THE OMAHA DAILY MONDAY, yOVEMBER 18, 1001. 9' ' AVERTS BUSINESS DISASTER Hnry 01wi Findi Oeotiloa to lUjoict - I ,0m lilro Adjutra.t. FARMERS ARE IN ON THE GOOD TIMES rnnmcnj nut q.' ...II, ( - U . . I lVnvt o Prosperity sun )'" " l (Inicrntly Hint l.lttlc Ctuiipliilnt Ik llenril Ken from Hie Corn District. rVEW YORK, Nov. 17. (Special.) Hcnrr Clews says; , , IntercstltiB developments oen n . .. ...... hn lnst week. Fiimo of which hail been long expected and did not exert tho effect tin- Urinated Chief of these in imiim u"'., f iiiirse was the final announcement of tho settlement of tho Morgan-Hlll-Hurrlman controversy, i u-iille there nre points of weakness In tho ieV tilnn and the railroads Interested con Iitilv earn the dividends cxpcctul by u narrow margin for somo time to come, yet " iu 1, tirnntlriil solution of I tho arrangement is a nrucuini " h. very dllllcult problem, and one tt at iiffonls the hiiKest possible share of Justlco und satisfaction to all concerned. 1 he IOU HI ..'Hp " . 1. 1.1 I ,.,.. Illflt I I - I l - Hiittsfactlott to all concerneu. j no it..;,,,, unriile interests secure protection from Invasion of Its territory, whllo tho I it in ,i xinruiiii nartV maintain coniroi in 1 the properties In w'hlch they are primarily iniensm., ..,.. Avert a iirni i"" ,,.1.... -.iu ,, atrnrsln between rival In terests Involving larger Issues and vaster icrriiii, ii" "". r,- . .. l,na I "D nmounts or capiiai mini 'V.V.i7iV. iw.ViTii ver beforo seen. An open J r " 1 ', hnv.; been dlsas trous t no I i one to th l.artles most concerned, but to tne wnu n market nnd might easuy '"lv" '"7" "V In serious pnnlc. Tho removal of m ch i Jwnienlnir contingency Is not only a re- ilef It Is' positively rmisstirlng; It marks a great step forward In the comnii nlty of interest Idea, which now hat t hi i ll 1 culty Is out of the way will probably be j,i shed on in other quarters w lien eo nd -ilons favor until the whole coiuito is ,n. .i.i.i intn terr tor al groups. ine inii I1 1 i, . i ii nni hese glgantle " ,i". . i,r..lil..iii of the future. UiniVic. mv.V, Mo., r, n Hintn legislation seems very A nnblli; otlllllon llitslnrsK llecllnr In Iteecile " rnllrond deal the market '..r - Ii H?ence i f ' con- rmtfSl"n gen- Annrl from the rcms to be under meting eonuiiions, ' .V'.ii.. . ii.; i.o nr.. (ill the toil wnVO vrm ! -viiiik j- ' , .........line move- of prosperity and I hi it '' '' K ment must soon set In. ot on U s r w ..f.?n..r.,,,.",r:L.bL ff'ta bV inches nf '. Irm trmlo arc still "boomlnp". t ns.onlshlng pace, with i.o prospect o er y cessation, anil rairom ""- i'o .imv iiin most Muttering Increoses over last year's record-breaking returns. Agri cultural Interests uro also sharing general prosperity whero corn and cotton wero most injurill. , tin I rnlgnll cent reso rn-cs s liiirst Into one S'SoKrlX if raphl new development mirli nn linvn moro than once astonished t e 'world nml no onii can tell when tho . Tho trutn is. me i iiiuu o.nnr.. V ins eon reached. Certainly . the reaction in C.ermauy. whllo It should no tnken ns a warning, cannot ,"iT-i.T..,i . parallel, fnr (lermnny Is a fully developed rountrv nnd must react quickly from ex cess, whllo tho t'nllcd States, through she.-r ...... nmitlrtttn 1tlllfr nn llin nit til 5rfefeBSenolr UrprlSTil!.W: ?rerntlsm: w il , now exists Is. how- . ever, ono of tho best safegunrrta agaliiac excess. Tin Fnut ti I.nnl Alirnyw It Is qulto certnln tho present pace cniinoi n. i..7iAfiniiait' u.i.i tlin piiullniiM snlrlt 1H I 1 lasv ..i,iu.,...j .-..t. --",, 7irn v bo welcomed and encoun igeil. n,,1pn"" business und credit aro still sound nnd thero will havo to bo n very conslderablo . i i i .... I. t. r , , , , whip, i hpread reaction can take nluco in all .ivfrm rn inline lit i,,,t, ,.-,w. ...... , bowever. particular rcuson for caution; nricos uro very high, nnd when protits ,Cnft :.nmn SL to noriniil wo may look feor corresponding movomentH In Stock ox- tehango values. As Is well known, thero ,'on0 ev"errKy rVserNv.uch "on thornier .that tho market will havo tho m.,. ........ l'i.iirt fiti.u,. (..inriiiinnn iiiht innrii i I.., lilt-. , ........ . , will bo llttlo material for any prolonged bear campaign. Tho money mnrket Brnsfe. ho a JJ ": jr.t . ......... ...... vn ii iivnnriN. ivnit'ii w rn iiitriiv I ciiiMjiiriiii.i For Tlnirsdny's breuk. As funds uro now ; returning from tho Interior wo can easily ntinrn n fi.ur tntlllnns tn meet 1 ''"u .I.- jiceds, and It remains lo bo seen whether tho release nf securities held through tho Knriliern I'aciiic coniem win iieut'iii iim Vnntint ul t II n 1 1 (111 . A tniirn uerlntlH IrOllllIO I j ........w... ... - - - Iu nti.riflt. n liunriit Inn nf fltlulM bv Hie treasury resulting from excessive taxation nnd a faulty treasury system. Congress bo fnr has been derelict In Its duty Iu not ropenling tho war taxes. The public mind will nnn lie eentered iinnn the doings nt congress nnd may show more or less tin- easiness for a time. The present outlook, however. Is that no disturbing leglsinlloii reed be expected from bis congress nnd rrcsldont Roosevelt la llkey o bo much moro conservatlvo in otllcn than on tho Btumn. .. .. . ."m . . I UNCLE SAM'S HAND lo rtL I Fnrninllnn says the Inlluenco or the New York Stock exrhnngn nnd tlm United States continue, to be very strongly felt here. An advance In New ork quotations, this paper says, regularly causes n corresponding rlso In Iterlln the following day and Herllu obedi ently bulls the market when New York lloll.M Tho Kreuz 7,eltung does not consider l,la fnl iiu Imllriitli'ii nf nnrimi.i uninnmln I dependence upon the United States; this elrnady exists. "Hut," concludes tho paper In question, "tho American danger draws nearer." Tlm rnilniiititlini nf Northern Tiul(li. nro. ferred at pnr caused considerable dlsap- milntinniit nnimn: Herman Hiicrnliiliirs whn expected this redemption to be effected at 115. Oeneral regret Is expressed nt the disappearance nf Northern Pacillc pro- rerrcus rrom tne itormiiu inarKet. iih nus stock hns ulwnys been ono of the most active securities on the Merlin und Frank fort bourses. I lifrmittt Iron Is Slrnw. I strouu Anii'i Irim Iron mnrket Imnnrteil I siren rength 10 Herman irons dur ng t in week, Dtwrthstaiitllng reports to the effect tha r,n..ii ,111,1111,1,14 i Irnn ..ri,iin,, i,,i,i not w domestic The Frankfurter Zeltung, speaking nf Iron, ......"..'............... nys: "Tho anger of American eonipetl tlou in the flerman Iron market Is rapidly f rowing. Of course, tho American demand b at present so strong that imports from the United States aro Impossible, but tho tlmo Is probably not distant when the United States will throw Its product not only on the markets of the world, but will niso begin compeiuioii 111 iiermany loll UCKlll Lllllllii'llliuii 111 iii'i iiiiiuy, Tho temper or tho bourse during the last u.AMlr it'nn mil rkf.rllt Iwttnr. 11 1 1 llilllcli Irnn. actions remained light. Tho rise In Irons nnd bank siarcs wns due tn tho unnounec ment Hint the government has completed the bill reforming tho bourse laws. The ruto of foreign exchange Is llrm. LITTLE IS DOING ON 'CHANGE Conimrrclnl Neurit of Inipnrtnucc Fall In Iiupnrt Expreteil VUullty In l.uiiilon MiirUt'lN, LONDON rtnppentngs exenauge 1 dieted, the of tint wee Neither the Fi-nneo-Turklsh ut,..,.ino nf fjinl Knllsbiirv und Mr ilroderlck, nor tho lack of serious news from South Africa, served to Impart the prom sed upward movement on me ex- .