THE OMAHA DAILY TIEK: THUHfcPA Y, 3s OVEM1VER 21, 1001. r SUG ARTRUST STANDS BEATEN Virtually Adaiti Dtfitt li Iti right ti Eut Ctiftr Oonpuy. FORTY-CENT ADVANCE ON REFINED SUGAR .f Attempt in Deliver Orilem Killed nt the l.nvr nt- anil r OrHera T it ken Only nt Option J if of me. t ' The ur dltuatlnn on the Mlnsourl river decidedly lntereHtlnK Mnce the American JtellnlUK company hati Announced that It will (innd no mote DURar Into this territory at l;ue price of 14. W por hundretlwolKht. This liewa was received Tuesday evening Just bo I lore 6 o'clock. In An Instant thn wires kto busy with (ho wholemle dealers tele liraphlnx and telephoning to their repre sentative to take no mora sugar ordora for lless than $4. AS, thn now price, and to take aone of theft without providing for their Upprovn! by trio house and thn right to can ;cl all or any part of tho ordor at discre tion. Yesterday word was received from the broker representing the American HeflnlnR company at this placo saying that probably sic or isht cam of sucar would be deliv ered here at J thn former reduced price to make It possible for local Jobbers to rIvo an allotment to each of theli customers at the low price of last weok. There aro or ders for probably 2,000,000 sacks of sugar In Omaha at this time. Somo of the retailers have not received one pound on theso or ders. Tuesday as soon as the new price waa received clerks began to make a list of the orders on hand, taking the names of the retailers, but making no record of the amount ordered, as It was decided that It would be Impossible to mako an allotment on the basis of quantity, hut that each dealer, ho his order large 'or small, would receive an equal amount. It Is hoped thnt the Jobbers "enn assign two aacks of 100 pounds each to each customer, but thero can bo nothing definite about this, as It Is Dot known how much sugar Is enrouto to Omaha, andonly that sugar now on tho cars blltert'to this point can be sold at tho former price. The brokers announce thnt It will probably be the first of next week before sugar can' he Aetlvercd at J4.RS, and this estimate is used In taking orders at thn new price. While tho 'low price of American Iteflnlng company stock prevails fhore Is little doing In tho sugar of othor refiners, hut whero tho demand Is Imperative! National company sugar Is being sold at $4.90, the prlco which prevailed beforo tho reduction. Tho Amer ican Beet company Is making no attempt at deliveries, all of tt product being stored Omaha warehouses receiving n considerable portion. Among local Jobbers the" increaso In the price of fluga? Is looked upon as n confes sion on tho part of tho American Refining company that It has been defeated in Its object and that it has despaired of Involv ing the beet, sugar people in thn struggle. FIRE ON FARNAM STREET lloleblor Brother .Suffer n Loss of . Thousand Dntlnrn, Knltr ' ' Innurril. Tire at 11 o'clock last night In tho thrcc tory brick building it 111,1 Karnam street, owned by W. Parnam Smith and occupied by Malcholr .pros., dealers In barbers' sup plies resulted In $1,000 damage to contents by- Are anT totter-and of Johslbly $400 to the .building, both covered by Insurance. An alarm was turned In nnd tho blazo was quickly put out. Tho Are was discovered by J. Vf. Worlds, ncter, who wa? passing. When' first socn tho ftro had burned a holo through tho sec ond floor nnd tho sparks nnd coals had communicated to' shelf goods on tho first floor. l-'rora the second floor tho ftro ran tin thin partition, Inirnod through tho .third. floor nnd slightly scorched tho tim bers 'In tho roof. Adjoining .Melcholr llros. on the wost Is the. storo of tho Dewey & Stone Furniture company,' whoso store war filled with smoke. , For, a tlmn It looked aa though that place Waa on lire. Their damage was not heB,vv On tho second floor, whero the flra originated, tho firemen found a barrel of ashes ,and, .ou tho floor another pile of ashes. It Is thought the flro originated from 'the, ashes. Hugo Melcholr said: "I do not know how the flro Btarted. Wo carry a stock worth from. $12,000 to .