THE 0M II .A - "DAI LV W5K: T1UPAY. OVEM HKH Iii, 1001. , A" SPECIAL NOTICES Artla aata fa tfces eaia (111 k taka-a a-tll U a. ( tha -sta aaMtUa aaa aatll ":aO a. aai, far naralas uel malar ealttaa. Patea, X 1'So a war Aral laaartlaa, (a a war taaraafta-. Nathlac takca (ar laaa tSo far (ha Brat laaer tlaa. Taaea a-artlae aata aaaat ha ria aaaaa-eatlvclx AaTcrtlaeva. my reaaetta a aaaa fteta. afccek, aaa kita taiaafi aa areaaca ta a aaaaaeraa latta ta aara af Tha Bae. Aaav ra aa aaaraaaaat will taa al alt-era mm araaaatatlaa at Mm afcaa at aaJr. rilTIMTIOXS WAXTHII. POSITION by experienced stenographer Who owns typewriter. L XI, Bee. A wanted male help. STEADY WORK, profitable-work, for neat, rtncrsntlo hustlrrs. C. F. Adams t WJ Howard WANTED, 11 pood mnn In every county to lake subscript Ions for Tho Twentieth Century Farmer. Our HKcntH maw good wages everywhere, References required. Address Twentieth Century l"""!;1" Omaha, Nob, B-C1J X300D messengers wanted, Increased tray, A. I Co,, 213 So, 13th. B-.MUI ' iT"pO' A HALF-DAY'S WORK. If you live In tho country or In n small (own find have ;v Rood iicinulntunce iihionir tho farmers nnd stock rulsera In tho neighborhood, you can make ilvo dol lorn easily by (our or Ilvo hours' work. Write, ui iilid wo will oeml you wjr piopo Kltlori. Tho Reo Publishing Co., Solicitors Dert, Omaha, Nb. B M213 t'JOAIl ualcsmcn with established trado with large dealers, who buy direct from factories. Addresi .with full particulars. IL- tuner, i- trncr nuiming, v;iucago. n-MJ77 1 LTvXnTED, traveling sulesmen, nluo ndvur tlsrrs:, ntrAlght salary. Triumph Co., Pallaa, Vex. R-M509 15 VOUNO men for Hallway Mall Clcrk?. In- Whon You Write ,tp Advertisers ramember It only Ukea an rxtra stroke ti two of tha pen to mention tho fact that Ijrou a.w Uie ad in Tho Boo. FREB1 FREEH FREE!! I Shave and hair .students of tho Molor Harbor college, leif X'arnam St.. 3d floor. All work under caro llrst-clas-j Instructors.' Room for Vf) men dully. Hours 9 to I. UXM597 lu VaNTBD, 100 men nt onco to learn tho barber trado; wo nro now arranging to place a, lafgu, number of our, graduates In soldiers' homes; $50 monthly nttd ex- ?' piiacn! ' join How nnd comploto in time or ono of tho plaices. Hayo nlao many other positions in country and city whops, iwn mouthy, coinnlete. Can enrn scholar- bhlf), board, loom uiid transportatldn it UCBireuf t-WI 'l ivmr, wuiui uoiuci 1 VOllvKu, iU.i) J-U1I11U (11. li .IlkWW iu- JKLDERIjY gcntlomnn, good talker, to solicit buulucsa; good salary. Addresa 1, 27, Hco. U-M7C0 13 fll'.N'JMiRMAN'. uricaklnir Ilohcmlnn. to nollcft business: good salary. Address h 2, HCC, R-J17C7 )9 t!0OD falker to tako orders: good nalary to ngnt party. Address i.-a, nee. H-M76S 19 ."WANTED, experienced men tailors for ladlcH gnrmcnto. Apply ofllco J. E. Bran- uciu ei Hons, uotnon iore. B-MS0H17 VANTED, COO girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 905 i. JOOD paying position to an energetic lady llf t,' iUHJii v.iaj tuujr nvfJii,ij lu 1 1.-4," Thyroid-Lymph. Co., W Hoe in Ildg. C-957 WANTED, two young lady students to learn nairoresHing, manicuring aim cni- ropody and Hclcnttflo massage. Call or write, Room 220, Boo Bldg, C 63 JS'UHSES' training school, Tueblo, Colo,; I thrco montha' course; diplomas; opens i November 15, write. C M077 N15 WANTED, housekeeper In email fnmlly. - 'WANTED, ladli-s to le.irn biilrilri-.Mstiiir. , manicuring or facial maHsago; four wei'ks completes; posllloiiH guaranteed, diplomas granted! tools presented, Call or wrlto for catalogue,, iuoier uoucge, ui.j iarnam ut. MHVo 10" "WANTED, experienced girl for second work. 2037 DOdgo St. , M 740 WANTED, housckeener In famllv of live: uilddlo-aged woman preferred; references rcquircu, Auurcsa u -, uuu, C-M774 15" WANTED, girl for general housownrk; smaii lumiiyi-gggu-nome, -u-j uiss nt, C-M773 15 STYLISH, Intelligent- yomVg- lady, good talker, na canvasser) good salary hi right lauy. AinireB.i u tr, 'iee. - aiiio-io WANTED, woman for genqrnl housework in taniiiy or two, irauiro m, zoth Ht, M) WANTED, cxperlenlvd' wiilst trimmer. hnd fiievvw-.iimK.tjra.. ppiy ouico j. i. iiran- iieis ft: ttonn, .iiOHion Htoro. u .1(107 17 . alElil-WANTED. MAT,E ' aha femftlo help. Ottlco, v. . . . - Call Chnndlan 1,'Ott "OUSKS. fBEEl HENRY U. PAYNE. 001 N. Y, LIFE. u nos tt'O MOVE, right get Oman Vun' Storage co,,, ouico JOiiva i-aruam, or tel. IDS'J-SOJ. D 959 HOUSES, etorcs. Beinls, Paxton bloclt.' HOUSES, etc. F. D, Wead. 1534 Douglas. DUtil IIOUSE8 and Ilats. RlngwnltfTjrker ; Blk. IHOTJSES for rent 111 all parts of tho city. ... . . - D-W3 TWO modern houses, 8 rooms each, neur 29th and Farnam stti.l now being thor oughly overhauled. Rent, $23 per month eacii. OMAILV LOAN tc TRUST, CO., ICth nnd DOtlgUlH nts. i 0-420 10 ROOMS, modern, except furnace. 9H N. 27 th ove., $26. JOHN W, BOBBINS, lfOl FARNAM ST. U AI35G 10-ROOM htllctlv modern house, best loe'n- tlon; 2Stli ami Jackson Sts., $20.,;o, E. Tiirkliistou. ties Bee. D M373 CENTRAL. UO enual. atf-nin lirnt nil mml. em 4-room lint, 5-room Hat, 7-room huuso. Tlzard, 224 N. D-150 N30 1 1 , 121 S. 37TH, nlco 6-rooin house, bath, gas, luriitn-u, uniiv neuieu, strictly modern. win uruwiii-, ji. li is.1 jsji; HOI ISFS I? nAl Pa"" o city. . The O. flVJUOLJ F; Davis Co., 562 Bee Bldg. u Wi FOR RENT, line modern, elegant rooms, sttuie front, hot water, hrnt. 415 N. 25th st. iu iiaiugu uiuca, iwiurKe. D-CS1 ROOM modern, except furnace, $22. G. M., intiiiiger. Jou uiug. i-uouo iw. u ill 617 N. 20th St.. 10-r. modern. $30-0. 212-1 N. 16th at., ll-r modern. $35.00. 1130 Harney st 10-r modern, $25.00. 