Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Little Liver Pills.
Mutt $oar Slrjnatur f
As Facsimile Wrapper Bale?.
Colbj mi Barrj 0nidr PUbi for Ad
juiot t NatUial Guard.
Tbt assail aad m easy
ti talis hp nfiar.
ron duziMess,
1 On the Wing. f
2 Reputation travels like the wind.
5 " Over tho Continent the Amerl
2 can Gentleman's Whiskey
has bounded a
new type, a new
name for what
13 a
Pure, Old
A cood thine
passes from lip
to Hp.
8oH t nil HriMIl caff. ant h) Jobli.r..
WM.INAHAS AlWS.Jialttmore. Md. jt
Tickets on Mile DISC. 1. 2. 3 and 4.
323 fHKnAni bTwEET
lat ""-""'iHfiaiTHinrirn-i ritMaW
ln'llfels more often due to exhausted
nerve force than to lack of,
Strong nerves ate the capital that
kelps men conipicr condition.
When people loe their capital they
set to work to regain It.
When we loe our nerve force we
ought to geek n mean of getting It
hack. There is a way, certain and
feed the nerves, mating them steady
and strong ns steel.
We do not believe they can fall to
cure Nervous Debility nnd physical e.
li.nistloti; that's why we ngrre to refund
your money if six boxes do not cute
you. I
fl.flO per box; (1 lioxes $500, mailed
secuiely sealed upon receipt of price.
Tiook free.
For aale by Kuhn & Co., Fuller Paint A
Drug uo., urnahu; union's Drug atore.
fiouth Omaha, and Oavls Drue Co.. Council
ltluRa, la
Witeii Hazel
A well known cure for Piles
ThUsalve cannot bo equalled wherever
nsoothlnRantl healing antiseptic appll
cation Is needed. It quickly cures sores,
cuts, burns itnd scalds without leaving
a scar. Fur piles, cc.ema aud all skin
disease it is considered Infallible.
BowfiPQ of Counterfeits
Unscrupulous persons may offer you
worthless Imitations. Take only the or
Iglnal DkWitt's. Witch Hazf.l Salve
Prepared by C. C. DcWITT & CO., Chicago.
Jiiiprrlittetitlpnt Fowler L'rjf All
.Members of tlnnrila of Kilnm
tlon to Attend ContliiR
Mntr (.'iinrriillnn,
(From h Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 25. (Special.) A com
pany, of signal corps Is In prospect for the
Nebraska National guajd. Plans for Its
organization aru being considered by Ad
jutant (leneral Colby and Brigadier Gen
eral Harry nnd It Is Bald they will be put
Into operation as soon as the necessary
arrangements can be mode. Tho state t
reserve military force now consists of two
regiments of Infantry, a battery of artil
lery and a troop of cavalry. It Is pro
posed by the authorities to organize a
third renlmcnt of Infantry nnd for the pur
poso of making tho force still more com
plete, tho organization of a signal corps Is
being urged.
"Nearly every state which has as largo
a military force as ours has a company of
signal corps," said nn officer of the guard
today. "Experience In the last war has
shown that this arm of the service Is In
dlspenslble nnd for this roason Nebraska
should bo thoroughly equipped. A company
consists of three officers and flfty-flvo men.
The wo-k performed by tho slgnnl corps Is
radically different from that of all other
arms, but It Is necessary In warfare''
Condition of Illiili SolionI Uel.nte.
A committee, consisting of Chancellor E.
Ilenjamln Andrews, State High School In
spector Crabtree and State Superintendent
Fowler, has Issued the following announce
ment, outlining the conditions of the High
school debate, which will take place during
the meeting of the State Teachers' asso
ciation: "Three of the High schools select as their
first choice the subject, 'Kcsolvcd, That Im
migration should bo restricted to those who
can read and write their mother tongue
and who can exhibit good citizenship pa
pers from their mother country.'
"The other three High schools select
as their first choice, 'Hcsolved, That an
archistic speeches should be prohibited and
nnnrchlstlc publications should be sup
pressed by the United States government.'
