Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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What, Cr, OtU and rrorislom All
G Hihr.
Are Olten F.tirlr n Until Cash mill
Bpectilatlvr llrmaMiita trlth Appar
ent KfTrot from tlir Hour
, of Openlnn.
rwiCAGO, Nov. M.-Strennth In quota
tlonT both on cash and ppcculatlvo de
mands, brought moderately active, market s
m. tho Hoard of Trade today, December
wheat c osInK W4o higher, December
Torn Uc un luid December oats ?io hjphor.
1'rovlilon" closed imchniiBcd to 2i,U3o
hlghnr and firm, Influenced by a strotts
tone In corn and outs.
Cable ripmu
and i ml. norUistcf. receipts w
heavy Sjlal i December wheat oponcd JVU
.a WKher ixt W.Vi to 72Ue. Huylim- oh
spccXtlvo sort'hecumo Pronounrud and
nrlcef) rapidly advanced '8o. Tho casti
Situation Tutt reported fairly good, but nec
ondary to th.. Interest In coarser grains.
When MB primary receipts wore reported
and corn quieted down wheat longa took
to liquidation and depressed tho market
until December closed only barely llrm. !i
rise higher at TZUflTaWc. Local receipts
.rL! -i ,... in c .niitrunt cradn. Mlnno-
npolls "and Duluth reported 7j caw. muklne
against 642 last week and only 411 a year
bbo. Primary receipts wero 1,051,000 bushels.
li. h tioiwi liuahels hist year.
Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour
equalled 432.UM bushols. Tho seaboard re
ported t0 loads taltun tor export. ...
Corn was stronB early, on bettor cables
. i ,. Inn tlm huvlnir wan of
Ji"1 "S.V.; .1 ,, ,mi.l much of a
.lecllno and selling toward tho closo broiiKht
ti loss or nearly iui uio huiuu. ..
situation at all polntB an reported hero was
s II very strong, ltccclpts hero worn mill
. ii .:.. .,., f"ii ram h riu for eotn In tho
west last night wero lower than those- made,
by other points, so that as a consequence
traders nro not expecting largo recel.ptp.
December, which opened UOUc up, ad
i r,Au.'.ii3Uii. hut on thu nrollt-tak-
liiB sagged back and closed Uc higher nt
1 he opnnillK ngure, sa;tv jwuciih.-i .......
Oats wero fairly autlvo. aided by a strong
cash situation. Tho commission houso da
mn ml wnn urgent and offnrlngs generally
wero light. December opened unchanged,
i.... iu. indivlfliml Inilt movement and
tho strength in corn advanced Ho and roM
at too. Later there wan a largo quantity
sold for profits and tho market qulotcd,
closing tlrm, o higher at 39Tc. Ilucclpts
Provisions wero dull, but a shodo better
on tho strongth In coarse grains. Thcro
...-.. i(it- nriroH nt the oncnlnu on an Im
proved hoB market. Thcro was also a fair
.....mi un.l uhnrl rlnmiintl. hut thn rxalil
whs only temporary. January tiork closed
2Uc up at M4.07,4. January lard S'vio
hldier at JS.KffiS.rifi anu January rios un
changed at',4JI7.70.
i.-.iT...nto.i rnnriniM fnr tomorrow: heat
S' cars; com, 95 cars; oats, 165 cars; hogs.
27,ooo neaa. M ...
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Dee. May
' Pork
Jan. Mny
l.a id
Dec. Jan.
MTB0 Win"'
62?Ifi3 63!i
7(1', 4
in 02Vi
15 20
a r.2 1 i
S 70
7 70
7 83
in o;tj
15 Llis
8 KtJ1
K Mi
8 7:.
7 724
7 t5 I
721 (,
II 97Vi
15 li'.j
R 50
u Ml'
7 r,74
7 SO
71 Bi
14 57V5
13 1714
8 50
8 5T
8 fi7J
7 70
7 82W
it ):
15 15
8 50
8 W(i
8 7ii
7 70
7 WJ4
I My
I tllbs
Jun. , May
"No. 2.
fash quotations wero as follows:
. KLOUH-Htroiig: winter patents, .50g
.TOO: straights. J3.00jf3.40: clears, J2.i04f3.20;
1 spring Hpoelals, JI.uW4.10; patents, J3.1)W
3.70: Htralghts. J2.StKi?3.20. .,. ,
WIIUAT-No. 3 spring, 69T?6Si4c; No. 2
led. 73f(74c.
COHN-No. 2. fiO'ic.
OATS-No. 2. 418(Ul.4c: No. 2 white, tSlitj)
41140: No. 3 white, lli,4f43!4c.
KYK No. C014C
UAllLKV V'alr to choice malting. rf,ff60c.
SUHDS No. 1 flnx. J1.47; No. 1 northwest
ern, Jl.47; prlmo timothy. J5.MiiO.10; clover,
contract grade, J0.25.
PltOVIHIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J13.f0
C13.W. Tnrd. per 100 lbn.. JS.5(8.62'.i. Short
rlb sides (looso), J7.0f?.s.0O. Dry salteil
nhouldcrs (boxed), J7.25S7.50. Short clear
stiles (boxed), JS.Wi8.3p.
WHISKY Hnsls of high wines, Jl.31.
Tho following arc tho receipts and ship
ments for tho last twenty-four hours:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
t.-, . v,i,i 33.000 2iV0(V)
Wheat, foil "3.000 215.0HI
i-orn. bu.. W.CHN) lDO.iwo
Oats bU -S9.000 2?2.03O
V;a. ."h,,u .. 11 000 I..
Unr ev. hU..; .000 2I.0.O
rin n.n l'rniliii'f rxclinnto today the but
ter market was Arm; creanierlos. 15j23c;
ilolrlea, IStiCOc. Cheese, steady, 0i'i lOUc
i;ggs, nrm; trewn, ..-
Qnolatlons of the Day oa Varlona
NKW YORK, Nov. H.-l'LOUIl-nect'lpts
"i S9! Vihls.: rvnorts. 6.2t8 bbls.: firmly he'd.
with a tlrm demand for spring patents; win
ter patents. J3.00fj3.90; winter straights,
JS.1WU3.60; Minnesota patents, J3.SOO4.10; win
mr rti':iH. S2.tV)t2.90: MliiiieKota bakers.
J2.9oa3.25; winter low grades, J2.riU4jf2.ti0. P.yo
flour, ilrm; fair to good, J3.OuU3.S0; choice to
fancy. :i.:iti!Uii..
nitr-if vt'liHAT Steady. J1.23 tier 100 lbs
COIINMHAI-Flrm; yellow western, J1.S0;
city. JI.27; uraiinywiiie, .i.iiJUi.B".
KYK J'Hrm; No. 2 western, 0714c, f. o. b,
fiAKljKY-Slcady; malting, 67Hsflfilc, c. I
f llulTiilri.
VHI;AT Hcrelpts. 37,550 Int.; exports, i0,-
ozt tin, Hpiii, nrm; run. - reu, ojisc, 1. n. i
Ailoiit; Nn. 2 red. 7UT4c. elevator: No,
Jiorthern Duluth. SlUc, f. o, h.. afloat; No. I
)nnl Duluth, SSHc. f. o. b.. afloat. Options
..vnerlnni'od n. strotiE undertone and con
siderable activity up to thn last hour oil
trnntl Mil nihwi.Hi fouvliiir. hlcher l'.nslHh
eiiiilos, covering of shorts ami Wall struct
buying of May. After late realizing the
mnrlcet closed steady.'- net .o advance
May. SUTlSl !-Uh.-, dosed at SlHo; December,
V.i.t.liWiT'i tl.lfie. closed at 79ic.
fTOHN ltcci! hits. 83.300 foil.: exports. 2I.ISD
foil. Hpot, steady; No. 2. 67i4c. elevator.
huiI t'.Sc, f. o, fo., afloat. Ojitlon murket
opened tlrm and' advanced later on strong
cables, outsldt) buying, big cash dumaiul
west and light receipts. Later the market
used on selling and closed steady. May net
V higher May. 7Ut077(c. closed at G7V.
December. OTfjitHHe, closed at t7c.
OATH Receipts, 159,200 foil.; exports, 7.227
foil. Spot, nrm; No. 2, 4tio; No. 3, 45o; No. S
white. IMflSUc; No. 3 white, 41c; track,
mixed western, 45iNKe; track white, tssj51i
Options generally firm and higher, with the
HAY ljulet; good to choice. SSfiWc,
HOI'S-Qulet: state, common to choice,
1901 crop, 125jl5f; 19tXl crop, 914c! 1899
crop, SWUiv. IMcllto coast, 1901 crop, 12BI5i4c;
1900 crop. Otillc: I WW crop, t'UUc.
HIOLS-Stcady: aalvCHton, 20 to 25 lbs.,
ISc; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, 19'4c; Texas
dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. HVic.
LKATHKK Btcnily: hemlock sole. Hcuncs
Ayres. light to heavyweights. 25'u26ije.
WOOI Dull; domestic fleece, iiQ,ie;
TfiXllH. lfili 17c.
PKOVIHIONS- Ueef. steady; packet, $I3.1
rn 15.2i); family. Jlt.00q 12,00; mess, $9.60: beef
hams, J20.6Wt21.50: extra India mess, J17.00f
1.'20. Cut tneats, dull: pickled hellli's,
JSSIO.SO; pickled shoulders, J7,25?..V);
pickled hums. J'.i.SiHti 10.00. Laid, sternly;
cnntliumt. S9.05: South Amerlcn. J10: com
pound, J7,50if7,76: western steamed, J8..SJ.
