Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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far,0(M wijt n.oTiusn.
Ttflittns H O'i'lorli linrp Jinltirflnr
' .Mornltm In tin1 Ihnrmrnt
Messrs. J, li. Drnndels & 8ons,
"Proprietors of tloston Storo, Omnhs,
Irish to state to tho public over their own
personal signature ii-,at this sale In some
thing entirely out of their regular way of
tolling clothing, that they never sell any
damaged clothing, hut thnt In this enso the
fttock wan offered to them bo cheap they
know they could give tho public tho greatest
bargains In clothing It was possible to bo
It must bo sold at once,
What l not Bold by tho end of this salo
will bo disposed of In lump to outsldo par
Baturdaf tho Halo begins.
V, 44, men's wool pants, $1.G0.
$2 and $1.60 men's wool pants, 75o.
Any man's Bult, J..
Any man's overcoat, $2.50 to j. ,
Any man's ulster for .1.D8.
tt and $4 boys' overcoats for St.
Any boy's ulster for $1.38.
Finest boys' overcoats, $2.98,
Any boy's long pants suit, $2.50,
Any boy'B knee pants suit, f.Oc to $1.25.
Otho' clothing sale on main floor.
On tho samo day Saturday, November
J wo placo on salo tho cholco of the entlro
ttock of
725-727 Hrondwny, Now York.
They retired from business, and tho cholc
st lots of their e.n tiro stock (conceded to
be one of tho finest In nil New York City)
vera bought nnd will ho sold nt very much
less than they worn mado to soli for,
nosTo.v sronn. omaha,
J. L. Drnndnls & Hons, I'roprlotors.
Belling Itogors, I'rot & Co.'s nmn's clothing.
Ajtnonncpmrnla tit tin) Tlirntrm.
Following lllancho Walsh Herrmann the
Great will bo seen nt Iloyd's for two per
formances Sunday afternoon nnd night. lie
will present nn entirely new nnd novel
program of novelties. McWntrrs nnd Ty
on. assisted by their company, will assist
In tho performance. Following Herrmann
Herbert Kelcey nnd Kino Shannon will tin
seen In their now piny, "Hor Iord nnd
plaster." Tho now pleco is said to bo a bet
tor vnhlclo than was oven "Tho Moth and
the Klamc."
Ileglnntng with Sundny matlnco Jake
Itosonthal will again assumo tho rnnnago
jnent of tho Trocadcro, tho first Attraction
being tho "Dainty l'nrco nurlcsquors," who
re admittedly tho premier burlesque or
ganization of tho Fenson.
Tho engagement runs tho entlro week,
Including Saturday evening with dally mat
inees. At tho TlianksglvliiR matlnco several
Hew nnd novel features will bo added.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 2Cc. In
connection with Tbo Bathcry, 21G-220 lies
building. Tol. 1716.
Illg wedding ring sign. Kdholm, Jewclor.
Karlr In Jiinnnry Important o Fl nr.
Iil Tourlnta.
Tho Chicago nnd Florida special sleeping
car servlco ovor tho Tonnsylvanla Lines
from Chicago via, Cincinnati, Atlanta nnd
Macon to Florida resorts will be resumed
nbout January 6, 1P02. Tho through servlco
will run each week day. leaving Chicago
Union station nt noon, arriving Jackson
ville, nnd St. Auguatlno next evening for
nuppor. Consult H. It. Poring, A. G. P.
lAgt.. 248 South Clark St., Chicago., for
further Information.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 2Bc. In
connection with Tho Bathery, 21C-220 Deo
building. Tel. 17 1C.
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
.Bee. Telephone 233.
Baby, spoons. Kdholm, Jowoler.
1DIHKROX Mrs. Anna Mnrgaret. wife of
W. D. Plrksoii, nt her Into residence, 2732
Parker street, aged It years.
Funeral Saturday ut 1 o'clock. Inter
ment. Forest Ijvwji.
