Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    THb OMAHA 1)J!11Y HREt SATt TUA" , N Y KM It UK 2ft, 1D01
To Please
the Little Folks
On Saturday, November 23d
From 2 o'clock in the afternoon
vro will give m "Mnnsing Plntcd" riulervest to each little nd
who wnnts one for her doll and will mil nt our I'NDKHWEAH
DEPAHTMKXT on above (Into iit hmirs named. Pring the doll
witli ,vou, too, though .von can get the vest without having the
doll along, and we're going to have the biggest crowd of little
girls ,vou ever saw in a dry goods store at one time.
This is just to einphasi.e the fact that Children's Underwear
is a H1G Sl'KCI A IP V with us and yon can always be sure of
getting the best, and at the right price.
h i g
should It the form like
a rIovc, yielding to
every motion of the
body, yet always
remalnlnp in nlacc.
The best founda
tion for tasteful
and stylish dress
is a suit of the
Munsing SJK
I 1 Iflyftf
Kelley, Stiger & Co.,
pnrnniii Street, Cor. 15th.
TIip Knqml public little known of the Intciinn Interest tho Heoumont oil fields are ex
rltltiK unioiiK oil rxperlM mid opcrntora In (ill part" of the world. The oil man r.nn un
derstand the opportunity for pnonnoUB profits In that Hold and Is a heavy Investor
nrrordliiRlv. Tim blK oil men and the llttln oil mnn allko nro takltiR ndvnntQBe of
the heretofore unheard of conditions which mako possible Itnmcnso profits to Jhoso
who nro fortunate cnmiuli to lie able to mnko Invostnieiits now. Tho OMAHA-TIiXAS
Oil, CO. had thn Kood fortune to obtain a footliold In the field nnd securo very rich
idl lands at an early date. This Is your Rood fortune, as you now huvo an opportu
nity to help them develop these valuable lands and share In all the profits to bo made.
The company needs money to develop Its properties, build pipe lines, tanks, londlng
racks, etc., iind for this purpose offers for a limited time dollar shares for 25 CKNTH
I Kit HHAHi:. Tlie company reserves the rlfiht to ndvnnce the price of shares or
withdraw them from sale at any time without notice. If you haven't the money In
hand now and want to subscribe for shares come and see us. We will arrange to re
serve stock for strictly responsible parties. W 1 1 EN Ol'H WBMj COMKS IN took for
the blKKest Kusber In the world, nnd then watch tho price of our stock.
SAl'I' BLOCK, KM N. Y. Mfe Itulldlntr, Omaha, Neb.
Council Hl.iffs, la. WIM.IS TODD. Fiscal Audit.
EiUrtaim Great Crowd When Tbay.r'i
Ttmple of Juitice is Begin.
! Hint ANnenilileil tinoM re
I'ut In I'roiier I'runif of Ml ml
l.llllllfll MlllMllIK
Aimiilclou ly.
HKHU0(V, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) The
announcement of the Inylns of the corner
siono of the cnurtliousn ami tho attendant
ceremonies brought a hit fie throne; df people
to tho county seat yesterday. A dinner
was served free to all Knouts at noon. At
2 30 o'clock the Masons Knthercd at their
temple on Fourth street and, headed by
Mitchell's, band, proceeded through Main
street and back to tho courthouso square,
(irand Master Kvons of Dakota City nffl
clatetl at the placing of the cornerstone,
oh.Mttcd by Doputy Orand Mnster Ayers of
Dcavor City, Orand Senior Warden Delghtol
of Iloldrege, Orand Junior Wnrdcn Duss
nore of Hebron and Orand Treasurer .1.
II. Uinsmure or button. Don. C. l. 1 1
nnls delivered an address. There wuro
present rrprescntaUves of lodges at Geneva,
Kdgitr, I'alrbury, "llumholdt, On?! Lincoln,
Nelson, Ohlnwa, Hay Springs, Fairmont
anil from Olldden, la.; Topeka, Kan.: Hill
City, Kan.; Qulney. Mo.; Cameron, Mo,,
nnd Troy, N. Y., as well ns from all lodges
of tho county.
HcfldfK tho customary deposits In tho
ronieistono were copies of tho last issue
of all tho county and Omaha papers, with
one from Lincoln, tho names of tho o Al
corn and members of tho local Masonic
when vow arc well, to
tub and scrub, nut
when the hick aches
and the head throbt,
a woman's work is
(hourly torment.
