3 The Omaha Sunday Bee. S EDITORIAL SHEET. r 1' PAGES It TO 18. ( ESTABLISHED 10, 1S7J. 03IAJIA. -Sl'NDAV MOKNlJfU, 2f DVEailllill 17, l.JJOl S1XGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. HAYDEi Preparing far the Holidays. Holiday Jewelry and Novelties Already HAYDENs Arriving. Big shipment of fine pianos now on special sale. "The real live Santa Claus" will, as usual, make his headquarters at the Big Stow. Special sales In all rtgultr llnw to miki roam for him anil lh.c.rlo.ds of Holiday Co6ds that will soon he hare to please tilt t.U and Ihi pock.ts of th Big Stort's thousands of customers. Gnat sale on LADIES' PATTERN HATS All thoso beau tiful pattern hats left wo will close Mon day nt such low figures It cannot full to Interest you. Wo huve also designed and marked an ex ceptionally choice assort ment for $3.93. Thoru aro very dcslrablo hat trimmed with birds' breasts and made from very best mnterlals, an ex ceptionally pood bat for $0.50, llaydcn's Saturday price, $3.98. ItEADY-TO-WEAR HATS AT 49c, 9Sc, $1.49. Moro bargains for you, Theso wo will placo In the bargain room Monday they aro worth $2 to $2.50. Fancy Pieces of Linen on Dlnplny 0011 ('ruler Counter, Alain A lull', Muni Dcpitrt meiM. fancy I'Iccos of Linen on Display on Center Counter, main ulsle, Linen Depart ment. Hemstitched and open drawn work In pray cloths 19x30 for 39c. Dresser scarfs 19x54 nt C9c. Sldoboard scarfs 10x72 98c, all tho abovo would bo cheap at twice tho price quutod. 3,000 sray cloths and commodo covers In II linen mamralo cloth whlto and fancy border, would bo cheap ut 25c, our price 10o each. 3,000 gray nnd commodo cover, 19x27, knotted frlngo ztz-zug row of open drawn work In all linen art cloth, would not be dear nt 60c, our prlco l!ic. f 36x36 hemstitched lunch cloth worth 76e, salo prlco 39c. 6x4 hemstitched nnd open drawn work would bo cheap at $1.00. sale prlco C9c. All linen fringed doylies 15x15, 7c, 12x12 doylies, 3c each. Hound doylies, full llnu of sizes, 3c, Dc, 7c and 10c f.O dozen hemstitched open drawn worlc squares worth 15c, sale prlco Sc. 20 dozen tamo stylo 12x12 10c. Our stock ut round thread art linen for embroidery and drawn worlc Is very com plete In all widths from 22 to 90 Inches. Complete lino of handkerchief linen, In cambric nnd sheet goods, special lino of 44 Incb goods for gentlemen's handkerchiefs, all at reduced prices, 1,000 sheets 72x90 worth 60c, prlco 39o. 8- 4 unbleached sheeting lie. 9- 4 unbleached sheeting 10c. 8-4 bleached sheeting 10c. V-4 bleached sheotlug lSc. no-lncb snow whlto bleached table linen 19e. 30a pieces all linen loom damask, good, heavy quality, 23c. 20 pieces silver bleached damnsk, 73 lnchca wide, u good 00c quality, sale prlco, 89o. 1 enso CO plccos full turkey red damask, good weight, 1314c. 500 dozen napkins, special prluu 12c. 3 good towels for 10c. An extra good bleached bath towel, 7o each. Monday wo place on sale 600 flno ruffled pillow shams whlto nud colored at 25c each. Jewelry Sales Fancy glass cuudlestlcks, assorted colors, decorated metal base, regular price, 75c; Monday fcalo at 39c and 25c. Silver plated baking dishes, quadruple plated, satin llutsh, bright cut or burnished, separato Inside ran nud porcelain lined, worth $5.00, at $2.9S. Silver plated plcklo castor, with fork or tongs, at 79c. 60o sldo comb, stone, settings, pair 15c. Cholco lot of waist sets In flno rolled gold plate, worth 75c, at 25c. Headed Purses Largo size chatelaine beaded purses, chamois lined, coin bag In aidp, hoavy oxydlzed or French gray frame, -with