Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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QUEEN L1L AND HER TRAIN plattsmouthjower canal
tuttf InwiiUn iocarchi Sttpi i OmaU
ELort Tim.
Jlenira Hint .Mir r,ioH I'"
for rnnfUrnleil Cnmn I.ninl" nml
tinyn HUr l llirr ,Mprpl)'
for I'leiimirc,
Mllnokalanl. former nnecn of the Ilawalln
Islands, nns tho guest of Omaha friends for
lhre hours yesterday afternoon. Accom-
runlcd hy her two proteges, Joseph K. Aca
rod John D Almoku, ami hrr maid, Myra
Ileleluhe, the deposed monarch In making
il lour of the larger cities In tho rnlUd
Htates nnd will probably travel throURh
Knrotiu before returning to Honolulu.
The ex-micrn and her parly arrived In
Omaha from Denver at 4.1'. Colonel .1. J.
Dickey nnd wife, W. W. I'mstcd and wlfd
nnd Mrs. McDcnrinon of St. Louis met the
t'timiiniir UiiiIoMImk .tiiollirr t'lnttr
Hlier llnlrriirlsr Hold 11
There was a meeting of the stockholders
nnd directors of the riatlsmouth Tower Ca
nal rompatiy held last night, nt which J. H.
Hlley of Omnha delivered tho report of tho
engineers, map and profile of the lino of
the water power ratial recently surveyed
out In Harpy county. Krom the englneern'
report It Is gleaned that the canal begins
at the Ashland bridge on the north aide of
thn Platte river and extends eastward,
gradually rising up tn the bluffs skirting
ho river nnd ending In Chase creek. Just
north of Cullom, on the Harpy county side.
The wnter appropriation calls for 1,250
ruble feet per second. The width of the
cnnal at Its upper end Is 200 fret, which
gradually diminishes to about eighty feel
at Iti lover end.
The capacity of the canal la raleulated to
be sufllctcnt to carry nnd deliver nt the
reservoir the full amount of wnter called
for In tho appropriation. The fnll ohtnlned
by damming tho ravine through which
Chase ereek runs to the rlvor Is sixty-thrco
and one-halt feet. The power obtnlnnble
queen at the station and took her party for CHllmalC(1 by lhc ,,nK1P,,r!, a for the first
ii short drive over the city. At t", o'clock
tho party was entertained nt dinner nt the
Omaha club nnd nil hour later the foreign
Kiiratx were Inken to their train and con
tinued thdr Journey to Chicago. Krom I'hl-t-ago
they will go to New York, where they
vlll remain for soNeral weeks. Then they
will visit Washington, Philadelphia nnd
While Ill tho east tho (iieeli expect to
Kelcct h school where Joseph IC. Aea, ono
of tho young men who Is traveling with her
v. Ill ho given ft collegiate education. She
flenlCH all thn rumors circulated to the rf
Tect that she him returned to this country
for tho purpose of nuking rongrc3s to pay
Jier for tho crown lands which were taken
y tho United States when the Islands were
Ilorsii'l Look (lie (liirrn.
When the nuecn visited tho United States
three years ngo she was In very poor
Jiealth. At tho time of her relurn to Mono-
ten houra In the day 15,000 horse power;
for the next seven hours, 5,000 horse power,
nnd for the hours between 12 o clock nnd
morning 2,500 horse power. The storage
nipa, all torn, is raumaieu ai j.huu acrcn.
The' cost of construction Is estimated nt
about $1,750,000. The distance of thn dam
at which the water power plant will be lo
cated from l'lattsmouth Is nbout seven
miles. The distance from tho south
line of South Omaha Is eight
miles nnd to the southwest corner
of Omabn In n direct line Is ten miles. It
Is twenty-five miles from Nebraska City
and forty-eight miles from Lincoln.
The plnns of the company aro not yet
fully formulated. Omaha capitalists will
bo Invited lo look Into tho project with n
view to rendering it such nsslstanco ns
such nn Important undertaking merits.
Clinrlrn .lohtiami I'limlly ItciMMors
from Ills Cnlnlppllr Stnte
nml Mis I i.
