ny oniy a row points or resistance and ny no effective rally. Tho reslstnnco wns not long maintained at nny tlmo and tho price was soon allowed to sag ngnln. Near tho end of tho dny tho price touched 7B, nu oxtreino decllno of BH points, nnd closed only a shade better. Tho demoralization In the rnw copper market In Ixindon wns thn Impelling cause of the decline. The stocks of all cornier securities scored violent nlo- cllnes In foreign markets and tho prices of metals slumped all around In London, In cluding pig Iron, lend and Iron. Annconda leu it points in sympainy wnn vmaign mated. Tho llnnl drop In Copper caused the. loss of tho principal part of tho gains and cnrrieo prices n point or more neiow 1 ., , .,(.,!,, fn- T .... !".,,. I ll A lAhl.Ai, Mir,.. u uiiiuii (, v. 1 1 1 1, , ,in,iunuil, Missouri Pacific. New York Central nnd Haltlmore & Ohio. Sudor w-as at one tlmo morn than 3 points higher, but lost prac tically all of the gain. Other gains of a point or over wore, snown at one time ny the United States Steel stocks, several minor uteol stocks. St. Paul, Wabash pre ferred. Reading. Louisville. Manhattan and several of tho Industrials. The Pacific coast stocks wero all strong at advances of 2 to 4 points. ' The bond market generally was Irregular. Total Hales, nar valuo. $4,130,000. United States bonds were all unchnnged on tho last call. Tho following nre the closing prices on the New i orK biock excuange Atchison WEEKLY CLEAnlNO HOUSE. TABLE, AitRreRnte nf nnalnrs Transacted by the Associated Ilnnks. NEW YORK. Nov. 29.-The following table, compiled by Drndstreet, shows tho bank clearings at tho principal cities for the Wfek ended November 28. with the tier- centugc of Increase and decreuso ns com pared with tho corresponding week last yeur: do pfd lOOU So. Pacific .... Baltimore & O..JIO.1WS0. Railway ... do pfd 96i do pfd Knnsns City drain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. " Nov. 29. WHEAT De cember, 69'4o; May, 72tc; cash, No. 2 hard. tii'fliic, rxo, a, wiiiinc jno. 2 reo, 74hc; No. 3. 72H73C. cuitrn December nrm .May, wijic; casn, No. 2 white, 67fec No. 8. G6c. OATH NO. 2 Wlilto, 4i8f4H4C RYE-No. 2. 63ff63Hc. HAY Choice timothy. $13.60: choice nrnl- rle. SI3.C0. BUTTER Croamery, l(ii22o: dairy, fnncy, 17c. EOOS-Str ellv freBh sod nt 22fi!2l4; In smnll lots In u Jobbing way nnd ' wero scarce. Fren Missouri and Kansas stock was lower, helm; nuoted on 'chance at 21c. loss off, cases returned. Country held .eggs, IDC. RECEIPTS (Two Days)-Wheat. 118,400 bu.: com, 13I.2A0 bu.: onts, 22,000 bu. t SHIPMENTS (Two Days)-Wheat, 21,800 bu,; corn, 69,000 bu.; oats, 21,000 bu. MlnnenpolU "Wheat, Flour and Itran. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 29. WHEAT Cash, 71lic: December, 70i.ic; May, 73jc; on track, No. 1 hard, i3'ie: No. 1 north ern. 7U(ic: No. 2 northern, G9'4c. FLOUR First lintcnts, $3Vff3.75; second patents, $3.WJ3.60; llrst clears, $2.76(32.85; second clears. $2.20. BRAN 111 blllK, I17,UIMIT,7. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov. 29,-CORN-Hlglvr: No. 3. &Kr. ' . .. . . ... . . . n 1 . . 1 - t. , 1 1 . UA I lilgnci , .u. . iviuie, 10c, oiiieii through, WHISKY-On the basis of $1.32 for fin taheil goods Toledo drain anil Seed, TOLEDO, Nov. 29.-WHEAT-8troi)B; casn, iMjc. DocemiH-r. Iic; .May, m'c. CORN-Strong; May. 66c. OATS-December. 43ic; May, 4lc. RYE-591,c; No, 3, 68c. Ilnliitli liraln Market. . DULUTH. Nov. 29.-WHEAT-Cah, No. 1 nani. i&hc; no. 3 northern, wic; no. 1 northern, 7Ujc; December, 70Tc; May, "01o, I ORN GIUc, OATB 12T,C. Cim. Pneino 114 Can. Southern .. MH Ches. & Ohio 4S Chicago .t Alton. 3 do pfd 77V4 Chicago. I, & Ii.. 474 do pfd 74$, Chlcngo & K. I. ..137 Chicago u. .... si! do isi pin en Mn 2d ufd 46 C. & N. W 211 C, R. I. P 1464; Chicago T. & T.. 20 do pfd .- MM C Texas & V T., St. L. & W do tifd Union Paclllc . do nfd Wabash do pfil W. & L. E do 2d pfd Wis, Central do nfd ... Adams Express.. 190 ' .in. express ;iw U. S. Express.... 90 weiiH-iiargo .190 . 60 . 341, . 41V . 19 . 33 j .! 4 . 2it; . 40U 18 30V4 2l4, 42(4 CITIES. Clenrlngs.J Inc. Dec. Now York $1,293,316,929 7.41 Chicago lM.376.8t9 19.91 Boston 103,13,60 12,2 Philadelphia 93,061,007 15.6 St. IMils 41.900,122 40.9 Pittsburg 36.938,527 21.4 ...... Son Francisco 21,355,261 42,7 Cincinnati 16.43S,DO 29.3 Baltimore 16.816,737 ...... 7.7 Kansas- City 15.97S.9r I0.9 Minneapolis 14. 