chain aud hook to match; In great va riety, at 75a to $5.00. Alarm clocks Monday only 59c. Great spcclul on watches. Furnishings on Sale Mon's 73c heavy Jersey Shirts, 39c. Men's 50c heavy flcoco lined Shirts nnd Drawers, in all sizes, at 25c. Hoys' 75o heavy Swcators at 39c. Men's 35c Working Gloves, 19e. Men's 76c wool, fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, In nil sizes, on salo at 39c. Indies' heavy part wool Vests and rants, umdo to sell at 75c, on sale at 25c. Ludles', men's and children's wool and fleece, lined Stockings, regular 25c quality, at 12V&C Mon's DOo nnd 73o colored Laundered Shirts on snlo at 29c. Ml UUI WUIU VI 1 Hair Goods 5.000 switches must be sold at prices below manu facturer's cost. All tho best quality French hair. All shades and lengths. Attend sale on first floor Monday morning. For every pur chaser of hair goods Monday wo will dress tho hair free of ehargo In latest stylo. Monday Bargains The new fancy dot veilings, 25c. (tut steol chatolalno bags, 70c up. 60c ludlos poeketbooks, 25c. f0o satlu fold bolts, 25c. 60o pillow ribbons, per yard 25c. GRAND BOOK SALE MONDAY, Lives of tho Hunted an vale. Tho tllshop Fallows McKlulcy book, 9Sc. Taper novels, only J14o. 11.00 copyright books, 39c each, Special nulc on lidding llroa.' silk thread. 120 yards of Holding Bros. best sow lug silk (or 6 cents. Second As this salt' processes the fuel is liuule moro manifest that no sale ottered you sueh wonderful bargains. The black silks are the finest in the world and for fashionable fancies you can find the choicest of this season's novelties. This sale opens up Monday inornin: with renewed viyor. with thousands of yards of the best kinds of silk thrown on counters and bargain squares. You will iro well to come early when many of the best things quickly disappear to the countless multitude. SILKS WORTH 75C. $1.00, $12. WILL HK II. I.,,. a ll.l " , , . . ........... ... j,,., iv,u i-iMj J I .YOU 1 W.N, IJAIVI.U. IU.S1 .Vn T,.ff ? l . .. . i ' T: cr.em corilcd Tnffetn' brocade Satins. Persian Liberty, heavy striped and figured Waist Silks, brocade Oros Grain. A complete line of lino iniicta bilk, splendid for linings or Petticoats. Some real good Itustle. 32 Inches wide, Drapery Silk In new dcslrns. All kind nn.i mWa nf suit. n.;r i n,.n ,,i in Monday morning, from S;30 until 10:30. Till: ASHTON HA K Kit BLACK TAFFETA MUST POSITIVELY flB t'LOSUD OUT THIS WKISK. OltEAT 1XROADS fineness of quality. When you sco these Tnffetn bargains you will wonder how It can bo done. Wc always do ns we advertise. Illack Taffeta, 27 In. wide, worth Dlack Taffeta, 27 In. wide, worth Illack Taffeta. 36 In. wide, worth lllack Taffeta, 3C In. $1.60. on snle 75C $2.00. extra heavy, on sale.. .QO P to $2.00, on sale (.00 P to $3.0, on salo ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE FINE 4-INCIf WIDE WASH TAFFETA IN 25 DIFFERENT COLORS. WORTH $1.25. NEW ROMAN n . . ' 5 ! bUk NovclllM' new Jasper Silk. 27-lnch, colored and black Taffeta, real good, black satin $2.00, at only .. THESE I'RICES TELL YOU WHY any other utoro. Illack l'eau de Sole, pure Silk, fine and wide, worth $1.50; nn "o'ct. ALL THE IILACK GRENADINES FROM THE CELEHRATED ASHTON VrMVPrf uVnvon'' W0. Ino vI Ml. vLl VJ'ifV N n. iT,iB iX5.T. 