"The three High schools thnt selected the
first mentioned questioned gave the second
us their third choice. Therefore, It Is the
decision of tho committee that the first
mentioned question shall be the one for
"The committee has arranged tho names
of tho towns whoso High schools will par
ticipate In alphabetical order, viz: Beat
rice, Crete. Lincoln, Nebraska City, Omaha,
York, previously determining that the first,
third and fifth should take the affirmative
sldo of tho question thnt might be selected
nnd the second, fourth and sixth the nega
tive. Therefore, Beatrice, Lincoln nnd
Omaha will arguo In favor of tho affirma
tive side of this question nnd Crete, Ne
braska City nnd York will take tho nega
tive side."
Stntc Trnehfrs' Convention.
State Superintendent Fowler Is urging all
members of boards of education In Nebraska
to attend the forthcoming convention of the
State Teachers' association, which will be
held in Lincoln January 1, 2 and 3, 1902. In
a bulletin Issued today he says:
"I bellcvo It would be a profitable ex
pcndlliiro of school funds for every school
district board In the state to pny the ex
penseH of nt least ono of Its members to
this meeting. Many questions of general
Interest to school officers as well as to
teachers will he dlseusesd, A special pro
gram will bo announced for tho crhool
board section soon. This section meets
Thursday, January 2, at 2 p. m: Send topics
for discussion to lie v. Luther 1'. Ludden,
Lincoln, In order that the program may be
completed In time for due notice to ho given.
"Let mo urge upon your board the Im
portance of having n representative in at
tendance at this meeting. I'lcasc give Mr.
Ludden, without delay, the namo of your
member wbowlll attend and a place or
tho program will be assigned him.
"Tho Nebraska Public Library commis
sion Is now fully organized. This affords
your school an excellent opportunity to se
cure about fifty volumes free except the
freight chnrges to and from Lincoln nnd the
local expenses of distribution nnd collection.
For further Information on this matter ad
dress Miss Kdna D. llullock, secretary,
stato rapltol building, Lincoln."
Stnte llnnka Chiirtrrcri.
Secretary Hoyse of the Stntn Hanking
beard today Issued charters to the following
itcn rmiti uciunn.
Chambers Stnto bank of Chambers. Holt
county: authorized capital stock, $50,0005
subscribed stock, $f,000; Incorporators, J,
(1. MeOownn, I, Haldwln nnd C. D. Mc-Gotten.
First Stato Bank of rieasnntdnle. Tlcas-
anldale, .Seward county; capital stock,
000; Incorporators, A. Ackcrmau, H, K.
Frantz and F. N. Ilrown.
oternnr Siishk"'. Turkey,
Governor and Mrs. Savage wlll-Jeave to
morrow night for Sterling, Colo., where they
II pass Thanksgiving day with friends.
Next week the governor will attend tho
meeting of tho National Livestock associa
tion in Chicago.
fury Seenrril mill Wltneaarn llenril In
Priisrriilliin of Alleged .Mur
derer of rtttiir l'n tie.
FUKMONT. Nnb., Nov, 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho trial of .lo'cph Dusseldorf for
tho murder of Arthur Payne at North Pend,
Neb., In June last wns begun In tbo district
court this morning. When the defendant
was brought Into court nnd took his seat
with his attorneys ho presented an appear
ance strikingly better than when nrrested.
His looks, manners nnd general appearance
show plainly that he has not alwnys been
a tramp. His face Is full and round and of
a decidedly (lermati cast. During tho ex
amination of the Jurorn he paid the closejt
attention to their answers nnd frequently
consulted earnestly with his attorneys In
regard to challenges.
Tho following Jury wns secured without
much difficulty; I.'. V. Schadt. Fremont,
H. II. Longmeler, Logan; Chris Daiira, Web
ster: John F, Huer, Hooper: Hans Johnson,
Logan; Hcrmnn Karstcrns, Cuming; Henry
Harrison, J. N. (Jay, Oscar Shndt, Aaron
Ogan, J. N. Haunigartner nnd C. A. Cnrr,
Fremont. '
Penjamln Shlmpton qf North Ilcnd was
tho first witness. He testified that he was
near the tracks when the affair occurred;
that he henrd some disturbance nnd saw tho
boy, Thomas Dorkln, Jump out of the cnr.
Shortly after ho saw n man fall out of tho
cnr onto tho right of way and almost nt tho
samo time saw tho defendant running cast
along the railroad and then south toward
tho river.