-imnew Uh"to the nresent time the cable id- lcrs have fttlfed tosntlsfy oporators as to xactly what tho. Northern Vac tic pttle; tnant means and tho published details had tt rather depressing effect. American m irurltlrs closed tho week decidedly off all around. Critics point jut that tho continued gold tilnnipntR r rrom tho united states inuicnie l.rt. ..l..u v.... nr ,l.,r.t,l..illl .,r.l.,..t ...n.l.ln.lm, tlm r,i i, tr ,i 1 1 ii,l,i .if ltir.1 various ' linaucliil projects afoot iu Wall UmC copjsauontly tho membwrs ot the Jibleba steady and f ee from ' 1. " nlnatlon u TAiiS I " KisilHlack" IhIss "iScT white prollt-taklng nnd December sagged to MT.c. nnd ' o long ni serv ce s ciilclent. there bass, 10c: bluetlsh, 11c; bullheads. 10c: blue closing w.ak 4fto lower nt Ooc. Hccelpts r itlcM ir? be llttlo serloi m opposition, and Huh. 7c: (mffaliM-s. 7c; catllsh. 12c: co5, Uc; wero 0J ears. laiirnViV managers will b" w so If they do era . pies, lie; haJIbut lie; herring, 7c; had- ,,1'rm o In oats was heavy all morning. i mmnle rimsoniib o regulation of heir dock 10c; pike. 10c: red snapper, 10c; sal- though with nn easier tendency, peccm- orTRlri'Tiv the govenimen If the people mou. lie: suntlsh, c; trout, lie; whltellsh, er started MiUo lower mid was inllueueed fi?r5.i yi There is n s ate y In dellat co fair, Receipts, n rars. by tho corn slump and a correspond ng de- I ... ............ I K.flll UUP,. l-AWUlin, Milv, uuin., . ,t . Kin, (.,,. ,i ir ltennrt AlTr.. T. I.i hum. -ov ib.-y 1 1 r.A;r--i.owcr. stendv: winter jinieius. w.uujjj.w; winter (.., u, j. & y. 4s.. o, in; conv. is ire liprmnn llmirsr. OTio'ic: December. ,3Wi"W; May, 77o; $3.80414.10; winter exiras, j.fui,w; .Minnn- c'hlcago Ter. 4s.. 91 do 2s 110U fiom $4.90 to $n.2ft. v 11ERLTN. Nov. 17. Thn redemntlon of 64c; December. Glsig614c: Muy. S3HG3s4c. $3.O0ru.l.3O; cholco to fancy. $3.XiJi3.60. I Erlo prior 1. 4s... 99T W. Ai L. E. 4s.... 92V5i al! the w.iy fromb Northern Pncltlc stock by tho Northern OATH Lower: No. 2 cash, 42t4c; track, I1UCKWI115AT-Steady; $1.2.1 per cwt. to do gen. 4s 89 Ms, Central 4s.. ss tho quality Is com Securities company and tho Iron report, 444c: December, 41'4c; May, 42Hc; No, 2 nrrlvo in New York. F W Ai D c ls,...107?;.Con. Tob. 4s 64?4 feeders aro quotei both American matters, were both sub- white. 4645Uc. COHNMEAI-Steady : yellow ..western, Hock. Vol. 4Vis..l07 1 num kinds very Jects of Interest on the bourso Inst week. IIYE-Strady. wc. $1.30; city, ji.zk; urantiywine. j.4iKaj.Do. i lower. .,. Sn im tlii.iiiibil nrilele. tlm If rem V.eltnmr FLOUH-Qulet. Arm red winter patents, HYE-Steady No. 2 western. 6(4c f. o. b. .ntd. 11EEF ! , Nov. 17.-H, splto of various n Z n lb. T stendy "s 6, .' n't.uer WUfiYoha- Ynnw oSo , following which' a rise In Stock lU'TTER-Stendy; lino United States. S'P'nvmoc 'conditio,, of affnlrs'at t.?e 'end r-CHElCSElQuI; United 'sVates. colored. fiwTstern ! uncatlled, SJB'wiSfirn k lias not materially Improved. ;Ss ad: Australian, ln Ixmdon. steady, .us. 5''.S,.-W55?JW:. "ncall",lu' --'. wtsttrn. Northern Pacltlu nor the , 'Vi.i,'iV,. n- ,,.,r nb. r. u.i settlements, tho cheerful MlunrnunllH AVIk iiI. Flour nml lli. . .VV.',.::..:,.,X'... V.?-.V '" ' ' tmHnn Ktnrk mrhnnen nre Inrllncd to holil off, rather thiui stake nnythlng upon ft tentative Amcrieiui boom. President Koosnvolt entered somewhat Into Ignition's onlculntlons. The rumors would break up many of the existing VUIIIIIUIIIIIUU!. l.-nmt. Ill mi; liiuniuuilk .1 im." snge Ivlng awnltcd here witn Keenest anx iety. In the meanwhile, money Is by no means plentiful. Discount rates wero . . ... nl... nnlltil trntininUiina .... Uia stock VxchYinRi' wu! itisigniticruit. Homo rals w(,r(J (lon(j nn(, mining nharcB almost nil declined rrncuoiLnuy. inuusinum gen nrliv n(T.irpil lii svmnnthv with thn . J ..... I 1. 1 II.. - tonacco nr, which is tinny lu-niniinm ii moro hitter aspect. BETTER DEMAND FOR CLOTH .Mnnclimlrr Textile Mnrket llnjoya I llettcr IIiirIiicnk I'nor I'rkcva Sctmreil fur Yarn. MANCHESTER. Nov. 17. A better de- mnnd for cloth lit some directions resulted rathur Increruilng business during the last weeK linn many sellers report a sain- fnrtory week's turnover. Hume effort Is belli made In several tiarters to revive the Indian demand, but without appteirance of .success. China has been buying liberally, chlelly Hhlrtlngs, and the ordirr books of many producers are tilled for four months ahead, Miiini,.ru tn tin, Iv:mt and South Amer- Bnippcrs in wn C11 miv tnlten ut recent rates: rnw cotton Is .. 1.'...... Inli. n..r.f, -.f tiiialtinaa I ,L IIIIVIT IIIIIUII 11 i.ll. ,.,,t....fc ut.n.t.v ; nevertneiuss, tne pneo 01 rnw cotton Is rcKarueo as too nign to i malntnln tho generally Improved demand, Varus were more nctlvo nt poor prices ami users no not appear iu iiu uniuu.i 10 secure supplies In advance. Comlltlnn f llmik 4,t Spain MADItlp. .Nov. 17.-Tl.e report of the Hank of Hitftln for he week ended yester- mmyin inw nun," n.iv. '". ncreased pesetas, sliver in nanii in- creased 1.23I.00O pesetas and notes In clrcu- a(n (,..MCtl 7)76fl,w ,,cinB. , o.maii.v wnoi.r.sAi.i: MAtucnrs. Comlltlns of 'I'riide mill Onntsctlnnii on .stnplr nnd I'nncy 1'roiluee. K(!aS Itecclpts, light; fresh stock, 2)c. T HM. 1,lltl TPIIV I Innu r.fM. ...iinii nnd old roosters, 1c; turkeys. 7bc; "ducks and geese. U'nOiici soring chickens, uer lb., uUTTlilt-Oommon to fair, 13c: flholco arils, per can, ac; extra Selects, per can. Me; New York counts, per can. 40c; bulk tStandnrds. per gal., 1.2u1.25; bulk extra selects. l.(V)-cfl.t,. IMQEONH- I.lvo. per do.. Mc. VliAW-L'tlOlce. tyUSC. . . . HA Y I'rlees quoted ly umnlia wnolesnio " HllJ, I)PUiurH- sselation: Cholcn upland, I j upland. W.60: medium, K; coarse, J J7.W Hyo straw.. K.W. These prices n re for n Demand ' ' B -'uI ,JUU"1 ..... --n-. . co,,v. s ,go. .,, .j. IlUAN-tl7 OATS-lic. VKGUTAni.KS. 1'OTATOICS Homo grown nnd northern, tfW(wl... Mult l.nkn. II. Cnlnrnlo. SI "v,r.,v,,v "".ti':,' r -v KOOIMiANT-Per doz! CAlt llOTS- I'er bu.. 6i HHHTS-I'cr half-bu. TUKNII'S-I-cr bu., I , wc. . basket. SOc. Wc Ilulnbagas, per 1(H) lbs., 11.25, CUCUMHKHS-IIothousc, per doz., $1.23. r.MlSl.HT -Ter doz., e. I.ICTTI'CK Ter doz., 25c. It ADIS1H2S Ter doz., 25c. Stt'KRT I'OTATOh.S-Hnmo grown, per lb.. 2ic: genulno Vtrglnla, per bbl., J3; VABiEiSi'aiS. crated. IVic TOM ATOKS Homo grown, per 18-lb. baa- koi, ,wc HRANS-Wnx. tier .4-bll. basket, 60c; mrlmr. tier H.liu. basket. 60c. ONIONS-Homo grown, per lb c: Span- . . - . .... . . .. . n.... I C Ij I. rill 1 KOIH IIIIIZOO, per SUI1CII, -S'lJ.rtn: Nebraska, per bunch, 3WB35o; Colorado, 10 tt. f wl:AVV t,PANSPnr . 5 is. ..... - - . . . , ., f,' ,.V. V 1,1,1 -a. naps, ja.w; jonainiiu, ti.wjio.uu; snows, jj.o'j; ue letiowers. per uox, i.uu. PKAHS-Kclfcrs. 12: Vlkcrs. $3.25; Law rence. $2.25. ORAPES Concords, eastern, 20c; Mala- hCKANl.EI?itIES-UPe7-bbl.. 7.)O7.50; crate $2,75. per QUINCES Per box, $1.60. ri'i((t i.ii . I . i.'kiii I m i TltOPICAL FHUITS. - - - - . . . - . . . . nrt a vm.'sMPvtfviiiii s.ttf.wi no? Finn,! k4. LEMONS Fancy. J3.7M4.00. llrtiNiiio i er uiiutn, utturuniK iu risu, i m m... i "i,'io"s-Callfornla. new cartons, 70c; Itn- DOrtc,i pt.r it,., I2311c. DATES-Pcrslnn, In In CO-th. boxes, per lb 5,,u. suVrs, 6c, u,sv" j, x, " '" .',".rr..-"V. NUTS New eron - 1...11 11. m. l..,,l a.ll nnn 11, 141,.. ilUlil-i'i" t-itii, .mi, ,.i.n, . null- I Pllt.ll, llfl II,., l.ti, iiiii.i o,ii:,i, i;i ii,,, i.wu, I... .. ...... .i..ii i. x .i t...:i t...:: mt,. nniziis, per lb., 13c: tllberls, per lb., 13c; nl- monU!t 0ft-shell. 17c: hard-shell. 