Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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(Ironi N V Hum
A New Porm of (trip Epidemic.
Within tho last week the physicians of
this city have made the discovery thai
Grip In n ntrango form la epidemic. The
attack Is accompanied hy pains In the mus
cles, particularly of the arms nnd shoul
ders, which suggest the twinges of rheuma
tism. Vauguc sensations In the chst of a
irery uncomfortable description Induce a
"gone" and forlorn framo of mind. There
Is a sharp cough, hut the most distressing
features of ordinary drip arc lacking.
Tho prompt use of Or. Humphreys' Spe
cific Seventy-Seven ("7?") will break up
the worst attack of Grip nnd Colds.
At all Druggists 25 rents, or mailed on
rerrlpt of price. Doctor's Hook MrIIocI Free
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co.,
Corner William mid John Streets, New
For Thprr Mnntlin Ik OITrrrd to All
tnvnlld Who (.'nil liiin tir llrll
Ish Ilortora nt 4:18 Ilonnl of
Trade Itullrtltinr flrforr De
cember 0.
A staff of eminent physicians and sur
geons from the British Institute
have, at the urgcnl solicitation of a large
number of patients under their care In this
country, established a permanent branch of
the Institute In this city at
Corner of 10th and Farnnm Streets,
Room 45H-'i;!0 Ilonnl of Trade
These eminent gentlemen havo decided to
give their services entirely freo for thrco
months (medicine, excepted) to nil Invalids
who call upon them lor treatment between
now and December 0.
These services consist not only of con
sultation, examination and itdvlce, but also
of all minor mirglcnl operations.
The object In pursuing this course la to
become rapidly und personuliy acquainted
with the nlrk and mulcted, and Under no
conditions will any chnrgo whatovcr be
made for any services rendered for throe
months, to nil -who call before December 9.
The do.ctors treat all forms of dlseasa
and deformities and guaranteo a cure In
every case they undertake. At the tlrst
Interview a thorough examination Is mtidc.
and. If Incurnble, you are rrankly and
klltdly told so; also advised ngalust spend
ing your money for useless trcutmrnt.
Malo and femalo wcnkncHB, catarrh and
catarrhal deafness, nlo rupture, goitre,
cancer, all skin discuses, and nil diseases
of the rectum nro positively cured by their
new treatment.
The chief nssoclato surgeon of tho Insti
tute Is In personal chnrgc.
Office hours from 9 a. m. till S p. m.
No Sunday hours.
flPKCIAl, NOTICE If mil ennnnt rnll
end ntatuii for question lilnnk for
homo treatment.
Is perfoctly harm
less; can bo given
to children or
grown peoplo. It
Is for one purposo
only. That Is, to cure a cough or a. cold.
A trial will convince you. Twonty-flvo
rents at all drug stores.
Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered
by Famous Doctor-Scientist That
Cures Every Known Ailment.
Wonderful Cures Are Effected That
Seem Like Miracles Performed
The Secret of Long Life of
Olden Times Revived,
The Remedy is Free to All Who
Send Name and Address.
After tars of patient study, and delving
Into the dusty record of the papt, as well
is following modern experiments in ths
realms of medical science. Dr. James W.
Kldd, 164 Firm National bank building,
Fort Wayne, Ind makes th startling an
nouncement that tie him surely discovered
thf elixir of life. That ho Is able with tho
fJd of a mysterious compound, known only
to himself, produced n u result of tho years
h; has spent In searching for this precious
life-giving boon, to euro uiiy and every
disease that is known to tho human body.
There Is no doubt of the doctor's earnest
ness In making his claim and the rcmurka
bls cures tllUt he Is dally effecting se-ms
to, bear him out very strongly. His theory
which he advances Is one of reason and
based on sound experience In a medical
practice of many years, it costs nothing ti
lrV. h'f. remarkable "Klixlr of I.lfe." nV ho
calls Itr for he sends It free, to anyone
who Is a sufferer. In sufficient quantities to
convince of Its ability to cure, ho there Is
sbtolutely no risk to run. Home of th
cures cited are very remarkable, and but
for reliable witnesses would hardly be
credited. The lame havw thrown away
crutches -and walked about after two or
three trials bf the remrlv. Tim lrw iv.
up by home doctors, havo lecn restored
to their families and friends In perfect
health. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach,
heart liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases
and bladder tioubfes disappear as by magic.
Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers.
consumption, coughs, rolds. asthma,' ca
tarrh, bronchitis and nil affections of tin
throat, lungs or any vital organs are easily
overcome in a space or fni mat is simply
Partial paralysis, lomol r ataxia, dropsy,
gout, scrofula and plies' am quickly and
permanently removed. It purl lion the en
tire system, blood and tlsauea, restores nor
mal nerve power, circulation and a state of
perfect health Is produced nt once. To the
uocior an syiiems are aiixa nml etinll
sffseted by this great "F.ltxlr of I.lfe.
fcend for the remedy today. It Is free t.
very sufferer. State what von wnnt in l
lured of and the suro remedy fur It will he
leni you rree oy return man.
