Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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XbtiaSrf Vutctmtnt tf Ltfltrrr Otnn
Brlnp Udilrbl Emit.
Pun Instructor Hny Commltteo tlnil
.Yo lliuilttrfl to Incur Bipenioi
llcyond Iteoiircr In Slitlit
mill llrluir oh licllclt.
Omahn public school teachers are ex
hi biting soing dissatisfaction over the com
plication ttiut hns arisen through the finan
cial management of tho teachers' lecture
tour r a thin year. Tho locturo cotirso Is an
Institution that has been fathered for nov
um! yoara by Superintendent I'carso for
tho diversion nnd Instruction of tho ractn
fcow of tho Ujaehlnj? force Nearly every
yettr thsro has been n snuR surplus left
irver, but, owlliK to tho thrcatonod deficit
this yonr, tho toarhcrs who hnvo secured
Their coumo tickets havo been naked to re
lease their claim for reserved sent a In the
tower pnrt of tho liouso for the bencflt of
outsiders nnd those who muy bo Induced to
Jniy single lvcturo tickets and take their
2osttlonn In tho top gallery.
Tho mnttr enmo to u hund fit a recent
E meting called for tho purpose, nt which
upcrlntondcnt l'cnrsc, ns head financier,
kppoolcl to them to pursue this courso to
ep faith with patrons who had purchased
Season tlckots and glvo tho comralttco a
hanco to uomo out without being In tho
According to Mr. rcarso's statement thcro
?ro 1,200 season tickets outstanding, of
Which 1100 represented those sold for rush
nd 300 thoso given an prizes to teachers
Who ha1 sold tlcketH to their friends. As
haoh tlcKot sold represents J2, this meant
'that thn lecturo courso commltteo had $1,800
t ltfl disposal with which to make up tho
program of six ntortnliiments. It Is tin-
Ssrstood (.hat thn outlay for tho theater Is
12(1 per night, or $750 altogether, leaving
Iwer 9 1 .000 to pay tho performers nnd tbclr
Snld ono teacher: "Tho commltteo had
Bo business to Incur expenses beyond thn
resources In sight, nnd when It found that
tL had ovorstepped thn limit It should havo
cut oft ono of tho Iootures or gono out nnd
fnlsod money to make good tho shortage
It la n shamn to nsk thu tenchcrs who havo
paid tholr money tho samo as others to
rfvo up tholr scats In tho body of tho houao
and go up Into tho iiucotufortablo wooden
benches In tho upper gallery becauso of tho
talsmanagcment of the committee. Tho re
Bult will bo I haft ho tenchcrs will not go
tt oil. Wo woro till told thnt the lecturo
pourno was for tho be no lit of thn tenchnrs,
Although now It seems to havo become an
ordinary speculation to mako money out of
tho subllc."
Tho first lecturo was given n few weeks
Ugo by Joalah Flynt Wlllard, who has
iiwhlovod notoriety a.t a student of graft.
ubjoct on that occasion was "Tramping
1th Tramps," although his best theme U
Mid to bo "Tho World of draft."
OO Pairs Urn', if.l.r.O to ffl.OO Snm-
pkn SIum on Salo nt Hft.UH.
X distinct lines nt mcn'n finest sample
MflioM on salo at nbout ,-i tholr vnluo. Tho
Krwas ot Thursday wcro nil well namuca,
t wo will havo oven moro experienced
boa sntcsmnn to wait on you 1' rid ay. Kvery
Mr carefully tilted. Tho host ahoe vnlues
vw put on sale. Call nnd examlno thorn.
tegular $3.60 to ?G.OO shoes on salo nt $1.9S.
it nt:oi.s .ATi nnAY.
Dmnha'a flrrnel .Mi or Snle, tlir
flrntitl, Supremo Mioo Hvpnt.
From the Florsheim & Co. stock, Chicago-,
from tho Clarks-llutchlnaon stock, Don ton;
from Thomas 0. Plant stock, Boston, nnd
from a great Itocbcster home.
Assorted according to price and size.
lJasy to pick out.
Moro than easy to buy.
Tho newest stylei.
Thn latest Ideas.
Tho finest leather.
Tomorrow night's papers will glvo you
full particulars, but to glvo you ui Idea ot
what you ran expect wntch these sensa
tions! prices:
Women's J2.C0 and $3.00 satlu sllppcri, Mc.