Yes, We Are in It
Wo'ro In "cnlfonts" with tho IGth street
trust. IJon't It look Ilk.. It? Kvoryuodv
knows wo llko them. That's why wo sell
41. (Ml Temptiitlon Tonic, ui'iiulin... . ;Hr
S5o "Woodbury Soap
JGo Itromo-Seltzer "On
Mo nroroo-Snltr.or 40
$1.00 Hromo-Seltzer ' 7,-p
fcOc Cramer's Kidney Cure jnj;
(This is frnsli stock nnd genuine.)
IxittiH Cream, for chaps jnc
Mo Poironl I'owdcr 2SC
too La Hlnnclio Powdor xic
SSc Laxative Ilromo-Qulnl'io i2
25e Qulnacotol (for colds)
$1.00 Warner's Safe Curo oq
$2.00 Crumor's Tansy, Cotton-Hoot nnd
Pennyroyal Pills ji
$1.00 Hot Water Itottlo 4Se
$1.00 Fountain Syringe j8q
$2.00 Combination Water Bottle nnd
Fountain Syringe ji m
A splendid Atomizer rna
W. T. A Co.'s Viinrllno Atomizer. No. .10 7r.o
Tho abovo rubber goods guaranteed one
SCHAEFER'S ' Drugstore
747. . W. Cor. lflth an UliloaMS
Ooodi delivered FItEE to anv part ot city.
Have You Thought
That It Is only flvo weeks till Christmas? Have you se
lected your gifts? Wo never havo had such 11 heautl
tnsty 'line ins we ar showing this year-Watches, Dla
tnonds, Jewelry, Cut Olass, Silver nnd hundreds of Nov,
oltlrs. bpend a fnw minutes nt our storo. Look for tho
'Hi mo,
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
lfilfi DntiKlns St.
"W JT" EELEY nc 01 thc ,,r"t nlpe of the Kealey system ot Instl.
I'V fPITDB tntrs, the only Krsley Iiistltnl lit ebrki. Carat
Drunkenness. Ctirea Ilruir Usern. Totiacco Users.
ICIJKI.HY INSTITU'l'K. Ill nnd Leavenworth. Omaha.
KTx. Mrs.
We hnv ft Inrge nnrt handsomo lino of Art Nelle Work Goods to
bo MADE Ur for OhrlstniaH prewnts.
Art Liueus In colors, cut, starapwl nnd painted to be outlined or em
broidered In latost desluna for Scrap baskets, cnrttnic Iron holders,
shaving paper holders, snap-shot hooks, picture- t rimes, scratch my
backs, collar anil cuff boxes, handkerchief boxes, tie coses, photo
holders, wlilalc brem holders, telephone numbers, pin books, traTellnt;
companions, table covers, laundry bags, shoa.bas, work bags, pllloif
tops, etri ,
Plniix nf WorU mill (Mlirr milliter In
Coiiiiei'lloii ivltli I'rrp Mnll
A conference of the agents of Iho rural
frro delivery routes of this division was
hold at tho l'axton hotel yesterday. The In
spectors nre discussing (he methods of work
employed In tho division with tho Intention
of arriving nt n uniform system, whllo other
mntters In regard fo tho work will come up
for discussion.
W. K. Artnln, agent In charge, presides
over tho conference. Agents present arc:
John T. lloyland of lown, Captain 11. A.
Clark of Cheyenne, C. F. Mason of Ues
Moines nnd 0. R. Llewellyn of Omaha.
(,'lilrnKn mid Itotiirn (lt t.7.".
On December 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 tho Illinois
Central railroad will sell tickets to Chi
cago and return at rate of $14.75, limited
until December 8. For particulars call at
city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, or
address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. U. It.,
Omaha, Neb.
fS.OO for Unit n Dnr'n Work.
If you llvo In tho country or In a email
town and have a good acquaintance among
tho farmers nnd stockralscrs In 'he neigh
borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four
or Ave hours' work. Write us and wo will
send you our proposition. Tho Bee Publish
tng company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb,
Sign big weddfng ring. Kdholm, jeweler.
Kvery Instrument In ''
the hoiinr until nt cut
rntr prions.
New Pianos 30 Per Gent Off
Used Pianos IS Per Cent Off
and sill other high grade makes to select
from. A small deposit will reserve your
piano for Chrlstmus delivery.