$15,000, with $3,000 Insur unco. Our Ion In fully covered." Kir? In City .lull. Earfy last night flra was discovered In ,'tho kitchen of the city Jail, smoke coming In volumes from the basement. Tho prls oners yelled "lire," and for a fow minutes a big time was In prospect. An ofllcer threw a bucket of water on the flames and extinguished them. Tho flro originated from a table upon which was n gasoline stove. The tablo .was. slightly damaged Prickly Ash fitters can he depended on to cure 'the kidneys, corrects the urine, strengthens tho stomach and rolleves back ache. BOLD FEAT 0F A FIREMAN LlentcnHiil (.rernnian Mnkre n Durlnif Climb lo Save Control of a Truck. While tho Oraut Kellof Corp' banar was In full blast about' 0:30 last night at 1513 D'odgo street, u Chinese lantern In front of window caught flro and caused consider ablo excitement, though the blaze was ex tlngulfhed beforo any further damago was done. In making the run to tho flra "Nick' llartnett, tlllorman on truck No. 1, fell from his seat as tho truck turned tho corner at Sixteenth and Karnam streota He was picked up In n dazed condition and taken to a nearby drutr store. No boacs wero broken and Hartnott was soon hlra elf. As soon as llartnett fell Lieutenant Greenman,, who -vas on tho running board, olmbsd to the high seat and guided tho truck 'down Sixteenth Btreet. Lieutenant Creenman was highly complimented by his fellow officers and firemen for his presence t mind and bis daring climb. ONE MINUTE Cough care Our Qulokly tt baa long been a household favorite (or Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Asthma, Whooping Cough and all other Throat and Lung Troubles. It Is prescribed as aspociflc for Grippe. Mothers endorse it as an infallible remedy (or Croup. Children like It. ftMWll..VWHt tMMf. SERGEANT AL BEBOUT ALIVE ftlrlckrii itIIIi I'nrnlr! Hie (Inllnnt Poller llltlepr Is MmUIii'k a I'IkIiI for 1,1 tc. The condition of A. A. Hohoul, tergrant of police, Is said to be a trifle better, though tho doctors report him still n very sick man. Since 11 o'clock Tuesday night he has had two strokes of paralysis. He was sleeping quietly nt midnight of Wednes day, the symptoms of the night before be ing much lets severe, and the physicians hope to defer tho fatal third stroke for an Indefinite period. The power of speech re turned to him during the day and his last words before falling asleep woro that he hoped to be ablo to go to-work this morn ing. Ills mood was cheerful and ho seemed not to reallie the seriousness of his condi tion. Sergeant Debout Is ono of the best known members of the police force and Is one of the oldest In point of service, having been appointed to tho office Cf Jailer in 1858, when Weber S. Seavey was chief. Fly his uniform courtesy and gentlemanly hearing, as well as by his efficiency as an officer, ho has won many friends In that time. Ho was born In 1864 In n smnll country town of Ohio, whero he lived and went to school during his early boyhood. When 28 years old he came to Nebraska with his father and mother and settled In Nebraska City, and there his father, William Helmut, who was qulto wrnlthy at ono time, In vested In a lino of packets plying between Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. "Al." as ho was known, worked for his father on one of these boats, shipping somotlmvs ns pilot And sometimes as clerk. He continued at this until the boom struck Omaha In the early '80s, and then located hero, securing employment as a bookkeeper for an Insur ance rnmpany. January 18, 1R88, ho was appointed to n place on the city pollen force, with thn rank of sergeant, which ofllco he has hold to the prosent time. He first Herved as city Jailor, a position corresponding with that of tho prosent desk sergeant. Lnter he was as signed to what Is known as outside duty, and ns recently ns two months ago was given the position as court ofllcer. Seven years ngo ho married Mrs. Harriet B. Hough, his present wife, who for some time has been In feeblo health. They have no children. Amusements "Swept Clover." A coinody-druma In four nets by l'millno I'hellis nnd Million Short. Produced nt Itiiyd's thenter Wednesday mntlni'e nnd night for tho llrst tlmn In Oinnliii by Ade laide Thurston nnd her company. T1IH CAST. Jerome Holcombo Oils 15. Thayer Kldrldgn Orosvenor Walter Porrlvnl luert Hludo.. l rimclK X. Hour Job MfiHHim ....Fred II. Ileum luck Hum litem Kilmiinri Font 'Mrs. limmett'H butler.. ..JnineH II. Johnnou All call Kleimor Hhclilnn Hmml" Andre.wn Minnie Maud Allen Mrs. Kmmott Lillian WikkI Mrs. l.lvlncston Kvclvn Temnlu Mrs. Grosvcnor'H maid Kathcrlno Iieuuinont Lois Holcombo Adelaide Thurston Tho first of thn present season's now stars to Introduce herself to local theater goers came Wednesday In tho person of Adelaide Thurston, a young woman of rather limited experience upon tho dra mntlo stage, but one whoso talents nnd ability have within threo years elevated her to Claim a position In the stellar ranks of tho theatrical world. Miss Thurston',4 appearance In Omaha at both tho afternoon and evening performance: was In the na ture of a personal triumph. Tho demon strntlon of approval bestowed upon her was not only liberal, but spontaneous an well Coming a total stranger and receiving nearly 'a doien curtain calls, to which she wns compelled to respond after tho third act last night, could hardly help gratifying a young actress. Her performance was a uniformly excellent one thanks to her con scientious and painstaking efforts. Not Ht any tlmo did she slight a sccno. No mat ter of how little Importance each Incident was given tho same careful treatment ns tho moro effective ones. If there wcro moro actors and actresses who followed Miss Thurston's methods playwrights would suffer less nt tho hands of tho critics. As for Miss Thurston's vehicle, whllo It cannot he termed n strong play. It is n pretty one, with comedy, pathos and senti ment mixed in such proportions ns to muko it thoroughly enjoyable throughout. It Is n mixture of tho "Mrs. Uano'g Defence'' nnd "Way Down East" types, with now and then a. touch of melodramatic coloring. Tho supporting company Is not strong arid not capable of giving Miss Thurston the support she deserves, although somo of tho parts were well hnndled. The engagement was for but n slnglo dny. I I'srs Ills Cmiu I'rrcl-. R. It. Patrick was arrested Inst nlcht lv Officer Dun Unldwln for striking William Landen. 1903 Pnul street, on tlia head with a cuno nnd terrorizing the residents of tint neignoornonii. I'ntricK, who was tinner tno Influence of lliiuor, went to several houses nnd attempted to gnln entrnnee, presum ably thinking each lionso was his home. At tho residence of Mr. 'Lnndnn he was or dered to movo on nnd retaliated by striking tho latter on the head with his enne, knocking him senseless. Tho police were notified nnd Patrick locked up. Landen wus not seriously Injured. KIkM Over n St nil. Madame Hoso and Allle Hilton had a iIIr- ciisslon last night concerning the former's liusimua which resuneii in a pugilistic ex hibition. Tho fight stnrted In n. wine room In tho rear of Odin's hull and termlnnted In the middle of tho Btreet nt Eleventh nnd Vnrnnm streets, when Detectives Mltcholl, and Ilrummv separated the women nnd sent theni to tho pollen station, Madame ttoso received nn uppurrut In thn mouth which drew blood nnd cut her Up. Allle was uninjured. Slnrrlaicp Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Issued by tho county judge: Name nnd Address. Ago, D.mlol W. Morrow, Omaha 41 Mrs. Tlllln Vugner, Omnha 3a Fred It. Coleman, Chicago 2t Hebocca A, Johnson, Omaha lg Wllllnm U. nraden. Malvern, In 29 Jennlo M. Martin, council limits, In..., 23 J. H. Tlllln, Itushvllle. Nob 28 Maud Noules, ltuslivllle, Not, -i PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. K. Mclnlyro of Seward. II. II. .Siisomc of Lincoln, 13. 8. Beaty of Hlalr nnd II, I'ahl of OTriind Island are at the Murray. I). :i. Koplln of Crelghton. W. S. Hard- I . I .-.I... t I K- T . . . 1 111 iuiii unitit vny, ai. fti nifyiitiil ii Lincoln, K. O. Calkins of Kearney nnd C. rnnnoiee oi immr imping wero regis, tered yesterday nt the Millard. Mr; nnd Mrs. W. It. Thomas of Clrnnd Island, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. T. Iteynolds of Hebron, x. J. weexes or u isoiii, ii urounso of Fort Calhoun, C. V, Way of Lincoln nnd C. W Iteynolds of Norfolk nro Iler Grand KUCStS. NebruskatiH nt the Merchants: H. M. Moran, T. U. Jones, Hynnnls: C. T. Ward law, O. M. Adams, Crawford: D. I latum, 'W O. Dnllurd. Wood like; O, II. Pres son, Strnmsburg: V. W. Kenny, Jr., Hlalr; It. Clark, York; John 8. I.els, O'Neill; G. T, Bcott, Ogalnllu; T. Nelson. Cody; L. J. Uodetnun, GUtner; Thomas Mortimer, Madison: A, Newcomer, Gordon; A. II. liaker, Verdlgre: W. G. linker, Norfolk; K. C, Temple, Grand Island. Agont II. C. I5nlrd of tho Santeo Indian agency will return today, after having spent nearly a week liore with cases from the agency under consideration bv tho federal granil Jury. "Everything Is moving along smoothly nt our reservation," raid lie, "itnii uo nro having nut little trouble of any Hind. About all wo hnd before the grand Jury wns a few horse Mealing ciws, for which IndictniontH went returned. N'n. we nro not liuvlng uny trouble with small pox, though It lias appeared ut, a phvet about twcnty-ilvtuftlles distant,' FFA1RS AT SOUTH OMAHA Politics Cobii t Frsat u lubjist fr OouTtmtitn Again, THREE NAMES MENTIONED FOR MAYORALTY- Kellr Jerks Itrnomlnntlon, Kontnky Wnnts It nnd Aitkin Would Kot rtefnse If the Piston Were Olfnrril llltn. Local polltmlans nnd those interested' In municipal affairs arn already talking