10 THE OMAHA D-AIIiY TtEEt TV EST) AT, OVESIBER 20, 1001. 10NCH WITH GENERAL DODGE ( tn Ballmd Baildir Mitt Him Infornullj. 'PKAIANT RECEPTION AT OMAHA CLUB 'lien. Who llrlpnl .MnLr- (Mimlin null the Wont Sit DntTii TiiKellicr for nn Hour' Snnlnl Intercourse. WILL NOT OPEN GRACE STREET Council Drclilm on iirntlon In ('(in necflnii Willi I he tiilun 1'nellle Unit Omnlin Ileal. At the meeting of the city council In com mittee of tho whole yesterday nfternoon n definite quietus was given tho proposition to open Oraco street throuKli tho Union Pa cific yards from Klovcnth street east, and this will not become a stipulation In tho agreement between the city and the rail road company. Kd Clcorge of 'George llroa. was there to represent the Interests which wished tho streets opened. It was desired as a means of egress and Ingress for tho territory lying Just east of tho Wluspero triangle. Gen eral Solicitor Kcllcy of tho Union Pacific for the company said flatly that tho street could never be opened through, as It would not only embarrass switching at that end of the yards, but would stop It altogether. It was shown Mr. George that tho new street granted by tho railroad company to tho city would servo tho purposo of tho In terests which he represented perfectly. This roadway Is but three blocks south of Grace street and runs through from Klev cnth to Seventh. Hy placing tho matter on flic the council men turned down the request from Mrs. V. .1. Coltmnn that tho city pay tho $5.!5 which It cost her for repairs to her auto mobile necessary ns a result of a break down caused by tho vehicle running Into a deep hole In the asphalt pavement on Six teenth street July 1 last. Tho councllmcn did not think tho city should pay for tho damngo of having a sprocket wrenched from tho rear nxle by tho accident. Ilallroad attorneys gnloro attended the committee meeting. Ilurllngton and North western lawyers were there awaiting nows from their latest Injunction proceedings, which they thought might bo noted upon by tho council. No decision came, how ever, as Judgo Dickinson was out of the city, so there were no fireworks. Til ill Thriitililnii llt'iiilnchc would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. Thousands of suffer ers havo proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thoy make puro blood and build up your health. Only 23 cents. Money back If not cured. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. Aiiniiiiiii'ciiK'fita of the Tlirntrra. Thanksgiving day Primrose & Doekstad er's minstrels will give n special matinee at tho Uoyd. Special features In kccplug with the occasion will bo presented. Tho en gagement will open Wednesday night nnd will termlnato Thursday night. Mammoth street parades will bo made Wednesday and Thursday at noon. Following the minstrels Frederick Wardo nnd his great company will be seen In "Tho Mountebank" Friday night and Saturdny mattneu and "King Lear" Sat urday ulght. Diamond engagem't rings. Kdholm, Jeweler IluiiienreUrrV Kxcnmlou. On Tuesdays, November 19, December 3 and 17, the Missouri Pacific will sell tickets to certain points In the south, southeast and southwest at rate of one fare for round trip, plus $2. Final return limit twenty-one days from dato of sale. or further Information or land pamphlets call on or addrefs company's offices, south cast corner Fourteenth nnd Douglas streots, Omaha', Neb. THOMAS F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. AJrHnformal reception and luncheon wcro given at tho Omara club at 1 yesterday afternoon In honor of General Grcnvlllo