THE OMAHA DAILY KEE: WEDNESDAY. XOVJiMJiEll 127, 11)01. I t - V HO SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for thetip enlnnCm frill lie taken until IV! m. for the TTpnliiB edition nml until H HO p. m, for inornlnn nncl Snniln? edition, Rnfea, 1 l-2r n nnrtl first Insertion, lo a ord thereafter. Sntltluir tnkrn for less limn ar.e for the first Inser llon. These advertisements must lie rnn consecutively. Advertiser, by requesting; n nam hereil check, run hnve nnstvcrs nil Iressed to n numbered Ipttrr In cure if The Ilee. Answers so addressed wilt lie delivered on presentation of the theok only. situations wanted. FIRBT-CLAHS dressmaking In lnnillln or atlmme. 900 X 21th Btt A-217 IS KEaiSTlnu:f)plmnnnclt "wants position; two years' experience, with host of ref erences. W, E. Deur. Missouri Valley, la. A-M32o29 LADY stenographer with five years ex perience wIbIiss iosltlon. Best of refer' ences. Address, M 16. Hep. A-631-D-1 WANTED, by middle nged mini, position an bookkeeper or any klml of office, work or position of trtmt ; best of references and bond If required. Address M k Bee. , .nw -. W AX T E I SI A 1. 1 J HELPI HTEADY WOIIK. nrofitnblo work, for neat energetic hustlers. C F, Aduins Co., 1019 iiowiiru. " jv WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents nuilto good wages everywhere.- References required, Address. Twentieth Century Furmor, umnnn, web. li-oia GOOD messengers wanted. .Increased pay, A. I). T. Co., 212 86. 13th. D-M501 V FOR A HAI.I.'.lJAV'H work. If rtiu live lii the country or In u small town and hhvo good ucqunlntnnco among the fiirlnei. hud stock raisers ! tnc neignmrnoou, you can mane uvc uoir lars easily by four or live hours' work. Write ns and wo will send you our propo sition. The? Hco PublishrriK Co., Hnlleltora' uep i .uinnpn, .-sen. ai.w YOUNff men for Hallway Mall Clerks. In-' ter-stnio uorrcs. insi,, ireuar iiapius, iu B-M529 DS CARPENTER wnnted; about two months' work; 26c an hour. Jos. Hchlcslger, Vutnli, When. You Write to Advertisers rtmember ft" only ' takes .an extra strnko pr two of'thi pnii ttf mention the, fact that you taw iu uu in ine uo. VANTKD, men to learn barber trade; only figm wecKH re(iurea; dchi iraun in ux (stenco for u, poor man. Kpcclal .luduco mnnts nt nresent: tools oreMcnted. dlnlo mas granted. Can earn ncholarshlp, board; tools, transportation if desired, Call or write, Moler Harber CollcRn, 162J i- arn urn at. u aum WANTK1), younR men and women to write ror our rree DcioKiet, "Are vour nanus Tied?" It tells how wo have bellied thou sands to support thenlselVes while we (liiallfled them for hlpli salaried positions In eiiBlneerlm; or nrcnltecture. S'rlte the International Correspondence Schools. Box 16fiS, Hcrnnton, 1'it.; or call clay or evening, umnna ouice, iuo to. iuui .hi. ll-.MIttl ST WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. no canvassing: pood puy. Sun Advcrtls lhg liureau. cnicugo. u amvj ;t- OREATE8T mnney-maklng economic d! covery, rovolutlonlzlng ono necessity o life! 'want hustler' In evert" county: snlen did Inducement: exclusive territory: par tlculars free. Kyrozope Company. 3,'l Ktar bldg:. Chicago. 15-557 2J VANTKI-FKSIAI,K 1IKM. , WANTED, 200'elrls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870. , , C 935 OOOD' paying position tii an energetic laily in cacn town; aiso mciy .iravoung to rep- trsrnt.- u. -i.nToiu-ijympn uo im ne ttiug. Vil WANTED, two'h'olllie lftdv AtlidchtH 1 l.n rn hfilpilrnaiiliii itiniiLnipIn,, .....1 nl.l lu .l.lli.nmiin, .....I. ,t,,t. ihH V.ll" ropody and sclentlUc massage. Call or write, iioom lice umg. ij ous VANTEO. ladles to lctiru halrd'resslnc. manicuring or facial mnssuge: four weeks completes by constant practice); expert insiruciious; posmons guurnnteeo: tool! donated. Call or write, Moler College is( j'arnnm at. - c M23i 2V WANTED (llrl for general housework In ramiiy Of two ut lizt North 20th street, . C W GIRL. for .general -housework In family of uiree. uoou wages. Airs, u. AI. Itrcbol, 3667 Howard. St. C-634 27 WANTEP-Carotaker at the Child Saving ltistttute, 18th and. Ohio ,Sts. Preference given to ono having- knowledge qt kinder garten; work! ' Room, board 'and $3 per week. Also an assistant iiurso needed. . , C U10-2S WANTED, experienced girl , for general housework: threo in family; $20 a month, tnqulro 4123 Farnam at. C M456 28 HELP WANTED. MALE and female help. Call Canadian Office. ,408 MEN and women to do copying at home, must write a fair hand; .$5 to $12. weekly, .working evenings; .positively, no canvass ing; Inclose tttamp. Northwest Copying Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. M228 2S A& energetic representative wunted In every county, man or womun; good wages. Address Room 302, Sapp block, Council JllUfts. J-3C0 Dl FOH RENT HOUSKN. HOUSliS'stores. Bemls", Paxton block1. j j ?-r; D-9fr) li6'uSES,'7t7. F, D Weed, 1521 Douglas. D-l HOUSES, and. flats. Rlngwalt, IJarkcr Hlk. D-962 UOUSES'.for rent In all parts or the city. .Brennan-J-ove Co.,. 309 South ISth street. . . .. , D-96p UH CP "JL1 l'?rt" of city. The O. nUUpCO Davl? Co., 652 Ueo Rldg. D-502 TEN rooms, .modern,, except furnace. 971 N. 27th Ave. $25. JOHN w: ROnBlNH,1802 FARNAM ST. - ' D-M3!6 To"moA'E' right, get1 Omnlia. Van Tuornge Co., offlco ISll'.i Farnam, or tel. 1559-803 " ' Z t-939 TWO mqdern houses,' 8 rooms each, near J9th and Faninm Sts.; now being thor oughly' overhauled. Rent, $25 per mouth each. OMAHA LOAN fl." TRUST CO., ldth nml Douglas Sts. ' o 120 TM, S. 37TH, nice 6-room house, bath, gas, furnace, easily heated, strictly modern Will Urowno, Jr. D-1S8-N-20" t-ROOM house, $9 per mo. 1908 8. loth St. D 114 D-3 ROOM modern, except furnace, $32. G. M, Nattlnger, P-eelRdg. 'Phone 4(U, D 441 WIS ST, MARY'S AVE., 12 rooms, modern, $13., , . , SSI N.Utli. 6-rnom cottage, burn. Others. Rlngwalt Hi".. Barker blu. D 381 TOR RENT1, large modern 9;room residence, born. 1123 -8. 