about tho election to be held In April. An en- tiro ticket, with tho exception of tax com missioner, Is to he elected. Under tho exlstlne charter the six mem bers' of tho oounoll now in office retire nnd tho election proclamation will call for the election of two councllmen to serve for ono year nnd four to servo for two years. After this first city election under the new charter two councllmen will be chosen eaoh year for two-year terms. In tho republican ranks Mayor Kelly Is conceded by a great many to be a strong candidate and It Is understood that ho Is now setting up pins for a rcnomlnatlon. This will bo ti accord with tho usual cus tom of renominating a mayor for a second term. Frank Kout.tky, present city treasurer, Is an active aspirant for the mayoralty nnd ho is already figuring to get tho nomina tion, lie oxpects to force his nomination on tho republican convention by securing nn endorsement of tho labor unions prior to tho holding of oltlier the domocratlCior republican conventions. With .this Idea In vlow Koutsky Is making arrangements with n certain labor paper to support him and to sectiro tho central labor union endorse ment ns early In tho spring at possible, The next republican candldnto of Impor tance Is W. P. Atlklns, who Is now presi dent of tho council. Adkttifl, however, says that If Mnyor Kelly Is n candtdAto for ro- nomination he will not mako any attempt to secure the nomination, August Milter Is also being talked of for mnyor and as ho hns (ittltc a following he mny cut qulto a figure In tho convention. With tho division of, the city Into six wards thn rouncllmcn will hereafter ,bo elected nt large nnd the cnmpnlgn will most likely bo exceedingly Interesting. With six now members to elect nnd a mayor and treasurer along with n clerk, both parties will make a hard fight for supremacy. Nehronlrr .Mny ItrxlRn. It Is reported on tho streets that Theo- doro Schroeder is preparing to moyo to Oklahoma, nnd If so ho will naturally re sign his position as n member of the Board of Education. In case of vacancies the president of tho board names tho appointee, subject to the confirmation, of a majority of the board. With tho withdrawal of Schroe der the board will bo made up of six dem ocrats and two republicans. Very naturally President nulla will np point a democrnt, so that tho republicans will still be In tho minority. In speaking of tho matter last night Mr. Iiulla snld that ho had received no official notification of Mr. Schrocder's Intention to resign, therefore ho had not considered any appli cants for tho place. In thn spring Ityan, Iiulla nnd Klcencc retlro and thn rcpub llcnns will mnko an effort to secure con troj of the board by electing well known business men and republicans to tho places made vacant. If Schroeder quits, ns le re ported, there will be four places on the board to fill next spring, ItniinlrlUB I'svemrnta, It Is tho snmo old story again this fall. Tho pavement pn Twenty-fourth street is wearing nut. It Is full of holes nnd some thing must be done to prepnro It for sorvlce during the winter. In ordor to havo thle work done as economically as possible, the council has ordered tho street commissioner to All tho holes with finely broken stone and Portland cement. This work should be doho at once, but no one knowfl when It will be sturted ns tho ntrcot commissioner is over In Iowa visiting friends. There Is so much wear on this pavement that It Is a constant expenso to tho city.. As soon as matters shape themselves so we can," Bald a member of the council yesterday afternoon, "a proposition will bo submitted for a new pavement. What Is needed Is a good houvy baso to start wlfW nnd then not less than two Inches of as phalt. Such a pavement will wear" for n lone time. Tho thin sheotlng of asphalt now laid soon wears through as tho baso la not heavy enough to stand tho traffic. Next spring somothlng will havo to be done toward laying a better Bnd moro substan tial pavement." l'nnc)' Stock "Snips. Dates nro being claimed by a number of breeders of fancy stock for tho winter months. Tho first nle of stock of lmpor tnnco will be held in the new pavilion at the yards on Dccembor 18. Other soIcb have been hooked as far ahead as May. Among tho stock to bo sold will be Shorthorns, Ilorefords, Galloways, Aberdeen-Angus, .etc, South Omnha Is qulto a favorite point for fancy sales and stockmen nil, over tho.west look to this market to secure flrst-class breeding cattle. Intra Shippers Entlumlnatlc.' Live stock shipments from Iowa' havo bean on the Increase lately and tho reason Is apparent. Tho