M. Jpodjte. Although General Dodgo still re tains his homo In Council Mutts, ho spends most of his tlrao In New York. Ho Is pay ing a brief visit to relatives In Council Bluffs and his friends In Omaha woro un filling to have tho general return to Now York without meeting tho men with whom fco wan associated while building the Union Pacific aud during tho civil war. General C. F. Mandorson, General John 0, Cowln, Captain II. B. Palmer, Dr. George L. Miller, Hon. J. Sterling Morion and other trlends of General Dodgo planned tho re ception nnd extended a general Invitation to tho Holrllcr friends and business asso ciates of tho distinguished visitor. Plntes Wero laid for thirty guests and several brief Mdrossca wcro mndo nftcr lunch was gerved. Forty-seven years ago Goncrnl Dodgo was 1 resident of Omaha for a nhort time. Then fce moved to Council niuffs, where he has maintained a homo fllnre. lie entered the nr with aa Iowa regiment nnd wns ad Jrinced to a major generalship. Ho dlstln jnlshod btmBelf before Atlnnta and won Bpoclal commondatlon from General Grant. Ooncral Dodgo Is president of tho Army of Uo Tennessee. Dr. Georgo L. Miller acted m master of Ceremonies and Introduced tho men who Bpoko at tho conclusion of tho lunch. The following men wero seated at tbo table: John C. Cowln, N. P. Dodge, Jr., W. It. Kelly, 0. W. Lyman, Georgo L. Miller, H. CSV. Yaloa, It E. Palmer. J. N. 11. Patrick, 'O. J. Grecno. II. T. Clarke. Jr., J. M. Wool (Tvorth. W. I). McIIugh, G. W. Wottles, R. IN Pock, Fred A. Nash, Charles I Saunders, Jfl. n. Wood, Leonard Nvcrott of Council DluffB, J. J. Dickey, John Collins, Thomas 'Orr, K. J, McClornand, C. K. Coutant, Clement C Chase, S. D. llarkalow. ISntno Tonal" Were lliul. 3". M. Woolworth ncted as master of cere monies. As soon us lunch was finished ho told briefly of Ills meeting with General Dodgo nearly half a century ngo, whon Omaha was llttlo more thau a wilderness. "And that slight boy whom I mot then haa Hqvolopod Into ono of tho groat men of tho nation, a man whom Omaha Is proud to root and who lr. always welcomed by tho peoplo who remember tho great servlco ho did for tills western country," said Mr. JVoolworth In Introducing General Dodge. General Dodgo was heartily npplauded as ho nroso nnd graciously tlmnked the chalr jnnn for tho compliments paid him. Then tho gen oral gavo nn Interesting history of tlio beginning of Omaha und tho construc tion of tho Union Pacific railway. Dr. Miller was tho next speaker. He firofaced his nddress by remarking that General Dodge's npooch wna tho best ho had heard in thirty years nnd told thn only true history ho had heard of early Omaha and pie surrounding country. Dr. Miller called attention to tho versatility of General Dodge, who has shown rcinarkablo power as Un engineer, soldier and financier. 0. W. Wattles expressed regret that It van not his ploasuro to be associated with the great men who brought Omaha Into ex istence and paid high trlbuto to the great Work which General Dodgo has doaa far the frest. Henry W. Yates assured the company that fteneral Dodgo is a good fighter and told of fho contest he had with tho general whon (he Union Paclflo bridge was In controversy. OlHitactrn I.oiiht Akii ViiimiiiIhIiimI. W. II. Kelly paid a high compliment to ho gray-headed men who mado up a large part of tho company and sold that ho did (lot bellovo tho men of today would have tho pourngo to faro all tho obstacles which tho bldor heads had overcome. Ho conipll ynantt'd General Dodgo and tho men who ?era associated with blm on tho groat work thoy accomplished, and