No woman can be
Ptrong and healthy of body v.iio is the vic
tim of thoe womanly dieacn which arc
often rcpomiblr for fcmlnlnt sufferings.
Women who have used Dr. Tierce's Fa.
voritc Prescription for the cure of diseases
of the womaulv organs, say that work
doesn't tire them any more "Favorite
Prescription regulates the periods, titles
enfeebling drains heals Inflammation and
ulceration, and cures fem.ile ucikne!-. It
maker, weak women t-trong and women
There N no alcohol in "I'avoiite Prescrip
tion," neither opium, cocaine or any other
I bad por health fqr nine jfarMevrr "
the birth of my child)" write Mr. Armlntle
Watkius, of Acme, Kanawln Co, W Vs. "Hid
female vfaktte, was very Irrejrular and would
suffer untold mlrry Oar family doctor did not
do me any good and I concluded to write to you
When 1 wrote I had no idea that I would evtr get
well, but when your letter re.-.ched uie I began to
have hope I commenced taUtig lr Pierce's
medicines nt directed and began to Improve in
ttttrtith. I w soon able In do the work for my
ftintly of U. I think there never were such
medicines in the wotid I took eight bottles
three of 'Favorite Prescription and nve of
' 'Uoldetl Medical nlacnveiy' mid two vlala of
. 'Pellets , ,
L Dr. Pietce'e Pellets cuxe constipation
The "Munsing" Tiiderwear
wm uut Irritate the most sen-
sative skin. The best tltting
the most eomfortnbe- iind dura
ble underwear in market.
The "MutisitiR" Ladies'
Union Suits
Heavy cotton at $1.00 plated
wool at ?L.o0. S2.25. 2.65, $3.
The mercerized in blue, flesh
and white, at $3.i!o.
The "Munsing" Union
Suits for Children
Cotton fleeced nt 50c, extra
heavy cotton nt 75c plated
wool, at $1.50 per suit. All
sizes for all ages.
chapter nnd of tho Wodern Woodmen of
America; the coins of denominations from
$1 to 1 cent, a check for $10,000 and n pic
lure of the county officers, deputies and
Fnthrr Arrested nt liidlnmiln for
TnLiiiK llnuithtcr Mull Avrnlt
Court's Decision.
M'COOK. Nell.. Vnv. ? (SnoMal TMo
Rrnra.)Tho case of Harry L. White, who
was arrested yesterday at Indlanola and
orougnt to tills place for alleged kidnaping,
came up In court hero today. It was shown
mac wntto wont to tno public school build
lug. sot his daughter and then took her t
her mother to tell her goodbye. Her
mother oblected in his tublm- the irlrl l.nt
ho left with her. The mother telegraphed
tno snerlir. with the result that Whlto was
arrested. The child was given to the cus-
todv nf the ninther until the nurf lapm nf
court and White was placed under bonds to
nppenr at that time. He hud been In Colo
rado the last year and says he has become
nulto wealthy during that time. His
tensons for trying to take the child as given
by him are that tho mother Intended plac
ing tho girl In n convent In Omaha soon.
Ulnndrrn Object to Auction.
GUAM) ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 22. (Spe
clal.) The city council at an adjourned
regular meeting last night summoned
Auctioneer Inman to show cause why his
license as auctioneer should not he re
voked. The petitioners for the license
have come In with a protest against tho
license, claiming that their slgnaturex were
secured through misrepresentation. It hav
ing beeu held out to them that the license
was for a local auctioneer, while Inman la
from Council niuffs and is auctioneering
olf n stock of Jewelry for a local party
who has been out of business two or threo
years and who Is selling out Jewelry Just
huforn. tho holidays every year, claiming
that It Is remnant of his former stock.
Tho hearing was continued until Monday
DciiIcn Voniis' (ilrl'a Accuan tlon.
FRRMONT. Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
Frank Yoagor. a farm hand near Nicker
son, wns bound over to the district court
today on the clmrgo of statutory assault
upon Vanetta Van Horn, a 11-year-old
daughter of P. B. Van Horn of Nickerson.
Acting County Attorney Martin filed an
Information against Yeager In the district
court, to which he entered n plea of not
guilty and was given tlmo In which to mako
n showing for u continuance. Yeager worked
for Van Horn for two years and previous
to his nrrest bore a good reputation.
llitmlnU'K Itllii llulibcd Loose.
