Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    HAYDENs Great Sale Women's Underwear
Ladies' toisi tt., suallt rront. nn sizex, black, dinbv vmk ami blue, al ih; worth 51. on
Umpire initios. In nil i.olor?. l.;s IS to 1M. nt Hie, worth ".V,
A full line of now xtnilKht trout eoiels In till Hit IcmUii? .stylos V 1$. Kitbo. Dr. Warner', and U. V. l cutset,
it $1.00 and tip.
Tlip Noino military belt and the l.u ireiiue twit corsets for stout tlstuvs.
Undies' doutlo tleeee lined combination suits, worth $1.00, ut lfc.
Undies' Jersey ribbed u-st and pants, worth sunt, nt 00c.
Ladles' nutural wool limits, In nil Mae, Avortli $1.00, at "0c.
l.udlcs' lino Jersey ribbed combination suits at $
Ladles' half wool combination Milts, I'Morenee stylo, at ?1.0o. . .
l.adlfH' Jersey ribbed Harvard mills and pnnts, In all wool, at .$1.00.
Ladles' line wool ests, In pink, blue uid black, at $1.00.
lndles silk eomblniitlon suits, In blue, pink, w.lilte and black, worth ?5.U0, at :j.H$,
Ladles' extra heavy oiitlnn Manuel gowns tit OSc.
Ladles' fancy ontlns llannol sowvs, quality extra heavy, worth .f.'.uo, at
Ladles' outing llnunel short skirts at JiDc,
Children's heavy uutlii' tlannel gowns nt .0o
Astonishing Sale on Men's Furnish
ings and Umferwear at Hayden's
Men's $1.00 and Si. 25 Under
wear at 49c.
JOO dozen men's wool rltjccc lined shirts
and drawers, In plain si ml fancy colors, nil
lies from SO to 4tf, all nt 19c
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Under
wear at 98c.
ij mcu'a fine nil wool and silk i
fleeco lined shirts and drawers, In nil col- 1
or, also led. This Is some of the best
underwear mado nnd worth double tho1"1
. , , ...
Men's wool union suits at UM, 3.00, 5 1.00 I
and iu.OO.
Men's t.00 and $.",00 underwear at il.Tty
Tho best wool and silk underwear made.
American Hosiery compauy, Norfolk and
New Ilruti8wlck, Sterling und Stoneman.
(Joods that aro sold everywhere at $1.00 anil
J3.00 a garment, on sale at $-&'
10,000 yaids of extra havy. yard-wido
Jlrown Muallu, worth V.nt.
5,000 yard3 of extra line llloachcd Muslin,
lard wide, worth Sc, Hie.
10c Towels for 3,Jc.
35n nno llleachcd Table Damask. 10c.
Turkey Itcd Tnblu Damask, 10c.
US-Inch Percales, dark nnd light colors, In
long pieces, worth 15c per yurd, 5c.
55o I'crcalcJ, 7!c.
"PIIIVI'S, - l-'Jc.
50.000 yards of full standard Prints, In
tcmnantn from - to 10 yards, worth up to
7'aC 2 lie.
TiV.l.S AT
; ami 7-8.-.
15c Outtng Flannels, In nice, bright col
ors, 5c.
25c Ann imitation French riauucl., "j
inches wide, tho finest prints ever seen, 10c.
lOo Shaker Klanncl, 2Vc.
15o Shaker Flannel, 7V4c.
lie Outing Flunncl, light colors, 5c.
IPc Outing Flannel, light colors,
Yard wide, nno quality.
It ii Aming tk. ImpiaTtmtits Coitam
platad by Unioi Pacific
ronnda Arc Atvcady l.alil Out fair I'srt
or Ihr llnlldliiKa nnil llnrilttnotl
1'lllnir ' 1'oiiihIuIIoii"
Una Bern llroclieil.
Them Is a feeling of mingled relief and
satisfaction In Union Vaclftc circles as n
result ot tho amlcalJo settlement of tho
many differences existing for years be
tween tho 'city nnd Uui company. Coupled
lth that ferltng la an evident determina
tion on tho part bf tho high officials "to
dn tho right thing" by Omaha, to uao a
bit ot cxpresslvo slang. Not only Is this
determination manifested In the mammoth
ahops to Imj erected noon, but It Is safe
to predict, Judging from sentiments cx
pressed yesterday, thnt Omaha will re-
velv othor substantial benefits at the
hands of tbo Union Pacini) greater than tho
most enthusiastic believer In Omaha's
futuro has ever dreamed of. A magnltlcent
healquartcrs building is among the pos
sibilities ot tho not distant future.