'ASIlIONAIll.K FA RIO 69c; $2.00 Mirror and Panno Velvet for $1.00; black silk Velvet for 69c, 75c and $1.00, THE LAUREL SILKS For their reliability, for their exquisite beauty receive great pralso by ono who knows from dear old London, MRS. HAWKINS, II ELK IE ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, while on n recent visit to our city, wns attracted by these beautiful LAUREL SILKS, which wo nro showing, and vouchca for their extreme popularity In London. If you have not scon them, wo wish you to do so. Liurel Silks are the best In every way that money can buy. We are exclusive agents for Omaha and the west, Astonishing Sale on Men's Furnish ings and Uniierwear at Kayden's Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Under wear at 49c. 600 dozen men's wool flecco lined shirts and drawers, In plain nnd fancy colors, all sizes from 30 to 4ti, all at 19c. Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Under wear at 98c. i 25 cases men's Ono all wool nnd silk , flcoco lined shirts nnd drawers. In nil col- j ors, also red. ims is some 01 me uesi underwear made and worth doublo the prlco. On salo at 9Sc. Mon's wool union suits nt $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Men's $1.00 nnd $5.00 underwear at $2.50. Tho best wool and sill: underwear made. American Hosiery company, Norfolk and New Ilrunswick, Sterling and Stcncman. Goods that am sold everywhere at $1.00 and $5.00 a garment, on sale at $2.50. The Big Sample Shoe Sale is on at Hay den's. Ilayden'a buy sample shoes and buy lots of them, 28 dis Unct lines of men's shoos, 3;CO0 pairs In all, from tho best makers of men's shoes In this country, all of them aro this season's samples aud Include, tho very latest styles with tho "freak" aud shoes niado with tho "goo goo" eyelets In nil leathers, patent kid, patent colt, patent leather, Corona kid, Russian colt, Arabian calf, wax calf, enumcla nud English Cordovans, In balmorals, bluchers and congress with kid lin ings, calf linings, drill linings, and sail cloth linings, not a shoo In tho whole lot worth LESS thnn threo fifty aud others $4.00, $3.00 and $6.00, all at ONE PRICE In this, tho greatest sauiplo shoe calo ovor attempted lu Omaha. Tho price is $1.98 and nono of these shoes will bo sold to dealers. To add to this salo a llttlo excitement Misses' shoes, worth $2.50, at $1.48. Llttlo gents' 9 to 13 kid nnd colt, sold o Keep your eyes on tho Sixteenth street Monday in the Bargain Room Do not miss this sale, as It will bo the greatest snle of the year. Seasonable new winter goods at less thun any other house In this country paid for them. .VO l'i:i)l)I.i:itS, DMA!. KllS OK MKMCHAVrS MOI.U IX THIS HOOM. IHIF.SS GOODS. 64-Inch strictly nil wool camelshalr Chovlot, 64-lnch hard-twilled Clay Serge, strictly all wool; 62-lnch strictly nil wool Homeopun, not a yard over sold for less than $1.00 and some up to $1.50, all will go at 49c. 40-Inch all wool Granite, 40-Inch all wool German Henriettas, 44-Inch all wool Cliovlots and 48-Inch Novelties, worth up to $1.60 yard, 49c. 600 pieces of all wool goods, plain and fancies, worth 76c, 39c. 300 pieces of Serges, Noveltlos, Henri ettas and other weaves worth up to 75c, 25c, 300 plecos of Plaids, Flannels und other goods worth 60c will go at 15c and 19c. 500 plccort of doublo-fold dress goods worth 25o and 35c, 10c. 600 pieces of double-fold Plaids, 6c WulatluK. Strictly all wool French Flaunels, 27 Inches wldo, 60 Bhndes, 26c. Strictly nil wool line striped Waistings, regular 75c value, will go at 39a, HIgh-grado Prunellas In all the evening shades, worth 75c, 45c. IMUXTS. 