Women's $3.00 shoes, $1.39.
Women's $3.60 nnd $5.00 shoes for $1.75.
Women's $5.00 nnd $0.00 shoes tor $3.50.
Child's $1.50 sample shoes, 50c.
Men's $5.00 and $6.00 shoes, ltkn Hanan's
and riorshntm, will go nt $1.59 nnd $1.93.
Come Saturday. It will be the groatest
shoe salo of a lifetime.
J. It. Drsndols &. Sons, Proprietors.
I.liit of AnKcuxorn Klrntort for Oinnlin,
Siiulli Oninlia nnd Contitry
Tho oRlclat count or tho rotes cast In tho
recent election shows that tho following as
sessors were elected In Douglas county:
Omaha Klrst ward, Charles P. Kaufmann,
democrat; Second ward, Anton Gross, demo
crat: Third ward, Thomns Harrington, dem
ocrat; Fourth ward, Clifford N. Forbes, re
publican; Fifth ward, James 11. Ilruncr, re
publican; Sixth ward, George W. McCoy, ro
publlcan; Seventh ward,' Frank Johnson, re
publican; Eighth wnrd, Chris Uoyer, repub
lican; Ninth wnrd, Charles E, Malm, repub
lican. South Omaha First ward. Jay N. Wil
liams, republican; Second ward, James Ko
tera, domocrjt; Third ward, Andrew Mc
Oulre, democrat; Fourth wnrd, 1'. J.
Tralnor, republican; Fifth wnrd, J. Glllln,
democrat; Sixth ward, Ed Halpln, democrat.
Country Precincts llensnn, Sherd Qulnn,
republican; Chicago, O. K. Holllster, repub
lican; Clontnrf, Hans Starker, democrat;
Douglas, Louis Wohlers, democrat: Dundeo,
L. I,. Johnson, republican; Elkhorn, II. E.
LyouB, democrat; East Omaha, John Frogga,
republican; Florence, E. H. Walker, repub
lican; Jefferson, M. 11. Frledrlckson, demo
crat; Millard, Onirics Thoolke, democrat;
McArdle, Frank J. lllelck, republican; Val
ley, Joseph McClcncghnn, Independent;
Union, E. 11. Knight, domocrnt; Waterloo,
J. I. Hangor, democrat.
Hoard ut Itriillli Orders ftterlllcntlon or
All thnt Ilnrliem Vr mi Cimtnmcra. '
A special dispatch from Boston, May C,
1900, to tho New York Sun gives as new
regulations of tho Iloston riminl nf Ifnnin,
as to bnrber shops: "Mugs, shaving brushes
and razors shnll bo sterilized nftnr on,.ii
separate uso theroof. A soparato, clean
towel shall be used for each person. Ma
terial to BtOD tho flow Of blond nlinll ho
used only In powdered form and applied on
towel. I'owder miffs nro nrnhlhlti.rt "
Whorovor Nowbro's "Herplclde" Is used on
faco or scalp after shaving or hair cutting
thcro Is no dangor, ns It Is antiseptic nnd
kills tho dandruff gorm.
..A. Uonil TnLra 1'iinltlnii of Cnnhier
lu Oliluo nf Internal llcrc
nno Collector.
.JTohn Rush, whoso nppnlntmcnt ns na-
nol hank examiner to succeed C. V, Me
ow, now second vice' president of tho
uOtnnha National bank, was nnnounccd yes-
Carday, will assume tho duties ot that odlco
b soon ns tbo preliminaries can ho ar
ranged. Ho will muko his headquarters In
.Chls city, but his work will keep him on
Aho road most ot tho time. ,
II. A. Doud, nt present an ofllco deputy
not tho collector of thn intornal rovenue, will
mocoort Mr. Rush ns cashier In that office.
-OThtJ sucosor of Mr. Doud has not been do-
jlermlucd upoiu
G. II. Hausan, Lima, O,, engineer L. E.
W. R. R., writes: "I havo boon troubled
great deal with backache I was In
4ucud to try Foley's Kidney Cure nnd use
pottle entirely relieved mc. I gladly rccom
nend It to anyone, especially my friends
Among tho trainmen, who aro usually stml
ferly afflicted."
Quicker Time via Illinois Central.
