liiK OMAHA nAlLY HEEt TUUKSDAV, yOV.KlHMH 21, 1001. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for Ihftr rnlunin Till he taken ttnlll lu in. for Hip Minln nllfliin ami inilll NM p. in, fur niiirnln mill Sunday edition. Hales, I l-lle n rnlrd flml Insertion, le n nnnl (hereafter. NoIIiIiik taken for le tlinn SW.e for the flmt Inser (Ion. These nilvertlsemenU mini he rnn riinsrentlvely. Advertisers, hy requesting- a num bered eheck, ran have answers ml dressed to n numbered teller In enre f The llee. Atiatrera no addressed will he delivered on presentation of (he cheek only. SITUATIONS WANTED. STENOGRAPHER with live years' ex pcrlence wlshe. position; bent of refer ences furnished. Address U S3, llee. A-1S8 21 WANTED, by High-school student, place to work for room ami board: reference" given, If needed. Address L 55, llee OfTlco. A-132 JO A AMTED Position In Rood store ly grad uate phnrmnrfst; registered In town nnd Nebraska; aerninn, hIiikIc employed; de sire chniiKe. Address L 67, Hoe. A-M1S2 23 WANTP.I1 MALE. JIEl.P. JUST TO GET ACQUAINTED We will cu(, trim and make any 530 SUIT OH OVERCOAT In the house from now until December 1 5 frir ' ' , r- '525.00. INVESTIGATE THIS OFFER DRESHER, MAKER OF MEN'S CLQTHES. FARNAM STREET. Telephone 1857. Open Evenings. ii . BTHADY AVORK. prolltablo work, for nent, energetic hustler.' C. F. Adams Co., 1619 llownrd. H SOS WANTKD.ii Rood mar lit every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Otlr agents makn Rood wages everywhere. 'References required. Address Twentieth Century Farmer, OlnHhn, Nebi D-613 GOOD 'messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. I).-T.COi,,212 So, I3tli., D-M504 IT. intl A IIAT.P.nAV'O WI-IIMf If you 'live 111 the country ur In n small' town nnd' have, n good icqiiHlunnro nmnng the farmers nnd slock raisers In the nelghlrcrhood, You can make flvc'dol Inrs easily by four or Ave hour' work. AVrltn tin nnd we will send you our propo sition. The lire Publishing Co,, Solicitors' Dcp't., OmaliH, Neb. B-M2I3 YOu7olnen"for Rofiwny Mall Clerks. In-ter-Htntc Corres. Inst., Codar'Raplds, la. B-M529 DS WANTKDIfarnesH makers nna collar htakers;' steady work nnd good pay for food men. Kreniont Saddlery Company, remnnt, Neb. U-MKI 25 MEN to Iciwn barber trade, only eight weeks required: .wo have splendid facili ties for teaching this work: tools pre sented, wages Haturdays, positions guar anteed: arranged for loo of cir graduates to work In HoldleTs' liomes. $50 monthly; can ram scholarship, board, tools and transportation If desired: call nr write. .Moler Barber College, 1623 Paftinm st, B-M846 21 AV ANTED; "reliable i-Jcfk, lii. general' .store," fine Whtl has l)ad long experience In .dry goods; If not experienced, dp' not reply. Auqress i, di, jmniiii jicp. ii jiiiw a WANTED, tailors tq work on ladles'' tailor mnue suns. Apply o ulllco J. 1 Ilr.mdels v Nona, iioston ston II 16t ji WHOMCSAf.E grocery wants 3 sober men for trovullng 'salesmen: salary nnd ex pense; splendid opportunity; previous ex perience not ' absolutely required: stnt age and occupation; ruferenen and small bond required. Address 8. V. Ellin Oro eery Co., 507 Hall bldg., Ivupsua City. Mo, ; , H-MltM 2l When You Write to Advertisers Remember .It-only takes an extra Mrnka or two or the pan. to mention tlio fact that ft-ou law, the ad In The ileo. WANTED Ueiponslble solicitor between 25 and 40 years of one; educated Bentlenian who Is-a. hustler and ambitious will jlnd an opening: both Sulriry and cnuimtsslnbi call for Mr. I.emlngtou. Internutlonal Correspondence Schools, 637 Paxton Hldg. H-M1N7 21 AV ANTED Clerk for gcncrnl vountry store; must' be thiiroiighly coinpeteilt and re liable, with Rood references; (Icrnmn pre ferred: Htato salary wanted: prefer a mar ried man. Address Lock llux CT. Wood- bine, Jn. n-Mlt 23 .WANTED Man for carpet. Hewing; nppjy between fl and 10 h. m. nt Hcntou. Htoro l( nfricej none but those who have had ex i iierlencei lu running tilnger llrussel nqd lnsVa'tn mnchlnt's ncgil apply. ' H-M17S 23 WAKTMU FKMA1.K lll'.M' WANTED, 00 girls. 1521 Dolgo. Tel. 876. . C-935 C'OOD-paying position to an energetic lady til onch town: also lady traveling to j-cp- ' resent us. Tbyrold-l.yinph Co., 04 lleo Uldg, C-937, WANTED, -two young huly, students to lenrn hnlnlresslng, manicuring nnd chi ropody nnd scientific mnJB.igu. Call or write, Room 220, Ileo l)ldg. C-WS WANTED, housekeeper In small family. Address K 42. Uc. C M145 WANTED, ladles to learn Imlrdresslng, tnanlcurlug or facial inacsage, only four weeks required; practlco furnished bv fre clinic: Instructions given by experta; ery opportunity of advancement; cnlt or write, Molcr College, 1623 l'arnam st, C-M8I5 21 WANTED Cook In a faintly of three; good wages,- 2618, St. Mary's Ave: C-M 146-23 WANTED, cook lu a family of three; good wages. 2618 SI, Mur.v'w avi. C-.M146 20 help wanted, MALE nnd female help. Call Canadian Ofllce, 40S WANTED. ENERGETIC MAN OR WO MAN LIVING IN THIS CITY TO OR GANIZE AND CONDUCT A REGULAR ROUTE FOR A IDPUI.AIU STANDARD "i AG ACINIC. ADDRESS MAGAZINE ROUTE. TJHH PAPER, -150 20 LADIES and gentlemen wanted on salary for local. work. Call at Her Grand, room K4. -107 21 POIl RKNT-IKHISKS. HOUSES, stores. Renvls, Pjuston block. . - . P-96Q JIOUSES, etc. P. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.' D-961 HOUSES nnd' flats. Rlqgwult, Barker Hlk. 1 " ' ' D P62 iOU8E8 'nr rent in all parts 'of the city. Hrennnn-Love Co., 309 South 13th street.