1! l-l!e. 50,000 yards of full standard Prints, In rcmuants from 2 to 10 yards, worth up to 7Wc, 2c. uii.iMCivrs ax comkoiithhs. Illankots, 49c. 75c, 9Sc up to $4.25. Comfortors, 59c, 75c, 9Sc up to $2.60. China Department Plain whlto Feston edgo dlnuer plates, lc Decorated cups and sauceers, 2'c each. Decorated toilet sets, $1.49. Another shipment of thoso flno S-arm black wrought Iron candelabra nt 23c. Decorated cuspidors, 10c. Tho latest ceroao colored lamps, vase and globo to match, $1.49. Flno lino of Dalrymple turkey sets Just received. Havo you Been our line of Japanese Mar lago waro? Largest line of Wcdgowood, Loulsols ware, Rookuood, Teplotz, Favarela glass, Lodo, Iris, etc.. In the west. Tomorrow's specials: Flno decorated china sugar bowls, cream ers, shaving mug, 1). & U. plates, tea plates, fruit dlbhes, cups and saucers, A. D. coffers, tea tiles, teapots, olive dishes, oatmeal dtshea, ate., 10c Week of the SOLD I'dll linf'ns Mnvnxv MnnvfVf! Quantity limited to each customer WE SELL MOST ALL tILACK I'EAU DE perfect. 21 Inchei m f niack Peau dc f Slf" monly for $2.00, , W wide, nt Men's $1.50 All Wool Sweat ers, 98c. Tho largest line of men's and boys' wool sweaters In Omaha. Hoys' all wool sweaters, regular prlco $1.25, on sale at 75c. $25,000 glove stock on sale at about ouo half tho regular price. Everything niado In working or dress gloves, lined or untitled, for ladles, men or boys. This is the largest assortment of gloves shown by any house. Children's doublo mittens at 10c nnd 15c. Men's $1.50 extra heavy Jersey overshlrts at 75c. 1,500 dozen of men's llslo thread and wool hose, worth up to 50c, on salo In thrco lots at 10c, 12a and 19c. Ono lot of ladles' and children's hosiery, worth up to 35c, on sale nt 12Vc. Men's heavy flannel shirts In bluo and fancy colors, at 9Sc, $1.25, $1.50 and up. Men's cardigan Jackets In black, brown or blue, at 9Sc, $1.50, $2.00 and up. Men's outing flannel gowns at 49c, 75c and 9Sc. and make It more interesting will soil lad ies' Hoys' shoes, worth $2.00, at $1.48.. vorywhero for $1.75, this salu, $1.35. window. Extra ealespeoplo to wait on you, I'L.WXI'.I.KTTIIS A XI) OIITIXn KI.AX JiKhH AT Be AND 7 1--V. 15c Outing Flannels, In nice, bright col ors, Ec. 25c fine Imitation French Flannels, 36 Inches wide, the finest prints ever seen, 10c. 10c Shaker Flannel, 2J4c 15c Shaker Flannel, 7',ic 15c Outing Flannel, light colors, 5c, 19o Outing Flannel, light colors, 7Vic. Yard wide, fine quality. SATE12XS. 12',c plain black sateen, 5c. Ec Simpson's printed sateens, 7HiS, MNl.VGS. Yard wldo waist linings, yard wide per callnes, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all will go nt 6c. f to.oo am) in.oo nnuss patthiia's, $10.00 Skirt Patterns will go at $2.93. $10.00 Dress Patterns will go at $3.98. $15.00 Dress Patterns will go at $3.98. BOYS' CLOTIIIXG. Hoys' 50c and 7Ec Pants, 25c. Iloys' $2.60 Ileefers, 93c. Boys' $3.50 Reefers, $1.50. Hoys' $5.00 Reefers, $1.95. SILKS. No mall orders Ailed on silk remnants. They all sell on the day of salo. 25a Fancies, 9c. 50c ntco bright Japaaese Plaids, 15c. 73c Fancies, 39c. 75a Foulards, 35c. $1.00 Satin, 29c. $1.00 Corduroys, 39c. Remnants of Silk, 2c, Ec, 7c, 9c up to 23o. Optical Department PAINS IN THE HEAD and nervous trouble can bo cured by hav ing tho right kind of glasses fitted. Wo do this nnd charge very low prices. Out optical department Is In charge of expe rienced rcfractlonist nnd practical opti cian. Examination free. HAYDEN BROS Great Ashton & Baker at fior iv timc r ht vntr tvn t i.ih en,,,. . r. ...,--. . n . . SOIE SOLD IN OMAHA, WE WARRANT TO sSole. fine nil silk, best finished, sold com is 22 inches & IIAKER STOCK GO MONDAY TO CLEAR EVERY YARD FROM THE STOCK N1A' PSP- mACK SOUFFLE GRENADINES, INCHES WIDE! VERY THIS