A safe, pMnlcu. per-
years' experience. No money aceepted until pa.
tlent is well. Cotultatlo and Book fm, by mall
OfJ itofflfs. Write to IMICTOIt O. 31. COB.
U Walnut Strt,KAMIAa CIXT, MO.
(Continued from Eighth Pag.)
Hughes of Four teen th avenue. Rev. Father
Hmylh of St. Francis" Catholic church
The Tuesday Kuchro club met Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. U. J. Gilbert of Wil
low avenue. The prlzo was won by Mrs,
Chnrles Woodbury. The club will meet
this week with Mrs. Lyman Shugart.
II. T. Khlers nnd Miss Anna Mctflnley
were married Wednesday afternoon nt the
home or the bride by ltov. Father Smyth
of Ht. Francis JCnvler's church. Tho bride
wrts recently a teucher In tho city schools.
The meeting of the current topics de
partment of the Council Bluffs Woman's
club, which wns to be held Thursday after
noon of this week, with Mrs. Cleaver In
charge, has been postponed until next
Mls F.lhel Hoiiham and Arthur Warren
;if Omaha were married Wednesday even
ing nt the home of tho bride's parents by
Itew W. 8. Unmes of the First Presby
terian church. Mr. nnd Mrs, Warren will
nmko tlu-lr home In Oninha,
The meeting of tho household economics
department of the Woman' club, which
was to bo held Thursdny, hns been pot
poned until next week, when It will bo In
charge of Mrs. Waller I. Hmlth. The sub
ject will be "Physical Culture."
Mrs. Charles Hiiylcs entertained the
huchre club Tuesduy nfternoon ut her
home. The prlzcx nt cards, water colored
sketches, were won by Mrs. Znln Meigs
and Mrs. Will Iluller. Tho club will meet
this week with Mrs, Lloydo arlinth.
Tho Allan club met Thursday nfternoon
jvllh .Mrs. Hubert Mullls at the Renntd.
Millet was tho subject, In charge of Mrs.
Robert MuIIIh. Current events were In
charge of .Mm. C. K. Price. Roll call was
responded to with quotations from Balzac.
Dr. and Mr. P. J. Montgomery enter
tained Tlulrsdur evening nt their homo on
lotirtli street for Rev. J. W. Wilson, re
tiring pastor of the First Congregational
church. Tho congregation will give Rev.
Mr, Wilson a farewell reception tomorrow,
evening In the church parlors.
The literature department of the Council
Illtiffs Womun'M club met Thursday after
noon In the clubroomH, with Mrs. J. K.
looper as chairman. The subject wns "The
l.lloraturo of i India." Those taking part
wcro: Mrs. K. C. Hmlth. Mrs. r A. Wiley,
Mrs. Cooper and Miss Mulholland.
Frank Perclvnl Thornton nnd Miss Fthel
Witter were mnrrled Tuesday night at 7:30
at tho homo of the bride on Eleventh
iivcnuo by Rev. W. H. Barnes of the Flrnt
Presbyterian church. The house was
ndorned with cut flowers and palms. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Thornton will mnko their home
at 823 Sixth nvenue, this city.
,T,7bS ."J1 "partmont of the Council
niufTs Woman's club was held Motility
evening, with Mrs. IS, C. Smith, the lender
S,v ,ho .department, acting ns chairman.
The nrtists studied were Van Dyke and
T anient. Those taking part In the pro
gram were-. Mrs. F. V. Miller. Miss Alex
ander. Miss Mulholland, Miss Pile and Miss
Van Order.
6 nt the homo of tho bride's parents In
Dcs Mulnes. Thoso in attendance from
Council muffs were: .Mr. and Mrs. John
Bchoentgen. pnrents of tho groom: Mr.
ami .Airs, ueorgo Nichols. Mrs. Clay Plat
ncr, Mrs. Frank Kcellne, Miss Caroline
bchoontgen. CJcorge Oemer and Ned
hmpklc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Schoentgen will
lie at home after December 1 nt B19 South
Sixth street, Council Bluff.
OllO Of the. most nlennltlir nnrfnl ni'Mila rf
the lllHt iveclr ivnn flm pn.n.t rtl., I..
llroudwny Methodist church by the Hlaytnn
Womnn'B Symphony orchestrn. under tho
auspices of tho Council Bluffs Woman's
club. Tho program from tho llrst to tho
last number was a raro Ircat for lovers of
IlllO nillslc. and the SOln llllmhera. vnrnl nml
.Instrumental, by the members of the
i;i emeu iiccKer rnmuy were grcntly
The Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. P. C. DeVol of Willow ave
nue nnd studied England, With Mrs. W.