Pork, steady: fnmlly, Jl7.ootil7.2j; short
clear, J17.6OfJ19.0O; inets, Jl5.0.i(ii lti.uo,
TALLOW Quiet ; city (J2 pkg.), Pic
fold! country tpags. ircoi. u,'iio;4e
Tin In London was 6s lower, with spot
quotHl at X1136s and futures at 107 1H.
Copper locally was quiet and unchanged on
tho basis of JlK.SoSW7.00 for Uike Superior
and J16.7Hfil6.62i. for casting and electro
lytlo. At London spot copper ndvanecd
is6d to 05 58, but futures wero unchanged
at 65. Jyrad In Iondon eased off Is "A to
U2s6d. Locally lead waa dull at Jt.37i.4.
Spelter was Inactive and nominally quoted
at JI.30 at Now York and nt 10 12s Cd In
untidon. Iron was quiet, ilg Iron war
ranta, J9.5oyto.50, No. 1 northern foundry.
J15.f01jl6.00; No, 2 southern foundry, JH.C'fj
16.W; No, 1 southern foundry, jH.fwl.'Lo'i;
No. 1 southern foundry, sott, lll.ryndii.i").
fllasgow iron warrants cioen at oas ami
Mlddlesborough closed at 4.1s 3d
'11111II t li of Trnilr nml tliioln t limn nil
Mnplr nnil Katicr I'rudncc.
KdOS-Recelpts, light; fresh stock, 20e.
lilVE POULTItY Hens. filVdfio: VOling
and old roosters, 1c; turkeys, 7ti!c; ducks
and gecso, 6fiGV4c; spring clilckens, per lb.,
Ill i'jC.
IllTTTEIl Common to fair. 12c: eholce
dairy, In tubs, 15'uiCc; separator, 2;lf2lc.
KKKSH FISII-lllack bass, ISc; white
bass, 10c; blucflsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; blue
Itns, if; nuiiaioes, ic; eairisu. i-c; con, 11c;
crappies. 11c: naiimit, lie nerring, ic; uuu-
dock, 10c; pike. 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal
mon, lie: sunlls 1. tic: trout. 9c: wliltcltsn.
9c; pickerel, tic.
.IVCilM.MIU rA.II...u n,. OOrt tllr.M.1.
UiOllillO .11. ,l 1,111,., ' 1...., mm, , ........-
arils, per can, 25c, extra selects, per can,
Me! Nnw York eotllits. ner call. 4or: bulk
Standards, per gal., Jl.20Ql.2u; bulk extra
selects, n.W(
PIOEONH-Llvc, per doz., COc.
VBAI-Cholce, tiiiSc. ...
HAY Prices ouotcd by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland,
19.1V): No. 2 unlaiid. S8.50: medium. JS: coarse.
ll.W. Ityo straw, jo.ou. i neso rriccs htu ior
nay or goon color anil quaiuy. ucmaira
fair. Hcceipis, ii; cars.
( OKN-53C
POTATOES Homo grown and northern,
80i(9uc; Salt Lake, Ji: Colorado, Jl.
iiuriiAM-rer uor.., ioc.
CAKKOT3 Per foil., 60c.
11EETH Per half-bu. foaskot. 30c.
TUKNIPS-Per bu,. EfOc. Rutabagas, per
100 lbs., J1.25.
CIICUMHKRS-Ilollioiise, per uoz., i..
PARSLEY -Per doz,, 25c.
LETTUCE Per doz.. 23c.
RADISHES Per doz.. 25c.
SWEET POTATOES-IIoms grown, per
lb.. 2Wc: Kcnulno Virginia, per bbl JI;
ueorgia, per 11111.. ..u.
1 t a 1 1 ii.xi r. 1 loiifititi seen, craien. jvic,
TOMATOES Homo grown, per lS-lb. bas
ket. SOe. ....
UHiVNH Wax. per -nu. oasKct, i.c;
string, per '.fun. uasKet, ouc.
riNinNS Home crown, ner ID., -c: Btian
Ish. per crate, J1.Y5; Michigan reds, 2!e per
id. ... .
CELiKliY Kalamazoo, per -juncn. -.itjojc;
Nebraska, per bunch, 3035o; Colorado, 405j)
APPLES-Ren Davis, per bbl., J3.50; wine,
saps, J3.60; Jonathan, J4.ooyo.00; snows, J3.50;
Uelleflowers, per box. i.w).
PEARS-Kclfors, J2; Vlkers, J2.2J; Law.
rcneo, J2.25.
OKAPES-Concords, eastern, 20c; Mala
c-uu nn, knir i . Filfl ft .1YI.
CRANREKRIES Per bbl., J7.00fJ7.M; per
crate, J2.iu.
QUINCES-Pcr box, JI.60.
TllWl'lUALj 1' lillll.-l.
ORANOES-Mexlcans, J3.75fjl.oO; l'lorldas,
LEMONS X'ancy, J3.7nff4.0O.
11 AN ANAS Per bunch, according to size,
FICiS California, now cartons, 70c; Im
ported, per lb., 12iiil4c.
DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6Vc; Salrs, 6c.
NUTS New crop walnuts, No: 1 soft
sholl, per lb., 12o: hard shell, per lb., 12Hc;
Nn. 2 soft-shell. 11c: No. 2 hard-sheii. lOUc:
Ilraztls, per lb., 13c; filberts, per lb., 13c; nl
nimiils. snft-shell. 17a: hard-shell. 15c: nc-
cans, large, per lb., 12c: smalt, 10c; cocoa
nuts, per 100, J5; chestnuts, 12c.
HONl'a-i'or Zf-scciion case.
CIDER Nehawka. per bbl,, J3; Now York,
J3.S0- . ....
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; mo. - green, oc;
No. 1 salted, SHo; No. 2 salted, 740; No. I
eal calf, 8 to UVi ins., yc: no. z vcai cair,
12 m 15 lfos.. 7c: dry hides, suisc: sheen
pelts. 25fi27c: horsehldes, J1.602.2.-.
HAUKlllllUlU i. 'er n-uui., 40, uui.f
on track, No. 1 hard, 73icj No. 1 northern,
7P4c; No. 2 northern. CS'ifJ'K'Wc.
KLOt'R-Uiwcr; ftrt patents,,
second patents, J3.fi4f3.70, first clears, J.'.SO
Q2.90, scond clears, J2.25,
URAN Higher; In bulk, J15.25'i1 16.u0.
Toledo fimln nml !reil.
TOLEDO. Nov. Il.-WHEAT-Cash, 76ici
DeremTTer. TS'ic; May, 79Mc
CORN Drremfoer, Clr; May, Wic.
OATS-December, lie; May, I2e.
UYi:-5Si,c; No. 3, 5'jifC.
CI.OVERSEED December, J5.G0; March,
J5.70; prime Alslkc, yi.h.
Mllnnukvc IJrnln Market.
Higher: No. 1 northern. 72i4c: No. 2 north
ern, 71fi7isc; December, 72V'.
hi k firm: no. 1. wvi'qwi".
IIARLEY llrm: No. 2. kSi.tfloOc; sample,
CORN December, wc.
Prices, Ccmmsn Eiidi lw.
proportion of tlv Bank of England's re
serve to liability Is 45.91 per cent Unt
week It was 40.41 per cent. Tho rate of
discount Is nucha igcd at 4 per cent
PARIS. Nov. tlThn weekly statement
Sf.V.,iVi,,8e5riWci?!?SK?iiS.0 acl D.tir-bi od.i of o.ui. Bftght tt.;
ls.5iU"K)f; treasury accounts current, in
crease, 19,5O.0"0f, gold In hand, Increase,
i!.4iui0f: hills dlirniintcil. decrease. 5,tOl.-
OOOf; silver In hond, Increase, 3J0,V)f.
St'vr York JlmnT .MnrUet.
N'KVV YORK. Nov. 14 .NONEY-Olt call.
tlrm nt. 3i4f5 per cent; last loan. 3i3 per
cent! prime mercantile paper, 4HfJi per
STERLING nxcHANOK-Slroiig. with
iiefiml business In liatikers' bills, at JI.S7i,
tor demand and II.SIVifi4.St for sixty days;
nusted rates. Jt.85 nnd JI.SSSJ4.tH; commer
cial bills. Jl.S3i4fll S,
SIIfVHR Har, WjT(iej Jicxicau uouars, ,io,
PONDS Ooverntuent, steady; state,
strong; rallroud, weak. ,
Tlie Closing quotations on oonus me o
I'nt Sheep and Lamhs llein r nuy
Mendr, foot Feeder Were Rnther
?Iott .ale nnd All but the
llest Were Loner,
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
OtnclHl Monday...
Official Tuesday.
St. Iionla Grnln and Pro IkIoiis.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. lt.-WHK.VT--Higher;
Vn 1 tvil. rjisli. pleyatnr. 72c: track, it',2
(ij75o; December, 73i4c; M,ay, 76HfJ7t;?4c; No.
liaru, r.c.
i.nov Tfl(-i.n.. Vrt nnnh fi2Gln! trnek.
63Hfilo; December. tiiUc: Mny, tl )ici
OATS-Hlghcr: No. 2 cash,; track.