2218 Leavenworth, 10-r., modern. $22.50. 3856 California. &-r modern. $18.00. 110 Stanford Circle. 6-r modern. $18.00. 1327 8. 23th ave,, -r modern, $12.00. 913 N. 2Sth ave.. 5-r., modern, J9.O0. THE BYItON REED COMPANY. 212 South llth Street. T-ROOM, all modprnhouse. In good, condi tion, largo yard and .beautiful shade trees. W 111 rent for J30.W per month. OMAHA EOAN' t TRUHT-CO., mih-und- Douglas Sts. D-235 B-ROOM houso. $3 per mo. lfKVS 8. 10th St. I 114 -D3 llIOUSES-G, Q, Wallace, Brown tlloek. J w i R-E N-T S-N-A-P-S 3107 Decatur SI, 7-r, Rood well, nice locution, only '. II" "0 2M Bristol St . T-r . illy wm-r ami sewer, pned street ... 12"j Harney HI. 7-f , modern except f irhare, cheap nt . 12.00 302? Hurt St , Or, t My water mid newer; large yard... , U.( 2 W7 Jackson St., 7-r., In fllte repair and an nit modern hou'e-thlnk of It for only lS.ii 275S Webster St., -r.. modern except furnace -hero Ih another snap only 20Q 1511 8, 28th St , 0-r,, modern except fur nace. In tho Hnnscom Park district . Su.W 2322 Wirt Ht , S-r all modern, nlc6 ahade, Inrft" yard, k6w barn 2.'.") IF YOlf AltK IJOKINO l'OIl A 1'I.AT, HTHAM IIUATKO, " VH CAN H'lt.NMHll YOU ONK QF HOOMS IN TUB HIIKlt SIAN FOR m(. Oil II' TOP "WANT ONK IN TUB NOttMANDli; WE HAVE ON B TF1BUE Ol'' 7 HOO.MS. THKHH ARB STEAM HEATED. WITH JAN1. TDR SERVICE AND A1..I. THE EATEST IMPROVED MODERN CONVENI ENCES. IF voir WANT TO LIVE IN EASE AND ?.7JXimY THY ONE.' PAVNE-ENC: COMPANY, Tclf J7JI. D-S05 17 2W7 S. 32D T., nlco 7-rooirr house, with city water, furnnce, koo1 barn, shado trccH and lino lawn; a Kood home for iJotiKi South Omaha offlco mnn! will rent for JI5 per month to pood tenant who will euro for tho property. O.MAIIA IJAN AND TRUST CO., ICUi and Douglas Sts. D-M50I 0-ROO.M cottape, electric light, city water, 1131 N. 20th St. D-5J0 2JTIt AND A ST.. annili nmntin. a cood (3- room Iiohhc, frcBhly jiapcrcd and painted; OMAHA LOAN' AND TRUST CO., -ltith and Douglas Sts. D Mjofi When You Write to Advertisers rmember It only taken on extra. Mroko or two of tho pen to mention tha fact that you aw the ad In The Bea. FIRST floor, modern except furnace, J12. ; iiamuion, f .uwj jo- ' I t in. m t'i. r. i .. ti..A. nl.l ....... I n 'X .S47 -""3 J'u)"-" "u?A np crn. jmj j.cavcuworin. ur.uir 2123 EEAVENWORTH ST., 3-room lint, city wuicr. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th uhd Douglas Sts. D-732- G-ROOM furnished cottage, cheap. 119 S. -Jtn HI, D SJ l'J ONE new 7-room modern, 110 S. 33th, near l-arnam. Ono 6-rooni, city water, 1036 S. 20th at., $H. K. i . iianuuon, uunuer, j- nrnam si. tci, Jiiy, uWJi 17 DES11LVIJLB modern house, 0 largo rooms, jn fe'OOQ COIIUIIIOU. B. ilSl HI DMWS FOR ItEST Ft'U.tllHED nOOMS). DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. , E W9 3 ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th FOR RENT, 2 furnished rooms, suitable tor i aiuaeius, io.w per roonm. imn cm. cago. E-IS8 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, m HO. 18tn Cl. IS 270 IJ'i ONE ruimsnea room, with heat, on cur line, lws uiarn; s per snontu. own; FOR JIENT : furnished rooms, steam heat. 1617 cum. K .M133 NICE newly furnished rooms, mpderu. 714 ts. IIIU Bltr- IS MblV is 1 .'. FRONT rooms, modern, $2 week. 1717 Web Btcr. E M541 D7 ROOMS. 1906 Capitol Ave. E-723 16 LARGE modern rooms; 1610 .Davenport. l-j ill u 11 LARGE furnished front room. 417 N. 13th; K M7M D13 LARGE south front room, with nlcovo; wiiu or wiuiuiii iiuuru; moucrn,, -"Xi) liar- FURNISHED rooms, modern. 411 N. 19th, IS JU7SB 2IJ' EARGE front room, with heat. 2213 Doug las, i-i aimu 17 HOUSEKEEPING and other rooms, with licat, 1'JU Douglas. E M813 17 TWO furnished rooms and one unfurnished uri6i0 California. E M813 17 FURNISHED rooms and board. 1922 Call- fortitu. E MS12 17 FRONT parlor, with board; gentlemen pro- icrreu. sir- is. run. is mhii 17 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. CI8 iN inn, is .MSIO IT CHEAP suite of rooms, steam heat. 402 iv. juui nt,, ?u uoor, j'. .".mi, 1a FUHMSHED ROOMS' AND BOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport at. F-971 QLBNCAlRNjtranslent $1.23 day. 1600 Doug. NICE home for young men. 108 S. 23th st. 1 ie U73 609 S. 25TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-M97I STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without uoaru. Aiiuiunu iiotci, ititn and Chicago Sts; . . 1- Jluta NI7 THE ROSE, 2020 Enrnoy, rooms, good lioani. ! aiwi rn ij THE PRATT, nice "room with hot .water heat, sia c. sat 11 st. F 7S3 SUITE of rooms, furnace .heat, for gentle men, 1011) JBCKSOll HI. - I' 223 STEAM hented. nicely furnished rooms, with or without boafrd at tho Thurston. I' M 120 PLEASANT steam-heated rooms with uonrci. .iiw (japitoi avv, f M7S9 FRONT room for housekeeping or" Hlecp- HOARD and rooms, modern. 1717 F- Chlcago, MBll 17 FOR ' It EXT U.V K I.' H M S H E D ROOMS, DESK room spucc, $3 per month, ground noor room 111 mo nee uuiiuing, racing Farnnm street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, it. c. Peters & Co., rentui agents, ueo punuuig. u -iiti FOR IIHVr STORES AM) OFFICE!!. FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu nled by Tho Beo at BIO Farnam st. . It has imir stories and 11 easement Which was fnrtnprh- used as Tho Bee press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. . ir Interested apply nt onco to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, ruuin iw, xico umiuing. FOn RENT, omce -'ylth xoult and part orut noor or an iih iiuui, iiii-iu iariiuy st. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Harney st , ' FOR RENT, istoro in first-class locattont rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Petcra & Co.. ground noor, uce mug. .-w ACiENTS A'AVTED. WANTRn. ihoimn nnd idtlres of evorv UKUlll iur uuy ui iliu iiuihuiwhb ,i.i:a McKlnley not to Interfero with present work, but to provide prolltnblo employ, ment'ofter territory for .McKlnley books has been exhausted: will give employment for balance of winter or tho coming year that will pny $100 per mouth; no chargo for outllt and wo guuraiitee monthly profits; It will coat nothing to wrlto us for our' proposition, and to glveus facta us to number of McKlnley books sold and plans. for the future, Address Gunrantee pub., CO., 223 .n. 2a St.. t. LOUIS. J-M4S4 20 I .n,..n ... , I . 1. "I era; good Balary. Addres U 30, Bee. I 4UIW i 1011 iu:M'-iiutflK. FOR 'RENT, 6-room cottago, with bath room, modern, except furnace, nil on ono tHV. JTT( . . ,,,A , ,.,.","r.".,r...n.,. flooreasily heated; EO W rent for winter STOVES ."&k,V SLn, Bi0.?n0,U wfv months on car llnr l'nttor Fnrirmi J ' l"-r ccht discount. Wo Haskell 420 N Y 1 Life 'Phonea IO-ID'-) "vo complete lino of new and second- liasKtil, 4-0 s, y, i.ue. Uionca (iTO hand HtovcH hiuI furnlturo. Lowest prices. . . J"- Enternrtso Furnlturo Co. Tel. 229J, m:ts w wied. WANTED, CHIiiliriiK aReutu In rery lounty to .-olli It fnilifi rlplliiiix 'or THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ami thu NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STUCK DOC TOR. Thin 'pleudld book loiitalni i.H'J oitn, iiukc, oWti -lejihltiK ngravlimn and i the only nixik on live Htork i ht published adapted to the every day, practical innti'y-iaviiiK ue of every farmer ui.d Mtoek owner. Steady emplo tnent with afniretl Rood Income. Ahmii. In IhH ,(iuntry with. MotKC and Iiukkv peclally deilrcd. Ca'tivni-'eri' mak" easily $ to $H) per month. Aildteen Century 1'armer Solicitors' IJureuU, lice building, Omaha. .1313 AGENTS wanted, best llFo of McKlnley anil cnriMtmts l)uok.; 7.1 per cjnt in count; outfit free; freight iiald: credit k SVfVA ,Cnr1iVn'nU0U,Hl!l! 323 Dearborn fit , ChlcaKo. III. J-M523 21 COUNTRY' canvassers can ninKc good monuj' taking Kiibcrlptlons to Tlie Twen tieth Century Fnrmer nB a sldo line. Ref erences required. Address lice ruuiixmng Co., Omaha, Neb,, J 61.' 30 PEANUT vending machines, well lo cated; pay from.ji") to liso per month; acentu wanted. Iowa Vending Machine Co., Humboldt, la. J-MGSI N23 MEMORIAE llfo of McKlnley. fout lan guage mo pages, 100 halftones, JI.oo; tree outllt. W. A. Hixcnb.tugh & Co., o'O Wuro block, Omaha. J 977 AOENTS wanted for new publications; prospecui', etc., iree. ittorge iiarria Son. 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. j aim jam. WASTED TO IIU. SECOND-HAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. iS 715 UIl WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and aiovcB.ior St. l,ouih expo, xei, i.i. .a drefcs J. Lcvlno, 3tfi N. lu. N D2 . WILL buy your Los Angeles property; send tun description; must uo a uargaiu. u i, Roc. N-MliU NEI1RASKA farm, stato character of eoII anu exact irv'ittion, win pay casn iur half or full Hectlon If prlco is right, or will offer house and lot In Omaha us part payment. Address L 21, Ueo. iH 1J Id WILIj pay cash for 7-room modern home. urocery mock, u ncres, improvuu, ruuu farm, near city. AVaterman, flop Hee. iai if l'Oll BALE FUHXITUIIE. FURNITURE of 9-room house. 1418 Chicago. U 730 1J-W CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New una secondhand, oougni, aoiu, exchanged. O 931 FOR SALE, an upright folding hod, In good condition; cost $10, will sell cheap. Apply , 1817 Jackson sU , 0-M575 17' 0-M7S9 D13 l'Oll MALE HOUSES, WAGONS, ETC. BEE Harry Frost for hand-mude vehicles. itu noes goou wont, nui ana Leaven worth. 1' 153 QOOD BUGGY BARGAINS. 1 Hub. tired hack or landau. 1 rubber-tired depot wagon. 1 O-pnss. Rockaway. 1 fine Kimball brougham. 4 lentner-ton ramnv camaces. 4 phaetons. C top and open buggies and runnuouiH. Secondhand harness. urummonu curriago Co., isth & iiarncy Ht, 1' ois VEHICLES, new, 2dhand; repairing. 1611 VJuming, i o; PHAETON, wagon, buggy, cheap. Rear of sii iwn. i' ansa in FOR SALE JIISCKLLANI20US. iriTt timbers for liouBemovors. etc.. 40 to 71 it., criDDing ana nog lence. wi jjoug- las. y iu 2DIIAND safo cheap, Dcright, 1119 Farnam, W V3J SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 1H S 13 PATENT medicine at cut prices. Sherman & Alcconucii urug v.o., cor. juiii anu UOdgc. Q-M172 LARGEST stock of latest combination grapnopnoucs, recorus ana supplies, uomo nnd nee them. Frederlckson. 15th and Dodge sts. Q-022 N21 FOR SALE, ladles' Rambler wheel for $10. to savo winter s storage, can lUuo ucor- gta ave. Q 115 'Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inquire 1318 Farnam or 1723 UOdgc. IJMUlJ When You Write to Advertisers rftmnmber It only takes an extra. strnlcA or two of tho pen to mention the fact that you saw me aa in me uee, CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 or 14 years old. Address 11 w, Hoc. Q-M5SG EDISON & Columbia talking machines and records, umnim Bicycle Co., 11,111 nnd Chicago. . Q-9 500 OVERCOATS. bargains. Marowltz, 41S Q-9SS N. lUt II. WELSHANS MANTEL & TILE CO. Q-JHW D4 Tel. iwo. :m a. inn. FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news- paper excnangew, a cents ana up. Appiy at Bet- Olllce, Circulation Window, y-S5 -17 SPECIAL PIANO SALE. Ono Kimball Upright, wnlnut case, good as now, $13fi. one Kimhaii itosowoou up. rlirbt. Iii cood condition. JX. One Chlcker- Ing Square, newly ovcrliauled, nt $85. Also several oilier genuine uargaius. i-ianos tuned, polished and repaired, Visitors In vited to inspect our new plnnos under con struction. C. SOMMKR'S PIANO FACTORY, 209 H. 14th st., Cor. Douglas. Send for catalogue. Q FOR SALE, three shares In 'the Omaha Board or Triulo property, ltitn and 1-ar-11am; finest Investment in thlK city. Ad dress L 35, euro Bo Q-MS21 13 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 X. lGth. a vs)i 1 MME. GYLMER, gcnulno palmist, 315. S. lbtn, a wi CLAIRVOYANT and palmist-Mmc. Rus- sen is 111 your miosi a xuori time oniv. She can be consulted ut Metropolitan hotel, Broadway, Council Blurts. S -M771 10 ELECTRO TREATMENT. BEATRICE HARLOW, . Elegant vapor null luu Ultinn, hivcii. North 16th, flat A. I . -M773 W MISS MACK-Massage, attendant. 