Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1901, PART II, Page 17, Image 17

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Htilctll Indiam Will If 9t the Ooribukeri
eo Thunkigiyiij Dj,
Unrirrstnnd llio Cnnie nntl I'lny with
'prpp Determination IlerUelcr
mill Stanford Try llxpen
ltc llxucrlinent.
Thus far the close of the season for the
Nebraska foot bill team has been all that
wns expected ir,i hoped. To taper off the
hardest schedule In the history of the
Cornhuskcrs with three sweeping victories
was the- one desire of men, conch and sup
porters. Tho Missouri gamo proved an
auspicious beginning. No such overwhelm
ing score had been expected by even tho
most sanguine. Then camo yesterday's
contest with the Jayhawkers from Kansas.
After tho marvelous manner In which this
team had strengthened up slnco tho game
with Wisconsin, shown especially with Its
fight against the Haskell Indians a week
ago. It was hardly to bo hoped that Ne
braska would do much more than win a
respectable victory, but tho scoro amassed
was mora than satisfying.
So now, on Thanksgiving day, come the
Haskell Indians, last but not least. In
fact, this team Is easily the strongest the
Nebraskans have been called upon to meet
this year, besides the famous Iladgers and
tho Oophers. They dofcuted the Kansans
18 to 5 a week ago, although the latter
admitted that tho red men played listlessly.
A still better measure of tho quality of the
Indians' play Is tho scoro they held the
Gophors to, 28 to 0.
That seems like an overwhelming figure,
but undor tho circumstances It was most
creditable to tho Haskoll men. The gamo
was played In tho snow, so the field was
Mlppcry and tho nlr freezing. Tho Gophors
wolghed twrnty pounds more to tho man.
Yet In tho faco of those odds tho Indians
held their giant opponents to four touch
downs In seventy long' minutes of play.
Such work shows that they havo the real
stuff In them and It Is hard to Imagine
how they managed to get their fast, snappy
play, which Is their main strongth, to work
In that slop as well as thny did. Th'o
weight must have counted terribly on such
a fluid and the Indians deserve every credit
for tho result.
Nebraska expects to defeat 'the Indians,
and naturally so. Tho work tho Cornhusk
ers have dono ngalnst the Tigers and the
Jayhawkors In turn when thoy had from
thrco to nvo substitutes In the game all
tho tlmo seems a certuln promise that thoy
will demolish the red men as well, though
no big scoro Is expected by anyone
Tho feature of tho Indians' play this year
Is great tcum work, combined with quick
play. They nro nervy, llerce and deter
mined, theso race- characteristics showing
plainly In their athletlo ventures. Add to
this strategy, great cleverness and Indi
vidual cat-llkt littleness on tho part of
evory man and their strength Is opparcnt.
Tho star of tho red men would seem to
bo Daln, tho largo right tackle. This player
limdo two long runs straight through the
ontlro opposing eleven for touchdowns In
tho Kansas game. McGIll, fullback, and
Oliver, left tackle, are also famous plung
ers. Archlquctto Is reported to be a verl
tablo fiend nt quarter, while the right half,
Fnllls, Is tho steadiest all-around man of
tho backs.
On the defenso tho Indluns uro especially
strong. Here Is whero their team work
stands out most prominently. No spe
cially weak places exist In their line. It
u opponent can conquer It unywhere, It Is
almply a case of bolng outclassed, as the
other spots prove equally Impregnable
Every matt plays u gume that laps di
rectly bohlnd his neighbor's, nono of them
forgetting for an Instant that there Is
someone next to him that ho must help as
well ns expect aid from.
nodwater, howovcr, tho giant right guard,
Is the main tower of strength on stopping
plays, Frobnbly tho stars at demolishing
Interference nro tho two ends, Felix and
Guyon. All Iudlans seem to mako wonder
ful ends, for they uro mero bundles of
springs and sinews, nnd they dash Into tho
blocking with ubsoltito abandon nnd n
flerccnoss and lmpotus that work havoc
with tho most carefully formed Interfer
ence. In this work tho ends nro well backed up
by tbclr respective halves, Ilnus nnd Pallls
Tomahawk. These men have helped the
ends u long way toward their reputation of
Impregnability. In short, tho Indians are
a Uaiu of foot ball players. Thoy know
tho game and play It with even moro spirit
and fierceness than do the Cornhuskcrs.