42i,45f44c; December, 41Uc; May, !2Hc; No. .'
WllltO, 1uC.
RYE Higher at Olc.
l'l.oun Firmer, but not quotably higher;
rcl winter natcnts. J3.4o'i3.00: extra fnucy
and straights. J3.10fi3.25: clear. J2.7554J.9ij.
nc.rju ilinoiiij , iioiiiiimity nun, m tonu
l;ORN JIEAI nlcafiy, 5J.
RRAN Scarce; sacked, east trnek. 93ff.
HAY-Strong; timothy, Jl2.60U15.oo; prat-
rle. Jl0.6W14.O0.
WlllHlv Y Hteaiiy. i.,u.
HAliOlNfi 6iiilGc.
HEMP TWINl-i 9c.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats (boxed).
llrm; extra shorts, JS.l2',j; clear ribs, js.25;
kIiIps. J8.50. Rncoii (boxed), llrm:
extra shorts. J9: clear ribs. J9.12': clear
sldeti, J9.37H. Pork, steady: Jnhblngs,
Jl I.OOici ll.Tii. l-aril. stenny 111
METALS Leail, quiet at J1.27S;. -Spelter.
Ilrm nt JI.12H.
pniTi.TRY null! chickens. 5Wc; springs.
die; turkeys, 8c; ducks, Gff6i,jc; gcce, 4i,j
U6c. ,.,.
HU'IJ fill Hicooy; creamer, rnj.ii;;
dulry. iigzoc.
KOU Hteauy ai -wo
TiKriKlPTS Flour. 6.000 bbli,: wheat.
M em hu rorn. 34.() fou.: oats. ;.0X) foil.
SHIl'MENTH flour. i,iw nuis.; wucai,
25,(W fou.; corn, 49,000 fou.; oats, 30,001 bu,
Liverpool Grain MnrUet.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. ll.-WH10AT-.Spot,
steady; No 2 red western, winter, ns 9iO
Vn 1 nnrlhern. snrlnir. 5s9v4d: No. 1 Call
fiirnlii. 3s lOWd. KutureB. steady: December.
r,uQli.,. Mnri'li nsll'id.
COHN fipoi, nrm; rtnicrniin iiuvu, urn,
6s VA'l. Futures, firm; December, 5s 4d;
January. 6s SJid; March, Es2ld.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady,
'Sllt)PS At London, Pacific coast, steady
f'tc.f'i ir.
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; extra India
73s (id. Pork, firm: nrlme mess west-
em. 72s. Lard, steady; American refined, In
palls, 41s tid; prime western, in i icrces. us in,
Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lfos., quiet, 47s
Unrmv Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs,, quiet
jvu Blinrl ribs. 16 to 24 lbs.. tSs: long clear
49s; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs.. 18s; long clear
middles, light. 28 to 31 lbs., dull. 17s tid: long
clear middles, heavy, 33 to 40 lbs,, dull. 47s;
short clear foacks, 16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 43s Od;
clear bellies, 11 10 m ins,, quiet, o. rsnoui
ders. square 11 to 14 11m.. quiet, 37s.
PUTTER Steady; llnest United States,
92s: good United siaies. ,ys.
CHEESE ijuiei. American uncsi wniic,
15s tid: American llnest colored, 46s 6.1,
PEAS i- a nil wan. nrm, u? hi.
tali.OW Steady; prime city, 28s 9d;
Australian In London. iSOs,
KniisuH I'll?' lirnln nml Provisions.
cembcr. 67Te; May. 72Hf''72Uo: cash, No. 2
iMiilll.,,. Vrt !! Vn. 5 roil. 7P!
NO. 3. '?!?'. .
runs-iieceniner, nuiiiniiic; invjt,
ash. No. 2 mixed. tSc; No, 2 white, 67!tff
Priiffsslfinnl Are t tMerJiijrd nt
the llnllronil rttlemeiit.
NEW YORK Nov, ll.-Professlolial
speculators were much disappointed over
tho effect of last night's olllclal iinnouno
ment of tho terms of the settlement of tho
ratlroHd controversy In the northwest.
That does not mean necessarily that the
settlement docs not Insure nil tno benellts
claimed for It. The speculators were bound
to sen stocKs upon tno iieiiniic announce
ment In any event. Their disappointment
today was due to the fact thut 11 very light
outside ilemnnil for stocks was attracted
by thn announcement. The watchful heaiM
were keenly alive to the situation nnd when
tney saw me cnoris minting m rcanz
prollts they put out extensive short Hues
In tnkn iiwnv thn market from those seek
ing to liquidate nnd then fiercely rallied the
market to dislodge stop-lo orders anu
eimliln them In luke nrnllts oil the short
side. How large nn clement tho short cell
ing was In the weakness of the market was
disclosed when the bears began to cover
during the lust hour. Substantial recoverii
wero made In all tno nctivo stocas anu 111
some points among the coalers and the
sneclnltli'S there were eomulete recoveries.
A notable fact 111 tho day's trading was tho
comparative Immobility of tlie united
States Steel Mocks.
The transcontinental railroad stocks and
sonio of the Vanderbllts, which have been
under manipulation recently for advance1),
wero most affected by the selling, although
the list' developed weakness throughout
illirltltr thn i.illlK, nf Ihi, dill frhn rffotlt
speculation lias been largely bused upon the
Northern Pacltlt settlement and with the
detulln of Unit known tho iirofessloii'ili
argue that all the good dents wero on',
while the dliqiilctlng condition In tlie mar
ket made It undesirable to hold stocks.
Some of the recent price levels tulteli In
connection with tho terms of tho Northern
Sccittitles company organization make It
evident that thoso terms arc a disap
pointment to the buyers at the prices In
illcnted. Thcro was a rnther dubious feel
ing ulsn as to how the transcoutlnciitals
not Immediately concerned in the settle
ment am to benellt by It. The further ad
justment of the liurllngtnn directors was
iniiili) ny tlie nears to piay upon uio icurs
of timid holders.
Tho money market was firmer today, both
for cull uiitl tlmo loans, tho latter showing
the effect of the gold outgo for the first
time. It Is expected that further gold will
bo exported on Saturday, although the
easier tendency of money lu Paris and the
reduction In tlm buying price of gold In
lOiidnu served to advance tne level or ex
chnnge hern at which gold exports are
profitable. Tho statement of the country's
foreign trade published today throws some
light upon the present anomalies of the
exchange situation, It Is true that thn
total of October exports, although nearly below those of lust October, arc
the largest Tor any other October In
thn country's history, so that In spite
of tho decrease compared with October
of last year, the notable trade bal
ance In our favor still remains of J6,2'.'S,001.
Rut recent events show clearly that ex
change hills was sold In this market long
slnco In anticipation of the supply of bills
to be brought upon tho market by our
export trade anil In process of borrowing
foreign capital. This constitutes a shoit
Interest lu the exchange market and the
fact that the October tratle balance In our
favor Is J2$,.130,OI5 less than that of Oc
tober of last year may furnish an index
of how fnr the banks wero out In their
calculations when ihey were selling ex
change short.
Tlm railroad bond market was weak, hi
sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par
value, J6,691,X). United States bonds were
ail unciinngi'ii on 1110 mat can.
nM... f,.llr..l.,(- nn, llii. xliwilir- 11,1
lie ui . ir. ...u, I"..,-'
tho Now York Stock exchange:
U. S. r. 2s. rcg...losv4 1,. k N. unl. 4s. ..10214 omp,'i Wednesday ...
do coupon m MCX. uciurai is., so fjftlcial Thursday 3,537
.. 4,661
... 6.(07
do 2s. reg 103' I ilo Is inc Wi
do coupon 10tti'Mlnn..& St. L. 4S.103 Vow ,iuys nils week. .23.915 32,820
M, i. i- i"..ivv7 1 Hamo days last wecK....i,wi u,.ii
.Irt . SI 1 . 1, 1...... -ii lit .,111
..v. " 1 mini, ifUrt MUlUiw --,-,
V. Y. Central ls.lOo'. I u..,nn i,n ,V,1, nirn. .2n.45i) 22.618
do gen. 3iAs.....lOSi(, Hm four weeks ago....24,ls'j 17.W6
do new 4s, rcg.,133
ilo coupon ....139
ilo old 4s. reg... 112i;
do coupon 112-V
do Os, reg 107
do cout
6s, reg 107 N. J. gen. Bs..l31i Same days last yeur. . . .1S.253 25,600 22,310
coupon ..107 No. Pacltlc 4s... .1043), Average prices paid for hogs at South
Isoii gen. 4s.l')3ii do 3s.t ......... .. i-tj Omaha tho past several days, with com-
ndj. 4s 93$, N. & M c. 4s,...102'h Iiar.ona;
.t Ohio 4s...liw(i Reading gen. is.. 9Ss LlifIll:
do 3j.s St Ij t 1 M c. ns.uos, Dnte. IIW1.' 11900. 11S99..1S93. 1S97..1SSS. 1S95.
ilo conv. 4s 107 St. L. & S. F. 4s. Pj ; I ! 1
Canada So. 2 UW St. L. S. A . Is, .. .J,U Oct. 21...I 6 SSUI I 4 131 3 5 3 52 3 VJ 3 5J
Cent, of Oa, 6s.. .106 I do 2s. 0 0cti a... 6 W;i 4 62 3 551 3 53 3 I5 3 t
do Is Inc 73 S A & A P 4s 88 23... 5 Mi' 4 8, 4 16) ) 3 53 3 26 3 4D
dies. & O. His. .107 So. I'ncltlO 1S..... 94', Oct. 24...I 01 I 4 51 4 14 3 66 3 Z ? M
C, 11. & ii n. 4s.. 9,Tex. & Pac. Is.. .1191 0ct :,6 '
C. M & S P g. ts.lloisT. St l. k W 4S... 82 Oct. 27...
C. fit N. W. c. 7s.l3sit Union Pacltlc 4s..10j' Oct. 28...
C., R. i'. & P. 4s. ,106V do conv. 4s Oct 29..