II. Dudley ns leader. Other members as.
5,nS,l,".R wens: Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs.
r. K. Qavln, Mrs. Arthur Stovens, -Airs.
Nicholas, Mrs. W. A. Bouthard, Mrs.
Huber. Mrs. Rrock, Mr. Van Deovcr ani
Mj-h. Walter II. Hates. The club will meet
this week with Mrs. Thomas Metcair.
Tho limrrliiiro of "Dr. V. Tl. T vtlflnln nt
Chicago and Miss Elsie Ilonn Ot this city
look place Wednesday evening nt 6 at tho
homo of the bride's mother, Mrs. Katherlne
iu. noun, I'uiu avenue, iiev, names of
the First Prcsbvterlan church ntllMnio.i
Tho house was decorated with cut (lowers
una paims. jn eiauorato course wedding
supper waB served. Dr. nnd Mrs. Tyndale
left tho Biime evening for Chicago, where
they will muke their home.
Tuesday nfternoon at 5:30. nt the home of
Mr. nnd .Mrs. D. W. Otis of Second nvenUe,
their daughter. Miss Ilenrlettu, becamo the
wlfo of Arthur Monroe Shaw of Mattoon,
111. Rev. Mr. Rice olllciatcd. The hous
was decorated with white and green, chry
santhemums and nalrns belnc useil. At th
conclusion of tluj ceremony u wedding sup
per wns served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shaw left
for nn extended southern wedding Journey.
They will mnko their homo at Mattoon,
wimrn uiu kiimiiii is civil engineer wnn llio
Illinois Central system.
Mrs. W. S. Mnvne. hsslsteil In- Uor
daughters, Mrs. W. 8. Rlgdon, Mrs. Karl
Jinymi auu iirs. u. .iayne, entertnlneil
neighboring friends nt luncheon yesterday
nfternoon. Tho guests wt-re: Mrs. L. Ileb-
uiiigion, .Mrs. ueorge Keollne. Mrs. K.
O'Donnell, Mrs. J. T. Oliver, Mrs. Oeorgo
J. Crane, Mrs. E. Meyers, Mrs. C. S. Hwan
son, Airs. S. 1. Beardsley, Mrs. Thomas
Toatlvln, Mrs. F. O. Gleukoii. Mrs. George
Oemer, Mrs. W. S. Millard, Mrs. C. A.
nccbe, Mrs. T. E. Cavln. Mrs. 1.. W. Tul
Icys und Mrs. W. S. Ilewctson.
The Tuesday Evening Card club was en
tertained Tuesday hy Dr. Mary Tlnley and
Miss Aurella Tlnley ut their home on Ninth
street. Euchro was the gumo of tho even
ing. Refreshments wero served. The
members of the club are: Mrs. Eva Mur
ray, Miss Paschal, Miss O'Donnell. Miss
Tholl, MIsb Mulqueon, Miss Mary E. O'Don
nell, Miss Marie Leonard, Miss Aurella
Tlnley nnd Dr. Mary Tlnley, and Messrs.
John M. aalvln. M. Tlnley. Hubert Tin
ley, J, P. Mulqueen. C. J. Crnnktcton,
Charles Paschal, Henry Puschu! and
Ooorge Tlnley,
The United Commercial Travelers of
America huve. formed themselves Into a
social club, which will bo known as the
Putted Commercial Travelers' Social and
Dancing club, and will give a scries of
social and dancing parties to members
and friends. Tho llrst will bo given De
comber 7 In Royal Arcanum hall, Thefe
aro the officers; I.. I. Edson, president:
Clint Byers, vice president: Paul C,,
Jr.. secretury and treasurer. These three
officers also form the executive committee.
The committees nre: Music, W. J, Me
Ctmo and M, W. Fleming: refreshments.
II. W. Ftctleld. Paul C. Dcvnl. Jr., nnd
W. W. Osborn: lloor, J. F. Ilelwlg nnd
A. E. Bray; press, J. F. Ilelwlg.
Ovundo II, Cowles ot Omaha and MIsh
Bessie I.tieretlu Merrlam, daughter of Mr.
and Ms. R. N. Merrlam of this city, wero
mnrrled Thursday evening In tho Second
Presbyterian church by Rv. Joshua Rlnlo
of Omaha. I.ymun Cowles of Valley, Neb.,
brothor of the groom, wns beat man. Miss
Ottlo Merrlam, sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid. Tho bride was gowned In Per
sian lawn, with lace yoke, nnd curried
biido roses. Tho bridesmaid wore blue silk
mull nnd carried pink roses. Miss Mnr
gnret Henderson played Mendelssohn's
wedding march as the bridal party en
tered. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Cowles wero given a reception at the home
of tho bride's pnrnnts. Refreshments were
served, The groom Is an attorney of
Qniiilin, where he and his brldo wilt make
tluir home.
Mnrrlitite I.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to thu following:
Nnme nnd Residence.