Charles Johnson, the victim of catalepsy,
who was sent to St. Joseph hospital Inst
week. Is reported "out of his trance," nml
was sitting up yesterday for the llrst
time In ftvo days. During the greater part
of this time he has had all tho appearance
of death. His parents, who arrived Sun
day from Denmnrk, say that o far as they
know ibis Is the only case of catalepsy In
tho history of either family.
Prickly Ash Hitters can be depended on
lo cure the kidneys, corrects tho urine,
strengthens the stomach and relievos backache.
(vry Con f it lent for Trip to Yoiihr
ton ii, tt nml cmt Cmlle, I'n.
Leave Chicago union station 7 p. m. any
day on drawing room sleeping car which
runs over Pennsylvania lines via Alliance
to Youngstown nnd New Castle without
change. Arrive New Castto G:3.) n. m.,
Youngstown 7:3." a. m. Returning, drnwing
room sleeping car leaves New Castlo 7 p
m., Youngstown 7.40 p. m., nrrlves Chlcngo
S a. in. Consult II. 11. Derlng, A. R, P, Agt.,
2 IS South Clark St., Chicago, about this new
See Hnrrlfon fc Morton's nttrnctlve list of
farm properties In today's special columns
llomrserkrm' KxiMirsloti,
On Tuesdays, November 19, December 3
and 17, tho Missouri Pacific will sell
tickets to certain points In the south,
southeast and southwest at rntn of one
fare for round trip, plus $2. Final return
limit twenty-one days from dato of sale,
For further Information or land pamphlets
call on or address company's olflces, south
cast corner Fourteenth nnd Douglas
streets, Omaha, Neb,
Aiiiioiineoiiirnt" of tlie Thpnleri.
Tho demand for scuts for tho special
lulu after her unsuccessful nttompt to have Thanksgiving matinee at tho Orpheum this
congress reimburse her for her lands many
i)f thn iiucen'H friends expressed tho opinion
that tho would live but u short time. She
)ia recovered completely, howover. nnd
fmld yesterday that sho never felt hotter
In her lift).
Them Is nothing In Queen Lllluoknlanl's
nppeurunro which would Indicate that alio
lias not always lived In the United States.
Kour years ugo sho drrssod entirely In
Mack. Yestorduy hp worn black clothes,
afternoon Indicates n full house, ns does It
nlso for the porformnnce In tho evening.
A merry bill Is appropriate for this day or
thanks, one that produces happiness, nnd
such Is this weck'a delightful program nt
this theater. Flo Irwin, the talented come
dienne and sister to buxom May Irwin, nnd
Wnlter llnwley, presenting their new play
let, and Carroll Johnson, the populnr atar of
minstrelsy, nrc two of tho features that nro
scoring heavily. Ina Allen, 'whoso lndls-
nyIiIcIi wcro relieved by white trimming on position prevented her appearance on Sun-
fier gown ntld n dash of will to In her hat.
Ehe might easily bo mistaken for nn elderly
mulatto woman of culture ami education,
ettch uh may bo found in any northern city.
Thn man who expenta to 11 ml anything
queenly In I.llluokalanl's appenronco will
he greatly mistaken. She Is of medium
height, probably live feet six Inches tall.
Sho la qulto fleshy nnd weighs nbout 1K0
imundH. Her skin Is dark brown and her
jet black hair Is well mixed with gray nnd
combed down tunoothly from u part In the
conter. Her features aro good, with tho
uxcuptlon of n mouth which Is rather large
nnd shows teeth which nro slightly irrcg
Tho gown Hho woro yesterday was of
Mack eiisbuiero trimmed with whlto laco
tind beads. I lor wrap wns ii long black
plush enpn trimmed with black fur and Jot
rnamcnts. Sho woro n largo black velvet
bat, -which set well bnck from her faro and
vn trimmed with black ostrich feathers
and whlto lace. Sho wore a black face veil
dotted with whlto. Her shoes woro largo
common-sense affaire with square toes, Just
tho sort of shoes any elderly American
;wo man would uhooso for everyday wear.
Her 'iuiimiloii .More tiny.
Tho queen'u two proteges havo lighter
akin thau her majesty anil worn guyer
clothes than their benefactor. Joseph IC.