While no definite tlmo has beeu nn
nnunced for tho beginning of actual con-
atructlon of tho new shops, It la under
tqod that tho work will be started as soon
aa tho preliminaries are out of the way nnd
vigorously pushed from that tlmo. Theso
preliminaries, In hddltlon to finishing
touches upon the plans, tncludo the formal
approval of tho ugreemont drawn up by
ihe representatives of tho city and of the
company, as announced uy rno tiec. as
far as tho rnllrond company Is concerned,
President Burt w'a given a free hand In
iho matter, with the single Instruction to
mnko tho best settlement possible, so thero
Is no doubt that the board of directors
will formally sanction tho agreement.
Chief Bnglneer Berry Is out of the city
and details ot the new shopB aro therefore
unobtainable. The general plans hav ul
ready been approved by the board of dlrec
tors and the working out ot the dutalls haa
been left entirely with tho ' headquarters
officials. As announced by thoin, upward
ot $3,000,000 will bp used in the construction
of the ahops, tbo completion ot which will
require nearly three years. Presldont Burt
has said that everything would not only be
tip-to-date, but In advance of tho times. It
Sqme preliminary work has already 'been
done on the shops site. The engineering
department haa laid out the grounds tor a
part of the buildings, particularly the ma
chine ahop. Nearly 100 carloads of hard
wood piling have been received nnd pro
pared for use in the foundation. The large
force of men who will do this portlou ot
Tlio bousokeeper
or the cook -who
does or doesn't
keep a jar of tho
OF BUtiF always, at hand botti for (la
voriufjr soups and sauces us well as for
AjaUnK that haudy cup of hot beef ten
will oblige by wilding her address to
Daucby & Co., P. O. Box 71? . Now Yvrk.
N. Y. She will veccivo free,, a useful
cook book, 4
Men's $1.50 All Wool Sweat
ers, 98c.
Tho largest line ot men's and boys' wool
sweaters In Omaha.
Hoys' All wool sweaters, regular price
? 1.25, on sale at Toe
$20,000 glove stock on snlo nt about one
half tho regular price. Everything made In
working or dress gloves, lined or unllucd,
for ladle, men nr ImVK. Thin Is tho larccsl
., i. P. uilfmn t,v nv hnum.
Children's double mittens at too and 15c.
Men's Jl 50 extra heavy Jersey ovcrsblrta
1,.00 dozen ot men's llle thread nnd wool
hose, worth up to 50c, tin sale in three lots
nt 10c, 12c nnd 19c.
Oim lot nt ladles' nnil children's hosiery
worth up to 33c, on salo at 12V4c.
Men's licnvy flannel shirts In blue and
fancy colors, nt 9&c, $1.25, 1.50 and up.
Men's cardigan Jnckcts in black, brown
or blue, at OSc, 11.50, $2.00 und up.
Men's outlnK flannel gowns at 19c, "oc
and 0?C.
13ViiC plain black Hattue, 5c.
25c Slmpson'n Printed Sateens
Yard wide AValst Lining:!, yard wide Pcr
I'nllncs, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all will
go nt fic.
skiiit ami ihii: i,A'vi'i:n..
$10.00 Skirt Patterns will go at $2.08.
$10.00 Iiress Patterns will go at $3,:iS.
.$15.00 Drens Patterns will go nt $::.9S,
III.AMvlVI S M) ( OMI'Olt l i:itS.
UlankctH. I'Jf, 75c, Hc up to $1.25.
Comforters, oflc, 75e, OSc up to $2.50.
now i,utiiim;.
Hoys' r.oc and 75c Pants, 75c,
Hoys' $2.50 lteefers, OSc.
Hoys' $."..50 Hoofers, $1.50.
Hoyo' "5.00 Uvofers, $t.05.
n mall ordnia Qllcil on ailU remnants.
Thoy all sell on tho day of salo.
Mi) l'"anres, Oc.
