Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1901, Page 2, Image 12

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    rPlTUl I f T 1TC3niT t mnT nnn
Price, Gc per copy per year, J2.00.
Entered at the Omaha PostofTlce as Second
Class Mall Matter.
Tor advertising rates address publisher.
Communications rclatlnK to photographs or
articles for publication should bo nd
dressed, "Editor The Illustrated Bee,
tholr adopted country, and twlco has h
sent Bishop von Schcelo to America to por-
sonally Inqulro Into tho matter. His first
Published Weekly by The Beo Publishing visit was In 1S93, when ho mado a trip from
Company, Dee Hulldlng, Omaha. Neb. con8t l(J mmU Tho prcgcnt to(jr cxtcn(lc(,
only to Denver. Naturally, Illshop von
Schcelo gavo his attention more to the re
ligious and educational conditions than to
tho more material. Ho especially looked
after tho Lutheran churches and colleges
whorcver ho went, his tlmo In Nebraska
being front nt Wahoo, where tho Lutheran
collcao Is located. Ho was tbo bciircr to
each of a special greeting from King Oscar
, and cIbo brought a greeting from his maj
Pen and Picture Pointers isty President hooscvou. The bishop
was nlso a delegate from Sweden to the
HATKVKll may havo been Its yn0 I Icontcnary. and was kIvcii an honor-
orlgln, no reasonable excuse can ftry degree, responding when his name was
bo offered for mistaking tho In- called In an address In classical Latin,
tent of tho present Thanksglv- ntshop von Schcelo is ono of Sweden's
Ing day. It Is an occasion on ,,,. cholnr!v iirnlatns. Ho i.nrn in
which wo ore adjured to "lay nsldo our Stockholm In 1838. His family was orlg
customary vocations and nssoinblo nt our lm)y (jornmn. Ho was graduated from
usual places of worship," there to devoutly tll0 University of Upsaln In 18.16. Soven
return thanks to Almighty (lod for tho very yonra lntcr lle took nl8 (lcRrco na doctor of
many manifestations of Ills watchful caro philosophy. In 1RC3 ho was mado doccnt of
and benignant providence during the year, theology nt the university, and In 1872 was
It Is not especially to our credit as a ordained ns a minister. In 1885 he wns np
Curlstlnn nation that this Injunction Is pontcd bishop of Vlsby, (lottlnnd, and has
frequently loBt sight of In pursuit of less nco tocti ono of the lending bishops of his
ascetic ways of exhibiting tho gratitude wo country. During tho tlmo ho occupied tho
feel. The religious aspect of the day Is chnlr of theology ot tbo university ho was
not cntlrcly,lost sight of, but thu worldly t,llnd for six years, but did not glvo up his
features of Thanksgiving havo grown bo worki memorizing his lectures Instead of
that they qulto overshadow tho devotional. wrtnK them and delivering each with ef
In almost ovory community of tho land fect. A most accomplished linguist, ho
somo sort of festivity or sport Is planned Kavo n Knnl exhibition of his qualification
which has nothing to do with giving thanks. In ths direction during the religious con
Koot boll Is qulto as Inseparable a compan- KrcB3 whch was held nt Stockholm nt tho
Ion of tho dny ns Is turkey, nlthough to tllm ot tho exposition. Ho wns called on
tho east tho sentiment hos been strong to prcsldo and whenever a delcgato nd
cnough to nbollsh tiio big games on this ,irc88ed tho chair, no matter what country
day. In this connection ono wavers beforo (,o camo from, Illshop von Schcelo answered
deciding ns to whether this chango was him In his natlvo language. He wns also
brought about becauso of n real respect for chnlrmnn of tho sessions of the Intcrna
tho dovotlonal phase of tho day or becauso totmi young Men's Christian association
ono could not nttcud n foot bnll game nnd conferenco nt Stockholm In 1888. Another
a turkoy dlnnor nt tho samo time. At any diatlnctlon ho hns had was to accompany
rato, In the cast tho big foot ball games Rmporor William of Oormany when ho
woro cut out. In tho west, wherever thero mndo hls pious pllgrlmago to Jorusnlcm
nro enough young men or urawn logomor, Taking part In tho
November "4, 1001.