.Aea la a line-looking young fellow of ath
letic build. Ho woro a fedora, crusho:
llown. a lnvendcr stock, a green ulster of
(ho Litest cut and patent leather half shoes
hlch displayed nnino very elabornto half
hose, Almoku was a scholarly appearing
Kan, smaller than IiIh companion, woro a
black fedora, a brown ulster nnd a red
muffler. Tho maid wns gowned In red and
Woro u plush capo and a largo hat
"It Is nlmiiHt Imposslblo for Americans to
fiprll or pronounce our names," Aea ro
tnarlttxl laughingly, as ho wrote down the
oalucM of Iho members of the Hawaiian
party. "Newspapers guess at our names
jnott. of tho time ami mnko pretty poor
UOHe nt that. In Washington Miss Hole
inno in always MIhh Hallelujah. It's so
much easier to remember. Vo call her our
Bglvatlon Army lassie."
"We Havo had such n lino tlmo slnco wo
landed in San Francisco a few weeks ago,"
Efoetn I.UHiokalanl replied, when asked
fchout her trip, "Tho weather has been fltio
and we havo been entertained so royally
everywhere. It was it surprise to tiu to bo
invited out to illno In Omaha. All our largo
baggiigo wan checked through, and wo aro
not prepared to illno out. It Is a pleasure
to havo friends who romombor one. Wo en
toyed tho rldu about Omaha ro much, and
taopo lo huvo morn tlmo to look tho city
ver homo other day.
Ilerr .Merely fur I'lriisiirp
"All tho reports circulated nbout my mis
sion 1,0 I"'" country uru untrue, I am hero
merely for nloiiMiro. I wanted to show tho
country to tho young people who uro with
mo, and do not expect to make this a busi
ness trip in any hoiiko of tho word."
When tho (lueen'a party disembarked from
tho Denver train u baggagn truck was
liaulod up to titko earn of tho amall luggago
hlclj was nut checked through. There
wore enough bundlca to supply an emigrant
train. Six largo baskets, three demijohns,
tievcral suit cascfl, two or three wicker telo-
ttcopc and a gigantic bandbox. Twelve
pieces in nil, nnd Htlll tho heavy baggugo
Ji ad bcon ticut on to Chicago,
Tho queen waa Invited to stop In this city
fen her return homo and promised to do bo
in cabo sho returns by way of Omnha.
day nnd Mondny, haa resumed her placo on
tho program. Sho possesses a splendid
volco nnd Is well received.
Frederick Wnrde, tho eminent nctor, and
his company will open at Hoyd s iTldny
night In the two best plays In his repertoire.
Friday night and Saturday matinee In- will
present "Tho Mountebank," nnd on Satur
day night "King Lear."
Christmas stock now In. Edholm, Jeweler.
Alwn)n In tilt- I, rail.
Thn XInlon Pacific was the first lino to
introducn Dining Cars, Vestlbulcd Cars,
Steam Heat, Plntsch Light, Tluffct Smoking
and Library Cnrs, Tourist Cars on trans-
contlnrntnl trains west of the Missouri
Illver. nnd continues to lead. Is first In
equipment: first in speed: first, in lmpor
tnnt improvements: first In stupendous en
glneerlng enterprises: first In historic In
terest; first In scenic attractions. It again
leads In reducing by noveral hours tho
thn Pacific Coast, maklnc tho run to Snlt
Lake City 11 hours, to San Francisco 13
and to Portland 15 hours quicker than any
other train. Ro sure your ticket rcade
over this rout.
City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam st. Tel
31C. Union Station. 10th nnd Marcy, Tel. C29
Open until
ifi Day
Open ntil
No on ii
TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE tor Halt n Dnr' Work.
If you live In the country or In a amall
town nnd havo a good acquaintance among
tho farmoro and stoekralsers In the neigh
borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four
or five hours work. Write us and we will
lend you our proposition. Tbn Bee Publish
ing company. Solicitor s Dept., Omaha, reT.
Shampooing and hnlr dressing, 2Bc. In
connection with Tho Bathcry. 216-220 Dte
building. Tel. 171C.
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Dee. Telephone 1!3S.
Unlquo match safes. Kdholm, Jowelcr.
tin M-nnt tn linil n.q usual, linnnv nnd con-
tnnted with his lot, but for home reason, ho
dienmed that he lind moved away from
Omaha and ho woke himself up swcarliiB
because bo left such n good plarn. Ho said
he appreciated Omnha better nfter tludlug
out how ho would feel If he left It.
