T1TTC OMAHA DAILY HEEt SUynAV. yOVOBRT? IT. 1001. 8 COUNCIL BLUFFS. .MI.MMl .MH.VIIO.V ' Davis fclli drugs. Htji kert Bells carpets ami rugs. lolz beor at Ncumaycr's hotel. Tir. CSrcc n, otllcc 3l 8PP block. f Isbnch burners. Hlxby & Son. Wollmnn, scientific optlolnn, VH Ilroadway. Vr Stephenson, Hnldwln block. lilovator. 1 Missouri oak body wood. lM cord. " m. Kvelch, 23 N. Main at. Tel. 128. , New shipments of elegant plcturo framo UnoilldlnKH nt C. K. Alexander & Co. n. I 1'or rent, modern seven-room residence, WO KlRlitli street, corner Sixth avenue. J Hlalr reported to tlio police yesterday the theft of Ills bicycle from In front of tho Hupp block. , . Word wan received hero yesterday of tho death" t iJelhl, la., of Miss Uall Uustafson, formerly of this city. The only place In the country to Ret .pliotoKraph mid xavo, half your money l 'nt William', ill Ilroadway. j f Hamilton of Council llluffs and iKstella Mellrlde of Dcnlson, la., were mar tried yesterday by Justice Iorrler. ii-..,. i,..rfnrtnpd the mar rinse ceremony yesterday f.ir Charles K. Davis ami I Mr" Antoinette Meltaven, both of this city - Petersen fc He hoetilnR, aicrrlam block, have the most complete lino of Hot H ast Htoves Iti the city ami" nt prices that will surprise you. Harrv and John tiad.', found Kullty of uBBaultliiK J. K. Nielsen In u nn-Uff mlxup, Vie niic.l and costs apiece yesterday by Justice llryant. The iirituiiictitri In the Orund hotel tc elvershl cms.- were submitted before Judm- Mol'herson In tho federal court vcs. urdav and tin- matter taken under advise ment' by him. Wanted for cash, a live to seven-room . ntinur within elKht block of Itloomor .UmoVnmst b" a baiKnl... Council IHtiffH MortKHKe eomimliy, 6S Broadway, I . . Coker. manager. JmlKo Oreen of th" district eourt yester du reduced the ball In Mrs. Kllanowskl s case to and In that or May Muds-en to JK" Neither bad succeeded In furnlshliiK IkiikI up to hist nluhi. Marlon and John Wilson, arrested pn t ha rues made by two younK ulrls, were ills churned In police court yesterday inornliiK. Jake Hethers, arrested In connection with the same ease, was also discharged. The case iiKiiliwt James I.. Kerry. Itinerant slr.n painter. eharRed with obtain ins money under false pretniiMes from II. M. Hurnent. shoo dealer, nun dismissed In Jim tlco Kerrlefs eoittt yesterday for want of tiriiueclltlfltl. Mrs. Ilendlee. wife ol A. J. Headier, who was kllleil by a Northwestern train last ednedav. arrived from Independence, Mo , yestcrdav. The authorities have been unable to tci'ch the two sons, supposed to be In Lead, S. I). Do you want anything in the hoii furnlstiliw line? If you do and want Rood value, excellent woods and the lowest prices uo to the Iowa Kurnlture and Carpet com pany. i"1 Hroadway. You can buy on the nsy payment plan. "Phono, I,. Oil, The licnrliiK of John Devaney and son Hlehard and I'M IJrndt. iharRed with breaklnR Into tho Maxwell commission store on Ilroadway and stealliiR a uoantlty of potatoes was continued In police nourt yesterday until Monday. The ball of the defendant was placed at each. I ho yotntoro were reenvered, Sheriff .Morgan or tilrnwooii was in coun cil llluffH ycsteiday to take a look at A. N. lllnes. broiiRht here fronf Neola. chanted with stcallm; horse and Iiurrv rrotn -n llvervinan at Weston. 