I Ebony Upright, only $78
I Rosewood Square, only $38
Organs $5 and up
I Special New Upright, Only-. $145
We will sell now' Instruments on $5.00
monthly payments.
Used Uprights nnd Square Pianos on
$3.00 payments. '
Organs, $2.00 cash and GOc per weolc
& Mueller Sir.,
1313 Farnam St., 337 Broadway,
What useful artlelo (not a chameleon)
hns four (4) distinct oolors viz: Light
yellow, dark yellow, green nnd brown'.'
ANSWKK (That's ensy)-Colgato . Co's
"Kngllsh Process" Soap which comes In
This sonp Is by far tho greatest value
ever offered being sold for 80 for single
rnko and KOc for box of t dozen half-pound
enkes. No fancy wrappers, Just honest
25c Kirk's Juvenile Bonp
iiii; 4711 Soap, Whlto Uoso ..,
Jnp Hose Hoap
60c Socleto llyglentfue Soap
Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go.
Cor. itltli nml Dodur, Omahu.
J. Benson.
for Christmas
llotnrrrlrr' Kxriirftlnn.
On Tuesdays, November 13, December 3
and 17, tho Mljsourl Pacific will sell
tickets to certain points In tho south,
southeast nnd southwest nt rate of one
faro for round trip, plus $2, Flnnt return
limit twenty-one days from dnto of sale.
For furthor Information or land pamphlets
call on or nddrers company's oOlces, south
east corner Fourteenth and Douglas
streets, Omaha, Neb.
Send articles ot Incorporation, notices ot
stocl.holdors' msctlngs, etc., to The Boo.
We will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
Gee our windows. Kdholm, Jeweler.
A whole lot of people, If they see tho
word "sale," that settles It with them.
They put nil sales down for n humhug. Wo
can hardly blamo them. Probably somo of
you attended BO-ealled "flro- sales,"" where
tho hoso was turned on Roods to wot them
nnd then they were marked up In placo of
down. Probably somo of you wcro enticed
to nttond sales whero they claimed to havo
cloned out the entlro stock of somo 11 rm
under somo bogus natno that never existed.
I'robnbly you attended somo rnllroad wrock
salo or Btenmboat collision that, fortunntcly
nover took place. It's granted you havo
been fooled even oftener than stated above,
but what's that got to do with the Guar
antee's Sailing Out Bale? Hero Is a enso
whero n houso Is compollod to leave tho
premises without any place to go. A largo
stock of reliable merchandise has to bo
turned Into monny. All goods marked In
plain figures. Qunllty and prlco guaran
teed by a rellablo firm. Why, then, stand
In your own light and waste money by buy
ing elsewhere when tho "Guarantee" glvca
you tho better value for your money? Ear
muffs, Cc; men's shirt waists, 25c; all wool
sot, 10c; chlnrhllla coats and vests, flannel
lined, J3.73; llocce lined underwear, 25c;
blanket lined durk pants, fi3c; waiters'
Jackota, 23o; cotton flannel gloves, Cc; red
lined overshoes with buckles, 75c; bluo,
whlto or red handkerchiefs, Ho; pick ot n
lot of odds and ends In boys' shoes, 75c;
umbrellas, 25c: men's overcoats, $2.35, $3.75,
$5.00, $7.50; winter caps, 19c; men's pants,
69c, !Sc. $1.50, $1.90; tho $1.90 ones aro out
of sight. Thousands of other articles too
numerous to mention nt prlcos way below
valuo at tho Guarantee Selling Out Sale,
1516-18 Capitol nvenuo.
I'. 8. Today and tomorrow wo placo on
salo men's nil strictly wool clay worsted
suits nt $5.75.
In Fuel
Kveryoiio Is nnxloUR to nceoin-,
pllnli this.
The Principal
to this end nro
Good Coal, Reason
able Prices
Then blight. live conl fresh from
the mines,
Not Stored in Bins
and Yards
until the strciiKth Is gone; nnd
well screened conl
Free From Slate and
Wo" rnn please you In nil of these
nnd kIvo you prompt and elllclent
1522 Farnam St.
TolophonoB 301,317 and 823.