50o nice bright Jnpnncso Vlaids, I5c.
75u r'nncIeH, .'19c.
75i' t'oulards. Mo.
$1.00 Satin, 20c.
$1.00 Corduroy-), f,0e,
Hemnantu of Syik, 2c, 5c, 7c, to up to 25c
tho work la merely waiting the word
crhcnil CriMkliiK Proitrcsr.
The stone abutments of tho brldKo over
the Missouri Pacific tracks connecting the
Klkhorn nnd Union Pacific tracks In tho
northern part of South Omaha rvero com
pleted Tuesday and the completion of tho
structure Is delayed by tho non-nrrlval of
tho steelwork. When that Is received the
work will bo pushed bo tliut trains may run
mcr nt the earliest day possible. The work
of putting In the foundations for tho brldgo
over the South Omaha uoulevard, or Thirty-
first street, has ulsn been commenced. Tho
construction of tho Klkhorn-Unlon Pacific
cut olf war, commenced last April, but the
work has been delayed very much and will
require n few mouths moro to finish It.
'IVt'phoni" In fMiUoli Tnnrra.
Long distance telephones nro to be In
stalled In tho operating towrrs ot tbo Union
Pnclllc's switch signal system, This moans
that tho telephone will replnco tho telegraph
to a certain extent in the operation of
trains through the Omaha yards.
In peel tht luihii't.
President Burt of tho Union Pacific, ac
companied by (ienernl Solicitor Kelly nnd
R. L. Huntley, principal assistant cugipeer
in charge of bridge work, inspected the
viaduct across Thirteenth street yesterday,
which Is soon to be replaced by a
structure cnpablo of bearing a weight twice
as great as nt present. The necessary per
mit has been granted by tho city council.
The new viaduct will have a largo stone
plor In the centet of Thirteenth street,
which will make a change necessary In the
street railway tracks, It will nlso be wider
than tho old viaduct, affording room for
an additional track or two.
lllsrusr Huiler milrol.
Supcrintendpnt Hughes of the Klkhorn
says that the smallpox situation nt Long
Pino has been greatly exaggerated, there
hlng only fourteen cases at present In
stead of the reported sixty. Dr. Towne,
who Is making n tour of all tho Ulkhorn
towns, says tho Long line cases aro under
control nnd that no spread Is probable.
Intri'Fstn In the Northern Combine,
The Northern Securities company, of
whleh so much has been said in tho dis
patches of late, represents a vast aggrega
tion of wealth $l,D45,t40,600 nnd a total
mileage of 23,231 miles. Of tho roads In
terested the Union Pnclllc, controlled by K
II. Horrlmau nnd Ktihn, Loeb & Co., who
also control tbo Southern Pacific, has a cap
Ital stock of $203,571,600, a bonded debt ot
$109,532,000 and a mileage of 5,605. The
Southern Pacific has a capital stock ot $107,
832.148, a bonded debt of $130,643,500 and n
mileage, of 9,444. The Great Northern, con
trolled by J. J. Hill, has a capital stock of
$125,000,000, a bonded debt of $06,239,242 aur
a mileage of 6,146. Tho Northern Pacltle,
controlled by J. J. Hill and J. I. Morgan &
Co., who also control tha Burlington, has n
capital stock of $155,000,000, a. bunded debt
of $171,927,810 and a mileage of 5,487. The
Burlington has a capital stock ot $110,612,
300, a bonded dobt of $116,124,300 and a mile
ago of 7,279. The total capital stock Is
$791,99248 aud the total bonded debt $753,
457,352, ('run i.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a certain
cure for croup and has uever beeu known to
fall, (liven as soou as the child becomes
hoarse, or even aftpr the croupy cough ap
pears, It will prevent the attack. It Is the
solo dependence of many thousands of
mothers, and ncer disappoints them. Price,
25 cent". Large size, 50 rente. I'or sale by
all druggists,
Ehampoolng anJ halt- dressing, 25c. In
connection with The hathery, 216-220 Bee
building. Tel. 1716.
Great Sale
Hair Goods
5,000 switches must be
sold nt prices below man
ufacturer's cost. All tho
best tiuallty French hair.
All shades and length?.
Attend salo on first tloor
Saturday morning.
