THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FHIDAT, NOVEMBER 20, 1001 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Atlvr rtlkcnH-ntH for (bene column ttIII lin (nkeii until IS in. for the tvrnlng edition and until H MO p. ni. (or tnornln nnit Snmlar edition. nates, 1 1-ilc n wnrjt flml Insertion, In it iroril thereafter. Nothing; tnkn for lr limn JtBc for lir first liner llnn. These nil vrrtlseinrnts must be rnn consecutively. Advertisers, Uy rerincvtlna n num bered check, run have nnatrrra nil- resseil to a nnmltrrril Irltrr In rnr f TIip lire. Answers so addressed Trill be delivered oi presentation of the check only. situation's wanted. FIRBT-CLABB dressmaking In Inmlllen or at home. Vf) N, 24th St. A-217 28 REOI8TK 2RED pharmacist want" position; irs" experience, with bent of ret- V. 13., Deur, Missouri Valley la. A-MJ25 29 two yearn rences T ITlV ...HKnt.AH -.111. .'.or.1 v .. a nviiuh "I'iici "A . " perience wishes position. Beat of refer- enccs. Address, M 16. Bee. A-Ml-D-1 WANTED, 11 position by an atlroiiml laundry man: ran turn out 1 -!JLV work. Address M 21. Hoc. A-MIH 2a' WANTED-MALE HELP. .STEADY WORK, prontablo work, for neat. enenetlc hustlers. O. F. Adams Co., 1113 Howard. 11 802 3 . . - - WANTED, a pood man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our uRonta make good wages everywhere. References required. Address Twentieth' Century Farmer, Omaha, Nob. H-613 GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. si. u, 1. v.o., ii no. iJin. i aiovi J5 FOn A HALF-DAY'S WOllK. If you live In the country or In a small town and- havo a c good ilwlunlntance among tho farmers 6nd utock raiser In tho neighborhood, you enrt mako nve, dol lars easily by four or flvn hours' work. Wrtto us nnd wc will send you our propo ltlon. The Hco Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dep't., Omaha, Nell. - I1-.M213 YOUNG men for Railway Mall Clerks. In-ter-Btato Corrcs. Inst., Cedar Rapid?, la. i, . " B-M&29 D&' When You Write to Advertisers '"'""-t ,,-"' """-' 'r.- you iw ih ad In The Dee. WANTED, a wood turner. Hurr Incubator I uo zstn ave. nna uavennort st. 1I-M471 29 WANTED, a competent, experienced sales man (young man) for sllka and lino dry Roods In a first-class business In this city; good .references required. Address M20, llee, stating references; confidential. H-M178 Z) WANTED. experienced kteady job' to good mai North lJcnd, Nob. harnessmnker; w. u. linnop, 1J-M493 29 TRAVELING salesmon, also ndvertlsrrs; houso rellablo; cash salary. Triumph Co., lianas, tox. 11 .mum u' WANTED. Immediately. 10 flrst-clasa enr- penterHi wages 40 cents per hour; work nil winter. Thos. 11. U'Nell, contractor, Fort MacKetmlo. Wyo. II-M491 V WASTED FEMALE HKl.P. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tel. 870. v. WANTED, two young lady students to Iahkm Ito Irri-slnn- mnnlnlirlnir nml ropody and 'scientific massage. Call or write, oom, L-o.-iiecoiug. bta WANTED Girl for general housework In family of two at 1421 North 20th street. C-437 WANTED-Care-taker at the Child Saving SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle Instttuto. 18th and Ohio 8ts. rreferenco men- 1519 Jackson St. 1'-22j p(ltn t r ryn linirlrl IrimniUdn'n nt r I t.l.-. gartcn .work. . Room, board anil 3 per ween. mm-an-imsisinnx 'nurso lieeaeu, 1 C 460-28 WANTED, a stenographer, at 421 Rco bldg. C 424 28 IIKLP WASTED. MALE and female help. Call Canadian Oftlcc. 408 AN cnergctlo representative wanted In every county, man or woman; good waiccs. Address Room 202. Sann blnek. bio Pnnnpll Till, ffm Ifln nt I -360 Dl FOR HUNT HOUSES. HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Pnxton block. D-960 HOUSES, etc, F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. " " D-961 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker llik! D-962 HOUSES for rent In, all ports of tho city. Urennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th street. , D-963 UAI ICPC In all parts of clly. Tho O. liUUOC,3 f. Davis Co., 652 Boo llldg. - , XjW1 TEN rooms, modern, except furnace. 971 N. 27th Ave, ta. JOHN W, ROnHlNS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-M3S6 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office lolltt Farnam, or tel. 1569-863 D-959 TWO modern houses, 8 rooms ench, near 23th and Farnam StH.; now being thor oughly overhauled. Rent, $25 per mouth each. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., Hilh and Douglas HtiT. D 120 721 8. 37TH. nice 6-room house, bath, gas, furnace, easily heated, strictly modern. Will Rrpwne, Jr. D-1SS-N-.W li-noOM hodse, 9 per mo. 1908 8. 10th St. D 414-D-3 i-ROOM rnodern, except furnace, 22. G. SI. Nattlner,'Uea Bldg. 'Phone 463. D-441 1019 ST.. MARY'S AVE.', "12 rooms, modern, , . Via N. 18th. 6-room cotluge. barn. Others. linKivuii urun,, iiHintT uik. u zxi BEE ilENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFR ' D-958 EN-ROOM strictly modern house, best location, 28th and Jackson Sis., $20. G. E. TorUlni-f on. (VIA linn. . It I?71 - . Drob'iujui mi luuuurii iiuust. in KOOil condition, large yard and beautiful shade trees. Will rent for 30.M) tier month. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and 'Douglas. Sts. 1 D-23J DESIRABLE modern' house, 6 large rooms, in kuuu i-unniiioii, o.u a, .jsi rit. D-MS03 FOR'nENT. flvo-room pottanr. with hnth. room, modern except furnace, all on ono lloor, easily heated; LOW rent for winter months: on car line. Potter, Forcan ."fe jiaiKeu, i.m .-. 1. 1 ,uc. 