THE OMAHA DAILY UEK: rKll)A, OVKll3f? 15. 1101. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. 1 I COUNCIL BLUFFS. .MIMHI MK.VriO.V. Davis rlln drugs. Btockert r.ells cartels and rug". MMr bcr at NVumayer'e. hotel. Dra. Green, ofllre .0 Happ block. Welt-bach burners, Itlxby Hon. Wollman, scientific optician, Flroadwaj. 1ft-. Htephonsoti. Ualdwln block. Hlcvator. 'Trie latest things In rubber goods nt Dell ti, Morgan'!", tlm druggist. "Englleli Hunting Scene" ptlnts. AKX under Co., SB Hrondway. Excelsior Masonic lodge will meet tonight for work In tho ihlnl degree. Missouri oak body wood. J5.S0 cord. VS m. Welch. 23 N Main St. Tel. 12S. Tho Woman's Heller corps will meet this afternoon In annul Army hall. A flnft line of winter underwear from fOr a. garment up at Smith fc Urndley a. New black and fancy Hcotch novelty suit Just ripened at Smith & llradley s. A complete line of Mousing union tiills from Jl.& n suit up nt Hmlth it llradley s. ftadlant Home stove, auarantecd nut to cruck. Bold by Petersen & Schoonlng, Mer rlam block. Capi", gloves and mufflers, a compete line of every description at all prices at Smith & rirndlcy's. Iluwkeyo lodKe. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet tonight for work In the second deiftee. Renal nntl automobile yoke overcoats a swell line of brown plaid and Oxfords Just received at Smith fc Hradley's. Fully guild of Grace F.plscopat church will meet this afternoon at the home or .Mr. J. 8. Grotzor. I'lerce street. Gland Hlchardson. 1725 South KJrtjtJi treet, was reported to tho Hoard or Health yesterday as suffering from dlphthcrlii. A marriage license wan Issued yesterday to Lewis it; Grobe, aged 21, of Mlnden, In., and Dorothy K. Nleman, aged 19. of Under wood, la, Petersen & Hchoonlng, Slerrlain block, havo tho moat complete line of Hot lilast stoves In tho city and at prices that will surprise you, Harry Miller and Hcrt Klrkle. small boys, were arrested yesterday afternoon. chargad with stealing turnips from John Crows field on Weat Hrondway. Mr. and Mrs, J. Costello are liome from Ogden, I.' toll, wbero they wero called by tho death of Mrs. Coslello's alster, Mrs. It. I,. Fosdlck, formerly of (his city. The meeting of the council slated for yes. torday nftemoon wns postponed for lack of a quorum until Monday evening. Alder men Clark and Huber weto the only mem bers prcsen'. "A Modern Woodman," which Is to be given at the. Dohuny theater this evening, will be repeated tomorrow night localise of such n largo demand for tlckcto und re nerved scats. Hernard M. Jackson Died a suit for ill vorco In the district court yesterday from Itosa .IiiekHim. whom he married In New York May 2. 1697. He alleges she deserted him In September, IK. Mrs. Curl II. Steffcn. aged 6S years, died yesterday afternoon at her home northeast of this city. Her husband and four children survive her. The funeral will bo Saturday from tho Treynor Lutheran church. Cards have been Issued announcing the marriage of Miss Hessle Merrlam of this city to Ovnndti Cowles, an attorney of Omaha, Thursday evening of next wceK, In the Second Presbyterian church, A notice of appeal was Died yesterday In the cnao of Frank Shlnn against F. M. Cunningham, thn tax ferret, In which Judge Wheeler last Juno held that Cunningham's contract with the Hoard of County Super visors was valid. The last remnants of the old Pacllla house, one of the landmarks of this city, are being torn down. This Is the portion or tho old hotel left standing In the rear of 'the new building erected on Hroadway, which Is now being razed. It Is said the second foot ball eleven pt the High school will go today to Missouri Valley to play tho High school there, con trary to the wishes of Principal Hnsign. The first, team will go to Ida Grove Satur day to play the High school of that place. Hills brothers In Charles Hills' live-act comedy drama at the Dohuny theater to night, under tho auspices of Hazel camp, No. 171, Modern Woodmen or America. Charles Fills. Lieutenant Waller M. Kills and little Hay In tho lending roles, .as sisted by thirty-live people. Jake Hethers was arrested last night on a chargo or vagrancy. This charge was placed against him merely as a preliminary In possibly a more serious one. Tho police were notified that Hethers had ror tho hut two days been In company with two young slrls, one under 15 years or age and tho jthcr under 17. CREDITORS AGAINST HEIRS Ontipokei Warfare Deolartd in tbt Officer & Fusty Gate. BRUNT OF ATTACK ON CHARLES T. OFFICER Alienation fhril lit; Is tiillt to Srre n Administrator nntl F.Bort Mntjc to lluir Mini ttc tn ril. parking around tho Hock Island station at the foot of Main street. She rarae here from Iowa City and Atlantic, whtre she per formed similar service for the Flock Island road. According to the plans the grounds will be beautified with trees and shrubs and In the summer with blooming plants. INQUESTS ON TRAIN VICTIMS N. Y. numbing Co., telephono 250. 