0, II. Wilson, South Omnhiii...
1. ulu Ixiwrey, South Qmuhn....
Kllznh Tlnnei, Council Bluffs...
Viola Thomns, Council BUlffiK..
... 3)
... 31
... '.'I
Dr. Klcu'ft Wonderful Home Treat
incut that Cures and Avoids
All Operation.
He Vends a Tree Trial to Every Suf
ferer and It Will Cure
Worst Cuscs.
Hy sending your name and addrems to
Dr. W. 8. Rice. 1337 P. Main at.. Adams. N.
Y., ho will gladly send you a freo trial
ireuimoni or ins woniierrui pus cure, lie.
has tho best method aqd tho only real
practical treatment known and It will cure
you no matter how bevere your case may
bo. It has cured hundreds of cases that
were so bad Unit surgical operations were
naviseti as ine oniy rcmer. it is a remark
abln treatment and no ono should fall tu
aend for it. .Don't waste time, money" and
health In useless drug stnro salves, oint
ments, 1H l .nd other failures, but write
in mini ut h irru iriivi ui ine only sure
cure for piles known.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets and nigs.
Mets beer nl Neumaycr's hotel.
Drs. Orcen, office 303 Sapp block.
Welsbach burners, Blxby & Son.
Elegant X'mna photos at Schmidt's.
Wollman, sclentlllo optician, 409 Broadway.
Dr. Stephenson. Baldwin block. Elovfttor.
Missouri oak body wood, V5.W cord. wm.
Welch, 23 N. Main st. Tel. 12S.
Now shipments of elegant plcturo frame
mouldings at C. E. Alexander & Co.'s.
For rent, modern soven-room residence,
on Eighth street, corner Sixth avenue.
A flno turkey given with each rango sold
this week at Swiilno & Mauer, 310 H'way.
The I.ady Maccabees will meet Tuesday
afternoon in their hall In the Merrlam
Winter term Western Iowa college begins
December 2. Clnsses organized In all de
partments, Young lady wishes board and room In
strictly nrlvnto family: best references.
Address C, Bee.
Radiant Home stove, guaranteed not to
crack. Bold by Petersen & Schocnlug,
Merrlam block,
Ton cun buy a good stove oft the Iowa
Furniture nnd Cnrpot company, 107 Broad
way, by paying tl u week.
Don't forget tint Dell O, Morgan, tho
druggist, H2 Broadway, gives gum with
every school tablet ho sells.
The monthly meeting of tho Ministerial
association will bo Monduy morning nt 10
In the First Congregational church.
Qospel services will bo held this evening
In Dcl.ohg's mission, 629 East Broadway.
O. A. Turner of Omaha will speak.
St. Alban's lodge, Knights ot Pythias,
will meet Monday evening for work In the
third rank. A banquet will follow.
We have Just received nnother Invoice of
swell stand lamps. They mnko elegant
Christmas presents. J, C Blxby & Son.
A beautiful parlor decorated lamp can be
bought at the Iowa Furnlturo ami Carpet
company, 107 Broadwny, on the easy pay
ment plan.
Petersen & Schoeulug, Merrlam block,
havo the most completo line of Hot Blast
stoves in tho city and at prices that will
surprise you,
C. J. Hughes, Jr., one of the attorneys
representing Doylo In his cult against
Hums, went to Chicago lust evening. He
expects to return Monday.
Hon. J. R. Lano of Davenport, la., for
mer congressman from tho Second district,
was In this city yesterday, calling on Gen
eral O, M. Dodge and other friends.
Larry King, chnrged with uttering coun
terfeit money, was taken to Des Moines
yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal
McNaught for, trial nt the term ot federal
court there,
Jerry Belt hns filed a petition In the dis
trict court for divorce from his wife, Mar
garet Belt, whom ho married In this city
October 3, 1898. He makes statutory chnrges
against her.
You can find Just tho carpet that suits
you nt the Iown Furniture and Carpet
company, -107 Broadway, and If yo. do not
wnnt to pay nil down you can get It on
easy payments.
A freight car laden with fruit wan
wrecked In tho Illinois Central local yards
yesterdny morning. The car was being
switched on :i stub track and went over
the bumping post.
Tho enntnta '"Ruth" will bo given nt
Broadway church Tuesdoy evening, No
vember 2. by u chorus of thlrty-ilvo voices,
the soloists being Mrs. Mabel W. ltyte.
Mrs. Parthenla B. Neeley and Prof. Philip
K. Baer.
The authorities nre trying to secure a
requisition for Oruce Page, the colored
woman charged with robbing Churles UlasS
ford of $.11. Sho Is under arrest In Omnlia
and refused to return to Iowa without
requisition papers.