KffectWo Sunday. Nov. 0, Uio Illinois
JPontrnl will shorten tho time on tholr
Uralns to Chlcngo and thn Twin Cities.
0fr Aln No. 4, which now leaves nt 7:00 a.
in., will bo changed to leave nt 7:10 a. m.;
irsln No. 2, tho "Chlcngo and St. Paul Lim
ited," which now leaves at 7:45 p. m., will
po changed to leavo nt 7:50 p. m.
Thoro will be no change In tho arriving
kUno at Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis.
Train No. 1 will leave Chicago ut 6:25
W. m., Instead of CMS p. ra., and reach
jjbmaha at 8:30 n. m., InBtcad ot S:05 a. in.
' Special attention Is Invited to tho superior
ijkqulpment on both our Chicago and St.
jPaul trains. Huffot-librnry cars aro run
(on tho Qlgbt trains, nnd parlor-buffet cars
ton the dayllrfbt run.
I City ticket ofOco Is nt 1102 Fnrnam
Sand articles ot Incorporation, notices ot
atooVholdors meetings, etc., to The Hoe.
'fctJJ. ...Ill ,liam .1 w lR,l In.n.llnn
tl"U "" 'Vt,-.
KDlsphon 238.
Diamond onsagciu't rings. Edholm, Jowelor
Shampooing and hair drcsilnr. sse. t
connection with Tbo Dathery, 21G-220 Beo
building. Tel. 1716.
Wedding silver. Edholm, Jeweler.
m:iiua.ska-kasas foot iiai.i,.
I.o,r llnten llnrllnRton.
At Lincoln, Saturday, November 1H.
$2.20, Omaha to Lincoln nnd return.
Low rates from all Hurllncton stations
within 55 miles of Lincoln. for llnlf n Ilnr'a Work.
If you llvo In the country or In n nmnll
town nnd have a cood acnuaintnnm nmnnr-
tho farmers and stockrnlserii In the neigh
borhood, you can mako $o.00 easily by four
or flvo hours' work. Write us nnd wo will
send you our proposition. The Roe Publish
ing company, Solicitor's Dept. Omaha, Nob.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with Tho Dathery, 216-220 Deo
building. Tol. 1710.
Publish your legal notices In Tho'Weeklv
Deo. Tclepbono 23S.
Orlontnl snpphlres. Edholm, Jeweler.
A Twisted Up Mess
We rend the drug Journals and havo lots
of fun comparing notes nbuut whnt tho
different ones say relatlvo to the National
Association of Retail Druggists. One says
till N. A. It. L). 1r nil Ion thn ntlixr iiivN
tho rut price ilrugglHts are on ton and It's
worso than u foot ball, nnyway hut no ono
kcih nun. i no urannn drug cornnino con
Kolo themselves by telllnir eapli nthpr timt
wo won't hist much longer but thuy are
robbing each other nnd tlghtlng like cats
una doga, Hut don't you forget It we've
got more goods than over.
it . i . ....... ii ....... .
ijiiaiuivii in uiiiii-wuiiuno ...tfc. i2o
2fu Carter's Liver PIUs n'c
50c Crumor'n Kidney (lure 40;
J1.00 bottle I.lstcrlnn (Lambert's) coa
$2.ti0 Cramor's Cotton Root Tansy and
I'ennyroyni nils j oo
U.U0 Periina f,gQ
fiOo By run of Figs , aoc
It.nn Ilnr's Malt Whisky , ! 75a
a lino noitio Canadian Malt Wilsky,.. C0c
Cut Prica
Drue Store
Tl. T4T. f. W. Onr. lti mmA China.
Goods delivered FREE to any part ot city.
Mrs. J. Benson
Knit Underwear
As to quality nnd prices we have the best stock of
midonvenr ever shown in Omaha. Fleece Lined
Union Suits, 50c, 7uc, $1.00 and 1.25, pnrt wool $1.00
up, all 2.00 up. Fleece lined vests and pants, 25c
up, part wool, 75r up, all wool, $1.25 up. Silk and
wool or all silk in vests, punts or union suits.
We have the .Fenness Miller Sterling union suits
wool, $3.00 up silk, (1.25 up.
We are sole agents for the celebrated Dr. Jaeger
underwear for ladies and children.
