Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel (lis i'A.
Misses' Coats.
i i'A?.'i2S' JA(,KETS-Our No. 852 It 27lnohcs long, made of extra line black kersey,
for TIC M)0 " omo sa,,n 1,d0k' flDC ,R 1,or a'cHlns: " bandsoino garment
WALKING SKIRTS-A calkins nklrt has to be well made and perfectly cut to
nsrig well. Vc see lots of them which have ery little pretentions In regard to
v . . a,l,0K MtlB nrc rarcfully lltted and our alterations ore made by people
who know tbclr business. Our prices aro from 16.60 to J12.00.
...,ht,BS' ,t;nENC" ''-ANNEL WAISTS All our newest and best styles arrived
yesterday. Every touch known to famous alit makers are shown In our late
lyifs. hvery waist shown by Thompson, ReM n Co. Is exclusive and made specially
for them. Prices for really handsome styles from $4.60 to $6.00.
TINE FtJRS-Bvery piece of fur sold Is Just exactly as represented. We sell noth
ing but what U good and what Is guaranteed to Rive our customers satisfaction,
our stock of muffs Is now rompletr. l" no marten muffs at tf.BO. $8.60, $10.00.
....... .,,. ,uuo ui .jio.m, iw.vv, w.w.
in.r.nn.... ...
nnn i l i. lur nitina we eu arc maae oy tailors, made
...... j,,nl my if ui eicgance w men only good tailored
Really beautiful cloth skirts from $10.00 to $13.00. fitted by our own
Thompson, Beldeh &Ca
T.M.O.A. uvmtam, m. im AMB WfVBLAM m.
lum was paid by a t heck drawn by Nellgh
against Stucfcr's bank, tho West Point Na
tional bank.
Cheeks Had nen Dated Ahenil.
Tbe exchange of theo checks for the
order for tho bonds took place late on the
afternoon of July . Treasurer Ashley re
turned to Tekaroah on the morning of the
Rth, but Nellgh had left the city. Tho two
checks were turned over to Mr. Ashley hy
hi deputy and ho also Is positive that each
wa signed by Stuefer as treasurer. The
number of the Flrat National bank chrck la
1S.64P. Immediately after receiving them
Treasurer Ashley deposited tho three,
checks In the First National bank of Te
kamah and simultaneously drew against
the deposit a New York draft to take up
tha bid bonds. Ills letter book sbows the
following letter of transmittal:
TEKAMAH. Neb., July 6, 1301. -Kountzs
Bros.' Ranking House. New York:
Esteemed Sirs Herewith draft No. 32.483 on
National Hank of Republic. New York flty.
for tVi.m. With this you will please re
deem the unredeemed railroad bonds of
Hurt eountv. Nrbrnskn. rintrd .Inlv 1 mi
Sincerely yours, JOHN O. ASHLEY.
County Treasurer.
There Is on file In this office tho following
NEW YORK. Jul 8. lWOl.-Hon John O.
Ashley. Treanurnr Hurt County, Tekamah:
TJear Sir Wo have to acknowledge tho re
ceipt of your favor of the 5th Inst., Inclos
ing cheek for 80.wn, which nmount we
passed to your credit, noting your Instruc
tion as to disposition. Yours truly,
As soon as Treaaurer Ashley had been
satisfied that the checks given by Nellgh
had been paid by the banks ngalnst which
they were drawn ho sent Nellgh the follow
ing receipt:
TEKAMAH. Neb..4.Tul' , lMI.-Mr. W.
, . . 1 . 1. , .... - .. rt mi . . 1
nougn, .west roint, ieo.: ueur ir
im inAiA.A .nn. .i,..L ici ir.. t
Point Xatlnnal tmnk. for 11.000 nnvabln to
AV. T..8.' Nellgh. and by you made payable
to the order of W. A. Moycr, county clerk
of Hurt county, Nebraska, and by Moyor
made payable to John O, Ashley, county
treasurer of Hurt county. Kindly receipt
tor these checks. Sincerely yours.
County Treasurer.
Raises Nchnol Fund for ta.OI).
It turnu out that the bonda sold by Rurt
county to Nellgh for -180,800 passed Imme
diately Into tho school fund of the state
of Nebraska for $84,000, although the whole
purchase was plainly mado with money
helonglng to the school fund, with the
exception possibly of the $800 check drawn
on Mr. Stuefer's bank.
When the bonds were delivered to Stuofer
as state treasurer, Interest coupons
amounting to $4,000 wcro detached and re
tained hy Nollgh as n. premium, making
the Investment for tho school fund on the
basis of 3i per cent.
The' discovery of the fact that by this
sharp practice, to call It by a mild name,
either the school fund or tbe taxpayers of
Burt county had been chiseled out ot $3,'J00
naturally excited considerable Indignation
here. A committee, consisting of' Speaker
W, O. Sears, ex-Treasurer John F Piper
and ex-Senator John F. Nrablt, took It
upon themselves to Investigate further by
Inquiring into the records ot the stato
board at Lincoln. Theso gentlemen mado
a trip to Lincoln Tuesday of this week and
have returned, more firmly convinced than
ever that tho bond sale deal will not stand
the light of day. Hon, John F. Nesblt
tells of the work of the committee as fol
lows Whnt In vestlentlon DUelnsed.
"W, O. Sears of Tekamah, John F. Piper
of Lyons and myself called upon Treasurer
Stuefer Tuesday night, Nove-mber C, 1901,
and talked over the Hurt county bond mat
ter with him. We also wunt to his ofllce
en the following morning for the same pur
pose and Treasurer Stuefer showed us
papers In the case. Ho denied that he had
ver received pny letter from Franklin
Everett, chairman of the Rurt County
Roard of Supervisors, notifying him that
the rouny would havo $R0,000 worth of
funding bonds for sale, which letter Ev
erett Informed us he bad written soon
after t was decided to Usuc the bonds
apd a considerable time prior to the sale
of the bonds to Nellgh. He admitted that
t)ry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms
of eczema or salt rheum, pimploa
nil other cutaneous eruptions pro
ceed from humor?, cither inher
ited, or acquired through defective
digestion and assimilation.
To treat theso eruptions with
drying medicines is dangerous.