429.393 33.2 New Orlenn 12,693,757 12.6 Detroit 11.851,987 70.6 Cleveland 11.639,871 40.4 Indianapolis 7.686,611 27.2 Iiulnville 6,814,119 2.6 Providence 6.892.100 4.3 Milwaukee 6,636,931 9.7 OMAHA 5,168,512 2.9 Buffalo , 6,130,967 18.0 St. Paul 6.101,640 10.9 St. Joseph 4.218,196 36.7 ...... Savannah 3,822,52.1 31.2 Denver 3.832,719 il 1.3 Richmond 3.771,918 19.41 Memphis 3,972.017 6.3 Seattle 3.693.S20 98.6 Washington 2.674,168 29.4 Hartford 2,149.3ft) 44.2 Los Angeles 3,146,328 44.3 Salt Luke City. 3,650.445 29.1 Toledo 2.016,915 18.4 Portland. Ore 2,173,852 7.6 Rochester 1,(91.633 B.4 Peoria 2,448,271 26.3 Fort Worth 2.530,918 36,9 Atlanta 2.177.517 5.9 Norfolk 1,139.890 Des Moines 1,413,79.1 23,6 New Haven 1,322,24 11.1 Springfield, Mass 1,178,039 6.8 Augusta 1,215.518 18.6 Nnshvllle 1,733,610 Worcester 1.190.O61 2,9 Ornnd Rapid 1,138,166 23.6 Sioux City 1,328,342 9.6 Dayton, 0 1,015,471 1.8 Syracuse 1,001,946 22.6 Scranton 1.263,035 C9.S Portland, Me 1.185.806 25.6 Spokane 1,088,021 19.2 Tacomu 1.366.972 12.6 Evnnsvllle 831,668 4.6 Wilmington, Del S05.274 39.6 Davenport 778,738 46.7 Fall River 70f.,9t9 14.3 Birmingham 1,176,489 35.3 Topeka 1.067,756 , 33.3 Macon 682,000 '12.7 Little Rock 891,896 39.6 Helena 601,079 2.5 Kuoxvlllo 666,167 S1.8 Iiwell 432,264 4.6 Wichita 663,559 9.9 Akron 468,000 10.9 New Bedford 426.698 10.3 Iixlngton 397,068 12.4 Springfield, III 431.4C5 19.3 fllnghamton 276,000 26.3 Chattnnooga ..1 381,223 20.1 Kalamazoo 405.73O 19.1 Vnrgo 400.257 18.0 YoungAtown 662,156 Sprlngtleld, 0 242.822 7.0 Rockford 455,891 45.8 Canton 29.80O 35.4 Jucksonvlllo 313.624 24.7 Sioux Falls 232.592 48.7 Fremont 161,710 23.3 Hloomlngton, III 199,938 44.2 Jacksonville, III 147.878 65.3 Columbus, 0 7,108,600 74.6 Clnlvoston 7,38800 2.0 Houston 8.638,731 13.6 Colorado Springs,.. 7C0.432 3,9 Wheeling, W. Va... 632,35 Wllkesbarro' ,.. 706,621 Albany 4,670,938 Totals, U. S $1,962.'826.S13 9l ! Ooutslde New York.. 659.478,884 13.0 CANADA. CITIES. Clearings.': Inc. Dec. f cent, ruling rate, 4 per rent, prime mer cantile paper, 4'j95 J'er l,"'.'-, STERLING EXCHANOE-FIrm, wllh nc tunl business In bnnkcrs- bills nt $I.S1HV .81K for demand and at i.84'iw-.ai tor llv ilnvs: nosted rates. Jl.8.1 nnd Jl.SS'i; commercial bills. JtNVuM.Mk. SILVER Hnr, 60H1; .Mexican nonars, c. 110NDS Government, steady, stnte, In- artlve; railroad, Irregulnr. Tho closing quotations on bonds nre as follows: V. 8. ref. 2s, reg..l0SJilL. & N. . 4s....io2i do coupon 1USJ ,.MCx. yvmrai is.. w; do 3s, reg 108V do 1st Inc....... 3U do coupon iiw-,,-.inii. m. n. ".hm do new 4s, rcg.-ia-JiM., Is. & T. 4s. ..100 4 do coupon 139UI Mo 2s .. . 81S do old 4h. reg...1l2 ii'N-. V. C. Is ur, do coution 107Mi No. I'acllU' 4s. Atcll. gen. 4s 103 do adj. 4s 93? Bnl. & Ohio 4s. ..KM "do 3;4s sVr 110 conv. 4s ius'4 Cnn. So. 2s 109 C. of O, Rs 107 do 1st lnc 76t ..1074 86 j C. O. 4J4 C. & A, 3Hs... C. B & Q. II. 4s.. !'8U U .MAcM I B 4S..11S Jfc NT. W. n. T .11111 C. R. 1. & P. 4s..l06ti' CCC & S. L. g ts.lOl'i Chicugo Ter. 1s.. 9l!n Colo. 80. 4 S94 D. ,v R. O. 4S...103 Ero prior 1. 4s....l00U do gen. 4s 9cri F. W. & D. C. Is.lOSH 110CK. VIII. 414s, .1U.1 noatun Stock Uuotatlons, BOSTON. Nov. 29,-CalI loans. 3V4fi-m per cent: tlmo loans, 4h3i per cent. Ofllclnl closing: n. e. a. & c. Atchison do tifd Boston & A... Boston A- Me. Boston Elev. Atchison 4s 102 lAIInUez 44 Mex, Central 4s., 81 (Amalgamated .... 75 . kj name 46' . 794 Blncham 28 .100H"Cnl. & Hecla...625 .2o9 .Centennlnl .... .1RSU Copper Rungn .lCi Dominion Coal Y. N H & H..213U Franklin Fltohbnrir nfd ...142; Islo Rovate ... Union Pacific ....103W Mohawk Mex. central .... 24 V4 um dominion . Amer. Sugnr 125 lOsceola Am. T. & 1 160 I'nrrot Dom. Iron & a. atn. Electric. ., Mass. Electric do nfd N. E. O. C, United Fruit .., U. 3. Steel do DM West. Common Adventure , New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. The following are tho closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 18 Altco 42 Broecs 7S Brunswick Con... 13 Comstock Tun.... 6 Con. cal. k va.,160 Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 180 Iron Silver GO eadville Con ... 6 a.t. .it. Montreal .. Toronto ... Winnipeg .. iiiiuinx Vnnrouver, B. C... Hamilton St. John, N. B Victoria. B. C Quobco Totnls, Canada.. 15.169,8741 10.361.408! 4.B22.617 1.436,313 752,690; 721,761 671.454 565.495; 1,073,916 $ 34,09I;E02 9.2 , 4.ll, 61.31, .. 1 11.4 10.1 6.1 17.0 10.01. N'ot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not included in toiaia Decause or no comparison for last year. nilAnSTHEBT'S StRVIBW qF THADB, Inorcnaed Snpply Flnda Increased Demand Avraltlnn It. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Bradstreefa to morrow will say: Tho advent of more seasonable weather linn h ven tho nuDarently only needed stimulus to retail nnd hqlldny demand In tho north, east and portions or tne soutn From now on demand will attract much at. teiitlon. Colder weather and snow would. however, benefit northwestern trade In dustry, though the open weather prevail I11K has enabled more than ordinarily com plete farming preparations nnd extended activity. Accompanying the Improvement in the tone of trade there has been a broadening and deepening In speculation In lending food stnples nnd nil .In all there Is n. rather morn cheerful feeling nrevnlllllK. No sign of thn usuaMscasonable quieting down In tho demand for iron nnd steel Is appnrent. nnd buyers are as eager as ever to obtain supplies. Tho enr shortage and the congestion of freight In the Pittsburg dbitrlct has been accentuated by the switchmen's strike, and the troublo there, If anything, Is aggravated. A number of furnaces aro banked and several mills are Idle for lack of supplies, in flnlsneu prod ucts, bars, sheets mid structural matorlal nro all active and thcro has even been an Improvement In plates. Less Is naturally doing- In the wholesale distribution of dry goods, but tho reassert ing demand Is reported of good volume. Sales for next spring are not as heavy as expected. At tho east business In print cloths Is slow and there Is less doing In brown cottons for export, but theso goods nrn renortcd largely sold ahead to March. Tho flurry In prints Is over and no business In printed goods for future delivery can bo placed at the. recent cut rates. In woolen goods the situation Is one of tho best for yours. Dress nvoolens are steady, flannels aro active and heavy overcoming are In aYPentlnnnl demand. ' Thn 1901 wool clip promises to be S per cent Inrgei- thnn last year nnn supplies aro imuvler thnn a vear ngo. but demand on tho other hand Is nlso better. A resume of C. C. & St. L.. 9sWAmal. Conner Colo. Southern .. 14Amer. C. F.. do 1st prd ny- no pru do 2d nfd 27 Amer. Lin. Oil. . Dei. & iiuuson. ..iinyt. "o prd ISO 75V4 2U 85 18 49 45 7; :io; 11 "i '!4 219 27.1 . lilViQIlieoso Sugar ... 394 Amer. S. AV R..., do pfd Ana, Mln. Co Del.. L. & W 242 Denver & R. O.. 45 do nrd !I4 Erie 42V nrk. Rap. Tr... do 1st pfd 73 o:o. F. & 1.... do id nfd 69 Con. Oas Gt. Nor. pf'l 192 Hen. Electric Hock, valley do pfd 81 b Hocking Coal .... 19U lllnols Central.. ,140 Int'n'l Paper 21 owa Central .... CJVa . (1? , iW 777i do nfd N, J. Central.. N. Y. Central. Nor. & West., iln nfd No, Pacific nfd..,100Vi Onturlo & W .35?,' Pennsylvania ....imi Rending do 1st pfd,. do 2d Pfd.. St. L. & S. F. do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. St. L. S. W.. do pfd St. Paul 91 9.H4 Jig 8 93 75 46?; 99 4.1 1 Tnurn do nfd Yiita ini n i rower L. E. (V- W 73U Lacledo Gas . do nfd 1..130 iNOt. Hiscult . Louis. & Nash... 109 National Lead Manhattan L ....138 National Salt Met., St. Ky 174' ,uo pru Mex. Central .... 24H No. American Mex. Nntlonal ... 144 Pacific Coast .Minn. v m. ij,,..iui j .iwuit- kiiiii Mo. Paclllo 101H Peoplo's Gas M.. K, 7 & T -"seii o. y... 180 Pullman P. C....216 171 Republic Steel ... ifi 69J4 do pfd cou OlU, Sugur iif 1 enn, L'. te I...... 4i u b. & p. 6y: s do pfd 74 U. S. Leather.... 124 ul s. fibber::::: SSj 72 do pfd mi 27!ilWestern Union .. HK l'i Am. Locomotive. 31' 163'i! do pfd ss-v G0i, 62U WW. Ilnnk ('lenrliiKS, OMAHA. Nov, 29. Bank clearings today, Sl,48i6,rf.l&; corresponding day nt yeur, VI. 190,628.28: (licreuse. 2 .OtS.87. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 29,-CIearltigs. S9.1SI.1T9: bnlancos. $1. 609.689; money, 4fjii,4 per cent; New York exchange, 30c premium. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 29.-Clearlngs, $21,3ii6,l74. balances. $2,671,400; money, I per cent, BOSTON. Nov. 23.-Clcarlngi, $:3,176,612; balances, $1,314,343, CHICAGO, N-v. .-Clerlnga, $X,3H,60Sj tho world's cereal food supply shows ulirlnknirn this vear of 1. 506.000.000 blisht as comnared with last year. Provisions are showing exceptional strength, duo to shorts pnvurinr; nnrl reDorted heavy buying by packers. Hog receipts are large, but their weights are llgtll, anil mis nccunnis mr ine relatively greater advance in inru. Wheat, including flour, export:! for the n'uii iiirirrpiintn 5.117.478 bushels, naoinst 6.158,930 bushels last week and 2,477,880 In this week last year. Wheat exports, July 1 to date, (twenty-two weeks), nggregato ..tMn.nO I 1 . .. 1 .. ..n.iln.l TK Vl'l till , Inc. Bun ll,ol3,CH" ullBllt:ia, Itftfttiinv iiuii unit. I'nrn exnorts aggregate 630.968 bushels against 445,361 last wceK ana i,uui,w iasi vear. July 1 to date corn exports nro 19, 154,087 bushels, ngnlnst 73,376.826 last season. Business raiiures ill mc uiuieu oiuien inr ilm week number 196. against 223 last week. 184 In the same, week last year, 177 in iki9. 