Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Davit. fcll drug.
Btnckert fells arpet.1 nnd. rim.
Mcli beer ill Nctitnayer' hotel.
Vtf Ureen. oltlco 303 Sapp block.
Welnbacli burner. Ulxby & Son.
niegnnt X'rmm photos nt Schmidts.
Wollmnn, clentlflc optician, HO Uroadway.
Dr Htcplivnson, llnltlwln block. Elevator.
Mlmoiirl oak body wood, .M cord. AVm.
Welch, 23 N. Main t. Tel. 12?.
New uhlpmpiito of elcKant picture, frarno
mouIdliiRK at C. K. Alexander & Co. .
Particular attention tutrt- preMcrlptloris ut
Dell C! Morgan'it, thfi tlrUKRlst, 142 IJ way.
Minn Ethel UldfTH left yesterday for Chi
tugo to vlBlt over ThHtikfBlvUiB with her
mother. , . .
Hiulliint Motrin stove, guaranteed not to
crack Hold by Petersen hehocnlnB,
Mrrrlum block.
Mrs Kinmn IMwnrds. who wont to Jail
In order that her aon might bp released on
her bond, hud not Fcciired ball yesterday.
Hherlrf Cousins nnd .taller Mnrtln letunieil
yestctdny morning from I'ott Madison,
where, they took four prisoners to the peni
tentiary J 13. (Iray ha- returned from Alliance,
NVo., whern he has hern chief electrician
tor the AlllHtico Klectrlo Light nnd Power
Petersen Sr. Schoenlng, .Merrlatii block,
have the most complelo line of Hot Hlist
stoves In ttiu city and at prices that will
surprise you.
The Infant on of Mr. nnd Mrs. V. At.
Vnible, 2411 Avenuo I, died yesterday morn
Inif, llurlal will bo In the (Jarnur township
cemetery today.
Clyde White, rolotrd, rln.rgeil with steal
tng u brush ami romb from a rolored bar
ber, wis Hi'illeliced to ten days III tlm
county Jail yesterday by Judgo Ayleoworth.
The large dredgu which tho motor com-
i.iiiv tvin nan nt l.nk,. Minuiwii arrived
yesterday from Illinois. Tho work of haul
ing It to tlm Iiiko wm nc negun huh mum
These eases of contiiKlous diseases were
reported to tho Hoard of Health yesterday:
Knterlna. Nellsen, 2011 South Klghth street.
diphtheria; Kllu Blunge, iuij vcnuo u,
rcarle.t fever.
ft. c. Hatcher, arrested Thursday night
for disturbing tlm peace, fortclted Mo.fiO,
which ho nut tm us iiimearanco bond when
his chbo was called In police coutt yester
day morning.
Julius Alchele of Denver, clerk and re
coriler of Arapahoo county, arrived In the
city yesterday and will spend a. few days
vlsltlnK friends who aro bore attending tho
DoyJc-Hiirm suit.
How J. W. Wilson will preach his fare
well sermon tomorrow morning as pastor
of the I'lrst (Jongrcgallonnl enurcn. lie
will not leave for his new charge until
after TtinnKsgiving.
The trial of the suit of W. K. Lewis
flKnlnst V. Y. Teetzel, to recover commis
sion under mi alleged contract for tjio snln
of tombstones, was begun before Judge
Aylcsworth and u Jury Hi superior court
Homer Storkup. 13 years old, who ran
iiwuy from his homo In Denver several
weeks ngo, Is detained at the city Jail until
bin lelutlves aro beard from. He was
picked up In the railroad yards lato Thurs
day night
Mary, 11-year-old doughler of Mr. and
Mrs. Lars Jensen. 1914 South Eleventh
street, dlcil yesterday of .parulysls of the
lungs. Tho tuueral will bo this morning nt
10:9) from tho residence. Tturlnl will bo In
l'ilrvle,w cemetery.
The "new hosu wagon for the llro station
on I'pper Btjoadway has been completed'
mid was put hilo service yesterday. The
wagon formerly In iiho nt tho tipper Broad
way station will bt transferred to tho
Lower llro.idwny Htatlou.
Kred. son of Mr. and Mrs, Georgo It.
Hough of Crescent City. died. Thnrsdav
evening, aged 17 years. Tho funeral will
bo .Sunday morning at 11 from the resi
dence. Burial will bo In tho Gran to ceme.
tery. Klder M. Ooopor of the lMtter
Day Saints' church will offtclatn.
Jitdgo Macy will bo In Council HluITs for
a short tlmo Monday morning on his way
from his home nt Harlan to Olenwoorf,
whero lie will open .the term of district
court. While hero he la expected to hand
down his decision In the demurrer to the
Charles T. Ofllccr Indictment on the chargo
of fraudulent banking.
