Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1901, PART II, Page 13, Image 13

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Icciitj Paopla Lay Flan ftr Btiig Etm
Mora Social.
foheiitile of Dntt- All Hint Itrmnlna
f thr Original l.lrii Wlilrk ,
Ktpnnclcil i Mont l'rclruduun
Th promoters of the scries of cotillons
announced a short time ago navo recently
made more changes In the original plan
and decided to cnlarqo upon the projeut
antf give a scries of assemblies Instead.
The samo dates Thanksgiving night,
Christmas night, January 23 aud February
14 havo been retnlncd and tho moro elab
orate affairs will be given at Metropolitan
club, as originally Intended. It has been
number of years since anything haM been
attempted on this scale and they Hrc to
Includo tho married as well as young
Another of the recently organized clubs
for the entertainment of a certain coterio
la tho Theater club, which made Ita debut
In Omaha last week. It has a membership
cf twelve, which Included ono young mar
ried couplo, aud Ita plan is to attend the
theater or do something else at least once
every week, and later a suppor at the home
of somo ono of tho members. On last Mon
day evening tho club made up a theater
party at tho Orphcum and later adjourned
to tho home of ono of tho mcmbcra, whero
a chafing dish supper was served.
Dame numor Is again talking about
lebuts and among other things says that
one of tho young women who was to have
been Introduced has decided to forego that
pleasure for another year and will soon
return east to dovoto herself to music.
Wedding nnd linicnitrmenta.
A vory pretty wedding occurred on Tues
day evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Daughcrty, of 1716 South Fortieth
trcot, thotr daughter, Miss Fannie, being
married to Mr. W. T. Uttcrback. Ilev. Wal
ters of the Park Avenue 1'reabyterlan
church officiating. The bouso was prettily
trimmed with a profusion of palms aud
cut flowers and a number of friends were
present. Mr. and Mrs. Uttcrback left for
tho cast Tuesday evening nnd will bo at
home after December 20 at 1029 South
Thirty-sixth street.
Thursday ovenlng at 5 o'clock Mr, Fulton
M. Berlin and Miss Jennie M. Donaldson
urero married at tho resldeuco of tho .bride's
mother. For tho occasion thoro wero aomo
very' pretty decorations, carnations and
roses predominating. The bride was tastily
gowned and carried whlto roses, He v. E. II.
Jenks of tho First Presbyterian church
performing the ceremony. Tho bride Is a
graduate of tho High school and linn been
Identified with kindergarten work In the
city for tho last four years. The young
people will reside at 2544 Chicago street.
The marriage of Mr. David Degan and
Miss Mao Holler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Heller of 2412 St. Mary'a avenue, will
occur at Metropolitan club at 6:30 o'clock
on Tuesday evening. Miss Heller will be
attended by her sister, Miss Loulso Heller,
a maid of honor. Misses Hazel Degan
nd Myra Ouxbaum of Chicago as flower
girls, Miss Loulso Buxbaum of Chicago as
ring bearer, Mr. Louis Degan of Chicago
will be tho best man and Messrs. Mark
Heller, Edward Merrltt, Arthur Degan,
George fiellgnohn, Edwurd Heller and Man
illa Buxbaum and Mannte Haslacher of
Chicago will be the ushers. Following tbe
wedding u Buppcr will bo served at the
club for the members of tho bridal party,
relatives and a few of the out-of-tow,n
Tho first of the large November weddings
and one of the most Impressive of the fall
was that of Miss Hanchen Ilehfeld, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. II. Ilehfeld, and Mr,
Eugene Levi of Nebraska City, which oc
curred at temple Israel at 6 o'clock on
Tuesday evening in tho presonce of about
200 guests. Palms and yellow chrysanthe
mums wero used In tho trimming of tho
altar and the section reserved for tho
family. In the bncony at tho rear a full
string orchestra played softly as the guests
assembled and Just previous to the arrival
of tho bridal party Mr. Joseph Darton sang
"Promise Me." At Its conclusion the white
atln ribbons were stretched, Rabbi Simon,
tho groom and Mr. Robort Levi entering
Imultancously with the arrival of the
bridal party, which advanced up tho left
aisle. The party followed the usual order
of procession, first the ushers, Messrs.