173 In 1898 nnd 209 In 1897. Vfillliren In Cnnnda for tho week number 26, ngalust 22 last week. 28 In tho same week a year ago and s in iwj nnn iiws. London Stock Quotations. LONDON, Nov. 29.-4 p. m.-Closlngr: Cons, money do account Anaconda ...... Atchison do pfd i Bnltlmoro & O, Can. Pacific .... Ches. & Ohio,., Chicago O W... C M. & St. P., D, & R. G do prd Erie, , do 1st pfd,.., do 2d pfd.,.. Illinois Central Louis. Sr Nash. M.. K. T. 91 11-16 91 11-16 ... 6H .... 82H ...103 ..109 ..lltVi .. 60 .. 3.W ..173' 4li i 1. 96; mi! :: 74 ,.144 11 do pfd 65H N. Y. Central.... 176 Nor. & West Ifirt 1 do pfd 97Vi No. Pacific 103U Ontario & W .w; t-ennsyivania .... ,(i Reading 2b till 1HI pill 41L do 2d pfd SOI 00. jtnuway 3,1 do nfd or, So, Pacific 61 union racino ....w uo pru 9.1 U. S. Steel 44U .in .f,l nniT Wabash ...!!!!!!!! 22' do pfd 40; npanisn s i iianu mines ..... iu DeBeers 39 BAR SILVER-Steady. 25 7-16d per ounce, MONEY 3W4 per cent; tne rate or dis rnimt In thn nnen market far short bills l! S'iliSj per cent: for three months' bills S'ifii per cent. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 2(. MONEY On CS firm at 3V41J& per cent; laat loan at 6 per do coupon 112(4' -V'0. Bell. 34s....l09l4 .In f.. reo- 10714 N. J. C. B. tS....131L o. j-nciiH" is. .. . ,jut4 do 3m ?'i N. W 4s ... 102 Rending gen. 4s., !JH St L & r M c. 6s. .1164 St. L. S. F. 4s. 9i4 St. L. S. W. Is... 97 do 2s 7914 8. A. A. P. 4l.. 89i4 So. Puclllc 4s P54 So. Rnllwiiy 6s,...12il' T. At P. Is 120 T St L W 4s., . 8.H4 Union Pacific 4s..l0i;j4 do conv. 4s..... ,101s Wabash la 119 lo 2s , Ill do deb. B i!2'4 West Shore 4...1I2'4 W. & L. E. 4s.... 92 Wis. Central 4s... K9H Con Tob. 4s 6li Bid. Offered. 12'f 67 47H m Si. 92 36 162 .. 27'iiQulncv ..273 Munta Fe Copper. 4 34H'Tnmarack 94 6H 88 .1 434 Trimountaln . Trinity ........ United State Utah . KUk Victoria . 7H Winona ... . 21 IWolverlnn 270 41 22 6714 Bx-dlrldend. Bld. Llttlo Chief ... Ontario Onhlr rnocnlx ........ Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hones . Standard . 12 .900 . 70 . 7 n '. 3 . 8 . 40 .380 Coffee. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. COFFEE Rnnt. Rio. steady: No. 7 Invoice. 7ic. xflld. steady; Cordova, 7VSc. I'utures were nar row and featureless, with salon limited to JB.250 bngs. Tho market opened steady and MnO points higher on bullish cables nnd ligiit uraziunn port and interior receipts, which stimulated early buying for spot house and room account. Lnter lu thn dnv prices became easier under sheer absence of new iiusiness nno din not rally during- the remainder of the session. Final figures were net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales Included: December. 6.56c: Mnrch. 6.85fl.90c; May. 7.03c: July, 7.20f7.25c; Sou- iciltuci. l.oM'l.vu, unuui , ,.wif i.ut;. Drr dooda Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29.-DnT GOOD8- Thers have been few buyers In tho market today nnn a snowstorm has rurther cur tailed snot business. There has been no change. In the cotlon goods division hero. rrmt cloths nro firm nt ;ic. ror regulars, wun a limited nusmess tnereat. orders in print cloths are rather In favor of buyers. ,lnens very firm, with quiet demand. Bur laps Inactive and easy. Snjrnr Market. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 29. SUGAR Firm: onen kettle. 2fic: open kettln cen trifugal, 3ViW,4:: centrifugal granulated. 4U5 l-16n: whites. 3ii?i4c: yellows. 3H4f 3;c; seconds, 2',fc'73!4c. Molasses, quiet; open kettle, 25if34c: centrifugal, 96 test, 9 13c. Syrup, quiet, 27Hr2Sc. N1IW YORK. NOV. 29. SUGAR Raw, prm; fair refining, 3Vic; centrifugal, 96 test, Mllwankee drain. Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 29. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northcrni72Hl9'721Jic.; No. 2 nonnern, uwi'ii may. 11110. RYE Steady ; No. 1, 4&ir((wc. BARLEY Firmer; No. 2, 62c; sample, 66 eeijic. tuiiN .nay, ooa. CHICAGO LI V 10 STOCK MAHKET Cattle Firm to Dall-lIoRa lllicher Sheep Actlre and IHBjher. CHICAGO. Nov. 19. CATTLE Receipts. 6.600 head. Including 100 Texans; choice neoves nrm. otners nun; goon to prime steers, S6.40f7.25: poor to medium. $3,601? 6.0O; stockers and feeders, S2.0OQ4.35; cows, Sl.25fm.7B; heifers.' Sl.6O136.6O: canners, $1.23 (2.30: nuns, $3.ooin.i&; caives, ,j.D0jjti.w; Texns fed steers, S.7B. jluiiB iicceipts, ii.ow nean; esnmaien tomorrow. 