1403 T-M770-D12 Webster. MME. AMES, 317H N. 15th, flat E, baths. 1370 U2 MME, SMITH, baths, US N. 15. 2d floor, R2. I .MS17 D7 PERSOKAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous uair rcinovcu uy cicciriciiy, it. u, Frenzer block. U 692 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Em- piro Rupture cure, va x. x. Life uidg. VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, Wholesome liomo .rcamieiu. sm ueo Bldg, U-991 OMAHA Accordion Pltg. Co., 1521 Douglas. li yj ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best' and quicKCSi, ..ura. .v. .lartt, inn anu tar nam. U 990 W'y. RENT machines for 73c per Week. Wn sen neeuicH una nttuciiments ror and re pair every rnnko of sewing maehliio. NEBRASKA t'YCLE CO., Corner 15th and Hurnay. Phono 1C03. U-570-D.9 PHRXOV Vl PRIVATE hoKpltAl. before and during con finement: linblex adopted yjou Orant Ht -Jlri- tlnrdel Tel F t'-H5 WHY BURN MONEY When nlr !; free! try th i'.idr Rfinollne lamp, lii-ca'idlc-power, r r 2Sc a month, llBhted witii one match, burning In full lorce wltlPn sti jeiond.x, .lbHolutely fuf. one week i trial free; RtimnnU'ed for one year will repair fre- of tlmrRc. LhuIh KliKchnr. ICK CHpltoI "V- t M.VS9 10 RUPTURE permanently cured in no to 0) days, send for rlrcular. O. S. Wood, M. D.. 5:1 New York Life Rids; , OmaJu. Neb, E-S5J mii ..ioulN(l niiil hair drplnir .c. In ut""""K- . . YTL. CHIROPODY a specialty In connection with rue Jiathcry, rooms 2iG-r:o Hcc mug. Tel. Hltf. t; .My training" scTTool" for" nurses! A number of young ladles wanted Immedi ately tu tako it course of training. For particulars address Fremont Hospltnl, Fremont, Neb. U-MSW N19 "YOU'LL HAVE TO HUIHUV' That Is, you'll have to got a ewlfl move on yourself to and a better cigar than the PRINCE OF OMAHA For 5c. Union made, Quality the belt. Wholesales nt $37 per l.ouo. t W. I. HTOECKBR CIGAR CO. V-M670 10 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesalo and retail. Collin Piano Co., 1C22 Doug las, U-097 HAIRDRESSINO, iiianlouring nnd chlro iiody, for ladles only, Ih connection with Tho Oathery, 21C-220 llee llldg. U-2$J PRIVATE homo, for ladles beforo nnd dur. lug cotillnement; bablKi ndotited. X) Rurdet'e SL Mrs. Hurget. V-CIS D9 JOHN A. NELSON will open n meat mar- kci on until St., bet.' i' ntut ij, south Omaha, on Nov. 11. Please give tin u call, U M7 16' ADV. calendars. MS97 Jnnt When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra, strokn or two of the nen to mention the fact that you saw the ud In The Bee. MMH. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 13, 2d floor. R2. C MWJ JJH TROUSERS to order, $3. 411 N. lilth. U-MS23 Dl MONUV TO LOAN-HEAL US TAT I LOANS on eastern Nebraska and westorn Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $lu) or any multiple; any interest date; no delay. Brennan-Love Co., 3V9 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-1000 5 AND b!s per cent loans, W. H. Thomas, I'irst isutionai uuiik uuiiuing, tci. lms. W-999 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Ucorgu A Company, ltWl Farnam street. PRIVATE money. F, D. Wead, E21 Douglas. W-101 , PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-103 'WANTED, city loans and warrants, W. l-arnam smith & Co,, 1320 l-arnam street. W-102 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrunts. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Beu Bldg. , W 104 4t TO 6 r. C. money. Bcmls, Paxton Bllt. W-105 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest lutes. Uarviu Bros., 1WH Furnaiu. W-10t5 SEE HENRY li. PAYNE, C01-2 X. Y. Life, W-lus MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real I'siuiv. jji uiuiuii-ijum,.u,, m-j ouuiu lain, W 109 MORTGAGE G. G. Wallace, Brown Block, ' ' W-551 lit PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on rcsldencd property. Options to pny whole or purl nny time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 15th St. W MSl'U SIOXUV TO -.OA. CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS IN IXJANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without ie-,-urltv: easiest terms:' 40 unices In nrin. clpul cities. Tolinmi, 410 Buurd of Trade Bldg. X-1U MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture and planus: Horses, wagons una carriages. Also on SALARIES. You gut the money on short notice. You receive the full amount lu casu. Vou nmv keeu It ono month or inoii-. You pay for only what time you keep It. uur raies are us low 11a inu lowest. Uur business Is couuuentlul. Our motto is, "Try to Please." OMAHA MOR'lGAGE LOAN" CO., 119 Boa.