FALL. ALL OF ASHTON & IJAKER'S VELVETS GO ON SALE MONDAY AT worth nboul double. . The Leading Dress Goods House of the West Moro high grade dress goods than all tho other stocks put together. Commencing Monday, wo will give grand special sales In this department every day of next wo ok In order to redttco our surplus stock of high grade dress goods. No Job lots. No old stuff In this stock. Everything manufactured for tho fall of 1901. In this high grade department you will find uothlug over $10.00 per yard, nor nothing less thnn 60c per yard. Come early. Black Dress Goods Priestley's $1.50 prunellas, 9Sc. Priestley's $2.00 prunellas, $1.25. Courtauld's $2.9S cropo do chine, S1.9S. Courtald's $2.50 glass crepe, only $1.50. Lupin's $1.98 cheviots, $3.25. Lupin's $3.98 cheviots. $2.60. Coutlcrc's duo mohair erepons, sold for $2.l0, nt 75c, English zlbcllnc, regular $1.50 goods; to move fast, 59c. lllack valllngs and voiles, $1.50. Illack vatlingi and ollos, 9Sr. Ulack valllngs nnd voiles, 75c. Illack valllngs and voiles, 59c. Colored Dress Goods Trlcstlcy's ernvenettes, In all tho grays, castors, etc.; strictly rainproof; used for making newmarkets, raglanB, etc., $1.93, ebons at tho samo price, no waiting. Come early. $1.98. The Book Season off the Year How do you keep your books? They are the friends of your happiest hours; aro you taking good caro of them? Wo wish to call your attention to ono of tho many good bookcases now on tho market. Thoy nil havo good points. THIS CASE HAS ALL THE OOOD POINTS. It looks so much like a regular book case that most persons would uot suspect it of being built up In sections. Tho doora aro sliding and can bo opened and closed with a slight touch of tho hand. This book case Is tho only one that has adjustablo shelves, thus accommodating books from 5 to 15 Inches high. Tho baso section Is 201: inches high and 37 Inches wide. Tho book sections nro 23l Inches high aud 37 Inches wldo. In one of theso sections you havo nearly doublo tho room found In other sectional bookcases. Thoy cost you $3.60 a section, or $7 for two sections. This costs you $1.50 for n book section and $6.60 for a baso section. The top Is worth $1.50. Case is all oak, quar ter sawed and well finished. Send for book let. WHEN OUT FOR FURNITURE CALL HERE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Bed Spreads. 1 raso extrn size and extra heavy spreads, each, C9c. 1 case full size crochet spreads, each, 98c. All our $2.25 spreads, each, Monday. $1.25. All our $2.50 fringed bed spreads, each, Monday, $1.50, MA DM ON THU8R BLACK TAFFETAS DKCAL'SK wide, worth Illack Taffeta. 43 In. wide, worth ,25 up to $3.50, on sale .45 STRIPES, WORTH $1.2.".; NEW FANCY DcLyou. black I'urso dye, I'onu do Ceue. ' SELL YOU SAME QUALITY FOR FROM 95c lllack Peau dc Sole, $2.50, on sale, nt !4 MAIL ORDER SAMPLE TAG Any lady sending n this M. O. Samplo Tag with her name nud address utid stating plainly kind of hIIIc wanted, will recelvo package, of lntesl style black or colored Silk Ramples put tip In book form. If you llvo out cf city this method will enable you to tolect from our choicest Silks. Tho first tags received will get first attention. $2.50 nnd $3.50 yurd. French vcnctlnns, 70 shades, 9Sc, $1.25, $1.50, $2.60 nnd $5.00. Tho new hard twister Venetians with a smooth surfuce. looks llko corkscrew, but will not wear shlney, 75c, 9Sc, $1.50. $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00. Mall orders Is one of our greatest specialties. Broadcloths and Doeskins Wo carry a grand lluo of tho victorias In about 75 tdiadcs, In both foreign and domestic goods. 