14. II. .Mnrlln Visits lllrt li)ilnec. Edmund II. Mnrlln of the Colorado Stnte prison at Cannon City arrived In this city last evening on his way homo from Kansas City, whero he attended the National I'rlson congress. He Is stopping at the Grand hotel and Is accompanied by hl wife. Warden Martin was a resident of Coun cil Dluffs when It was known a Kanes villa. Ho wbs born hero and left for the west with his father, William Martin, who whs quartermaster In Johnson's army In 1850, when It went to Salt l-ake City. This Is Mr. Martin's first visit to Council niults since ho left here, although he has passed through on the train a number of times. Shortly after his arrival Mr. Martin was busy renewing acquaintances with a num ber of nld-tlmo friends. The application for the removal of Charles T, Officer as administrator of the estate of his father, Thomss Officer, senior member of the defunct banking firm of Officer & I'usey, was filed In tho district court yesterday. The application, which Is said to be made on behalf of more than a majority of tho creditors of the estate, contains twenty-one reasons as alleged by the petitioners why the administrator should be removed. It states that a majority of the creditors are opposed to htm serving as such and that he Is not transacting the business of the estate so as to protect the Intercuts of the creditors, and further that by reason of his relationship and other adverse Inter cats to the rights of tho creditors he Is Incompetent to All tho position. Attention Is called to the fact that there Is a large property lutcrcst held by mem. bora of the family of tho administrator claimed to he owned by them. Into the facts of which the court, It Is alleged, should Inquire by suit brought by the adminis trator and that In one Instance It was found necessary to secure the appointment by the court of a special administrator to bring mitt against the sister of the admin istrator. Object In the l.mijrrn. Objection Is raised to the fact of the ad ministrators employing the attorneys for the widow and other heirs to represent him in all matters of litigation connected with the estate. It Is alleged that while he lias expended large sums of money In tho In vestigation of the mining properties of the cstnte, ho has failed to acquire any Infor mation or knowledge which might assist the court or himself in properly directing the disposition or management of the estate with reference to these mining properties. H Is charged that the administrator has failed to seasonably apply for authority to sell the real estate for which there has ex isted a good demand and price and which It is claimed ought to be sold for the ben efit of tho estate and Its creditors. It Is also charged that ho has failed to have the rights of dower claimed by the widow de termined, although he has been acting as administrator for over a year. Attention Is also railed to the fact that the same at torneys as represent the administrator pre pared and filed the widow's claim for dower. Objection to his acting further as admin istrator Is also made on the grounds of his connection with tho defunct bank, It being the bellof of the petitioning creditors that he was aware of Its condition and that It was Insolvent at tho time they were Induced to deposit tholr money. In Interest of Heirs. In support of the allegation that the ad ministrator Is working more for the Inter ests of the hclra than for the creditors, at tention is called to tho report of the ad ministrator, which shows that not only the funeral expenses, but that the expenses of the family havo all been paid, Including the family groceries and other domestic bills, oven to the wages of the girl employed at tho dwelling. It Is alleged that the estate Is so hopt- Icssly Insolvent that the heirs of Thomas Oftlccr have no Interest whatever In tho assets other than perhaps the widow's statutory Interest. Another alleged rrason for Ills removal is that while It was the duty of the admin istrator to take possession of nil the land of tho estato and collect tho rents he has failrd to do so, and has failed to make any report to the court of the receipt of any rents for either of the two years during which he has had the right to collect tlm same, although largo sums of money havo acc accounted for; the administrator and heirs that these lands be not sold nnd that by reason of lapse of time tho rlghu of tho creditors therein to