-d of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established lt92.) M0 S. ICth St. X-11U ' DON'T RUN, BUT HURRY! Our rates are lowest on SALARY I.OANS OR FURNITURE EQANS. Time right and fair,' square dealing bv a responsible company. Reliable Credit Co,, room 203, third lloor, Paxton block. X-M203 MONEY loaned on pfaln note to salaried people; business connueutlat; lowest rates. Dll Paxton block. The J. A, Hutton Co. X-112 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, Ilvo-stock, etc. Quick servlco and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, C33 (top lloor) Paxton block, northeast corner ltitii and Farnam; entrance on ltith street. X-115 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew elry! also tc salaried people without secur ity; cheap rates; easy payments; business conlldcutlal, Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff Green,, R. , Barker Blk. Est. 18S9. X-llti MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C..F; Reed, 319 S. 13, X-117 UDSI.NEMS CIIA.VCES. TO QET III or out of business call on Wil liams, riuom 411, McCaguu building. Y-M1B7 30 FLOUR mill for sale. Owing to death of proprietor, cue or tho nest eipilppea Hour mills In Iowa, doing a fine business, Is offered for sale. Address, P. O. Box 671, Newton, la. Y M331-X-15 INTERESTED In goats? Learn all about them us money maKein. itead American Goat Breeder, published monthly; 20 cents a copy. Address Room G, 147 fith avo Chicago. Y-M503 D7 FOR SALE, restaurant, easy terms; good location. Inqulro 410 N. 24th t.. South Omaha. Y-M1S1 OWING to sickness I am obliged to glvo up my houso with fifteen first-class boarders. Furnlturo and good will Is for sale, inquire nt nouse, iw jvortn 23th St, Mrs. J. Gootschlns. Y-M57S-13 HOTEL FOR 8AEE. All furnlturo upd llxtures. Including lease, contained In Belle Fmirchc Hotel building, Belle l-'ourche. south uaKota. j-or full Informu tiou address D. J. Arnold, Box 31. Belle l-ourcnc- bo uait. M7r,!l lit FOR EVCIIAXfiE TO EXCHANGE, fine land and some cash for merchandise; If you wish to get in or out of business write or see T. M. Cllnc, 1233 o St., uncoin, .Nob. J Z-M591 10 FOIl SAI.E-llHAI. ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 IV. Y. Life. BIS 1ZI if YOU want ono of the nicest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place, I will give you a bargain, uwncr ieu cuy. Must sen. j, 11. Sherwood, 937 is. 1. Lira uidg. RE-SI153 When You Write to .Advertisers remember It only takes an extra, stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you itw tne aa 10 io ace. I'on m.i:-iii:i, nii',m: HOMES OUTSIDE THE CITY. WALLACE. HROWN BLOCK. Sonic pi-npic who hnc work or bii.ini i In the iltv alfo like gardening, frult ral.'lnp, ioutrt. bees and cows For 'iih the following properties are Just the thine: l-,n- 14 acres, house, stable, well, bearing fruit trees; Military road, houie alone worth price. $."50--Buys cottage and three lots, pos dhl. four, nearly an acre; lthl't lty limits. $l,m Take an acre, toy 2-rooiu ho'ue, e!l. near Port Omaha. $I.K-2'i acres, li-room house, well, Benson, near school, car, paved road. SI."-1" Don't pass this by. A most at tractive homo on Military road; three ncres, slib-ynntlal 6-rooni houie, fioitproof cellar under whole, two force pumps In kitchen, good bant, ihlcken houie. Ice house, crib, ell fenced and In good repair, lino grove, near .school, excellent neighborhood, Sec me about this nnd others, and anything else In real estate, or mort gage loans, and rents, too; also In Minuice, GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE-797-lj ' HOLT " nnd ANTELOPE. Several choice bargains In thtse countl.'i, where giiud fnrm land Is 'still cheap, but advancing right along, and where the fanner can make more on smaller capital iniiii inmost hii wiiurc eic. sec uiu .uiu i these nnd others. $l,fc'H Improved, KV), half mile from railroad station, store, xchool. C,0so acres, no Improvements, under cultivation, adjoining above. $(0O iri acres, 5 miles from Atkinson. You can afford to buy this 'unsluht, unseen." Several lino ranches. Get prices. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Hrowu Block. RE-79S-I". RANCH and farm lands for sate by tho Union Pnclflo Rnllrond coinpnuy. 11, A. McAllaster, land cominlsiloncr. Union Pa clllo Head(uarters, Omaha, Neb. ins 115 SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good inrmiug country, r or iiirtncr particulars write or call on H, L. Ludlum, Plainvlew, Neb. HE M 392 HOUSES and lots In all pnrts of city; also aero propcriy aim iarm lanus. 1110 u. x DuvU Co., Room 152, Hco Building. -RE-119 TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE 171 Jnn5 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm St. WANT BIDS on lots C. R. 1 Redford Place; 1, II. 7. Kendall's; v ami 10 H 1... sauiuiers nun Hlmebaugh's; 10 and 17, Pclhiun I'laeo; 2, B. 7, and 5, B, 4. Plainvlew; 17. 18 nnd 19. II. H. Clifton Hill, by November 15th, In guardian sale. See us ipilck, D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY. 310 New York Llfo Bldg, Tel. S29. RB-747 14 FOR SALE A bargain near Brownell Hall; new, modern. 7-room Iioubc; latest open nickel plumbing; porcelain bath tub; full 60-ft, lot; owner has Just been transferred to another city and wishes to sell nt once, J. H. Sherwood, 937 X. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE-S6S ACRES NEAR OMAHA. lV.i acres west of Ambler Place, very chenp. Will divine to suit purennser. A. P. TUKEY. BOARD OF TRADE. RE-75t 15 ' HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro insurance. Bcmls, Paxtou Block. , RE-120 BARGAINS. 2019. Boycr, 22d & Cumltig. Tel. RE-722 D10 SEVEN new modern houses. a choice vacant lots on S4th, near Fnrnam st or win uuna 10 sun you nnu sen on easy payments. R. P. Hamilton, bulldor, 1712 Farnam St. Tel. 1179. RE-M791 23 DOUGLAS CO FARM CHEAP ICO ncres near Elk City at $22 an acre. W. H. GATES. X. Y. LIFE. RE-E03 IS ONLY 40 ncres left of land i of mile west of water works pumping station, $2,200. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. RE MK2I 10 u ACRES for $075. Hicks, Board of Trade, RE M819 15 MUSICAL IXSTHUMENTS. BE PROMPT in calling to see all tho Hllghtly used pianos wo nro offering this week on very easy terms, nnd you will llnd yourself well repaid, It you wish a piano you cuti snvo money now, at thin time. Where? Mueller Piano- & Organ Co., 1310 Farnam St. 720 PHONOGRAPHS, graphophoneH and full line of Edison records: much more satis factory than any musical Instrument, as they nro always rendy to play for you. Thu Wlttmann Co., 1021 Farnam. Call and henr them. M 73 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged lending tmeeliillHt iii diseases of women In Omaha. WOU1U can uiu uueiiiiun ui nuiLi-uuj, ladles to hlB unsurpassed accommodations before iind during conltncmcnt, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Ir. Pries, Arlington uiock, jou uonge, Omaha. Ml LATHI'S. 1.VKI reward fnlllmr to relievo case or annormoi suppression, nny causu; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mend Remedy Co., 17 Qtitncy at., ciucago, 111. M537 DS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. ICth & Doug. ij) A. C VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 131 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo mug. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's xncntcr. - STOnAQB. PACIFIC Storage and Warchoueo Co., 913- ,,814 Jones, general siuiuru unu iuimnuiis, OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Farn. Tels. STORAGE, low rates. Dcright, 1119 Far--79 nam St. CAllPENTEItS AND JOIXERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nttenueu iu. u. a. uihuu, y'" iind Lake Sts. -370 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es tato men; weather strips put on. . tm luvcnworth. MiU U P. IIAJIIll'Jr, liUlLUisit Diorm win lows, aooru, iiuitnvo, .-..v..,u., plastering, painting and mason work. 1712 Fnrnam. Tel. 1179. -M7M 17 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON institute, 515 N. Y. I,. Bldg. Tel. IMrt. IIUO JUIIIIOUH, v., ,..,B Old. E. JohnBon, Oateopathlst, Mgr. 12 DR. A. T. HUNT, G12 McCague bldg. Tl. 23T.2. -121 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2323. FACTORIES, TRUNKS, traveling bagB, suit caaea; repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 F; trunks urnam. -144 LOST, LOST, silk watch fob, heavy gold Elk's head attachod, Reward. Roturn Wnbosh ticket olllce. LOBt-BfO 20 LOST, blnck Cockeral Spaniel pup. L. W Schelhel, 204 California, and receive re wtird. . Lost M818 15 HTA.MME1UXO AXD STUTTEKIXfi, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ram Bldg. -139 PHYSICIANS. Dr. Gertrude Ctiacaden, 1007 Doug. Phono 491 Mln IIIIE!!.I KIMi. MRS. POSTER, drtsimnklng. t iMoiliig 7:;i in isth WANTED, Sniue more eiiitnmris b 'b uav Mljs L. Ktlhl. 7.X N 23d M I'liiiTomi pii 1 . CHRISTMAS offer, opal wuith $3.t frew with each dozen photo. Miner, leading photographT, UM X 21th. 7S r 11.011 1 mi. LADIES' Jnckels iniidc. renuidile 1. ttltitvii, cleaned and n-paircd Joe Yousen, l"iVi Farnam -S mm, .11 ki:iis. OMAHA Bolter Works, steam boilers. tniTk. atneks, etc. Tel. UVJ. 12th and Izard St. -Ml iiookkeepi.m;. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., clny or even ing. R. IS, Com. Nat. Bank, G. R. P.athbuu 1 'b or.Mi. FOUND, nonr Y. M. C. A. entrance, pilr of spectacles; ownei cull at Ileo Olllce for same. "ound.Mii27 PA W.MIUOKl'tt V EAGLE Lonn Olllce. reliable, ing; all ou'lneis confidential. 1301 Douglas. -Hi I, At Milt . OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collr.ri;, 2c; cun.i, 4C. liw i.eavcuwotui, rt'llMTfllU IHil'AlltIM". TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. 13-1 HI.ECTItlC lli:i,'l S. ELECTRIC Belts nnd what they will .lo. Address P. O. Box 4SS. Omaha, Neb. 15i lll,.CKHMITIIIr. AMI IIOItHF.SIIOI.X'. CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of Ml N. 10th, 751- MAFF. AMU IHOX WOlllffi. MANUFACTURERS of fire esc.-pe., etc. Moved to 10th und Dodge Hts. 'I'hone J87 777- DI2 FHATIII..I, OIIIIEIt!. THE GARDENERS protect old ago ns well 11s lire. Charter inemners rree. l'nrucii lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme malinger, Bee Bldg. 721 STATl'AHY. STATUARY manufacturing. 317 S 10th Ht. Great uargain removal sale. -723 Din PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Aaaress, lock jjox ,w, uc-j .iioincs, la. 131 ) 1 ' 1 1 1 .NICKEL PLATIXU. STOVES. Inmps, etc., rcplntlng. I'inting wO.,' ueo uiug, tci, i"uj5. HATTERS, OLD hats mnde now. 2C7 N. r.lh St. M7C5 WAXTED TO IIOUKOW. $160 ON GOOD chattel security, sKty days. Address I. 30. Bee. S27 17 PO STO F F ICE X OT ICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by all Interested, an changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending No vember 10, lfful, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at tho general postoltlco as fol lows: Parcels post mulls eloso one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown boiow. Parcels pom mulls for Germany clo.-o at 5 p. 111. H'ednesduy, per e. s. Cassel via Bremen Regulnr and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing tlmo shown below (except. Unit supplementary mails for Europe nnd Ccn tral America, via Colon, close 0110 hour later nt foreign brunch.) Triinxntlniitle MiiIIn, SATURDAY At 5 n. 111. for EUROPE, per s, s. I.uciuila vln Queenstown; at 7 11. 111. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Hohenzollern (mall must bo directed "per . s. Hoheii zollern'; ut 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s, . Amstcrdim (ninll must be directed "per s. h. Amsterdam"), at 9:30 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per p. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s, s, Ethiopia"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. -This steamer takes printed .Matter, woinincrciui rapers and Samples Tor Germany only. The same class of mall matt-ir fur other parts of Europo will not he sent oy this hIiIii nntoHn Hiieclallv directed bv It After cicslng of. tho Supplementary -rrans- ntiantio Aiaus uameu tiuov:. tmuiuonai supplementary malls are opened on tho plcra of 'tho American, English, French and German steamer and remain open until within Ton Minutes of the hour or Balling of steamer. MulU for South nnd Central America, Wct Iiullea, Etc. FRIDAY' At 11:30 n. in. for 'BARBADOS and BRAZIL, per s, s. Cnprl (mall for Northern Brazil mutt bo directed "per s. h. Canrl"). SATURDAY' At 9 11. m. (Hupplementnry 9:30 a. II'-) for I'ORTO RICO. CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, nor h, h. CarncaH (mall for Savatillla und Cartagena must be dl lectcd "per h. s. OnracnH"): ut 9:30 11. ni. (supplementary 10:30 n, m.) for FORTUNE Island, jakaica. ha vanilla ami CARTAGEXA, per b, h. Aleno (mail for vcosiu jtivit must no directed "per .. s. Aleno"); tit 9:30 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI mid SANTA MARTA, per H. f. Alps; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per h. h. Mexico via Havana; ut 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Muruvnl; t.t 10 n. in. for MEXICO, per s. s. City of Washington via Tumplco unnll must bn directed "pur h. City of Washington"); at 12:30 p. m. for MATAN.AH, CACBAR IEN, NCE ITAS, G1BARA and BARA COA, par h, h. Curltyba (ordinary mull only, which must bo directed "nee m. n. CuTltybn,"); at 12:90 p. in. (oumileinuiitury 1 n. in.) for TURKS ISLAND and DO MINICAN REPUBLIC, per . m. New iorK, Malls for Xcwfoundluud, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by steamer, close at this olllco dally at 0:30 p. in. (connect lug closo hero every iloudny, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Mails for Mlijuelon, hy njl to Boston, and thence by rtcamer. clone nt this olllco daily ut 0:30 p, in. Mulls for uuua, uy ran to i-ort lamna, I' la nnd thence bv fctcamcr. close at tbl.i nmrn dally, ut 'B a. m. (tho connecting clojcs ,1 ft .... 1.1(1 ..'. ftlnU, I, , ,1 a... day). Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless HDicJ.illy uddret-'sed for dlsnntrli l,v steamer, closo at this office dally at J:3) p. in. and 11 p. in. Malls for CoMa Rica, Utilize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by run U enw uiivaun, uriu .ucuce n steamer. close at "tills olllc-i dnllv nt .r p. in. (connecting clusu here Mondays for ueiize, I'ucrio iuries unu vtiinieinain and Tuesdays for Coita Rica). "Registered man cioso ut u p. ni. urevious uay, Trnnapnellle Mails, Mails f jr Australia (except West Auntrall.i, which goes via Europe, and Ne.w Zea land, which goes via San Francisco) and Fill Island, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 6:30 p.m, up to Noviimber 9, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, 11. Warrl moo (supplementary malls, via Seattle nnd Victoria), closo here nt 6:30 p. m. No vember in (mall must bo directed -''via Vancouver"). Malls for Ilnwnll. China, Japan and Philip pines, via San Francisco, r.iw." hers dally at 6;.V) p. 111. up to Noveinbcr 11, Inclu sive, for dispatch pei' s, s. Hong Kong Ma rtf. Malls for China nnd Japan, vis Tocomn, close here dally at 0:30 p, m. up to No Ptn rttri 11 1: mm 11 li. tnNr ll. I u-lc. fur dlfpntch per r. Vlciorm Mails '-i Hau.tii via l-'taiiclsco, clo hre dully at d. W p. nt. up to Xoteinlx' "l. Inelushi for dlpnt-h per s. s. Al.i meds M.'IN foi' Haw .ih JuiMii. Chinn and Philip tile tiland. M.i San Eimiclsco. rloin lure daily ut il:ii p 111. up to Xo.vmbel' It. Ilic'unve. rordlpatch per .1 . Chlilu Malls for 1'iihitl mid .MiiroucMis Nliiul vl.i San l''r.iii'lsro. 'lte here dally at i.J p. 111. up to Noveinbcr 21, IncluslVv ll tllipatch pet- . x. Ahstitilla. M11II1 fir Chluq and Jupji. vl-i 'ancoiiVr' close her d illv at tJ:30 p. in. tip to Novwn ber ".'fi, tneJtlslve. for dispatch per r. h Empief of Clllli.l tieglstered mall tilll. be directed "via Valieotn er"). t.Mer chnhille for tho C. S. PoMnl Agent tit jthnliglial talitiiu be forwarded ! I U11 lll.ll. ! Mulls for Ailxtinllit (except West Australia, uhleh Is forwur.Hii tn ";urooci. V.enl)ml, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Sun rranclscii. close here dallv nt fi.Jo p m niter OctoU-r M'J and up to November litelulve, or on artlvnl of s. Um lulu, due nt New York Xovembpr "J' lor itNpatch per f. . Ventllfrt. 'J.'r,in.iaclfli nails are forwarded to pott "( ,illlns dally and the schedule of cle lug Is Hn.iiiRed on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 0 p. in. pnsvloui 0.0 . CORNELIUS V.NCon Pulni.iler Po.itoflli-e, New York, X Y.. Nov. f. l!H, i;ovi:nnrAT mviicui". SHERIDAN. Wy . Oct. 21. 1W1 -Senlid liroposnlH lo triplicate will be received here until II a. in. Nov. .'. i"0l. f r Conttruc ilon. Plumbing. Heating mid Eleelrlc Wil ing, Haarnek Building, Hrlek. it Poit Mn kenzle. Wvo I'. S. reserved rlrillt lo accept or Meet nny ir .ill bids, nr :iii part there of. Information fiirnUhed upon applh'atb',i here or lo Chief (, M . l S. A., lit Chi cago, Oimilm -r Denver. Enve'npe eo'i titiiilng proiios.ils should be endored "Pro posal! for Coiimi ruction. Plumbing, He.itltiK and Ele.