Tho thing to do is to help the
system discharge the humors, and
'strengthen it against their return.
Hood's Hartaparilla permanently cured J,
0. Blnti, Franks, 111., of eczema, from which
bad tuffered for mnio time: and Mls
Alrina Woller, Box 212. Algona, Wt of pirn
rUsen her faea and back and chafed skin on
Bar body, by which aha had been greatly
troubled. There are more tsttlmonlali in
favar at tbls great medicine than can be
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises ,to cure and keeps the
promise. Pon't put off treatment.
Buy a bottle of Hood's today.
AT P. M.
He, Nov. 15, 1901.
All the now styles nud lengths in
from li to JO years Automobile and Nor
folk styles Only the Vhoice. and exclusive
designs shown by Thompson, Uelden
& Co.
rersian lamb muffs at 110.00 and $12.00,
rarments havo.
expert Alters.
hi- im-i . i.n i .
or na.. rcccled a letter from Fremont .
aierctt, out saia ue did not now remember
what It was about, but that he had an-
swernl li in .i,,i ... . .
.l i . "c',owoJ " letter ro.
ceived from Nellgh legardlng tho bonds,
uui BHig ue nia not now remember
We took a copy of It. It reads:
Wemt iioivt v-i, ,.. r ....
.vJiii-J. ?' I1""' ST'. IPO . -Hon.
without notice. Very truly yours
W. T. S. NI2Liail.
"Mr. Stuefer Informed us thai ihn ii.
ay to call a meeting of the slate board,
pm. do saw tno members individually re-
garoing it ami tney agreed to vote to buy
tne Donds, and he notified Nellgh of the ae-
ceptance of the offer. The other members
ot tne ooara aarait tney did so agree, but
there Is no record In the board proceedings
ui an ortier in ntirniAan h. hs.,i. i
. ' "l wnun.
treasurer Stuefer denied ahtolut v ihtt
tho checks payable to Nellirh were
or delivered until Nellgh delivered the
bonds to him on July 6. He stated that
tho reason ho did not bid directly to trie
county for tho bonds was because he did
not know there was to be such an Issue
of bonds until he received Ncllgh's letter
notifying mm that ho (Nellgh) had pur-
cnasen mem.
Middleman Defaulted Coupon.
"Mr. Stuefer explained the law did not
.. ... ,
.a prera,UM
i -'"."nil" nuu iiihl iqr auvanre nvpr
.u v.u.. ,.u mat tne auvance over
be face of the bonds was made by de-
f nrhln. Inl.Kn.. nn..nnnn ... ......
........n ....vicy vuuiuua iiuui inese nonus
to the amount ot $4,000. and these counnns
were left In the possession of Nellah.
"He exhibited to us tho $10,000 check
nrawn ln favor of Nellgh on the Mer-
t ants' National bank of Omaha, lt bore
iiii-j uu i in ihlo oi jiny o. It was
signed 'Wm. Stuefer, Treasurer.' On Its
back wnro the following endorsements:
'Pay to tho order of county treasurer ot
Hurt counly, Nebraska, for the redemption
or eignty refunding bonds of $1,000 each,
uaien juiy I, jssi, issued by ald Rurt
county, to refund bonds due that date.
" 'Blgnod: - W. T. S. NF.LIQH.
"The second endorsement was 'Pay to
the order of First National bank of
Tekamah. JOHN O. ASHLEY.
''Treasurer, Burt County.'
"The third endorsement wns as follows:
'Pay to the order of Merchants' National
bank, July 5, 1901. Signed: Flrat National
bank of Tekaroah,
Ry ED. LATTA, cashier.'
" 'All prior endorsements guaranteed.
Signed: ED. I.ATTA, cashier.
" 'Check paid July 6 by Merchants' Na
tional bank through Omaha Clearing
One Check MIlnK.
"The $70,000 check on the First National
oanK ot iitnana nc uio not snow to us, but
stated me cnecK bad not been returned
A. 1 1 . , . ,
from the bank, but he did show us tbe stun
In his check book, and the stub bona too
date of July 3.
"Tho letter which we referred to as be-
Ing written by Fremont Everett, was writ
ten at the Instance of bis father, chair
man of tbe board, and called Attention to
the fact that Rurt county would havo ?80,
000 worth of bond for sale, which were
legal investments for tbe school fund. It
was written nt or o the sal, Tof th. "bona,
was written prior to the sale of the bonds
and the rep y ot Treasurer Stuefer to th.
up In hla safe nt Lyons. Mr. Everett Is
now I Mexico and tho letter Itself Is not
accesaiDie oi mis lime.'
i. . ..
a. ,. ,i.u .k- .J.....A. . ... .w.
i rfjiiuri'r tni'iiT g nin iiihi tin tinmu n r r
in in iwi mi; iuuidhuuhjio ictuiii ih inn
case nere. rne fact tnat tbe checks were
. . .
coin that N'nllffh hail heen nt l.lnrnln mil
ri.inr.i t imini on ii.K. a,
early on the Uh. He did not get to Teka-
mnh until 4 nVlnrfc In the afternoon, lln
was assigned to a room at the hotel hero.
so that he must have staved all nlht and
11 V."',d " "'W
-".. "--
bincoln before tbe afternoon of the 5th.
Ilnw Old NrllKli Oet the Qondf
Vnh Ihiln thai Volllrh mini L h.l
aceis to the honds before ever he had an
nritr fni IhAm hAontlaA m rinp,l In c In Hpit.
uty Treasurer Palen, he had brought one
ot them with him from which tbe seal had
been left off, to have that detect remedied,
and 'fetter having the seal attached carried
It back vlth him In his pocket. He had no
right whatever to have this bond ln his
Neb.: Dear fllr-1 I nvV ini h "V" vlc'or'on. Among Hie tempernnce passed that Oils Ruhlln, the Akron
IftWrt) of Run county. Nobraika. r?fudln s .1 K ' JnZv frV K had reache.l lhe aceno of conflict
i.,,V ii.l,i Y.'J ?'..""?. .'" twenty venrs, the treaty for the protection of tho African Blanken'B Six-Mile bouse and an
cent sVml.annuai Interei . ,al, ie' lMi Ll i.r'.HtV'' ..l-1 tl'-ifi'i " Rh"n -t "nc- to his
)r J'.' i.,,.?1ds 'h that the in Smith" Afrim',hHvc allowed "llfliora to roon omPanled by Rllly Madden. '
ni rt nrA tiiu ,L,Z '"vr'. " I officers or men. Tho good effect of Hug- ver" E1 Martin, Charlie OoTT and '
rnVnt .rtooV'. who later appeared In his c
HI" the-e bond, on" n ffl' , ,1 Sr&X&r KSt ' t Ucbo 'idler when the light was called. t.,..r L... '"''l1 ""t to the hi- boys do not feel defrauded, A rumor emanating from Oakland
mo. 1 offer them mihWi i JViJ , .til""!!'! What Other .Viilli.ui llnre lne. the crowd nearby early In the e
tetter was also written prior to mat date. - , runner of tho championship struggle.