However, Conch Booth Is nil ready for
them. Ho has seen them In their every
play nnd has taught tho Nebraskans a do-
fenso for each formation. Ho lms nlso been
Impressing on tho minds of his pupils at
Lincoln tho fact that It Is uecessary for
them In this gnmo moro than any other to
bo fast, faster than tho Indians If possible.
While booth's favorites were walking
through the Tiger lino In Omaha a week
go ho hlmsolf was down at Lawrence
Kan,, watching tho Indians und Kansans
1K. A. U. feEAULE;,
It. ie 'Most Itrllable Hpcclnllst In liU
raiea of Men,
ITRICTURE Cured wllu ew H"A'
treatment. No pain, na
dotentlon from business.
tlRINARYCUney and Bladder Troubles,
Weak Back, Burning Urine,
Frequency of Urlnatlnc, Urine High Col
bred or with milky sediment on standing.
CVDUII is cured for lite and
DYkjilllalO poison thoroughly
tleansed from the system. Soon every
Hen and symptom disappears completely
lad forever. No "BflEAKINO OUT" of the
ftlseaio on tho skin or face, Treatment
contain no dangerous drugs or Injurious
WEAK MEN trom Excesses or vic
tims of Nervous De
slllty or Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness,
kith early decay In young and middle
kged, lack of vim, vigor and strength,
With organs impaired aud weak. Cure
struggle. Thus he secured a tine on both
the teams which Nebraska still had before
them to play at that time. That explains
tho apparent Intelligence and ease with
which tho Cornbuskers solved the tricks of
the Jayhawkors yesterday, and It will also
bo the cause of a similar exhibition of
knowlnecess on Thanksgiving day.
As tho annual Thanksgiving day game
this contest Is the greatest to be held In
Lincoln this season and the fact that tho
opponents will bo the strongest team to play
In tho capital city will lend to this fact.
Great preparations are maklqg and a crowd
of many thousands is expected to see tho
Cornhuskers win their last game, after hav
ing clearly played themselves Into the best
class of foot ball west of tho Dig Four.
The two teams will line up about as fol
Cortelyou II. K. L. E Fe'.lx
Wcstover (O....II. T..L. T Oliver
Tomahawk Hrew It. O.IL. G Dubois
Koehler ...,C. C can
. L. O.
It. O ltedwatcr
II. T Halnguyon
It. E Arehlquctte-
Q. H Bent-
L. H. 11 Mans
It. It. II. Fallls-Ollver
F, 11 Miguel
Kingsbury ....
,.L. T.
,L. E.
Q. D.
Crnndall n. If. n.
Curt L. II. II.
l'lllsbury K. 11.
Foot ball on the western coast centers In
tho annual contest betwoon the University
of California nnd Stanford university.
These two colleges are so fnr removed from
tho middle west world of pigskin contests
that their movements on tho gridiron are
not usually of much Interest to people, In
tho real foot ball portion of the United
States. Two facts, however, conspire this
fall to mako the victory of the Callfornlans
over tho Stanford eleven of n week ago a
matter of most vital appreciation. i
Tho first U that Coach Yost, who has
raised the Wolverines of Michigan to such
a high pinnacle this season, was last fall
with Stanford university and coached the
eleven .thero to a victory over tho vaunted
llcrkoley men by a scoro of 5 to 0. This
year, with Yost gone, Stanford lost tho an
nual gemc.