- D-903 l lOl IQPQ ,n n" Parts of city. .The O, 1IU,U0C3 k, Davis Co., 552 Bee Rids. :-502 TEN rooms, modem, except furnace. 971 Joi'iHvvrToBin'NS. -mi pXrnam st, V 1 if- -D-SISSO CO MOVE right get.Ojnahn van Storage Co., ofllce Itol& 'Pftrnam; 'or tel. 15S9-863 "". " " D-9J9 TWO modern ;bnue S rooms, each-, near 2Hth -and Fnrnam 8(s. now bplng thor oughly overhauled? .-Btnt $25 )er month OMAHA i.OAN & TRUST CO., 16th and oulas Sts. D-IC0 Ftn HKT-H9lHliS, 721 fl. S'TII. nice il-room hous", bath, rai, furnncf, easily heated, strictly modern. Will llrown, Jr SKE HE.SMl"irPAyNirni N. Y AVK. D-3S TEN-HOOM strictly modern house, best incaiiuii, aa ii mi jncKsop ats,, vm. i.i. l;. Turklncton, 0t, lice, D M373 r,-OOM house, K per mo. 19 8. 16th Bt. D-41I-D.3 S-llOOM modern, except furnace; J22. Q. SI, SEVEN-noO.M all modern houser In good condition, large yard and beautiful shade trees. Will rent for $3o.( per month. OMAHA LOAN & TltCST CO., 10th and Douglas .Us. a. D-2:)"i nor8E8-a. a. WnllaceT Hrown Iock. D-5M 25TH & A 8TS., South Omaha, a good slx room house, freshly papered nnd pnlntcd; rent. I12.B0. OMAHA LOAN AND TtlCST CO., 14th ana Douglas Sts. D-.M506 2507 S. 32D ST.. nice 7-room house, with city wnter, furnace, good barn, shade trees nnd line lawn; a good homo ior some South Omnha oince man: will rent for 115 per month to good tenant who will earn for tho property. OMAHA LOAN AND TIIU8T CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M5M 2121 LEA V E N VO ItTH 8T., 3-room iiat, city water, 10. OMAHA LOAN AND TItUBT CO.. 16th and Douglns Sts, D-732 HOUSES, Tel. 204D. Chris IJoycr, 22d nnd Cuming. D-72I-D-10 VOn nENT Fine, modern, elegant rooms, stone front, hot water heat. 415 N. 23th St. 203, Rftingo Block. Clarke. D Kit DE9IHA11LE modern house, 6 large rooms, In good condition. 833 B. 21st St. . D-MSM 2523 HAIINEV. S rooms. 115. 21 N. 22d st.. 8 rooms, lis. ouj n. zsin si.,i rooms. JOHN N. FnENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D-M990 20 FOIt llENT-I'lve-room cottnge, with bath room, modern except furnace, all on ono floor, oaslly' heated; LOW rent for winter mouths; on car line. Potter, Korgan .fc Haskell, 420 N. Y. Life. 'Phones 470-1020. D-M822 FIVE-HOOM tint, steam hoat. 123. TUard block, 224 N, 24th! also fi-room house, city water and gas, 1020 South 23th St., key next door soutn. D 165 21 NOW READY, new 7-room house, furnace, gas, electric lights, onk finish, strictly high grade, modern house. 2S21 North 2ltll. D-171 24 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tbe pen to mention the fact that you saw Uts ad In The Be. THREE-ROOM flat, 1107 No. Nth St.. $10 11 month; four-room Hat, 1107 No. 19th St., $8.25 a month. D-M16 2t SEVEN-ROOM cottage, gopd repair, mod cm, 3013 Leavenworth. D M173 21 Toil IIKST-FIIIIMSIIED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, ISth and Karnam. E 909 3 ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S 11th St. Ji M371 FOR nENT 2 furnished rooms, suitable for 4 students, $15 per month. 1915 Chicago. K-18U ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line. 1018 Clark; $5 per month. E MHO FOil RENT 2 furnished rooms, steam heat. 1617 Cass. . I M483 FRONT room, modern, $2 week. 1717 Web ster, E M545 D7 ROOMS, 1906 Capitol ave. 856 20 LARGE modem rooms; ,1610 Davenport. E-745 D 11 LARGE furnished front room. 417 N. 19th. E-M78S D13 WANTED, elderly lady roomer; good homo for right party. Address L 37. Dee. E-830 21 TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 St. Mary's. E-M841 D15 MODERN, well heated rooms. 316 N. 15th. E-M803 Dt MODERN, well heated rooms. 316 N. .15th. K Ml.1l D17 FURNISHED rooms, also rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat. 313 N. 15th St.. flat L. F-M116 21 TWO finely furnished rooms and ono siilto of light housekeeping rooms. I'M Dode, E-M108 2 THREE rooms and bath; references. 606 South 13th St. E-170-2 l'ltltMNIIEU ROOMS AMI llOAItn. I'TOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-671 GLENCA1RN. transient $1.25 day. JG09 Doug. F-972 NICE hopie for young men, 108 S. 25th St. F-973 509,8. 23TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-M974 THE PRATT, nice, room with hot water heat. 212 B. 25th St. F-783 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for geutle- STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, at tho Thurston. ; F-M428 PLEASANT steam heated board. 1909 Capitol Ave. rooms with .F-M739 ELITE PARLORS. 615 8. 16th St.,-2d floor, F-S79 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms, good board. F-M983 D16 FURNISHED rooms, first-class, board. 2581 Harney. F M1S0. 24 , THREE strictly modern, connecting, newly papered rooms; reasonable rate. 614 80, rate. 614 Hi F-M174 23 aim at. tucorgia. Ave.) NICE home for young lady In private family. Inquire 1613 N. 28th st. F-M1M 2l poii hent-i'.fi;hmshei) iioomm. DESK room space, $5 per month, ground floor room In The Dee building, facing Fnrnam street; no expenso for light, heat or Janitor service. R; C. Peters & Co., rental agents, Bee building. G 116 POIl RE.XT STORES AM) OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by Tho Hue nt 916 Fnrnam St. It has four stories nnd n basement which was formely used ns Tho Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply nt oncu to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. I-201 FOR RENT, ofllce with vault and part tlrst floor or mil top floor. 