64-Inch, nil shades, $1.2,5 value, 9Sc. 64-lnch, all shades, $1.60 value, $1.10. 54-Inch, all hhades, $2.5081110, $1.50. 64-luch, nil shades, $5.00value, $3.50. Wo carry all tho evening shades In dimities, lino French doeskins for waists and dresses at $3.00 por yard. Great Sale Women's Underwear Ladles' corsets, straight front, nil sizes, black, drab, pink and blue, at 49c, worth $1. Empire girdles, in all colors, sizes 18 to 24, nt 49c, worth 73c. A full lino of new straight front corsets In nil thu leading styles, W. II. Kabo, Dr. Warncr.'s aud W. C. C corsets, at $1.00 aud w. Tho Nemo military bolt and tho La Gracquo belt corsets for stout figures. Ladles' doublo flecco lined combination suits, worth $1.00, at 49c. Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests nnd pnnt3, worth $1.00, at 60c. Ladles' natural wool pants, lu nil sizes, worth $1.00, at 50c. Ladles' flno Jersey ribbed combination suits at $1.50. Ladles' half wool combination suits, Florence style, at $1.00. Ladles' Jersey ribbed Harvard mills vest and pants. In all wool, at $1.00. Ladles' flno wool vests, In pink, bluo and black, at $1.00. Ladles' silk combination suits, In blue, pink, whlto and black, worth $3.00, at $3.98. Ladles' extra heavy outing flannel gowns at 98c. Ladles' fancy outing Hannol gowns, quality extra heavy, worth $2.00, at $1.50. Ladles' outlug flannel short skirts at 39c. Children's heavy outing llauncl gowns a t 60o. These Special Bargains on Suit- Jin ii it u V In Our .Mitlu AVuah Good Department. Full yard wldo cheeso cloth (bunting), sold at 10c yard, only shade left In the Una Is yellow; they nro on sale Monday at 4c yard. Just tho thing for comfort linings. Fancy albatross, llecco lined suitings nnd wnlstiugs, worth 23c yard, nnd all now Btyles; Monday, 15c yard. Flnnuclctto for dresses, extra heavy, napped back, fancy figures and stripes; on sale Monday, 10c ynrd. 10 cases doublo width French flannelette, In tho French llannol and cashmere styles, on Monday, Vic ynrd. Fancy gros grnln mercerized skirtings, tho best wearing fabric for underskirts to be had under 50c yard; on. snlo Monday, lCVic yard. All shades fancy satin flulsh sateens for faucy work, linings, etc.; you can llnd them all hero when you commenco your Christ mas faucy work, full yard wldo, 18c yard. Fancy QUILTED, EXTRA QUALITY, col ored sntlns, for fancy lining purposes, 98o yard. Basket crcpo, for all Inexpensive Christ ians work, decorations, etc., In all colors, C'.So yard. Flannel Department 3 cases pink gray aud bluo outing flan nel, per yard, 5c. 1 enso all wool skirting flannel, striped and checks, per yard, 25c. 3 cases extra wide and heavy cotton llan nol, per yard, 6c, worth 10c. 6 cases extra wide and heavy Shaker flannel, per yard, Cc; renular price, 10c. Doublo face eiderdown, por yard, 30c; regular prlco, 69c. Bed Blankets 200 pairs extra slzo wool, white and gray bed blankets, per pair, $1.93; regular prlco. $2.99. 100 pairs 11-4 gray wool blankets, per pair. $2.98; 'regular price, $4.2j. 200 pairs 11-4 nil wool gray and black I and red plaids, per pair, $3.50; regular price, ii.ov. All our $C.OO bod blankets Monday, por pair, $1.75. 10-4 gray and whlto cotton blankets, per pair, 46c. ' Homo. made bed comforts, each, $1.50 and $1.75. Silk Sale . . ....... .... m,,,. 