A $15 Camera for $9
An up-to-date folding camera, 4x5,
with doublo rapid rectllenear lonse,
automatic release, solid leather bel
lows urn! beautiful leather carrying
This Is tho best enmera ever offered
for tho money nnd is worth Investi
gating If you nre looking for a good
Call nnd sen our new lino of
1215 FHrtmm Straet.
Kxrluslvo dealers In Photogrnphla
Thanksgiving Coal
for cooking tho turkey and for baking Is
something you must have in advance, If
you want a clean, freo burning coal, that
will glvo you Just tho kind of flro you need,
plnce an order now for our JUPITEH NUT
COAL. It rostB $5.50 a ton nnd Is just right
for the rango.
Hald & Rice,
Tel. 1238.
606 So. 10th St.
$3 and $5 High Grade Dress Goods From iHon-tatiye-Wclls
Co's Stock at $1.00 Yard.
Such High Grade and Exclusive Fabrics llnve Never He fore Hcoit
Offered so Cheap. Every Woman That Wants Genuine
Dress Goods and Silk Kargnins Should Come Today
niOH Gtt.lDK nilKXN (inODH
Many of tho highest grado dres
goods remnants ovor shown In Omaha,
In imported English nnd German fab
rics, plain cloths, broadcloths,
cbillnes, camel's hair, crystal ben
Ka linos, silk and wool novelties, many
excluslvo waist patterns , or skirt
lengths, every yard worth' from $3.00
to Jo. (, your cholco on bargain squaro
nt $1.00 yard,
su niiBss noons, non.
Remnants of IiIrIi grndo dress rooiIj,
not enough for entlro robe, no mattir
what tho original cost was, In plain
fabrics, silk and wool novelty fabrics,
go on bargain squnro nt SOo yard.
Bilks nnd velvoLs from tho Montanyo
Wells stock In lejigths from 2 yards
up In plain materials, taffetas, checks,
tripes, also brocaded silks, patuid
velvets nnd other velvets, nil colors cf
tho rainbow, go at 49c, fiao and 9So
Hemnnnts of dress trimmings, chif
fons, laces, nil short lengths, very
elegant and elaborate materials, at 5c,
10c nnd 2"o for cnUro remnant.
7B rilKNCH I'l.AN'XKI.S, 2Be Xtl.
Another lot of French flannels in
waist lengths, children's dress longths,
klmonn lengths, all colors, also
strictly nil wool nun's veiling nnd al
batross In plain colors, fancy dots and
ntrlpos, all 76c materials, on bargain
cquaro nt 25c yard.
Ehort lengths of high grade Imported
dress goods, many nearly a yard long,
doublo width, many pieces to match,
goods principally In plain reds, blues,
tans, etc., go on front bnrgaln squaro
In two lots at lite and 35c per rem
nant. uivncir
1 x
Friday has become a great day for rr
rubbish, but genuine, remnants of somo of
you enn find remnants of lino dress goods a
15c yard, 6c: 25c percales at oc: 60c silks a
sure and read our ad and comparo prices.
jo Deilirs, Peikllsrs or Manufacturers .Sold in TWs Roorn
From 8:30 untlt,H:30 a. m. wo will sell
heavy, fine, yardwlde LL Muslin, regular
6c valuo. only 10 -yards to a customer, nt
2Jic. (No mall orders filled.)
From 1 o'clock until 3 p. m. wo win son
Slater's finest 6c Skirt Lining, In grey,
brown nnd black, only 10 ynrds to a custo
mer, at 2c. (No mall orders.)
Rxtra flno bleached Table Damask, worth
39c lfc, Kxtra fine Turkey Red Tabic
Damasks, 25c, worth 39c.
10u Towels' 5c. 15c Towels 74c 25c
Towols 10c.
Remnnnts of 36-lneh Percales, worth 25c,
Remnants of Full Standard Prints, worth
7Uc 2Wc
Remnants of Simpson's 15c Black Sathi 5c
Remnants of 27-Inch Imitation French
Flannels, worth 16c a yard, Cc.
Remnants of tho finest imported printed
Flannelettes, yard wide, n perfect imltntloa
of French Flannot, 10c.