Dtisseldorf listened closely to the testi
mony nnd much of the time his face was
flushed and he looked nnxlous. None of
his relatives from Brooklyn, N. Y., 1b pres
ent. Dr. Klglcr of North Uend. was the prin
cipal witness this afternoon. After de
scribing the wounds on Payne he said that
about 10 o'clock tho morning of tho day
Payne died, which wns the day nftor thn
affair, ho told Payne his wound would prob
ably prove fatal and that Payne then told
him haw the trouble occurred. Payne said
be was sitting In the boxcar when ho saw
Duesuldorf, the man with tho moustache,
comlrg with n knlfo In his hand. He paid
no attention to him nnd turned around to
go to sloop. The next thing ho knew ho
was struck. He Jumped to his feet, tho
other Jumped out of the car, ho started after
him nnd fainted Just as ho reached the car
door or perhaps as ho struck the ground.
IIo said: "Tho boy is Innocent. The .man
with the moustache did It." The former
part of this statement, on motion of de
fendant, wns stricken out.
Mr. Wlntcrhothnm, a hardware dealer,
testified that that afternoon he sold Dussel
dorf a Inrgc knife.
Ailnliili Snndan Die. In .Rony, lint no
One Will Confess Selling; Him
tlie Intoxicant.
Homovf. Tali, l'
FrecKlis. Mntn ralclite,
Ham ami Hkln .lu-
rvirur, and even
M blemlih on twauty,
(,. ami J.nes d.tec.
k-y tlon. it has stooJ
the tret of tij
(ars, ana Is so
liannlts n tails
It to I surt 'I
la prop.rly ni.ij.,
y Accept no count.r-
itrit or annual
nam. Dr. U. A
Hjyrv 'aid to a la.
iif tit tnc haut'tea
la oatlntlt
' As sou ladles will use thum. 1 recoin
rnend 'UOl'lLU'D'S CIU2AM' as the least
harmful of ull the Skin preparations." 1'or
ale nv all DruuxUtM unit fcuney uooos
Dealers In tht. II. . aud Kurope.
VUHD, T IIOt'KIN. I'roii'v,
AT Urcut Jena SU M. T.
TBKAMAH, Neb., Nov. 25.-(Spccial.)
Physicians who attended him and the coro
oner's Jury who heard tho testimony at tho
Inquest declare that liquor killed Adolph
Sandan Saturday night, hut tho Identity of
the person who sold the boy the Intoxicant
remains unknown despite the genaral In
quiry that has been made slnco the death
Sandan, who was 16 years old and who30
parents llvo In Herman, husked corn at the
Catnpbcll-rtankln ranch, seven miles south
cast of Tekamah, Friday and Snturdny, and
went Into town Saturday evening with three
other hands to do trading. The other men
of tho party say that they drank beer In
moderation while In town, but that tho bar
tender declined to servo Sandan becauso
ho was under age, and that whon they
started homo they thought Sandan, who
was driving, was perfectly sober. They had
not gone far, however, when the boy rolled
from tho seat In great pnln, evidenced In
half-intclllglblc muttcrlngs. They could not
revive him then nor when they reached tho
ranch boarding house, where, soon after be
ing put to bed, Sandan vomited copiously,
then fell Into what appeared n natural
sleep and died without again opening his
.Mr. Phillips, proprietor of tho boarding
house, who was called Immediately, testi
fied that tbo men wero sober, but thnt there
was a ctrong odor of liquor about Sandan
when ho examined him. Tho doctors who
were summoned pronounced Sandnn'ti death
due to alcoholic poisoning and the coroner's
Jury rendered a corroborative verdict. Tho
boy's father has taken the body to Herman
for burial.
'red Klmhnll of Leluli Sim I
Morphine, lint n Doctor
Nut en Her.
Union I'nrllle Improvements There to
He Kiteimlre nnd More Men
Are Iteiinlred.
NORTH PLATTK, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) When workmen begin, January 1, to
extend tho boiler shop su.ty feet northward
they will bo Inaugurating extensive Im
provements on tho Union Pnclfio'H -property
In North Platte. An additional 130 feet
will be built ht the west end of the ma
chine shop and an addition measuring sixty
feet will enlargo the north, end of the
boiler shop. Fifteen fires will be ndded to
the equipment of the blacksmith shop, Tho
freight house will extend sixty feet east
ward and three new steel tracks will ex
tend tho length of the yards from east to
west. The new electric company hero Is
to light the entire yard, offices and freight
The master mechanic's office will by
placed where tho carpenter shop stands,
tho Intter being succeeded by a new struc
ture, 60x100, which will adjoin tho now
store building. 60x80, cornering on the
north w!to fence.