1 lines Is thought lo bo the man who hired a horse and biitfuy from a liveryman In Malvern and sold them in Shenandoah. Moruan thoiiRlU lllnes answered the description of the man he wnntcd, but to make Hiiro sent for the Mai v ( ru liveryman. ToulRht will be laiiRhliiR nlht at the Imhanv theater, when one of the funniest muslcnl eoincdleH etiroute will be the at traction. I'nllke most so-called musical comedies ".Miss llursey from Jersey" pos sesses a plot, the story of which Is a pleas ini; one, prettily told and delightfully con cluded, it overllouH with brlRht dialogue, 'iind mlrtb-piovokliiR sltuutiiius; Is made up of distinct. Impressive characters and moves with unrctnrded activity. ThrouRh iout the piece are Introduced a number of the latest nrnleal nuinbeis, ensembles ai'd ililRh-clasH specialties. The Council llluir Woman's club will bIvh a series of entertainments durliiR the ivlnler. belnnlnR next h'llday nlRlit with a concert at the Hioadway Methodist KpU- copal eliurcb by the' Woman's Hympho'.iy orehcslra, conducted ny .lose in necacr. Carl lleeker, the violin soloist, accom linnles this oruhestra. The second enter talument will be a lecture by William Jlawley Siullb, on January El. The third will b a lecture by Colonel Copelaud Feb ruary 22. The last of the scries will be characterization by HUns Day on March lin. Course of tickets for this series will Lo fl.Oft; sliiRlo tickets, W cents. On sale at wMexnnder'H Art emporium and also at Wil cox's store. . N. V. PlumblnR Co., telephone 2i0. RUNAWA? BOY IS KILLED Biztein-Yur-Old Irnin Cirad Rm Down bj Bock Iilud Trtia, LIMBS BROKEN AND SKULL CRUSHED Sunday school v,.ll be at noon. Junior Kn-t Saturday evenlnc on at journment of court dcavor toclcty nt 3 p. m. and youtiR pco- hu. cxpeds Jo return Mom a Y- Jc Ouu ple a meeting nt 7 p. m. . n(,1 returned to Colorado l rlday nlKht. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, r)nl DIIICCC COPICTV will hold services In the Sapp building at OUUPtiiu puuri o uv""k' ' 10:15 a. m. "Soul and Hody" will be the, vuUh Kr( Al.u, "Trd- and l.nneh- suojeci. nunoay scaooi win ue ni ine ciusu of the service. Services In tho letter Day Saints' church will he at 10:30 n. m. and 7: 30 p. in. Kldwr F. M. Cooper will preach In tho evening. 1 Sunday Bchool will bo nt noon Dentil I Instant nml llodj OliR;ri nllou for n I. ouu t.nil Win Pupil nt School fur Dear. Hxciiiiei Irtie Arnln Courad, a 16-ycar-old pupil at the Iowa School for the Deaf, who ran away from tho institution Friday evening In com pany with cnother boy. was struck ami In stantly killed yesterday morning by the fast mall train on the Hock Island tracks nt (lallagher's crossing, seven miles east of Council muffs. That tho train hnd struck and killed any person was not known until It reached here, when engineer Schultis found blood upon the pilot of hl locomotive. Word was sent down tno line for tho crew on the local passenger train reaching here nt 11:35, to look out for and pick up the body. Tho corpse of young Conrad was found lying outside of the right of wny with the skull crushed In and other wise Inltired. It was tnken to Lunklcy's undertaking rooms In this city, where Coroner Treynor will hold an Inquest Monday. Young Conrnd and a pupil named Clyde t.niiuherv ran awny from the school rri- day evening and walked down the railroad tracks to Underwood, whence word wns sent to Superintendent Ilothert that the boys were there. Mr. Rothert telephoned naklnc that the hoys ho placed on the pas senger train passing through there about 10 o'clock and sent lo this city and he would have mel them at the station. From young l.oughery's stntemcnt It seems that when they were laken to the depot and Conrad learned they were to ho sent back he ran away down tho line and tho train left with out him. It is supposed that yesterday morning he decided to return to the .school and was