x.-i.i ... . .t ....... ..Itholr erowth. n re Dares them for dvanensla I uuu" i mo uimuiiiuu.uii. .i.uBn,
.,r o, u anew in. exact content or - ' - ' ' 'k ' b Jd 'd ' George Hartlng, an official timekeeper of
the treasurer's reply, but remember enough "f? nervou v,recKs, tuey would do nny- Twentleth Century club, took his posl-
to know that It admits knowledge of tho l,,lnK' 10 an' amount , of trouble and "e Twenu eui o "e 0f the ring with Peul
ImpcnOing sale of the bonda. Tho tetter c"f' ra! ? th? r Vand fm.v" Mr Ruhlln elS.Ty frt.
of Trea.urer Stuefer Is in tbe possession cnllarcn ,ae nov.niag uiai nature ue-
or Fremont Rvrn who h.. it inrw.,i mands to produce perfect specimens. lowing.
nvi iw wvjmuj irennurrr mien on iiw " . " . ' A hn rinir Trn minutes atr utlfl Uh D
evening of July 4 showa conclusively that Hly. PPrently without nerve, he J bl. .."nds '
the checks v,ero drawn before July i and wnB consciously .tree ed by coffee, but 'T ,on,
dated aheml to the sth Th ..nmmii. the effect on me a bundle of nerves was lne 'ojsen lor corners anu nunnn non,
dated ahead to the oth. The committee ri.v.ion restlessnees and stunt mv tak ng the southwest corner. The eitreme
dlscnvered when thpv woni dmvn ai to develop resuesjness ami, sutni my .u .i
poatekslon at that time any more than he feee, and llio moro we drink of It, In rea
had to have money belonging to tbo slate son, the better we are, I am satisfied that
school fund In bis possession, s he was
not connected officially with the stale
treasurer's office and was under no bond to
the public for their safe keeping.
The people up here look on the letter
wnico nrngii wrote to niueur, representing
hlniftflf to be the owner of these bonds and
offering them for sale to the school fund,
r.i a mere ounn to cover up ni rt lauons
with Stuefer. The suggestion U made thst
when Mr. Stuefer drew the two checks for
$10,000 and $70,000 respectively, dated them
ahead and handed them over to an Irre
sponsible bond broker that he had no Idea
the. checks were to be endorsed over to the
treasurer of Burt county, but rather was
acting with the understanding that the
bonds were to be delivered as agreed upon
at tho Tlrst National bank In Omaha on
July 6, and that Nellgh would have cashed
these two checks In at the banks on which
they were drawn In Omaha and consum
mated his bond purchase at the appointed
place, with good currency Instead of thu
The sum and substance of the situation Is
simply this: Hurt county has sold Its re
funding bonds for $S0,&00. The same bonds
have been bought at an expense to tho
school fund ot $S 1,000. The whole trnnisc
I 1. .1.. .... .1... I
uuu . i-uuuuvicu nun mu muiicj ui m
state. The rake-off of $.1,200 was appar-
eutly gathered In by a fellow townsman of
tho state treasurer, who Is also ope ot his
close huslness associates. This monoy
would have been saved either to the school
fund or to Hurt county had State Treasurer
Stuefer dealt direct with tho county an-
Delegate from Far nnil Wide Onlher
n. Kurt Worth Addresi nf
President Met. ens.
FORT WORTH, Tex.. Nov, IB. Tb!
twenty-eighth annual convention ot tho
.... . .. . . I
nomanfl i.nriimnn rpinnnranre union iiesnn i
u" '8lon8 ln lie Pint BapH"- church
y. President Lillian M. Stevens 0f
Malno was In the rlinlr. Afler devntloniil
exercises tho roll call disclosed the pres
ence of delegates from all states and ter
ritories and from Cub.i, Orcat Britain.
Switzerland, Mexico and Hawaii. 1'rcsldcnt
Stevens spoke In part as follows:
Ours Is h In ml nml mir.q n uittlon where
there should be no lintrrd of rule, where
mere bo no such experiences as nave
come to us uirice williln four decniies. uno
ciuer sources or a nnrrny in our
rniimn. i. nio,,,,,. .i,,,i .m.n,.ir.n
nI tlio chief sources of anarchy in o
ii'iuor uusinens. for tno saloons are tno
ll'lUor business, for tin
""h'1? .f, 'jw'essness.
patriots, If for nn other
work for tho overthrow
snloon power nml for tli
fss. Hfcause we am
thcr reason, we should
of tlio saloons, tno
tho extermination ot
the liquor ; tnilllc. .
AMiiio we year mi h nail us sorrows ann
cllsannolntinetits. It also has had lis Joys
TIlB ." mlnl.l.r nr l.a. unl fl
corns nrohlhlllnir the khIh of Honor nith
made for lectures before tbe troops on
ily "V,"0"'. nm ,1B-"B;r ot nieonousm.