Ono hundrtd and fifty or 200 mechanics
will be added to the present forfe and
larser crews of transfer 'men and freight
handlers with double crow of switch and
section men will also be employed, thH
contracts for the construction work al
ready having been let,
lien trice i:ientnr rinniHca lliinila.
linATMCE. Neb., Nov. 25. (Special Tel
egram.) Buchanan nros'., who have op
erated an elevator here a number of years,
today sold It to the. Nebraska Elevator
company for $1,000, to give possession De
cember 1.
I.KIOH, Neb.. Nov. 23. (Special.) Mrs.
Fred Kimball of this placo swallowed five
grains of morphine late Saturday evening,
apparently with sulcldnl intent. Her bus
band discovered what sho had dono and Im
mediately summoned a physician, who re
stored her. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Kimball
were married Inst July at Laurel. Neb., ami
Immediately came to Leigh, where Kim
ball hn(h formerly lived with his llrst wife,
who died a year ngo, Kimball has four
children and It Is stated that tho family
Is In destitute circumstances. This Is the
causo assigned for the attempt at suicide.
.Velirnnkn I'npera l.ny II Im Out.
CBETB, Nob.. Nov. 23. (Special.) Jnmes
Johnson, for many years the mall carrier
between the Crete, postofllco and tho B. &"
M, station, wns severely hurt yesterday
morning nt the station, when No, 1 flyer
passed the station and tho baggageman of
No. 1 threw out tho Omaha and Lincoln pa
pers.' The packages struck tho mall car
rier and he was unconscious several hours,
but ho Is now recovering.
Finds Elm Nat Qmilty af Stssliijr Oouitj 1
II nd
nt I'hi1 In the Afternoon
Co in p. In With the Ver
dict llefore lleil
TIIENTON, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special Tel
egram.) All testimony nnd evidence hav
ing been given Saturday In the J. W. Cole
case of alleged ballot stealing the attorneys
made their pleas today, the Judge gavo In
structions to tho Jury nnd It retired to the
Jury room nt about G p. m., returning a ver
dict of not guilty after being out some
Denlei .loipph AVIIIInmn' night
Hurt Conntj- .liulKenhli, Al
leging selection Krnuil.
PIEIICE, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special.) Just
before the closing of the oftlco of Clerk rf
the JJlstrlct Court William B. Chllvers on
Saturday evening Douglas Cones filed a
petition for County Judgo William H. Mc
Donald, who contests the right of County
Judge-elect Joseph A. Williams to hold tho
offlco to which he was declared elected nt
the late election. Contestant McDonald al
leges that there were 1,644 votes cast for
county Judge, while the official count only
shows 1,616. The voto stood S10 for Wil
liams to S06 for McDonald. Contestant
McDonald contests because of alleged cor
ruption nnd fraud on tho part of the judges
and clerks of election In all the thirteen
precincts In Pierce county and nlso claims
that these judges and clerks of election
made many errors. He also charges that
one Holmes received from Mr. Williams f2
to procure his (Williams') election. At tho
late election In tbo county eight of the pre
cincts had a majority of fusion election
officials and five a majority of republican
IJnllej- Acquitted, Veniicr fuller llonit.
FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Special.)
The Jury In tho case against Charles Unlley,
who was tried last Week on the chargo of
n felonious assault on Mrs. William lllley,
brought In n verdict of not guilty this
The case against Frapk Yeager, who Is
charged with a criminal offense ngulnst
Vanetta Vanllorn, a daughter of P. E. Van
Horn of Nlckerson, was continued to the
January term and defendant released on
$1,000 bouds.
Toadernefs or aching In the small of thk
back Is a serious symptom. Tho kidneys
are suffering.' Take Prickly Ash Bitters nt
once. It is a reliable kidney remedy nnd
system regulator and will cure the troubll
before It develops Its dnngerous stage.
I.cit HnrtannRh of Shcrldnn Kills Ills
I'nrtner. O. V. .Mel.nnRhlln, In
Ilnslncs tluiirrel.