The team nnd wngon belonging to A. J.
JrVadloe, who was run down and killed by
the Northwestern train last week, was sold
yesterday to defray the funeral expenses
on Instructions received from tho Hon,
Bamuel Headlec of Lead. S. V. The widow
expects tn:rffi?nt n settlement with the
railroad today for the death of her hus
band. "The Eleventh Hour" has far outrivaled
any of Lincoln J. Carter's former suo
cesses. It Is a play that requires good act
ing and It Is promised that with this at
traction a. moro than competent company
will bo presented. The pluy was first In
troduced at Carter's own theater In Chi
cago, tho Criterion, and will bo produced
with tho same scenery and effects and cast
which Includes everybody's favorite,
Cljarlos A. (Karl) Cuirdncr, at the Dohany
You are cordially Invited to attend an ex
hibit of tlm great "Quick Meal" steel range,
to takp place during the week commencing
Monday, November 18. A special represent
ative from the "Quick Meal" factory will
be In attendance to explain Its numerous
merits. Hot lilscultH unit rnnW m.rveil
Only during this exhibit a beautiful set of
seven pieces of Dresdon china cereal and
uplco Jars will be presented to evcrv pur
chaser of a "Quick Meal" steel range: the
price of tho range, howevor, will bo just as
low as ever. I'leaso be sure to come. A
concert grand phonograph will entertain
you. oura respectfully. Swalne & Matter,
tto Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
N. V. Plumbing Co., telephone 230.
Danco tonight at Hushes' ball.
- .
Davis soils patnt.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, Ml Broadway.
with your holiday buying If you want
the. newest, the best, tho pick nnd
Ho on tlmo If you want to save worry.
Bo on tllim If you want added pleas
ure, Do you know It Is lens than thirty
live days u Christmas.
Be on time
Optician. Jeweler nnd Engraver.
Opposite Glen Avenue. Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
IBUCCeMOT to W. U, tUtap)
SI PH.1HL, STHKET, thaa T.
Negotlaud In Nabna
mnS lowm. Jipu N. Ca4dy, Jr,
(ft Main St, Oounctl B'.uSa.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
::oi imoxinv w, coiwcii. iii;ukfs.
M.iL-n vnm nl.t rlnlhc look like new,
MilwtnkM Lint Aijtiti Itt Diipnte with
Graii 0mpaij.
rhutiKh Terms Are Withheld It Is
1'rohnhlc ttnrrtnder la Jllmllnr
to That of , or1li-
i.ii irrstern. i.
-4. i
The suit brought In the district court
here by the MrCaitlMVcbMor Oraln com
pany of Minneapolis to compel tho Chicago,
Mllwaukeo & St. Paul llallroad company to
transfer cars of grain shipped over Its
ro,id for delivery nt tho Union elevator
has been settled. Word to this effect was
received yesterday nftornoon by tbo local
attorneys for both sides In n telegram
signed by llurton Hansen, general solicitor
for tbo railroad, and J. L. McCaull, senior
member of tho grain firm. Tho telegram
stated that all matters In controversy had
been adjusted anil that the suit pending
In Council Bluffs should be dismissed, as
well as tho petition filed before tbc Rtato
Hallrotid commission.
The suit was brought by the grain com
pnny, as It complained that the Mllwatikoo
railroad refused to allow cars In which
grain had been shipped over Its lino to
leuvo lis tracks In this city, despito the
fact that tho grain was billed in care of
tho Union Klevator company at tho Union
Pacific transfer depot. The refusal on the
part of tho railroad to allow the cars to
be switched for transfer to tho olovator
made It necessary for the grain company
to transfer the grain from one car to an
other, thereby entailing a lots.
What tho terms of settlemcul nro Is not
known here, as tho telegram simply con
talncd the announcement, that the matters
In controversy had bcerf adjusted. The re
sult of tho suit was considered to bo of
considerable Importance to the farmers of
this section of the country, as tho McCaull-
Webster company, by shipping to the gulf
ports, was enabled to pay 2 cents a bushel
more for grain than when It shipped to tho
Atlantic' ports via Chicago and tho New
York trunk lines.
The case had been partly heard by Judge
Green, the evidence having been submitted
and n continuance taken for counsel to
present their arguments.
Tho McCaull-Webstcr company had a
somowhat similar case against the North
western railroad, which was also settled
out of court.
Dance tonight at Hughes' hall.
Davis sells glass.