Jtwtlry Salts
Kaixy glass candlestlckn, assorted colors
decorated metal base, regular price, 73c
Saturday sale at 5to and 25c.
Silver plated baklug dishes, iiuadtuplc
plated, satin Onlsli. bright cut or burnished,
separate Inside r'm and porcelain lined,
worth $5.00, nt $2.0.
Silver plated pickle castor, with fork or
tongs, nt 70c.
50c side comb, stone settings, pair 15c.
Choice lot ot wulst sets in fine rolled gold
plate, worth 75c, nt 25c.
Headed Piuses Large size chntelalnc
bended purses, chamois llnrd. coin bag In
fclde, heavy oxydircd or Krcuch gray frame,
with chain and hook to match; lit great mi
rlcty, at 75c to $5.00.
Alarm clocks Saturday only 50c.
(Ircat special on watches.
Gracktr Department
Soda Crackers.... 5c. Oyster Crackers.
Milk Cr.icKcrs.. . 5c. Pcnrl Crackers, .
"y- '
Farina Crackers.
Ulngor Snaps 5c
First of Year Will Brinr; Tuiion OonHtt-
lanci Mare in E-idanci.
lurry Miller Tnkrn ltreoiiiinrii(liitlin
from Deiuoeralle Cltili, lint Itr
fiiti'K lii Mnki: liimil for llotvell
nnil llorilninn' Ciiiiinilltrr.
After January 1 there will be many new
faces In the court house, as two of tho
best offices now held by tho republicans
arc to be turned over to tho fuslonlsts, tho
register's and tho comity clerk's.
The county elerk, with tho excoptlon of
the dork of tho district court, has more
patronage at his disposal thun any other
county official, tho numbor of his assist
ants running as high ns fourteen nt tho
tlmo ot tho year when tho assessment rolls
ore being mado up. Tho lowest number
of employes at any tlmo of the yenr Is
Harry C. Miller, tho county clerk-elect,
haa not decided upon all of his appoint
ments, but will probably havo tb list com
plete early next week. W. 11. Ounsolus,,
nt present messenger lu tho office of tho
county attorney, Is to bo Mr. Miller's chief
deputy. Ounsolus Is a democratic leader
In the Third ward and fa credited with
having had moro than a little to do with
tho nomination of Mr. Miller. The position
of deputy county clerk pnys $100 a month,
while that of messenger for tho county at
torney pays only $75.
Trouble tvllh Committer.
Mr. Miller, so It is reported, Is having
some troublu with tho democratic, county
executive committee over the appointments
to bo mado In his office. It seems that l-M
Howell and Will Herdmnn, who control tho
executive committee, disposed of consid
erable of tho county clerk's patronage lu
advance of the election and now Mr. Mlllej
refuses to recognlzo claims tor positions
coming to him through the committee.
"I havo been elected county clerk," says
Miller, "and I suppono thn people who
elected mo are going to hold mo responsible
for the conduct ot tho office. Under tho clr
cumstances I propose to select my own ns
siatnnts. 1 shall, however, make two ap
polntrucnts on recommendations, one for
the Jacksonlan club and the other for the
Douglas County Democracy. All other
Do You Use One?
It you do we would like to have you
come to our store aud aeo how much
wn can ave you on supplies. Our
atock is most complete every known
reliable camera all the different de
veloping and tonliiK baths trays
prlnllnc frames mounts, etc. We de
velop and print at reasonable prices.
Amateur Photographic Suppllts.
I tOH Farnam St. OMAHA.
Oap, I'tilon Hotel,
ItEJv. HA'I'UKDAY, XOVJttl 111311 Hi. 15)01,
Gnat sale on LADIES'
Ml those l ea J
ttful pattern
hats left we
wdl clone Sat
urdny at such
low figures it
umnot fall to
lutcrcst you.
We have also
designed and
marked nn ex
ceptionally choice assort
ment for $3.9$.
There aro very
dcslrablo hats
trimmed with
birds' brensts
and made from ery best materials, an ex
ceptionally good hat for $C50, Hayden's
Saturday price. $3.0?
$1.19. More bargains for you. TTieso wo
will place In the bargain room Saturday:
they arc worth $2 to $2,50.
Furnishings on Silt
Men's 76c heavy Jersey Shirts, 39c.