walking toward Council Hluffs when run down and killed by tho fast mall. The fiint mall on tho Itock Island Is due to ar rlvo In Council llluffs at 7:55 a. m but It was nearly three hours lato nnd It Is said wns running sixty miles an hour when passing the point where young Conrnd was killed. Knglnccr IMiultz says he did not notice the boy on the track nnd was un awarn that his engine had struck any poi son until ho discovered the blood on the pilot when looking over the engine nftcr reaching Council llluffs. Young Conrad, who was denf and dumb wns evidently kllleil Instantly. The bnc of his head was crushed In and his left arm and leg were fractured. Ills father, a well-to-do farmer, lives near Jones. All- ' dubon county. con Attrnrt, Welilln Arc I'eiT Tho Atlas club will meet Thursday after noon with .Mrs. noucri .muiiis ai. me Mrs. Mullencnux, pastor of the Congrc- tipnnrd. Rational church at Magnolia, la., wilt con- The art department, of the Council llluffs duct two services today under the auspices ' Woman's club will meet In the clubrooms of tho Woman's Christian Temperance tomorrow, with Mrs, W. N. Clifford ns union. At 3 o'clock this nfternoon In the chairman. First Ilaptlst church she will deliver nn , The literature department of the Council address for men only. Jn the evening she I tiluffg Woman's club will meet nt tho club- will speak In the First Congregational i room Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. J. K. church. Cooper as chairman, There will be morning prayer at 11 Mr, nnd Mrs. M. F. Ilohrer. Mrs. Llpc o'clock today in Ornco Episcopal church. ) and Mrs. Meigs entertained the Oakland Sunday school will be at it. 15 a. m. 1 Avenue Cnrd club at the home of Mr. 'and i Mrs, Hohrcr Friday evening. Stephan Ilros. arc putting In a steam- , The Athenian club met Thursday after- heating plant in the new Wlckham block noon t the homo of Mrs. W. Hlgglnson. on Ilroadwar. i The Woman's club will meet Wednesday ' , 'nfternoon with Mrs. Charles Officer of Scv Gravel roofing. A. II Head, 511 Ilroadway. cnth gtrcctj . Davis sells gllsT . . II. W. llazellon entertained at her nome i iiuihumj- hiiciuuuu. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams entertained at nn oyster party at their homo Wcdnes- HUMOR IN COLORADO TRIAL Conn Has n llnril 'lime Trjlnu to uay nigni. Keep Do" o l.nuiililer In llojle Ihirnx Milt, Pat Murphy of Victor and John D. O'Hnlre, the merchant tailor of Colorado Springs, who grubstaked James Hums, Jnincs Doyle and Jerry O'Drlscoll In the early days of their prospcrtlug In the i Cripple Creek district, wcic the witnesses examined Saturday for tho ptaiutllT In tho Doylc-tlurns Milt In the district court. A both witnesses nre possessed of a rich Celtic brogue. Indicative of (heir birth place, they provided considerable amuse ment for both the attorneys engaged In the case and the spectators who crowded the courtroom all day. Tho court had frequently to rap for order, despite the fart that thn dignity of the bench wns se verely taxed at times, and on one occa sion, when the laughter Of tho spectators wns louder Hum usual. Judge Oreen threat ened to have tho courtroom cleared. Murphy, who preceded O'llalre on the stand. Is a typical Irishman nnd his na tive wit and humor cropped out In almost every answer he made. lie tcstlden to being out of a Job In the fall of l&t2 and going to tho Crlpplo Creek district to spo "If he could not find a hole In the ground where gold was." He met a man who wanted either to locate or purchase a elnlm and together they went lo where IltiniH and Doyle vveio working on