'I'noneM 4iM!i:u D-MS22 IIOUSEB-G. G. Wallace, Brown Block. D-553 FOR. RENT Fine, modern, clognnt rooms, stone front, hot water heat. 415 N. 25th 8t ' 203 Ramgo Block. Clarke. D-681 FOR! RENT new 8-room all modern houso on 39th near Burt, finished partly In hard wood, nicely located on paved street near car line In good residence district. $35. h;.c peters & co.. 1702 farnam. D-M29S 30 When You Write ' to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho tact that youisaw Uie aa in ine u, I5TH& A STS.. South Omahu, n good six room house, freshly papered nnd painted; rent, $13.50. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M508 HOUSES. Chris floyer, 22d nnd Cuming. Tel. 2049. D 721 D-10 1607 8. 3?D ST.. nice "-room house, with city water, furnace, good barn, shade tree und line lawn; a good homo for 1 som flout h Omaha-office man: will iiil for $15 per month to Rood tenant who will STORAGE, low rates. Derlght. 1119 Far are for Ihe property . . nam St. -9.9 OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. iftn ana Dougin en. roit hunt houses. FOR RENT-Flvo-room cottage, with bath room, modern exeent furnace, alt on one floor, easily heated; LOW rent for winter months; on car line. Potter, Korean & Haskell, 12y N. Y. Life. 'Phone 470-1920. D MS22 113 N. 2GTH, 8 roomii. 2602. Dodge St. 8TEAM heat, 4-room corner llat. Tlstard, 214 N. 2tth. D-M4I7 2 FOR RENT S-rooni brick house, modern. i,a Jackson at. Telephone m or A. Traynor. D-133 10-ItOOM modern brick, WT N. ISth. MO. FOlt RENT 2124 SI. Mary's live., G-r., bath, gas, etc $22.00 o3T 8. 23th ave., 8-r furnace, Kan, hath, lawn, nuved street, tine tieich- horhood , 26.0) 22j Davonnort. C-r.. city water, barn.. 14.00 !J9 PntricK ave., 5-r, 532 s. 40th, 9-r e laundry, hardwood 24U s, lf.tli , G-r. llat. r,, city water iv.w e ectrlc llidit. ga. finish 4U.IW 10.00 8.00 2S.0O 10.(0 10.00 brick bide....... 2i2it N. 31st, fi-r., city water, cistern. iii'Mi. -mil, n-r., modern... 2043 vinton, 4-r., city water ,. 2Sth nve., C-r., city water inu n, linn, K-r modern. M'l'AUl'K INVESTMENT CO 1500 Dodge St D-M'80 30 SEVEN-ROOM cottaRe. good repair, mod ern, ijia j.cavcnwortn. u .M4tb 1 NICE 4-room cottngo, newly painted and .pnpcreu, iJ. -WJ ustn si. u miiz 1 - ROOM cottace. IS. 102.1 S. 19th. D-M4S1 2S . . . FOlt KENT, dcslrnblo double llat. 2102-4 Cuming st.; nlnn rooms, bath, gas, etc., $30 per month. Howard Kennedy & Hon, 209 First National bank bulldlnir. D-M 197 1 fi.ROOM cottaRe, nicely furnished. 2102 N. iin ave.; can uniay: n. umvj: 1- FOH IlE.Vr Fl!HMHIIE HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Farnam E-M9 KOH RENT 2 furnished rooms, suitable for 4 students, I ID per month. 1915 Chicago. E 166 ONE fiirntshcrr room, with heali on car lino. 1618 ciam; jo per mom 11. iv .mhu FOH RENT 2 furnished rooms, steam heaL, FRONT room, modern, il week. 1717 Web ster. E-M545 D7 LARQE modern rooms: 1610 Davennorl. T i LARGE furnished front room. 417 N. 19th, a Mm w TWO housekeeping rooms, is. 2623 St. Mary's. E-M8I4 DI5' MODEHNrvciT heated rooms. 316 N."l5th. E-M131 D17 FURNISHED or unfurnished modern rooms. 202 j Howard. E M271 30 LuVRGE, pleasant front room; furnace heat; rent reusonablc. 201 South 25th Ave. E-232 LARGE heated front room, modern, tele phone, etc., furnished to suit. 116 S. 25th st. E-M4I0 ROOMS, 190C CnpltOl nve. l-MtC4 1 COMKORTAIILY furnished front room In private family; now, modern house; fur nace heat. 210 N. 23d St. E 187 9 FURNISHED HOOMS AM) IIOAIll). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-971 GLENCAIRN, transient $1.25 day. 1609 Doug, F-972 NICE homo for young men. 108 S. 25th St F-973 E09 S. 25TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-M974 STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, "'"- - "A'v,,,. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms, good board. F MB83 D1C When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take's an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you utkw wo au in m tiee. STEAM-HEATED rooms, with' or without l.nnr.1 Mldlntlil Hntwt IfUli nnd (Milrntrn board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago at a. I' AI213 un NICELY furnished rooms, with good table board; steam neat. 216 N. vs. ! aiZ33 ai ELEGANT steam heated front rooms, with board. 1703 Capitol ave. F .M48: FOH HEXT UNFUHXISlir.n HOOMS. DESIC room space, S per month, ground lloor room In The Reb bulldlnir. faclnr Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor aervice. it. t. I'ctors & co. rental agents, Heo building. a 116 SUITE of rooms, modern. 616 Georgia Ave, U tlSI-JJ-U' 3 ROOMS. 823 S. 23d at. G-M4S2 30 FOR HKXT STORES ASD OFFICES. i.'nii RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by Tho 'llee at 916 Farnam St. It hat lour Hiuriea niiu u uiiBt'iucui wniwn vib fnrniBlv used as Tho Ilea nress room. I This will bo rented very roasunably.. If Interested apply at oncu to u. u, itoso- water, secretary, room 100, Deo building, i i FOIl RENT, office with vault and part Hi-ut iloor or all ton lloor. 1414-16 llarnev St. Midland Glasft and -Paint Co., 1110 Harney St. l-sw FOR RENT, storo in flrst-clasa location: rent reasonable. Apply R, C. Poters & Co., grounu lloor, llee Jiiag. 