1411-10 Harney St. Mldlanit Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Hurney St. 1-976 FOR RENT, store In ilrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1266 A 1 LOCATION, cheap, all 1 fixtures, grocery, drug, meat market: suitable to gether or separate. Tlxard, 224 N. 22d. 1-15 NS0 ANRNTH WANTED. AGENTS wanted, best llfe.of McKlnley and Christmas books; & per cent discount; outfit free: freight nald: credit 'given: vulitable premium; our agents get $200 lu,l fnr Phrlulmciu Ituni-if Ja!I W) fat.- bom St., Chicago, J-M523 21 AGENTS wanted for new publications: prospectus, etc., free. George Barrle & on, isiii vt ainui nt., rnnnaeipnui. J-M2St Janl2 MEMORIAL llfo of McKlnley. four lan guagea, ) pages, 100 half-tones, $1.50; free oiitllt. W. A. lllxenbnugh & Co., 000 War,e block, Omaha. J 977 SO TEANUT vendlnr machines, well le- r inacmnes, wen ie- to $180 per month: va Vending Machlns J-MHt N raiea, pay irom win agents wanted. low 1.0., jiumDoiai, is AfJKXIN WATP.II, N'TED, canvassing agents In every . ii'itv 10 solicit subscriptions to THE ENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CVCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCIv DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial oclrtyo pages, 800 object- teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents in tho country with horse nnd buggy es pecially desired. Canvasser, make easily yr, to $100 per month, Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. J 311 1VAJITKD-TO II tl V. SECONDHAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. N-718 Dll WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and stoves for St. LdjIs exposition. Tel. 771. Address J. Levlne, 30 N, 16. N-M363 D2 WILL buy your Los Angeles property; send full description; must be a bargain. L 7, Bee, N-M463 BARGAIN In a 160-acro farm: soil must bo tho best nnd prlco low. Eastern Ne braska or western , Iowa. Give section numbers. Address, L 52, Bee. N 133 21. POIl SALE-Ft'IlMTX'RE. FURNITURE of 9-room house. 1418 Chicago. 0-735 Dlo CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and accondhand, bought, sold, exchanged o 91 TDVP An' k,n'l of a stove you want o 1 v-r v CO nt w vet cctll discount. Wo nnvo h complete line of new nnd second hand stoves nnd furniture. Lowest prices. Enterprise Furniture Co, Tel, 2296. 0-M7K) D13 POIl SALE HOUSES, WAGONS, ETC. SEE Harry Frost for hand-mnde vehicles. lie uocs good work. 14th and leaven worth. P 493 good nnnrjY ratioainh. 1 rubber-tired hack or landau. 1 rubber-tired depot wagon. 1 6pass. Rocknway. 1 line Kimball broucham. 4 leather-top family carriages. 4 phaetons, 6 top and open buggies and ruuuoouih Secondhand harness, Drummond Carriage Co., 18th & Harney at. 1' 525 POIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for housemovers, etc, 40 to 11 11. ; criuuuig unu nog icncc. wi Doug las. Q-490 2DIIAND snfe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W vsa SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 S 13 PATENT medicines at cut prices. Sherman c .McDonnell urug i;o., cor. ifitn nna Dddgc. Q-M172 LARGEST stock of latest combination grnpnopnoncs, records nnd supplies. Come and see them. Fredcrlckson, 15th, and Dodgo Sts. Q 622 S'21 FOR SALE, ladles Rambler wheel for. $10, iu save winters sioruge, uau iwu ueor gla Ave. Q 615 Al HORSE nnd phaeton, cheap. Inquire wis i- nrnam or ir3 uoogc. '4 M!)U When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an eitm arnV. or two of the pen to mention the fact that yuu sun- iu u in jliiv ucc, , CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 ur 1 years uiu, Auurcss 11 03, uec. Q-M3S6. EDISON and Columbia talking machines ana rccorus. umana uicycie 1.0., 16th and Chicago. Q 9S5 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, .418 in. luin. y sin-i WELSHANS MANTEL , & TILE .CO. Tel. 1689. 309.8. J 7th. Q M429 HI FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news- paper vciiuiikih, u ueuiH uuti up. Apply at Bee Ofllce, Circulation Window. Q-4583 FOR 8ALE, phonographs, superior to any oiner musical instruments; w up. 'ine Wlttmann Co., 1621 Fnrnam. Q M83S Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. ties. ThA he.qt frnsollnn Inmnu. Wh'nlAaalA and rctull. H. FRANZEN. 1101 N. 18th, Omaha, Neb. Q CI.AinVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, claln-oyant, 819 N. 16th. 8990 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15th. 8-991 ELECTRO TIIEATME.VT. MISS MACK, masqage; attendant. 1403 weDsier. i mjib uii' MME. AMES, 317 N. 13th, flat E, baths. T 370 D2 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.,15, 2d floor, n 2. BEATRICE HARLOW-Elekant vapor and tub baths; electricity given; Egyptian treatment, j-i' fNonn jum, nat a. " T M168 26 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frcr.rer block. U 992 RUPTURE CURED without. the knife. Em pire nupiuro i. lire, -jj. rv. i. una llldg. U-993 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 348 Bee Bldg. U-991 WE RENT machines for 76c per week. Wo sell needles and attachments for and re pair every make of sewing machine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner 15th and Harney. "Phono 1663. U 676 D9 ADV. calendars. Burkley 1'tg. Co. D-M697 Jar.l JUST think of It! Good cabinet photos only 9o doz. at The U. S. Gallery, 626 S. ICth. ,U 5JI RUPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. V., 521 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-528 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; bableH adopted. 