16o; pu- cang inro. per lb.. 12c: small, 10c; cocoa- iNO. - nil.l-Bllun, nn, Jx. - iiiiiu-s mil, ivj-uj nulBi' ))Pr lob. $5; chestnuts, 12c. ' ii,-ki.'- n.,-o,u,i,,,, u orn clDEll Nchawka, per bbl $3; Now' York, l3 rn niDES-No. 1 green. 7c: No. 2 green. Gc: No. 1 suited. SV4c; No, 2 salted, 7'.4o; No. I VCBl 8 to 12',4 lbs.. 9c; No. 2 veal calf, m to 15 lbs., 7o; dry hides. 8qi3c; sheep neltH. 25?27c! horsehldes. $1.6041225. SAUEKKIIAUT-Per 14-bbl $3; per bbl., 5'75' St. I.onla Crnln anil IroTlslnna. A3 ISfffS.iiO! nxtrn fancy and straight. J3.1(vr 5.2.".: clear. $2.75G2.90. SEED Timothy, nominally llrm. $5.50fl 6.00. CORNMKAI-Hteady, 3. t track, v, $13.00 llltA." Bcarce, nigner; sncKeu, chsi 95e. HAY Scarce, llrm, nigner; tlmotny 16.00; nralrle, $11,00 12.60, WI 1 1 SIC Y Stead V. 31.31. 1HON COTTON TIES-$1 nAiiniNd-.vwo'M.c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PHOVISIONS-Dry Htendv: (.xtra short iihii iiicniB iiioxetii. 1. ,. 1 . steudy; extra shorts. JS.12',; clear ribs, $8.25: clear sides, $S.50. Hncon (boxed) hIimiiIv: extrn shorts. $9. clear ribs clear sides. $9.37V4. Pork, lower; jobbing, $14.60. Lnrd: Lower, $s.37H. METALS Lend: Quiet, $4.274. Spelter: Ktrni. J4.12I4. roULTHV-Sl.iw: chickens 6c; springs. turkeys. 6Hc; ducks. 6fi6Hc; geese. 3. H.u UT TMlj-Hlcaiiy; creamery, iy2ic; EflOB Steady. .0c. ur. r.ii-1 'wnm"' 1' " 000 bu.: corn 24,000 bu.; oats 25,000 bu. I Kll IPMEN IS Flour. !.( bbls.: wheat, 1 ... ...... " . . . 1 ... r,t .... : .... ' California, 5s lid; futures, stonily; Decern uer. us ;i'.ii; .1urc11, us ii'.iu. l'oh? snot, irm: a f,iti,r,,u niilct ss nit,,r,H' qul 1 June. fis. PKAB caiiauian, nrm FLOTll St. lxiuis, 7s 6d. MOTH At LOIUIOII, i)3 PHOVISIONS-Mecf. steady; extra India ,ess. J3s i.d. Pork, steady: prime mess, mess western. i2s. Lard. American reilned. In to.v.11. .....v , .v.... t-.nt-ii. ,11 pails, steady. 44s od: prime western. In iiuitfp. nil.., -.r. .... ...... "; "" 1 tl". it i in inn,, .imt-.. Ti v... ..,it.t,i,, t. luiiuci 1111111 cut. 21. to .so. ius quiei, is; snort ribs. 16 to 21 lbs,, steady. 4Ss; long clear middles', MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 16.-W1IBAT ier 7011c Mny $X7- TMici No 1 northern' ii thHtjSfVc nortne", '!.. .li..,J.V-.. - Cash. ilHc; December, "; ',',"'". 71Wo: No. 2 northern, I Wl'H-r rst patents. $3,7513.83: seepml Ol'R-Flrst patents,' $3,7513.55: second ViSr7j-i n r,Tuo,"Jrt HRAN-Ill bulk, $15.2515.60. .llllrraukee (Jrnln .Murket, MILWAUKEE, Nov. 16. WHEAT Mor- I ket weaker: No. 1 northern, 72'.4573c; No. 2 i norinern. inni4c; .May, .tic. RYE-Iviwer: No. 1. 694ii60c. II A 1 1 1 Ai V Ft nil ! Vii. J. HiLdSI" suiiinl I 451i6M,c COUN-May. 621,0. I nVUTIi'WU Mm lima tint rrtn " V U nm . I til 1 1 17 III IIU r41LIIltil IIIHTKUL. I ISO. z red cn:in, eiovaior, i.t-ju; iracK. it' straights, .1.4'hm.ihi; .iniiuenuin p.tii'iup, e'CC Ai K L g. 4s,10lfc waoasti is in MOtiilDe. 'i no i)"Si No. 2 hnrd. 72fp72V4c sota bakers. $2.90ti3.2.i; winter low grades, c.0- Ho. 4 ssUI do deb H tvi nK 1(s high ns $3.50. i:nriN Lower: No. 2 cash. 63iic: track. n.uxiK.M. live Hour, steudy: fair to good, tii, .t. 11 . 4k..ki27. West Shorn 4s 115: i,..m tlm uiinlltv 1 1..WV uu.; corn, mi.; iiaiw, .v,iiii uu. 1 iui n nu'inij . phik-. ti,iiiiuwii n, i-niiit-,-, 1... .lf,f ndVStlCO nl 1901 crop. 12trl5,4o; 19I0 crop. pyiSc; 1899 '.., , .t tr. .is Mil lines. Liverpool tiruin .i:nrwi, crop, VUo; I'a'Miu; roiisi, crop, j.-y r(,mi,cri e.BBifje.fiOe; January. 6. . 15Uc: 19U0 crop, 9(f(9V4c; 1899 crop, Gflllc. K. I ... MWUr,. June. 7.10o: '''yy " "K'VrWPi! illbES-Steatly: Onlves on. 20 to 26 lbs,, I sontemiior. 7 3OT7.35c: October. iiriuj u. -iiii . ut.iuuj iSc: Caltrornia. .1 io ids., iitc Texas No. 1 northern, spring. 6s irtid: No. 1 i..: .u ... nw.. iiue. ... r: T I l.nlllnu 11 in tt! Ili nil n, f.Ku . aim. .1.1 I .. - " " " I 1: TIILII1LI V 1 I l r r" . ill I I. W.HItliVt COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Aitiolpatioi f Larg.r lUceipti Nf xt Wi.k Sttrti Decline ALL THE MARKETS SHARE IN DOWNFALL Wlient StnrU In o llrnvo It Tliruiuthi lint I Dually I'orcril Down Corn (II, r l ii Enrly. CHICAflo. Nov. 16. Weakness In corn ns a result nf ii lim1ilni- ('ash market nuil expected lamer recelotn next week brought lower prices In nil grains and December wheat closed sc lower, December corn 4 yic lower and December oats ,o down. i-rovisions cmscu io in jtc iuwcr. Wheat at the outset held llrm nnd trad- ers expected a strong market. resulting from higher cables and the continuation of tho bullish activity In the lus.t week. De- comber opened a shade to '.4?(4e. higher at 7S7(,li72?4c. Northwestern nnd primary re- cclpts, however, were bearish, and the cus- tomnrv Saturday lliinldiitlim started a de .,11, w. MM. ...... ....., ......... t ml luil'liu . IH.IU fllllU l.-Ul., '1. '..n nnu niKner Antwerp caiues, nut snoriiy u iter warn occurred tno nrenK in corn ami prices sagged again. December closed weak c down at 72V4?j"2Hc. Local re cclpts were Mi cars, 2t of contract grade. Minneapolis and D.iluth reported 827 curs, making n total for tho three points of 01'! cars, against M2 Inst week and C91 a year ngo. Primary receipts wero l,fi2l,0i bu., ftajnsl 7)0iO,i, ,,. tl!,. (.nrrespou'din'g day a year nK seaboard clearances In wheat nnd Hour enuulled OlO.tXW bu. Tho seaboard ntlil our oo liil eit BIO.WJ HU. Tno soanoam reported ns loads if.ViInii ' nil Jimi"nt" I bu. as agXs i . tauen lor export, aus for the week were 100,000 S.OOi) bu. last week. Cnrn lirnk.i finrliv til rllniitinntnt- Inn cables, and Intiuenced further by liberal nquiuaiiotis. uecemuer starteii it snauu higher to n shade lower and quickly lost Vie. Covering at the low nrlco nnd somo commission house buying brought Decem ber duck to its opening price again, nut soon there began to nrrlvo discouraging news or tne casii situation nl Kansas city T'.'" "i""; urttclo wus still selling at a prc- nitum over futures, but expectations or a ireer inovemeni or me raw crop next weca, '??cl"Pr.,w'ul Kfiierni iieciino in n o out were still 21(21,40 over May. I'rleus fluc- tunteii rapidly imt narrowly, uecember sell- 'ng between 40,c nnd 3DH33?io nnd closed rather weak ac lower ut the lutter llgurc. Hrcel P were2o cars. i kubi""" iihi ouii iirni i no rami demand was only moderate nnd specula tion was small. Larger receipts expected Monday niso nnu n nearisn iiitiueuce. .iiiu- uarv nork closed 10c lower at J14.90. Jan- uury lard Zic down at- f8. CO nnd Jnuunry ruin .''.c, lower at ti.(. ustlmnteil tecclpls tor Monday: Wheat. SO ears; corn, 120 cars; oats, 1S5 cars; hogs, d,uo neau. Tho leading futures ranged as follows Articles. Open. Illgli.l Low. Closc. Ycs'y. Whcnt I Nov 71 i Deo. 724yT4 72'i, 72'i 72!4fll 72H'!f,; May 76Hr!l!i 76 75Tk 76 76 Com Nov. 69 59 69V 691, 69T4 Dee. GniiJii tVS 69', 60 o9!iV May ta?S ftlj, KSifrU SFi U1!3 Oats Dec. lV8t4 40 S9f'. 39V'i- 40Uf:, May 41He ll'i 40, 41sfti Pork Jan. 15 01 15 00 14 90 14 90 15 00 May 15 25 15 25 15 125 15 15 15 2") Lard Dec. S 65 8 55 8 47'4 8 47'4 8 60 Jan. 8 65 S 65 8 60 8 60 S 62'4 May 8 70 8 70 8 65 S 63 S CT'.s Rlbr.- Jan. 7 6"i 7 65 7 65 7 65 7 67(4 May 7 S24 7 82b 7 77t4 7 S") 7 82'fc No. 2. Cash ouotatlons were as follows: " . " : -. . . . - . . FLOCH-Steady: winter patents. 8.60 straights. J3.00j3.10: clears. $2,7052.80; t.'i niMf uinmii" iviiitiit' nnioiiin i.i tl I niriiiMiii", ovii.i..... i WIlEAT-wi. J, uvtu;tc; .-so. - rcti, .3?4w . 4V4c. OATS No, white, 43UfiH!c; Xo. white. 43Ufl4lc. TIYIC XD. L'. bOViiC, HATtLKY Fnlr to chnlco mnltlng. 