SHERIDAN, Wyo Nov. 23. (Special Tel
egram.) Iew Hartsough aud G. F. Mc
Laughlin, partners In livery business, quar
reled over a hired man this morning. Hart
sough shot McLaughlin through the breast,
killing him Instantly, and Is now unler ar
rest. Hartsough was married, McLaughllu
i .
Will Kaon pe With l.lasht Fine If lie
Tears Dunn IIIckp.1 Tenee
Thla Year,
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. 23. (Special
Telegram.) A. A. Spaugh, the cattleman
who was convicted In the United States
court of Illegally fencing 300,000 acres of
government land In Converse county, has
been given until January 2 to removo the
100 miles of fence, when sentence will ho
passed. If Spaugh obeys the mandate of
tho court a nominal flno will bo imposed.
Ilornk to Serve Five Venra.
YANKTON, S. D.. Nov. 25. (Special Tel
egram.) John Hornk of Iestervllle, Yank
ton county, pleaded guilty In circuit court
this nfternoon to a chargo of criminal as
sault on his 11-year-old stepdaughter and
was sentenced to flvo years In the peniten
tiary. Tho crlmo Is said to havo been com
mitted nt frequent Intervals since the child
wns S years old.
Plerre'a Gnu Well PIottn AcoIii.
PIERRE. S. D.. Nov. 25. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho old gns well, which has been
plugged up for several weeks, was reopened
today and the gns supply, which has been
limited, will again bo sufficient for nil demands.
Mnrtlu Tnrrlcs-nt Pierre.
PIERRE. S. D., Nov. 25. (Special Telo
gram.) Congressman Martin will arguo a
case In tho supremo court hern Wednesday
and will not reach Wnshlngton until next
Prickly Ash Bitters can bo depended on
to euro tbo kldnoys. corrects tho tirlno,
strengthens tho stomach and relieves backache.
rinnld Ma j" Send Missouri Pacific
tnrney to Denver A llln
TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. 25. There Is a
rumor that President Georgo Gould of the
Missouri Pacific and kindred railways con.
templates the transfer of Ball Waggener
to the Denver A Rio Grande, with hend
quartors at Denver, Mr. Waggener Is at
present general attorney of the Missouri
Pacific for Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska,
excepting tho Fort Scott & Wichita In Kan
sas. At Denver he would be general so
licitor of the Denver & Rio Grande West
ern system.
Not to Shrink Flannels and Woolens
Specially prepared penetrating Ox-Gall, loosens and removes
the dirt, keeping them soft to the touch, just like new. The finest
fiber of any fabric is thoroughly cleansed, retaining all their original
brilliancy. It is a safe soap io preserve ivash goods while cleansing
ihem fiei'fecily, being absolutely pure, made from prime edibfe
beef suet, and fresh ox-gall the olden-time natural detergent, that
our grandmothers used and. prized so highly. Sold by all dealers.
Cudooia Booklet Sent Free on Request.
THE CUDAHY PACKING CO., - Omaha...Kansas City.
United Mtntea Dlatrlet .Indue Decline,
to Interfere In Xccretnry
Smllej-'is Carte.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Nov. 25. United Stales
District Judgo Hook today refused a writ
of habeas corpus prayed for by E. J. Smi
ley, secretary of the Kniwis Grain associa
tion, commonly known hr the grain trust.
Smiley was summoned before tho district
court of Reno county to answer questions
nnd to produco books nnd papors concerning
tho operation of the grain association. He
r.ppeurtd, but when the questions wero
asked him he declined to nnswor them,
claiming that tho section of the nntl-trust
lnw undor which ho lint! becu summoned Is
lu violation of tho eighteenth amendment
to tho United States constitution. For re
fusing to answer he wns adjudged to bo In
contempt of court nnd sent to Jail. Judge
Hood says Smiley must exhaust nil remedy
In tho Btnto courts before appealing to the
federal courts.
South Mend
ii ii 1 1 y
l.onlug Ills
Upon Life,
la limit-Hold
SOUTH 3END, Ind Nov. 25. Clem
Studebnker Is failing, his condition since
yesterday being far from encouraging. This
afternoon he passed n few hours lu sleep,
hut nt ft p. m. he grew restless. Inquiries
concerning his condition nro coming into
tho oily from all parts of tho country. If
Mr. Studebaker should din tho foot ball
game scheduled by the South Bend Ath
letic association with Notro Dame will not
be played.