30.000: left over. 7.000: market 61f lOo higher; mixed and butchers, $5.60g6.00; ood to choice neavy, rH.iWQ.ii; rougn eavv. S5.456.65: light. $5.00fi6.GO: bulk of sales. $6.6536.96. SHEEP AND IiAiMBH- Receipts, 1&.WW head: sheen active and higher. Iambs 10(3) 16c higher ror good; good to cholco wethers, V.wha:3 inir to cnoico mixed, 12.70jja.Du; native lambs, S2.6O04.9O; western lambs, feeders, r3.wrrti4.lo. Official Wednesday: Heoeipts Cattle, 18,064 head: hogs, 51,276 head; sheep, 12,333 head. Shipments Cattle, 6,663 head; hogs, 6,712 head; sheep, 4,501 head. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 29.-CATTLB-Re-celpts, 6,000 natives, BOO Texans and 800 calves; market generally steady to 10a higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, J5.95ff6.45: fair to good. $4.7506.85: stockers and feeders, S2.9CK34.50; western fed steers, S4.90ff6.05; western range steers. $3.50 iff-4.80; Texas and Indian steers, S3.00!34.SO: Texas cows, $1.40fR40; native cows, S2.60fj) 4.26; heifers. S3.0Ofj6.2O; canners. Jl.t5Ojy2.40; bulls, $1.86(83.00; calves, J3.00fi5.75. HOGS Receipts, 22.000 head; market 10 16c higher: top. $6.15; bulk of sales, $5 60fi 6.05: heavy, J6.05ff6.16; mixed packers, $5.80 fi6.65: light, S5.25ff6.95; pigs, $4.35(35.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady; native lambs, $1.25 4.60: western lamos, $3.764.35; native wethers, $3.25(83.50: western wethers, $2.85-5 3.35; ewes, S2.75fT3.S5; culls and feeders, $1.60 fj3.25. St. I,o n Is Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 29.-CATTLE-Recelpts, !.ono head, including 1,8(0 head Texans: market steady for natives to strong- for Texans: native snipping nnn export sters, 45,00(56.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, J4.2Sfffi.16; steers under 1,000 lbs., J3.60fJ6.25; stockers and feeders, J2.45fj3.60; cows and heifers. $2.0Of?4.90; canners. $l,50f2.B0; hulls. $2.26fiM.OO; TcxaB and Indian steers, $3.10 4.Z0. 3.25. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Dtiirabls Oradn cf Oattla Sold Steady t Strain aid Othart Abant liaadj. HOGS SOLD AS HIGH AS SIX CENTS Only Two Cars of Sheep and I.amha on Snlr. Today, Which Readily llriiiiKht Steady Prlcra aa Com pared with AVednrndny. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 29. Cattle, 4,206 3, llS Hogs. Sheep. 9.172 U',847 10,101 4.9o9 2,3 o l,4o3 14,13o l.ltW Recelnts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Olllclal Wednesday Othaal Thursday Olllclal Friday Five days this week. .16,371 Same days last week 23,22 Same week Before .25,186 Samo three weeks ago... 20,224 buttio four we;ks uko. .-'.'.a Sumo days last year..., 9,bil -iniiH-iues nounuy. Averami price paid for hogs at South Omaha the 'lust several days, with comparisons: 62,255 61,8(0 44,7b6 2J,7ol 3,231 bl,298 11,851 4i,2&0 65,294 IHI.Mf 49,612 Data, I 1901. 19O0.U9.lS9S,1897.l8IM.1S9o. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought in I. ... 6 7354 4 61 4 CI 3 S3 3 29 2 42 2.... 6 72 4 60 4 04 3 16 3 4l 3 27 3 44 3,... 4 66 4 04 3 46 3 43i S 30 4.... 6 82ft 4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 3i 6.... S illi 4 66 3 62 3 441 3 21 3 35 6.... A 71ft 4 64 4 01 3 46 IS 17 3 36 7.... 6 68 4 67 4 02 3 65 , 3 23 3 45 8.... 6 67 4 4 71 4 03 3 62 3 61 3 46 9.... 6 74V 4 t 4 Oi, 3 4; S 41 3 28 3 It 10... 4 74 4 03 J 47 3 31 3 II. .. 6 7214 4 02 3 43 3 32 3 17 3 Si 12... 6 63 4 84 44 3 38 3 2i 3 4( 13... 6 59 4 74 3 94 3 34 3 23 3 44 14... 6 3!4 4 67 3 92 3 41 3 25 3 45 15... 6 67, 4 62 3 90 3 96 S 271 3 4 1H... 6 C3ti 4 90 3 84 3 36 3 31, 3 IS 3 46 17... 4 82 3 87 3 36 3 32 3 11 18... 6 63V4 3 8 3 36 3 32 3 14 3 41 19... 5 raw 4 T8 ! 329 334 3 16 339 20... 6 73 4 75 3 88 3 34 8 13 3 U 21... 6 81 4 78 3 89 3 31 3 15 3 41 22... 6 75Vi I 76 3 86 3 37 3 39 3 U 23... 6 6l 4 78 8 85 3 44 2 27 3 24 3 41 24,.. 6 86 3 82 3 46 3 27 3 21 25... 6 T6Vi 8 77 8 38 3 30 3 16 3 46 26. ..i 6 78 4 87 3 28 3 24 3 24 3 60 27... I 6 73 4 76 3 76 328335343 28... 4 71 3 73 8 20 3 32 3 f 29. .! 6 SSH 74 3 64 3 19 3 30 today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'rt . P. Ry.... 1 23 4 4 ! C. M. Al St. U'ahn.h tlv . .... 11 Missouri Pacific Ryil. 7 Union Pacific system. 30 C. AV N. W. ny 6 V., E. & M. V. Ry.... 3 C., St. P.. M. & O. Ry 9 B. & M. R. R. R 41 C, H. (fe Q. Ry 5 K. U. (fe St. J. Hy.... 11 C. R. I. & P.. cast... 6 Illinois Central 2 184 Hogs. Sheep. 1.7W 760 3.328 3.195 6,723 167 325 Tntnl recelnts 132 Tho disposition nf tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcliaoltiR the num her nf head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 70 G. H. Hammond Co 1,028 Swift and Company 412 Cudahy Packing Co 635 Armour & Co 183 R. Becker & Decnn 70 Iobmnn & Co 'N W. I. Stephen 76 Benton it Underwood.... 30 Livingstone A Schaller.. 