1 -'Sib A 1 LOCATION, cheup. nil fixtures, grocery, drug, meat market; suitable to. gother or separate. Tlzard, &!4 N. 23d 1-156 N30 dESIrXhLE storeroom, 1433 South 18th I St.. near wiuiam, no. OEOROE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST, 1 1 A14(J U AGF.XTS WAXTKD, PROFITABLE work offered agents In every stown to secure subscriptions to the I i llnma Iniirtml nnrl thn flntltrrinv Evening Post. We want agents who will J work thoroughly uiul with business sys tem to cover enen section wmi our illus trated little booklets and other advertis ing matter, and. to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. Tho pny Is first rate, and at the end of the seunon $20,000 will be given tho best workers us extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents havo succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best uconts, with tho story of how they muds It pay. Tho Curtis Publishing Co., Phil adelphla. l'a. J-M206 Feb7 WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE BTQCK nnd COMPLETE STOCI DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 object- toachlng engravings and Is the only book on live stock over published adapted to tho every day, practical money-savlilg uso of every farmer nnd stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income, Agents In tho country with horso nnd buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beu bulldhig, Ornnha. J-J13 MEMORIAL life of McKlnley, four lan guages, 6.7) pages, 100 half-tones, $1.50; free outfit. W. A. lllxenbaugh,& Co., 500 Ware block. Omaha. J-977 WANTED, capable general agents who have had experience In selling subscrip tion books, it travel, employ and tritln pniiL-nssliii: 1 1 puis: write, stating nice, ex tent of expedience, number and name of booKs sold, etc, JS. D. 'Jlioinpson i-uu llshlng Co., 8t. Ixntls, MO, J-M445 D2 AGENTS wanted for new publications: prospectus etc . free. Goorgo Barrle & BOn. MUIIIUI dl,, l-linum-il'iun. J-M2S1 Jaiil2 STORAGE, OIL Van fltor. Co.. UllVa ram. TU. 1U9-IU. STOItAOi;. P I'lC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 t.. ,,cnes, general storage and forwarding. 9S0 VAM'HI-TO ULV. SECONDHAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. N-748 DIl WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and stoves for St. Dais exposition. Tel. 771. Address J. Levlne, 306 N, 18. N-M362 D2 INSL'UANCE policies purctmscd In old Una companies ; send description; will inaku offer. Tito 1 'utnam Co., 601-5 N. Y. I.tfe bldg. N-M20.1 Dl foil SAI.K-KtlltMTt'Hi:. FUltNITU HE of 9-room house. 1418 Chicaso. O-7-o DW CHICAOO Furnlturo Co., TllO Dodge. Tel. 2020. Notv and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged O 9S1 TfWP A"y ksnd of a stove you want UJ at iO per cent discount. We have 11 cjinplete line of now and second hand stoves and furniture. Lowest prices. Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-4 S. 14th at. Tel. 22W5. 0-M7S9 D13 THb CHICAGO FUKNITUKB CO. ( OFFEH8 A HIO LOT OF BASE BURNERS AND STOVES. for less tbnn nno.linlf their Value. Prices from J.I to 15; actually worth double this amount. Don t fall to Investigate this offer. Also complete lino of furniture at lowest prices. 1IH6-8-10-12 DODGE STHEET. FOlt MALE IIOH8EM, WAOO.NS, ETC. GOOD IJltOGY DAROAINS. rubber-tired depot wagon. U'Pass. ltockawuy, leather-top family carriages, phaetons, 6 top and open buggies and riinahautB Secondhand harness. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th & Hartley Bt. ijj WAGONS, buggies, etc., given Al repairs at it. Frost's, inn anu i.eavcnworin. P-49J FOH SALE MISCEM.ANGOGS.' FIR timbers for houscmovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; criDDtng anu nog icnce, v.n uoug las. Q-H DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, y i'w SAFES, standard makes, old.rcnUd. 114 B 13 W Jot PATENT medicines at cut prices. Sherman & .Mcconncll Drug uo..,cor. ism ana Dcnge. .mi FOR SALE, ladles' Rambler wheel for $10, to save winter s storage, tan juuu ucor gift Ave. W Ij Al HORSE nnd phaeton, cheap. Inquire 1318 Furnam or xra uouce. v nn CADET coat, good as new; will tit boy 13 or ll years oiu. Auaress 11 w, ucc, Q-M3S6 EDISON nnd Columbia talking machines nnd records. umiuia ujcycio Co., lutn nnd Chicago. ; Q-9S5 600 OVERCOATS, bargnlnsY Marowltz, 118 N. ltith. y us3 WELSHANS MANTEL & TILE CO. Q-M429 D4 Tel. 1683. 303 H. FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news- paper exchanges, & cents and up. Apply at Bco Ofllcc, Circulation Window. Q 683 FOR SALE, phonogrnphs, superior to nny otlier musical instruments: io up. ine Wlttmnnn Co., I62t Farnam. Q-MS38 LARGEST stock Intest combination grapho- pnoncs, records nnu supplies, tjome nnu see. them. Frcderlckson, 15th and Dodge Sts. Q-633-D-24 SECOND-HAND MACHINES. Wc hnvo Just received n car load of WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machines, and must have room, so wo arc making the lowest prices ever mado on secondhand mnchlnes nnd on modern drophend machines that have been ,ued but lime. Former nrlce. This week. 1 Singer , 4.uo 1- Household 20.00 $1.00 8.00 8.00 E.OO :i Singers, high arm 20.00 1 llousenoid I'M"' 1 Union lo.oti 1 White HUM 1 Wilcox & Glbbs 25.00 5.00 S.OO 12.50 1 Now Homo 1 20.00 S.OO 10.00 1 Singer, tailoring m.w MODERN, DROP-HEAD MACHINES, SLIGHTLY USED, AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. We rent machines, nny mnke you wttnt, nt 76 cents nor week, or $2.00 'nor month. Those nre modern, up-to-dato machines, with complete nttnehmentx. Wo sell needles and parts for nnd repair every sewing macnino mnnuinciurou.' Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th nnd Hnrney Sts., GEO. E. MICKEL. Mj?r. Branch Offices. 