See the tleece lined part wool union suits we are
soiling, 1.25 and ?1.50. Ladies' blnck wool tights,
'75c up. Children's underwear of nil kinds.
A very desirable quality children's black tights and drawers,
45c aud up. Children's sleeping suits, 50c up. Outing tlannel
gownftfor ladies-and children a big varioty, of styles and prices.
.it vr two .mohi:.
Die i:ir mill limit tins ( omr If Von
Wnnt Clotltlnu Mil run in Attend
Men's $l..Ufl all wool suits, $5.!)$.
Men's $20.00 yoke overcoats, $10.00.
Men's $10.00 suits on sale at $3.9S.
Hoys' vestce suits go nt fiOc.
Young mon's long pants suits, $1.50.
Hoys' $5 overcoats nnd ulsters, $1.00.
Men's $10.00 ovcrcont3 and ulsters, 15.00.
Men's $7.K0 covert overcoats, $3.75.
Mon's $5.00 overcoats and ulsters. $2.50.
Hoys' And young mon's $7.50 overcoats,
$3.50. J. L. IJIlANDKIS & SONS,
Proprietors Iloston Store, Omaha.
Presentation cut glass. lMljolm, Jeweler.
I'lnerKi'iiey O Hirer Dun llnlilwltt
I'rorcs Himself ICrinnl to Almost
Any ICincritenej .
A H-ycar-old boy dashed Into the pollco
station yesterday nnd excitedly de
manded tho services of tho surgeon, saying
his "kid brothor" was choking to death. Ho
tnen pointed out of tho window, hclug too
exhausted to continue tho explanation.
Coming up Eleventh street from tho north
tho Jail ctew saw qutto an imposing pro
cession, made up mostly of women and chil
dren, nil running, nnd somo of them weep
ing hysterically. In the lead was a fright
ened woman carrying a 3-ycar-old boy.
Tho surgeon was not In, but Dan tlaldwln,
emergency officer, was cqunl to tho emerg
ency. He stretched tho llttlo sufferer out
upon the operating table, and selecting an
instrument from tho surgeon's kit that
looked llko n pair of mlnlaturo nlckol-
platcd stove tongs, sot to work. A momcut
later ho drew forth from somowhero In tho
patient's alimentary cnnnl three nrtlchoko
bends, tied togothcr with a twlno string.
Tho officers who had been looking on
turned tholr heads ns tho mother thankod
"tho doctor," and then Ilaldwln tried to
cover his embarrabsment by making a great
show of taking tho namo ot tho patient and
thn clrcumstnuccs.
Tho entry on tho "blood book" now rends:
Artlo Severens, 3-yenr-old son ot J. D.
Scvcrcns, Twelfth and Davenport streets.
swallowed artichokes whllo helping mother
mako sausugo. Foreign matter withdrawn.
l)r. Don llnldwln."
.lull ii ShIT Thrown from Ills AViinnn,
Which In I'ntiet lijr
Street t'nr.
John Saff, driver of a delivery wagon for
A. Peterson, grocer, Twenty-seventh nnd
Leavenworth streets, was thrown from his
wagon yesterday morning, sustaining so
vero injuries to tho head. He was driving
eastward on Georgia avenue at tho Inter
section of Park avenue, when a southbound
car on the Park nvonuo line struck tho rear
of his wngon, upsetting It and throwing
him to tho pnvement. When picked up ho
was unconscious. He wsb taken to a neigh
boring drug store, where Dr. E. K.
Womersley nttended hlra. Tho doctor says
there was no fracture of tho'.ekull and that
Ills patient will recover.
W. J. Shlvcly, natesvllle, O., speaking ot
Manner Salve, says: "I used It for piles
and It has dono mo moro good than any
salvo I havo ever used and I h&vo tried a
great many kinds."
Can You Do It?
Cnn you not a but lor or uioro economi
cal nil 'round conl than our .lupltcr? It
Ktnrts rt'iulily. burns with llttlo wiiste
unil Is ouriifiilly scrt'i'iit'd nml norted.
Nut, for Cooking. So-fiO.
Lump, for henting, $5.75.
Wo lniilco prompt delivery.
Hald & Rice,
Tel. 1238. 506 So. 16th St.
Opposite Her Ornnd.
Is Opg Christmas
If you wish to make up nn album of
your photos taken during the sum
mer, or a sllkdown photo cloth pillow
to send to your frlenils for Ghrlstma,
Now la tbo time to mako It.
