THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: VEDyESPAY, !N OTKIM'BE'R 27, 1901. 10 (COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Xtilir Tendeicj Dmlopi In SptctlatiTa Kirkati on Ictrd. IfiENERAL SITUATION LITTLE CHANGED KJflrrt of the Declines U .Vol Marked, ! .Although lluslncss on llir Board. tn Only Moilcrntcly Active. j CHICAGO, Nov. 26. Art easier tendency rieve loped In tho speculative mulkcts on the "board today, the closo showing fractional (losses all along tho line, although ther was no material change In tho general sit llannnrv nrnl' Tne corn mnrnci, wnii.ii, mm orberf moot of the Interest, opened In tho face of. lower Cables with a steadiness l-n-lilrli nurprlscd even the bulls. December Jiavlng started UU'io ower at 62io to 62c, .-wan offered very HparhiRly and on buying to cover scattered short lines tho prlco Varlv worked tip to 62. Tho out-of-town .buying movement which litis dono so much to sustnln prices recently was of a less 'urgent chnrncter on tho advance, however, nd during tho afternoon December fel to l",c and clrm-d easy. !i,T(ai under yester lai t lUViifil'- May was better sup ported; nnd while tho price was reduced, its premium over the near delivery was ln Ireitsed by V. Becclpts were 91 cars. Tho wheat trade was bare of features, prices following' every movement of tho torn miirket December opened ViiUo lower t 73 V ' to 72o on ciisy cabins and nrgo Northwest receipts. Under tho steady ng Influence of the early brace In corn the K"fk"i worked up to 72UC and la or, st 1 Ifollnwlng th- coarse cereal. It declined to Seaboard coa ranees 4Efi.0O bushels, hx fcorters reported eight loads taken. Hrnd Street" world's vlslblo showctl an Increase Ef 7.fi0,f"0 bushels, ..... Oats were easier, with the trade morn broken and less nctlvo thnn yesterday. Tim torn decline and less pressuro from buyers Ef thn cash article held prices down, do- nlto a moderate amount of prollt-taklng by shorts and somo buying for the Invest ment Recount Receipts w'ero 314 cars. De cember sold between I2.c nnd 12',it:. closing Wl'liC down at 42'V. Provisions wero fairly nctlve. The mar ket opened easy, but advanced early on Country buying; later the corn decline a ,1. n aiiminrl Hint a little local telling sent prices down. Janunry pork Closed 12Hc lower at $15.".. .Innunrv Inrd 5c klown nt la.of'A'anti .innuary nun -vsm.' -Z. i , 1 1 imi-ftS i.V 'Estimated receipts tomorrow: Client. !0 tears; corn, m enr, nnm, iw tmn, 4,000 head. , i Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: iTrtlcles.l Oren.Tnigh.l Low. aose. TcVy. l- PWheat Nov. i Dec. May rCorn Nov. ' Dec. May Ont I Dee. Mny . July Pork , Jan. May X.nrrt Dec. I Jan. I May Jan. ' May f ... 72 ITPi-gn 7IW4I 72'i 71V72l71T4Jll2 ; 75'iff7675(ifti, 75'.,1 721.4 7:u '' 76 61i'(ft. Sit 61 "-i 61 3S'S r.4fc 3S 15 75 421;'1 43 30 I 42W1 43 I 3S;Wf39! J 15 72HI 13 92 15 T2Va If, 10 I 16 30 16 05 15.&7U 16 22(i 16 0741 9 07H 9 07(, ! P 10 !) 12V.I V 32Vi' 9 07H 9 1214 0 22H1 s nr. i 8 12',4 S 22't! S 30 R 021 S 20 8 or. S 20 R 071,4 I "No. 2. I i-. v. ntmlnl Iniia were ns follows: v!.rkiTtut,.fwlf strnlchts. t3.0OfJ3.4O: clears. $3,10(33.20; spring specials, $4.00'ff S!l0; patents; J3.Wl.T0; straights, J2.80 1VHHAT-No. 3 spring. 6g72c; No. 2 red, !74TJ75c. ; rTiv Vn " vnllow. fil'ie. I OATS No.' 2, lV3icl No. 2 white, 45U CflhUc: No. .. wnne, Hwac. rnYE-No. 2. 60i61c. BAItlKY Kalr to choice malting. Knf3o, oi'BnaKn. 1 flnv. J1.43: No. 1 northwest- rn, J1.41; prlmo timothy, pUB'Ut.zy, clove, I PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J14.70 t314,75. iJirrt, per iw ins., w.uc.vwa.iw. aiiori Sit.. .(,! ni-!nnn. SS.WVHS.30. Dry salted fehouldors (boxed). J7.5fi7.2V4. Short cleur tt'tiTatv tlnflln nf blph wines. 51.31. i Tho following nro the receipts nnd ship ments for tno lasi iwcniy-iuur iiuuib. ArtMcn Hecelnts. Shipments, wi hhln SO.OOO 39,010 Wheat, bu 250,000 lU.O'M 'Corn? hu.. Oiooo 120,00 K bu.! S87.0M 269.:0 t?v bu 17,1M SlSrlv. hu 147.000 10,000 rin tUa rmHiinn exchange todav tho but .r market wns Htoadv. creameries. U t4Uc: dairies, l!S20c. Cheese, stendy. 9'4W JO'ic. Eggs, steady; fresh. Z3ftc. jvkw voitK r.isi:nAi, biaukist notations of the liny on Various Commodities. vtt.iv VOTtk'. Nov. 26. FLOUlt Ilecelots rat hhls nxnorts. 7.74? bills.: market dull nnH luirelv stendv: winter natcnts. 13.60 B.90; winter straights, $3.4003.60; Minnesota patents, .i.wa-i.iu; winior cxirus, jj.nuca'; winter low grades, $2.B0ir2.6O, nyo flour ntendy; fair to good, $3.10t.40; choice to fancy, vi.45l.w'. rmr.ifwiik.vr Hteadv. $1.25 ner 100 lbs. COKNMEAIj Steady; yellow western eltv. $1.30. ' DVP clim atntA fi.TI?(Ue. e. I. f Wow Vnflc rap lots BAKL.KT Steady; feeding, G7Q6SC, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Ilecelnts. 76.950 hu.: esnorts 101,666 bu. Spot, easy: No. 2 red, R2c, T. o. b anoat: iso. . reu, wuc, eievnior ,Xo. 1 northern, Duluth. Sl!ic. f. o. b., afloat No. 1 hard. Duluth. 87ic. f. o. b.. afloat notions onened easlor. owlnir to cables and tlg northwest receipts, loiter they were alternately firm and ensv, retloctlng timid tear operations and a henvy Incrcaso again In world s siocks, nccorcung to iiraosireei s Uiosea wettK Ri "Vavi nei nrcunn. jniuy, Sl4ilfl 9-16c. closed at 8P,ic; December, 75i nuc, oiosea at iwc. CORN necelnts. 23.000 bu.: exports. 75.00 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 69o. elevator, and ,e8c, f. o, b., afloat. Options opened weaKer, uecause or unloading, raiueo on ood speculative buying and small esti mated receipts, but eventually yielded again to realising and closed wreak at 'Jiif ic net loss. May, 68lifi8,7ic, closed at tvLc. December. 6SUfi69c, closed at fcSt-o. OATS Hecelnts. 131.900 hu.: exports. 4.025 u. Spot, firm; No. 2. 4So: No. 3, 47c; No. 3 wMt Me! No. 3 white. 614c: trnck mixed western. 48S49o; track, 4!ijJ5lc. Options dull fjirifl harelv steady. FEED Steady; spring bran, $21,00021.60; 1wlnter.-21.00O22.G0; city. J22. . HAY Steady; shipping, 603(lc; good to Icnolce. R2lsg90c. HOPS Qulot; state, common to choice, 11901 crop. 1215c; 1900 crop, 9014c: 1890 crop, 'ft&Uc: Pacltlc coast. 1900 crop, 9tf9U0. HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., life; California, 20 to 25 lbs., 19Ho; Texas 'dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. IjEATHEH Steady; hemlock sole. Buenos lAyres. light to heavyweights, 25'a2SV,c. WOOTv Qulot; domestic fleece, 253-260; Texas. 1617c. PKOVISIONS-Beef, Bteady; family. $11.00 fl2.M: muss. $9.50tf 10.00: beef bams. S'Jl 50: jacket. $lb: city, extra India mess. $17.00Jj) 19.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. $5.E0 Ctno.oo: pie.Kiea suoumers, sr. picKieii nams, $9.75tflO.Oi). iJird, easy; western steamed, $9.15: November, $9,12H: reflned, steady: 'continent. $9.60; compound, $7.5057.75: South America. $10.25. Pork, stendv: family. $17: 'short clear, $17.50ri9.00; mess, $15.7501(5.75. nnTTEK-Hecolpts, S,76t pkgs.; tlrm; iiitato dairy, 15J23c; creamery, 171i25Vc; June 'orenmory. IBfi'.c: factory, lsgtSHc. CIHEKSE- Hi'celnts. 