the Hob Tall No. 2. They suggested purchas ing a claim In that locality, but Hums, the witness said, told them he and his part ner. Doyle, had located oNt-rythlng nround there and they would be only wasting their time. Hums, he said, offered to sell for $100 any one of the claims he wild he owned on an adjoining mountain. Murphy also told In his rich brortio the story of how O'llalre kicked Doyle and Hums out of their cabin after the trouble with O'Drlscoll. It was the recital of this In cident by O'llalre nt the former trial which caused so much amusement. ,Just as the witness was leaving the stand Sen ator PnttcrMin asked him where he wns bom. With a merry twinkle in his eye Murphy, in the richest brogue he could muster, nnewcrcd: "Suro. now. Senator Patterson. Is It necet-sary for yez to no Former City Assessor W. D. Hardin real- me sich a question? Sure. yer. knows by lied csterdny that thcro Is truth In the j my fcpachc where I came from and. bc- old saying. "There Is many a slip "twlxt gorra. I ain't a bit ashamed of II. eltner. Mrs, A. T. Blwell of Willow avenue en- tcrlalned nt cards Tuesday evening. Miss Louise Elbert of Des Moines Is guest of Mrs. Horace Kverctt. The Woman's Whist club was entertained Tuesday nfternoon at the home of Mrs. C. II. Tyler Tho Friday Evening Whist rlub was cn- (Continued nn Ninth Page.) CUTS OUT HIS EXTRA PAY lliniril f County Super Isors ltrnliiil It Voir In Anriior' Cnse, Fine Boxes of Candy.... We keep candy, the best made. With the name of John O. Wood ward d- Co., on every box you know you arc getting the real thing In good candy. Our con fectionery will give satisfaction with every purchate you make. Hecausc we will govc you only pure goods. You ought to try our chocolates the next time you buy. .nd the boxes In which these line candles are put up In nre cry pretty. You will al ways got your money's worth at our store. George W. Fletcher's Drug Store, Tlione '275, 106 Broadway, Council Bluffs Suits, Overcoats and Reefers for Boys and Young Men coiisistiiij; of cvci'.vthiiifi stylish for winter wear nt popular prices. All the latest creations from the best makers in the country nt prices that cannot lie duplicated. Overcoats from $3,00 up Reefers from $2,50 up, Suits from $2,00 up, "If you have them from us they're right. " Smith & Bradley, 415 Broadway, Council Bluffs. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE MONDAY Tomorrow (Monday), for one day only, we will offer induce ments in our cloak department to the ladies of Council Bluffs and vicinity that will be appreciated by those who have not yet pro-cm-ed their winter jackets, NOTHING RESERVED. SEE REDUCTION IN PRICES $2.98 VN ODD LOT OF .1 ACKETK. all short and mostly black. raiiiini in price from r.00 to $7.30. Monday's sale price llrnl IMnlr 'rriitinfer. The,e tranafcrH were flleil yesterday In the (instruct, title and loan olllce of J. W Squire, 101 I'earl street: O. II. Smith nml wife to Murv V. lntx 1 nnd 2. block li. WrlKht'n nild, w. d J.nrn Jeiisi-u and ylfoto C. U Clat- lernucK, n"4 ne-i it -, n i. uti toU no'i 3-77-14 and 'J.ll aerr In il wU nw'i t-t-4M. w. d Joseph W. navls and wlfo to Charles Hchmldl, Jr.. lots 1 to H, block 1?. town of Avoca, w. d Jnnies Peterson nnd wlfo to V. I,. Haines. hw4 uc'i 2:1-77-14, w. d James II. Orninii and wlfo to Kdtnuud H Martin. se4 noU U-7r.