57fiiVlc. SUKDS-No. 1 llnx. J1.47W: No. 1 nnrth- in-nsinrn. S1.4S&: nrlme llmothv. J6.00i6.19: " . ... - 1 rlnrnr nilltrilCL izmiie. .illl. n 'iViVi-.tsiivu Jt0'..;.,ru t.i.t (ffl3.S0. Lnrd. per'lOO lbs.. $s!47',5!fiS.50." Short ribs sides (loose). J7.S0V7.95. Dry salted .hnlllrtors IllOXCd), i..'ll.W. snort clear - :v ... ,.c i utrlnn (luiyedl. J8.151i 8.25. W lllnlvi uasis ot nign wines, i..n. Tho followliiK are tho recclnts nnd ship- mnntu fnr tho last twentv-four hours: Articles. Jieceinis. ouinments. Flour, bbls... .... iitj.ll .T,.t00 ....144.0110 nor,,ono ....101,000 184,000 ii,Utit till !..., t... I Com. bll lSt. 1m "n,Sl 1 i"' Sf.,,lY,;,' 79 "np. '", m,m 275,000 9,000 22,000 On tho Troduco exchange today the but. tor market was llrm: creameries, l.vicile: dairies, 1P1T20C. Cheese, steady, 9'4ai0i4c. Egg", llrm; fresh, 23c. IV KW YOUK GEMSIIAIj JIAHKKT, Quotation of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YOUK. Nov. M.-FLOUH-Uecelpts. niinnt. HAHLEY Slendy ; malting, 6iU164c c. I. f. liuffalo. WHEAT HecclptB, 61,400 bu.: exports, 49,979 bu. Snot, steady; ro. . ten, ao r. o, b.; No. 2 red. 804c elevator; No. I northern. Duluth. 8H4c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Duluth, S9o f, o, b. afloat. Options opened llrm on cables and covering, only ... ..rr litlir llir,illt,l liiiulnpiilii ulinrt selling, an adjustment of long accounts und less nctlvo outside support: closed weak vtmiie net decline: May. 81 7-1682iic: closed - not decline; May, 81 7-16fiS2i4c; closed i4c; December, SOUWJic; closed nt 80c. ItN-Hecolpts, 14,(H) bu.; exports, 144,- j. Spot, easy; No. 2. 6?o elevator and I ' .. I . . . 1 -. !. t j t . I .1 1 . I . 1 1 .. al ftl'tc; COHN 47.1 nil. "il'.. r .1 I. imniiT. 1 tin ,111111111 mnrum uiiencd' mi llrm and higher on llrmuess abroad, but later iu tlm session fell oft under realizing nnu tun urnp 111 wncai. closed weak at Wo net lower; May. 071419 GSHc; closed at G7Hc;' December. 7iiSj 6SVfco ; closed at 67 ic OATS-Heceipts. 93,700 bll,; exports. 3.150 bu. spot, steady: . . -. no. j, uc; .no. ill. ppni, Hiumij . TJV ".n't, ', i Willie, ire, ij". i' V. '"Vt " "XJA - 4bQ5-C- 0l" nous 111111 mm .. ' u... , , A. Y-Quiet; iPPlnfr. BOU&.c; good to ntin lee. S2'ti5i90c. n. ...1... nA ...... . i,i LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Hue ... 1 llrAit tn lion wwi.lL'htH "?llf?'illl Lard, steady; western steamedr J.8,85: re ,j,ed $9; continent. $9; compound. $7.50 1 7.75. Pork, nuict: family. $17,001)17,25: short -iunr si7.NViii9.00: mess. $15. OMi 16.00. .nr XI , .kkji nt.uu: iiicvr. 1U.H."11 1U.UU. TOULTRY Alive, weak; springers. 84c; turkera, iiV4C. uresseu. sieatiy; spr'ng nrH. loiillc: rowis. ye; lurKeys, UBIUC, liiiTTER-FIrm: creamery. 17Ji25o: fac tory. 12'4W15Hc: Juno creamery, "l24(13'i CHEESE Quiet; fancy, large, September, iii.l3.r. rountrv (pKgs. rree), &.fit,e. XI r. 1 Al.ri i lie iiauni naiiinuiy dullness prevailed In tho local metal market. Tin was llrm at $2t!.2Mt27,.. Copper, quiet; Lake Superior. J16.754H7.CO; canting and elec . I... l till 'HliKitl! i;i'. Irnn n'n .l.ill. ..It. Tin lie Superior.; canting and elec .,,1 .,-1 f.M ,!1I. lPn.. ... .i..ii. ..I., jrolytlc, i : 1 tT-.'.".!-;. ..." . 1111 nnu iinnin. !"niri!!U,iL r 1 t"' WOOIi-Dull; domestic fleece, 25i26o; ancos, $1.30; cerllllcatcs, no bid; shipments, 86 161 40 5 30 62 261 . December, 6s 3Ml Texas. W,t7c. . f . ... ?lM9,'.'''s..?y?rttviWA??..'''''8'' rU3' 8- U!"- g !-.'. It ft- - 6Bd.. . 1A "nies $i bVef h ... 5 55 70... I.. 283 rancy winter, steady, cU.' Inrta mess, J17.0lMil8.OO. Cut meats, dull- relluL spot quiet, at 20s 9d. 20 213 ... f 5o 63 316 ,,.., , . . di ll: pickled bellies. J8.504ll0.00: pickled I j oNDON Nov 16. OII Linseed, 33s ?d, 116 162 ... 5 57H 49 2S6 Pnclllu const, stendy. hr,, t,i,.r. 17i nlekled hams. J9.76iiilil.nrt. l' . iJ 1 1 p,i in.ri. M 174 IB) 5 67'n 72 234 79-16c: mid. toX lrv jn'.OVj. I5.fw: No. 1 southern foundry. 114,; fo, i sou souiuern rounury, jh.wuhi.ui. Weekly Hunk .Slnlriuent. NEW YORK. Nov. lG.-The statement of the associated banks for the week ending l tiulfiv aluiit'u! l.minM. 1 Wi.RS7.4fiO! iloprpniiH ' lj4.427.COO. Deposits, $916,048,300; decrease. $1,. J331,b00. Circulation, $31,982,600; increase, m Unnerve. i;ir..r,'i.noii: increase. ma), Heseno reniilred. t230.r.2t,075, decrease, M,- (M.W. Surplus, Jlo,ln3,S25, Increase, II.- 413,W.J. Yoitic vrocicft ihms. Wall Street Vies nf tin Northern I'ncllle Settlcniriit. vt'll' vniiK- w. 1,: Tlmrn was coll- & Weft rSci5Sr?'?ro,n,nu: iiKim- mnvmnont. lull the nilvanee wus Interrupted by realizing again hero and there and the buying was congested in n rew siocks. M liore was large uim centrated buvlnt; of the lteadlngs, accom panied by rumors that the company 's soon to benefit by an Increased dividend on Its holdings of New Jersey Central stock. Thero was some strength In the other coalers, Including some of the soft coal carriers. American Iocomotlvo stocks imOUVO SlOCKB were In notable ileum ml on reports of largo orders rrom nil parts ot tne rouiiirj. mo I i.tllini liiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiuiui n . .... I regularly under realizing from tlmo to time tractions: Hutif, Atnalgalimted -Copper at.d I'eopio s uus, which unseiiieu tne laiu ueauiigs nun inuue me. ciuxihk iiukuiui. Much stress was laid by bullish traders nn iinrslstent rumors that nn offer of il 1. .tnrk of uiiveriimeiit bonds Is t.etld- 1ST It was also rumored that the secre- tury of the treasury was to raise tho bid i. v- ...... 1 iiriiTU lur iiu ui iiiiiiiiL i.uiitin. .it, niiu-,111- 1 tint basis could be discovered for either rumor. The gam in casn reserves uy tno batiks, in splto of the largo goui exports, was 11 more mnterlal ground for contldenca ,li. ,,n,mi, nnltnl 'Pin. ri l.n.ilii.i.n. I uiui lur iiu..t ui.ti.ium - .... ..... ...... . in.,,. nf tMhl (ml fnr rvimrt nevt Tn.-Mitnv I tit n Itnatmi biitiklmr house linpet a bnini I that tho gold exnort movement might ho nliuniOfl ntvliiir In f li n f.nulnr tniw. nf tnnlinv I nnd the rise in sterling exchange ut con- tlnentul points. ... . The roiiowing are tno closing prices on .1... V.ii' Vnrti HtnV n vMin llrfo ! I " Atrhlsiin Sl'ii do rifd 1M iciiiBou ol., uu i'111 i-1 do pfd lOl'iSo. 1'aclllc 61 altlmoro At O...107i So. Hallway :& Ilnltlmoro do iifd.. niu.1 .in tir.i . . i.ii- Canadian- Pac. Canada So Ches. Ai Ohio... Chicago & A.... do pfd Chl Ind. & 1... do pfd Chi. Ac 13. 111.... Chicago G. W.. do 1st pfd do 2d nfd in:,rrex. r Racine.... -il 83 Tol St. I.. ,t W. 21U do Ufd 3ti 47 3S 3IU Union Tactile 7HI do pfd.. . !'2,i ;f 47's Wabash ;: 73'i1 do ufd ..13l. Wheel. Ai I(. i:. do 2d pfd Wis. Central ... do pfd Adams K. American lix... . in . 31U . sih . 42!i 1'J Chicago & N. W.20S C. H. I. & V IIS .190 .205 Chi. Ter. & Tr... L")V iln nfd 37(fe r. s. isx 93 37(feiVelfs-Furgo ' Y:'x!ls3 C. C. C. Ai St. I.. 9S?iAmal. Conner.. Colorado So II .Amer. Cnr At F. 2S's S3)i do 1st pfd 65 no piii Amer. I.ln. OIL. do nfd do 2d nfd 26 is 47 47 9S Del. &. Hudson. ..172 Del. 1.. Ai V 133 Amer. S. .t It... Denver & It. G.. do pfd Krlo 454l do nfd 9I Anac. Mln. Co... 42 iirnoKiyn it. I . 6M.4 do 1st pfd i.i uoio. i' tiei ."c i... mi do 2d ufd ) Coll. Has pfd. .220'; Ot. Nor. nfd ls?i Con. Tob. nfd.. .117' -"Si . 41 . 1415 SiOJi . 76V4 Hocking Valley... (Sullen, i:icctrlc ... do pfd kOk Olucose Sugar . Illinois Central. ..139i Hocking Coal .. town central .... iuvi inier. i-aper ... do nfd. V4 do nfd... I.ako Krlo & W. 70 ,130 Inter. Power . I.nelcdo Gas .. Nn. lllscult .... do nfd . 91 I.. Ac . Manhattan I. ..129i2 National Lead National Salt.. 19ii Aiet. mi. tiy. 167 Mex. Central 22U Mex. National ... 