TJ TTTTC OMAHA DAILY BEKi SATl'RDAV, () VEIW BUI? 10, 11)01. i, - mil APPROVE AGREEMENT Ciieilm Signifj Tlnir Retdintu to R tiff Union Pacific-Omahn Dl. MR. CON NELL TALKS OF CITY'S BARGAIN fJily .Attiirin-y llollcvr (;nn'rliin Urnnlnl li I'tiliin I'ltcMe Will Proxf of (irrnt .il nil (nm- to .( City In Hip I'uturr. Interviews with a majority of the city iouncllmen Inillcato that tho agreement be tween the city and tho Union l'aclilo rail way providing for the exchange of shop Urn fnr financial iinticr iitnl cllElnccr! IK frrlvllrRea will bo approved by that boly by! a handsomo vote. City Attorney Connell Is not bo certain that ho can set tho contract ready In tlmo for next Tuesday night's meeting, hut ntlll thinks that thin will he completed In time. An unexpected enno In tho district court before a Jury has set him back some what In the work. He himself It) positive that tho city should express no hesitation In accepting tho terms of the contract. "A contract no favorable to tho city nhould by nil means receive thu approba tion of tho council," mild .Mr. Connell. "Of rourso wo did not set everything we de sired, but we, did secure most of It. Tho only demand of great Importance made by its which was refused was that tho rnll road should extend tbo Izard street sewer not only through Its territory, but then on from Klghth Htrcct to tho river. They re mained steadfast In their refusal to build woro than tho part across their land. OfToreil .Nntlilnn lit riri. "nut If wo had ncccpted nil that they of fered to Klvo us at first wo should have bad nothing at all. Thu satisfactory terms finally secured were the result of threo months of confoinces. Wo consider tho ronensslon allowing tho city to build a big Morm nowcr along tbo Union I'uulllu right of nay from tbo Twenty-fourth street viaduct to thn river a matter of great Importance. Any of tho business men or residents down I In that low portion of tho city will testify I to what they suffer during and after a heavy rain. Tho uctual financial loss after each i xiich storm Is really considerable. ) "This sower will do away with all tint 1 . ..... II I... 1 1 I ...111 1... n I. ...... I IIVH nil Kk IV I'uiii. v nm u; miu underground duct, with cntch basins nil along Its length, and will bo largo enough to car for all thu water that can gather there. It may not bo built for years, but nyway wo bavo n place to put It now when o get ready, wbllo beforo there was abso lutely no way to remedy that Hooding dlfll cilty If wo had wished to do so." K 1:1,1.11 V, VMOKIt X (.. Store irn t Mill lllIHI Sntiirdn Hie nliiK I'.ttriin rill nil ry Vnlnr In Wonirii' nml Clillilrrn, I'NDKIlWKAIt. Women's and children's winter hosiery and underwear. An exceptionally large and varied stock. Tho most satisfactory brnnds carried by us. Kcprescnts superior workmanship, excel lent fit, honest prices, tho "Munsing" platted underwear. Tho "Aertex" pure Irish linen mesh, en dorsed by all physicians for winter wear, medicated, absorbent and porous. 25c for women's vests nml pants, heavy fleeced, silk tape, worth 3fic. GOc for women's silk fleeced vests and pants, ecru or bleached, very nicely fin ished, mediums anil extra sizes, worth 65c each. !)Sc for women's $1.25 and $1.50 vests, pants and tights, Australian wool, natural, blue and black, broken sizes, great bar gains. Heautlful qualities In women's Swiss ribbed, non-shrinking wool vests and open tights, blue, natural, white and black: very soft. For Saturday's sale, $1.25 each. Tbo ".lonness Miller" sterling, women's underwear, full fashioned, knitted. In nil combinations of yarn, puro wool, wool and cotton, extra heavy cotton, llslo thread. In tho most pnpulnr weights, do not IrHtato tho most scnsltlvo skin and cost no morn than ordinary kinds. 