2306 Grant St. Mrs. aurdels. Tel. F 1182. U-998 SHAMPOOING and hair dressing. 23c. in connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Be building. Tel. 1716. U-561 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with -The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U-51S GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesalo nnd retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-997 HA1RDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U-285 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, R2. U-M809 D14 THE PRINCE OF OMAHA Ir tho best cigar ever saw. Smoke one 'nnd you'll see. Flavor unexcelled, union made. Bought for $37 per 1,000 and , sold nt fio straight. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. U-991 23 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumor. 1018 Farnam. U M837, When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the tact that you aaM the ad In The Be. PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur Ing confinement; babies adopted. 262) Burdet'e St. Mrs. Burget. U-618 D$ GET the little photos for 16c per dos at The U. 8. Gallery. 626 Bouth 16th. U-834- PERSONALS. ACCORDION pleaMng, ciieapelt. hesfnnd quickest, Mrs. A C, Mark, 17 Douglas. U-M161 WANTED Information as to tho present whereabouts of Louis Phlltpson. who used to keen a livery barn In Oinalin. Write to I. Van Dyke, Rutland Hotel. Sioux City, In. U-Mlst 23 ELITE PAIHoTtS, 615 SolCth"st7. I.f floor? U-M18S D20 MONEY TO I.OAN REAL ESTATE. C AND G' per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bunk building. Tel. 1648. W-999 LOANS on eastern Nebraska uiul western Iowa farms nt 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $lw or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brcnnan-Love Co.. 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-iOOo WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants, George & Company, 1001 Farnam street, WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-103 PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W-101 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y, L. W-103 WANTED, city and farm loans; alvo bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bco Bldg. W 104 4i TO 6 P. C. money. Bcmls, Paxton DIk. ' W-105 $60,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $300 lip; lowest rates. Garvin Bros., loot Farnam. W-106 SEE HliNRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Life. W 108 MON131 to loan on Improved Omnlm real estate. Breunan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th. W-109 MORTGAGE G. G, Wallace, Brown Block. W-554 l',i PER CENT on business property. oper cent on rcsldcnco property. Options to pay whole or part nny Hme, AV. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 15th St. W-M826 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY'! To loan on urnituro nna iuiiiiH. Live Klnrlf tv You to retain possession of the property. SALARY LOANS1'" i,e0Pl0 holding dML.ttii uuHinomunt positions. You can borrow from $10.00 up. You can get the moaey on short notice. You get the full nmount In cash. You may keep It one month or more and pny for It only what tlmo you keep It. Our rates are low, our business Is confidential and our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.J 306 So. 16th St. X-151 LARGEST BUSINESS IN TXJANS TO SALARIED l'EOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without re curlty; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 410 Board of Trade Bldg. X-114 DON'T RUN. BUT 1IURRYI Our rates arc lowest on SALARY LOANS OR FURNITURE LOANS, i Time right and fair, square dealing bv a responsible company. Reliable Credit to . room 303, third floor, Paxton block. X-M203 MONEY loaned on plain note, to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates, 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-112 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live, stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. V. TAYLOE, 633 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th and Farnam; entrance on 10th stroet. X-115 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew elry; also to salaried peoplq.ivlthout secur ity ;chep rate;; easy payments; business confidential. Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff Green, II. 8, Barker Blk. Est. 1889. X-Utt MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-117 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCaguo building. V-MI67 30 INTERESTED In goats? Learn all about them, as money makers. Read American Goat Breeder, published monthly;. 20 cents a cony. Address Room G, 147 5th ave.. Chicago. Y M503 D7 COAL nnd feed business for sale. Well equipped nnd prosperous. Monroe Se. Co.. Sll N. 16th. y8S7 SALOON for sale, address James Slaboduy, St. Paul, Nebraska, Y M930 26 FOR SALE, millinery store doing good business; also good hotel for snlo (or lcaso to right party), both good locations In N. E. Nebraska. Call or wrlto 624 N. Y. Life building, Omnhn. Y 134 FOR SALE, sealed bids will bo received by tho undersigned for the stock of hard waro of J. L. Harnett, South Omaha, until Nov. 26, 1901. This Is an excellently kept and well assorted stock of goods. The location Is one of tho best. The business Is well established. Persons de siring to engage In business rhould not fall to investlgato. Tho storo will be open every afternoon this week from 2 to 6 o'clock. Persons