Remnants ot fine heavy Outing Flannel,
In dark nnd light colors, worth 124c 5c.
Remnants of yard-wldo Outing, nleo llgHt
stripes, sold overywhoro nt 15c "',4c
Remnants of 15c nnd 19c Skirt nnd Waist
Linings will go At 6c.
Remnantn of fancy 19c Mercerized Sat
eensworth up to 39c 7V4c.
Remnantn of 50o Silks 16c. Remnants
Specials in Furnishing Goods.
Ladles' and children's mittens, on salo at
Men's $1.00 extra heavy Jersey ovcr
shlrts. 49c.
Hoys' 75c sweaters, at 39c.
Men's and boys' heavy Jersey ovcrshlrta,
at 39c.
Men's wool nnd fleece lined shirts and
drawers, In all sires, at 49c.
Ladles' heavy flceco llnod union suits,
at 39c.
Ladles' ROc and 76c vests and pants, all
sUos, some part wool nnd fleoco lined, all
on snlo at 26c
All Remnants and
China Silks and Satins, worth 50c, for 25c.
Colored Surah Silks, worth fioc, ror i-uc.
Rlack and Colored Taffctn Silks, worth
75c, for 39c.
Fnncv Silk, all kinds best silks, very
handsome stylos, worth up to $2.00. on salo
English Walnut Sale
Fancy New English Walnuts, 3 lbs. for 2."o
Cholco Sweet Oranges, per dor 12Vc
HAvnnvs cut mien ham sai.k.
No. 1 California hams, 7c. '
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, lOc.
Cooked Minced Hams, 10c,
10-lb. Palls Pure Leaf Iird, 9Sc.
We Get the Cream of the Jewelry
business In this town. Wo get the custom of people who know what tho "best" Is
and won't tnkn anything clso. It's a prett y good rule to follow the leadership of
critical discriminating people, and If you w til koep an eyo open you will see that this
Is the placo where they come for thofr Jew elry.
Jewelers nad Art Stationers, IRth and Douglas Streets.
Mull orders given carsful attention. Selection packages nent to responslbla cartleK
A new lot Just received of sampls
remnnnts, thousands and thousands to
select from, satins, silk serges, taf
fetas, brocaded silks, volvots, etc., In '
lengths of , 4 nnd "4 yard, many
pieces to match, cspeclnlly desirable
on ncconnt ot tbo npproach of Christ
mas, for fancy work, millinery trim
mings, nookweor, dress trimmings,
etc., go nt 25c, 15c, 10c nnd 5c each.
Drapory cretonne, denim and tick
ing, in all desirable patterns at 10c
45-Inch and 60-Inch barred and
dotted drapery swing, 32',4c yard.
Plain black nnd fancy colored sateen,
CHc yard.
Heavy fleeced wrapper flannelette,
tho 16c quality, go at 6?ic yard.
Good heavy quality unbleached can
ton flannel 5c per yard.
Itomnants of Olndreal! nnd Colorod
Flannelettes 2c per remnant.
Long lengths ot fancy light colored
outing flannel, 5c yard.
Waist and wrapper lengths In
French printed flannelettes, now de
signs, mnny pleoes with Persian bor
ders, 11c yard.
Waist nnd wrapper lengths of flan
nelettes, width, at R'.ic yard.
All wool fnced eiderdown, worth 35c,
at 15c yard.
nest grade fancy covert and dress
prints 3c yard.
15c ginghams in newest styles at
614c yard.
Friday we will place on sale all of
tho long remnants of table damask,
lengths from 14 to 4 yards, nt less
than halt regular prlco. This Is an
excellent opportunity to replenish
your linens for Thanksgiving.
Friday R,mM'rt Da
ito Bargain Room.
mnants at Hnydcn's Not a lot of trash or
tho best goods that nro produced. Hern
t a fraction of .their value. Lining, worth
t 15c, and thousands ot other bargains. Be
Kverythlig as advertised.
ot 75C Silks 25c. Romnants of $1 Silks 39c,
75c DlnnketH 48c. $1.00 Illnnkets 75c,
$1.60 Hlankcts.9Sc. $2.50 Illnnkets $1.60,
$3.00 Illnnkets $1.98.