MADISON. Neb.. Nov. 22, (Special.) In
a runaway accident last night O. A. Han
dall of Newman Grove suffered three broken
ribs. Ho left Madison In a livery rig last
evening to overtake some parties who had
bis grip In their buggy. When midway
between Mndlson nnd Newman Grove tho
polo straps broke, letting the polo down
and Into the ground, throwing the buggy
over, with Mr. ltandall under It. Ho did
not realize he was hurt and started to And
the horses, but ho had to give up and was
brought to this vlty for medical care.
Out of Iliii'Uncss Into I, lulit.
OLKNVILLi:. Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special,)
Henry Wcyenberg, now sole owner, set
tho machinery of the electric. Ugh plant
In mntlrn last night for the first tlmo
since thr quick departure of M. Hasmussen
manager for a company, last winter, Mr
Wcyenberg will uIfo arrange to open "tho
I'o pill or Vote In Three Mnlea,
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. '.'ft. To the
Kdltcr of The lice. Please state what the
popular vole was In Mamrhui-f tt', Ohio
and Iowa at the last election, Nov. S, tiOl
C n. II ART.
The unofficial figures are. Mas lachu'itts
300,501, Obto, 627,665, Iowi, 3S1.1S3.
Anneoncimeit of Principal Ajdruitt fr
Jainnrj OtoTtitiin.
.1, .1. Aiidrron .SreKx In lie Counted
In ns rtenlster of Deeds for
Lniiensler Connt Oenrrnl
Mnlp Acits.
(From a Staff Correspondent.1)
LINCOLN. Nov. 22. (Special TAlecram.)
Tho program for tho annual meeting of
tho Nebraska Slate Teachers' association,
which will be In this city three days, be
ginning January 1, was made public to-
nlglit. Tho principal addresses will b
made by President Arnold Tompkins of tho
Chlcngo Normal school, President William
nradshear of the National association and
President Jessop of the University of Mis-
The Sixteenth annual convention of the
Young Women's Christian association was
begun In the parlors of tho local nssorla
tlon this afternoon. Seventy-five delegates
are In attendance. The program today was
opened with a devotional service conducted
by Mrs. F. M. Hall, stuto chairman. Greet.
Ing to all visitors whs extended by Mrs
Martha Pierce, president of tho Lincoln
association. Margaret Thompson of Doano
college responded, lleports of officers and
committees showed tho association to bo
In a gratifying condition, both ns to finances
and membership. The session wns closed
with a series of two-minute reports by
presidents of associations, Tho convention
will contlnuo Saturday and Sunday.
Ilci'otinl for lleulster of Deeds.
A petition was filed with the county
commissioners by J. J. Anderson this after
noon asking for a, recount of the ballots
cast In tho recent election for candidates
for register of deeds. Mr. Anderson was
tho fusion candidate for the ofllco and was
defeated by a majority of thirty-seven votes,
Tho petitioner mnkes no charge of fraudu
lent rractlco or Illegal voting, but he In
sists that a recount will give him at least
217 votes raoro than Josso Moore, the re
publican candidate, who was elected.
Omnlinn AVnnts rotter Canal.
O. W. Toynton of Omaha has applied to
Secretary Itoyso of tho Stato Board of Irrl
gatlon for permission to build au Irrigating
and power canal twenty miles In length
and connecting with tho Niobrara river at
a point near O'Neill. Ho proposes to erect
a power house for tho generation of dec
trlclty, tho power to bo furnished by the
canal. The estimated cost is $7,500.
For tinnie I.nvr Violation,
Chief Doputy Ganio Warden SImpklns yes
terday arrested B. II. McKlnney at nurwell
for violating tho game law. McKlnney
was bound over to tho district court under
bond for $1,000. Ills heating will bo De
cember 3,
Cummins In Npcnlc nt llanqnrt.
Tho Young Men's Republican club has
decided on Its annual banquet for February
12, 1902. Governor-elect Cummins of Iowa
has accepted an Invitation to deliver an
r.ddresa at tho occasion.
Private Secretary Mndsar Make an
Important Announcement Before
IjenvlnR- Lincoln.
Hrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 22. (Special Telegram,)
Chairman Lindsay of the ropubllcan
state committee tonight declared thero was
no foundation for and no truth In tho ro
port published recently In two Lincoln
nowipopors that ho has aspirations for
tno gubernatorial chair.