Interested are invited to call and oxamlne the stock. F. B. Hochstetler, trustee. Address care Rector & Wllhelmy Co. ,Y M147 21 $1,$50 WILL buy an old established busi ness wortn tnrco times mat nmount. It 66, Bco. Y-1G9-20 FOR SALE Membership certificate of tho Omaha Board of Trade, paying good divi dends; splendid Investment. Address L 58, Omaha Bee. Y M177 21' IF ANY bright young man wants to mnko some money and get into a good legiti mate business for nlmsolt and can invest $100, I have tho proposition ho Is looking for. This is no fake scheme. Don't call unless you mean business. Call for W. C. Cass, room 8, Henshuw hotel, Y-M1S9 21 FOR EXCHANGE. STOCK dry goods, elothlui.' sliues, etc., for western iann., Aouress jjox m, irnnK- fort, Ind. S5-M185 22 FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. FAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life. RE-123 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place,. 1 will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Llfo bldg. RE-M153 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lira iiisuruueu. ucnui. i uxiuu uiock. RE-120 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee, RANCH and farm lands for sals by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. B.E-11S TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-471 Jun5 CIIAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-12S SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good farming country. For further .partloulurs wrlto. or call on H. L. Ludlum, Plalnvlew, Neb, RF M383 SEVEN new modern houses.- 3 choice vacant lots on 34th; near Farnam st or will build to suit you and sell on easy payments. R. P. Hamilton, builder, 1712 Farnam st. Tel. 1179. RE-M791 23 HOUSES and lots In alt parts of city; 'also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davie Co., Room f62. Bee Building, -RE-11 BARQAINB, Boyer, 22d & Cuming. Tel, 2049. RE-722 D10 AVANTED, the address of partr- desiring to place some money In small cottage, first mortgage loans, at 6 per cent inter- . est W. U Selby, Board of Trade build ing. BJS-Mlta 21 POIl SALE REAL ESTATE. tf0.00 FARM FOR $40.0(T 3-"0 acres, ltucnster county, excellent Im provement.", one mile from Raymond, 13 north of Lincoln. Rich hluck loam, no weeds, fenced, young bearing orchard, nlcf grove, splendid water system, level roads In every direc tion, good neighbors. Adjoining farms sell for $W; no better. Owner reeds money, Price, $lo per nvre, We hne other bargains. PAYNR-KNOX CO Omaha Neb. RE-M173 21 FOR SALE A bargain near Brownell Hall! new, modern, 7-room house; latest open nickel plumbing; porcelain bath tub; full 60-ft. lot; owner has Just been transferred to another city and wishes to sell nt once. J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-S6J WANTED Real estate In Seattle, Wash., If cheap. Pettlt Son, 623 New York Block. Seattle. Wash. RE-M183 ic MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would cnll the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and hH treatment for Irregularities, no matter What cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 12t LADIES, $500 reward Inlllng to relievo case of nbnormnt suppression, nny cause; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mend Remedy Co., 17 tlulncy st Chicago, 1', m. DR. AV. HUTCHISON, specialist of women and children; 20 years' practlco. Ofllce, 2219 Cuming. Res. tel., F-2790; ofllce, B-2S36 876 LADIES, our hnrmlcss monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., .Milwaukee. Wis. 949 Jany 6 LADIESl Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars, "Relief rot Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. DRESSMAKING. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring. 1133 N. 18th. 753 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2012 Farnam. 123 1MB TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joo Yousen, 1606 Farnam. eui TROUSERS TO order, $3. M N. 16th. LOST. LOST, silk watch fob. heavy cold Elk's nenn nttncncti, itcwaru. iteturu wiinasn ticket ofllce. Lost-SO" 20 LOST, n gentleman's chain nnd cigar cutter charm. Finder will reeelvo $10 reward. Sol Brodkcy, 1301 Douglas St. Lost-142 20 LOST An amethyst watch fob with heavy gold setting; hresumo lost on So. Omaha car; reward If returned to 1623 Jackson or 'phone 574. I.ost-M191 21 LOST A No. 8 Eastman porkot codak, be tween 20th Btrcet and Half-Howard nnd Frcnzer block; liberal reward. Dr. J, M. Borglum, 633 South 22d Bt. LoHt-M179 22 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles1 dept.; I"! I A V- Inhnlnn Mtnnn.Vil. Mm 1R DR. A. T. HUNT, D12 McCague bldg. Tel. 2352. -427 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S2i .