We carry n largo ansortniont ot
of latest style.
Sllkdown photo cloth,
transparency plates, nnd
photo novelties.
opal and
all other
1215 Fiim am Street.
tsxcluslva doalers lu Photo MaterlaV.
Drugs on Credit
V J. Shrador, tho druggist, will glvo you
credit If you haven't the cash nnd need
drug. Show mo that you urn right nnd
you can buy drugs for cash or on credit,
on Twenty-fourth nnd Sewnrd,
Dr. Dill's Special Cough Curo K0
Dr. Hill's Cold Capsules, guaranteed to
curo or money refunded ijq
Shrnder's Vk Powder, a laxative that
will curo appendicitis I5c
Shrader's 10-Mlnuto Headache Powders
nra not llko others that contain mor
phine nnd opium nnd turn your lips
blue, cold nnd clammy! HIinuler'H
dilates and Htlmulates the heart,
stops hendncho In 10 minutes, ,,..,J0c-!oo
Wo want you to know that we glvo 33
per cent cimrouni on prescriptions for cjibIi
or credit. Wo know poor people must havo
credit. We will glv you u chance If you
arc henest. Don't forget the name y
W. J. Shrader,
21th and Scwurd Sts,
of High Grade Remnants Today
Boston Store, Omaha.
All the High Clnss Dress (Joods Kctuuaiitn l'roin the New York
Dressmaking Stook Will be Sold at l'ractioiial Prices
Today The values are Three and Four Fold.
9A imnss coon; nr.iix wis.
IM.ftO, lis,. AMI .-.(I,. Mill.
Alt the highest grndo dro.s good
goods from .Montnnye-Wclls Co., such
sb zlballncB, broadcloths, camel's hair,
Venetians, crystal hcngalliies, all lu
black nnd colors, also high grade Im
ported silk and wool dress goods, In
lengths less than T yards, (not onough
for full dress pattern) will go on sale
for tho first time Friday, no matter
what tho value may tie, whether $2,
J3, $5 per yard, your choice on front
bargain Bquaro ut $1.50, OSc and 50c yd,
All the highest grndo silks In waists
lengths, skirt lengths, etc, In taffeta,
broended silks, heavy peau do sole,
etc., their prlco up to $3 yard, go at
49c, COc nnd SSo yard.
I'liu.M'ii i'i,.x.m:i,s.
Prom our great sales of the pant
week, we havo aUo accumulated
many Trench flannel remnants, alba
tross aud nun's veiling remnants, In
plain colors, dots, stripes, nil Im
ported material that retail up to 75c
ynrd, on bnrgatu squaro at L'jc yard.
9i.'.ftO 11UK.VS tJOOHS HIl.M.VA.Vr.S
at a.-ie pun iti-mx.wr.
These aro high grado dress goods,
nearly n yard long, doublo width,
principally lu plain reds, blue, tan,
brown, rose nnd blnck. In poplins,
berbers, grnnlto cloths, panne cloths,
two nnd tbrco pieces to match, enough
for ladles' waist or child's dress, go
nt 33c for entire roninnnt.
Shorter remnants ot Imported dress
goods nt Gc and 10c for entire piece.
It KM.V.V.VI'S OP .NII.KS fte, JOe,
in i! AM) Ufte.
Thousands ot remnants of satin nnd
silk serges, in black and colors, also
taffetas nnd gros grains In lengths of
U, Vi and ;-yard and ono-yurd, 'muny
pieces to mutch, sultablo for lining
cloaks nnd Jackets, also for dress
trimmings, fancy work, etc., go at "oc,
15c, 10c nnd Gc each.
itu.Mx.v.vrs oi' vhi.vhts,
AT Be. I He AMI r.Oc.
Remnants of velvets In lengths of
Ui 14 nnd 1-yard, sultablo for waists,
trimmings nnd millinery purposes,
worth up to $2.50 yard, go at 5c, 10c
nnd 50c each.
Friday is Remnant Day
Special bargains on salo In the
basement for tho first tlmo tomorrow.
10,000 short remnants of all kinds
ot Clndrclla, Outing Flannel aud
Dllffulo Flannel, go at 2c per rem
nant. One big lot of remnants of Imita
tion French flannel, 30 I tic hen wide,
worth 10c, go at 11c ynrd.