Wo don't blnmc him. wo think ns ho does,
pmahn Is u great city. Jack sells lrisli
uins ana ming hk mm m mc
McCord-Hrndy Co. You know Jnck, why
certainly. . , .
iiiii'h fiiscnrn. Oiilnlnn ISC
tl.oo Wine of Curdul r.j'o
tl.00 Tenintntlnn Tonic i .ajo
n; Laxative Hromo Qtilnllin l-'o
2To Cjuluucetol (nest lor coiuhi .
fioo Cramer's Kidney Ouro (gcnulno).. 40u
$1.00 2-qunrt Hot Water Hottles w
ti.oa 2-iimrt Fountain Syringes 4So
Hottlp of lino Mnlt Whisky !
ttottln ller'a Jlnlt Whisky oc
Cut Trie
Drug Store
rl. 747. a. TV. Cor. lth mn Chicane
Ooods dollviired FREE to aw part of city.
awn. hajius ox skw youic ci:thai
I'n mo nn Prima llonna Knjoya Trip Up
lliiilson Itlvrr on llnr of Cen
(ral'M Luxnrlonn Trntns.
'I arrived hero yesterday afternoon,"
said Mine. Eames, "after a most delightful
trip nn the Now York Central. I have nover
before seen tho Hudson nt this tlmo of year,
and the changing foliage nnd tho varied
scenes along tho river wcro so charming
that tho fatigue of the Journey was lost."
From tho Albany Press-Knlckerbocker-Kx-press.
Chicago a ii it lletnrn f14.TR.
On December 1, 2. : and 4 tho Illinois
Central railroad will sell tlcltots to Chi
cago and return nt rate of $14.75, limited
until December S. For particulars call at
city ticket office. 1402 Farnam street, or
address W. II. Drill. D. P. A.. I. C. R. R.,
Omaha, Neb.
Via Itnck Island,
Tickets on snlo November 2S. goqd for
return until November 2!. City Ticket
Office, 132.1 Farnam street.
Seo our cut glasa, Edholm, jeweler.
ClIICACiO A.M ItH'li UN l l,;,1.
Via thn MltttMiiLcr IIhIIimi.i
On Decombor 1, 3, 3 and 4 tho Chicago,
Milwaukee &. St. Paul railway will boII
round trip tickets from Omaha tn Chicago
fer $11.75. City Ticket Ofllco, 1504 Farnam
Ireet. F. A. Nuah, General Western
Is the only nbsoluto cure for BARBER'S
ITCH now upon tho market wo sell every
50c bottlo under a posltlvn guarantee tn
euro this repulsive skin affection In FIVE
Prlco of Vlctor'a Tonic Lotion, 60c; by
mall, 63c.
Cramor's KIdnoy Cure, $1 bIzo, for 49c
Coko's Dandruff Cure 31c
Colgate's Eng. Process Soap, 4-lb.
rakes, dozen SOc
:. Howell's Antl-Kawf 11c
25c Kirk's Juvcnlh) Soap, cake 8c
Soil a Mint Tablets, bottle 10c
1-pound Bird Seed, mixed -lo
llornx Wntor Softener 10c
Sherman &Mcrionnell Drug Go.
"Tho Drug Store on the Corner."
1.IMV lllltf (O CIllt'llRO.
The Chicago & Northwestorn Railway
will on December 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 sell tickets
to Chicago and return at tho low rate of
114.75 for tho round trip. Call on or address
"Tho Northwestern City OfJlco," 1401-1403
farnam St., Omaha.
Sprelnl lluinrxppWiTu' i:enrslon.
TloketB on sale December 3 and 17, nt
eno tlrst-tiass faro plus $2 for the round
trip. For full Information write to or call
at Rock Islnnd City Ticket Olllco, 1323 Far-
juun street, Omnha.
Bend articles of Incorporation, notices of
lookholdors' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee.
Wo will glvo thorn proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
Shampooing and hnlr dressing, 25e. In
connection with tho Bathcry, 216-220 Bio
hulldlns. Telephone- 1716.