Julius Meyer, Bornard Rehteld, Oeorgo
Sellgsohn, Sam Lobcnstoln of Kansas City,
Will Dlswanger of St. Louis and Moses
Goldburg of St. Joseph. Following them
was the matron of honor, Mrs. Hugo Bran
,de!s, gowned In yellow crepe, with high
pleatlngs of white, tho bodice docolctto,
with trimmings of lace. Tho bridesmaids
eame next, Misses Loulso Holler, Hattle
Rehfold, Mlnnlo Meyer and Blanche Ebrman
of New York City, all gowned In white
batiste and carrying showera of white car-
aattons. Miss Lena Rehfeld, as maid of
honor. wore pink chiffon, with oyortrlmralng
of white, and preceded tho bride, who en
terod with her father. Her gown was of
anlrred crepe and she wore a short veil
At tho altar the ushers and maids took
tholr positions In a aeml-ctrclo back of the
altar whlfe Rabbi Simon read the marriage
service. After tho wedding a supper was
erved for the bridal party nnd members
of tbe family at Metropolitan club and
later a reception was held tbcro to about
200 guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rehfeld being as
sisted by tho members of the bridal party,
Mr. and Mrs. Levi left that cvonlng for
tho west aud after a trip to the coast will
be at homo after Decomber 1 In Nobrasku
City. Among tho out-of-town guests who
were present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. E,
Catron, Dr. and Mrs. Glnn, Mr. .and Mrs.
Frank Holvy, Mr. aud Mrs. L. Lovl of Ne
braska City, Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg of
bbenandoau, In., Mrs. Katenstlno of St
Louis, Mr. Max Meyer of Baltimore. Mrs
Adolph Meyer of Chicago, Mr. Rodlo Loben-
Bleeding Lungs !
Cared by Dr. Bull's
Couth Syrup, the old
reliable cough cure.
Wn, II. lrJ.r, ot Chrrltlf
Iiimi. Ntw reik ClIr.-iI'Ml
-I tiait b4 ci(h fr
Unci my tKU4tiM4. It
HM tUt Mw4 wmU im
mra mr M, vklch S4
Inx m wmk. M that I
am Mit4 M Itttt m
ork. Irtt t ukt Di
Built Cmrh r. ol b.
A slight cough is dangerous If left alone.
Cure it at once and prevent serious com
Dllcations bv Uiinc Dr. Bull's Couch
Syrup. It has cured coughs for over llftjr
yrsrs. ii is quiet, sure ana narnuess
Do not accept tome cheap imitation, that
contains nartumi urugs, uisiu on getting
"Dr. Bull's," See that the "Bull's Head"
is on the package.
SMALL sTtTlT ff rifilffT TO TAKK
FRBB A Beautiful Calendar and UediiMl ftnnk
let free to anyone who will write A. a Meyer A
Mki Miwn, aii'i mi wwnvi uui paper.
stein of Denver and Mis Edith Heiie of
New York.
.Mnvrmfnti nmt Vlicrentinnti.
Miss Constance Wilson Is visiting In
Sioux City.
Mils Agnes Wellcr returned last week
from a six weeks' visit In the east.
Mrs. Herman Kountzo and Miss Kountze
returned from Chicago on Sunday.
Mrs. J. V. Gannett has-gonc to Hotiton,
expecting to return In about three weeks.
General and Mrs. Mandcrson returned on
Monday from a three weeks' stay In Wash
ington, Miss Ruth Wellcr Is visiting friends In
Baltimore, but is expected horn before
Mrs. Charles Barton, Mrs. Guy C. Barton
and Mrs, J, C. Mnrkel returned from Chi
cago on Monday,
Mrs. S. II. II. Clark returned to her home
In St. Louis on Tuesday after a visit with
friends In tbe city.
Mies Margaret O'Connclt visited her homo
In Sallx last week' to bo present at tho
wedding of her sister.
Miss Helen Cady left for tho cast on
Thursday evening to be tbe guest of Miss
Faith Potter at Smith college.
Mrs. J. II. Prltcbard and sister, Mrs.
E. II. Smith, aro visiting frlcnd3 In Chicago
and other eastern points.
Mr.' and Mrs. O. W. Wattles had Mrs.
Carrlo Chapman-Catt of New York as their
guest at dinner on, Sunday.
Mr. It. A. Thompson has returned from
Rockport, Mass., whero ho was called to
attend tho funeral of his sister.
Charles F. Spooner returned from De
Kalb, III,, where he had been to attend the
funeral of his son, Allen C. Spooner.