prlceo paid here and the treatment accorded to shippers by tho man agers of the stock yards are what bring the trade. Up to dato tho receipts of hogs and sheep show an increaso over last year .and It Is expected that the decrease In cattle shipments will be mado up before the close of tho calendar year. Arrmtlnir I'eilillers. Yestorday the pollco woro Instructed to arrest ull peddlers who nave not aecurea licenses for tho coming six months. Nine complaints wcro filed In pollco court yea terday and officers on duty at headquarters stated that no partiality would be shown Soveral wcoks ngo a potltlon was presented to the council by peddlers asking for a re duction In tho license for tho .winter months. Members of the council decided that there should be no reduction at this 'time and as tho licenses granted for six months havo expired arrestB will follow un til new license aro Issued. Mnglo City Gossip. Street Commissioner Clark Is rusticating In Iowa. Hurry It. Colin has gote to Teknmah to iook niter jogtu mniiurn. A. Ihetn of Chicago wns In thn city yes terday, tho guest or I'raiiK tiurnesH, Chief Mitchell Is back from a hunting trip, lie brought aiong a line nag or nucKs A case of scarlet fever Is reported nt th homo or J, it. Jvuuat, 'i weniy-ium. ana streets, Members, of tho city council are con slderltlg tho advisability of abolishing the omco or cuy prosecutor. A number of Improvements nro being maun nnoiu the cuy nan. The steam plant is now In ilrst-clnss condition, A delegation of South Omaha taxpayers win aitcna tno proposed consolidation meeting nt tne commercial club rooms to mem. Mayor Kelly has signed tho city phy slclan nnd Hoard of Health ordlnntican nn appointments will bo mnde ns soon ns the required publication is made. John K. Ksler and Miss rtertha Hager wer mnrrled Tuesday evening nt tho home of tho bride's pnrents, Twenty-second and i streets, uev. ,m. a. Head omclntcd. The lire iieimrtment wan nnllixl Twenty-HlMh and J streetB yesterday to extinguish n. blazo In n bouso nwne,d by Air, iiuiu Jimuson. iuo juis win umoun WHITE CALLS ON EMPEROR llirlintiicea MrsnnKe nf (inott Will itIHi (lie llrnd of the (Irr iti h n Umpire. MKHL1N, Nov. 20. Andrew 1), White, the Vnlted States ambassador to Germany, went to Potsdam lait evening for the ususl cere monious visit to tho court after nn am bassador's absence from tho country Mrs. Whlto accompanied her husband upon lha pedal Invitation of Emperor William. Hoth Mr. Whlto nnd Mr .White remained at tho pataoe for dinner. Among those present at the time wore the dnke and duchess of Mecklenburg and Count von Alvensleben, tho German ambassador to Russia. Under President Hoosevell's Instructions Mr. Whlto communicated to the emperor the president's message of good will for his majesty nnd for Germany, nlso expressing the president's hearty co-operation In ovorythlng tending toward strengthening tho friendly relations between the two countries. The emperor in reply referred In the most cordial terms to President Hooaevolt, show ing the greatost familiarity with the presi dent's history and characteristics. Ills majesty also dwelt upon tho evidently happy Influence, of President Roosevelt's prestige and character upon tho political development of his country. His majesty further referred to his great admiration for American energy and entrprlso as shown In various great undertakings. Tho empress, who was looking well and cheorful, referred In terms of great sym pathy to tho assassination of President McKlnley. C0U.GHING STARTS MASSACRES .ntlvcn of Ilrlllsh Guinea Kill Their i Neighbors "Wlifii Whooping tlpltlciulc Hewitt. IIONDON, Nov. 20. Lieutenant Governor George LeIIunt In his annual report on Urltlsh New Guinea, tells an Interesting tory of natlvo superstition which Is caus ing tho loss of many lives. it appears that whooping cough was Introduced by two whlto children and spread with frightful rapidity. It first swept tho coasts and Is now ravaging the Interior. As the natives hold that death from whutsouvor causa Is alwaya compassed by an unknown enemy, only discoverable through witchcraft, whou evpr a village Is attacked with whooping cough n sorcerer Is consulted. The latter Invariably designates another vlllago or tribe sb culpable and a midnight massacre of Innocent persons follows. RED TORIES STORM PLATFORM Sir Pntirrnoit McknIU Annulled DnrltiK I'ro-llonr Sppprh nnil Mnrllntr Is llrnkrn lip. LONDON, Nov. 20. Sir Patterson Nick nils, a prominent member of tho Stock ex change, proslded last night nt a pro-floor meeting held at Maidstone, Kent. Several hundred