Corn I nn "Widow HniiR. Herself.
CORNING, la.. Nov. 25. (Special.)
Mrs. E. N. Clark, a widow, who made her
home with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Zclgler,
hanged herself Saturday night.
fieiiernlly I'nlr Wenther Indlenteil for
Toil ii y mill Tomorrow, With
YnrylnK Winds.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday':
For Nehrnska, Iowa, Missouri, North
and South Dakota and Kansas Genorally
fair Tuesday and Wednesday; vnrlablo
For Wyoming Partly cloudy Tuesday and
Komowhnt warmer; Wednesday, cloudy,
probably rain or snow; variable winds.
I.ocnl Ileeoril,
OMAHA, Nov. 25.-Ofllell record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last tlino
1901. 1D0O. 18S9. ISO'.
Maximum temperature.... 4:i :i7 46 26
Mlylmuni temperoturo.... 2.1 24 n
Menu tempernturo .17 SO as IS
Precipitation 00 .00 ,fl .OS
Record of temperature mid proclplt'itlon
nt Omalui for this day und slnco March 1,
Normal tetnperiituro T,
ICxc'phs for the dny 4
Totul excOHM since Mureli 1 S63
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Dellclcney for the day 0.1 Inch
Total rulnfall tdnco March 1 23. 3S Inchon
JDcllcleiicy Hlnre March 1 5. tSf Inches
Hxcosh fur eor. period. 1900 ":: Inch
IJelH'lenc.w ror cor. period, jv.'9... 4. M Inches
HeportN from StutloiiH nt 7 . in.
-i t
: S
: n
. c
: 0
! R
: 3
; n
: 3
It is nl ready upon us. The press everywhere Is warning the
public. Pneumonia and grip germs of unusual viru
lence and danger are In our midst. The
people are unusually ill-prepared.
We are facinn a harvest-time of death. On account of the trying summer
Just passed, vitality is at a low ebb. Development of a strong vitality is urgently
needed nt once by all not in perfect condition. Unless your system is promptly
put in condition to throw oft this pestilence of germs grave results aro sure to
follow. Many deaths are already reported. The first symptoms are a cold,
quickly followed by acute bronchitis or tonsilitiv, pneumonia and dciith.
There is a new protection for you: it builds up thu system quicker than any
thing known; and if you already have a cold it will stop it at once, liegin taking
Mull's Grape Tonic today and you will fortify your system so that you aro abso
lutely safe from the ravages of this epidemic.
Head below carefully and act at once:
Take a Tabisspoonul or Two of
!q b halt toacup o! hot water four or flvo times a day. Before
going to bed Utco a hot foot bath and another dose of Tonic in hot
wttsr. After the. oold is broken continue tho Tonic, nccordlng to
direction! cn tho bot'.K until tutleut has fully recovered.
Little children nui invalids, oaa be aofoly treated with -Mull's
Grape Tonic, no It is absolutely harmless. It contains no injuri
ous ingredient. Bronnhitis, Sore Throat Rheumatiani, Neural
gia, Pleurisy, Soro Lunos, Croup, LaGrippn and all kindred ail
ments rocultlnrt from oeld and exposure are quickly reduced and
cured by tho um o Mull's Grape Tonic. t
In caaes of soro throat, raw throst. croup, obast palna. pleu
risy, etc., where a, counter irritant is necessary, rub well the sore
apoU with Moll's Lightning Fain Killer, also saturate a pioco of
flannel with It and apply. Use in conneotlon with Mull's Grape
Tho dolIaioM taste and bracing tonic effect of Mull's Grape
Tonio render it one of the moat beneficial and safest treatments
known. Moat cold remedies leave tho system weak nnd shattered.
Mull's Grape Tonic breaks up the cold and at the same time builds
up the aystara. '
It can be had tswa any good druggist at 300, or tent by The
Lightning Medicine Co., Reck Island, 111.
Fatlsnt with Heart Trouble, iSsrrouantM, Slceplssstisiu and a gsner-
art tram
ran down systam, by Kidney , Llrer. Stomach snd Lunr j
1 been restored M yerfoet health by Mailt Orap Tonic Its
rou dim, jVr7
rwr: ww-vbbj: .111 mi imiiii.m,
aother from Sioux Olty, Iorra: "In
hours It cured my darHng little
daughter of a eevere oold which threat
ened croup and long trouble. The after
treatment laft her In perfect health. Ac
tour years."