Dress Goods
Are you Interested In Children's School
Dresses? If so, rend this: On a largo
counter wo wjll place ovor 6,000 yards of
remnnnts nf dress goods thnt sold from
26o a yard to $1.50 n yard, In lengths from
2fc yards to 5 yards, nnd ns long ns thoy
last wo will let. thc whole thing go at 15c
per yard.
CORDUROYS A handsome new line of
Corduroys and Velvets.
HXTII A SPKOIAI.S Fur One llnnr Only
VELVETEEN In nil shades, at 10c vard.
PIECES OF 75C CORDUROY at 25c yard
FROM 1:30 to 2:30 WE WILL SELL YOU
any of tho high grade patterns ot Dress
Hoods on the center table. $2.50 Cropons,
$1.19, $1.26, $1.60 Plaids, Homespuns, Nov
elties, etc., nothing worth less than 7fic
yard. Your cholco for this hour only 26o
per yard.
Trill lir n I'hnnoc of n lifetime.
Men's extra heavy fleece lined shirts and
drawers, on salo at S9c.
Men's 76c gloves nnd mittens at 39c
Men's 39e gloves at 19c.
Men's $1.25 wool swenters, In all sizes,
at buc.
Men's Heavy Fleeco Lined Shirts
Drawers, made to sell at 60c, at 25c.
Men's 50c Susponders at 16c.
I lot or Children's Vests nnd Pants,
worth 25o and 35c, on sal nt 13V6c
Men's nil loather Oloves and Mittens,
regular uuc quality, ni ..'DC.
Odds and Ends on Sale,
Iftr Ttrlr1fiv rmlv Hi J On
nemnnnt Velvet Snlc fore One Day,
All remnantn of Dlack and Colored Vol
vets, some sold for $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 and
$2.00, In pieces from 14 to 4 yards, at
I only 49c.
Star plug chewing tobacco SBc
Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco 36c'
Navy plug chewing tobacco 35c
Dattlo Axe..,. 35c. .Newsboy tobacco. 33o
null Durham smoking tobacco 50c
Duke's Mixture 35c
Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c
Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 35a
Old Style smoking tobacco 25o
Mall Pouch, per package 9c
Women's and Children's Hosiery
Good Quality Womeis Hose
Silk flceco lined, fust black, Kpliccil i
heel and too, clastic top IO'w
Women's All Wool Hose
Guaranteed fast, colors, merino heel and toe, Cp
good weight, excellent; quality, 8 to 10 KJ
Women's Onyx Dye Hose
Fine quality, maco cotton, double heel and
toe, ribbed or plain, elastic tops miKJ
Boys' Hosiery
Good Quality Boys' Hose
Fast black, maco cotton, with spliced heel nnd A r
toe, double knee, sizes ni to 0 , .ICC
Boys' Fine Quality Hose
full fashioned foot, llerinsdorf dye, 5i to iU IQp
, Ligfit or heavy weight, double heel and toe, .
EXTRA GOOD VALUES in men's ilecce lined A fiS
shirts and drawers, regular 7Hc quality, each. . .
Men's Light Weight Underwear
Three-fourth wool, natural gray, exceptional n
good value, sizes ii to 10, each V
Excellent Quality Men's Underwear
French merino, in a choice line of colors,
nicely finished, the regular 1.50 kind, each ,piVJvr
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
We are showing for Friday a full lino of Indies' hand
kerchiefs, at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 45c. in hemstitched,
lace edged, etc. We want you to visit; this new dopnrt
luent and learn of Hie pretty things that await you, for
one-half the usual prices asked around town.
Boys' Leggings
In leather stockinet, meltons, canvas, fc 1 ff
corduroy, etc, at 45c, 75c and kpi 9JJ
Ladies' extra heavy lleece lined underwear, vest
and pants, at Iil)c each.
Ladies' natural wool vests and pants at 50c.
Ladies' double lleece lined combination suits at 40c.
Children's Jersey ribbed combination suitB, all
sizes, at GOc.
Ladies' Jersey ribbed wool combination suits, at
Ladies' line Jersey ribbed wool vests and pants at
$1.00 each.