CCC & S L g. 4s.lUiAWnbash Is 118 . Oct. 30..
Chicago Tcr. 4s.. yj , do 2s 1 i Oct. 31..
Col. iv: So. 4s SSH do deb. B 59W Nov. 1....
Den, & R. Q. 4s. lo west nnoro ,..iu;i Nov, 2....
Erie prior 1. Is...lu0 IW. & L. K. 4s.... 92J, Nov. 3....
do general is. . mj ih. wnuai "ij pov, i,.
V W rc U L 18,. .1U (ton. IUU, la...... viyj I fMOVl U..
Hock. Vnl. I'.bs... 1071,4!
London Stock Hnntntlons.
LONDON, Nov. 14.-1 p. m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money.
lo account ...
Anaconda ,.
ilo pfd
Ral. fi Ohio
Canadian Pac...
Ches. Ohio....
Chicago a. W...
C. M. & St. P...
Denver . R. O.
do pfd
do 1st lfd
do 2d pfd
L. N
M.. IC. .1 T
do pfd.
Nov. 6..,
Nov. 7...
Nov. 8...
Nov. 9...
Nov. 10.
Nov. 11,
Nov. 12.
03 V
00 I 4 58
4 64
1 4 52
D bi
5 73!i
6 71V4
5 iX
5 71U
5 -iii
filn Norfolk & W 5Si Nov. 13.., 5 69
914 do pfd ... 93
. 82i Ontario w
,lo:!V4 Pennsylvania
.uvii iieiuuim
4 501
4 4
4 51 4 01
4 1
4 101
4 10
4 09
4 03
I 601
4 6S
4 l
4 67:
4 69
4 69
I 74
I 84
4 71
64 3 41
4 04
4 04
4 02
4 Ul
4 02
4 06
4 06
4 03
4 02;
3 91
3 47
3 62
3 64
3 561
3 53
3 45
3 51
3 5!
3 3S
3 42
3 281
ii 31
3 23
3 41)
3 43) 3 43
3 41(
u 4H
3 55
2 45 3 H' 3 -'!
n ,-. '1 - . - ,T
3 43
3 41
3 26, 3 48
3 17
3 13
3 15
3 17
3 19,
3 27
3 so:
3 31
3 2lf
3 17
3 23
3 41 3 28
3 44
3 5!
3 34
2 49
3 4
3 It
3 33
3 ?i
3 36
3 45
3 ?9
3 ZO
18 steers... 1279 5 00
5 steers.. ..mi i"'
II cows..
n cows..
3 steers... 11 S3 6 M
a steers.. ..1150 5 w
C. M. Lamson S. D.
917 2 70 21 steers., .1044 3 10
874 1 60
1, u nun r t i ' ' " ....
9 steers.. 1071 4 20 15 cows .1131 3.5
V.) steers.. ,.U9 2s , ...
1IOOH ItCCCipis oi nogs Tit ir inn j
eral again tmlnv. making the s-ipph for-...V-
.1.. ... nf fhl nwk rniislderablv 111
excess of both thn corresponding days of
Irist week and the same days of last year.
The market at this point opened up In good
season. Willi prices u iw n viyi us i -i
..trHnv'n nveraKO market. As the
morning ndvnnced the market took on tnoro
life, ami prices rich !- (. , . .. ...
rate At the close an advance of TVflOc
over yesterday's nverogc was noted. The
early sales this morning were mostly
1 ater on the bulk sold at J5.67!, and on the
close J5.67W and J5.70 wero the popular
nrlces Choicer loads sold mostly rrom J5..0
to JS.S0, while the bulk or all the sales went
!.". .-. . ti 70 innimnn nnd llalit stuff
sold largely below J5.65. The market was
active from start to finish nnd everything
was disposed oi in ku
Today's advance morn than makes up for
the decline of yesterday and a good share
of tho loss of Tuesday was also regained,
,.,(.,. linn' foelnc only n shade under thoso
of Monduy nnd about steady with the aver-
oco of a Wi'ca ngo, iiciircsciiiuin c r.m.-B.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
IS Ill
20 89 ... B mi
3.1 l; 40 o ij
167 40 5 55
106 1KI lil) n i'i'j
106 165 120 5 5i4
70 185 120 6 60
10 186 ... 5 624
73 22S ... 5 65
CJ 213 ... 5 b
S2t 176 80 5 6
01 220 160 5 65
74 251 2o0 5 6S
47 277 280 n 65
tit 214 120 5 65
DI 170 ... 5 65
SO 1S5 120 5 65
0 31S 16") 5 )
97 168 ... 6 65
112 182 80 5 65
74 213 120 6
70 150 ... 6 65
67, 321 80 5 67' i
241 121) 5 70
. .300 120 n TO
. .316 120 6 70
.272 40 6 70
..257 10 5 70
..209 210 5 70
. .219 3i 5 70
. .238 10 5 70
. .295 200 5 70
. .268 ... 5 70
. .253 ... 5 7"
..212 200 5 70
..250 ... 5 70
. .257 120 6 7o
. .270 . . 6 7o
. .251 ... 6 70
6 309 ... 5 70
.217 120 r. 70
.212 ... 5 70
.193 2) 5 70
.232 80 R 70
.240 160 5 70
.265 210 6 70
301 80 6 711
hlfers. J2 pons 00. with a few forlnglnir SS.SOj
rnnners. 1.0Vt2 J5. bulls, JJ.2SgS.t; Texas
ami Indian steers, J2.6oftl.15, cows mid helf
ets, J2.10jr3.13.
HOIK -Receipts, P.Oii) forad; higher; pigs
and lights, J5.2.M(5.I5; puckers, 5.23jr&.Mi
butchers. J5.6MKi.S0
SHEliP AND LAMHS Receipts, 1,201
head; market atrndy, native, muttons, J3.(0
M3.60. lambs, J.t.254fio; culls and bucks,
J2.Wif3.10; stockers, Jl 6032.0).
t iiflee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 14 -COFFEI5 Spot
Rio, weak: No, 7 Invoice. 6ic. Mild, quiet;
Cordova ii4fltc. Futures opened barely
steady In tone, with October 23 points and
other months 101120 points lower, under a
general realizing movement, started by
fnvorahtc crop advices and bearish cables,
and ruled weak all day on unloading or
long stuff and aggressive bear selling. Thn
'metal clique" were moderate purchasers
at different times, thus support serving in
steady tho market somewhat. A featum
of tho foreign situation nan the French
weakness, Havre closing 2iali2t net lower
under liquidation.
.vuicar nml .Molasses,
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. ll.-SUOAR-Qulet.
open kottlc. 3c; open kettle, cen
trifugal, ."i,(,'ti3'4c: ceutrlfugul, grannl.Ved,
4Mil'-e; whites. 3?4ff3'o: yellow. 34fJ35,c.
seconds. 2l3l'. Molasses, quiet; open
kettle. 26j(33c; centrifugal, 12ff23e. Syrup,
steady. 26'(i80o
NEW YORK. Nov. H.-SUOAn-Raw.
quiet; fair reilnlng, 3 3-16f3Hc; centrifugal,
96 test, 3 ll-16'i(3c; molasses sugar, 215.16ft
3c. (tellneil, dull.
LONDON. Nov. H.-SUUAR-neet, No
vember, 7s 3'iil.
1 1 .
Ilraporateil Apples and Dried Fruit.
APPLES-Ordors enme In tho market
chiefly In tho way of meeting well dcllurd
wants nnd were nt full prices, The feeling
was quite steady. State common to good.
6!Sc; prime, Sijc; choice. 9c; fancy, 9Mi
Prunes. n?;(57c. Apricots. Royal, SMftte:
Moor Park. SfT12c. Peaches, peeled, llfjlSc,
unpeelcd, 6)j9Hc.
'Til 40 r, f7t. 56,
.ISO 120 R 671,4 77 19S 120 6 70
,237 120 5 6H4 70 2 2W 3 711
w 11 Hi1, nil.
5 70
3 SI 1 3 27 j ''J'
.1 :f- 3 171 3 89
3 38 3 32 ii
3 34 3 231 3 41
3 25 3 45
80 5 67U
... 5 7(ti 38.
in n i;:il r.t
so ft 61 "4 ps -vi
. 47
ilo 1st nfd....
do 2d pfd
So. Railway ..
do pfd..
So. Pacific ....
Union Pacitic .
351 i
28 ii
Nov. 14.. I G 6ST 4 67 , 3 92 3 41 I
Indicates Sunday. , .,,,
'rim .iin.'tui tinniiivr of cars of stocn
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle.Hogs.unc p.ii 1 .-
C, M. .t St. P. Ry.... 11 W 1
'. O. & St. L. Ry.