assured General Dodgo that no monument of stono need bo ferectod to his memory, as tho great wost Stands ns a monument which can never bo icstroyod. Henry T. Clarke spoko of tho great hattlo rhlch was waged between Omaha and Belle Ttw. the rival locations for tho terminus tot tho Union Tactile railway, and snld that ad It not been lor Dr. G. L. Miliar und Penertl Dodge tho brldgo would have been located at riellevito nnd Omaha would have Been a hamlet, whllo thn metropolis would pays been at Dollovuo. Ito praised tho gen eral on his gTeat achievements and assured his listeners that Omaha owes a debt of Wratltude to Genoral Dodgo which It will haver b nblo to pay, 9S.O0 tor Mlt n7 Work. It you live In the country or In a small (own and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and Btockralsers In the neigh borhood, you can make 15.00 easily by four pr fle hours' work. Wrlto us and we will Mf d you our proposition. Tbo Doe Publish U)ff rompuiy. Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb. t lyovr lint en in Chlcnico. ,h Chicago & Northwestern Railway 111 on December 1, 2, 3 and 1 noil tickets Chicago and return nt the low rate of J4.75 for the round trip. Call on or address be Northwestern City Offices." 1401-1103 jpatnam. St., Omaha. pURUNGTON FREIGHT DEPOT for flirt Jilrurttirr Arc f'niniilrtK, BhoTTliiK nn Imuirnao Tlulld ' Inir for Truffle. r Ufllflgton nrchltecturol plans for tho flfecUon of u hiiRo freight station along Eighth Btrcot oro near completion. They Srorldo for a building of brick, trimmed , tth stone, tho dimensions of which will be 140x600 foot. Tola structure will front on Faruam kfreet at Eighth with tho UO. foot face. This will reach from thn alloy botweon Sev onth and Rlghth across tho 132 feot of lot length and Into Eighth strcot. The build ing will run from Farnnm south 600 foet, WWeli will take It within twenty-eight feet 01 Howard street, two blocks In length. Jfor eighty feel back from Fa mam street the station will bn of two stories, this ortloa being elaborately tit ted with of eec The remaining 420 feet will bo of Be story only. From one end to tho other building will bo fifty feot high at the bKr and twenty-five feet at tho e.vcs The west elde, facing on F.lghth street. 111 be thn revolving side. Here a vast platform thirty-two feot deep will extend k)Ut from the building Its entire length, tMlng tho structure titty feet Into the fftreet and leaving a fifty-foot roadway for Ck approach of teams. vVlthln the receiving room will extend Worn end to end nix tracks, throo for In- Elng aud three for outgoing traffic, Tho tiding will l rapped with a steel root d will cost In tho neighborhood of S7S,- Chlcnito unit ltelurn If I 1.75. On December 1, 2. S and 4 tho Illinois Central rnllroad will sell tickets to Chi cago and return nt rate of $14.75, limited until December 8. For particulars call at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnara street, or address W. H. Drill, D. P. A., I. C. It. IU, Omaha, Neb. nnuictt'n Turkejn Arc 10 mill lie. Through an error Ilennett's turkeys were advertised at lie and 12&o per lb. The price Is 10Vc and 11c per lb. There are no finer birds In the olty for Thanksgiving dinners than those now being sold In our meat department for lOc. nnd 31o per lb. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders', meetings, etc., to Tho nee. Wo will glvo them proper legal lusertion. Telephone 23S. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with Tho Dathery, 210-220 Bs building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legal notices In Tb Weekly Bee. Telephone Christmas goods arriving. Kdholm, Jowelcr. LATTSMOUTH SINGERS COMING KIUm Ilnpr tn llnvr "At the Old Cntlirilrnl Door" Sonar nt hc .Mcniorlnl Scrvloe. rhe memorial committee which has In chorgo tho memorial services of tho Elks, which nro to tako place on Sunday forenoon noxt nt 10 o'clock, In tho Uoyd theator, took special notice of tho article in The Illustrated Sunday nee on "At the Old Cathedral Door." Yesterday forenoon they called up by tolephono Mr. Henry K. Gering, tho exalted ruler of tho Plattsmoutb lodge of Elks, with tho purposo In view to secure this now pleco of sacred music for their program. Mr. Gering took the matter up with his usual promptness nnd cnorgy, nnd at 1! o'clock yesterday nfternoon reported to tho Hlka' club here that Miss Clara Edna Street, tho well-known contralto singer of Plattsmoutb, had very kindly consented to sing theuumbor. The author, Mrs. Letltla iiurton, nnu tuo composer. Miss Kittla Cummins, both of Plattsmouth, are expected to como up on Sunday morning noxt with the Plattsmouth delegation of Elks to at tend tbo service. Sara Bernhardt Alnnj In the Lriul. The Union Paclflo was tho first line to Introduco Dining Cats, Vestlbulcd Cars, Steam Heal, Plntsch Light, lluffct Smoking and Library Cars, Tourist Cars on trans continental trains west of tho Missouri Illvcr, and continues to lead. Is first In equipment; first In speed; first In Impor tant Improvements! first In stupendous en gineering enterprises; llrst in historic In terest; first In scenic attractions. It ugaln lends In reducing by several hours tho tlmo of "TUB OVKltLAND LIMITED" to the Paclflo Coast, making tho run to Salt Lako City 11 hours, to San Francisco 15 nnd to Portland 15 hours quicker than nny other train. Bo.suro your ticket rends over this route. City Ticket onice, 1321 Farnnm st. Tel. 316. Union Station, 10th and Mnrcy, Tel. 620. New style purses. Kdholm, Jeweler. O in nil ii l.mluc .No. IS, A. O. I,', W. Entertainment nt templo Tuesdny evening. Nov. 26. Music, literary, etc. Admission 15c. Refreshments. Members nnd friends Invited. Shnmpnolng nnd hnlr dressing, 25c. in connection with the llnthory, 216-220 Hco building. Telephone 1716. Onyx clocks, Kdholm, Jeweler. the great Frenob Actresi and wornan, e&ysi "I And the Urbana Wine Co.'s Gold Seal Champagne excellent, tn fact equal to many French Champagnes. It surprises me that such a fine wine can be produced in America. "SAHA I1ERNHARDT." Gold Bal Is served In every ftMt-olass cafe and club, and sold everywhere at halt the price of French wise, FEET and FACE Pinched Feet And Pinched Features Go hand In hand. Women folks now weurlng "Sorosis, $3,50 Always," havo a "Sorosis countenance" as well as no moru foot trouble. " DON'T ASIC FOR YOUR SIZE ASK TO HE FITTED." SorosisShoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. Send for catalogue. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Order your tablo wines, cham paign, brandies nnd cordials from the exclusive liquor store. We are offering the choicest selection of high grndo liquors nt strictly wholesale prices. If you caro for quality If you want n lino nrtlclo nt a fair price wo can servo you. Hero are u few Thanksgiving spe cials. Noto tho price. Wo guar anteo the quality. Thosa nro not cheap wines thoy aro not mado in Omaha nnd put up In second bund mineral water bottles. Wo gunrantco all our goods to ho best quality. F.scnpcrncng finest tablo wino on earth natural Juice of the grapo, bottled nt Wel don, N. C, pints 00c, quarts i)0c. Puro Cal ifornia wines at Sue, 50c and 75c, quarts. Kontucky whiskies, quarts 73c, $1 and $1.25. CACKLEY BROS. aviioi.i:n.i,i: i.Kiuoii miiim.'iiants. OPiiinI(i I'oMtolllriv Ti'lMliiHii' 1 I -IN. AGENTS FOR T11IJ I'KI.EHRATKD HUNTER RYK W1118KHY. Typewriters ! New Century, New Densmore, New Yost. We sell, reat, exchange, repair type writers. Everything considered speed, grade of work, cost ot keeping In repair, durlabtlllty, etc. ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on the mar ket For InformatloB regarding type writers, address or call oa United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 1614 Farnam St., Cmatu. Blowing is not exactly In our line, but wo have to Indulgo in self pralso to bo truthful about our beer. Wo know It Is tho best beer browed. You will ngrco with us when you try it. Wo tak'o every posslblo euro In tho brewing nnd tho bottlolng. In cases ot 2 dozen pints or quarts. iMetz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. 111). Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Ncumayer Hotel, Council niuffs, Iowa. Remarkable Sale Today of High Grade Clothing Your Choice of H. Heidelberg & Company's New York Stock at Extremely Low Prices. This linn wns known 1o be tho ninnufiicturors of very fine clothing and whon tlio.v retired from business we hc cured the choice of their stoclc of suits und overcoats at a ,vor,y low figure. These goods are now on sale. aids to 10 00 Men's Finest Winter Suits Wo claim every milt in this lot to bo equal In ovcry respect to the regular V-'-'-W und $25.0) suits. AVo guarantee the lit. tho p.itcrns nnd styles urn tho newest nnd most popular, liund padded ders, bnnd-madu button holes In this fiulo.. slioul- f lapels & Ovf 10 .Alcn's Swell Stilts Mndo of cheviot, CHsslmero and worsteds, in this season's newest and most popular patterns, stylish oxfords, plain Mark and fimry checks ami st-lpcs, somo lined with satin tin greatest assortment over seen nt this JBBT f price; wo guarantee tlicso r J Ovf suits to bo tailored and trim- M - med an well us any $15 suit Jk. on tho market .Men's Stylish Overcoats Mndo of popular fnbrjes In all tho desired color ings, plain nnd rough effects, in every style, plain or fancy linings, me- g f ilium or extra lengths, nil r J " J properly tailored and perfect M . fitting, netuaJly worth from JKl )U to fl.". but on sale at Men's Fino Suits In tho Rrcntc9t. vn llety of nil the right colors ever shown nt double tho price. Now swell patterns and fabrics from oxtronio plaids to popular Htrini'S ami mixtures, every coat mado with Improved padded shoul ders your cholco of this grand lot for Full York Overcoats $20 overcoats, cut 19 Inches long., for in.ru. Tho demand for thin rcinarkablo overcoat will provo again that wo nro giving greater values than any other store ever 1ms or can glvo. It Is uh good as any JSO.OO overcoat sold In Omaha, outside of our store. Sco tho 6tylo of tho coat; tho way tho back hangs: tho length; tho mllltnry shoulders, etc. Theso ovcrcoatH aro mado from tho very finest matorlnls, In light, dark nnd medium shades, with Skinner's guaranteed sat in slecvo linings, in this pulu Men's Finest Winter Overcouts JIado from the most select overcoatings, rough and smooth effects, vicunas, moltons, kerseys und frieze, in nny stylo you want, Including the fashionable long full-back overcoats with or without yokes, us well as medium lengths and dress coats, Heidelberg- sold them In Now York for .J22.no nnd $25.00; our prlco In this solo Is 1AOO i 1222 Ltjrr,! kWS 80HS HAYDEN ' Tuesday in the S Bargain Room Commencing Tuesday wo will hold grand special