8.639 nkirs.: oulet: fancy Inrge September, lgiOc: fancy largo octoner. 5p mnuy smuii aopiemner, lOHttWc: fancy small October, 9VS10c. Eaos-Hecolpts. 13,327 pkgs.; oulet; state and Pennsylvania. 27(h23c; western, at -mark. 23a7cs southern, at mark, 2ljf26c. I'OIII.TRY' Alive, lrregulnr: snrlinrers 7Vio; turkeys, WlOo; fowls, RjfOc. dressed, Irregular: springers, 9WSllc; fowls, 99Hc; tiirkevs. !K12o. i TAIIOWF1rm; city, 5TJC; country, 6iiC. METALS Tho supply nf tin continues carco'nnd an traders wero nnxlous to pur-, ichase. prices again advanced, with the tfeelintr strong at tho closo. Tho net cnln 'nah fto points, with buyers at $29.8") for iipot. At ixipuou vatues uiok anoiner up ward course, gaining 1 2 6il for snot nnd Ifutures. closing strong at 117 2s fill nnd 109. respectively. Tridlng In both mar kets wan fairly active. Copper eased off 10s In lxmdon, under liquidation, closing easy, with spot quoted nt 65 13s 5d and 'futures nt 63 13s 3d. Hero the market was quiet and unchanged at JlSKftfMi.OO for rke 8uperlor and $pT37fri.ti:ii for cast, nf and electrolytic, Lead and spelter wra uation. Business was oniy rnouti , live. Wheat closed he, corn Hil'Vo and eats !Wiic lower for December delivery; nl,in drnnned ZWHiC, to ,Tl'4ii.ic. at wnicn prico inn iimiBvi v..." ie under yesterday, laical receipts were Sfe c'.rs 21 of contfact grade! Minneapolis ind Du'tuth mported 1.163 cars, making a total for t o three points of 1,265 cars. Prl eL.. ' ... .Lit.,, n-orn l.l.Vt.roo bushels and without change at home or abroad, thn former closing nt J4.37j and 11 15s and tho latter at $4 SO, nominal, nnd 16 f. re spectively. Iron was firm and fairly nctlvo for warrnnts. while other crndws were (tulet. Pig Iron warrants, JlO.Wf11.50; No. , ..I i.... .1 : i .r.i , f ..a ii southern foundry, JtM'sFflB.f); No, 1 south ern foundry, n.b"rrtir-A; sn, i souineru soft fonndrv. ilt.SOWIfi.eo. Glasgow Iron warrants clocd at 66s 3d nnd .Middles- borough at 43s. OMAHA WHOLHSALtS .MAItKHT, Condition of Trade nnil (lirotntlnn on .Simple mill Fancy Produce, FAHIH-Itccclnts. light: fresh stock. 21c. LIVB POULTKY-Hcns, 5e; old roosters, turKeys. TStsc; ducks nnu geese, ac, spring chickens, per lb, 6c. DIIKSSHD POCLTUY Turkeys. S10c! ducks and geese, 7lSc; spring chickens, H tit'.a: hrns. BUttCr. liUTiisit common to mir, iac; cnoice airy, In tubs, I5yi6c; separator, 22f2lc. FllESlI FlBH-llinek bass. 18c; white Tiass, 10c: bluctlh, Uc; bullheads, l'tc; blue fins, icj uurrnioes. ,c; cainsu, vie, coo, uc; rappies, uc; milium, no; nerring, ic; nnti lock, loo; nlko. 10c: red summer. 10c: sal mon, lie; sunflsh, 6c; trout, do; whiteflsh, yc; pickerel, 6c. cj isji.ita iuccuunis, per can, c; atanu- rd, per can. 25c: extra selects, per can, 3.1c; New York counts, per can, toe, bulk Standards, per gal,, )1.2i"31.25; bulk extra . a, fiuiiUMB ijivc, per aor.., vk. VBAI-Cholce, RBSc HAY Prices ciuotcd by Omaha YVholesato lav Dealers' association: Choice linland. .9.S0; No, 2 upland, JS.W; medium, $S; course, i.W), iiyo straw, jo.uv. inese prices uio lor inv of irood color and duality. Demand fair; receipts, 6 cars. rotlN New, wc; oia, wc. Jul AN- J1S. OATS 15c. VKG13TABLES. rnTATOUS-llome grown. Me: northern.; Salt Ivike, J1.00; Colorado, J1.00. EGGPLANT Per doz T5c. CAIIHCJTH i'er ou.,-iioc. HKKTS-Pcr H-bu. baskU ?0c. TIJItNlPS Per bit., lie: Rutabagas, oer 100 lbs., SI. 25. CUCUMHisiiB-iioinouse.ipcr uoz.. ji.zo. IjKTTUCB Head, pe or.t., 7.00; er doi., Sr. PARS ,?;Y-Per ilor... ae. RADISHKS- Per loz., 23c SWEET POTATOES I lomn grown, per lb., 2V4o; gcnulno Virginia, per bbl., $3.60. UAHUAUb-ijoiiHiio -.-..ho, crnieu. jvjc. TOMATOES Home grown, per 18-lb. bas- et, 60c. HEANS-Wax. tier .-.sir r.ushAl basket. COo; stVIng, per half-bushel vnskot, 50c ONHWH-iiome. grown. ;-er in,, i'yjvic; Spanish, per crate, $2.00; Michigan reds, Vic per in. CELERY Kalnmnzoo. per nncli, 251735c: Nebraskn, per bunch, 30t?3oe; Colorado, 40i3 60c. NAVY DEANS Per bu $2.15. PRI'ITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. $3.7ET?1.00: wlnesaps. $3.75'!T4.00; Jonathan, $4 0003.0); lieueiiowers, per iox. PEARS- Keifcrs, $2; Vlkers, $2.25; Law rence, J2.2G. GRAl'ES-Cnnrords, eastern, 20c; Mala gas, per keg, js.EO'ae.'C CIlANnHHRlES Per bbl.. J7.50QS.00; ex tra fancy. $8.W: per crate. $2.75. yi'lNUKSi- I'er box Jl.w. TROPICAL FRUtTS. OnANOES-MexIcans. $.,t.75'31.00: Florida!. JSfl.l.SO: California navels, $4.00. tilEMUNH-Fancy. W.i&4f4.W, RAN ANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.52.75. PIGS California, new cartons, 70a; lm ported, per lb., 120140. DATES-Perslnn. In 60-lb. boxes, cer lb.. fMc; Salrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron walnuts. No. 1 10ft- shell, per lb., 12o; hard shell, per lb,, 12fac; No, 2 soft shell, 11c; No. 2 hard shell. 10"Ac; Ilray.lln, per lb,, 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; nlmoiids, soft shell, 17c; hnrd shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small. 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $3.50ft3.75. ClDlill NctiawKa, per uui fs; iew Y'ork. $3.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 baited. 8Ho: No. 2 salted, 7Hc: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, i to ii. ma., io; ary nines, wtucj sneep pelts. 251127c: home hides. $1.5032.25. SAUERKRAUT I'er hnlf-barrel. $3: ncr barrel, $5.75. St. I.ouls flrnln nnd Provisions. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 26. WHEAT Weak fo. 2 red cajih, elevator, 74c; track, 77ft' line; December, 44qri4c; may, 7cc; ro, 2 hard. 73Q73!c. CORN Steady: No. 2 cash. 66?;c: track. C6?;c: December. (VIVlffffl4ic: May. tSUc. OAT.H-Iower; No. 2 cash. 41! trnck. 45Wl'Hc; December. 48c; May. W&Wic HYJ'J Hteauy nt kc. TIX)UR Firm, rod winter patents. $3.55'n 3.70; extra fancy nnd straight. $3.1fVjT3.2&; clear. $2.75ffT2.90. TIMOTHY SEED-Nomlnally firm at $5.50 8(0.00. cuttNMiSAi atenrtv at BRAN Scarce, and firm: sacked, east track. $t.00(&1.01. HAY Timothy, quiet nt $12.(W!j 15.00; prairie, scurco ana linn nt $11,00413.60. wuiHlvY aienuy. IRON COTTON TIES-Jl. RAOGINU-5VJ64c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS fork: Easier: Jobbing, S15.S0. Lnrd, lower at $8.87V4- Dry Bait meats tboxed). steady: extra shorts. $S.37H: clear ribs, js.w: clear sides. s.7o. uacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $9.23; clear rlba. $9.37U: clear sides. J3.62V4. METALS Lead: Steady. unchanged. Spelter: Higher at $4.15. POULTRY Stendy : chickens. Be: snrliig. 6c: turkeys, 7c; ducks, 6fj6Ho: geese, 3Hff5c. HUTTKR-Steady; creamery, 20(S25ltc; uniry. lD'y-un. Etius atenay at :c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 10,000 bbls.; wheat. 34,000 bu.: corn, 82,000 bu.; oats, 69,000 bu, SHIPMENTS Flour. 9,000 bbls.; wheat, 34,000 bu.; corn, 55,000 bu.; oats, 14,(00 bu. Liverpool Grain null Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 26.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 5s lOd; No. 1 northern spring. 5s 9Hd; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6s lid; futures, ciiuet; December, 6s PWd: March, 6s 11 Ud. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, old, 6h 5',4d: futures, quiet: December, 5s 4?4d; January, 5s 3Hd; March, 6s 2Ud. PEAS Canadian, strong. Cs6'id. FLOUR St. Louis, fancy winter, steady, 7e 6d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), llrm, 3Gs(f4. nUTTER-Stcady; finest United States, 22s: good United States, 90s. CHEESE Firm; finest white and colored, 9s. PROVISIONS I3eef. steady; extra India mess, 73s fid. Pork, steady: prime mess, western. 73s. J-ird, American refined, In palls, strong. 4fls fid: prlmo western. In tlerres, strong, 47s. Hams, short cut, strong. 61s. Rncon. short ribs, strong, 60s; long clear middles, llgnt. strong, ws; long cienr middles, heavy, strong, 49i; short clear backs, strong, 47s: clear bellies, strong, TCs. Hecelnts or wneat ounng tne nisi tnree dnys were 177,000 centals, Including 161,000 American. Receipts of American corn during the last tnree onys were v.wu ceniais. ICnnan Cltr Grnlit nnil Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 26. WHEAT De cember, tnie; May, 724c; cash, No. 2 hard. roiUi0o: No. u, KKitiaiic; .nd, z reo, 73ic; No. 3, 71ffl12o. CORN December nnd May, fi5c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 66'4iJ7c; No. 2 white, 67V4c; ISO, J, (iC. OATH NO. 2 Wlllte, 4ifiZf18C. 11YE No. 2. C2tr62iic. HAY-Cholce timothy, $13.60; choice prairie. J13.00. BUTTER Creamery, 188220 ; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGOS Steady to weaK; largo receipts are expected from the country for Tliankrglv- Ing trade; freiih Missouri nnd Kansas stock quoted on cnange nt .vo dozen, loss on cases returned. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 32.000 bu.; corn, 75,400 bu.: oats, 14,000 uu. SHIPMENTS Whrnt, 31.3.K) bu.; corn 41,600 bu,; oats, 6,0fj0 bu. riinnicrii In Avnllnlilr Suppllra. NEW YORK. Nov. 26.-Sneclal cable and telegraphic communication to Rrad.reet' show the following changes In available supplies since lust report: AVhear. United States nnd Canada, east of Rockies, In crease. 5.511.001) bushels: afloat for and In Europe, Increase, l.too.ono bushels; total sunnlv. Increase. 6.941.000 bushels. Cc United States and Canada, east of Rockies. decronse, 900.000 bushels. Onts, United Statea and Connda. east of Rockies, do. crense, 794.xu uusnois. Among the more Important Increases re Dorted are those of 1,500,000 bushels a northwestern Interior elevators, l.'JTAOOO bushels at Mnnltoba, Ul.w) bushels a depot harbor. 65,000 bushels nt Mlnncapoll nrlvato elevators. The leading decreases are those of 289,Q0o bimliels at coiea-i, ai.wu nusneis ni i;nicagn private e evators and iS.uio bushels a loulsvllle. 'I'lilriln Grnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO, O. Nov. 26 WHEAT Cash December. 77c; May. 190. CORN --December, 63V4c; May, ffiHc OATS-December. 43;c; May, 41c. RYE No. 3. 5SC. Phllnilrliililn Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2fi RUTTER' Firm; prints, lo higher: fancy western creamery- 26c, fsnrv weitern nearby, 29c EGGS Firm; tvttti niarby, Me; fra Western. 27c; fresh southern', 26o; fresh southwestern, 25c. CHEESE- I'nihniiced: New York full creams, fancy, small, 10f-i'gio4c; New York run creams, fair to cnoice, utiioc. Minneapolis W'lient .Mnrket, MINNEAPOLIS. Nov 26. WHEAT Cnsh, 70c; December, 690; .May, 717c. On track No. 1 hnrd, 72c. No. 1 northern, 70o o: No. 2 northern, 6mQ67jC. FLOl'R-Flrst patents, $1.h5fTS.73; second pntents, J3.BOfi3.60, first clents, JJ.75U2.S3; second clears, $2.20. UKAN-In bulk, $16.50017.00. .MIITniiU!c (irnli. Mnrket. MILWAlMi EM. Nov. -WHEAT Mar ket easier: No. 1 northern. 72f?72',4Ci No. 2 northern, 7l7Hie; May, 75Rc. ' iivi; sienoy; o. i,- w. , It A RLE Y Firm : No. 2, 62o; sample, 60fl : i??r... ..... ..... uun.-.iay, mvsc. Peorln Market. PEORIA, .Nov. 26.-COR.V Firm; new No, OATS-Finn; No. 2 white. 450, track. WHIBKY-On the basis of $1.31 for, fin ished goods. Uulnth Ornln Mniliet. DULUTH. Nov. 2.-WHEAT-Cash. No. hard. 73'ic: No. 2 northern. 6S'c: No. 1 northern, Wc; December, 69c; .May, .3:c. CORN-02C. XKW YtlHK STOCKS AMI IIO.MI.H AniiilMntiintPd Copper's Errnllo Flluht 'rnsettle Hip Street vrw vnrtK. Nov. 26. Amnlcnmated Copper went through nn exceedingly varied course of movements In today's stock mar ket and mushed unchanged rrom insi nigni. The course ot this stocK was a pretty ac curate Index of the general marKei tlit-mtrhfiut. The ilnv's net chances are seen to be very small and considerably mixed, although the exiremo range ui prices was considerable. Tliorn tvn nil nllllre ImiU of neW to BC- count for the movements'. The early weak ness was In race or permission irom n court to the Iloston & Montnim to pay tho dividend on that stock under bond, The withholding of these dividends was oilt clallv offered ns a cauno for the reduction of the dividend on Amalgamated Copper. The recovery In the stock was In spite of the sharp break In the price of raw copper In London, following some recent specula tive buying In that market. An advance of 7 points In General Elcrtrte, the strength of Sugar nnd Manhattan nnd the heaviness of Dnltlmore & Ohio mid St. Louts & Son Francisco were notnule. n ii 11 run ,1 lionds wero IrrcetlUr. Total sales, pnr value, $3,725,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last cull. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says'. The market to day wns comparatively Innctlve. The American department wan dumb until tne afternoon, and nominal under parity, save In the case of Ontario & Western, The open nernunt Is trilling, the general con tango rate .being I per cent. .N'e.w York came weak, then caused a rally by liberal purchases of Wabash. The market Is wait ing for President Roosevelt's message to congtess, particularly nis treatment or me tariff question. A lending nrbltrngucr con idem the outlook dull until the Northern Securities company stock Is ready for the market. The following arc tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison SOU do pfd ... ....190 do pfd iw'i so. I'liriuc . Hnltlmorc & 0...1WlSo. Railway .... NJ .... 31". do pfd '.u-fii uo pin .. 92'ii n. Pnc 4H: rhienira. t. 1... 47j Wnbnsh . 21 do pfd "4 , do pfd Chicago & E. I..137U.W. & L. E...... Chicago G. V.... 25) do 2d pfd.... do 1st pfd SMjiWIh. Central .. do 2d pfd 47U do pfd ....... C. & N. W 211 lAdnins r T .t P 11711 Am. Express .. . 404 . 1:1 . 31 . 21 . 43 .190 .207 . ID .183 Chicago T. e T.. 20 .U. S. Express.. do nfd iW'il ClIH-r HTKO ... C. C. C. ei St. L.. Colo. Southern .. do 1st pfd dn L'd nfd 9.'i AmnI, Copper ... So 14 lAmer. C. & F.... 29 M4' do pru 26u'Amer. Lln. Oil. is Del, fc Hudson... 176 Del., L. AV.-..243 Denver & R. G.. 46 no pin Amcr. S. & R., do nfd 45S, do pfd 9N Ann. Mill. Co... Krlo . 42'4 llrl. nap. Tr... .In 1st nfd 72'iCoIo. F. K: I.... do 2d pfd... Gt. Nor. pfd... Hock. Valley . .In nfd .'V3 oil, i, an YJi Gen. Electric .. f2 Oluciiwe Suptr . 