The socond reason why the foot ball
played by Callfornlans Is Interesting In the
east Is tho fact that these samo Wolverlnos
of Michigan, Yost's now pets, have games
scheduled for this winter with both Stan
ford and tho University of California. To
sec what Yost's present great team will do
to his pupils of last year will be Interest
ing, but the fact that these games will give
a general basis for comparison of teams
east and west will bo the real relish of tho
Not the rivalry of Yalo nnd Harvard is so
bitter as that betwoon these two great west
coast schools. Situated practically sldo by
side, with several great cities nearby to
cheer them on, athlotlc nnd nil other com
petition Is most Intense. Slnco foot ball
wns first Introduced out there In 1802 tho
annual contest between theso two schools
has been tho great event of tho winter sea
son, socially and academically. Tho crowds
that attend theso games range from 20,000
up, nnd tho one of last week kept 18,000
pcoplo there through n constant rain.
Till 189S tho Callfornlans had never won
a game, though Beven had boon played.
They had succeeded In tying two, but never
a victory camo their way. However, in
that yenr they atoned for much of it by
winning, 22 to 0. They followed this up
with a victory by 30 to 0 In 1809. This
was tho largest scoro that had over been
made In a California-Stanford game. Tho
defeat was most humiliating to Stanford.
The school resolved to go oast for Its next
year's coach. It could not afford one of the
cracks from the Dig Four, but It wanted a
good man. So It looked up the middle
west schodule for the year 1899. This
showed YoBt, an absoluto stranger, bringing
up a team In tho llttlo University of Kan
sas that simply wiped away all Its oppo
nents during the season. Thla was what
Stanford wanted, a man who could or
ganize and produce results quickly. So
Yost was engaged.
Eagerly tho people out thoro waited for
tho Thanksgiving game. Would the ex
periment succeed? Could the man from
tho Sunflower stato In ono short season
conquer that 30 to 0 score? Those were
tho quostlons tho ardent supporters of
Stanford asked each other. Meanwhile tho
pcoplo of Berkeley woro euro he could not.
Ho did; 5 to 0 was what Stanford did to
Berkeley that year. Then Yost went to
Michigan. This yenr Stanford lost, though
by a small score, 2 to 0. A safety did It.
What makes this great mnlry still moro
strenuous is the fact that no other worthy
opponents nro to be fouiU out there. It
all lies botwecn these two lono teams. On
them all the hopes, all the wagers of
100,000 people are centered Just once n
year. All the season the men train for
that ono contest. That Is why It means
so much. This Is not true lu the cast.
There each schools plnys man great and
Important games.
This year's departuro by Michigan In go
ing west Is something absolutely new. It
has been talked of betoro by different
schools, but tho Wolverines nro the first to
go. Yost persuaded them to It. To the
Wolverine players It means a great deal,
both In pleasure and hardships,. They play
tho first gamo on Christmas dny against
Stanford nt Los Angoles. On New Year's
day thoy meet California at San Francisco,
That means a grand trip across the coun
try, with roynl treatment when they arrive.
The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
Told in Two Words:
Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
ous Debility and all Reflex Complications
and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses
of Men.
Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and ar. you
nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition!
Aro you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? There Is a derangement of the sonsl.
tlve organs of your Pelvic System, and oven though It gives you no trouble at pres.?
ent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system, un
fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It It
too late? WE CAN CURB YOU TO STAY OUUBD. We have yet to aee the case ol
Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines; Electric Belts, etc., will never cure. You
need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cases where the ordinary physician
treata one. Method new, without cutting, pain or lots of time.
But It means also just one month more of
training, of abstinence, of hard work. All
during December they will still bo In light
training, while foot bait men tho country
over in other schools wilt bo out celebrat
ing their freedom from training tablo and
early couches.
So the holiday week botween Christmas
and New Year's passed by the Wolverines
In the city of the Golden Gate wilt bo no
round of pleasure. They will bo expected
to play foot ball and will keep In shape.
But when tho end comes no team In the
world will have such a gala time breaking
training as they. Far away from home and
school cares, in the land of soft breezes,,
roses, warmth and perfume, they will let
loose the pent-up recklessness that has been
shut up within them since August and they
will not come back to classes till they havo
seen and done their fill.