. . -
rear! brooches. Edholm. unith"
Down On
Your Knees
Is not necessary to have highly polished
floors now-day a can of
and one of our weighted
with a little elbow-greaes will do
We are soiling a 25-pound FLOOR
BRUSH for $2.50 worth $4.00.
15-pound Floor Brush for $1.60 worth
No such prices as thete any place rlie In
Telephone 341)
k4th a4 B9lma It.
famous coot
cminine Titters
K $3.50 Always
Somo lines of women's Ulgher price
shoes look llko Sorosls-but nono of
them lit like Horosls.
A Sorosls wearer once after Hint
untiling but Sorosls will do.
They lit nnd wear llkn custom work
nnd tho prlco never changes, no mnt
ter what leather Is wanted or what
weight, for storm, street or dress
they aro $3.50 always.
A postal will bring you our new
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
Edward Ridley & Sons
209-221 Grand Street,
New York
$500,000 Dept. Store Stock
Sold at Auction
at which wc bought the choicest lots in
every department
and which will go on sale Saturday,
So Hint every 1n11ir'n worth of our present wtork that
can be nold before Saturday will ro to make jtiHt bo much
more room 'for Ihe Kidley Block.
The poods which will be Bold from the Edward Itldley
& Sons stock Saturday will consist of drcBH poodn, wilkH,
cloaks, .millinery, clothing, shoes, carpets, curtains, com
forts, blankets, linens, ladies' and men's furnishing goods,
hats, gloves, notions, ribbons, hosiery, underwear, laces,
embroideries, books, stationery, jewelry, trunks, valises,
toys. In fact everything that is carried in an up-to-dati
department store.
In connection with the Ridley sttle we place
on snle Snturdtiy 31 enncs WET LINENS
which wc bought from the Marine Underwriter;.
Thn Rir Stnr HIacac
0 Thanksgiving Day H
Big" Cloak Purchase
The entire stock of ladies' raglans. box
coats and automobiles of the well known
linn of Conhaini & Co., New York, pur
chased b7 our cloak buyer now In the eastern market.
First Rhlpment Just received and will be put on sale
Thursday at 8 a. ni.
100 women's box coats made of all wool kerseys, 'new
turn back cuff; a coat worth $8.00, Thursday for tl.OS.
LOT 2200 box coats -nado of kerseys, niontanacs
and chovlols lu all tho leading colors, some lined with
Skinner's satin, worth up to $1L'.00, for only ffi.flS.
LOT 3100 raan-tnllorcd Jackets made of best quality
American Woolen Co. kerseys, lined with Skinner's satin
-a garment worth $lG.r0. Thursday for only 510.00.
Your money bnck (f abovo Jackets Is not satisfactory
after purchasing.
Ladles' ItaRlans 100 Rarments In half fitted or box
back, made of kerseys, fries es and oxford cloths, somo
lined with nuarantced satin, nlso Included In this sale.
30 raglau coats In oxford grays, worth 515.00, Thrus-
day nt 57.4B.
40 raglan coins In black, oxford gray and castor,
worth 518.50, for $10.00.
2i raglan coats mado of extra quality kersey and
frle7.e, worth $20.00, for $12..ri0.
Automobiles made ot extra heavy kersoya In castor and black only, worth $12.00,
for 5".'J5.
CvfrQ xnOniQIC 100 cnllnrlttCB worth $2.50, at. $1.00. Iletween 0 and 10 a. m. wo
LAlld 0JuulQlo will placo on sale 33 dozen flannel waists In all colors, worth
$1.23, for R9e. 20 dozen ladles' wrappers, mado of corded Hannnolctte, 15-ln. llounco,
extra waist lining, worth $1.50, for 69c.
For the Table
Fine Olive Oil
This Is not adulterated with cottonseed
oil. but Is tho purest ollvn, Imported In
casks and bottled In Omaha under our own
Half pint bottlo 30o
Pint bottlo 60o
Quart bottlo $1.00
Onllon bottle $3.23
Tho abovo prices are for full measures
pints, quarts and gallons. Compare tho
slzo of our bottles with others and you will
bo convlnred that our prices uro right. Wo
will bo glad to glvo interested parties
With the Turkey
Your Thanksgiving dinner will hardly be
complete without a Mno table wine. That's
where wo come In. Ot course you can buy
so-called wluo almost any
place tlio drug stores aro
full of cut-prlro wine, but
you wljl find that the quality
bears .v close relation to the
nrlee. every time, When you
near about wines for
M cents. Just look wise buy
It to look at If you want to
but don't drink It. We are
running a liquor store our
trado depends on quallty-
wo havo to ulve valuo re
ceived on every pint sold. If
you want iomotlilng good-
we have It.
oln ncents llnost tnblo wine
on earth natural Juice of
tbn urane. bottled at Wol-
dnn. N. t. pints 6V. nuarts.