I'ollermnn Itrtnriis from I.otlitc In
'lime to .Stiliilnr 'i'lTspMsser
I Ills Home,
George Orr, claiming to be a ham In
spector In one of the Chicago- Tpacklne
houses, is under arrest at the city Jail
charged with being drunk and disturbing
tho peaco of tho family of Police Officer
Thomas Gallagher. (
Mrs. Gallagher conducts a boarding
house at 1318 South Third street. Thurs
day evening Orr called at tho house, say
ing ho was In search of room and board.
He was under tho Influence of liquor and
waa asked to leavo the place. This he
refused to do. As Orr Is over six feet tall
and built In proportion, none of the mom-
bcrs of tho household fell like running tho
risk of attempting to throw blm out. Of
ficer Gallaghor was away attending lodge.
Hints were thrown nut to Orr that he
would better leave the house before Of
ficer Gallagher returned, hut ho Intimated
In language more stronuous than parlia
mentary that he was not afraid of ony po
liceman, Irish. Dutch. Dane or American.
When Offlccr Gallagher returned from
lodgo bo found Orr In poBsesslon. but It did
not take him long to persuade the ham, In
spector from the Windy City that a ride In
tbo pattol wagon was about Ihe best thing
for him at that tlmo of night. Orr at
first was Inclined to be ugly, but the of
ficer got a grip on his coat collar and
yanked him out of the house before the
fellow had time to draw his breath. His
hearing in police court was continued until
this morning.
Dance tonight at Hughes' hall.
I'oitnvrnttamle'a Hmnlleat Mat of
nnrk-.umber Debts In n nm
hcr of Venra.
The annual tax sale of delinquent nron-
erty will be conducted by County Treasurer
Arnd Monday, December 2. Twelvo months
ago tho list of delinquent property was tho
smallest In ytrs, but this year It Is even
less than It wns In 1900. It Is tho smallest
In the history of Pottawattamie county In
a long number of years,
In some of tho townshlns thore Is not n
. . -
single piece of property advertised as do-
llnquent, while In several the number does
not exceed half n dozen. The list In tha
city of Council Bluffs Is smaller than It
has been for a number of years, although
uiero is a certain class of property, such
as outlying- unimproved additions, which Is
always more r less delinquent. Even the
property delliuent on special taxes is
smaller this year than usual.
Proporly owners have been unusqally dili
gent this year In paying their tuxes. This Is
accounted for by the prosperous times and
the cheapness of money. People who own
property, even If they have not the roady
cash, are not willing to pay the penalty
oi i per cent a montn when they can bor
row h ,Ti L, t,or
u.. .IT.? V"1,,"??'1 '? t,a',elr uxes
for less than half that rate of Interest.
Aaaela Clnthra unci IVntrh,
Clothing valued at 135 and a sliver
watch, which had been In use for six years
nnd said to be worth at the most 11, nre all
uio assets rniiup Klrchner, a farmer of
Cass county, who has liabilities aggregating
Sunday, Nov. 24
Positive Hit Lincoln .1. Carter's
ureatcst success.
H mji mp f
I nC '
Carefully chosen cast, beaded bv the
sweet singer. CHARLES A. (Karl)
GARDNER. See the great riot scene
ine minions iiv's i rivrini room.
$12,918.70, lays claim to. Klrchncr yester
day filed a voluntary petition In the 1'nltcd
States district court hero asking that he
be declared a bankrupt. In his petition
Klrchner states that the greater part of
his liabilities was incurred as a member of
tho Pecklcr Milling company of St, Jacobs,
III., which failed in 1883 for ?10,000.
.Innir Dnylr'v Cross-Utninlimllnii Mny
.Not He Completed for An
other liny.
The cross-cxnmlnatlon of James Doyle,
plaintiff In the Doyle-Hurns mining suit, In
the district court by Senator Patterson Is
still dragging along: Doyle was on tho
stand nil Friday and It Is posalblo his
cross-examination will not bo completed to
day. (
The proceedings ns on Thursday were
devoid of any particular Interest and the
cross-examination related chiefly to letters
that passed between Doyle and I'rank
Peck. Hums' brother-in-law, and socrelary
and treasitror of the Portland Oold Mining
company in 18t7, which were introducod by
tho defense in its effort to controvert tle
contention of Doyle that he had demanded
the stock, which ho claimed belonged to
him -for his Interest In the Bob Tall No.
2, Tidal Wavo and Devil's Own claims.
When asked by Senator Patterson If ho
ns a member of the board of directors
and secretary and assistant general man
ager of the Portland company did not
know that no stock had been Issued to or
for htm for these three claims, Doylo an
swered that he knew stock ought to have
been Issued for him, but he did not know
whether It was held In the name of Peck
or Burns' sisters. Kate and Jennie.
