Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1901, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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The Mont Common Cnuxr Only
it -
centl- lllscoverrrt.
tt has been elated on good medical au
thority that nine-tenths of cases of dtafnew
are caused from catarrh or from sore throat
The little tube which leads to the ear
from the throat la lined with a sort of vel
vety structure called mucous membrane.
This membrane I simply a continuation of
the mucou membrane lining the throat.
When disease of any aort attacks the raucous
iabrane of the throat It it very llablo to
extend Into the Eustachian tube and up
Into tho ctr.
The history of nearly all cases of deafness
1 llko this: a cold Is contracted and neg
lected, other colds ore taken, tho throat be
comes aore and Inflamed, hlc,h Is aggra
vated by particles of dust and gcrma from
the air. This condition causes tho disease
to spread Into tho tubo that leads to the
It seems a little far fetched to say that
most cases of deafness are caused from
catarrh, but It Is certainly (run, and anyone
who has had a severe catarrhal cold must
havo noticed how the hearing was affected
Whllo the cold lasted.
.Willi catarrh sufferers this Impairment of
hearing becomes chronic nnd grows worse
tho longer tho catnrrh Is neglected.
Tou can cure catnrrh nnd deafness by the
regular use of an excellent new preparation
called Stuart's Cfttnrrli Tnblcts, composed
of antlseptlo remedies which act both on the
raucous membranes but principally and
most effectively on the blood, eliminating
the catarrhal poison from the system
People whose hearing Is defective may
think It a little remarkable that a almplo
and harmless tablet would very often re
move all traces of deafness, but when It Is
remembered that catarrh causes the deaf
ncss nnd that the catarrh Is easily cured
by tho regular uso of Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets there Is no mystery about It.
If you are subject to nasal catarrh or
catarrh of throat, bronchial tubes or catarrh
of stomach And liver, tho safest and most
effective trratmont Is tho new catarrh
specific, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, Sold by
nil druggists at GOc, for full sized package.
first witk
in Dictmbir
Fat Stock
Excursion .
Tickets via
Chicago &
North-Western Ry.
from all points in Nebraska
If interested write,
- H, C. CHEYNEY, Gen'l Ag't,
Omaha, Neb.
Down On
Your Knees
Is not nocestary to havo highly polished
floors now-days a can of
and ono of our weighted
with a Uttlo olbow-groaeo will do the
We are soiling a 25-pound FLOOR
BRUSH for 12.50 worth 11.00.
15-pound Floor Brush for 11.50 worth
No such prlcea as theso any place else In
Telephone 040.
! ad Doaslaa Sla.
Bar Phono(riili.
Thero l nothing that would plsaaa
the whole family any better. If yon
can't pay cah we will make terms a
low m fc.00 down and $1.00 per wk.
Don't put it oft. Call and. see what
we have to offer you.
Edison Machine $10, MO and M
Columbia Machines From 3d nu
Victor Dlso Machines t
Bend for catalogue.
Cor. Iflth nnd Chicago.
Bicycles and Phonographs.
Tho ladles of Omahn am Invited to
visit tho only exclusive family liquor
Htoro In tho city. This store lias been
nrrnnged specially for tliolr trade nnd
convenience nnd the stock carried Is
the moat varied and extensive to be
found in- the west. There Is no bar In
thla atorc It Is not a saloon or
drug store. Only original packages
arc sold. You will tlnd our brandies,
champagnes, wines, whiskies nnd
cordials of the best American and
Imported brands, but our prices nra
Ktrlrtlv wholesale lower than you nro
required to pay elsewhero for the aame
quality. Quality nlono counts ut this
fluro. II Will I'U IT4U fll III uuy UII1V
to show goods and quote prices.
Opposite PaatoHcr. Telephone H IH.
Tn Cam ii Whioi th Ttitimnj Qts
lomiwbftt Miztd.
imllfp Crmrforil l-'lnnllr Dri'filra to
ItlilnU llotli Defendant anil
t'lenr t'n (hi- Deepen
Ikk MyMrr.
Nellie A. flllhert against Alex Alloth. for
threatening to do her great bodily Injury,
and Alex Alloth agnlnst John (lllbert for
poisoning Alloth s urinuie mi DUiwog, vai-
ucd at ioo," were tno tines or two cases
rieu lu Justice urawroru s court yesioruay
fternoon. lloth ciises were tried at the same
tlms and In each the same forty wit-
nesscs were useu. rue court rounu iu
tho defendant in both cases.