Men's 50c heavy fireco lined Shirts and
IJrnwcrs, In all sizes, at 25c.
Hoys' 75c heavy Sweaters at 30c.
Men's 35c Working fJIovea, 10c.
Men's 75c wool, fleece lined Shirts aud
Urawers, In all sizes, on sale at 39c.
Ladles' heavy part wool Vests and Pants,
made to sell at 75c, on sals at 25c.
Indies', men's and children's wool nnd
fleece lined Stockings, regular 23c quality,
at 124c.
Men's 60c and 75c colored Laundered
Shirts on sale at 29c.
Men's Hat Salt
L'P-to-d.'.;o styles In stiff und soft hats
I for men nnd boya. Extraordinary picpara-
Hons have been made for thl3 snlc and to
i morrow's values bavo never been equalled.
! Men's l-'edoras. In black, brown aud all
tho latest shudes, nt 75c.
Other e.rndos at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 ami
Railroad and Pasha shades in black,
brown nnd pearl, at 75c.
Other grades at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and
Klnc stiff hats in black, brown and otter,
at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $1.75. $2.00, and $3.00.
Sposlal values In boys' hats at 35c, 40c,
60c, 75u and $1.00.
A full line of boys' aud men's caps at 25'-,
55r, 50c, and 76c In all colors.
Skirts Made Free
Saturday tho last day of tho great spe
cial offer. Mr. Holstoln, tho expert Chi
cago tailor, will mnko n skirt absolutely
i freo for nny one purcha&lng tho material
In our high giwde dresa goods department
ni ioc per yarn or ovur. uuiy two inoro
dajri, l'libt come, Unit served.
places I shall till without consulting any
body or nnything but my own conscience."
dull JScleel lon.
The Douglas County Democracy al Its
regular meeting Thursday night recom
mended Iau B. Butler for a position In thn
county dork's office. Mr. Butler is tho
jounger brother of Jon and Miko Butlor,
both prominent In local dcinooratlr politics.
He Is u graduate ot Crelghtou university
and has been employed In thu auditor's de
partment of tho Piuitlc Kxpress corupuuy.
Tho Jacksonlan club's selection for the
county clerk's staff Is Thomas S. Boyd of
the Klfth ward. Thcro Is no doubt that
Mr. Miller will appolut both Butler und
Mel Hoerne.r, who has been clerk of the
county board for a number of years, will
havo to glvo way to a fuslonist, and It Is
roported that bis successor Is to bo W. W.
McCombs of Jefferson precinct.
Thul ThrolihlnK Ilrndnolm
I..,.. , m If vmi tiepfl Dr.
would lia.u jui.
King's New Lllo lills. Thousands ot sutfer-
j 1 v ! t, 1 ..... I , fnr.
ers uuve provcu luun iuoilhicdb iuuh. ....
Sick nnd Nervous Headaches. They mako
.. ... . nt.
pure blood and nuim up your neaiiu. urny
or. ,,, Mnnev hack If not cured. Sold
by Kuhn & Co., druggists. for Half a n' Work,
, 11, in hn eniinlrv or In a small
town aud bavo'a good acquaintance among
the farmers and stockralscra In the neigh
borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us and wo will
send you our proposition. Tho Bco Publish
ing company, Solicitor s uepi., umaua. .u.
Soma Boys' Have Feet
tlint arc almost ns Up; ns a iminV:
others ns tuiull as a slii's-a whlu
range of hlzos and widths required tn
fit all boys-yet wo enu do It satis
factorily to you, tho boy nnd nuraclvus
(nnd wo'ru mlshty jiartleular about
lifting shoes Just right) with our boy's
$1.50 all leather shoc-nn Ideal school
shoe for winter wear no damn or cold
feet ami a Drex Ij. air ship with every
jialr sold on Saturday.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Ouaaha'n Vpmm,imi Shoe House.
Ner? Fall Catalogue Now Heady.
Gems of Intrinsic Value
That's the way an admirer of tho bcautl
fill put It after looking through our art
piano rooms, Hero you will see specimens
of perfected piano architecture the artistic
lines of the Knabe's new styles, Liszt and
Tscbalkoveky are a revelation in tbn ile
slngner's art. Then tbere are the Kranlch
&. Dacha, veneered In rich and raro woods,
marblelzed birch, xnnrled butternut and
Luzon mahoRuny. It will do you good to
see theie beauties nnd you will be ngroe
ably surprised to learn that Omaha posesses
such a selection of hlgli grado pianos, AW
ways bear in mind that you are welcome
at Mospe's, wbetber you buy or not.