On tho financial result or this Michigan
exploit depends the contlnuanco of the prac
tice of cross-continent games. If the west
ern schools can pay Michigan's expenses
and make a llttlo margin for themselves,
they will Invito others out next year on a
similar guaranty. But It Is a risk and
neither school would ever take it before.
Wisconsin planned going out In 1899, but the
guaranty of expenses was not forthcoming.
However, Atlantic may mcot. Pacific on tho
gridiron before long.
In the annual California-Stanford con
tests tho latter has won many moro games,
but only a few moro points havo been made
by the Los Angeles school. Stanford's
total scoro for the nine years Is 95 points.
That of California Is 86. This is tho way
they havo dono It:
California. Stanford.
1592-Mnrch 10
lS?2-Deceinber 17
10 U
10 10
6 B
0 (
6 6
0 ro
0 28
22 0
SO 0
0 S
11 0
1897 Tliankselvinir
U9S Thunksglvlng
1S99 ThunksBiving
1900 TliunkHglvltiE
1901 November 9...
Just two big foot ball games nro still to
be played In Omaha this year. On Novem
ber 23 tho stato scholastic championship
of Nebraska will bo fought out by tho life
long rivals, Omahti and Lincoln High
schools. Then on Thanksgiving day, when
tho modern American must havo foot ball
to properly digest turkey, will como tho
Herculean struggle between tho Omaha
High school nnd the High school champions
of Minnesota Minneapolis Central High
Theso are by odds the beet school games
of tho season. Each Is a strugglo which
will dccldo something between teams evenly
matched. Theso days at tho local High
school nro busy In preparation. The foot
ball team Is working hard. As far as tho
students are concernod, tho gamo with
Lincoln Is tho most Important. "If wo can
only win tho Lincoln game," Is tho heart
felt prayer of rooters and team.
Lincoln has a splendid team this yenr.
The boys havo practiced long nnd hard und
nro In the pink of condition. They nro Just
as determined to win ns Omaha and when
tho two teams meet a spectacular game will
send tho cold chills on trial heats up nnd
down tho spine of tho foot ball enthusiast.
Thero wilt bo very llttlo tlmo taken out
for Injuries, ns both teams aro In tho best
of rendition.
Lincoln Is planning to send up over 200
students to howl for Its team and paint
tho town an assortment of colors. 6. E.
Condra, tho coach. Is keeping tho Lincoln
team at tho top notch of form und reports
that It Is in butter shape than ever.
Omaha experts think that Omaha has tho
team to put black paint on Lincoln's as
pirations and know that tho Job of dolug it
will bo grand to look upon. Tho gamo will
bo played at tho Young Men's Christian
association park, which has been Improved
so thut even on u stormy day spectators In
tho grandstand can watch tho game In com
fort. Tho admission to grounds und grand
stand will be 25 cents for this game.
On the day of foot ball und turkey count
less enthusiasts who havo been unable to
get away from their business for the other
contests of the season will havo a cbanco
to get their eager eyes on a game. Thla
year they will havo tho biggest ono of tho
season to gloat over. To glvo them what
thoy deserve ono of tho best teamu In tho
United Stutes among tho High schools will
be brought u distance of almost 100 miles.
This, of course, will bo tho fashlouablo
event of tho year. In this athletlo ago
overy ono cau be observed ut tho Thanks
giving foot ball contest, nrrayed In ribbons,
enthroned on tnllyhos, delighted spectator
of tho game, and observed of all beholders.
What tho horso show Is to tho cast tho
Thanksgiving foot ball gamo Is to tho west.
Tallyho parties urc bolng arranged. Threo
hnvo already been reported to the manage
ment. No oxtra charge will bo made for
admitting carriages to tho grounds. Only
enough tickets to fill tho grundstand havo
been printed. These aro being sold now.
These tickets, costing CO cents, admit to tho
grandstand without extra charge. Whon
these are gono It will bo Impossible to get
.grandstand seats. These tickets for tho
Thnnksglvlng gamo will bo on sale in
Omaha, Council Bluffs and South omaia, ho
that In order to got stats z wil he neces
sary to get tho tickets soon.