-i:t, c. e. d.. Ororgla A. Stlmpson to same, same. o, c. d V J. liny and wife. .1. I', lless nnd wife to 11. I. Oallaher. lots 11 and 11', block 23, Burns' add, w. d oo Cecilia Hell nnd husband to Lena 1,. f'ottrell, eVi c4 tio'i nw'i 29-75-13, nnd 1 ticro on s, w. d 'i,! Total elKht transfers i 6,S.7 450 2,f10 1.Rf) VM 1 1 vify i the cup Hnd tho lip." when the Hoard or County Supervisors rescinded Its action lu allowing him Jt.000 extra compensation for the years 18H8 to lftno Inclusive. Tho law provides that at the January session of the Hoard of County Supervisors it shall fix tlio compensation of asKcssors for that year. County Attorney Klllpack Knvo It ns his opinion that the action of tho board Krlday In allowltiR Hardin an extra f 1,000 for his services ns assessor of the city of Council llluffs durlns the yenis 1S!S, ISflO and 1800 was without au thority of law. Tho matter was closed when the hoard fixed his salary each year at the January session and the county at torney said the hoard had no rlslit under the statutes to open It up apaln. In nccordanco with this opinion from tho county attorney the supen isorn unani mously voted to rescind Its notion. Su pervisors Matthews. Anld nnd Hnnsen. whllo votlnR with tho rest of the board, made n statement, which war. ordered spread on tho records, to the effect Hint, wlillo voting: to rescind their former ac tion In nllowlnp; the $1,000 In accordance with the opinion of the county attorney, they still retained ",the belief that Mr. Hnrdiu had not received sufficient com pensation. Sheriff Cousins submitted a written re port on tho condition of the cylinder In the county Jnll. In which he said It could uot ho opernted by thn Jailer, oxcept with tho assistance of tbo prisoners, nnd that It had to he moved so rapidly that It was dangerous for the prisoners to ko In and out of their cells while U was rerolvliiK. Tho report was referred to the committee consisting of Matthews, Brandos nnd Kcr- nry. Thfl board adjourned to Tuesday. This sally set the courtroom In an up roar, even .IuiIeo (ircon himself being forced to join In the laughter. O'llalre's examination, as" before, was marked by a number of passages between him and Senator Patterson. Ills answers Irritated the statesman from Colorado and the eourt was finally appealed to by Senator Patterson to require the wltncf-s to keep tho "humor" out of his answers. O'llalre's testimony wns more In leill tbnn before as lo his grubstaking Iliirn and O'Drlscoll, the intent being to contradict the Mntcment of the defense to t,he Jury at the opening Hint nurns' sisters li.ul worked day and night with their needles to provide money for their brother while prospertlng. O'llalre showed that he had expended $27.1 in fur nishing supplies for nurns. Doyle nnd O'Drlscoll. O'llnire's examination was not finished when court was ndjourtied to Mon day. Dovln Is expected to go on the stand i the .(inclusion of O'llalre's examination. Pornicr Governor TlionuiH left lor ucnor Waterman fountain Pens Del.ong's stationery department Is the place to cet them. Conic In and llnd out about them. 7.50 Pnuntalu Pen Fluid 25c Diamond Library Pasto I'abcr Pencils, per dozen .... Dixon Pencils, per dozen .... 120 sheets writing paper 100 good X.KX Envelopes .... Pens, all kinds, ten for 30 .,10c and 2."c Me ItOc Ifle 1.1e ,1c Ilroadway, Mall orderH tilled quick Council Bluffs. Stephan Bros, are putting In n hot-water heating plant In the new rcsldeneo being erected by Dr. Charles E. Woodbury on Willow avenue and Third street. Davis sells paint. HELPING HAND. Vo extend to you the helping hand tu this ttmi thn nrnhlmn nf how to tliako tastes nnd desires meet purse capacity Is your one thought. It doesn't tuke so awfully ;,i,.i. ninnnv in Iniv nleasliig Christmas presents If ono will but go to the right place nnd ko early. Wo bellevo a visit to our store will help you solve tho problem to your entire satisfaction, llerp are Jewelry nnd Novelties,, with quality, "workmanship nnd prices to Suit nil, Htyh'H exclusive and popular. All now stock ami only up-to-dato designs, HERMAN M. LEFFERT Dntlelan. Jeweler nnd Kngruver. ii,.rk',,iv,.iiv riimnttitn (.li'ti Avenue. ulTs, lown. MS Hroadway, Opposlto Council Hi LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director v lHucoMr to W. O. Kti u VUAHL STHJSUT. 