Doylo said that while ho was secretary
of the company he never was permitted to
Inspect the books of the company, nor to
have access to them.
llih .School' Thii flumes Tnilsjr,
The first and second foot ball teams Of
the High school are slated for games this
afternoon at tho Driving park. The first
team will play the Atlantic High school and
the second team will try conclusions with
Missouri Valley High school. The sec
ond team's game will bo In the nature of
a curtain raiser for the other game and
will be played In twenty-minute halves,
the game to be railed at 1:30. Tho first
team's game with Atlantic will be called
at 2:30.
Captain Aylcsworth of tho first team re
ceived an Injury to his right cyo last Sat
urday In tho game at Ida Grove and may
not bo able to bo In tho lineup today.
Tho lineup of tbo two local teams will
First Team Loft end, Byron or Scott:
left tackle, W. Aylcsworth; left guard. Ball:
center, Smith; right guard, Fllcklnger;
right tackle. Grason; light end. Cochran
or Pilling; quarterback, Dlngman; left
halfback, Fuller; right halfback, Treynor;
fullback, E. Aylcsworth or Plattncr; sub
stitutes, Warner, Van Order.
.Second Team Left end. Cutler; left
tnckle, Mctcalf: left guard. Van Brunt;
center, Williams; right guard, Spctmau;
right tackle, Robinson; right end, Van
Order; quarterback, Mitchell; left half
back. Cornelius; right halfback, Warner;
fullback, riattner: substitutes, Hayes,
Bead, 6, Pilling, Bardsley.
To Instnll ticnrrnl Dodge.
The Installation of General Grenvlllo M.
Dodge as commander of Abe Lincoln post,
Grand Army of the Republic, this evening
promises to bo an Important event In the
history of the post and the veterans nud
the women of the Relief corps are arrang
Ing to turn out in large numbers to greet
the general. These orders were Issued
Attention! All members of AWe Lincoln
mint No. 23. Grand Army of the Republic.
win meet hi posi neaonuaricrs ai
Saturday. November 2.1, to nttend Installa
tion of General O, M. Dodge as comman-
der of Abe Lincoln post No. 2!. Cleorge 11.
Miles. S. V. C: Kdwln J. Abbott, ndlutnnt.
Women's Relief coma, attention! Abo
Lincoln corps No. ISO will meet nt Grand
Armv of the Renubllo boll this cvcnlnn.
November 23. at 7:S0. to nttend Installation
of General a. M. Dodge ns commander of
Abe Lincoln post. Mary it. Atinott, presi
dent; Fnvoretto Wetherbee, secretary.
Debute with Sioux City.
Principal Ensign yesterday received a
challenge for a debate between the Sioux
City and Council Bluffs High schools some
tlmo during the winter in Sioux City. He
said yesterday that tho challenge In all
probability would be accepted. Tho chal
lenge reserves to Sioux City the right to
the choice of the sides of the question, but
gives Council Bluffs the privilege of select
ing the question to be debated. The selec
tion of Judges, who shall not be residents
of either city, is left to Council Bluffs. Each
team Is to consist of two young men ami
one young woman.
Windfall for Iown Family.
WEBSTER CITY. In., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Tho family of A. C. Morgan wero mado
happy today when they were notified that
the grandmother of Mrs. Morgan had died
In Pennsylvania, leaving her a cash estato
nt fkin. The Mnrenn family havo lived
h. fnr cvrat venra and most of the tlmo
havo been extremely poor and many times
tho neighbors havo found It necessary to
assist them. This windfall will come to
them at a tlmo when they need It
Itrnl Katatn Trniiafrra.
Tk... Ipntufam WArn filed VPflterdnV In
1 u -t.... nn. n,,.i inon nm nt t. w.
I lull ttlM3iini.b, nnu ,. ,. W...-W . ...
Rml,rn mi Pnrl street:
x, - - - .....
J. B. Johannsen nnd wife to J. F. and
Otto Konnn, part, lots o, i nun e,
block 9, town of Walnut, w d t 6,000
Portsmouth Having bank to Ftank
si ne 2f.-75.41, w dr. 1,600
He'nrv Wtese nnd wlfo to Richard
ftTy,"6 Sn of FecUo"' 3 ,iml i3m
Henry Wlese niui' wlfo Vo' porneHus '
Linden, lot 31, Aiiuuor a sun oi pari
Hannlfan, seH seVi 19-76-12, w d 2.K0)
Four transfers, aggregutlng.