W. J. Sblvely, Batesvllle, O., speaking of
Banner Salve, says: "I used It for plies
aud It has dono mo moro good than nny
ealvo I havo ever used and I havo tried a
great many kinds."
Cun.nltHtlua Free. Treatment by mnIL
Call or nililrfii till .. 11th St.
f lav
Aon 3
The only soap in the world that supplies every need about the home
for Toilet, Bath, Laundry and removing spots and stains from
garments. Makes white goods whiter and 'colored goods brighter.
Lathers Freely in Soft or Hard, Cold or Warm Water.
Guaranteed not to shrink flannels or woolens, but preserves their
soft, pleasant touch and keeps all fabrics just like new. The Ox-Gall
sets the colors and makes them brighter. Use it on your fine laces
and colored embroideries. Sold by all dealers.
Cudoma Primer sent free on request.
The Cudahy Paching Co., Omaha... Ilansas City.
Omaha Tcum Maintain. It. Lead In
the Itnce for Hip Local
Tho Omaha bowling team still maintains
Its load In tho race for the pennant and of
the three teams which wero last week a tlo
for second place the Germans, St. Charles
and Krug Parks, only tho St. Charles sur
vived the week's play In that position. Tho
Clarkson team, fifth a week ago, has now
by thrco victories over tho Nationals risen
to second place, whore It Is a tlo with the
St, Churlcs.
By all odds tho featuro of tho week was
tho work of tho Omabas. In the contost
against tho Qcrmnns on Tuesday night
Bomu phenomenal work was dono. In the
first place every man on tho team not only
Increased bis general average, hut each haa
set n new high mark for himself for ono
gnmo of ten frames. So the whole team
underwent a great Improvement simultane
ously. All tho totals of tho Oruuhas wore
high that night, overy man rolling above
COO for tho evening, und Emery worrying the
COO mark with 590. Totals for tho team
wero also high, two of the games being 915
and 974. Tho total was 2,833, by far tho
highest of tho season so far.
Meanwhile the Nationals contlnuo to fall,
although every man on that team bavo one
escaped a star this time, and threo of them
sot new high scores. Theso playors are
Improving, but nro not yet good enough to
compute with Borne of tho other teams.
Right with them Is tho Western team,
which sooms to be badly on tho toboggan.
But from tho work tho Westerns did carllur
It Is probablo that they will braco up In
Club Standing.
W. ti. P.C. II. Total. Ave.
Omaha 15 3 .833 974 15,676 (70 JtJ-lR
St. Charles.... 11 7 .611 918 1B.10S SS9 6-18
Clarkson 11 7 .611 m 14,953 831
Onto City 10 8 .EKi 918 15.U8 843 14-18
Krug Park.... 10 K .K55 921 14,503 805 IMS
German 0 9 .m 901 15,'.' 9 84 1-18
Western 5 13 ,26i 811 14,631 J.07 r.-18
National 1 17 .053 100 13.33 743 9-18
High scoro: Inches (Clarkson), 241
Indlvlduul averuzes:
Games, II. Total. Ave.