32d strt et. D. V, Sholes Co., fiEK'ilENnY U. rAYNwrX.VLTFE ' D-958 i EN-ROOM strictly modem house, best location. 28th and Jackson Sts., $20. O. E. Turkington. ax nee. D-M373 SEVEN-ROOM all modern hoitfce. In wood condition." largn' yard and- beautiful shade trees. Will rent for $30.00 per month. OMAHA' LOAN &, TRUST CO., Kth and Douglas Sts. , D-223 FOJt RENT, five-room cottage, with bath room, modern except fnrnuce, all on cine iln uulli' liuMlml! IJ1W ritiil for whiter , eiislly hHledj IwQW rent for winter thHi 'cm" car, line. J'.olter. Forgun Si Uel!I20.N, Y.JJfo. 'Phones 170.19J0. mont llusUell 1 1 . ----T- - - Wlll'ace, Brown Riock D-3 HOUBE8-G. Q, IIOUBES. Chris Boyer, 22d una Cuming. TDK HUNT IIOtl.iES. 2.l HARNEY. rooms, IS. JIO North 1-2(1 St.. 8 room. Jl. 2305 Iwenworth St., store, 120, It, Bouth 2ith HI., 10 rooms. $39. JOHN N FHBXKER, OFF, OLD P. O. D-M44!-2 DEStHAHLE modern house, fl large room, in good condition, ski b. zist hi d-msos FOH KENT Fine, modern, elegant rooms, stone front, not water neat, us . zjin 8t. 203 Hamgo Hlock. Clarke. D-631 FOIt HENT new 8-rnom all modern house nn-Stii near Hurt, tinisned partly in naru wood, nicely located on paved street near car line In good rcsldenco district, 133. H, C. I'ETEHS & CO., 1702 FAHNAM. I5T1I & A ST8.. Bouth Omaha, a good six- room house, freshly paptrca ona pnintecii rent. 112.60. OMAHA LOAN AND THUST CO., 16th and Douglas 8s. D M60S When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra Mrftke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw ui &u in int on. 2507 8. S2D' ST., nice 7-room house, with city water, furnace, good nam, snaue trees and fine lawn; a good home for some Houth Omaha ofllcc man! will rent for llfi per month to good tenant who will taro for tho property. OMAHA LOAN AND TttUBT CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D MjOI FOIt RENT-Flvo-room cottage, with bath room, modern except lurimcr, n floor, easily heated: LOW rent for winter months: on car line, l'ottcr, organ & Haskoll. 120 N. Y. Life. Thone; 4TO-1M. 8EVEN-H0OM cottage, good repair, mod. cm. soi;i lyfiivcnwortn. -1 112 N. 20TII, 8 rooms., 2602 Doilge St. 17 IOV lii- STEAM boat, l-room corner flat. .Tlznrd, ;i .1111. v ..nit - FOIt REN.T-S-room brick house, modem. 2715 JacKsou at. Tciepnono ni ur u-.usj. A. Traynor. u-M-i 10-HQOM modern brick, 0)7 X. IRtlu $30. 17 aUV? J IMIU HlJ.Vr-I'lJIlMSUHD HOOStS. ' DEWEY Europeun notel. -13th and Farnam rj FOH HENT 2 furnished rooms, sultnblo lor 1 utudents, io per montn. 11113 unicugo, K-iw ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line, lulu ciaric; o per monin. ii-jnw FOIt HENT 2 furnished rooms, steam hent 1017 CUBS. Ji JIIS3 FHONT room, modern, J2 week. 1717 Wob stor, E-M515 D7 LA HUE modern rodms; 1610 Davenport. E-7 LAHOE furnished front room. 417 N. 19th, E-M7S3 D1J TWO housekeeping Mary's. rooms, if. 2623' St. iJ-M8tt D15 MODEHN, well heated rooms. S16 N. 18th. a awn mr FURNISHED or unfurnished modern rooms. 2025 Howard. E JI271 30' LARGE, pleasant front room; furnace heat; rent reasonable. 201 South 25th Ave. E-232 TO LET A comportably furnished front room In private family: new. modern house; furnace heat. .iu Psorui z.hi at. E-032-26 LARGE heated front room, modem, tele phone, etc., furnished to suit. 116 S. 25th. it.. E MHO ROOMS, 1900 Capitol nve. E-M464 P FUHMHIIEI1 ROOMS AM) HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-971 GLENCA1RN, transient J1.25 day 1000 Doug, F-972 NICE home for young men. 108 S. 25th St. F-973 509 S. 25TII AVE., for gentlemen. F-M974 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. 1619 Jackson St. ,Pt-225 STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, With or without board, at, tho Thurston. ' ' F-MI2U THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms, good board. F M983 Dl6 When You Write to Advertisers remember tt only takes an extra stroke or 'two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw me aa in ice use. , STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or, without Doaru.- Aiiuianii noiei, Join una uuicago sts. F M2I3 DJ1 NICELY furnished rooms, with good table uoaru; Bteam neni. siu a, t-aai .-j- FURNISHED rooms, first-class board. 258 1 Jlurney. k .M4. 27" ELEGANT steam. heated front rooms, with board. 1709 Capitol ave. F-M16o KOIl llEXT-UXFUHSlli:il ROOMS. DESK room space,. $5 per 'month, ground iioor room in The Jieo uuuntng, .fnoinp Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service.- R. C; Peters Co., rental agents, Bee building, G 116 THREE rooms and bath; references. C06 BOUlll lain hi. 11 v i'O SUITE of rooms,, modern. 616 Georgia A'c, FOR HUNT-STORES ASiD OFFICES.- FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied ny ino uco nt ais r nrnam ax. it nas iour stories and a basement which was formcly .used as The Bee press room. This will be rented vory reasonably." If Interested apply nt once to C. C. Rose ,wator, secretary, room 100, Bee. building. 1-261 FOIt RENT, office with vault and part hi st noor or bii tor iioor, un-io ttnrney St. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Hanicy bu I 4J7C- FOR. nENT, stor9 In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R, C, Peters & Co., grounu iioor, uco .uiug, in A 1 LOCATION, cneap, nil tlxtlires, grocery, tirug, meat maraei; suitame to gether or separate. TUard, 224 N. 23d. 1-156 N30 DESIRABLE storeroom, 1433 .South 16th St.. near William. $16. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST, I M4CI2 m AGENTS WAXTEn; WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suuscrlptlous to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CVCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 object- teaching engravings and In the only book on live stock over published udapted to the every day, practical money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good income. Agents IU tho country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily 00 to iw per monin. AtiuruiB century Fa farmer solicitors' Bureau, Bee DUiiaing, Omaha. J-J13 AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc.. free. George Barrio At Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M2S1 Janl2 1'ROKITAHLE work offered agents In every town to secure HupscrlptlbnB' to the l.uclk'H' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Pot. We want agents who will work thoroughly nnd with business sys tem to cover each section with our illus trated little booklets und other advertis ing matter, nnd to look shurply after re newals from old subscribers. The pay Is llrat rate, and at the end of the season $20,000 Will bo given the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents have succeeded is told In a little booklet we would like to kend you portraits of some of our best agenlB, with the story of how they made tt pay. Tha Curtis Publishing Co,. Phil adelpbla, Pa. J-M30 Fb7; AOIlSiTS W.tMKn, ' IORIAL life of McKlnley, four Ian- jges, 6,vi pages, 100 nair-tones, i.wj; ireo . nt. W. A. Jllxcnbaugh & Co., MO War0 block, Omaha. J-977 WANTED-LIVE SALESMAN IN KVEHY county i state experience and salary ex peited. Hoblnson Co,, Toledo, O. J-M43S 27 WANTED, capable general agents who have una experience in selling suu.'crin tlon books, to travel, employ and train canvassing ngents; write, stating age, ex tent of experience, number and name of books sold, etc. N. D. Thompson Pub lishing Co., St. Iouls, Mo. J-MMJ D2 STOItAflE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehousa Co., 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. oso OM. Van Stor. Co., 151P.4 Farn. Tcls. 1559-861 -978 8TORAOE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far nam 3t. 979 WAM'KD-TO IIUY. bECONDHAXD books. Crane, 207 N. 16tb. t N-718 Dll WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and fitoves for St. Iouls exposition. Tel. 771. Address J. Lovlnc, 306 N, 16. N-M3C2 D2 INSURANCE policies purcrutsed In old line uumiHiuit'fi, neiiu description, win iiihku offer. Tho Putnam Co., 50l-o N. Y. Life bldg. . N-M203 Dl FOH .SAI.KFimNITl HH. FURNITURE of 9-roora house. 1418 Chicago. 0735 Dlo CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, oxclirtt.ged O-'JSl HmJ8EnOLDfurriirtilrordlnlng table, bod room suites, carpets, etc. 216 No. 17th St. 0-M327 28- THE CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. OFFERS A 1UO LOT OF BASK BURNERS AND STOVES. for less 1 1 1 11 11 nne. half their value. Prices from ?.1 to $15; actually worth doubln this amount, Dun'.t fnll .to Investigate .this offer. Also cornplcto.llno o furniture at lowest pricef. 14O6-8-10-12 DO DOE STREET. CTflVPQ Any kind of n stove you want 3IUV CO at ro per cent discount. We have a complute lino of now und second hand stoves and furniture. lowest prices. Enterprise Furnlturu Co., 102-1 B. 14th st. Tel. 2256. 0-M7SU D13 FOIt SALE HOIISKN, WA(JO.H, ETC. GOOD UUGGY HARGAlXS. 1 rubbcr-tlred depot wugun. 1 0-puss, Rocknwuy, 4 leather-ton fumllv carriages. 4 pliiietons, 6 top and open buggies and ruuaoouiit Secondhand harness. Drummond Currlage Co,, 18th & Harney St P 192 WAGONS, buggies, cic, given Al repairs at 11. l- rost s, 14111 unu i.ouvcnworin, 1 193 KOIl J.U,K-SIISCHM,ANKOi:Sr FIR timbers for housemovcrs, etc., -40 to ii 11.; criuuing aim nog tence. vi uoug las. y i!M 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnnu W S3 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 114 S 13 y 3!i PATENT medicines nt cut prices. Shermnn & McConnell Drug Co., cor. 16th and D(dgc. 1 y M172 vA UllMll. milivn .viiiiivivi n hvui A VJ I f 1 V, to snvo winter' storage. Call loJu Geor gia Ave. t y eii Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inquire J318 Farnam or 1723 Dodge. 0-M9I5 CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 or 14 years oiu. Address it aj, nee.. " Q-M3S6 EDISOX ancf Columbia talking machines and iccords. umuua uicycio" uo., mtii and Chicago. , Q-9J3 600 OVERCOATS, bargains.. Mnrowitz. 418 IM. 1BU1. li U4J WELSHANS MANTEL & TILE CO, Tel. 1659. 309 S. 17th. Q-M429 Dt FOR SALE.'', good-sized Dacknuos of news paper exchanges, 6 cents and up,, Apply at uce uincc,, t-iicuiauon vinuow. . Q M3 FOR .SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instruments; $5 up. The wittmann uo.F 1621 i'-nrnam. q LARGEST stock latest combination granho phones, records and supplies, Como and sen them, I- redcrlckson, Juth and Dodge St Q-533-D-21: When Yo.u Write, to Advertisers remember it only takes an .extra stroke or two or tno pen io mention tno tact that you saw tne aa in . inu uea. CLAIIIVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. S-990 MME. OYJjMER, genuine palmist, 315 S, AUlll, O VIENNA fortune tcjlcr. 1515 Davenport ELECTRO TnEATSl;EMT. MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1403 Webster. x mho uu MME. AMES, 317V& X. 15th, flat E, baths. T-370 D2' MME. SMITH, baths, 118 X, 15, 2d. floor, R 2, 1 MDlt VI- EL1TE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th Sh. 2d floor, 1 -MISS JJ20 BEATRICE HARLOAV Elegant vanor nn tub baths; electricity given; Egyptian treatment. 3ai;4 forin 10m, nni a. T-M467 3 MASSAGE and bath. 1515 Davenport. T M453 D26 PERSONAL. Tin TlOV nlilrnnnHlst ! rnrns and mini.fln I ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, l- rer.zer diock, u 032 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Em plro Rupture cure, vss jx. v. life Bldg. . U-993 VIAVA. woman a way to health: rational wholesome home treatment. 348 Bee Bldg, WHY BE IN DARKNESS or have .poor light when the Leader Gasoline Lamp is cheaper? 