220 V, 273 SOU'llocKlng coat 19 Illinois Cantral...l40!, Int'n'l Paper Iowa Central .... do pfd 7 L. E. W TJ do pfd 131 , T n.ilo .C Knsh...l0S'i do nfd , 76 Illl'n'l Power ., l.acledo Gas ... Nnt. RIscult ... National Lead , 91'1 93Vi 181 Manhattan L ....136'4,Nntlounl Salt vinf iiv Ii'hIiI do nfd .... - 30,4 . 62 , 93 Mex. Central . m1 uno. American . 14Ui Pacific Coast . .107 IPaclllc Mnll .. Mcx. National Minn. & St. L. Mo. Pacific ... M., K. & T do pfd 44V .102T4 People's Gns ps . 261 Pressed S, C 42 . bzv on pill Rfl V .T. Central 180 I'uiimnii i u. .216 N. Y. Central.... 172V4 Nor. & West 60 do pfd 9IV4 No. Pacific pfd..l'iul Dntnrlo & W 3314 Hepubllc Steel . 16V4 do nfd Sugar .122 Tenn. (J. & I 64i U. II. & P. Co.... Hi., do pfd 72Vi U. S. Lenther.... 12V4 Pennsylvania ....1506 Ttendlntr MHi do tst nfd 80 do pfd 82Vi do 2d nfd bOVilU. S. Rubber 15Vi St. L. & S. F.... 51Va o pfd 61V, do 1st pfd lil P-'. n. meet 4i' do 2d pfd 7IV4l .do pfd 92' St. L. S. W 29 (Western union .. 91', do Pfd wiyfc-rtin. i.ocomouve.. ;hm St. Paul 169V do pfd SSI, New York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. MONEY On cnll tendv at lW4Vi per cent: last loan at per cent; prime mercnntlle paper, per cent. stkh , nu liiAcjiiAiSiJii. i irm. witn ac tual business In bunkers' bills at J4.87V4 for demand nnd nt 4.m tor sixty days; posted rntes, n.siwui.eo aim i.B3; commcrcia bills. J4.83'4iU4.83i. SILVER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars 44; c. hcjisjjs uovernment, steany; state Btrontr: rnl road, lrregulnr. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. ref. 2s. rcg.lOSW Hock. Val. 4V4s...lOSi do coupon iuy? do 2s. reg 108H do coupon lOSg do now 4s, reg..l3UA; do counon l.'tflv. L. & N, mil. 48...102H Mex. Cen. 4 82 do 1st lnc :si M. & St. L. 4S....103 M.. K. ei T. 4s...l00i do old 4s, reg...U2V4 do coupon 112V4 do 6s, reg lUT'b do counon 107V do 2s 8Hi y. uentrai ib.ioot do gen. os 131V. No. Pacific 4s. ...1051 A,rtl, rrnn i 10114 do 3s 72T ....).. r,".., ......... do ndj. 4S N. & W. c. 48....102H Bal. Ai Ohio 4s...lu3'jReadlng gen. 4s.. 99VS do 3V4 Win S L fit I M c. 5s..HSV4 do r.onv. 4s lOtWi St. L. & S. F. 4s. 9PA4 Canada So. 2 109 St. L. & 8. W. Is. 97U , or U. ns lUhVi' no .3 w do 1st lnc 74V4 S. A. & A. P. 4s.. S9V Ches. & O. 4V48...107 So. I'acltlc 4s 94i C. R. I. fir P. 4s.. 107 do rnnv. in 1ft7lL CCO fit S L g. 48..104; Chi. Ter. 4s 91 Wabash Is lisi do 2s I10V4 do deb. B 62V4 West Shoro 4s....ll3i W. fit L. E. 4s... 92 V Wis. Central 4s.. 881 Con. Tob, 4s 63ia UOIO. MO. 4S BD D, & R. G. 4 103 Erie prior I. 4s,..100Vi do general 4s... 90 F. W. fir D. C. ls.108 Boston atnek ttuntntlons, BOSTON, Nov. 26,-Call loans. 3V4QIV4 per cent: time loans, 4vyu per cent. Olllclal closing: Atchison 4s 102 lAUoues 4V4 Oas Is 80 lAmnlgnmated ... 79'J Mex. central 4s.. su name 4514 N. E. G. fit C 60 IBInghnm 29 Atchison 80i fnl. & Hecla 6,'0 do pfd iwu copper uange ... bsij Boston fit A ..... .259 .Dominion Con! .. 46 Boston & Me 191 Franklin 16U Boston E'.ev 16j Islo Royale J3 Fltchlmrg pfd Union Pwclllc . Amer. Sugar .. Am. T. T... nnm. I. fit S... .nt .)sceo,a ssvi ,m Parrot 35U ,122 .Qulucy ,.,150 .iwi ir-nniu re uopper. 4 l'limnrnek .275 . 44V4 . 25Vi . 15 Gn. Electric ..273 Trlmountnln ... Mass. Electric .. 35Vi Trinity do nfd .. 9.1 united States .. Utah Victoria N. E. (1. & C. ii tinned rruu ,. 88 11 cai. r.irviuu ... iiniiui 'i Winona Adventure .i iwoivenne 68V4 err York Mlnlnic Stock. NEW YORK. Nov. 26.-Thn following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 1? Il.lttle Chief .... Alice , 4j Ontario Breece 75 jOphlr Brunswick Con. . 13 Phoenix Comstock Tun... 6 'Potosl Con. Ca. fir Vn.,155 bavage Dendwood Terra. 40 sierra Nevada Horn 8llver 190 Stna:i Hopes .. Iron Silver 60 Standard Luadvllle Con.... i , 12 .950 . 70 . 8 ,i .' 3 8 , 40 .375 Bank Clrnrlng. OMAHA. Nov. 26.- Bank clearings today, XI ,079,059.92; corresponding day lau year, jl.nos 637 51 ; decrease. J20.477.6J. CHICAGO, Nov. :i-Clerln, 25,:9:,i87, Can. Pacific HIV; Texas & P--Hs Can. Southern ... 80,T., St. L. & W... 19jA Ches. & Ohio 4S'jl do pfd 34U Chicago & Alton. .'Hr, Union Paclllc ....103 ,in nf.1 7i do pfd 90i Chi. & A. .T,is....-S3v o. najiwny &h,..120a; C, U & Q n. 4s.. 9S Tex. fit Pnc. Is... 120 C M fit S P g. 4S..1UV1 T St L & W 4s, 83V4 N. W. c. 7s.. 142V4. Union Pnclflc 4s..t0i: alances. $2.SJ0,731; posted exchange. JI.J31I S3. New York exchange, par to 10c pre mium. . . NEW YORK, Nov. 2tj.-cieanngs, ju;,- 4,(oS: balances, $10,019,214. . ROSTON. Nov. 26. Clearings, $22,3.9,2L; balances, $1,661,371. . , ... tiAl.TlMrmi.!. Nov 2ri. C carlngs. $4,297.- 615; balances, $551,731; money, 4V46 per cent. I'IIll,AUi;i.rill,N, .Nov, .. icanogs, $19,759,712; balances, $2,388,225; money, 5 per cent. CINCINNATI, Nov. 26 clearings, la.iiw, 600; money, 4fl6 per cent; New York ex- liatige, jsc premium. . ST. LOUIS. Nov. 26 Clearings. J7,902,6ol; balances. $1,064.65"; money, 4. per cent; .New York exchange, .to premium. London Stuck Hoot at Ions. LONDON, Nov. 26.-4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money., 91 11-16'Nor. & West filla do account.. . at u-u io piu miconda. Ontario i w a, Pennsylvania .... 77)i Reading 26 do 1st pfd 41 do 2d pfd Vi So. Railway .... 3.Vn do pfd W, So. Pacific 614 Union Pacific ....106V do pfd IKIU Mchlsou 82i lln tltd ...KKI & n 11014 an. Paciiic 117 4 hes. & Ohio 10l(j .. M. K! nt. 1-....17I Denver & R. G... 47U do pfd 97 Erin ., 43; do 1st pfd...... 74V, U. S. Steel 4 IS do 2d pfd...'... 61 do pfd !ll4 lllnols Central. . .144i Wabash 21 V OIIIS. ei .asil,.,lll4 I.. K. A- T 711 do pfd 4111, Spanish 4s 70; Rand Mines lOtj, DcHecra S91s do pfd ff,U . l. central. . ..17, RAR SILVER-Flat, 23d per ounce. MONEY MimK ner cent: tho rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3VtJ384 per cent; for three months' bills, 3Vil(i per cent. Wool. LONDON. Nov. a? Thn sixth series nf the 1901 wool auction sa cs onened todav with u very largo attendance. Competition wns siow. as me orrerings, wnicn numbered 10,765 bales, were rather Inferior. Today's sa es n deta II: New South Wales. 1.610 bales; scoured. SriQlM Bd; greasy. 4fi9d. Queensland. 9oo bales; scoured, 9HWlOV4s. victoria, em naies; scoured. :kiwis Id; greasy, 2-iTf In. West Australia, 3.10) bales; greasy, 7?il. Takmanla, loo bales; scoured. Sd. New Zealand. 6.20O bales: scoured, S'Vlfds Mi greasy. 2V'S9V4d. Cape it uoou nope and Mttal, l.non Dales; coured. 7';dTfls 6'id: creasy, 4,i(ff7'id. BOSTON. Nov. 2tS. WOOI-A fair amount f wool has chanecil hands here tho last week und prices nro practically the sime as last week. The market Is In a healthy ondltlon nnd nrosnects nrc good. Terri tory wools maintain n steady tone nt about the same range of prices. Ohio nnd Penn sylvania fleeces. X nnd X nnd above, 23f i4c ; a, nnd XX nnd nbove. 20c: Deimne, 'c; No. 1 combing, 26c; No. 2 nnd -blood, 6c: course and braid washed. 23fi?lc. Michigan, Wisconsin, etc., X Michigan, 23c; combing, 23 ft 24 (! ; No. 2 combing, 22'(t2tc; coarse nnd brnld washed, 23f2lc; fine De Inlne. S 141 25c. Unwashed, medium, etc,, Kentucky and Indlnna, "J-blood combing. 