Ilreen Sues llllno
LEMARS. Ia Nov. ZJ. (Special.) M. H
Breen has commenced suit against tho Il
linois Central Railroad company for $20,000
'damans and tho case will come for trial
nt the December term of court. The plaln-
tiff claims these damages on tho ground
that his mother, Mrs. Marguerite Breen
was killed by tho negllgonco of the com
pany. Mrs. Ureen was run over and killed
on the Main street crnssiug on Suuday
night. December 16, 1900.
Convention Will Attend.
HAMPTON. la.. Nov. 22. Four hundred
delegates wero present at today's session of
the Iowa State conference of tho Epworth
league, Dr. Thlrdleld of Cincinnati dellv
ered a lecture before an audience of l.ion
people on tho subject, "The Building of
Man." s
I I O l,ri M1H M n " -
First soak It In warm water to soften It
then pare It down n closely as possible
without drawing the blood arid apply Cham- I
berlaln's Pain Holm twice dally, rubbing I
vigorously for five minutes at each appllca-'
tlon. A corn piaster should be worn for at
few days to protect It from the shoe. As 1
In aer.eial liniment for sprains, bruises,,
,.no.. nrt rhiimUsm. Pain naliu
, .
Rqlrmit for AtUmatie Gtuplin Dtn
Nt ipplj t Tk.
I.Hrrj KIub'k Trlnl for Itnvlnir Coun
terfeit Moner TmrmrVrreil from
Council II I tiffs to lie
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
DKS MOINES, Nov. 22. (Special.)
Judge McPherson, In the United States dis
trict court, today decided that tho law
which requires railroad companies to equip
their cars with safety automatic couplers
does not npply to engines. Tho question
arose on the trial of tho case of White
against Great Western Railroad company.
White was head brakeman on a freight
train of tho Great Westorn nnd nt Mar
nhalltown he was Injured while making
n coupling, one hand being badly crushed.
Ho sued for $5,000 damages. It was shown
In the testimony that whllo tho car was
equipped with safety couplers, tho engine
had no such devlco nnd the coupling must
thereforo be by tho old link nnd pin method.
The defendants contended that the law
makes no rofcrenco to engines being
equipped with safety louplers and ns nn
engine Is not a car the liability of thu
company because of failure to equip tho
engine in accordance with the law could
not bo fixed. The court sustained this
view and directed that the caso be taken
from tho Jury and a verdict be directed
for the defendant company. Tho question
has not before been raised In the courts
here. ,
Klim mi Trlnl,
Judge McPherson directed that tho case
against Larry King, well known In Omaha,
Indicted for hnvlng In his possession coun
terfeit money with Intent to defraud, should
be transferred from Council Bluffs here
I nnd trial to he had at once. King was
Indicted at Council Bluffs and arrested
In Washington, D. C. It Is charged that
he had some counterfeit bills, which he
wrapped around a wad of paper and would
show to persons with whom ho had dealings,
thus leading' them to Infer that he had
plenty of money and that In this way ho
was enabled to defraud them.
Will Knforr llnnrnntliif .
The State Board of Health has determined
upon enforcing a rigid quarantine on the
Indian reservation In Tama county. As
the result of a scries of conferences tho
beard has nt last taken hold of the matter
In earnest. Dr. Linn, the local member
of the board, has been directed to pro
ceed to Tama county and take full chargo
of the case. The Indian agent has been
instructed to co-operato with him in all
necessary measures' to protect 'the people.
It Is believed this decisive step of the board
will have a good effect and end tho dis
sensions among tho local health authorities
In the towns surrounding the reservation.
Park nnd Forestry rrogrnm.
Tho program has been arranged for the
first regular meeting of the Park and
Forestry association In this city December
10 next, as follows "Parks for Cities and
Towns,." Prof. II., Price of Ames; "8omo
Desirable Ornamentals for City Porks," A.
T. Erwln; "A Timber Plantation After
Thirty Years," Elmer Reeves of Wavorly;
"Parks and Taxes," J. A. Colllson of Des
Moines: "A Study of European Parks,"
Prof. N. E. Hansen of BrooklngB, S. D.j
"Ornamontatlon of School Grounds," R. C.
Barrett, superintendent of public Instruc
tion; "The Need of Moro Forest Reserves,"
Prof. L. H. Pammcl, of, Ames.
lown'a Oldest CoIIcrf.
In the forthcoming biennial report of
the superintendent of public Instruction,
soon to be mado to the governor, there
will be short skotches of all the Instltu
Hons of higher education in the state. The
history of Iowa Wcsleyan university of
Mount Pleasant, as It has been furnlsned
for publication In (bat report, will show
that Iowa Wcsleyau Is tho oldest collego
of Iowa, an honor long claimed by Iowa col.
lege of Grlnnell and hitherto undisputed.