612 N. 24th St.. South Omaha, Neb., 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, ja. . When You Write . to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aavt me au in a no item. CLAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16tli. S 990 MME. GYLMER, out of city. S-991 VIENNA fortune teller. 1515 Davenport S-M45I DZ6 ELECTRIC TREATMENT, MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1103 weuBter. T M776 DU" MME. AMES. 317V4 N. 15th, flat E, baths. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. T-M517 D7 ELITE PARLORS, 615 80. 16th St., 2d floor, . 1 flllM U.'J BEATRICE HARLOW EleRiint vapor and tub tiuths; electricity given; Egyptian treatment. xji;k fonn joui;niiui a. - ' ' v . . i. TrM467 3 MASSAGE and bath) 1515 DhveWbrt. ' T-J1IM inn.. I'EIISOXAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist: corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Krcr.zcr block. U-992 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Em plre itupturu cure, -Ji. .-s. x. i.ire iimg. U-993 VIAVA. woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34$ Bee Bldg WHYBE IN DAKKNKSS or havo poor light when the Leader Gasoline Lamp in cheaper? 100-cundlc power, for 25a u month, lighted with one inatcji. burning In tull lorco within 20 seconds; absolutely safe; one week's trial free, guaranteed tor ono year; win re pair free of charge. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. M-331 30 wre RENT machines for 76c per week. W ell needles nnd attachments for and re nalr every make of sewing machine NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner lfith and Harney. 'Phone 1663. U-S76 US ADV. calendar. Burkley Pt Jaol rnitsoxAt,. PRIVATE home for ladles before tnd dur- lug confinement; babies adopted. 2420 uurdet'.e sr. irs. uurget. ua-is us JUST think of It! Good cabinet photos only ave uoz. ai xnu u. a. uaiicry, t. a. letn. U-SJI- itUPTURE permanently cured n 30 to fr) days; send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., fii'l New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Nob. U-62J SHAMPOOING and" hair dressing. 26e. In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. U-561 CHIROPODY n specialty. In connection wun 'i ne jLsatnery, rooms zis-xzo uee uiag. Tel. 1716. U 519 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U-285 iETsVlflirbaths, 118 N. 15. 21 floor, 112. U-M809 DH LIEI1EN, theatrical, masquerade costutner. juis i' arnnm, u Mb37 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement: babies adopted. 2300 Grant St. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F 1182. U-998 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale .una retail, Loiims t-iano -o., iva uoug las. U-997 GET tho little photos for 16c per doz. at The U. H. Gal erv. 626 South 16th. It U-J- ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best nnd quicucsi. .Mrs. a. v. MarK, u is DouRiiy.. ual,"l some rtOATtq ARE BETTER .u.- uT.T ...... Kin n,n ifc. PRINP.F OP OMAHA - : ... 1 It Is ahead In quality, flavor and coolness; union madoj'So straight retail, $37 wholesale. W. F. STOliCKER CIliAR CO. WStVSnW Monday night: Instruction very practical; tcrma low; on y seven student admitted. Anniv ni iinrn hv iptir I line Apply III OHIO D JClter. J ... u Aii'.m .w- MONEY TO I.OA.V-HEAI. ESTATE. LOANS on ieastem Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at 5 pcr-cont; borrowers can pay ' $100 or any multiple! any Interest date; no delay. Brenlinn-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th St.'Omaha, Neb. W-100O WANTJ2D. city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. WANTED, cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. w ivi WANTED, cltv and farm loans: nlso bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1703 Farnam St., uee uidg. w w i I'ER CENT on business property. , o per ccm on rcmuence prupcriy. Options to puy whnlo or part any time. w, n. uuimju, mi a. lam at. W-M826 j'ARM nnd city loans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. v uua $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates, uarvin uros., iw iarnam. W-106 RIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W 101 PRIVATE money. Shorwood.,937 N..Y, L. ii TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Bill. w 10a SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Life. w iu MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. iireniian-.L,ove uo., soutn uui. t W-109 MORTGAGE G. G. Wallace'. Brown Block. ' - W 061 .MOXEY TO I.OAX-CHATTF.I.S. MONEY.! To loan on . urnlturo ana 'lnuos. Live Stock, etc. You to retain nosscsslon. of tho uronertv cai a dv idamcTo Deoolo holding OrtUAlsl uwniu nnrmnn,iit nnnltlonn. You can borrow from $10.00 up. You enn f et thn money 'on short 'notice; You get hp full nmount tn cusb.r You mnv keen It one month, or moro and puy, for It only wnat tune you Keep it. uur rates aro low, our business is coniiucntiai anu our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA. MOKTUAUE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 306 Bo. 16th St. X-151 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jcw eirv: aiso 11, saiaricu ueoine wiinoui sccur Uy; cheap rates; ensy payments; business ?nnA1 F,?l0y iiA"Jl.S?,,t aucasf ' ----- MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- elry. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, 319 S 13. A 117 LARGEST BUSINESS IN "LOANS TO SALAltlL'D i'LUl'Lii',, lncrciianls, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without re- curity; easiest terms; iu otnees in prin c.pai'c.tlc's. "folmanrUtO Vo7rlTtfa. ii.l nnl..u dnontBI A 11 nA Ik. 1fj X 114 DON'T RUN, BUT HURRY! Our rates are lowest on SALARY LOANS OR FURNITURE LOANS. Time right and fair, square dealing by a rcspousiuiQ company, iiciiudio urcait CO., room iiu iniru nour, i-uxiuu uiock. X-M203 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; Dusmess conuuenuai;, lowesi rates. 