'l-kua Wl, FARM LOANS 6pSfi? U Main St.. Counoll U'.uda. Iow a Steam Dye Works ill) I IIIIOAIIWA V, ( Ol M'lb IH.ri'KS. MnUn vnm nl.l rlntlics look llko new, CLUAKINU, DVI3INU and UBrAiniNO. Cnancll ninffii Chnrohr. Another of the serleB of sacred concerts which have proved so popular will be given this evening In the Broadway Methodist church. The choir of twenty-five voices, under the direction of Ned Mitchell, will bo nhslsted by Miss May Irene Tlnlny. soprano f-olotst, and Philip R. Bear, tenor soloist of St. Aloystus' church, ashlnston, D, C. Program: lrAliulnKuiiNlilnr nnd SbadoW ' Dudley Buck Olnrt.1 Pntli Ilymn-Stoiid Up for Jesus Webb Magnlllcat Urneltott Henldlo Anlma Mea tiould Solo-0 Lord, Ilo Merciful Uartlctt mIrs M'iv lreno Klnlav. Hvmn n Culvnrv Uoblnsoil Anthcm-O Hear My Prnyer. .... . . . ..Noyes Tenor unuguio, mv. .miiciicii, Solo-Thy King Rodney Prof. Ph 111 n I.. Hear. nirnnrv Avo Maria Ilhelliberger Duet The Lord Is Thy Light Buck pror. near ami .Mr. .Miicnen. iTvmn Take Mv Life and Let It He . Mnhi'i Postlude Minuet Hamilton Clarke Kdwnrd Oarelsscn, violinist, will play Wlenlawskl's "Legendc" In tho Klrst Con- gregattonnl church tonight. Tho choir will sing "Consider nnd Hear Me," by Carl Pllueger. nnd Miss Bertha Williams will sing Wlllard's "Prayer" with violin and organ accompaniment. Mr. Thlckstuti, or- ganlst. will play Alexandre Gullmont's "Funeral March and Hymn of Seraphs. Uluinenscholn's "Gloria In Excolsls" will bo sung at tho morning service. In St. Paul's Kplscopal church Itov. Oeorno Kdward Walk, rector, will adminis ter communion nt 8 a. m. There will bo n morning prayer and sermon at 10:30; sub ject, "A Chrlstlnn Soul's Importunity. Evening prayer and sermon will be nt 7.30; subject, "The Church and tho Fnm-il:'." llev, Harvey Hostetler, pastor, will preach In tho Second Presbyterian church at 10:30 a, m. and ";:t0 p. m. "Tho Uw of Klndnefs" will bo his morning topic and "Coming to Hltnfell" his evening tbeuu. Nature's Highest Endorsement Hot-Water and Steam Systems have almost entirely superseded all other methods in greenhouse growth. Similarly, that fact guarantees equal 'hygienic per fection in house-warming. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators Wo can furnish you something to eat at prices that will astonish everybody, (live Vn tBn . L nmnM l.ni.n OOOD FOR ALL THIS WEEK. us a tr al. Mir.. . ... COPVHIrtHT J. C. BIXBY & SON, COUNCIL HLUFFS, IA. All Ready for Thanksgiving? Don't forget about your linen. At the feast you'll want to be dressed In your best, and of course you must hnva Immac ulato linen. If you send your linen to the Bluff City Laundry you will get It lmclt in season and done up In perfect condition. ' Send us your address the wagon will call. BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, as mi it tii si vin vr, Teleuhont. nil. Council Bluffs. If the Young Man who expressed a desire to shine In society will send his linen to tho Englo Laundry there can be no further question of his hrllllnnt success. We appreciate your trade. 