8 THE TTjTjIJ STB ATE D BEE. THE NICARAGUA CANAL TREATY, I Meats for Thanksgiving November 21, 1001. KutcrprlsiiiK Newspaper Men Ap pear to Have Obtained the Text of the NEW TREATY WITH ENGLAND. And (In- rirrnt Trnnsj-latliiiiliin Cnnnl Will UiuloiiMettly lie HnlU In n Pcit Yrnraj. MoBt Americano nro firm Ijcllovcra In American ownership nf tho cnnnl to bo cut through tlio Isthmus of Dnrlon. Lord I'niincofoln nntl Secretary Hny hnvo ngrcod upon n nrw tronty which Hhnll abrogate thn CInyton-Hulwor contention nnd mnko prncllcnhlo tho construction of tho Nicara gua cnnnl under American auspices. It Is to ho n CIHKAT l.Ti:it.ATIOXAI. HIGHWAY and proper guarantees thnt -It shnll not bo closed to Intornntlonnl commcrco In tho event of wnr nro not unreasonable. Tho present ndmlnlstrntlon Is committed to this Importnnt undertaking. The trans continental rnllwny systems enn bo ex pected to opposo tho enterprise. It will not bo surprising therefore to read paid editorials In somo of tho tending news papers, nppnrcntly favoring tho cnnnl, but really dovotcd to an effort nt Its defeat. tiii: i'i:on,i: ahi: iiktkhminrd, however, that this nttcmpt to connect tho two Rrent ocenns by a mnrltlmo highway open to tho world of commcrco shall not fall. Thorcforo, tho nowspnpers which lend themselves to any movement for delay nro seriously risking tho good will of tho people It Is observed thnt whon once Americans sot their hearts upon any pur pose subBorvlont politicians and subsldliod journalists nro unequal to tho task of turn ing nsldo public sentiment. It Is this fact which makes Institutions llko Ne braska's successful tnsuranco company, tho IIANKKHA 11 ICS 15 HV 10 MFR, strong with tho pcoplo of Nebraska. Thoy nro rapidly becoming educated to tho doc trines for which this nggresslvo Institu tion stnnds. Thoy hnvo milled most man fully to Its support, nnd $275,000 wns writ ten In October. Half n million mnro will bo ndded to tho totnl risks of this home company for November and Dccombor, and tho Inerenso for tho year will npproxlmato $2,000,000. Tho period of doubt nnd dis trust cnused by alien enemies of homo compnnlcs Is paused. II. II. ItOIIIHON, I'ltKNIPRNT, tho npostlo of homo llfo Insurnnco, pre dicts with tho greatest confidence that the Bankers Iteservo will write $3,000,000 next year. He Is securing n Hold foreo of un- usunl strength, but wnnts 100 moro of th" best underwriters In tho country to push tho now Gold Ilond Policies which tho com pany hns ndopted. Thcso nro now, mod ern, liberal, profitable to insurers and groat sollcrs, Wrlto him, McCnguo build Ing, Omnhn, for full pnrtlculnrs regarding tiii: iiAMcniiN iinfliouvn vivv.. SCHOOLS AND COM.KOES. lluMiiii'HH, Htiorinunu, Typewritum auu EiiKllsh. Students who deslra It ara as sisted to position! to aarn board whllt at tending, oena tor catalogue, lira nuua Ins, Omaha, Neb. A BUSINESS DISPUTE It easily settled when accounts are properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trying to save on LANK BOOKS. We will make you a set ruled and printed to order at such a email cost that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-416 8. nth St., - OMAHA, NEB. Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by Mlt.lilONB of MOTHERS for their C1IIL- DIU2N WHILE TKKTHINO. with PKH FKCT BUCCKHS. IT ROOTIIKS the CHILD, HOKTKN8 the UUMH, ALLAYS nil PAIN, CUHKH WIND COl.ld nnd la the beat rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by druggists In every part of tho world. De sure and ask for "Mrs. wlnsiow'a Soothing Byruo and tnko no other kind. Twenty-five cents a uoitie. AUENT8 WANTED MEN and WOMEN Vmr ih sitlcndtdly llluatratM ami vender rutty popular utw twit InlnTT YMH5 IN WASHINGTON llr MHH. IJKN.JIIII.N A. LOU A.N. II portrtjt th, inntr iii.t-u.u.iiHiMHiiiir., Hi.i.,1. iuu