subject the same to the Indebtedness or the estato should coase and determine. Clinrle) Anderson lllea of Injuries nnd Train Crcn Is Ki enlpnteil. Charley Andtrson, the lad who attempted to Jump on a Northwestern train Wednes day evening on First avenue and Thlrteen'h street and was crushed beneath the wheels, died early yesterday morning from his In juries at tho Woman's Christian Associa tion hospital. At the Inquest yesterday afternoon the Jury brought In a verdict to tho effert that the boy came to his death while attempting to Jump on the train und that the railroad company was In no way to blame. Russell and James Williams and Frank floss, three youthful companions of the dead boy, were the only witnesses exam ined nt the Inquest. Tho train crew was not aware of the accident nnd did not know that tbc hoy had been run over until In formed by cmplojrs of the Illinois Central railway. This being the case, the coroner did not deem It ncctssary to bring them before the Inquest. The boys testified that they were sitting on the bridge over Indian Creek at Fourteenth street, when the train of pacsenger coaches passed and that young Anderson suggested that they Jump on and take a ride. Anderson was in the lead and succeeded In catching the step of the Inst car but one. The brace of the bridge knocked him off between the two enrs and the whecjs of the last coach passed over his right side. When the train passed youna Anderson was lying with his leg acrots the rail. He raised himself up snd asked tho other boys to go nnd tell his mother, then lapsed Into unconsciousness. The boys said they did not see any of the trainmen and did not believe any of the trainmen saw them. They proved excep tionally bright witnesses nnd told their story In a clear and evidently straightfor ward manner. The Inquest over Thomas Green, who was killed while attempting to hoard a freight train Wfdnesday evening In tho local yards of the Northwestern, will bo held this morning at S o'clock In Cutler's undertak ing rooms. It having been postponed from jestcrday afternoon In order to secure the attendance of a material witness. Robert Sullivan, a young mnn living at Twenty fourth and I streets, South Omahfc, who wns with Oreen when the accident occurred, came to the city yesterday afternoon to look nt the remains of I1I3 friend. He enld he and Green came to Council HlufTs Wednesday afternoon to visit a friend whoso residence they failed to locate. They worked their wny across the river on a freight train und were about to Meal a ridii back when Green fell beneath the wheels. Sullivan said he was so frightened when ho saw Green's mangled body that he ran from tho yards and mnde his way ba:k to South Omaha as quickly as possible. Whilu hero he was subpoenaed as u witness at tho Inquest this morning. James Green, a brother, arrived last even ing and will take the remains of Thomas Green homo to Kansax City today. The funeral of Charley Anderson will be Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of Charles II. White, 622 MynstJr street. Rev. W. B. Crewdson will conduct the services and burial will be In Fnlrvlew cemetery. Great cut in prices made on our entire line of table linen for Friday and Saturday A good line of ladles' Jackets In all le-iath nt ,irlces ranging as follows mn. Jti.7n. jn.i. $10.0". J12.00 j.( JI7.VI. 20.(l. J25.0 and f.TO.00.' and children a J.ickets rrom ,3 0O.J5 7 l2.()0 Ladles' elotlicnpes at greatly 4( ff rcd.icrd prices, 12.9$ to . . ,u,uu Millinery Millinery at half price for Friday and Saturday. . I IS fS Cloaks and Jackets IS & IS IS f IS IS IS IS ft IS IS IS IS IS IS fs is IS (is JJtL. fa fa 50c 1.00 Men's Underwear Men s cotton ribbed shirts nnd draw ers full size sate 50C Men cotton nnd woid fleeced underwear, only Fine domestle wool whirls nnd ilruwers-all sizes sale price. Kxlra (unllty Australian wool shirts nnil drnwers -full sizes f CI) price, l.CJW Ladies' Underwear "Mclba" form fitting combination suits - wool mixed In silver nnd black, at l on. J1.2T., J1.S0 uml $2.0) per bUlt. Good cotton fleeced i 'tuts und vests nil sizes. In silver nnd ecru Sflr- snlc price OUC Special "ne (on center table) full line cotton ribbed printx and OBn vests wile price Aiuu Children's Underwear Hoys' line wool llecced pants Or. nnd shirts sale price -uv Children's cotton pants, drawers Mid shirts-on sale from 33e to Children's cotton ribbed vesta and pants-all sizes sale 1fc price AJ Full lint- ot the celebrated Ruben In fants' Shirts, In wool and 2Eir silk nnd wool from 0"c to -w Comforters A well mnde Comforter, full lue JOc 7.'c glade on rfle nt Heavy quilted comforter, covered ,wltli Kuoil xilkolino, extra good QQp value on sale nt -,uv F ne bnnd tied comforters, lilted with good white cotton and eov- 4 CZI ired with good idlkollne, only. '-" Oilier Kindt's In comforters at $1.75, 2.W, ii mi t.i.yiK Bleached and Cream Damask. M-lnch Cream Damask, all linen, regular 33c snlo pri. e only M'lnch linen Cream Damask, regular value Sfc-sale prlco ; 72-lncli Cream Dumask, good pattern", regular price Wc sale price o6-lneh Cream Pamnsk, fic value, sale prlco Mdnch Fancy German Damask, with open-work border, tegular (Sic grade snle prlco KS-lnch nil linen Cream Damask, yard 75c value, sale price pr 22c 29c 39c 42c 50c 48c ffi-lnch good German Linen, regular Kc nlue sale price AH,, only 72-Inch Heavy Crcnm Damask, POc grade snlo 7Hr price f-lncli Bleached Damask, regular .Vc value sale nrlco 19c C6dnch Itlenchfd Linen Damask, price cxlrn good Milne snlo 50c 72-Inch Dleached Dumnsk, good valuo nt S!c sale price 7er' rinl Hlg range of patterns and styles In fine ntln finished Damasks. C (( all full widths and extra values, at per ynrd-$2, $1.73, $I.W, $1.23. ... M lvV Napkins. Hlg assortment of Hleached and 11 ilf-lllciiilicd .Vnpklns, ranging In trice from 33c to jy.50 per dozen. Linen Sets. Full lino of fine Unen Scis, Sco show window display. Lunch Cloths nnd Doylies at special prices. Turkey Red Damask. Sy-lnch Turkey Red Damask, 19c vnluc .ile price only so.lncli Turkey Red Damask. In good variety of patterns, 23c value on snle at Oo.luch Damnsk, In Me and 33e grades on sale nt Turkey lied. Huff and Hlne Damasks, regular .Vic value-on salo nt nine, itcd and Huff Damnak, extra heavy nnd good quality mi salosrkr- tvw 15c 20c 25c 39c. at Fringed Table Cloths. C'c vnluc Turkey Hcd Fringed Table Cloths, full slsc--on sale nt S9e grade Fringed Table Cloths on snlo at 50c 75c Whitelaw & Gardiner Boston Store Council Bluffs, hi. Keady-Alade Pillow Cases. Fine bli.nlieil pilluw' r.isC"-. m, :W. sale price ;i fi.r 2o , e.ieli . ...Vw tfatne gr.idc of Wem-hed plllnw int euses, ifx!, s:ile price only iwc K.vtrn uood niiiillty pillow cases, wil made mid full sire. ISxSiS. on snle nt " -v- I'lne hemstitched pillow eases. Hindi of tiii good grndc nui'llti. tOr Mile price Sheets Head; made shcrts, publcm-hcd. HMdi of giinil grmlt of shei tli'g. 72x '.ill. tHlue. Mile price milv. . Full size !i-l lend) -tn.lle sheets, exir.l well iiinde. Willi wide hems, Clin sale prl.c iJUt 8-1 lileiicheil lemh -to-iiac sheets, of cctiu good grade of sheet lug, ll'- grade, siili prlee .... '& grade of 1 blfm lied sluel:. Mile pi Ice SI SI SV sv SI? sv SI To we ling Illeaihed cotton lilrdseye crash towel Ing, with icd striped borders, sale pike llnelied toilet twills, on sale at All linen tuisli toweling, unbleached. Willi red striped Ixirder, oil sale nt 1$! made 50c Jfo SI AAA V A 5c ,64c ..8c 1 1 ir on sale lit vv lillier grades In Ideaehed linen crash in ltusUiu and Heiiiili, al l'.M:C, l.'c ind l?e. tf-llicli nil linen clash toweling, e quality, on !-.lle H'-lticli nil linen era-ill toweling, lie value, on Mile nt .Jifcc grade all linen crash. Blankets P-l (oiton blmiUctH. :n and grc. with fancy border, JT5,-. sale prke 10-1 while eoiton "olankeiK, with blue nnd red IiouIcih. good lr weight, sale prler Other grade In cotton Idmikcts, In grevs uml drabs, at tOi , .SV. Jl.W, $1.2.i, t).'u and $2.00. Good all wool blankets, regular $3.73 grade, on sale Jf2.98 I.Mra heavy C. S Army blankets. In urey with black border, vSi $.i Willie, on sale nt. V S Navy blanket, full size. In ulilt- $4.75 link with IiIiim bonier. r cola r rrlei 57 -le price V SI SI SI SI Si SI SI SI SI SI SI SI Davis sells glass. Ilenerrs Ynt'litlnK Ambition. J. T, Van rirunt of St. Joseph was In Council muffs yesterday arranging for an other sailing race at Iike Manuwn next spring. He shipped back to Lake Con trary his yacht, as ho desires to niuko sev eral alterations and Improvements In It be fore sailing here next year. He Is as de termined as over to take back, If possible, tho challengo clip to Uiko Contrary. Davis sells paint. It nil Kstntc Trunsfer These transfers wore filed yesterday In tbo abstract, title and loan office of J. Bqutre. 101 I'earl street: J. A. U "Waddell and wife to Mary L. Kverett. 