sales every day during week. with a new'llno of goods nnd new prices each day. Thoro Is no othor houso in tho west will give migli values as these. Full standard prlntB, all colors, 2V4c; 15c linings nt Be; 25c flanncllcttes nt Bc; 54-Inch strlctMOe. Cc; l'5c llannolottrs at SV&c; 64-lnch strictly nil wool black cbovlots, worth $1,25 49 o. Dress Goods $1.50 nlco dark cloth plaids, strictly all wool, 48 and 50 Inches wide wo sold them In tho high grado dress goods department at J1.50 yard. What Is loft will bo closed out on Tuesday nt 4'Jc yard. Wo havo a fino black serge, 52 Inches wldo, strictly all wool, regular prlco $1.00 per yard, Tuesday 4Hc. Wo havo n extra heavy fino blnck camel hair chovlot you can't match nnywhero In Omaha for less than $1.2.1 a yard, Tuesday at 4'Jc. 60 pieces of Scotch tweeds, 30-ln. wide, mado to sell for "5c, go at 25c. 500 dress patterns and skirt patterns brought in from tho high grndo stock, worth up to $5.00 a yard all will bo closed at $1.98, $2.1)8 and $3.88. Itcmuauts for school dress at 10c, 15c 19o and 25u yard. Flannelettes and Outing Flannels at 5c and 74c 15c outing llannels iu nlco, bright colors, at 5c. 25o tine Imitation French flannels, .10 Inches wide, flhest prints over soon, at 10c. 10c Shaker flannel at Tl&c. 15c Shaker flannel at 714c. 15a outing llaunel, light colors, at 5c. 19c outing flannel, light colors, yard wide, flno quality, at 714c $10 and $15 Dress Patterns $2.98 $10.00 skirt patterns will go nt $2.93. $10.00 dress patterns will go ut $3.98. $15.00 dress patterns will go nt $3.98. Waistings Strictly all wool French flannels, 30 Inches wide, CO shades, nt 25c Strictly ull wool, fino striped waistlngs, regular 75o value, will go nt 39c. Illgh-grndo prunellas, In all tho ovcnlng shades, worth 75c, at 15c. No mall orders filled on silk remnants. Thoy ull sell on thn duy of sale. 25c fancies ut Uc. fiOo nico bright. Japanese plaids at 15c. 75o fancies nt 39c, 75c foulards at 35o. $1.00 satin at 29c. $1.00 corduroyu at 39c. Silks and Sateens 124c plain black sateen at Ec, I3o Slmpson'B printed sateens at 714c. Linings Yard-wldo waist linings, yard-wldo per callnes, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all will go at Cc. Prints, 2hc 50,000 yards of full standard prints, In remnants from 2 to 10 yards, worth up to 714c, at 214c Boys' Clothing Roys' COc and 7oc pants at 25c. Hoys' $2.50 reefers at 95c. Boys' $3.50 reefers at $1,50. Hoys' $3.00 reefers nt $L,95. Blankets and Comforters Illankots, 49c, 75c. 9Sc up to $4.25. ComfortorB, 59c, 75c, 98o up to $2.50. Men's 50c Underwear at 25c In tho Bargain Itoom. 10 cases men's heavy fleeco lined shirts and drawers In all sizes, mado to sell at 50c, on snlo nt 25c. MEN'S $1.00 HEAVY JERSEY OVER BI1IRTS AT 49C. 200 dozen men's extra heavy Jersey ovcr shlrts In black, bluo and gray every shirt warruntod perfect and full sizo, all oil salu at 49c. .Men's wool liceio lined shirts nnd drawers mndo to bcII nt 75c, at 39c. Indies' COc nnd 76c wool and fieoco lined vests and pants at 25c. Hoys' 75o sweaters in all sizes at 39c. Men's $1.25 sweaters, wool, on Halo nt C9c Meu'H gloves nnd mittens at 19c, 25c aud 39c. 25c Stockings at. 12k In tho Bargain Room, 1 lot of ladles', men's and children's hoso, worth up to 35c, on snlo at 1214c lloyB' 60c fleeced underwear at 25c. C cases boys' heavy fleeco lined shirts and drawers. In all sizes, worth COo, on salo at 25c, Men's nnd boys' heavy Jersey ovor shlrts In nil sizes, at 39c. Men's COc Biispendors on snlo at 15c. HAYDEN BROS. WHO WAS IT That umashcd tho drug combine that was