"Tho statement Is entirely unwarranted,'
snld he. "Under no circumstances will
alpw my nnmo to bo used In connection
with tho nomination for governor. The
present administration Is giving entire sat
lsfactlon and If Governor Savago will nc
copt tho nomination for another term It
will and should be unanimously tendered
to him by our next stato convention."
This statement, coming as It docs from
the governor's private secretary. Is con
eldered by some as r semi-official an
nounccment that Governor Savage will be
a candidate for the nomination. Mr. Llnd
say denies; however, that he is author
lied to speak In behalf of the candidacy of
tno governor or any other person. Mr.
Lindsay has ubout closed up tho work of
tho committee Incident to the last cam
palgn and next week ho expects to leav
for the Pacific coast, to bo gono a month
For TnkliiK Colonel mils' flirrens
CLAY CENTRft, Neb.. Nov. 22. (Sneeial
Telegram.) Four strangers were arrested
n Olenvlllo today and broucht to the
county Jail In Clay Center, charged with
stealing a valuable overcoat from r
Joseph & Grand Island train last night
i nirncld when tho owner. Colonel J
Hills, was at supper. It Is supposed thes
are the samo parties who ntterapted
break Into the postoftlce building In file
villo the samo night, but were frlEhtened
away by Mr. Fessnor. tho nostmnster
Their preliminary examination will be n
I uesday.
Wreck Scatters llnlalns nnd Grain
FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
Tho Union Pacific had a wreck this morn
Ing about a mila west of this city. A Jour
nal broke on the car next to the engine of
a special fast freight and seven cars rdled
up. mmm any yarns ot tracK was tori
up. Two of the wrecked cars wore loadc
If You are Sick
Let Me Know It.
I wish Dimply your name and addres
no money. Tell me which of these si
books you want.
I will send with II an order on your
druggist to let yiiu have 6 bottles Dr.
Shoop's Itcslorntlv'tf. Ho will let you take
It for a month; then If It succeeds, he will
charge you JJ.50 for It. If It falls, he will
send the bill to inc. He will trust to your
honesty, leaving the decision to you.
Such nn offer as this coufll not be made
on any other remedy. It would bankrupt
the phyeiclan who tried It. Rut In five
years 1 havo supplied my Restorative on
these terms to SSO.OOO people, My records
show that S'J out of each 10 paid for It,
brcause theytvero cured.
This remedy alono strengthens those In
side nerves that operate all vital organs
It brings back the only power that cat,
make each organ do Its duty. No matter
how difficult the case. It will permanently
cure, unlrss some organtr trouble' like
cancer makes a cure Impossible.
I have Hpcnt my lifetime In preparing
this icnirdy. I offer now to pay for all
you tHkn If It fails. I cannot better show
my lalth In II. Won't you merely write a
postal to learn If 1 ran help you
Simply -state I Rook No, 1 on Dyspepsia,
which book vou liook No. 2 on the Henrt.
want and ad- Book No. 3 on the Kidneys.
dress Dr.Shoop,
Box 1, Ra
I liook No. 4 for women.
Hook No. 5 for men (sealed),
(Hook No s onnheumatlsm.
cine, vv Is
Mild esses not chror,. are often cured
by oo o.two battle. AU tUufsUM
with raltlm four with Grain and one with
enrral incrchnmlUp Tho track n
Iciircd thl afternoon. Train were do
layed but If minutes, an I hoy crc
fiwltchcd onto the Ulkhorn at Amc and
back unto tho fnlon Paclflo at l'rcniont
None of tho trainmen was. Injured.
Attempt to nixproTc Alleantlun tlint
He Dccnmpeil rrlth HI telieocU
Connty Itnllots
TRRNTON. Ncb Nov. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Today makes tho fourth day of
court spent with tho J. W. Colo alleged
ballot stealing case. This afternoon tho
statu rested Its case, reserving right to
call a few witnesses In rebuttal. J. W.
Cole was tho first witness lu his own de
fense. Colo was very deliberate and care
ful In all he had to say. Doing an attorney
of u number of years experience, ho made a
llscroet witness in his own behalf, Tho
lefensc attempted to provo that It was
light enough for the ballots to havo been
seen If they had been thrown from his
buggy, whllo being pursued by tho sheriff
nnd that If such had been tho rase, the
sheriff would have picked them up Instead
of bringing' Colo to town and sending men
out to hunt for them. The last witness
on tho stand thin evening was J. W. Hid-
nour, depty county clerk at tlmo of the
stealing of tho ballots. Iloth sides will
probably finish and the rase bo submitted
to tho Jury tomorrow night.