Tho trouble commenced on the 13th of
November, when Alloth's dog died of poison
ing, which he alleged was given It by Gil
bert. AHOth held HIS peace at tno (ICBlll
of the dog until Mrs. Ollnert went to tho
tchool In her neighborhood and made com-
plaint to the teacher concerning one of
tho Alloth children.
"This was the Inst straw," said Alloth.
t told her I could stand for an Injury,
but I drew the line at Insult."
Then It wan that Mrs. Gilbert had Alloth
arrested to keep the peace. Alloth retaliated
by having Qllbert arrested for poisoning
his dog. Both parties Immediately com
menced summoning witnesses and by the
day of the trial fully forty had been
subpoenaed. The courtroom was crowded
nnd standing room was at a premium.
Lawyer Jefferls represented Gilbert and
James B. Kelkennny represented Alloth. The
plaintiff in tho dog case, Alex Alloth, was
put on the stand.
'What's your name?" asked his at
"His name wa Tiger and '
"Hold on," said tho attorney. "Wo are
not ready for that yet; givo us your name."
Alloth finally gavo his namo nnd nddress
ns 702 South Thirty-fifth avenue. Ho was
then allowed to continue his dog story,
Whnt Happened to Tla-cr.
His namo was Tiger and he was ft
reddish brlndlo. I saw him over In Gil
bert's yard and Gilbert was chasing hlra
with clubs. I saw Gilbert throw some
thing at him. Whatever tt was Tiger
stooped nnd picked It up and then ran away
with it In his mouth. In about ten min
utes Tiger swelled up llko a pet 'posoum
and died. I am satisfied that It was poison
that Gilbert threw to him. Tlgor was my
best dog and was a great big bull dog.
King died last summir and I atlll have
i no question was men raised uy me op-
posing nttorncy, "What would a dog dn
when an edible mlssllo was thrawn at him?"
Somo expert testimony was ruled out by
mo juuge ana Aiioin testimony smm.s.
The next witness was jonn uiinen.
a J"" aoout mm uog pin-
soning case? earn tno attorney.
"All I know." said tho witness, "Is thai
Aiiom mrcnioncii m kiii my win. .urn uiu
shock mnao nor so nervous mat sno nas
had very poor heaitn ever since."
ot almost successful attempts to rnint. tin-
bert attempted to continue, but was In-
torrupted by ono of the witnesses In the
dog cse: "Hold on there, wo aro not
dy to change partners; we haven't bal-
a1 tall v( Ifn trsa a'nnnri Ii a I
anced all yet." Ho was stopped by the
conatublo and tho Judge decided to hear
both cues at once.
John LaPago was next called.
"How long have you known the defend-
ant? "In which case,' asked tho witness.
Being Informed that ho was supposed to
bo a witness In the dog case. LaPago an-
swercd. In a very short time ho was
turned over to tho opposing attorney for
"How long havo you known tho defend-
ant?" was asked.
"About twenty seconds longer than I did
when I answered n whllo ago was tho
Nftturnl Dentil In thnt Vicinity.
What do you think caused tho death of
this doe?" said the attorney,
"I think he died a nntural death from
poisoning," answered tho witness.
"You think that's a natural death, do
you?" asked tho attorney.
"It Is in our neighborhood," said the
witness. "Had one of my own to dlo tho
same way lOBl summer.
u" ..v,...v.M. ....w... wv.-..w.v.
"What's your occupation?"
"Railroad maa," said Shepherd.
"Whero do you reside?"
"Don't roslde; don't live; Just stay, but
I wasn't staying anywhere around that
doggono neighborhood." He was dismissed
Miss Laura Boergcr next took tho stand.
'TOTmIT '"vY Tent
to school together and he frequently car
ried ray lunch. Ho was always Just as nice
ns he could be and I never heard ot him
"Did he ever bite anyone?"
"Why, no sir," wns tho answer In a sur
prised tone.
"What color was he?"
"He wns a white, sir," she answered very
I "Aro you sure he wasn't a reddish
brlndlo?" asked tho attorney.
I But betoro sho could nnswer tho lawyer
took a tumble to himself that there were
, two cases up and excused her.