Mr. 8. A. MoWhortcr and Mr. (1. W. Me
gcath of Kansas City returned last even
ing from a trip to San Francisco and the
Miss Ruby Douglas expects to lcavo
Omaha on Thursday to Join her parents In
Now York City, whero sho will make her
Mrs. A. Wilson MacKoy returned home
from St. Louis, where she haa been visiting
her son and numerous friends for the last
month or so.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Klnsclla aro enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Houtz of Los
Angeles, Cal.. at their home, 1142 South
Thirty-second street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wllklns wero called
to St. Louis on Thursday by tho serious
Illness of their daughter, Mrs. W. L.
Matbls of that city.
Mrs. John A. McSbano returned from
Chicago last week and will bo nt tho Pax-
ton for two weeks, previous to her de
parture for tho south.
Mrs. Theodore Meyer and children left
on Thursday to spend the winter at Las
Cruccs, N. M. Mr. Moycr accompanied
them aa far as Kansas City.
Mrs. W. O. Temploton. Miss Templeton
and MUs Bertha PhllllppI went to Ne
braska City on Friday and will spend a
wcuk thoro visiting friends.
Dr. and Mrs. 55. D. Clark havo returned
from their wedding trip, having been called
homo on account of tbe death of Allen C.
Spooner, son of Charles F. Spooner.
Mrs. E. W. Nash and Mrs. Harry Cartan
and children havo gone to Dubuque, a.,
for a brief visit with Mrs. Henry- Meyers.
Mrs. Nash expects to return to New York
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakefield and Miss
Waketleld roturned to Omaha last week
after a year's sojourn In Buffalo, N. .
Miss Wakefield will remain hero until Jan
uary and then return cast to continue her
study of music.
PleKsnrea Pact.
Miss Peck entertained a few friends very
Informally on Friday evening.
Mr. Taylor of New York was the guest
of honor at a supper given by Mr. and Mrs.
II. T. Lemlst on last Sunday ovenlng.
Mrs. S. D. Barkalow entertained a small
buffet luncheon at 1 o'clock yesterday for
Miss Macrea and tho faculty of Browncll
Mrs. T. C. Rich entertained tho mem
bers of the Prtecllla Kensington club on
Thursday afternoon, ten members being
Miss Paulino Acres was hostess at a
small dinner party on Friday evening, given
In honor of Miss Harriett Baker of Buffalo,
who Is her guest.
Mr and Mrs, Fred White entertained at
a very pretty dinner on Friday evening,
when their guests were Miss Mount, Mr.
Heth, Mr. and Mrs. Webster and Mr. and
Mrs. White.
Thursday evening tho Et-A-Vlrp club
gavo a very enjoyablo dancing party at
Chambers' Dancing academy. Tbe hall was
decorated with old gold, aud royal purplo
for the occasion. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson entertained
the Bon-Ton Card club on Monday even
ing at their home at 1138 South Thirtieth
avenue, the prizes being won by Mra. Bliss
and Mr. George Rowers, Mr. Horton and
Mrs. Gould,
Miss Delia Rich entertained about twen-ty-flve
young friends very pleasantly on
last Saturday aftornoon, tbe occasion be
ing her Cth birthday. Games of all kinds
provided amusement for tho afternoon,
which concluded with rcfresbmenta.
Misses Peck, Cady, Millard, Young, Tukey
and Alton', Messrs. HaBkell, Tukey, Benn,
Crelgh, Powell, Mclntyre, Towle and Sher
wood wero Mr. Young's guests on Tuesday
ovenlng, In honor of his sister, Miss Young,
who returned last week to her home In
New Jersey,
Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Joseph Barker en
tertained at two delightful afternoons last
weok. The first was a euchre, on Friday
afternoon, which was attended by about
forty-five women, and the second a whist
party, yesterday afternoon, for an equal
number of guests.
The Tblstlo club Held Its first meeting of
tho winter at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs.
Kipllnger on Tuesday evening. The first
men's prlzo was won by Dr. Downs and
tho first women's prize by Mrs. Charles
Roas, the consolation awards going to Mr.
Frank Gould and Mrs. Lane.
Mrs. John Currey entertained the South
Sldo Whist club on last Tuesday afternoon
at her homo on Sherman avenuo, the
prizes being won by Mrs. John T. Shonlng
and Mrs. A. E. Bryson. Tbe next meeting
will be held at the homo of Mra. J, B
Blanchard on Georgia avouuo.