Music and Art. 1513-1515 Do.glii
Wc do artistic ttinins. 'Phone 183.
Hayden'a buy smtnplo shoes and buy lota of tuonv US dis
tinct lines of tncn'f shoos, 3,600 pairs In all, from tho beet makers ot men's shots In
this country, alt ot them are this seafon'e samples and Include the very latest styles
with tho "freok ' und shoes made with tho "goo goo" eyelets In all leathers, pstent
kid. patent colt, patent leather, Corona kid, Kusslan colt, Arabian calf, was calf,
enamels nnd English Cordovans, In balmo rait, bluchers and congress with kid lln
logs, calf llalngy, drill linings, and sail cloth linings, not a shoo In the whole lot
worth LI3SS than three 'fifty and others $1,00, $5.00 nnd $G.OO, all at ONB PRICE In
this, tho greatest sample shoo vale over attempted In Omaha. Th price Is Jt.OS and
none of theso shoes will bo sold to dealers,
To add to this sale a little excitement and make it more Interesting wilt fell lad les'
Misses' shoes, worth $2.60, nt $ IMS. Uoya' shoes, worth $2.00, at $1.18.
Little gents' 0 to 13 kid and colt, sold everywhero for $1.76, this sale, $1.85.
Keep your eyes on tho Sixteenth street window. Extra salespeople to wait on y ou.
Cutting the Price on Sheet
Music for Tomorrow
We will place on sale tomorrow Creole
Hello's Itagtlmc March, tho biggest hit of
tho senscu: Mannwa March, by Dalbcy,
When Mr. Shakespeare Comes to Town, the
latest coon song, being sung all over tho
country, at only 19c per copy, by mall, 20c;
regular price, 50c.
Charles K, Harris' famous Album ot Vocal
and Instrumental Selections, containing
such well liked songs of his as For Old
Times' Sake, Just Tell Her that I Loved
Her, Too; 1 Used to Know Her Years Ago,
Straugers, etc. Every one of the pieces In
tho book Is well liked,
Paul Dresser's Song Album, a collection
ot homo songs for homo pcorlc.
Tha llenvcr Danco Kollo, a nice collection
ot Instrumental pieces, luuludlug The Moth
aud tho Klnmc Waltzes, I'd Lcavo My
Happy Homo For You Schottlscho, My Old
Now H.tmpehlro Home Wnltzcn, My Aunt
Eller Two-Step nr March nnd the Wlt
mnrk Danco Folio, containing ruch fa
xorltcs ns Because. Just One tllrl Wnltzo,
Darktowu Is Out Tonight Cakewalk, Latest
Fad Three-Step, etc.
The above four books wo will place on
salo nt only tSc per copy: by mall, SSc.
Itegulnr price on these books from 75c up
to $1 each. .
ncmembcr, wo nro headquarters for
everything from the romlc opera "Hurgo
master," now being played In tho city.
Saturday Bargains
The now fancy dot veilings, 25c.
Cut stool chatclulnu bags, 75u up.
50o ladles' pookotbooks, 25c.
50u p.Uln fold bolts, 25c.
f0o pillow ribbons, per yard 25c.
Lives of tho Hunted on sale.
Tho Bishop Fallows McKlulcy book, 9Sc
Paper novels, only JJ4o.
$t-00 copyright hookc, 30c earn,
Special salo on Holding Bros." silk thread,
120 yards of Holding Bros.' best sewing silk
for fi cents.
Spirited Team Baloafiit; to Qanaral Mat
dtrson Iidaljei ii Raiawaj.
Cunohmnn Unldrn Hunan ny lluraca
Thru null Crcmileil ThnrnuKhfare
Without (.'clttiiK' l" Collision
Urler Mlschll Injured.
A team of spillted horses, hitched to
General Manderson's private carriage, oc
cupied by Mrs. Mauderson, ran away about
12:30 yesterday. Mrs. Mandereon was
entirely uninjured and suffers only from
the nervous reaction of tho shook, whllo
tho driver, Charles King, escaped with some
contusions nnd abruslnns of tho skin. His
Injuries am not serious.