2.)521c; -li-blood, 20c: Missouri Vl-hlood 'omning, imi'.wi nrnni commng, lrinc. I'errltory. scoured basis, Montnna, flne. IVff 16c: scoured. 45',a46c: line medium. lSfTUe: scoured, 42f43o: staple, 16ni7c; scoured, 46 4fc; rtati, Wyoming nnn inano. nne, vnp 14c: scoured. HW45c: tine medium. I4i15c: scoured, 40'!4.1c: stnple, l&VWlGo; scoured. 1SW4SC, Australian, srotiren oasis, fpoi prices, combing, superfine. 70i?72c: super, MfJ70c: average. 661167c. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26. WOOL Quiet: me dium grades. 13-(?17Vje; light fine. 12H1?15Hc; heavy line, loy-iso: tun wnsnea, lvirw. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 26.-COTTON Soot closed quiet; middling uplands, 8c; mid dling gulf, SVic rio sales. Futures closed quiet and steady: November, 7.60c: Decem ber, i.tao: January, .mo; reoruary, i,i.c; March. 7.62c: April, 7.62c; May, 7,62c; June, 62c; July, 7.6(ie; August, i.tic. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 26. COTTON Stendv: sales, 4,800 bales; ordinary. 515-16c; 1 1 t .. . ... I .1 .1 1 I ",. " KIHHI IJIIlIlllir . " l"lou, iwn iiii,i,inin, , tnlildllnir. 7'e: irood middling. 7?c: mid dling fair. 8 1-16c; receipts, 25,813 bales; stocK, JiZ.bW naies. ht. i.oiMH. rvov. L't.cju i i cj;n steany mldrlllnir. 7.e: sales. 800 bales: receipts. 7.291 bales; shipments, 4,643 bales; stock, 43.ft bales. GALVESTON. Nov. 26.-COTTON Mar kef wtnnnV nt 7 fl.16e. LIVERPOOL. .NOV. 26. UUTTUIN npot, mnrlerHte hllxlness. prices 1-1 fid loWCT! Ainerlrnn mlilrililltr fair. 4 9-16d: good mid dling. 4?id; middling. l9-32d: low middling, 4 9-16d; good ordinary, 4 1-16d; ordinary, 3 13-16(1. cjoffp. NEW YOHK. Nov. 26. COFFEE-Spot Din utonHv Vn.'7 InC-nlrp. RJp. Mild. OUlet: Cordova. TVMrlle. Futures had another quiet day, with the prlco level slightly lower thnn Monday's close. In sympathy with declines nbroad. Neither side whs an nggreslvo operator nnd the market closed nu 11 nun nnnnen. stenov ami uncnaiiKcii in K imlnta lower, variations during the lny hnvlnir heen confined to a matter of 5 points. Around tne opening meru " lifiit soiiinir on tne cnnies. nenvy nnizumn port receipts nnd tho light warehouse movement In this country. Tvter spot houses and Europe bought moderately, their support and a general evening tip of both accounts In anticipation of the boll riny giving the market a stendy undertone in ilm elnse. Total sales were 27.600 bags. Including December at 6.406.45c: January, fi.55e: March. 6.70iiS.75c; May. 6.90c; July, 7.055J7.10c; August, 7.20c; September, 7.25c. Oil nnd Itosin. nn. (-ITV. Pn.. Nov. 26. OIT. Credit bal ances, $1.30; certificates, no bid: shipments. 79.975 bbls.; average, 98.790 bbls.; runs, (9,409 bbls.; average, i&.iii num. SAVANNAH. Ga Nov. 26.-OIL Turpen tine, firm nt 33Uc. Rosin, firm. TOLEDO. Nov. 26. -Oil, North Lima, 94c; South Lima nnd Indiana, S9c. LONDON, JSOV. .'!. uiiiinseeu, j)a ou, Calcutta linseed, spot. 66s 6d. vmv vnnif. Knv. 26 OIL Cottonseed. steady; prlmo yellow, 36c. Petroleum, dull. Bosln, dun; siraincn, common iu suuu, J1.55. Turpentine, dull at 37HC(f3Sc. Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-DRY GOODS There hns been no Incentive demand for brown cottons for either homo trade or ex port; prices steady; bleached cottons, quiet and unchanged; denims, ticks, plaids and odd colored goods, firm: prints, qulot, full stnndard fancies being quoted nt 60: ging hams llrm nnd senrce; print clofhs tnactlve, but prices unchanged; sllkskln, fair demand at firm prices. . MANCHESTER, Nov. 26.-CLOTHS Moderate buying. Yarns dull, but steady. Sngnr Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 26. SUGAR Firm; onen kettle. 2lc: open kettle, centri fugal. 34tT3V4c; centrifugal, granulated. 4V4 (34 5-16c; whites. 3;03 15-16c: yellows, 3V44J1 3ic: seconds. 2V4y3V4c. Molasses, quiet; centnrugnl. 95fl5c; syrup, quiet at ZMfzac. LONDON. Nov. 26,-BEET SUGAR-No vomher. 7s 3?id. krw vnnK. Nov. a:. sugar n.w. stendy: fair refining, 3ijc: cenfrlfugal, 96 test, 3o; molasses sugar, c; rennea, steauy. Emporntert Apples nnd Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Nov. 26. EVAPORATED A PPLES Out-of-town orders were limited to purchasing of the choice and fancy grades in a moderate way ana values neia nulto steady: other arades were neglected. State, common to good, 6fl8V4c: prime, 9 9Jc: choice. 9V4T9sie: fancy. fOJJlOVic CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market continues Inactive. I'runes, i"'ac, Ann. cots, Royal, 8V41tl3c: Moor Park. 8H12c, Peaches, peeled, HSTlSc; unpeeled, 6fJ9Hc. THE HE A I, TV MAnKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, November 26, 1901: AVnrrnitty Heeds, G. W. Kraemer and wife to A, F. Con- nett, s 105 feet lot 26, Murr unn (ex cept s 50 feet of eV4) ..$ S. D. Murphv to Ellen Watts. nw4 swV4 nnd 1-3 acre In sei corner sw'i nwU 10-15-10 Snmo to same, w 5 acres neVi sw'i 10-15-10 VV Ellen Wntts and husband to Adam Stengleln, w 6 ncres neVi swv 10-15-10 Charles Gnns to William Gans, net; 5-14-12 Midway Investment Co. to V. Van asek, lot 6, block 2. Potter fit Cs 2d C. A."Rood"to sBmeVVorVoV'biock'i same '........ Crelghton University to Alex Wallln, o'.i lot 10. block 9. Parker's add Somerset Trust Co. to C. E. Abbott, w 100 feet lot 26, block 16, Hanscom Place A. F. Connett and wife to Herman Kahre, a 50 fet of wV4 of s 105 feet lot 26, Burr Oak Blanch Hammond to I E. Bonlne, lot 12, Wilson's ndd to Kounue Plaeo Quit Claim needs. Union Trust Co. to J. 8, Stewart, lot 7, blork 11, Brlggs' Plnce Christ Repass to W. Reynolds, lot 8, block 6, Waterloo.,,, PeeiU. Sheriff to G. A. Remlneton. 50x132 feet 750 1,800 128 600 300 300 4,550 600 1,150 In nei; gwij and tx lot 23, In 22-15-13. 3,700 Tot4 amount of uiniferi,..., UllM OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Good Cftttlt AotWt aid Fnllj Itudj, WkiU Othtn Wtr Bltw tnd Wttk. LIBERAL RUN 9F HOGS AND MARKET DULL Fnt Sheep nnd Lnnibi Sold nt tinod, Strong Prices, but Feeder Trmlc Wnn Xat Actlic nnd Market A'o More Thnn Stendy, SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 26. Receipts wete: Cattle. Hoc. Sheen. Olllclal Monday 4.20.i 9.172 4.9.9 Official Tuesday 5,62.) I:',i)l7 3,231 Two days this week.. 9.730 22,019 8,210 22,;.l 28,601 16,413 ;,l86 7,614 2I.28S 9,810 86,732 1S.9-56 10,017 Samo days last week. ...11.02.1 Same week before 14,311 Same three weeks ago,.. 8,8.54 samo rnur weeKs ngo...l2,0!9 Sume days last year.... 6,564 verage prices nold for hog at South Omaha the 'lust several days, with com parisons: Date. 1901. 1900.189.1893.I897 HD3.1S3. Nov. 1.... 3 CI 3 45 3 46 3 61 3 5V 3 291 I 3 41 3 27 43 3 30 3 431 3 31 3 441 3 2I 3 46 3 17 3 42 3 14 3 7i 3 35 3 36 3 45 3 15 3 19 Nov. 2.... NOV. 3.... Nov. 4.... NOV. 6.... Nov. 6.... Nov. 7.... Nov. 8.... Nov. .... 3 551 3 52 3 Zo 3 54 S 41 3 31 3 41 3 28 Nov. 10... 3 47 3 27 Nov. 11... Nov. 12... Nov. 13... Nov. 14... Nov. 15... Nov. 16... 3 43 3 41 3 32 3 17 3 22 3 39 3 46 3 44 3 45 3 4 3 38 3 34 3 23 3 25 3 41 3 95i 3 27, 3 33 3 31 3 11 3 11 3 45 Nov. J7... Nov. 18... 