One big lot light nnd dark outing
flannel, tho 10c kind, no nt 5c yard.
One big lot fleece back wrapper
flannel, the 15c kind, go nt Rc yard.
Illack and white dress prints, .Ttjs
Fine fancy dreps sateens, 014c yard.
lengths sllkolincs, 614c yard.
3C-Inch wldo percales, 5c yard.
Flno mercerized drapery sateen 10c
Kxtra heavy drapery ticking, cre
tonne, etc., 10c yard.
Short remnants black mercerized
sntcon, 2Hc ynrd.
Remnants of tablo damask ot all
descriptions, bleached, unbleached,
turkey red, etc., up to .1 yards Ions,
go at about U regular price.
Itcmnauts of nil kinda of toweling
that rnngo up to 3 yards, go at 10s
for entire remnant.
Lincoln Cloak and Suit Stock.
In order to close out all tho odds and
onds from tho Lincoln Cloak nnd Suit
Co's stock, no will place on sale to
morrow, Friday, somo exceptional
Big lot of ladles' $15.00 tallor-mado
suits, $6.00 each.
Illg lot of odds and ends of tho
Lincoln C. S. Co's $10.00 Jackets,
ono of a kind, go at $3.50.
Ladies' $5.00 Jackets on salo lu
basement nt $1.50 each.
Odds and ends of ladles' petticoats,
no at 50c nod 75o each.
HAVRE!!' Friday is Remnant Day
nlll UCRS in the Bargain Room.
Friday will bq a grand bnrgalnday I n thlB room 50,000 yards of full Standard
rnnts, wortn oc, oc and 7'c, all will go In ono calo nt 214c. Dress Goods, 5c yards.
Boys' $2.50 Reefers, 05c, nnd thousands of other bargains. No peddlers, merchants or
manufacturers sold in this room.
10,000 yards of extra heavy, yard-wldo
Brown Muslin, worth 714c, 3-ic.
6,000 yards of extra flno Bleached Muslin,
yard wide, worth Sc, 4c.
10c Towels for 314c
35c flno Bleached Table Damask, 10c.
Turkey Red Tablo Damask, 19c.
3G-lnch Percales, dark and light colors, In
long pieces, worth 15c per ynrd, 5c.
25c Percales. 714c.
l'ltivr.s, a i-'Jc.
50,000 yords of full standard Prints, lu
remnants from 2 to 10 yards, worth up to
714c. 2V4c.
.MU.S AT Be AMI a 7-Se.
15c Outing Flannels, In nice, bright col
ors, 5c.
25c fine Imitation French Flannols, 36
Inches wide, tho finest prints ever seen, 10c.
10n Shaker Flannel. 2,4c .
15c Shaker Flannel, 714c.
15c Outing Flannel, light colors, 5c.
19c Outing Flannel, light colors, 714o.
Yard wide, flno quality.
124c plain black Satlne, 5c.
25c Simpson's Printed Sateens, 714c.
Yard wldo Wnlst Linings, yard wide Per
callnes, etc., worth up to 15c yard, nil will
go nt Gc.
nit i:.s noons, ir,e yaiiii.
Remnants of Dress Coods, worth from 2.'c
to $1.50 ynrd, Including plaids, stripes,
, serges, Henriettas, novelties, Cl-lnch plain
iiumespuus, m-wen siiK and worn plains
nnd 50,000 ynrds of all kinds of Dress Hoods
worth up to $1.50 yard, all will go Friday
at 15c yard. No mail orders filled on rem
nants of Dross Goods.
$10.00 Skirt Patterns will go at $2.9S.
$10,00 Dross Patterns will go at $3.98.
$15.00 Dress Patterns will go nt $3.98.
Blankets, 49a, 75c, OSc up to $1.23.
Comforters, 69c, 75o, !)So up to $2.50.
novs ci.oTiuxn.
Boys' 60o nnd 75c Pants, 76c.
Boys' $2.50 Reefers, 95c.
Boys' $3.30 Reefers, $1.60.
3oys $5.00 Reefers, $1.95.
No mall orders filled on silk remnants.
They all snll on the day of sale.
2."c FanclA, 9c.
60c nlco bright Japaycse Plaids, 15o.
7Gc Fancies, 39c.