The tram started to run while coming
down tho hill on Farnam street, from
Twenty-fourth street. So far as the driver
knows, neither of tho animals waa
frightened nt anything, but tho keen air
caused them to feel their oats and when
they broke from a trot Into a lope and
Anally Into a run, he was unable' to bold
them. Ho steered tbo enttro length of
I'll rn urn street from Twenty-fourth street
tn Ninth without colliding with any vehicle
or mishap to pedestrians, though tho thor
oughfares wcro crowded at the tlmo and
the horses were running at a breakneck
kpSferrt Mb
Optical Department
And nervous troubles can bo cured by ba-
Ing tbo right kind of glasses fitted. We
do this and chargo very low prices. Our
optical department la In charge ot experi
enced rofractlonlst and practical optician,
Examination trea.
Hardware, Steves and House-
Wood airtight lS-lneh stove, $1..
No. 8, four-hole, cook, warranted, $7.95.
Tbo best steel range tor tbo money evr
brought to Omaha, 6 boles, high warming
closet, extra largo oven, asbostos lined
throughout, nicely nickel plated, a regular
$35 range, wa guarantee them la every
way, $26.95.
A very nice up-to-date oak stove $ti.9o
A regular $40 base burner for $28.50
Six-foot step ladders 45o
All willow clothes baskets ....Sou
12-Inch turkey dusters 10c
Potts' Iron handles 6o
Wood wnsh tubs 33c
3-tto broom 10c
A good butcher knife 7c
Family, meat saw 16c
Wood lined stovo boards 69o
$1,60 steel boys' wagons 75c
Patent lever nut crackers 16c
Loaded shcllB, 12-gaUge, 3Sc; 10-gauge..40c
Ghickens, Ducks. Turkeys,
Fresh dressed spring chicken, 7c,
Fresh dressed turkeys, lie.
Fresh dressed ducks, 10c.
Capo Cod cranbcrrlcu, SVic lb. or ql.
Solid pack Baltlmoro oyaters. per qt., Sic.
Wisconsin brick cheese, 13c.
Hand kano, 2c.
Herkimer county sago, 20c.
Hobson's stock Swiss, 16c.
Now middle atrip codflah, 12 '4c
Smoked whlteflsb, lZVic.
Anchovies per lb., 12V4c
KKK Norway herring, 10c .
Fancy Laurens apples, per dozen, Hc.
Kancy sweet oranges, per dos. 20c.
Mixed nuts, all kluds, 12V4c.
speed. At Ninth street ha turaod them
to the left to avoid going over tho bluff.
A wagon loaded with lumber stood at right-
angles across one-half of the street and
In making tho sharp turn to avoid this the
carrlago was overturned.
Several workmen from tho lumber yard
ran out and caught the horses, whleh would
otherwise havo dragged tho carriage aa It
lay upon Ita side
King, the driver, waa dared by hla hard
rail upon the pavement, but Mre. Mandtr
son, as soon nn tho carrlagq was righted,
wao ablo to walk Into tho office of Dr.
Jonas in tho Union Pacific headquarters.
A telegram w-as sent to General Mander
300, who, with General John C. Bates, la
now on his way to Sheridan, Wva, ob a
hunting oxpedltlon. He was told that thare
bad been a runawny, but was assured of
the safety ot Mrs. Mandorson.
Men and
bracing fifty new lasts. Price 3.50 to $7.00. We employ sci
entific shoefitters. We Holicit your patronage.
The Rochester Shoe Ct).,
1515 Douglas Street.
Two Mora Car Loads-
We've been having such good sales oa
our stoves the paat few weeks we tot a lit
tie short but this week we got two car-,
loads In ao now we're ready to ae you
The women ot Omaha aro fasL-flndlng out
tho good qualities of the Favorite Steel
rangea and it keeps ua humping to aupply
the demand and when It cornea to a baas
burner there la none to compare with tha
Favorite the most economical and beat
heater on earth You buy oae and you'll
never havo any other heater In your houaa'
By the way we want you to sea tho Ma
jestic Steol range with Km attachment
We are tho agents for thlB famous rang
Come and look over our stoves and ranges.