Iown collego was started at Davenport In
1648, havInK been organized nnd planned
two years previously. Iowa Wcsleyan Is
the successor of tho. Mount Pleasant Col
leglato Institute, established by act of the
territorial legislature in Kcoruary, is,
nd the namo ehanged by net of the stato
legislature In lSofi. James Harlan, after-
ard In Lincoln's cabinet and United States
senator, was the first principal of the In
stitute and also first president of the uni
versity, Iowa Wcsleyan thereforo will lay
claim to being tho oldest college In Iowa.
F ii ml for Widow.
A movement has been started In the
state among the bankers to raise a fund
for tho benefit of tho widow of John Sund
blad, tho man whoxwas shot by bank rob
bers nt Albert City, Bucna Vista county,
last woolf. Sundblad was killed by the
bank robbers for helping to round thorn
up. The widow was left practically with
out means. Some of the banks In north
west Iowa have started a subscription
paper, and It Is likely a goodly sum will
e secured which will be presented to tho
widow as a token of the appreciation of
Iowa bankers of the heroism of the do
ceased. Cooking: Lesson In School,
Tho Watorloo school board Is to be cred
ited with having taken tho most advanced
step In tho matter of practical education
for High school girls of any school board
in Iowa. It has decided that Miss Edwards
may give two lessons a week to tbe girls
HI Fels -
A mechanic gets the best
tools wherewith to work.
Why shouldn't a woman?
The best household tool
known is Fels-Naptha soap.
With it the drudgery of
clothes-washing and house
cleaning is not half as much
as usual, because there's no
If upon thorough trial of
Fels-Naptha soap you don't
find this true, your grocer will
promptly refund your money.
We authorize him to do so.
fell h Co.
of the High school In cooking nnd domestic
economy. Tho lessons will Include not
only tho practical work of rooking, but the
principles of foods and preparation of the
samo and elfects of certain kinds of foods
on tho stomach, Tho fnd has not before
been tried In any lowa school.
Itriiorlx Aro Wmited.
Adjutiuit General Bycrs has sent out re
quests to the company ofilcers of tho lowa
Nntlonal guard that they send In promptly
nt tho close of tho target season nil reports
of target practice for the year. The sea
son closes with the lnst day of this month
for record firing, but most of the work has
already been done. These reports form the
basis of the nnnual report of the Inspector
of small arms practice.
Tho military examining board finished the
test of the class before It this morning
nnd the markings showed that nil the men
passed and will bo given commissions.
Constnblo l.odlne, who was shot In the
running fight with tho Grecnvillu bank rob
bers Saturday, will die. Ho Is sinking rap
idly and cannot survive. Louis Brooks,
white, nnd Albert Phillips, colored, were
Indicted by tho Btiena VlsJa county grand
Jury on tho rharge of murdering .John Sun
bind. They entered pleas of not guilty nnd
asked for n change of vcuuo to another
Xiimrt! 1 the I'rcihir lit na Hit; Until
of the Orilnnnot lliirenn
of Hip Army.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The president
today made tho following appointments:
War William Cror.lor, chief of ordnance,
with rank of brigadier general; Jnmcfl Mil
ler, colonel of Infantry; Francis W, Mans
field, lieutenant colonel of Infantry; James
B. Jackson, major of Infantry; second lieu
tenants of Infantry, William E. Roberts,
George W. England, Edwin J. Bracken,
Franklin S. Lelsenrlng, John A. Hulen,
Answell E. Deltsch, Leonard T. Baker,
Leonard H. Cook, Thomas H. Moorman, Jr. ;
Ell L. Huggtns, colonel of cavalry; Earl I).
Thomas, lletitonant colonel oi cavalry;
Charles C. Wlnnla, Charles M. Maigno and
Frank E. Lynch, second lieutenants of env
alry; Bcecher B, Itay, paymaster, with
rank of major; Waldcmar A, Christensen.
Herbert Gunn, Thomas R. Marshall nti.l
William C. Lee Comple, assistant surgeon
of volunteers, with rank of captain; James
A, Thomas, second lieutenant of nrtlilery
corps; Thomas E. Sulzer, provisional first
lieutenant of Philippine scouts.
State William B. Sorsby; Mississippi,
consul nt Kingston, Jamaica.
Charles V. Hcrdllskn, District of Colum
bia, consul nt San Junn dol Norte, Nica
ragua. Mr. Horllska recently was ap
pointed to the Kingston consulate, but ar
ranged n transfer to tho consulate at San
Juan dol Norte.