!ie. Pure California wines
nt 50o and 75o. nunrts.
Ivbmiupkv wh skies, quarts (uc, nnn
wiKii.r.sAi.r. i.mi'on MtsnuiiAXTs
Qnnntlto Pimtatltr. Trlriihono 114H.
Typewriters !
New Century,
New Detismore,
New Yost.
W sell, rent, exchange, repair type
writers. Everything considered speed, grade
of work, cost of keeping In repair,
durability, otc ours are by all odds
the cheapest typewriters on the
For Information regarding type
writers, addresB or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
1614 Farnam St., Omaha.
II HtU Yr. ruri.Ul.ri in.trutll.n In nr.wlhj, MMitlnf,
r.lliMof , Ptonl.ttt. n.itcn. Ir.-ll, r.nijM4lt4ll, Arll.l'.
nil"Oi, AnhllK I'iril 't Mwkuik.t lr1i. r.risil. lvw
l.ll.n .nil oth.l formi otiprlM Ait.
lu.utj ur .1 .ny tiu. Tki'lirr. fruui Iho AH
rhcnU .r Curopiv. ror iuaiuMi .utui.r. mrm
Mimiv o. IVES. Director,
t. Louis 6ohool of rin Art)Ot.LouH,Mo.
Men's Overcoats,
Men's Suits,
Men's Hats,
Men's Shoes,
Men's Neckwear,
Men's Gloves,
Men's Handkerchiefs
Tlio only rjuPHlion iliuL on tors into tlu nboyewnn ta
ble tilings for 'l'hn ulcsjri vJ nj, in
Tlie intolliponoo of Hits ooinniiinlly iuis put. Hint; powor
into our liamls. Wo nro iishi; iL fnillrfully. 'I'hus pnsi.
tioiiH nro rovorsod. Tinio wns when tho wholonalor
thonglit. liiniHolf par excellence, but now diniiniHlied, evap
orated, exhaled, the trade world forgot K him. The vo
tailor in at the top, and the grand retailing of this section
is here.
Yonr knowledge cuts no figure in your buying at. this
house. You noeil not. trust your memory as to where tn
buy. Uuy here nnd if you're not satisfied, bring it bade
nnd get your money back.
We've Men's Suits and Overcoats
Equnl in every way to merchant tailoring, except price,
J'nges of honest praise would not convince you so
quickly as a .brief visit to the store.
Women's Suits,
Women's Coats,
Women's Raglans,
Women's Automobiles,
Women's Skirts,
Women's Waists,
Women's Furs.
You can trade up to noon Thursday.
HAVRE?!! Thanksgiving Morning,
fi I ULllO Special in Bargain Room
The Big Store Closes at Noon Thursday.
Dress Goods 1 Waistiucs
$1.50 nice dark cloth plaids, Rtrlotly all
wool, 48 and SO Inchon wide wo sold thorn
In the high grade drcBH Roods dopartment
at J1.C0 ard. What 1b left will bo closed
out on Wednesday at 49c yard.
We have a flno hlack sorgo, C2 Inches
wldn, strictly all wool, regular prlco $1.00
per yard, Wednesday, 4Sc.
Wo have a extra heavy flno black camel
hair cheviot you can't match anywhere in
Omaha for Icbs than $1.23 yard, Wednesday
at 49c.
60 pieces of Scotch tweeds, 30-ln. wldo,
made to sell for 75c. ko at 2flc.
600 dress patterns and skirt patterns
brought In from the high grade stock, worth
up to $5.00 a yard all will bo closed at
$1.!8, $2.98 and $3.98.
Uemnants for school dress at 10c, 15c 19c
and 25c yard.
Flannelettes and Outing flannels
at 5c and 74c
15c outing flannels In nice, bright colors,
at Cc.