A. C. Raymer
Builders' Hardware and Tool a.
1514 Fartiam St. .
Tike i Bex With Yeu-
If there's one thing more than another
that our candy man Is particular about It
la the making ot Honey Kaugat, Mexican
Maple, Dlack Walnut Taffy, Butter Scotch
and old-faabloned Molanaes Taffy What
everybody says must boao and that la
that the candy wa make can't be beat In
this country Chlldpui and grown folk alike
are fond of our catdy for It'a made of auch
good materials and by such superior
processes that It's dellcloua and whole
some Don't fall to atop la today and take
home a box of, our delicious sweets.
W. 8. Boldnfl
1M raraaaa St.
boc al the same price, $1.9$
no waiting. Come early.
Special firocery Sales.
3-pound cans table syrup 9c
Sauer kraut, 5c. Cako sweet chocolate. 3Vc
Sardines In oil 34n
Coromeat, per sack l'c
Evaporated peaches, Pc. nuby prune 3'c
3-pound ran pumpkin, only...... SHc
3-pound can grated pineapple 13io
Navy beans, per pound 3'jo
Large can blood red salmon 12 Vic
Sugar corn, 3 cans for -in
Gaudy Department.
Stick Double refined, per pound 64c
Stick Hoarbeund, per pound To
Stick Fancy twist, per pound 7c
Mixed Choice, 6'ic fancy Sc
Mixed Broken, 7c, French tSc
MU.d Klad.rgarUn 7fcc
Caramels 64c. Lemon drops.... SUo
Chocolate drops, He, fancy 13c
Jelly Beans, SHc. Conversation Hearts, 8 Vic
Cinnamon Imperials S.c
Lozenges, mint S'.io
Wlnt.rgroen... 8ic. Peanut Square.. 7Vic
Rock Candy, all string 9c
Rock Candy, part string SVo
Kcllpso Mixed Candy 8ic
Crown Mixed, 7Vc. Moonlight Kisses, t84ij
Hobson Kisses, toe; Swedish Kisses. ,12hc
Sunbeam Kisses, 13Hc Trilby Kisses.. lOr
Bon Boos, "Vic. Vanilla Creams 25e
Rote Creams, 22c. Mint Creams.... 2iVio
Butter Creams.. .22Vtc. Opora Wafers.. 2Sc
Maplo Wafers 2'c
Fine bnnd-made Chocolates 20c
Fine Marshnjallow- Chocolates 23c
Cram Almonds 20c
Ttbacca Department.
Star plug chewing tobacco 35o
Horseahoe plug chewing tobacco Son
Navy plug chewing tobacco SSc
Battlo Axe.... 35c. Newsboy tobacc. 35o
Bull Durham amoklng tobacco 50c
Duke's Mixture Mo
Meerschaum smoking tobacco 39o
Uncle Toco Brooking tobacco 38c
Old Style emoklng tobacco 23c
Mall Pouch, per package 9o
Teat and Coffees
Choice new Te Sittings Ws
New season Sundrled, Japan 3Pc
Fancy drink. English Breakfast Ua
Moyune GunpAwder Te 4Sc
Good wtaoh Coffee, 3 IbB. for "So
Golden 8ntoa Coffe 15c
Family Java ana Mocha, 25c
Plantation Java and Mocha 27V;
Old Government Java and Moeha SOo
Mandating, Java and Moeha 86c
or 3 It, for 100
It l Afnnaar Enlnrprlea K-
cttf la tfc Onahft
A Daw dry gooda nous backed by eaat
era and southern capital la among; thn naw
enterprises proposed tor Omaha the com
ing ataaon. The promoter ot the enter
prise la now tn correspondence with ton
secretary of the Commercial club to leari
definitely of the business which may hn
expected at this point. The promoter, who
prefers to keep bla name from tbo publlo al
this time, ts now with a Arm operating;
tn this territory and haa secured backing
sufficient to launch tho enterprise, He
will locate In some Missouri river point and
Omaha baa the preference above othara.
Special creations for dress anl ,
party wear strictly original shoe
models, embodying the latest shoe
idea in the new patent ideal kid
and patent coltakinstrictly en
dorsed by fashionable Omaha, cm-
Omaha's Fluent SUoe Store.
ft gB