100-candle nnwer. for 26c u month, lighted wltn nn match, burning in full torce within 20 seconas; noBoiuteiy tmie; ono wcck'h trial free; gunrnniceu tor ono year; win re pair tree of charge. Louis Flescher, insi uapitoi avo. m sat ao WE RENT-machines for 75c per week. AVo sell needles ami attaenments for and re pair every mane or sowing machln NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner 16th an Harney, 'Phone 1663. U-576 D9 PRIVATE homo for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 262i Uurdette at. wrs. uurget. U-418 D3 ADV. calendars. Burkley Ptg. Co. 0-M697 Janl JUST think of It! Qood cabinet photos only WO uoz. at mu u. n. uuuery, wa a. ititn, u 93 1 RUPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 60 days; senti tor circular, u, ct. wooa, ai V 621 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb U 0i3 SHAMPOOING and hair dressing. 25c. I connection with The Uathery, 216-220 Be building. Tel. 1716. U-661 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection wnn i no iiatnery, rooms zio-.-u nee uiug, Tl 171A it HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chlro nody, for ladles only, In connection with 'ine uatnery, iib-szij wee mag. u zsa MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16. 2d floor, n: U-M8i9 D14 L1EBEN. theatrical, maiqutradt rnatumer UJ F&ruao. U-il53J PEnflOXAL. RIVATE hospital, beforo and during con finement! babies atloDted. 2300 Grant St. Mrs. Gardels, Tel. F 1182. U-19J GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesalo nnu rciau, uoiuns 1'iano uo., 19..' uoug- as. u-wi GET the little photos for 15c per dor. at rno u. a, uancry, kg Boutn ititn. U SJJ ACCORDrON pleating, cheapest, best and quicKcst. .Mrs. a. -MarK, 1 ft- uougias. u .M1BI ROMP. CMflAIia ARE HETTEIt than others, but none are better than tho PRINCE OF OMAHA It . Is ahead In quality, flavor and coolness; mon macic; ic straight retail, w wnniesaie. W. r , STUliCKKll UlUAIl UU. U-MIMM MONEY TO LOAST-HEAI, ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa farms nt 5, per cent; oorrowers can pay $ltu or any multiple! any Interest date: no delay. Hrennan-Love Co.. 3U9 Bouth 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-100O WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrant,. ueorgo v company, iwi raruui street. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. f arnam Hmitn & uo iiv i-arnum sireec W-103 WANTED, city and farm loans, also bonds nnu wurrants. it. u. i-etcrs et t.o., niu Farnam St., Bee Dldg. W-101 V PER CUNT on business property. o per cent on resiaenco property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 16th St. W M826 'Anil and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618, w $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up1, lowest rates, uarvin tiros,, w i-arnum. W-100 RIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w 101 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 X. Y. L. W-103 4V4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Bile SEE J1LXRY D. PAYNE, l-3 X. Y. Life. W 10S MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real nsttitn. lli-i.iiiinn.1 nt'A in . flfll (Indtlt l.llh W-109 MORTGAGE G. G. Wallaco, Brown Block. SIO.M3Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY To loan on Furniture nnd I'ln nos, Llyo Block, etc. . Vou to rctnin possession of tho property, cai adv t nAMcTo neonln holding J"1-',,X' l'u""J iHrnianetit. noMltlons. oil can borrow from $10.00 tin. You can gel thu money on short notice. You got tho full amount In cash. You may keep it one month or more and pay for It only what time you keep It. Our rates are low, our business Is coutldentlul nnd our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA MOIITUAUM 1.UAK CO., 119 Board or Trade Bldg. Tel. V295. (Established 1&92.J 306 So. 16th St. X-131 MONEY loaned on furnlturu, live stock, Jew- eiri . aiso tu saiarieu ncouic witnout sccur- lty; cheap rates; easy payments; business confidential. Foley Loan Co,, successors to uun urccn, u. s. uarKcr uik. ust. 18S, X-116 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- r eiry, norscs, cows, etc. u. i . itceu, Ji'J a. 13. A 11 LARGEST BUSINESS IX rOANS TO aALAHiuu i-xui'iA', mcrciiunts, team stent, boarding houses, etc.. without ra curltv: easiest terms: 40 olllccs In nrln- dual cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade .id.. v,,. XJ1UK -w All DON'T JIUX. BUT IIURRY'I Our rates are lowest on SALARY LOANS fl T.MTIJMIT'TM?!,? I r, A VQ Time right and fair, sqiiaro dcnllng by a respoiiHiuio company, .iieuuuio urcnii uo,, ruuin tiiiru iiiuur, a uJttuu uiuuk.. I X-M203 MONEY loaned on plain- nolo to salaried people; dusuicsh :onuui;utl:ii; lowest rates. bit raxion diock. ino J. a, ltuttun uo. X-112 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNlTUnil live slocK, etc. gulcK service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (ton floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th ami i-arnum; entrance un lbtn street. X-115 PRIVATE party, emnloved diirlne day win iiuikc loans on plain notes to smnrieu people holding positions with responsible concerns at his residence neur 1st Ii and Chicago sts. at 11 rale which will sntlsry anyone requiring i loan; Interview grant ed only after 7:30 each evening; write for a ppointment. if, nee omen. A .M4v IH'SIXESS CHAXCIJS. TO .GET In or out of business cull on Wil liams, itoom in, .ucuaguo uuuaiug. Y-M167 30 INTERESTED In goats? Learn nil about them ns money mnltcrs. Head American Goat Breeder, published monthly; 20 cents a cony. Address Rooni G, 117 6th ave., Chicago. Y-M503 D7 COAL nnd feed business for sale. Well equipped nnd prosperous. Monroe & Co,, Sll N. 16th. Y-837 FOR BALE, millinery store doing good business; also good hotel for sale (or lenso to right party), both good locations in X.'