Oeorgo Orr, who Invaded Officer Gal
lagher's home Thursdny night while In
toxicated, was discharged In police court
yesterday morning. Ho put up a hard luck
story of being out of employment and hav
ing a sick wife and Gallagher declined to
Two dollar cash will buy u ticket good
for twelve lessons or twelve assemblies at
,Mornnd8 Dancing school, Crelghton hull,
Omaha, Lessons: Adults, Tuesdays and
Fridays, 8 p. rn,; children, Saturday. 3 p. in.
Thirty-eight pupils Joined from this city
last month. Why not you?
Tho Board of Insanity Commissioners
yesterday recommended to Superintendent
Wltte of tho State asylum nt Clarlnda that
"Dr." William I. White be discharged as
cured. White was paroled for ninety days
nnd his pnrolo expired yesterduy. lie Is
living In Omaha and Is said to havo en
tirely recovered.
Mrs. Emmu Edwards nnd John Belt, ar
rested for contempt of court In connection
with the affray near Crescent, secured
bonds und were released from the county
Jnll yesterday. Roy Ruby, Roderick Vin
cent and Fred Foot uro still In custody,
wulttng for their friends to come to their
assistance with bonds.
Encampment No. S, Union Veteran legion,
has elected these officers: Colonel, .1, B.
Heft; Jleutennnt colonel, G. W. Jackson;
chaplain. Rev. G. W. Snyder: quartermas
ter. R. N. Merrlam: officer of the day. D.
A Helsler: historian, L. Sherwood: sur
iri'on. Dr. T. J. Cad": dauuhter of the en
campment, Miss Sylvia Snyder.
Robert M tchell ni.d Miss Georizle rtlxhy.
daughter of former Chief of Police F. A.
Blxny, surprised tneir friends Dy eloping
to Omnha Friday evening nnd uettlntr mar
rled. T,'he groom was gradiibted from tlu
High school Inst year, while the bride Is
oniy In her teens. It Is said the parents ot
mo young coupia were opposeu 10 uie
match on account of their youth.
"The Eleventh Hour" will be tho attrac
tion nt tho Dolinnv theater tnnlchl. it u
ono of the most complete traveling com
panies on tho rond, carrying all Its own
special scenery, one scene alone costing
$5,000, being n reproduction of tho mag
nificent drawing room of a Chicago mil
lionaire. To get as near tho original as
posslblo photographs wero taken by tho
kind permission of tho owner nnd thus nil
details wero copied, oven to tho handsome
vases Hnd brlo-a-brno. Tho cast Is said to
be u capable one, among whom wo men
tion mo ravoruo uerman wniect comedian
and singer, Charles A. (Karl) Gardner.
Durlne the action of the niece. Mr. riurrfnor
will slug his latest success, "My Old Blue
Grass Home."
N. Y. numbing Co., telephone 250.
Davis sells glass.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan offleo ot J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Fred Tlessen nnd wife 'to A. Pfeng
ehaupt. it 20 feet of 12 nnd s 18 feet
of 13 In 30. Avocn, w. d t 900
G. W. Rrodcn and wife to J. W.
Grlffls, n 10 rods of seU se; ly-H-to,
q- c l
J. W. Grlffls to Ruben Morris, nV4 nU
seVi seU. 10-74-10. w. d BoO
Muronda J. Winch to Hester Ann
CUltom, 17 In 20, Ferry udd w. d... 100
Bally Wlnsor to Ellen V. Reals, lots
16 nnd 17, In block 10, McMahoney,
Cooper & Jofferls' add, a. w. d,... 1
James Shaw and wife to F. J,
Schnorr, lot 6, In block 8, Mullen's
sub, q, c 20
J. W. Squire, trustee, to Rudolph Tol
ler, lot 4, In block 8, Jackson's add,
w. d 1,600
Frank C. Rlkrr to F. J. Day, lot 1H,
In block 17, Williams' first add,
w. d 1.7E0
Luln E. Doty and husbnnd to Pacific
nenlty company, lot 2, In block 29,
lot 15, In block -1, nnd lot in, In
block 12, Mullln's sub; lot 2, In
block 35, Ferry's add, w, d 2,053
Same to same, lot 1, In block 23, Ev
erett's add, w 33 feet of lot 3, In
block 4, Beers' add, w. d,, 2.300
Total transfers .19,167
Davis uells patnt.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, 041 Broadway.
Mluuknlnitl of llanull is Entertained
nt Unit Lake City Unrnutr to
National Caiiltal,
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 23, Former
Queen Llluokalanl and her attendants
were the guests of the Hawaiian colony In
Salt Lake City today and will be enter
tained here until Tuesday, when she will
resume her Journey eastward. The queen
was given a reception at the Ilea Hive
house tonight. Tomorrow iho will attend
tho services at tho Tabernacle, after which
a special organ recital lu her honor will be
given, The Hawaiian colony here Is qulto
large and many of the deposed queen's
former subjects called on her at uer apart-tuouti.
what you
Dyspepsia Cure
You can best succeed in life with n Rood
digestion. A strong stomach makes a vigor
ous man, The fooling of laugour, the dull
headache, the sensation of fullness, pains
and tenderness in the region of the stomach,
flatulence, belching and vomiting, tho
thousand and one symptoms ot indigestion
or other stomach trouble, of which most of
us know more or less, unflt both body and
mind for hard worlt or continuous applica
tion. You wouldn't suffer like that If vou
knew a certain remedy, would .vou? Yet
inch a remedy exists, Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure quickly relloves all these symptoms,
and, by giving the stomach entire rest,
speedily cures the disease itself.