Mrs. A. Haas was hostess at Wednesday's
meeting of tho Kensington club, the after
noon being devoted to sevlng for tho
Creche. As the occasion was also tho cel
ebration of Mrs, Haas' birthday It concluded
with something moro than the usual re
freshments, a luncheon bclug served.
Dr. and Mrs. Somers, Mr. and Mrs, J, 11
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Herlug, Mr
and Mrs. Balllett, Mr. aud Mrs. Richardson,
Mr, and Mrs, Millard Funkhouser aud Mr.
and Mrs, T. C. Haven were guests on
Tuesday evening at a card party at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Templeton.
MUs Webster, Miss Edith Smith, Miss
Towle, Miss Allen, Mr. Benn, Mr. Joseph
Baldrlge, Mr. Paxtou, Mr. Oeorgo Mayne ef
Council Bluffs, Mr. Heth and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wllklns made up a party at the
Orpheum on laat Monday evening, which
was followed by a chafing-dish supper at
the home pt Miss Webster.
Mrs. Everett of Council Bluffs, Mrs.
Charlton and Mrs. Barkalow were the for
tunate players at Monday' meeting of tbo
Six-Handed Euchre club, which was held
at tho homo of Mrs, S. I), Barkalow. Tho
Interest In euchre has not flagged any
slnco Inst winter and there wero threo
tables of players present.
Miss Mablo Fries entertained the mem
bers of tbe Channanto club on Wednesday
afternoon with a most novel guessing con
test, consisting of n wldo varloty of ob
ject used to Illustrate or represent some
slang expression. Among tho guerscs wero
a pair of scissors and a stamped piece of
cloth, which brought the answer, "Cut It
out." This, with many more equally bright
suggestions, furnished tho amusement of
the afternoon. Tho next meeting of tho
club will bo held at tho homo of Miss
Mrs. K. A, Cudahy was hostess at one of
tho largest luncheons of the fall on Thurs
day, which proved ono of tho most enjoy
ablo aa well. Tho slxty-elx womcu present
were seated at small tables, decorated
with pink and whlto chrysanthemums,
which wero cleared after the luncheon and
tho afternoon devoted to six-handed euchre.
Aa tho result of tho game Mrs. Coutant
was nwurded a silver paper cutter for tbo
twenty-hnnd prlz.e, Mra. Green a cloisonne
vase for tho ten-hand and Mrs. Barkalow
for the most games a Rockwood vase.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Rehfeld entertained the
members of tho Levl-Rehfeld bridal party
at a dinner 'on Sunday at their homo on
South Twenty-sixth street. Tho tablo dec
orations were of pink and whlto nnd cov
ers were laid for twenty-eight. On Mon
day eycnlng the ushcra garo a box party
at tho Orpheum for tho women, which was
followed by a supper. Tho party was
chaperoned by Mrs. E. Lenvo of Milwaukee,
who is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Heller.
Again, on Wednesday, the ushcra gavo a
6 o'clock dinner, after which tho ovenlng
wan spent -at bowling.
Mr. nnd Mra. Morltz Meyer gavo ono of
the most elaborate dinners of tho week at
7 o'clock on last Sunday evening for tho
members of tho Lovl-Rchfold bridal party
and some of the out-of-town friends,
twenty-olght guests being present In all.
It wus given In tbo dining room of Metro
politan club, which was trimmed with
green and white, tbo same colors being
carried out in tho tablo decoration at whlto
chrysanthemums, ferns aud smllax. Tho
tablo wan lighted by tnlt whlto candles,
shaded with green. Tho dinner was fol
lowed by a bright little vaudovlllc per
formance on the Htagn nt tho ballroom,
Mrs. Hugo Brandels, Mies Lotilsn Heller
and Mr. Barnard Rehfeld playing tho lead
ing parts.
I'leamirm l'aot.
Mrs. Fred Rustln entertained a party of
women yesterday afternoon In honor of
her mother, who Is visiting her.
Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Spalding of Twenty
fifth and Charles streets celebrated their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on
Wednesday evening with a dinner party.
Dr. and Mrs. II. P. Jensen entertained
at dinner on Wednesday ovenlng for Mrs.
M. Hcllman and Miss Lillian Hcllman of
Cincinnati and for their gueal, Mr. C. E.