' After hearing the forty witnesses tho
cario was turned over to the Attorneys for
argument. Canine mortality was dlscucaed
i and many technical points raised. Justice
Crawford proved equal to the occasion nnd
found for both defendants.
(I in all a Savlnica Bank Corner Trans
ferred for Coimldernlliin
Jacob Kendls of the Chicago Furniture
store Saturday purchased the ground and
building at the southwest corner of Thir
teenth and Douglas streets, the considera
tion being 120,000.
This lot Is 2?ir.68 feet and contains a
three-story building formerly occupied by
the Omaha Savings bank. It wns among the
assets of that bank which about a yeur
ago was transferred to the Omaha Realty
company, a corporation organized to handle
tho real estate formerly owned by the de
funct bank. ,
Mr. Kendls will hold tho property ns nn
Investment, the present tenants retaining
their leases. The building will bo reno
vated In the spring, but no chauges are ex
pected In Its arrangements.
George A. Points, Upper SandUBky, O.,
writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey
and Tar for hoarseness aud And It the best
remedy I ever tried. It stopped tho cough
Immediately and rellavcd all soreness."
Take aone but Foley's.
Ilotx a Clothesline,
William Larkln nnd George Mllkshlre
were arrested lato yesterday evening by
Ofllccrs Thomas nnd lihcy whllo making
a getaway with nn armload of clothes,
supposed to hovo been taken from a linn
near Seventeenth nnd Corby streets. Tim
clothes" were aj ll 11 damn and nro now on
a line at tno ruy jon. Kignt different
pieces wera in ma loaa.
'Woman's Work in Club and Charity
At the first meeting of the Nebraska
State Traveling Library commission, which
was held In Lincoln on Friday, a verbal
report was made of the gift to the com'
mission of the traveling library of the
State Federation of Women's Clubs nnd the
secretary Instructed to catalogue the ame
at once. Miss Edna Ilullock, the secretary,
who has Just recovered from a serious III'
nets, was Introduced to the members of the
commission, nil being present but Chancel
lor Andrews. It was the wish of all that the
worv he begun at once. Blair. Harvard.
Talmaite. Syracuse. Loud Cltv. Alexandria.
p0tigias, Syracuse, Fairmont, I'urdum, dls-
lrct 18 of Lancaster county and Osceola
j,avlng already made applications for books,
Tho Clio club met Friday afternoon with
r. Arthur Chase. 1907 I'inknev street,
The following papers were, presented:
"Schelllng." Miss Currens; "Kant," Miss menace to the universal two of the public C. Chase, now of Chicago, a former mem
Hoyer; "DeQulncey," Mrs. W. D. Craw- library located across the street. They her, might bo present. The next meeting
ford; "Corate and Cousin," Mrs. Christy, contend that the close proximity of market WM ho held on Monday. December 2, at the
Mrs. Chase gavo a talk on "Tho Lake
pmta ." A nlnnn nttart! n rendered
,,y (hc M)gcB currens, Mrs. Chase and
M) netebenner. The club will meet with
Mrs Cather Saturday, December 7.
The board ot mnnagera ot the Creche
gava the first of tho series of Saturday
afternoon teas nnd Informal receptions
that It proposes having each month In
the Interest of that Institution yesterday
afternoon unA netwcon and 6 o'clock about
seventy-flve women called to sip tea and
contribute to tho work. Tho building, hav-
Ing recently undergone repairs, was fresh
nnd bright In now paper and numerous
bunches of flowers sent In by friends for
tho occasion. In one corner of tho rccep-
tlon room Mrs. James Van Nostrnnd pre-
sided at tho prettily-trimmed tea table and
In nnothor Mrs. Guy Howard had charge
St. Louii Fiopli Carrying On a Btriti f
InUriitiif Expintntnt.
Nnniilp from Three IllvcrB, tovi-nng
Ilunrired of .title of Conn try,
Arc Brlnn Suhjectnl to
niicld InvrstlKntion.
t?d a. Sludcr of St. Louis, representing
,ho nnnr(, . ,enith of that cltv in tho n
Bpcctlon of tne Watcr supply of towns on
,Un Minnri river, has returned to Omaha
a(tcr mMn(, a trp home with samples
,,. from vIorpnce. and Be lovue.