i 1 mzm
C. A. Photo by a Staff Artist.
Ho Is tho engineer In
Heads mny bo bowed whllo gray-hnlrcd nnd she had all tho early advantages' they
grnndslro Bays graco abovo tho board could provide. At tho nco of 18 sho was
month llltrli xrhnnl unit Tlrnnwncll Hall, roonlvn inn nnn Thin fnrlimn W onmo- locomotive fireman.
dcdlcntlon of the From cnrly childhood sho has evinced n lit- times tho ro'warVof a lifetlmo of struggle embryo nnd doesn't get Into tho llmo light
ne iu iuc
behind tho
machine of
nnunced bv enstorn critics to bo "one of ti ninv. inn with nn nhnnrtnn which which ho Is part. His duties nro quuo
tho grcntcst sacred song- stories over writ- 8h0ws tho artist. As ono watches him one simple. All ho Is expected to do Is to keep
I la 1 llsnlv n finl tin 1 1 nnmn will nn nlnvnrl. t ..n . i
Au h l e I t PrC , en c comn oft , , , 1 , , 1 orary Inclination and has cultivated hor nnd hnrd work, tmt Kubollk has scarcely until ho has crosscu ino eng.
All tho big western collego games como or delivered his address in Germnn. ,,, , ,, ,,, nr, tminv Rhn l . . 1,1 .i , i. in. rlchthnnd side. Ho Is "tho man
on Thanksgiving. Any other form of .port rn h fr.nn.u nH author ."'"ZZ ' 7 VII r Z Z Cun" as far as railroading Is
sultnblo to tho day Is Indulged. Yet it is Lftdy von Schcelo was born at Flnspong nni, rnmnnRPP of .,,., nbllltv. "At ",C: . 7i. Trm.n.i whii. wniti. His life Is n constant round of toll
tho turkoy which gets tho most attention. isr.O. Hor parents woro very wealthy nl, 7i ,,,,, mi Mn".. ,, nrn. "I " -1 , Z "L - .hn tlmo ho cets on tho big
around which tho family has gathered tar married to tho bishop then decent In the oi wVrds ZtZifX. e, up to the limit of the safety
Its annua reunion, but above Uethmiglu unlvorslty. In social II o, rolglousphllan- nnt, music of several other songs. Miss Kit- hat : I U "mind U far May and his soul valve, to keep tho water to tho safety
""'! n'"8 V'Zr'r: Jt?J . Cl... th. composer of the music of ln mlI9lc. pathet,C to sc. point, to watch the l.fth.-d .Id. .f the
mjcBiy on sno is inspector 0r tho sioya aopartment womnn of mnny nccompiighments, tho from tho vulgar mundane crowd. At the tho engineer, to keep his lamps cleaned and
' M,,lrv f,1'r)Klr 8' 1 racm,or ot,th0 I'rotcctlvo So- daushtor of tho lato J. C. Cummlns-an- pMlle9 ,hat ho goes to ho never touches filled, to keep tho oil cans and tools reodj
xpectancy cloty of Princess Eugenia nnd n member of , ,,, mii ,r., ' .. .......... fnr inotnnt hsp tn sen tho enclno Is Dro-
thoro is about mo oonr, , a nusn uroKon no social Purity association or Vishy. Ths ftt Mls8 Cumn,ln8 Btmcd for 80veral cnrry hIs vIon. hc hn8 ,ll8 wn accom- erly supplied with all things necessary for
Jn ,h knue's edt Jets the fl h na 2., " ' ' " W Chlca undcr tcnchor8 ot nnt,onnl "d his own piano. A monarch the trip and to attend to such other little
!t"CVn,i 1 ,,' ' ..?i!,nl Th- Dncem,10r4' reputation, receiving a thorough training couId not 8how higher or more loyal matters as may from tlmo to tlmo come
ho strong wrist skll fully gul es tho keen Among other distinguished visitors to In composition, harmony and technique. 8cnso of dignity. Yet ho Is a charming, up luring ne run. i s coai may come .