5 acres In w'i pel. rt-71-r.i. (. c. d W. n. Hue and wife to II. H. Day, undlv4 of part sett so'i 6-74-43, I,. o. d,... Mary Btegall and husband to Wil liam r. worisier, ioi o, wuv. v, Crawford's ndd., q. e. d..... Benjamin Morris nnd wife, to Fnnnv Wright, lot 3 und U lot I, block 4, HufT's add,. Oakland, w. d.... J. XV. Snul'i- nnd wife to Frank Dlwoky. wij lot R. block D. Hnulrea' udd . w. d Frans Nelson and wire to William Gall. neH lot 1, block 2. HtuU- man's 1st add., w. d Hecelvers ot Officer A Fusey to I'omoua Mnd and Trust com pany, neU nw'i and nwU neU S- IS CORROBORATE DOYLE'S CLAIM Witnesses Insist thnt Thej Horns n III I'nrtner. Knew In the hospital. It was reported that Fisher died posscancd of $S0. The matter of repairing the cylinder In tho county Jail ns recommended by tliu grand Jury was llscuictl nt length and referred to a special committee consisting or Hrnndes. Matthews and Kearney. CONSTABLE PEDDLES FISH One Tlioiinml I'oniiiU or Finny lims I15 eloe nnd M'lril. I-'rl- Deputy Came and Fish Warden 12. C. Rrown yosteiday morning f-elzcd 1,000 pounds or fish which had been brought to ' this city for sale. Tho seizure, was mauo The evidence Introduced by the plaintiff 111 the llovle-niirns mill vptttei-rfnv w-tifl corroborative ot Doyle's claim that he was near Johu Crow's place on v.csi iirouuwuj. the location I where K. II- Vincent, tno mini in cnaiK. equal partner with Hums In or the milling claims now forming the properties of tho Portland Gold Mining company. Tho evidence of five witnesses, as given at tho previous trial, was read from the reporter's transcript and two wit nesses were placed on tho stand. Tho witnesses whose testimony was read to tho Jury were; XV. F. Osborn of Victor, Charles Hovard of Sallda. J. W. Glackln of Colo rado Springs, C. II. Mattoon and J. T. WII- ru'ed from Iho rents whlcli ought to be limns, both ot Cripple Creek. Tho wit- that it Is to tho Interest of "eeB wno lesiiiieii on me sianii wore K. 11. opraguo 01 uoiorano springs ana it. L. Walsh of Victor. Olackin's testimony related principally to tho attempt ot Doylo and Burns to Jump the three Hobtall clalmn nnd relocate them as 1 ollow Jnckets Nos. 1 and '.'. Tho stakes on the Yellow Jacket claims, he said, bore the names of both Doyle and Hums. A feature In Hovard's evidence was his statement that ho had seen tho stako on tho Tidal Wave claim and that a hoard nailed to It had both the name of Doyle and Hums on It. This point was brought out strongly by the plaintiff's counsel, as this mine forms one of the principal properties over which tho suit arises, K. H. Sprague told how, In tho early days of the Cripple Creek district, ho found Hums and Doylo attempting to Jump his claim, the Maude White, and how he and GRAND JURY CONCLUDES WORK neturns Xtimlier of Initlelmrnts snrt lleporl on Condition of .Inlls. Tho district court grand Jury, which has been In session since November 6, com pleted Its deliberations yesterday afternoon and adjourned, nftcr returning a number of Indictments. Few of the Indictments wero made public, as the defendants wero not In custody. I . - . nH Um 1.11. , V, n.fl-il IllrV .. .Tn..X.rv . inte of Mh committee from the union drove them called attention to the unsanltarj state ot . the city lockup. The county bastlle, It re- norted. was lu good condition, but recom mended that tho Interior be painted, addi tional toilet facilities provided for the fa raalo ward and that the cylinder be repaired. Indictments were returned against Mike off. He asked who be had to deal with. Doyle or Hums, and Hums told him both, as they were partners. Aitcrward ho learned that Hums and Doyle wero apply ing for n patent to the Tidal Wave, which took In his claim, but lei. It go when Hums Smith and Harry Langdcm on tho chargo ot nred him MOO not tb adverse him 1.0 ,1.41 rec. il Robert II. Kern, special master, et al, to the Wabash Hallroad com pany, thn rallrond of tho Omaha & 8t. l.oub Hallrnnd company from Council HlufTs to rattens burn. Mo,, and all real estate and personal property of said com pany, manter a d - Klght transfers, total l,2V),m Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, 641 Hroadway, LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director iguccastor to VV. C. Jstg) tS I'lSAHl. STHKKT, Thorn 9f, FARM LOANS 5oS8? In Eoeitrn NebnuUt 1M Ualn St., Council Biufw. t.l..Atlil mi in! IowiT JimM N.C4y. iU nicking the pockets of Charles K, Taylor, a farmer, of a gold watch valued at ?2S and $16 In money, George Hdwards was Indicted on the charge of stealing three roller wheels Sep tember 20 from tho Council nluffs City Water Works company, William, alias Chappie, Jones, colored, was indicted on the charge of breaking Into an Omaha & St, Louis railway car, October 6, and stealing clothing No hill was found In the case of W, W. Langdnn, chnrged with compounding a fel ony in railing to prosecute a compiaini filed by him against Fred Stephens, a sa loon keeper, whom he had charged with selling liquor to his minor ton. The grand jury also railed to return in dictments In tho cases of Lee Hutlor, a vouth charged with malicious mischief, and Joseph Hsrdymartln of Mlnden, charged with asaillt. Sam Sorensen, recently In the