. tlUiil'. S. Steol
. 7tU do pfd
. tar Wnbash
.U's',4 do pfd.
. 273s Spanish is
102 iDcuecrs
Mlesnurl Pacific Ry.. 1
Union Pacific sj stem. Ii
C. fc N. W. Ry 3
J! ? P., E. & M. v. ny... 9
C. St. P.. M. O. Ry 12
D. M. R. R. R 32
. c. 11. . Ry--
K. c. .V nt. j., uy..
C, R. I. & east.
('.. R. 1. & P.. west.
Illinois central
Total receipts
N. Y. Centrnl ....16ii;
ti in uii.'i.'ririiit at 2fl .t-1tVt ner ounce.
MONEY-3f3' percent. Tho rate of dis
count In tho open market for short pills Ih
... . . .... . 1... .!.... ... mil its' l.llln
;.' per cem, ior nutc uiwuii
3 ii-m per ccni.
tn York Mlnlnc Stocks
NEW YORK, Nov. H.-The following are O. II. tlammond Co
nlnalliir nr CPS nil IT11I11IIK 3iw;in. I "
Vii""im i " - -
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho
number of head Indicated:
Cattle, nogs, aneei',
Omnho Packing Co.
Adams Con 18
Alice 41
Rreece . IW
Hrunswlck Coll.. 10'.:
Comstock Tun... 7
Con. Cal. & u..1iw
Ueudwood Terra. 50
Horn Silver 190
Iron Silver tw
Lcadvlllo; Con.... 5
Little Chief ....
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes .,
Standard ,
,. 70
,. 40
Atchison 79?, St. Paul pfd lss
do pfd i'"'. n. 1 aciuc miu
Haltlmoro & O...107 .So. Railway 33 '
do prd o pin..... ;e.s
anaillau Pac....U3?i'Tcx-. Pacific... lo'1,
,..i, hi S11 82 IT0I.. St. L. fc W. 20!i
Ches. fc Ohio 46V4 ilo pfil I'.l-U
Chicago fc A StlVUnlon Pacltlc ....lOITs
I'lireluii l'liiiinelnl.
LONDON. Nov. 11. With the completion
Armour fc Co.
Cudahy I'ncklng Co.....
i uiiany. ironi
Hnmmoud, from K. C...
R. tlecker fc Dcgan fc Cor
W. I. Stephrn
Dill fc lliintzlnger...
Livingstone fc Schallcr..
P. F. Hobblck
N. Morris
j. F. Husz
Wolf & M
Other buyers
4,392 8,668
of ' tlio settlement the demand for money CATTLE-Cattle receipts con inueu no-
lessened to though It was fnlrly active eral toilay, making the receipts for ho
and not niiiterl'i l" easier. The condition week to .late compare favorably with li1
f the short loi market justifies the opln- week nnd also with the same period of
Ion that thn llnVik "f England Is quli-tly re- last year. T he lemand for lbettei.
lu'clng supplies. Discounts wer,. s gnu es ac live ;. so mt , '""f,.!!
Iliero was a generally mil"""" -
tlm aliening of business 011 the opening of were noted, f
Slock exchange, especially In Kaltlrc, There were about twentj -t vo c s ot
'oil k"1 -urTft !!!,
ttiirity. Aftorvvanl uuv
tn ii Kii'.tii - V""- 1 1. ..,t.l 4l t.inrlfo tt'UH if (Hill Illld nrm
leans opened qult. 1 W mr ,. I " , , iunl commm, kinds
,-. .....v. ...... w , . . ., ,,.,,. B,1,1
.i. ..f.l 7. do nfd...
Chi., Ind. fc L... 45iViihanh
ilo pfd no inn
i.inucrii fc E. IH.136Vi,Whec . fc L. E
Chicago 15. W.... j'SViit do 2d prd....
ilo 1st pM WUiWIs. Central .
ilo 2d pM 19 do prd
im, 1, ,,.. x.- N. W.20i Adams Ex
I it. 1. fc P ltH'tiAmerlcan Ex 22
fill. Tor. fc Tr... lUVi'U. S. Ex !l
. . tl'nll... I......... I.-.. Iwr.
ilO Pld 'li1 II.III.-IIIIJ.I' A-,A.,r.
11 1' c fc St. I,. 97:i Ainnl. Conner 86
Colofsdo So 1?! Amer. Car fc 'JiU
do isi pin ii
do 2il pfd '-'' Amcr. I.ln. OH... 16
but still they sold
. pniti
. l. l.AflMi irrmli'S tlmll It was
"p'A'.'a'Ni.v, H.-.h-slness on, the ,,o,
today .was nnsKer , ; - " . . pc fm.y ,! good many
K;n..rf. .very ir. , -haul h, same ,c, w,r.
regular Tliey cioscn ""' - ' 1 Ve iB Inc uded about fifty cars of
nfoovo the worst Prices oftlu la , Arii- u e pis 1 111 r 111 . ; 1un
tines and Chinese were wenn. i tm-uo
66 276
0 200
..2 4
5 237
89 210 120 5 67(s
67 253 W) 5 674
67 28S 20i) 5 K7i,
72 204 120 5 67'. 1
62 236 80 5 67H
MW lill . . LI 111 4
68 305 161) 5 61(3 61
79 195 10 6 67U 75
81 179 80 5 0?i,4 72,
0 279 ... 5 67 Id 53
...228 120 6 70
...226 120 5 70
!S7 SO 5 70
5 70
00 293 200 5 67H 42,
90 219 Inn 5 67V4 58.
62 215 SO 6 67'. 68.
65 300 Ifii) 5 67 'fc l!.
-n off.. ... - pi
I.' OM ij 11 nt Y2
82 20.1 280 5 67Vj
80 200 160 5 67i,
65 2.11 80 5 70
69 214 40 5 70
81 219 120 3 70
68 227 360 5 70
99 176 40 5 70
63 29) 40 n 70
257 80 5 70
2S0 120 5 70
66 283 ... 5 70
74 213 120 5 70
.261 200 ii 711
.265 120 B 70
.276 12i) f. 70
.221 80 6 70
.223 40 5 70
,3il ISO 6 70
.330 ... 5 70
!2S ... n CI
1.1. .
76. . .
.291 120 5 r.7i C2 240 120 5 70
.282 ... 5 6714 70 162 ... 5 70
ifto Ci, s .,-1. ftC "VL! ill X Til
CV II ui .7 .fc.r.
...211 X0 5 67'.,
...256 120 5 7i3 65...
...182 ... 5 671'j 77...
. . .205 ... 5 67V 62. . .
...214 240 5 67i 62.
'Mi iim x ,:rit ..;
... . ' 7
6.1. .
40 5 70
80 5 70
..261 80 5 70
. .215 80 5 70
.KHH 80 0 ii',3
. . .293
. . ,30S
. . ,313
. . .323
. . .253
. . .321
. . .263
80 5 721 j
... 5 72U
80 5 7.'t,
40 5 72'ii
40 5 72V4
... 5 724
. . . 5 72U
SO 5 721j
ft r-'tt,
65 283 1 60 6 76
SO 241 ... 6 75
61 277 ... 6 75
42 343 80 6 SO
48 255 ... 5 83
rw York tlrj- Goods Mnrket.
Thero has bi-cn no Increase In the homo
trade demand lu any department A good
fouslness has foeen reported for export in
forown cottons. Prices are without change
In any direction. Staple prints In moderate
demand. Print cloths continue Innctlve at
previous prices. No change In ginghams
Cotton linings qulot, but generally steady
For Coming l.nigr Convention nt
Sioux Falls t.oomls nf Omnhn
Is One Sprnkrr.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D Nov. 14. (Special.)
-Owing to the fact thnt there will be no
other convention in lh northwest at lbs
time, the annual convention of the lie
tall Implement Dealers' ansoclatlon of
South Dakota, southwestern Minnesota
and northwestern Iowa, to bo In
Slotix Falls December 10, 11 anil 12, Is ex
pected to be more largely attended than any
annual meeting in the history of the nsso-elation.