red torles occupied tho gallery for the cxpross purpose of creating a dis turbance. Immediately after Sir Patterson Nlckalls, who Is n liberal, commenced to speak he was Interrupted by groans and Bongs. Finally a lot of rowdies stormed tho platform and tho meeting broke up In great disorder. On the Stock exchange today the brokers passed the tlmo In singing "God Snve tho King" and In making various other demon strations against the unpopular member. COMPETE FOR CASH SHIPMENTS i , i Casualty I'otnpniilcn I uxii r Pnfe Trniiainlsslon of Currency TnroiiKh I hp MnlU. Express companies have now competition In :asualty companies, which nro Insuring valuablo packages sent by registered mall. Casualty companies will Insuro money sent by registered- mall for about 25 cents per $1,000. The cost of registering a package Is only. 8 cents. Consequently $1,000 may bo sent to nearly h,ny point In tho United States for 33 cents In addition to tho post age. Express companies formerly charged as much as ?2 per $1,000 for carrying currency. Omnha, banks are Bending much of their monoy to country correspondents by regis tered mall. The casualty companies sel dom chargo more than 25 cents per $1,000 for Insuring tho safe dellvory of money. This reduction In tho cost of shipping money la' a grent saving to financial In stitutions which havo many correspondents. Astoiinilliiic lUacovery. From Coopcrsvllle. Mich., comes word of a wonderful dlscovory of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used beforo retiring by any one troubled with a bad cough always en sures a good night's rest. "It will soon euro tho cough, too." writes Mrs. S. Hlmel burger. "For three generations our family has used Dr. King's New Dlscovory for Consumption and never found Its equal for Coughs and Colds." It's an unrivaled life saver when used for desperato lung diseases. Guaranteed bottlos, SOo and fl at Kuhn & Co.'s. Trial bottlos free. Bnrglars antl Humors Thereof. nurslars entorcd the residence of Check Moore. 26.15 Davennort Btreet. betweon S and 9 o'clock last night nnd stole a brace let nnd $3.60 belonging to a. w. Francis, a roomer. Entrance was mado through a window. At 2 o'clock this morning the wntchman at tho McCord-Hrady company, Thirteenth and ljavenworth streots. telenhoued to tho pollen station that burglars wero In tho building. A wngon load of ofllcorB searched tne nutiutnB moroiimny, uui couin mm no trncn of tho Intruder. Tho watchman liasod his suspicions on tho fact that n sacK had Decn moved rrom wnero no nna left It. Half-pasl Nine! - A lazy liver means biliousness, constipa tion, sik headache, jaundice, dyspepsia. Take one of Ayer's Pills each night, just one. It will cause a natural, free movement the day following. Soon the liver will do its work without this whipping. For many years I have used Ayer's Tills (or stomach and liver troubles. I have tried many different kinds of pills, but Ayer's rills I know are the best of all." Hampton Hites, Beaver Falls, Pa. 25ctitakoi. AlUrtfitet. IURON STORY NOT ALL FARE FUm t Ortrtkrtw OtTarnmt Thitt Find tf Rtftllj Exiit. SCHE ME HAD $50,000 AVAILABLE BACKIN8 Orlirlnatlna- In Senttle with Irreapon Isble Americana aa Its Chief Pro moters, It Still lias Ita Serloti Fatnr. TORONTO, Ont.. Nov, 20, Special dis patches from Vnnoouver, published here, say: The Yukon Insurrection story is not altogether without foundation, Some hair brained American drew up plans forcibly deposing the government and police In tho Yukon, somewhat similar to the hlitorlcal Jameson raid In tho Transvaal. Major Woods, N. W. N. P., discovered the schemo and took prompt stops to suppress It, American officials at Skagway co-operating. The discovery of the scheme Is sopposed to havo nipped It In tho bud. Tho Yukon pollco forco consists of nbout 250 men, who are provided with Lee-En-fields. When the schemo wns first discov ered Maxim und Colt guns were mounted at the Whlto Horse, which was the first place to be Attacked, Major Snyder, In charge of the police thero, also received ro Inforoements nnd patrols were kept on duty night and day: The scheme originated In Seattle and over $50,000 was available to aid the ven ture. The Information has been obtained from cx-pollco officers of the Yukon forces and members of the gambling fraternity and Is guardedly yconflrmed by the officials who hare Just corao down from the north. LOCAL BREVITIES. Orenu recital nt Trlnltv rat hod ml Kim. day afternoon, November 24, nt 4 o'clock. Maudo Qllluspey has brought suit ngntnxt Hryan Hopper to recover $1,000 for an al leged assault. Tho woman's