The appointment of General Crorler was
mndc largely upon tho recommendation of
Secretary Root. General Crozler has
demonstrated his ability In nearly every
department of ordnance and has shown a
wide knowlcdgo of all nffnlrs pertaining
to his profession. He was tho military
member for the United Stntes nt The
Hague peace conference nnd wns largely
Instrumental In bringing about the agree
ment finally renched for more human eon-
duct of, war; Gcnoral Croiler Is a native
of Ohio and was appointed to tho military
ocademy from Kansas in 1872. When he
graduated In 1876 he entered tho artillery
and was transferred to tho ordnance In
1881. He became a captain nftcr fourteen
years service In 1890. During the Spnnhh
war ho was appointed a major nnd Inspec
tor general. During his career as ordnancn
officer he has given strictest nttontlon to
guns nnd gun carriages and was a Joint
Invontor with General Buffington, who re
tired today, of the Bufflngton-CrnzLr dis
appearing gun carriage.
Some difference of opinion exists among
army ofilcers as to whether General Cro
zler'fl appointment is permanent or
whether it is a detail of four years under
tho army reorganization law. The opinion
of Judge Advocate General Davis Is that
the appointment is permanonf.. General
Crozler will not retlro until 1911 nnd If
the contention Is sustained that his ap
pointment is permanent his tcrm'na chief
of ordnnnce will bo nearly eighteen yenri
nnd will preclude the possibility of any
of tho ordnance ofilcers who have hereto
fore ranked him fecurlng that grade before
they retire.
Sprnula Mice 'Wllillli-c,
When things are "tho brst" they become
"the best polling." Abraham Hare, a lead
ing druggist of Belleville, O., writes
"Electric Bitters are the best selling bitter
I have bandied In twenty years." You
know why? Most diseases being In dis
orders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels,
blood and nurves. Electric Bitters tones up
the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys nnd
bowels, purifies tho blood, strongthonn tho
nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies.
It builds up the entire system. Puts new
life nnd vigor Into nny weak. Blekly, run
down man or woman. Prlco, 50 cents. Sold
by Kuhn & Co., druggists.
South Diikotn Iiii'oriinrniliina,
PIERRE, S. D Nov. 22.-(Hpcclal.)-Artlcles
of Incorporation have been filed us
Progressive OH company, nt Pierre, with
a capital of $.'00,000. Incorporators: Elmer
U. Calkins, Frnnk Hardy nnd T. P. Kstea.
MoKee Consolidated Hydraulic Limited
company, at Huron, with n capital of Sl.
000,000. Incorporators. T. llnmshnw, Wal
ter I. Scott nnd Philip Lawrence.
Venatlan Mining company, ut Sioux Fulls,
with n capital of J5.0O0.00o. Incorporators:
Charles J Wlmlen, Frank A. O'Doiincit
nnd Onrrett Harry.
Hess Steam Whlcio company, at Pierre,
with ii capital of J:!,iw,(hjO. Incorporators:
Henry K. Hess, John F. Bacon nnd R. J.
Tnllmnn. ,
Boston-Wyoming Coal company. at
Plorro. with a capital of $400,000. Incor
porators: O. ('. Corbctt, S. M. Williams
and L, L. SteptiniiH,
Cameron Oil Land Investment roinpnny,
at Pierre, with a capital of $1,500.1X10. In
corporators charlen Pearson, John 11.
Davis and Oscar Nelson,
Javane3o Cereal company, nt Huron, with
a capital of Incorporator: Car
loll H. Coiincell, Clammar P. Ilasklns nnd
Philip Lawrence.
Naptha m
X J is for Laces
the richest and best
well washed with
critical test
Use Swift's Pride Soap in the
by our new invention. Only those liorn dcnf ntc in'iurnblc.
IHi.timokh, Mil., March, to, loot.
finiUftntn ntlnc entirely cured of ilcnfnr. tlmuks to your tteatmctit, I will now jire you
b full hllory of inv cne, to be ueil nt vour discretion,
AlKHit ttve veari nno inv rlj;lit car began to flag, nnd thii kept on getting worsr, until I tot
my ticntliiR In thl car rntitrly.
I underwent ji trrntmrut for catiirrh, for three months, without any xiiccms conuItda nnra
her of vhyieiati, nmonj; other, the tnot eminent ear ieciallt of thU city, who told me that operation could help mc, nnd even that only tcmtiornrily, that the head noiie?. would
then ceae, but the hearing in the nffcrted ear would be loM forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, nnd ordered yotirUeat'
tneiit. After I had ued it only n few day acrordlnp; to your directions the nole ceased, and
to-day, nfler fivq vtcckx, inv hearing In the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you
heattity nnd bcK to jemalii Very truly yours.