The program for tbe meeting has Just
been prepared. Among the speakers will
bo: W. S. Thomas of Springfield, O., presi
dent of the National Implement Dealers'
SHEEP There were oulto a few sheep association. The delegates will he welcomed
and lambs on sale today, but nearly evory- t0 lno city by Oeorgo W. llurnslde, rosyor
ining offered was feeders. Tnoro wero a . zt,,x Falls M D Thomnson of Vermll-
few cars, however, of native cornfeds of Sioux I'aus. ni. v. inorapsonoi crmn
which sold nt good steady prices. Packers Ion will make the response. Among thoe
seem to bo anxious for supplies here, but j,,, nro on tho program for addresses or
pason,,T.ti;')rTolnts. ' Participation In the discussion fol owing
The feeder mnrkot was not very brisk the addresses arc: J. E. Sinclair of Jleres-
today, ns tho number of buyers was rather ford, W. H. Wumkes of Lennox, J. O. Ilurg
llmlted. Somo nf the better grades sold nf vnllpv ?nrlnirs .1 .1 Nlsson ot
at just about steady prices, but aside from ; f V" S'T'. , n.Ll "
uiose tno mnrKet was miu ana weait. 0111 murimn, uuvuu inium ..1 ... ,
ewes in particular are hard to move, nnd n. S. Lockhart of Cloar Lake. W. R. Rrown
prices are now considerably lower than , rpCBt0ne, Minn., K. O. Stnkke, Woon-
they havo been In some time past. Thcro "l , Au iji tu v
nro 11 good many .011 hand which have been Bockot, J. V. Naglo of Rock Ruplds, la..
carried over from day to day for want of E. Strtnghnm of Onrrctson, A. D. Maxwell
a fouyer of ArlliiEton. Oeorgo Snarling of Marshall,
wuoiaiions: unoico yenriiugs, j.i.iuwj.oo; :,. . , , 0i.llv i,.ii 1 v
iff In o..r.a vnnrllnn-a M "MM ifl- ..hnirn Minn.. .lOPall JOnPS Of blOIIX VllllS, li. .
wetliers. J3.3O33.50; fair' to ' good wethers, Schneldor of of Salem, R. S. Kilts of Dell
J. O'Connell of R.nnona, r. li,
KUiiil I'MI'I". -.nuu-.-, Uliwiuu niuiiiK imiii.'v, f .,.,-. a rtnwlfir ni
4..W,.60: fair to good spring lambs, J4.10-U) AVIlllams of Montrose. J. A. Rowler 01
4.30; feeder wethers, I3.onff.1.50: feeder Oroton, R. R. Sontag of Heron Iiko, Minn.,
lambs, S3.60fH.Oo. Representative sales: Harrison White of Luverne. Minn., J. J.
lOIUIV WHS luin.i ... ,., .1
and prices w-cro linn, 1 '"re gncrs. w h .he
nun 11 ",' ',, .,, wV.rn summrted. cases se ers nan tiiuiciiiiy 111 g'-iuiii,
".x':'l." !! ' "LJ .' Z ,'l;.ll?Mirio., iTuskI. prices, but sllll as a general thing th
vM'lU'lIHIII" H VMi"' , . . .t. iiMiw a n.'W V
mines Improved. AJetroP"" ''' " ,1 veal calves ami stags sold without
Del. fc Hudson. ..IKiii1 ilo plil.
Del. L. fc W
Denver & R.
ilo pfil
10 lHt mil
ilo 2d pfil..
.31 "Amer. S. fc It..
151.4 ilo pfil
91 Anne. Mill. Co..
Illi, Hrooklyn R. T.
T"l. I'n'n 1,'ilr.l X. I 'l'
SH'Ifc Coll. this 217',-i
lit. Nor. pfd r.;v,4 1 on, ron, piu....ii:i
Hocklllg vnuey.. ii"-4 lien, r.ieeirn; ....i
,lf, nfil 78;i lllncoso Sugar ... 12
Illinois Central. .. YJU .Hocking Coal ... Hi
iiiwa i.enirai .... ei'.s inier. i-upcr ..
ilq pfd 77 I do pfd
Lnkv Eric fc W.. VS llnter. Power ..
do pfd 130 LncIcdn Gas ..
E. fc N l(i Nat. RlHCIlIt ...
Manhattan L 12Sii'Natlonnl Lend
Met. St. Ry 16iiNiitlonal Salt .
Mex. Central .... 21a4 do pfil
Mex. Notional .. Ml .o, .1ner1cn11
Minn. '& St. L... .107!i Pacltlc Const..
Mo. Pacliic
M.. K. fc T...
do pfd
N. .1. Central
N. Y. Central
Norfolk fc W.
ilo pfd....
... loo's Pacltlc Mall
... iS Pefiplo's tins
. .. nils
... MiH
No. Pacltlc nfd. ..looi
Ontnrto fc w
. 11
. 7Vn
. 19
. 80
. 70U
. 20V4
. 761
. Ni
. 9 1 !4
. 42
. 19'
. 32
. t'3',i
. 46V
. 43&i
.. 85-
Presseil S. Car
do nfd
Pill man P. Car.. 21
Republic Steel ... 15,
tin prd t.Vi
Sugar 11914
'l enn. l OHl fc 1 ... Hli
Union ling fc P.. It
ilo pfil..
U. S., Leather
do nfd.
U. S. Rubber..
iio prd
U. S. Steel
ilo nrd..
59 W Western Union.
on bear. covering. ' lioinso n-iious.oi, , '',, cll,ltlBO fr)m yesterday's quo'n-
weak, mo tmios ' "" iiV.nJ
to higher copper. D.-Ucrrs roso substan- . MUt vory ,,,.. desirable
i.illv. Tlio nr vote rate 01 oiscuuni ir .. ..1 ,!,,, iui fomlers on sale
lounged .at 3 16-16 per cent. ,,ll1ril.. today. . tliiit onythlng answering to that
llKltl,i:. iOV. M. l.i'vui.-' 1... ..V.....V...., ...1, a lilplldil 111! Ill KOOll SCIIIMMI
.... . , I , I II' nil 1 1 1 1 1 "I I
HPTTKU-iieceipis. ii,i pugs,; sirnug;
state dairy. 1Mi23c; creamery, 171f'24V4c; Juno
crenmory. 17mi22'sc; factory, 1214111.1140.
ciiEEHE Recclnts. 3.771 pkgs.: market
.iiiIpI! fancy large. September. Di-.frJ'io:
fancy Inrgc, October. 9itf9.c; fancy small,
September, 10Hno?ic: fancy Bmall, Octubor,
VOUI.TKY Alive, easy; springers, 9'sc;
turkeys, S5i9c; rowis, c, iirrsspii, easy;
sprlnfiers. WMlOlsc; fowls, 9c; turkeys, lljj
lCOOS-Rccelpts, 6.573 pkKS.! market
strong; stato nnd Pennsylvania, 2'dj2io
western, candled. 'JUiV'c; western, 1111
rntiillprl. ,'2'i726c.
METAl.S-Tln scored a decided gain at
New York today for iqiot. owing to the
concentration 01 spot suppum nun mwi r
rlvnls. wbleb caused sliorts to cover fre'ly
The cloe fimnd spot 75 points nbovo yei
Inivlnv'n llciires nt 125.SMi26.25. while tin
future market ruled dull and unchanged,
Wc; No, 3. 67ii67Hc.
OATS-No, 2 white, .43!,(i4tc.
RYE NO. 2, ti0',4C.
11 AY Choice timothy. JI2.fi0U13.0O; choice
prairie. 13.oo.
1 ..(nrntiit ii . .... tCiT.DAo ,1nln In.
i-uiOS- KrpBh Hcnrcp. 8torao nipntlfiil:
froH MlHHOiirl and Knueu Htock. Hrtu;
HiiotiMl 011 'change, COc per dor., Ioj off,
..nunu tA t 1 1 I'll f1 1
RECEIPTS Wheat, 52,00) bu.; corn, 2?i,800
fou,; oats. r.ii mi.
SHIP.MKNTS-Wheat, 40,0oi) fou,; corn,
200 bu.; oats, 4,0i)0 fou,
l'lillinelibln Prodiiee .Murket.
Firni. lo higher; creamery, 2lijc; creamery
u:irliv nrlnts. 27c.
Hati8 Finn; freth nearby and western,
27c; fresh southwestern, 26c; fresh south
ern. 25c.
I, M r,r,OI, ritinti'l . n-v luin mil ,1 Tj.iiiie-,
fnnev umnll. lOUWIUSie: New York full
creams, fair to choice, fiffio.c.
Ilnliitli lirnln MHrKet.
nt't.rTH. Nov. 14. WH EAT Cash. No.
1 hard. 7IVjc: No. 2 northern, 6Ss,,e; No. 1
northern, 7t'c; December, 70'ic; Mny,
Prorln Market.
PEORIA. Nov. H.-CORN-Hlghcr; No
S. fillAc
OATS-lllgher; No, 3 white, 42?,c, billed
througn. '
WHISKY On tho basis of Jl.31 for fin
ished goods,
Minneapolis WhnMti floor and Rran
Cath, Uhi Decmbr, 70Uc, May, 72H
Pennsylvania ..
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. & S. F...
do 1st pfd
ilo 2d pM
St. L. SoutllW..
do pfd
St. Paul
Tho Commercial Advertiser's Ixmdni
tliiiuielnl cablegram snvs: Illislncss on the
stock exchungo did not Improve today and
tho tone was less clieerfitl man yester
day. There Is some talk of gold exports to
South America, but tho bank returns were
ravorable. American siocks wero rcgariuu
with particular favor, tho Northern Pnclllo
settlement having been fully discounted
and being counterbalanced by New York
gold exports and olosed at tho worst, Union
Pacltlc and Southern Pnclllo olono lacking
strength. Thcro was no borrowing on the
part of either tne nann or me mnriiei, niu
tho market Is In full bank control, which Is
likely to continue ior inn remainder 01 1110
jear. Tlio naiiK returns snow inai mo
Institution Is hugging the foist consol In
stallment ot $3, Silver Is dropping
on New York's continued sales. I'aris ox
change Is 25,1314,
Iliisloii .Stock Uiiiitnlliins.
hoston. Nov. 14. Call loans. 3V41M per
cent: tlmo loans, IftHi per cent. Otflelal
ll...n oil llOIII
nationals wero quiet and maintained, North
rn l' aclllc preferred was weak on the re-
C I 1 1 I ' , ' ' . I ...ill l.n mdflnmni til
Plirt tllMl II" SIOIK Hill "V .....V-...V.. ...
par. Canadians were strong.