Hills. Covers wero laid for ten.
Mrs. Hellman, Miss Lillian Hcllman, Mrs.
F. Adler, Mrs. I). Schleslngor and Miss
Ireno Rosewater wero Mrs. Charles Rose
water's gucsta at a box party at the Or
pheum on Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Holl
man and Miss Hellman being tho guests of
Tbo 11 rut meeting of tho 2:10 club was
held at the home of Miss Agnes Lund on
South Flrtleth street Friday evening. A
Jolly tlmo was enjoyed by all. Tho ladles'
prize was won by Miss Grace Allison and
the gentlemen's prlzo by Mr. Edgur In
gram. Tho Jolly Ten met at tho homo of Miss
Clara Helmrod last Saturday afternoon. A
most enjoyable time was spent In games.
Miss Florence Kohn won the first prlzo.
Refreshments wero served later in tbe
aftornoon. This club was organized re
cently and consists of Mlsbcs Isabel Proc
tor, Edna Ross, Luella Holnc, Clara Helm-
rod, Mabel Caldwell, Lulu Stroma, Mary
Scott, Laura Rhoads and Florence Kohn.
Wednesday the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth hours wero shortened to glvo every
ono an opportunity to attend class organlza-
. e?" V
Values in Pianos
Our stock of new pianos comprises tho latest and choicest creations of 13
For the next 10 days wo will offer this largo assortment at prices that
to make room for new Xmas stock.
Beautiful Upright Pianos, regular price 256 only. .$128
Beautiful Upright Pianos, regular price ?300 only . .$1GS
Beautiful Upright Pianos, regular price 350 only. .188
Used Upright Pianos 05, 85, $105 and up
Square Pianos and Organs 5, 15, 25 and up
All pianos sold to out-of-town customers will bo delivered free of charge
at tbe depot. Correspondence and mall orders will receive prompt attention.
Schmoller & Mueller,
1313 Farnam St., Omaha. Telephone 1625.
lowu nranch, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephone 378.
Not perfect In word only, but In fact. South African Geres that you will bo
pleased to possess. Stones that wo can sell with perfect confidence that are per
fect In cut and perfect In color. Wo show them mountod or unmounted nnd will
set them aa you deelrc. A purchase from us will glvo you perfect satisfaction.
Jewelers and Art Stationers, 15th and Douglas Streets.
Mall orders given careful attention. Selection packages eent to 'responsible parties.
Hons. All of the seniors were present at
their meeting and unanimously elected Mr.
i Watson Smith president, Miss Mary Bed-
well, vlco president, Miss Zola Dcllcckcr,
I secretary; Mr. Walter Standeven, treasurer,
I Miss Juno Phelps and Mr, Lawrence Sid-
wjll, sergennts-at-arras, Tho chair ap
pointed a committee, consisting of Mr,
Kelly, Mr, Gordon, Miss Connell and Miss
Nil son, to provide u suitable class day en
tertainment, Before tho mocllng adjourned
Miss Kate McIIugb was unanimously elected
class teacher.
One would think that tho whole, school
attended tho Junior class meeting by tho
noise they made. After a great deal of
excitement Mr. Scrtbncr was elected presi
dent; Miss Edna Proctor was elected vlco
president on the second ballot; Mr. Heselcn,
treasurer, and Miss Hilda Hammer, sec
retary. But the height nf excitement was
In the largo study room on the third floor,
whero tho sophomores met. Mr. Tom Mc
Avoy and Mr. Tom Allen wero tho most
popular candidates for president. Mr.
Allen was elected president; Miss Marlon
Hughes, vlco president; Miss Elolso Wood,
secretary; Mr. Arthur Remington, treas
urer; Miss Jcsslo Willis and Mr. French,
In response to invitations from Mrs. Wil
liams of Mandcrson street, Mcsdamcs
Smith Hustcad, Howard, Mollnox and Clark
ascmbled at her home and a pleasant hour
or two was spent. During tho afternoon
on organization, known aa Klnelngtou, was
formed with a unanimous vote In favor of
Mrs. Smith aa president and the namo of
tho club to bo tho Modern PrlBcllla, they
being governed by a few well regulated
laws. Lunches will bo served and tho
women hope to have somo pleasant times
during tho winter. At tho next meeting
a small number of now members will be
Soclnl Chlt-Chnt.