Lee'" AsunllHiit I.'nnVtrctcd.
ALLIANCK, Ncb Nov. 22. (Special. )-
In district court tho enso of M, Tuttlo
against George Mandevllle, Involving tho
Charters hotel, Is now before a Jury. Nelr
tber Peter R. Workman nor McDuffle, the
colored mnn, was found guilty In the at
tempt to (lx blame for tho assault on City
Marshal Lee.
Scventy-nve of the civil cases are cases
brought by tho county to compel parties
to pay up their delinquent taxes. Most
of tho defendants are nonresident land
Iter, Turner leaves McCnok,
M'COOK, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) Rev,
J. W. Turner, who haB been pastor here
of tho Congregational church the last four
years, tendered his resignation lost Sun
day to accept a rail to tho Congregational
church at Mlnden. He was tendered a
farewell reception last evening at tho
church nnd by tho Knights of Pythias
lodge, of which he Is a prominent member.
Farewell to Hev. W.. II. Unas.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) A
farewell reception was glen Rev. W. H.
tiuss of tho Congregational church and
hla family at the church parlors last even
ing, which was attended by a largo number
of people, Mr. Huss leaves Monday next
to accept a pastorate at Aurora, III., nnd
hts farewell sermon will bo delivered Sun
day morning.
McKlnney Up for Slilppliur Gnnie.
nuRWELL, Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special.)
On complaint of State Gamo Warden SImp
klns E. R. McKlnney of thU place was ar
rested yesterday for shipping game. Tha
complaint Alleges that McKlnney hilled
game to .a Chicago firm under a false name.
McKlnney pleaded not guilty and his trjal
Is set for December 3.
fltnliba Ssvella Convict noils.
CLAY CENTER, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Judgo Stubbs yesterday sentenced James
Scott and Jarvls Griffey to servo fourteen
months In tho penitentiary for burglary
nnd William Clardy to twelve months for
obtaining goods under falser pretenses.
Gardner Adjndajea Insane,
GENEVA, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)
James R. Gardner was brought from Ex
etcr yestorday to tho Insanity board and
wns Judged Insane and sent to tho asylum
nt Lincoln. lie Is 65 years old.
Women cd Not Carry Umbrella to
the Stores, Maya Weather
WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Warmer and generally fair
Saturday; Sunday fair, with colder In west
ern portion; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair Saturday, with warmer
In northern and western portions; Sunday
probably cloudy; north to east winds, shift
ing to south.
For South Dakota Snow or rain and
partly cloudy Saturday; warmer In east
ern portion; rain or snow at night or Sun
day; roldor Sunday; southerly winds, shitt
ing to westerly.
For Wyoming Partly cloudy Saturday;
Sunday fair and colder; westerly winds.
For Kansas Fair and warmer Saturday
Sunday fair; northerly winds, becoming va
For Missouri Partly cloudy Saturday
Sunday fair, with warmer In eastern and
southern portions; varlablo winds.
For North Dakota Rain or snow Satur
day, warmor In southern portion; Sunday
colder and probably fn.r; southerly winds
shifting to northerly.
For Colorado Fair Saturday; Sunday
fair, probably colder In northeast portion
variable winds.
For Montana Warmer and cloudy Satur
day, with rain, probably turning Into snow
Sunday generally fair; westerly winds.
For Arkansas Fair Saturday; colder lu
southern portion; Sunday fair and warmer
southerly winds, becoming varlablo.
For Illinois Rain In southern, snow or
rain In northern portion Saturday mornlug,
followed by clearing; Sunday fair and
warmer; northeasterly winds, brisk to fresh
on tho lake, shifting to east and south by
Sunday morning.
Local Itecord,
OMAHA, Nov. 22. Omaha record of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1901, I0. lHv!. 1W.
Maximum temperature . Si r,s 52 IS
Minimum temperature.. . .".0 23 4fi --1
Mean temperature .12 2!) to 7
Precipitation T 10 .27 ..'3
Record of temperature- and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature ?2
Excess for the da 0
Total uxiecs idiu-o .March 1 S3S
Normal precipitation tti Inch
Deficiency for the day nil Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 6. M Inches
Kxrers for cor. period, 1900 75 Inch
Deficient:' for cor. period, 1593.. I. M Inches
Itcportx from sttntlona at 7 p. ni,
OF WEATHSn. : 5 -
! - I :
: " S ;
3 :
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear
t'heyenne, partly cloudy..