K An Vh rh' mmP;r 'S lbi n f
liquor selling In nrmv canteens. Austria
,!!!rnYJn' , ,nrc endeavoring to
dLcoiiraglmf tho use of alcoholics. '
I view or ull this and much more. It Is,u a,.,.. .1 -.1 . u .. . . v. ..iAA.
hiil iii iiu pirttiiKC inni ino cniiKress oi me
in ti.u ..nmii.t. ....... i, i,niiahH in.i 1
evidently them la it concerted nlan on the
PA1,,0,.., .if.1 'J! f mne.runce 'fa 'J iT'.
results, an increase of drunkenness, iles'er-
tlons, riots, etc. and testimony galore to
;,1LBf.Kili"' iVii'.'T-.f '.V n?rLf 1 . J"ll? J -on '
cletles. ministers' associations and others
are likewise nervine testimony of nn ex-
nriiy opposite cimracter. . .
we must moR. our ntrnnsest nrotest in
stronttest form airnlnat state reaulated
vice In the possessions of the United States,
mere, is a rapidly increiiHiug sentiment
ngnlnst the use of the clgarotte. Forty-
two slates and the District of Columbia
At the cone ustc-n of the president's ad-
I ilrAtH M1RH V?l 1 9fi nnt M W nraanwnAH na.
I Miniuin,
... u wu.. , .-.-
tlonal cvnngellst nuperlntendent, conducted
11,0 evangelistic hour. "The corresponding
Hfcctary's report showed that llteraturo
amount ot &,uuu pages nan been uis
trlbuted this year and that tho correspond
ence Included Cuba, Porto Rico, Mexico and
Nineteen slates have received nsslstanco
from the Frances Wlllard fuud. Tho treas
tircr's ronort shows cxnoits to be S.l.nnft
less than ten vears neo. while the rosiiltn
obtained are Incomparably greater. He-
celpts for tho year 1000 were $21,151!, with
exports of $23,010.
Wlllltim McMIIInn, St. I.oats.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15. William McMillan.
president of the American Car and Foundry
company, died today, aged 60 years, as the
result of pneumonia. He was born In Ham
ilton, Ont., and was n brother ot United
States Sonator James McMillan of Michigan.
Cheese Firm In Unnkriiptcy.
MONROi:. Wis.. Nov. 15. The hla- eheeflo
firm of Ferdinand, Qrunent & Co. of this
city has mado a voluntary assignment.
tnands of Chicago banks for the payment
nr nATav.n jli miui nun in tinifta no n
against tne uunert concern. The failure
. T,. S .SV
Ull) lllltllltll I lill J II I II i L LUIIIIlUIII j i rniMII
of notes given for $100,000. There are plenty
of assets, tf they can bo collected, sufficient
" Pay cinims,
, , ,
Determine Structure nnd Pli sleal
If parents could realize what a crime
they permit In permitting children to have
' ' rtUrlnr lhclr oariv life such
b.year om woman writes; - iy over-
"au'"e'" Pr uv" Ba- l l"B HD'e.
i lU'hv nnt laf inn rnun niv wnii ino iivai
ll nrnn't tinft nap tt n V ' 1-4 a parsrran a
i - ----- - - - - i -
tlcularlv to my drlnklne coffee, which I was
I " " t J . '
..vU...... .7. ' . . ' .
.,A... fnnH nr .a a nhl I II. hnna.
.'"'.. " " r " ...
"The first effect after drinking coffee was
that of exhilaration and I felt
courage aim Birengm iu iuuich aiinost nny
R,m0UBl " i . v,' , I .
the reaction came, with misery In my chest,
palpitation of the heart and most unbeara-
amount ot active wont, uui in a rew nours
i .,. , .,.,,
. ' .7 '""."Z'r... . .
turn Cereal Food Coffee and we secured
f inally mv aiieniion was enuca 10 I'M-
I .nn,. nt II II wn npnnr,t or-nrHIn,. in
llrertlonn hut breakfast helne delaved. thu
I Pn.tum emi an nvlrii tinlllne' whih
. 0..v -.. - o. v.
veloped all Its virtues, and we all fell ln
ve with It from the first moment. The
I change In our physical health, after drink-
Ing Poitum, was something remarkable,
We have as delicious (often as anyone
could ask, but It Is a perfectly healthy cot-
tbe Increasing amount of heart difficulty
of late years, among young people, Is dl-
rectly attributable to the use of coffee, and
It l a great blessing to have so safe and
delicious a food coffee as Pottum. fleas,
I omit my name irora piioiicstion, , r,4i
Rrookfleld Mais. (Name given upon appll-
cation to Postum Cereal Co., Ud,, Rattle
I ureeK, nen.;
. i nnnsni ir ninn i nurr m t inr n'lin nn
Wtktntd frm SUip bj Ihot Find bj Tkltf
ani Which Killed Hit Wift.
llenil .Mini llml Kre4ncntly tleen lie-
friended by .Merehnut Whose Wife
llr Kilted nrtil Whom He
."hi Kilt tn Itnti,
KANSAS 01TY, Nov. 15. A special to tho
Star from Oalena, Kan., says: At Central
I Clt'. fl Tni-lltl' f.An.,1 ihtAA mllAD 1 a , r I
" " " ""' vol
Oalena. nt 2 n'elneb 111 In mnrnln Mr. C
Kramer, wife of a merchant, was shot dead
ner nr(1 by m Watklns, a town tough,
who had entered the houso for th nur-
nose of robberv. Kramer Ihr-n hm nnrt
killed Watklns. Watklns had formorly been
employed by Kramer In the litter's general
store. Kramer had disposed of considerable
property In town yesterday and was rfc-
comtianlcd homn hv Watklns
Mr.. Kramer was awakened during the
night and found Watklns standing over her
bed and pointing a revolver at her. She
managed to exclaim. "Why, Ed, you
wouldn't hurt us, would you?" when Wat
klns, without paying heed to her plea, Orod
the ball entering Mrs. Kramer's temrlc
and killing her Instantly. Kramer
P" nls '"e" "'de and fired three times at
W'nlblna AA rh li-.1t (air n AfA.. A.,.
-.- v..w u. inn... etc-..,.
Kramer's first shot Wfttklas called to his
h' ,m31 ",,u WBS u ""J01"1" m
uo ) our duty.
Then Watklns died without speaklnx
another word. His pul, T.hoso Identity 9
unknown, escaped.
Kramer's little 18-months old girl was
sleeping between them when the mother
was shot.