26o flno imitation French flannels, 30
Can You Understand It
why it is that a man will drug himself till
he becomes an Invalid when ho is way down
or debllltatod, when, by drinking a bottlo
of Met beer at his meals or before meals,
ho will get strong, fat and healthy? It
must bo because he don't know tho virtues
that a good, puro beer llko the Metr pos
Hcsses, Try It for awhilo and you will seo
that It works llko a charro.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. 111). Omaha.
Or Jacob Neurcayer, Agt., care Neuraayer
Hotel, Council Illutfs. Iowa.
Inches wide, finest prints ever seen, at 10c. i 7y,Cl at 2'ic
Strictly all wool French flannels, 30
Inches wide, CO shades, at 25c.
Strictly all wool, flno striped' walstlngs,
regular 76c value, will go at 39c.
Illgh-grado prunellas, In all tho evening
shades, wnrth 75c, at 45c.
No mall orders filled on silk remnants.
They nil Roll on the day of snlo.
25c fancies at i'c.
COc nice bright Japanese, plaids at 15c.
7Co fancies at 39c.
7;'c foulaids at 36c.
$1.00 satin at 29c.
$1.00 corduroys at 39c. .
Silks and Sateens
12c plain black sateen at '5c.
25c Simpson's printed sateens nt 754c.
Ynrd-wldo wnlst linings, yard-wldn per
eallnce, otc, worth up to 15c yard, all will
go at Cc.
Prints, 2$c
CO.OOO yards of full standard prints, In
remnants from 2 to 10 yards, worth up to
10c Shoker flannel nt 7Vc.
15c Shaker flannel at 7Vc.
15o outing flannel, light colors, at Sc.
19a outing flannel, light colors, yard wide,
flno quality, at 714c.
$10 and $15 Dress Patterns $2.98
$10.00 skirt patterns will go nt,$2.98.
$10.00 dress patlcrns will go at'$3.98.
$15.00 drcsa patterns will go at ,$3.98. ,
New Silks and Velvets for the Holiday
trade coming In every day. lllg special for
balanco of week. Silk for waist and HN
TIHK IlltlvSS, beautiful styles, In now
fancy silks, black silks and all kinds t of
novelties. 100 pieces of now crepo ilo chciio
In nil colors, silks worth $1 and $1.25, all
go at 76c yard,
Double width black grenadine, worth $2,
for 98c.
Double width black grenadine, worth $3,
for $1.50.
pure silk, worth
puro silk, worth
pure silk, worth
27-lnrh wide all
for 75c.
:!f.-lncli wldo all
for 98c.
M-lneli wide all
for $1.50.
No matter what position you msy oc
cupy In society, what may bo your calling
In life, go whero you will, the one fsrt
stnnds forth as plain ns day, WINSf.OW
Pleasing and Instructive Fine Coffee and Cereal Food Demons tration
In our newly arranged and handsomely fitted up cracker and cereal department.
Free samples of finest coffees and cereal foods served, showing best methods of pre
paring dainty nnd wholesomo dishes. Do not fall to visit this demonstration. Ujh
will lui surprised and pleased.
TOII ACCO Illvl . Il l il r VI
35o Duko's Mixture 36c
35c I Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c
.Ijo I'nclo Tom smoking tobacco 3So
35o Old Style rmoklng tobacco S5o
50c Moll rouh. per package So
Soda Crackers, 6c; Oyster Crackers. 6o, Milk Crackers, 5c, Pearl Crackers, Sc.
Farina Crockcrs, 6c; Ginger Snaps, 6c
Star plug chewing tobacco ,..
Horseshoo plug chowlng tobacco
Navy plug chowlng tobacco
Rattle Axe. ... 35c. Newsboy tobacco,
null Durham smoking tdhaecn
DCf 13 V One or tlie hrut mw Ippefl or Hio ICeelry arctem of lnl
lutes, the only Keeley Inatltnla tn Keltrnaka. Cnr
DriuikeiinesM. Cure Drue Uerr, Totinceo Vmvro. THH
KUBMJY INSTITUTE. ll "itl l.envenrorth. Onmnnu
Contain the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars,
naoturod by P. B. Rlo MorotatlU Olrr Oo Bt. LoU. Union Mad