5 1 I , l f . I'l.W V ' I' 1111. colors, also black and whlto n hi. 39c LOWNES3 OF I'RICE AND lllack Tnffetn, 51 In. wide, worth up to $3.7, on salo 1.75 STINERAY WAIST SILK. Silk In this lot worth up to 69c 25C TO 50C PER YARD LESS THAN AN 1.20 Inches wide, extra special, worth LATEST OUT, WORTH $3.50, AT $1.50. i PRICE. $1.25 COLORED VELVET, Waistings, Wrapper Cloth and Tea Gown Clofh I Gros Roman flannel, reinforced, 75c. COO styles on hand In all the newest figures, plains mill stripes. Gros Roman rhnllles In nil the now Christmas designs, sldo bands, Persians, silk stripes and plains, at 50c, 75c, S5c, $1.00 and $1.25 yard. Plain French flannels with sldo bands, etc. Our lino of wnlstlnga Is tho most com plcto In tho west. You can find everything liere. Send for samples. We send thorn free of chargo nnd you eclool a dress. And If you select u dress wo will nmko thu most lib eral torms also. Cutting the Price on Sheet Music for Tomorrow Wo will place on salo tomorrow Croolo Hello's Ragtime March, tho hlRgest hit of tho season; Mannwa. March, by Dalboy; When Mr. Shakespeare Comes to Town, tho latest coon song, being sung nil over thu country, atonly 19c por copy; by mall, 20c; regular price, 60c. , FOUR CHOICE HOOKS ON SALE. Charles K. Harris' famous Album or Vocal nud Instrumental Selections, containing such well liked songs of his as For Old Times' Sake, Just Tell Her that I Loved Her, Too; I Used to Know Her Years Ago, Strangers, otc. Every one of the pieces lu the book Is well liked. Paul Dresser's Song Album, a collection Lot homo song3 for homo poople. Tho Denver Danco Folio, a nlco collection of instrumental ploccs, Including Tho Moth and tho Flamo Waltzes, I'd Leavo My Happy Homo For You Schottlschc, My Old New Hampshire Homo Waltzes, My Aunt Ellzer Two-Stop or March nnd tho Wit mark Dance Folio, containing such fa vorites ns Ilecauso, Just Ono Glli Waltze, DarktownJs Out Tqnlght Cakewalk, Latest Fad Tbreo-Step, etc. Tho abovo four books wo will placo on salo at only 4Sc per copy; by mall, 5Se. Regular price on theso books from 75o up to $1 each. Remember, wo aro headquarters for everything from the comlo opora "llurgo master," Carpets If prices and quality moan anything to you wo run certainly Interest you. Twenty patterns velvut carpet, somo with borders to match, regular prlco, $1.23, at 85c yard. Ulg line high-class Brussels carpet, all late style patterns, In two lots, at 59c nnd 69c. All tho best all wool Ingrain carpets, tho kind others ask you 85c u yard for, all go at C.'c yard. Bam pin carpet rugs, 25c to 98u. Special prices on oilcloth and stove rugs, Drapery If you look over our extensive line of drapery there is no doubt you will find what you want at tho right price. Elogant lino of couch covers, oriental and other styles, $2.25, $2.75, $3.76 und up. Tapestry Curtains Wo havo nover shown so Btrong a line as now. All styles and prices, $1.98, $3.25, $4.85 and up. Rope curtains any stylo, size or color, $1.35 up. Sllltollnc, 6c per yard. Drapery denl" r yard. 1 to srd r u 6c velour, 3Dc. Extension rods, 6a, lOo and 16c. Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings. OUR GREAT STOVE SALE 13 NOW ON IN OUR BASEMENT. You can buy a slovo for LESS MONEY this week than you could buy thetu nt tho Jobbers. Wo havo RE CEIVED FIVE CARLOADS so fur thli season nnd havo stoves to lit most any kind of pocketbook. All of tho LEADING STANDARD MAKES, every slovo WAR RANTED to glvo PERFECT SATISPAO TION OR MONEY REFUNDED. $2.60 wood, nlr tight, $1.49. $10 Oak, for coal or wood, $6.95. $12 Hot Blast, keep lire 4S hours, $S.9S. $15 Universal oak, lino as silk, $11.50. $1S.50 Universal Hot Blast, something new. $11.50. $40 Universal baso burner, n beaut, $28.50, $13 Roynl Universal, tho finest, tho