107 B. F. llobblck 51 Hamilton & R 44 L. F. Husz 7 Wolf & M 43 Other buyers ; 103 .... .... Total 2.937 14.006 492 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today wero fairly liberal, but the demand wai fully equal to tho occasion, so thero was but llttlo change lu the prices paid from thoso In forco ot. Wednesday, and the market was active. Everything at all good was dis posed of at a reasonably early hour. Corn-fed steers of good quality wens In actlvo demand this morning and steady prices were paid. Packers all seemed to liavo liberal orders and as a result tho better grades were soon out of first hnnds. Tho common and half-fat stuff, of course, did 'not movo as' freely, but still fully as good prices were paid as on Wednesday. Tho cow market was quite actlvo this morning nnd could be quoted steady to strong. Tho better grades In particular sold at good .itroug prices and so also did canners. Huyrs evidently think that the big run of canners Is about over with and as a result they aro buying nil they can get. The medium grades of cows were not as ready sellers today, but they brought steady prices. .... There was not enough change in the prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags to bo worthy of mention, There wero not very many stockers and feeders In tho yards this morning nnd buy ers took hold In better shape than they usually do on u Friday. Tho heavyweights showing quality sold at fully steady prices and so nlso did choice stockers. The com mon grades, however, wore neglected and It was difficult In a good many cases to gel steady prices for that class of cattle. A few western range steers were offered today and they sold freely at fully steady prices. Range cows of good quality wero sttong and the same was"true of canners, but medium grades wero only steady. De sirable BTades of stockers and feeders could be quoted fully steady, with com mon kinds neglected. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS, with fed $5.35; cows nnd heifers, $2.2of noon-Recelnts. 12.600 head: market ac tive, higher: pigs and lights, $5.50fjG.70; packers. $5.6056.80: butchers, $5.850U2H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00f3.60; lambs, J3.9O04.2O; culls nnd bucks, J2.00fg3.26; stockers, $1.60SC.25, Saw York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29,-BKEVES-Re-celpts, 4.125 head; steers slow, 10c lower: bulls and thin cows, steady; medium and good cows, 10c lower; steers, J4.(XVB6,66j vn nnd stags. J3.0OfM.80: bulls. J2.4033.65: exports tomorrow, 060 head cattle nnd 6,221 auarters of beef, CALVES Receipts, 184 head; steady; grnssers. nteady; veals, J4.OO0i7.GO; grassers, J2.60ff2.76; fed calves, J3.(KVf3.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,215 1, sheen, slow: lambx. lOfflBc hlcher: sheep. J2.00ff2.25: culls, J1.76: lambs. $4.10 1. mi. rlinlee. $5.10: Canadian lambs. $4.75. 'HOGS Receipts, 6.920 head; firmer nt $5.60 fjC.OO. St, Joaeph Live ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 29, CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head: natives. $3.256.!0: rows nnd heifers. $l.35ff-5.35; veals, $2.6(if6.25; bulls nnd stags, J2.zviii.uo; siocners and leeners, tl TSffl 3(1. IIOOS nncelpls. 14,000 head; mostly 10o hlghcp; light nnd light mixed. $.V40fi5.90; medium and heavy, S5.70fj6.15; pigs, $3.(5fji 'SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt!, 115 head; i"l Stock Market.' No. 2... 4... 8... 7... if:: 34... 4... 3... 27... 1... 41... Av. ....1006 .... 655 .... 800 .... 905 .... 007 ....1030 .... 852 ...(1097 ....100O ....1080 ....1160 Pr. 2 60 2 80 2 90 3 00 3 25 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 75 3 75 4 00 No. 1 72'.'.'.'.'. 16 1 14 40 4 17 5.. Av. ..1290 .. 980 .. 607 ..1173 .. 970 ..1087 ..1245 ..1165 ..1341 ...1182 38 1269 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1046 .1 85. UUWH. 8.... 1.... 2.... 3.... 28.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 8.... 3.... 2.... 3.... 1.... 3.... 2.... 13.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 16.... 6.... 6,... 3,... ,4.... 1.... 3.... 6.... 6..,. 2.... 16.... 8.... 1.... 1... 4.... 840 640 840 876 735 886 780 1020 1035 1036 1030 955 993 980 963 940 986 1022 930 1300 10O0 963 1008 1018 976 1032 1210 1063 960 905 880 1040 1140 1150 116) F92 1 60 1 75 1 90 2 ftj 2 00 2 06 3 10 2 16 2 15 2 20 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 45 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 65 2 hi) 2 6-) 2 6.1 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 75 2 76 2 75 2 75 2 83 2 S5 1090 1123 1060 1060 1190 1080 1000 746 1200 901 918 .....1126 1040 1196 1020 940 1000 1 1170 19 1009 3 89G 17 922 10 13... 3... 6::: 44... 45... 3.. 8... 3... 1... 