grocery business on Hroadway, was Indicted on the charge of cheating by false pretenses. Sor enscn failed and went Into bankruptcy ami some of his creditors allege that thn trans action was fraudulent. Ho was arrcstod st ovmlng by Doputy Sheriff Oronoweg. May Madaen, against whom an Indictment was returned at tho last term of ciurt on the charge of larceny from the person, was arrested )t evening. The testimony of both Sprague and Walsh varied In but few respects from that given at the former trial. Nothing new or sen sational developed during thn day's pro ceedings. Today tho plaintiff expects to place John O'Halre on the stand. Owing to his connection with Burns and Doylo during tho early days of tho prospecting his evidence Is looked upon as Important. tho lish. was waiting ror umniia parucs. m whom he expected to nniko n sale. Vincent wns arrested and will have u hearing Tues day before Justice Ferrler. It Is bald tho lish was solnrd In Honey creek lake. An other wagonload of lish escaped across the river Into Omaha before Warden Hrown ap)c:ired on the scene. The law provides that fish thus seized can cither be destroyed or sold under the direction ot tho court. Justice Ferrler was loth to destroy It, so ho empowered fmislnhle Halrd to Fell It. The constnblo stood tho wagon at Hioadway nnd North Main street and peddled Iho flaw, hut when evening rell ho had mure on his hands than he had sold. Tho receipts will be held by tho court until the case la disposed or. CITY ATTORNEY IS BITTEN Don nniile HI" Itlisbt und Tenrs His 'l'l-oiisers. Cltv Attorney Wadsworth was limping yesterday alternoon and Incidentally wear lng u new pair of trousers. He and a num her of attorneys engaged In tho Doyle Hums suit wero standing In front of the firand hotel during tlm noon recess when a nun dog. tho property of F. K. Gllllland. mn nnper fnr Jones fc Co.. darted out of tho grnln broker's office and f.unk his teeth Into the fleshy portion of the city attor ney's right leg. Mr. Wadsworth shook off the dog and It made another rush at him .mil mm n nnrtloii out of his trousers. Act- Inc on the a'dvlco of friends Mr, Wads worth at onco had tho wound cnutcrlied nnd no ill effects arc looked for from tho blto of the canine, as the animal was not sufferlnc from rabies. Mr. Wadsworth is unablo to account for tho dog's nttack. INSISTS THE CITY SHOULD PAY Iowa Steam Dye Works 30 Broadway, Council BluiTn. Maka yout old clothes look Ilk ntw, CLEANING, DYEING and HEI'AIIUNQ. .'nono A.i. County Supervisors Tnrn llnnn lllll for Pur of Special roller. IOWA ROBBERY NUMBER EIGHT PrWata Biak nt Ltny, Dmtir 0untj, Ltiei $2,000 Woodward's means Good l.aiidy. d'ood '"andy means Woodward's. BARRETT SETS SUPERINTENDENTS RIGHT. Orders Conntj ehool Kxrrtitli c to I'eopen l.'nftr Wherein lirror Is Ap linrrnt KunsHK Convlots' IOhch pnile Arouse Slum tFroiu a Staff Corre-punilciit 1 l)i:s MOINHS, Nov. 14. (Special Tcle- grom.J A private hank nt Leroy, Decatur count , on the Keokuk & Western, was broken Into laht night nnd f 2,000 taken, Tho robbers effected .111 entrance through tho door and broke open thn safe. Oltlccrs were notified of the burglary early this morning, but have been unable to locate tho parlies suspected of having com mitted the crime. The bank building was wrecked by the discharge of nltro-glyccrlne and tho contents of tho snfo scattered about promiscuously. No one was awakened In time to see any of the robbers or secure a clue. All the cash was taken. This makes tho eighth bank robbery In Iowa in the. last month Precedent for School i'miKles. State Superintendent of Schools I'arrctt today decided an appeal case from Van Huren county relating to the duties nnd authority or county superintendents which sots a precedent ror them In many matters or controversy. It wns a case In which patrons had objected to tho moving of a schoolhoiisr because or tho fact that certain children would have to go too far for a schooling. A compromise had been effected by which the school board had agreed to provide that the children should be schooled In another district. The superintendent was notified officially that this hod hcen done and declared thn case closed, but Inter found that the agreement hnd not been carried out, and then refused to reopen tho case on tho theory that It had heen closed and ho had no right to reopen It. Hut the stats superintendent cites the supremo court as authority for It that tho state superintendent Is In duty bound to reopen a rase whero It has boen diacovercd that an error hud boen made and he holds that tho county superintendents have the same power. Heretofore It h been the rustom of superintendents to consider such cases closed and to