Kritschcr. St, Chnrles. 18 216 3,29 183 4-1S
Weymuller, German.. IS 222 2,102 150 2-18
Seaman, Gate City.... 18 224 3,208 178 4-18
Zarp, Omaha 18 223 3,202 177 16-18
Emery. Omaha 18 218 3,176 176 3-18
Read. Omaha 15 215 2,013 176 3-15
UrscIIii, German 18 223 3,161 175 11-18
Schneider, St. Charles. 15 214 2.623 174 13-15
Smcad, Omaha 6 209 1,040 171 2-6
Lawler, Western 15 20S 2.C1S 174 S-15
Inches, Clurkson 15 243 2,600 173 5-15
Nielsen. Krug Park... 9 193 1.549 172 1-9
Stapenhorst, Germnn. 15 204 2,570 171 2-15
lirunke, Clarkson 13 212 3.0G5 170 5-18
A. Krug, German IS 197 3,015 169 13-18
Fl.mugun, St. Charles 18 201 3,028 163 4-1S
Wlgman, Omahn 16 213 2.G17 16712-15
Huntington. Goto City IS 201 3,013 167 7-18
Bengclp, Krug Park.. 15 218 2,500 168 10-15
V. Conrad, Gate City . 18 217 2.997 166 9-18
Baden, St. Charles .... 12 202 1 993 166 1-12
Hartley. Gate City 18 212 2 976 165 6-18
Iteed. Western 13 211 2,9:.6 165 5-18
Tocum, Gate City 3 175 494 164 2-3
Zitzmnn, Krug Park.. 18 219 2,928 16212-18
Conery. Krug Park.... IS 186 2,609 161 11-18
Beynolds. Western.... 15 200 2,403 160 8-15
Lancaster, Clarkson.. 12 1C6 1,923 160 3-12
Swenson. Western 15 201 2.392 169 7-15
Weber. German 12 193 1,893 153 4-12
Molyneaux. Clarkson. 12 182 1.879 156 7-12
V. Krug. Krug Park... 12 214 1,871 156 2-12
Belleck, Western 15 201 2,326 165 1-15
Lavldgo, St. Charles.. 15 187 2,325 165
Almanson, Nationul.... 15 209 2.2C9 161 4-15
Miller, National 18 183 2,697 143 18-18
Jackson, Nationul f 165 890 143 2 6
Davuy, Nntiomil 15 150 2,178 115 1-15
Ilosenbory, National... 18 199 2.619 140 9-18
Players whoso averages have below thore
of lust week.
Illuli Score of the AVeok.
Tonpln scores of 200 and better for tho
week at Clark's alloys; II. Frltschcr, 222,
246; William Webor, 200; North Southy,
221, 214, 202, 231; II. W. Lohmann, 200,
211, 201; II. I Miller, 208, 203; Frank Fogg,
200, 202, 230, 200, 200; Charles Frcuch, 209,
207; W. S. Shcldou, 214, 202; W. II. Emory,
237, 203, 222, 218, 235, 203; E. V. Kcaglc,
220; Joo Gutmann, 201, 204; Fred Dletz,
218; "Plumber" Head, 205, 215, 204, 221,
210, 202; H. Beselln, 218, 210; James, Gar
diner, 202; II. L. Fowler, 219, 215; W. C.
Brunke, 224, 212; T. H. Hodges, 202; II. D.
Heed, 205; M. R. Huntington, 203, 201, 211,
203; Charles Seaman, 200, 202; W. W. Hurt
ley, 212; "Bill" Ambrueter, 204, 202, Charles
rioff, 202; Frank Mahoney, 216; L. E.
Lucas, 207; W. H. Abmanson, 209; Joo
Polcar. 226; W. C. Weymuller, 200.
Tenpin scores of 200 or hotter for the
week on tho Gato City alleys: H. D. Heed,
201, 203, 201, 231, 210; Wood Hartley, 201,
202, 200; H. Baden, 202; M. It. Huntington,
208, 212; Bert Christie, 207; C. B, Brlden
becker, 206, 202, 209, 213; E. Sterrccker.
206; F, Conrad, 203, 205; George Flanagan,
200,. 204. 203; "Bill" Armhuster, 211; "Bill"
Emery. 202; W. L, Sheldon, 212, 203; C.
Beulow, 224; W. H. Ahmauson, 232, 210,
212; C. D. Rosenberg, 217, 204; C. Seaman,
221, 204. 210; John Kelly, 208, 201; E. M.
Tracy, 20C, 210.
High scores at ten pins made at Lentz &
Wllllums' alloys last week: II. w. Bene
dict, 222; Oall Johnson, 201, Oeorge Ascb,
222; F. J. Conery. 209, 216, 203, 201; W. II,
Haft, 255; It. D. Johnson, 213; Will Zltz
man, 236, 231, 212, 226; Pete Nielsen. 216.