75c Foulards, 35c.
$1.00 Satin. 29c.
$1.00 Corduroys, 39c.
Remnants of Silk, 2e, 5c, 7c, 9c up to 23c.
ri'HXisinxr.s ox sai.k,
Men's 76c heavy Jersey Shirts, 30o, , Ladles' heavy part wool Vests and Pants,
Men's 50c heavy flcocn lined Shirts nnd mado to ijell at 75c, on salo at 2.ic.
Drawers, In nil sizes, at 23c.
Boys' 75c heavy Sn caters ot 39c.
Men's 36c Working Gloves, 19c.
Men's 75c wool, flecco lined Shirts and
Drawers, In nil sizes, on salo at 39c.
Ladles', men's nnd children's wool and
flrcco llnod Stockings, regular 25c quality,
at 1214c
Men's 60c and 75c colored Laundered
ShlrtR on salo nt 29c.
skiiits maim: fit i:i:.
Friday nnd Saturday the last two days of the great special offer. Mr. Bolsteln,
tho export Chicago tailor, will make a skirt absolutely freo for any ono purchasing
the material In our high grado dress goods department at 75c per yard or over. Only
two moro days. First come, first served.
Star plug chowtng tobacco 35c i Bull Durham smoking tobacco BOo
Iloreesboo plug chewing tobacco...... 35c Duke's Mixture S5c
Nerve plug chowlng tfihacco 35c Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c
Battlo Axe 35c Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35o
Nowsboy tobacco 35c I Old Stylo smoking tobacco , 25c
Tlm ritlCl'S clven below take tho place
of Bring OASII (money) to get
(l!S)Vwiim's Kidney Curo. Saturday 49o
$1.00 Duffy Malt Whisky, Saturday 49o
10c package Bird Seed. Saturday , o
$1.00 Wltin Cardul. Saturday . . . . Mo ,
JU Newbro's Il.irplelde. Huturdny.. . . 5Sc I
$1.00 lIostetter'H llltteM, Saturday .;.o
$1.(0 Temptation Tonic, Saturday. c
These prices nro for Saturday Sl'IU.
n..vx.. rjivrn.nt I
25e Howell's Anti-Knwf. Saturday llo
! flA T.latnrltiA Hn MirilllV.
76o Coke's Dandruff Curo, Saturday ..
$1,00 Danderlno, Saturday . .. ..... ....
Goa hot. Imported Hny Rum. Saturday.
Warranted 2-iuart Water Bag.... .. .
H-pInt can Sherwln-Wllla.ns' Paint. .
Write for uniaiogue.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go.
Cor, tUtb and Bodge
Rock Springs
l.L.MI' slr.r, per ton.
Xl'T lr, per ton..
. 7.50
l,t.Ml .lie, Hr tun f7.Br
Xl'T ihe, icr ton 7.00
Tim lilKheat ernilea nf mift coal,
W hunilln only thnsn kind
tlmt liilrniluceil lu this market.
C. 6, HAVENS & CO,,
1522 Farnam St.
Tolophortos 301, 317 and 826.
For Friday's
MUX'S rXDIOKWEAKC.oml quality, heavy
llt'cco lined sliirts and
drawers per iarinent
MEN'S UXDI0UWEA1I Heavy derby ribbed
cotton, in blue and pink stripes, I Krt
nlso mottled lleece lined, per garment.. rJu,
MEN'S UNDEUWEAW Extra heavy, natural
jrray, 3 wool and heavy blue gray, TRft
wool tleeced, extra values, per garment..! J(j
Heavy weight, Egyptian cotton combination
suits, perfectly. shaped, nicely' trim
med, regular )?l.i!. values, price, suit
(inality line derby l'ibbed, maco col ton com- I rtr
btnatiou suits, egular H'2 values, per suit liZO
natural gray, strictly all wool derby ribbed ft ftr
combination suits, regular ?;i.fil) values, per suit. . . J
MEN'S SWEATEBS-C.ood heavy weight, turtle neck or
sailor collar sweaters, in blue, black I ft O
oi' brown all sizes liUU
MEN'S SWEATE US IC.vtra quality heavy, strictly all
worsted sweaters, with heavy double I rft
collar and Avrists assorted colors L3U
MEN'S SWEAT EBS Best quality extra fine, heavy
double yarn sweaters, best, value ever ft ftr
shown at the price ZiZu
-Extra heavv
Women's and Children's Hosiery
lleece lined, fast black, spliced IK a
heels and toes elastic tops Jj
fast colors, merino heel and toe. OK A
good weight and good wearers, S to 10. . . Jb
WOMEN'S ONYX DYE HOSE Fine quality maco cot-
ton, double heel and toe, ribbed or plain, elastic
top. solid maco foot or split; soles
tlOOD QUAMTV BOYS' IIOSB fait hlaclc maco cotton, with spliced 1 K
heel and toe, with double knee, sizes 5 to 9'i l.tiC
BOYS' PINb QUALITY HOSK Unlit or heavy woIrIiI, douhlo heel "1 Q
and too. with full fashioned foot. HeriU3orf dve. Bl. to ,LC
To come In nnd examlno our suporh collection of Jowelry, Watches and hrllllnnt,
artistically cut Water White Diamonds. In liuyltif," wo pay particular attention to
stylo nnd quality and aro oonlldent wo can please you. Our prices tho lowest for
flno goods.