(Continued from First Page.)
the pavilion Indicated that one r the nrln-
finals had HrrlVed and wai nroceedln to
., ,
his dressing room. Tho word was soon
uproad en-
l""- nuilBieu III lujury IU unu
nf his handB before stArtlnir for Sun I'riin-
rim 'n hilt nnmiln r ftntlmfnt rrtniiomnArl
tho hotting
at the ringsldo was not affected by the
incident. M. H. DeYoung, tho millionaire
Hllor. Mayor James 1). Pbelan, Mayor-
elect Schmltz. and almost the entire bench
o tne county 0f San Francisco was already
t tho ringside. Billy J6
announcer, was early on
Jordan, the veteran
the scene.
I . .1 i
The aiembled thousands betrayed the
extent of their excitement and wrought-up
feeling and cheered clferously, although
tho curtaln-raUerH were unimportant.
Jeffries, accompanied hy Rllly Delaney,
Bob Armstrong, "Kid" Kagan, his brother
Jnnlr. and Dnwllt Vannnurt. left the Dak
Unri slln nf ftie hitv on lhR 7;Srt tpaln
. . " '
reaching San Frahclaco" shortly after :
o'clock. The champion entered the build
i ,i,n. ,u. ... ,.n,i..,
",c i" """;
progress andt as Captain Whitman, In
tho police detail, cleared the
way, proceeded to hla dressing
,h b that tefl th b,
room, while
building made
a demonstration, ln great Impatience tho
crowd waited for the appearance of the
two gladlatote, taking but a passive In
terest In the eight-round bout between
Rllly Condon and Mike Curlln, and ln
the encounter between Joe Field and
"Spider" Joe Welch
The second preliminary between Fields
and Welch, an eight-round affair, was
announced. The first preliminary was de-
Clared a draw.
Tl-e P011" nul Bome 01 ,ne "P'ctaiorB
out or ,no K"ery , it oeing mucn over-
crowded. At 9 o'clock people wore turned
away from the doors, and probably the
greatest assemblage of people ever gath
ered to wltneBs a prUo fight was packed
Odda Tito to One.
9:15 p. m. The betting at the rlng-sldo
steadied down Just before the big struggle
to odds of 2 to 1, although there wero
bursts ot enthusiasm from either side, In
which longer odds were offered. Rd Kelly,
the Chicago bookmaker, had $S,000 whloa
be sought to place at 10 to iA. Of this
sum $1,000 was covered by the Ruhllnltes
A miner named Dell, Just arrived from the
Klondike, wagered $5,000 at the same odds,
Aside from this the betting was common
i n nra
when the second crellmlnary had been
Mfirt.rt. reunion., ln the victory of
I . . . . . r, - -
"Spider" Joe Welch over Joe Fields In four
rftimri. rnrns nf workman oounced into
ThA nntnr m tho klnetoaeone machine
adjusted his Instruments and a flash of
lights through the array of lamp pro-
claimed mat all was in reaamesa a tar as
I tbo company was concerned, a moment
later a burst of lime light, 236,000 candle
Powr- ""ioeo v"" "V " .
pavilion and further enthused the great
host of spectator, as the Immediate fore-
PusllUU Knter nina
At 9:2S p. ra. Jeffries entered the ring,
. . After him came bl
es. After him
I r ' j t ------ -
. , . . .
ir""r, uiuy
Delaney, Kid Rgan, Rob
A-m..-nn. nPflher" .Inek .rrfri,
I . iu..,"'.. mu " "
lt.rrv th referee, then stenoed In
made Itself felt from the very beginning,
but waa not as lntenso as that which bam
pered the Bharkey.Jeffrlcfl fight. Two mln
utea after the men entered the ring they
were announced by Billy Jordan, who then
WBre nnouncea c-y uiuy Jr"""' wuu ",ou
pre.ent.4 Referee Harry Corbett.
Deafening cheers greeirn tno Dig ngnieri,
k,.i .n t.t.r when Police Cantaln
i " . ... .... .
Wlrtmen entered the ring to examine
KlOVeS grOanS and USSe OlieU IOC US
auditorium. Jeffries, in a uanng reu eater
and chewing gum In violent Impatience, sa
- , . . . .vn. r..un I
oemureiy m nis corner, i mi iu
earnestly wun -uenvrr """
On behalf of Tom Sharkey Tim McQrath
challenged the winner of tonight's content
Time was called at D;S.
Klrl Hound
Ruhlln leads for head and lands lightly
Willi left Clinch, notn men. . cautious
Jeffrie' left goes around Tlnhlln's head,
C".";' r,eTl!e,,,?ittr11 cleverly
ducked light 1'ft. Jeffrlex upperctit Ruhlln
to Jaw with left. Jeffries landed left on
Ured w?th left JcVfrles sw
nut missed. Ous blocKea iii jau tor tare
Jeffrlea rushid, but Ruhlln came Into
E,'Pc.hhV rhm m'anVSt "out of harm's way!
i Jeffries is cmlllut tdc lounu was tame
I neai trom tne noweriui utui "oi mo nui.
with tho champion having slightly the ad
vantage '
Second Itiiiinil,
Clinch. Ruhlln was hooked nroiiml neck
with left. He licensed Jeffries of foul IlKht
lug. Tho Akron man then shot In his right
nml found Jeffries' ribs, following this UP
with Ineffectual left swing for head. Jef
fries waxed aggressive. Ruhlln iilunted
right nnd left to face nnd then mhol,
landing on body. Champion led with left
nml wns countered. Ruhlln found Jeffries'
hend hihI In n short exchange neither hnd
the advantage. Ench man foucht nt cloer
range, Qus nsnln landing on Jeffries' face
nnd stopping the hitter's nttcmpt to re
tnllnto with strong right. Ruhlln feinted
with right nnd shot straight loft on Jef
fries' nose, but the blow was partially
blocked. Tho men were wrestling when
round closed. This was decidedly ltuhlln's
Third Hound
The niMi ramn up strong and Ruhlln shot
In with right nnd left, which were stopped.
Jeffries elbowed his way back and forth
and caught the Akron man with n torrlllc
left to neck. Jeffries pursued Ous mid
swung with both hands, ln n rush Jeffries
landed weak body blow. Ruhlln again ap
peals to referee, tins ducked and was met
with straight left. He feinted and onine
back with lneftcctuul short-arm punch.
Jeffries easily held the advantage, with
tins constantly complulnlng. The men
closed In several times, Ruhlln flchtlng
low' nnd Jeffries apparently looking for
chance to land knockout blow. Ruhlln
retreated about the ring until tho spectators
hissed. Round ended with neither man In
distress, but with Ruhlln the more worried
of the two.
fourth Hound.