2c for children's shirts, pants nnd draw ers, ribbed, heavy fleeced, well made; worth 10c. We nre headquarters for women's and children's hosiery. 35c. 3 POIl $1.00. Women's best heavy cotton hose, fast black, maeo soles or nil black foot; nlso nn extensive lino of silk fleeced hose In high spliced heel nnd too; raro bargains. fiOc for women's black Vicuna casbmero hoso, light weight, very fine and enmfort nble; also heavy cashmere, with nil gray wool foot. Olves excellent satisfaction. $1.50 fnr Saturday's sale; women's pure thread, black silk hose, our $2.25 quality; double sole, high spliced heel and toe. Our special offer. KBLLBY. STIOKIt & CO.. Corner Fifteenth and Farnam Sts. You'll regret It If you fall to read Hayden Ilros'. nd on page 7. Pigeon blood rubles. Kdholm, Jeweler. Tho genuine bargains nro at tho big store fit Hayden Ilros. Head about them on Pago 1. QtilcUrr Tlmr Tin Illtnoln Crntrnl. Effective Sunday, Nov. to, tho Illinois Central will shorten tho tlmo on their trains to Chicago und tho Twin Cities. Train No. 4, which now leaves at 7:00 a. xn., will bo changed to leavo nt 7:10 a. m.; train No. 2, tbo "Chicago and St. Paul Lim ited," which now leaves at 7:45 p. m will bo changed to leave at 7:50 p. m. There will bo no chango In tho arriving time at Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis. Train No. 1 will lenvo Chicago nt 6:25 p. m., instead of 5:45 p. in., and reach Omaha At 8:20 a. m., Instead of 8:05 a. m. Special attention Is Invited to tho superior tqulpment on both our Chicago nnd St. Taul trains. Iluffot-llbrary cars aro run en tbo night trains nnd parlor-buffet cars en tha daylight run. City ticket offlco Is nt 1402 Farnam ktreeU .VllllOIIIKM'llll'lltX Of till' 'I'lH'nllT". Tomorrow nfternoon "Tho Kleventh Hour" will bo opened nt lloyd'B for nn en gagement that Includes tomorrow night nnd Monday night. Tho piece wns given nt the Iloyd last season and made a tremendous hit. It requires two ears of scenery nnd effects to produce It. Twenty-five people nro required In Its cast. Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c, in connection with Tho Dathcry, 216-220 Boo building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Ilee. Telephono 238. NEIIRASKA-ICANSAS FOOT HAM,. I.nvr nittr llurllnnoii. At Incoln, Saturday, November 16. $2.20, Omaha to Lincoln nnd return. Im rates from all llurllngtou stations rltbln 65 miles of Lincoln. Send articled ot Incorporation, notices of stockholder' meotlngs, etc., to Tha Bee. XVe will glvo thorn propor legal Insertion. OVlephone 238. Xematro opera classes. Kdholm, Jeweler. Hsyflen's ad Is on pago 7. Dainty pearl stick pins. Kdholm, Jeweler, mint. HAUT Orion- M., son of Mr. anil Mrs. O. V. Hart, Friday at 1 o'clock a. m. nt his home, lfl South Fifty-third atrcot, nged 3) yearn nnd 2 months. Funcrnl nt liouso Sunday at 3 p. ni. STOUTS J for stout men. ITEJA-LTIUJiYl for medium men. SLENDERS for slender men, In Union Suits $1.00 to $5.00. BLACK The $'2.50 Hatter. 107 S. Kith. HAYDENs 5th Avenue Sale Tilt Most Interesting Part of the Story. Keep It Before the Public. "NEW YOUK. Nov. 1, 1001. Hayden Pros., Omaha: Heluctantly accept your cash offer $25,000 for ontlro stock ot women's raglans, suits, automobiles, Jackets, waists, rainy day skirts, children's Jackets, box coats and fixtures. Your resident buyer ships all goods excepting fixtures, which ho enn dlsposo of to party renting hiilldlng. Saturday we expect to nnd will do tho rgst business of any day of this tro endous Bale. Womin's Raglans iiAtnii.v.H (;iti:.T ( i.otiiim; mm:. )f All (lie llojV t million Sulci, liver IIHtl li- l i Thin Is the (irrnti-M. Oreatcst, because tho stock Is tho most complete and comprehensive ever brought together for n special sale; greatest, be cause tho houfe of Hnckctt, Carhart &. Co., from whom we bought a great quantity of tho finest