-12 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th A Doug 130 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 131 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. ileo mag. isj NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's rneaiei las STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 012 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -980 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tela. 1659-863. -978 STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far nam St. 979 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. BE PROMPT in calling to all the slightly used pianos wo are offering till week on very easy terms, and you will find yourself well repaid. If you wish a plnno you can save money now. at this time. AYhere? Mueller Piano & Organ Co.. 1316 Farnam St. 720 CARPENTERS AND JOIMCR.. ALL kinds of curpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tn nnd Lake Sts. 370 WM. EVER1TT. Special rates to real es tato men; weather strips put on. Leavenworth. M763 RALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 N. 16th. -173 BOOKKEEPING. LESHONH In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun -138 rilOTOGIlAPIIY. CIIRIBTMA8 offer, opal worth $3.00 free with each dozon photos. Miner, leading photographer, 918 N. 24th. 760 LAtNUHV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7o; collars, Set cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 143 BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler AA'orks, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1259. 12th and Izard Sts, ELECTRIC MELTS. ELECTRIC Belts and what thov will do. Address P. O. Box 488, Omaha, Neb. 157 FOUND. FOUND, near Y. M. C. A. entrance, pair of spectacles; owner cnll at Doe Offlco for same, gound M6J7 FACTORIES, TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit esses; trunks rapalred, Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam. -144 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all ouslncas confidential. 1S01 Douglas. 137 SAPE AND IRON WORKS. O. ANDREEN Prop. Omaha Safo A Iron AVorks removed to 102 So. 10th Bt. 777-12 BLACK SMITHING AND IIORSESIIOINfi. CnTltLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 811 N. 16th. 731 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well ns life. Charter members fre. Particu lars from Frank Roeewater, supreme manager, m uco iliac, i.t ROWLING AI.I,K. Foil SALE-TWO nll)s nnd equipments nnd cigar cnc, all In good condi tion, located lu western port of stntn; bargain for n man with small capital, can bo moved If want to change location Address L 69, Ile. -M176DJ STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia A'atlghn, 4 Ramse Bldg. -139 PHYSICIANS. Dr. Gertrude CuscadenTTcoTDougrphonTl?! 6I7-N23 NICKEL PLATING. STOA'ES. lamps, tc replntlng. Omaha Plating Co., lice Blllg. Tel. 2535. 136 FURNITURE REPAIRING, TEL. 1331. M. S. AValklln. 2111 Cuming 81. 134 STATUARY. - STATUARY manufacturing. 317 S. 10th St. Great bargain removal sale. -723 DIP HATTERS. OLD hats mndc Hew. 207 N. 17th St. M705 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Aaurcss, ivock ojox too, ucs -Moines, in. 133 One Day's Delay often means tho loss of n valu able tooth. Remember that a stitch lu tlmo saves nine. Aluminum plates, the best, $16. Use Dr. Bailey's Tooth Powder. Bailey the Dentist :tl2 Pnxtiui Block, ICth and Farnam Sts. Lady attendant. Phono 1083. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hercbv ulven that bids will 1)0 received nt tho ofllco of Geo. D. Follmer. commissioner of public lands and hulldltiKs, Capitol building, Lincoln, Nebraska, until 12 o'elnelc noon nf llm 7lli ibiv of Noveni- tier. 1901, for furnishing tho material and perrorming me lanor necessary to reuutiu tho west wltur of the Hospital for tho liimuin nt Norfolk, Nebraska. Plans nnd specifications for tho same may bo seen at tho ofllce of tho commissioner of publlo lands nnd buildings, Lincoln, Ne braska: nt the olllco of Dr. Frederick Teal at the Hospital for the Insane, Norfolk, Nebraska, nnd at tho ofllce of R. W. Grunt, urchltcct. Beatrlco, Nebraska. iiuih win bo received for tho building com plete In ncordanco with the drawings nnd spuclllcatlons; also ttctmrnte bids for the Htruutural metal Installed lu tho building; also fur tho InHlnlntlon nf n rnmnletn con duit system and electrlo light wiring; aloo ior nu piumniug; uiso ror all innor ami material necessary to complete tho build ing excepting tho structural metal, electric light wiring and tho plumbing. Bids mtiHt bo sealed and addressed to the commissioner o public lands nnd building?, v-apiioi nuiiaing. i.incoin, rseurnaiia, and nil bids must bo designated on tho en velope, "Bid for material nnd labor for re building wing to tho Norfolk Hospital for Insane." Tho Board of Publlo Lands nud Buildings reserves the right to reject nny or nil bids and to walvo nny defects or irregularities. i ne miming or tno Hospital ror tno in snne nt Norfolk hns created an emorirenev by reason of which It Is mado necessary to at onco rebuild tho west wing of snld build ing, 'inem are no funds appropriated lu tho treasury for such rebuilding and all pnrtles bidding thereon must do so with tho understanding that no money can bo paid on any contract lot therouiidnr until an appropriation for that purposo has boon puBseu uy ino legislature, or tno stato or Nebraska. GEO. D. FOLLMER. Com. of Public Lands and Buildings. , N-17-d-10-t NOTICE. Bids will bo received at the ofllen nf the commissioner of public lands nnd bulldlngH ni Lincoln, jncii., ror tne construction or sixty new steel cells at tho stnto peni tentiary in Lincoln, according to plans and Bliocltlcutlons now on fllo In tho olllco of tno commissioner oi public innds anil buildings, except ns to locking device, which will be selected by the bonrd from models exhibited nt the time rnntrnrl Is awarded. Tho Board of Public Lnndl nnd Biilldlni?n reserves the right to InereaBo tho number1 contracted ior to ninety or iau nt amo proportionate prlco ns bids for tho sixty cells, should It be deemed best to do sn nt tho tlrno contract is made. AH bids must bo submitted on or beforo Tuesduy, December 17. 