Salt lke, i'lr,ir
Rapid City, rloar
Huron, rloar
Wllllstoti, partly cloudy..
Chlcngo. raining
St Ixuls, raining
St. Paul, idoudy
Davenport, ruining
Kansas City, cloudy
HeleiiH, cloudy ,.
Havre, cloudy
Bismarck, cloudy
O,ilvcton. clear
mi T
M .(0
tt! fill .0
52i r,v ,to
,711 .(H)
:i .0)
i;i .10
I ?-!
M 12
51 ,fO
45! ro
24 2i
71, it
Should Not be Allowed to Develop Into
Chronic Catarrh Peruna Cures a
Cold Promptly and Permanently.
Miss Anna Rosslter, 467 Norwood avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, writes:
"I htivc found strcneth and inspiration in l'erunu. In the curly
part of tho winter I caught a cold which seemed to settle ail over me, in
ducing unpleasant catarrhal conditions through my system and produc-
nc a ttcncral debilitated fuelinc of
rutin restored me to perfect health, and I am thoroughly convinced of the
superior merits of tills popular remedy." ANNA KOSSITEK.
A Sllirlit Cold Mnj- Heteiop into i "I suffered with systemic catarrh, had
temlc Cntnrrli.
MIsb J. Newiovo, 25 Rowley street,
Rochi-ster, N. Y., writes:
m. M aaam
The Union Pacific has recently reduced the
"THE OVERLAND LIMITED" between Omaha and
run several hours quicker than heretofore. This
yestibuled and leaves Omaha daily at 8:50 a. m,
Sleepers, Dining Cars and Buffet Cars.
The Union
won Pacific aiso j THE
other to mo. i m
has 2
to California
Not in Nature
for anyone to always feel tired There
is 110 need to dug out an existence
without ambition.
Weak nerves nre resimuslble forlati.
guor, depteaslon, debility and varico
cele, DUeavd nerves, whether due to over
work, nver-iiidiilgetice or any other
cause, can be made strong ns Meel by
the use of
They tor.t.ind Invigorate every organ
of thehody, soothe and etrengtnen the
nerve nmt tr.tmform broken down
men and women into atrong, healthy.
vigorou, ruddy cheeked pet sons If
yon find this Un'l mi, you get your
money tack,
$1 (V) jer box ; 1 botes (with guarau
trl, $ROn. Hook free.
For aale by Kubn & Co., Fuller Paint ft
Drug Co,, umnrm; Dillon's Drug more,
Houth Omcthu, auU Davis Vmg Co., Council
J3luS. I
body and mind, l-our bottles of l'e-
such a tired feeling, faint spells, pain In
. tho back of my head and over my eyes, got
so I could hardly see. I was getting very
Quicker Time
TO a a
. m. W M I
CALIFORNIA EXPRESS", Leaving Omaha Daily at 4:25 p. m
mm EXpRESs"( Leaving Omaha Oalli at 11:20 p. m
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St.
Telephone 316
Station. 10th and Marcy Sts;
Telephone ozb
Beauty's Blood Deep
How untrue the oltl atjage "Beauty's Skin Deep." How many
women of beautiful features marred by impure blood try in vain to get
a pure complexion by doctorinft the skin. The quickest, surefit, only
way to beauty is to cleanse the blood.
I hsvs brn tftklnff Csffsrsi. for
pimple and havo bten greatly b.n.nted."
-Miii.nertruds pfont. Qsmbridf, Mm.
"I am Terr well pl.a.ed with Cticareti. Thar
ars flno for the eompleilnn."
Miia Catherine C. Co (Tin an. S. Knftlah, la.
"Csirarrts wilt elear the completion of bntli,
p!mpla and hlaekheadi cauied by Impure
blood." A.K.Qrlffln.M. I). hlubbl. field, T.iei.
"Casrare t hare done s crest desl of cood for
toe and for all our family.
MUi Vlorenco Cook, Webiter City, Is.