614 ruxton uiock. rno J. a. iiutton t,-o. k C-112 I i A V CJ rtv a A T TJTl.-a piTDMlnrrnm live siock, etc. uuicic service ana lowest ri'.W guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top lloor; Paxton block, northeast corner lttn and Farnam; entrance, on I6tn atreet, - X-115 A j,..... . uuj. win inaKO loans on piain notes to salaried people holding positions with responsible concerns at his residence near 18th nnd Chlcngo sts. at a rate, which will satisfy iinvunn renulrlna a loan! Interview grant ed only after' 7:30 eachrcvenlng; write (or nppolntment. M 18, Beu ofllce. X M463 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room ni, Aicuaguo ouituing. . Y-M167 30 INTERESTED In goats 7 Learn all about them as money manors, iteaa American Goat Breeder, published monthly: 20 cents a cony. Address Room G, 147 6th ave,, unicago, i aiuuj ut- COAL and feed business for .sale. "Well equipped ahd prosperous. Monroe & uo., When .You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the au in ine uee. FOR SALE, millinery store doing good business; niso goon notei ior snie tor lease to right -arty), both good locations In is. is. iNeurasKn. wan or wruo oil in. xi Llfo building, umunu. x 131 SALOON for sale. Addresh James Slobodny, St., Pnul, Neb. x mho 31' NEW SNOW-GHU.RCH CO. 4T1I FLOOR- N , Y. L.vBLDG.. OMAHA. Associate banks and nttomeys everywhere. LARGEST LAW AND COLLECTION AOENCY IN THE WORLD. DAMAGE. SUITS. BANKRUPTCY. Dl- VORCE and every form of LITIGATION given attention ny lawyers maKing a Bpe clnltv In tludr nartlctilar branch. Submit your clalmi In person or by mall. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE, furniture of 14-room modsrn Drica iiat, compiciriy eiiuijipeu, nueu iini class roomers: best location, paying prop osition; owner going awny: If- you want u prolltablu business Investigate this. J, if 1-1. ........ UH K X- f I V OA 11. juiiiisiiii, oi I, mi imwv.j 1'ltIVATE nnrtv would llko to borrow $200: will pay It back In monthly payments: ran tur urnlsli good references. Address M 19. llee unice. x-b'j in FOIl SALE nEAL ESTATE. FOR SAI.E-A bargain near Brownell Hall; new, modern, 7-room house; latest open nickel tilumblnc: norcelaln bath tub: full 60-ft, lot; owner haajust been transferred to siiother city and wisher to sell at once. J, 11, untrwooa, HI J. . UII Uiam. SI m tm FOH SAl:-HEAL ESTATE. TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON, RE 471 Jani HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, uemn, J'axion jnocs. , 11L l-'J SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good farming country, ror runner particulars wrlto or call on H. L. Ludlum, Plalnvlcw, Neb RFM392 CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 1-nrnom St. RE-122 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. COt-3 N. Y. Life. HE 121 . . ranch and farm lands for saie uy tno union Padua Railroad company, u. a. jdCAllastcr, land commissioner, union i-a- lie US HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city; also acre property anu arm lanus. ine u. r. uavia to., uoom rsi, nee minding. nit 1 119 BARGAINS. Iloyer, 22d & Cuming. Tel. RE-722 D10 2049. IF YDtt want nn of the nicest g-room homes in Hanscom 1'iaee, t will givo you a. liarc-ain. iitnnr lort citv. .Musi sen. J.m. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Llfo .bldg. Jlli OllOJ 8 Two cottage e, JS0O nnd JS.VT. I'ntrlrlt nvenne 2010 Siiruco St., 7 rooms, full lot 8I.W0 2515 N. 1 St 11. 8 moms, modem 2.00) " Jf""f fc Jj TJ?-VmII Vott "i:::::: JSS SM K j;ih Ht ..'li rnnn ... '.XX) 831 S. 2Sth St., 7 rooms 2.0W J'HF 'ii'K U 'l1"""' p,B S'SJ ..Oi..b .i rooms :s h , nm ni.. t rnnmn .......... 2SIS Miami St., 7 rooms, corner 1.160 .iiu .o. o room t..,........,r.,, r"V Viicnnt lots near 25th and Ames Ave., J173 t0 is&o each. V. T. GRA HAM, C06 BEE BLDG. IVl'4 MODERN COTTAGE. . ,,.i, .iii, ,. i,iii,a ,.n,i 1 "..I'"'0. nliiR room. Kitchen nml two bed clinmbers 5 rooms besides ves- Illoiln nli,.l,l. Imntrv l.lnriiirn nn.l two bed chnmbrs-5 rooms-besldcs ves- tlbiilc, two closets, pantry, storiigo nnd uatn room, lino comenten cellar, ncai n,irnli Mnnm ,if Ihrt r,intvi 1inrl nil flu. tailed nnd somo nre painted: has city water In sink, gas, sower nnd nil ready for bath room llxturcs, which we will put In to suit. located on beautiful street In north nart of cltv. South front lot 40x132 feet, manic shade trees, near street car nnu school we personally superin tended the work for a clout, who built the cottagn to sell the lot, and havn no besltancv In suvlnir It Is tho nobbiest cottage offered by any ono for tho money. we win put tn a porcelain nam tuu, ncsi fliiKPt. marble wash bowl and hot wntor nnd sell It for $1,C90, or without bnth room fixtures ror ii.hiu.w, aim you can put mem In nt your leisure, isnsy terms, par ticulars and key at our office. SHIMER & CHASE, 001 Boo Bldg. Tel. 1442. HIS-liO FOR SALE or exchange, 320 ncrcs In Valley county, isen., s',uou: win uikc w,wn in nipri'hinirllse: this Is lmnrovod nnd nil uooil ill ful (a laud: If you wish lo buy or sell Htiyming write 1. .m. uiuip, i-ia u si., Lincoln, isou. xin .mso 1 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in omana, would can tno attention ot surrering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before nnd during confinement, nnd his treatment for Irregularities, no matter wnnt cause. L'a 11 or nauress, wun stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omnna. is LADIES, $500 reward fnlllng to relieve case 01 aonormoi suppression, nny cause; pneo K', funy guaranteed. Dr. .Mead jicmeuy Co., 17 Quliicy st., Chicago, 111. T.ATlTEa. one hnrmlesn monthlv remedy cannot ran. Trial iroe. raris i;nomicui Co.. Mllwnukeo. Wis. 119 Jany 5' DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women nnd cniidron; ao yoars' practice, umco l-jiu Cuming. Jtes. tel. F-.T90, otneo u-avi. -4SI D27 8IIOHTIIAXD AM) TYPEWHITIXG. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug -130 a. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N.Y. Life. -ui BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. bco mag. 11 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a 'i neaicr. 1 Amli1m3 BUY-any good Invention or patent, i aumihoi ,w, v -136 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. AddrcsB P. O. box 85. Omaha. Nob. 484 3Si FACTORIES. I. a. . . . 4 . VA&W l - Ha I 411 oamak'cu mumiis siuoci. nincu, ivo ,w - OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664. Alice jonnson, u. u., mates' dept.; Ula. is. jonnson, uateopainisi, ragr. lis DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCaguo bldg. Tel. aw. i-i DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 8823. I --iz IIOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacKs, etc. lei. woa. izin ana izara ate. iu FOUND. FOUND, near Y. M. C. A. entrance, pair of spectacles; owner call at Bee Office AUK eUllir, "WW-MAVM, niiACKHMITIIING AND HORSESIIOIXG. CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 811 N. 10tn 761 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -1S9 SAFE AND IRON WORKS. G. ANDREEN Pfop. Omaha Safe & Iron worKs removed 10 ivz bo. lvtn Ht. 777-13 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect did age a well as lire, (.narier memoers iree. rnrtiou- us inc., ici iiidiiiucio iicq. xuiiiuu directed "nor h u MiitnnzaM"! iniiin, iu a" -n" - - - nJmn1ininl0sowa,,r' ,uprl,T SATURDAY At8 a. m. for AltaENTINE, to return to tho United State for ap. In manager. 222, Bee Bld. -724 URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, p?r . donnlto stay, leaving Vice governor Wright PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat- Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 11 NICKEL rLATINO. BTQVES, lamps, itc, rcplatlng. Omaha Plating wo., ueo mac. Tel. zxtj. 1M HOWLING ALLEY. FOR BALE Two alleys and equipments and cigar case, an in goou condition- iccuted In western nart of state: bargain for a man with small capital; can bo moved ir wani to cuange location. Address l 69, nee. iins ua LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, W, curni, 4C. liso Leavenworin. ibi, mi. ' 1AU SIAStJUERADE CO.TU3IE8. NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent. i sv ac, souui ma atrt I I Mt'SICAI, tXSTRVMEXTS. BE PROMPT In calling to see all the sngntiy used pianos wn arc oncrmg tins weeK on very easy terms, nni you win find yourself well repaid. If you wish a piano you can rivo money now, at U1I1 time. Whtrc7 Mueller Piano & Organ Co., 0., 1316 Fatnam St, 120 PIANO SALE hiiiulmH.le plunos-complnlr nnd under eon- und secotid-liiind pianos in stock. C. SO.MMKK'S PIANO FACTORY, 209 8. llth st.. Cor. Douclas. Send for catalogue. CAHI'F.XTF.HS An .IOIXF.HS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nitenuca to, j, 1, ucniitrec, .'vm and Lake Sts. 370 WM. EVEH1TT. Sneelrtl rates to real es- late men; weatucr strips put un. si't Leavenworth. M763 r LOST. LOST, on Cuming street, pair of eyeglasses. Pleaso return eturu to vi. r.itn at. nnii re- celve reward, Iist IRS 2S LOST, In Trinity cathedral, Thursday, a biacK pocKcttiiHiK, containing somo money. ttcwaru tr rciurneu to uouge si, Lost M4W DHESSMAKIXO. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring, Han N. tsth. 753 1138 N, 18th. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. -123 D16 '!'A!I.OH!.(l. Ijivuico jauivcin nitiuu, i vutuuvicu, uivvicii. cleaned hiiu repaired, joo louscn, idw Farnam. sui Trjni tcpoc TO ORDER, $3. 414 N. 16th. I lJUoLIo M823 DM IIATTEHS. OLD hats made new. 207 N. 17th St. M7C5 II AMI TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tlo Co., 811 N. 16th -172 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Gnrbnce Co. cleans cesnpooln nnd vaults, removing, garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 021 is. ium st. xei. my. i no U2, ELECTIUC BELTS. ELECTRIC Belts nnd what they will do. Address 1; u. vox as. umaua, inod. 157 STATUARY. STATUARY manufacturing. 817 8. 10th st, ureal Dargnin removal eaio. 73 D10 IIOOKKEKPIXG. LESSONS In bookkecDlnir. elcdav or even ing. 11. id, 1:0m. ivai.' uanK. u. it. ttatnuun 138 PHOTOC.nAIMIY. CHRISTMAS offer, opal plciuroa worth $3 tree wun en; 11 aozen pnotos. xviincr, innu. ing pnotogrnpner, is sun, 7&0 FOR SALE 1IAV, GRAlX, F.TO. WEST OMAHA FEED CO.. 2808 Loav. Tel. Z1KU. A1463 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Bids will be received nt thn nfllrn of thn I rommlnslniipr of mihlln lunrta nml huttdlnira ai Lincoln, iNoo., tor mo construction of IniAij i,ti,v niwi uviinviii 11113 nmiu peni tentiary In Lincoln, according tn pinna nnd MllpClflpiltlnnM now nil flip In llin ninnp nf tno commissioner or public lands nnd buildings, except ns to locking device, ...hloll It'll! n D.lnnla,! 