3... 4 1 L. 3.. L. 'A: - 19.. 1.. I.. 4 1. 17. 12. 1. 6. ...1360 ...1120 ...1170 ...1260 ...1340 ... 978 ... 979 ...1190 ... 840 960 1220 . . .1082 ...1171 ...1360 1176 2 1003 COWS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 25 4 60 4 75 4 80 6 10 5 25 6 3.1 600 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 On 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 0) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 4i 3 40 3 43 3 45 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 75 4 00 1.... 6.... 1.... 4.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 11.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 460 620 620 652 775 2 90 19... HEIFERS, 2 25 16 2 60 8 2 60 19 2 65 3 2 86 BULIJ4. 837 3 15 859 826 9i5 960 2 90 3 06 3 25 3 75 .1610 2 00 ,..1410 2 00 Ill" 1116 1450 1390 1185 1660 950 1080 1640 111 2 15 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 65 2 60 1.. 2.. 3 20,... 3 1 4 1 10 3..::: 1 106.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CALVES, 5 00 1 j. 6 no 6 K rm 1 STOCK CALVES 170 2 60 1 210 3 00 1.. , ST A OB ni (i ri 2.. BTnrtK- COWS AND HEIFERS. .7. 695 1 75 1 630 3 60 1076 2 85 1 630 3 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 156 SO 140 ...1600 ...1400 ...1360 ...1260 ...1480 14(0 1490 1690 1770 810 1230 1720 ..... 110 124 170 3 75 2 76 2 75 2 76 3 00 3 06 .1 25 3 25 3 25 3 60 3 00 3 60 410 250 6 25 6 25 6 60 3 00 3 25 .163(1 4 60 28 steers. 6 cowa 926 811 2 25 7 681 3 25 7I6 2 40 20 783 3 26 890 2 f-d , 3 873 3 60 80) 2 76 1 664 3 60 830 2 75 2 1040 3 60 917 3 00 1 ,....1080 3 65 985 3 00 2 ,1060 3 80 853 3 10 20 10OI 4 00 740 3 20 15 1165 4 00 STEERS TEXAS. 977 3 65 19 1058 4 60 COIORADO. . m 2 9B 1 steer 950 1 row . 56 cows. 1 cow.. lmo . 973 2 bulls. ....1S05 3 15 , s;o 68 rows 58t 1 cow 1070 32 steers.... 783 17 cows... 1 cow,... 7 cow... 42 cows... 690 795 9X1 .1. 4 steers.... 867 21 feeders.. 950 1 stag..., Si steers., 29 cows.., 1 steer 1 ateer 4 steers.. ,.1010 1 steer 1040 1 enlf 460 1 bull..... .1220 1 bull 1110 60 cows... . 884 a :s 3 ai NEBRASKA. 1 90 6 COW. 1. WYOMING. 2 35 1 cow...... f?0 3 50 1 cow 1070 1 :i l .l..r 1911 Chris Pfelfer-Neb. 977 3 V, 1 cow 940 1 W S2 cowa 833 2 06 1 bull 1240 2 86 O. Kenth-Colo. 3 0) 23 eos 10)1 .1 81) 9 run 1iU7 .. Wl . "l G. Hnrrls-Colo. ..1135 loo Oeorgo F. Hodge-Colo, E. C. Wethrow-Colo. 843 : 85 3 sr. 3 (O 4 2a 2 75 2 05 2 U ... 800 ...1100 3 IV) 3 60 3 60 4 25 2 60 2 20 2 20 2 90 1 cow. 17 cows. 1 cow . 7 cows 1 cow. 1 cow. . . 14 cows.. 95? 850 878 liV 970 907 3 60 2 60 1 2$ 3 20 2 20 2 r) 2 90 2 90 2 90 Allen Elllnh Motif. 13 cows 992 3 30 6 steers... lito 4 40 1 cow 1140 2 25 HOGS Receipts of hogs todny were vetv liberal, considering the time of the eek nnd nlso thn fact that yesterday was n holiday. Although thero were close, to 2) gads on snlo the market opened active and ujflOo higher. Tho bulk of the sales went from $5.85 to $5.90. nnd ns high as $6 wns pnld for cholco heavyweights. Even tho light hogs sold better this morning thnn they have for some time past, and thev ad vanced fully as much as thn heavy hogs. As packers were nil liberal buyers U wns not long bofo.o the bulk of the offerings was out of first h.tnils. The last end of the market was nctlvo and even stronger on heavyweights than the first half, good hogs on the cloe felling 16o higher thnn Wednesday. Light hogs, though, movt'd slowly. Late sales nf heavyweights went mostly from J.1.90 to $5.36. As the hoga Hold rapidly at those prices the pons wero at nn eariy nour. Representative cleared sales No. 39. 63... 48... 118.. 101. 21... 92... 84. 105.. 79,.. Av 11 '"l00 ... 70 ...14S ...147 ...145 ...163 .. 182 ...168 ...172 91 178 78 166 64 164 92 177 100 IK! 60 192 38 178 90 189 .111 .182 .211 -187 71 163 46 19.1 a 231 68 234 73 20) 84 199 69 214 96 174 1(1.. 16... M... 89, 67 93 79 66 76 102.... 74 72 81 82.', 88.. 79.... 68.... 76.... 76.... 86.... 39.... 79.... 99.... 63.... .166 .199 .197 .243 .169 .197 .240 ...221 ...197 ...216 . . .215 213 :.i239 .216 .203 .190 .279 .223 .167 ,259 .216 .222 :233 .274 223 ....247 . . . .233 . . . .204 ....232 ....237 72 ;tr 82 211 69... 82... 71... 81... G7. 81. 66. 73.. 'h. . 79,. 88.. 78.. It ..221 ...225 ...220 ...221 ...202 ...201 ...242 79.. 88 73 ro 86 207 86 2O0 87 208 1 211 80 268 Sh, 'i) '40 SO too 80 160 '40 JO 'so 240 '40 320 40 80 80 300 40 200 120 160 40 120 'so 160 40 120 200 240 SO) 40 160 20) 200 40 40 160 40 120 320 80 200 160 160 40 80 Pr. 4 60 4 60 4 76 6 40 5 40 5 60 6 60 6 GO 6 65 6 70 5 70 6 70 6 70 fi 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 76 6 75 6 75 6 76 6 SO 6 80 6 80 5 80 6 80 6 SO 5 80 6 80 5 80 6 SO 6 80 6 SO 5 80 6 SO 6 80 5 KM 6 S24 B S2(, 0 821, B S2U, B 82, 5 82J4 6 S2 5 824 6 82U B 85 6 85 6 .86 6 85 6 S3 5 8.1 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 5 Si 6 8.1 5 Sr. B 85 5 81 6 85 5 8.5 5 85 6 85 6 S3 6 85 5 S3 5 85 6 S5 5 83 b rs 6 85 B S5 B ST. B 85 No. '.. . 