Even among the happy possessors of com
paratively sound stomachs there are few
who are not at least occasional sufferers.
Irregular hours, mild dissipation, excessive
use of tobacco, hasty eating or overindul
gence in a favorite dish frequently produce
as unpleasant though not as lasting results
as the most serious of chronic cases. If
these temporary sufferers realized that Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure offored sure and almost im
mediate relief bow many would tieglect to
keep it constantly in tho house?
You can go ubout your business ami dis
regard a pain in any other part of the body.
But stomach troublo prostrates. The stom
ach supplies the cntlro system. If it falls
to perform Its task these supplies aro cut
off and wo cannot live without food. We
all know this, but haven't we fallen into the
error of assuming that, once swallowed, food
has accomplished the purposo for which it
was eaten? It hasn't, by any means. Until
It Is properly digested the system cannot
assimilate it. It remains in tho stomach
until It decomposes and might far better
not, have been eaten at, all. Kodol DyMiep
slifeCurc digests this food without aid from
tho stomach and digests it ns well as tho
stomach Itself could do the work. Through
Its aid the food you havo eaten is reduced
to a form in which tho system can assimi
late It and the body is built up whllo the
tired stomach rests.
The trouble with dyspeptics Is that they're
starving. Theyhavo eaten but their food
it undigested and consequently does them
no good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure not only
relievos tho patient's sufferings in such
cases but also removes the cause of suffer
ing. It relieves by digesting the patient's
food and enabling ills system to transform
It into bono nnd muscle, blood and brain.
It cures by allowing the stomach rest until
It Is restored to its natural condition.
If tho Btomacli Is-out of order not nn
organ of the body escapes sonic correspond
ing dernngement, There are few diseases
which cannot b traced directly to the stom
ach. If the stomach Is weak the body is
weak. If the stomach is strong, tho ontire
body is strong.
None of us want to suffer from indigestion
or dyspepsia but the hurry and nurvous
tonslon ot tho times havo made them the
communvst complaints of the generation.
Often wo cat too fast, too soon after or too
shortly before violent physical exercise or
severe mental st rain. Sometimes wo arc too
busy to cat nt all at the proper time and over
load our stomachs when the opportunity
romes. For awhile the abused organ utandi
the strain. Finally it collapses.
It gives the stomach perfect rest.
Dear Sirs: I have suffered a great deal
from nervous dyspepsia for the last twelve
months. I tried two doctors who said
they could not cure me, but your agent
' camo along and I bought some Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure to sell, and decided to try it
myself and I found more relief from that
than anything I have taken. I eat any
thing I want to and improve every day
and It has given my customers perfect sat
isfaction. I can heartily recommend It to all that
are suffering from Indigestion or dyspepsia
to be the best remedy on the market. Yours
truly, J. W. Smith, Preston, N. C.
Gentlemen: For the sako of suffering
dyspeptics I render this testimonial.
After sufforlng thirteen years from Indiges
tion (neuralgia of the stomach and all its
multiform troubles) and after rccei vlng treat
ment from many doctors for the same, I
was induced to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
buying my first bottlo in March 11)00,
Since that time I have used nearly two
dozen bottles a proof of my faith in its
I have not had one pain since com
mencing its use. Sometimes I can go two
or three days without using it and 1 con
sider myself In a fair way toward perma
nent recovery. Fraternally jours, J. Ivlson,
Lonaconlng, Md.
Gentlemen: A few months ago I gave up
bopeof living and was in such agony from
chronic indigestion that I prayed I might
pass from my suffering. One day I learned
cf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and decided to try
it. I bad taken but one tcaspoonful of it
when the pain in my stomach ceased. That
day I enjoyed a good meal for the llrst time
In many months.
After taking three bottles of Kodol Dys
pepsia Curo 1 am as well ns ever. It saved
my llfo and I cannot, recommend It too
highly.- Mrs. Alba F. Crawford, Pittsburg,
K. II.
Gentlemen: I have been troubled with
Indigestion for ten years and have tried
many things and spent much money till I
tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J have taken
two bottles and have obtained nvoro relief
from them than from all the other medi
cines I ever used. I am now feeling
better than I have been In five years and
feel more llko a boy thnn I havo felt in
twenty yt'ars.-Mtespcctfully, Anderson
Itlggs. Sunny Lane, Tex.