Afler short exchange at close quarters,
ntlhlln Innded ou face. He wns forced
back nnd Jeffries smiled as Ruhlln nualn
rebuked him. Jeffries landed left, blacken
ing Qua' lett rye, mid then pursued lilm.
fighting at short range nnd plainly wear
ing UN man down. Ruhliti lacked aggres
siveness nnd retreated hs Jeffries swung
left nnd right nnd missed. Ous led for thu
face nnd Jeffries pushed him across t Im
Ous led for the faco nnd Jeffries pushed
him across the ring. Then the champion
walked (lux across tho rlnsr iibuIii nud
landed a fierce left on his jaw. Ruhlln
Bhot out luuffRCtiial lofts. Jeffrlos waded
In, whaling Ruhlln with left nnd rlglil.
Ouh went down and look tin- limit, Mf
got up weak and the gont npparcntly saved
Villi). Ruhlln was plainly In 'the greatest
distress wqien Hie round ended, rnis round
ended In Jeffries' favor.
fifth Hound.
Tttililln wore n distressed exnreslon when
he camn tin. Jeffries went In with strnlshl-
Arm mows, nut wns mockcu. jenries innuea
liglit nook to tne jaw ami snort icrt id
tho ribs and then attain to neck with rlishl.
A volley followed this, in which the cham
pion dazed Ruhlln with lefts to face. Ruhlln
dUOKPii ana retreated stoacmy. .iciiries mi
lowed up tho advutitugo and bored In,
touching Ruhlln beneath the chin with
rlirht and forclnc him to rones, after which
mm went to tno tinor and at tlio count oi
five BtiigRpri'l to his feet. Ilo ceiiKod fight
Imr and Jeffries went In for u knockout.
Ruhlln was utterly ringed nnd missed wild
HWingH, while JcfTrieM threw mm against
tno runes.
in tni iiimi minute or t tie round iitiuiin
tteninled to block n left lead for the head
nd ho was forced back and wtruek simarely
ln the nil of Hip Htuinarb. Jeffries was
going at him very fiercely nml when thu
gong struck minim was nssiHtcd to iiih
corner. It looked then us if the light wan
practically enuca, itiiiinu gave every tip.
pearanco of being dlitrojsrd. Hp cnld som
tlilnir to Jill v Miuinen and men "Denver'
l!d Martin walked to tho center of llio ring
iinn nui en lieioree i. or neii. -we nive nn.
hu lit Martin, nnd the Mailt wns over.
Referee Cornell awarded the light to
Hnhlln Seems frightened.
Almost from tho beginning of the fight
Ruhlln appeared frightened. The fight was
practically finished ln the ccond routi
when Jeffrlcu landed u left hook on tho jaw
that took all tho tight out ot Ruhlln. Rub
lln claimed that a chance blow In the pit
ot the stomach rendered htm unlit for tight
Ing. Ills seconds complained bitterly, but
Ruhlln Insisted Hut he was the lctlm nf
an accident. Jeffries walked to Ruhlln'
corner; asked what was tho matter, then
turned in disgust and proceeded to his
dressing room, while tho spectators rose us
one man and cheered the champion, whllo
they denounced Ruhlln aa n "quitter nud
The police tupibjed Into .the ring.,a.toppc
ii fight In which Corhett, the referee, und
officers ot the club were Involved. The ut
most excitement prevailed, during which
Ruhlln mado hla way out .of the ring.
liny Vainly 'I'rlrn lo
AtcnliiNt IIU Colored
Clarence llltclilci was knocked nul In the
second round by II Smith nt Houtli Omului
last nignt. nntoro it crown which hi iiu tun
Red I.lalit theater to nverllowliic. Tho
easy victory of Smith wan undoubtedly duo
to tin ncciut.ut.
The men welahed nlluhtlv Wun thiiu I -J
Eounds nt the rlngKlde, Smith tipping tho
earn at 121'i and Ritchie ut l'.tj'i iinunds.
Tho first round opened with both men Spur
ring, interne aenmen to nn tnu more cer
tain on hla feet und led n Tiinnwiiy nround
tho ring, with Smith muklng vitln rciichiiH
with rlKht and left which funne.d the air
nt each stroke. Thcro wns u rapid exe.hnngo
or mows, in wnicn iiiicuih imineii on uio
head and neck with right and left, Smith
fell to tho floor In nn uttompt to land un
the face. He (Indeed n Htlff rlulil-liander
and countered heavily upon tho wind. The
round enncu wun ngut sparring.
Tho second round opened with n rapid
exchange of blows In which no damage
waa done and neither received any benefit.
Smith ducked to nvold a blow und Mtruck
interne in tno groin. A claim of a foul
was not nllowed b.v the referee, nodirlnir
another blow, Smith suddenly nrose, his
nemj siriKing ititcnio in tno annomen so
Htrongly as to lift him from hla fet.
Illtchle fell to the floor, claiming a foul,
which was not allowed. Ho took advnntnge
of the count nnd rose groggy. Then camn
an exchange of blows. In which Smith
landed heavily In the wind. They clinched
and after breaking away Smith made a
short blow with his right, catching Ritchie
on the jaw and he went down to be counted
Tho evenlna: wns oneneil with n Imttln
royal In which wlx person entered. It
was won by Jack "Dutch" Kelser.
The second event was n four-round go
between Fred Stafford and l'eto Rooney.
This was the best event of tho evening
and wan declared it draw. Roth men were
siigntiy punisnen una demonstrated ability.
The rfforce for the evening was Ed Roth
ery. with John Oiler timekeeper. Smith
wan seconciea uy wscar unrdncr, Dick
Rocker, Dan Haley, Jack Jlanley nnd Peto
Roone.v. while ln Ritchie's
Johnnie Ritchie, Fred Stafford apd Cliff
4111 UHH,
Before the main event was drawn off
Oscar Gardner challenged either of tho
nitchlea for a match for $1,000 or any part
11, VI CUk,
George Odlel of the Ktnmi Lake Tenm
HUnliled In Heentlng I'.in
mrlhni'(, BTORM LAKE. la.. NoV-. IV-iHrmrlni
Telegram.) The foot ball game here today
between the Emmctsburg and Storm Iiko
Bran rrsuiteu o to o in invor or storm
IAke. Tho tenmR wero evenly mntelie.l
and grent Interest wns manifested. About
the middle of the first half the Storm Lake
qunrterback, Oeorpo Odlel, who has n run
ning record of 104, while making a right-
run run, whs tacKieu nnu in tne rail
wrenched his right log. breaking both
bones Just above the Instep,
lee on Oreen Hlver.