Ilnnk tJlenrlnns.
u.M AHA, Nov. 11. -Rank clearings today,
Jl,176.8,-3.70; corresponding day Inst year,
J9S7.302.92; IncrenK.', JIS9,5S0.iS.
uv 1.111TIH Vnv. 11. Clearings. J8,86i.S18;
foalnnccs. 1912,15; money. Mi 6 per cent; New
York exenange.' im: l"r!""" '' ,i .7017
CINCINNATI. Nov. 14. Clearings. J3.397,
850; money, Yni per cent; New ork ex
change. 20c premium, .
NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-Clearlngs, J30n,.
..i .. .. . ..i.......,u in t"ll 4TS.
J1PH II U LPII A NoV. 14.-Clenrlng.
Jlll71.:Vf; balances, I.9.BSS; money. 4Wo
''RAlHMtlRE. Nv. ll.-Clearlngs. J3.S7V
302; balances, J550.39I; money, J'ifjS per
CPt"niCAllO. Nov. ll.-Clearlngs. J29.50.1.344;
fo, nncVs. 12:619,579: t'osted "'"',5,r
4.SS; New York exchange. 20c premium.
Condition of the Trensnry.
WASIIINC.TON. Nov. 14.-Toda.Vs state
ment of tho treasury hnlances In tho gen
era f ml. exclusive of the JI50.0.V1.000 gold
f&crvn In the .division , of re. nipt Inn,
shows: Available casu namm-KB. mii"-"
gold, JI09.718.737.
Cotton Jlnrket.
NFW YORK. Nov. 14,-COTTON-Spot
.dosed quiet and l-16o higher:, raMflllnB u,P;
lands, 80; middling gulf. 8'4c; sales. .2-
ales, Futures opened steady nt the ad
",ince; November. 7.40c; D. cernber. ..49c;
January. 7.47c; February. 7.40c: March
7.45e; May and June, 7.44c; July, 7.15c, Au-
B 'new ' OI t LE A N 8 , Nov. 14 -COT'TON--
Steudy; sales. 6.250 bales; or inr ry. . u
cooil ordinary. 6ic; low. middling. 6 5-16c.
middling. 7 5-16c; good tnU mims. , ; 1 -ii
dl llg lair, sc. receipiti, i-,i.;
24 03'i bals. Futures, steady; November.
7.331i7.35c; Decenifonr. 7.3bq i.3s;; January
7:3Ki7.32e; Feforuary. 7.30f7.31c; March. ..30
iTi7.31c; April, (.airni.Jiu.
"ST. LOma "'Nov. 14 ,rOTTON-Steady:
middling. 7ie; sales. SO0 hales receipts. 466
foalesi shipments, 5.'lKi hales; stock. 47,660
"'oAiA'ESTON. Nov. 14,-COTTON-Mur-
kWVBIu"lOOU Nov, 14.-COTTON-S,,ot.
moderate fouslness. prices firmer; Amor can
middling. 4Ud. The, sales of the .lay w ero
was picked up In good season
ui rtteadv prices. The ilemnnil for tno
common kinds was limited, the same us It
Iihs been ror some nine iki, ;uni ri-u-.i
fond eoiislde-nble dlfflculty In disposing of
thnt class of cattle,
There was an active demand for western
ranee beef steers nnd ns a result tho fifteen
cars offered sold nt good strong prices,
ltunee cows also brought Just about steady
nrlces. and so also did the better grades
of stockers and feeders. Representative
sales: airiruw.
, 1...
Av. Pr.
. . . 950 4 13
...1171 4 10
...1059 I 60
...10S5 4 60
... 905 I 76
...1086 4 75
...1090 5 00
Av. Pr.
. .1301 J, 9)
..1151 6 00
..1320 6 00
..1,112 6 05
..1375 6 15
..1385 6 20
..1302 6 30
23 cull ewes
76 native ewes
495 Colorado wethers
30 cull !nmbs
23 native wethers....
19S cull ewes ,
42 cull owes
1 native buck
53 western ewes
2i' native owes
90 feeder yearlings..,
10 natlM' ewes
517 feeder wetliers....,
10 native owes
2S liatlvo ewes ,
129 feeder lambs
362 feeder lamhs ,
HI it feeder lambs
9 native lambs
67 nntlvo lambs
6 native lamhs
61 notlvo lambs
13 native lambs
. S3
, 75
. 210
. 95
'. 159
. 79
. 123
. 143
. 53
. 54
. 73
. 73
. 91
. 88
. 93
3 10
3 10
7 50
3 75
1 50
3 00
3 00
3 25
3 35
3 35
S 35
3 35
3 35
3 40
.1 50
.". 75
1 25
4 25
4 25
4 40
4 40
Conway of Orient, M. R. Rrown of CU'rk, J.
ft. Ruck of Sioux Falls, F. M. Loomls of
Omaha, V. R. Waddcn of Madison, II. H.
(iulstlno nf Madison, F. M. Rutin or Plpo
stone, Minn,
..1010 1 65 -18 935 5 00
756 1 25 1...
.... 950 2 70
.... 850 J 75
. ... 808 2 80
.... 913 3 00
....1120 3 00
....1210 3 00
....1072 3 00
.... 570 3 00
.... 998 3 00
....1105 3 10
....1270 3 23
..UiiO 3 25
1 1030 3 25
Atchison 4s 102. lAKouez 4'j
Gns Is 8?a Amalgamated ... mi
Mex. central wiiim 1-
N. E. G. & C 52
Atchison )?
,!,. nfd I00
Roston & Alb'y..259
ROStOll fc el
Illnahain 29
Cal. fc Heela 61714
Centennial I6ij
Copper Rango.... 59
.19214, Dominion Coal... 47
lioston Franklin 16
N Y. N II fc II. ..212 IIs:o Royule ..
l'-tcnuurg pin... .11.; '"""""n
I'lllOll I'UCIIIC . '," ."'" i'ii. mum. 1
Mex. Central .... -lis
Amer. Sugar ....118
Amer. T fc T 157
Dom. iron fc o...
Hen. Electric ....2."wH
Mass. Electric
do pfil ...
N. E. G. & C.
United Fruit .
U. S, Steel ....
do pfd ,
Adventure ...
36' k
Santa Fe Conner. I
inniaracK . ...
TrlmouutiUn .
muted States
Victoria ,
8,000 b.iies, oi which iw "r". VVV. ri
tlon nnd export, and Included 7.200 Arnerl
can. No receipts. Futures opened iiulet
22 Wolverine
Condition nf l-'orclmi Ilnnk.
LONDON, Nov. .11, Thn weekly state
ment of the Rank of England shows the
tollowlng changes; Total reserve. Increane,
176,000; circulation, decrease, 43ii,tfl; bul
lion, tlecreuse, 259.266; other securities, In
crease, C7S9.000j other deposits, decrease,
2,100.000; public deposits, Increase, 3,071.
000; notes reserve, Increasp. 197,onO; gov
ernment stcurltUn, Incrcaie, I,466,v. Tho
November, 4 10-644 11-64.1. buyers: Novcm
ber-Decemfoer. 4 7-r.rn '""
ceinfoer-Innuary. 4 6-64d, buyers; Jnnunry
Feforiiary. 4 B-cW4 -64d. fouyers: February
March. 15-6194 0.61.1. bu yers; March-.April.
4 5-64JI4 6-61.1. buyers; April-Mai . 4 B-64Tf
4 r,.64il buvers: May-June, 4 B-64P4 6-61.1,
fouyers; Juile-July. 4 5-64G I 6-04.1, buyers;
July-August, 4 5-6IK4 6-6ld, Imyera.
(Ill ii lid ItoNln.
nii.piTV. vnv ii OII Credit balances.; cortlllcates. no bid; shipment. 92,847
fobls,; average, 97.977 bbls,; runs, 91,3,0 bbls.;
'TAVNNAH.Noy. 14.OIL-Sp.rits of
tiirneiittne. steady. 3fi'iC. nosm, iirni; re
..i.;,u i 7-ia
'-luur'.rnv? ,. K?nrii, i.imn 'im.
'I l)l,l'.l-"J. iuv. n,-uiir-."
Bniitb Lima anu intuuim, ,
"iVyi.. vnitic vAv it. OH-Cottonseed
ea'sv: vellow, 34HC Potroleum. dull; refilled,
New York. J7.6?; Phlladolphla and Haiti
more, J7.60: PhlUdclphla and lUltlmore, n
t ilk. ti. Rosin, dull: st';l1"ei,S2nc,,,"0" 10
good Jl.iV). Turpentine, dull, SJijflJSUc
H i nvrSnNT. Mnv ti.OIL-Cnlcutta '.In-
seed, snot. 57s 3d. Linseed, Sis M, Turpen
tine spirits. 26s 7Hd. ,.,
l.lVERPOOL. Nov. H.-OII-Cottonteed,
Hull refined, spot, tiuioi, -is.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 14. WOO I- S tronK jaml
active; medium grades. 124tflio; light fjn
12SH'4c; heavy line, lOUiic; tub wash?d,
955 1 75
950 1 80
.... 990 1 85
605 1 85
757 1 90
880 1 90
9.7) 2 Oi
956 2 15
. . 900 2 25
840 2 25
...10IO 2 40
" 860 2 43
840 2 50
... SKO 2 60
". 882 2 60
... 810 2 70
1175 2 70
556 1 50 4
.... 592 2 60
550 2 50
! 730 2 50
5) 2 75
770 2 75
542 2 80
1270 2 15 1..