How many, many young women nre Anaemic, pale, sickly-looking, perhaps
with pimples on face and neck, owinff to poor, unhealthy blood, i'erhaps
womanhood is approaching, that serious time of life when irregularities are
liable to break down a constitution. The first rule for purifying and enrich
ing the blood is to keep Hie bowels free and natural, gently but positively,
without nervous shock, and Cascarets Candy Cathartic is The only medicine
to do It.
i mH i
It PAYS to be in good company. It PAYS to hnvo
an olttcti antl surroiiiMlingH of which yon lipcri not. bo
hkIiiuiu'iI. Tho impression on your customers, clients
or patients may or may not infinite them 1o come
again. Is the best any too gootl for yon?
R. C. PETfiRS CO.. Rental Ag-enU.
nervoup so that my hands trmbli4 t'
wns chilly nearly ull the time, During th
months I doctored t lost niNirlr 40 pounds,
so I thought I would havo to try some
thing else. Peruua w recommended til
mo by a friend and I g.wo It a trial. No
I feel bettor than I have for years do not
think t could feel any bettor. 1 am so
thaukful I heard ot Peruna, for It has don
tno a great denl of good. When I starteil
to take Peruna t weighed about 110 poundf
- now I weigh lf6 pounds. I cjinnot praHf
Peruna highly enough. It hos been a,iret
friend to me." Miss J. Newlove.
Man?- People I'aj- 'o Attention to (
t.'nltl t'ntlt Catarrh Develop.
Miss Myrtlce. James, secretary Youn(
People's Christian Temperance Union
wrltea from 401 River street. Water Valley
North Dakota;
"I ktiow that Peruna saved my life and I
cannot speak too highly In Its praise.
Threo years ago I caught u heavy cold,
which settled In catarrh of tho head and,
bronchial tubes. 1 thought It only an ordi
nary cold at first and paid llttlo attention
to It until the catarrh developed. 1 coughed
badly and was unable to secure a good
nlght'n rest. Finally my fathor read of m
cure called Peruna and sent for a bottle.
I found that It relieved tno wonderfully ami
so kept taking It for nearly three mouths,
when I wna well once more. Peruna has a.
ercat number of friends In this neighbor
hood. It has a good reputation as a ca
tarrh remedy, which It well deserve. " '
Myrttco James,
Cntnrrli of llenil anil Throat and tho
ItcKiitt of n eulecleil fold.
Henrietta C. Olberg, ono of tho Judges lit
tho Mux nnd hemp exhibit nt the World's
fair In Chicago, superintendent of tho abova
exhibit at the International exhibit at
Omaha Juno to November. 189$; secretary
National Flax, Hemp and Ramie associa
tion and editor of this department lu Tha
Distaff, IVoston, writes from Albert I.ta,
"I contracted an aggravated rold, having
been exposed to the damp weather. Ca
tarrh of my throat nnd head followed, which,
perslntod In, remaining, notwithstanding X
applied tho usual remedies. Reading ef tha
merits of Peruna In tho papers. I decided,
to try It nnd soon found that all that has,
been said of your medicine In such cases la
"I am very pleased with the satisfactory
results obtained from using Peruna, am en
tirely well and consider It a most valuabla
family raedlclno." Henrletto C. Olbert;.
Toruna Is tho woman's friend everywhere.
It Is safe to say that, no woman ever uied
Peruna for any catarrhal derangement but
what It became Indispensable In her house
hold. Letter from Women.
Rvery day we receive letters from
women like the above. Women who havo
tried doctors and fulled; women who havo
tried Peruna nnd wcro cured.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at. onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
statemont of your case, and ho will ho
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Addrefs, Dr. Hartman, president of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O,
1 M V.-?
already fast time of
California making the
famous train is solid
with through Palace
"I mail dd isr (MtlsiADjsl fnV TslnsMs
n.dlclD. Ctsrsrot. for itnmseh trouble,
Inns Aolf.nnsn (famous xtncrrj,
"I was .uffsrlnc with sick hestshi s int
deal, but sftor tiki pit s )ox nf Cstctr.ts. am
ntlrelr enr.ff." Mln Olsrs fltlmmM. S1t So,
BsDdmkjr fiireat, Dslswsr. Ohio.
"Ossnsrst. dlil ma a world of coot. Mr liver
ws. In b.rt condition for torn. ttm. anil on.
do i cures, m
Sill. .Kshel Alltn Cl.r-. Mlohltm.
Best for the Bowels. All drucgisti, ioc, 35c, 30c. Never sold in
bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cur
or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, Ml