3 36 3 32 3 35 3 34 3 14 3 41 3 301 3 34 3 161 3 39 I 3 31 3 37 3 44 3 16 3 3V 3 23 3 34 3 13 3 151 3 W 3 42 3 38 Nov. 21.. Nov. 22... 3 391 NOV. 73.. 3 271 3 24 3 41 Nov. 24.. Nov. 25.. .'I 271 .1 21 3 30 3 161 3 46 3 50 Nov. 26.. 3 24 3 24 Tndlefitps Hllnrlnv. The ofTlclnl number of enr" of stock brought In todny by each road was: Roads. Cnttle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'sea. C. M. fi; St. P 7 11 Wabash 4 1 Mo. Paclflo Ry 4 6 Union Pnc. System... 31 25 C. & N. W. Ry 4 13 F., E. ft M. V. R. R. 30 38 C St. P.. M. & O.... 12 15 10 11. M. R. R. R 73 22 2 C B. & Q. ItJ- 23 13 K. C. fir St. J 3 C., R. I. fit P., east.. 20 25 C R. I. fit P.. west.. 5 4 Illinois Central 8 3 Total receipts ....224 175 12 1 The Hlnnnaltlnn nf tli iIiv'r rerelnls was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber or hend indicated Rit yors. Omaha Packing Co.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 216 1.S27 (;. ii. Hammond Co Swift nnd Company 1,219 ss;i 916 401 m 17 33 46 32.1 65 36 42 2.421 4,097 2.78S 76 403 cjudnny racking Co Armour fie Co Hammond Co.. country.. R. Becker fii Degnn Vnnsant t Co J, L. Carey Lohmnn Ac Co W. t. Stephen Benton & Underwood.... Livingstone. & Schaller.. II. r . 1IODDICK Hamilton fit n. L. F. Husz Wolf fit M Fowler Other buyers .. 174 43 82 '376 286 2,012 Totals ... 6.181 11,419 2,651 CATTLE There wns not nn oversupply of cattle hero today, although receipts wero rainy liberal. Mnero was a nig (lemauu for nil kinds of good cattle, but tno com mon crndes were, neelected In most cases. The market ns n whole, however, was In good shapo and everything at all desirable was disposed or in reasonaniy goon soason. fSood to choice beef steers sold freely this morning nt fully steady prices. Thero were not many answering to that de scription, so that those that were on sale were picked up In good season. Tho com mon nnd hnlf-fat kinds, however, were very slow snlo nnd In a good many In stances sellers had to take considerable lens thnn thn Kiimn kind sold for yesterday. From that It Is seen that tho range of prices Is growing wider at a rapid rate. Thero were a good many cows Included In h nrrerlnirs Mils mnrnlntr nnd the qual ity as a whole was very common. Tho rnnrl kinds sold freely at fully steady nrlpAH. ,nnd while, thn medium erades and canners were not quite as active, still they sold In just about yesteraay n noxenes. Hulls, veal calves and stags also sold vrlthniit material chance. There wns a srood demand for heavy weight feeders showing weight and quality and nlso for prlmo yearlings. Cattle answering to that description sold at fully nrlres. Thn commoner kinds, how ever, moved very slowly and could not be quoted any more than steady and In some cases sales wero innuu mm iuuku umo lower. ... - Anvih ntr ffnori in tne way oi wesieni of Bteerfl sold freclv at steady prices, but common kinds wero neglected. Range cows wore In good demand ai yesieruuy a uncea and so also was anything at all desirable In tho way or stocKero ana leeucru. w;y- resentatlve sales: BE lit STEETtB. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ... 770 2 60 36 1177 4 SO No. 1... 1... 740 - DU U...M 1W r" 1... ...1030 2 75 ... 977 3 65 ...1042 3 75 ...1111 3 76 ... 941 4 CO 12 .1090 4 90 .1166 6 10 .1160 6 16 20 18 1 19 0 85 7 16 7 11ES 6 15 1154 6 30 1230 6 85 1360 8 35 1282 5 75 1210 6 85 1118 5 90 1163 6 90 1100 6 90 32 8 971 4 00 1010 4 15 22... 2... 1... .... 990 4 25 .... 600 4 25 ....1185 4 30 ....1045 4 30 ....1067 4 60 1040 4 AO 22 56.. 89.. 20.. 9 1242 6 90 ....1020 4 75 20 :..IVII tim .... 900 4 75 40 1194 6 10 ....1090 4 75 36 1332 6 40 ....1260 4 75 40 1382 6 66 18 1111 4 80 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .. 945 3 75 20 1178 6 40 ..1063 4 75 COWS. IS.. 20.. 1 660 1 60 20 1002 2 80 2 1035 2 00 B .! 962 2 00 2 735 2 00 112 927 2 85 I 1110 2 85 7 1085 2 85 46 900 2 90 1 1000 3 00 48 963 3 00 2 735 3 00 8 910 3 W 6 956 S 16 7 1081 3 15 4 988 3 15 1 1060 2 40 20 1064 3 15 2 1310 3 25 7 1161 3 25 6 954 3 30 II 1027 3 45 2 1006 3 45 12 1170 3 60 19 903 3 60 10 1106 4 00 17 764 2 30 1 980 2 33 10 1000 2 35 17 942 2 40 2 twu i w 6 880 2 40 6 1101 2 50 1, .710 2 60 1.... 6.... 1.... 9..., 1065 2 50 1000 2 65 930 2 60 971 2 60 950 2 65 950 2 65 1230 2 65 953 2 75 929 2 75 1230 'J 75 1084 2 80 893 2 80 10,.., 1.... 2... 3... 10..., 1... 6... 5 992 4 25 3 1366 4 25 40... COWS AND HEIFERS. 6... ...833 2 80 1 1180 2 31 1 1230 2 30 2 1315 2 30 1 980 2 30 1 1250 2 36 1 ,.12211 2 40 1 1140 2 63 2 1205 2 00 1 1040 2 65 1 1450 2 75 1 690 2 75 1 1560 2 75 1 1420 3 00 .1182 3 15 .,1600 3 15 ..1490 3 25 ..1680 3 511 .,1370 3 60 HEIFERS. K 770 2 16 1 980 2 60 5 773 2 40 3 820 3 10 13 661 2 50 1 780 3 25 7;;;!.;:... 674 2 eo im 3 95 CALVES. 1 160 3 60 1 150 5 00 1 160 4 75 1 210 5 00 1 150 4 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 860 2 00 3, 326 2 75 6 628 2 40 6 401 3 25 6 463 2 60 1 370 3 60 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 40.... 1.... 2.... 567 1 SO 12 650 3 25 690 2 00 22 S66 3 35 600 3 00 17... , 86 ) 3 00 12... .. 711 3 40 .. 738 3 40 ,. 771 3 40 .. 695 3 40 . . 846 3 45 .. 640 3 60 . . 720 3 r, ..1019 3 6.". ,. 865 3 65 .. 970 3 70 6,1 1018 3 00 6... 1 650 3 00 6... 1 910 3 00 15... 1 830 3 00 1... 1 600 3 no I... 23 924 3 2A 69,.. 1 ill) :i IS L'S 1 600 3 25 10 NKBItASlCA. 1 bull 1060 2 at 1 cow.., 1 calf 150 5 25 27 cows. 9;'0 2 25 .. 938 2 15 1 cow 910 2 50 9 cows 1120 3 15 I COW 870 2 VI 1 cow 1270 4 15 Imkuhl Bros. Neh. 13 feeders. .1158 3 60 10 feeders.. 102.1 3 fO 13 feeders.. 1074 am 1 feeder... 1074 3 5) 1 feeder... 970 a on B. It Woods--Wro. 1 cow 1230 3 U 1 HtvCJ.MXO i 25 5 73!4 4 51 4 Oi 6 72 4 60 4 04 4 66 4 01 6 82i 4 02 6 71U 4 66 6 71 i, 4 64 4 01 6 6U 67 4 02 6 67H 4 71 4 03 5 744 4 69 4 01 4 74 4 03 6 7214 4 02 6 63 4 84 6 69 4 74 3 91 6 68T4 4 t7 3 9.' 6 67H 4 82 3 90 6 B3U 4 90 3 84 4 82 3 87 5 63V4 3 S6 ' o 63V 4 7S 6 73 4 75 3 f8 6 81 4 78 3 89 5 75l.i 4 76 3 86 6 66V 4 7S 3 ?5l 5 861 3 82 6 7iJ I 3 77 ! 6 785 4 s; 2 steer"... .1270 4 f) 9 steers... .1150 3 63 4 cows 12a0.i ."o I'DIyCJUAUU, 40 feeders.. 1077 3 Mi I feeders.. 1032 3 2o t. j. Aitmnn coio, 2 steers... ,120i"i I 50 21 cows 913 3 15 Y. Nichols wyo. 21 cows..,..10.9 .1 40 C. C, Mlllloy Neb. 21 steers.. ..10.S4 3 60 36 feeders.. 1078 3 90 0 cows 998 2 90 v. McAiiiutn-idniio. IS steers.,. .117.1 ISO 5 steers.... SI4 3 &o 1IOOS Receipts of hoas continued heavy todav. niiiltliic tho supply for the two days of this week a. most ns heavy ns for the corresponding dnys of last week, nnd considerably In excess of the corre snondliii: davs of Inst vear. Packers nil seemed to have liberal orders this morn ing, but still tho mnrket wns slow in open ing, ns buyers and sellers were not agreed 011 terms. Puckers started out bidding 2VjT75c higher than yesterday's general marKei, or just a snaiie stronger tnan yesterday's cloe. Thn early sales wero mostly from J5.75 to J5.95. Light hogs wero neglected nnd It wns difficult to get them to even bid nn hogs weighing under 200 pounds, As the morning ndvnnced the market did not Improve, ns advices from Chicago were unfavorable to the selling Interests. Packers wero very bearish, while sellers wero holding for good strong prices, so that tho mnrket wns slow, nnd It wns lnte before nnythltig like a clchr anco wns made. m t hi lnst end or tno mnntet was very slow nnd wenk, ns packers were not willing to give over $5.75 for the henvy hogs, while, the light weights were nlmost unsalable, u,t1 when llinv did sell Ihev went frrtm $5.60 down. Representative snlcs: No. AV. PJi. IT. No. Av. 8h. It. 21 125 ... 