of boys' clothing, Is ono of tho foremost houfes In America; greatest, bo cause tho prices aro the lowest ever quoted for the values offered. $3.50 boys' double-breasted kneo pants suits, sizes 8 to 15, nt $1.50. $6.50 to $15 boys' flno long overcoats, In nges 5 to 15, made with or without yokes, at $2.!)5, $3.75 and $5.00. $10 young men's suits nt $5.00. $15 young men's suits for $7.50. Hoys' $3.00 nnd $7.60 vesteo suits, nges 3 to S, at 05c, $1.50 and $3.75. $2.50 boys' odd long pants, 95c. $2.75 boys' odd long pants, $1.50. $5.00 to Jlfl.eo boys' Russian blouse over coats, sizes .1 to 7, nt $2.05, $3.75 and $5.00. HAYDEN IlltOS. Head great Kalo on page 7. .otlor. OMAHA. Neb.. Nov. 16, 1001. Tho tlrm of I. K, Uooso nnd O. W. Jewel, operating nnd publishing tho Trans-Mlssourl Official Hallwny Guide, has been this day dis solved nnd nil parties owing the nbovo linn are notified not to pay V. W. Jewel. F. 1'. HOOSK, 1516 Karnam. Phone 6!'9. When you buy bore you gel what you be lieve you nre getting. Hayden llros., with an nd on page 7 Tllfany wedding rings. Kdholm, Jeweler. "A Memory Jogger" Tho JcwIkIi peoplo of Omnha, with Mrs. J. I,, llramli'N iim president, have opened the now "Wine Memorial hospltul" at .T.'ii Sherman (ivnue. This Is n laud.iblo enter prise Its object being to accommodate many worthy patients who nro dally re fused ndmlsslou to other hospitals on nc count of their crowded condition. They need old nnd on Saturday, November 1(1, wn will donate 10 pur cent of our gross snlrH for this enterprise. Wo welcome Much Institutions to Omiihii. Thcro is room for more. Thin hospital Is turn-sectarian, $1.() Temptation Tonic 4So blM Warner's Safe Curo roc 25c Laxative Hromn-Qulnluo Vic 2."ic Carter's Liver Pills 12a 60c Cromer's) Kidney Curo 4t)o $!.( bottle LlHterlno (Lambert's) 6So $2.00 Crnmer'H Cotton Hoot Tansy nnil Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 $l.i) Pcruna r.Sc f0o Syrup or Klgs hoc $1C) Iler's Mult Whisky 75c A tine bottlo Canadian .Mult Whisky. . COc SCHAEFER'S " Drug Store Tel. 747. S. W. C.r. U'AU maA Chlcac Qoods delivered KUKE to any part of city. From thin tremendous stock made by Meyers. Levy ft Cohen to sell for $15.00. Hnyden'B prlco, $8.98. Women's Raglans, made ot American woolen mills kersey, t.atln lined through out. worth $25.00, for $15.00. Women's Automobiles made ot fine ker ejt. satin Hoed throughout, worth $25.00, for $15.00. Womam'a Automobiles mado of fine kor nyv, satin lined throughout, worth $15.00, for $8.60. 300 women's Automobiles mado of Ameri can xoolen mills kersoys, trimmed with bands ot taggoto and satin, lined with Bklnner autln; they aro worth up to $25.00, (or 116.60. MKYKP.S, LEVY & COHEN. Children's Day The entire stock of children's Jackets from Meyer, Levy & Cohen's, oil sale nt one-third price. 200 Jackets In every stylo Imaginahlo, short and long, well made, stylish goods, worth up to $4,50. Haydon's price, $1.39. 300 children's Jnckcts In reds, tans, browns, mixtures, blues, worth up to $6,00, for $1.98. 400 children's Jackets In reds, blues, tans, castors, nlcoly trimmed, worth $8,00. Hay don's prlco, $3,98. 200 children's Jnckets, very finest ma terials, beautiful utilities of red, bluo und castor, worth up to $12.00, for S6.98. Woman's Skirts The greatest lot of Skirts over known In Omaha at lciis than tho cost of tho ma terials, Wnmen'H rainy day Skirts, with two rows of stitched satin, for only $1.98. Women's rainy day eklrts In extra heavy materials in browns, blacks nnd grays, worth up to $6,00 for $2.98. 600 Skirts In storm serges, cheviots nnd broadcloths, trimmed with stitched hands of satin nnd taffeta, worth up to $10.00, for $4.9S. 150 Silk Skirls, nearly all samples, no two nlike, at $3.90, $4.90, $5,90, $7.60 nnd $10.00. Women's Suits 150 womcna Suits, Jackets lined with guaranteed taffeta, skirt with the new t! ounce, for $4,95. 