13?4 Mlnu. & St. 1 109 Mo. Taelflo 102 do pfd 2 No, American .... 91 Tai'lllo Const .... f.s Pacific Mall isji M., IC Ai T 2615 j-copie h uas ion Pressed S, Cnr... IT; do pftl tilt-, Pullman P. 'MR do nfd 53 4 N. J. Central ....i7l'i rs. v. fcntral ....Hi2 rtririniK A- tt Itepublli; Steel ... 15 do nfd :)! ni inn t,y. No. I'ncllle prd...ino'4 jTUMii ........ ....ii'ji4 lenn. I mil Ar I... ta'i I I'ennsyivania , Heading 1161:, 4S Union Tag A J I do 1st prd..., 79VS do nfd... do 2d mil.... 58 U. S. Leather UTt St. L. Ai S. V., 52 I do pfd SI U. S. Htibbebr . 703' do pfd 2K',4 U. S. Steel Ul do pfd 1T0H Western Union. Sl'i do 1st prd..., do 2d nfd... St. L. Southw 43'i do pfd Nrtr York Money Mnrket. NKW YOIHC, Nov. 16,-MONKY-On call. cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 4'Vti5 per ITIlt. v.w...... ..-. .--t ...... i. i.i 1 STKHLINCr EXCHANOE ! Imi. With I actual business In bankers" bills nt $I.S7 ftl.SS for demund, and nt -8l4W4 SIi for sixty days: posted rates, $4.(15 T.SS',5; com mereiai nuis. i.Mni',4. hii.v isk uar. w r .Mex can t o ars. 4.o HONDS-St.Uo bonds, steady: railroad bonds, steady: government bunds, strong; t'. H. rer. M rex. nnu coupon, jut; j reg., Ni coupon, 10Si; now- 4s reg. nml coupon, 133; old 4s reg. and coupon, 112,: Is, 109; t.,...)....,. run immm Tho closing quotations on bonds aro as follows; U. S. ref. 2s. reg.109 L. & N. mil. 4s.. .102, do coupon 109 ,Mex. Central 4s.. 82V5 do 3s, reg 10S I do Is lnc 30 do coupon Ids';, Minn. Ai St. L. 4a. 103 ...luo'.i.iiiuu. rc oi. u. 4.iu.i do new 4s, reg j.,139 AI.. K. & T. 4...1005 ...139 do 2s 82V5 ...112?iN. . Central ls.105'Hi ...112V do cell, 31As....l0S'! do coUDon ,ln old 4s. rcR...112?iiiN. Y. Central Is. 1057 do coupon U2-) do gen, 31,4s....l()S!4 do bs, reg. 5s, reg. ......107 N. .1. C. gen. 5s..l3T4 coupon 107 INo. Puclllc 4s....l03t, llson gen. 4S.103 I do 3s 724 adj. 4n. ...... 93 N. A W. con. 4s. .1024 do Atchison iln ndl. Hal. Ai Ohio 4s...l0.T!4 Heading gen. is.. SD'.fc do 3',4s :i;4 hi i. tv l ai c. tis.uti'j .i.i .-miv. 4s IDS iS. L. & S. F. 4s. 9.", Can, So, 2s 10S,5 St. L. S. W. Is... 97',g U. or un. DM lira no . w;4 ,in iu inn .3 n. a. a. i'. 4s.. dies. & O. 4Vis...l07Hn. Tncltlc 4s i Chi. Ai Alton 3V4S. Mi so. liniiway ,s...l2 C. H. Ai Q. 11. 4s.. aSliiTexas & P. Is. ...1201, C. M Ai S T g. 4H. ill's r, nt i. iv is... tc C. & N W c. 7s.i;viVs union memo 4s..ior, II 11 11k ClonrliiK. ...r, T I , 1 1' 1, (.n,.m,U tO (k":i f.A?. III. J.wi'in, ,1U, 1'.. ,,,nr, ..... , balances, $9,922; money, 6'nt. per cent; rsew Y'nrk exchange. 20c premium. HALTI.MOHE, Nov. 16. -Clearings. $1,211.- 678; balance!,. $562,40i; money. 4J?J5 per cent. Clearings for tho week, $24,407,5o3; I l.n I n m.,l. S3.4I6.S3. HOSTON. Nov. 16.-Clcnilngs, $2S,339,3S2; bnlnnees, $2,656,643. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. . ll..-C'lenr ngs. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. lb.-Clenr ngs, $20,227,.8; biilanees. $2,811,511; money. 4!4'!i5 per cent. Clearings for the week, $111,319,- 920; balances, $15,2.S,633. CJnlter Mnrket NEW YOUK, Nov. 16. COFFEE Spot ii0l teadv; No. 7 Invoice, 6?4e. mim, (.. o.i". iiinii. ... i,!t Pnninvn TUWlte. Futurbs onened In lone, 'wltfi prices unchanged to 5 , , J h,K,P .u;;l fol nvrrt a .,,,nan. oniovu, i..i.' , nnrinn lui mu " YT"? J'"nr3 '!fLVi-- session, with business iigni. HpHS0n the loss was i ln III reluming ann minimi! ?''n?....VJomPtri Vi' " man cable. Later tno inarm 1 iinviinieii utr 0 p0nts on Spt house buying nnd cover- ...,i r,iin,i mIoikIv nt Unit bass, cos tic ut that bnsls, closing 1 inn ...... 1 . . inci iidliig: De- 70c; March. Jlilv 7 16e; 7.40c. nkv YOltk Nov. l.-OIIx-Cottonseed. r.ZvK ii,' J tm i lu : re- dull; yellow. 3IHc Petroleum, dull; re- I I uailimore. i.ou; I'liiinufiinuit .inn 1 am- ,nn,A iii imlk tr.. Hiislti. steady: strained. common to good, $1.50. Turpentine, dull anil easier, 3iMT3c, Cnttnu .llnrUet, XRW YORK. Nov. 16.-COTTON-Snot ( irUnU Houtli were boldlng Iirni. Willi UC iTinml frnm eviinrters unchecked. The mar ket for futures closed ipuei nnu menuy. with prices l point nigner io i jioiiii nut lnifnr ST. I.UL'lti, .NOV. Jti. i-ii i i u ntntuy. middling. 71,.c; sales, 400 bales : receipts, 7.300 bales; siiipments, i,;. uiucs; biock, I 4.ni6 Dales. ?l ,.NEW Kasy; sn nnllnnrv. I lit i.rjv .ii i i w.- sales, 4,100 bales; ordinary. 6T4c; good khs . suu-s. i.hj uuicr, u .inmi j. .. , h.,u nrillnnri' Inn' Inlilllllll C Glu-luCt lllld. Scj "receipts, 1S.MM bales; stock. 263,774 bales. . uui;r nuil', VI'lV niM.l'AVS Xnv. 16. Sl'OAR Quiet: open kettle. 2 U-I6'tfv2c; open kettle ceniriruirai. ai.'rii-c: ceniruugai, Krniui lilted. I'.'iid l-iw. wnne. i'.HIJ'ic; joiiiiw, I Sl.lfi.lJic! uneoiiiU. "Ufi.ll.e, SlnllKSes. steady, open kettle. 2!j3lo; centrlfUKuI. 12S 1 24c. Syrup, quint, 263oc 1 .-...nt. ...... ... r-.IT .rr.,.ll 1ml. I Rl .111 ... .1 UO iU LIVE STOCK MARKET Gotd Oaltl, of All Kiidi Study for Wnfc btt Others lomtwhtt Lwir. HOGS TOOK ANOTHER DROP TODAY Ft Mice,, ..,! Are Xten,,,- Ml,.. I, list Week nnd Nu Also Are Choice Feeders Common MtnfT 1 4n nnd Consldernbly I, inter. SUUT11 OMAHA. Nov. 16. Kecclpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Shrcp. nitlrhil Mnn.lnv J.Oli G,!17 (jltlclal Tuesdnyi 15,221 otilclul Wednesday lIMIClal rllUl'SdllV yc i."jj,ty . lli.OKS 1,375 207 11,111 1U.SI2 Biuuruuy Totnl this week, 55.001 Xi,4W 50,127 51. .'.07 Week enilltiir N'nv 'I "II 'flu W.C Z CV ij'"'' a5,27o .7.". r ' V" 7 "" i a.i,56 7 :15,6i2 w '"'.". Vui' SK,V, J:1:;,- SJ'" "tuK )lfst T . ' 3" 35,4 T J,t Avernun nrlees nnlil for boirs it South : v . uuinna tne nust several nays, wiui com T7. uate, I 1W1. 1 1X. U99 . IS9S . 1 1S7 . 1 1 Ki6. , I S'.'5. , n. :64 I 131 3 65 3 t2 3 23 3 52 G 03i 4 63 3 f5l 3 Ml 3 2j 3 10 Oct. Oct. l. 6 SMi, 4 61 I 16 3 wi ;i .oi .i j-j Pc' 2i 6 01 i 4 61 ItiH 4 43 4 14 I 13 3 5G 3 2i 3 ul 3 5SI 3 46 I 3 51 3 51 3 41, 3 26 3 18 3 4i 3 353 17 3 52I 3 42 3 13 3 41 3 61 .1 3S1 3 1:.. 3 .VJ 3 31, 3 17 3 36 3 56 3 19 3 41 3 51 3 291 I 3 t2 3 45 3 11 3 27 3 14 UCl, .J. ct. 6 XSV Si"''1 - 6 00 14 6S! 4 IS 4 61, 4 10 5 S9?i 5 81 6 72H 6 67 6 73! s 5 72 ;-' UCt. JTt.. 4 10; 4 52 oct. so.. 4 60 4 09 4 UJ 4 01 P.Ct. 31.. 4 17 4 51 i .r, : . hov' - KJ"V." -i" 4 GO I 01 Nov. 3. I 66 4 Oil 3 45 3 43, 3 iWi Nov. 4... 5 S2T 4 02 3 hi, 3 13 :l 5.M 3 It 3 31 3 IZ 3 21 3 35 0V b.av' Nov. 0... 6 71(4 I 66 5 71k 4 641 t 01 3 46 3 111 3 Nov. 7..., Nov. .S..., NOV. 9... 0 Ul'i 4 671 4 0.' .1 551 6 67 $ 4 6!'j 4 06 5 74!t, 4 t.9i 4 0J, 4 Til 4 03 3 45) 3 41 3 451 3 41 3 2S 3 K9 3 23, 3 ID NOV. 10.. Nov. 11.. 1, 3 31 3 27i 5 72!i 5 63 5 69 5 6ST4 I 021 3 431 3 32 3 17, 3 39 Nov. 12.. 4 84 3 4li 3 3!t 3 22 3 45 Nov. 13.. a Til .i nil :i 3i ;i jj, i ii Nov. 14.. I 1,7 3 9' 3 111 a 23 a u ':i "' .., . ...I NOV. 15.. 6 67 4 82 3 90 3 95, 3 27 3 46 NOV. 16, , 5 63!a 4 90i 3 41 3 wO .1 Jll u 19 - tu 'Indicates Sundav. The olllclal number ot enrs ot stocK brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Slleep.lfr s C. M. Ai St. T. Hy.. .. 7 Wnbash Hy 3 Missouri I'aeitio icy.. 2 i .. ' Union Tarlllo system .. 21 1 C. N. V. lty 21 V.. K. & M. V. Hi- 2S C, St. P., M, At O. Uy .. 7 11. ,t JN1, II. it. it . C, 11. & t. Uy 15 C It. I. At T cast.. .. IS C. 11. 1. T west.. .. 1 Illinois central i Total receipts 151 1 The ( of the dav's recclnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing ttiu number or Head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep OmuhiL Packing Co (!. H. Hnmmond Co.... Swift nnd Company.... Cuilahy Packing Co.... Armour Ai Co l.WJ 2.525 N 3,2!3 19 It. Meeker Ai Degiiu 1 Livingstone Ac Scliiillcr.. 