The Omaha Redding company's lenpln
irnm uoiruien mo urrcn mverp insi nigllt
on tJlnrk' nllfwa.. Senr.,
1st. Id.
... MS ITU
. 125 is:
. 155 177
. IS:t HO
. lis 167
3.1. Tolal
"Plumber" Read.
!, 130
7S9 Ml
.. im
.. MS
.. m
.. 167
.. 119
3d. Total.
Btselln ...
Rengele .
Total Slh KM M
('Tanaaah Ha a Good Lend,
I'lTTSRURO. Nov. IS.- CavanaiiKh ban n
good lead In the nls-day go-as-you-please
race ntid as h appears as fresh as he did
at the, start will probably llnlsh first He
hat had but five hours res.t since ,l lie sun
on Mondn mooning, feorc Ml 2 oupcI
Cnvnnnugh. 411.10. Humes. S'3.i. fliltot,
Ii.0; Noremniv 3.M.C, lloail, 3M.0. Ilngol
man, .11; S; LocMolu, JM'.:; Day. !-'.0; luir-
clay, I; west, sta.iG; Minor, lw.v.
The score at uildtilgfil was; Cu nll.uvh
415; Harucs, ins, SIipIIou, Dean, 7,
Norcinac, 3lif lleBilmnn. SH2, losleln, nii,
yuy, 3:v; llarclay, M, West, iC'.'i .Miller, 151.
Former rn He Wilt Issue Cnll for
Western I.enKiie .lleetlnu
of liiiportnnoe.
KANSAS CITY .VllM 15 -lfli,...-lf,l
grnm.)-lrcsldent Tom lllckey nf the West
iu il-iikiio tirnveu in kiiiisum City at noon
today und held n lonfcreni u with l'rcldont
neorgo Ubeau. tbo owner of tlm
, , V . '". 'lKuc iriincuisc. .ir, 'loueiiu
lOCllnOll tO lllSI'llflft 111,, mtlinrnt nf
his recent raid on the Culifornln Irncue
iiujiTN cAcrpt in a gencrnl way. He .mid
ie linil secured some nlnv,r nml ,,vn,.m,i
to corral mure licforo the umpire of 1W2
culls ' l'liiy linll" on tho new grounds.
i ii nim in iiicaey was reticent nliout tin
plittiH for the re-orKiinUHtlon of his leimuc.
mil n.iiu li, Ml ii Willi 111 1KMIIP II n 011101,11
call for a nieotlng of the Western lengtio
to tin held In Kunsas city within the next
ton days or fo, Tbls tnpi-Hur nf iii '.i.
cm lcngtir will bo n most Important one,
ii, nn in,- ii.ii uiui it Mi'iienu re-organif.1-tlim
is to bo made. The nffftlrs nf tin
Western league of ItHU will ho iiiii..t m, ,,n,i
n new orgiiulztlon, possibly under it new
nanir, win no rmeci. Kunsas City will
be In It. with Milwaukee. tMilrmm.,.,.
apolls, fxitilsvllle, Toledo. Hi. 1'nul nud
Jllnneii polls. Columbus, tlrnnd RnpldK nnd
Hovonil other cIIIch nro nin (Igurlng for
iriiiicini'ew in inc rrnrKiinizcii league
Speedy Detent nf .Inenlis.
DENVER. NOV. 15. ICId Parker nC ni,
ver ktincked out Morris Jacobs of Knnnin
City In the aernnd round nt the Hlvrl.i
Athletlo cliili tonight.
I'er.enif.i Jfn nre ly.
Your druggist .will refund your money it,
I'AZO OINTENT falls to cure Ringworm,
Tctlur, Old Dicers hnd Soroa, Pimples and
Ilmckheads nn tho face, and all akin dls-
rnses: to cents.
rn .liiaUed Men Hold I i Ifinid
iiliiiin, hut Are nl I turn
OHKYBNNB. Wyo Nov. 1.1.-(Special
Telegram.) Two musked men held up and
robbed Saunders' homo ranch saloon, south
of Rawlins, last night, but the robhers
horn overtaken by i ptso and captured
iiinldo of nn hour Tho bandits, wearing
lhiislis, entered the front door of the sa
loon with drawn revolvers. They com
pelled the bartender and loungers to throw
up their bunds. Whllo one robber kept the
crowd covered with his gun, the other out
law went behind the bar and secured 200
Iroin tho cash drawer. Tho robbers then
'hacked out (if tho saloon and disappeared
In the darkness.
A posso of cowbojw, saloon men and
others quickly formed, horses were
mounted unit thu outlaws were promptly
mil down. Tho prisoners arn being brought
to Ruwllns. It Is thought tho men are
members of u gang' of outlaws from the
Robherb' Roost rendezvous
('run ford Knimn In Huron.
. HURON, a. 1).. Nov. IS. (ifpcclal.) rrebs
dlvpatchea unnounco the drowning nf Lieu
tenant Robert T, Crawford of the Tlrst
United States Infantry, at Haniar, while
crubsing a riven live others nro reported
to also havo drowned at the anme time.
Lieutenant Crawford is a brother of Hon,
Coe I. Crawford of thin city, and visited
hero a year tigo. Tclegrnms from the Wnr
department lo Mr. Crawford hero fall to
confirm' tho report, but II Hoema 'quite, cur
tain that.thuro Ih some well founded reason
for the report.
ChtI ThnmiiHiiii Senleneed.
l'IKRRH, S, IJ., Nov. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Ot tho criminal eases up nt Ih"
present term of court tbo only ono which
came to trial wan thut of Carl Thompson
on a charge ot embezzlement, In which th
Jury brought In u verdict of guilty and
Hentence of two years was Imposed.