Prsptrsdby E.CDWlttaCo.,Ctilcioo. The $1. OObott Is conttns2&tlmess much (by sctual measurement.) is the tr 1st slzo which sells for 50 cents.
Cures all stomach tiyfa
Ii(h fchssl Fits Two Viotorisni Turns
ii ths FiiM.
Second linen Kren More to Jllmmni
Vallej Zero for Visitor, with
Iluth Victor In the
The Council Bluffs High school foot ball
teams did themselves, proud yesterday, tho
first eleven defeating tho Atlantic High
school team, 34 to 0, and tho second eleven
being victorious over tho .Missouri Valley
High school's first team, 3G to 0, Both
games were played nt tho Drlvluir park
and were witnessed by about DOd people.
The game between the first team 'ot tho
local High school nnd Atlantic was played
In twenty-flvo-ralnuto halves. Council
Bluffs defending tl)? north goal. -At tho
outset ot tho game it locked as If Atlantic
had the Bluffs boys defeutcd to u finish.
The visitors, kept the pigskin for almost
tho entire half In close proximity to tho
Bluffs boys' flve-yard line until Treynor
got the ball and made n good run, taking It
Into tho Atlantic team's territory. Then
two minutes before the half was called
Cochran succeeded In crossing tho line and
the first touchdown tor the Bluffs was won.
He also kicked the goal. The, ball was at
the visitor's thirty-yard line when tlmo
was called,
In the socond half Council Bluffs pulled
itself together and by lino team work nnd
Atlantic's fumbles succeeded In scoring
flvo touchdowns, tho ball being most ot
the time In the visitors' territory. Tho
touchdowns were made by Fullor, Treynor,
E. Aylesworth, Ornson and Bell. Cochran
succeeded In kicking three goals. ' Lineup:
Uyram L 14
V. Aylesworth... LT
null LU
Smith a
Fllcklnger It Q
Ornson It T
Corhran It !!
Ulngmtin Q II
Fuller L It II
Treynor R II H
Aylesworth (O..FU
Referees: I. M.
It T ,. Villi
It G Owen
C Hrurt
LO MrFuddcn
L T Fleming
LK,. Wllwon
Q 11 Laird tU.)
H H H AVyekoft
Mill,,..-, ItOSH
F II.... Roy Camblln
Treynor, A. Yetzer.
Timekeepers: II. J. Edwards, C. II. Lurtz.
i.iueamen; unarics 'luyior, a, unrson.
In tho game between tho second (cam nnd
Missouri Valley, tho Bluffs boys scored four
touchdowns In tho first half and Wnrnor
kicked tho only goal of tho game In tho
second half tho local team maflo thrco
touchdowns, but failed to kick a goal, Tho
touchdowns wero mado by Cornelius (two),
Warner, Mitchell, Plattner and Van Order
(two). Mitchell had his nose broken dur
ing the first half. Llncp:
R K Htowo
UT Hansen
HO, Klrlln
y.,. Lnduo
iji.'.. Kittrlnghani
LT Smith
L R -. 1,-lntev
Q H ltamlow
it II H O'Connor
L It II Conk (C)
HI JIcQarven
. -.V..V
raor.J. n. AvTO,tcVlcl(fr'iThMtrIHi!is.,CMco.
UEARNiHt linn j onsuoubii mat you can ttrow n.tir nT infm rau on rre. 3iArcn 1 wai imia mi oter inn top 01 in r iwn.
, kuu 1 nni Bii.iira 10 iry jour reinpoininuer nrq ropuiim irumnifm & iinTt uue it-nti ui imr. 1 ,,1111 1 luinK f Qriuniuou
! vou have drinf, trip. 1 hi, mnr. imlp tinw than I avr hurt, all I ,11,1 was to annlv voui f.ftull thrrt tlma a w.,L-.
IKor. J. n. Amm, Chkaffo.
Diab siki Whon jou wore Riving mlrrowoplofiamlnatlom ft the halrativefretlpry OoodiCo.,Kana Cltr,
Mo., lait Miring 1 bought aooumof trratmtnl from you for inj lulr, bate tM It and found II ceod. Dandruff li
disappearing and 1 want another court o Irratnitnt. OKOltULI 11. Wi:i.I.S, Vter I.odjc, Mont
litor. J. H. Arm, Chicago.
Dh IKOirxs'oK il am laavtne on the t:nd of Julr fnrSldn), JitralU,
I carry vrlih nio a clean, liealtliy acalp right mi top or my hrad, right whom
It belong, and of courts I am grateful to Vint. Auatln for the cure. 1 with
yon iarcef. O. It. W'lXLS, Deer Lodge, Mont,
liter. J. II. At-atm, Chicago, 111.
rtlFm Am i I will unfl vnn m htturA ISat ,nrK mv hllrnntf. flnnvaar
ago lait May wben I began uttng your Hair Grower 1 vaaaobald you could oo my head through my hair all orer.