A man from St. Joe, Mo.: "In lens
than twelve hours It broke up a bad cold
aHeotlnc my luna,s, which I contraceted
by get tins drenched In a cold rain. Con
tinued the tonic for flra weeks as ad
vleed. Btrongur now than aver bofore.
Axe 44 Tears."
A lady from Olenwood Sprints, Colo.:-
"It cured mo In eighteen linuro. Oot
my foet wrt and took a terrible cold,
which affected my Junes and entire sys
tem. Continued the tontc 34 days. My
health la restored. Ago 30 years."
From Canton, Ohio: "Jt curod my
father, who Is B0 years old, In twenty
four hours. Contracted a cold which set
tled on his lungs, also limbs and back
Junt over the Kidneys. It seemed like
pneumonia and rheumatism combined,
nnd feared he would not recover. Con
tinued tonic eight wneUa. Now In bet
ter health than for years."
For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Go., OmalK
Omahn, clear
Valentine, clear
North Plntte. clear
Huron, clear
"Rapid City, clear
Cheyenne, partly r.loudy
Salt I.ako City, cloudy ..
Wllllst on, clear
Chicago, cloudy
Ht. IOiils, clenr
Ht. Piijtl. cloudy
.Davenport, clear
KnnsaH City, clear
Helena, cloudy
Ulsmarclt, clear
Oalveston, clear
41 49 .00 I
42 5rt .f)
42 M .00
40 M ,00
ri so .cm
:: 4 .no
44 BO .00
2S 3X ,00
2S .16 .00
42 4ft ,00
M 2ft ,f"
:c :it ,oo
41 4S ,00
32 40 ,(K
3t AH ,OQ -tS
"6 .00
Local Forecast Odlclal,
Dyspepsia, is called the "American s Disease, as it is said to attack more residents of this
country than any other. Americans live too rapidly are always too hurried to sriva proper at
tention to the selection of food and to take the time to eat it If you have an especially distressed
condition of the stomach after eatine, an inability to partake of the lightest meal with perfect
freedom from a "crowded feolintr" in the stomach immediately afterwards, belching, ir
ritability and a generally disturbed mental condition, you have Dyspepsia..
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
and Herb Laxative Compound
has cured thousands. It is euaranteed to cure you. 50c and $1 bottles. All drtiff ists.
Trial bottle and a very int9retine littkt book on stomich troubles sent free.
Monticello, Ills.
' Weekly
Scenic Line
Friday and
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of Ihe Rockies and Sierra
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles.
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Oipaha.
Many Cocoas
nd Chocolates
are jgood
Cocoa & Chocolates
are considered the best
by a fastidious public.
Not higher in price-
lower man some.
Why not use
Every Woman
la Inlereitcd ami timuM know
AlKillt ttia woniirrful
MARVEL Whirling Spi ny
i.tiicw ..v.iiB,n.. mjtc
ion nnd Aurlion. llrst- rar.
et- Mijut CoiivpiiUnl.
j7"J7 '''! f ii lit saw. loitmili,
lik fo.r dtuiiltt fi.r II.
II ti iMnnot an mil Ilia V.'
.MAIIVKI,, nciciiino
iitwr, Imt nenil Biniim for 11.
iBsiratM !uk clrrs
lull rartlriilirsn1 iilrcrilon. In.
Mln.ilile o Imllix. ,1 a. ' , o.
Itiinin ' i r Pi. I 1 N V
The WhlrlltiB Spray Syringe For Pale ny
Sherman & McGonnoll Drug Go.
10th mill IlnilKi', Oiimfiu, Xvh.
lite Hlgti for unnatural
Irritations or ulcoiutluni
of mucous nruibiares.
Painless, and nut asttlf
tent or rol.oouui.
Hold ljr Druca-lsfe,
('ill; jJif
tom InltofjrJay. ml
fv (laittnusKt m
MJ m u iirhiiifff.
T ill rnvxavi
fir sent n pialu wrapp,
t'T expraf., prepaid, atl
s(.oa, or S bottles, fchlT
Cirsoiir stat n iiimt;-