275 Suits, elegant goods, Jackets lined with tho Olvernaud taffeta, worth up to $18.00, Hoyden's price, $8.75. Women's all wool waists,, nicely trimmed with two rows of brnld, In all colors, $1.25 qunllty, for 59c. Women'H Wrappers, made of extra heavy flannelette, worth $1.00, for 69o Women's V.'rnppors made of extra quality flannelette, two ruffles over ulioulder, worth $2.00, for OSc. Women's Collarettes, worth $2.00, for 95e, Children's Kur Sots nt $1,50, The greatest salo over held In Oumha. READ GREAT SALES ON RACE 7. HAYDEN BROS. The Newest SOROSIS at 3.50 Always Is the Enamel Hlucher with Cuban heel and extreme extension edge. Tbo mime Hlucher nlso, In wux calf, at the name, KoroalH price. Thean two shoes aro tho very new est things In women's footwear and us soon us other dealers have them they will charge $5.00 for pamo style and quality. Korosls In any new sliapo or lenther, $3.50 alwayn, Also a now ono In SURPASS at $2.50 ulways. It Is a woman's enamel with exten sion sole, with yellow stitch. Alfo a box calf storm boot for women. These aro wonderful values for $2.50. Ilelng shown now In our south win dow. Sellers of Women's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. Send for catnlogue. 1321 Douglas St. Watch for the Greatest Clothing Sale Ever Held in Omaha. run r.Tini: stocic or tub pro- I'l.r.'s ri.oTiiiNc. company soi.n to Tin: iiosto.v sToitn. south omaha, at :tr cu.vrs ox the iiom.ah. Snlo commences Saturday. Noevember 16th. nt tbo old stand of tho People's, 1321 IJOUUl.S HTISISliT. IJOtrt HUSH It. J1Q- low you will llnd a lew of our bargains: Men's chinchilla nnd beaver Overcoats at $3.i;y. worth $7.00. Men's line kersey Dress Overcoats at $1.98, worth double. macK cmy worsteu nuns nt n.iu. All wool eiiHslmero Suits nt J3.98. All worsted and casslmere Punts at P5c and $1.60. .m (mure n nnu wuson uros.- uress Mnirts nt 43c. working Shirts nt 19c; fleeco lined. Underwear nt 25c; lino ribbed Shirts and Drawers at 39c. President suspenders nt 2&c. Men's Socks nt 3c. Turkey Hed Handkerchief at 2e. flood leather Working Gloves, 16c nnd 26c, Hrown Checked Overalls nt 29c, Ono lot of men's Shoes, In laco and con- gross, nt OSc, una mt ot lino worsicu oau vests nt s.ic. Men's Slllc Ties at 5c, lOo and 15c: worth up to 60c. isone soul to oeaiers or peuuiers. Showcases und tlxtures for sale. Tho great Clothing sale don't forgot to look for 1321 Douglas St. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST Clothing Sale TJjo mosl riMiwirkablo clothing sulu over hold ends to- rluy, Every dollar's worth of thU Immense j)iiiTlmc from Luvy, Kotunfckl Co. tmist bo (isK'!cil of by closing time todny Prices lmvo been Hlivdliud lrrcieutlve Of cost or value. Men's $15 All Wool Suits $4.98 The finul thi.v of -lliis clotliiujA' sale will cap the climax in valuc Htving. We are determined to dis pose of every unit in this stocic, ami have made the price so low that they are hound to o quickly. We motnbor those suits nro niudo of nil wool fabrics In thu now patterns nnd colors all splendid looking and norfoet Uttlng Knr monts $10. 00, $12.00, $15.00 values on salo today tho lust dny, nl g and norfoet $4 98 On Thanksgiving Day lavish hospitality is In order. Don't forcet to provide your piests with Metz bee They will enjoy your hospitality all tho more, because this is not only tho I1KST HHICWKl), hut It shows Its SUPERIORITY In the flavor. Vio deliver In cases of two dozen pints or quarts. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. I 111. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, AkI , care Ncumayer 1 Hotel, Council Muds, Iowa, Men's $20 Overcoats $10 The handsome and stylish yoke overcoats that comprise this lot are worth every cent, of 120. They are the new fashions ami made of the very latest fnbrlex, Including tbo blnck nnd white effects. You can uhoosc from a very wide range of patterns tO-iticb conts and dress lengths netual $20 vulues on salo todny tho last day, nt. . . . Men's $10 suits at . . $3.98 Boys' vestee suits for . 50c Young men's long pants suits for . . . $1.50 Boys' $5 overcoats and ulsters for . . $1.00 Men's $10 overcoats aud ulsters for . . $5.00 Men's $7.50 covert overcoats for . . . $3.75 Men's $5.00 overcoats and ulsters . . $2.50 Boys' and young men's $7.50 overcoats $3.50 m choose from n very $10 jnnAunr is SONS Harf. Schaffner fit IO v Clothe i UAVFICIT The Big Store IlAl UCNS Advertises Facts And Its Prices Command Attention The buying- public has learned from ex perience that the Hiy Store fultills all of its promises and no matter how low the price quoted, delivers the goods. Hacked by the iron bound guaranty, "your money back if you want it," without argument, makes the Big Store's methods for fair and honest trading matchless and incom parable. SPECIAL OVEKCOAT SAL10 SAT UK BAY of the Stcin-Hloch Co. and TTart. Schaff ner ft Marx tailor-made garments, and again repeat; our statements that there is no other clothing just as good. Men's new gray vicuna o'coats, cut extra long, also in . medium lengths, made with or without yokes, fine assortment, overcoats that are made to sell at ?1S 1o $40, On Salt Saturday for $10, SI5 and $18. $10 men's all wool ulsters, at $ 5.75 $7.50 men's kersey overcoats at 4.00 $15 men's fine ulsters, for 7.50 Men's $2.50 fine trousers at !)5c Men's $7.50 Paragon trousers, for .3.50 $15 men's fine tweed suits, at 7.50 k.- Our men's suits in regulars, stouts and slims "'aJ2 at $10, $12.50, $15 and $18, should be seen and Mo,h" tried on by all good dressers before purchasing elsewhere. . . a I III trt '' " HAYDEN BROS SELLING TOE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. I Girls' Box Coats OinUS' FITTBD HACK COATS. (IIHLS' HALF FITTED HACK COATS. Kxccllont valueB at J5.00, $6.00, $11.50, $7. 50, $10.00. U'.oo. $12.60, $15.00. $20-00. Tho Thos, J. Johnston make. Somn of thcan aro nttcd to your purse. They'll pleaso you fltteil to your Rlrl. Rotter you n wlm whllo tho water In IiIkIi. In thR scram ble for SUI'UK.MACY In STYLUS AND X.U UKS, look for us always at tho front. Everything In apparel for boy from cu rly pato to poky toes. RIM.I.U JI.L-I Tiklkar Aiatl azaar Opp. Orahwrd VTIIbalu. K CC CV )nc eiulpprd of thp Kcrlrr )ntrm at hull. I K ii.unUnniirin. Cure Ilruic L'ti-rr. 'rnlin, ,.,, I THU UUUI.UY 1,ST1TUT li, ID'uuU t,vn c-ii orlli, Uniulin. It Would Take aLong Talk to tell the story in print we mention n few only, but these represent hundreds of others just ns good. 7.50 quality woi class tntlorn, 10.00 Men's Clothing Cordlnl rclntlons exist between this storo untl f.ho tnstoful mon of this city. Tho jrracoful ami elonnt styles of our clothing eoinnmnil recognition nnil got it. Men's Full and Winter Stilts In nil tho wanted kinds ol fabrics suits nmdo for thu inoit purtleu lnr class of iiuyors suits mndo that bring you back and back again to this storo. Men's All Wool Cheviot Stilts In a choleo collec tion of patterns, tho snnio quality and stylo that bring $10.00 around town aro here for iMen's Cheviot Stilts Mado of best quality wor steds, tweeds, etc., mado by hicli'Clnss tailors, gunrnnteod to pleaso tho most critical buyer, hero In a com. pleto lino to cl'.ooso from at . . Men nfall mid winter O'cmtf fn mi rndlm variety nt prices that cannot bo duplicated bj aivj competitor in the city. Boys Clothing The Department that gives the be ft satisfaction of any wiUiin your reach. Hoys' Two.l'lccc Stilts of nil wool Scotch Cheviot, in bluo, "gray, ollvoand brown, well mndo and perfect lUting Hoys' 'rhree-l'leee Suits mndo of all wool cheviot, woll mndo