Mrs. S. A. Carter and Mrs. Gulou spent
a part of last week In Chicago.
Mr. Will McCune has taken apartments
nt tho Merchants for tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crano havo taken
tho houso at 112 South Thirty-fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram will entertain tho
Bon Ton Card club on next Monday oven
lng. Cards arc out for a luncheon to bo given
by Mrs. Frank Colpctzer on Thursday, to
bo followed by whist.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConncll cxpoct to
tako possession of their new residence at
1014 Park avenuo this ween,
Mrs. Josoph Barker and Mrs. Joseph
Barker, Jr., havo issued Invitations for
a cuchro luncheon on next Thursday.
Mrs. Marc Perkins wilt bo at home to
the friends of Mrs. William S. Howell on
next Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to C
Colonel nnd Mra. McClelland have left tho
Millard and taken tbo Mcgcath houso at
2137 South Thirty-third atrcet for tho
The directors of tho Omaha club an
nounce a reception to tbo club membera and
their ladles to wclcomo General John C.
Bates, U. S. A., on Tuesday evening, No
vember 19, at 8 o'clock.
Tho friends of Mrs. Guy Howard will bo
pleased to learn that her daughter, Misa
Helen, has entirely recovered from her
recent Illness and will this week enter
Miss Porter's school at Farmlngton, Conn.
Mr. Otis Howard Is at Pomfret school,
Connecticut, this year.
Invitations have been received in Omaha
to a reception tendered to Hon. David
H. Mercer, Hon. D. A. DcAruiond, Hon.
Edgar Weeks and Hon. J. Wessley Calnes
by tho consul general of his Imperial
Chlneso majesty of tho Philippine Islands
and attaches of the consulate, which was
held at the home of Mr. Ralph Piatt, 198
Callo Real Ermlta, Manila, Monday even
ing, October 14, from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Out-of-Tuwn (iuriti.
Miss Harrlctte V. Dcwar of Minneapolis
Is visiting Omaha friends and relatives.
Mrs. II. II. Boyles 1b entertaining Mra.
E. E. Stewart of Ogden.
Mrs. Young and Miss Young, mother and
sister of Mr. Charles Ybun, fno havo been
bis guests In Omaba fpr the last few weeks,
returned to their home In Camden, N J
on Thursday,
Mrs, Newton Barkalow of Denver was the
guest last week of Mrs. S. I), Barkalow.
Mrs. Adolph Meyer of Chicago Is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morltz M. Meyer.
Miss Francca M. Levy Is a guest at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz on
Dodgo street.
Mrs. William S. Howell of New York
City will bo tbo guest of Mrs. Marc Per
kins this week.
Miss Victoria Kllllan of Cedar Rapids
arrived on Wednesday to bo tbo guest of
Miss Edith Burcees.
Miss Blanche Oberfelder of Sidney, Neb.,
la a guest of Mrs. Ben Newman of C3S
South Twenty-ninth avenue.
Mrs. Ward B. Clarko arrived in Omaha
last week to bo the guest of Mrs. W. E.
Clarko at 3017 Pacific atrcet.
Mrs. M. M. Sain of St. Joseph, Mo., Is
visiting hor suiter, Mrs. M. D, Hardl of
833 South Twenty-third street.
Miss Alice Galbralth returned to her
homo in Kansas City on Monday, after vis
iting friends hero for tho past few weeks.
Mrs. Ella Squires nnd daughter, Mrs,
Hoxlo Clarko of St. Louis, arrived on Mon
day to bo the guests of Mrs, Coles on Cum
ing street.
Dr. and Mrs. Dallas Bachc are spending
a few days In Omaha, the guests of Mrs.
Charles Clapp, whllo enrouto to California
for the winter.
Mrs, A. Block, who has been visiting bcr
elster, Mrs. 11. Hayman, nt 954 South
Twenty-fifth street, haa returned to her
homo In Atlantic City, la.
Mr. Henry Rustln spent a part of last
week In Omaha with tits mother, returning
to Buffalo on Sunday. Mrs. Rustln and
children wljl spend tbo winter In Omaha.
Mrs. William Lylo Dickey, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Dorothy, returned ,
to her homo In Topekn, Kan., on Wednes
day, aftor a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Dickey at their homo near Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Buxbaum aud family of
Chicago are visiting ut tbo homo of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Holler, having como to bo pres
ent at tho marriage of Miss Mao Holler and
Mr. David Degen, to occur on Tuesday
IIIkIi School .otra.