6 25 59 'AS 120 6 80 60 145 ... 5 62 1, 4 b 325 160 5 80 80 178 120 6 65 66 16S IS) 5 6j 61... h5... . ,2M 80 6 80 . .29 160 5 80 66 195 ... & M 80 5 70 ... 6 70 ... 6 70 120 6 70 120 6 70 80 R 70 55,., .ISO 11V) 6 Ml 70. 16 65 300 320 6 SO 86 ... .ISO ....190 ....186 ....186 . . . .19S . . . .202 ...,237 HO. 274 SO 1 1 . 79.. 69.. 5).. 65.. C.4.. 64.. 71.. . .261 . .249 . ,280 ..243 ..217 280 6 SO 40 5 SO 40 6 VI SO 6 SO 160 5 SO 99. 91 90. 80 5 70 6. 120 40 6 72'i G 72s ! 320 6 SO 9.1 . . . .201 .245 160 6 SO 88. .220 200 5 72'a ...24: 80 5 SO 160 60 H0 5 SO SO 6 SO SO 6 80 SO 6 SO 120 5 SO SO 6 SO SO 8 SO 46. .IS IWi o in ...243 86 ...216 . . .281 ...223 ...217 ...241 ...234 ...255 . . .201 . . .2.17 ...2(1 ...201 . . .231 ...225 ...206 ...231 ...257 ...261 ...220 ...215 ,...255 40 5 75 120 5 75 160 6 75 200 6 70 ... 5 75 63.. 49.. 76. . 65.. 68.. 68. ...329 ...206 ...253 ...251 ...200 62.. ;i r2 71. 2A0 280 80 80 120 120 60.. 5 75 5 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 5 75 63 280 16. 69.. 65.. ,25 160 6 R2l, 62. o 40 n m'i 1 1 . 62.. . .30!) ..231 ..3(1 240 6 824 SO 6 82U 80 6 82Vs 40 6 82V4 80 6 82 Vg 80 6 S2V, - en. r... 65.. 47.. 65., 80, 40 80 6S. . . .353 93. 82 256 67, 40 5 77VS 65 29 40 5 77la 20 309 160 6 77 Vj, 62 293 W. 64. 5 82 82 S2Vi 79. 10 6 66 285 fi 274 68 273 6 82 6 80 71, SO R 77t: 120 120 67, 120 6 77ls 5 7714 5 85 6 85 6 S3 6 86 6 85 R S7V4 66 286 64 271 iO 235 80 5 77U. 40 6 77J SO 5 774 67 3-t) 61 261 95 196 63 306 SO 82 20.1 70 249 80 80 68 211 72 231 160 5 774 70 263 I'JO f. 771. 63 318 200 0 ! 66 287 120 6 90 54 270 ... 5 90 46 31!) ... fi 0 69 276 80 6 SO- .291) SO 6 80 SHEEP The demnnd tndnv for Int nhern and lambs was In better shape than It hns been for soinnMImn past, Packers nil seemed to be nnxlous for supplies, nnd ss mere whs oniy 11 limn ini stun on snio the.v paid stroHEer prices for whnt thev got than they paid yesterday, There was nntuing strictly choice on tho market, so that It Is dltllcillt to tell lust what prime sheep and lnmbs would bring. It is safo to say, however, that good stuff today would havo sold at good, strong prices. The feeder market did not show much change from yesterday. Thero were a few buyers looking for supplies, but they wanted the better grades, which mnde trado on the common kinds very slow. Quotations: Chotro yearlings, J3.OVtf3.75; fair to good yearlings, J3.30rff3.60; choice wethers, J3.L5'53.60: fntr to good wethers, J2.90W3.25; cholco owes, J2.75rif3.00: fnlr to good ewes, $2.00112.75; common ewes, $1.00Jf) 2.00: cholco spring lamb, $4.50ff4.75; fnlr to good spring lamns, i.iut4.ii); lecner wetn- ers, $3.0033.25; feeder mmus, w.zsnt.oo. Representative sales; No. 1 cow . tOUO ? M 1 cow. . . SI" .". (0 Av. Pr. 53 2 25 91 2 75 89 3 00 77 3 00 93 3 25 100 3 60 79 1 40 94 1 90 77 3 10 80 3 10 114 3 25 lit 3 60 54 3 60 90 4 76 MAnKKT 23 cull wethers 19 native ewes 101 feeder wethers 169 feeder wethers , 240 AVyomlng wethers. 56 western wethers... 169 cull ewes 213 feeder ewes 0O6 feeder wethers 10 mixed 10 native ewes 82 feeder lambs ,4 feeder lambs 15 native lambs CHICAGO 1,1 VB STOCK MAnKKT Cnttle Sternly -Hoc llluher Sheen Higher. niTir-Anrt r. en,r w t 1,000 head: steady: no choice here; good to j't.iiii.. u..,'ii i.w, imwr io mcnium, ?J. (Djflb.l"); stockers and feeders, J2.00r?M.OO: cows. J1.25ifl i.iu, iiriirm, i,sx"tia.w; ennners, l.Zi'(lL'..w: bulls. J1.75rfffi.10! enlveq. ISMnft, T.,vn steers. J3.3OfM.00. uuwb itecmpts today, 41,ono hfiad: to- mnrrnuv AS (Vrt lwn ! loff nt.... 10 ,kv higher on choice henvy, stendy on others; ...... ....u ...... f r' v.uv , $UUI1 1(1 choice heavy, J5.65fip3.10; rough to fair heavy. toM-qZ.ft; light, J5.00Jf6.00; bulk of c ii 1 , 4P.-JJ J. .n BIKISI- AnD LAMBS-Recclpts, 16.000 nend! HnDDti niu.n.ul Inn.... in.n.a higher; lambs opened stendy and closed ( uiwivb wemers, J.'Hifj:j-MP(i; fair to choice mixed, J2.75(3'3.40; western sheep. $3.00rf?3.60: nntlvo Iambs. $2.KkrN.75: western lambs nnd feeders, J3.KVJf4.15. wiuuiiti yu.ncniay; iteceipis, cattle, 6,615 head: hogs, 39,630 head; aheap, 26,170 hend. Shipments, cnttle, 2,580 head; hogs, 7,513 head; sheep, 2.S52 head, Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. TfATJKAH rtlTV V. f iwi.u.ii.. celpts. 10,000 natives, 800 Texnns. 400 calves; mnrket genernlly stendy to 10c higher; cholco export nnd dressed beef steers, J5.6 il.23; fnlr to good. Jl.65gs.50: stockers nnd 6 00: western range steers. $3.455JH.80; Texas nnu iiiiiiun sipero, u.urau.tu; native COWS, $2.50(JM.25; jielfers. $3.00rf5.20; canners. $L60 2.50: bulls. $2.25fl'3.75; calves, $2.60fl6.28. HOGS-Ilecelpts. 2.400 head: market steady to 60 higher; top. $6.10; bulk of Bnien, ta.mriio.uu; iien-vy, o.:Mfl.lo: mixed packers. JSCOO; light. $5.2oiiK.!V); pigs, $1.25116.20. R1IRKP AVn T.AUmo r..ln. 4 caa I ...... ....... .. ... Litjun. head; market steady to 10c lower; native lnMl.a , 1 1 C " 1 . ........ , 1 An Hm. ... iuiiiu.1, f,,..i'uT.i, "vBinni luinos. .i. idthi.w; 1 native wethers, $3.253'3.60: western with ers. S3.ftVS3..15! nwen. Ii IFiK nfi. r,,ll. nnH feeders, $1,251)3.00. St. I. onts Live Stook Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 28. CATTLE Rc.tnts. 3 600 head, including 1,800 Texans; market steady to strong: native shipping and ex port steers, $5.00ri?6.50: dressed beef and butcher steers, J3.5OJJ6.05; steers under 1,000 ins.,; stockers and feeders, $2.40 ii.ou; cows 11 110 iieuers, n.wa.w, canners $1.5Of?2.50: bulls, $2.25SM.65: Texas nnd In. dlnn steers, $2.78S4.10. with fed worth $4.0O 6.65: cows and heifers. $2.2503.15. IIOGS-nocelpts, 8,000 head: market Ro nigner; pigs aim ugnts, ja.ipi.TD; packers, $5.60rRC.Sj: butchers. $3.75(06.00. SHEKP AND LAMBS-Ilecolpts, 2.600 head; market steady; nntlvo muttons, $3.00; iiimu?. j.iokji.w); cuns ana bucks, rT York Lire Stock Market, NEW YORK. Nov. 26. CATTI.TSrt celpts, 17 head, consigned direct: no sales reported: cablo quotes American steers nt 12H13C. dressed welcht: refrlcrerntnr hr 9190! exports, 2,200 quarters of beef. ' UAUVKH uoceipts, i nead, 362 head on sale: veals, steady: other cnlv es rtnll nl.r.,1 1,V( ,.nBl.l , ' ,,.,ih vv. i,i.c.,(u, i,iuiii, siiiBnur.i nnu west erns; icw veiim soiu at. o.ijixa,.BU. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.C43 neiio; sneep, uuu piu steady; good Iambs, nu iiiiuri . uuicrw iiuuicn nteaay: sneep Id nt $2.6OW0.25: CU s. $1.75: lnmhs. U (Xkfi) HOGS HecelDtS. 