55... AV 191 .150 72 217 72 218 65 234 6 'J68 69 259 70 204 87 212 6.-S 236 ,196 , Sh. Tr. 120 6 85 94 82... 82... 66. . 74... . .168 . .163 ..217 ..266 ..226 84 209 K3 229 81 206 72 259 64 282 CO.. ..,.256 sn 23, 6. 68, 64. 70. 84. 82. 81. 260 ,.. .260 263 203 . ..,227 221 316 . . ..180 1S7 4 248 70. 62... 66... 45... R9. .. 69. ...210 ...191 ...232 ...270 ...268 ...283 ..261 61 285 71. ...,248 126 218 fit. 73... 61... H... fn... 19... 61... 64... 68... 6S... 68... 63... 64... 60... 60. . . 68... 69... 68... 61... 71... 78... 66,.. 47... 76... 61... 61... 64... 67... 18... 68... 63... 65. . . 48... ..310 ...237 . .275 ...192 ...213 ...283 ...307 ...215 . . .237 . . .229 . . ,329 ...238 ...341 ...282 ...247 ...292 ...265 ...343 ...257 ...243 ...231 ...319 ...3.89 '.'.'.ih . . .221 :::29.'. ...aw ...395 .. .230 ...261 ...317 ...391 200 190 40 240 17M 40 im so 40 160 'so SO so 120 240 40 SO 80 isi 120 so 40 so 40 120 120 80 160 201 201 .160 240 120 120 40 120 120 280 SO 40 40 Sort 80 80 120 80 160 120 280 so 101 120 so so f0 B Sn f. 85 6 85 6 85 6 86 6 85 6 S5 5 85 5 85 6 85 5 85 6 86 5 85 6 85 6 88 6 85 6 S.S 6SM 6 S714 67'i B 8 5 87is 6 S 87 87!, K s:ii 6 87ti n 87 6 87U 5 S7W B S7IJ 5 87U 6 874 6 872 B S74 B S7lJ 6 01 6 90 S 90 5 90 6 90 6 90 R 91 6 90 6 90 6 90 B 9n fi 90 B 90 B 90 6 90 ii 90 B 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 B 90 5 9i) 6 91 r. 90 5 90 5 90 6 92'4 6 : 6 : B 95' 6 9, 6 95 6 93 B 95 B 93 6 95 6 95 5 93 5 95 6 no R nn 1 ;n i 92'4 92'4 sM L",r,lw," Io"'.,s h"t did arrive 1 win 1 nn way nuyers noted thnt thev were wo5,,.0, ndKhre L2,pp"J".r. ".ere sellers steadj- prices. ,mnc,m-v ' ke . "p. fders offered on the mnr- empty. nirrp pens aro ,".,Uon":. rhol,9n yearlings. $3.60(33.76; h.V0 UarrjTC' 3-3: oic,; hwf "' 2-0tfT2.Tft: common' ewes. Sl.oora ;i"''U ""'". i.atm.ou; feeder wnth. ers, 3.X(a'3.Z&: feeder tamha tn zr.-t a. n....-..,i -,1 ' .' i.w. .iDirnriuaiiic ntlirp; No. 107 fed ewes 113 fed ewes 60 feit tflmlia 212 fed Iambs .I""!;! Av. , 109 , 107 , 73 , 71 Pr. 3 25 3 25 4 60 4 60 -Stoek In KIBht. The following table shows the receipts of rsltle. hnau nnH .(.nan - , t. n n . , , ,.w.. .... ,,tn l IIILlllllI markets for November 29: ,. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HOIIth OmnhB 1 u 141 , ns Chicago 18,064 61,275 12,393 rvunniui tuj- , o,wl .'2, 000 2,600 St. Tiula A ?nn nun -aa St. Joseph 1,'ono MOO ' lis Totals ..32,717 101,310 16,971 2 SO 2 96 1 bull 1630 2 Omaha Texaa till Co. Bapp block. Council niuffs. la. Shares, 25c, (par $1) Full paid and non-assen-able. Advantages of Fuel Oil. The firm of Charles Clarke & Co., who operate several dredge boats In tho vicinity of Beaumont, are among tho largest fuel users of thn state of Texas, consequently tho following figures, Just given out by tho firm regarding the cost of oil In comparison with coal, aro of particular Interest, The company's boilers furnish a total ef 3,050-horso power and actual experience gives the following results: ' I Coal per month $9,600 Oil per month $1,260 Transportation of oil 450 Storage barge 3,600 Total cost of oil $5,20O-$5,20O Difference In favor of oil $4,300 Saving- In firemen's wages TOO Total saving with oil $5,000 rienldes this, It la to be considered that the Item of S3.600 for a storago barge will not have to he expended again and tho saving for the following month will ha $8,600. In the face of such figures no one ran doubt that nil will rapidly take the place of coal In all parts of the world, which means that the MARKET 18 PRACTICALLY LIMITLESS. If you buy stock In our company you will take your part and ha-re your share of the proflta In the largest Industrial movement the world haa ever aeen. Our officers are prominent men, men who have reputations to maintain and who are confident ot sue ceaa, or they would not be engaged In the enterprise. Put your money with oura to reap tbe harrest on the richest pleca of ground that has ever been discovered. Our well la within 100 feet of oil on the aura gusher land, tho center of Rplndla Top Heights. We simply can't miss 'it. Send tor prospectui. OMAHA-TEXAS OIL CO., Bapp Block. Council Bluffs. Ia. raiayaaa 08. Boyd Commission Co aucetssera U Jaaaea B. Boy A Ca., r OMAHA, Nil. COMMISSION an Airi. raviiii and btck. Hkr4l f Trad alltUaa;. Street wlree t Caiea sa Nt Ta, OarotiQe( John A. Wanan C.