0n tno forracr trp i,o took two samples
...h ni-r d now w 11 take ten ad-
,imnnni nmnies In bottles which will bo
.,,, ,mmiialoiv nftPP.ihcv are filled. He
w,u tf) i.-orcnce this morning, accom
aned by Ai n, uut of tho Omaha Water
company, nnd will go to Iiollovuo In the
Tno work of tho cIty of st which
WM MnM , tho Rttcmpl t0 have tho Chl-
cnR0 llrnlnnK0 cnni declared nn Interstate
,,.. .,nH ,,, to nronortlons which
,n,prMt tho sclcntistH of two continents,
... . .
ns It Is the most fnrreachlng Investigation
Into tho subject of tho water supply of
cities that has ever been made. For tho
purpose of tho Investigation tho work was
'..rr,, ,, ,hp- ni.trlrtH. nno ineludlnc
h MlflSourl rlver ns far north as Omaha,
he Mls8g,pp, rlvcr to Bt. Paul and
othcr ho , rlvor ,, tho Chl-
dralnag0 con from above Grafton to
Cn1cag0i In ,ho 8ecUon flrst mentioned Mr.
ei.. i t,l,W nninli nf water from
. .. ,,.. (ll ., . nmalm. St.
. u torfrann mi v. iter.
mRn gt charlc; Olhor investigators
Rro uknj glm,lnr sflmplcs from nbovo and
below tho larger towns on tho Mississippi
and above and bolow tho towns on tho 1111-
COPLEY tor (foiui silver iinnuie i-nrT-
COPI.KV for Ponrl llnnillr Carvers
COPI.HY for Stmt Horn llnnillr Cnrv.
COMlKy ror solid .Silver Ornvy Bout.
r:ml,P.V for Sollil Silver Snlnd Set.
, .. . Sollil Silver Ilrenil or
Cake Trays.
COPI.HY for new pnttem
In Tea-
pooiiM, DcMicrt Spoon
Fork) etc.
COPI.KY for fiorliani Silver or Hnwk
Cut (linns.
SMelal Watch Rxamlntr B. tt. nr..
Chief Watch Iniptttor O, A 8. U Rr.. O.
K. C. A V Ry. nd K. c. tt N. nr.
of alt descriptions. A complete stock
at very low prices.
This Instrument, with I hard rubber
pipes, 76c postage, Itlc.
The H. J. Petifold Co.,
Medical and Surgical Supplies.
l rerrms , ueni a, Auier a, usuoru s
Y hest gloves made. ,
. .
$1.00 to $2.00.
1 Underwear Weather
1 The $2.50 Hatter. 107 S. 16th.
of a table of fancy articles for sale for
tho benefit of tho Creche. Mrs. Arthur 1).
Ilrandels and Miss S. J. narrows received.
The attendance was largest Just after tins
matinee, a large party of the women ar-
riving In time to see the thirty or more
little Inmates of the nursery sit down to
their dinner. The patience with which
they waited for all tho little hands to be
folded and then together repeated the
Lord's prayer wen many a friend for the
There Is considerable opposition nmong
tho women of tho city to the proposed lo-
cation of the new market house on Nino-
tcenth street between Howard nnd Harney
streets, nnd an effort will be made to bring
th0 matter before the Omaha Woman's club
at Its next mcetlne. The women onnose
the nlan on the crnund that thn location
of tho market house there would be a
wagons, hucksters, contusion and other ob-
Jecttonablo features necessarily nttendlng
a market aro Inconsistent with tho neigh
borhood of tho library and reading room.
For the last year complaints have been
made that many ot the younger school
children are being denied tho prlvl-
leges of the library because their parents
fear tho Influences of that neighborhood
nnd the women feet that It behooves tho
city to protect the location rather than
add to it an Institution which might affect
the Interests of the public library.
Mr. Harry Lawrlo will speak from an
architect's standpoint on "How to Improve
Advertising In Omaha," at tomorrow's
meeting of tho political and social science
department of the Woman's club, which
meets at 3M3 o'clock. A general discussion
will follow tho address. Club members
nols river and the dralnnge canal. At the
Chain of rtocke. tho source of the present
water supply of St. Louis, samples are taken
hourly day and night, while dally samples
aro taken at Alton nnd points botween
there and St. Louis, whllo dally tests arc
taken on tho Missouri river as far up as
Theso samples, which aro sent to the city
chemist of St. Louis, aro being analyzed
and tho result of tho analysis of tho dif
ferent samples tabulated so that an exnet
knowledga of tho condition ot tho water
supply of the several cities will be shown.