hi?! .h JI.n i Mil. i,, iLn.i whit nnkM O.naha recently wns Mr. Fred D. Smith, This Is hor first essay In vocal composition, unsophisticated boy, absolutely unspoiled by chunks ns big as the "tank box" or as fine
S2T tt t "ll at0 cS 'scflvicCd lAZ,"lrJLB Miss Clara Street first sang tho song In the the jomago that Is pa.d h.m. Thero Is a ns flour; tho "oh, kettle" may make steam
mat I tho s ncrs of ho Yol'"K Mcn'8 Christian association. Methodist Episcopal church In a very ar- tmlch f pathos about his career, too.
wnv hetaro what was onco tho hlgl csf do- Mr. Smith hold a series of well attended ""tic manner, tho rendition being partlcu- Born ln a mt,0 village near Prague, ho
V . U. n..nt,n tnlmh In
volopment of social attainment, nn expert "- ' . " .;. whlMl ,,. ,. m mw,, i,i.v..i,.niitv l.'n, ' I " " " . 1 1 " n 71 hor hot" ndnr all conditions ho Is a fall-
...... i, .in. flrt nlntn lit linnnpil lilch icnvii in mu luiusu in mu wurn uuuer 1110 o-. - -i- - mou ..uuiut, juai u.u.i.u.jr - ....
with the choice meat and I all thai roos wit charge.. Ho Is a pleasing, forceful speaker to her voice exceedingly pleasing. Miss d,cr who used to play at rustic feasts. re as a fireman nnd must look elsewhere
w .J c'.. .'"ir." " " 'A".r nmi mrri... mnviotinn i.v th., MrnMi .11- Ednn Marshall delighted tho congregation rm,,. tnfh.r tn.iPht hi hnv to nlnv. hut tho for employment. In recent years the lm-
fo'rth and from that tlmo until tho mlnco rcctnoss of his appeal to tho young men. In tho Presbyterian church by hor rendition pupll 800n outstripped his master. The provemcnts adopted on locomotives have
plo nnd pudding qnvo been tested tho cof- "1 novcr heard tho matter presented that of tho song. Her votco Is a soprano of rare pnrcnt saw that tho fates had sent him a lessened in a great degree the arduous
foo alpped and the nuts cracked, tho morrl- way," said ono who henrd him In Omaha, composs and Bho sang this song with pathos Kenlus. To provide a fitting musical cdu- duties of tho fireman, but tho increase in
est, most enjoyablo feature of American "Ho gives us old truth ln a moro attractlvo and fooling. cntion for that genius, to send him to tho the slzo of tho engines has added much to
life, tho Thanksgiving dlnnor, Is under stylo thnn any mnn I over listened to." Tho Prnguo conscrvatorlum, whero ho would his labor. That tho danger of his cnlllng
way. All hall, King' Turkey I Wo who rosult ot his meetings ln Omnhn wns most I" London last spring a Kubellk party h(lvo Sovelk tho fnmoug trainer of genl, Is In no degree lessened Is shown by tho
nro about to partako snluto youl satisfactory to tho directory of tho Young was tho vory smartest ontcrtnlnment oven for hls mnBtCr, tho poor father pinched results of n terrible collision on tho Santa
$ Men'? ChrlFtlnn association. a duchess could offor her friends. Indeed, nn(li mnybe. starved himself. But ho was Fo railroad during tho Inst week. Three
NebraKkn Swedes havo roccntly enter- since Padorewskl's advent tboro hns boon not de8tined to see tho fruits of his un- hK pnssongcr locomotives wero Involved
Inlnod ono of tho most brilliant ot King At prosont Plnttsmouth Is paying homngc no such Hon as this samo palo-faccd, long- BCi(ialine?s; ho died Just beforo tho boy he in " head-on collision. Only one engineer
Oscar's subjects, Bishop K. H. Oozcllus von to two of Its culturod citizens In rccognl- haired, spiritual-looking, Hungnrlan gypsy n(ld Bcrape'd und s)aved for made his first wns killed, but all thrco of tho firemen
Schoolo, who with hls wife, Oustava Maria, tlon of their lyric tnlont recently displayed virtuoso ot tho violin. success. lost their lives. Recently tho protective
Lridy von Scheole, camo to America on n tour In tho composition of n song entitled, "At Kubollk Is only 21 years of ngo and his board of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive
of Inflection undertaken at tho Instance ot tho Old Cathedral Door." Mrs. Lotttla E. Is not tho musical genius that starves ln a Many's tho song that has been sung ln Firemen ot tho Union Pacific system held n
King Oscar, Ills majesty still professes a Burton, author ot tho wordB of this song, garret. By a sudden bound ho has leaped prnlso of tho hemic engineer, but few and long session with tho company officials In
warm Interest In tho welfare of his former Is tho daughter of tho Into O. F. Johnson, Into tho forefront of his profession. It Is far between aro tho words of prnlso for the Omaha and gained somo substantial con-
subjccls, dcslrlnijto know how they havo a pioneer ot this stato, and received hor satd that ho Is about to undertake a man who shares hls every danger. People cessions both In Incrcnto In pay and light-
free Institutions of cnrly educational training In tho Plntts- tourneo, ns It Is called, for which ho will as a rulo know little of tho life of the enlng of labor.