1300 2 45 1..
1400 2 15 ..
7111 75 1. .
STOC WEI." Ainu rr.biir,iu),
.1121 3 25
.1220 3 30
. 710 3 35
.1078 3 50
425 3 20
340 3 20
1070 3 25
920 3 25
893 3 73
5O0 3 75
..1200 2 75
..1300 3 00
..I860 3 50
560 H 50
.1000 2 73 6 Hr jl fl
765 3 "I -i i'71 "'
6S8 3 0) 34 828 3 SO
11(16 3 00 1 4'"" 2 M
745 3 l) 1 590 2 50
l 3 35 2 610 2 60
560 3 3'. 3 ,..h 2 50
B25 3 40 3 710 2 7
liio 3 M 8 686 3 0)
870 3 W
sff. I .Mi 3 feeders. .U0 3 10
21 leeucrs. . :.
3 feeders. .893 3 01
15 steers.... 958 3 15
5 bulls 1268 2ffl
1 bulls 1097 2 15
14 rows 109S 3 00
4 cows 990 3 00
2 feeders . 980 3 15
3 feeders.. 820 3 15
3 feeders.. 980 3 15
3 feeders.. 913 3 15
1 steer 1230 5 O
. . 990 2 76
27 cows 1000 3 10
15 cows 10(12 2 73
5 cows 1024 2 70
5 enws
A feelers.. 876 3 11
15 feeders.. 981 3 60
2 steers.. ..1330 i -
3 bulls 1395 2 00
4 bulls 1202 2 15
2 bulls 1500 2 30
2 cows lOtM 1 51
2 feederr. . 9(0 3 15
3 feeders. 870 3 15
fl. feeders.. 930 3 15
2 teeners.. n ' in
1 steer 1420 5
1 steer 1590 5 tm
45 feeders..-650 3 80 57 cows
25 feeders.. 789 3 85
12 feeders. ;i w
2 feeders. .1075 3 65
27 steers... .1205 3 90
:u l mi
ni.t ' fifi
Mason Rros. Neb.
855 2 90 3 cows....
730 2 90 22 rows
998 2 f"l 1 cow. . ..
960 2 15 . 2 COWS...
877 2 1 5 1 bull. ...
W. .1. Kellev-Wyo.
13 feeders.. 1068 3 75 26 steers.
M. S. Mockey-S. O.
21 steers.. . 1041 3 65 21 cows...
George Sweat S, D.
22 steers., ..1026 3 40
. W. Hughe's Wyo.
16 cow? 935 2 80 27 cows...
23 cows 931 2 50 2 bulls...
D. N. Holwell-Wyo.
4 steers.. ..1262 6 on fCow..
9 steers... 135") 5 00
2 ster....lU0 6 00
Cattle Active nnd Strong, Una lllntier,
Sheep Stead r.
CHICAGO. Nov. 14. CATTLE Receipts.
7..-.00 bend, including 2&o Texans anu ft'.o
westerns; neiive ond strong: goon to prime,
J6.2Jfi7.25; poor to medium, J4.00?J6.25: stock
ers nnu Feeders. i;.tmi,;ia ; cows, n.awi w;
be rers. ji.nkoti.2o: canners. ji. -im.-Zb: nuns,
I2.OOW4.75. calves. 12.OOffG.2fi: Texns fed
steers. tl.304 00: western steers. J3.60H6.35.
HOGS Receipts, 32,io nenrt; estimated to
mnrrnw. 28.000: left over. 4.000: active and
fully 6c higher; mixed nn.d butchers, J5.6Ca
5.8214: good to cnoicn neavy. i.wrrto.w; -?ooa
to choice. J5.60itV5.S5; rough heavy. JS.SOfi'
.55; light,'): l'UlK or rales, js.a'i'fl)
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Reeelnts. 15.0C0
lieiuti sheep steHily. lambs stronger: good
to choice wetliers, J3.25ff 1.35: fair to nholeo
m xeil. 2.763.40: western s been,
nntlvo lambs. J2.50fl t.50; western lambs, $1.30
for feeders, rerelnts yesterday: Cottle. 18.154
he.-irt! liocs. 49.176 head: sheen. 16.062 head.
Shipments: came, a,, ncan; nogs, 2,S7
head; shccii, O.WJ'i lienu.
Kalians City Mve Stork Market.
elnis. 6.0.10 heod notlves. 1.000 head Toxans.
500 lieiid calves: corn fed steers opened lOo
higher, closed sieany; joxnns, inc mgnori
otliers steaay; cnoiro export bii.i urnsseu
Jieef steers, J3.70f6.25; fair to good. J4.50S
ti.fiu; sioeners nun iceiiers, ..u.k-.m; wrai
em fed steers, $4.4035.50; western rango
ulcers. S3.25TT4.50: Texas nnd Indian steers.
J2.751M.l4i Texas cows, $2.002.95; natlvo
, nr.. l.AfnH , 1 O - V Mnn.i.iU
Cllkvn, fm.uwljl.akJ, iii:ii,.ir,, o.ii.o, fi.iuuir.,
11 M1C2.40: hulls. 12.2.Vfi3.90: calves.
IIUUM Iieceipis, zu,im neao; nenvy. ou
folither: llcht and pIhs. 6o lower: top. 15.95;
'bulk of sales, J5.3035.S5: heavy, J3.85fi5.93j
mixed niii'kers. $5.56(55.85; light. $1,801(6.80;
4 or sm I
HIIEEP AND LAMUS-Recelnts. 3,200
head; market strong to 10c higher; native
lr.,l,u 11 frV7i4 fill u'Mtnrii lnnihn. 1.1.751.50!
nnilvn' wetliers. $.1.25513.60: western wetliers.
J2.85fl0.35: yearlings. J3.25U3.S0; owes, tZ.itVtf
8.25; cuus, l.sooj3.S),
Stock In Mailt.
The following tablo shows the rccelnts of
cattle, nogs nnu sneep at tne nvo principui
markets for -sovemner it:
uau e. nous, rjneeii,
South Omaha 3,537 8.6S3 10,358
t'hlcago 7,660 32.0.Y) J5.0H0
Kansas City 7,ooo 20,000 .1.200
St. Louis 3,700 9.000 1,2 0
St. Joseph 1.500
2 cows.
15 cows,.
4 cows.
1 cow.
7 cows.
1 cow..
9 cows.
4 cows. .
7 rows..
. 846 2 n
, 933 2 90
, 861 2 90
1020 3 40
, U5 2 15
. 930 2 23
.1110 4 20
.1067 2 90
. 872 2 60
.1380 2 23
,1202 .1 90
Whotaaale Dry Goods,
Ontnl BmlMtnatl.
lBOSFarnam St.
J..f.. ROWJB.jRaatdent lUlesmjq,.
r.0 95S
Oavls & GoveIH Iron Works.
UAjruvAcrruRXitfl amp jbum
IRON AND mruum rwunuwno.
UM, tBtMl Uf MM 'Ukata IttMt
ataaa. !. Tal. U.
. STtkta. -AlMt J- Cwt. MEM
liunfutnm and Joaban of
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Klnda.
114 U4 1018 DOCOUaJ WT,
' 11
Uistern Electrical
Electrical Supplier
MtctrU Wlrtas !! Ou UaftUaa
O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard BU
Omaha Tent & Awning Co.,
ov York I.lvi Stock Market vnnif. Xnv. 14 I1KKVK8 lie
ce'lpts. 616 head: all conKlKtiecl direct; no SEaTD FOB CATAIICUIB NL'SHHSR
sales reporirii; cxiiiirio, iiuiir.
OAI.VKS Hecelpts. 8.1 heod; about
steady: general sales of veals, lo.OOflS.OO.
SIIrJI.1 Jiv im him:i.hb, .1,111
head; prices steady; sheep sold 12.5083,25;
culls. U. lamhs. lt.lOfl.94; ono deck, to;
David Cole Co.,
St, .Inseph Live Stoi-U Market,
6 cows , , 121 3 HO
3 COWS 1W3 2 DO
celpts. 1.500 head; steady to strop?: natlyej,
L1.fiOli6.75; cows and h Iters, ll.25iS5.lf); vealt,
ti oriSii wi! stockers and feeders. 1.5ift4.2$.
unfiK-Tipenlnts. 10.000 head: llht and
IlKht mixed. 5.25'o5 75: rnedlum and heavy,
r.7o6.95; pl., $1.75f((.O0; bulk of sales,
tr. iwsr. sr.
rlllKKI' AND UV.Mn8-lUclpts, 1 2)
head; stesny.
M, I, mils Live Stock Market.
sit i.nt'lH. Nov. 14. GATTIIC lleeelnts.
arcii hpsil. tnrlurtlniT 2.500 Texans; market
steady; native shlpplnif and export steors,
J7i.tvi416.7B; dressed lieef and butcher steers,
.l.liJOD.'l. Biiril lllliir! III"., .,ii4i,u.
siockers and feeders, 12.2034.16, cows and
White Plume Celery, Poultry.
416 South 11th St
Tci.pDen. 10S,
Boyd Commission Co
8ucceisor to Jmei E. Btyd A Co,,
Bobf1 Traa BalUlaa.
Direct wires to Cbtesfo a4 New Terlf,
Ctrvterjwndesce, Jehn A. Waireo A Ce.