. E. Nebraska. Call or write 621 N. Y. Life building. Omnjia. Y 11 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Beo. GRQCERY store ' for sale: will Invoice nbout $1,600: clean stock. Also restaurant tlolng good 'business. Address .1. M. Dalley,' Seward. Xeb. Y 191 27 SALOON for sale, Address James Slobodny. St. Paul, Xeb. Y M210 3P FOR SALE or lease. Complete butter renovating plant, located In Omaha, Xeb. Capacity. 2.600 pounds dally. New ma chinery nnd all In llrst-cluss ropnlr. In good brick building. Rent of building only $25 per month. Owner has other business. Splendid opportunity for re sponsible purty to mnko good money. Address, Omnha Loan and Trust Co., Omaha, Xeb, Y 629 27 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TH FLOOR X. Y. L. RLDG... OMAHA. Associate hnnks and nttorneys everywhere. LARGEST LAW AND COLLECTION AOENCY IN THE WORLD. DAMAGE, SUITS, BANKRUPTCY, Dl VORCE nnd every form of LITIGATION glvon attention by lawyers mnklng a spe cialty In their particular brunch, Submit your claims In person or by mall, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE, furniture of 14-room modern brick flat, completely equipped, tilled first class roomers: best location, paying prop osition; owner going awnyj If ydu wnnt ii profitable business Investigate this, J, II. Johnson, 643 N. Y. Life. Y M455 21 FOH EXCHANGE, 160 ACRES well improvertVfarm In Seward county for sain or exchange for good resilience prupurty in umuuu; viuuo o,4UU, Call or address the Putnnm Co., 504-5 X. Y. Life bldg. Z-M201 28 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE A bargain near Brownell Hall; new, modern, 7-rooin house; latest open nickel plumblrg; porcelain bath tub: full 60-ft. lot; owner has Just been transferred lo another city and wishes to sell at once. j. ii. anerwoou, ssj .n. v. wie Bldg. RE TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE 471 Jana' HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tire Insurance. Bemls; I'nxtou Hlock. RE-120 SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good fanning country. For furthor particulars wrlto or call on H. L. Ludlum, Plalnview, Neb RE M393 CHASTE. WILLIAMSON," 12MFarnmBT RE-lil FOR MALE REAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. TAYNE. 601-1 N.Y. Life. 7 ut.- 10-1 RANCH nnd farm lands for snto by the union Pacinc Railroad company, b. a. McAltaster, Innd commissioner. Union Pa clflo Headcjuartcrs, Omaha, Xeb. RE-US HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also acre property nnu larm lancis. ine u. Davis Co., Room K2, Bco Building. -RE-119 BARGAINS. Rover. 22d k. Cuming. Tel. 2019. RK-722 D10 IF YOU want one of. tho nicest S-room homes in Hanscom Place, 1 will give you n bargain. Owner left city, Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. "-""j'jjj FOR SALE, fine farm lands; three hotels in thriving town; implement pusincnn, either with or without building, at In voice. E. R. Surbcr, nnj j,. CHEAP HO.MES-Two cottages, 26th nnd Patrick avenue, $KK) nnd $S5 , , 2011, Bpruco St., 7 rooms, full lot $1,500 K 1D,1. B .nmlnrn 2. 000 iiii. ,3111, n ,tuiiiD, uiuui.1 U.III...1.... 2227 j.ocust St., 7 rooms J.WJ 3124 Mason St., 7 rooms, full lot l.oOO ;n .. zmi t.t t rooms -' Ml H. 2Sth St., ? rooms.. m S. snth St., 75 ft., 10 rooms 6,o?i Sll! Mlnrrtl at tl rnAmi .. KjO 1t Mlnntl Ul ? fnnm t fiAfhAP l.liSO 3713 N. 22d , fi room ,W0 iiuiiiu luin near jmi unit auiun .c.t W. T. GRAHAM. REE BLDG. . RE-451 29 If). CORN, winter wheat, timothy-clover farm. Wrlto owner. Airreil unnsiuin, York. Neb, RE-M4W 27 MUSICAL IXSTRUMENTS. SPKCIAL PIANO SALE. One Klmbnll Upright, walnut case, good ns new, $13G. One Klmbnll Rosewood Up right. In good condition. $93. One dicker ing Siiunre, newly overhauled, nt $85. Also Huvcrai other genuine iinrgains. i-ianun tuneu, poiisnen nnu repairen. visitors in vited to Inspect our new pianos under con struction. C. SOMMHR'S PIANO FACTORY, 2v9 S. llth st., Cor. Douglas. Send for catalogue. nR PROMPT in calllmr to see nil the Miigntiy used pianos wo are cmcring mis ween on very easy terms, anu you win Jlnd yourself well repaid. If you wish a ninno voti can save money now. at this time. Where? Mueller Piano & Organ Co., 1316 Fninnm St. t.u MEDICAL. DR.- PRIES, tho acknowledged Icadlns i unniLiiui 11 iianieu nr wn in I'll in uiuuiiiti would cull the attention of suffering . indies to his unsurpassed accommouuuui before nnd during conllncment, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, umnna. LADIES, $500 reward falling to relieve case of nbuormsl suppression, nny cause; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy M537 1J" i ntt.iti ..... i...mi.a .nnntlilv retoedv l,iL7, Ulll llllllliunn .mv...... , , .,.,,.i fu Trii f rn. 1 l'ar is Chemical Co.. Mllwuukee. Wis. 0 Jany 6 SHOIITDAM) AND TYPEWH1T1ML GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doiij A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. 13i NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a rhnntpr.- 1 133 KI.ECTU1U nELTS. ELECTRIC Belts nnd what they will do Address P. O. Box 4S8, Omaha, Neb. 157 IIOWLIX'fJ ALLEY. FOR SAI.E-Two alleys and euiilpmants mid cigar care, uu m r, lion; located in western part of state.; bargain for a man with small capital; cun be moved It want to chango locution. Aduruss L s, uec. anio w DlttCfi.MAIvlXfi. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring 113S N. IStll. '' IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2012 Farnam, 'I'All.OltlXG. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joe Yousen, 1506 Furnam. S01 I,ni icppC TO ORDER, $3. 414 N. 16th, PATENTS. WILL BUY nnv cood Invention or catent Address, Lock Box 760, Dcs Moines, la. 1 HAVE cush for good patent or Invention Address i u. dox S3, umnna, ieu. 181 J23 MASUl'ERADE COSTUMES. , NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent S, hh ck, mis Bourn Min street. 