uiucric.oi in i.piiai mm m laiiiuu, .m uikmit iriTiirBii wum.n r. intm. IMIUIh lullr Ulu,trll (bit Il.twi by (lotrrnmtiit rnnwnl nd slit. CT'tlm t u' aia only. ttLlthouMnd. fA Itw mor, rIltblif dU wnlnl,txlhm,n inj wimitn, butnnlront siitnt in m ni.rv. uj n m, 01 our iKtnil sr. miking Villi a mouth Op' l'lamrt no Imlram fur ws Arrival, Mn (Voit, iwiru irrw. .mi Kii.r.nir. A-rrfMJir. Irrniwv, AHarot A. It. WOKTlllftUTO.N A CO.. Hartford, Cum. hue I TIIIAI.TKHAT.HI-.KT I'HCr, rm le I aao for stir c of Mlrriiul.t.glrriiMlorllchliii lira the Krrm lllr'urt falli iiirur. lutiaiil stul ix'iniMimt ri'llrf. Wrllnatnnre (Irriii Mcdk'itt (V, Dtp I. A Ml at, Clatlaaatl, O, (Continued from Fourth Page.) rletles which are still In such common de mand como In for liberal notlco and comment In tho Thanksgiving stories of previous centuries. 'What those old New Englandere. who used tho long letter "8" when they wrote ac counts of tholr holiday feasts wputd aay nnd think It they wcro by somo mlraclo given tho privilege of resuming an earthly existence toaay and wero asked to pay 25 cents for a dozen of their favorite Scek-No-Furthers, Baldwins or Qrecnlngs can only bo Imagined. And If they wcro told that a great packing firm was responsible for It all they would probably bo nono the wiser. Probably two moro of tho chief festal food components aro also moro expensive than last year. Thoy aro squashes, which aro high at 3 cents n pound, and pumpkins. This last vegetable Is very senrco this fnll nnd Is costing from 1C to 20 cents apiece. Mushrooms nro also somewhat moro of n luxury than Is usual, costing CO cents a pound, an advanco of 10 cents. Put tho great majority of Thanksgiving dainties nro as cheap as ever and with them tho staples as well. For Instance, despite ino niicgcti corner on fowls which' another packing company has manipulated, turkoys nro still 10 cents n pound hero and chickens 8 nnd 10 cents. Then In the grocery line crnnbcrrles nro just tho same, though prob ably snmowhat different In prlco from what thoy wero when, In 1705, tho peoplo of Now Jorscy first picked them from tho marshes for use nil through tho caBt on Thanksgiv ing day. Then layer raisins, being Imported from Spain, nro still stntlonnry In, prlco nnd bo aro Malaga grapes, from tho saroo place. This dcsplto tho fact that tbcro Is said to bo a strong "holdup" of nil fruit by n pow erful combination till tho Christmas season comes. Colory, although It Is now being brought altogether from California tho Michigan and Neb rank a stock being exhausted la no moro costly than usual, while the same Is truo of nuta, head lettuce, 'cucumbers nnd cider. At any baker's, moreover, doughnuts mnM -.111 t.. ,,m. n An -fAlA.ta - Jmmhh mil ntiu uti puiiiiinnvu iui iy uvuia n uutvu, notwithstanding tho fact that tho eggs In them nro bringing largo prjpes a dozon. i lint Tnnnxsgiving edibles piny nn impor tnnt pnrt In tho history of thnt fcstlvnl Is undisputed, but perhaps tho'most Interest ing fenturo of this Is tho ovldonco they give in denial of tho oft-repeated charge that tho Inauguration of this custom by tho Puritans was a moro Imitation on tholr part of tho Christmas ho day festival wnicn tnoy naa lott Denina tnem in Eng land. Tho various dishes chosen by the colonists on Thanksgiving day, so 'far from being similar to what thoy jiad known at i no unristmas tiao, were ranicaiiyiamcrent. In tho first placo, all tho old 'fauperstl- tlous meats" of Great Britain; were entirely nvoldod. Tho traditional "barpn of.pe'et" and boar'a head found no placo Jn the Puritan menu, being replaced by turkey, ur courso this was through compulsion at nrst, as tho English meats wero not' avnllablo, but thoy aoon wero at hand nnj tho colonists continued to cling to thclf new viands. Thus tho Indian pudding nfid