Theso reports will bo preserved by city,
stato and federal governments, whllo sev
eral other governments have applied for
copies of tho report.
Chicago Is making similar tests and It
Is said that ono report hns been made
public in which the chemist of that city
reaches tho conclusion that tho water In
tho drainage canal whero that canal enters
tho Illlnotri river Is purer than the watcr
of the river above the canal.
Mr. Sludcr will return to St. Louis Mon
day and will be In Omaha again somo tlmo
In December to tako moro samplcH of the
"St. Louis Is seriously considering the
question ot changing Its source of water
supply from tho Mississippi river to I he
Mlfsourl river." said Mr. Sluder. "Wo be
lieve tho watcr Is purer In the latter
Btream and wo will rcqulro nn extraordinary
amount during the coming exposition. Wo
will havo to enlarge tho system anyway,
and it Is likely that tho new plant will be
built ou tho Missouri."
Adolph Bluner, Grand Mcund, la., writes:
"I havo used Foley'B Honey and Tar in my
family and think It is tho best cough euro
on tho market. I would not be without it
In my home, ns there le nothing so good for
coughs and colds."
What a Man
Appreciates moro than any other
ono thing In Wearing Apparel Is
H perfect llttliig SHIUT. Havo
us make you 6 for J9.00 thoy nro
They Make Shirts.
Mads to Bake
Tho Favorlto Steel Ranges wo sell are
mado to bako not for ornament llko somo
ranges we know of And It don't cost a
fortuno to got ono either And if you want
a hot time .assured you this winter get ono
of our Favorlto Base Burners and you'll
not suffer with the cold Next Thursday Is
tho day you'll need a carving set We've
prepared for you with the handsomest lino
In the city three-pleco stag handle sets
from $2.60 to $6 whlto handle sets, 5.00
ebony handlo silver mounted M.50 Bird
sets from I1.G0 up Better como In nnd
look our lino over.
A. C. Raymer
Builders' Hardware and Tools.
1514 Farnam St.
Hot Babies
Nebraska foot ball players arc nil rlsbt
i with nilz'H foot ball swenters and Iiopp.
Our best sweaters aro mndo of tho best
Imported worsteds nnd inado to order
with round collars or snllor collnrs
$3.00 with doublo turtle neck, ?i.00.
We roako them In tiny color. Come In
or send In for your color. Our foot ball
stockings nre $1.00 a pair nny color
you desire.
Jos. P. Bilz
The most complete yarn store In the west
il. 1993. 322 So. 16th St.
Mall orders promptly filled.
Best by Test
Tho "NKTTIjHTON" shoo for'incti has been tried for years-It Is tho
best shoo nuulo for comfort, stylo, durability nt a glanco you can tell a
"Nottleton" shoo from all other makers better stock better workmanship
for dress and street wear In nil the leathers 50 stylos price, ?.".00 to $7.00,
For sale oniy by
The Rochester Shoe Co,,
1515 Douglas Street.
and their friends, Including men, are In-
Tho Deborah Avery chapter of Daughters
of the American Revolution has Issued In-
vltatlons to tho Sons and Daughters of the
American Involution of Nebraska to n
gathering to be hold at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln, on
Wednesday evening, December 4. Tho af-
fair Is to ho given with thu view of stlmu-
latlng greater Interest In the organization
among the men of the stato and with tho
bopo of organlz'ng a local chapter In Lin-
coin. A number of the Omaha members of
hoth organizations have expressed their In
tentlon of nttendlng,
Tho Kountzo rlace Novel club was enter-
talned on Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Archie Powell, tho organization departing
from Its usual tlnio of meeting that Mrs. C
homo of Mrs. H. S. Jayncs.
For tho benefit of tho work In raining the
debt on tho First Methodist church the
Ladles' Aid society ot that church will
present tho clever little farce, "The Deos-
trlk Skuln." on Tuesday evening In tho Sun'
day school rooms. The plcco has been In
rehearsal for several weeks and, with n
number of prominent business men In the
cast, promises unusual success.