436-D-24 liOOKKEKPINU. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc. day or even: ing, R-15. Com. Nat, Bank. G, R. Rathbun liiS FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks ropulred. um irunlt f actory, wa v arnam, itt Damaged looking glasses resllvered, 708 X 16, OSTEOPATHY. JOIIXSOX Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel 1664. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles1 dept.; uia. hi. jonnson, uiteopatnist, Mgr. l DR. A. T. IIUXT, 612 McCaguo bldg. Tl aw. 127 DR. MRS. MUSICIC, Douglas Blk, Tel. 2S23, -129 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. all kinds of carnenter work and ronalrln prombtly nttended to. J. T, Ochiltree, 20th una t,BK0 ai. oiu VM. KVCRITT. Sneclal rates tA real es tutu men; weather strips put on. 2SC6 Lcavenwortn. M763 LA UN U It Y, OMAHA Steam Laundry ; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel.647, nolI.EH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stucks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Bts, HI FOUND. FOUND, near Y. M, C. A. entrance, pal of spectacles; owner cull at Boo Office - :.'n,ip,l ( 17 lILACKSSUTIIINfl AND llOHSESHOINCi CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 811 N, IStll, 7bl FURNITURE ItEPAIItlNO. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, 1M STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rungs Blda SAFE AM) inOX WORKS. G. ANDRBEN Prop. Omnha Safe A- Iron oras removed to iv. so. ivtn t. 777-13 FRATERNAL ORDERS THE GARDENERS protect old age as well ns ine. unarter inemners rreo. l'nrticu lars from Frank Ruscwatcr, supreme manager. 222 Bee Bldg. 721 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Omcc, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential, isui uoums. STATUARY. STATUARY manufacturing. 317 8. 10th at. ureal nargain removal sale. -723 D10 NICKEL PLATING. 8TOVE8, lamps, tc, replatlng. Omnha 1'iniing uo., nee unig. tci. sms. las HATTERS. OLD hats made new. 207 N. 17th Bt. M76i HALE TIES. OMAHA Hny Bale-Tie Co., 811 N. 16th. i.j LOST. IXD8T. tiling English setter, female, re- warn return 3110 Chicago st., inngwnu. Lnst-M4lt 2x GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans ccsspnoin and vaults, removing gnrungo and dead animals at "reduced prices. 121 N. 16th St. Tel. 1779. M-H6 D26 FOR SALE-HAY, (ill A IX, K'I'I!, ESTOMAHA FEEDCO.72S0S LoaV." f el" :-'!03. -M462 PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTMAS offer, opal pictures worth 3 free with each dozen photos. Miner, lend ing piioiogrnpncr, ins .itu. -750 POS rOFI'lt ll MIIRn, (Should be read DAILY liv nil Iniprnniml. un i-iiuiiKi-N may ucuur nt nny tune.) Foreign malls for the week mniimr Mn vembcr 20, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In an ca9cni at tno general postulllco as fol lows: Parcels post mnlls closo mu. hnn curlier than closing time shown below. Parcels itont mulls for lli.riminv nln.n , Regular und suiinlemcnturv malls rin nt foreign brunch half hour later than closing time shown below (except Hmt mill pplemcntnry malls for Europe and Con ii Amcrlcu, via Colon, close one hour tral later at foreign branch.) Vrnnsntlnutlc Slnlla, WEDNESDAY-At 8:30 n. m, (supplemen iiii.v lull, in.i inr i-.i i if 1 1 1 ' iinr u a I .r manlr, via Quccnstown; ut 8:30 n. m, for EUROPE, per s. s. llnvcrford, via South iiniptuti and Antwerp (mall must bo iiirecieu per s. s. llavurford"). QUEZ. ner s. s. La I'liiimniiirne. vln Havre (mnll for other parts of Europe mum uo uirvvtvu per s. s. ia I. Iinm pnene"). satuhuav-Al o a. m. for EUROPE, per s, s. unmpanin, viu yueenstnwn; nt 7 n. m. for ITALY direct, per h. s. Trnve (mull inusi ne uirecteu "tier s. s. Trave ): m n. m fnr IMF.'l'l I t.'tl t . A VtlO .1 (... per s. h. Rvndani (mall must be illreetni "per a. s. Hyndnm"); at 7:30 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Spnrtnn Prince; nt 9:30 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astorln (mnll must be directed pc. s, . Astoria ) PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed M Her, Commercial Papers and unmpics ror Qcrmany only. Tho same clasa ot a! matter- for other parts ofEuropo will not be sent oy this shin unless sneelallv dlrertn.l tiv It After closing of the Supplementary 1'r.ins- ntlanllo Mans named nlioi--. additional supplementary mans uro opcueij nil Ilia piers of tho American, English, French nnd Qcrmnn steamers anil rnnintn nnxn until T.'lthln Ten Minutes ot the hour of sailing oc steamer. Malls for Mouth mill Central America, AVvst Indies, Etc. W E D X EH DA Y A t 9:30 n. m fn.. tviniM mm iwnii, jiur w. h, 1,111 c d rc; nt 12 m. for CUBA, YUCATAX. CAM P E CI IE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per V. h. Es pernnza (mail for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. n. Espernnza"): lit 12:30 n. in. (sunnlcinentnrv I -.".n n ... for IjEEWAHD and WINDWARl) l?.1.,.' All'iS?11,18"' DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Carlbliee: at. 11 n. m. for JAM A in A u.r a.i! iiiiriu nuiuey, mini i-niiaucipnia. THURSDAY At 11 11. in. for VKWfnrvn im.-tw, per s, s. siueriau, rrom I'hllndel- 1111111, FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per . s .MiuniuiiH, via Tumpico (mail mun be 1 1 1 1 t'l: l I'l I HIT H. H. 1I1I1I11ZHR"I. SATURDAY At 8 11. m. for ARGENTINE URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s Cnlllso: at 9 a. m. (NUpplemeiitnrv 9:3 11. tn.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO nml ) ENEUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mail for Saviinllln and Cartagena must ui; (iiri-cicn per s. s. I'niiniieipiitu ); nt 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) fi FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILIA and CARTAORNA. Altai (mall for Costa Rica mut' be directed "per s. s. Altal");rat 9:30 11. m. inuiiJi.jiiiniiiui .v i'i..wj tl. ll. 101 HAITI and 8ANTA MARTA, per s. s. Andes; ni 10 a. m. for CUBA, ner s. s. Atyi, Vi. Havaii.t: nt 12:30 p. ni. for MATANZA8 lA IT! . IJII.