In existence from tho 12th duy of Juno till September 1st? Do yon remember thn big ad wo had, which read, "Trusts Pon't Oo In Ncbrasku?" Do you remember you had to pay 23a for 25a articles nnd 45o for 60c articles nnd from 95c to $1.00 for $1.00 arti cles? Now you get 25o nrllcles for 12c. 50o nrtlelcs for 29c. $1.00 articles for 35c. If tho rural fellows aiivertlso at theso prices tho Soothin" Syrup linng down town Jump them. They tried to Jump us. but they bounced off. Wo run our business. $1.00 TEMPTATION TONIC P-.o 25c Woodbury's Soup 13c Mc Crnmor's ICIdney fhiro , 40c (This Is fresh stock nnrl conuliio.) 25a Laxative llromo-Qulnlne., 25o Quinncetol (for colds) $1.00 Wurner's Safe Cure J2.(i0 Cramer's Tansy. I'utton-Hoot anil Pennyroyal nils $1 00 (.ut Prlco Urns Store Tl. 14T. . TIT. Car. Kith anil OltliMa Poflda delivered to puv. part of. dtj 12o 20n 12V SCHAEFER'S Down On Your Knees Is not ueceseary to have highly polished floors now-days a can of BUTCHER'S FLOOR WAX and ono of our weighted FLOOR BRUSHES with a llttlo clbov-grca6s will do the business. Wo aro selling a 25-pound FLOOR BRUSH for $2.50 worth J 1.00. 15-pouud Kloor Brush for $1.60 worth $2.C0. No such prices as theso any place else In ton ii. To! pplioiu! it'll). FULLER DRUG AND PAINT CO. lilh M DOBlaa St m: A CORjSIER IN m: OVERCOATS The bright clothing con km' sends compli ments to lite bright overcoat buying pub He. This season sur p asses them all . There's snap in every breath of the season itself. We couldn't dream of a better one for overcoat wearing. And there's snap in every day's trade. To see, to oomjhtra that's giving yourselves fair play, Do it. We aeb no more. You-ought to do no less. i Do it with our overcoats. We submit them fo price, qualitu, attractiveness. We've made a masterful effort this season to have our overcoats superior in every way They tell us we've succeeded admirably. We don't want to be extravagant in toll ing about them, so we close by allowing the printer 8-inch double only. We close as we began. See! Compare! HAYDEN THANKSGIVING S DINNER SALE Thtse Prices Good Tuesday and Wednesday Only 104 Damask Cloths with border all t 20 nieces Mcnrhmi smi.. ii, No. 104 Damask Cloths with hordm' around: 8x4, worth $3.50, sale prlco $2.23 10x4, worth $4.00, sale prlco $2.50 12x4, worth $4.60, salo prlco $2.75 Napkins to mntch cloths, 22x22 Inches squaro, worth $S.50, salo price, $2.50. No. 117 Damask, in nil ahout 100 sets, snow whlto nieachod Doublo Damask. All tho latest stylos In patterns nnd do slgns Sx4, worth $4,50, special price $2.98 10x1, worth $1.75, special price $3.50 12x4, worth $5.75, special price $4,50 No. 117 Napkins, size, to match all tho abovo cloths, worth $6.50, salo prlco $1.50. 84 pieces Bleached Damask, 64 Inches wide, heavy and all linen, cheap at 59c, our Thanksgiving solo prlco 39c. m pieces HIcached Hatln Damask. 72 Inches wide, extra good valuo at 75c, our salo prleo for Thanksgiving 49c. 17 pieces hoavy Satin Damask, all open border effects, 72 Inches wide, our regular dollar goods, sain prlco 75c. All ot our $1.50 grade, about 23 styles, with napkins to match, will be In this ealo at 9Sc per yard. 27 pieces of $2.00 and $2.25 Double Dam ask, what is known as tho Dew Illeached. No chemicals have over been used on thoso goods In bleaching. Will bo placed in this sale nt $1.19 per yard. Napkins to mntch nil the above goods at greatly reduced prices. BIC SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY Every day from now until Christmas tho big i-llk department will be the point of Interest. NEW SILKS