'Phono 157. EAGLE LAUNDRY CO., W L. Douglass, Prop, 721 Hroadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. uSic""d Jackets LOT 1 All lutlics' anil misses' jiickcts over if") and U to $7."0. in liij; ranc of colors ami sizes, Monday sale g OO ii(yp 2 ...-Our entire line, rsinir ini in prices t'roin SS.r0 to $10. in 1!T. .'Ml ami ir inches lonjr. Monday sale li'i'' LO'p II Your elioiee oT our ex tensive line from to SIH, in iill lenptlis ami colors. Mon day sale 1'i'ii'i' LOT 4- All of our ladies' jackets raniiifi in nrirc between Sir. and $'2'2, in oxfords, tans. fiistttrs. blacks and browns, Mon- H1 p day sale price only LOT -All of our ladies' liili frade jackets, in : lpnpths and full length. Kaplan styles, some with benver rnllnrs and culTsiantiiim in price from $'-r to ?:.r). Mon- $22 day sale price only 3.50 Children's Jackets LOT 1 eonsists of 2.1 jackets, all jjood colors, sizes I to S years, regular price to i 1.2,1, Mon- 2.39 jOT 2 Our entire line of jack ets, raiiinnii in prices from ,4.n0 to $3.00. Monday Rale price only j,OT :i All of our children's jackets, new and nobby styles, regular prices &li.;0 to $T..10, Monday sale EC OO price only D VMVM LOT 1 consists of all our high grade chil dren's jackets of the newest, and latesi styles, regular prices $8.75 to $10.00, Mon day sale 7., 50 li'''( COME EARLY AND GET GOOD SELECTION WHITELAW Boston Store & GARDINER Council Bluffs, la. Something to Read and Something to Eat! 3-lb. can tomatoes lb, can corn. ...n,..v ,rpfim. . lor ,.. ..... ...j - Yico oats f,.lb. packaiio Hanncr oats L".K' "T'm iiiVlcki .... "Hell coffee ,ier packtiBo New rnlsliiH, per In currant l-M,. PaoH-Ko......... Now sceocii juiniii", t" 3 cans strinp "'"""'.."iVL" 1 lln.l ,,,.nrhrH. 'A II)S. for Hrlcd ttrapes. per lu------ New sorKnuni. i "" kraut. rq.mrt...v..... ....... iXini inncy w'hH . 10c . 7Ho . Wo il.c . 7e . 22c , '.".i: . 'jr.o . 3o .171e to . Km . Jfio . ISe . '". . 4e . loo 7l! . IVjO 3 lbs. Rood Broken Java coffee.... Layer ubs, pi-r m Vltron peel, per lb OrmiKe peel, per in Lemon peei, piT 111 (Inllou can syrup fflliilold starch, per packape Hulk starch, per lb Anchor matches, per packaRe New dates, per II) Navy beans, new. per lb.......... New dried Lima beans. 3 lbs for. llorso radish, per bottle New comb honey Heinz' ketchup, per bottle.. ....... Hlue Lable ketchup, per bottle , ilnr own baked beans, per, Jar... Pepper Manfioes. per dozen T'lccalilly. per iiuart iHo 15e. ln 15c BOc. 7e. Ic llo rtc to :;o SC. 10c loo 200 So 200 15c COLE'S HotBlastStoves Save Over One-Third the Fuel. Over 1,000 In use In Council llluffs. H'olllnc heef .Jllr.1.. utr.t.1 VortiThouse steak Hliniilder stcaK Lean meal inr milieu mil,,. l;l,liu unfit Bmoked bacon Our meiits nre the best we can buy. M 15 AT U 15 1 A ii T M KNT 3c to r.e Id-lb. pall lard ,...10o to 12Vio Corned beef ...,10c to'12VjC Hound sleak 7c 'Pino pork sausage. Be to fie .Mutton stow Be. .Mutton leRh . .IOI40 to 12Vio 1 Shoulder roasts J1.10 5o to fc. 100 , lOo r.c Uo 60 10 iQ EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY, NOV. 19 I'liiur !) It r . Diamond r. Soap. 25; Jersey Cream Flour Uncle Jerry Pancake Hour, per pKjr. ... 7c nuy the orlKlnal, for sale only hr I nuy tne original, iur n.uc mu Council Bluffs I Cole-Brelsf ord IOWA Hardware Co II .Souili Main St., Council llluffs. Woodward's means Good i.tuuly. Good (5andy means Wood vard's. ILLUSTRATE YOUR ADS ( WOODWARD'S Synonyms and ( GOOD CANDY. JOHH G. WOODWARD ft CO., "The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la. I mke original designs and furnmh susKestlons for advertising cuts. Wrlti me, Council niuffs, Iowa, RAILWAY TIMH CAH.