-V Hill UIA 1. . ri.f.'iSV ..,...,......., v. ......... 111111 mxilrtUtlA. per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mnll only, which must be directed "tier s. s. Ollndu"): nt 12:30 p. m. for XUEVITA8. per a. s. Phonlx (ordinary mall only, which must lie nirecieu per . n. i-nonix j. Mails for Xowfoundland. by rail to Xorth nuiiuy, mcni-i; uy nivuiner, ClO.Se a this otllco clllllv at 6:30 II. 111. Ceomienili., closo here every Monduv. Wednemiiiv .. ...1 Saturday). Mails for Mlqucion, by rail to hub lun, unu iiit-uuu ity steamer, closu n this omen uaiiy 111 b-.M p, m, Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., nnd thence bv stcumer. close, at thi mn. dally, at a m. jtho cinjhectlng closea mu .,y niui naiur- ilav). Malls for Mexico t'ltv. nt-.ri.....i unless specially uddressod for dispatch by steamer, close at this otllce dally nt 1-.1J p. ni, nnd 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Belize, l'uerto Cortez und Guatemala, by roll to Xew Orleans, nnd thenen i.v steamer, close at this office, daily at ,M::0 6, 111, tcoiiucuiiiii, cmau neru .nonuays for cllze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala und Tuesdays for Costa Rica). "Registered mun uiusca in u i. 111. iJiuviuus uay, Trniispni'ltlo Slnlla, Malls for Tahiti and Marnucsas TslnmU via San Francisco, closo hero dally at f!.4n .. ... .,rt ... lTn....l... I . 1 u.uv 1'. ill. 11 1' 1, ..uiviuutii 41. 1IIUI1111VO. tor uispatcii per b. s. Australia. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver close here dally at 6:30 n. m. un to Nnvr,m ber "26, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, h Empress of China (registered mall mus. no uirecteu -via Vancouver";. (Mer i-nunuiBu iur inu u. a, i-nstai Agent n ennngnai cannot ue lorwnrded vl Canada). Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle close here dally at 6:30 p. m. nn to No- vember 27, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. ivinnniu iiiuru, ine giHiercu infill mil hi. .1lr.rtoH "I'll, f4.fltn,, Mulls for Hawaii. China. Janan nnd Phtlln pines via Ban Frunclseo closo horn dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Xovomber 28, In clusive, ior dispnicn per s. h. imric which Is forwarded via Europe), Xew Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hauall, via Ban Frnnclsco, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. after Xovember 10 nnd up to Xovcmbcr "ju, inclusive, or on nrnvni ot s. s. um. brio, due nt Xew York Xovember "39, ror dispatch per h. h. venturn. Malls for China nnd Janan. via Taenmn closo hero dally nt 6:30 11. m. up to Xo vember 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, ijienngie, Malls far Australia (except West Australia which ernes via Etirnne. mid Nnnr 'nn, land, which goes via Ban Franclrno) nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, eioso hern dally nt 6:30 p. in. nfter Xovember SO nnu up to uecemner "7, inclusive, ror dispatch per s. . Mlownra (supplement ary mnlls. via Seattle nnd Victoria), close nere at u;ju p. m. iccemoer 0. Malls for Hawaii. Janan. China and Thilln pine Islands, via Ban Frnnclsco, close here dally nt 6:30 n. m, up to December -o, inciusiv'.-, ior uispatcii per a, h. -Nip nnu Mnrn. Malls for Hawaii, vta San Francisco, close nere uaiiy nt ti:au p. m. up to iiccemiiei ?, Inclusive, for dlspntch per n. h. Ala meaH. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflee, New York, X, Y., Novuber 21 THURSDAY At 7 a m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd LOIU-INZn main i.ehi. notici: NoTiri: Bids will be received nt the n(n. nt II,. commissioner of public lands nnd milldlngs i i.iiuoiii, ,en., tor tno construction or IxtV tier.- steel cells nt the nt.itn nnl- tentlnry In Lincoln, uccordlng to plans nnd specifications now on file In the ortlee of the commissioner of public land nnd buildings, except ns to locking device, which will ie selected by the board from models exhibited nt tint limn iitrnei U awarded. The Board of Public Lands nnd Building reserves the right to Incressa the number contracted for to ninety or 120 nt same proportionate, price ns bids fir the sixty cells, should It be demerl liest In iln rt ni tho time contract in mnde. ah inns must no submitted on or before Tuesday. December 17. 1901. at 12 o'clock noon, and nil parties bidding must bo pres ent on the day named, with samplos of ma terial nnd model of locking device. The board reserves the right to reject nnv or nil bids, nnd t6 wntve nny defects or Ir regularities. There uro nn funds appropriated In the reiistiry for the construction of theja ells and all nnrtles bltlillnn tlierrnn tnlmt do so with the understanding that no moirjy run do pain on nny contract let thereunder until an appropriation lins been passed by tho legislature of the state of Nebraska. otfctitm.; i i.vit.t.Mt:it. Commissioner Public Lands nnd Hulldlnci. N6V20D101 tlOVER.VMEXT NOTICE. OFFICE , CHIEF QUARTERMASTER -Omaha, Xeb.. October 2S, loot. Scaled pro- iKiriiix. in tripiicnte, sunject in ine usual conditions, will be received nt thl ofllcn until 10 o'clock n, m., central time. Novem ber 2S, 1901, for tho construction of n forngo storehouse nt Fort Sill, O. T. Full Infor mation furnished upnn nppltcatlnn to this other, or to tho quartermaster. Fort Sill, whero plans nnd specllliatlons may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Forncp Storehouse nt Fort sill. n. t ." nnd addressed to the undersigned, Major JOHN W. PULLMAN, ('. Q, M uci :-ai-i-2 niui CHIEF QUARTER MASTER'S . OFFICH Omnhn, Neb., November 25, Wl. Scaled liropnsnls. In tripiicnte, subjert to the u1uil conditions, will bo received hero until 10 o'clock ii. in., December 5, 1901, and th"ii opened, In tho presence, of nlteudlng bid ders, fir thirty-two (32) Artillery llorsej, for delivery nt Fort Leavenworth. Knnsnx, or prominent railroad points. V. B, re serves right to reject or necept nny or nil proposnls, or nny part thereof. Blank forms ror mailing nnu circular giving tun iiirnrtn ntlon nnd requirements will be furnished on iipp!l"fition to this iiftlrc, Envelopew containing proposals should be mnrkotl "Proposals rot Horses, and addressed to J NO. W. PULLMAN, Chief Q. M. 41 I) 27 2 l)ec.2 3 iAILWAY TISIE CAM II. UNION STATION IOTII AND MAllCV. 