heav iest, tho most beautiful, doublo hoatlnir base burner made In America. Has no equal, $37,50. ODDS AND ENDS. 6-ln. steel pipe, 11c. SS-lnch wood ltucd stove boards, E9c. Cinch elbows, Cc. Coal hods, 17c. Long-hnndled llro shovels, 6c. $1.60 steel wagons, 12.2 1-Inch, 75o. All willow clothes bnskets, 23e. Copper bottom No. 8 boiler, 73c. Load shells, 12-ga 3So; 10-ga., 40c. 10-lnch turkey dusters, regular 20c, 7c. No. 8 cook stovo, wurrnuted, regular $12, this sale, $7.95. A $33 Bteol range, warranted complete, this sale, $26.95. A $25 cook, with reservoirs complete, this sale, $16.95. Drug Sale A good fountain syringe Hot water bottle Fig Syrup, largo slzo Fig Syrup, small slzo Smith's Iron Bitters Samson's "Nu-Trl-Aut" for cntnrrh.. Celery Colo Nervine Tho largest and best 25c cough syrup.. Guaranteed Pile Cure Beef, Iron and Wine, 75c bottle Quart good whiskey, for medicinal pur poses Soldlltz Powder, per box Witch Haiti Salvo Qululno Hair Tonic Box Liver Pills Mnlvlua Cream Ilromo Qululnu Potro Milk Soap, per box Talcum Powder 45o cr.a 25o 15o 69o 69o 69o luo 18o .21o C5o lSo 16o 20o 10a 35o 12o 7Ha 5a Special Grocery Sales. 3-pound cans table syrup 90 Sauer kraut, 5c. Cako sweet chocolate, 3Ho Sardines lu oil 31,40 Cornmcal, per Hack ! 15a Evaporated peaches, 9c. Ruby prunes 3'u 3-pound can pumpkin, only . 8W0 .121o . 3 150 .12Vio . 25a 2-pound can grated pineapple. Navy beans, per pound Largo cans blood red salmon,. Sugar corn, 3 cans tor Candy Department. Stick Double refined, per pound 6o Stick Hoarhound, per pound 70 Stick Faucy twist, per pound 7?ia Mixed Choice, Gl4c; fancy 80 Mixed Broken, 7-?ic; French l3o Mixed Kindergarten 7io Caramels G$c. Lemon drops.... 8o Chocolato drops, 11c; fancy !3o Jelly Beans, 8',4c Conversation Hearts, 8V4o Cluuamon Imperials So Lozenges, mint S'o Wlntergreen... S',ic Peanut Square.. 7'io Rock Candy, nil string 9a Rock Candy, part string fi'a Ecllpso .Mixed Candy 80 Crown Mixed, 7 14c. Moonlight Kisses, IS'.io Hobson Kisses, 15c; Swedish Kisses.. 121o Sunbeam Klsaua, 1214c. Trilby Kisses.. lOq Bon Hons, 714c Vanilla Creams 25a Roso Creams, 22c. Mint Cr('nms....2414a Butter Creams. ..2214c, Opera Wafers.. 25q Maplo Wufers 2."(j Flno hnnd-mndo Chocolates 20a Flue Miirshmnllow Chocolates 25o Cream Almonds 25a Tobacco Department. Star plug chowlug tobacco 359 Horscshoo plug chewing tobacco , 35o Navy plug chewing tobacco 35a, 1 Battle Axe.... 35c, Newsboy tobacco. 35a Bull Durhntn smoking tobacco..'. 6O0 Duke's Mixturo sho Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35a Undo Tom smoking tobacco s5o Old Stylo smoking tobacco 25o Mall Pouch, per package 9a Teasfand Coffees Choice now Til Slftlngs 20 Now season Simdried Japan 38a Fancy drink, English Breakfast 38a Moyuue Gunpowder Tea 439 Good whole Coffee, 2 lbs, for 2Ja Golden Santos Coffee in0 Family Java and Mocha 25a Plantation Java and Mocha 2714a Old Government Java and Mocha., 30a Mandchllng, Juva and Mocha 35a or 3 lbs, for , $1,00 Meat Specials. No, 1 sugar-cured hams, 10e, 3-pound palls pure leaf lard, 31c, Best brand now bologna sausugc, 5c. Solid packed Baltimore oyHters, 35c. Chipped dried beef, por pound, 10c. Fish Department K. K. K. Norway burring, 10c. No, 1 Labrador herring, Go. Hlood-rcd sock-oyo Halmon, 1214n. Norwny anchovies, por pound, 1214c, Holland herring, per keg, 9Sc, Norway mackerel, each, 9c. Fruits and Nuts Fancy apples, per dozen, 8 l-2c, Lurgo fancy dates, por pound, 6c. Fancy 16o package figs at 7V4c. Choice mixed nuts, all kinds, ut 12!4c English walnuts at 1214c. 1