1'. A. WURMAN, ;;oS. Hroadwny, Baltimore, Md.
Our treatment docs not interfere witli jour usual occupation.
To Dealers
You tickle us.
We tickle you.
"The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la.
Ticket on sulo 1)K( I. 2. a nnd i. 1
DeWitt's "
The famous little pills
For Mllousncsfl, Torpid Liver, Consti
pation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, In
testinal Obstructions, Jaunl'.lce and
all other Liver and Uowel Troubles
DeWitt's Littu! Eabi.y Kisicns aro
unequalled. They act promptly and
never gripe. They are ho small that
they can bn taken withoufcany trouble.
Prepared by E.O. DoWItt A Co., Chloago.
W liaTntoln-atcliiilf Control.
rnt you on TrUland Approral
l'ayonlj tfplaufrt. Menoltania
b-1iiFllh mrAlralt'lrUtKra
INVKhTlfcATK! Wrltf for onr
....... t..nt. MmI. ,lllBttll1 T.
Iplalnlnv ail.UKST r It F.K under
ral In Dlnlnrii.olop. a '.. II.
i i i i
Ask those
who have used
You Send Us Your Orders, We Ship You
That Sells and Pleases Your Trad.
Olllt'i 1 1 , H n. in. In ! p. in, '
Mi n it n a, from H n, m. to ft p. in. 'i ''
DR. McGREW (Age 63)
llUi'iur., anil ..iN.d'iiei'a oi iti'n Only,
-II .ir' Kpurlrnvv. J", cnra tit
Ollllilill. '
VARICOCELE without" cuui..!'m" 10 dai"
QVDUII IC "'"I Hlo'xl Diseases curoil
OirniLlO lor llful All liroamnK tint nnil
sIkum of thu illsunKO dlnuppi'iir at once. ,
nUCD On firifl " cured of Imrvoui
llVCn ZUiUUu debility. ot vltiilllv'
and nil uiiiiHtiirnl wciiUiicshui of men.
Stricture, CJIcct, KIiIiiky and liluddur Dia
euseH, Hydrocele, cured licrmnnontly.
t.iii't'H liiiiiriuilci'it, (.iiiiaiiltntloH free.
Treiitmonl bv mail. I. O. Hox 7i6.
Onico over 2ti H. Hth strre.t, butween Far
num and DoiibIhh Stn- O.MAIIA, NHH.
MEN Hop taklnir medlrlna.
If ou liata mll, noak orfana.
Intt rowf r iir wniiit drain.,
onr Vacuum Organ PuTe'.onar will
rentore jou. rto drurt. Htrlctura
and Varlrocida if riiinnanllj curtd
In 1 to 4 neck.. 75.0X1 to ma; not
rltnct Imtnodltitr.; no O. O, I), fraud, Write tor lrt
partlculari, goal ao,ild In plain envelope.
10CALAPPLIANCE CO. l3QThorp Blk. Indlifl.uoll. In).
Sheens Palnloie Strleturs Out praaizate tfvtry
trace of Gttlcturc, cleansing and rmllEg frotnth?
but, allaying inflammation and inlarfcmftat
of the Prostata Ohnd and rtttoring Loll Vrkp.
No cuttln?, dilating, drugzlng or bougie. We
positively giirantse a thorough, pctnUaa tod
permanent cure In .very case, and jro Ma
Pay WhenCured.
We mean Jut what we aay, an4 ft osU notbtag
to Invcitlgale. Our remedy U a dlraot taoal ap
plication to the affected parti, and s baorfeMr
harmltM. Wilt malt in plain sMledcmnalopa, to
anynddren, our Inlerettlng book, "An llorxat
Talk;1 couuinln: many testimonials, l,o, a
UT E& UT K" 15 DAY8
II, A SKISM.V CO.. 1-1 Atlnn Ilnnk Tlld.,
(.'Ilicllilllltt, O,
Another Drug Trust
.lust think of It The would-ho "Public
HetipfiictorH " on lfitli ntret 'lutvo formed
a lit t lo trust of their own. If you don't
believe I look nt the raised jirlco of
Temptation Tonic
It wn Hold lis low 1H .".Sc. Itllt they j;nt
toKetlier, threo of them, iid formed a lit
tle mint all to themselves ,und puntied tha
prleo ili to ISc, Mini they Imvn nKro'ed lo
Htlck to It, How tho "mighty" liavo fallen,
Our jiflco
Telephone It Sit.
141k auU Uoutflaa ma
l'huno A21.
rrtcea-ij;, Xiv, Wc,
UDa,ualed. For sal by all drugnUti.