nnd nlcoly trlminod, rogulnr $1 quality, thoy aro hero In good CZf solectlon at 'tJU Boys' Norfolk Stilts, In all wool chovlot, good solectlon of o Cn colors, elegantly tailored, regular $j quality, at 00" Hoys' Yoke O'Conts. in a fine selection of "kinds," enssimcro lining, satin yoke and (atln bli'o-o lining, coats thnt bring ST.iiO gj ff around town, aro hore at 0 vf J Hoys' Irish I-rlezc O'Conts, Cliostcrliold cut, Farmers' satin lining, 7 to I") years, rogular $0.50 value thoy nro lioront Tt.LFvl It . .,w . noys uussinn mouse u t.onts, I to 8 years. In all 1 ir j grv uia invest, woavos ana snaiies, nicely tailored tl.AU III U.tU Women's Suits, Coats, Skirts, Etc. 4t O fj Ef fr w o in c n ' njJ.jf tailor-made suits mndo of Vene tians nml chovlotK. perfcrt In style, lit ami workmanship this speelal suit collection contains values worth 10, 12 anil Id ilol lars your cbolco mm 0.70 d-f "V for women's suits, mndo lJ of lino quality Vonotlnus etc., In castor, gray aud black, box Jacket, fly front clrrcular llounco skirt our -f gd Satunlay prlco Xvr V-r Women's Walking Skirts (T sy f yv for the choieo of 7ii s3 Ikincr skirls for Saturday's sollinir. Skirts at n less prlco than the material ran do uougni lor smris mat. urinR rrora $C to $C60 nil over town our prlco for , - 1 Saturday Fur Specials Saturday (CO On for a gonuino tioar sea', storm collar, best AA kpJZ7J selected skins OiV" illO TCS for gonuino marten collarctto. heavy satin f TCS IpV. 1 KJ lined-real 818.00 valuo V X O ff for Fronch marten scarf, with cluster of f (f rpjyu six tans i&.yu mA for gctiuino mitik scarfs, with cluster of six aa IpO1 "vf tails a conuino boauty J"J 90 fiV- fej,Ull I,,tlt'ton sonrf, full size, with clustery C)() jj'fc 7CS for genuine long morten boa, with largo tuils f IpVi O very latest in furs 818.00 vnluo jtfv ycl for gonuino Isabella fox scarf, 02 inches f g IJ JL Zj long, with largo tails, worth Jlfi.00 J JL O Men's Hats and Caps 1.50 First of nil wo wish to call your at tention to our Nebraska Special In all the lntoat shapes Dunlap, etc. u reRular $2.G0 bat for "Tho New Tourists" hat In tho now laurel shade, with brown band- very latest thliiK out In tho wny of a soft hat Tho new "I'anama" nhape, with naro brim, In nutria, and black (llko cut) for 1.50 2.00 Hoys' Winter Caps-lOc, r'5c"E5c J,5,8' f'i? iMen's Winter Caps-25c. :J5c, 45c, 7fic, $l,.1.2o, 1.75 Men's Neckwear This storo always has been always will ba headquarters for men's neckwear all tho wnntod kinds all tho wanted colors all tho wanted patterns nro soon hero llrst and at a le u prlco than any competitor can offer you. Othor stores' 75c, GOc and 35o neukwear enn bo had hore at 50c, 35c, 25c Men's Underwear Men's Underwear-Good quality heavy Jlocced lined shirts 35C and drawers, per gannont Men's IJtiderwenr-Henvy derby ribbed cotton, in bluo and Gjp pink strlDos, also mottled lleeco. lined, pur gurmont Men's Underwear Extra heavy, natural gray, 3-4 wool and 'TCp heavy bluo gray, wool fleeced, extra valuos, per garment .... A Men's Combination Underwear -Heavy weight, Egyptian cotton, com bltintion suits, perfectly shaped, nicely trimmed, rogular rj &1.00 values, prlco per suit Men's Combination Underwear Extra hoavy quality fine derby ribbed, maeo cotton, combination suits, rogular $2.00 1.2S vnluos, per suit ' Men's Combination Undurwcar-Fine quality natural gray, itrlotly all wool, derby ribbed combination biilts, rpgular .1.00 ry values, per suit ImnJ Men's Sweaters Oood, hoavy weight turtlo neck or sailor 4 ff collar sweaters, In bluo, black and brown, all sizes MJJ Men's Sweaters -Extra quality, heavy, strictly all worsted -t CZ( sweaters, with heavy double collar and wrists, assorted coloi-s 1 OVJ Men's Sweaters Rest quality oxtra fine, heavy double yarn r Ct sweaters, bust valuo over shown at tho prlco