217. 201; H. Beselln, 222, 223. 201; W. F.
Weber, 210; Fred Krug, 2:8, 210, 21.4; W, II.
T fif
toi.-- i,. UniirM ittvcitlnti. nervousness, constitution or occasional
trouble In the urinary organs Indicates a dangerous condition lu the kidneys; If you
have any of these symptoms the sensible coarse Is to stop the prog.-ess of the disease
before It eats away the vitality.
This remedy U not only valuable as a klduey tonic, but contains the necessary
' properties for cleansing aud strengthening the stomach, liver aud bowels. Thus it '
restores healthful condition, and harmony of action in the entire system while
carrying out the Important object of ridding; th kidneys of disease. It prevents the
appearance of Brlght's Disease or Diabetes, and under Its great restorative In
fluence the kidneys become welt and strong again.
Stapenhorst, 226; S. W. Schneider, 200, 211,
214; Goorgo Zarp, 204, 206, 223; H. FrltBchor.
220; J. Smcad, 205; "Plumber" Road, 214, 215;
Billy Bowman, 204, 210, 202; Sam PItzcr, 223,
211; Billy Butts, 208; Ed Whltehorn, 212,
223; Billy Wlgman, 205, 213; F. A. Klrkpat
rlck, 203, 207; E. Zltzman, 208; F. J. Ben
gelo, 221; Fred Blitz, 202, 215; U Weymul
lor, 203; Bill Emery, 208, 21S; B. II. Mulle.
22S; II. E. Eidson, 203; Frod Elsusser. 211;
A. E. Pnrmolce, 208.
Strike, ami Spare..
I. P. Hunter's Bcoro of 13S nt rubberneck
brings him ono of Clark's prizes.
North Southy Is good for a prize at ten
pins, with a score of 231 ut Clark's.
J. J. Berger rolled 21 In threo successive
games of ninepins ut Clark's und gets a
Churlcs Seaman and Willie Usher aro a
tlo for the Gnto City monthly tcnpln
Mrs. Fred Krug Is still high for tho
monthly tenpin prize at Clark's, with 174
G. Conrad 1h high for tho tlvo back prize
at tho Gate City ulleys, with a total of 221,
mado In three consecutive, games.
Two hundred and heventy-soven Is still
the high mark at Clark a ut tenpins for
this month.
IMny at Whist.
Tho following Is the Omaha Whist club's
scoro at tbelr regular meeting Wednesday
Jordan and Boucher 207
ilcdlck nna coc .".i
Rogers und Burness 199
Crummcr nnd Burrell 196
Calm and Calm 165
Mnrtln and Sweet 163
Wheeler and I.Ittletlold 163
Hcrdman and Boucher 160
Plus. annus.
Tndnv take Foley's Honny nnd Tar. It
nosltlvcly prevents pneumonia, or other
serious results from colds. It may be ton
lato tomorrow.
How lie: Kuctv,
Chicago Record-Herald: "Say, ma."
"Thero aro seven liars In our class at
"Oh, I wouldn't say that, dear. You
might be rolstakon."
"No, I uln't. itsterday the teacher said
all of us that never told a He should hold
up our hands."
"And wero there seven thero who didn't
hold up their hands?"
"No; thero were seven that did."
In Health and Disiasi
A new book containing
tne latest scientllic Uls-(
coverles and anatomical;
and their special com-j
plaints, ivotniug 0Dscene
or objectionable, but pub-1
lisheU for Men OnlyJ
Fullv explaining cverv-!
thing and superbly illustrated with(
'Points tho wav to treatment at home!
forall obstacles to marriage. Positively
'Invaluable to all men who suffer from
'depleted nerve force or drains on the!
system, caused by excesses, improperc
'habits, worry or overwork. Sent by
j man in plain seaiea cover lor ten cents.
l Address the Author, nimlng this piper.