1901. at 12 o'clock noon, and all parties blddlnir must be nri. ent on tho day named, with samples of ma terial nnd model of locking device! The board reserves the right to roject nny or all bids, and to walvo any defects or Ir regularities. There am no funds appropriated In tho treasury for tho construction of these cells and all parlies blddlnc thereon must do so with the understanding that no monoy can no paid on any contruet let thereunder until nu npproprlntlon has been passed by' the legislature of tho state of Nebrnska. QEOROE D. FOLLMER. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings. Nov20D10t POSTOPPICE NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested, as changes muy occur nt nny time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending No vember 23, 1901, Will Close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at tho general pustolllco us fol lows: Parcels post mnlls close one horn earlier than closing tlmo shown below. larclH post malls for Germany close at 0 p. in. Monday, per s. s. K. Wm. der Grosso; Wednesday, per h. s. II, II, Muler, and Friday, per h. s. Patricia. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below (oxcopr. that supplementary malls for Europo and Cen tral America, via Colon, close ono hour later at foreign branch.) Transatlantic Malls, THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per s. s. La Bretngno via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s, s. Lit Bretagne"). SATURDAY' At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per n. h. Stuatendnlii (moll must be directed "per s. s. Staaten dam"); at 7:S0 a. m. for ITALY dlrort. imr s. h. F. Bismarck (mall must bo directed "per s. b, F. Illsmarck"); at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 in.) for EUROPE, per s. . Etrurla via Queens town. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Tllls steamer tukos Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples ror Germany only. Tho bume class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not be sont ny this ship unless specially directed by It. After c'.csinc of the Supplementary Trans atlantic Mails named above, additional supplementary mulls are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French and German steamers- and romuln open until vlthln Ten Minutes of tho hour of balling of stcamci Mulls for South hid! Central America, West Indira, Etc. THUR8DAY-At 12 m. (supplementary at 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, QUAN- TAN A MO and KANTIAGO. per fl. s. Hantlugo; at 12:30 p. m. (vuppiomentary i:30 p. m.) ror sr. tiiumaw, m. c CROIX, IT A KTriU LEEWARD and W1NDAVARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH, DUTCH und FHENCli GUIANA, per s. s. Mndlana (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Madlnna."); nt 1 p. m. for YUCATAN, per h, s. Daggry via Pro greso. SATURDAY-At 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. h. Ponce via Bon Junu; at 9 u. m. (kUnplementnry 9:30 a, m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Marucalbo (mall for Savnnllln and Cartagonu must In- directed "per i h, Marncalbo"); at, 9:20 o. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISIjAND. JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA. CARTAGENA and GREY TOAVN. per s. a. Alleghany (mall for Cnsta Rica, must be directed "pr , a. Alleghany' )i at 10 a. m. for CUBA per POSTOrt'ltE NOTICE. s Morro casilo M llnuimi; at ,1 p ni for A ltOENTINi:, I IM-GUAV and I Ml. AG I , per s r liermllla. MniH for Newfoundland, bv rail to North Sydney, i nd llieneo by steamer, close at this olllco dally at 6.30 p. m. (connecting i-ln here evnri' Mninlni- .. ri Saturday) Malls for Mlqueion. by rail to ii' uy steamer, close at this olllco dally ut 0:30 i. m. Malls for Cuba, bv rail to Port Tampa. Fla., nnd thence by steamer, close at this nillce dally, at "i a. in. (the connecting clones arc on Monday, Wednesday nnd Satur- llilV). Mflll fnr tnvlAii fl,.. unless specially nddrrrscd for dispatch by steamer, close nt this olllco dally at l26 p. in. nnd 11 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, llollze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail U New Orleans, and '.henco by steamer, close nt this office dally nt I"') p. in. (connecting close here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rica), "Registered mall close, nt 6 p. m, previous day. Transpacific! Mall. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to November IS. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala medn. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, r'nlnn and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to November 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Chins. Mnlls for Tahiti and Marquesas Island, via San Francisco, elne hero dally n 6:30 p. m. up to November. "2I. Inclusive, for dlspateh per s. s, Australia. Mnlls fnr Chlnn nnd .In pun, via Vancouver, cloe here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to Novem ber 26, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Etnpiess of Chlnn (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). (Mcr ebandlsn for the U. S. Pnstnl Agent nt Shanghai cannot bo forwarded vis Canada), MaIN for Ha wall. China. Japan nnd Philip, pines via Sun I'ranclson close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to November 29, In flush c. for ilNpati'li per s. s. Dotle. Mnlls for Australia (except West Alistrnlln, which Is forwarded via 'Curopr), New Zealand, FIJI. Samoa nnd Hnwnll, via San Frnnclsco, close here dnllv nt 6.30 p, in. after November lO nnd up to November 30. Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Urn brla, due at New York November 3 for dlipiitt'h per s. s. Ventura. Mnlls f Dr Australia (except West Austrnlh, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zea land, which goes via San Frnnclsco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close her dnlly at p, m, after November M) and up to December ?. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowern (supplement ary malls via Seattle and A'lclorln), close here at 0:30 p. m. Deecnibcr 8. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of dos ing Is nrrnnged on the presumption ol their uninterrupted overland transit, Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. prevloui day. CORNELIUS A'ANT-OTT. Postmnster, Postofllcc, New York, N. A' Nov. 15. 1901. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION KITH AND MAIICV. Illinois Central. Ieave. Arrive. Chicago Express n 7:10 nni n 5:10 pm Chleupo, .Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:20 nm Minneapolis A- St. Paul v Express b 7:10 nm b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from x Council Bluffs a 6:00 nm ( lilenun A Northwestern. "The NorthwoMcrn Line." Chicago Special a 7:20 nm nll'.ln pm Chicago Passenger .....n 4:15. 'pm n 8:PO nm Eastern Express n 10:66 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Speclnl a 4:53 pm a 4:0.' pin Fust M.ill a 8:00 pm n 2:46 pm Omnha-Clilciigo L't'd ..a 7:43 pm u S:40 am Fast Mall , a 8:30 am Cednr Rapids Pass n B:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:10 nm nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Iocnl a S:00 nm a 3:5y pm a Dally. , ChleiiKO, Ruck Inland ,1 Pnt'lllo. EAST. Des Moines nnd Dnv- enport Ixicnl n 7:23 am n 9:35 pin Chicago Express hi 1:15 nm n 4:5? pm Des Moines Iocnl n 4:20 pm 1)11:50 mi Chicago Fast Express.. n 5:00 pm n 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl- nnd and Chicago i 7:40 pm a 8:10 nm AVEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo und AVest n 1:30 pin n 4:13 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer ., n C:20 pm a 9:50 nm Union Pnulflc. Overland Limited a 8:50 am n 7.30 pm Fast Mall.., i 9:00 a ui a 3:26 pm Pacific Express nll:20 pm a 4:V5 pm Colorado Special all:20 pm a 7:05 nm Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:33 pm b!2:3fl pm California & Atlantic Ex.a, 4:35 pm a 7:05 am Grand Island Local b R;30 pm ,1) 9:35 am riileauo, Mllwniikrr & St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 nm Chicago & Omnha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm AVnbnsb. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a.,5:15 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs alO:00 urn nl0:30 pm Mlsslurl Pnclfle. St. Louis Express al0:00 nm a 6:26 pin K. C. & St. L. ExpresB.nl0:60 pm a 6:16 nm' BURLINGTON STATION 10TII MASON I llurllniclou .t Missouri Illvrr. l,eavo. Arrive. Nebraska Express a 8:40 nin a 7:35 pm AA'ymore, Beatrice and Lincoln n S:40 am bll:55 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hllln and Paget Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mnll b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook nnd Plntts mouth h 3:20 pm bil:oS am Bellcvuo & Pnclllo Jet,. a 7:40 pm a 8:20 nni- Bellovuo & Puclllo Jet., a 3:10 am Kit nun a City, St. Joseph Council' Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:0(5 pm Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm a 6:16 am St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm atlilt am Chicago, Ilurllnsrlaii A Hairier. Chicago Special a 7:00 nm al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlhuled Ex., a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Loral a 9:30 nm R 4:00 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a. 7:43 am' Fnst Mall a 2;45 pm n Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday. WEBSTER DEPOT HITI! WEBSTER Fremont, Elkhnrn A Missouri Valley Leave, Arrive. Black Hills, Dcndwond, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm n. 6:00 pm AVyoinlng, Casper nud Douglns d 3;O0 pm o 5:00 pm Hustings, York, David City Superior, Geneva, Exeter nnd Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am L'blenuo, HI. Paul, Minneapolis A: Oiunhii. Twin City Passenger.,.. 6:00 am a 9:10 pin Bloux City Passenger... a 2:45 pin aliao am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b t:r,0 nm Missouri l'uelflc. Nebraska Local, Via AVeepIng Water b 4:10 pm a!0;25 nm a Dally b Dally Sunday, c Huh day only, d Dally except Snturday, e Dally except Monday. I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! NswSsnrlce t MedlUrrantan The new ctrantlo twin- screw steamer "Commonweslth,"lS, 000 tons, 600 feel lonr, from Boston to Olbrsllar, Naples and Qeuoa, Mot ! i l, luoi, ana Jin. , ivvj; io Alexin- (Iris. Ervnl. via HSDles. Jan. 4 an4 Feb. l'J, 1903. For further Informa tion, Gomo&ay'h Offlca. SB uearoom si .wnicaio. BROOKLYN POSTMASTER QUITS lleslarna Ilia Office Tlecanie Displeased Over Department' Action v In Promotion. AVA8HINOTON, Nov. 20. It was an nounced today at tho White House thai Postmaster Wilson of Brooklyn has resigned nnd that his resignation has been accepted, to take effect upon the appointment ot hli successor. Mr. AVIIson bases his resigna tion upon the action of the department In tbo matter ef a promotloa ha ofllce.