JKMMG Mck'lNLEY, Uaker.h'anaaa.
And mall them to Prof. J. H. Austin, tha celebrated scalp nnd skin specialist of years stand
ing and national reputation, who will send you absolutely free n diagnosis of your bpcclal
case after making n minute examination of your hair under his specially constructed nnd pow
erful microscope. 1'herc is nochnrgo whatsoever, and In addition he will send n special pre
scription for your case nut in n little box, also ABSOLUTELY FREE. When you nro
cured of dandruff, which is the forerunner of baldness nnd grow new hair. Prof, Austin asks
that you tell your friends about it. SEND NO AlONEY. If you nre already partly or
totally bald write and find tho enre. WRITE TO-DAY. SEND 2c FOR POSTAGE.
PROF. J. H. AUSTIN, u MoViokcr's Thtatar Building, Chioago, III.
1 laproaii."
Cutler LB
Metcalf LT
VnnRrunt LO
Wllllnms (J
Hictmnu HO
Robertson H T
Vanorder It Is
Mitchell u 11
Cornelius (CM.. I, II 11
Warner It 11 U
Platner F II
War .Survivors llt'iuciiiliernl lit- tin.
lie in-nil fJoveriinitMtt.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. (Spcolal.) The
following pensions havo been Issued:
Issue ot November (Vi
Nebraska: Increase, Restoration, Ro.
Issue, etc William 8. Haines, Mnson City,
tVi; F.dwln A, DouglusH, Red Cloud, $8;
Horace linker, Decatur, JS. Mexican war,
Moses Roben, Omaha, 112. OrlRlnnl Wid
ows, etc. Cecy Jano Reed, Stuntoni 18;
Julia A. Davis, Shlckley, $8; Mnry J. Miles,
Hlwood, $n.
town: Orlglnnl James If. Lewis, Nlrn,
110; Kllas C. Walker. Cnlmnr. ttlr James
Q. IluiiKht, Osterdock, 18. Increiuo. Res
toration, RclKSUe. etc. William Huslotl,
Hlirourney. J12; William S, Tower, dead,
Vllllsca, tlO; Kmerson II. Locourt, Ce
dar Rapids, $S: John Vandovender, Dun
combe, $10; Isaiah H. Carns, Nowlon, 112:
I'eter C, Monfort, Fnlrlleld, $12, Orlclnal
Widows, etc. Klfcabcth Tower. Vllfijca,
S: Eliza J. Ilakey, Columbus city. tK
South Dakota: Increase, Restoration,
Reissue, etc. Christopher C. Hlusey,
Pierre, $17; John Small. Faulkton. $10;
John Moran, Oelrlchs, $10.
Colorado: Int-rense, Restoration, Reissue,
etc. Jesse Riley, Monto Vista, $S; Iwls
Ij. Jones, Roprls, $12,
Montana: InercHiie, Restoration, Reissue,
etc Samuel II, Fletcher, Helena, $9,
Are You Thinking of O
Getting a New Machine
If you want a machine that will
last n lifetime, ono that docs not get
out of order, one that you would be
proud to- show your frlonds, get a
No, 118 Drop-Hcnd New Home. It is
tho most handsome nnd host finished
machine on tho market, If you can
not afford to pay anything for style,
convenience and extra, finish, but
want a Rood, plain Drop-Head Ma
chine, No. 119 will suit you. We
havo twenty other kinds, with prices
ns low as $15.00.
We can discount catalogue prices. Let us figure with you for terms and prices.
We repair nil makes of machines; also havo parts for nil machines. Machfnes
rented, 7ft cents tier week, Second-hand machines from $1.00 up,
Telephone 378. 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Fountain Pens
DeLong's stationery department Is thu
placo to get them. Como In and Aid out
about them.
Fountain Von Fluid. 10c nml ....... 25c
2(!c Diamond Library Pas to lfic
Fnbcr Pencils, per dczcu 3Ac
Dixon Pencils, per dozen '... 30c
120 sheets writing paper 10c
100 good XXX Knvelopcs luu
Pens, nil kinds, ten for lie
307 Broadway, Council Bluff.
Mall orders filled quick.
News Stand
and Stationery
Wo have what might ho termed an
up-to-dato news stand. At our storo
you can 11 nil nil tho great metropoli
tan newspapers ot tho country , and
the best magazines published, lie safo
when you order your publications and
get thorn whero you know you will run
no risk. Peoplo sometimes aro taken
In hy strangers soliciting for tho vari
ous periodicals and havo no recourso
when their money Is gone, A fine
magazluo makes a valuable Christmas
Our Stationery
Is loaded with everything you may
need In this lino and one thing to be
remembered Is that yon can buy at
our etoro an cheap as at any placo In
tho west,
George W. Fletcher's
Drug Store,
'Phono 275,
106 Broadway, Council Bluffs