12 19 7S W.702 Other buyers 579 Total 69S flATTI.F Thn mime ns Ih ceneral'V tho case on Saturday, there wero not tnoiign ml tin ii..r in miikn n lesL of the market. Tho suiinlv for Ibo wcck. However, tins been of ve.'y liberal proportions, there lielnir n unnil liiririise over the nast soveral i no weeks and niso ovcr the eoriespondliiK I weeit ot last jeiu. i un iii'iiiuiiu, unnmii u'iim lii criinil Milium fnr nil the better grades, so thnt prices havo held up Iu Tim uiinnli' nf rnrnfril Mtrnrs lliiM 1)0011 tnnrn tlhrrni thiui of lato. Jltnl k'OIHl t cholco kindw lmv uIhO boon in good sup ply. Anything HollInK from Jfi.(Hi up may 'M"r Trice Tho griules. De ipiotcti Hironcr 101 me wcck, tu.w upmik iiuwvGi , umi hi ii rn linrniv Hte.uiy, whllo thoso selling neiow $5.75 may ... ..r.R.. , Tn..l.n .11.1 ..... uu iiuotvti j'.jiiyi' iti.ifi. xiiuiti-io ii, u u.,t ... , ., . ll n.ln,i. rr ll,n mn,Hnm , falp cilUIo thcy come ln competition wl,h t)ll( westerns. Tho proportion or cow siuii tins wcck hns been very large, but tho market on tho better grades is just nooiit stenuy ior the week. tJood to clioico unlives nro seii- Imr from J3.25 to J3.65. whllo cornfedH have sold as high as $1.10. A clioico bunch of c,)rllfe(1 i,Pfers wouid doubtless sell con- Bldcrably higher than that. Tho bulk ot thn native cows, however, arc selling from $2.75 tn $3.25 und uro about lOfllSe, lower than they were a wcck ago. dinners iiavo been coming ln very freely nnd nro quoted from f M to jo T)l0 Hl,pl)iy ,H n0pn so Breat that packers sucreeded In brenklug t10 market a good 25u during tho week. i vnn nnit'oM urn il nine stronger inaji thoy wore a week ngo nnd bulls mid slugs nr0 a trlllo euslcr In syniputhy with tho de- cnno 0n cow stuff. 'i'i,.,rn lm ii ennd demand for stock- ,.n..,. nn cow Ktnff There lias been a good demand for stock crs und feeders of good to cholco quality m prices are quoted steady for tho week. Asldo from tho best kinds, however, the market Is lower and particularly Is that truo of tho common light stuff. Thero Is almost no demand nt nil ior mat riuss oi onitin t. ml suiters havn to take whatever iboy can get. Good heavyweight feeders nro Selling US IllKIl " t...i mm cimin n,,,ru iinvn hum im men ns ii. i". Aieuium to cemmon stuff Is selling all tho way rrom $3.65 down. Tin.rn wero very few western rnngo steers on tho market last week good enough for packers, ine iiemanu nus oeen acuvo and as n result tho market has ndvnnced grain's navn som largely vm 11 individual sales go- Hango cows nro stendy Is satisfactory, but aro 10c to 2oe. lower wliero rommon. Uood slockers and 1 steady, with tho com plow nnd coiislderubly STEEHS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 890 3 (Si COWS. 1 Kt l f 2., iiw a 00 1 1190 2 60 MULLS. 710 2 60 1 693 2 63 CALVES. 190 5 00 STOCK COW'S AND HEIFERS. 930 2 00 t) 1026 2 GO 675 2 60 3 ......1013 3 60 iioi:h TliHte wan another liberal stinnlv ot hogs today, making tho recelpta for tho week tho heaviest In some tlmo past. Other mnrkr.tR were OUOtCll lower Hnd HS a TCSUlt packers started out hern ami bought tho heavier grades Just about a nlckol lower 1 ,'- -,. . . , . . i. V(,.8.'era"y- . ' " T" I'r Bh'0V0r 'V.ckerB did not "nilTn ffllf for tm, ,est of t hem, while imyth ng eom- I mnnlli they bid way lower tin. The . light ,""" ' r,.ult wero left mostly until llin s1 s"o ta,t"n.o " arke,rc.rei;lyw,,,,i!,',1rado - , , wcak, v",7" m ikes tho mnrket close . ''"A'.'J " I '." .V".1- L11 1 t(V7,i"v(,. inwer 111:111 inn t-nmw ui i.ihl weeK Mt sUll Hit. market Is higher than It win on Wednesday of this week, when tho average cost wan uunn iu uriumril tutlvo sales: No. Av. Bll. IT. 18 116 ... 4 40 Av. Sh. Pr. ..211 10 665 . .272 40 5 63 12 Wi ... in? 239 120 5 63 80 5 65 100 6 65 IIV) 6 63 80 5 G5 80 6 r.-, 240 6 65 ... 5 Im 2I0 40 5 65 62 194 120 6 60 91 1S3 80 5 ft) 23 300 ... 5 63 91 im J u 35 292 ... 5 63 2GS ... 5 63 . "IS 160 6 60 6S 258 200 6 63 o". 77. ..211 80 5 60 . ,222 120 5 GO . .212 ... 6 ft) . . 176 80 5 60 . ,236 40 5 60 ..255 210 5 60 . .238 40 5 IK) ..201 10 5 ft) . .382 80 6 60 ..231 ... 5 ft) . .288 80 5 62!4 . .261 120 6 62j ,.20S ... 5 G2',u . .231 ... 5 Gift ..248 80 6 62'.i . .232 320 5 62 . 197 1ft) 6 62V-j 6S 269 ... 5 63 61 244 ... 5 G3 ts 321 1ft) 6 65 68 319 120 6 63 69 211 10 B 63 60 324 1ft) 6 tit 0) 283 40 C IS 65.. nx... 67... 69... 67... 71... 88... 36... 63... 51... 66 232 120 5 65 75.. 62.. 69.. 63. . 65.. 63 . 61.. 68.. 71.. 67.. 57.. (A.. 65.. 74.. 12. . .207 ... 6 &- .237 120 5 67 .295 120 5 65 .251 80 6 63 .291 160 6 G3 .295 ,., 6 65 .251 120 6 65 .2S2 1ft) 6 lii .2IS 80 C 65 .232 120 5 67 .205 200 5 65 .253 80 5 65 .304 80 6 lii .270 220 5 63 .321 2I 6 65 .278 210 5 63 53... GS... 68... 63. . . 68... 73. ... r, G,t I IU .... rA . ..n.f 8U S Sif i, m ' w, halil CO, . . .266 2i r, tal 49. . ly! lii a g;'j 237 210 5 6214 70.. I 3S,. 66 313 80 B 65 53 350 80 5 63 73 2:-.) 120 6 65 68 20.1 120 6 63 9. . , :::; 120 5 65 (S . . 22l 200 5 67 C6 271 ... 5 65 w.. 210 .252 .221 10 5 62. SO 6 6."4 , 5 621,4 SO 6 62!4 SO C 62,i - in u I 77.,, I - W 1.. No, 62.. 66.. 5;.,., .333 120 R tV. 69 . . . 2 40 6 674 lHi...,..203 40 6 67li V) 276 80 tl 67a 55 232 40 5 67'a 66. . .. . .26S ... n tu 4 tM .... .261 160 6 67',i 67 333 160 6 70 f6 .. ..328 ... 5 70 io, ...2o .,. r rati nr. 40 r, H2u fiS 2Mi 120 r. I'd 55 269 220 5 03 57 2IU M) f. CTi 0 23.1 ... G 65 0 211 K0 5 C5 KS......22I SO 6 05 1 217 ICO 5 63 65 353 40 5 75 SllMlM' Tllern It'nr,. tint ntinl.Erll nheeii here today to make u market, but for tho week the supply has been very liberal, Mg gains having been made both over the hist several weeks and also over the corre sponding Week of lust vear. ns thn tntilo of receipts nbove will show. Not only that. nut tins has been one of the big weeks of the year It was very noticeable that In splto of the heavy run there wero com- larativety rew sheep and lambs good nough for killers, tho hulk being feeders, (lood to choice fnt slippn nnd liinibs nre quoted steady for tho week. Common stuff tnoiign is a imio slow and weak. Cholco feeder wethers have also held lust about steady for the week. Feeder lambs, how ever are iiyn2oe lower than they wete n week lien excelit In case of mimcthliiu extra choice. Common feeder wethers are niso that much lower. The greatest de cline tnoiign nus been on the old ewes, which have been coming In very freely and hnvo declined HWitlne nlnee last week. They are almost unsalable nt the decline. wuoiauans: fiioice yearlings, J3.405t3.ti,.; fair to good yrarllncs. 13.2053.40: eholcj wethers. J3.30fi3.60; lair to good wethers, J3.10I3.30: choice ewes, J2.90il3.25; fair to good ewes. J2.Wii2.90: choice stirlnc lamb". Jl. 3001.60; fair to good spring lambs, J3.75f( t.-.ii it'i-tit'i ivuwiiTu, .l.wJ;lt.J',; iceuer lambs, J3.604f-i.oo. ltcprcscntnttvo sales No. Av Pr. 63 feeder ewes. . . VI .130 79 $1 25 3 75 1 75 19 mixed sheep cu I is CHICAUO LIVH STOCK MA II ICE I'. Cnltlo Memlv Hum MrutiK Micep Hull nnd litmrr, CIMCAOO. Nov. 16.-CATTLH-Recell,ts. 3() head: no Texans nor westerns; market steady; good to prune steers, J6.2.V11 i.-j; poor in medium, n.W'iU.2o; siociiers nnu feeders. J2.00'n4.4i): cows. J1.251I l.iai: heifers. Ji.5oit6.n0; runners, J1.2M2.30; bulls, J2.rif 4.75; calves, $2.&Oft6.25; Texas steers. Jl.T-.iy t.i. 110111111:11; western steers, w.&tftis.i". iu.ii.iH iteceipts. 