Preparations aro In progress for the yenr
book of tho Nebraska Federation of Worn-
en'e Clubs, but tho book will not be Issued
until tho first of tho yenr, ns many of tho
clubs of tho stato do not hold their annual
elections until tho last of, tho year nnd tt
is tho deslro of the administration to hnvo
the book Include the correct list of ofllccrs
ot all tho clubs.
Superintendent Annln TelW of
Work thnt In Ilrltm Done In
Ills District
Superintendent W. K. Annln of Denver,
who hnB chnrgo of tho rurnl frco delivery
routes in tho west, left for homo last even
ing after spending a couplo of days in
Omaha In consultation with his flold as
sistants. "Tho public can form no Idea of tho
growth of hi rural free delivery idea,"
said Mr. Annln, "becnuso tho peoplo do not
come directly in contact with It. Horo Is
nn example: In Iowa ono year ago there
wero pending COS applications for routes;
today Iowa has pondlnc 2,100 applications,
and my field force has not been Increased
by a single man.
"Ono of my Inspectors returned hero
yesterday nftcr a twonty-slx dayV trip
through North Dakota, Montann nnd Wyo
ming. On this trip ho traveled 2,600 miles
by train, 450 tulles by wagon and buck
board, Inspected and installed twenty-six
routes end got hero In time to tako pnrt
In the conference. Ho worked at least
seventeen hours a day on that Journey."
Mr. Annln expresses much Battsfuctlnn ut
tho work being accomplished In his dis
trict and says ho thinks tho postal author
ities appreciato tho vnluc of rural frco de
livery ns a feature of tho sorvlco.
Backache should never D( neglected. It
means kidney disorder, which, if allowed to
run loo long, may result In Urlght's disease,
dWbetcn or othcr tcrious and often fatal
complaints. Foley's Kidney Cuo makes tho
kidneys well.
Illustrated Sttlte AffetltH.
nn inr
Catalogue. "
Othcr lines of Underwcnr from 30c a gar
ment up.
219 S. 11th St.
Oraaba'B Finest Shoe Store,
v aaaar m a
aaar m
Thousands of Women Have Kidney Trouble and
Never Suspect It.
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, SWAMP-ROO i
Will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a
Sample bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Among the inauy famous cures nt
Swamp-lloot Investigated by The lleo none
leom to speak higher of the. wonderful
curative properties of this great kidney
remedy than the one wo publish today for
the benefit of our readers.
Mrs. II. N. Wheeler of 117 High Ilork
St., Lynn. Mnsi . writes on Nov. 2. 1900:
"About 18 months ngo 1 had n very Se
vern spell of sickness. I wns extremely
sick for three weeks, and when I flnnllv
wns nble to leave my bed 1 was lett
with excruciating pains In my back.
Sly water r.t times-looked very like cof
fee. I could pass but little at a time,
snd then only after suffering great palu.
My physical condition wns such that 1
had no strength nnd was all run down.
Tho doctors said my kidneys were not
affected, and whllo 1
Did Not Know I Had
Kidney Trouble,
I somehow felt certain that my kldnoys
wero the cause of my trouble. My sis
ter, Mrs. C. B. Uttlelleld. of Lynn, nd
vlaed me to give Dr. Kilmer' 8wnmp
Root a trial. 1 procured a bottle and
Inside of three ifays commenced to get
relief. I followed up that bottle with
another, and nt the completion of this
one found 1 was completely cured. My
strength returned, and today I nm ns
well ns over. My business Is thnt nf
canvasser, I nm on my feet a great
deal of the time, and have to use much
energy In getting around. My euro Is
thoreforo all tho more remarkablo nnd
Is exceedingly grutllylng to me.
How to Find Out
if You Need
out of order you can understand how oulckly your entire body Is affectod. and how
every organ seems to fail to do Its duty.
If you aro sick or "feel badly." begin taking the famous new discovery, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Hoot, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help nil tha
other organs to health. A. trial will convlnco any one.
Many women suffer Untold misery because the naturo of their disease is not cor
rectly understood: In most cases they nro led to believe that womb trouble or femalo
weakness of somo sort Is rekponslblo for their many Ills, when lu fact disordered kid
neys aro the chief cause of their dlstrostlng troubles.