-lile Wiring.'- .mil niidn-ssed Cspt U I,. Ilriiwr. i., M. 02ltllt Xll-1")M TREASURY DEPARTMENT-Olllee of the HupervMim Architect, Wnshlngton. P. ' . Xo-.ember 5. IW1. -SUA I CD PROPOSALS will be teecived at tbW olllce until 2 o'clock p. m. oil tile litb day of Dee'tilbcr, Itl. and then opened. !'or he eonstruetUui leM-epi heating Hpp.irMtus. electric wiring iind con dlllts) bf tin I'. S, Po'tolllce at Cicston. Iowa, lu aceoidaiicn with drawing and ipeclllcatlons, eoplen Of which may be pud al this olllce or .it the oltlco of the Pofi master nt Crestdn. lown, .11 the discretion of the siipervi'ltiR architect. Jnnies Knox Taylor. SupervlHlni; Archil eel. -NS-1 l-U-lu-ly-.v.'t JAILW.W TIME 4'AHII. IXIOX STATIOX 10TH AMI MAItCY. Illlnola C'enlrnl. Leave. Arrive a M10 pm Chicago Express a 7:10 am Chicago, jiinn-apoiis a St. Paul Limited., a 1 :f0 pin n 8:2) am Minneapolis . St. Paul Exprets .... b 7:10 hui b 9 MO pin Fiirt Dodge Local, from , Council Bbiffs.. . .a u:0) am Cliluuuu A iirllinilr. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7;.0 am all;10 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm n 8:00 am Hasten; Express MOM am i:05 pm Eastern Special a 4im pm Fast Mall I'm Oiraliu-t.'hlcngo L l'd...n 1; IS pin East Mall a am Cedar R.iplds Passenger Twin City Express a ,;10nm Twin City Limited a iioi pm Sioux City i.ocul 11 i:W am a 4 vt pm a 2:15 pm a 8 :40 nm a 5:30 pm a 10 23 pm a &:U am a 3:50 pm 11 Dally. CbleiiKl, ItocL lulnnil EAST. Dos Moines nnd D-vcn- A cine. nort Local ,....a ,:2j am a 9:.15 nm c.i, -..uii i-'.xnress 1)11:15 am a 4:55 pm bll;5o am DeB Moines Local a J:20 pm ChlcHgo Fast Exprsp..n 5:oo pm a i:25 pm Den Moines, r.ocn isiauu and Chicago a 7.40 pm a S:10 am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Sprligs. Denver, Pueblo and West . ' a 1:30 pm a 4;1j pm Colorado. Oklahoma mid . Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 0:50 am 1'nton I'm el lie. Ovcilaud Limited a S:I0 am a 7:30 pm Fast .Mall r.a 9:(ii am a 3:23 pm I'.-iriiii- ismiicss uu;:u pm a t:2S pm a 'i:n nm fjolor.tdo Special 11 11:20 pm Lincoln-fit' unuurg i-.x.o i.u ,. California it At'tlc Ex. .a 4:3o pin orauu itiiuud I.ocul 11 uiij'iiiu u12:.,j p,,i a 7:05 am I) 'J.OJ Ulll f IiIciiko, .UIMviiuUee A St. Pnul. Mpni-n Limited a 6:00 nil a 8:05 Jin Ch'-ngo & umara Ex...u 7:iu um u jhu pm A'll IiiikIi. St. Louie "Cannon Ball" Express u :n pm 0 t::u am St, L011I11 Local, Council 11 lu lib jiu.w am ui'jiJ'J pai MlNHlurl Piieltle. St. Louis Exprcsa alo 00 am a 0:25 urn K C. A: HI. 1,. I,pierin.iiiu. I'll a t:lia am HUIll.lXtSTOX STA'I IOX HJTH MASOX Ilill-llliKton A- ,1ll.HOiiil lllvcr. Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Express a t:i am a 7:3fi pin wyniore. ijuuiml-u onu Lincoln i.i,.,- i:10 am .-ll: jo nm Denver Limited a : .-a pm a i'w pra Lilncit iiiiir uo" UH1.-I. Sound, Lienver s,- ..,.iinn a 9.00 nm a C.I5 ai.i Lincoln Fast Mall...-,.;b U:oo pm a :17 am Kort crook and I'latts- moiitl ..' 1)3:20 pm bil:i3 am Bellovue & Paclllc Jct..a 7:o pm a kiJO am BidlevuS Pacltlu .let. ,i 3 10 am Kiiiihuh City, St. .Iiinrjtli A l.'oiinell lllulYa. Kansas City Day Ex... a 0:20 nm G:0.i pm a K-.16 um ull:is .iru Kansas City Night Ex. alO'30 pm St. Louis ! Iyer a nun pm 4'IiIl'Iihu. lllirlliiKtou A- Qulllcy. Chicago Special a 7.00 nm ai0:20 pm Chicago ve.tiouioa r,x..a f;uu pm n. i;a at Chicago Local a t,30 um u 4:06 pm Chicago Limited u 7:W pm a 7:45 ar.. Fast Mu - .,a pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunauy. WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTII A WEnSTEII I'lemoiil, Elklinrn A- Mlaui-I V-He Leave. Arrive. Blnck Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Hpringti a jiw irni .:uo(ro Wyoming. Casper ,and . DougluH d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm HnstlngH. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Seward,...b 3:00 pm h 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln und Fremont b7:30nm bi0:26 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am Clilengo, St. Pnul, Mlnue-polla A Omulia. Twin City Passenger, ...a 6:ff am a 0;10 pm bloux City Passenger.., n 2:45, pm all:10 am Fmerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:30 am Mlaioorl I'nclHc. Nebraska ,1-cal, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aW.2 am a Dally, b Dally txcept Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Satuay. Dally except Monday. THE REALTY MAHKHT. INSTRUMENTS jilaced on record Thura day. November Hi AVnrrnnly Deeds. Anna Ciinnlngliam to Anna Starr, lot 3, block 2, Cunningham's HUbdlv....! 1,000 Alolzie Culek and husband to Jan Jurnn, lots 7 and 8, Holmes' add 500 William Peperkorn and wlfo to Anna Moeller, lots fi nnd 7, block 122, anil blocks 170, 171 and 174. Florenco J,!jO Atlantic Realty association to F. E, Gamble, w',4 of 11 240 feet of t 127K feet block c. Shiun's add 317 SIIuh Cobb mid wlfo to same, lot.1 fi to 8, block 2, Brookllim add 50 C. T, Cowan and wife to Jennie Robb, w CO feet lots 7 nnd 8, block 10, South Omnhu, 3,V Andrew Miles, executor, to Charles MelcholrH, lotB C, It and 22, block 2, South Exchange Plucn 1M A. E, Cnffnrtv to L. J. Lender, n 41 ffet lot 4, block 10, E. V. Smith's mid 1.200 tinlt C'lnlm Deed. Joseph Barker et al to Barker com pany, o CS feet lot 3, block 1, Omaha 1 Catherine Burslck to F. E. Gamble, w',j lot 12, Huscall R.'n Rllbdlv...., 1 Herds, T. H. McCague, receiver, to Atlantic Realty association, w 120 foot of Mil nl nt m 1U f-ot hlnW C TThlnn's add Total amount of transfer. 377 V