pumpkin pto also replaced plum pudding;, as a dessert. though It was bred Into the blood1 or the Puritans through centuries gono by thnt tho great English dish was to be honored and maintained. From that tlmo thcro has been a con- stnnt diversity In tho yenrjy Itemizing of ino 'i nnnKsgiving dim oi tare, out mis iihb never loaned toward tho Christmas dietetic. Ono of tho principal dlfuslons In tho roqulstto components of the feast has oc curred In Its most vital part, tho pieco do reslstanco Itsolf. Turkey It no longer ox cluslvoly used. Qecso, duck, chickens nnd even such game meats SB venlion nro now purchased to a considerable extent The change has been entirely the growth of tho last few years, but lit seems certain that no combination of flesji, fish and fowl will ovor deposo tho goiblcr ifrom his pedestal till tho species Is fexttnat A peculiar feature of Thanksgiving menus alnco their beginning has l)een tho absence of clbarlous foods. Not one of these Is an essential Item, even in tneimoderq dinner, and the only channel, li fact, through which the grains secure any recognition nt all aro the turkey dressing, the piecrust and the boay or tne pudding-. An Interesting but erronoous tradition concerning tho beginnings Jf Thanksgiving day Is that the old New Mngianders form erly made It obligatory. Such an astound ing Idea must have had a foundation some- whero, but It is rather difficult b discover It. It may be that a briet pnrnae in a cer tain Thanksgiving proclaojatlon) made by Queen Anne In 1713 Is roiponslljlo for tho thought. At that tlmo tho ' great! pcaco bad just boon consummated and tho, royal lady ordered a Thanksgiving la' honor of It, do tailing that it was by all "to be strictly ob served, on pain of suffering such punish ment as we can justly Inflict on such as shall contemn or neglect jho performanco of so religious a duty." ' Tho national character and tho national mood have been no more' respecters of Thanksgiving festivals thin of any othsr institution, horcdltary or acquired. Tho yearly custom had yet to pass ls first half century of exlstenco whp the American tendency to hasten cut down Its period of annual duration some six-fold. It took only that length of time for the slowvgolng bur gotnaatera from Holland and the deltbernto l'uritans rrom ungiana to evoiv a new na tloaal trait, that of rushing thing. A eon.1 tonkins hormnmt poor look ln linriiuns 11 th wornt kind cf n com- f'Z VIIIUUUII. Eureka Harness Oil not only mnlcn tho hnrnm nnd the iw ieathor Doftnni! t.lUhlo.nuIiltin rnn union io i mi iwich lone n it ontlnarlly v?ulj. iui. w 5TANDAF D Give Your Horse a Chance t OIL CO. Typewriters ! New Century. New Detismore, New Yost. We a41, rent, exchange, repair tyn wrlUra. verythlnc o alnerai ngssa. graaU f work, eeat kMpUag U rananr. iurlabllllty, eio. emrs on fey all tk eheapeat typewrtUra i tkm : Wm tnfa imaU United Typewriter & Supplies Co., MM Paraam St, J OUR ENGRAVERS Manz Engraving Co. 195-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois., Aro justly celebrated as the engrav ing establishment which can at all times bo relied upon for satisfactory results, whether tho engraving bo a flno half-tone, wood cut or zinc etch ing. Their facilities nro so extensive thnt work which must be executed quickly for shipment to distant cities can bo easily turned out. Whon ordering engravings from your printers ask for Manz Perfect Engraving. . YOU SEE More Style, Better Leather (i nd a Finer Finish in the Regent I Shoes than you do In most 5 and 6 shoes on the market. Shoes for Men Only. Our I2.S0 shoe cannot bo beaten. REGENT SHOE CO., 205 South 15th St. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. V I . i Ghrysinthtmumt Now Is the time to or der your ThanksRlvlnir Flowers. We have tho largest assortment In coior or size. HESS 6 SW0B0DA, FLORISTS. Phone 1601 iti j rani am Bi.,umana THIS ELEGANT CUT GLASS DE CANTER standing V2 Inchos high nnd fillod with FREE Hiller's Celebrated 8-year-old Rye Whiskey und Rlttss AHSOLUTELY FREE. Sondus til A Af to pay for two (a) gallons of IIILLEK'S PVf,'vF puUK K YE, nnd wo will onoloso with satno tho Decanter and class neatly packed nnd shipped In plain box. All Charges Prepaid. Wo mnko this liberal offor In order to Introduco our colobratod MILLER'S PURE RYE WHISKEY, $U.2() per jrallon. "Once tried always used. " Sond us your ordor at onco. this olTor will not last long. If goods aro not satisfactory, return at our oxponso and your monoy rofunded. Reference First National Dank, Omaha. Any Expross Co. HENRY HILLER, 522 North IGth Street. OMAHA. N. H. Ordors for statos west of Nobraska must call for 5 gallons to In cludo olTor and to bo propatd. Moderate Priced High-Class Ladies' and Gentle men's Tailoring. Advanced Styles Cleter Ideas Newest Effects J. A. Kervan Tailoring Co., 'Phone 805. 424 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. ui WANT ONE OF THESE WITCHES An tioncut ailTcrtUcment. We arc determined to Introduce the wonderful Uiw Headache Tablet. Into every home and In order lo do oe need good imcnU and aro wtlllnir to pajr them handwmcly. You can (ret one ot these and chann tor selling our remedy. We haro a reputation for lioneot dialing and to proTe It erery person who sells six boxes nf our wonderful tablets at 23c, per box 111 Ircelio six Double riattil Tra Htxtonanne Ilutter Knlfe.one Sufnu1 Shell and a hand. some (lold plated Watcli-l'iiain ami unarm, w men wo inToao- to Iw perfect tlmekeeers, and rqual In ni.pramncn to ninnr irold filled wstehiK that are sold an Wall as TO nnd ininrantitil for W years. Tlil Ixniirrat MaolferforMllttlo work. Adilrtus QVEE REMEDY CO.Watch Dent 2i a New Haien.Conn. RlTv IB Bbbitocirls! At TO G IRLS- A MSlM-rln Batv I)r.il Doll. n.l two ihlnli of yirJ Ull, cvmrUt witb Cinojijr Ton Ilriui Foldlnu Uditfacf, Includlm? tnattrrii, rlllowa, etc. All (tlreo frr fur dUpotlof o( only 3d BMorted NoTrlty Attltlea i,t om DIUI tiCM, Thla bAinbomo Doll tut. btaqot tnrotnr heiJf Jofntd boly, Wplnjt tycta, oag curly hair. bat. abotii. atniklDiri, le.t complete. Onler 35 Nortttlrt at ooot, aril thfm to ymir frlf oda. aearl ot th mony, and w will forward too thla loTtlr blj POLL AMD BID COUIIMATIOIf compUu for TOUT troutla. DIME SPECIALTY CO., Doll Dept. 38. Brtdffewatcr Conn. "A BRIGHT HOME MAKES AMERRY HEART." JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SAPOLIO YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which nppear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal prlco of 11.00. On Inrgor cuts 6 cents per square Inch. They aro all In first-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies ot our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omahn, Neb. The Bottled Beer For the Home Is unquestionably "Blue Ribbon Beer," the perfect brew. It Is not brewed and hur ried on the market. It Is perfectly fer mented and properly aged before leaving tho brewery, therefore perfectly healthful, palatable, nourishing and no bad after-effects. CLEANING -DYEING-REPAIRING and PRESSING of MEN'S and WOMEN'S GARMENTS. TWIM CITY DYE WORKS 319 8. 15th St., Omaha. Telephone 1521. r . SaSlfl WHmllEmmm i. rmmmBBSSmSSmmm n I n,.u ,u Kv purity you must have pure water, no germs. Every drop of water used in BLUB RIBBON BEER Is from our pri vate artesian well, hence we can guaran tee BLUE RIBBON THE PUREST BEER mado. A beer for your home and family Is worthy of a little consideration. BLUE RIBBON BEER will fully substantiate nil that can be said for it. Will not mnko you bilious or give vou a headache. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12GO.