1 1 1 1 11 o I n Centrnl. Iinve. Arrive. Chicago Express n 7:10 am n 6:10 pm uuicngo, Aiinuenpous it i. rain Limited. .. ...n t:&o pm a i:.v am Mliiuenpoils & St. Paul Exnress b 7:10 am b 9:40 era Fort Dodge Incnl, from Council Bluffs u 5:00 am nll'.IO pm a s:i) nm a 4:03 pm a 4:05 pm u 2:15 pm a 8:40 am a 5:30 pm al0:25 pm a S:15 am a 3:53 pm ist Mall ..".!!!. !'.a 8:t) pm Imnha-Chlcago L't'd . 7:lo pm 'nst Mnll a 8:30 am 'ednr Rnpldr Pass 'win City Express a 7:10 nm 'win City Limited n 7:65 pm Sioux City Locul a 8:00 am u Dally. Cbli'iiu". Rock Island it Pnulflc. EAST. Des Moines nnd Dnv- enport Local a 7!3S am n 9:: pm Chicago Express bll:l5 am a 4:55 pm Des .Moines iocni u :j pin ini-.nn ira r'lilcago Fast Express. .n 6:00 pm n l;25 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and nnd Chicago n Tito pm a b:z am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver. I'uelilO ntitl West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm a 9:50 am Colorado. Oklahoma Texas Flyer ,h 5:20 pm Union Pnclfli;. Overland. Limited.., 8:50 am ...a 9:00 nm ...nll:20 Pit! n 7:30 pm a 3:25 pm a 4:25 pm a 7j05 am bt2:30 pm a 7:05 am b 9:36 am uj. a 8:05 am b 3:40 pm Fast Mail , T'nrlfln Exnress Colorado Sncclol .mi ::o pm Llncnln.Stromsburg Ex.b 4:3! iirri California & Atlantic Es.ti 4::s lm Grand Island Local u d;30, pm CIiIciiko, SHUvnukcc A St. Pi i-I.Ip.iim. Limited a 6:00 nm Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am WllllllHll. St. Louis "Cannon Bnil" Express a i:is pm St. Loills Local, Council a 8:20 nm al0:30 pm a 6:25 pm a 6:15 am Biurrs aio:oo am SllKsliirl Piifllle. Bt. Louis Express alo;oo am K. C. st, l. iiixprcss.aiuiijy pm IHIliLINGTOX STATION IOTII MASON i T llurllnul'iu A Missouri River. Leavo. Arrlvs. Nebraska. Express a 8:40 nm a 7:35 pm Wymore, neuinco aim i Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 nm Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills nnd J'llget Solum, Denver t-on- nectiou a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 DO pm a 9:17 am Fort -Crook and Platts- . mouth b 3:20 pm bll:06 nm Bellevue & Pacific Je.t..'n 7:40 pm a 8:20 am .....I i. nnnllln Int a Lift nm llClltlVllCI IV. J HI.IIIU MI....U V.AV Will Kiiiisum t.'lt'. St. Jnsepli A Coartflll lllMffa. 1 Kansas City Day Ex....n 9:20 am a.:0R pm i-,.,, am Cllv Nlcht Ex..a10:30 nm a K;1S am St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm all:15 am SI. HurllnBtOII A.' Ulllnnv. Chicago 8peclal..........n 7:00 nm al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago i.yvui. - iii i pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:45 pm "a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEHSTEIl DEPOT KITH A WEBSTER I'rrninnt, Elkliorn .Missouri Vnlley Leave, r Arrive. DlAck Hills, Deudwood. Hot Springs .a 3:00 pra ir..n.l.,.r Pfifin.f AlllI a 6:00 pm l yuiiiiiir.. Dnuglns 3:00 fm o 5;tt0 pm Hnstlngs. YorK, uavin City Superior, Geneva, Exeter nnd Sownrd,...b 3:00 pm b 8:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and 1,'n.itinnl .b 7:30 am b 10:25 am Fremont Local......... ...c 7:30 am (JlllCOgo, Ml. inui, iMiiiirnpniii v Oinnlin. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:00 am a :10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. ,a. 2:45 pm all:10 nm Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:30 am Missouri Pncltlc. Nebraska Local, Via Wcoplng Wntcr b 4:10 pin al0:25 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. Ship Sinks tiff Delmvnre Capes. XEW YORK, Nov. 26. A largo square rigged vessel possibly went down In the re.cont gain off tho Delaware capes. Whether Its crow went down with It or hns been saved may not bq known for some time, for If picked up they rplght bo taken across tho Atlantic. On the survival of th crew will depend tho knowledge of th name of tho ship. The Red D linn steamer Philadelphia, arrived .today from Vene zuela and Porto Rlcn nnd says; "On No vember 25. in latitude! 35.22. lOngltUdo 72.20. passed a largo spar standing on end with yards and sails attached." , This location Is about 140 mtlen cast of tho Delawaro capes. Philadelphia also re ported having, on November!!, In latitude 29.19 longitude 69.43 (oft tho Florida coast), passed tho side of a vessel about eighty feot long and twenty feet wide. Artillerymen to Visit America. BOSTOX, Nov, 28. A letter ha been re ceived from tho Honorable Artillery com pany of London ncceptlng the Invitation of tho Ancient nnd Honorable Artillery com pany of Massachusetts to visit Boston In 1903. A trip to American had been planned, by the I.ondon company tn 1900, hut 'the. project was abandoned on account of tha Boer war, Convict- County Auditor. : BT, PAUL. Xov. 29. A Jury In the dls trlet court has brought In a verdict of guilty against Walter B. Bourne, formerly dr-puty county auditor, tried on a chnrce nf fulslfylng nnd fraud. Bourne's attorney will nppeal to tho supreme court. Them are other Indictments ugalnst Bourne nnd tho rounty attorney will take next the ono charging him with securing 17,332 on fraudulent tax redemption orders. CIileiiKii A Xortlm cstcrn. "The Northwestern Line, Chicago Special 11 7:20 am Chicago PfiFkcnger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express n!0:55 um I'll