Neuralgia, nervousness, headacho, puffy or dark circles under tho eyes, rheuma
tism, a dragging pain or dull acho in tho back, weaknoss or bearing down sensation,
profuse or scanty supply of urine, with strong odor, frequent desire to pass it night
or day, with scalding or burning sensation these nre all unmistakable signs of kid
ney and bladder trouble.
If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your condition take from your urine on
rising about four ounces, plnco it In a glass or bottle nnd let It atand twenty-four
hours. It on oxnmlnation It la milky or cloudy, If there is a brick-dust settling, or
If small particles float about In It, your kldnoys are Ir. need of Immediate attention.
Other symptoms showing that you need Swamp-Root nre BleeplPHsuoss, dizziness,
Irregular heart, breathlessness, sallow, unhealthy complexion, plenty of ambition but
no strength.
Bwamp-Root Is pleasant to tako and Is used In the leading hospitals, recom
mended by phystclans in their private practlae, and Is taken by doctors themselves,
because they recognize In It tho grentest and most successful remedy that sclenco
has evor been nblo to compound.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can pur
chase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar bottles at tho drug stores everywhere.
EDITORIAL NOTICE-Swamp - Root, tho great Kidney, Liver and Bladder
remedy, Is so remarkably successful that a special arrangemont ljos been mado by
, which all of our readers who have not already tried It may havo a samplo bottlo sent,
absolutely free by mall. Also a book telling all about kldnoy and bladder troubles
(and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received
'from men nnd women cured by Swamp-Root. In writing, bo sure and mention read
ing this generous offer In Tho Omaha Sunday Dee. when sending your nddress to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Rlnghamton, N. V.
Women's Welt Soles $2.50-
Whon Drex L.-Shooman meutlons welts
at $3.50, wo mean wolts and not machine-
sowed soles mndo to deceive you. can't
help but bo pleased with a pair of tbao
Kenulno welted solo shoes equal In all
respects to our men's $2.50 welts that havo
gained such a reputation for wear and
orafort In every size and width, "that
makes It posslblo to glvo you a perfect
fit which odd3 to tho wear of tho shoo
as well as the comfort. For an all around,
everyday shoo Its equal has never been
produced you tako no risk, for wo glvo
you your monoy back If you want It.
Drexel Shoe Co..
Omaha's Up-to-date Shoe House.
Raw Fall Catalogue Novr Itaadr.
Dollar For Dollar
nicely illustrates tho kind of piano values
wo aro giving. For evory dollar spent with
ui, wo guarnntoe to glvo a dollar's worth
of piano and then such a vnrlcty of
makes, styles nnd veneers. Tho most criti
cal can find Just what they want a choice
of twenty different makes, in all tho up-to-dato
stylus of cases, In fancy and natural
wood veneers, at prices that arc right nnd
on terms that will plcnso you. You ought
to see what an elegant piano wo nro
selling now for only $225 a piano that will
satisfy you In tone, action, case and du
rability. Why not call in and soo theraT
Music and Art.
1513 Doyglu
Wo do nrtiatic tuning. "Phono 188.
his About Candy-
A procession of candy flics out nf our
front door overy day Wo haven't any Idea
whero it all gqcs but wo kuow that
wherever It goos happiness follows for
ours is tho best Every piece Is tho cul
mination of the confectioner's art a
twentieth contury standard for purity and
dellclousnces. Thero aro all kinds dold
Medal chocolato bon bona Mexican maple
creams honey nougat bu'torscotch
marshmallows old-fashioned Ibj tablets
old-fashioned molasses taffy plantation
cream taffy peppermint taffy peanut
brittle candy cocoanut brittle candy and
hundreds of other kinds all mado fresh
dally Tako home a box with you today.
W. S. Baldufi
1520 FaruM 9ft.
Swamp-lloot will do Just as much for an)
housowlfo whose back Is too weak to per
form her necessary work, who Is always
tired and overwrought, who feels that tha
cares of life aro moro than she can stand.
It Is a boon to the weak nnd ailing.
It used to be considered that only urinary ana
bladder troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys,
but now .modern selcnco provna that nearly al1
diseases have their beginning In tho disorder o!
these most Important organs.
The kidneys filter and purify tho blood that It
their work. So wheu vour kidneys nro weak
J j Ji
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