all right and mny not, but tho fireman
must lm thero with tho "nutty" when "old
Inrly cffcctlvo In tho sympathetic contrnlto had for father a humble peasant, who wns eagle cyo" calls for It. If ho can t keep
prosporcd under tho
Some Rays of Sunshine that Brighten the Legal Fogs
F I HAD mo Job to pick out,"
writes Philosopher Dooley, "I'd
bo a Judgo. I'vo looked over
all th' others an' thnt'H th'
only ono that suits. I've tho
Judlcyal tlmperamlut. I lmto work."
"Now look horo," aald tho lawyer, shak
ing his flat at tho witness, "I want you to
understand that you can't bamboozlo tno
In this court simply becauso you'ro a
"WhyT" aho asked In hor Bweotost tones;
"Is your wife present?"
Tho Orcen Bag tells of a Uwyer who was
nhout to furnish a bill of costs. "I hopo,"
said his client, who wnB a baker, "that you
will ninko It as light as possible." "Ah."
said tho lawyer, "you might porhaps say
that to tho foroman of your establishment,
but that Is not tho way I mako my brend!"
A county attorney In Nebraska had a
visitor the othor day, who prosontcd a
technicality ot criminal law In tho follow
ing language:
"Lot us supposition, snh, dat ah bought
u chicken; dat dat samo chicken was
puhloined from mah lahdch; dat ah traced
It to do resldonco ob do tlcf; dat In ro
covorln' do bird nh Innocently confused It
with nnothah fowl and took dat Instead of
mah own bird. Now, havo ah do criminally
legal right to ontor ngnln Into do houao of
dat tlof and rocovnh mah own chicken,
though ah havo eaton do chicken ah con
fused with mah own chicken, nn' at de samo
tlmo havo de tlof arrested a 1 put In Jail?"
Tho county attorney has tu..en tho matter
under ndvsomont.
A curious case camo up the other day bo
fore tho court tn Caroline county, Mary
land, when nn ancient resident was charged
with the larceny of nlno eggs. Extra
Jurors hnd to bo summoned, and It cost tho.
county $2G0 to try tho case Tho accused
was 73 years old. His counsel Bald ho had
known tho dofendant for forty years, and
It wns Incredible that ho would stoat eggi.
He argued that anyhow tho state had not
shown that the eggs woro sound, nnd nlnn
rotten eggs would havo no valuo at all.
Tho Jury stayed out Alteon minutes and
returned a verdict of not guilty.
"Who Is tho patron saint of lawyors?" U
n question that might pertinently be asked
on a dny when both bench and bar attend
their devotions prior to tho opening of tho
law courtB, says tho St. James Gazette of
London. According to ono old story, a
famous Brittany lawyer onco appealed to
Homo for tho appointment ot a saint. Tho
popo proposed that ho should go nround a
cortaln church blindfolded nnd lay hold of
the saint nearest to hand. Following this
suggestion, ho stopped nnd grasped a cer
tain figure, crying: "This bo our patron
snlnt!" When tho bnndago was removed
from his eyes ho found thnt, though ho had
stopped beforo tho oltor of St. Michael, to
his horror ho had laid hold, not ot St.
Michael, but of the figure under St.