6.334 headi stendv? west i ern hogs sold at $5.507j5.60. Ht. Joseph Live Stock Market, BT. JOSEPH. Nov. 26. CATTLR Re ceipts, 2,400 hend! stendv: nntlves. $3.15'3 6.80: cows and heifers, $1.26(50.25; veals, $2.60 rao.w; onus nnu stags, fj.wtro.oi); stocKers and feeders, J1. 6004. 30. nulls iteceipts, li.ioo nenu; steady; ngnt and light mixed, J3.60tji6.90; medium nnd Heavy, a.BZWU4i.t: pigs, J3.7W 1.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recefnts. 450 head steady; native lambs, J4.70; native wethers is 16. Stock In SIkM. The following table shows the recelnts of rain -noj" qua snoop nt mo nyo principal liiHiKeis tor iMDveraucr .1; cattle. Jtons. Sheen. South Omaha 5.525 1 2,847 3.281 Chicago 7. 4100 16,000 Knmns city io.njo j.',4(ki 3,50c) St. Illls 3.500 s.oon -I'm St. Joseph 2,100 11,700 450 Totals 29,225 6.-..9I7 25,731 llrlde nnd Groom from I,n Plntte, ClirlRtlan Jensen and Alien At. Olren bnlh of La Platte, were married at thft court Home by juago uajcter, SAVINGS BANK REORGANIZED Omaha Lttn tad Trntt Coptnj'i Bik iig Erfd Qrutlj EnUrfid. NEW STOCKHOLDERS IN INSTITUTION Cnpltnt Increased, ,'ctt Directors mill Olllccrs Elected nnd n Not .ntnc Chosrn for Cue In the Future. Notices havo Just been mailed to the de positors of the Omaha Loan and Trust Company Savings bank stating that that bank has been reorganized nnd that a num ber of now stockholders havo become Inter ested In the Institution, Among these are; C. W. Lyman, president of tho Commercial National bank; V. V. Morsmati, attorney- nt-law; E. M. Andrecseu ot tho Leo-Glass-Andrecscn Hardwnro company; Charles E. Bates, John F. Flack, Georgo F. Ullmora and others. Tbo business of tho savlugA bank hns been entirely separated from that ot tho loan nnd trust company nnd tho sn lngs bank will ho continued as an entirely Independent. Institution. The trust com pnny viU remove from lis present office, the savings bank continuing business In the room It now occupies In the Urown block. Tho stntoment ot the bnnk just Issued shows deposits of practically $300,000, J200, 000 of which Is In cnBh and tho balance In nrst-clnss convertible mortgages. Fifty thousand dollars additional capital bas been paid In, thus paying up In lull tbe capital stock of $100,000. The surplus and un divided profits now amount to about J5S.O0O. This bank has always promptly met tho dc piB.tnlH of Its customer for tho last twelve years. Herenfter n large percentage of thn deposits of tho Savings bank will be In veited In what aro popularly known as "quick assets," that Is, such securities ss United States, county nnd municipal bonds and warrnnts, etc. These can bn easily con verted Into cash In times of financial stringency. Tho new bonrd ot directors consists of J. II. Mlllnrd, Guy C. Barton. E. M. Mors man, C. W. Lyman, Charles E. Bnjtes. John F. Flack, George F. Qllmore. Tho officers aro: C. U. Lyman, president; John F. Flack, vice president; Charles E. Bites, treasurer. Mr. Lyman Is well known on ac count of his connection with the Commer cial National bank. Mr. Bates, who will bo tho officer In charge, In nn old-tlmo banker. The name ot tho bank will bo changed to City Savings bank as soon as th formal action necessary can bo tak?n. BUSY BUILDING IN WYOMING Oinnhn Artisans Find Mrnily,Kmpliij nient In nnil Aroiiud Sherldnn. About the first of tho year a- party at Omaha artisans who havo heen employed In Wyoming during the entlro summer and fall will return to the city until next spring, when they will ngnln lenve for Wyoming, to bo gono another year. This party Is made up of twenty-five ctr- ponters nnd bricklayers, who went out lnt spring to Dletz, Wyo., where tho Sheridan Coal company was building houses for Its employes and hospital and other buildings for tho use of the company and Its work men. B. .1. Jobst had the contract and de cided to employ Omaha men, who received the scale of wages prevailing In this city with transportation to the work nnd re turn. After tho company work bad been completed several good contracts wnro se cured In Sheridan nnd tho forco was re moved to that place. In four weoks tho buildings now under way will bo completed. but thero are several buildings which will not bo started until next season. FREE DINNER ON THANKSGIVING City Chnrltles Will Minister To the TVanta of All Comers On That Day. The City Charities will serr Hlnnes Thanksgiving day In the building at Eigh teenth stroet and St. Mary's avenue, which was formerly occupied by tho Child Saving institute. Meat, vegetables nnd fruit will also bo given out to worthy persons who prefor to prepare their dinners at homo rather than eat dinner at tho Institute. Texan Oil News. Beaumont Dally Enterprise: "Yester day's shipments of oil from Beaumont was sixty-seven care, or 10,452 barrols. "Among the Beaumont sales on 'change today were: 'Hlgglns, 40 shares at 73.00 72,60 37.50 65.90 Hlgglns, 62 shares nt , Columbia, 20 shares at Manhattan, 400 shares at German-American, 31 shares at.... 106.60 "The Hlgglns Oil & Fuol company will make connections today with Its largo steel tank No. 5, capacity 37,600 barrels. "Tho Silver Dime Oil company has com menced two now wells. Nob. 2 and S. "In the Omaha-Texas Oil company's well on the Keith Ward tract, 12-Inch casing has been set In tho solid rock. The Omaha Texas Oil company Is having the belt ot success no far In drilling Its well. Thero now seems to be nothing to prevent its bringing In its well at the proper time and if successfully finished will be one ot tho best values In tbo field." The above extract taken from the Dally Enterprise ot Beaumont, Tex., as reported by a dally reporter who visits the oil fields every day, gives tbo readers of Council Bluffs papers an opportunity to know Just what people away from home think of tho Otnaha'-Toxns Oil company holdings, and this Is taken from tbe pen of a person un biased in any particular, giving the dally news just as he finds thorn In the field. Indications are now that the stock In the Omaha-Texas Oil company will sell at 25 cents but a short time longer. Those of our friends Interested In this financial enterprlso should awake to the, necessity of placing their orders for as many shares as they can purchase while they can yet get In on the ground floor, as It Is only a question of a very short time when they will be compelled to pay more than at pres ent. Call or address the OMAHA-TEXAS OIL CO., at 406 Sapp block, and get your order In as quickly as possible. Ilanicieckcm' ICxoarslon. On Tuesdays, November 13, December 3 and 17, tbe MUsourl Pacific wilt aell tickets to certain points In the south, southeast and southwest at rate of one fare for round trip, plui $2. Final return limit twenty-one days from date of tale, For further Information or land pamphlet call on or address company's offices, south east corner Fourteenth and Douglas atreots, Omaha, Nob. THOMAS F. GODFREY, P. A. T. A. Tttpma 108. Boyd Commission Co BuceeiBr,.to Jamea E. Bar 4 Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION okain, rnovni.n and stock a, t f Trade lldjas. Street wires to Calaajo ao4 Nw Yorfc SonaayjrMideftg, John A. Warrwi 4 I