AVIrelesH Ciiiupn ny'H Kleellinm,
I'IKItRK, S. J) Nov. 15. (Special Tele-
gMiu.)-Slocl(holderH ot tlio Pacific Wlre
Ichh Telegraph und Telephone company held
u meeting In this city today and Helected n
uew hoard of dlroctorti for the ensuing year.
The meeting for t,he election nf officers will
be held In Denver.
srnii- tlie T-ntiBti
and IVorkH Off (he Cold.
Laxative Rronio Quinine Tablets cure a cold
In one day. No cure, no pay. Pries !5
Write and See.
Don't Let Prejudice Keep Yon From
Getting Well.
.No .Money is Wanted
Simply write a postal for the book that
applied to your caBc. Sco what I have to
say. You can't know too much about ways
to get well.
My way Is not less effective because I
tell you about It. Thcro aro millions ot
cases which nothing else can cure. How
can I reach them save by advertising?
I will eend with the hook also an order
on your druggist for six bottles Dr. Snoop's
Restorative. I will tell him to let you test
It for a month at my risk. If It cures yon,
the cost will bo J5.G0. If It fails, I will pay
him myself.
The book will tell you how my Restor
ative strengthens tho lnsldo nerves. It
brlngn back the power that operates ths
vital organs. My book will prove that no
other way cau mako thoso organs strong.
No matter what your doubts. Remember
that my method Is unknown to you, while.
I npont a lifetime on ,lt; Remember that
only the cured need pay. Won't you write
a postal to learn what 'treatment makes
such an offer possible?
Slmnlv stntolRook No. 1 on Dyspepsia.
which' book you Rook No. 2 on the Heart
wont nnd nd- Hook No, 3 on the Kidneys.
dress Dr.Shnop, Hook No. A for Women.
Rox 661. Jtii hook no, fi lor men leaien).
cine. Wis, iRoolc No, 6 onRIinuipatlHm.
Mild cases, not hronlc. nre often cured
by one or two bottles, All druggists.
love Omsha every Wednesday and Fri
day at 4:25 p. m. In Pullman Ordinal-'
(Taurlst) Bleeping cr. Tna ears ar
lighted with the famous Plntsch Light, tro
well ventilated, have separate lavatories
for ladles and gentlemen and all pars are
carpeted and lipholstf red.
The conductors' are, all men of experi
ence In incursion travtl and that the
comfort of all patrons Is carefully at
tended to.
For full Information call at City Ticket
Offlc. 1324 Farnam SU; telephoat 316
'r aaaw tK
Little Liver PUls.
Mutt Bmmr StsnMur f
ea PacSltBlle Wrepr ffMew.
Tary aatall aat I
otalvs aaaai
for nuouinEit.
ran tirpii uvEt.
Vim miwttttaAtMt.
efetaKeytfW m C
Those beautiful
Auhiiru Tint-, o nnticfot)l among li h.
lonslile wfimea, sre produrrd only hy
Imperial Hair Regenerator
fi clennft. tiM most UtQuaT II air Cel.
orlfijr. It t Maliy -vppllfrt, fdoint?lT
u..MlaiA-. t A v a r r r in ftrtV
fJ It Tekif ll I liuras ailt T 1 l Al IVK
Klrd MONT Ilk. Pamplo of hair cel.
orcil free. Hend i( ratuphlnl.
linperlul Chemical Co ISn U SJd at , N
Two Elements
ol pleasuiablc &oc life
are hctlth and hplUlly.
Contributes to
both s Ihe phy
sician's and the
host s first choice
because of Its
Sterl ing Quality
' ntjclj
Superb Flavor
It is the American
Foil tit fill rtratrlif-i rrtl? b.T Jobbtr
W n lint olf , ncliiW-e Contf ol.
Sfnl roil an 1 Malawi Aaaraval
ray only If pleansd. Menof ".
hixWnr -flth m-illrall'IrkMrr
ISTITITr:! Write for oir
hwlokt. fltljrUlii-iraiKl. ft.
plaining ll,nr..T rBtT. nnd"
in Books
As wo said laht cek, we offer Inflnei'-
menlrt in enrly hulldny- buyers. Here is
u list of u few morn upeciala:
(ireen'H lllsloiy nf Hid Ungllsh People
library edition. " volumeH 2 '
Same in 1 volumes . .". 20
Conqueat of Mexico, Pri'Hcott, 2 vols.. 1 25
ghiikeHpi'iiiti 1 vol,..., 1 'in
Sl'aketjpeiii'e, 2 voIh
All of Rllpy'H Poems, Including the new
Purtn Rbyines
l no
Peloubvt'H Nulen. Vm
I-JIslii Dlnauioro
All tho rest of tho Klsle hooks....
Five Little, IYppeiH
All the Pansy library, per vol
Children's painting bookx
i on
1 25
Ilenty 8 wuu uoueris to rmuim.,
Daddy Darwfn'H Iovn C6le scries'
Hlaclt Rock, full library size
K. P. Ron's works :
Wo would suggest thut you get Jn your
order for your apeolul holiday bonkn, thnsn
not genorully curried by the hook stores.
Do not wnlt until the publishers are rushed
wo will order anything you want and hold
It for you until tho holidays.'
Seo our novelties lu burnt leather, etc
A full lino of fine Stationery. Onm
Hoards, rtc.
Barkalow Bros.
1612 Farnnm St.,
Neil door to N, V. Life Bldg. .'Phone Jlft
i iv .nil.. fininfMM. mMTfANY.
Prlces-25c, 60c, T5c, SI, JIC. Matlnea
25c, Wo, "to, $1.
Ur"m"nn: i:i.iivi;,nji'ii imim."
Three pcrfoi'muncea only, tomorrow after
noon and night und Monday night. Seala
now on Hule.
'releiiliniie IRIII,'
Maty,, Sun.. Wed., Hat., 2:1B. Kvej., M16.
Wilfred C'lnrko & Co., Oolomiin's Cuti
and Dogs. Andy Ijwls U Co.. Iloycs k
VVIIboii, The Tunakns, Mile. I'epe Oftlen,
Prlcea IOe, !i5e, 50u,
Returns of Jcftrles-Ruhlln llghr rad
fimn stage, .
Prices-lOo--Wc. '