Tho second team of tho High school
playod against tho Young Men's Christian
association team Saturday.
Several High school bowling teams havo
been formed and It Ib expected that a High
school bowling league will bo formed In
tho near future.
Tho members of tbo Demosthenlan Do-
bating Eoclety bad their pictures taken laat
Tuesday afternoon, to bo published In the
annual Register.
A number of boys accompanied Mr. Ben
edict to tho lako on Locust strcot last
Tuesday afternoon to collect microscopic
plants for tbo biology classes.
Mlsa Blanche Sorcnson, voice. CIS S. 26th
Miss Julia Officer, pianist. Karbacb blk.
Mrs. E. E. Stewart of Ogden la u guest
of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Boyles.
Mrs. C. Manlovc, voice. Studio 118 S. 19th.
Wearers of Good Shoes
at $3.50 Always
have that cuatom-lHtlng quality so
dcalrabln nnd so hard to find outside
of Sorosls.
Special caro la taken to fit feet
Fifty different atylns of women's
Sorosls carried In stock, in nil widths
and sizes.
All the proper shnpc lasts that when
correctly fitted mako wnlklng a pleas
ure. Tho only ready-to-weur shoo for
women of tlio very highest class,
workmatiHhlp and stylo that costH the
wearer but $3.50 always, In any leather
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
Bend for catalogue.
Ready to
Niw Jaunty Jackals
tn wear with ahurt lAfln
skirts b'.nclc or ox- J "v
ford, Bizoa2to40....
Stylish Box Coats
Black, oxfords, custora,
well mono won
An Odd Lot $10
Only One of ti SIzo $12
To be closed out $15
Havo boon doublo these pricos
m 1
Our stock of ladies' 'Three-quarter" and "Full Length" garments represents tho most
popular Hhupes shown by the leading houses in eastern cities. You can buy of us style
that are absolutely sure to be used for the next two or three seasons, many of which are
shown exclusively by us.
We guarantee our prices as low as same grades are sold for anywhere.
0. K. Scofield Cloak and Suit Co.,
I5IO Douglas Street.
Auction Over
For n variety of reasons, mainly that the auctioneers
are leaving the city, 1 have decided to stop the auction
and otter any and everything in tny store at
This enables you to buy mote leisurely to more cave
fully consider your purchases and yet buy them at tho
same low price as you would under the hammer. In
fact,, cheaper. We give you the benefit of the auction
eer's commission.
Heeeived in the past ten days, that, have not yet been
shown. liought for the coming holidays, before wo de
cided to quit the retail business. The CHOICEST
Positively at eost or less, to close out stock complete, as
none are offered at auction. Shrewd buyers will appre
ciate this wonderful opportunity aud buy Xmas presents
in advance.
16th and Farnam.
Mrs. J.
Knit Underwear
As to quality and prices we have the best stock oi?
underwear ever shown in Omaha. Fleece lined
Union Suits, 50c, Toe, 1.00 and 1.25, part wool 1.00
up, all 2.00 up. Fleece lined vests and pants, 25c
up, part wool, 75c up, all wool, 1.25 up. Silk ami
wool or all silk in vests, pants or union suits.
We have the Jenness Miller Sterling union suits
wool, :?.00 up silk, 0.25 up.
We are sole agents for the celebrated Dr. Jaeger
underwear for ladies and children.
See the lleeco lined part wool union suits we are
selling, 1.25 and 1.50. Ladies' black wool tights,
75c up. Children's underwear of all kinds.
A very desirable quality children's black tights and drawers,
i5e and up. Children's sleeping suits, 50c up. Outing flannel
gowns for ladies and children a big variety of styles and prices.
wear Cloaks, Raglans, Jackets.
In etylish gray nnd oxford
u uxiora
ahades alcovi-s and
body aatln lined
notio to equal thorn.,.
Misses' Golf Skirts
30 to 3(1 inolieH lonff
new cloths stylish
You'll find thoy match those
at hiffhet' figures oluowhoro
Ltading Jtwaltr.
Mints' Cloaks
;i-l coatb und nuto
inobllcH, ni,0 8 to 14
Ladies' 3-4 Goatt
Mado of fino black ker
aoy or oxford gray
Ptrsian Lamb Jackits
Tho grade that everybody likes
tho stylo that
is most