Jewelers aud Art Stationers, Inthand Douglas Streets.
Mall orders Riven careful attention. Selection pacHnKPs sent to responsible partlen.
Toe Dress Trimmings, jier yard, He. Having purchased thu
consisting of Taffeta Appliques, Black Velvet Applifplcs, Col
ored 'Velvet Appliques, Colored Silk Appliques, and a variety of
Silk CSuimp and Silk IMaid Golf .Trimmings, worth 25c, 50c and
7fc per yard, at 30c on the dollar.
Tiic Black Applique Dress Trimming, only per yard 5r
50c Colored Applique Dress Trimmings, only per yard He
50c Black Velvet, Dress Trimmings, only per yard .V
50c Colored Velvet Dress Trimmings, only per ynrd 5c
35c. Silk Guimp Dress Trimmings, only per yard 5r
:?5c Silk and Wool Golf IMaid Trimmings, only per yard.... 5c
See Window.
Our line of flno Fur TrlmmlnKS for d resses, cloaKs, etc , Is complete and at
prices that defy competition.
Wo havo secured a special demonstrator for thn Burn (iiini Co's Buhner floods,
Including Seamless Rubber Oloves, Huhhor Complexion Bull, I'uro Oum Kaco Masks,
etc., etc.
BenlnnlnK Friday, Novomher 15th wo pi aco on sale nn enMrn manufacturer's stork
of flno Hnlr Goods, conslstliiB nf Switches Bolls Wigs, l'ln Krlssets, Waves, etc., at
prices less than cost to manufacture.
See the New Silks We are Showing.
Kvery day wo nro holdliiR his harpaln bIob. Friday wo will offer you tho hlnRest
kind of values.
1.000 remnants of nllk and velvet, nil s tylos nnd colors, plain, nnd fancy, some
ono yard, Homo 10 yards, all ko In ono lot - very best KradiM of taffeta, 24x27 Inches
wide, hlack nnd roloru, real swell fancy h Ilk, all i?n nt lila anil fiftc.
Wo a vn showing a new hlack tnffota. It Is called Watterotto, will shed water
and will wear Rood. Wo nro tho only pcoplo In tho city showing It. 21. Inch and
27-inch at J1.10 nnd $1.35 per yard.
Bid you ovnry try to find thn lmrol B Uks elsewhere, you can't do It, wo r the
oxcluslvo sellers In Omaha on theso Uue a UU. "
Diamonds, Opals, Turquoise,
mm, ran uu i it nus. in uciuh' it iik
InK a heautlfiil lino of Opals, rinrnets, Heal IllnuH, Onyx
PIUHter IllilRS, Fnnev
in itmKs. in uenis ituiKs wo aro snow
and Amethyst. Spend n tow minutes nt our store,
Look for tho Nome,
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
1510 DoiiKlm St.
KEEI-EY "n """ ei,l"leil of Hie Kcrley nlem ut I n n I !
p. lufm, lliit only Ktulrv limlltnia In Ncliraakn, Cnroi
' UriiuUi'iiiieo, Cure. IJrm; llacrr, Tobnoeo Laitr. '1'IIU
KtlUIXV lMmi'U'1'12, 1U uud Lcurenuortb, Oniuk.