refuse to reopen them for correction or when conditions have changed. Tho state superintendent directs that Iho case bo reopened. Ksiinni Scene, ( WOODWARD'S Synonyms and ( GOOD CANDY. JOHH G. WOODWARD & CO., "The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la, byterlan church of Dcs Moines held 11 meeting Ihbi evening and oxprofscd them reives unanimously in favor of extending a call to Rev. McQulston of Kearney. Neb. (lev. McQulston Is 0110 of several lulnhiten vho have given trlnl pennons in thla city since the resignation of llev. W. 11. I'at terson, the late pastor, last June. llu will be untitled or the church's action and, ir htlll n candidate, a call will be extended to him. Stole liiKtltiillitni. According to the reports In the nlHre of tho Stato Hoard of Control, there wns a uct Increase In tho number of Inmates at the. various stato Institutions during thn month of October of 311. but the greater part of this Incrcasn wns due to the reopening of tho School for tlm Deaf nt Council Hluffs. Tho total number of Inmates No vember 1 was i!,94'.). Tho number of In matcB on tho payroll was 231 and the num ber or employes not Inmates was 1.089. Thn total paymonts or the month from the support fund were tl00,R"1.23 and from spe cial funds, $5!.1K0.SI. The following tabn shows tho number of employes at each in stitution tho first of the month, tho num ber of Inmates, with Incrcai-o or decrease and the payments of tlm month: ., 70 .. r,i ..137 ..IK! ..110 .. so .. .. Mi .. Ml .. 41 QOHANY theatera; Friday, Nov. 15 i:i,l, is IIUOs, in 1 b.i 12111s Comedy Dinnid In Flw V 1 1 A Modern Woodman Auspices llnzel Camp 171, M. W A, Admission l'liniuct and first rows In Balcony. -5c. balance balcony and gal-r-r , 23c. Olllee llonro, H II. Siiiiilu.i , from S 11. 1 in, 10 II p, , to r. i, m, I 15 1.1 J ,ti'rt i 4:11 H7 s.nir, 21 ' or i 21 no" 111 1 l.tftl 2 1; ,n in , 1 11.017 ?r. :ti :m m I 11? 1.1 2 fits n 4M ! r..3i is r.v) v. 1 1,1:12. no "L' 2.' N.S37 41 r.n ?. fo;T 01 1HS 2 !.!' 10 .10. tl W S2 Deed of Oiiiillm A St. I.oills. m 1 , , . u n,alia X- SI. Tamils rail i no ueeii 111 u , . , To Prevent road from uoneri ii-"en., r,.,..... .... .... , . the Wabash Hallroad company and tho dood j Governor Shaw will recommend to tho or trust from the Wabash to thn Howling legislature tho passage of a law to correct Oreen Trust company of New York were an obvious error In regard to the state fii.rt for record hero yrstorday, Tho trust , convicts employed In a stono quarry near deed relates to the IssUBnce ot JS.fiOO.OOOj tn(( Anamosa penitentiary. Some tlmo ago Amphlon Club orchestra dance tonight at Hughes' hall. Orchestra eight pieces, Itrnntlnea Xtnllon I'nrkloK. Mrs, McCrea. laudscape arrhltect of Lln The Hoard of County Supervisors yester. day turned down the hill presented by the city for the pay of'th special policemen employed nt the polls on election day. Here tofore tho county has paid the special elec tion pollco, but County Attorney Klllpack advised the board that the matter was not within Its jurisdiction and that special po lice employed within the city limits Bhould be paid by the municipality. Tho hills of the clerks and Judges of election were or dered paid, C. K. H, Campbell was swarded the con tract for bridge work for ono year from April 1 at the same prices as provided In his present contract. Supervisor Hanson, who believes that the board should advor Use for bids for this work, was excused from voting. Tho county auditor was Instructed to ap ply to have Silpervlor Matthews appointed administrator of the estate of Onrgs rnln nnrk. Chlcaso. was In the city yettsr- dy, pUnnlnf Improvements to beautify the I Fleher, a county patient who died recently 314 per cent bonds. Issued by tho Wabash to cflrct the purctiasn ami impiotcincnt ... tho Omaha & St. Louis. IOWA BOY HASCHARMED LIFE I'bnI r it Ik 111 Tne Hint HIrIi In Air, I111I Me siirihi'i Without lnni. CLINTON, la.. Nov. II. (Special. I fieri Smith, the 13-year-nld son of Michael Smith, bud a wonderful escape from death last nlRht near tiw Moor. Ho was driving across a private crossing and failed to sco the approach of a i-pcclal freight going nt the speed of lty miles an hour down grade. Wltnofsefi to Iho accident say lh englnn struck the horo and buggy and the boy was thrown Into the air Hn ram-, down on the engine slid off to the ground while tho train was slll going at fright ful speed and Walked hahk to the wreck. Ills horso wai, dead and tho buggy ruined, but he sustained only few brule. the supreme court decided that a convict who had been convicted for breaking out of tho Anamosa penitentiary had been wrongfully convicted. He had heen ono of tho men employed in