alllanoo of Unity church will give tho second of a gorles of socials nt Metropolitan hall this evening. Oscar N. Urown has brought action ngiiliist Pnul F. Stein, Walter Molno and others to replevin $:'50 worth of furniture. Krwln M. Field of Nebraska City has filed tt voluntary petition in bankruptcy In which he lists debts of $l,t35.20 and assets of $'.'i:.50. John Horry nnd Wllllnm Hroderlok of South Omaha wero urrcstcd by Sheriff Power last night for using ti team without the permission or tho owner and nro now In the county Jail. Mr. Temple has been appointed bass solo ist at Trinity eathcdrnl. He sang with success nt St. Paul and Minneapolis nnd also, somo yearn ngo. toured tho country ah i boy sopruno. In tho United States court the Hrown & lllff Cattle company of Denver wns given fa verdict against James I. lllrnev for $2,900 In a suit brought against Illrney and the Spelt, Hitchcock & Olney company. Illancho Pray Is reported now to bo well on the road to recovery. Contrary to plans previously announced, howovcr. she will remain at tho Detinue hotel for several days beforo being taken to her home. Dr. J. M. Uorglum reported to the police last night that Bomo ono stolo n No. 3 Knnt mmi kodak from his buggy, whllo tho lat ter was In front of his otllco nt Fifteenth Hnd Dodge streets last Tuesday nftornoon. Judgo Baxter Is hearing n suit broujrht against Thomas Gillespie by Chitrles Staf ford, who Is seeking to recover $5,000 ror malicious prosecution, fitnfford was -ir-rented nnd prosecuted for forging n pny check on the Cudahy Packing company for $20, The suit brought against tho Western Travelers' association by Ilnttl M. Allvn. who seeks to recover $5.oni) tor the death of hor husband. Is on 'rial In Judge Kev sors court. Allyn died March 11, 1900. Hla wife alleges thnt thn death was due to nn overdose of morphluo token accident ally. Fire of unknown origin destroyed a shed In the rear of 1501-3 South Twenty-eighth street yesterday morning; loss, $25. The property, which was vncant at tho time, was represented by Hrcnnan-Love ns agouti. Frank Miller, superintendent of tho ZoolOEtcal Knrdenn of thn Rmltlmnniini i... stltuto at Washington. D. C, has wiltteii the Board of Park Cnmmlnxl asking for various data conrernlng Omaha's parKH nna zoological collections. Jtr. Cor nish ban furnished thn tiiformiiilnii r. quired. Y James Donnelly was sentenced to our months In the county Jail by Judge linker. Tho mnn wns nrrcsted for rirson nnd ho was found guilty, but tho Insanity com mission declared that ho is weak-minded, and on that account the Judge mado tho sontenco very light. Donnollv not tim n a U. & M. bridge on Wllllnm Btreet, nnd U1BIJ 111CU WU UHniH, The warrants of tho Hoard of Education for tho payment of tho Judges and clerks of election aro now rendy for dellvory and lu order to nccommodato thoso who cannot call during tho regular ofllco hours Secre tary Uurgess will keep his otllco-opon tho remulndor of tho week from 12 to 1 o'clock p. m. and from 5 to 6 p. m. On Sattirdny tho otllco will be open from 1 to o o'clock p. m. Robert Forcel. rp.sldlnir nt Tlilrl v.ulvil. and Parker streets, wns slightly injured Into yesterday evening bv fnlllnir f rnm n street car from which ho wan at temp tint: to "iift'il rjlAiri'lllll Hllll vjtiptciiar streets. Ho was stunned by tho fall nnd wnu re moved to tho homo of Fred Knurfmiiii, 1!KI South Thirteenth Rtrnnt. 1r Kitia ntn,,,i.i him. Forgol was only slightly bruised nbout II1U I1UUU. W. C. Jewell hns npplled for a receiver for the Transmlssour! Official Hallway Quldo company. Jewell nnd F. F. Itoose are partners In the company. Itooso pub- noiicu u tiutir.u aecianng mat, me partner ship was dissolved somo tlmo ago. Now Jewell has secured a temporary restrain ing order nroventlng Rooho from continuing the publication of this notice until tho courts have Investigated the affairs of tho company. Mary A. Green has applied for a dlvorco from her husband, Frank Green, antl has abked that she be granted tho' custody of her two children. Mrs. Green charges her husband with habitual drunkenness and as serts that ho hits treated her cruelly. Tho ccuplo wero married July 3,, 1B93, nnd lived together until November 17 of the present yiar. Green Is said to havo $3,0fO worth of personal property and his wlfo hns necured a restraining order preventing him from disposing of any of thin until after tho dl vorco caso Is heard. The time i to take a pill J. C. AVER CO., Uvtll.Mus. BECOMING A MOTHER of the suffering nnd danger in store for her, robs tho expectant mother of all plcntunt anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her n shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain nnd danger, and insures safety to life of mother nnd child. This scientific liniment is n god-send to all women at tho time of their most critical trial. Not only docs Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis- comforts of this WklMk TiM MTMWG Sold by all druggists nt MWMwJ M ffCfl JLl $i.oo per bottle. Hook " " m mmam m v containing valuable information free. MIMMm'M W The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, 6a. M mm M MIL Mw U 66 Hours to Los Angeles You onn lonvo Otnnlin next Montlny cvrnlnic nnb In T.tvrVAncoloa nt 2 o'clock Ttiursdny afternoon. In loss than tW houra you will linvo traveled moro than 2,000 tnllfttt; crossed wholly, or In part, clsht status mid territories; nxKhnnpul n limit oC snow nuJ Ice (or one ot noft klcn and sunshine, ami seen Home oC the Hcenlc woudors of tho western world. If you tnk n tourist Hleoiwr, hh most pooplo do. you will bo n fow liimrn longer ou tlie way nnd you will snvo nearly $UO. Hurllnrtou tourist excursions to California thrwi times a wnek, 4:25 p. in. Wednesdays antl Thursdays, and 10:80 p. m. Saturday. TICKET OFFICE, 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 2S0. dr. A. r. 'smAnriKs. VARICOCELE Are you nfnictcrl with Vnrlcocolo or Its results Nervous Dehlllty and Lost Mem ory? Are, you nervous, .Irritable npd despondent? T)o you lank your old-time enorgy nnd ambition? Are you suffering fronl vltnl weakness, etc? Thero Is a derangement of the sensitive orgnns ot your Pelvic System, nwl even though It gives you no trouble at .present. It will ultimately unmnn you. depress your mind, rock your nerv ous nyBtera, unfit you for married Ufo and shorten your existence. Why not bo cured beforo It Is too iHte? WE CAN OURK YOU TO STAY CIIHKO UNDRK WRITTEN OUARANTHK; We havo yet to see tho case of Vnrlaocelo we ennnot cure. Medicine, electrlu heltR, etc., will never rure. You neod expert treatment. Wq trmt thousands of rnscs whero 'the' ordinary physician treats one.. Method new, never fails, without cutting, pain or loss ot tlnlei o ww. ibB llmne treatment:' now. I n lv infiilllntilc nnd llndlool and GLEET euro without Instruments: 110 pain, no ueifliwuu irnm uii.iiiii:rn. URINARY Kidney .and Blnddnr Troubles, Wenk Back, llurnlnp Urine, Frequency of T'rlnatlng, urlno High Coloroir or with milky sediment on standing; Gonorrhoea, Gleet. CVDIIII ICc,Jre(1 tor 'I'0 'lni' ,nn Poison Oi rnlUlv thoroughly . cleansed from the Hystem. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely nnd forever. No "VIRKAKING OUT" of tho dlseno on tho skin or face. Trontmont contains no dan gerous drugs or Injurious medicines. Home Treatment successful and strictly' private, Our counsel CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW Ti. K. Corner UoiiKlna r-CSJ i AS A . BUSINESS ' INVESTMENT It rAYS to be in good company. It PAYS to have an oflice nnd HurroundingH of which you need not be ashamed. The impression on your customers, clients or patients may or may not induce them to come again, is tne pest any too I $360.00 That is what it would cost to send a small message, printed on postal cards, to the 30,000 families who read The Omaha Bee The same message occupying one inch in our "want" columns will go directly to them at a cost of 70 cents a saving of. An ad of 16 words will go once for only 25 cents J j I . an ordeal which nil women approach with indescribnblo fenr, for nothing compares with tho pain nnd horror of child-birth. Thcthoticht BURLINGTON STATION, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128. Is DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseasert-of Men. WEAK MEN (VITATJTT WEAK) made so by too closo application to nusint-Hs or stuny; sevnro mental Htrnln or grh-f: ICXCI28SE8 In mid din life or' from thn effects of youthful follies. WEAK MEN OR VICTIMS TO NERV OUS duhHjItv or kxhauhtion, WASTING WBAICNKHS, with EARLY DECAY In YOI'NG mid MIDDlE-AGRD: lack of vim, vigor nnd strength, with or gans .Impaired und wnnkoned prematurely In approaching old nge. All yield rapidly to our new treatment for loss of vital powrr. Ono personal visit, is preferred, but tf you cannot call nt my office, wrlto us your symptoms fully. Our homo treatment Is h frco nnd sacredly confidential. Consultation free. Treatment by Mall; Dr'seaTies Hearles, Omaha, Neb, mill Fourteenth Street. good for your THE BEE BUILDING C. PETERS CO., Rental Ajenli, Postal Card.$:iOO,00 Printing .10.00 Addressing. . . HO.OO Total ,. $:?(iO.Ot' $359.30 tNW,