COMING IN KOIt IIOLIDAV TIIADK. Wo offer theso now silks at cut prices Tuesday New Molro Antique, very latest, worth $2,00, for $1.00. Now whlto and black silks, Vorth $1.50, for 69c. New fancy silk for waists, over 1,000 styles, tho very latest, worth up to $1.50, nil Tuesday at 75c. Now black skirt and dress silks, finest made, real heavy qualities, ten different stylos, worth $1.75 and $1.50, all go at $1.00. Watch this departmont for tho new holiday silks; tho only silk departraont In Omaha that buys now silks especially for tho holiday. Tho Wlhslow taffeta mills are making 150 shades, so we aro now nble to show you 60 now shades not neon before. Wo want yon to seo these. Illnck woteretto taf feta and bluck brush-off taffeta nro something new. SPECIAL SALE ON LEATHER GOODS Including ladles' jo;ketbooks, Ado billhooks, cbntelalno bags, larRO shopping bags fancy bolts and a general lino of holiday leather goods. These goods aro worth from $1.00 to $1,50, on sale Tuesday nt only EOc. , (This salo Includes a sizes of tho llcston bags.) Sco window for eauiplos. Wednesday-$4 Pillow Tops, SI. 19 Watch for this grand satin pillow top sale. Nono Hold before Wednesday. Pleasing and Instructive Fine Coffee and Cereal Food Demonstration In our newly arranged nnd handsomely fitted up cracker and cereal department. Free samples of finest coffees and cereal roods served, showing best mothodn of pre paring dainty and wholesome dishes. Do not full to visit this demonstration. You will bo surprised nnd pleased, TOIIACCU IH'H'AimiKXT. Star ping chewing tobacco 350 I Duko's Mixture Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco 25u Navy plug chewing tobacco 33o Hattlo Axe..,. 35e. Nowsboy tobacco. 35c Hull Durham smoking tobacco 50c CIIACICi:il DIll'AIIT.MKXT. 35o Meerschaum smoking tobacco 3fi0 Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35o Old Stylo smoking tobacco 25(I .Mail I'ouch, per packngo g0 Pearl Crackors, fie; ( Soda Crackers, 5c; OyRter Crackers, 60; Milk Crocker, 5c; Farina Crockers, Cc; Ginger Snaps, 5c. HAYDEN BROS w- jr PJRLRY u,ln ,ho ,,Fat i" A. piiriC tiilen, (lie nuly ICee Ilriinkenucaa, Cures tci;i:i,i:v institut Ippert ot tho ICcelry ayclein of Inatl- ley Iimlltulo In IVehraik. Cns Drill; Uaern, Toluiuou Vsera. THU IS, 10 11111I I.rn vrnirnrtii, Oninha. THE A. B. C. of Our Chemical Stock. Acid Titanic Antlnosliio Acid Cumnliorlo Autlzynia Acid Trieiuor acetic noun Ar.1.1 T'lnrlf. Acid UhryHophnnlo Acid Hultilianlllo Acid Molybdlc Argeiitumlil Atnldo Amylone-IIydrato Ammonol Alumnol Arnrabao Apolysln Argouln Aluminium Chloride ABimcin ilnn.znunl lllcunoMlnsInn Uromoform llnielne 'lilornlonn Cobalt Chlorldo Chromium Chlorldo Crolon Chloral Cadmium Huliiliato Cadmium lodldo citroplion Clilorctoim Cocaine Phnnato t onurgoium Thn abovo is a partial list or tho "easy ones" In tho A. II, 0. idasn of our chem icals. Wo wouldn't mention tho bard one, It would niako tho printer swear. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Corner Sixteenth ond Dodgo Streets. Keillor In I turn l)run mill ('hi'iillrnla, Chest Protectors A now supply of Chest Protectors Juit r colved. All sizes nnd style. Nothing bat ter for winter wear proviint colds tavo doctor hills. Any prlco you want to pay good ouea for 50c bettor ones for morn money, up to $4,00. Don't buy until you sco tho bargain values wn aro offering. MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO. 1STH AND FARNAM STS. ' ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported clgart, jtfnufc9lurodbP. lt XUoo Meroantilo Cigar Oo,t fit, Loulfr Uoln4U4trv