tho stono quarry, which Is situated some distance from the penitentiary proper. He and companion dropped into n depression lu Hie ground as the gang was walking homo ono evening, tholr companions kicked a row leaves over them and they remained thero until night, when they quietly walked away. Ono was convicted, but the court declare there Is nothing In the statutes to make tho stone quarry a part of the penitentiary, henco he did not hrcsk out of the peniten tiary. In view of the recent experlenco of tho authorities In permitting prisoners to escape from the federal prison at Leav enworth It Is greatly feared that th'i stone quatry gang at. Anamosa may some day make a break for liberty, and their oppor tunttles am certainly good New leglsla tlon will be asked on this point 4"ntl n .Vehrnakn Pmtnr, The- members of the Second United I'rea f Anamosa Fort Madison. (inrluda Independence Ml. Pleasant., council muffs. Vinton Davenport .... Marshalltowii (Henwood Kldoru MltehellvUlo .. Cherokee Decrease. Pcnnlniis Increase. Thn report of tho Dcs Moines agency to tho commissioner of pensions for tho month of October shows a gain of IB," original pen sions and renewal? and a lots by death of 127. by remarriage one and by minors be coming of age twelve. The net gain ror October Is four. Of tho original pensions added ten were war with Spain. I'mi VeiT llnnUv Chat-tor wero Issued today for two no nankB, nn follows: Tho lllue CirafiB Savings bank of lllue firnfs. Seolt count); capital 14.0txi: by H. F. Winder. Churld F.hrM ntui others. The llediick Stato bank of Keokuk couiny. capital. $2.V000; A. M l'i terbiek. president- W L. Smith, aeerntarv A peculiar query was received by the see rotary or stato today. It was from orihials of tho First State bank of Corwith. In re gard to reducing tbo capital stock from ViO.OOO tc- $50,000. This la done, so they say because the hank has loo much money and can es well do tho business on less capital. Thu bank Is In good em dltlon and can pay S per cent on the capital. Ion it nt M. I.oiil. Membets of I he rotnnilltre of the Iowa commission for tho Louisiana e.posltlon nt St. Louis have returned from a visit thero, where they Inspected the site of the exposi tion and asked fnr tho reservation of ground for an Iowa building. Tlm committee dors not feol warranted In going further than to ask fnr reservation, as It Is purely an un official commission, with no power to act. Tho ccnimlssloners were well pleased with thn plans for the exposition. Trouble In H Park llonrjl As tho outgrowth of troubles In the park board of tho city of Burlington two tneni l,crs of the board have gone before the Brand Jury to Attempt to secure thn Indict ment for criminal libel of one of the most promloeut cltlieiis or lew a who 13 tno tniru member of the board. This Is Philip M SYPHILIS signs or on OVER 20,000 and all DR. McGREW (Age 53) SPECIALIST. DIm-iikcn nnil tllnorilors of Men Onlv. ail li-nrV F,pcrlence. IT, leiir In Onuilin. VAnluubtLt eiitiing. and all lllood Dlsensea cured lor life All broking out and disease disappear at once, aw. - i nn il of nervnm Ulilllu, bus of vltnllty in natural weaknesses of men, Stricture, t.leet Mdncy anil madder DIs cum's llwlro.rli eiired permanently. In rex l.iinrillileril. I ullxlllfiittilli Flee. CHARGES LOW. ft- me t In- mall P O llox "50, other (! -I - S lllll si reel between Far i..ini ,' d DuKiglu'i KIh OMAHA NICH, BENT ON TRIAL. MUK Stop taking medlcla. If ion burn mull, woak orgini, lout nnwnr or wankmlng dralm. nnr Vacuum OrBtti DfiTelopur will reetoro toil No drugi. Mrletur iW tnltoi-werka. 7.1,(10 In uaa; not (SH one fnllurn; not onn retamad; FfTncttmuiedietn; nn() O.I). fraud. Wrlto forties particulars, eant rralad la plain envelop. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO, 118 Thorp Blk, Indlinipolli.lnJ, f'r.ipo, who Is vory weaMiy and has glen large sums for park purposes and has boen our of the fnremoht iitl7cus of the state In philanthropic work. The trouble arosoover tho purcliaso of a pump and other materials and grave .u'eiMatlons lmo been made In loiters rfinl published Klaleinent. Tho other liiomberii of the board who havo been ai-eiiRcd of corruption also Uneaten damngn Mills. tletboillal .Hilonii- A I lit I men I. I'lTTHHUHO. Nov. II, The general mil. slonary t'oiniiilHiii of the Methodist ICplscopal church, after a lengthy Knu, ileeldc-d today to allow tbo homo mis sion l.l per cent of the appropriation and the foreign mission K per cent. Other ap propriations made wre- Incidental ex penses. Jtooiie. ahirbs of ofllcers and mis rioiiary bishops, $::fi.of'i, dlssemlnntlng lite- -ature. Vt-'.0"i, rxpenses of field sccretnr for vouiig people s work, J5.1W.