2ij,v'0 neau. estimated Monday, 3S.0H): left over. 5.0O1): market strong, heavyweight llrm, lightweight weak; mixed and butchers, $5.50416.814; good to choice heavy, J5.iV(5.S7i3: rollgli heavy, $5.35Ji5.ft1; light, $5,251(5.55; bulk of sales, $5.G0! 5.7.5. SHEEP AND LA AI IIS Itecelnts. 1..VO head: market dull nml Inwer: t-nnil in choice wethers. $.1.4OU4.O0i fair tn choice mixed, J2.8W3.40: western sheep, $3.()7i3.75; tiatlvo lambs, $2.WIj4.ft); western lambs, feeders, $1.30. umelal receipts yesterday: Cattle, 3.3S1 bend: hogs. .'W.TKS IiimiiI: Hlieetl. 6.1S4 In. ml .Shipments: Cattle. 2,207 head; hogs. 2, no head; sheep, 3,695 head. Muck In Mght. The following tnhln shnnrs the reeelnln of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho Ilvo principal ui.uKcis ior .oveniuer m: Cattle Hogs. 10.842 20,000 7JHH 3,100 7.(00 Sheep. South Omaha 127 2.)7 1,500 1,01,0 Chicago .. 300 .. 200 ..l,l .. 136 Kansas City St. Iritis St. Joseph 110 "3.511 Totals ... 1,763 63,942 KiiiiNnn City l,ltr Mluek Market KANSAS CITY. Nov. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 21M head: market, compared with ween ngo, oeei sicits nnu common reeiiers 51t25c lower, bulls lllld chnlco feeders strong; today's quotations nominal; cholcn export ndd dressed beef steers, $5.60J0.25, ralr lo good, Jl.ifi'; stockers und feed ers. $2.6efil.23: western fed steers. $l.6i 5.10; western range steers. $3.251i4.l0; Texas nml Indian steers, $2,751)1.40; Texas cows, $1.90ft3.oo; native cows. $2.5iVft4.25: heifers, $3.0O(i5.25; ctinners. $1.5CWi2.4i); bulls. $2.00fN S.75; calves, $3.n0iiR.25. Receipts for week. 42.l Head: last week. im Head. 1IOOS- Receipts. 7,iW heail; steadv to 5c higher; top. $6; bulk of sales. $5..Wi5.6o; heavy. $5.9i6.00; mixed packers, $5.60j(3.90: light, $5.0016.SO: pigs. $4.251i6.0il. Reeidpts for week. 94." head: last week, G5.UH) head. SHEEP AND LAMMS-Receipts. 1.000 head; market, compared with week ago, 15fi25o lower: nntlvn Iambi, $1.254.60; wem ern Inmbs. J3.75'n'4.fi0: native wethers. Kt.n ii3.60; western wethers. $2.85i3.50; yearllnvs, $3.ll1i3.ftl: ewes. $2.60f?3.25. Receipts for wcck, 23,aw iieun; 111st wcck. ..,aw Head. St. I.onln Live Mtuek Mi.rkel. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16.-CATTLE-Reinliit. l,t head; market steady: nutlvo shipping nnd exnort steers, $l.tvnt0.75: dressed b,.nt nnd butcher steers, $.'l.5iii6.15: nteerH uinler 1 tio ins.. j.i.ip'uu. iu; siocKers 111111 fecinra $2.0iWI.6o: cows and heifers, $2.0O5.60: can ners, $1.00'(l2.60; bulls. $1.253.75; Texns and Indian steers. .'.ukh i.u. wun somo selling up to $1.65; cows ami heifers, $1.50'(i2.40. HOC.S Receipts. .l,10O head; market steady; pigs ami iigni., puckers, J,l.lHK(ll,.Mli llllll'llfl r., .,.i.rj(ii. tty. H '.r 1 ,, 110 lll'l't'llllH. .INI 110,1 market steady; native muttons, $3.00173,1,0; liinibs, $3.75ji4.75; culls and bucks, $l.75'03.23: niui rw,.', t..-'v.i -.v. .VetT York l.lve Xluck Mnrkt-l. KMW VDRK. Nov. 16. HI-2I.:'l-Tau.v cclpts. 301 bond; very llttlo business, Cables sternly. Exporls tudny, 1,872 beeves, l.lis Hlieep und 13.171 quarters of beef. CALVES Iteceipts, 37 bend; 1111 sulci re ported. SHEEP AND LAMMS-Iteci'lpls. 912 head; sheep sieauy, uiiiins 111111 nnu weitk; ralrly good sheep sold nt $3. lambs nt $l.65uN..k5. IIOOS Receipts, 21.1 lienit; nntio iirrcred on sum; nominally uareiy sieauy. SI. .lom-v1 Live Slunk .Mnrket, fT. JOSEPH. Nov. 16. CATTI.1' nr. celpts, 156 bend; steudy; mi live, $;(6.75; cows and heifers, $1.25115.10; veals, $3. Iii'i 6. 60; stockers and feeders. $1.605t 1.25. IKJCH lieceipiK, ,,!( neau; st-Mdv tn strong; light and light mixed, $5.35i, noilltiin nnd heavy. Ji.701ifi.95: iiIitm 1:1 rr.r.h COO: bulk. $5.fti46.M. SHEEP aimw i.AjMim iieccipis, llOheinl; market steudy. Slum Clly' Slncu .llut'ket. SIOUX CITY. In.. Nov. Hi. (Speelnl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, tno; nmrk.'t sternly; beeves. $3.6iff6.(Mi; cows and bulls mixed. $1.5fj3.76; stuckei's nnd feeder", $2,6044.00; yearlings and cnlves, $2.601 .m), IIOOS-Receipts. 3,500; nnrket sti-udy, selling $5.l515.ft); bulk, $5.MffTfi.62i4, SHEEP-Recelpts, 100; market steady. Kniisiis Clly tirnln nml I'mi IkIiiiim. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 16. WHEAT Mav, 67Tc; December. 72'4c; cash No. 2 bard. 68V(G9V,c; Nn. 3, I'.S'iljtlSc; Nn. 2 red 7H4472C uonillinl. CORN May, MltUTic; December. f,Uo; ensh No. 2 inlxtd and white, 6i;i(G6',j,c; No. 3 white. liVfI69o. OATS No. 2 while. 41c. RYE No. 2 muulnal, 614j6H4c HA3' Cholco timothy and prairie, $l3.00fjl 13.50. MUTTElt-Creamery, lil21c; dairy, fancy, 16t i:OOS-Fresh. In good demand, llrm; storage, weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on Vhungo nt 20o ilos:., loss 11IT, eases returned. RECEIPTS- Wheat, 62,800 bu.; corn, SS.tfO bu.; oats, 13.O"0 bu. SHIPMENTS -Wheat, S.soo bu.; corn, 21,600 bu.; oats, 8,(h) bu. I'enrln .llurki-t, PEORIA. Nov. 16.--CORN-Illglier; No. 3 63e. 'OATS-Ulgher; No. 3 white, 13! jo; billed throiign. WHISKY On tho basis of $1.31 for finished goods. Toledo i rnl 11 nuil Seed, TOLEDO, O., Nov. 16. WIIEAT-Dull, weak: cash, 76"4c; December, 77c; May, 7984e. ,'nnv TlAcrmilior Gll.e: Mnv. 6IUn OAT8-Dcember, I'ic; May, 42c. I In 1 1. 1 Ii lirnln Miirkcl, ni'H'TII, Nov. 16. WHEAT-ChsIi. No. iinni 74(!-. No. 2 northern. Gs'ic: No 1 northern, 71e; December, 70-Hc; May. 71c. OATS 4W;w,c. CORN 66!4c. Wool Market. st'is. Nov. 16. WOOI, Firm nnd n shade better, medium grades, 13117',4o; light tine. Uwitiuc; iit'iiv nnu, iviu.u, mu WLONDON.a,Nfiv. 16,-WOOIMuslnesa In wool during the week was quiet, pending the opening of tho sixth scries, amounting to 219,1- naiun, uivuiuiiih ',,v-., uu witcirii direct. Tho Imports during tho week were: New South Wales, 2,032 bales; Queensland, ilj Koillll Ausiriuin, 111, nrni .i iiniruii.i, 88- New .enlnrul, 144; Victoria, 4,991; Capo of Good Hohi und Nntal, 4,593; olsewhero, 399. Neiv York Dry (imiiU Mnrket, NEW YORK. Nov. 16.-DRY OOOD8 Tho mnrket ruled dull again today Iu all staple lines of rotton goods, without quot uble change In prices. Mtiylng for export ,.riilnn,.d weak. Purchases on China ac count estimated at fully 60.000 bales, chlnlly sbeellngs. prim ciotns inactive ui un' niiimuoil nrlees. Prints und ulngliHlus unlet but llrm, American cotton ynrns somnwhnt stendler In coarse counts, no change In lino grades Worsted yarns llrm. with good demand; woolen yurns quiut, but steady, 4 .. 21l 40 5 C2. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Mtri Bujtrs irtUid tn th Local Vtrktt Lnt Wk Tki in Stnu Tim FttU DEMAND FOR SUGAR MORE THAN SUPPLY Sot .Mitn I'liniiHt's In lluutntluns 'rnuk Place I.ikI AVeek und llurkel .Vtny Ile Said In lie Iu n linud, lleillth) Cnnillllnn. OMAHA. Nov. 16. Wholesale dealers In practically all Unci report Immediate business on the Increase. The IU si of last week very few huwrs ar rived on the mnrket, but toward the closo they ciitno n more freely t nun in several weeks nasi. It Is thought that this shows clearly that the cooler weather has stimu lated biivlng In the cuiiutrv to a marked de gree and that retailers' stocks are going to pieces at ii rapid rate. Mailorders havo also Increased both ln size and number tlm lust rew days ami traveling men aro meet ing with better success Iu picking up orders. It may then bo said that tho gen eral business situation In Omaha and sur rounding territory Is In better condition than It was a week niro. Until lubbers and retailers nre nuturiilly in better spirits nuq nre more contldeiit than over that with aiivthlug llko scasnnablo weather they will sell more goods this than they hnvd In any previous