1.,. ,l.n l.n.l .nM models exhibited nt the time contract Is i uwnrdeu. Tho Board of Public Lands nnd Build nes I pntilrnntprl fnr in nlnntv or l'il n. onm I nrntinrllnnliln nrln .1 , t. ...... ll's. should It bo deemed bes't to do so at All bids must hn ul.m llp,l n or l,nfnrn i inn iimn cuniraci is miiue. tt;d T, p'artles buldlTg ust b" nrcs- ent on the yaTlthMmL tprlnl nnd model nf InrVlmr ,1pvIpp '"'a Dnccm .? r Ti?01' nt l2.'cIock teriai nnu mouei oi locking dovice. I 't ,ra , iu iojoui. nny or nil bids; nnd to walvo any defects or lr- icKymi,u,i. I A. t -1 J UIU ttJ U un n II 11 U There nro no funds appropriated In the TO. ?.r "'?.. S?.Lto !?.? I vcii.i nnu uu t'tit urn LUUUIliti lHUlt'tJll IIIUOl I Hn tin ltll Inn 1 1 Mil A fO t n rt 1 1 1 n n do so with tho understanding that no moti'jy until Jin appropriation has been pnssed by inn ipiriKiniiirn or inn fliniA or nphrihitr GEORGE D. FOLLMER. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings, iNOVWHJJUt rOSTOFFICE NOTIGB. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested. as changes may occur nt any time.) roreign mm is lur mu weeK enuing 1NO- nmcbaea lows: Parcels post malls cioso ono nou earner man closing umo anown below. rnrceis post mans tor uermany cioso at 6 p. m , Wednesday, per s. s. k, ioulsc. Regular and supplementary mails cioso nl tnroion hrnllph hnlf hniip lnlp IV.., closing time shown below (oxcept that sUDDlementarv malls for Euronn nml rnn. tfal America, via Colon, cioso one hour later at foreign urancii.) Transatlantic Malls. BAiuJiuAi-ai t n. m. ror KUIIOPB, per n. p. wnniiiiiu, vm r4UcvilBluwil ; Ul t n. m. for ITALY direct, por-s. s. Trave (mall s, s. L-ampania, via ueonstown; at 7 a. must UO directed, "per S. 8. Trave"): at - - ---- - --v ttiinuL. per s. s. Ryndam (mall must be directed 'per s. h. Ryndam"); nt 7:30 a, m, for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. h. Spartan Prince; at 9:30 it. m. for SCOTLAND .2? .,.i0HrCTK,rt".0'j direct, per s. u. Astoria iman must be directed -per s, s. Astoria ;, PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer and Samples for Germany only. The Gimo ciass qi rosji matter ior otlier nnrtn of Eurono will not be sent nir ihi AX ortce'VX nilMllllu ,..u.n Huur. UUHIUnill Biipplf meiitarj' malls aro opened on tho piers 01 1110 Aiiiuituuii, uiigiuin, 1'reucn 1 and German steamers and remain opon until vtthln Ten Minutes ot tho hour of sailing oi sieanicr. 1 " 1 1 a .... t . . . a I rtiucnua, wesi inuies, .c. ijeen received hero 'by a friend of Judge FRIDAY At, 12 m. for MEXlL'O, per s. s! William Taft, civil governor' of tho Thlllp Matuiizas, via Tamplco (mall must be . ,i. ,n tuv T.f i. .hn,n n : 1 Vo? I.OHTO maci Wi V WJn SSS vii.Maui'.i,A, par s. n, Philadelphia directed "tier s. s. Altai"): at !):3u n m (supplementary 10:30 a, ni.) for HAITI and SANTA .maiita, jior s, 8. Andes; nt 1fl n vi fit- fllllA tiAi a u Mawlnn Hnvnnii: nt 12:30 p. in. for MATANZAS. ii,,n.lilpM nil) Alt A (i . . . . ' lAlllAlviUM, uiunnn Uliu IJVIIAUUA, iibp h. m. HI nda torillimrv mi nnlv u.hini! dltected "per h. h, Ollnda"): at i. m for VHHl'ITAB .' . Phonlx (ordlnury. mall only, which must be directed "per s. h. Phonlx"). Malls for Newfoundland., by rail to North byUIivy rltu iwuiivu uy aicuuiur. Close Ul tjiiB oftlco Ualiy ai ; Cjsu p. m. (connecting SMy Boston, and thenco by steamor, close at Lrv.? ,LaPoVrTam,n,A. thence by itenmer. close at this nm dally, at 6 a. m. (tho connecting closes are on Monday. Wednesday and Satur- day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, cioso ui inm "incc oany at i:ao i-.,r.'..u.tD,,CortB and GumS." rail to New Orleans, and tlisnee by iiuu iu Duvuiiin.i anii wariOKena niuat t0 raly fr0m the oflectB of It, It IS n uiiremu in."! n. n. i-niiiiiieipniai ): all. " . , 9:80 a. tn. (supplementary 10:30 n. m. tn HO cannoi recupurme, iu iuy muwiu FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BA- baa been advUod by hlR physlclani to t VANILLA ttlld CARTAGENA, per H, 8. i.nme , J Altai (mall for Costa Rica must t.n uomc' IMIVrOI'l'H'i: MITU'I nteamcr. close at ibis otiiu dally nt "i:so p. m. tconncctlng close hero .Mondays for Belize. Puerto CoVtea nnd Guatemala ml Tucda)s for Costa Rica). 'Ruglslcrcd mall closes at 6 p. lit previous1 day. TrniKpaellln SlnlU, Malls for Tahiti and Maruticsas Island1, via Ban J-rancisco, cioso noro oaliv at ti.30 p. in. up to November '21. Inclusive, for illxoatrh tier f. s. Australia. Malls or China and Japan, vln Vancouver. close nerc ttaiiy ni u:au p. in. up to isovttn- her "I'o, inclusive, ror uispatcn per s. a. Emtirers of China (rrglhUrcd mall mutr be illrrct'M "via Vancouver"). (Mer chandise for tho t 8. Postal Agent at Hhanuhal cannot bo forwarded via Cnuiida). Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle. iiose note itniiy nt :so p. m. up to No vember 27, Inclusive, for dlspi.trh tier s. s. Klnshtu Muni. (Registered mall must be illreoted "via Seattle"). Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pines via nan ithiicisco cioso ticro uauy at tl;3i) P. in. up fo November "21, In clusive, for dloiinlch per s. s. Doric. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is lorwaracii via uro.e), koii Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Ilnwull. via San Francisco, close here dally nt c:J0 p. nt, after November "10 and up to November .",0, Inclusive, or ou arrival of s. s. Um brla, due at New York November 3', for illsnatcli nor s. s. Ventura. Mulls for China find Japan, via Tacnma, close here unity nt B'.iu il in. tip to No vember 'MO. Inclusive, for dispatch pr m h. (llonoizle. Malls f Dr Australia (except Went Australia, wnicn goes via j'.nropc, nnu eew land, which goes vld San Franrlfro) nnd Fill Inland', vln Vancouver, cioso hero dally nt H:30 p. tn. after November "Si and tii to December 7,' Inclusive, for dlspatoh per s. s. Mtnwrtn (supplement ary malls via Seattle and Victoria), closi liero nt fi:.10 n. tn. Deeomber S. Malls for Ilnwull. Japan, "hlntt nnd Philip pine isianus, via ami rrancisro, cmsa bore dally at 6:30 p. in, up to December !, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Nip non Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, elos hero tinny at n: p. in., up to December ?, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Ala meda. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postoillce, New York, N. Y November 22, 1901. AII.WAY TIME CAHD. UXIOX STATIOX-IOTH AND . MAJIOY. Illinois Cenlrnl. Tave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7':10 am ' ti 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A: . at. l'ntll Limited. ...,.a 7160 pm n suu am Minneapolis & St. Paul " ' Exnrcss b 7:10 am b 9:40 tim Fort Dodge laical, from uouncn iiiutrt a b;oo nm ClilcnKo A XorthiTrstcrn. t "Thn Nortliwestorn Line." Chicago Special n 7:20 nm nll:10 pm C'hlcngo Pnssengcr n 4:15 pm n 8:00 nm Eastern Express ...i..i,ni0:6r nm ti 4:0."i pm Eastern Special .........n 4:S5 pm a M pm Fast Mall , a 8:00 pm a 2:15 pm Omiihn-Chlcngo L't'd ..a 7:15 pm n 8:40 nm Fast Mail a 8:30 am Cedar Raplde Pns.k.... n 8:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:10 nm nJ0:25 pm Twin uuy limned n 1:00 pm n s:it nm Sioux City Local a 8:00 nm a 3:60 pm a Dally. Chlcngo, Hnck Islnnd X I'nclflc. EAST. Dos Moines nnd Dav enport Local a 7:3o am n d:3j pm Chlcugo Express 1)11:10 am a 4:6S pm Lies .Monies Local....... a ;.v pm iui:ci nm Chicago Fast Express,, a 5:00 pm n 1:25 pm dch Moines, mock isl and nnd Chlcugo a 7:10 pm a 8:2a am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, l'ucnio nnu Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a d:zu pm a a:so am Union I'liclflc. Overland Limited. . t..l, ' ..n 8:50 am a 7:30 pm ..a 9:00 nm a 3:25 pm ,.1111:20 pm a 4125 pm . ..-tl1;?0 nm .1 -Tnf; nm inni ,i tin... I'nclllc Exnress... Colorado Special... T.ltirnhi.atromHburic Ex.b 4:35 nm' bi2:S0 nm Colli rnla 4e Atlantic Ks.a 4:35 pm a 7:06 am Grnn.l Island Local o 0:30 pm d y: nin CliiunKo, Mllvraakre St. Panl, , C Icngo Limited a 6:00 pm a :05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b'7:15 am b 3:40 pm Wnlinsli. St. 'Louis "Cannon Bail" Express a bau pm .n s:ao am - st, Louis JL,ocnI, Council 1. Louis .Local, wouncu . , , . Bluffs nl0:00 am al0:30 pm iiiiiii. I'liplrii-. V St. Louis tixprcss oau:w am a i:zj pm I K. C. 4c St. L. Express. ul0:60 pm a 6:15 am nUHIjlXGTON STATION KITH A MASO.V IlnrlliiKton A Mlaaonrl Hirer. Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Express a 8:40 nm a 7:35 pm .V.,"U , " c.a v,.. t . . . ti....,ia ,ih Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 am pm Sl!,fmSltnnrt'i.ucet Bnd Doiwer Co P0".'.' 1-'u"vc1 . noctlon a 9:00 pm a :45 am Lincoln Fast wan p 3 w nm a g:i7 nm ip rrook nnd Platts- mniitn i.DiiiLiinm mi!iB nm Bellovuo & Pacific Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am SelieC'uo S Pacific Jct.a 3:10 am Kiuisna Clly, St. Joaepli &. Copnell muffs. Kansas City Day Ex..,. a 9:20 am. a fi;05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pnT a 6:15 nm St. Louis Fiycr a &;iu pm nn:i5 am Chicngo, IlurllnKton &. Qnlner. riiirmro Snoclal a 7:00 am nlft:?o nm Chlcngo Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Locm u iw um ll ;oa pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45. am Fast Mail a 2:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. i WEUSTER DEPOTlBT WBB.TBn Fremont, KlWhorn & Missouri Valley Leave. Arrive. Black IHIU. Dcadwood, I ll,,,...l n ir nnHlier and HOt HpringS i o.w yiit a .yu J,m Uougiaa . i. m.w u.,w ,,,i Hastings. York, David City superior, udiwiu, Exeter nnd Sownrd....b 3:00 pm b 5;00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and i. irmmnni b i:30am b 10:25 am Fremont Local ,,,,...c 7:30 nm . r, HI. Punl. 31liineMBnlla A I v ' I Oinnlin. L..iniln,...n,.r....iit:Mn a 9:10 nm Sioux Clt'y Passenger:..n 2i45 pm nli-.b am Emerson Local ....uawypm ,d iwim Missouri Purine. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping waier u i;v ,ni nm .. i-niiv i. riAtiv Pirennt Sundsv. o Run-' day only, d Dally except Saturday! o Dally except Monday, JUDGE TAFT WILL. COME HOME I I H lo Leave Plilllpplnes tn'Hecovrr IIOHl -,IIVI if! lir;ril. Operation! 1 piK-prviuTI Vnv. 28. Information bus as acting governor. Judge, Taft WW opor' I ated on several wccks ago nnu nw iiiko isaia and corn GOT HIS IIAIIl HACK. Was Prrfeetly Haiti When Ho Started I . t. .mm If Pi-Ill nllla Ve Newliro'a lierpioia. Rutte, Mont., bought a bottle of New bro'8 Hcrplcldo April 6. 1899. and began 43 UBe H ,or cnUro la',e11' In twenty days. HO BHyn uu wnu (tuu uu imoi uib uqhu ftuv 0n July 2 ho writes: ' "And today my hair II b thick 'and iuxuriaht on anyone could I wish." Nowbro's HerploIOo works' (M- as oltl principle and with a now dLcovuryr. destroy tho cause nnd you romove tbe el- feet. Herplclde destroys the germ that mimes riumlniff falllnir hair and tarlallv causes aandnm, i'nK ana nnaiiy baldness, so that with tho causo gono ths efTect cannot, remain, mops tailing nan t once and starts the new .rowth ,lr. . 1 week. I I i ,