Ladies' silk combination suits, in black, white and
tlesh colors, worth 5.00, at ..'.08.
Children's outing llannel gowns, all sizes, at 50c.
Ladies' outing llannel gowns at Toe.
Infant's wool leggings, in black and white,'at 50c.
Hoc and 50c stockings at 12c.
- 500 dozen Indies', men's and children's stockings, in wool
lleece lined and lisle thread, in plain and fancy colors, every
pair warranted perfect, and made to sell up to 50c, all on sale
at 12U In main aisle.
All" the now styles of corsets on sale. The La Grocque, Kabo
W. B., Dr. Warner's, Thompson glove fitting nnd Ii. & G. The
most complete corset; department in Omaha.
Men's 1.50 nnd 2 underwear ati OSc.
1 lot of men's wool shirts and drawers in natural gray and red
and fancy colors, worth up to 2 per garment, all on sale at-98e.
Men's 1.00 wool fleece lined shirts and drawers, in plain and
fancy colors, all sizes, from .10 to 40, all on sale nt 4 0o.
Men's wool sweaters at 75c, nnd 08c.
Men's 4.00 nnd 5.00 underwear on snip nt 2.50, 1.25 nnd
up to :i.50.
Men's 1.00 colored luundered whirls, in all the now styles. 49c.
Men's 1.50 colored laundered shirts, Griffon brand, in nil lite
new styles, nt 75c.
Men's flnnncl shirts, in blue or colors, nt OSc, 1.25, 1.50.
Worth double.
Friday in the High Grade
In nny little storo you rnn find whnt Is
known ns a "nice little nssortmont" nnd If
very mnny buy thrr you will sco thnt n
grrat mnny women nro dressed Just nllke,
nnd each knows" whnt tho other pnld for
her dress, otc. nut. In ti metropolitan
stock such ns wo enrry, you rnn find nn
assortment In our sri.OOO styles thnt wo
rould dress nearly ovory woman In Omahn,
Council niufs and South Onialm, nnd still
no two to havo tho samo pattern. Tho
other great ndvantacp Is that as wo nro
tho Inrxest opcrntors of dross goods In tho
Pure Olive Oil
That's tho kind wo keep. Mind you, not
half cotton soed oil, but puro, Imported
Olive Oil. Imported In casks and bottled
In Omaha under our own name.
Half pint bottle SOo
Pint bottlo 60o
quart bottlo r 11.00
Oallon bottle t $3.25
The abovo prices aro for full monsuro
ptnts, quarts and gallons. Compare tho
site ot our bottles with others nnd you will
be convlnred that our prices nro right. Wo
will bn glad to glvo Interested parties
16TU AND K All N Ail STS,
. B
Great Sale on
Furnishing Goods
Dress Goods Department.
wesi, wo purcnasinK mir goods direct from
Iho loading manufacturers of tho world,
by tho enso, wo havo tho great ndvantogn
of tho little dealer wnn only handles onn'
ploco ot h kind. Consequently he bos to
buy from Iho Jobber and Instosd of psytng
him tho Jobber's profit, nnd his retnll profit,
you buy from us dlrccty with only one profit
between you nnd tho manufacturer;
Wo nru hondriunrtors for all-kinds
WHlstlngs, from 25c a yard to Il.flS.
Wnlst patterns from J2.S0 to $25 each.
Dross goods from fiOn to $10 a j-ard.
Only Ten Minutes
That's all tho tlmn It takes to stop a liead
noo when you tako Hhrador's Ten-Mlnutn
Hoadacho l'owders. tyo glvo a few reasons
why Shrader's nro not llko others. First,
they contain no morphine; second, they aro
not depressing to the heart notion; third,
thoy aro not Injurious to tho kidneys.
Shrader's stlmulato tho heart, dilate tho
veins and nrtorlcs, give) rest to tho nerves,
liberates the gas that causes sick head
aches. Alwnys remember fihrader's aro
guaranteed or your money Is refunded.
Sold nt all drug stores. Manufactured
only by tho
W. J. Shrader Medicini Co.,
New York noom 10, No. 30 East 1V 3t
jtt im N, tltli fit.. Omaiu, JUh.