yeur. as nn indication or tno general pros, perltv Jobbers aio pointing tu the wuv III which merchunts havo been meeting their bills Iu splto of the ract that the mild weather bus seriously curtailed the retail trade. It Is said that collections nre now in better shape than they were a year ngn at this time. One Jobber In particular said thnt he had offered his customers n small discount on bills paid from November 1 to isnvemiior in nun mill lie was greau. sur prised at the number nf merchants who took advantage of tho offer. The discount was so small that he did not think many dealers would pay any attention tu it nml I ho fuct that they did must show that they have plenty of leady cash. Thero wero no very sensational changes In market quotations last week, most o! tho fluctuations being of minor Importance, Prices on' the whole are good and llrm, with not much prospect of thero being uny rad ical changes in the near future. Siihiii' Steady nl tilt' Decline. Slnco the sensational droit In Uu nrlee of sugar mentioned a week ngo there has been no cluinge 111 the situation. Local joDIkt.I are swamped with ordeis, as they cannot, begin to get enough stock lo supply tho demand. Retailers uro nil anxious to stock up for future requirements at tho present low prices, but they have to content them selves with only a small l ruction of their orders. Wholesalers are doing their best to supply the wants of their customer, but the demand W so great thnt It Is estimated that thero are unlllled orders In the hands of Omaha Jobbers iimouiitlug to 2.6i"i,i"l pounds of sugar. Jt inn v safely bo that thcie has been more sugar wold In thn last ten days than ever beforo In the his tory of Omaha ns u Jobbing center. There hits been no quotable ehangn Iu thn coffee murkt't slnco last report, but advices contlniio to come In from Santos ituting that the damage done to the crop by dry weather Is fully ns great as previously es timated. As n result the market Is good und llrm, ns well us active. Dried fruits are also iinchnugcd In price, but the demand Is Improving, probably owing to the conler weather. H Is thought that with tho advent of severe winter weather the demand will Increase rapidly und that prices will llrm up a trifle. The canned goods mnrket Is very llrm nil nil lines. Stocks tu packers' hands nro lining rapidly cleaned up and it Is claimed that Indications for a continued ntroiir; market mo very favorable. The only change nf Importance In fari naceous goods Is a slight iidvaneo on nut,, menl. This has been brought ubollt by Iln high price of oats. The demand for cheese has been Increasing of Into and ns the supply of Octnber-msdt stock Is rntber light prices nre ndvanclug. Fancy Wisconsin goods lire quoted 'ilT'i cent higher thnn they wero a week ngo. So fnr us other staple Hues nre concerned thrro Is not much to be said, ns prices nl n Iu practically tlm same position they wero n. week ugo. Tho demand continues uotlvo and Jobber report their sales us being considerably ahead of last year. ' llnrtlMiirc About Slendy. Hardware! Jobbers aro feeling the effects of the colder weather by tho Increased demand fur nil seasonable Hues. Accord ing lo reports received from tho country retailers nre now doing u rushing business in nil cold weather goods and as their stocks aro not abnormally largo they uro sending In quite liberal orders. The market'has been rather featureless, as all lines nro Jtlit admit steudy for llin week. Thero has been no chiinge In wlrn and nails since thn drop mentioned II week Hgo. Steel goods nro also slendy nt llin decline previously mentioned. Thero Is, of course, somo uncertainty about steel hoo.Im owing to tho talk about the I'limpetttlon which the steel trust Is to have, but still local Jobbers are nut ut nil worried over the situation ami predict that the market will remain Iu a good, lunllliv condition throughout the coming season. The demand fnr window glass Is verV brisk 'ind jobbers report the sales far niieiul of nil prmloiis records. There hns been no change iu prices ot late, but now that ti:i factories nrn once more at work those who nre lu a position to know say thev would not be surprised If ii slight drop should tukn place beforo tho tlrst nt the vear. No one It exactly making that prediction, but sun tnev iiiitnii mat siicii a thing Is purHlhle. Plato glass Is un changed nnd present liiillcntlans nro that there will be no cliango lor home tlmo to come. Ilrj- (ini'dx llnrp Afllic. .Morn dry goods buyers were on the mar ket iiisl week than for somo lime past They nil reported business picking up wonderfully iu the countrv slnco llin cooler weather, nml us a result they nro coming back fnr mure stuck. Thn great majority of the buyers placed unite jlbi'ral orders. The Impruveinetil Iu (rude In u wholesale wnv wns not limited to house trade, us mnll , nrilers liieieased nml traveling men niso met with belter success than they havo In llin past few weeks. The general Impres sion Is ihnt from this tlmo on thero will be n good, active market. Advance business Is also In very satis factory condition, and traveling men nro br-aklng tblr last year's records by good safe margins. The market was rather monotonous last week, ns there wero very few changes lu the nrlees minted. It may do said that nil sin pin lines nl ciitlim goods are steady ami Hull merciiunis lire niiymg spring goods freely fur January shipment, u Is notice, able that the demand fur wool and wash rnmln Im lamer 1 1 1 II II In II good muiiv vpnru und Hint nnly the better grades nf print gonils are soiling ior spring. JMnnurnc turers anticipated Hint condltluu und as a result nro In position to meet thn demand wltliuut unsettling uio nnu net. Leather Cunils Finn. n, (liunand fur leather goods Is iilxn increasing, as trade lu tho country ha Im proved considerably during tho last week or ten dujs. Orders aro now coming in from overy uirecniin, nn nnu juuners nrn nn longer complaining about llin light order business. I'riill" nnu I'riidtice. Tiinrn wero very few cliiiligcs of Interest inn! week In the prices quoted nn fruits and vegetables. Apples nro now by far tho most popular mini ui nnu in nniiii in uin i.ifii nrlei'S ruling. (inod eating nimlei nro worth from $3.60 lo $5 per barrel. Oranges aro also lu fair demand ut $3.75 to $1 tier box. r . ...... .i i i . . ii.. Ill vegeiauu's uii'in inwi ui-.'ii prui:iiciiii no chiingo of Importance during tho last week. Eggs havo ndvnnced sharply, fresh slock now being worth 20o. Tho receipts havo been light for somo time past, which to somo extent at least explains the high prices. Tho moro Immediate cnusn of tho advance, however, Is the report from Chi cago to tho effect that thero Is nn attempt being mailo to corner tho market. Local dealers aro rather Inclined tn credit tho report, as tney say il wouiu not im a vt-iy illlllcult matter to gel control nf tho stor ago eggs. There uro not ns many In cold storage this year its usual, so that In naso an nttnmpt Is made to corner the market the clUlllces mi mii-t-,'n inn n"i uit.ii means that eggs will bo high this winter Poultry w as gnuii nun ill ill mini ui" miii'r part of the week, when tho receipts In creased to such nn extent thnt tho market cased off about 'c on hens nnd lc on spring chickens. Mutter remains llrm, with tho demand nnd supply Just about oven Trmtlkoati 1030. Boyd Commission Co Buece.ior. to Jmri E. Boyd Co., OMAHA, NKD. COMMISSION llllAI.N, PROVISION AND HTOOKS. Uur of Trad Oallaln. Dtreot wlrca to Chicago and N.w York, Cor.UJSfloa54 John M .WaiTn C.