Mlchnel's feet, tho dovll. Hence, ot course,
tho nlcknnme of tho InnB of Court Volun
teers, tho "Dovll's Own."
The following complaint wns recently filed
before a Judgo In Oklahoma: "Tho abovo
named dofendnnt, Bcttn Brown, hereby ac
cused ot tho crlmo of throwing hot black
borry Juice on ono H. C. Clark, for that ln
Oklahoma county, nnd ln tho territory ot
Oklnhoma, on tho 1st dny of July, 1901, did
then and thero In tho town of Luther and
In tho kitchen ot the Covott hotel, unlaw
fully, feloniously and with malice Intent,
take from tho kitchen stove ot the said
hotel n dtshpan ot boiling blackberry Jam
and threw the snmo upon tho said H. C.
Clark, burning his left arm i nd also hls
back, contrary to tho form of tho statutes
In such cabe made and provided, and against
tho peaco ond dlgulty of tho territory of
"While I was tn practice," sayB Judgo
Gates of Kansas City, "I was before the
suprome court on one ocenston. Whllo
watting for my caso to ho called I listened
to a lawyer from tho southeastern part of
tho stato arguing his case. He was at
least six feet sovon Inches tall and had a
votco so deop than when ho spoke It seemed
llko a rumbling of Nlngarn. 'I will read,'
ho said, 'from a work with which your
honors are no doubt familiar Blackstono.'
Tho Judges did not smile, although there
was a doclded twinkle In tholr eyes as they
glanced at each othor. The mnn read a
fow lines nnd then said: 'There Is refer
ence hero, your honors, to a footnoto by
Lord Granville' Tho Judges wnlted ex
pectantly. Tho lawyer held tho book In
front of him, glanced nt It two or three
times nnd then coughed ns many times In
rather an embarrassed manner. Everybody
wnlted for aoveral seconds. Finally he said:
'Your honors, I see on closor Inspection that
this footnoto Is In Latin, so I reckon I'd
bettor skip that.' "
She Had a Bet
"For a week or two beforo the election,"
said a Dctrolter to a Free Press man, "my
wife seemed to pay moro than usunl atten
tion to politics. In fnct, sho surprised mo
by asking questions touching on tho situa
tion, and when I tried to find out what she
wns driving at sho simply put on a know
ing look nnd had nothing to say. Tho morn
ing nfter election I got up fully an hour
ahead of tlmo to see tho papor, as I had n
little wager on the result. I was too lato.
My wlfo had tho sheet nnd her faco was
fairly beaming ns sho looked at tho returns.
I expressed my astonishment nt her Inter
est nnd she ropllcd:
" 'I didn't want to say anything to you till
I saw how things camo out, but I had a bet
on tho election.'
" 'You don't rcenn It?' I gasped In ns
tonlshment. " 'But I do. I had a in bet with Mrs.
Baker, and oh, I'm so tickled I don't know
what to do. It's my first bet, you know.'
"'And was your candidate elected?' I
asked ns soon as I could get my oreath.
" 'I I guess not.'
"'Was ho defeated?'
" 'I I think so.'
"'Then whnt tickles you?'
" 'Why, ho camo within 9,000 votes of
being elected. Just think of It. Richard.
If ho could have got 0,000 moro votes ho'd
have been elected nnd I'd hnd monov to
burn nnd nono of the women nround here
would hnvo dared to bet with me again!
I'll bot you tho very noxt tlmo thnt I mako
a wager my candidate won't bo benten by
over 4.000!'" i
A Way They Have
It Is the custom of certain critics to say
ot tho work of a now author: "He has
written a book, yot wo do not rocall that I
wo ever mot with his name before."
And whnt ot that if the work he good ,
work? In tho creed of thoso critics, says
tho Atlantic Constltut1 on, h Is to bE!
a a Decnuse tney aian t navo nn earner
Introduction to him. They are not as Just
as tho Georgia landlord In this Btory:
A traveler, dining at an Inn, d d the
food, sworo at the waiters nnd raised a
racket genorally.
Looking over tho register tho landlord
said to htm:
"Sir, I never mot with a man ot your
namo before, but I'll glvo you credit for
beln' tho d est swearer In good com
pany thnt ever shamed God's vlttlcs under
my roof!"