P. O. drawer 468, llullslo, N. Y. ,
j Clark's Bowling Alley s i
I 1313-15 Harney St.
j Biggest-Brightest-Best
r tiTur
What tha afflicted man want. It not a
wtnporary relief, but a permanent cure.
The beneficial effect, of my treatment
are as lasting a. life 1 cure to stny cured.
when once a patient la rescued by mo
from. th. ravages of disease or weakness
peculiar to bis sex, he Is never again
bothered with his former trouble.
I do not treat all diseases, but I treat
X wa! iuiu tuia luoui 10 may
Under my treatment, which Includes no
fHlng or pain, this Insidious disease rap
Idly disappears.
jrain disappears almost Instantly.
Tho pools of stagnant blood are drlvon
from the dilated veins and all soreness
and swelling quickly subside.
Every Indication of Varicocele soon van
ishes and In Its ntead como tho pride, the
Snderresato?edhmaPnhao!oUdro f Parf0Ct heal"
Lyhfur?i for Stricture Is safe. palnlcsH
and bloodless, and, therefore, freo from
surgery In any form.
. It Is the only cure that should ever bo
!?.ncarei Pth,nf tor private counsel, und glvo to each patient a LEGAL CON
.V. , ',.or our promises. Is It not worth your whllo to investigate a cure
that has made life anew to multitudes of mon?
ii 2 u connt 5H at our olllces. write your symptoms fully. Our homo treat
ment by correspondence Is always successful.
Office Hours From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.Suiiduya, 10 n. in. to 1 p. in.
State Electro-Medical Institute
1308 F.trouin St., Hit. 13tU anJ 14th Sts., Om.ihu, Nob.
(35! I
Price, 51.00 Per Bottle.
used, and the only one recommended W
the legions of men who have beon rcstor.d
by It.
It dissolves tho Stricture completely and
removes every obstruction from the urlnnry
passage, allays nil Inflammation, stop!
very discharge, reduceB the prostut.
gland whon enlarged, cleanses nnd heal,
the bladder and kidneys when Irritated
or congusted, Invigorates the organs and
restores health und boundncss to every part
of the body affected by tho disease.
Contagious Blood Poison
My epoclal form of treatment for specWo
or contnglous blood poison Is practically
the result of my 11 to work, nnd In Indorsed
by the best physicians of this and foreign
, It contains no dangerous drug. r In
jurious medicine of any kind.
It goea to the very bottom of the dlseae
and lorccs out every particle, of Impurity.
Soon every sign nnd symptom disappear
compirieiy ana rorever.
The blood, tho tissue, tho flesh, the bonef
anu me whole nystem are cieansca, punned
nnd restored to perfect health and the pa
tient prepared anew for
pleasures of lire.
Nervo-Sexual Debility
My cure for weak mon dors not stimulate
temporarily, but restores permanently.
It soon drives away all those distressing
symptoms which so constantly remind on.
of his former folly.
It stops every drain of vigor nnd builds
up tho muscular und nervous system, puri
fies and enriched the blood, cleanses and
i heals tho bladder nnd kldnays, tnvlgoratss
me uvcr, revives uio spirits, nrigntcns tn
intellect, nnd, nbovo and beyond all, re
stores tho wasted power of manhood.
Reflex Diseases
Many ailments are reflex, originating
from other olsnaues,
For Instnnce, manly weakness some
times comes from Vnrlcoccle or Strlcturo,
Innumerable blood and bono diseases often
result from blood poison tnlnl In the ys
torn, or physical or mental decline fre
quently follow loss of manhood.
In treating discuses of nny kind I always
cure tho effect us well as tho cause.
"Where Did You
Get it, Chi in mi a?"
It's un Undo Oscar cigar and he enjoys
It. This cigar Is good way down to tho
butt. You hato to throw It away unions
you bavq another In your pocket, and
thero Is no reason why you shouldn't al
ways havo a supply, when wo soli thes
cigars ut 5 cents. The best clgur fnr tho
money you over smoked,
' llenc & Co., Makers, Omaha.
Alien Ilros., Distributors.